Rackets Division Date Action Taken A

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Rackets Division Date Action Taken A OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY PARISH OF ORLEANS RACKETS DIVISION DATE ACTION TAKEN A. D. A. t--- ---- a) r"" - "'<: / 1_, I I , f." I CHECK LIST FOR CLOSING FILES Closrd by·----------- 1. Cl~ to All Defendants. ..... ( ) 2. CIOSt"d in General Docket Book (CIE>rk'sOffice) ( ) Dote ____________ 3. Index Card Closed. ( ) . -.) __ .i '· ' • '""11 -::- __:..._:_.:.' -':..:~__::__:-~·..::··~:...· ·--- ~-~·:...':_·'_: _. :.:.· '-" -~.:._, ~-·- .L H ;.:. .'::. ~ . :N. \ -· ·~~ ··.,· J .- . .: . ~----- n . 'I' ·• 0 -=- ~~t.; ·. :·~·J :::· A.-; r.·~c:. ' • -.J.;: t•. ""):-. c ~.::.t.:. .c.~ J ;,.: •· -!':.• ··i2.. ...... - i .. ! -· ) -~ t ..... .. .;,. .. ; ... _· JJ " •, "1":, , - --·---- - ----~---- ------------:.._ ;.I -· ", ... ' ''· .- ,.. • ., _,, • ., ' t_ =~I. ~;1- .. J. , ~ ~ .. :~.-~_, '"i d:'• -----=---~~ ·, ....t .-.. -. ; ~. ·.. -..- ! ... .-:.:.:·.....> ·' . It . ::~ ... ,:3.:'.:'..-j ~~~o:::r :~:-~~ 1 0'" ~ I. "'i. ~---h-~~-~·.:c:::.""~--~ _-:: __-: -; ... ·.. ,· :...%. CC!'i: '--'-D'l' .. , ·;~ \ ': ,:,.:._j t:l'':.' ;:o •.:l i ;!-JO·Jt .':'::'o: . ,1 ':~ ;r~ .. ~:··lnl: t \:o~ it; .l r .. l!"'[\.:ir: , .......... t:.tf'.!jf ~.-o·,-... ~ ( .. _ ·J ! .. c. _·.) c ~.. ~- ·-,.·· • .... 7' .. ' \, " . '- ., - 21 !i .;· ..... ---- · ·;·.o :; __,. n_~, ,- 'f"': .....:. .... ~ U J'"'.~:.- ;":;::;-.:;.:::..c.~ ·~ .; ;;,~·!. ~-c .-.:·:. ::rr ·- · ).·~..~. l:J ... ~f~.-:k ., "· 1 : ,· ----- -~--""-- ~ - ... .:•·.::t. • ,... -: : .... .. - -·~- ......... •• -.., . J ' ·-.· : .r! ' ·-;. ~. j .· ~--~ ' ~ '' .. ~.., . •. ! ::;1 ·: ........... :. -· ----_--.- ~ t:'l" •••. -- • ·-· c ;_· •• ' ""('!:i HV ' ·- ...·,. ..n . ~·~ . ~-~ ·r~.. f.(; :.~ ·~,:;~.' ~ -:. - . ·':! 1' - .... :.. · J.:..;_- • . , -:"'" . ....~_ ~ .:. -. '-·- ~ • ..... • * . :·J D U ~· 1 April 11 , 1968 TO: LOU1S I VON , Ch i ef I nvestiga tor . F RON : GARY SA~~ERS , I nve s tigator RE : KELTON'S A)J"T I QUES 635 St. Ann Street 523-?.424 SUI3JECT: LEE Hl\H \lE Y OSI·IALD and CLAY S!Ii'.H * * * * * * * ***** ************** * *********** * * * * * * * *'* During the sum.m er of 1963 , MRS . KELTON worked as a saleswoman at Kra uss De p a rtme nt Store , 1201 Canal Stree t . In July or August, MRS . KELTON says she sold a light fixture (ceiling hanging type) to LEE HARVEY OSv/ALD . OSI~ALD \vas accompcnied by his wife and the y also h a d a little girl with them . HRS . KELTON said she r e membered the couple bec0u:oe OS\VALD was quite rude a nd abrupt and his wife seemed "like a very swe et 1voman ". MRS . KELTON said OSWALD repeated the things she said to his wife in a foreign language "no t French or Spanish , but kind of Slovic or Germanic ". 1-<lRS . KELTON s a id the vJOma n \vas obviously pn"gnant and the little girl called the pregnant woman "Mother ". ~!RS . KEUrON said the reason OSI"li\LD beca rae so irritate d was because the light fixture he had purcha s ed had to be bro ught from a storeroom and required some time . Finally , OS\•;ALD got tired of wa i ting and a s k e d to have the fixture delivered acc ording to 1-U<.S . KELTON, ." to an a d dre ss on rta g0zine Stree t". NRS . KELTON said OSI•IALD 1·1as \vearing d a rk p<1nts and a white sport shirt . She can 't reme mber \·1h a t the \•loman •.-;ore . 1-<!RS . KELT.ON \•las 1vorking at Kraus on the day President Kennedy Has shot , ancl whe n she saw a picture of OS\'Ii'.LD on television , she i mrnedi0tely recognize d him as the man she had waite d on a feH months before . · --·------ --- --- - I - showe<.l - - ~1RS .- KELTON several- pictures - of·- KERRY THORNJ:,EY , LEE H.ARVEY OSIVALD , and ~!ARINA OS\,TALD . ~l..'l.S . KEVl'ON · identified LEE and MARINA OSHALD as the couple she had waited on at Kraus s ' during the summ:r of 1963 . Unit.l Nove mb er 1966 (and 3 years previous), 1-ms. KELTON livect on the thil:d floor at 905 Gov . Nichols Stree t . The apartme nt house is ma n a ged by hRS . AN'l'OINET'i'E HOR NUFF (Ja-5-24?.8) , and the b o ok%eepi r.g and records are handled by Caru s o-Goll Re'l!._ Es t a t e , 9 40 Rc:lVa l S t-r~ct (5 23 - 5~.. ; (t\"'G:..t.C. \; ~yl..- ~12.. i'..SlO("tv· l !' ~t ~ l.;.:. ~ I¥?Afl.;rto. c.-:>1r MRS - Kr::I/J.10N sa ys she used to. sG!e CLAY Sf-iliW on numer ou s occasict1s on t~ : e street, a t Publia 1 s Foo d Store o:1 .Rampart Street , a nd g:J.iEs· .: :-:. - -:d cut of Cos i mo ' s B r . l·LR. S . KELTON s .:1 id <-t+o fL f...) u F-):. Af-!0 u tt l() ste used t~ d8 her lau~dry at a laader6tt2 cl~se to t~2 ~·.rde= Coffee fiouse , and cbserved many of the peopJ.e going in a~d out ; that many of t he people Y.'hO f~cquen'tt~d the Ryder Coffee House. also frequented Cosima ' s !3ar . Du ring the period of time:. that N?.S . KELTON lived at 905 Gov . Nichols , a young man occupi~d an apartment in the some qu::trters of th2 same address . t-:RS . KEJ.JTOtJ kne-.,; the ma!1 , but does not remember his name or anythi:tg about him except tha t she thinks he may have worked in the '.Vindo·.. .r display department of one of t he Canal Street stores . l·lRS . KELTOC< said that the man she had seen and n ov1 knov1s ·is CLAY SaAl'l, visit ed 'this young ma n on n umerous occasions . NRS . KEL'l'ON said she enc ountered SHAH going in and out of the entrance which l ed to the slave quarters at 905 Gov . Nichols. NRS . KELTON spoke \vith Sl!i\\'1 on many occasions , usually jus t passing the time of clay vJith him. Once the young ma n told l'!RS. KELTON that " my patron (SHA>V?) is sending me to Puerto Rico ". NRS . KE I,TON said she knew the young man Has gay , and she assumed that S Hl\\•1 Has gay also. A ma n by the name of JOHN CARTER still lives at 905 Gov . Nic h o ls and according to NRS . KELTON , k'ne\·l SHAH'S boy friend . The 1967 City Directory lists .JOHN CART ER , painter , 905 Gov . Nichols , no t e l ephone . NOTE : I contacte d the Caruos -Gall Re~l Esta te Agency concerning the names of the p e-o ple uho lived at 905 Gov. Nicho l s . A Nr . Caruso said that we Hould have to subpoena his records in order to see them . I have not t a lke d to CARTER yet . I contact ed MR . BRONSTON at Krauss Depar t me nt Store (523-3311) and he said the records of any sales made are destroyed every three y e ars . PiRS . KELTON said that DEAN ANDREI'iS has rented an apartmen t across the street from her antique shop at 626 St . Ann Street . BACKGROUND ON NRS . KEI.'l'ON : Before he died , NRS . KELTON's husband had been a s e cretary to Texas politician , MAURY NAVCRICK of San l'.ntonio . The KEL'l'Ot·;S had lived in San Ar!tonio and MRS. KELTON said she is very well - - versed_ in_ " J ohnson ian.. poli ticse' h aving. knm·m Johnson_ for _years. NRS . KELTON aL<o was in the off i cial greeting p arty that me t J ohn F . Ke nnedy during his 1~60 c ampaign trip to San Antonio . Nrs . KEL'rON helpe d organize the Kennedy speech which \·.'aS held at the Al amo . It i s an interesting point to note that 1-lRS. KEL'lON has - !ne t so many · of the p eople 2ssociated ;.;ith Kennedy ' s assassination ; JOHN F . KENNEDY , LY NDON J'OHNSON , LEE HARVE Y OS\·1_1\LD and CLAY SHA\•1. Wh e n r"lRS . KELTON • s· husband d i ed she decided to retire in New Orleans since it was hec favor i te city . !-iRS . KEL'rON is v e ry c ooper a ti vc anCl seems· t o be v ery surt? of her informat ion. GT.!:'I.Y SA:mERS MEMOAANDUl'1 May 2, 1 968 TO: LOUIS IVON, Chief Investigator FROM : SGT. FRED WILLIAMS , Investigator RE: Location of JOHN CARTER As instructed I went to 905 Gov. Nicholls Street to locate JOHN CARTER , a white male who reportedly kne\v of CLAY SHAW's associations in the Quarter. JOHN CARTER , white male, 5'9", 150 lbs., smooth complexion, black hair, s lightly graying at the temples , artist by profession, does reside at 905 Go v . Nicholls Street in the rear upstairs slave quarter. He has lived there since 1962. He hasn~t been to 'I'exas since 1956. He stated he did not know SHAI'T personally, had only seen him in the Quarter . · A follow-up on this should be made by GARY SANDERS as he was the source of the original information . ( ( li 2 11 - - I CA!l?BELL also said thct be> koe•·• FERRIE From the II I _):, akefront Mrp,o~t. He said that he has never seen FEil.RIE~1it!-l SHA\'1 . He said that when FERRI E ' s ni cture appeared in the p::per I ~!_t;sL_!::o our investic,;ctjoo . FFTIR TF t-old hi n. 11 I ' m a d·~a~ . 1 1 CANPBELL said that h e and his brother , DAN , \·Jere in the Bethl ehen• Orphans llome and 1vere there around the sane tine that I OSI'lALD \'liJS there. ( around 1946) . .Q1k1PoEL L says that he r emember" soei ng ,JQO:N MC:ADO§__ s omewhere around t he QuartP.r , possibly with TrtOR:c.iLEY .
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    Date:08/13/93 Page:1 JFK ASSASSINATION SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION FORM -----_-_____________------------------------------------------------------------ AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY : HSCA RECORD NUMBER : 180-10097-10183 RECORDS SERIES : NUMBERED FILES AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 002035 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : NEW ORLEANS DISTRICT ATTORNEY FROM TO : TITLE DATE : 02/24/69 PAGES : 90 SUBJECTS : SHAW, CLAY L. FINCK, PIERCE A. GARRISON INVESTIGATOR STATE OF LOUISIANA V. CLAY L. SHAW DOCUMENT TYPE : TRANSCRIPT CLASSIFICATION : U RESTRICTIONS : OPEN IN FULL CURRENT STATUS : 0 DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 05/06/93 OPENING CRITERIA : COMMENTS : Transcript of court proceedings. Box 45. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [RI - ITEM IS RESTRICTED JFK Collection: HSCA (Rd 233) CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF ORLEANS STATE OF LOUISIANA . STATE OF LOUISIANA . 198-059 . vs. 1426(30) . -'! CLAY L. SHAW . SECTION "C" *' . \ I 1' i PROCEEDINGS IN OPEN COURT, Monday, February 24, 1969 . .:- . Dietriclr & Pickett, Inc. _ ._ S-%P . .. 333 ST. CHARLES AVENUE, SUITE 1221 NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 70130- 822-3111 IITNESS: DIRECT CROSS REDIRECT RECROSS 'IERRE A. FINCK,M.D. 2 42 --------EXHIBITS WMBER IDENTIFIED OFFERED RECEIVED 6 j-27 18 18 19 b-28 27 .28 30 . - I-29 35 36 36 - z i-67 55 we -- . L i-68 64-68 68 68 a L-69 77 78 78 ,._ . ;-70 79 . 79 79 : ..-.._ ; ;.- - i... _ ; _‘-. ‘I, 14 i.. .,., .:.’ ., .i .\.. .-..- / 15 .,. 16 i 17 1 18 ! - - 19 4 . ;.” . :. J :*. 21 . -: .: .I _, -.:-. ‘- . 22 . 23 . .. ,. .:.-. 24 . .~ ‘2 1 25 -@ , . _. Bring the Jury down. I trust you gentlemen had a nice weekend. Is the State and the Defense ready to proceed? 6 MR. DYMOND: Ready. , MR.
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