Simsbury Fly-In Prog 07
SUPPORTING SPONSOR SUPPORTING SPONSOR 26TH ANNUAL SIIMMSSBBUURRYY FFLLYY--IINN S PRESENTED BY Sunday, September 18, 2011 8 am-3 pm Simsbury Airport 4B9 Simsbury, Connecticut Rain date Sunday, September 25 TThhee LL laanndd!! aarrggeesstt EEvveenntt ooff iittss KKiinndd iinn NNeeww EEnnggl PLATINUM SPONSORS DEALERSHIPS Avon & Torrington BDL TO RALEIGH-DURHAM. IT’S A SLAM DUNK. NONSTOP - DAILY OPERATED BY DELTA CONNECTION® CARRIERS, PINNACLE AND COMAIR EAA Chapter 324 Offers Many Activities at Simsbury Airport By Mark Ranstead, President EAA Chapter 324 Simsbury he Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 324 EAA Sponsors Young Eagles Program TSimsbury is proud to be a participant in the 2011 The EAA sponsors many education programs Simsbury Fly-In. EAA Chapter 324 including the Young Eagles program . The program was Simsbury is a local community of launched in 1992 to give interested young people, ages aviation enthusiasts; one of more 8–17, an opportunity to go flying in a general aviation than a thousand such groups airplane. These flights take place at the local level and throughout the world. Chapters are are offered free of charge ; made possible through the a unique and important element of generosity of EAA member volunteers. Through this the EAA. They are the focal point program, Chapter 324 Simsbury has the opportunity to where members have the ability to introduce the joy of flying to any local youth with an interact and participate and also serve as a platform for interest in aviation. This summer we have held two EAA programs at the local level. Young Eagle events and given 27 Young Eagles rides.
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