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Distributed By PB-225 514 HEALTH PLANNING QUALITATIVE ASPECTS AND QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES William A. Reinke, et al Johns Hopkins University Prepared for: Agency for International Development 1972 DISTRIBUTED BY: National Technical Information Seivice U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield Va. 22151 ] BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA [ Report No. 2PB225 514/9 /, iJ t 7 - I~eu/" Date+ I(" SHEET.litlc and I.,'uhtie Ie -u5 t ifrAy\L' "H pTTG QUALfITATIi1- ASPECTS ,-lD QUAUT'.TATIVE TOCHt- 6. INIQUEES" 7. Awhar0) /Lrfrmn /4 8.'~/i, Oraiztu Rujl:p~­ ..- • • . .,, - , 9. PerformP nn.,rf Organi:',atiomO Name atid ^Add daearessr10. - Project/Task/,ork Unit No. 11. Coutracc/Grant No. " " A4 J, .D/csa-.939* & Priod 12, Sponsoring Organization Name aud Address 13. TypL of Report Depaxrtment of State Cr Agency for IirLernational Deve.oprent J.:ashington, D.C. 20523 15. Supplem'n-:ary Notes 16. Abwracrs .. p The b3ok is divided into four pa'its. Part I provides an .ntroduction and places the Im.rt II einphasizeS thetvarious aspects of in­ plar-linz -rocess in some porspective. baSe. Part III deals wth specific fomZt iecgathering which form the health planning sets of information. Since the o' analyzing and synthesizinrg the component to.-hs for personal health care services fe ... oparts are eapecia-lly relevant to planning health, and Pa.'t IV zonsiders the special fea .~i'es of mental health, environmental ienl-, wlnninfr.0 this although obvLously not exhaustive. Fur Te .mat-ril!covered., herein ALsec:tensive, essoeiated eding li-';ts. Annotated pri­ reason. -:.e authors : e:tcnsive use of areas with the aim of guiding the n .ry a ar cited fo cach of the topical iinfo,_±-xoiou required for a reasonably comprehensive therOf intere;;ted in broader and rZ-. h:of the sub.j ct in question. For the rearj.er asellas a listing of biblio­ ee. -. - seconde-y reading lists are provided, as o-n various as'erts of health planning. 17b. i TfrH Rep(oducd 1,y NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE U S parnot oeftConmerca S,•,:,% td,,. VA 22151 (l " 17c. COSAT' Field/Group tuteme~tReport) 19. Security Class (Thi:s 21." No. of lPage-'I;-' 18. -A ti bihty Stc liB.nient Av;,lability IIN(CI.A. 1g;I I ') / . Security (ls ('nin; 22. Price SINCl. A SSIFIED1 / - ........... fl 'D 11 EAl~r,,II PINNIN QualiativeAspecsOan THE JOHNS HOPKINS MONOGRAPHS IN INTERNATIONAL HEALTH IlealthManpower inl a Derloping :'cnom: Taiwall, A Case Sttldv ill Planning by Tintothy 1). Baker ald Mark Perlman (1()07) The Health CenterDoctoril India by Ilarlbans S. Taktlia. ('arl I. Taylor. S. Prakash Sangal, a)d Joseph D. Alter (I907) I'althManpower Planniigil Ttrke.': An ItcrnitiiuialResearch ('ese StudyI, by Carl E.Taylor. Ralimi Diricaii, and Kurt W.Dueschle (1968) fealth and DisCIae in Ilnur Prtil'hl llillages: Contrastsin Ipidclohgv by Alfred A. Buck. Tom '1.Sasaki, and Robert I. Anderson (1968) lealth Manpowerinl Pert. A Case Studuy in Planning by Thomas L. I lall (1909) llcalth atnd Dis,'ase ill (hafd: ::pidnuiolo)gy, Cthure,and I:nLvironmentt in Five Villages by Alfred A. Buck, Robert !. Anderson, Tom T. Sasaki, and Kazuyoshi Kawata ( t)70) Hlealth andDi'easein Rur-al .f,hanistan by Alfred A. Buck. Robert I. Anderson, Kazuyoshi Kawata, I. Willard Abrahams, Ronald A. Ward, and Tom T. Sasaki (1972) Htealth Planning.Qualitative Aspects and Quantitativ'eTechniques edited by William A. Reinke assisted by Kathleen N. Williams (1972) II HEALTH PLANNING Qualitative Aspects and Quantitative Techniques Edited by William A. Reinke Assisted by Kathlccn N. Williamis The Johns Hopkins Universily School of tlygiene and Public Ilcallh Department of"Inferuati-il Health Baltimore, MaryI:,ind I(72 Copyright © I972 by tie Oepartnent of Iternational I lealith The Johns I Iopkins University School or Ilygiene and Public IIealth Baltimore. Maryland 21205 All rights reserved. Manti','clured in the Lnited States of America Library of'Congress Catahllm.Card Numb,+r 79-189139 Ir"N 0-912888-00-X Support for the preparation of this volume w'swaprovided 1',ythe United Sta,'. Agency for international Development. Ill'ornaltion and conclusions ill tite hook do) 1101 necessarily rellect the position of' [ie Agency or the United States Governnent. The United States (Govermilient retains an irfrvoca ble righi to reproduce this public;ition in whole or ill parlt. Composed and Printed by tle Waverly Press. Inc. Balt ituore. Maryland 2 1202 li Table of Conihiis Plrlace vii L.ist ol Contributors ix Part I. Planning in Perspectise Chapter One. Ilistory and Bckground of I lealth Plannng in the U nited States 000 RNIS I L. St,ilinNs and K \Ii IN N. Wii.i.AMs 3 Chapter Two. Stages in tile Planning Process C.\RI. E. T",\)mO1 20 Chapter Three. Making the Plan Effective .\RIF. "l.\) OiR 35 Chapter Four. Methods and Measurements in Evaluation Wii i i\M A. RII:1 44 Part I!. The Il[ealth lPlanning Base Chapter Five. An Overview, of the IPlanning Process \WILI.\I A. RI:II 53 Chapter Six. 1lihe Political Aspects ofI lcalth Planning "Tio;\S I.. 11 \I.i. 73 Chapter Seven. (;eneral Econornic Considerations A. PI. t RIIRM,AN 96 Chapter Light. The Demographic Base for Ilcalth Planning NIR(I\ARH BRI(I1Il 138 Chapier Nine. Assessment of Personal Icalth Problems: An Epideniologic Approach NI. AI.IRD tAYNiS HI 158 V Chapter Ten. Itealth Manpower Planning TIM.IIVrrl P. II,.KI:R 179 Chapter Eleven. Physical Facihties PII11.11 1). BONNI! and A. PFIlR1 Rt:I1)1RMAN 199 Chapter Twelve. I lealth Care Systems and Financing P1III. )P. lI NN H ard A. I jRII 'I)IlR IAN 209 Part Ill. Specific Methods in Plan !Veelopment Chapler Thirteen. Organi/ations and Inlormation Systems Wii.i.I..m A. RiHiNKi: 221 Chapter Fourteen. )ecision rheory. Systems Analysis, and Operations Research VIII.I..\M A. RIINKi; 249 of Chapter Fifteen. Methods of' Planning the i)is, ribution Personal Hlealth Servics ViUFNi: NAV\AtR() 265 Part IV. Selected Categories of Health Planning Requiring Special ('onsiderations Chapter Sixteen. listory and Special Features of Mental IHealth 1llanning PALL V. LI KAtL and WI.LA('I MANmIII. 279 in the Chapter Slected Environmental !Health Problems Seventeen. United St.tes CORNI:I.:S W. iKRits: 289 Chapter Eighteen. Family Planning a,id Health Planning CARL. E. TAY.OR 311 of Topics in 1-ealth Planning Appendix A. Bibliographies 343 347 Incoex vi Preface WhiIe dedicated effort cont inues to cnlarge the body of medical knowledge. d growing nutber fllvoices are being raised Io express conceri that,, ile existing know!edge be used effectively to make qualitv ticallth care generally availab'e. In tile health field, tile gap between whai is scielntifically and lechitlologicall. possible and what is .ctially being a ccomplished is vcr\' distiobinig all the more so whenI health cIle Is procllimed (t be a.right instead of , privilege and vheln those who ileed tie WerViceS lake the proclamation seriously, for the econlttllic and social cost 01" ill illlel'ect id ilCficiell fkilfillnett of ,t rigi is tremtentdous. As a result. we are witne sing accelerated interest ill tile applic~itionl ot"1todern itlana.,gelltelIl t Itethods to hll(th services, systematic appraisal of health care systemtts aid their complnenttts, and ratiottal pillning to allocate scarce health resources cfficielilly according to accepted pliorilies. As file need to- platnning hecotnes ittore generally ; ppreciated. Irtotblesotnle questions are raiseat contcertitng tile i1taine of Itis plallntIg. Oi tite olle hand. tile growing body ofavailable quattlilative lechniques suge,,csts that plannttig can and should le a straihitf'orward. 'vstetiatic assessneW, ol' the heitefils and costs (monetary and olherwise) associated with alternative approa.hes. Oil tile other hatd., itt recognitiol o1 the political, social and cultural realities of i given planning enviroiltlietlt we arle for.Cd to atdmit il ,ntai policies, priorities, and courses of' action are the resuIlt of subjeclivC co,'sIderatiOns that delf' tidy m1ethodological packaging. l tile utestionl of whelter licaltlh platltilg is art or science, we calt aloswer otlv thtil it coitailts i,!gredietits rt"both hlopefutlly,. Will the passage of titute. it will contain ttore of tl:e latter and less ot"the fotrmer. Comprehentsive health plainittg is brioad in scope. tot only with respect to tile services covered, bit also itt tertis of t!:'., variables to be coitsidered atid tile itelhtods to he ettployed. As a tllit'tmti tile pllttltler tltSI cope \vilh detwographic aind epideiniologi: variabhks. with hitait. physical. ard 'inancial resout,tes. at1! with tile discil31ines of CLOvonllics, sociology. political science. stalistics. ,d operatits research. 'e literature ilt tIv nile oI' these fields is voltninous, and to keel) abre ast o developien s in all f theti is impossible. Moreover. most Of ilte literature is not addressed specif'ically the lialter of health plantiig. The resultinig nee for a concise. intcgraied. ittltidiscipli ary digest ofl plailliilg titethindology s1.-IIus obvious. This need has beCOtlie part ictwirly obvious ii the course Ol our experience at Johns Ilopkiits University \ Ill, .n educational program ill cottprehenisive health planning. A large propilrtinu of tile participants iin this prograim are practical vii administrators without recent formal training in tile various disciplines in question. Yet we take care not to spend excessive time in remedial teaching. Our program is built around small group workshops ill which tie stuctents actually participate in the planning process. Under such circustlances. they conie to recognize tie extent to which planning can be methodical and to apply the methods at their conmand. 'ins, a digest of heallh planning concepts and metllods is essential for tile participalnts ill order that the\ may get to tihe practice ot planniig quickly, hut kno\ledgeably. Ih0 pel'ily, this voltume will serve the saue prpotse for others Cigaged ill plmiiing at vaious levels.
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