

BPKCIAI. WOTICKB- niHUELLANEOIJII. THE MUSIC OF THE HOOF BEATS haven will celebrate the one,'hundredth!an- THAT THEIR DEEDS BE NOT FORGOT. MAINE CONGREGATIONAL CONFERENCE. ages or rentals, l'lie aided churches have had been a missionary of the Maine Mission- TO BRING BURKE TO THE HANGMAN. niversary of Its Incorporation on June 25th, given to this societySl,430.12, and to all oth- ary Society for over forty years, lie said er benevolent objects fl.3G3.51. Five have that tiiese little mission churches were con- in the following manner: The ex- HEMSTITCHED WHITE LIKEN morning been ordained to the gospel ministry during stantly sending out their best and noblest ercises consist of firing salutes, parade of the year: Mr. Iliscock, Fort Mr. men to other churches in distant places, so to the Hearts of the Post Office Rosters The of the Second at Fairfield, Brings Joy fantastics, oration by Kev. Warren Apple- Department Doings Day Adams, at South Gardiner; Mr. Stowe, Dex- that though these home churches may some- Application Will bo Made for Ex- Made a Record of Honor. Mr. at and Mr. times live in Horsemen. bee, poem by Miss Annie Coughlin of this State Street Church. ter; Wlieelock, Topsham; die, yet, being dead, they really tradition Papers. « Woodrow at Mechanic Falls. the of the multitude of able members city, a native of Yinalhaven, athletic games, person Cloths! The from churches and individu- that have sent all the land. etc., tube followed in the afternoon by a receipts they through So, — Tray als were from women’s while these mission churches will continue grand civic, trades and historical 86,249.91; auxiliary, procession, from to send their contributions of to at a bargain. Opening of the Trotting Season al a match game of base ball between the Reverend Teachers Will Make a Test Annual Meeting of the Maine Mis- 81,039.27: legacies, 81,305.90. membership The Prisoner The contributions to other objects not the churches, may the large churches Recognized by Mar- Saco and Yinalhaven aud the Rockland clubs, and in Law. yet large Fairfield. of the Labor sionary Society. mentioned were: not their contributions for the little e the evening a grand display of fireworks. forget isen, the Expressman. To the A. M. A.*0,585.87 churches. ONLY 55 and 0 CENTS EACH Drowned at Port Clyde. A H. M. S. 6,163.09 Rev. Mr. Elder of Farmington was called [Special Despatch to the Press.] ““ A. C. U. 1,906.79 up. He said that though having come into Barney L’s Creat Fight and Callant The Sons of America Fall to Capture Reports and Election of Officers at A. B.C. F. M. the he had seen the of — AT— 7,439.77 State, yet importance That Turns Po®r Clzde, June 19.—An unknown man W. B. M. onfesslon, However, Victory Against Misfortune. the President. the Different Sessions. 3,852.33 cherishing the little mission churches, for was dlowned ycsterdaylmorning between the they are the real nurseries of most of the Out to bo a Canard. Total....*25,946.85 hours of 7 knd 10, In the harbor. The .cause larger central churches. We are to remem- The has been fruitful In conversions ber what was said in the of the drowning Is unknown, hut is supposed year morning meeting RINES BROS. the and additions to the cbnrches. It has been about the two of our Lord's charac- [Special to Press.] to be accidental. was on Washington, June 19.—The Postuiastei The of the Maine aspects jc20__d2t He board the sloop eighty-third anniversary a very pleasant part of the secretary’s duty ter. As our Savior, he says to his Disciples, Chicago, 111., Jane 19.—The special grand Saco, June 19.—The first summer meeting Daisy, Capt. Peter Cushman a General has an order In packet plying issued compliance Missionary Society commenced with the sec- to visit several of the places where students "Come!” As our Lord and Master, he savs Id the between this and Portland. It Is under- Jury Cronin case at noon today In- of the Saco Driving Park Association be port with the request submitted by ond day of the Conference, President L. L. have labored for the sumaier, and to receive to us, “Go!” We must remember these two stood that the man in the town of Pbjfc£>beridaE dicted Martin Burke on two counts, of mur- gan in this city to the faci belonged the Union to membership the young men who had views of His character and our own duty. today. Owing Me. His was about 55 Command, No. 3, of Veteran; Paine of Bangor presiding. The services of Harrington, age years been led to decide for an open Christian life. Mr. C. A. Woodbury spoke of bis hope der and conspiracy with Coughlin, O'Sulli- that it is the busy season with many of the He was of of the that al JobnP.SquIie&Co'E sandy complexion and weighed Union, Department Potomac, the day commenced with a prayer meeting Such accessions are and that in the anneal for funds for the distant van and exceedingly hopeful Woodruff for the about 105 lbs. purpose of com- merchants and also to the disagreeable prev- in the shall make t at G a. and devotional service at assuring, for this young life brings new vig- fields of the West and the con- employes department m., by 8.30, Northwest, mitting murder. will be made alence of a raw east wind the attendance a1 or to the churches. A beautiful house has tributors would also remember the self-sac- Application A Sea Serpent InlMonaon. full statement of all services performed by both of which services were characterized to been finished and dedicated at Ked Beach, rificing laborers at work in the remote Governor Piter for requisition papers for STRICTLY PURE this afternoon’s races was not large. them in the and or marine bv a of interest. The parts Monson, June 19.—For some weeks past army navy corps good degree regular at a cost of 84,000, and f ree of our own State. the extradition of Burke. The events were two in number with $2tK Kellie Rendered our people have been excited over a strange of the , and that all male em session opened with the singing of the hymn from debt without appealing to Rev. A. Donnell of Eastport, spoke of in Wihsipso, Man., June 19.—The report purses each, 8100 to go to the winner, $5< inhabitant ployes who have not served in the army “Sovereign of worlds display thy The Congregational Union, Carratuuk, what he saw In the distant Northwest, and looking of Lake Hebron, says the powers.’’ that Burke has made a confession Is a ca- to the to the third and to tin has built a convenient chapel at the cost of he hail come to the conclusion that the best second, $30 $20 Dexter Gazette. is fish or snake navy or marine corps of the United State; Prof. Paine, tbe president, read the G2d chap- Whether it 8000. By the aid of friends and a 8200 con- home mission work done In the Is nard. Burke i made no statement what- POWDER fourth. The classes were 2.30 and 2.35. Th< is shall state that and such a statemen1 ter of also some verses from the Gos- country not known. But fact, Isaiah, tribution the in It has been seen by so from Congregational Union it the hill coantry of Maesamasetts and the ever except to deny alT the 50 class was called and out of a field o: complicity In LEAF LARD! first, many entirely reliahl&persons and persons be filed in the office within ten days frou pel of Luke, and then led in prayer, which will he dedicated withoat debt. North Ells- northern counties of Maine. Let us look Cronin Pure. 13 the that in their habits withal that worth and Bar Harbor are murder. Absolutely entries following started and in tht arejteniperate the date of the order. It is further ordered was followed by tbe hymn, “How beauteous people pushing out for these home fields. we are forced to the conclusion that there is new houses to completion. One will receive Rev. A. J. Racklltf of Chicago, June 19.—Bookkeeper Throck- t his powder never varies. A marvel ot order naoiee: Lucky, J. If. Twombly, Lew that in the Skowhegan spoke FAMILY purity an unusual and very remarkable water ani- rosters of the department al are their feet’’ 8300 and the other from the Union for of the FOR USE •treucrtu and wiiulesomeness. More economical Kate James Biddeford 8300 deprivations of the country ministers morton, Expressman M arte risen and Sale* n 10 ft and 10 lb tubs; also Purel-nril iston; R, Quarter, mal In our lake. soldiers or 01 The annual sermon was Rev. the of last bills. The Pownal house and of the 3, B, palls han the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in honorably discharged sailors preached by payment Importance of putting able, work- man who me Half Barrels and Tubs: Is O. W. Hatfield, went to Xew York foi by Tierce, Barrel, ■mpetltton witli the multitude oi low test, short Blacksmith, Ramsey, Rochester, N marines of the Charles Davison of who took for has been repaired at a cost of 8350, and the ing men into the destitute fields and for sale First-Class Crocer and Provision The Fall of Babylon and a Roof. United States wounded 01 Greenville, keeping the by every •right alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In H.; Iron Age, E. A. Weymouth, Milton North Buxton and Standish churches have them there till the results of their work purpose of Identifying Maronby and Mc- Dealer; all Lard rendered us Is free from all disabled in action shall have the fact indi- his text, Luke 27: by „■ s. Koval Rakino Powdkk Co., toe wall Philadelphia, June 19.—Between 200 xxii, undertaken similar work for them- should appear, for In this alone who were Cotton Seed Oil, Tallow, Suet, and other adultera- Mills, N. 11.; Misfortune, M. Leonard way can we Donald, arrested on the supposi- N.Y. '> actually killed Cronin. Coney Is a FOSTER’S FOREST CITY DYE trailing. Lucky’s lead was short lived for WILL IMPORT THE TEACHERS There are districts in the State where others, church of four and Dea. W. P. Hubbard. HOUSE, tile Portland footed June 19.—G. F. has coine to be a church of 22 Rev. Mr. Ilallock that a brick layer by trade. Kubber Soled Shoos In Cauvas, Ooze Calf, Goat Barney L, horse, past Pittsfield, Chandler,liv- many have lived year after year without members, moved slight 13 Prtble Preble lloime. her at And Test the of services all the time. has been in the felt., Opp and Seal; Oxford mid Balmoral Styles, for the quarter pole as though she was in the south of the was Application the Con- Money change constitution be made, but tho part town, burned a sermon, without any Christian oct2a sneoiltf hitched. Blacksmith also forged ahead oi hearing raised for further repairs and to purchase a change was not adopted. out inis morning. Mr. Chandler and four tract Labor Law. SUNNY ITALY’S NATIONAL AIR YACHTING Lucky and the contest was between Black- privileges. There is need of somebody to go hell. The contribution boxes are passed The report of the nominating committee smith and the Portland horse. L. children were more or less burned, two of Washington, June 19.—In view of the every Sunday and enough Is collected to pay was adopted, and the board of offi- -AMI- Barney to these neighborhoods with the words of following won the heat with Blacksmith a I thn s.I.il.nn.|n..nl„ »T»»_l..t __.1LI_ fact that the for half the supply. During the year two cers elected: Italian Labororaat only length Attorney General has refused and I know of none fitted Sung by Striking was salvation, better union churches have been one at behind. Iron Age distanced. Time of except the clothes they had on and some of to decide unon the hvrwithptlenl nnectinn organized, President—Prof. L. L. Paine. D. D. W.O. LITTLE & BICYCLE 2.40. to do the work than this Tiiere are Stockton and tne other at Green’s Oaxtar. society. Vice J. CO., heat, those were burned off. whether the alien contract labor law forbids Landing, President—Dea. 8. Wheelwright. the assortment of Deer Isle. Secretary—Rev. J. K. Adams. wear; largest specialties for va- The second heat was sort of a hurdle race. the importation of many young men besides the graduates of Recording GENERAL cation and beach wear to be found iu Camden’s professors of theology Ibe Treasurer—Jno. L. INSURANCE AGENCY, the State. Barney L. got away In the lead but broke Youthful Thieves. work ia the new fields .which we have Crosby. Dexteb, June 19.—The troubles tor some for the new Catholic Martin the theological schools, who are willing to Auditors—William S. Dennett and B. KMabliahctl in and all the other horses followed the exam- university, been urged to occupy for a time at least, are B. 1^43* Camden, June 19.—Harley C. King and Morris, counsel for the trustees of the uni- Thatcher. little time brewing amongst the workmen on ple, except Kate K., the field of horses work, and who should be urged to enter this full of interest. The mission In Northern KANGAROO acting Frank VV. the men arrested versity, said today that remained Trustees—Prof. L. I,. Paine, Dea. J. 8. Wheel- the NO. 31 EXCHANCE STREET. like a lot of colts at Kate It. ob- Bisbee, young nothing field. Aroostook was successful. Mr. Blackman Dexter Washington, June 19.—Word was re- becoming Ties in great variety or styles and gage destination. JunlSdtf he claimed the heat for Misfortune. The 12, 1888, rendered this aud saving lost men. They can be, Recoverad at 264.76 they results of our walk land work as ? $3,500 Damages. ceived the Navy Department today that date.$ to must be or disciples colors. judges evidently thought the running Contributions f’m churches ought be, they moved, your The Maine League. SPECIAL the 6,249.91 cities will suffer for it to It is for us to ponder the matter prayerfully, ANNOUNCEMENT which and have — Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Brown honors were easy. After consultation they Waterville, June 19.—In the case of Constellation, grounded yester- Contributions through Wo- pay O.vumnkii, June 19. Gardiner Is out of OF — double. Send the to to be and to whether as a Canvas, Goat trimmed, Tennis Shoes. declared it “no heat” and ordered Henry A. Dexter vs. the Canton Corn- day, was floated this morning. It Is said at man's Maine Missionary missionary them, say we, denomination, ftvnf n .lel.mr lwil.i.wl > r. I- « l. Bridge the Maine a formal the 1,689.27 oue of them, when they suffer to relieve are League aud, though Great bargains in Men’s and Dan v. which lias been on trial he fore the department that the commander is re- Auxiliary. comiug up to our privilege and obliga- Boys’ Legacies. 1,559.63 when sin to warn when has a The lor this was the evident hlppo- sponsible for auy sustained the them, they them, withdrawal not been made, that team Tennis Oxfords only 60 cts. pair. reason injury by Income on tion, when of a State of Tiie Portland Misfit Go. that horse was The Kennebec Superior Court for eight days, the invested funds.. 3,475.76 they despair to point them to the Divine population 650,000 Clothing droming getting. horse vessel. It is probable that a court of inquiry loans. leaves for the Provinces tonighL forfeiting X\r 1 1 Iw, np/lnrn I..... -..11 I Special Press.l Municipal bonds. *12,600 plan, Lewiston, mined to win. The horses the O. Fish of Brunswick. He is a evangelize their own State. got word well leading ath- Railroad bonds. 6,400 best methods lor teaching. Seek the train- to and be convinced that we are lete and Watebville, June 19.—The Woman’s But three men have been in ready play out the list. Possibly other offering you genuine iu line and Barney and the mare both ran to catcher on the Bowdoin nine. Water bonds. 2,000 employed the ot teachers’ teachers’ bargains. No trouble to show goods. State Relief work the ing classes, meetings. teams the quarter. Then Barney straightened To the Air. Corps resumed its sessions to- Real estate debentures. 6 008 general during year. Mr. Whittier Normal may replace those which have gone uiy2eodtjy2& Ntricftly One Price. Navigate Railroad courses, books on teaching, the Sun- Lance wood and away and in good licks. Misfortune A of stocks. 6,000 of Dennysville has supervised the work in but it Is not Split Bamboo, Green- put day. pleasant feature the convention National bank day jschool assembly, convention, county, out, likely. headed him twice but each time broke and Augusta, June 19.—Mr. John F. Chase, stocks. 17,100 several of the churches in Washington cou- heart Fly and Bait Rods, Jointed Bam- was the reception given the convention last Bridge stocks. 100 State, international. Are we Congrega- miT P0JtTLA.NI> DAIL1 PKESS, fell back. The hoisb was with the tlie Augusta machine still Mr. York gave five months of hard work in boo and Ash R ds, Reels, Linos, Baskets, exciting flying inventor, in Manufacturing stocks.t. 1,000 tionalists doing our share ol the wora and Published excepted! the Portland horse a evening K. of P. hall, where the sessions his grand circuit the Oxford hills. Hooks and Artificial Balts, &c- every day (Sunduys by only nose ahead of the lives in anticipation that he| will be able to Note secured by real estate. 4,000 among getting our part ol the benefit ol the various The South Portland Question. Flies, and are held. A work the past year has been more varied Portland puulihijino company. Providence mare, Blacksmith with Fred collation was served, which My conventions and assemblies in our To the HeadqBarters for U- M. C. and Win- fly across the continent on his machine. He than I have State'.’We Editor of the Trees At 97 KXCHangb riTHEXT. Portland. Maxwell in the sulky, only a step behind. the Total.852,800 heretofore. assisted pastors in “W'ln- Mr that he has 2G of his with interesting programme presented urge our fellow workers to Inquire into la to Mr. chester Ainniuuilion. “Colt,” is a says patented inven- special meetings at North reply Beaa, manager of the South Address ,.il to Following summary of the race: made the a Of this amount there are held in trust Elliot, Bridgtoa these means of and “Marlin” communications tions, and they have all proved valuable and evening very pleasant one for all. by aud Harrison Improvement, and by at- I would that communication chesr.er” Rifles; L.1 3 1 2 1 The the and Perry and Red Beach. In tendance Portlands, say, my PORTLAND PUBLLSU1NH (O Barney useful. The machine he thinks will following letter, read to the conven- society: and participation aid the cause at “Barker,” “smith,” and “Colt” Ham- Misfortune..3 4 3 1 2 flying each of these places there was a quickening of the 19th was made by me (or the purpose of no to the tion, Is self explanatory: "N. Kittredge” fund for church In Somer- large while benefitting themselves. We de- Double Guns: “Forehand A Kate It.6 1 6 0 3 prove exception rule. of interest and some hopeful conversions. merless United States ville, Mt. Desert, Me. sire to commend the [publications of stopping correspondence addressed to me, by THE WEATHER. Blacksmith.2 2 2 4 5 Fire at National Cemetery,) *5,000 Special were also held at North highly Wadsworth,” “ChampUu” and “Seini- Temple. Cold “Abbott” fund for church In Jacksonville 500 meetings our own school and clubs be has written to, not signing himself os Lucky.4 6 4 3 5 Harbor, Virginia, Belfast with results similar. In Sunday publishing Hammerless” Siugie Guns. Also a full June 10.—The 1889. Fund for church in Albany, Me. 800 Spring- can them Iron Age.0 Dis. Temple, farm house of May 10th, J fiial/1 on/1 Paprnl ennm nlnn society. Money nowhere else pay such manager, but giving the Impression that It our own signal Office, War i Mrs. J. E. Rhodes: .Washington. Me.. 600 an line of English Double Guns of Dep’t, " interest as when put into this most fruit- In the 2.35 class the interest was in Mrs. Martha Diusmoro at Temple, was Dear Bass Harborville. 100 weeks service was in the .autumn was my team and signing himself as secretary. importations. Sporting, Mining, Blast- Washington, I). 0., > only My Madam—Your very kiud present of given with ful enterprise.” June 19. 1889, 8 the contest between Frank A. and Fanny burned Tuesd ay afternoon. The fire caught two gross of flags arrived safe and In due time at some spiritual meetings and several hopeful He has represented through the Provinces that and ATLAS Bonder, Fuse, p.m.) this Reports in regard to tbe State educational ing Caps, W. for first place. Five horses started as in the roof. It was with that cemetery. Believe me that they are more Total.*7,000 conversions. Ten wero received to the he bad the same team that was under me, and The following is the forecast of the weath- great difficulty than institutions were then made. Rev. E. P. Jfcc., in any quantity. follows: Chas. W. the bam was appreciated, coming from the.loyal women’s The stocks in the above which ten on of Harry D.. Davis, Dover; saved. hands list, are at church, profeseion faith, new rules the has written them for games, glviog them that im- er for New England: of the North, and If nothing happens they and Wilson, Jehairman of board of visitors, Fanie \V., Chas. Wescott, Falmouth; Kite, present non-productive, arnouut to $2,500, all articles of faith, and coveuant were eou shall be placed over the graves of those brave 3tated that of tbe seventeen persons ap- pression. When my learn d not take the Itain and slightly warmer weather,variable F. A. Maxwell, Portland; Grey Bunker, D. A DYINC WOMAN EVICTED. of of which were Included in direct bequests to adopted and officers chosen, the church be- WUOLKSALE m EMAIL. boys Maine who gave up tlielr lives that we pointed on this board, seven had attended to time to go there, nor would the players go under winds. Heiber, Portland; Frank A., F. P. Fox, might enjoy the of tills the society.The contributions received during ing fully reconstructed. Several weeks blessings grand country, their dutv. lie thought there was cause for his management. I have had which I Cornish. and that we live and see that dear float the year just closed, exceed those of the next were spent here also in the and two telegrams, Cautionary signals displayed from New- The Officers Arrived While the Last might flag spring, thankfulness in that. Harry D. could have gone several seconds over ttis country and enjoy God’s blessings. You year by $926.74. But the falling otf more received to the church. In July and have paid and other means to prove this. Mr. Woods IIoll section can rest assured previous lu regard to the Bangor seminary the re- port section, and Narra- •lower each heat and still have won the race. Sacrament was Being Admlnist red that they can look down from in legacies and income on investments was August I labored eight weeks in Presque Bean told me tome time ago, that they had held a X*. B, DAVIS, that great above and see that port stated that the different members of tbe gansett section. At no time was he pressed very hard, but encampment the $2,743 49. The excess of expenditure over Isle, visiting in the meantime and meeting and changed the name of the Seutluels loyal women of their homes and State have not preaching faculty are all good men; all are doing good kept peggiug without a break or a receiots from all sources has been in and Street. along forgotten them, and that still lives. And $6,122.85, Ashland, Marardis, Portage Lake work. were the to South Portlands, which they had a perfect 17 6 Middle LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. lift of the Dublin, June 19.—Nine families were memory which has In Particularly board of visit- nose. Fannie W. was I say, God bless aud and when a corresponding reduc- Garfield. September I assisted Brother right to .‘do. aDd as that team, advertised (or evicted at keep you safe, compelled ors satisfied with the work of Prof. Stearus. api'23___emltf Portland, Me., June 19,1889. well up iu the first two heats, but in the last Goughal today. Among the ten- shall cease here on that all tion in invested funds. Of the amount of in- Adams in the organization of a Union church games with other clubs In the Hostou Ulobe, aud decorating earth may Young men of the graduating class acquit- went all to pieces. Kite and Gray Bunker ants was an woman named meet on the other shore, where parting will be no vestments' still in hand $52,800, there are in the western part of Stockton, and in De- as the score as stated in the Sunday papers was 8 > .1 8 C la dispossessed aged ted themselves in a manner that reflected South Portlands Windhams were evidently in too fast company. more. held in trust as above, $7,000, and amount cember I assisted Brother Lewis in the 3, South 10. It was Any- Sweeney, to whom the last was 1 credit upon them and their instructor. YVe natural to that It was the South Barometer ko.uu 2h.s2 way they didn’t "get there” until Kite brac- sacrapient am. Madam, limited by testamentary conditions is about organization of another Union church at quite suppose Tuorimmieler. Gd. 68. being administered when the evictors arriv- Very respectfully yours in F. C. & L.. believe our Bangor seminary is doing a work rerttauds that the South Windhams. In GEO. H. ed in the last heat. The summary: $40,000, leaving free for ordinary use say Green's Landing. Recently I have spent a played Dew Point...... 60. 47. ed. Mrs. Sweeney was subsequently rein- T. L. Savage, Sunt.. second to none in the country. There regard to walking (rom South Windham would D. Ill $5,800, which must be further reduced bv week at Long Island, Mt. Desert system. I that It them- Humidity. 80. H7. Harry stated. Richmond, Va. Is not only need of money to strengthen say was because they "dragged JWEI. Frank A. 2 3 2 $2,500 stocks at have as has offered before the o( aud NE With kino to present unproductive. preached opportunity in selves" Wind .K regards all members of the W. 8. what remaius, but to add another teacher to public Saccarappa 4 C Kite. 4 6 3 R. C. These plain facts should remove from Freedom, Holden, Dedham, (*umh**rlAmi Mill* niimlni' burnt* iiiAfiv hi whom Having the stock of Velocity Austrian any Brewer, West our B.tugor The board of visit- purchased Weather.ICI’dles t.ray Bunker. 6 4 4 Aggression. minds the that can and Central District seminary. supposed It was my team, that I made the ex- Cloudy Tlie officers were elected fcr impression gifts safely Chapel, Bangor, Monu- ors Sil- Fannie W 3 2 6 19. -A following the would recommend that this conference planation. Mr. Bean wauls justice. Tuts Is the Diamonds, Walches, Jewelry, Mean tner....5T.O .Max. vei. wind.1 < London, June revolutionary mani- be diverted to other and wider fields. mouth, St. Lawrence street, Portland, and daily year: take steps to establish at cur Bangor school truth If I am able to state It. & Maximum liter—KO.O .0 festo from ensuing Prompt and generous action, such as has tlie North Church, Cape Elizabeth.” verware etc., of Wentworth Co., ITolal nioeip... Servia has been circulated in a teacher of English exegesis. Respectfully, C. N. Tkefktiikn. Mluimiiin ther—40.0 | FLYERS AT FAIRFIELD. President—Ella A. Beals, Buruside Corps, Au- illustrated the history of this society in pre- Besides this work, Kev. Mr. Adams refer- I shall conlinne to carry on the Bosnia and Uerzegovinia, announcing that burn. President Hyde of Bowiloin College, said A Record Broken in the vious crises, is the only alternative to a red briefly to his labors in others Three-Min- Austria intends to annex these territories. Vice President—Mrs. John Williamson. Bos- assisting that none of the appointed visitors to the A business at (he same stand. I policy of retrenchment, at once at different places. We are dis- Challenge. METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. ute Race. The people are excited. worth Corps, Portland. embarrassing happily college had attended to their He said greatly work in hand and im- said that the duty. We, tbe do the Deer- alial 1 endeavor to ou hand the [Special to the Press.l Conductor—Mrs. E. B. Cat leton already rendering appointed, he, contributions the had had a im- Rockets, hereby change keep (June 19, 1889, 8.00 P. M Pbinney, Corps, college prosperous year; Points to a of ball on tbe The Company will Settle. Sacqarappa possible plans for enlarge- from the churches, as compared with the in ing play game Deerlug moat desirable in line, same or June 19.—Never In the projected character of the scholars and at 2.30 m. goods my Observations tsKen at tne moiuem w. e Faibfikd, history Chaplain—Mrs. J. D. Williams, Thatcher ment. In no way can we more preceding year have increased rather than provement grounds Saturday p. at all Dublin, June 19.—At the at Ar- Corps, increase in attendance. There is a growing John H. o. and solicit a share of of Fairfield lias there been Inquest Portland. benefit the newer sections of our dimisbed. Still if we compare a Day, Captain. respectfully stations_ trotting park effectively decade of and missionary sentiment in the Petek J. Thermote’r Wind magh into the cause of the fatal railway ac- Guard—Mrs. A. Robbins, 8aco. beloved than faithful and religious Woods, Manager. manifest so much interest iu races as iu Guruey Corps, county, by provision, expenses receipts, it would seem that A patronage. *“ cident here last of college. Sunday afternoon service lias those which week, representatives the The officers were elected at the in the sparsely settled regions of Maine, for the interest in our State work must be sad- began today. Mr. Isaiah Pom- Irtch V .rllw.rn J ~ U remaining been added to the Thursday service. The The National Repairing in all its branches • afternoon the training of the whose League. pilly of Lewiston was secured as judge. session, when the whole were In- religious young, ly declining. faculty need better salaries; there should be 5 5r 3 road the disaster announced that “tailed so soon turn westward to us look at the attended lo. : no occurred, Dy Mrs. j. y>. State Install- steps contribute Let expenses and Tbe following games were played*tn the promptly Place of = Probably horseman in Maine enjoys the Williams, receipts money expended in dormitories; the c company would accept all for their characters to foundation new the 10 and see how library ©£ „E more completely the confidence of others liability ing Officer, of Thatcher Portland. the of for past years the matter more National % the and was Corps, should be largely endowed, as well as League yesterday: uiau accident, prepared to consider States. stands: 2§ § •=§ 2 iur. trompiiiy. me entries lor the all claims the other departments of the college. The at rrrrsBCao. utopivaiiou. ft. Jijc .* for damages on account of the SECRETARY ADAVS'h REPORT. j three-minute race are as follows: OBITUARY. Year. is a standard of work loss of life or injuries that might be pre- _Paid._itec’d. college doing high Innings.1 23458789 GEO. H.liRIFFEN. 11“ £ IS 5 Telephone, b s, E. E. South The trustees of the Maine Missionary 1880 with n small endowment. The mem- Dyer, Norrldge- sented. ..$12,098 $ 7.980 Bostons...3 030 0 000 x— « wood. Reverend Charles Bean. Society, through the secretary,Rev. Jonathan 1881 10,060 8,598 bers of the faculty are the young- Frank cli at Snail’s Pace. 1882 9,622 12,848 est of in the Pittsburg.1 oooooooo—l 500 CONG HESS ST. D, g, II, K, Sawyer, South Norridge- Racing Reverend E. Adams of submitted their any college country, 1 1 Charles Bean died at the resi- Bangor, report 1883 .. Base 7 7. 5. 10,382 9,885 their average age being only M years. lilts—Bostons. j Plttsburus, Errors— Jel _tMHUI June 19.—The of which the is an K;viiport, Mt* 129.84 52 +4 NE 0 Cloudy I’itti Sing, b m, B. B. North Anson. Queenstown, yacht race, dence of his Mrs. Sarah C. following abstract: 1884 12,224 7,673 They Bostons. S; Plttsburgs, 10. Batteries—Staley Flidllps, which daughter, Libby, one of are all competent men, and perform a much PmlHUfl.Mt* 29.82 r>8 +4 NE « Cloudy b g. J. A. North was started yesterday, did not finish No the pastors In active service has 1885 13,353 7,003 and Carroll, Clarkson and Bennett. Keepsake, Hilton, Cornville. on the 18th. His amount of work than would be THREE BARGAINS Bocton. Mass 29.84 58 4 4 N 10 blk C. A. until nearly 5 o’clock this The Scarboro, funeral occurs at died during the year. Of those who have 1886 13.469 7,380 greater poa- (Cloudy g, Marston, Skowhegan. morning. meu more AT INDIANAPOLIS. Hlo. k IMlnnd 82 Nli 14 Black U. Va was Buxton, Thursday. Mr. Bean was a Free been 1887 14,446 7.416 silile for advanced In years. The — IN 129.82 *f4 Cloudy Jack, blk g, J. Cole, Wlr.slow. lkyrie becalmed for an hour within employed by the society in the Kii.itiwliL.t 7(1 r.X -Li VP. 1U Main who past 1888 has sent out :«0 besides Innings.1 2345B7W9 Denver, bn g, John C. Horne, Waterville. half a mile of the Winning station. The Baptist clergyman, has held several several have passed away. We record here 15,128 7,582 college ministers, 20.76 70 SK I 8 Cl. 1889 numerous in Albany. +0 udy Jonas, b g, W. T. Reynolds. Winslow. Vreda ran followed the in Maine, but of late years has the names of Rev Silas 16,678 7,889 instructors college, seminaries Indianapolis.1 11000104- n ... 20.84 <58 4 8 0 in, by Yarana. The pastorates Baker, Rev. Elias 4 Clgudy Van Hclmont. blk s, I. P. Tasli. Fairfield. been engaged in work. lie was iu when were ser- and other schools. Washingtons.1 0000020 0-3 29.84 60 -4 SW i l'» Vreda, favored by an easterly wind, passed missionary Chapman, Rev. Henry A. Merrill, Rev. John If, 1884, $12,224 paid for PhlladHphtm Cloudy Present, b g, Jones. Fairfield, Centre. known aud esteemed. tresilient rtyues remoras were inter- Base Wa«hititfhiu. 29.7o 78 K 8 Rodney the Valkyrie and led to the club where widely highly F. Morgan, Rev. S. Girard Rev. vice, the contributions were $7,073, should very hits—Indianapolis. 14: Washingtons, B, +8 Cloudy Ilopponna, Charles Dustin, Pittsfield. quay, Norcross, Errors— 13. Bat- CLOTHS. Norfolk, Va. 29.84 72 8K 8 Little she arrived at 4.50. The and Yar- Eliott Palmer, Rev. Rev. not the gifts in 1889, when $3,078 wero ex- esting. IiidUuapolls, «; Washingtons, TABLE +4 Cloudy Charlie, ch g, Howard Clinton. Valkyrie Willis. Joseph Smith, Wells, Fearing The annual of the Maine Branch teries—Boyle and Buckley, Haddock and Daly. Daturas. ana, when a quarter of a mile from ttie quay, Alden Southworth and Rev. Abifah Stowell, pended, have been $9,840? We need more meeting Wiim When the bell rang for the first heat nine Mr. of and Education was held AT . ngtou.. again became becalmed. They then dropped Fearing Willis, aged 85 years, died in who have all done good and faithfnl service money. College .Society J.wksmivllb* 30.00 8« -2 SW Lt P C came to the judges’ stand. The summary is at 4 o’clock. Few seemed to know a of their anchors. Areola. III., June llth. Mr. Willis was born here and are receiving their reward. We in regain 10 missionary grams air. Attains present Innings.1 23439789 Having quantity Galveston .. 29.94 82 +2 S 0 PC as follows: what this society or who the mem- purchased mention also the name of Dr. J. W. said that the weak churches should receive just is, Clevelands.0 o 2 3 I 1 2 1 t» u Mo»ittroio*-r j 29.9(5 82 — XE Lt THREE-MINUTE CLASS. Foreign Notes. In Bridgewater, Mass., in 1804, and moved to Chioker- Linen Table Cloths we offer Cloudy so and these grants be bers are. It was stated, however, that all 0 o — known one larger grants, should New 0 0 1 0-11 ill NVw Orl^* • it*- 8o.02 74 E Lt Maine in 1810. lie a farm ing well and of the old time Yorks.0 0 0 Cloudy Fred M., blkg.1 141 Mr. Gladstone was one at bought soon after contributors to the funds are members. low ShieveiM*rt.. S of the guests the trustees of the The table properly distributed. Each local conference Rev. Base New Yorks, 7. Er them at the following prices: 6 PC Van Helmont, blk s.3 2 12 in Hebron, and lived on it for 49 years, dur- society. following \V. 1\ Fisher of Brunswick hits-Clevelands, 13; Ki«»ivllle.... 29.96 -2 W dinner in shows the and should a committee to aid the trus- presided. A rors— New 12. Batter!**— 7C Lt Cl’dles Ilopponna, b in.2 3 3 4 given London, Tuesday, by Mr. ing which time a of ten children receipts expenditures of the appoint Clevelands, 7; Yorks, * 86 family in tue nominating committee recommended the fol- and $2.00 MemphiH— 20.92 +4 SW Lt Cl’dles 4 2 3 Carnegie in honor of Minister Lincoln. were conferences: tees matter of local applications and O’Brien Zimmer, Keefe and Ewing. g-4 Denver.bg.6 reared. Eight of the ten are now liv- who were CIliriunaH.n 29.84 84 +10 W C P C b 8 6 6 Africans will be as on grants, so that the facts in the different lowing officers, elected for the en- AT CKICAOO. ■ Telephone, s.4 employed laborers in d .Terent 63.00 pOfsburv.... 29.7(5 78 S Lt Cl'dlss ing parts of the country. 10*4 +6 Present, bg .8 7 dr. the new railroad. Contributed to cases can be more readily ascertained. East suing year: 2345878 9 IQ Hutfalo. N.Y. 29.70 (56 -4 SW 18 Congo Innings.1 12-4 $4.00 CPdles Jonas.bg.C 0 dr. Joseph Oilman. Name of I Woman I Expend- year York county received $1,600, which President—Kev. Frank T. Baylcy, Portland. Os*t*go. 29.(58 06 0 SK 12 Cloudy Fitll Philadelphia*...0 0 4 0 1 i 4 o a l—14 Sing, Inn.7 5 B dr SAY THEY WERE ABUSED. Coul’r. M. M. So. | Auxll, Tota1. | ed. seems a large proportion to go to the oldest Vice President—Kev. William P. Fisher, Bruns- In these we have a rievelnnd.... 29.74 80 +0 SW 0 Cloudy Little Charlie, cli g.9 dr. Sir Knight Joseph Gilman, an honored wick. Chicago*....|....3 10800100 0—13 addition to . 29.72 78 W 14 Aroos- county m the State. +12 Cloudy Time—2.38, 2.33%, 2.30%, 2.34. member of K. | Secretary-Kev. Salem D. Towne, Hampden. Base tills-Philadelphia*. 12; Chicago*. 11. Er- » the III. 29 82 70 N\v G Trin'ty Commandery, T., of took...$ 103.91 $ 59.20 $ Before the addresses upou this large variety of Damask by Chicago. +8 CPdles The Crievance of a Crew of 103.111$1852.70 report, Treasurer—Prof. I.. Bruos- 12; 177 lotteries W 0 This was ono of the most contested Maine and Past Cumber- Mr. offered Henry Chapman. rors-Philadelphia*, Chicago*. D'i'.tili. 29.7(5 7« +4 CPdles hotly Augusta, Master of Lafayette Kev. Bowler prayer. Kev. Mr. —BufUnton and Clements, Hutchinson. aud ju all prices. 6 -8 W 8 races ever on and land... 217.50 Sommers, yard .Napkins '.Pa Mm *9.82 74 CPdles' witnessed this track, the Fishermen. Lodge, F. and A. M., Readfield, died at the 1,401.48 1,G78.98| 041.07 Uallock followed in remarks upon the duty Audllor—Dr. Alfred Mitchell, Brunswick. KllnL 81. Vhwi'tit. 29 74 72 W time made Cumber- _ +2 14 |CPdles was the fastest over any track in home of his mother in Readfield, of the larger city churches to contribute Liirectors President and secretary, ex-officio#; Hmiiarrk_ 29.8(5 72 —G NW Lt 1 Monday, land Cloudy Maine for the month of June, or by green the 10th 32 money to the needy rural churches to Dea. Samuel D. Thurston, Bangor; Kev. Stephen ClievPiine... 29.78 72 S 12 N. Juno inst., aged years. North. 837.00 213.04 439.84 repay The American Association. +6 Cloudy horses. Halifax, S., 19.—The crew of 1,051.241 In L. Bowler, Berlin Mills, N. H. North Plane 29 74 78 —4 K 16 P C Franklin' 83.63 30.251 113.88 735.90 part their contributions of valuable mem The winner is a Dauiel the American fishing schooner Alaska Captain Stephens of the Peruvian. The following was tbe result of the Denver. Col. 29.0* 82 0 S Lt Cloudy five-year-old, by Han- | bcrs to the larger churches. If we ask why The report of the treasurer, which Is as games Boone, while Ills chief is a black .. M. Halifax .I. competitor which put in here Monday evening leaking London, Eng., June 19—Captain Stephens cock 311.49 30.00 341.49 1001.52 we are called upon to help these mission follows, was adopted; played by tbe American Association clubs E. OWEN S Kenne- 1)0.. G4 Montreal 29.G6 S by +4 1G Cloudy five-year-old, Harbinger. have complained 'to Consel General Phelan of the Allan steamer churches for many years in succession, we 7fcceij«f». 29.80 (50 E 8 IKain Peruvian, which has bec... 432.39 53.25 485.(4 1117.00 yesterday: Yarmouth... +14 For the 2.37 class the were en- must remember that their membership is Cash from hist •138 81. following that they have not received a cent of s arrived at Queenstown from Halifax and Lincoln year.$ 10.00 At Brooklyn-Brooklyn*, 9; Baltimore*. O. ('ongrcstt tered : wage St. constantly changing. Yet we must continue Collection at last animal y 0—Partly (Jloudv. since they shipped last March. The died on the and meeting.. 17.00 At Philadelphia—Athletics, a; Columbus. O. niyl l_eo.lt/ captain Johns, voyage. to extend the helping hand to this line of Bank dividends. 32.00 Mary Ferklns, bn. m„ Edwin Perkins, South claims that when the men Saga- shipped at South- weak churches if we would fulfill our South Church. were done, when'tie done, then '(were well Norridgcwock. Alonzo P. Nash. dahoc.. 745.52 209.10 954.02 850.00 duty. Augusta 14,55 ••//it THE CITY. port, Maine, it was understood that Hammond street were done QUEEN Little b. A. E. South they Oxford... We think that we cannot afford to Bangor, church. 62.46 Other Carnes. U t/uUMti." MACBETH. Snowball, m., Sawyor, should half the fish 141.91 49.92 191.83 053.00 may place Norrldgewock. get caught and the Ciierryfiei.d, June 19.—Alonzo P. Nash Penob- men for the whole in the weak Central church 45.68 If yon take a poHcy In the Union Mutual year At Worcester-Worcesters, 7; Jersey Cltys. 1. Thorn, b. m.. E. L. Uoweu, Waterville. vessel the other half. The men assert the scot..., 239.32 Clark’s S. S. class. 20.00 Like you will be Insured. Jhe flnanclal of Ar- of Harrington, a well known 452.13 711.45 1404.25 churches, but we shall find that it will pay strength Resignation Superintendent Johnnie, b. g., S. A. Nye, Fairfield. treated them cruelly. claimed shipbuilder, Piscata- Brunsw ick, 1st Parish. 2160 ami business integrity of llie company arc beyond captain They died afternoon from financially and spiritually to keep able men Chance, gr. s., S. Wltliain, Waterville. for the vessel into this injuries received by 122.70 82.95 205.05 743.34 Edgecomb, Congregational church. 8.00 Notes. six millions of assets and thur Brown-A Flood of Light. salvage bringing port. quis... in " ** question, fortt-flve struck on the head a stick the mission fields, for In due time thn Falls 3.00 »u cessful business Startler, b, g., G. C. Edwards, Waterville. being by of timber Somer- 1149.55 Farmington years guarantee that your fruit will Foxcroft and Dover « Harry has resigned as manager of at Little Ned, bn. in., G. C. Edwards, Waterville. while at work in his yard last set.... 169.81 32.75 202.50 616.76 appear. 6.00 Spence will be paid maturity, without Iitication Commencement at Tufts. ship Friday •• the New Uaven Blue. He still act as policy 19.—Arthur for 13 Miss Ledo, bn. tn., E. C. Fairfield. Union... 51.20 223.35 Kev. Mr. Wilson of Woodfords spoke of Hampden 4,76 will with, til and without discount or Banook, June Brown, Moody, He has held various town and | 172.15 420.00 ** delay, deduction’ Sir offices, was New Sharon •• a William Wallace, bn. g„ Charles I must In. June 19 —The exercises of Waldo.. 203.60 220.60 1412.07 his own iadebtedness to the missionary soci- 60 captain. It were well to get policy quickly. of the Bangor and Pis- Boston, the highly esteemed as a business man and as a 23.00; years superintendent Pittsfield. Wash- was due to a Portland High street church.17.00 Walter Ladd, of Saco, will be glveu a trial 32d annual commencement of Tufts He was GO ety, because it worker in that •• •• John M„ b. D. C. College citizen. years old, and leaves a State 60.00 railroad, has tendered his resigna- g., Clement, Levant. were carried out ington. 302.03 129.30 431.93 1080.00 that both he and his brother entered as pitcher by the Worcesters. cataquis b. today. At the chapel. Pres- widow, four sons and two society Wllllston •• 15.00 Garfield, J. T. McGugin, Gardiner. daughters. York ... 401.00 175.22 576.25 WHEN YOU ORDER same has been accepted by the g., ident in his full robes of the ministry. Eet us not be if tion, and the Nellie Carl, u. m., A. D. Bumps, Fairfield. Capen, office, pre- Annual discouraged West Brooksville church. 2.00 that he remain sided, aud theses were read by members of Maine Western Free some of these aided churches die. They may Wilton. Rev, F. 1.00 directors with a request until Of tiiese eight responded with the result Baptists. Contri- Newport. Real Karate Transfers. the graduating class. The degree of Bache- bution. 34.50 12.19 do a noble and blessed work before thev die, Wiuthrop, Rev. H. S. Luring. 5.00 his is chosen. Mr. Brown retires as follows; The Maine Western Free 46.09 successor lor of Arts were conferred upon 11 graduates Baptist yearly Others.. 270.00 270.00 and the money spent upon them will by no Appropriation from Parent Society for The following transfers of real estate In APOLLINARIS on of much needed rest, and his 2.37 class. 275.00 account Bachelor of upon six, and Bach- meeting was held with the church at General means be lost. '1 lie speaker said that some beuettciaiies In Bowdoiu College. this couuty have been recorded at the KegU is complimented by the Sir William Wallace. 3 4 2 1 1 1 Philosophy Cape OF IMITATIONS. management highly elor of the Mechanic Arts opon four. The All Mis- of the best members of bis church in the vi- BEWARE board of Little Snowball. 6 1 3 4 3 a Elizabeth the Free Baptist try of Deeds: directors. following additional degrees were conferred: yesterday. sionary ..[ 1211.43 cinity of Bostou were from the country Total...'$602.44 illuminated, John M. 4 B 1 2 6 4 churches in this vicinity were represented Brunswick -The Sea Point Land Cot to are made to Thclelty tonight is brilliantly Bachelor of W. Penulmau ami and this is the Laora Attempts frequently Garfield. 1 8 4 « 2 2 Divinity—George and great Interest was in churches, that experience of A. 8. it being the first night when the new electric Leon O. Williams. displayed the vari- There have been commissioned the gxftmUtmn*. Hyde. *100. Little Ned. 2 2 5 3 dls, ous discussions. The during many of the city and suburban churches. K. 1J. Wilson to Olive Buxton. inferior Waters bearing labels light plant, furnished water power at the Master of Arts—Charles A. Crooks, Frank W. secretary’s report on 61 ordained licentiates Sent to Parent Society...... $310.60 $2. palm off by Miss Ledo. 7 7 « 7 Ore year ministers and 40 Kev. Mr. Mann of Biddeford was called ns Bowdoin Portland—Portland Bank to ti. L. water works on. One hun- Geo. W. fenniman, W. Whitte. the condition of the various churches of the Paid to beneficiaries Savings War the dam, was turned 6 3 7 6 4 re Durkee, Harry and students. The amount of ser- as once a resembling genuine Apolli- Thorne. 0. Williams. denomination was aggregate upon, missionary boy. Lie said Co 27 B OO ren. SI, Ac. closely dred and arc of 2000 candle pow- 8 more, Leon very satisfactory. The vice lege forty lights Mary Ferklns. 8 6 drawn Is equal to nearly 74 years. The aver- that we are here to take hold ol work Cash in treasury. 17.76 Portland Savings Bank toChas. J. Walker. $1. naris labels. er An treasurer's report was quite imper- each, light the city splendidly. expert Time—2 2.41 gratifying. age attendance upon services has to be done. -$600.44 Ac. 40%, 2.39%, 2.40, 2.30%, Death on There was a Sunday atively needing We shall find in Bottles the electrician, who lias visited ail over the the Rail. quite large attendance present, been 8842 in the Sun- Abner H. Davis to O. L. Warren. $l, Ac. bearing genuine Apolli- 2-46 Vi. ; 6921 have been found parts of our State multitudes who never Besides this more than $1000 was to country, says who evinced much interest in the proceed- given North Yarmouth-Kineline Wood to W. W. are with a Bangor is the best lighted city colt owned Pittsbukg, Pa., June 19.—The second day schools, 2245 are found in the week day hear sermons and have no students of the naris labels frequently filled in the Uniou. The The yearling Keystone, by E, ings. thought of Goil aid the Bangor school. More Dunn. SI, Ae. success of the undertak- section of the Pan Handle train No. 7, west __ prayer meetings, and 4248 families Delong to and The churches the article. the S. Foster & Son, Canaan, was driven one- eternity. send three dol- than double number of churches have spm iiius ing affords highest satisfaction to the was wrecked near New Cumberland The the missionary churches. The lars out of the State for half mile for a blanket, to beat 1.48, a feat h( bound, civil service commission have been in- membership every dollar spent in contributed this year than last Election of Officers. citizens. at 11.12 this is as 1760 males and 3861 ] very easily accomplished, trotting the dls Junction, , morning. The vestigating the irregularities in the Indian- reported females, the State. Many thousands in our State, It was voted that the officers elected be a LOOK AT THE a CORK, \ Suffrage Amendment Defeated. tance and smoothly in the fastest third, fourth and fifth cars from the engine apolis post office. Before their making total of 5621. This gives to the Catholics, must be reached, if reached at all, committee to investigate and ascertain if At the meeting of Division 1, A. O. II, B. easily 1.37$, beginning aided one ever made the were thrown from the track. The cause nas Mr. Roosevelt churches an average of 55 members. by our home must be the cause und reason of E is branded with the Juno re- save in State. Investigation stated that missionaries. Wo possible of their own last evening the following officers whirl:, if j Philadelphia, 19.—Returns not ascertained. was The reports record 367 genuine, yet been The train President Harrison, himself, before the com- hopeful conversions, ready to work for them, or be overwhelmed cxistance. After remarks by several present name show the and 261 and 109 were elected; of /he Apollinaris Company, ceived today suffrage amendment MAINE. running 45 miles an hour and was made up missioners started to author- additions by profession, by by them. Wo are bound to our own State the meeting Indianapolis, adjourned. President—Patrick and words the abolition of (Tie no sent of express and postal cars exclusively. Two ized them to report that he meant letter, making 370 in all. The average first, and we must see to it that all our work I'rlur to this consent (ireaney. Limited, the ilApollinaru (proposing poll exactly meeting, by of the Vic* President—Thomas Shehey. Vinalhavon’s Centennial. postal clerks were instantly, killed and the what he said when he declared tnat grant to churches with pastors vvus aud Mrs. S. Brunnen around an anchor. tax was defeated by a decided the civil hereisdonethoroughly, lovingly prompt- conference, George Hunt of the W, Recording Secretary—Hugh Conway. qualification), conductor, a brakeman and six clerks in- service law should be observed in $151, and the average money salary ly. Rockland, June 19.—The town of Vinal spirit and Financial Secretary—Patrick J. Moran. iny 2 M&Thlstpbotofcolur majority. jured. letter. was $668. Thirtysix of them have parson- Rev. Mr. Thayer Jof Garland said that he [CONTIKUBB on FOURTH VAOK-1 Treasurer-John O'Brien. reason for any thing he does not fully under- MlSti t LASft'-l ►. THE PRESS. niUEM.«NE«lS. • H II.IIEK REDOKII. stand. To him doubtful appearances never FINANCIAL. KDVCtTlUIVtL. admit of but one explanation. Seeming THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 20. wrong, must be wrong; everything is sneered Sanford’s Ginger for the Traveller BELLEVUE HOUSE. ar, every one .VIA INK. decried; people whose memory of rail and sail do not those DEBBOJV, we have Daugcrs equal pre IMl'IL EXMWM V\ «• tto ot r«*ml a onyinoiis l»-i t«»i*k hiiiI <011111111 loved and reverenced, nre held up to us scarred with scnted by impure water, unwhoiesomo food, and o lake fifteen boarders for the Union Pacific Co. ijir.Tlj'»M4. 'Hu* HUitM* Hiitl ml-lr«*ss of the writer iniquities. prepared examination of candidates fur In Of tills which beset the traveller at every month of July and August; have suits of rooms Ry. teachers class, to whom is unhealthy climate, 1AM i» li not nothing pure, the schools of Portland will take ure tiiillipriiNnlili1, neees.sai lly tor turn. Sanford's of with open lire pieces, any party or parties desir- THE public Archbishop Tillotson says: “To speak evil (Jinoer is tho quintessence III the High School IKh and r i'»!U* m si hut is a tin H rant eft. f j*oyil tuith. N ing a refreshing healthy spot for a season of rest First place Building, July ot others 1ms almost beeome the en- FOR dI'S al! that is and curative in Mortgage at 10 o'clock a. m. general refreshing, preventive, with the r families wi 1 do well to address me; ho- Equipment 10th, 1880, vVT«* •liM**; nnlt'itakf t«i return or j retie nr** tertalment of all companies; and tiie jiTsA and tel rooms must By order of the commutes, great medicine condiments, and tho most reliable new, all pieasant; hoard be en- i- ... ii «ni. * >•*•:4 iliat are not unfit. end serious husho-ss of most ami on or June jeiaeodtd O. M. LORD, Secretary. meetings safeguard against dangers which live in air, water, gaged before 25,1889. visits, after tiie necessary ceremonies ami I GINGER] Jel8d2w F. K. GLOVER, Proprietor. and and 5 PER CENT. are is food, climate. It instantly relieves cramps BONDS. his 1892 is the compliments over, to sit down aud of a// KOREAN hand for □Cleveland showiug /tfe/st- g/n&eJrs/ pains, checks all forms of summer ills, Families Bowdoin backbite all the world.” speedily on leuviug the city for theirCOUNTRY! summer homes the sea or SERIES “B.” College. most since the by interesting spectacle boy Now, it Is to be seen that this is all prevents disease germs in watar should bear in mind that our mall plain indigestion, destroys inland, order and free delivery THE NEW GRANITE SPRING Due IJMM. for admission to college stood .,n the deck. wrong, and when a wrong is tiie off 07,000 April, burning discovered ENSURE AGAINST drunk, breaks up colds and fevers, and words system enables them to deal with us quite as well us when in Due INW4. Examinationswill be held at the Oteavelsod Lecture Room. true is to living 947,000 April, only way correct it. It Is well to malarial, and influences. town. Ulore or less is HOTEL 997,1100 Due April, ls»i. Massachusetts Hall, on FRIDAY and SATL'K think twice contagious, epidemic difUeuliy always experienced in satisfactorily Mr. Albert Fink, of whom the papers ol before toil speak once, and when impure Water 947,000, Due April IMW. I)AY June 28th and 2l«h, and on FRIDAY and Composed of imported ginger, choice aromatics, supplying the table from tocul traders, und in most localities many Will be open June 20tli. Tills Hotel Is the gem of lids is persisted In, it will he noticed after a 917,000 Due April, IW. 13th end 14th. beginning the country hove said much in connection | und tho it is little in the of Oaseo Island, Portland Harbor. The S4TURDAY,September while Climate best of medicinal French brandy, vastly things way Ray, Long Due IMM. 4t 8.30 g. m. All candhMtes must be that the habit of speaking evil of others Unhealthy reasons ft Is the for the 97,000 April, witli railroad business, und who is now en- j to all other which are gem: first, grand view; present on ean be avoided. No good arises from the superior gingers urged upon second, for the Mineral water Friday morning. j Unwholesome Food magnificent Spring WILLIAM Dr.W. FreeldenL deavoring to leave a position worth a habit, aim it should be would-be purchasers of Sanford’s by mercenary the house 100 AND Brunei HYDE. $25,000 abandoned.—[Pioneer running through by power; third, being PRICE INTEREST. Brunswick. May g«th, 1880. Press. FANCY near steamboat two veran- j ear to take needed rest, is one of tho able Take out a Policy in dealers. Avoid all substitutes. Ask for GROCERIES landing; fourth, large are not das all also two halls -- procurable at any price. By some, round, large accomodating pabticulakh on application to -mav23d%w»lua3o men of affairs developed by the railway sys- anticipating one thousand to dlue. The house furnished A where near the of the people tem of the DUSTY TALE. requirements whole or a first-class and the table second to none. Clam country, lie came to this country Sanford’s of the and Ginger Sanford’s part season laying in at one time the supplies bakes furnished every day. The Students EDMUND from i n Ginger Spanish A. Germany 1849, and his whole life for that one not only saves and avoids the will be present all summer who will the most BLAKE BROTHERS & CO., DaGARMO Dust, thou ait an .ble And at Travellers' Ills. With period, money Inconvenl- give WUl open In mu since that lime has impalp tblug, Laugh Owl Trade-Mark oil the Wrapper. elegaot concerts of on the (lty on been spent in railroad Floating about as on tireless wfug. ence of being often out of something always when most but any company stage. needed, Casco Steamboat will run or first in a Filling each corner aud crevice aud crack; Jel7 more than all does in no small Bay Company eight 28 State St., Boston. service, very humble capacity, then M&Th&wtopofcolnrmcw this, away measure, with the bundle ten a from the to the For Brush as may, It comes back trips day city Island. Preparatory you drifting nuisance when to and or School (or as civil engineer, afterward as manager and travelling fro. All orders neatly and securely parties societies, or board, apply to R. PONCE, 5 Nassau St., New York. Boy*. boxed Cor. and Middle or Thorough preparation win t* Kite* in oil Bane ot good » hence and delivered Kxchauge Sts., Long Island, je20dlw branches * superintendent, and later as Commissioner housekeeping, earnest thou ? Portland Harbor. E. required for admission Infinitesimal atoms formed when and how? PONCE, Proprietor. toaSeouJge. Fink Beside ■er after Jaar J1. 1__ of the Trunk Lines, whose Thou art older Ilian the Jel9 dim under the Laws of the State of Mlssour 4*4 opinions man, in Uood Book we ncorporated land have been quoted the country over in ma ters learn )e!4_ n.r.el,_ “m- Man caine from the dust, and to dust must re- at any steam of railway interest. He is one of the many turn. boat landing from TST-A-TIOISTAll. self-made and highly useful men whose la- Like Hie old vase traditional, that breaks In its C *> bors had so much to do uT i_ have with the won- PORTSMOUTH TO BAR THE fall. V HARBOR. WALDO! TkT. Whose odor derful growtli of this country in the last of roses clings to it all. or Little Chebeague Island, You r Everything guaranteed satisfactory returnable at our expense may sweep, you brusli as of a may dust, you may and will be l-.rilund Me keel ef quarter century. you will, money refunded. open to guests June 25th; many Improve- nten.grapky. ments have Lean made Loan and about the and Trust Thy fine little particles stay with us still. F='!" ’Soap Hundreds of customers will bear us out iu the statement that house Co., Pupils thoroughly instructed In shorthand and grounds, and we are in better condition to The Madawaska commissioners have be- money and much needless trouble can be saved by purchasing in afford No. 501 type-writing. Da/ and evening session*. our patrons first class entertainment than ever tie- Oelaware Street, Kansas Cthr, Mo. Send for gun their work, for which the this n circular. legislature RAILWAY MATTERS. way fore ; the services of first-class cooks have been made large appropriations last winter. It is secured and The Waldo will set a table seeond to CAPITAL., PAID CP, 91,000.000.00. STARTING IN ORDER no summer resort In Ihe State. Take the steamer Miu A. I Sami. 537 CMgrtn SI. announced that the principal owners of the the Ptrtinljk before ieuvtng town and replenishing from time to time the merrycaeag, fastest and best boat In Port- lands AN ELECTRIC RAII-WAT FOR BAH HARDOlt. during land harbor, and visit The can make inhabited by the squatters, for whose summer mull orders if not convenient to call Waldo; you J. 8. Chick, Prest W.W. Vlce-Prest. by In person. no pleasanter trip among the Islands. Kknuall, relief the bill was Tuesday Mr. F. A. Laughton of Bftngor, O10. K. Putnam. Treas. C. E. 4dVice-Pres ostensibly passed, are We make a specially of this business and can serve you belter in Jelleodlim JOSEPH B. REED, Manager. Bush, MR. & MRS. JOHN t. BELLO AS and G. appeared before the Board of Railway Com- F. C. Woknall, secretary. C. the and this thau any other firm. We have — Adams, Hinckley Egery capacity unquestionably the wax op«3f a — heirs missioners in Augusta, aud applied for a Bf3oft the widest which Trustees for deposit of mortgages deben- and E. S. all of The largest stock, variety—everything the most securing Coe, Bangor. exacting tures: Knickerbocker charter to build an electric road at Bar Har could desire—and our prices are Indisputably the lowest. It will Trust Co., New York City; and School landowners are to be congratulated on get- »PEllS9-°mW pay ME. Boston 8afe Deposit and Trust Go., Boston, Mass. Boarding Bay bor. lie to at you to take these facts Into consideration. HARRISON, proposes once construct a Eastern Offices: Vt.—With Vermont In- ting rid, at the State’s expense, of some Orwell, FOR road three miles, from the village to the foot vestment and Guarantee Co.: Portland, Me.—Jose GIRLS, troublesome squatters. The squatters bad Bldg. 08 F srhange St, Fred E. Klehards, Director. of Green to connect in Portland, September 17th, 1889. made certain improvements for which they Mountain, with the Mountain .^ SUMMIT The usual English branches will be taught. railroad, it and SPRINGS were entitled to recompense before they having equipped Particular attention paid to Elocution. Geo. C. Shaw Tbe Deoenture Bonds of tbls company are se- Rhetoric. in season.