Tunnel Systems . Design & Supply
Business Location Zweibrücken Sales Office Vienna, Austria Business Location Chengdu, China (Joint Venture) Headquarters Power, Mining, Tunnel and Chengdu KK&K Power Fan Co., Ltd. Power, Mining and Tunnel Fans, Industrial Fans Sales, Service, Engineering, Manufacture Service Sales, Service No. 15 Wukexisilu, Wuhou Disctrict, Gleiwitzstrasse 7 Karl-Waldbrunner-Platz 1 Chengdu 61 0045 66482 Zweibrücken/Germany 121 0 Vienna /Austria Sichuan Province/P.R. China Phone: +49 6332 808-0 Phone: +43 1713 403010 Phone: +86 28 85003500 Business Location Bad Hersfeld Rep. Office Moscow, Russia Business Location Akron, OH USA Manufacture and Logistics, Power, Mining, Tunnel and TLT-Turbo Inc. Industrial Fans, Service Industrial Fans Power, Mining, Tunnel and Wippershainer Strasse 51 ul. Novoslabodskaya 31,d.4 Industrial Fans 36251 Bad Hersfeld/Germany 127055 Moscow/Russia Sales, Service, Manufacture Phone: +49 6621 7962-0 Phone: +7 459 6611780 2693 Wingate Avenue Akron, OH 44314/USA Business Location Frankenthal Sales Office Beijing, China Phone: +1 844-858-3267 (844-TLT-Fans) Service, Power Fans TLT-Turbo GmbH Hessheimer Strasse 2 Beijing Representative Office Business Location TLT ACTOM (Pty) Ltd, South Africa 67227 Frankenthal/Germany Sales Industrial Fans (Joint Venture) Phone: +49 6233 77081-0 22 D Building E Sales, Service, Manufacture Majestic Garden No. 6 Magnet House Business Location Oberhausen North Sichuan Medium Road 4 Branch Road Service, Power Fans Chaoyang District Driehoek Havensteinstrasse 46 100029 Beijing /P.R. China Germiston, 1401 46045 Oberhausen/Germany Phone: +86 10 82842683/84 Phone: +27 11 878-3050 Phone: +49 208 8592-0 www.tlt-actom.co.za Sweden Russia Canada Germany Benelux Poland Mongolia Ukraine Slovakia Spain Italy Czech Republic USA Turkey Korea China Israel Egypt Taiwan Indonesia Columbia Venezuela Peru Brazil Australia Chile Mexico South Africa Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua TLT-Turbo GmbH representatives Tunnel Systems .
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