Thirty Years
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■ Mrs. Mattie Batten and two children A DOG OF UTILITY. are spending some time in Philadel- Over1 phia. The Pointer** Evolution From the- t|e- County Dr. and Mrs S. E. Robinson sang a j Blood lion ml Type. very pretty duett, Sunday evening, The evolution of the pointer from what he described as the blood- Shiloh. “Better than any talcum powder made.99 entitled, “Dear Spirit, Lead Thou may the Shiloh, Jan. 21.—John Geisinger is Me.” In the later meeting, Mrs. hound type to modern English foxhound kind lias taken, 'perhaps, a week, in Camden. Charles Bradford sang as a solo, “It spending close on 150 years. He is essentially, Allen left for Philadelphia, is all for me.” Roy For Infants and Children. above all others, a dog of utility, and where he will attend school Capt. Chas. T. Sheppard is "—■"i* -Jwwwmwwmww ■ ■ MTOT& Monday, seriously as the pointer has always been looked ill with and learn the art of embalming. pneumonia. upon as one of the chief helpmates of Herbert The Artenis Tribe, I. O. R. M. Campbell and wife, of The Kind You Have the man who loves to take his pleasure celebrated their sixth anniversary Sat Dividing Creek, were Newport visitors behind a well broken brace of dogs, a urday night, in Academy Hall. Most this week. pair of barrels and straight powder, it stands to reason that that man has of the “braves” were present with Zephaniah Joslin, Jr., who has for As Always Bought called in all his and all his their families and friends. Amuse- been very sick, is somewhat AVegetable Preparation ingenuity Used and endorsed more and improved by physicians j at this simiiating the Food andReg ula- knowledge of breeding to provide him- ment for the evening was furnished trained nurses than other in the ; writing. any powder ting die S lomaclts and Bowels of self with a sporting dog that i« best the Minstrels under the world for all affections of the skin. Lewis Bradford of the State Normal by Alloway Bears the adapted for the sport that is provided Itching, Face Heat School, has been at home for a few leadership of Charles Darrell. Chafing, Blotches, for him. Therefore some places in Rash, Sunburn, Pimples, Hives, After wssmammm ^ Jones will move days. John in the spring Shaving, Tender, Aching Feet, Perspi- America, where the plains are so vast, Howard from the Minch farm to the vicinity ration Odors, Bed Sores, Accidental Lore has returned from a Signature a very fast and wide ranging pointer' Truss Soreness. Promotes Digesiion.Cheerfuf- of Elmer, and the farm vacated by Burns, Irritation, any Philadelphia visit. is required—one, too, with "bird sense.’’ The most perfect powder made for ness and Rest.Contains neillar Mr. Jones will be Wit. W. Miss Lucie Williams is a Millville Where true ranging, a good nose and occupied by nor Miners! BABY AND TOILET this Opium,Morphine of stanchness on game are to be found Davis, recently of Deerfield. guest week. Not Is not so it cannot harm the Narcotic. embodied in one highly perfumed, Dr. Robinson’s new barn is single dog. there, per- The evening meetings at the church most very delicate skin. At druggists or by mail, haps, have we the perfect ani- have been discontinued for the 25c* Avoid near completed. foui^l present cheap powders. and a at that. afOUOrSAMUELPnVJOR mal, retrieving pointer but will commence Mrs. Carrie Anderson had the mis- 7*apr again Friday As in other breeds of dogs, there are the of better attend- fortune this week to her ankle. ftimpfan Seed night with hopes sprain Mx. Senna * all sizes and sorts of pointers. The ance. Capt. Edwaid Riley, President of Rochelle Salle— short headed, cloddy shouldered and the State Anise Seed + E. B. Fisher and wife spent Thurs- Oystei Commission, is a fktpemuMt often weak thighed and cow hocked Bi + at Chas. Bowen’s. Trenton visitor this week in the inter- CorbonateSoda In pointer has gone by the board. It day’ evening WbiM'Seed-- George Harris, who has recently est of the oyster industry. Clanfied Sugar stands to reason ttiat, although the mnteryreenriaYar. cart horse can gallop, be cannot gallop been employed in a machine shop, at Rev. E. A. Boom of Trenton, who with the thoroughbred, the clean neck- Alfred, is his parents. was at the visiting expected Baptist church, Cedarville. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- Use ed, oblique shouldered, deep bammed, Misses and en- Sunday, has the date and Fion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Lucy Mary Fogg changed Cedarville. Jan. 23—John live racing machine. Half a day of a will Sheppard, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- tertained number of their former be there, Monday, Jan. 25th. real going will knock up the heavy of Charlotte, N. C., is in town to at- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. schoolmates from the vicinity of Mrs. Joseph Garrison and son Fran- loose throated He has tend his father’s funeral. For Over headed, pointer. had to to the more Town Hall,” Wednesday evening. cis, spent Friday with relatives at Facsimile oP give way elegant C. B. Lummis and wife, are visiting Signature After enjoying a jolly good time, the Cedarville. quantity; but even such as he should their son Dr. Percy Lummis, of Penns- guests departed for their homes. Pastor Anderson’s theme for Sun- not be too small.—Illustrated Sporting grove. News. Those present were ; Misses Eva Gar- day evening will be “God a Liar Years Mrs. Jere Ogden, of Bridgeton, has Thirty rison and Ethel Carll, Messrs, Linwood Mr. and Mrs. David Robbins Sr., of been passing a few days with her Evergreens. Mayhew, Chas. Vanaman, Howard Port Norris were the guests of rela- The leaves of a are chief- daughter Mrs. Leslie Ogden, who is green plant Jesse Carll, Lewis Vanaman tives here, useful as which util- May hew,_ Thursday. critically ill. ly feeding organs, Miss Harker, of Greenwich Joseph Garrison was a Mii. ille vis- ize sunlight in building up plant sub- Mary The heavy winds and cold weather with EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. stance from water, carbonic acid gas spent Sunday Emily Fogg. itor, Friday. have broken the wind mill on the and salts. Deciduous forms and Bowden and wife took din- -i— ■— ^rr// simple Joseph of Dividing Creek, Jan. 20.—Richard property Sheriff Diament. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW iwnn wiTY. evergreens have been evolved on dif- ner with James Wood and wife, of Whitaker and wife, of Philadelphia, Mrs. Lewis Hogbin spent Thursday ferent lines as regards foliage. Roadstown, Monday. have been the guests of relatives here. afternoon out of town. On tlie approach of autumn the for- The young people are enjoying the Prof. Oliu Marts, of South Jersey Mrs. Chas. Stevens spent the day mer withdraw all nutritious substances skating at Geisihger’s pond. into their trunks and branches. A Institute, spent Sunday with his par- with relatives in Bridgeton, on Thurs- layer Miss Fisher had a little in- Agnes ents here. day. of cork is then developed across the formalcir l pirty, Tuesday evenin g. base of each leaf, which afterward Miss Eva Robbins, of Port Norris, Miss Harvey, the small pox nurse, Shiloh, Jan. 25.—On Thursday even- You Want to Save falls off, leaving a neatly covered scar, spent Sunday evening here. left this place yesterday afternoon and Money? the Red Men received an which excludes air and germs. ing oyster Mrs. Rhoda we are Lore, spent Monday glad no new cases have devel- These changes do not take place in treat. Washington Loveland gave it with relatives at Port Norris. oped. Are you to make a Sale of Farm Sale? evergreens, for these possess tough,* in honor of their electing him sachem going your Raymond Bonham, of Shiloh, was Walter Compton, of Dorchester, has leathery leaves capable of resisting of the tribe. Our facilities for work in an the guest of friends here, Sunday. been spending a few days in town. quickly executing attractive frost, which are shed gradually all the UA1SO JJlUlCb AfcrtlllUtll. ICIUIUCU UULUC Mrs. Paul, of McPherson & year round as they become old and ef- May Bridgeton, passed Son, undertakers, of manner, at reasonable are on Friday accompanied by her mother prices, unsurpassed. fete. Such use Sunday with her aunt Mrs. Joseph Bridgeton, have purchased the busi- plants sunlight year Mrs. David Harris, out, year In, while deciduous trees and Loveland. ness of Mr. A. P. Bateman, and in the Isaac Kain and wife, who have been shrubs do during the warm season Rev. Frank Anderson spoke at the future will conduct it in manner that some time, at York, Pa., only, though they work very vigorous- spending Christian Endeavor Rally, at Green- will be highly satisfactory to the citi- You Are a Business Man! have returned home. Possibly ly in summer, getting ready the buds zens of wich, Monday evening. Cedarville and vicinity Mr. which open the nt ... spring and stor- Hildreth Davis and family are visit- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell, of Bateman will continue partly interest- ing up starch and the like 10 serve as ing Mrs. Davis’ parents, at Deerfield. And need Note Bill Millville, spent Sunday with their par- ed in the business and will receive or- may Heads, Heads, Statements food till the new leaves are unfolded ents here. ders at his and ready for work. residence for Messrs. Mc- Cards, etc. We are equipped for all kinds of Dividing ^reek. Sheriff Charles Diament, of Bridge- Pherson. He will also conduct fun- On the Wrong Tack. Dividing Creek, Jan. 21—Lehman ton, was in town, Monday.