
Astrophysical Conditions for

Manuel Gudel,¨ Rudolf Dvorak University of Vienna

Nikolai Erkaev Russian Academy of Sciences

James Kasting Penn State University

Maxim Khodachenko, Helmut Lammer Austrian Academy of Sciences

Elke Pilat-Lohinger University of Vienna

Heike Rauer Deutsches Zentrum f¨ur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and TU Berlin

Ignasi Ribas Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya - CSIC

Brian E. Wood Naval Research Laboratory

With the discovery of hundreds of and a potentially huge number of -like waiting to be discovered, the conditions for their habitability have become a focal point in exoplanetary research. The classical picture of habitable zones primarily relies on the stellar flux allowing liquid to exist on the surface of an Earth-like with a suitable . However, numerous further stellar and planetary properties constrain habitability. Apart from ”geophysical” processes depending on the internal structure and composition of a planet, a complex array of astrophysical factors additionally determine habitability. Among these, variable stellar UV, EUV, and X-ray , stellar and interplanetary magnetic fields, ionized winds, and energetic particles control the constitution of upper planetary and their physical and chemical evolution. Short- and long-term stellar variability necessitates full time-dependent studies to understand planetary habitability at any point in time. Furthermore, dynamical effects in planetary systems and transport of water to Earth-like planets set fundamentally important constraints. We will review these astrophysical conditions for habitability under the crucial aspects of the long-term evolution of stellar properties, the consequent extreme conditions in the early evolutionary phase of planetary systems, and the important interplay between properties of the host and its planets.

1. INTRODUCTION ice giants, like or . Recent work by Howard (2013) and Fressin et al. (2013) show that small - Discovery of planets around other is now well un- ing planets are more numerous than big ones. Some poten- derway. Over 1000 extrasolar planets have been found tially rocky planets have been identified (Leger´ et al., 2009; mainly by ground-based (RV) measurements Batalha et al., 2011, Borucki et al., 2013). Several planets and space- and ground-based photometric transit surveys with minimum consistent with rocky planets have (exoplanets.org). In addition, ≈ “planet can- 3500 been found mostly around cooler stars, including planets in didates” have been found by Kepler (Batalha et al., 2013; the Habitable Zones (Pepe et al. 2011; Anglada-Escude´ updates as of November 2013). Due to instrument sensi- et al., 2012; Bonfils et al., 2013), as these stars are less tivity the first planets detected were predominantly or

1 massive and smaller, and hence more easily accelerated by and because it does not exclude higher- planets that small planets, and show an improved planet/star contrast ra- complete the process of after the nebular gas has tio in the photometric transit method. The search is now on disappeared. Similarly, measurement of a planet’s diame- for rocky planets around FGKM stars. A handful of these ter via the transit method does not distinguish conclusively have already been found (Buchhave et al., 2012; see also between a rocky planet like Earth or an like Nep- website exoplanets.org). This search is difficult to do tune. Neptune’s diameter is about 4 times that of Earth. by RV because the induced stellar velocities are small. Ke- Initial data indicate that planets with radii below 2REarth pler can find close-in rocky planets around FGK stars rather are rocky. The Kepler team assumes that planets with di- easily compared to planets at larger radii. However, small, ameters > 2REarth are ice giants. potentially rocky planets in the habitable zone are difficult Once we are sure that a planet is rocky, the next to verify, since most of the solar-like stars are noisier than fundamental requirement for as we know it is that it the , and those identified by Kepler are far away, hence should have access to liquid water. Even though some ter- dim (Gilliland et al., 2011). Nevertheless, the first few tran- restrial – those that form spores, for example – siting planets with radii consistent with rocky planets have can persist for long time intervals without water, all terres- been recently detected in Habitable Zones (Borucki et al., trial life forms require liquid water to metabolize and repro- 2013; Kopparapu, 2013; Kaltenegger et al., 2013). duce. There are good biochemical reasons for this depen- In this chapter we are concerned with habitable plan- dence. Most importantly, water is a highly polar solventthat ets. Below, we expand on what we mean by that term. A can dissolve the polar on which -basedlife fundamental requirement of habitability, though – perhaps depends. That said, researchers do not completely discount the only indisputable requirement – is that the planet must the possibility that alien life forms might have different bio- have a solid or liquid surface to provide stable pressure- chemistries (Baross et al., 2007; National Academy of Sci- temperature conditions. In his book Cosmos, ences, 2007). Carbon has a more complex chemistry than imagined hypothetical bag-like creatures that could live on any other element, and so most workers agree that alien life Jupiter by adjusting their height in the atmosphere, just as would also be carbon-based. Other chain building elements some fish can adjust their depth in Earth’s oceans using air like and exist, but are less energetically bladders. But one needs to ask how such creatures might favorable than C in this respect. Among alternative sol- possibly evolve. Single-celled organisms could not main- vents, even liquid CH4 is considered by some workers to tain their altitude on a gas or ice , and hence be a possible medium in which life might exist; hence, the would eventually be wafted up to the very cold (unless it interest in ’s , which has lakes of liquid was a ) upper atmosphere or down into the hot on its surface. Liquid methane is only stable at interior. Here we assume that Sagan’s life forms very low temperatures, though, and so any organic chem- do not exist, and we focus our attention on rocky planets. istry in it may be too slow to create or to power life. We Habitability for extrasolar planets is usually defined by liq- suspect that liquid water, or some mixture containing liquid uid water on the surface of a rocky planet. Other liquids water, is needed to support all forms of life. can be imagined, as discussed below. Furthermore, water Confining our interest to planets with liquid water is not may exist also subsurface, as, e.g., expected for Jupiter’s all that restrictive. is the third most abundant ele- icy moon , which would make such a body also po- ment in the , and so many, or most, rocky planets tentially habitable. In terms of exoplanets, however, such are probably endowed with appreciable amounts of water sub-surface life would be very difficult to detect, and we when they form (e.g., Raymond et al., 2007). In our own neglect it here. , and lack liquid water, while Earth and have it although modern Mars has no liq- 2. WHAT IS HABITABILITY? uid water in amounts sufficient to develop life. The lack of water on the innermost two planets is easily explained, To begin, we must define what constitutes a rocky planet. though, as these planets lie outside the boundaries of the That definition is easy enough if you can characterize the habitable zone – the region around a star where liquid water planet the way we do for objects in our own Solar System: can be present on a planet’s surface (Hart, 1979; Kasting it must have a solid or liquid surface. But if one knows et al., 1993). Mars lacks liquid water on its surface today, only the planet’s minimum mass (from RV) or its diameter but shows evidence that water flowed there earlier in its his- (from transits), this question becomes more difficult. Astro- tory. And Mars may have liquid water in its subsurface. physical theory predicts that planets that grow larger than Mars’ internal heat flow is thought to be about 1/3rd that of about 10 Earth masses during the time that the stellar neb- Earth (Montesi´ and Zuber, 2003); hence, depending on the ula is still around will capture significant amounts of gas thermal conductivity of the regolith, Mars could have liquid and turn into gas or ice giants (Mizuno et al., 1978; Pollack water within a few kilometers of the surface. et al., 1996). The theory is not robust, however, because As astronomers, we are interested in discovering life on the opacity calculations within the accreting atmosphere are extrasolar planets. For the foreseeable future, at least, such complex and did not include such phenomena as collision- planets can only be studied remotely, by doing induced absorption of IR radiation by molecular , on their atmospheres using big telescopes on the ground or,

2 more likely, in space. For us to detect life on an , the HZ by Seager (2013), based on a calculation by Pierre- that life must be able to modify the planet’s atmosphere in humbert and Gaidos (2011) showing that super- with sucha waythatwe candetectit, asithasdonehereonEarth. dense captured H2 atmospheres could remain habitable out Earth’s atmosphere contains 21% O2 and 1.7 ppmv CH4, to as far as 10 AU in our Solar System. Such planets will both of which are produced almost entirely by organisms. remain speculative, however, until they are observed, and The maintenance of extreme disequilibrium in a planet’s at- one would not want to count on their existence while defin- mosphere, and specifically the coexistence of free O2 with ing the requirements for a telescope to search for extrasolar reduced such as CH4 or N2O, was suggested many life (Kasting et al., 2014). years ago as the best remote evidence for life (Lederberg, Recently, Kopparapu et al. (2013) rederived the HZ 1965; Lovelock, 1965). If we wish to propose a testable boundaries using a new 1-D climate model based on the hypothesis about life on other planets, we should therefore HITEMP database for H2O. HITEMP differs from the older restrict our attention to planets like Earth that have liquid HITRAN database by including many more weak absorp- water on their surfaces. This allows for the possibility that tion lines, including some that extend all the way down to photosynthetic life might flourish there, greatly increasing near-UV wavelengths. They furthermore included a new productivity (Kharecha et al., 2005), and possibly produc- formulation of the water vapor continuum by Paynter and ing atmospheric that we might one day detect. Ramaswamy (2011). This causes the albedo of an H2O-rich From a practical standpoint, then, this means that we atmosphere to be substantially lower than previously cal- should design our astronomical searches to look for planets culated. Consequently, the moist greenhouse limit for the lying within the conventional liquid water habitable zone inner edge moves out to 0.99 AU (Fig. 1). This does not (HZ) of their parent star. This is a necessary, but not suf- indicate that Earth is actually that close to it, as these cal- ficient, condition, as factors such as volatile inventories, culations continue to assume a fully saturated troposphere high- radiation, , and stellar winds and to omit cloud (Kitzmann et al., 2010; Zsom may further constrain habitability, as discussed further in et al., 2012). Abe et al. (2011) and Leconte et al. (2013) this chapter. The boundaries of the HZ were estimated by performed 3D modeling of rocky planets and show that the Kasting et al. (1993) based on 1-D climate modeling cal- inner boundary of the HZ strongly depends on the water culations for Earth-like planets. These calculations were reservoir of the planet itself. Water ice may form at the done with a cloud-free model (clouds were “painted” on polar caps or on the side of a tidally locked planet, the ground) and they assumed fully saturated tropospheres. allowing for liquid water at some transitional regions. Von Conservatively, planets may lose their water when they lie Paris et al. (2010) and Wordsworth et al. (2010) presented closer to the star than the “moist greenhouse” limit. At this the first (1D) studies to simulate the climate of Gl 581d, distance, ≈ 0.95 AU in these old calculations, a planet’s which lies close to the outer edge of the HZ, finding that stratosphere becomes wet, and the water is lost by photodis- the planet could be potentially habitable assuming several sociation followed by escape of hydrogen to space. A more bars of a CO2-atmosphere. Wordsworth et al. (2011) stud- strict limit of the inner edge of the habitable zone is the so- ied Gl 581d with a 3D climate model, also showing that not called runaway greenhouse limit. At this limit the entire wa- only the amount atmospheric CO2 determines its habitabil- ter ocean of the Earth would reside within the atmosphere ity but also the water reservoir and the resonance between due to the self-enhancing water vapor feedback cycle. The the orbital and rotational period of the planet. outer edge of the HZ is defined by the “maximum green- The fact that a planet lies within the HZ of its parent star house” limit, beyond which a CO2-H2O greenhouse is no does not guarantee that it will be habitable. Life depends longer capable of maintaining a warm surface. This limit is on other elements besides C, O, and H and on other com- based on the assumption that an Earth-like planet will have pounds besides water. In particular, the elements N, P, and volcanoes that emit CO2 and that CO2 will accumulate in S all play critical roles in terrestrial life. N is a constituent the planet’s atmosphereas the surface becomes cold. But, at of both the amino acids in and the nucleic acids some point, CO2 will begin to condense out of the planet’s in RNA and DNA. P is needed for the phosphate linkages atmosphere, limiting the range of distances over which this between nucleotides in the latter two compounds, and S is feedback process works. In these old calculations, the max- needed for some particular amino acids. The compounds imum greenhouse limit occurs at ≈ 1.67 AU for our Sun. formed by these elements are termed volatiles because they The “1st CO2 condensation” limit of Kasting et al. (1993) are typically gases or liquids at room temperature. Habit- is no longer considered valid, because CO2 clouds are now able planets therefore require sources of volatiles. Earth’s thoughtto usually warm a planet’s surface (Forget and Pier- volatiles are mostly thought to have originated from the as- rehumbert, 1997; Mischna et al., 2000). Kitzmann et al. teroid belt or beyond (Morbidelli et al., 2000; Raymond (2013), however, suggest that the warming effect may have et al., 2004); hence, modes of planetary accretion must be been overestimated in some cases. More optimistic empir- considered. To hold onto its water, a planet needs an atmo- ical limits on the HZ are derived from the observation that sphere in addition to H2O vapor. Planets that are too small, early Mars appears to lie within it, and Venus could con- like Mars, are thought to lose their atmospheres by vari- ceivably have been within it prior to ≈ 1 billion years ago. ous thermal and non-thermal processes, as discussed later An even more optimistic outer edge has been suggested for in this chapter. Planetary magnetic fields may also be im-


7000 Recent Venus

Runaway 6500 greenhouse Early Mars

(K) 6000 Habitable Zone eff



4500 Gl 581d (?) Gl 581g (?) 4000 Gl 667Cc Kepler 22b Stellar T temperature Stellar effective 3500 Earth HD 40307g 3000 e (?) Tau Ceti f (?)

2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Fig. 2.— Maximum-eccentricity map for test planets under the Effective flux incident on the planet (S/S ) o influence of Jupiter and Saturn. The x axis shows the initial semi- major axis of the test planet and the y axis indicates the variation Fig. 1.— Habitable-zone boundaries in incident flux as a func- of the semi-major axis of Saturn. Vertical solid lines indicate the tion of stellar Teff . The gray area is delineated by the (conser- positions of Venus (V), Earth (E) and Mars (M) and the horizontal vative) moist greenhouse (inner border) and the maximum green- solid line shows the actual position of Saturn (Sat). The dashed house (outer border). Somewhat wider HZ are possible, especially horizontal lines represent the mean motion resonances (MMRs) related to empirical findings on early Mars and recent Venus. The of Jupiter and Saturn. The grey scale indicates maximum eccen- loci of various exoplanets and the Earth are marked. (From Kop- tricities of the test planets. (From Pilat-Lohinger et al., 2008; c parapu et al., 2013; c AAS. Reproduced with permission.) AAS. Reproduced with permission.) portant. Mars, which lacks an intrinsic magnetic field, has by Raymond et al., Baruteau et al., Benz et al., and Davies had much of its atmosphere stripped by direct interaction et al. in this volume. We focus on selected issues directly with the . Venus, on the other hand, also lacks relevant for habitable-zone planets here. an intrinsic magnetic field; yet it has successfully held onto Observations of planetary systems and numerical stud- its dense CO2 atmosphere, suggesting that planetary size is ies indicate that planets are not born where we find them important. Atmospheric composition may also be impor- today. Simulations of the late stage of formation of the tant, as a less CO2-rich atmosphere on Venus would have outer solar system show that the giant planets arrived at been hotter and more extended in its upper parts and may their current configuration through a phase of orbital in- not have been as well retained. In the following sections of stability. The so-called Nice Models (e.g., Tsiganis et al., this chapter, we discuss in more detail various factors that 2005, Morbidelli et al., 2007) provide the best-matching contribute to planetary habitability. We focus on astrophys- results for the final configuration of the outer solar sys- ical conditions, while geophysical factors (such as internal tem. These simulations start with a more compact system heat sources, , mass fraction, , of the four giant planets (in a multi-resonant configuration or magnetic dynamos), lower-atmosphere issues in the latest version); it then experiences slight changes in (climate, winds, clouds), or biological conditions (damag- the due to -driven migration leading to ing radiation doses, extreme biological environments) are a resonance crossing of Saturn. This crossing causes an not considered here. unstable phase for the giant planets with faster migration toward the final orbits. While during planetesimal-driven 3. DYNAMICS AND WATER TRANSPORT migration dampens eccentricities, the resonance crossing will increase eccentricities and the orbits will diverge from each other (Chiang, 2003; Tsiganis 3.1 Dynamics and Stability et al., 2005). Since Jupiter and Saturn exert a strong influence on the The evolution of a is a very gradual process inner solar system through secular perturbations, a change occurring over long time intervals. The long-term stability of the orbital separation of the two giant planets will mod- of a movingin the HZ is thereforecertainly ify the secular frequencies of their orbits. For example, one of the basic requirements for the formation of life on Pilat-Lohinger et al. (2008) studied the secular influence such a planet. The eccentricity of a planetary orbit is a cru- of Jupiter and Saturn on the planetary motion in the HZ of cial factor in orbital dynamics because only a sufficiently a G2V star for various separations of the two giants. While small value guarantees that the planet remains within the Jupiter was fixed at its actual orbit 5.2 AU, Saturn’s initial HZ. However, to assure appropriate conditions for habit- semi-major axis was varied between 8.0 and 11.0 AU. ability, the dynamics of the whole matter. Fig. 2 gives a global view of the perturbations of vari- For extensive reviews, we refer the reader to the chapters

4 ous Jupiter-Saturn configurations on the HZ of a Sun-type bodies in the early evolution of a planetary system. Such star. We can clearly see that most of the area in the aT p- collisions may lead to the enrichment of water, depending as plot (semi-major axes for the terrestrial planet and Sat- on the origin of the colliding bodies. Various simulations urn, respectively) is not perturbed by the two giant plan- (e.g., Raymond et al., 2004, 2009; O’Brien et al., 2006; ets, but note the arched band showing higher maximum ec- see chapter by Raymond et al. in this volume) produce so- centricities for test planets. This is due to the secular fre- lar systems akin to ours, but aiming at reproducing prop- quency associated with the of the perihelion of erties of our own solar system in detail has repeatedly led Jupiter. Special attention should be paid to the location of to results contradicting one or several properties (masses of Earth’s orbit, where strong variations of the eccentricity (up inner planets, eccentricities, water content of inner planets, to ≈0.6) can be observed for semi-major axes of Saturn be- belt architecture; Raymond et al., 2009). The simu- tween 8.5 and 8.8 AU. We thus see that the dynamical evo- lations, however, very sensitively depend on the initial con- lution of giant planets is of utmost relevance for habitability ditions and the distribution of the . Growth of conditions on Earth-like planets. terrestrial planets via collisions (with bodies from the dry The huge diversity of planetary systems differing signif- inner regions, and also the water-rich outer regions of the icantly from the architecture of our solar system suggests ) is often thought to take place when the disk very different evolutionary tracks where processes like gas has disappeared and only massive solid bodies remain. planet migration, planet-planet scattering, resonant trap- The mutual perturbations between these planetary embryos ping, mutual collisions or hyperbolic ejections influence lead to orbital crossings and collisions; additionally, giant the final constitution of a planetary system. Observations planets such as Jupiter trigger collisions. reveal large eccentricities for many exoplanets, probably The general assumption now is that about 10% of the indicating phases of strong interactions. mass of the Earth accreted from beyond 2.5 AU, suggesting Since all planets in our solar system move in nearly cir- that the composition of the relevant planetary embryos is cular orbits, it appears that its instability phase was moder- close to the composition of carbonaceous which ate, probably enabling the successful formation and evolu- contain of order 5–10% of water (e.g., Lunine et al., 2011). tion of life on Earth. It may then be questionable whether Walsh et al. (2011) developed a new model that seems to planetary systems harboring a giant planet in an eccentric explain several solar-system features: A planetesimal disk orbit can provide suitable conditions for habitability at all. still embedded in gas is present inside 3 AU (i.e., volatile- On a further note, recalling that most of the stars in our poor S-types) as well as between and outside the gas gi- are members of binary or multiple star systems, ad- ants (water-rich C-types). Jupiter migrated inward when ditional gravitational perturbations from the binary interac- Saturn was still accumulating mass; Saturn also started to tions should also be taken into accountfor the assessment of migrate inward because of scattering of rocky planetesi- habitability, as shown in detail by Eggl et al. (2012), Kane mals out from the inner part of the belt. The two planets and Hinkel (2013), Kaltenegger and Haghighipour (2013), eventually fell into the 2:3 mean motion resonance, with and Haghighipour and Kaltenegger (2013). Jupiter located at 1.5 AU; meanwhile, the giants had scat- tered S-type planetesimals outward and confined the inner 3.2 Water Transport planetesimal disk to about 1-1.5 AU. Now, at resonance, the inward migration stopped and both giants started to migrate Where did the essential water on Earth in the amount outwards again, up to the moment when the disk gas had of 0.02 percent then come from? Simulations show (e.g., dissipated. During the outward motion, Jupiter and Saturn O’Brien et al., 2006) that our terrestrial planets likely scattered predominantly dry respectively wet planetesimals formed out of material located in a ring around their present back into the inner solar system, forming the asteroid belt locations, i.e., they formed in the region of the habitable with its characteristic gradient of volatiles. Further scatter- zone. However, both meteoritic evidence as well as evolu- ing and collision of the forming terrestrial planets with the tionary disk models show that the disk in this region was water-rich planetesimals eventually accumulated water on too warm to allow for the presence of sufficient amounts of the inner planets. This “Grand Tack” scenario is depicted water in solids. Therefore, water (ice) delivery should have in Fig. 3 (sketch after the original articles by Walsh et al., happened later; the sources were unlikely to be , be- 2011 and Morbidelli, 2013). Its end pointcould be the start- cause statistically their collision probability with the Earth ing point for the “” mentioned in Sect. 3.1, or- is too low (Morbidelli, 2013). Current thinking is that the ganizing the architecture of the present-day outer solar sys- chondritic material from the outer asteroid belt is primarily tem and finally inducing the Late Heavy Bombardment af- responsible for the Earth’s water content. Water from chon- ter some 800 Myrs. The “Grand Tack” model successfully dritic asteroid material also - in contrast to many comets - explains several features relevant for habitability of the in- on average matches the Earth ocean water D/H ratio. For a ner solar-system planets (eccentricities, planetary masses, summary on these aspects, we also refer to the chapter by water content). van Dishoeck et al. in this volume. It is important that the collisions building up the water The growth of the planetesimals to and fi- content on Earth occurred with velocities smaller than the nally planets is closely connected with the collisions of the from the planetesimals or protoplanets, in

5 also somewhat dependent on age). A late-type star’s period, P , steadily declines during its main-sequence life (see chapter by Bouvier et al. in this volume). This is consequence of the stellar magnetic field permeating the ionized which transports away angular . The declining rota- tion period itself feeds back to the dynamo, weakening the production of magnetic activity. As a consequence, P not only declines in time but it converges, after a few hun- dred million years for a , to a value dependent on age but independent on the initial Zero-Age Main Se- quence (ZAMS) rotation rate. Magnetic activity and the related XUV (FUV, EUV, and X-ray) output therefore also become a function of stellar age. A generalized formula has Fig. 3.— Schematic view of the formation of planets in the habit- been derived by Mamajek and Hillenbrand (2008) namely 0.325 0.566 able zone of the solar system according to the “Grand Tack” model P =0.407([B−V ]0−0.495) t6 [d] where [B−V ]0 (after Walsh et al., 2011; Morbidelli, 2013). is the intrinsic stellar B − V color and t6 is the stellar age in Myr. For younger stars, the rotation period also depends on the presence of a circumstellar disk (around pre-main order to ensure that complete merging of the bodies occurs sequence stars) leading to “disk-locked”, relatively slow ro- (Stewart and Leinhardt, 2012; Dvorak et al., 2012, Maindl tation, and the history of disk dispersal before the arrival on & Dvorak, 2014; Maindl et al., 2013). the (MS), leading to a wide range of ZAMS Obviously, the scenario for the water delivery to Earth is rotation periods (Soderblom et al., 1993). still incomplete and depends highly on the initial conditions one is using. 4.1 The Evolution of Stellar Optical Radiation 4. THE HOST STAR IN TIME Before arriving on the MS, a star’s first de- The conditions on the surface and in the atmospheres of creases when it moves down the as a T Tauri terrestrial planets are controlled by the radiative and particle star; in that phase, the Sun was several times brighter than output of the host star; as this output varies on time scales today, although its effective temperature was lower (T ≈ of minutes to billions of years, conditions in planetary at- 4500 K) and its radius consequently larger (≈ 2 − 3R⊙). mospheres are temporarily or permanently modified. Before reaching the ZAMS, solar-like stars reach a mini- The photospheric radiative output is a consequence of mum bolometric luminosity, Lbol, which for a solar-mass the nuclear energy production in the star’s interior; it domi- star is as low as ≈0.45Lbol,⊙ (at an age of ≈ 13 Myr; nates the optical and partly the near- (NUV) spec- Baraffe et al., 1998). trum. The star’s effective temperature and its luminosity The Sun’s bolometric luminosity has steadily increased follow from the laws of and consequent nu- since its arrival on the ZAMS, starting from ≈ 70% of clear reactions in the core, which gradually vary in time. today’s luminosity. At the same time, the effective tem- In contrast, radiation in the ultraviolet (UV, 2100- perature also increased somewhat (Sackmann & Boothroyd, 3500 A),˚ the far-ultraviolet (FUV, 912–2100 A),˚ the 2003). This increase is a consequence of the evolution of extreme ultraviolet (EUV, 100–912 A),˚ and the X-ray nuclear reactions in the core of the star. Similar trends hold (< 100 A)˚ range is a consequence of (often violent) en- for other cool main-sequence stars. ergy release in the due to annihilation of During the later MS evolution, the Sun’s brightness will unstable magnetic fields. Magnetic activity is expressed in increase up to ≈ 3L⊙ at an age of 10 Gyr. The signifi- cool photospheric spots, chromospheric plage emitting in cant change in Lbol implies that the classical habitable zone the ultraviolet, and hot (million-degree) coronal in around the star moves outward during this evolution. Kast- “magnetic loops” with strong X-ray radiation; also, highly- ing et al. (1993) derived the HZ-width for the entire main- energetic, accelerated particles, shock fronts from mass sequence evolution of the Sun (and cooler stars), defining ejections, short-term energetic flares and perhaps also the the “continuously habitable zone”. The latter becomes nar- solar wind indicate the operation of magnetic energy re- rower as the inner border moves outward while - under the lease. Magnetic fields are ultimately generated in a mag- assumption that planets moving into the HZ at a later time netic dynamo in the stellar interior, driven by the interaction do not evolve into habitable planets - the outer border re- between convection and differential rotation. The short- mains the same. Therefore, the total width of the HZ nar- wavelength stellar output is therefore a function of stellar rows as the star evolves. The Earth will in fact be inside the rotation (depending on stellar age) and of the stellar spectral inner HZ radius at an age of ≈ 7 Gyr, i.e., only 2.4 Gyr in type (determining the depth of the , itself the future (for the most pessimistic models) and so it will lose its water. This effect is less serious for later-type stars

6 for the same time interval because of their slower evolution.

4.2 Evolution of Stellar Ultraviolet Radiation

The stellar FUV-NUV flux (91.2 ≤ λ ≤ 350 nm) covers the transition from the of the hot chro- mospheric/transition region gas, at typical temperatures of 104 − 105 K, to the rising photospheric emission, dominat- ing above ∼200 nm. This wavelength range contains the strongest emission line, H Lyα, which is responsible for over 50% of the stellar high-energy (XUV) flux. The UV domain is especially relevant in the context of planetary atmospheres since UV photons trigger a variety of photo- chemical reactions (e.g., Hu et al., 2012; Yung and DeMore, 1999; Sect. 5.1 below). Important molecules such as H2O, Fig. 4.— Flux ratios relative to the modern (present-day) Sun at CO2, CH4, CO, NH3, have photodissociation cross sections that become significant below 200 nm. Also, the abun- 1 AU covering the UV range of solar-like stars of different ages. dance of the O is mainly controlled Both continuum and line fluxes are included using the procedure 3 in Claire et al. (2012). (Adapted from Claire et al. 2012; c AAS. by photochemical reactions, hence understanding the inter- Reproduced with permission.) action of the stellar radiation with the atmospheric chem- istry is of great importance for the determination of pos- sible atmospheric biosignatures. A reliable calculation of of wavelength that can be applied to the current solar flux to the photodissociation rates and their time evolution is very calculate the spectral irradiance at different ages. Figure4 complex due to the interplay between the strongly decreas- plots the flux multipliers. Better constraints to the UV flux ing cross sections and the rapidly rising stellar flux toward evolution of solar-like stars will follow from observations longer wavelengths. For example, the flux of solar-like stars with new instrumentation (Linsky et al., 2012). increases by more than 2 orders of from 150 The flux multipliers of Claire et al. (2012) are appro- to 200 nm and the photodissociation cross section of, e.g., priate for the Sun and solar-like stars but may not be ade- H2O, decreases by over 3 orders of magnitude in the same quate for stars of lower mass. Measurements of UV fluxes interval. of a handful of M dwarfs are available (France et al., 2013, The FUV-NUV flux from low-mass stars is variable over and references therein). France et al. (2013) show that the many time scales, including hours (flares), days (rotation flux in the FUV band relative to the NUV band for most period), years (activity cycles) and Gyr (rotational spin- M dwarfs is 3 orders of magnitude larger than the solar down). We focus here on the long-term evolution, which is value, and this has strong photochemical implications. But, comparable to the nuclear time scale. The UV photospheric in spite of these measurements, we still lack information flux (i.e., λ & 200 nm) rises with time as the star evolves on the time evolution of such fluxes, the main reason being off the ZAMS and increases its radius and effective temper- the difficulty in estimating stellar ages. The development of ature. For the case of the Sun, the overall Main Sequence new alternative age determination methods for MS K and UV flux increase ranges within 30%–200% depending on M dwarfs (Garces´ et al., 2011) should help to define the the wavelength, as illustrated by Claire et al. (2012) on the necessary UV flux-time relationships. basis of Kurucz atmosphere models. The determination of the H Lyα line flux deserves spe- The chromospheric and transition region emission is cial attention. Precise measurement of the H Lyα line is ex- much more difficult to describe, as it depends on the evo- tremely challenging due to contamination from Earth geo- lution of the magnetic properties of the star. A successful coronal emission and the difficulty of correcting interstellar technique employed to investigate the long-term evolution and astrospheric absorption (Wood et al., 2005). Linsky et of stellar activity is to identify stars that can act as proxies al. (2013) present a compilation of HST/STIS observations for different ages (e.g., Ribas et al., 2005). In the UV this is of a relatively large sample of stars from F to M spectral especially complicated by the difficulty in finding stars that types, with Lyα fluxes and correlations with other emission are close enough to an evolutionary track and by the need to line fluxes. When normalizing fluxes to the stellar habitable use space facilities (FUSE, GALEX, IUE, HST) that have zone, Linsky et al. show a clear increasing trend of Lyα only been able to provide high-quality data for a limited flux with decreasing stellar Teff . M dwarfs produce, on av- number of nearby objects. The best example of the appli- erage, a nearly one order of magnitude higher Lyα flux in cation of the proxy technique is the star κ1 Cet, which is a their HZ than do solar-like stars in their respective HZ. Un- close match to the Sun at an age of ∼0.6 Gyr, as presented fortunately, most of the stars used by Linsky et al. have no by Ribas et al. (2010). Claire et al. (2012) generalized well-determined ages and thus a time-evolution determina- the study to the entire main sequence evolution of solar-like tion is not possible. The Lyα flux evolution relationship of stars, resulting in approximate flux multipliers as a function

7 (2007), Guinan et al. (2009) and Mamajek & Hillenbrand 1−20 Å 1000 20−100 Å (2008). M dwarfs, for example, remain at the saturation 100−360 Å level for much longer than solar-like stars, up to order of a 360−920 Å 920−1200 Å Gyr as for example seen in the Hyades cluster (Stern et al., 100 1995), in contrast to a solar analog that leaves this regime typically in the first 100 Myr. A second evolutionary trend in X-rays is due to the av- 10 erage coronal temperature, resulting in a long-term trend in

Relative flux (Sun=1) spectral hardness. X-ray hardness is an important factor de-

1 termining the penetration depth of X-rays into a planetary atmosphere. While the present-day solar corona shows an average temperature, Tcor, of about 2 MK, young, magneti- 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.40.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cally active stars reveal Tcor around10 MK and even higher, Age (Gyr) implying a corresponding shift of the dominant spectral ra- diation to harder photon (≈ 1 keV). The empirical Fig. 5.— Power-law decay of spectral output of a solar analog relation for solar-mass stars is (Telleschi et al., 2005) during its MS (age 0.05–10 Gyr) life, normalized to the present- 26 4.05±0.25 −1 day solar flux. The shortest-wavelength flux decays the fastest. LX =1.61 × 10 Tcor [erg s ]. (5) (From Ribas et al., 2005; c AAS. Reproduced with permission.) This relation holds similarly for pre-main sequence stars. Short-wavelength (UV to X-ray) emission-line fluxes Ribas et al. (2005) for solar analogs is still up to date: F (Tmax,t) for maximum line formation temperatures Tmax −0.72 −1 −2 (4 . log Tmax . 7) decay in time (t9 in Gyr) as F ≈ 19.2t9 [erg s cm ] (1) −β F (Tmax,t) = αt9 (6) where F is the normalized flux at a distance of 1 AU and t9 is the stellar age in Gyr. β = 0.32 log Tmax − 0.46 (7)

4.3 Evolution of High-Energy Radiation and Activity (Gudel¨ , 2007; similar relations hold for the continuum, where Tmax corresponds to hc/(λk), h is the Planck con- The strongest evolutionary change in magnetically in- stant, k the Boltzmann constant, c the speed of light, and duced stellar radiation is seen in the high-energy range in- λ the continuum wavelength). In other words, the decay is cluding EUV, X-ray and gamma-ray radiation. The inte- steeper for shorter wavelengths, implying the largest en- grated luminosity in the soft X-ray (0.1–10 keV photon en- hancement factors for young stars for the shortest wave- ergy) and the EUV (0.014–0.1 keV) depends on the stel- lengths (Fig. 5). The average enhancement factors are sum- lar rotation period, P , and therefore age; for a solar analog marized in Table 1 for a solar analog throughout its main- (Gudel¨ et al., 1997; Sanz-Forcada et al., 2011), sequence life. We emphasize that enhancement factors for individual young stars may scatter around the given values 31.05±0.12 −2.64±0.12 −1 LX ≈ 10 P [erg s ] (2) because the rotation period may not have converged to an − ± − age-independent value on the main sequence. We refer to L ≈ (3 ± 1) × 1028t 1.5 0.3 [erg s 1] (3) X 9 the chapter of Bouvier et al. in this volume for more details ≈ ± × 29 −1.24±0.15 −1 LEUV (1.3 0.3) 10 t9 [erg s ](4) on the rotational evolution of stars. (t is the stellar age in Gyr). However, these dependencies 9 4.4 The Evolution of Stellar Winds and Mass Loss only hold for sufficiently slow rotation. For young, rapid rotators, magnetic activity and therefore the X-ray output In addition to being exposed to electromagnetic radia- reaches a saturation level. Empirically, L ≈ 10−3L for X bol tion from their host stars, planets are also exposed to high- all late-type main-sequence and pre-main sequence stars. speed outflows of particles from the stellar atmosphere. For These dependencies can be generalized to stars of other cool main sequence stars like the Sun, stellar winds arise spectral class. For example, using the Rossby number Ro = in the hot coronae that represent the outermost atmospheres P/τ (where τ is the spectral-class and age-dependentcon- c c of the stars. Although the mechanisms of coronal heating vective turnover time), one finds a unified description of the and coronal wind acceleration remain hot topics of research, L −Ro and L −P dependencies (Pizzolato et al., 2003), X X Parker (1958) demonstrated long ago that once you have a namely L ≈ 10−3L for rapid rotators (young age) and X bol hot corona, a wind much like that of the Sun arises nat- L ∝ P −2 for slow rotators (more evolved stars). X urally through thermal expansion. Thus, any star known Combining these trends with the mass or spectral-type to have a hot corona can be expected to possess a coronal dependent spin-down rate of a star has important conse- wind something like that of the Sun. Observations from X- quences for the stellar high-energyoutput in time. Attempts ray observatories such as Einstein, ROSAT, Chandra, and to unify the X-ray decay law were described in Scalo et al.


Solar age Time before Enhancement in (Gyr) present (Gyr) X-Rays (1 – 20 A)˚ Soft-X (20 – 100 A)˚ FUV (920 – 1180 A)˚ EUV (100 – 360 A)˚

0.1 4.5 1600b 100 25 0.2 4.4 400 50 14 0.7 3.9 40 10 5 1.1 3.5 15 6 3 1.9 2.7 5 3 2 2.6 2.0 3 2 1.6 3.2 1.4 2 1.5 1.4 4.6 0 1 1 1 a normalized to ZAMS age of 4.6 Gyr before present b large scatter possible due to unknown initial rotation period of Sun

XMM-Newton have demonstrated that X-ray emitting coro- nae are ubiquitous among cool main sequence stars, so coronal winds can be expected to be ubiquitous as well. Unfortunately, detecting and studying these winds is much harder than detecting and studying the coronae in which they arise. Current observational capabilities do not yet allow us to directly detect solar-like coronal winds em- anating from other stars. Bremsstrahlung radio emission may uncover ionized winds. An upper limit for the mass- −11 −1 loss rate of M˙ w . 2 × 10 M⊙ yr was inferred for the F5 IV-V Procyon (Drake et al., 1993), and −12 −1 M˙ w . 7 × 10 M⊙ yr for the M dwarf Proxima Cen- 4 tauri (using a wind temperature Tw = 10 K and a wind −1 velocity vw = 300 km s , Lim et al., 1996). Van den Oord −12 −1 and Doyle (1997) also found M˙ w . 10 M⊙ yr for observed dMe stars assuming Tw ≈ 1 MK. For young (few Fig. 6.— Mass-loss rates per unit surface area vs. stellar X-ray 100 Myr) solar analogs, Gaidos et al. (2000) found upper surface fluxes. MS stars are shown by filled circles. (From Wood −11 −1 et al., 2005; c AAS. Reproduced with permission.) limits of M˙ w . (4 − 5) × 10 M⊙ yr . Sensitive upper limits can also be derived from the ab- sence of radio attenuation of coronal (flare or quiescent) ra- the ISM surrounding the Sun is partially neutral, the solar- dio emission by an overlying wind (Lim and White, 1996). wind/ISM collision yields populations of hot hydrogen gas This method applies only to spherically symmetric winds. throughout the heliosphere created by charge exchange pro- The most sensitive upper limits based on low-frequency cesses. The highestH I densities are in the so-called “hydro- radio emission apply to the dMe star YZ CMi, with gen wall” just beyond the heliopause, hundreds of AU from ˙ × −14 −1 −12 −1 Mw . 5 10 M⊙ yr , . 10 M⊙ yr , and . the Sun. Ultraviolet spectra from the Hubble Space Tele- −11 −1 −1 4 10 M⊙ yr for vw = 300 km s and Tw = 10 K, scope (HST) have detected Lyman- absorption from both 6 7 α 10 K, and 10 K, respectively. the heliospheric hydrogen wall (Linsky and Wood, 1996), Alternatively, neutrals of the flow- and astrospheric hydrogen walls surrounding the observed ing into an astrosphere blown by a stellar wind may induce stars (Gayley et al., 1997; Wood et al., 2002, 2005). In charge exchange that could in principle be detected by the the case of astrospheres, the amount of absorption is re- ensuing line emission at X-ray wavelengths. Spatially re- lated to the strength of the stellar winds, so with guidance solved observations are needed, but again, no detection has from hydrodynamicmodels of the astrospheres, been reported yet (see Wargelin and Drake, 2001). loss rates have been inferred from the astrospheric Lyman- The so far only successful method relies not on detect- α data. The number of astrospheric wind measurements ing the winds themselves, but their collision with the ISM is only 13, however, and many more measurements are re- (Linsky and Wood, 1996). The collision regions are called quired for further progress to be made in this area. ”astrospheres,” analogous to the ”heliosphere” that defines These observations imply that winds generally correlate the solar wind’s realm of influence around the Sun. Because with stellar activity (Wood et al., 2005; Fig. 6). The mass-

9 loss rate M˙ w per unit stellar surface correlates with the stel- at the same time indicates that superflares are not occurring lar X-ray surface flux FX; correspondingly, the total mass- at a higher rate in M dwarfs than in solar analogs; it is the loss rate M˙ w correlates with the X-ray luminosity LX and closer-in habitable zones around M dwarfs combined with therefore age, t, the slower decay of M-dwarf activity that subjects habit- able planets around M dwarfs to much higher flare-radiation ˙ 1.34±0.18 Mw ∝ LX (8) doses for a longer time. −2.33±0.55 M˙ w ∝ t (9) Schrijver et al. (2012) investigated the presence of superflares on the Sun in historical times, using natural where for the second formula the activity-age relation archives (nitrate in polar ice cores and various cosmogenic has been used (Wood et al., 2005). Extrapolating the radionuclids) together with flare statistics and the historical above law up to the X-ray saturation limit at FX ≈ record of ; they conclude that flares in the past four 7 −2 −1 2 × 10 erg cm s , we would infer M˙ w of the youngest centuries are unlikely to have exceeded the largest observed solar analogs to exceed the present-day loss solar flare with total energy of ≈ 1033 erg. The solar mag- −14 −1 (M˙ ⊙ ≈ 2 × 10 M⊙ yr ; e.g., Feldman et al., 1977) netic field (an similarly, stellar magnetic fields) provides an by a factor of a thousand. However, there is some evidence upper bound to the maximum flare energyrelease simply by 5 −2 −1 that the most active stars with FX & 8 × 10 erg cm s the amount of free magnetic energy that could coherently be are inconsistent with this correlation and may actually have converted. This limit is indeed about ≈ 1033 erg, a tenfold surprisingly weak winds (Wood et al., 2005). Mass loss ap- stronger flare requiring a spot coverage of 10%, unobserved pears to increase with activity up to about M˙ w = 100 times on the modern Sun (Schrijver et al., 2012). the current solar wind, but then appears to actually weaken However, Schaefer et al. (2000) reported, from obser- towards even higher stellar activity, down to about 10 times vations in various wavebands, nine “super-flares” with total the current solar mass loss rate. Possibly, the appearance radiative energies of 1033 − 1038 erg on solar (F-G type) of high-latitude active regions (spots) with a magnetic field analog stars, none of which is exceptionally young or ex- more akin to a global dipole may inhibit wind escape (Wood tremely active, or a member of a close binary system. Some et al., 2005). of the flaring objects were even older than the Sun. They We emphasize that this method requires the presence of concluded that the average recurrence time for superflares neutrals (e.g., at least a partially neutral cloud) around the on such stars may be decades to centuries although this observed star. If the interstellar medium around the star is would obviously be an overestimate for the Sun. With the fully ionized, no hydrogen walls can form, and the absence new Kepler satellite data in hand, Maehara et al. (2012) of absorption features in Lyα will not indicate weak winds. found surprisingly many superflares with bolometric ener- gies of 1033 − 1036 erg, with an estimated recurrence time 4.5 Stellar Flares of ≈800 yrs for 1034 erg flares on old, solar-like stars. None of these stars is known to host close-in exoplanetsthat could A stellar flare is the result of short-term (minutes to induce such energy release. hours) explosive energy release tapped from non-potential The impact of stellar flares on the atmospheres of terres- energy in the coronal magnetic fields, ultimately derived trial extrasolar planets has been studied by, e.g., Segura et from convective energy at the stellar surface. During flares, al. (2010) and Grenfell et al. (2012). The importance of plasma in the stellar atmosphere is rapidly heated, and such single events would be their potential to melt ice sur- therefore fluxes increase across the electromagnetic spec- faces on habitable planets, the possible temporary breakup trum, in very rare cases exceeding the entire quiescent of the ionosphere and depletion after creation of stellar output (Osten et al., 2010). Flare radiation ampli- oxides in the irradiated atmosphere; an event of tudes are particularly high in the short-wavelength (XUV, 1036 erg (ionizing energy) was estimated to result in a loss gamma-ray) range, and also in the radio regime. of 80% of the total ozone content for more than one year, Flares occur at rates depending on the flare amplitude or with the consequent increase in UV irradiation (Schaefer et its released (radiative or total) energy, E, in the form of a al., 2000). power law, dN/dE ∝ E−α, where α ≈ 2 ± 0.4 has been found by various investigators, i.e., small flares occur at a 4.6 Coronal Mass Ejections much higher rate than the rare big flares (Gudel¨ , 2004, and references therein). Apart from stellar winds, exoplanets may interact with Very energetic flares or “superflares” may contribute to coronal mass ejections (CMEs), occurring sporadically and the of upper planetary atmospheres (ionospheres) propagating within the stellar wind as large-scale plasma- and upper-atmospheric chemistry, thus potentially changing magnetic structures. The high speeds of CMEs (up to thou- planetary habitable conditions. Audard et al. (2000) found sands of km/s), their intrinsic magnetic field and their in- that the rate of large EUV flares exceeding some given creased density compared to the stellar wind background radiative energy threshold is proportional to the average, make CMEs an active factor which strongly influences the long-term X-ray luminosity of the star, suggesting a very planetary environments and magnetospheres. Often, col- high rate of superflares in young, active stars. This relation lisions of the close-orbit exoplanets with massive stellar

10 CME plasmas compress planetary magnetospheres much emission irradiating the planet and the mid-IR thermal radi- deeper towards the surface of the exoplanet. This would ation that is lost to space: result in much higher ion loss rates than expected during 0.25 the usual stellar wind conditions (see Sect. 6 below). S(1 − A) T = , (12) CMEs can be directly observed only on the Sun. They eff  4σ  are associated with flares and prominence eruptions and their sources are usually located in active regions and with S being the solar radiative energy flux at a particu- prominence sites. The likelihood of CME events increases lar orbit location of a planet, A the bond albedo describing with the size and power of the related flare event. Gen- the fraction of the radiation reflected from the planet, and erally, it is expected that the frequent and powerful flares σ the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Most of the IR radiation on magnetically active flaring stars should be accompa- emitted from Venus or Earth does not come from the sur- nied by an increased rate of CME production. Based on face; rather, it comes from the cloud top level on Venus or the mid-troposphere on Earth and yields T ≈ 220 K for estimates of solar CME plasma density nCME, using the eff in-situ spacecraft measurements (at distances > 0.4 AU) Venus and 255 K for Earth. Above the mesopause, radia- and the analysis of white-light coronagraph images (at dis- tion with short wavelengths in the X-ray, soft-X-ray and the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) part of the spectrum is absorbed tances ≤ 30RSun ≈ 0.14 AU), Khodachenko et al. (2007a) in the upper atmosphere, leading to dissociation of molecu- provided general power-law interpolations for the nCME dependence on the orbital distance d (in AU) to a star: lar species, ionization and heating, so that the thermosphere temperature Tth ≫ Teff . min −2.3 max −3.0 nCME(d)=4.88d , nCME(d)=7.10d . (10) 5.1 Surface Climate and Chemical Processing Equations (10) identify a typical maximum-minimum range of nCME. The dependence of stellar CME speed vCME on The surface climate conditions on terrestrial planets are d can be approximated by the formula: largely affected by the presence of greenhouse gases (main contributors: H2O, CO2, O3, CH4, N2O), absorbing and 1/2 2.8RSun − d re-emitting (IR) radiation and thereby heating the vCME = v0 1 − exp , (11)   8.1RSun  lower atmosphere. The greenhouse effect on the surface of Earth is about 33 K, and about 460 K for the dense CO2 proposed in Sheeley et al. (1997) on the basis of tracking of . In the troposphere of the terrestrial several solar wind density enhancements at close distances planets, adiabatic cooling leads to decreasing temperatures (d< 0.1 AU). For the approximation of average- and high- with height. In the case of Earth, the ozone (O3) layer peak- −1 speed CMEs one may take in Eq. (11) v0 = 500 km s and ing at about 30 km height absorbs stellar radiation around −1 v0 = 800 km s , respectively. Besides of that, the average 250 nm, resulting in atmosphericheating and a stratospheric 15 mass of CMEs is estimated as 10 g, whereas their average temperature inversion. This is not observed for those terres- duration at distances of ≈ 0.05 AU is close to 8 hours. trial planets in our solar system which do not have sufficient Because of the relatively short range of propagation of amounts of ozone, i.e., Mars and Venus. In the context most CMEs, they should strongly impact the planets in of extrasolar planets, ozone is of special interest not only close orbits (. 0.3 AU). Khodachenko et al. (2007a) have for its climatic impact, but also as a potential biosignature cr ≈ found that for a critical CME production rate fCME 36 which can be detected by spectroscopic absorption bands in CMEs per day (and higher), a close orbit exoplanet appears the IR spectral range. to be under continuous action of the stellar CMEs plasma, Ozone is formed in the Earth’s stratosphere via pho- so that each next CME collides with the planet during the tolytic processes from O2 (Chapman, 1930) operating at time when the previous CME is still passing over it, acting wavelengths <200 nm. The ozone molecule itself is also like an additional type of “wind”. Therefore, investigations destroyed photolytically in the UVB and via HOx and NOx of evolutionary paths of close-orbit exoplanets in poten- catalytic cycles (Crutzen, 1970), which are also favored by tially habitable zones around young active stars should take UV radiation. In the Earth’s troposphere, O3 is mainly pro- into account the effects of such relatively dense magnetic duced by the smog mechanism (Haagen-Smit et al., 1952). clouds (MCs) and CMEs, apart from the ordinary winds. Terrestrial exoplanets orbit host stars of different types, i.e., stars with different effective temperatures and hence 5. ATMOSPHERES AND STELLAR RADIATION spectral energy distributions. Cool dwarf stars, such as M- The radiation environment during the active period of a types, exhibit less flux at optical and near-UV wavelengths young star is of great relevance for the evolution and escape than the Sun down to about 200 nm, depending on stellar of planetary atmospheres. The visible radiation penetrates class. They can, however, be very active in the UV range through a planetary atmosphere down to its surface unless it below 170-190 nm, hence at wavelengths relevant for pho- is blocked by clouds, aerosols or dust particles. The average tochemistry of O2 and O3 (Sect. 4.2). Planets with oxygen- skin or effective temperature, Teff , of a planet can be esti- bearing atmospheres around M dwarf stars may therefore mated from the energy balance between the optical/near-IR have weaker or stronger ozone layers, depending on UV

11 fluxes below about 200 nm (e.g., Segura et al., 2005; Gren- the production of O1D is reduced due to the reduced M fell et al., 2013). Cool M dwarfs with reduced UV fluxes dwarf UV flux, affecting the production of OH via: H2O 1 allow for less O2 destruction and therefore less O3 is pro- +O D → 2OH. This in turn leads to reduced methane de- duced by the Chapman mechanism. In the case of very cool struction, hence increased methane abundances in the at- M dwarfs this production mechanism could be severely re- mosphere (e.g., Segura et al., 2005; Rauer et al., 2011). duced and the smog mechanism could take over even in Also the good biosignature N2O (good in the sense of at- the mid-atmosphere (Grenfell et al., 2013). For Earth-like tributability of spectral features to biogenic activity) could planets around such cool and quiet M dwarfs atmospheric be significantly increased for planets around cool M dwarfs ozone abundances can be significantly reduced, whereas the (Rauer et al., 2011; Seager et al., 2013). This is inter- same kind of planet around an active M dwarf with high esting because N2O is normally not detectable for Earth- UV fluxes would show a prominent ozone layer (Segura like planets around solar-like stars due to its weak spec- et al., 2005; Grenfell et al., 2014). The amount of strato- tral features, but may be detectable for planets orbiting M spheric ozone on exoplanets around M dwarfs may there- dwarf stars. These examples illustrate how the central star fore highly depend on their UV activity. Surface tempera- spectral energy distribution affects atmospheric chemistry, tures are somewhat higher on Earth-like planets (i.e., with abundances and the strength of potentially observable at- modern Earth type N2-O2 dominated atmospheres) orbiting mospheric molecular absorption bands. The discussion has M dwarfs for the same total stellar insolation, because, e.g., just started, and many more parameter studies are needed to Rayleigh scattering contributes less to the planetary albedo identify the most dominant effects on observable signals. owing to the λ−4-dependenceof the Rayleigh scattering co- Clearly, the visibility of indicators for habitability (e.g., efficient. The largest impact of the different stellar energy H2O, CO2, CH4) in spectra obtained from terrestrial exo- flux distribution of cool stars on a planet’s T − p profile planets are significantly affected by the central star spec- is, however, seen in the mid-atmosphere. Earth-like ter- tral type and activity (e.g., Segura et al., 2005; Selsis et al., restrial exoplanets around M dwarfs do not show a strong 2008; Segura et al., 2010; Rauer et al., 2011; Hedelt et al., stratospheric temperature inversion, even if a thick ozone 2013; Grenfell et al., 2014; Rugheimer et al., 2013). This layer is present in the mid-atmosphere (Segura et al. 2005; holds in particular for M dwarfs which are favorable tar- Rauer et al., 2011; Grenfell et al., 2013). For example, gets for transit spectroscopy during primary and secondary as discussed above, some active M dwarfs with very high eclipse because of their improved star/planet contrast. It fluxes below 200 nm can efficiently destroy oxygen to form has become evident that a good characterization of the host a strong ozone layer (Segura et al., 2005), but still show no star stellar energy distribution and its temporal variability is stratospheric T -inversion (Fig. 7). This is primarily caused crucial for the interpretation of absorption spectra and iden- by the reduced near-UV flux of M dwarf stars around 250 nm which is relevant for stratospheric heating. In Fig. 7, increasing UV (from an inactive M7 dwarf - “×1” - to 1000× stronger) leads to middle atmosphere cooling be- cause UV stimulates OH which reduces CH4 (an important heater). On increasing UV further, however, O3 is stimu- lated which leads to strong stratospheric heating. Results suggest that a strong T -inversion is less relevant for surface climate but can make the detection of atmospheric absorp- tion bands more difficult (e.g., Rauer et al., 2011; Kalteneg- ger et al., 2011; Grenfell et al., 2014). In summary, UV can, on the one hand, enhance O3, hence heat the middle atmo- sphere, but on the other hand it can stimulate OH, hence remove CH4, which has the opposite effect - which effect is strongest depends on the amount of O3, CH4 and the UV intensity. Other atmospheric species relevant for climate, habit- ability and biosignatures, such as water, methane, or nitrous oxide are also affected by the different host star spectral Fig. 7.— Response of the atmospheric T − p profile of an energy distributions. Water and methane are strong green- Earth-like planet in the HZ of an M7 star to UV irra- diation. The profiles are for a star with very low UV flux (long house gases and therefore relevant for habitability. Wa- dash, “×1”), 100 and 1000 times this flux (dotted resp. long-short ter is produced in the stratosphere via methane oxidation dash). The T −p profile for the present Earth is also shown (solid). → (CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O) and destroyed by photoly- The cooling from 1× to 100× is due to the destruction of CH4 by sis. Earth-like planets around M dwarf stars show some- UV, resulting in less heating. Very high UV levels lead to a tem- what higher atmospheric water abundances for the same in- perature inversion in the ozone layer (adapted from Grenfell et al., cident stellar flux due to higher surface temperatures and 2014). reduced stratospheric photolytic destruction. In addition,

12 tification of potential false-positive signals. 5.2 Upper Atmosphere XUV Heating and IR-Cooling Clouds are a common phenomenon in the atmospheres of many terrestrial bodies of our Solar System (e.g., Venus, Planets irradiated by high XUV radiation experience Earth, Mars, Titan) and are also expected in atmospheres heating of the upper atmosphere, related expansion and of terrestrial extrasolar planets. They play a major role thermal escape. Ionizing XUV radiation at short wave- in the climate of terrestrial planets by affecting the atmo- lengths (λ ≤ 102.7 nm) and dissociating radiation (UV) spheric energy budget in several competing ways. Clouds as well as chemical heating in exothermic 3-body reactions can scatter a fraction of the incident stellar radiation back are responsible for the heating of the upper planetary atmo- to space, resulting in atmospheric cooling. On the other spheres (e.g., Lammer, 2013). The volume heat production hand, by trapping thermal radiation within the lower atmo- rate q caused by the absorption of the stellar XUV radiation sphere clouds can yield a greenhouse effect. This green- can then be written as (e.g., Erkaev et al., 2013; Lammer et house effect can occur either by absorption and re-emission al., 2013b) −τ at their local temperature (classical greenhouse effect) or qXUV = ηnσaJe , (13) by scattering thermal radiation back toward the planetary with the energy flux related to the corresponding wave- surface (scattering greenhouse effect). In the Earth’s atmo- length range outside the atmosphere, J, the absorption sphere, for example, low-level water clouds usually cool cross-section of atmospheric species, σ , the optical depth, the surface whereas high-level water ice clouds can lead to a τ, and the number density, n. In today’s Venus’ or Earth’s a heating effect. The net climatic effect of a cloud is largely atmosphere, thermospheric heating processes occur near determined by the wavelength-dependent optical properties the homopause in the lower thermosphere, where the eddy of the cloud particles (e.g., absorption and scattering cross- diffusion coefficient is equal to the molecular diffusion sections, single-scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter,or coefficient, at an altitude of ∼ 110 km (e.g., von Zahn scattering phase function). These properties can differ con- et al., 1980). Depending on the availability of the main siderably for different cloud-forming species, particle sizes, atmospheric constituents and minor species, the thermo- and shapes (see Marley et al., 2013, for a broad review on spheric temperature can be reduced by IR emission in the clouds in the atmospheres of extrasolar planets). vibrational-rotational bands of molecules such as CO ,O , The climatic effect of clouds has been discussed, for ex- 2 3 H+, etc. ample, as possible solutions to the Faint Young Sun para- 3 The fraction of the absorbed stellar XUV radiation trans- dox (e.g., Rondanelli and Lindzen, 2010; Goldblatt and formed into thermal energy is the so-called heating effi- Zahnle, 2011a; see Sect. 7.1 below), for planets at the inner ciency η; it lies in the range of ∼15–60% (Chassefiere` , boundary of the habitable zone (e.g., Kasting, 1988), and 1996a; Yelle, 2004; Lammer et al., 2009; Koskinen et al., their effect on exoplanet spectroscopy of planets at differ- 2013). Recent calculations by Koskinen et al. (2013) esti- ent ages (e.g., Kaltenegger et al., 2007). The climatic ef- mate the total heating rate based on the absorption of stel- fect of clouds in atmospheres of Earth-like exoplanets and lar XUV radiation, photoelectrons and photochemistry for the resulting effects on the potential masking of molecu- the hydrogen-rich “hot Jupiter” HD 209458b with an or- lar absorption bands in the planetary spectra has been stud- bit of 0.047 AU around a solar like star; they found that ied again recently by, e.g., Kitzmann et al. (2010, 2011a, the heating efficiency for XUV fluxes ∼450 times today’s 2011b, 2013), Zsom et al. (2012), Rugheimer et al. (2013), solar flux at 1 AU is most likely between ∼40–60%. For and Vasquez et al. (2013a, 2013b). hydrogen-richexoplanets exposed to such high XUV fluxes The impact of clouds on the climate of particular exo- most molecules such as H in the thermosphere are disso- planets is, however, difficult to evaluate without observa- 2 ciated; thus, IR cooling via H+ produced by photochemical tional constraints on their cloud cover or all the microphys- 3 reactions with H molecules becomes less important (Kosk- ical details (e.g., condensation nuclei) which determine the 2 inen et al., 2007). However, depending on the availability cloud particle sizes and shapes (Marley et al., 2013). of IR-cooling molecules in planetary atmospheres at larger Active M dwarfs or even young solar-like stars may orbital distances exposed to lower XUV fluxes, the heating exhibit strong stellar cosmic-ray emissions. So-called air efficiency may be closer to the lower value of ∼15%. shower events lead to secondary electron emissions which can break up strong atmospheric molecules like N . This 2 5.3 XUV Induced Thermal can perturb the atmospheric photochemistry, hence affect biosignature molecules and their detectability (see, e.g., Se- Tian et al. (2008) studied the response of Earth’s up- gura et al. (2010) and Grenfell et al. (2007, 2012) for a per atmosphere to high solar XUV fluxes in more detail and discussion on the effect on ozone and other spectral biosig- discovered that one can classify the thermosphere response natures). Results suggest for the extreme ”flaring case” (see into two thermal regimes. In the first regime, the thermo- also Sect. 4.5) that ozone may be strongly removed by cos- sphere is in hydrostatic equilibrium. In this stage the bulk mic ray induced NOx (Grenfell et al., 2012) whereas the atmosphere below the exobase can be considered as static nitrous oxide biosignature may survive. Again, this illus- similar to the thermospheres of the solar system planets to- trates the importance of characterizing stellar activity when day. However, if the star’s EUV flux was/is much higher discussing atmospheric molecular signatures.

13 than that of the present Sun, or if the planet’s atmosphere nebula-captured hydrogen-dominated envelope is exposed is hydrogen-rich (Watson et al., 1981), the thermosphere to the extreme radiation and plasma environment of the can enter a second regime. There, the upper atmosphere is young star. The time period of this extreme escape process heated to such temperatures that the thermosphere becomes depends generally on the host star’s evolving XUV flux, the non-hydrostatic. In the hydrodynamic flow regime, the ma- planet’s orbit location, its , and the main atmospheric jor gases in the thermosphere can expand very efficiently constituents in the upper atmosphere. Some planets can be to several planetary radii above the planetary surface. As a in danger of being stripped of their whole atmospheres; on result light atoms experience high thermal escape rates and the other hand, if the atmospheric escape processes are too expand to large distances. weak, a planet may have problems getting rid of its protoat- In the hydrostatic regime the upper atmosphere experi- mosphere (Lammer et al., 2011b, 2011c; Lammer, 2013; ences classical Jeans escape where particles populating the Erkaev et al., 2013; Kislyakova et al., 2013). Both scenar- high-energy tail of a Maxwell distribution at the exobase ios will have essential implications for habitability. level have escape energy so that they are lost from the That the early atmospheres of terrestrial planets were planet. The so-called Jeans parameter, λJ(r), can generally even hydrogen-dominated or contained more hydrogen be expressed as (e.g., Chamberlain, 1963) than nowadays was considered decades ago by researchers such as Holland (1962), Walker (1977), Ringwood (1979), GMplm λJ(r)= , (14) Sekiya et al. (1980, 1981), Watson et al. (1981), and more rkT (r) recently by Ikoma and Genda (2006). The capture or accu- with the gravitational constant G, the Mpl, mulation of hydrogen envelopes depends on the planetary the mass of an atmospheric species m, the Boltzmann con- formation time, the nebula dissipation time, the depletion stant k, and the upper atmosphere temperature T as a func- factor of dust grains in the nebula, the nebula opacity, or- tion of planetary distance r. As long as λ(r) is > 30, an at- bital parameters of other planets in a system, the gravity of mosphere is bound to the planet. For lower values, thermal the , its orbital location, as well as the host star’s escape occurs and can become very high if λ(r) ∼2–3.5 radiation and plasma environment (e.g., Ikoma and Genda, (Volkov and Johnson, 2013), depending on the atmospheric 2006; Rafikov, 2006). Dependingon all of these parameters, main species, the XUV flux, and planetary parameters. theoretical studies let us expect that fast growing terrestrial In the non-hydrostatic regime, still not all atoms may planets from Earth to “super-Earth”-type may capture from reach escape velocity at the exobase level. In such cases tens to hundreds or even several thousands of Earth ocean one can expect hydrodynamicallyexpanding thermospheres equivalent amounts of hydrogen around their rocky cores where the loss of the upward flowing atmosphere results in (e.g., Hayashi et al., 1979; Mizuno, 1980; Wuchterl, 1993; a strong Jeans-type or controlled but Ikoma et al., 2000; Ikoma and Genda, 2006; Rafikov, 2006), not in hydrodynamicblow-off where no control mechanism making them really “mini-”. The recent discov- influences the escaping gas. eries of “mini-Neptunes” with known sizes and masses in- Only for λ(r) < 1.5 does hydrodynamic blow-off occur, dicate that many of them have rocky cores surrounded by and the escape becomes uncontrolled. This happens when a significant amount of hydrogen envelopes (e.g., Lissauer the mean thermal energy of the gases at the exobase level et al., 2011; Erkaev et al., 2013, 2014; Kislyakova et al., exceeds their gravitational energy. Hydrodynamic blow-off 2013; Lammer, 2013). can be considered as the most efficient atmospheric escape Adams et al. (2008), Mordasini et al. (2012), and Kip- process. In this extreme condition, the escape is very high ping et al. (2013) studied the mass-radius relationship of because the whole exosphere evaporates and will be refilled planets with primordial hydrogen envelope. The H enve- by the upward flowing planetary gas of the dynamically ex- lope mass fraction can be written as panding thermosphere as long as the thermosphere can re- M main in this extreme condition. In such cases the thermo- f = atm , (15) sphere starts, accompanied by adiabatic cooling, to dynam- Matm + Mcore ically expand to several planetary radii (Sekiya et al., 1980; with atmosphere mass Matm and core mass Mcore. Their Watson et al., 1981; Chassefiere` , 1996a; Tian et al., 2005, results indicate that for a given mass, there is a consider- 2008; Kulikov et al., 2007). able diversity of radii, mainly due to different bulk compo- To study the atmospheric structure of an upward flow- sitions, reflecting different formation histories. According ing, hydrodynamically expanding thermosphere, one has to to Mordasini et al. (2012) a protoplanet inside the habitable solve the set of the hydrodynamic equations. For exoplan- zone at 1 AU, with Teff = 250 K, with a core mass of 1M⊕ ets orbiting very close to their host stars, one cannot neglect and a hydrogen envelope mass function f of ∼ 0.01 could external forces such as gravitational effects related to the have a radius of about ∼ 2R⊕ depending on its age, orbital Roche lobe (Penz et. al., 2008). distance and activity of its host star. 5.4 XUV Powered Escape of H-Rich Protoatmospheres Additional to such nebula-based hydrogen envelopes, catastrophically outgassed volatile-rich steam atmospheres The most efficient atmospheric escape period starts after which depend on the impact history and the initial volatile the dissipated and the protoplanet with its content of a planet’s interior could also be formed after a

14 the planetary radius is ∼ 3.3 × 1031 s−1; for the hydrogen- dominated protoatmosphere with f = 0.01 and the corre- 32 −1 sponding radius at ∼ 2R⊕, it is ∼ 5.0 × 10 s . The total losses of hydrogen in equivalent amounts of Earth ocean 23 contents (1 EOH ∼ 1.5 × 10 g) for the first 100 Myr would be ∼ 1EOH for the case with the smaller lower ther- mosphere distance and ∼ 15.5EOH for the extended hydro- gen dominated protoatmosphere. One can see from these results that an equivalent amount of only a few EOH may be lost during the first 100 Myr (when the stellar XUV radiation is saturated at high levels); one may expect that terrestrial planets growing rapidly to Earth-mass or “super-Earth-mass” bodies inside the nebula may have a problem with losing their captured hydrogen Fig. 8.— Profiles of the volume heating rate (a), thermosphere envelopes. Some planets may keep tens, hundreds or even temperature (b), atmospheric density (c) and outflow velocity (d) thousands of EOH (Lammer, 2013; Lammer et al., 2013b). as a function of altitude, for an atomic-hydrogen dominated up- It is obvious that early Venus or Earth did not capture per atmosphere of an Earth-like planet with a heating efficiency such huge amounts of nebula gas and most likely did not of 15%, subject to an XUV exposure 100 times the present Sun’s accrete so fast by collisions with planetary embryos after at 1 AU. The dotted and dashed lines correspond to a tempera- the nebula disappeared (Albarede` and Blichert-Toft, 2007). ture Teff of 250 K at the base of the thermosphere with a lower For all atmospheric escape processes the age of the host thermosphere near the planetary surface (dotted line) and one for star and planet as well as the host star’s activity are very im- a hydrogen-dominated protoatmosphere with an envelope mass portant. After the planet’s origin, the briefly discussed hy- fraction f of 0.01 and a corresponding radius of 2R⊕ (Mordasini et al., 2012). The solid line in (d) corresponds to the escape veloc- drodynamic expansion and outflow due to the extreme stel- ity as a function of distance. lar and protoplanetary conditions result in the most efficient atmospheric escape process. During this phase no intrinsic planetary magnetic field will protect the expanded upper at- mosphere from ion erosion by the stellar wind. The hydro- planet finished its accretion (e.g., Elkins-Tanton and Sea- dynamic outflow changes with decreasing XUV flux and ger, 2008; Elkins-Tanton, 2011). Zahnle et al. (1988) cooling of the lower thermosphere from the hydrodynamic studied the evolution of steam atmospheres as expected on to the hydrostaticregime. For this later phase, a recent study the and found for surface temperatures close to by Kislyakova et al. (2013) indicates that stellar wind in- 2000 K atmospheric temperatures of the order of ∼1000 K. duced ion pick-up of light species such as atomic hydrogen Recently, Lebrun et al. (2013) studied the lifetime of catas- is always less efficient than thermal escape. However, af- trophically outgassed steam atmospheres of early Mars, ter the XUV flux of a young and active host star decreases Earth and Venus and found that water vapor condenses to to more moderate XUV flux levels < 5 times that of the an ocean after 0.1, 1.5, and 10 Myr, respectively. Hamano present solar value, non-thermal escape processes such as et al. (2013) defined two planet categories: a type I planet ion pick-up, detached plasma clouds, sputtering, and pho- formed beyond a certain critical distance from the host star, tochemical losses especially for planets with low gravity be- solidifying, in agreement with Lebrun et al. (2013), within come relevant for heavier atmospheric species such as oxy- several million years; and type II planets formed inside the gen, carbon and nitrogen. critical distance where a can be sustained for longer time periods of up to 100 Myr, even with a larger 6. MAGNETOSPHERIC PROTECTION initial amount of water. Fig. 8 compares the hydrodynamicallyexpanding hydro- As a consequence of upper-atmospheric heating by soft gen-dominated thermosphere structure for two cases: an X-rays and EUV radiation, the expanding upper atmo- spheres may reach and even exceed the boundaries of possi- Earth-like planet with Teff of 250 K, located within a G-star habitable zone at 1 AU, exposed to an XUV flux 100 times ble planetary magnetospheres. In this case the upper atmo- the present-day Sun’s on the one hand, and a similar planet sphere will be directly exposed to the plasma flows of the (dashed line) with a more extended nebular-based hydrogen stellar wind and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) with the envelope mass fraction of ∼0.01 with a corresponding ra- consequent loss due to ion pick-up, as well as sputtering, and different kinds of photo-chemical energizing mecha- dius of ∼ 2R⊕ (Mordasini et al., 2012), on the other hand. For both scenarios shown in Fig. 8 the transonic points nisms, all contributing to non-thermal atmospheric mass- are reached below the exobase levels so that the considered loss process (Lundin et al., 2007 and references therein; atmospheres are in the controlled hydrodynamic regime. Lichtenegger et al., 2010; Lammer, 2013, and references The thermal escape rate with a heating efficiency of 15% therein). As a crucial parameter appears here the size of the for the case where the base of the thermosphere is close to planetary . Altogether, this makes the plan-

15 etary magnetic field, as well as the parameters of the stellar ing the planet lifetime, and (b) the planetary magnetic mo- wind (mainly its density nw and speed vw) very important ment may be independentof planetary rotation (Reiners and for the processes of non-thermal atmospheric erosion and Christensen, 2010). In the case of rotation-dependent dy- mass-loss of a planet, eventually affecting the whole evolu- namo models, the estimations of M give rather small values tion of its environment and possible habitability. for tidally locked close-orbit exoplanets, resulting in small (dip) sizes of dipole-dominated magnetospheres, Rs = Rs , 6.1 The Challenge of Magnetospheric Protection compressed by the stellar wind plasma flow. The sur- vival of planets in the extreme conditions close to active The magnetosphereacts as an obstacle that interacts with stars is often used as an argument in favor of rotation- the stellar wind, deflecting it and protecting planetary iono- independent models, or in favor of a generalization of the spheres and upper atmospheres against the direct impact dipole-dominated magnetosphere model. of stellar wind plasmas and energetic particles (e.g., cos- Khodachenko et al. (2007b) studied the mass loss of mic rays). For an efficient magnetospheric protection of a the Hot Jupiter HD 209458b due to the ion pick-up mech- planet, the size of its magnetosphere characterized by the anism caused by stellar CMEs colliding with the planet. In magnetopause stand-off distance Rs should be much larger spite of the sporadic character of the CME-planetary colli- than the height of the outer layers of the exosphere. The sions for the moderately active host star it has been shown value of Rs is determined by the balance between the stel- that the integral action of the stellar CME impacts over the lar wind ram pressure and the planetary magnetic field pres- exoplanet’s lifetime can produce a significant effect on the sure at the substellar point (Grießmeier et al., 2004; Kho- planetary mass loss. The estimates of the non-thermal mass dachenko et al., 2007a). In most studies related to exoplan- loss of a weakly magnetically protected HD 209458b due etary magnetospheric protection, highly simplified plane- to stellar wind ion pick-up suggest significant and some- tary dipole-dominated magnetospheres have been assumed. times unrealistic values – losses up to several tens of plan- This means that only the intrinsic magnetic dipole moment etary masses Mp during a planet’s life time (Khodachenko of an exoplanet, M, and the corresponding magnetopause et al., 2007b). Because multiple close-in giant exoplanets electric currents (i.e., the ”screened magnetic dipole” case) exist, comparable in mass and size to Jupiter, and because are considered as the major magnetosphere forming factors. it is unlikely that all of them began their life as much more 3 In this case, i.e., assuming B(r) ∝ M/r , the value of Rs (> ten times) massive objects, one may conclude that ad- has been defined by the following expression (Baumjohann ditional factors and processes must be considered to avoid and Treumann, 1997), full planetary destruction.

2 2 1/6 µ0f M 6.2 Magnetodisk-Dominated Magnetospheres ≡ (dip) 0 (16) Rs Rs = 2 2 , 8π ρwv˜w  The magnetosphere of a close-orbit exoplanet is a com- where µ0 is the diamagnetic permeability of free space, plex object whose formation depends on different external f0 ≈ 1.22 is a form-factor of the magnetosphere caused and internal factors. These factors may be subdivided into by the account of the magnetopause electric currents, ρw = two basic groups: (a) stellar factors, e.g., stellar radiation, nwm is the mass density of the stellar wind, and v˜w is the stellar wind plasma flow, stellar magnetic field and (b) plan- relative velocity of the stellar wind plasma which includes etary factors, e.g., the type of planet, its orbital characteris- also the planetary orbital velocity. tics, its escaping material flow, and its magnetic field. The The planetary magnetic field is generated by the mag- structure of an exoplanetary magnetosphere depends also netic dynamo. The existence and efficiency of the dynamo on the speed regime of the stellar wind plasma relative the are closely related to the type of the planet and its interior planet (Erkaev et al., 2005; Ip etal., 2004). In particular, for structure. Limitations of the existing observational tech- an exoplanet at sufficiently large orbital distance where the niques make direct measurements of the magnetic fields of stellar wind is super-sonic and super-Alfv´enic, i.e., where exoplanets impossible. Therefore, an estimate of M from the ram pressure of the stellar wind dominates the magnetic simple scaling laws found from an assessment of differ- pressure, a Jupiter-type magnetosphere with a bow shock, ent contributions in the governing equations of planetary magnetopause, and magnetotail is formed. At the same magnetic dynamo theory (Farrell et al., 1999; Sanchez-´ time, in the case of an extremely close orbital location of Lavega, 2004; Grießmeier et al., 2004; Christensen 2010) an exoplanet (e.g., d < 0.03 AU for a solar analog), where is widely used. Most of these scaling laws reveal a con- the stellar wind is still being accelerated and remains sub- nection between the intrinsic magnetic field and rotation of magnetosonic and sub-Alfv´enic (Ip et al., 2004; Preusse et a planet. More recently, Reiners and Christensen (2010), al., 2005), an Alfv´enic wing-type magnetosphere without a based on scaling properties of convection-driven dynamos shock in the upstream regionis formed. The characterof the (Christensen and Aubert, 2006), calculated the evolution of stellar wind impact on the immediate planetary plasma en- average magnetic fields of “Hot ” and found that (a) vironment and the atmosphere is different for the super- and extrasolar gas giants may start their evolution with rather sub-Alfv´enic types of the magnetosphere. Here, we briefly high intrinsic magnetic fields, which then decrease dur- discuss moderately short-orbit giant planets around solar-

16 6.3 Wind-Exosphere-Magnetosphere Interaction

Disk As discussed before, extended hydrogen exospheres will be produced if hydrogen is the dominating constituent in the upper atmosphere. Vidal-Madjar et al. (2003) were the „wind” zone (escaping plasma) first to observe the transiting exoplanet HD 209458b with the HST/STIS-instrument and discovered a 15±4% inten- sity drop in the stellar Lyman-α line in the high velocity part of the spectra. The estimate of the absorption rate has Fig. 9.— Schematic view of magnetodisk formation: The ex- later been carried out independently by Ben-Jaffel (2007) panding plasma flows along the magnetic field lines and changes who found a lower absorption rate of about 8.9±2.1%, the initial dipole topology of the field by the creation of a current also significantly greater than the transit depth due to the disk. In the dead zone (shadowed region), plasma is locked by the planetary disk alone (Ben-Jaffel and Sona Hosseini, 2010). strong magnetic field; in the wind zone, plasma escapes along the Recently, two other observations of extended upper atmo- open field lines in the form of an expanding wind. spheres due to Lyman-α absorption during the transits of the short periodic gas giant, HD 189733b, have also been reported (Lecavelier des Etangs et al., 2010, 2012). Holm- type stars subject to a super-Alfv´enic stellar wind flow, i.e., strom¨ et al. (2008), Ekenback¨ et al. (2010) and Lam- the magnetospheres having in general a bow shock, a mag- mer et al. (2011a) have demonstrated that the exosphere- netopause, and a magnetotail, similar to Jupiter. Equiva- magnetosphere environment of hydrogen-rich gas giants in lent configurations are expected for Earth-like planets with orbit locations ≤0.05 AU should be strongly affected by the evaporating atmospheres. production of energetic neutral H atoms (ENAs) as well as To explain the obvious survival and sufficient magne- non-thermal ion escape processes. tospheric protection of close-orbit Hot Jupiters under the Similar processes can be expected for EUV-heated and extreme conditions of their host stars, Khodachenko et al. hydrodynamically expanding upper atmospheres of terres- (2012) proposed a more generic view of a Hot Jupiter mag- trial exoplanets, where the upper atmosphere can expand netosphere. A key element in the proposed approach con- beyond possible magnetopause configurations so that ENAs sists of taking into account the upper atmosphere of a planet will be produced via charge exchange between the charged as an expanding dynamical gas layer heated and ionized by stellar wind plasma flow and the exospheric particles. From the stellar XUV radiation (Johansson et al., 2009; Koski- the ionization of exospheric planetary neutral atoms one nen et al., 2010). Interaction of the outflowing plasma with can probe of the stellar wind induced ion pick-up loss rate. the rotating planetary magnetic dipole field leads to the de- Recently, Kislyakova et al. (2013) applied a stellar wind velopment of a current-carrying magnetodisk surrounding plasma flow and upper atmosphere interaction model to the exoplanet. The inner edge of magnetodisk is located at hydrogen-rich terrestrial planets, exposed to an EUV flux the so called Alfv´enic surface (r = RA) where the kinetic 100 times the present solar strength within the habitable energy density of the moving plasma becomes equal to the zone of a typical M-star at ∼0.24 AU. This study found energy density of the planetary magnetic field (Havnes and non-thermal escape rates of ∼ 5 × 1030 s−1, which is about Goertz, 1984). one order of magnitude weaker than the EUV-driven ther- Two major regions, separated by the Alfv´enic surface at mal escape rates. r = RA, with different topologies of the magnetic field As one can see from Fig. 10 the hydrogen atoms pop- may be distinguished in the magnetosphere of a Hot Jupiter ulate a wide area around the planet. The EUV flux is de- driven by the escaping plasma flow (Mestel, 1968; Havnes posited mainly in the lower thermosphere, while the frac- and Goertz, 1984). The first region corresponds to the inner tion of the ENAs which are directed towards the planet magnetosphere, or so-called “dead zone”, filled with closed should be deposited in an atmospheric layer below the dipole-type magnetic field lines. The magnetic field in the exobase level where they contribute to thermospheric heat- “dead zone” is strong enough to keep plasma locked with ing. The production of such huge hydrogen coronae and re- the planet. In the second region, so-called “wind zone”, lated ENAs was predicted by Chassefiere` (1996a) when he the expanding plasma drags and opens the magnetic field studied the hydrodynamic escape of hydrogen from a hot lines (see Fig. 9). The plasma escaping along field lines be- H2O-rich early Venus thermosphere. This author suggested yond the Alfv´enic surface not only deforms and stretches that the production of ENAs under such extreme conditions the original planetary dipole field, but also creates a thin should make an important contribution to the heat budget disk-type current sheet in the equatorial region. Altogether, in the upper atmosphere. The expected energy deposition this leads to the developmentof a new type of magnetodisk- to hydrodynamically expanding but adiabatically cooling dominated magnetosphere of a Hot Jupiter, which has no upper atmospheres has to be studied in the future because analog among the solar system planets (Khodachenko et al., this important stellar wind-plasma induced feedback pro- 2012). It enlarges the magnetospheric obstacle, thus help- cess can rise the temperature to higher values than the EUV ing to suppress non-thermal escape processes. radiation, thus possibly enhancing thermal escape.

17 CO2 level could even self-regulate the mild climate though the carbonate- cycle (Walker et al., 1981). However, geological evidence from paleosols (Sheldon, 2006; Driese et al., 2011) argues against massively increased CO2 levels on the young Earth. Previous paleosol constraints published by Rye et al. (1995) have been criticized (Sheldon, 2006), as have the very low CO2 estimates from banded iron-formations pub- lished by Rosing et al. (2010) (Reinhard and Planavsky, 2011; Dauphas and Kasting, 2011). The Sheldon and Driese et al. CO2 estimates should be regarded as highly uncertain, as they depend on poorly known factors such as soil porosity and moisture content. Furthermore, recent 3- D climate calculations by Kienert et al. (2013) suggest that CO2 partial pressures on the early Earth must have been even higher than previously calculated (see also in 1D mod- els Haqq-Misra et al., 2008; von Paris et al., 2008), because ice albedo feedback tends to amplify the cold temperatures predicted when CO2 is low. All of this suggests that addi- tional greenhouse gases were probably needed. Fig. 10.— Modeled extended neutral atomic hydrogen exosphere Other greenhouse gases such as NH3 may dissociate around a hydrogen-rich “super-Earth” inside an M star HZ at rapidly (Kuhn and Atreya, 1979), and CH4 may form hazes,

0.24 AU with the size of 2RL and 10ML; the EUV flux is is increasing the albedo, unless at least an equal amount of 50 times the present Sun’s. The stellar wind plasma density and CO2 is present (Haqq-Misra et al., 2008). Ethane (C2H6) 3 1 velocity are ∼250 cm− and 330 km s− , respectively. The small and carbonyl sulfide (OCS) have been proposed as effi- dots represent the neutral hydrogen atoms, the big dot in the center cient greenhouse gases in the young terrestrial atmosphere represents the planet (after Kislyakova et al., 2013). (Haqq-Misra et al., 2008; Ueno et al., 2009). Another can- didate is N2O which can build up biotically to quite large 7. APPLICATIONS concentrations and act as a strong greenhouse gas (Buick, 2007; Roberson et al., 2011; Grenfell et al., 2011). Calculations by Ramirez et al. (2014) suggest that the 7.1 The Faint Young Sun Paradox early Mars climate problem could instead be resolved by adding 5-20% H2 to the atmosphere, as has been suggested theory indicates that the ZAMS Sun recently for early Earth (Wordsworth and Pierrehumbert, was fainter by about 30% than the present-day Sun; the ra- 2013). In addition, higher partial pressures of N2 might diative output has increased graduallysince then (Sect. 4.1). enhance the effectiveness of the CO2 greenhouse effect, on Estimates of the Earth’s and Mars’ surface temperatures in both early Earth and early Mars (Li et al., 2009; Goldblatt the presence of their modern atmospheres indicate that both et al., 2009; von Paris et al., 2013). Furthermore, SO2 has should have been at average temperatures much below the been investigated for early Mars climate studies (Postawko freezing point of liquid water (Sagan and Mullen, 1972). and Kuhn, 1986; Tian et al., 2010; Mischna et al., 2013). Geological evidence, however, clearly suggests warm cli- • Lower albedo. A planet’s albedo could be changed by mates in the first billion years, and the presence of liquid lower cloud coverage in particular in cooler environments water (Kasting and Toon, 1989; Valley et al., 2002; Feul- (Rossow et al., 1982). Detailed studies of clouds show ner, 2012). Without some source of additional warming, two competing effects (Goldblatt & Zahnle, 2011a; Zsom the Earth’s surface temperature should not have risen above et al., 2012): Low-lying clouds reflect solar radiation, thus the freezing point until about 2 billion years ago, long af- increasing the albedo; in contrast, high clouds, in particu- ter the first traces of life on Earth appeared (Kasting and lar ice-crystal cirrus clouds, add to atmospheric greenhouse Catling, 2002). This apparent contradiction is known as the warming, potentially sufficient to solve the FYSP (Ron- “Faint Young Sun Paradox” (FYSP). danelli & Lindzen, 2010) although requiring full coverage The FYSP has several different possible solutions, and it by an unrealistically thick and cold cloud cover (Goldblatt is not yet agreed which, if any of these, is correct. These & Zahnle, 2011a). solutions fall into three basic categories: A lower surface albedo could be the result of the sug- • Additional greenhouse gases. Higher levels of green- gested smaller continental area in early epochs although house gases could raise the atmospheric temperatures sig- feedback on cloud coverage may result in opposite trends. nificantly (important also in the present-day Earth’s atmo- The absence of cloud condensation nuclei induced biolog- sphere). For the Earth, increased levels of atmospheric CO2 ically (Charlson et al. 1987) also decreases the albedo. together with water vapor would potentially suffice, and the Considering these effects and claiming less reflective clouds

18 because of larger cloud droplets (because of fewer biogeni- cally induced condensation nuclei), Rosing et al. (2010) in- ferred a clement climate for the young Earth without need of high amounts of greenhouse gases (Rosing et al., 2010) although this solution was again questioned (Goldblatt and Zahnle, 2011b). • A brighter young Sun. If the Sun had been slightly more massive at arrival on the ZAMS, then its luminos- ity would have exceeded standard estimates, owing to the L ∝ M 3 dependence of a cool star’s luminosity, L, on the stellar mass, M. The excess mass could have been shed by a much stronger solar wind in the early phases of solar evolution (Whitmire et al., 1995; Sackmann and Boothroyd, 2003). This hypothesis is constrained by the requirement that Martian temperatures be supportive of liq- uid water, while preventing a runaway greenhouse on Earth. The resulting ZAMS mass of the Sun would then be 1.03– 1.07 M⊙ (Sackmann and Boothroyd, 2003). Upper limits Fig. 11.— Hydrodynamic loss of atomic hydrogen and dragged to the ionized-wind mass-loss rates deduced from radio ob- oxygen atoms from a 500 bar outgassed, dissociated steam atmo- servations of young solar analogs are marginally compat- sphere on early Venus during the young Sun’s EUV saturation ible with the “Bright Young Sun” requirement, indicating phase (100 times the present EUV flux). The black and grey lines a maximum ZAMS solar mass of 1.06 M⊙ (Gaidos et al., correspond to heating efficiencies of 15% and 40%, respectively 2000). Estimates of the young Sun’s wind mass-loss, how- (after Lammer, 2013). The dotted line marks the time when the ever (Sect. 4.4), suggest a total main-sequence mass-loss steam atmosphere may have condensed (Lebrun et al., 2013) so that an ocean could have formed on the planet’s surface. of the Sun of only 0.3% (Minton and Malhotra, 2007), too little to explain the FYSP.

7.2 Venus Versus Earth 0.66 AU around a solar-like star. However, these authors point out that their results depend on the chosen opacities The atmosphere of present Venus is extremely dry when and it is conceivable that no liquid oceans formed on early compared to the terrestrial atmosphere (a total water con- Venus. This possibility is also suggested by Hamano et al. tent of 2 × 1019 g or 0.0014% of the terrestrial ocean, vs. (2013) who studied the emergence of steam atmosphere- 1.39 × 1024 g on Earth; Kasting and Pollack, 1983). The produced water oceans on terrestrial planets. similar masses of Venus and Earth and their formation at The critical solar flux leading to complete evaporation similar locations in the solar nebula would suggest that both of a water ocean (a “runaway greenhouse”, Ingersoll, 1969) started with similar water reservoirs (Kasting and Pollack, is ≈ 1.4 Ssun nearly independently of the amount of cool- 1983). Terrestrial planets such as Venus, Earth and Mars, ing CO2 in the atmosphere (Kasting, 1988), where Ssun = with silicate mantles and metallic cores, most likely obtain 1360 Wm−2 is the present-day solar constant. This critical water and carbon compounds during their accretion (see flux is just abouttheflux expectedfromtheyoungSun at the Sect. 3). The largest part of a planet’s initial volatile in- orbit of Venus (and is about 70% of the present-day value at ventory is outgassed into the atmosphere during the end of the same solar distance). New calculations by Kopparapu magma ocean solidification (e.g., Zahnle et al., 1988, 2007; et al. (2013) give a runaway greenhouse limit of 1.06 Ssun. Elkins-Tanton, 2008; Lebrun et al., 2013; Hamano et al., That limit, however, like the Kasting (1988) value before 2013; Lammer, 2013). Only a small fraction of the ini- it, is almost certainly too low, because it assumes a fully tial volatile inventory will be released into the atmospheres saturated atmosphere and it neglects cloud feedback. through volcanism. From estimates by considering the pos- Venus’ atmosphere also reveals a surprisingly high sible range of the initial water content in the building blocks -to-hydrogen (D/H) abundance ratio of (1.6 ± of Venus and Earth it appears possible that both planets may 0.2)×10−2 or 100 times the terrestrial value of 1.56×10−4 have outgassed hot steam atmospheres with surface pres- (Kasting and Pollack, 1983). These observations have mo- sures up to ∼500 bar (Elkins-Tanton, 2008). tivated a basic model in which water was abundantly avail- Recently, Lebrun et al. (2013), studied the thermal evo- able on the primitive Venus. Any water oceans would evap- lution of early magma oceans in interaction with outgassed orate, inducing a “runaway greenhouse” in which water steam atmospheres for early Venus, Earth and Mars. Their vapor would become the major constituent of the atmo- results indicate that the water vapor of these steam atmo- sphere. This vapor was then photodissociated in the upper spheres condensed to an liquid ocean after ∼10, 1.5 and 0.1 atmosphere by enhanced solar EUV irradiation (Kasting Myr for Venus, Earth and Mars, respectively, and remained and Pollack, 1983) as well as by frequent im- in vapor form for Earth-type planets orbiting closer than

19 pacts in the lower thermosphere (Chassefiere` , 1996b), fol- lowed by the escape of hydrogen into space (Watson et al., 1981; Kasting and Pollack, 1983; Chassefiere` , 1996a, 1996b; Lammer et al., 2011c). During the phase of strong thermal escape of atomic hydrogen, remaining oxygen and similar species can be dragged to space by the outward flowing hydrogen flux (Hunten et al., 1987; Zahnle and Kasting, 1986; Chassefiere` , 1996a, 1996b; Lammer et al., 2011c). Fig. 11 shows the hydrodynamic escape of a hypothet- ical 500 bar steam atmosphere from early Venus exposed to an EUV flux 100 times the present solar value, for as- sumed heating efficiencies of 15% and 40% (Lammer et al., 2011c; Lammer, 2013). In this scenario, it is assumed that early Venus finished its accretion ∼50 Myr after the ori- gin of the Sun and outgassed the maximum expected frac- tion of its initial water inventory after the magma ocean Fig. 12.— Hydrodynamic loss of atomic hydrogen and dragged solidified. One can see that the whole steam atmosphere oxygen and carbon atoms from an outgassed and dissociated steam atmosphere (108 bar H2O, 22 bar CO2) on early Mars during the could have been lost within the condensation time scale young Sun’s EUV saturation phase (100 times the present solar of about 10 Myr modeled by Lebrun et al. (2013) for a EUV level; after Erkaev et al., 2014). The dotted line marks the heating efficiency of 40% as estimated for “Hot Jupiters” time period when the steam atmosphere may have condensed (Le- (Koskinen et al., 2013). For a heating efficiency of 15% brun et al., 2013), so that an ocean could have formed on the (e.g., Chassefiere` , 1996a, 1996b)and assuming that the out- planet’s surface (neglecting the energy deposited at the planet’s gassed steam atmosphere remains in vapor form, the planet surface by frequent planetesimal impacts and small embryos). would have lost its hydrogen after ∼30 Myr, leaving behind some of its oxygen. If the remaining O atoms also experi- enced high thermal escape rates during the remaining high (Brasser, 2013). From the building blocks and their water EUV phase, they would be lost by a combination of thermal contents expected in the Martian orbit, it is estimated that and non-thermal escape processes (Lundin et al., 2007). If early Mars catastrophically outgassed volatiles amounting the high-density CO lower thermosphere was efficiently 2 to ∼50–250 bar of H O and ∼10–55 bar of CO , after the cooled down to suppress high thermal escape rates of oxy- 2 2 solidification of its magma ocean (Elkins-Tanton,2008). As gen, the remaining oxygen in the upper atmosphere could shown in Fig. 12, due to the high EUV flux of the young have been lost by non-thermal escape processes such as so- Sun, such a steam atmosphere was most likely lost via hy- lar wind induced ion pick-up and cool ion outflow (e.g., Ku- drodynamic escape of atomic hydrogen, dragging heavier likov et al., 2006; Lundin et al., 2007; Lammer, 2013). atoms such as C and O during the first million years after If the steam atmosphere cooled within ∼10 Myr, so that the magma ocean solidified (Lammer et al., 2013c; Erkaev the remaining water vapor could condense, then a liquid et al., 2014). Although Lebrun et al. (2013) found that a water ocean may have formed on Venus’ surface for some degassed steam atmosphere on early Mars would condense period before it again evaporated by the above mentioned after ∼0.1 Myr, frequent impacts of large planetesimals and “runaway greenhouse” effect. On the other hand, if early small embryos during the early Noachian most likely kept Venus degassed an initial water content that resulted in a the protoatmosphere in vapor form (Lammer et al., 2013c). steam atmosphere with < 250 bar, then the water would After early Mars lost its outgassed protoatmosphere the most likely have been lost during its vapor phase so that an atmospheric escape rates were most likely balanced by a ocean could never form on the planet’s surface. secondary outgassed atmosphere and delivered volatiles by As discussed in Lammer et al. (2011c) and studied in impacts until the activity of the young Sun decreased so detail in Lebrun et al. (2013) and Hamano et al. (2013), that the atmospheric sources could dominate over the losses the outgassed steam atmosphere of the early Earth cooled (Tian et al., 2009; Lammer et al., 2013c). There is substan- faster because of its larger distance from the Sun, and this tial evidence for a warmer and wetter climate on ancient resulted in a shorter condensation time scale compared to Mars ∼3.5–4 Gyr ago (e.g., Carr and Head, 2003). Mantle the escape. Therefore, a huge fraction of the water vapor outgassing and impact-related volatiles may have resulted condensed and produced Earth’s early ocean. in the buildup of a secondary CO2 atmosphere of a few tens to a few hundred mbar around the end of the Noachian 7.3 Mars (Grott et al., 2012; Lammer et al., 2013c). The evolution of the planet’s secondary atmosphere and its water con- Latest research on the formation of Mars indicates that tent during the past 4 Gyr was most likely determined by the body formed within ∼5 Myr and remained as a plan- an interplay of non-thermal atmospheric escape processes etary embryo that never accreted toward a larger planet

20 such as direct escape of photochemically hot atoms, atmo- itability. While M dwarfs have become favored targets to spheric sputtering, ion pick-up and cool ion outflow as well search for planets in their habitable zones, such planets may as impacts (e.g., Lundin et al., 2007; Lammer et al. 2013c be affected by the strong, long-term high-energy radiation and references therein), carbonate precipitation, and serpen- and harsh wind conditions for too long to actually develop tinization (Chassefiere` and Leblanc, 2011a, 2011b; Chas- habitable planetary surfaces. Their atmospheres may be sefiere` et al., 2013) which finally led to the present-day en- subject to excessively strong erosion processes. vironmental conditions. On the other hand, the development of two habitable planets in the solar system, at least one with thriving life, 8. THE VARIETY OF HABITABLE CONDITIONS provides ample evidence that some of the risks, e.g., too heavy protoatmospheres or too rapid erosion of early nitro- With the rapidly increasing number of detected exoplan- gen atmospheres, were successfully overcome (Lammer et etary systems, the diversity of system architectures, sizes al., 2013a). One wonders if some sort of fine-tuning was at and radii of the individual planets and the range of aver- work, for example between the timing of planet formation age planetary densities have come into the focus of plane- and disk dispersal, the outgassing history and the eroding tary characterization. It is by now clear that a much wider high-energy radiation, the presence of giants like Jupiter or range of planetary characteristics is realized in exoplanetary Saturn controlling the architecture and stability of plane- systems than available in the solar system. Hot Jupiters, tary orbits in the habitable zone, or the mass- and perhaps massive planets in habitable zones, resonant systems, plan- rotation-dependent formation of a magnetosphere protect- ets in highly eccentric orbits, and small planets with very ing the upper atmosphere of a planet. If such did not suc- low average densities (below that of water) are challenging ceed, then habitable-zone planets may end up with huge planetary formation, migration, and evolution theories. high-pressure hydrogen atmospheres, suggested by the de- Whether a planet is ultimately habitable depends on a tection of small, low-density exoplanets, or strongly eroded surprisingly large number of astrophysical and geophysical atmospheres such as on Mars, or the complete loss of their factors, of which we have reviewed the former here. The atmospheres. Other planets may be close to habitable zones correct distance from the host star is the most obvious and but may dwell in eccentric orbits, making surface life more defining parameter for a habitable zone, but it provides by problematic. no means a sufficient condition for habitability. Migration Apart from the diverse astrophysical conditions, a and resonant processes in the young planetary systems are plethora of geophysical conditions matter, such as plane- crucial for the fate of stable orbits of potentially habitable tary internal convection and geodynamos, plate tectonics, planets. In what looks like a tricky paradox, water is not volcanism, the presence and distribution of land mass, the available in solids in the very region where habitable zones orientation and stability of the rotation axis, etc. They evolve around cool stars; rather, water needs to be brought as well interact with the diverse astrophysical factors dis- there, and gas giant planets may have to do the job of stir- cussed in this article, to add further constraints on actual ring the orbits of the outer planetesimals to scatter them to habitability. regions where water is scarce. Water transport through col- lisions is itself a difficult process, as water needs to sur- Acknowledgments. We thank an anonymous referee vive such collisions to accumulate in the required amounts for useful comments that helped improve this chapter. M. on the forming planet. Atmospheres outgassed from the G. R. D., M. L. K., H. L. and E. P.-L. thank the Aus- planet and trapped from the early wrap trian Science Fund (FWF) for financial support (research the growing planet into an extremely dense envelope that it- grants related to planetary habitability: S116001-N16 and self defies habitability but may be protective of forming sec- S116004-N16 for M. G., S11603-N16 for R. D., S116606- ondary atmospheres. Once atmospheres evolve, the harsh N16 for M. L. K., S116607-N16 for H. L., S11608-N16 environment of the young star begins to act severely. EUV and P22603-N16 for E. P.-L.). N. V. E. acknowledges sup- and X-ray radiation hundredsto thousands of times stronger port by the RFBR grant No 12-05-00152-a. J. K. thanks than the present-day Sun’s and stellar winds up to hundreds the NASA and Exobiology programs. H. R. of times stronger than at present begin to erode upper at- and H. L. thank for the support by the Helmholtz Associa- mospheres of planets, in particular if no magnetosphere is tion through the research alliance “Planetary Evolution and present that may sufficiently protect the atmosphere. Ul- Life.” I. R. acknowledges financial support from the Span- traviolet emission determines the atmospheric temperature ish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) profiles and induces a rich chemistry that may become rel- and the ”Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional” (FEDER) evant for the formation of life. Here, host star spectral type through grant AYA2012-39612-C03-01. M. G., H. L., and matters for the formation of an atmospheric temperature in- M. L. K. acknowledge support by the International Space version. An abiotically forming ozone layer may be one of Science Institute in Bern, Switzerland, and the ISSI Team the important results especially for active M dwarfs. ”Characterizing Stellar and Exoplanetary Environments.” The outcome may be an extremely rich variety of po- tentially habitable environments, but we still lack thorough knowledge of all relevant factors that really determine hab-

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