Questions and Information Sharing with Government

We need municipalities and facilities to engage government. RFANS is taking your concerns, challenges, and issues back to our government partners but we need letters from you!

Things to consider including in your letters: 1. What are your staffing levels currently? How will re-opening be affected by layoffs or additional staff needed to help with Public Health Restrictions? 2. What do you need to keep your facility going? 3. What is your real loss right now? 4. What is your anticipated loss based on your plans for re-opening? 5. What is your regular operating cost? 6. What is the impact of your loss on your operations? 7. What do you need to prepare or what do you need for your anticipated re-opening? Use examples: policies, staffing, cleaning protocols, etc. 8. How much notice do you need to get your facility ready to open?

Who should you send your letters to? Your local MLA Honourable Randy Delorey, Minister of Health & Wellness [email protected] Honourable , Minister of Communities, Culture & Heritage [email protected] Honourable Chuck Porter, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing [email protected] Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health [email protected] Honourable Stephen McNeil, , [email protected] Bill Greenlaw, Executive Director of Communities, Culture & Heritage [email protected] Inform your CAO, Board of Directors, or decision makers *Make sure to copy RFANS on any letters you send! [email protected] If you are a municipality include: Mayor Pam Mood, President of Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities [email protected]