The Southern Provinces Almanac, Directory, Diary and Year-Book. 1866

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The Southern Provinces Almanac, Directory, Diary and Year-Book. 1866 64 65 CO~IP.ANIES. LVTrRLTON-S. E. Wright. Dcputy, IIerbert Belfield.Kniapoi, Charla! NICIP.ALI TIES, SOCIETIES ASD ASSOCllTIONS, TR.ADIKG K AlAPOI-A. Weston. Dudley, J.P. l\l:ount Grey, M. Morris. Amuri. AKAROA-J. D. Garwood. Hugh McTIwraith. K aikoras, C.R.Keene. HOltlTIK.6.-ThoS. Nelson, J . Munson. Oxford, James Boys. Geraldine, L. L. Browne. ~UNICIPALITIES. Bibl« Society (Callterbury Auxiliary.) GRBYMOUTII-Otto Weishaven. Ashb urton, W. S. Geter. Westland, Edward Christchurch City Council. Treasurers: Joseph Brittan, H. S. McKellar. Patten. Secretaries: Rev. Thomas R. Fisher, J. DcMacpher­ Chairman, I. Luck. Councillors: C. W. Bishop, ELECTRIC TELEGRAPII. OTHER OFFICES. son. Committee: A. II. Cunningham, Geori:e B Bishop 'V. II. Lane, Barnard, Farr, E. Gould F . Garrick. J. E. Hawkes, C. ,V. Turner. Telegraphic Engineer-Alfred Sheath. Coro"er,-Christehureh, J. W . S. Coward. Lyttel­ · n;lI. To';n Clerk , G. Gord on. Inspector of ton, "'. Donald. Timaru, B. Woollcombe. R. Symington, J. P. Jameson, "T. II. Lane, Genn-at Managsr-Abraham Sheath. uisances, W. Pearce. )1axwell Bury, C. J. Foster, LL.D., W. r. Cowli­ Surveyor-C. M. Wakefield. Kaiapoi, C. Dudley. Ashburton, A. C. Croft. Hokitika, S. Beswick. Lytteltoll ]£1l/licipal COWICi/. shaw, W. D. Carruthers, James Jones, George ELECTORAL OFFICERS. Co ~ n c ill o rs Booth, -- Fletcher, The Ven. Archdeacon Jncobs, Conveyancing Coun,el u"der Land Regi,try Act­ Chairman, E. A., : John Revds. J. Buller, C. Frazer, R. Torles se, L. Moore, Principal. Rsturnixg Officer (for the election of C. J . Foster, L.L.D. L. Ballestiee, J . Dransfield, J. G. l::r!e! J. Grubb, G. Cotterell, C. Bowen, G. Cholmond eley, J. Stack. Superintendent) -William Donald; Deputy T. Merson, J. S. 'Villcox, S. E. "rIght.. Town W. J. Habens, J. C. Bagshaw, G. Grant, J. ditto ditto-William Wilson. Native Department-Medical Officer, Banks Penin­ Clerk, H. C. Lanause. Inspector of Nuisunces, sula, vacant. Kaiapoi, C. Dudley. Tyermnn. Reg', tration and Returning Officer. (for the elec­ &e., John Hodgson. Callte/'bury Chamber of Commerce. tion of Members of the House of Representa­ Natioe A6sessors-Haeana Huri, of Raupaki. Kaiapoi M1111 icipal Council. Paora Taki, of Port Levy. ti, ...iz. :-Christchurch, Lyttelton, Ka iapoi, Chairman, C. Dudley, M.B. Councillors: pobbs. Chairman, C. ,Yo Turner. Deputy-Chnirman, Avon, Heathcote, Ashl ey, Mount Hcrbert,,try of Deeds-Registrar (and of J oint·Stock H"ewlings, Funston, Birch, Porter, Hall, EllIS, and ' Villiam Dny. Committee : Messrs. G. Buckley, J. Selwyn, and Coleridge, Donald; D eputy, ' V. • Companies), G. Bowron ; First Clerk, George enwood. J. F letcher, G. Gould, T. M. Hassal, ,J. G. Hawkes, W . W ilson. Akaroa, J . Watson; D eputy, W. Denham; Second Clerk, A.P inwell ; Third P . Laurie, J. D. Mncpherson, T. W. Maude, R. ·Weston. Cheviot, Josiah Dirch; Deputy, W. Clerk, W . Parker. Timaru ]funicipal Co"nci/. Matson, If. I'. Murray-Aynsloy, J . 1'. Peacock, E . :B. Pauli. Timaru, B. Woollcombe , Deputy, Chairm an, H. J . LeCren. Councillors: J. I~glis, Richardson, F . E. Stewart, R. Symmgton, R . Receiver ofLand Revenue-G. A. lE. Ross. P . :B. Luxmoore. Westland, G. S. Sale. ·H ealey, R. Turnbull, F. 'V. Stubbs, S. Hewlings, Walton. Auditors: Messrs. F. Todhunter and W. Retvrning Officers (for the election of Members of Sub -Treasurere-:- Chr istchurch, R . S. r.f<Kellar. • Ellis, F. LcCren, and Dr. M'Lean. K. ~[,Lel\n. Secretarv : J. E . Graham. Mcmbers e the Provincial Council), viz. :-Christchurch, Lyttelton, W. J . W. IIamilton. Messrs. C. C. Aikman; .J. Anderson, F. Blinks, W. Lyttelton, Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Mandeville, Sef­ Tnspeciors under Diseased Cattle' A ct. 1861-A. Bowler, G. Buckley, S. Bealey, J. T. Brownell, J. ton, Oxford, Avon, Heathcote, Lincoln ~d SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIOKS. L. Coster, T. J. Curtis, C. Clark, W. P. Cowlishnw, Sproul, H. S. M'Kellar1 H . Belfield, T. W . Hall, Port Victoria, W. Donald; Deputy, W. Wil· l\I. Studholme, H. Wilson, H. P arker, G. B. A cclimatisalion Society. Eo S. DalgetY, ,V. Day, D. Davis, H . H. DeBourbe!, T. S. Duncan, J . J. Fletcher, C. J. Foster, LL.D., son. Akaroa, Wainui, and the Bays, Edward Parker, R. l\I'Murdo, P . B. Boulton, RGreaves. Sup crintend~nt. Co~111eil­ Latter; Deputy (...acant). Rakaia and Ash· Patron, His Honor the G. Gould, lIon. John rrsu, W. L . Hawkins, Eo A. Mercantile Assessors under Debtors and Creditors P resident, F. A. 'Veld, )LU.R. VICe·presldents: Hargreaves, W. II. Hargreaves, T. M. Hassal, J. burton, C. P . Cox; Deputy (vacant). Timaru, :rh o Ven. the Archdeacon of Akaroa, J. Cracroft Geraldine, and Wnitangi, :B. Woollcombe; Act-Geor~e Buckley, J . D. Macpherson, Thos. G. Hawkes, II. II. Hennah, J. M . Heywood; J. Ritchie, William Day. 'Wilson, C.B., )1.H.R, Dr. J. Haast, F.G.S.• Hill, G. Holmes, Jl1. IIarris, J. W . Hamilton, J. C. Deputy, P. B. Luxmore. :llount Cook, F . L.S., &e., R'Vilkin, M.H.R., M. Stoddart, M.P.C., I 'V. Tesehemaker; Deputy (vacant). Medical Officers WIder the Va cci_tion A ct, 1863 IIelmore, E. C. IIillon, A. Knight, P. Lauric, C. • H. Potts; Hon, John Hall, Dr . Barker, W. G. H. Lunt, 1. Luck, H . J. LeCren, w. H. Lane, A. Rsvinng Qlficer-H. B. Quin. -Chrislehureh district, H. H. Prins. Akaroa ittan, II. Lance, JlLP.C., lIon. G. Leslie Lee, district, D. Watkins. Kaiapoi district, Chas . Louisson, E . C. Latter, G. D. Lockhart. J. D. ISBGISTRARS OF BIRTIIS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATIIS. L.C., R. WIlkin, JlLII.R, E . C. Stevens, J. C. l\1aepherson, ir, Mat son; T. W. Maude, G. )tiles. Dudley. Lyttelton district, J. T. Rouse. Mount ke, W. Hislop, C. Davie, R. Armstrong, W. iChristchurch, Alfred C. Barker; Deputy, T. W. Grey district, M. Morris. Rangiora and Oxford W. Montgomery, H . P . :llurray.Aynsley, W". K. i1Iiomson, J . Hill, E. J. Wakefield, J . Rawdon, W. M 'Lean, J. ~Iillton, H . 'V. Mytton, L. 'E. Nathan, J Maude. Lyttel~n, James Townsend. Aka roa, districts, W. B. Tripe. Timaru dist rict, E. Moorhouse, )LP.C., II. P. Murray.Aynsley, D. Watkms. T,maru,:B. ''I'"oollcombe, RM.; Butler. J . Ollivier, J. Palmer, J. 1'. Peacock, T. Pn...itt, E. • .C., G. Packe, ,V. Duncan, 'V. Wilson, W. Pavitt, 'V. Reovee, E. Richardson, T. Ritchie, E,, G. JlIaefarlan, T. 'V. 'White, J. T. Peacock. Reece, R Symington, R . T. Stanley, F. Eo Stewart, asurer: G. Gould. Secretary and Curator: A. F. C. Todhunter, C. W. Turner, F . Thiel, H. 'Yalton, t J ohnson. Honorary Members : IIis Excellency W. Wilson, R. Wilkin, D . Wood. e Bfr George Grey, K .C.B., Governor of New Zealand, His Excellency Colonel 1'. Gore Browne, C.B., Chamber of Comme/'cc, Hokitika, cPOLLIXG P LACES FOI~ THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE P ROVINCIALCOUNCIL r ern or of Tasmania, Dr. Ferdinand Muller, of Provisional Committee: R. Reeves, J. Henderson, OF THE PROnNCE OF CANTERBURY. elbour ne, Victoria. Government Domain CO'!'­ W . Hepburn, 'V. Eicke, S. Clark, J . White. A. mission-J.R Hill, Hon. J. IIall, and C. DaVIe. Mouat, R. Ecclesfie ld, R. l\I'Intire. [Proclaimed October 14, 186';.J Agricultural and Pastoral Association. Christian Knowleage Socioty. Christc/,urch-Town Hall, Christchurch Akaroa-Resident Magistrate's Offieo Patron His Honor S. Bealey. President, R ilkin, 'Vice-president, J . C. W ilson, C.B . Christchurch Branch-Treasurer and Secretary, Ly tt elton-Town H all, Lyttclton Wai'llli--School House, Duvauchelle's Bay G . Gordon. Depot, Oxford ter race west. Com­ A.von-School H ouse, Papnnui The Bays-School Ho use, Okain's Bay asurer, E . B. Bishop. Secretary, 'V. Thomso n. mittee: J. Anderson, R . Brunsden, D . Gra ham, mitte e : Chairman, the Vene rab le the Archdeacon of ]School Ho use, Riecarton School House, PIgeon Bay Chri stchu rch, the Revs. G. Carpenter, n. Torlesse, Heathcote-Road Board Ofllce, Fe rr y road Rakaia-Road Board Office, Leeston • B. Hi ggins, W. H islop, V"". S. Moorhouse, Jlf. ott, R. Ross, E. M.Templer, J .Staco, A. Jl1. E . A. Lingard ; )1essrs. 1. Lu ck, J . Fletcher, C. R. School Ho use, Lin coln road Mr. Westeor a's Woolshed Blekiston, L. IIarp er, J .W .Smith, G. Gordon. Kaiapoi- Rcsi de!'t Mag is t~a te's Offieo . Ashbu,·ton-Residenee of T. Moorhouse, E sq. ompson, H . Was hbour ne, W . 'Vilson. J[andeville-Resldent Magistrate's Office, Ka lapol Ti>narn- Resident Magistrate's Office B enevolent Aid Society. Christ's Collegc, Christchu/·ch. P olice Office, Rangiorn Geraldi1le- Reside nt Magistrate's Office, Arow- Ran~iora atron, His Honor the Superintendent. Chair. Fo unded 1851. W arden, the R ight Re verend th(> Rangiom- Police Office, henua Lord Bishop of Christchurch; Sub-Warde", Arch. l 0 .rf OJ·d-Sur vey Office, Oxford H is Honor Mr. Justice Gresson. Treasurer, Mr. Cox's W oolshed, Orari •Gould. Hon. Sec.: Rev. II. Torlesse. Provincial deacon of Chris tchurch. F ellows : the Revs .J . Sifton-Road Board Office, Sefton Waitall.qi-Resident Magistrate's Office, Ti'!' aru W ilson, W . W. Willock, G. Cotterill. II. H arper, ( Lincoln-School H ouse, P rebbleton 'ef Committ ee: His Honor Mr. Justice Gresson, Mr. St udholme's W oolshed, Waunate E . Fitz Gerald, R W ilkin, Dr. Back, G. Gordon. and B. W. Dudley; J .E .Fitz Geral d. J . Bea leT' Port Victor ia-Residence of C. K. Vigers, E sq., Mormt E. S. Stericker's W oolshod C. R. Blakiston , W . J. W. Hamilton, A. C. Barker, Governor's Bay uek.
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