Findhorn Flower Essences - October 2010 Newsletter

*** Welcome to our October Newsletter *** The topics covered in this issue are:

Featured Essence Featured Combination News Questions Poem Special Feature Sales Featured Retailer Astrology Practitioner Case Studies Stockists Contact

Autumn is just arriving and the leaves are beginning to turn golden-brown here in Findhorn. September has been a busy month with Level 3 training, preparation for Marion’s trip to , and . The redesign of our single essence, gem and element labels. We are also pleased to let you know that we have now received our new wooden stock essence box, please read the news section for more details.

Autumn Blessings from all of us here at FFE, x Marion, Adrian, Gwyneth, Christine, Michael and Iona x

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... Attain self esteem and respect through clear and poignant expression. Transform distructive patterns by sounding a vibrational note of inner peace ...

WATERCRESS (Rorippa nasturtium aquaticum) - Wellbeing


Ability to clear stagnant energies Cooling down of the fiery nature Stimulate and strengthen inner defences Calm, cool and collected presence Improve mental ability Pleasant and agreeable disposition More careful consideration of the possible consequences of an action Neutralising genetic energetic predispositions (miasms)


Easily excited temperament Fiery and feverish Loquaciousious, , gossiping Lack of self control that creates difficulty in moderating behaviour Put up barriers that create dissonance in relating Speaking or acting rashly without thought Hereditary genetic energetic disturbance (miasms)

Watercress Cross-Ref Abusive, verbal Addictive Aggressive Anger Calm Catharsis Cleansing Defensive Congestion Criticism Determined Elimination Emotionalism Energies, clearing Feverish Hysterical Irritation Miasms Moderation Overindulgence Passion Provocative Purification Self-indulgence Self-pity Self-protection Stagnation Strength Stubborn Stuck Tantrums Temper Transmutation

Effect on the Chakras: Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Throat Chakra

Affirmation: I clear my energies and reflect the purity of my soul

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SPECIAL OFFER - This featured Watercress Stock Essence is now 10 % off the original price if you order before the end of the month. This offer is valid when you order on-line or via telephone, or place your order here.

... Open up naturally to conscious birthing and release anxiety, fear or self-limiting belief patterns that can inhibit the spontaneous processes of birthing. Relax and let go with open hearted expectancy to the successful culmination of a new birth and a new beginning. ...

BIRTHING is made by combining flower essences of Balsam, Cabbage, Grass of Parnassus, Hazel, Lady’s Mantle, Scottish Primrose and Stonecrop.

Zoë’s Birthing Essence Experience

"Marion advised me to take Birthing Essence for about two weeks before my due date, but I had a strong feeling that my baby was going to be early, so I started taking it sooner than that. In the end, I used it for just over a week. I took the seven drops three times per day as suggested on the bottle. I had already had a wonderful, healthy pregnancy, and I really was in such a positive place about the whole experience that I never needed to use the acute case dosage.

Duncan arrived nine days early, and I felt totally prepared and positive about the birth. My labour was amazingly short – mild contractions started at about 10.30 am, and he was born at 1.08 pm – he only just waited for the midwife! We had a truly magical home birth, which I shall remember forever. My body and mind were completely ready for the birthing process, and I felt what I can only describe as a beautiful, instinctive maternal strength as my contractions started. I was relaxed and calm, and felt completely in control and empowered throughout the whole indescribably wonderful experience.

Duncan was a happy and contented baby, and is now a very loving and happy 4 year old. I really do feel that my sense of well-being and joy when he has born has played a part in him being such a contented wee soul. He came into the world in an atmosphere of calmness, wonder and love."

- Zoë, Scotland

SPECIAL OFFER - This featured Birthing combination essence is now 10 % off the original price if you order before the end of the month. This offer is valid when you order on-line or via telephone, or place your order here.

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Blessed by sunny autumn skies, I arrived at Cullerne House for the Level 3 course . I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as it was six years since I had attended a course there. The exquisite gardens and calm ambience of the conference room make it the perfect setting, and I was immediately put at ease by Marion’s smiles and lovely welcome .

Marion held the group energy brilliantly throughout the three day course, including during some emotionally challenging times for us all.

On the first day, Marion talked about ways in which we could mentally choose remedies, and gave us fascinating information about miasms, karmic and genetic issues. She spoke about the stages of healing and extended my knowledge about healing at a soul level. She explained how we can open up to our soul power, re-connect to it and instigate change on a deep level.

Marion guided us in a beautiful meditation that could be used to connect to a client, bridging into the Buddhic plane; revealing a core, unresolved, personal healing issue. The next couple of days were a dive into the depths of my soul! Although I am no stranger to intense personal work, I found that this touched me very deeply. One by one we spoke of our unresolved issues and what in our personality was blocking our soul’s true expression.

I found this part was unsettling, as it brought to light some issues I thought I had already worked through and healed. Obviously, there were more layers to peel back! Marion and all the course members were supportive of the process. We all felt that the space Marion had built was safe and nurturing.

A particularly valuable part of the course for me was the last day, during which we worked in pairs in a client/practitioner scenario. Discussing issues further, taking a case study, choosing remedies intuitively and mentally and testing the remedies in a practice session; gave me confidence. Thankfully, we had time during the course to write up our case notes whilst they were still fresh in our memories.

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The course was pitched at the right level for me, with new information, the opportunity for time in the garden during breaks, as well as ample help both from Marion and friendly office staff. Supported by my chosen flower essence, I am now taking active steps towards fulfilling my soul qualities.


We have now changed our Facebook group to a regular page (rather than a group), which allows us notify each member whenever there is an update on the page. We have deleted the old group so please make sure to add our new page!


Marion is about to set off on her 2010 Asian Tour where she will be leading various levels of the FFE training courses in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Please go to the link here for further information.


We now have a new wholesaler in Ireland, Donall Na Gealai run by Nick and Anne. Our clients that live in Ireland can still continue to buy from us but will now be able to get the essences for the same price from Nick and Anne. The benefit of buying from them is that you will receive it sooner and will be able to pay in Euros.


We have had a beautiful box made for our stock essences. It is made from Elder wood and will keep your essences safe. The kit box will be on special this month and you can buy it for £36 instead of £42.30.


We are also redesigning our single essence, gem and element labels. They should be ready in about 2 months. Our Greek brochure is now on our website, we hope to be offering our essences in Greece in the near future.


We are always looking for people to help us with research on the single essences. This month we are offering a 20% discount on single essences to those willing to fill in a questionnaire.

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We will require you to buy the essence at normal price and on receipt of your questionnaire, will provide you with a 20% refund. Please indicate on your order form that you are taking part in the Research.You can choose from any of the 48 essences. (This offer is not open to trade client)..

Michael, can you please explain what general anxiety disorders are?

Throughout the following months, FFE will be discussing the four most prevalent anxiety disorders (general; panic; phobic; obsessive – compulsive). This special feature will address each disorder individually, by first identifying and explaining the disorder. This month we will be looking at general anxiety disorder (GAD).

In America, anxiety disorders have lifetime prevalence 28.8%. This means that at some point in their life, 28.8% of the American population will suffer from a “case” of some sort of anxiety disorder (Kessler et al., 2005). Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric conditions in the USA, aside from substance abuse related disorders. Being a similar western culture, America’s stats are likely to be suitably similar to the UK. Thus one can hazard a good guess that anxiety disorders are likely to be a real concern for many people in the UK also.

GAD is characterized by long-lasting anxiety that is not focused on any one object or situation. Those suffering from GAD experience non-specific persistent fear and worry, and become overly concerned with everyday matters. In a European study, during a given 12 month period, roughly 2% of the population had this condition (Wittchen and Jacobi, 2005). In American, 5.7% of the population have at one point in their life experienced GAD, with 45-59 year olds being the most common age bracket to suffer from this condition (Grant et al., 2005).

The diagnostic criteria according to the DSM-IV-TR (the manual used by the UK and America to clinically diagnose) are as follows:

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities. Difficulty in controlling worry. The anxiety and worry are associated with three or more of the following six symptoms (with at least some symptoms present for more days than not for the previous 6 months) : restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge, being easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating or mind going blank, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless, unsatisfying sleep). The focus of the anxiety and worry is not confined to features of other types of disorders (e.g., panic disorder, social phobia, obsessive–compulsive disorder, separation anxiety disorder, or anorexia

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nervosa), and the anxiety and worry do not occur exclusively as part of post-traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a medication, substance abuse, or a general medical condition and does not occur exclusively during a mood disorder (such as depression), a psychotic disorder (such as schizophrenia), or a pervasive developmental disorder (such as autism).

By Michael Stoker, MA Psych.

Marion, can you please explain what essences can be used to aid these disorders?

Since my son, Michael, has recently graduated from Glasgow University and has been home and working at FFE this summer. I asked him to write a number of pieces on anxiety disorders, being as his subject is psychology.This is the first instalment on GAD. From this information, I have pondered on which flower essences would be helpful.

Last week I was finishing my research into Watercress that led me into investigating the causes of irritation and irritability, which is featured in the list of diagnostic criteria, and is also an indication for Watercress.

I learned that irritability is the effect of some underlying disorder or condition. Irritability is an emotional behaviour that can be a normal response to conditions like stress and anxiety. Typical emotional co-existing symptoms include agitation, anger, restlessness, confusion etc., which are also in the list of diagnostic criteria for GAD.

I discovered these co-existing symptoms: - tiredness, fatigue, inadequate sleep, emotional problems, forgetfulness, mental illness, and drug/alcohol abuse. From this I compiled a list of the diagnostic criteria for GAD, noticing that they correlated precisely with the concomitants of irritability.

Anxiety and worry Difficulty in controlling worry Restlessness or feeling keyed up or being on edge Easily fatigued Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank Irritability Muscle tension Sleep disturbance

My search on the causes of irritation next took me to Esoteric Healing. Irritation is a problem associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is primarily a centre for transferring energies upwards to the higher chakras and is a great clearing house and composting’ area for emotional energies. Irritation is said to be a psychological cleavage. When energies are suppressed in one area, the Solar Plexus becomes a “great reservoir of drastically retained energy” (Bailey, 1951-70 v.4 p.239).

I am directed once again to Watercress essence as a potential drainage remedy for irritation caused by an underlying friction and consequently leading to confusion and disorientation, agitation, and frustration. The positive energies and qualities needed to bring one back into balance are calm, serenity and relaxation.

Individual essences that could be considered are -

Monkey Flower - for irrational fears, fear of strong emotions, anger as a defence mechanism; to take charge of one’s emotions and to stand in power, strength and wisdom

Scottish Primrose - anxiety, fear or panic, stress and conflict; to maintain stable emotional and mental calm; to release inner conflict and relax; more peaceful and a better sleep

Sycamore - Stress and tension causing profound fatigue, volatile moods; to restore the smooth flow of our energies, self composure, to be soft and more open.

Birch - worry or anxiety, mental confusion, narrow-minded thinking, to be open minded and freethinking.

Combination formulas that could be considered are -

First Aid - In the first instance to calm and soothe (works quickly)

Calm Me Down - Following on from First Aid, Calm Me Down helps in mastering negative emotions that impede clear thinking

Clear Light - As an aid to bringing about a peaceful state of mind. Also for clarity and focus.

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Sweet Dreams - Relax and let go of worries and cares…

I would be pleased to hear from anyone with experience of using flower essences for the emotional, psycho-spiritual causes and effects of GAD.

Best Wishes, Marion

*** Next month we will be looking at OCD – obsessive-compulsive disorder, which also comes under the heading of general anxiety disorders ***

W. S. Merwin, (born in 1927)


A child looking at ruins grows younger but cold and wants to wake to a new name I have been younger in October than in all the months of spring walnut and may leaves the color of shoulders at the end of summer a month that has been to the mountain and become light there the long grass lies pointing uphill even in death for a reason that none of us knows and the wren laughs in the early shade now come again shining glance in your good time naked air late morning my love is for lightness of touch foot feather the day is yet one more yellow leaf and without turning I kiss the light by an old well on the last of the month

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gathering wild rose hips in the sun.

My Gentle Birth - By Iona Leigh

I’m sitting up in bed with my beautiful five week old son Gavin sleeping next to me as I write this feature article for the October Newsletter. As some of you may recall, I wrote an article in the June newsletter discussing useful tips for how to achieve a ‘Blooming Marvellous’ pregnancy. Well, in this follow up piece, I will tell you about my gentle birth experience. I use the term ‘gentle birth’ because I followed Dr. Gowri Motha’s Gentle Birth Method, which combines a healthy eating plan with exercise advice, mental preparation exercises, alternative therapies and a wide variety of natural remedies, including flower essences.

“ Born in Sri Lanka and raised in South Gowri with her mother and her doctor father, she was immersed in conventional medicine and what we would now term “complementary” therapies from a very early age. When she initially trained as a doctor she believed that conventional medicine was the way forward in obstetrics. However, while working as an obstetrician in London, she found that, in reality, obstetrics was a form of crisis management of dealing with the mother's problems once she was in labour. She saw women struggling to give birth, unable to deal with the demands of labour, in shock and unhappy with their birthing experience.

As a doctor she helped these women, as much as she could, but she thought that there must be another way - a way of mentally and physically preparing a mother for labour, so that these crises did not happen and they could give birth in a manageable, natural and nurturing way. Having been an Obstetrician in a conventional medical setting at a teaching Hospital in London for 12 years she then began investigating the alternative therapies that had been part of her life so long ago. She became an expert in these therapies and by mixing the best of the conventional, with the best of the alternative, she created “The Gentle Birth Method.”

I found the Gentle Birth Method to be extremely helpful in achieving a happy and healthy pregnancy, and even more importantly, the gentle birth I had prepared for. One of the most helpful exercises is the daily ‘Birth Rehearsal’ visualisation practice, which encourages you to visualise manifesting your ‘ideal’ birth, whatever that may look like for you. This practice helped me to prepare on an emotional and mental level, and reinforced a positive attitude towards the purpose of labour pain and my ability to manifest a gentle birth.

I began taking Birthing (link) 2 weeks before my due date, which I found helped me to continually let go of my fears and open up to allow the process to unfold and progress when the time was right for the baby. This was

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challenging for me, as I felt so big and heavy in the summer heat. On one hand I just wanted to pop the baby out, but on the other hand I wanted my baby to have all the time he needed in the womb until he was fully ready to arrive/be born. I also took the Birthing just minutes after my waters broke, to help me to open on all levels. By opening up and welcoming the painful contractions as crashing waves that would bring my baby into the world, I allowed my mind to rest in a place far away, where my thoughts could pass me by with little inner comment.

My birth was fast and furious, lasting just seven hours at home with my mother and husband as my active birth partners, and my lovely independent midwife Allison Ewing (link). Together, we created a sacred space where I could make as much noise as I wanted, and found comfort in the warm birthing pool (pool in a box link). The birthing pool allowed me to adopt active birth postures which I was unable to achieve outside the water due to my size and weight, and this freedom of movement was a very important factor in my ability to adopt the best positions for pushing and achieving a gentle birth.

The pain I experienced was far from gentle, but because my environment was safe, warm, quiet, peaceful and sacred, my birth journey unfolded gracefully without the use of any drugs or medical intervention, and provided a gentle water birth for my son. Gavin (meaning ‘white hawk’ in the Celtic tradition), was born as 1:43 am on the 1st of August 2010, received in his father’s hands under water and then passed through my legs to me before I lifted him out of the water onto my chest. He was a beautiful big baby weighing exactly 9lbs, and because I had adopted an upright position, had the support of water and practiced the perennial massage for three weeks before my due date (as recommended by Dr. Motha), I did not require any stitches.

I had read many alternative birth books such as Birth Without Violence, Spiritual Midwifery, and the Mama Baba Way, all of which discussed the importance of a warm, gentle, welcoming environment for the moment of birth. As Gavin emerged from the water, he arrived in a dimly lit room with the sweet smell of bees wax, happy tears from his mother, father and grandmother and many joyous words of praise and welcoming. The absence of bright lights, loud voices, strangers, cold instruments and medical inspections allowed my son’s arrival to be a gentle one.

Gavin and I spent his first few hours cuddled up in my bathrobe on the sofa, looking deeply into each other’s eyes in very alert and awake states. This was such a magical bonding experience, which I will never forget. I understand that home and water births are not appropriate for everyone, but due to my age (27), health, fitness, and geographical location I was a prime candidate for a home and water birth. I am very grateful for all of the amazing alternative doctors and midwives out there who have combined some amazing research and helpful advice on natural births, home-births, and water-births. There are some great books, DVDs, websites and tools out there, and here are some links that you may find helpful: -

Dr. Gowri Motha’s Gentle Birth Method Birth Without Violence Video Singing In Labour Video Birth Toning Ina May Articles The Farm (Spiritual Midwifery) AIMS Water-births Birthing Ball - Fetal Positioning The Healing of Birth DVD Birth Into Being

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This month we have specials on two products. We are having a special on the Flower Attunement Cards. The cards can be used as an aid to selecting essences, or choose one or more cards to gain insight into an issue or area of your life that needs illuminating, clarifying or balancing.

Included in the deck are the 48 single flowers, five elemental essences, the seven chakras, the seven rays, and the twelve zodiacal signs, all beautifully illustrated with informative commentaries on the back of the cards. The price is now £11.96 a 20% discount on the usual price.

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Also on special this month is the single flower essence test kit, which is priced at £50 down from £72. The kit contains 1.5ml of stock essence for all 48 flowers. They can be used to muscle test or to make up single and combination essences. The kits are ideal to travel with as they are light and in a strong box.

The George’s, Haverfordwest

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The George’s, in the old Market Street area of Haverfordwest, is an unusual mix of shop, café bar and restaurant. When Lesley opened The George’s 21 years ago her guiding principles were to provide alternative remedies, cosmetics, books and materials for spiritual enrichment in a calm and welcoming space and to trade with minimal impact upon the environment. She knew that to trade effectively she would need to offer a diverse range of products and so the eclectic mix that is The George’s was born!

The guiding ethos has not been diluted by this diversification. We have a large display of Findhorn remedies in our principal sales zone. The natural cosmetics on sale nearby are all free of parabens and other nasty chemicals. Our ranges of clothing and shoes offered for sale in the eco-cellar are organic or Fairtrade, with environmental considerations uppermost. Nearby are books, music and a wide range of goods to enrich and enhance our response to life.

Our regulars value both our range of remedies and the tranquillity of our environment. Pamela has recently found the Sacred Space spray a great help to her to create a peaceful zone for sleeping at a time of personal distress. Kay’s face glows with Beauty Cream: it has helped her skin through hormonal changes and the lovely rose perfume adds to her sense of inner well-being. Findhorn works for animals too. Karen, one of our team, found her horse was very unsettled in a particular stable. She has cleansed the area with Psychic Protection and her horse is now calm and peaceful.

After browsing through our remedies, the restaurant offers a chance to relax and enjoy home cooked food, locally produced to reduce road miles. Recently Lesley has acquired a walled garden and has begun producing strawberries, herbs and honey from her three beehives, all for use in the shop and restaurant. There is a peaceful town garden or quirky little alcoves to chat, enjoy coffee, read or eat and reflect upon our lives!

The team at the George’s are more family than colleagues and all share the goals of a lower impact life style and personal harmony. Recent team efforts have included an eco-fashion show and a ‘coffee and cakes’ week with all profits to Breast Cancer Care. We think it is important to reach out as well as to trade ethically and to share our message of a healthier and more holistic approach to modern living.

Findhorn Essences and remedies are a vital part of attaining that balance between the modern world and personal harmony both for ourselves and for our customers. We hope The George’s offers a place for that necessary harmony to thrive.


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Astrology shows us that not all days are created equal. The positions of the planets create times that are more powerful and natural for following certain courses of action. Some cycles occur more frequently than others and the Moon as the fastest mover brings opportunities round much quicker.

The time of the New Moon has long been heralded as a time for starting something new. Our ancestors held ceremonies at this time of the month and farmers used it to plant seeds to ensure a greater crop. It is also an ideal time to plant an idea, or a wish.

Each New Moon occurs in a different sign and each one has its own quality and has a more natural affinity to different areas of life. Setting your intention to the Universe with a flower essence increases its effectiveness and holds the wish for a longer period.

The Moon as a feminine and receptive planet is more suited to the act of gentle allowing rather than a more ambitious type of request. And it is much better to make time for yourself somewhere quiet and peaceful and listen to your intuition for the most timely suggestions on what feels good to wish for. If you have something that you have been meaning to do for a while you can wish on any of the New Moons but the one with the most affinity to your wish will be more natural and beneficial. The higher you set your intentions the higher the vibrations you are able to reach.

In the new energy we have the power to create the life we desire through our imagination and conscious intent but we need to recognise and release any limiting beliefs.

Depending on your chart there is one month of the year that is of greater strength and the month of your Moon sign is also more meaningful to you. In addition, the area of life that the planet Jupiter is highlighting can also bring greater specific opportunities for you. It may also be a good idea to look at your birth chart for limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from manifesting.

The dates and times are listed below, as well as the essences. Make your wish as close to the time as possible (after not before) or within 48 hours. Write out your wish using positive wording and feeling. You can add a ceremony that is meaningful to you. Take your essence at the same time and then for up to two weeks after until it feels right to stop.

The phase of the Moon you were born under is also a particular theme and relevance throughout the whole of your life.

Suggested wishes and essences for each Full Moon -


I can attract my perfect partner I can significantly improve my relationship I feel gratitude for everything my partner brings into my life My partner is a perfect companion and intellectual equal I appreciate and value my own inner and outer beauty I can have peace and harmony in my life I exude taste and refinement I make decisions easily and quickly

Essences - Spiritual Marriage - to maximise richness in the joy of right relationship. Balances the inner pairs of opposites Elder - revealing and radiating your true inner beauty Lime - for more harmonious relationships Spotted Orchid - for adopting a positive, optimistic attitude and to see the very best in everyone and everything Scottish Primrose - find inner peace and calm. Balanced natural rhythms.


I use my personal power wisely and generously My relationships are healthy, supportive and equal I can create a mutual soul-to-soul connection My relationship is trusting, honest and supportive My sexual relationship is satisfying and joyful for both of us I attract only positive and drama-free situations I release any emotions that are holding me back and replace them with positive emotions I accept change gracefully and gratefully and always find the gift that it contains My mind works for me and not against me

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I have the power to manifest anything I wish for

Essences -

Sexual Integrity - channel sexual energy in ways that nurture the body as well as the soul, Monkey Flower - access the source of true power from within the self and uphold your truth with confidence Silverweed - transform desires that over-indulge the senses and keep you chained to matter and form, has a moderating influence Elf Cup Lichen - clear negative emotions and purify the emotional body to make space for growth that promotes personal integrity.

*** Please note: for the full article and future months please visit the FFE website here ***

*** Please note: for the full article and future months please visit the FFE website by clicking here ***

TRANSITION - Case Studies by Vicki Marston

In June I had the opportunity to make my first visit to Findhorn at what was, and would later be revealed to be, a time of transformation both personally and professionally. I realised that I was at the end of another seven year cycle and therefore it was fitting and appropriate to make the journey to Findhorn, this was something that I had wanted to do for a long time. I was to attend the Flower Essences Practitioner training after working with the essences intuitively for the past three years. I was thrilled to be able to spend time with Marion and have the opportunity to develop a greater depth of knowledge and understanding of the essences and the place in which they are made with such love and care.

So many things about the whole experience felt absolutely right, including meeting my companion at the bed and breakfast on the evening of my arrival and knowing that we two had much to learn from each other, and experience, over the next nine days, an adventure was about to unfold!

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I had been taking prosperity combination remedy and feeling very positive about the effect that it appeared to be having on me. I felt lighter than I had done for several years and as though something was coming to an end. I understood this to be a work related issue and did not suspect that there were other changes afoot of which I was blissfully unaware.

Throughout the course of the next week I tried several of the single remedies and settled on Snowdrop as I felt that I really needed to ‘go with’ and see what would open up for me. On the night before the final day of the course, I was lying in bed reading, when a huge black moth came into my room. I was mesmerised, as I had never seen such a large moth and could not imagine how it had got into the room as the window was on the vent. I had a strong impression that this was a messenger but did not receive any specific detail, a feeling of calmness and wellbeing enveloped me and I knew that all would be well.

Shortly after returning home I found myself dealing with a personally challenging and difficult time at work and restarted the prosperity combination. Two weeks later, whilst on holiday, I learned that my Father was unwell and was not expected to live. He did however recover for a brief period which allowed me to return to England and spend time with him before his transition. I used sacred space spray every day in the room in which my father was dying and took heart support, a bottle in one week! I felt that this remedy allowed me to stay in balance and able to cope with what needed to be done for both of us. I particularly felt the benefit of the heart chakra staying open and balanced.

On the day of the funeral, I used voice confidence which helped me to read personal tributes both at the crematorium and in the church. I was amazed at how grounded and calm I felt. I have since been taking a mix of apple, rose alba, ether, cherry and sea rocket and will continue this for another week or so, before moving onto rowan, to hopefully deal with some issues around reconciliation, not so much with my fathers death, but more to do with sibling difficulties.

Coping with the loss of our parents is inevitable and something that we all have to go through. I have found that I have several friends who are currently dealing with the loss of a second parent and becoming orphans. The flower essences are a gentle, yet powerful and highly effective natural remedy and therapy which anyone can turn to at a time of stress or distress, loss or grief.

I would be particularly interested to hear from other people who have been dealing with the issue of losing a second parent and situations that may arise with siblings as a result.

Vicki Marston is a state registered Occupational Therapist specialising in emotional health with thirty years experience. She uses an integrated approach to health and healing to work with individuals and organisations. She combines psychological and talking therapies with body work, energy medicine and flower essences. Vicki can be contacted by telephone at her practice in Leicester on 07985 056 574, her web site will be completed shortly.

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Please click on the links below to find a store near you: -



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Please feel free to email us with any of your ideas, comments, questions or feedback We look forward to hearing from you. Many Blessings from all at FFE.

Findhorn Flower Essences Cullerne House Findhorn Forres, Morayshire IV36 3YY Scotland UK

Telephone: +44(0)1309690129

Fax: +44(0)1309691300

Email: [email protected]


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