Field of Dreams: the Vision for the LTU Athletics Complex, and How You
LAWRENCE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE | Summer/Fall 2017 Field of dreams: The vision for the LTU athletics complex, and how you can be a part of it Meet LTU’s athletic coaches | President Moudgil visits India, China Breaking ground for a fourth residence hall | New DECA team shines | Alumni news | And more! Summer/Fall 2017 Volume XXXVI, Number 1 Published by Lawrence Technological University, Office of Marketing and Public Affairs, 21000 West Ten Mile LAWRENCE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE Road, Southfield, MI 48075-1058; 248.204.2200 or 800.225.5588, ext. 4 Fax 248.204.2318 FROM THE PRESIDENT Virinder K. Moudgil President Editor: Bruce J. Annett, Jr. ( Managing Editor: Matt Roush ( With the start of fall semester, we mark the 85th anniversary Design: NetWorks Design, Inc. of the founding of Lawrence Technological University. On Writers: Bruce J. Annett, Jr., Stephanie September 6, 1932, Lawrence Institute of Technology opened with Casola, Sibrina Collins, Chris Mead, the first class of several hundred students. Jay Nicols, Matt Roush Editorial Support: Anne Adamus, It is hard to imagine a less promising time to launch a new Krysta Coleman, Howard Davis, enterprise. During what historians generally agree were the bleakest Kristen DeVries, Sofia Lulgjuraj, Brandé Oliver, Kristine L. Persinger, Lauren months of the worst economic year of the Great Depression, LTU Seebold, Julie Vulaj founder Russell Lawrence, supported by close members of his family Photography and Illustration: The Virinder K. Moudgil and a band of stalwart faculty, bravely faced the future. Collaborative, Gary Duncan, inFORM, Matt Lester, Justin Munter, Jay Nicols, Michigan’s unemployment rate was pushing 50 percent.
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