The season for seed sowing is now so far advanced that the chief gardening duties of the present REGULATIONS month will be the care rather of those crops we have sown, than of the few we can still successfully commit to th e gr ound ; for, alt hough such as peas and bean s may be sown, yet th e crops th ey arc likely to prod uce :lOR rna will not be quite equal to those sown last and previous months; and although they produce equally well, DISPOSAL, SALE, LETTIXG. AND OCCUPATION OF THE WASTE LANDS OF yet a considerable port ion of the pods arc liable to be destroyed by a cate rp illar aboun din g at this season. THE CROWN IN THE PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. French beans and scarlet run ners may be plan ted, an d addi tional sowings of radishes, let tu ces, cress and mustard, may be continued ; but th e chief crops which claim at ten tion thi s month are turnips, a large breadth of which should now be sown for winter use. T he yellow Swede, for use as a vegetabl e, should be sown as early as possible in December, and the yellow and white garden varieties about th e end of the l. ,~ Regulations now in force in the Province of Canterbury for the sale letting disposal ad ' present and beginning of the ensuing month. of the' aste Lands of the Crown are hereby repealed. ) J J n occupation 2. All such waste lands shall, from and after the day on which these Regulat '0 h II . Th e earlier par t of the presen t mon th is usually characterised by frequ ent showers, of which advantage sold, let , disposed of,. nnd occupie~ nccordin ~ to these Regulations, and not olhe r wis~. us s 3 come tnto force, be sh ould be taken to plan t out cabbages, cauliflowers, savoys, Brussels sprouts, and flowering broccolis, all of . 3. Every A<:t which the Superintendeut IS hereby authorised or required to f sb In, accordance with the advice of his Executive Council for the time being and hPerd opn, bhell all perform solely which ought now to be extens ively plante d ; for up on the exer tions made at thi s season th e limit ed or plen­ minutes of the Council . ' sue n n ee 5 a be recorded on tho tiful supply of winter vege tables will ent irely depend. H .-Tn::. WASTE LA.NDS :lOA RD. Flower borders should now be exhibit ing a profusion of roses, fuchsias, geraniums, pink s, carn ations, . 4. There shall be established a Board, to be called the '''aste Lands Board t' . . stocks, and sweet-williams, with many sorts of flowerin g bulbs and numerous vari eti es of lovely annuals; stoner, and of not less than two nor mor e than five other Commissionersw a rr ~ n atllo~ ' a comnsult~e:r ~eopf} one Chief~ sCommis, and th ough at Christmas we can neith er suspend " mistletoe boughs " from th e ceiling of our dwellings, appointed to act as Treasurer) shall be appointed and be removable by whtt tsucheh one shall be 5: One member of the waste Lands Board shall also be tbe Treasurernt'l, er fe adn 0 J Superintendent, nor display bun ches of holly-berries, yet by th e tim e of its arrival we shall be able to pile our tables with app oint ed and removable by the Governor. er eor, an sue 1 member shall be delicious stra wberries, and revel amid the fragr ance and beauty of wreaths of blooming roses-luxuries 6. rhe Waste Lands Board shall sit at the principal Land omc ~ f th P , , , which th e noble st and wealthiest of England's ar istocracy cannot at this season obtain. determmed by the Superinte ndent and shall also sit for ! ecial 0 e trovicce, at cer-tain stated times to be Superintendent shall direct; of which s itt i ~gs due notice sh~ll be ~t~~~ s.e s th Spch g lR?es and at such times as the Gre enhouse plants which ha ve done blooming may now be removed to a cold frame, or placed under one or more newspapers publi shed in the Province ... In e ravinciai GOL'ernmcn t Gazette and 7. The Chief Commissioner, when present, Rl;d in his absence then s b • the shade of a wall or fence ha ving a southerly aspect . 'l'he removal of th ese from th e shelves of th e hous e aBn meetmg of tbe Board, sbllll preside thereat and shall have a casting o,~re~em ller selected by t1~ o se present at will afford room for th e introduetion from the melon and cucumber frame of such handsome flowering oard,y • In a questi ons coming befor e tho e~g t endcr and other annuals, in pots, as balsam s, cockscombs, globe amaranth s, whit e and purple plants, 8. All qn e s~i on s corning before the Board shall be decided b a maior' .. phlox, drummondii , hu mea elegans, gallardia picta, blue nemophila, coreopsis drumrnondii, sensitive plant, 9. All meeh!'l's.of tbe Board shall be attcnded by at least t h~ee Col l~y of the C0'd",sslOners prescnt thereat. and other similarly ornamental and interesting varieties, all of which will add greatly to the attractions of 10. All applications for Land and for Pasture e and for Timb mL~sS1o n e rs , an shall be open to tbe public. the grcenhouse, and aid mat erially in maint aining its contin ued gaiety throughout th e whole of th e summer necessaq , be determined by the Board at some sittfng thereof. er icenses shall. after hearing evidence. when , 11. The Board shall have power to hear and determine all dis ute b t e~n and some of the months of autumn. Licenses respecting tbe boundaries of runs and districts and hPII hvee .... the holders of Paaturape and Timber lawfully had a..nd exercised by a.ny Commissioner of Cro'wn L a ~ d: u d thD exe :~lse all the powers which mny be Vineries in which th e grapes arc fully set may now receive ail' much more freely, and fire heat ought nance, Sess. X., No .. 1 j an~ the U Crown Lands Extension Ordina~ c en Seerss Xt roN sl ol~s of the" Crown Lands Ordi- to be entirely suspended, unless early grapes ar c desired, for the fruit, from this stage of its growth, will 12. All the routme business of the Land Department shall be t ' . ., J. o. t , swell to a larger size under th e genial influences of a well-regulated temperatur e pro duced by sun-heat such regulations as may be made by the Board in that behalf. ransacted by the Chief Commissioner, subject to 13. .A book, to be called the "Application Book " shall be k t duri only. Air freely, th erefore, every fine morning as soon as th e sunshine sensibly raises the tempera ture of which the name of every person desirin to make a~ a Ii . ep open urmg office hours at the Land Offlce in the hou se; scorched foliage-a too frequ ent defect-will thus be avoided, whi ch results only from neglected or any pe rs~n duly authorised on his be~lilf j and theYC or:!:~i:sti~:e:~ the B o a r ~ shall be. written in order by him;elf, morning ventilati on. . and deternune all applications in tbe order in which they shall appea s~a~~ drmfl the sttt tng of the Board, consider person .shallnot appear bimself, or by some person dnly autborised r 1 beh bC~ho n Book : Provided that if any h· Itt k. ~e As soon as th e grapes have att ained to a size similar to very small pens, commence slightly raising an d turn. his application shall be dismissed until his name shall appear on .IS. eth b e the Board when called in his supp ortin~ two or more persons shall apply at the same time t it h f" agan~ III e 00 In order: Provided also that if th e shoulders of th e bunches; after whi ch thin ou t with a pail' of grape-thinning scissors a full ~h:~:c~e:~r Ap~ication two-thirds of th e un equ al sized berries, thus leaving th ose which remain full room to swell to a large size; sioner shall bracket their names, an d shall initi al names III the Book, the Chief Commie, Boaj/ ~,?-all determine tbe priority of right to be beard by lot'. :~~ i't" ~h~ll t::~[bS t~J.1.ear before tbe Beard, tbe for th e free usc of th e thinning scissors is an ine vitabl e necessity when large well-coloured fruit is desired. app ca Ion except such as shall be made in accordance with th:s TIe ulatio e a or the Board to hear any H. The Board shall keep true and detailed minutes of II l' , n. Close in th e vinery early every afternoon, syringin g freely overhead, th us securing a warm humid there o~, and of all sums of money paid to the Treasurer and app rcat iona made to the Board. and all decisions atmosphere, highly favourable to the health of the vine s, and very Im'gely conduci,e to the production of 8UC~ nllnut~s shall be signe d by all the Commissioners 'resentgeferally of ~ll the proceedings of thE' Board · and th~ l!1spechon .of all persons desiring to inspect the sam! at a.lla any bte ~n g j and such minutes shall be op'ento fine fruit. IhIllIng! and Buyence for every such inspection. ' reasonn e ours, on payment of the sum of two Ornamental hedges bounding grass lawns and shrubberies will now ha,e made growth sufficiently III .-5URY'EYS. long to require close trimming in, for all such screens, which are intended not merely for shelter bnt also 15. There shall be a Cbief Surveyor who shall be a . t d d for ornament, ought to be neatly trimmed at least twice every ycar. The hedge ,vill thus very soon acquire Superintendent, and 3S many Assis tant Sun-e ors as shillPb~n e an removable by warrant under the hand of the a desirable density and neatness of appearance, thereby blending both the advantages of improYed shelter Superintendent, upon the recommendation ol the Cbief Snrven,::,:.ssary, who shall be appointcd and remonble by the and greater ornament, two yery desirable acquisitions, both of which tend greatly to increase the enjoy­ shall1:;;r:;;:'surveys sball be conducted in sucb manner as the h oard, by any regulations to be made in tbat bebalf, ment derivable from ornamental gardening. ~ IT .-TRB LAND RBVBNUlI. I I,. All payments to be made in respect of land shall b d t ler!~f, lind tbe Treasurer shall tbereupon I(i.e rcceipts f:r'f~e ~a:'e the Treasurer of the Board during the sitting . y.t!>e 62nd clanse of the Constitntiou Act th G : . r;;venll' a~1Slng from the disposal of the waste lands 0/theOC~rnor IfI ~hth on .ed and required to pay out of the e co ectIOn, mau ~g em ent, and receipt thereof' and a1 t own a e co~ts. charges, and expenses incident to ayabl~ urd er cel'tam other provisions therein c~ntain edSo ;h~a~ out of th shld ~venu e s such sums as shall become f oard l;~n~h ~a~~e~h::d~ds cOhinl: into bis bands under tb e~e Regnl::i~":sr~ll ~u~he.~.:: tfoL~hds sball, tberefore, a sue persons as the Governor shall direct. reat o, e·nllmed purposes,

V.-PVlILIC llllSllRl'llS , 19. Reserves for the nses of the Provincial G v • bon o ~ the Provincial Council, be made b tbe S~ ~rnm ent, and for other public pnrposes may, uponthe recommenda- t~ti;~ck t~~e1. ;~blicbR~~e;~ ~=~{, t~t1f~::~d ehJr::t~~\b~ld;:o~~sf~~ ~:f ~~e~::do~r~he t~e~~~~\ti~~ ~:!:.bi;: . CODlp ete desenphon of every such reserve and of th& D

" 40 41 purposes to which it shall have been d<:dicated shall, so soon BS possible a.fter it shall ~aTe been made, be publi~h e d ~hit"f Surveyor : Provid ed alway s th at should any section, when surceved '. int end ed by the purcha ser, th e Government will not be responsibl e for an 'I p.~o,"e .to dIffer .III any ~{,l:Jp ('et from that in the Gocertunent Gazette of the Province, and set forth on the authenticated ma ps 10 the L and Office: Provided o r.lUeOn\~ eD1ellCe that the Snp er intend ent may, if th e Provincial Coun cil be not then sitting, tem porarily re serve land for snch may expe rience, no r WI ll th e purcha se moneyf~Usbe ret urnethd.~ Provid d ~\doy O::iS wishalnch ~t he purchuser p urposes until the ne xt sessi on of such Council. whole.extent of lan d in the selected locality short. of qUllntit fithrat If the Sur veyor find t hat t he 20. Reserves for p ublic hi ghways, br-idle-paths, and foot- pa th s shall be made by th e Sup er int end ent, and shall re-pay so much of the pur ch ase ni onev as exceeds th e price of the 1 YIPt b 0 by th e f.urchaser, th e 'I'r -e usuror- shall shall, in any case , be :im~nde d by t he"'Commissioners in accord, n c:n~'thoth e conveyed. 1'h e" License to O c eup~"" b e set forth on th e authenticated maps in the L an d Office. Th e Superintendent and the Provincial Council may, L i ~ \~ ! by Ordinance, alte r the line of any such highways, bridle-pa ths, and foothpaths, and dispose of th e land th er etofor e Grant shall be made out In accordance therewit h . an d t he II s h llebreport of th e Surveyor, and the Cr o\\"I1 the Crow n Grant shall b ~ issued. ' en e s n e retu rned to th e C(>tU1l1issiollcrs when us ed for the same . 21. The Superintendent may tem por arily re serv e an y land for the preserTat ion or sale of the timber thereon; 41. Any person maklllg a d itc h and bank fence to lands adi oinin'" ndd but suc h laud mav at any time cease so to be r eserved upon a. res olution of the Proin eial Council. such \~- a s t e la.nds .half the land re quired for the ditch and ba{ll"' 1? \ ~::iti It of th e Crown, nla)r take out of th an SlX feet in wid th. ... r ovi eot. t at no ditch or ban k shall be more 22. The Supe rinten dent may I upon th e recommendati on of the Provincial Council, by proclamation in th e GorerJi ment Gazette, reserv e from the ope ration of th ese Regulati ons any tract of country in which th e precious m et als may be foun d to exist ; and the land within such t ract of country shall be disposed of according to Regu ­ VU I.-COllP B X SATI OX L AYD S. lati ons hereafter to b. issued and pu blished in that be ha lf, in the sam c mann er and under the same authority as ·.1.2. tv hercas it is desirable that pnva 1.:-' persons should be en bl d t . . for pr i ~-at eolands taken fo r roa ds or for other public pu rp oaes : If nen 0 reC('H"C portions ~f waste land in exchan ..... e these present Regulation s. p e~ s a t lO n m reJpeet of any lan d which shall have been taken for th e ~f er~o~ shall be entt t.letl to receive any CO I ~ ­ 't"I.-:-TOW'S L A.XD S. d : \I l1 a p e ~ s~ chPl::i ei ~ f 23.The site s of Towns sha ll be determined by the Sup eri nt cnd ent, upon the r ecommendation of the Pro­ or In resp,:"ct d or gra nt ed to per cent. of th e p urch ase money to the Treasurer, an d, in default thereof, the section ~hal1 be again ilUDlelli atcly oun 9 . .. r W 1C 1 a \ ote llas been pas sed by the IJr uyillcial ~ g r~ at e r 1)ut u3 ~p . to auc tio n. 0 amoun t of land th an 1000 acr es in the ('I' ('I' • 'The rem:1inder of th e purchase money shall be pa id to t he Treasurer in full wit hin one week afte r th e uay of t-he l p~n.~ ldo ~Js 0lt"this cla usc, without the spec·ial sa. ncti~I~~~t:'~~e i~ all .lD ~ tl' Yco n e y.ear be resen-ed o~· granted und er sale; and, in default thereof, th e p urcha ser sha ll forfcit his dep osit money, and also all right or title to th e land; Io n eu 8 ways, that (Ivery parcel of h~n d s e rOVlDCI8 OUll Ctl . und the section Ulay be sold to any person aPl'lying for the sam e for t he price at which it was kn ocked down at the auction ; an d if not so sold, th e sectio n may be ag ain put up to auct ion at any fut ure sale . ~~~~~a fhallsb : ~~c:~i;:1 1 ~ ~~ e'rO~ \~ i ~ ~1:~ s ~~ e j,eutl~h~~ I~~i~ ~~ s~~~V~I~d':.~~~c:h~tt~~h~p~I:::~tig~d;~~0I1:s:Stl::~0~ ~~le~n~~ 33. Upon payment of the pu rchase money in full, t he pur ch aser shall receive fr om the Comm is.:iiouers a H L icense be of less ext ent th an twentv ncres of land the pe he r~' tl IJ am ount of compensat:on awarded by th e Do u h \1 to Occupy," in tne form set forth in Schedule A. to the Waste Lauds Regula.tioDs, and such license shall be re sto red other applicants, for the purchase of r'ur ai lan ds ~~~I~I~~h~s~ R~~~hit:i ~n~~ e ualance in c

Be it therefore enacted bv the General Assemblvof Xew Zealand in Parliament assembled and bv the authority DIRECTORY of th e same us foll ows- ~. . CANTERBURY 1. The Short Title of this Act shall be "The Canterbury Waste Lauus Act, ISGG ." 2. 'whenever it shall be made to appear to the satisfact ion of the Commi ssioners of the 'Yaste La nds Board or the Province of Cant erbury that the or iginal h older of an)· licens e to depasture stock up on waste lands of the PROVINCIAL GOVERN:UENT. Cr own in th e said Province or any pers on claiming under such ori ginal holder shall hav e sold or transferred hi. right to depasture stock up on an)" portion or portions of th e land comprised in such licens e to any other person or ~ran t persons it shall be lawful for th e said Commissioners to to eac h per son to whom th e right to despaature stock Supe ri,.t~ nden t-H IS HONOE W ILLI.Hi SEFTON M OOR H OU SR. up on any portion of the lnnds comprised in such original license shall bnee been so sold or transferred a separate Iiceese un der the hands of th e said Commissioner s for the port ion of the said lands to which such ~erson shall be entitled in lik e manner as if such licen se were issu ed as an ori ginal license and th ereupon the portion ot th e said lands for which su ch new license shall be issued shall be and be deem ed to he a separate run and shall be number ed as su ch in the hooks of the said Com missi oners and als o on th e public maps of the said Province an d a fre sh license E XECUTI,B COUN CIL . SUR,EY D E P.l.RT}{ E~T-EA ST CO.l.ST. shall be issued to th e per son or persons claiming th e residue of suc h run und er th e original license . F. E . Stewart (P resident), J. S. Williams, B. wu. OMif Sllrveyor-C. Davie. H . Shaw, C. Ff. Pemberton, "~h enev er it W a~te kin, and George H art. D istrict Sllrveyors-C. 3. shall be m ade to app ear to the satisfaction of the Commissioners of the Lands Board of R. Townsend, J. Rochfort, J ames Boys, E. P . the Province of Canterbury that th e ori gin:ll h old ers of any Iic ens es to depn sture st ock up on adj oining portions of DEP .~RTYBlf T . th e waste lands of the Crown or any persons claiming under nny such original holders resp ectively sha ll have P RonNCaL SECRETARY' S Sealy . excbun eed th eir right to dern,ture stock upon any portion or port ions of th e lands comprised in such licenses wit h SeCl·etm·y-F. E . Stewart. .Assistant Surveyors-G. Harston, L. Smith, G. each other it shall 1)(> la wfu for th e anid Commissioners to grant to each of su ch person a fresh licen se und er the Under-Secrctarp-r-X , F. N. Blakiston. Chamier. hands of the said Comm issioners which license shall issue in lik e murmer ns if the sume were au orijrinnl Iiconse nnd Clel·ks-T. B. Ambrose and C. Will iams R oad Surveyor- W . Kitson such licen se shall omi t the portions of th e said lunds which such person shall have pur-ted wit h and shall include such OMef Drallgl!tsman-J. \Vill iams. ot her portions as such persons may have received in exchange together wit h the lands compriaed in the original PUDLIC W ORKS DEP.l.RTMBNT. license excepting such porti on omitted as aforesaid . D raufJlttsme1l-H. J . Lewis, J. Fussell, A. Jarman, Seel'etary-F. E. Stewart. J . F . M'Cardell, H .S. Ke lly, E . S. Leversedge, 4.. " "IHmevcr it shall he m ad e to appear to th e satisfa ction of the Cnrumisaioners of th e Waste Lands Boar d Chi ~f ou-i-:«. Turn er. C. M. Wakefield, G. R. Barn es. of the P rovince of Canter bu ry on the application of any person being the or iginal hol de r of two or more lice nses to .Assistallt Clel'k- \V. J ameson. d epasturc stock upon adjoining waste lnnds of the Cro wn in th e suid P rovince or any person claiming under such CRO WN GRA NTS, original holder that it would he desirable that t he lands comprised in such two or more licenses should be comprised TR EASURY DEP.l.ET:lIBNT. in one it shall h e lawful for the said Commissioners to g-rant to such person u fr esh license which shall issue m lik e Sllr veyol' ·j n Oliarge.- J . C. Days. manner as i f the Same were au orig- inal license and. shall comprise the Iands included in such two or more licenses Tr eas1l1·e;o-F. E. Ste wart. Dra1tghtsmen.-A. Cooper, G. H . Markham. uud such new license shall have such number given to it as to the said Commi ssioners shall seem fit. ou-»-«. P. Thompson. lVritinfJ Olerks- J. Davis, J. Rowley. 1.UDII DEPARTMBN7. 5. Every application for a new or separate licen se sh all be in writing and shall be signed b'Vth e applicant or by WEST COAST. his Agent or solicitor nnd shall sta te the nam es of th e per son or per 50US to whom the original Iicenee or licenses was AuditOI·-J. Ollivier, or were granted and also th e nam es of th e persons th en entitled to th e di tlercnt portions of the lands comprised in CMefDistrict S"rveyo r.-~L Fraser. such license or licens es and 8h:\11 he accompanied by a plan of th e land s showing th ereon the b oundaries of the Depnty Auditol'-H. E . Alport. D istri ct Surveyors .-J. S. Browning, R. P. Bain, different por ti ons for which separate or new licenses are required. PROnNCIAL SOLIC ITOR'S D:BPART)[B1U. G. Mueller. Solicitor-Mr. J . S. Williams. A ssistant Surveyors.-W. Cooper, R. Tuke, W.Hay. 6. Every such applicati on ns afor esaid sha ll he lodged in th e office of the Chief Corumi seioner of the said , r aste D rallghtsmen.-T. P erh am, E . Barnes, C. 'Welbeck, L ands Board at leas t eigh t weeks previous to the day up on whi ch such applicat ion sh all be heard and noti ce of such WEST CANTERBURY GOLD F IELDS. applicat ion sh all he gin'n h)" the Ohi ef Commissioner by ad vertiseme nt in at least one ne ...yspaper published in the J . Browne, . suid Pro...inc e once every week for suc h period as aforesaid and the expens e of su ch notice sh all be borne by the Secl'etm'y-James Alexander Bonar. HARB OUR DE PA R T)iBNT. applicant. Under-Secrctarp-r- G, S. Sale. P ort Ojfi'rm·-F. D. Gibson. i. The 'Yaste Lands Board mny r equire the said land s to be re-sur-reyed and the re upo n th e applicant sllall W'm·dells-W. H . Revell, C. C. Shaw, G. G. deposit wit h th e Treasur er of the Board th e esti mated cos t of such re-survey. Th e Chief Surveyor sh all as soo n as FitzGerald, Justin Aylmer, M. Price, and H arbour Master, L ytt clton-A... Sproul. p ruct ienble ma ke such re-sur vC'r and the divis ion or divi sion s in each case r esp ectiv ely sha ll be mad e and mar-ked b'l. ~L Keogh. Akaroa-R. Greaves. the Chi ef Surveyor on the public map s in his charge and sha ll be bindin g and concl usive up on all parties co nce rne • Commissionel'" Clerk-F. Eaton. Timal·u-\V. C. Beswick . W'al.dens' Clel'h-F. Guinness, C. W . H. Bowen, Hokitika-T. Turnbull. s. K othi ng in th is Act containe d sha ll hp deemed or tak en or const rued to give to the person or pe rsons to whom P . A. Birch, A. B. Bloxham, C. G. H allidav, P OLI CE DEPARTllENT. su ch ne ...... liCP Il SC'S :;h811 be iss ued po wer to take up UD y ad di tional pre-em ptive rig-hts beyond such as th e holder or A. E. Tennant, and F. Matthias. • h older s of th e ori gin al licens e or licenses would have been ent itled to take up und er such license or licenses. H ead. Station- Canterbury Depot, Armagh-street WASTE LANDS DOARD. 9. Th ere sha ll h e paid to the R eceiver of Land R evenu e for th e snid Province for each license issued und er th e east. Commissioner' s Office, Herefordstreet. author ity of this Act the sum of one pounu such sum to be paid by th e person to whom :mch license is issued. Chief COllll1lissionCl·-W. G. Brittan. Commissioner-Robert Clarke Shearman. Commissionel·s- R . Packer, F . E . Stewart, G. S. Oink-Henry Walsh. 10. "--h enen 'l' an y land \r ithin a proclaimed township in the Pro\-inr e of Cantorb ury heret ofor e has been or Sale, C. Davie, 'I'. \ V. ~raude . I nspectol·s-!'. Pender, Christchurch; T. Droham, her eafter sh all be witlulrnwn from any g'oldfield for th e purpose of sule it shall be la wful for the Supe rinte ndent R eceiver of L and R evenue-T. W . Maude. Hokitika ; \ Yilliam H enry James, Greymouth ; np on the r C'comm endation of th e Provincial Council to declare b.'· proclamnt;on in the Pro\;ncial GoverJl l1unt and Alfred Buckley, Timm·u. G.(zeti c tha t any pa lt of such lund which shaH at the tim e of suc h withdrawal be lawfu lly occup ied and have up on it ChiefClel'k-G. A. Reade. lJllilJi ngs of the .... l\lue of no t lsss thn n twenty-fi.... e pound s Hhall be olle- reel fo r sale to th e per son in la ...yful occupation Second Olrrk-G. Dunnage. One Sergeant·major, 9 first -class sergeants, 8 second. of such land at a H'3: etl price and upon th c like r ecommend ati on to tix th e price at which suc h lnnd.sh3ll be so olle red MessenfJer-J. B. Stan sell. class sergeants, 12 third class-sergeants, 30 first · I f sU('h oiler he acc("pte rl in wr iting within tw'O month s aft er a not ice th er eof Hh all have been pu blish ed ill th o Pro· class constables, 12 second-dass constables, 9 vincinl GfJl."e)·nment Gazelle it sh n11 be lawful for t he \\~1l 5t c L:md s Uoarll t o sl:'ll ,'HIch land to such p erson at such E NG INEER'S DE PARTMENT. thi rd·class conslables, 2 female searchers, and fixed p ric e. l) rovitlcd that every suc h sa le sha ll except as rpgnrds th e pr ice t ake jlluce up on th e condi ti ons in th ~ Ra ilway E nfJ i'leer-E. Dobson (E ng ineer to the 6 detectives. 1.eferencc to the sn lc of town lands pr cscriherl in ,V aste Lun d Reg-ulati ons of t le said Pro'rince nnd if such Lyttelton and Christc hurch Railwa.y. ol1er as aforesnid b" not so acct'pted within SUC'll peri od such lan d ~h nn t-C'sold by nucti on in th e ol'diuaQ· manner CIIR IS TOOURCII GAOL. pres cribed in ~uc h l'C'gnlnt ion s Rnd at 8uch upset p rice ns m a ~r it} eac h <':15(' 1,(' d C' t€'rmiu ed b.y th e Su per inte n~C' D t and Ellgillee>- alld Inspector of Roads-G. Thornton. Clerk of TVOI·ks-F. Lockyear. • Gaoler- Jam es R eston. r-r oTincinl Cou nc:1 - - 1 MessenfJ er-B. B. Leathwick. . Chief Wa1'der-Thomas Toppin. .Assistant TVarder.-E. Cotter. AT H OKITIKA . Matron-Mrs. Toppin. D istrict En,qinee>--James Rochford. Assistant En.qineCl·-T. C. Frew. LYT TELTOY GAOL. During t he:Se ~s i on of th e General Asse-mhly just passed a Dm wac;b rou ght in alt eri ng th e R egulationg, in so far ns Drallg!ltsl1w n-E. G. Mainwaring. Gaolel '- James Reston. fencing or impro'rcment p re ~C' m p t i ,"c rights are conce-rncd . All right'l of this description granted prior to the Accountant-F. Robin son. Ohief Wm·der-J. Arnold. p~ss i n g of the Act are declared Yalid, but none will he granted for the future . 46

A ssistant lVal'ders-Daniel F ryen, Samuel Rout. IlfSPECTORS OF SIIEEP. ledge, E. T. W oodhead, J . Reston, F.D og~erty, Chiej'Insp ector-P. B. Boult on. GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY. C. J . Fox, T. Mercer, J. McCabe, W .W Ilson, I n6pectors-llenry Scarv ell, Andrew P aters on,R, w . Foley and J. Read. Holderness, W. P alfrey. Overseer 'If H ard LabOlll' Gang- 'V . P . J ones. M atron-Mrs Reston. OTIIER OP EICERS. THE GOTERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND. Pro"i" cial Geologist-Julius Haast, F.R.S., &e. HOKITIKA GAOL. M eteorolo/lieal Offi eer-R. L. H olmes. . Gaoler-William Dale. K eeper of' Public Records- A. F . N. Blakiston , CMej' Wardcr-J ohn Kidd. Edueati"" Commiss io"ers-Hon . H . J . Tancred G OVER:t'OR AlI"D C OID Ll. XD ER-IX- C IIIEF AND V I CE- A m IlR AL 01' THE I SLANDS OF NEW Z BALAliD­ (chairman), J oseph Brittan, G. Gould, T. W . H IS EXCE LLE XCY SIR GEORGE GREY, K .C.B. nnIIGRATIOli DEPART!lElf T. Mau de, 'Vm Mon tgomery . Commissioners-W. Donald, R. R . Armstrong, J . H ealt h o.ffieer for the Port of Lyttelt on (un der GOVel'nor's Private SeCl'etal'y- Rev. Frederick Inspector of P ost Offiees-W·. Gray. T. Rouse, F. D. Gibson. the Quarantine Regu lations, 1864)- W illiam Thatcher Controll er 'If Mo neg Ord ers an d Savillgs B an lt:s- Chiej' Officel·-R. R. Armstrong. Donald, R. M. The Board consists of the D espatch. Clerk-A. lIL Smith . .. ' V. Pagan A ssistant Officer-David M. Mackay. Health Officer, one or more Justices of the A ide-de-Camp -lIIajor W . Grey, Military Tr am Chief Clcrk-R. Mac alist er . Cl e"k-John Ed win March. Peace, and the superior Officer of Customs at M essenger-" ·. Widdop D ead L ettel' C101·k-M. " Tarburton. Tm miqration. A.'1ent at T imarlt-W . C. Beswick. the Port. N ati ve Orderly-Hod Kerei Clerks-E..Bodley, J. B. Beale H ealth Officer f or H ok it ik a-G. Lemming. Barrack Master and Matron at Christchurch- E XECUTI VE COUNCIL. M essm gel·-H. Curry. Arth ur and ~I rs. Smith. D eputy H ealt h Officer-ToTurnbull. Travelling Mail Agents -W. Gray, 111. ' V. Eliott, Barrack lJIaster and Matron at Qltarantin~ S ta ­ Inspector ofSc1100Is-J. P . Rcstell, The Honourables Edward W illiam Stafford, Th eo­ It J. Goodman. tion, Cump Bay-John and Mrs . Galbra ith. Administrator of Charitable Aid-R. R. Armstrong. dore Mi net Haultain, W illiam Eit zhorbert, Inspector of Weight s and Measu res-R . Brunsden, J ohn Ilull, James Crowe Richm ond, John Lar ­ COLO:'lIAL D EFENCE OFPICE. CliRISTCIIURCII H OSPITAL. R egi strar ofBrands- G. Turner. . kins Cheese Richardson Mill istel' f or Colonial D ej'C/lce-lIon. Colonel T. Revish'g Commissioner of the Ratepayer.' R olls ~o r i ng V isiting P h.ysician- J. S. T l~l"I1bu ll , M. D. Cl erk of tho COImcil-Foster. . 11. Haultain. for the Road D ist" icts- J oseph Bes wick. Secretary to th o Cabinet-Wilham Gisbome Ullder-Seeretar.y-Captain J. lIolt . Visitin.q SU1'!lco,,-ll. H . Prins, M.R.C .S. Poultdkecpers -Christchurch, Charles Allison, jun. ; H onse Su rgeo" -L. Powell, M .R.C.S. COLOXI.l.L SE CRETARY'S DEPA.RTl!ElI"T. Chiej' Clerk-F. Stevens , M. Lyn skey ; Rangiora, J . W . Heath ; Clerks-H. Hartwright, T. W. Lewi s, J . B. Carr, lJispens01·-R. Cook. Ab roa, R. Williams; 'I'imaru, J . Melton ; Ash­ M atron-Mrs. R Cook. Colonial Secretary-Hon. E . W . Stafford 'V. J . lIIorpeth, A. Bough ton. burton, ' V. Turton; Leeston, J . Carston ; Lyt­ Under-Secretarp-«'Villiam Gisborne M essengel·-J. Casey. S U"geon to P oli ce, I mmi,qration Barracks, atlCl telton, J. Illingsworth; Templeton , R . Haw­ Chiej' Clerk-A. C. P. Macdonald Gaol-J. W . S. Coward. kins. Cle,·ks-H. J . H. Eliott, E . F . Norris, W . J . COl!PTR OLLER. LYTTELTON HOSPITAL. K enny J . E. FitzGerald . District: Ro ad B OO7'ds-Ashburton, Avon, Cour ­ M edical Officer.<-Drs. Donal d and Rouse. Confidential. Clerk to P"ime Ministei·-E. Wake­ A.UDIT D EP.l.RTl!ENT. ten ay, Cust, Ell esmere, Ger aldine, H eathcote, field. Matron-Mrs. M. Edmiston. Halswell, Kowai, Linc oln, Little River, The .A.,oditOi· ofP ublic A reo,m ts-Charles Knight, M.D. Chiej' M essenger O7"l H ousekeeper-D. K eefe. Chiej' RJlI LUNATIC ASYLU!l. L evels, Malvern, Mount Cook, Oxford, Okain's M essenger-J. FItzgerald . ou-s-:». Bay Pigeon Bay, P ort Levy, Port Victoria, C101·ks-C. H . Snow, J. G. Anderson, .las. Davis, M cdical OjJicer-J. W. S. Coward. R akaia, Mandeville and Hangiora, Rieearton, TREASURY. H arris on, R. E. E. P limp ton, O. " 'akefield, S teward-E. W. Seager. "T. Spreydon, Springs, Templeton, Town of Ak a­ Colonial. Treas!o·er-Hon. W . Filzherbert . G. M. Nation, R. O'C onn er, L . Roskrugc, M. Matro,,-Mrs. Seager. roa and Waianui District, Warmate, Waipara . A ssistant Treas ltr01'-Jonas Woodward. Kilgour. A ceo'm ta" t- C. T. Batkin. M esscllger-J. Cole. Chiej' Clerk and Cashier-W .Best. CROWX L .l.S DS DEP.l.RTl!EXT. F irst Clerk, A ccoun tant'« Offiee-J. C. Gavin. PROVINCIAL COUNCI L Clel·ks-W. V. Stevens, J . H . Gillard, T. T. Cut- Secretarpfor Crow" L mods-Hon. Alfred Domett. bush, 'V. ;\Inson, J. :MeGowan, W. G. Holds. Olerks-ll. J. Masters, ,,-alter Grey, II. E. Leadam, worth. O. Samuels. ME MBERS. M es. enger-J. C. Cole. DI·aughtsmall-J . W .A. Marchant, A karoa (I)-C. J. Waeckerle . (I) -G. L. Lee. Assistant lJralt.qhtsmOl,-G. Fannin . Oxford ATTORl'lEY-GElfERAL'S DEPAllT!lBliT. M essellgei·-J . H uett. A shburtoi (I)-W. C. Walker. (2)-T. S. Duncan, F. E. Stewart. H av s (i)-R. ll. Rh odes. PO/·t Victoria (2)- T. H . Potts, .A.. Hornbrook. A tt orn ey- Gcneral-James P rendergast . CUSTOl!S D EP A.RTl!E NT .· Chr istchurch «t) -F. J. Garrick, J . G. H awk es, H . A s. istant Law Officer-Robert H art. Rakaia (1)-.1. Hall. Commissioner OrCl/s tolns-Hon. J . C. Richmond. W . Williams, W. ·Wilson. Ranqiora (I )-J. E. Brown. . Gel'aldinc (I)-A. Orm sby. COL OIU AL SIlCRETARY'S OPPI CE .- JUDI CI .l.L Secreta l'y- W iIliam Seed. Riccart on. (2)- F. W . Delamain, H. D. J ohn stone. nRANCII. Clerks- W. France, H . W. 'Villiams, J . lIaIse. Grcpmnuth (1)- .1. A. W hall. Seadouni (l)--A . K. Matson. Cldef Clerk- R. G. Fo unta in. H eat hcote (3)-W. Mon tgomery, J . S. Williams, Sefton. (2)-.1. H . Moore, W. M. Maskell. REGI STR.l.R GENERAL'S DEPARnIElf T. W . T. L. Travers. Clerk-C. J . A. Haselden. Selw.yn ( I)- E. J ollie. R egistrOl' Gmera l- J. B .Benn ett. H ok itika (2)- .1. A. Bonar, M. Cassius. Ti mar" (I)-H. Belfield. Mes. enge'·-J esse Huett. D ep" ty R egistrar asui Chiej' CIC/· k- W . E . Teague. Kaiapoi (1)- .1. W ylde. W aimate (I) -G. Buckley. NATIVll DE!'ARTllE lf T. Eincol n. (2)-H. .1. Taner ed, A. C. Knight. Cler ks-E. J . Von D adelzen, G. Allen . W ain ui (I)-H. Buchanan . Under-S ee>'etary- W illiam Rolleston, Lyttelton p.) -D. D avis, E. A. Hargreaves, H. P. W aip ara (l)-J. W . Malloek. R eqistrar General of L and an d D eeds, also Land lI1urr ay-Ayn sley, J. G. Fy fe. A'sistant Secretary-H . Halse W aitan.qi (I)-E. Gray. T ranslator- 'Valt er Puekey. Clai ms CommissionC/', mod Secretarpfor Crown M andeville (2)-C. Hi llya rd, M. Di xon. W e.tland (2)-E. Barff, C. H oos. Lands-lIon. Alfred Domett, M Ott/,t Cook (I) -J. Sheath. Clerks- To E . Yo ung, S. C. G. Vickers, Me ti n. P ene Tau e. Secretaru , also R egistra,' ofD eeds at W elling ton­ J. E. Smith. 8peaker-H. J . Tanered. L ibrarian-R. L . Holmes. GENERAL POS T-OFFICII. ou-i-:«. G. Wilkipson. Chai"man qf Committees-J. W ylde. M essenger-R. Whish. P ostma.ter Gm eral-Hon. J olm H all. M A.RI :s"E ENGINEER'S DEPARTl!BNT. Cler k-H. B. Quin. B Olli ekeep er-MIs. P otton. & cretary;-G. Eliott Eli ott. M arine E llgineer- James M . Balfour. 48 49

Inspector of Steamers aad S autical .d.sseSIOl"­ J lI dgel-JohnRogan,~ . A. ~ . Monro, F . ~ . :MAn. Sweden and Nor way-Edmund Quick, Oonsular ning, T. H. Smith, WIlson B. WhIte, W. llBVISING OFFICERS USDRR FRIElI'DLY .SOCIETIES Robert J ohnson. ACT, l S56" AND BUILDIXG AliD L .~ X D SO CIBTIBS Agent, Dunedin. I Il.•ipector of Steamers aad Ellgilleel" S IIl" "cgOl'­ Lyon . ACT, 1866. Italy-M. Guieseppe Biagi, Consul General, )1el. .Joseph Na ncarrow. T ,·

58 59


Pipes, tobacco the cubic foot £0 2 0 Trousers, molcskin and cord the barrel 0 1 0 the cubic foot £0 3 0 Pitch Twine the cwt 0 2 Plate, gold and silver for every £100 value 10 0 0 Tubs, of wood 0 the lb. 0 (I 3 the nest 0 2 0 Plated ware Turpent ine the gallon 0 Pork, salted the cwt. 0 2 0 0 6 Portmanteaus the cubic foot 0 1 0 Umbrellas and parasols the cubic foot 0 ~ 6 0 6 0 Raspberry vinegar the'~wt " Rice 0 e 0 Ditto, ground the cubic foot 0 2 6 Varnish the cwt 0 ~ 0 th e gallon 0 0 e Resin Vermicelli the cubic foot Rugs, woollen, cotton, or opossum the cubic foot 0 :3 0 0 2 6 Vinegar the ga llon 0 0 6 Saddlery 0 2 0 0 1 0 Sad irons Weighing machines ... the ewe Safes, iron 0 4, 0 0 4- 0 ~ Whips and walking sticks the cubic foot Sago, in bulk ... 0 0 0 1 0 the cubic foot 0 2 6 Whiting and chalk ...... th e cwt 0 1 0 Ditto, in bottlc or canister Wine, in wood and bottle, containing less than 25 pCI' cent of alcohol, Saltpetre th e cwt 0 2 0 tho cubic foot 0 2 6 of a specific gravity of .825, at the temperature of 60 degrees of Sauces Fahrenhcit's thermometer, the gallon; or for six reputed quart bottles, Sashes, window the pair 0 1 0 the cubic foot 0 1 0 or twelve repu ted pint bottles ... the gallon 0 4 0 Scrim cloth .., . Woollcn manufactures, not othe rwise cnumerated, and all articles ma'ci ~ Shirts, na,'y, serge and Scotch twill . 0 3 0 0 5 0 of wool mixed with any other materi als th e cubic foot 0 6 0 Ditto, white, Regatta, Orimean the'~wt Shot 010 0 Silk manufactures ... the cubic foot 0 5 0 the Ib 0 5 0 Zinc sheets, tiles, ridging guttering, piping, and roll the cwt 0 1 0 Snuff Ditto manufactures, not otherwise described So. 1', common ... the cwt 0 2 G 0 0 4 Ditto scented aud fancy . the cubic foot 0 2 6 " D itto'powder and washing powder: . 0 0 6 Soda, crystals... .:. •••. ... thtcwt 0 1 0 LI ST OF EXEMPTIONS. Spices, cassia, cinnamon, cloves;' glDger, mace, nutmegs, mixed and ~ound spices...... "f the lb 0 0 3 Anchors ; anvils ; blacksmiths' bellows ; bottl es of all kinds, cmpty; cabin fur niture and effects, which Spirits, and strong waters .of every kind, sweetened or othe~wlse, 0 any strength not exceeding the st rength of proof by Sykes hydro­ have been in usc, and not imported for sale ; carriage springs, mountings, and trimmings; cham cables meter, and so on in proport ion for any greater strength than thc strength of proof ... the gallon 0 12 0 and shackles oyer i of an inch diameter ; churns; cotton waste ; copper and composition rod, bolts, Spirits of tar the gallon 0 0 (; sheathing, and nails; corn sieves and riddles; crab win ches, cranes, capstans, and windlasses; drainage Starch and blue ... the cwt 0 2 0 Stationery and account books the cubic foot 0 1 0 pipes and tiles; felt, for sheathing; filters; fire engines and hose; fish oil, in bulk ; forges; gas pipes and the cwt. 0 1 0 Stcel ." machin ery, and all material which may be specially imported for the constru ction of gas works; iron Sugar, treacle, and molasses the lb. 0 0 1 Sulphur the cwt 0 1 0 bridges, and all material which may be specially imported for th e construc tion of bridges, wharves, jetties Swords each 0 6 0 Syru ps the cubic foot 0 2 G or patent slips ; iron - rod, bolt, bar, hoop, and pig ; iron lamp posts ; iron tanks; iron plates, rivets bolts, nuts, screws, and castings for ships ; iron weigh bridges for carts; machinery for agricultural pur. Tacks the cwt, 0 4 0 Tapi o c ~ , in bulk . ... . 0 2 0 poses ; ma chincry for boring, brick and :tile making, planing, punching, sawing, shearing, tu rning, and Di tto, III bottle s, Jars or tins the cubic foot 0 2 6 Tar ... the barre l 0 1 0 quartz-crushing ; machinery for mills and looms; machinery for steam vessels ; machinery for wool and Tart aric acid the lb 0 0 1 0 0 6 hay pressing; machine saws ; maps and charts; organs, harmoniums, bells, and furniture, specially im­ Tea the '~wt l'iuware 0 4 0 ported for places of public worship; passengers' baggage; printing machinery, presses, type, and Timber, sawn • ... the 100 ft. supl. 0 1 0 Ditto, shinglcs and laths the 1000 0 1 0 materials, printing ink, and paper; printed books, pap ers, and mu sic; ploughs and harrows ; pumps and the 100 0 1 0 Di tto, palings othcr apparatus for raising wat er; railway plant, and all materials which may be_specially imported for D itto, posts 0 4 0 Di tto, rails 0 2 0 the construction of railways and tramways; rope above th ree inches in circumference; sail cloth; sewing Tobacco ... .•. ... 0 2 6 Di tto, for sheepwash, subject to its. be~g rendered ~n~t lor human machines; ships' blocks; ship chandlery not otherwise described; school books, states, and apparatus; soda consumptio n, and to such regulations as the Commissioner of Cus­ toms shall from time to time prescribe in that behalf 0 0 3 ash and caustic soda ; soda water machines; steam engines and parts of steam engines; tarpaulins; Tools, carpe nters' and others, not otherwise described th e'~wt 0 4- 0 water pipes, not otherwise described; and all mat erial which may be specially imported for the purpose of Toys and fancy goods, not otherwise described the cubic foot D 1 0 constructing water works, and all other articles not otherwise described.


1. F orm OF T ELEG R A~s.-All telegrams should be written on th e printed forms sup plied at the sta tions ~ ORDIXA-RY CIIARGES-l TO loo W ORDS. but telen-rams written on plain paper will be receiv ed under th e following condition s :-They must be legibly ,:.'tilt en in ink, contain a proper address, and bear a genuine signatur e in th e usual handwriting of the sender. All words mu st be wri tten in full; and it is rec ommended to writ e numbers in words. 1 2 3 ·i 6 7 1 2 i 5 6 7 2. TR A X S~I S SI OY OT TELE GRA-~ s . -Ordinary telegrams will be transmitted in th e order in wh ich th ey _51_ _ 3 1_' are received by the officers of th o depar tment , but if several are pr esented for transmission about th e same ---- time, the office r is not bound to tran smit more than two hundred words of anyone of such telegrams before the other telegrams hav e been transmitted. Offieial telegrams tak e pr ecedence of others. . 3. TELEGRA:llS IX CYrIIER.-Telegrams may be transmitted in eypher, which will be counted aceording to the following scale :-Separate eyphers count as one word; g-roup s of five cyphers, or fraetional parts of .,j .,j ~ .,j five eyphcrs, eount as one word. Groups exceeding five eyphers are counted at th e ra te of five eyph ers to ... "E ~ ~ .,j "E 1:: 0 "E 0 "E ""p 0 ... 0 "E ~ th e ,,:ord. Any frac tional portion remaining to be counted as a word . N ote.-'Where eyphers are used, 0 l< 0 i< 0 5 0 0 0 'E 0 l< :< 0 ~ l< :< ~ :< t elegra~, ~ ~ th e sende r is recommended to pay for th e repetition of the to insure aeeumey in the transmission. ~ ... "~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ o " " e, "z ~ c, "c, "c, "c. " " " "~ " .,j'" .,j'" " " '" .,j " 4. CA-XCELJ.INGTELEGRA){s.-If th ere should be gr eat delay in the transmission of a telegr am so as to 0 .,j .,j .,j '" 0 .,j'" '" .,j'" .,j'" ~, i :z; .-< -::: ... ., ., ..,. :z; ;! ""~ ., .,'" destroy its value, notice will be sent to th e sender of such telegram, should his address be known, and ho '" "" '" "'"'" "'" '" may apply in writing to have th e telegram cancelled and the payment for it returned. ------s , d. s, d. s , d. s. d . s, d. s. d. s, d. s. d. s, d. s. d . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d . £ s, d. 1 0 1 0 It 0 2 0 2! 0 3 0 3! os 51 1 3 6 4t 8 6 o 10 7~ o 12 9 o H 1O~ 017 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 00 0 7 0 8 52 ·i 4 6 0 8 8 o 1010 o 13 0 o 15 2 0 17 4 PLAN OR TARIFF OF CHARGES 3 0 3 0 4~ 0 6 0 7! 09 o lOt 1 0 53 5 6 71 8 10 011 O~ o 13 3 o 15 5~ o 17 8 0 0 0 0 8 010 1 0 1 2 1 4 M "·t 6 6 9 9 0 0 11 3 o 13 6 o 15 9 0 18 0 For the Trausmission of Telegrams on the Lines of Electric Telegraph belonging to th e GeRCraJ 5'" 0" 5 0 7t 010 1 (t 1 3 1 5! 1 8 55 ·t 7 6 lot 9 2 011 5~ o 13 9 o 16 O~ o 18 'i Government of New Zealand. 6 0 6 0 9 1 0 1 3 1 6 1 9 20 56 ,t 8 7 0 9 4 011 8 OBO o 10 ·t 018 8 · 7 0 7 o 10! 1 2 1 5t 1 9 2 ~ 2 ·j. 57 ..1 9 7 Ii 9 0 o 11 1 ~ 0143 o 10 7k 019 0 8 0 8 1 0 1 4 1 8 20 2 4 2 8 58 ..1 10 7 3 9 8 o 12 1 0140 o 10 11 019 4 00 9 0 9 1 11 1 0 2 3 30 OB 9 2~ 019 8 . ~ 1 10! 2 7-l 59 411 7 -.It 9 10 o 12 3& 017 I 10 010 1 3 1 8 2 1 2 0 211 3 ·t 60 5 0 7 0 10 0 o 12 6 o 15 0 o 17 6 1 o 0 ~ ~ ~ I~ ~_~ ~ ~ -d~ 11 011 1 -.It 1 10 2 3! 2 9 3 2t 3 8 01 5 1 7 71 10 2 o 12 84 o 15 3 o 17 9k 1 o 4 d d j J 12 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 6 S O 3 0 1 0 02 5 2 7 9 10 4 o 12 11 o 15 6 o 18 1 1 o 8 ...: ~ ' ·S ~ ~ ..; ~ d ::i ;:j ~ .§ r:: g = '2 .z 13 1 1 1 7t 2 2 2 8t 3 3 3 4·.1 63 5 3 7 lo t 10 0 o 13 1 ~ o 15 9 0 18 4~ 1 1 0 ~ § A P .9 r~ ca .~ ~ 0 ..=! ~ •• 9! 8 .5 \ ':9 ;a ] ;.g 9 14 1 2 1 9 2 4 211 3 0 ,t 1 48 6 1 5 4 8 0 10 8 o 13 4 1 1 4 ~ ~ ~ § ~ ~ t .5 ~ d ~ § 5 '2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 16 0 , 0 18 8 15 1 3 1 101 2 0 3 l! 39 4 4i 50 65 8 It 10 10 o 13 6! o 16 3 0 18 11 ~ 1 1 8 Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ $ ~ 8 ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16 1 4 2 O. 2 8 3 4 4 0 4 8 5 4 60 8 3 11 0 o 13 9 o 16 6 0 19 3 1 2 0 17 1 5 2 1 ~ 2 10 3 6t ..1 3 4 111 5 8 67 8 4t 11 2 o 13 ll~ o 16 9 o 19 O~ 1 2 4 ~---..-.--~ - 2 1212 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 GIG 6 6 6 7 18 1 6 2 3 3 0 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 0 68 5 8 8 6 11 4 0 14 2 o 17 0 I 0 19 10 1 2 6 H a' clock ... .. , 2 - 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 G 19 1 7 2 4t 3 2 3 lIt 49 5 ol 04 69 H5 9I 8 7t 11 6 o l·i 4~ o 17 3 1 0 1 ~ 1 S O' 20 1 8 2 6 Pieton ... .. ' 2 2 - 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 4 4 2 5 0 510 6 8 70 5 10 8 9 11 8 o 14 7 o 17 6 1 0 5 1, 3 4 21 1 9 2 7t 3 6 ..1 4t 5 3 0 11 7 0 71 511 8 l ot 11 10 0 14 9t 0 17 9 1 0 8k 3 6 Blcnheim... 2 2 1 - 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 (; 5 5 5 6 6 6 22 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 50 0 5 74 72 0 0 9 0 12 0 o 15 0 o 18 0 1 1 0 1 4 0 W cllin n- ton... 3 3 2 2 - 3 4 4 4 ,1 ,1 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 23 III 2 l ot 3 10 ·i 9-~- 59 0 Si 7 8 73 0 1 9 It 12 2 o 15 2k o 18 3 1 1 3~ 1 4 40 K aiko.:'ra 3 3 3 3 3 - 223334445555 6 6 24 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 80 74 6 2 9 3 12 4 0 15 5 o 18 6 , 1 1 7 1 4 8 Cheviot 4 3 3 3

GENERAL GOVER::OI E:XT E LECTRIC TE LEG RAPH. DISTANCES BETWEEN VARIOUS STATIONS OF ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH DEPARTME:XT. PRESS CRARGES-10 TO 1000 W ORDS. ~ ~ ~ ~ j t 1~ ~ d~ ~ ~ ::i ::i .3 .5 '0 ..::l d § !::i ,5 6 7 SCALE 1. 2 3 4 ~ ~ ] ~ .~ ] ~ ~ . ~ ~ § ~ . .= z ~ ~ e ~ Q ~ H ~ 0 A ~ ~ ~ ----1------IDs. :>Ils. ills. ills.lMls. MIs. Mls.IMls ::>Il s. MIs. :>IIshIls. ::>Ils. IMIs. 70~ ~ ~ ~ '" '" Nelson 60 80 14{)\276 288 392 296 392 452 532, 568 682 -e'"...... '" '"'" "'".. Picton 60 ... 20 80 216 228 232 236 3321 392 4i 2 508 622 642 0 ... ;... ""f5 Ej f:; 6 6 E8 ;...~ 1 '" 0 p..~ p..t.- ~ ,.. ~ a: p..> "' > ~ Blenheim 80 20... 60\ 196 208 212 216 312 372 4-52' ·1-88 602 622 Nwnber ..... ""~ ,:* Wellin~ton 140 80 60 ... 256 268 272 276 372 432 512 518 662 682 of Po"" ~"g .-d"" .-d o-:::: .-d"" .-d"" ."" 1 ' 0 000 00'" "",'" 0" KaiapOl 2i6 216 196 256 ... 12 16 20 1161 176 256 292 406 426 '" ...... ""aj ~'" ....""'''' W ords. ~ ] u3 ..a Christchurch 288 228 208 268 12 ... 4 8 l ill 164 21.1 280 394 414< I'l ."" " I'l 03 ] <=>§ § 1 "" "" ~ 3 :;:l :;:l :;:l :;:l ~ ~ Heathcote 292 232 212 2721 16 4< ... 4 108: 168 248 284 398[418 ~ ~ ~ :=l ~ Llttelton 296 236 216 276 20 8 4 ... 1121172 252 288 4·02 422 Timaru 392 332 312 3721 116 101 108 112 ... 60 140 176 290 310 Oamaru ... 452 392 372 4321 176 16,1 168 172 60... 80 116 230 250 s. d. £ s. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. £ s, d. £ s, d. £ s. d. £ Dunedin ... 532 472 452 512: 256 24:1, 248 252 140: 80 ... 36 150 170 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 011 0 1 0 I 10 0 0 6 0 0 7 !fokomairiro ... I 568 508 488 548 292 280 28·1 288 176 116 36... 1141134 0 1 8 0 1 10 0 2 0 1 20 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 0 1 6 Invercargill ... 682 622 602 662: 406 394 398 402 290 230 150' 11-1 ... 20 0 2 3 0 2 6 0 2 9 0 3 0 30 0 1 6 0 1 9 0 2 0 :Bluff 702 642 622 682 426 ,114 418 422 310 250 170; 134 20 ... 2 4 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 4 0 3 8 0 4 0 ... I 40 0 2 0 0 1 1 50 0 2 6 0 211 0 3 4 0 3 9 0 4 0 0 4 7 0 5 0 60 0 3 0 0 3 (5 0 4 0 0 4 6 0 5 0 0 5 6 0 6 0 6 5 0 7 0 70 0 3 (5 0 4 1 0 4 8 0 5 3 0 5 10 0 TABLE OF FEES IN RE SPECT OF PROCEEDINGS BEFORE RE SIDENT 80 0 4 0 0 4 3 0 5 4 0 6 0 0 6 8 0 7 4 0 8 0 90 0 4 6 0 5 8 0 6 0 0 6 9 0 7 6 0 8 3 0 6 0 MAGISTRATES. 100 0 5 0 0 510 0 6 8 0 7 6 0 8 4 0 9 2 0 10 0 0 18 4 1 0 0 0 '200 0 10 0 0 11 8 0 13 4 0 15 0 0 16 8 0 ~ o l~ to ~ g 300 0 15 0 0 16 6 0 18 0 1 2 6 1 5 0 1 7 6 1 10 0 ~ '"til ~ ~ "'g ~ 400 1 0 0 1 3 4 1 G 8 1 10 0 1 13 4 1 16 8 2 0 0 .... .E ~""tjc.-. I ~"t::Je..-. §",,'iI 1 17 6 2 1 8 2 5 10 210 0 != 0 = 0 "" - 600 1 5 0 1 9 2 1 13 4 -o'" ~ O d cO d o ' 0 §'cl 10 0 1 15 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 2 10 0 2 15 0 3 0 0 to I'l ~ po li O ~ 600 1 -- '+l -e ~ .3';; I ~ .8';; "~ .s.!::'" 15 0 2 0 10 2 6 8 2 12 6 2 18 4 3 4 2 3 10 0 '" <3 700 1 ... co ~ 6 8 2 13 4 3 0 0 3 6 8 3 13 4 4 0 0 e ""§ ~ ~ ~ "> ~ 800 2 0 0 2 0 e 0 4 2 6 4 10 0 I'l ':) . S::~ l~o .~C ,Qo I'l" 900 2 5 0 2 12 6 3 0 0 3 7 6 3 15 "" ~ :;: 6 3 15 0 4 3 4 4 11 18 5 0 0 P ""'+l <: .- 1000 I 2 10 0 2 18 4 3 8 -- -- I s. d. --s. d. s. d. s, d. s, d. s. d. Swnmons ...... 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 Minimum charge, 10 words. By"Press Telegram " is meant intelligence transmitted for bon,. fide Summons to witness ...... 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 publication in the regular newspapers and journals. Service of summons, if within one mile from the Court-house... 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 For every extra mile, one way ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Hearing...... 2 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 8 0 10 0 Adjournment of hearing on application either of plaintiff or defendant ...... 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 4, 0 Swearing witne sses, excceding three witnesses on cither side... 1 0 1 o 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 PRESS TELEGRAllS. Entering up judgment ...... 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 { I 5 0 6 0 ORDINARY TELEGRAllS. Writ of execution against g-oods ...... 2 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 8 0 10 0 Writ of execution against person ...... 2 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 8 0 10 0 Executing any writ of execution belond one milo from th c Court-house-for cvery extra mile, one way ... 1 0 1 0 1 0 J 0 1 0 1 0 Per 10 Numbcr Per 100 P er 10 Number Nwnb er of Miles Distances. Per Word. Poundage on sum levied or received under distress, or for of Scale. WOl·ds. of Scale. Words. Words. which the body is tak cn in exccution-for every pound... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 \ Forkeeping possession, per diem, any sum not exceeding ... 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 Forevery mile, one.way ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 s, d. s, d. s. d. s. d. Auctioneers' commiesion on goods sold, not.exceeding 5 per cent 1 Under 25 miles ... 0 10 0 1 1 5 o 0 6 Advertising, not exceeding 3s. per inch, and proportional 2 25 and und er 100 miles ... 1 3 0 Ii- 2 5 10 0 7 rates for additional lines 3 100 and und er 200 " .. 1 8 0 2 3 6 8 0 8 Bailiff's fee for cxecutmg any writ of execution ... 5 0 5 0 5 0 7 o 10 0 15 0 4 200 and under 350 " ... 2 1 0 2i 4 7 6 0 9 For every search ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 350 and under 500 " .. , 2 6 6 3 5 8 4 0 10 For eve~ocumentrequirediriproceeding-s,andnot enumerated 6 500 and under 700 " ... 2 11 0 3i- G ~ 2 0 11 in t . schedule, not exceeding two folios of 90 words each 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 7 700 and over ...... 3 4 0 4 7 10 0 1 0 For livery complete folio of ninety words above two ... 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 GG 67 CllRISTCn URCII BRAl{Cll OFFICE. GERALDIJ;E-L. L . Br own. GENERA.L GOVERNilfEN T OFFICES. Fi"st L anding Waiter- Charles J ames H odge . ASllBURTON-'V-. S.P eter. Clerk and Acting lV" rehollse K eepe,'- 'VHSrLAND- E dward P att en. Laudiug lVaite?'s-John Death and"Wilson H eaps. P OST· OF FICE DEPART) IENT. IIEATIICOTE VALLET- W m. Sinclair. HE ATIICOTE RAILWATST.UION-Geo.Fitzm auricl.'. F irst Locker-Atkinson M'Dowell. OTIIER OPFICES. CllIEF OFFICE, CllRISTCllURCll. Second Locke?'-James H enry Fysh. IICRuNUI-John H astie. • CorouCt's- Christchureh, J . " '. S. Coward . Lyttel­ OldefPostmasterfor the P,·ovince- F. E. Wright. K OWAl (Leit hfield)- J. S. W oodh onse. Collection of Ligh t Dues, and D uties of Shipping ton , W . Donald. Timaru, B. ' Yooleombe. Ohief Cle,·k- T. Turrell, K OWAI P ,t SS (West Coast Road) -SinIon McRae. K aiapoi, C. Dudley. Ashburton, A. C. Croft . Cle?·ks-D. N . I nwood, J . Schrader, G .Bull, I. LEEsToN-Jas. Carsten. Mas ter at Lyttelton, performed by Customs Depart. ment at Lyttclton and Chris tchurch. Hokitika, S. Beswick. Shrimpton, "'. n. Allwright, Henry Uaddison, LI TTLE R I"I"E R-Wm. Coup. G. J . W hitehead, C. A. Blake. LITTLE AKALoA-Geo. Boleyn . Oonveyancing C01l11sel"nder L aud R eg istry Act­ KAUPOI. C. J . Foster, L.L.D . L etter Oar,·ien-W . ) 1001'e, John H . 'I'ovey, M . LAKE TEKAPO --- ' V. Baynes. MOER AKI Dowxs-s-Johu )1 cssen t. Locke?'- George F reeman Hewlin gs. N ati ve DepaJ°tme?,t-MedicalOmcer (Banks'Peni n­ Thomas ITolden . sula), vacant. K ainpoi, C. D udley. M essenge,'- M ALVERN Hrr.r.s-s-George Grain ger. PORT OF AKAROA. ORAm-Thos. Wadawor th. N at ive A ssessors-H aeana H uri of Raupaki . BECEln J;G OFFICES. OKAIN'S BAT- Geo. Bishop. Sub -Collector and Arms L ice?,si1lg Office", and Paora Taki, of Port Lev y. ' CllRISTClIURClI-Ste. en's, J aeombs', Suthe rland's, OXFORD-Thos. W oodfield. H arbour Maste?'- Robert Greaves, PIGEON Bay-s-Jus. Pitcaithley. R egistrai' of Deeds and J oint S tock Oompanies­ Cooke's , Dix' s, PORT OF T.:ll ARu . P illar R eceicers-e-Cottxet of Cambridge Terr ace PLEASAJ;T P OINT-D. C. K ee. G.Bowron. F ir'st Clerk, George Denham. and H ereford stree t, and Ra ilway Stati on gate. PREBDLEToN- James Blyth. S ub-Collector and Emmiqration. QUice,' unde" the Second Clerk, A. Pinwell. Third Clerk , W . PORT LEVy- J ames H arris. T nip eria l. P asseuger A cts, 1855 and 1863, and Parker. PERSOlfS LICENSED TO SELL STA:llPS. ·P APANUI- F . 1'. Haskins. A rms L icensing Officer - Charles Edward R eceiver of L and R e,'enue-' V . J. W.Hamilton. HAKAlA-1'hoB. H etherin gton. Cooper. CIlRISTCIIURCII-A. T. w. Bradwell, S. A. P ope, RAIWIOR.l-Henry Blackett. Cl e,·k-A. Hart. S"b.Treasure,·-Christehurch, 'V.J. W . Hamil ton. A. J . Stevens, - J acombs, R Robinson, J . C. HANGITATA-Robt . Ra e. I nspectors under D iseased Cattle Act 1861- Br ooke and Co., C. J . Reader. RI CCARTolf-Frank Slee, ARMS LIC ENSING OFFICERS. Thomas Hill, JlLRC.Y.S.,A. Spro ul: II. Bel . Ror.r.nsrox-c-Patrick Gilmore. field, T. W. Hall, )1. St udho lme, rr, W ilson, LTTTT RLTON OFFICE. SALT WATER CREEK-D. Camer on. LYTTELTOJ;- W. :MiIls. H . P arker, G. B. P ark er, n. Jl1'Murdo, 1'. B. P osimast er-s-Y, T. W. W ilkin. ST. ALBAlI's-Daniel Pine. ARAROA-R. Greaves, Boult on, It. Greaves. SELWTJ;- A. Me.Donald. TI:llARU-C. E. Cooper. ou-u-:». Back, J ohn Gr ubb. Mercan tile Asse ssm's under D ebtors and Creditors E etter Cm'rie?' and ] [esse11ge?·--W . F . Day. SELWDI FORKs-Edward Derr ett. H OKITIKA- E. Patten. SJ;OWDoN-John March. A ct-George Bu ckley , J. D . Macpherson, rhos. R eceiving OjJice,·-E. :\l ills. Ritchie, William Day. Pilla" R eceivers-Norwich Quay and Dublin street. SPRDWSTOJ;-'V. J . Sercombe, SU P RE ) 1E COURT. TEMPLETON-Alfred Blackburn. Medical Offi ce,'s under the VaccinatiOlt Act 1863 1l0KITIKA OFFICE. TDlUK ..l.-Julius !lIendelson. CAXTERB"[; RY J UDICIAL DISTRICT. - Christchurch dist rict, L. P owell. Akaroa distri ct, D . Watkins. Kaiapoi district, Chas. ' VAI:llATE-J. Manchester. H onor H enry Barn es Gresson. P ostmaster-s-A . J . Stevenson , W AITAJ;GI- D . Brown. J udge-H is Dudley. Lytt elton district, J. 1'. Rouse. J Udge's Sec,·etar.'!-Silas J ames Ste dma n . Moun t Grey district, lIf. Morris. Rangioru 'VOODEXD-Thos. Booth. S." 'i1eocks. GRET:llOUTII OPFICR, WIlfDWIIISrLE HOUSE- B. Bu lmer. R egist"aJ'- E dward an d Oxford dist ricts, , Yo B. Tr ipe. Timaru CMef Ole"k-Richard D avis. district, E. Butler. P ostmaster-s-T, F . :\lcBeth. W .uIII- Chas. Bishop. S econd Cle?'k-Helll'Y Wood. W EKA P Ass-Thos R oss. T hird Olerk- W illiam Vig ers TI:llAllU OFFICR. Sh eriff-Alexander Back. P UBLIC YACCI NATORS . P ostmaste"-John W. " ilkin. CUSTO!IIS DEpARnm£TT. Orow,. Solicitor-i-T, S. Duncan . CHRISTcnU RCll, Clerk- W . 'V. Beswick. M esse?tge?'-James Molloy. PORT OF LTTTELTON. Comprising th e Electoral Districts of Chr ist. K.H.lPOI OFPICE. LTTTELTOY CIIIEF OFFICE. WESTLAJ;D J UDICIAL DISTRICT. church, H eathc ote, and Avou : Th e Surgeon for the time being of th e Chr istchurch H ospital. Pos t mas te , ~James Alexander. D eput!J Commissioner of Customs aud Collector Jud-'!e-liis H onor Chri stopher William Richmond. Letter Carrier-e-S: L. Wilson. for Pmvince of Canterb",'!J, Comp tro ller of R egIstrar-Robert Abbott. LTTTELTOJ;, Custo ms and N avigation L aws, R egistral' of Clerk-W. R. Hasleden . Comprising th e Electoral Districts of Lyttelton AKAR OA OFFICE. British Sldpping under I mperial Act of P ar ­ Sh e"iff- George S. Sale. and P ort Victo ria : J . T.Rouse, E sq. Crown Solicitor-James H enry O'Loughlin. Pos tmaste r-s-C. B,·idge. liament, also A"ms Licensing Officer, at L .ytt elton-W illiam Mills. RAJ;GIO RA ..l.J;D OXFORD, L anding Snrve!Jo,' and Chief L anding lVaiter f or LOCAL POSTMASTERS. REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, 'V. B. Trip e, E sq. L !Jtt elton and Chr ist clucrch, and Imllligl'ation AND DEATHS. KAIAPOI, ADDINGTO N- Jo hn Rankin. Officer-Henry F . Andrews. AROWIIENUA-T. Paterson. Oltiefand Stati stical Cle"k-Doug ald l\I 'K ellar. C HRIBTCIIURcII- B urrell Parkerson. D eput.'!: T. Charles Dudley, E sq., ~I.D . W . Maude. ASIIBURTON F ORKs-Anthony Thompson. lVal'eJlOuse I( eep 81'- f'harles W ard. MOtl'NT GREY, ASIIBURTOJ;-'Vm. Turt on. P int L anding W aiter-William Town send. IiYTTBLTON-James Townsend . BEALEy-J. M. Mu nce. L anqroom Clerk and Cashie?'- ARAROA-D. " 'atkins. :Matthew Morris, E sq. TIM..l.RU-B. W oolcombe, R.M. D eputy: Herbert CABS R I"I"ER--­ Londing lVait,,,.-Joseph Carder. TI:llARU, COU RTElf..l.T- Charl es White. Cler k- John Mill s. Belfield. COAL 'l;RAcK-George Bedford . Pi"st L ocker-J. A.P limmer. AAIAPOI-Charles Dudley, J .P. Comprising the El ectoral D istricts of TinIaru and D UVAUCIIELLR'S BAT-John E. Taylor. Second L ocker- RANGIORA-W. B. Tripe. Geraldin e: E dward Butler, Esq. ° n. YOUNT GRET-~f. Morri s. E TREToN.- W m. Cox. Ti de S"rve.'!or-Charles Wade. AKAR OA, FERRY R OAD-J. H. IIopkins. Sen ior T ide lVait er-P eter H eddel. AHURI-Hugh lIfcIlmith. AAIKORAS-C. R. Keene. Comprising th e E lectoral Districts of Akaroll and GOVERNOR'S BAT- Wm. Blatchford. Tide Wait ers-David Day, and Alfr ed Wtlliam HUEWOO D R OAD-JOhn Taylor. Rouse. ()XFoBD-James Boys. the Bays : .D. W atkins, Esq. 68 69

ELECTRIC TE LEGRAPH I:'i CHRIST- Timnru, B. W oollcombe ; Cheviot, J. Birch ; THE MOORHOUSE TUNNEL. Ashley, W. B. ~auli; Akaroa, J. Watson ; CHURCH. Selwyn and Coleridge, E . J. :roee. Mem~ ers Officer in Chm-ge-J. A. H utt on. R etllrning Officers (for the Election of of AT 6.30 a.m, on Friday, the 2.!th May, 1867, commu nication was established between th e two drives in th o CBllnter Clerk-L. J ohnston. . th e P rovincial Council of Canterbury, m the tunnel, by the miners on the Port side breaking into a drill hole sun k some days previously in the face of" .dssistants-J. Durgan, L. M. Shr unp ton, J. G. distri cts set opposite th eir names) :-City of the H eathcote drive, After a few minutes spent in enlarg ing the opening, an iron rod was passed through Ballard. Christchu rch, Papanui, Ri ccart on, Heathcote, Town of Lyttelton, Lincoln, Town of K aiapoi from drive to drive, the distance between th e two fact's bcing fourteen fect. The alignment and the levels Scfton, Oxford, Rang iora, P ort Victoria, Wai. were thus pr oved to have been perfectly corr ect, and the tu nnel was practically complet ed . DISTRICT COURT, W E STLL\""D. para , Mandeville, William Donald; Town of To write an intelligible account of the Moorhouse Tu nnel, it is necessary to go back to the earliest JII.d~e-E . Clarke Akaroa, Wainui, and the Bays, E . C. Latter ; records in th e history of Canterbury . For, out of the geographical difficulty of communication between ths Clerk-E. Hardcastle Rakaia an d Selwyn , E. J. Lee ; Ashburton, P ort and the Pl ains which met the first settlers on their landing, and which has ever since seriously impeded B ailiff-T. Kenr ick C. P. Cox :Geraldine, Town of Timaru, W ai. the progress of the province, arose the conception of the grcat work which may now be said to be virt ually tangi, 'Vaimat e, and Seadown, B. Wo ollcombe ; completed. There are many still among us who can recall the feelings of dismay and disappointment with Mount Cook, F . W. Teschmak er; Town of which th e lofty hills surrounding Lyttelton were first regarded. Beyond, lay an almost interminable plain, RESIDENT MAGIS TRATES' COURTS. H okitika, Town of Greymouth, and.Westland, which, even to thc unpractised eye of th e new comer, (l'ave promise of full return for the labour that might R esident Mag istrates -Christchw'ch, C. C. Bo.wen ; G. S. Sale. be expen ded up on it. Bu t before this could be reached a barrier of form idable dimen sions inte rposed in t he Lyttelton, W. Donald ; Ak aroa and Pigeon shap e of lofty abrupt hills, and no available means existed of overcoming th e difficulty . It must havo Bay, J. W atson; Timaru, B. 'Woo!lcombe) required all the courage and resolution with which the early settlers were so amply endo wed, to have faced North Canterbury dist rict, 1"". B. Pauli; IIokI­ POLLING PLACES FOR THEE LECTION this serious and un expected difficulty. The records of th at date prove that it was universally felt to be the t ika, Gerald G. Fi tzGerald ; G reymou t ~ , OF MEMBERS OF THE PROVINCIAL one drawback to the propl'ess of the settlement, and that it caused great anxi ety and disappointment to all Wi lliom H orton Revell : 'I'otara, Justin COUNCIL OF THE PROVINCB OF the settlers, Many of the earliest pilgrims had been led to believe that th ey would find 1\ practicable road Aylm9r; Okarita, ~I. Pricc. CANTERBURY. lea(ling to th e plains; and th eir chagr in was proportiona tely great on flnding the ir anti cipations incorre ct, Clerks to the B ench-Christchurch, T. B. Bain; From the first, then, we find one of th e chief subjects of publi c int erest to have bcen, the discussion of th o Lyttelton, J . Townscnd; Kaiapoi, F . G. H ew­ CIIIUSTCJIURCH-Town Hall. best means of communication between th e Port and the Pl ain s. ling.; Akaroa, Cyprian Brook; Timaru , H. LYTTELTo~-Town HIlII. W'hen th e first ships arriv ed with settlers there were bu t two ways of reaching the plains. One by Simmonds ; Lcithflcld and Rangiora, E. Sim­ ltIccARTolf-School.house, Riccarton, scrambling oyer the hill, either by th e line of th e pr esent brielle path or by Cass' Bay to Rivorlaw, the other­ mons ; IIokitika, F . de C.Malet ; Greymouth, A'ON-School-house, Riccart on. by taking boat and going round by Sumn er and up th e Avon to the Bricks Wharf, nearly opposite the H enry Kenric k; Totara, J ames Simpson. School-house, P apanu i, Cemetery , At that time the Heath cote was considered not to be nnvigable. A line of road via Sumner had, P APAN UI-School.h ousc, Papanui. ind eed been sun-eyed by Capt 'I'homas, but it was found impossible to proceed with it for want of fun ds. B ailijfs-Christchurch, W. E. Burko , Lyttelton, H EATIICoTE-Road Board Office, Ferry road. H. Brooks ; H okitika, 'I'homas Kenri ck and The incomers, as a ru le, footed the hill while their goods went roun d by Sumner, an d not unfrequently School-house, Lincoln road. cam e to gric f, for at that timc the bar was imperfectly known, and decked river crafts were hardly to be Thos. Christian; Timaru, E . D ull'; Kaiapoi, ~ ragist rate's KU.HoI-Resident Office. obtaineel. In a short tim e a tolerable bridle path over thc hill was finished, which has been widened )1. Lynskey. R UwIORA-Resirlent :Magistrate's Office. and improved from time to time, and is still the principal medium of commu nication for foot and horse 'Interpreter to Com·ts-Rev. J . W . Stack. :1>IA~ D E v I LL E- S chool -h o us e, K aiapoi Is land. passengers. The completion of a cart road from th e foot of the hill on the Heathcote side to the river, tho School-house, W oodend. esta blishmen t of a ferry there, and the construction of a road to Christchurch, followed within tho first year, OXFORD-Sur>ey Office, Oxford . and greatly promoted th e convenie nce of travellers. About thc same ti me the H eathcote was found to bo SE FTo~-Road Board Office, Sefton . CJIRISTCH{;RCU llE:fCII. navi gable, and Christchurch quay on the new road was opened . But th e grand desideratum of a cart road Lrxcor.x-c-School-house, Prebbleton, to the plains was not yet to be accomplished. In December, 1851, a meetin g of the Society of land purchasers The an nual meeting to revise the J ury List is P ORT Yrcronr .a-e-Residence of C. Vigers, E sq., was held to consider the report of a select committee of thei r body upon th e best means of communication. held on the 1st February in each year. Governo r's Bay. The report recommended that a sum of £30,000 should be borrowed to carry out the Sumn er road. Public The annual meeting to grant Slaughter-house AKARoA- Resident Magistrate's Offlce, meetings were held both in Lyttclton and ChrIstchurch, endorsing th e views of the Society. It is curious licenses is held on th e 31st of August in each year. W J.INUI-School.houst', Duv auchelle's Bay. to observe that so far back as th is the subject of a railway tu nnel was discussed, and only put aside as THE BAYs- School.h ouse, Okain's Bay. being considered premature. Apparently it was easier in those days to pass a resolution in favour of The annu al Public House Licensing Mecting School-house, P igeon Bay. begin s on the first Tuesday in )Iay. borrowing than to obtain the money, for nothing appears to have bcen done towar ds pu shing on the Sumner SELwYN- Road Board Office, Leesion. road till the first Provincial Government took up th e subject, and appointed a Commission, cousistiug of Thc Quar terly P u1 1ic House Licensing Meetings G. A. E. Ross' 1Voolshed, Bealcy Track. Messrs. Bray, Cridland, Dobson, H arman, and J ollie, to report on the several modes of communication are held on the first Tuesdays in March, September, R.A.KAU.-Ford's 1,,"00Ished, Selwyn Forks. between the P ort and th e Pl ains. These gent lemen issued a report in April, 1854, in which th ey and December, Rh odcs' 1Voolshed, Racecourse IIill. recommended the Govern ment to make a railway via Sumner, with a tunn cl below Evans' Pass to Gollan's Mectp,gs for transfcrring licenses are held on any ASHDURTO~-T. Moorhouse's W oolshed. Bay, or, if tha t scheme proved beyon d the resources of th e province, to construct a cart road vi" Sumner day. TDI AR u-l~ e sid en t Magistrate's Court. with a tunnel through the top of Evan s' Pas s. 'I'his work was to be accompanied with certain improvements GERALDI~E-nesident Debt cases, und er £2 0, are heard every Tuesday MaGistrate's Office, AI·ow. to th e bar at Sumner, The present line of tunnel and railway was considered in the report, and th ou ~h and Thursday; th ose over £2 0, e,ery 1Vcdnesday ; henua; and Mr. Cox' s \Voolshed, Orari. the cost was estimated only at £ 155,000, th e scheme was considered by th e Commissioners to be beyond th e summary proceedings, assaults, &c., e,ery Thursday ; WAIPJ.RA-G. Moore's W oolshed. resow'ces of the province. Anoth er line was point ed out as worthy of consideration, in which th e road was IlDdPohce cases e,ery day. WAITANul-Sheath 's W oolshed, Te Ngawai. made to wind up the spurs at th e back of Lyttelton to a tunnel GOOyar ds in leng th at th e head of th e gully, H. Mcyer's 'Voolshcd. descending into Dampier's Bay at an elevation of 520 fect above th e sea. If. Jollie's Wool shed. ELECTORAL OFFICERS. MOUNT CooK-Teschmaker's Woolshed. The Govcrnmellt dccided upon the road, and about a year after th e dat e of the report referred to, the ' VJ.DuTE-Studholme's Woolshed. work of making th e Sumner road commenced . On the 24th August, 1859 the road was formally Principal Retllrni..!! Officer (for the election of SEADowN-Level's 1Voolshed. opened by the Superintendent, MI'. FitzGc~ald, who dl'o~ e a dog-cart 0 t and arrived in LJttelton Superintendent); William Donald. Dep1,ty HOKlTlKA-1Varden's Court. without damage, to th e surprise of mally of those ",ho doubted its capabilities for traffic. It was some tim9 ditto; GRBYMOUTII-Warden's Court. after this before th e road was opened for the heavy cart traffic, which from th e tillIe it commenced has gone Retllj'nin,q Officers in Canterbll1'Y (for Members of WESTLA:fD-Warden's Court, Hokitika. on gradually increasing to the pres ent date. th e House of Reprcsentativcs, in the districts Warden's Court, Greymouth. 'While the Sumner Road was under (liscussion and in course of construction, various efforts were bcing sct opposit e th eir names,) vis :- City of Christ­ 'Yarden's Court, W!Ilmea. made to improve th e river navigation. It is a singular fact that in th ose days th e idea gf using the church, Avon, Heathcote, Kaillpoi, Town of WESTLAlfD-Waden's Court, Kanieri. Heathcote rivcr for the purposes of traffic was strongly oppost'd by some of the Ly tt elton mer chants. On Lyttelton, Mount Herbert, Thomas William Warden's Court, Ross. the 18th December, 185~, Captain Drury, of II.M .S. Pandora, reported upon the condition and capabilities )faude ; Wesdand, G. S. Sale; G.1adstone and Warden's Cour t, Okarita. .of thc Sumner Bar. The general ten or of the report was ad,erse to making any attempt to impro,e the