N.Z. RADIO N.Z. RADIO New Zealand DX Times Monthly Journal of the D X New Zealand Radio DX League (est 1948) D X August 2005 Volume 57 Number 10 LEAGUE http://www.radiodx.com LEAGUE DXpedition to Kingaroy, Queendsland, Australia July 15-17 2005 Contribution deadline for next issue is Wed 7th Sept 2005. P.O. Box 3011, Auckland CONTENTS FRONT COVER REGULAR COLUMNS Bandwatch Under 9 3 Participants at Kingaroy DXpedition July 15th- with Ken Baird 17th 2005 (Queensland, Australia) Bandwatch Over 9 10 with Stuart Forsyth More details page 36 Fcst SW Reception 14 Compiled by Mike Butler English in Time Order 15 with Yuri Muzyka Shortwave Mailbag 17 with Paul Ormandy Shortwave Report 20 with Ian Cattermole Dxissmo 25 with John Durham Utilities 26 with Chief Editor TV/FM 27 with Adam Claydon Broadcast news/DX 29 Compiled by Tony King US X Band List 35 Compiled by Tony King ADCOM News 41 with Bryan Clark Branch News 45 with Chief Editor Ladders 46 with Stuart Forsyth Subscription Renewal Notice Page 47 OTHER Please remember to pay if Kingaroy Dxpedition 36 your subscription is due. Queensland, Australia Compiled by Stuart Forsyth Also please remember to update your email On the Shortwaves 40 address with the Treasurer if it has changed History by Jerry Berg A Dxer from the 43 If you would prefer not to cut up your DX Land of the Times you can email
[email protected] MidnightSun and I will email you a subscription form. by Terry Nielsen NEW ZEALAND DX TIMES PAGE 2 AUGUST 2005
[email protected] Compiled by Ken Baird, Christchurch Please note that all frequencies should be in Kilohertz and time in UTC (= GMT = UT), # indicates reception out of the Sth Pacific area, initials in Bold indicates report sent.