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1534708188562.Pdf New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive. PLEASE BUY A COPY OF THE BOOKS THAT YOU USE If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger King for 2 weeks for no pay and you might get a clue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorry for the incomplete links and L33t gibberish. This way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matrixbots and cyber crotchspiders out there. SS, $$, or @SS is sendspace, m3g4 is mega, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc. There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one. $n!p<dot>li, s00<dot>gd, and h1v3<dot>@m links are cAsE sEnSeTiVe Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying. “Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps. When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat Cheetos.” Special thanks to Da Archivist, Mageguru, Here!, Agent13, TheWiz!, The Warden, Fat Charley, Blink_Dog, DiosMios, Porthos, The Greyhawk Ranger, Fitz-Empress bani Flambeau, helpful, CityofCarse, donkey, Magister Man, ABF, 3DoorsDownDude, Smink, Nergal, Okultek, JaZZ, UglyPanda, VL All the Awesome Curators, and the entire Anon Brigade. Extra Special thanks to the Pioneers who paved the way. Like Anons say Thanks to all the anons here that provide us with their files and/or help!!! This thread is awesomesauce3, and you're the reason! The most recent version of this document and others can be found at $n!p<dot>li /ShareThread Fun and Educational! What methods do people prefer to add OCR to a PDF? smallpdf.com does a pretty good job of lossless compression OCR shouldn't be affecting the compression of the image in the PDF by default. Unless you are setting the OCR to downsample a 300dpi page to 150dpi while performing the OCR. In which case you should set the OCR downsample to match the actual page dpi. But honestly if the PDF consists pages that are just images, you should extract them in Photoshop, and reduce the resolution to 150dpi with the bicubic sharper option (Does a better job of downsampling than Acrobat), save to PNG, and recreate the PDF, then OCR @ 150dpi. £0\/3 ¥Oµ! - - - A Hard To Find Game www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b Recent Shares Collection Archive of what gets shared in each of these threads. Hopefully that will give people another chance to grab them. You'll need Resilio Sync to access them, this link will take you where you need to go. if you don't have pro, you can't choose individual files but you can try Pro for 2 weeks, so for that time you'll be able to cherry pick. Otherwise you can have the lot, if you need something that's in there then this will be one more way to get it. https://link.resilio.com/ #f=Games&sz=8E9&t=1&s=TDYJ5W7LZEWO4LMP4AWDXUMMDBNISDUS&i=CPYAVEJGEMOV2B4CL3SKNEB5VWG 7SRXXZ&v=2.5 $nip /Ckht3 - - - - - - - - - REVOLVING COLLECTIONS! Get 'Em While They're Hot!! (47 hours 59 minutes - or less!) The GraveYard The Dusty Shelf The Inner Temple v0la /r/efv2t780 v0la /r/jyyevh2r v0la /r/theinnertemple Share Bears Byte This Axe I RULE North Libya v0la /r/jjkbczrm v0la /r/kzz1wp2m v0la /r/hr65p9Qc Quiet Nysa Temp RollenspielBücherSchrank v0la /r/fwac5ajr v0la /r/fkucwuar v0la /r/g7m8zdgc Transient Trachis Shrouded Ortygia Quiet Pangea v0la /r/fjbmhdnc v0la /r/hdgc0c8c v0la /r/mfumjncg The Cultist Lair Jovial Tilphussa Malignant Narcissism v0la /r/jkm63tyw v0la /r/gncmzyvm v0la /r/Red_Sector_A - - - - - - - - - New shares for the month of August (pw = climatechange) $nip /Aug-Releases No. 203 Traveller - T5 The Gazelle Class Close Escorts SS /file/2ne6s0 ACKS core SS /filegroup/wWaNP3RQ6grQG5PuXwKxPA Several WoD Vampire OEFs (missing Player's guide and any German books) SS /file/a6o7k2 WoD Documentary m3g4 /#!Kd03BBrb!2lAYJXmIzkpsbHY3u9hRuk2y__E_QlQukByENk4gGTA Werewolf Tribe Novel 6: Silver Fangs and Glass Walkers SS /file/28zgl7 The Night Wolf Inn SS /file/iix44m LL - RK1 Knives in the Dark, RK2 Evil Wizards in a Cave, and RK3 The Wizards Verse SS /filegroup/iL5N3nk%2FSv%2BVzb%2BSH7XtAsu9MzdpzArzRxOtydFfw07ddpJzKpPa%2BQ Ars Magica 4e - A Medieval Tapestry and (?e) Medival Bestiary SS /filegroup/ooai7vKLi0zmGaphLsQRTg Hunter - Core Rulebook, First Contact, Visionary, and Avenger SS /filegroup/VDo%2BIVv%2FKWdwOolFYfJzlyUDSidCDOMkd7MuuKrAKDE White Wolf Books SS /file/bbeQvy SS /file/eikmh6 (VtM?) Here are my Player's Guides. One scan, one OEF. I don't think any of them are 2nd edition SS /filegroup/DppJMdV%2FT2r39Suufk%2FcKQ VtM - 1193 WW2206 Vampire Players Guide SS /file/c90wlj Baker Street - Core, Investigator's Pack, and the Case of the Missing Artifact SS /filegroup/B6hksVvvMzBdwd5p2j7ZrWWG%2FLZR8FYa Thousand Suns collection SS /filegroup/RDNUIzpVHgk2%2B3EwvJBEKgMkIktHSTZFMJ9TKaVKDxs High Psionics: Formbound Mysteries From Dreamscarred Press SS /file/u1o1x1 Maps of taverns and/or inns SS /filegroup/DAt%2B5j%2FmPo4%2BrQOs1a9%2BTs2SW7yXCnXH Exilium collection SS /filegroup/Wr39pom2BEG84USxDGp5PrWuuUdOyvP9kmm9wYMPUxoPxSZ848JTFrtD4eRR8HiQxMP9snmyaABMZ9%2 FrXRazkW8nvcyTHMPa EX016 Exilium - The Iron Authority EX017 Exilium - Complications - Nine Creatures of Steel SS /filegroup/usAJQ3dQjSupULoj5lc0Xg Xas Irkalla SS /filegroup/rEEtyl0wVxKOOEBa4y4xTnBewSLImLHE Savage Worlds - Necessary Evil 2: Breakout + Player's Guide SS /filegroup/JpW8%2FRii2sR5RXvgb42yzA The Return of No. 200 Kabbalah: Mythic Judaism - Ars Magica SS /file/x0m60x Pendragon 5e - Book of Manors, Knights and Ladies, and Book of Battle SS /filegroup/ORWesmh%2B4yW35j25gjJ0%2BA3GOHwdACEK2J7jOezMpJzAHjoM %2FPuGkfUYr8gdaOs7s4M0j0%2BF9pi89FSoELwUow Trove of Spanish RPGs grim0ri0<dot>s0cied@dn0cturn@<dot>net /Listado.php --- Oko Yrrhedesa - Eye of Yrrhedesa (Polish) 7th issue of Magia i Miecz (THE most important thing for TTRPG in Poland. You want start from page 32) 82<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/BmouDD7Q/file.html 2nd edition of the game as a properly published book (identical to 1st) First, most important chapter (image-only, rather than text-and-image PDF) 117<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/j84BtW6L/file.html Bulk of the book, including titular scenario 117<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/iGeCpu0e/file.html Yarra - River of Death scenario 117<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/An751Y8Q/file.html Vocabulary 117<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/FMFxQMPC/file.html There is also a well-known mistake with table designs. Since this is a 2d6 game, random tables have 36, not 51 possible outcomes. If you see any table that operates on improbable outcomes to get on 2d6, it's just an editorial mistake that never got fixed (despite, you know, having been published in total 4 times as a system). Fix tables yourself, but the best solution is to make your own for 2d10 instead, as using 2d6 for tables gives a really small amount of possible outcomes and options to pick from. --- A Taste For Murder SS /file/sll6zs C&C - Codex Classicum SS /file/ybdyu8 C&C - Codex Germanica SS /file/glehw2 No Quarter Prime 6 115<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/cgH5Cz3z/file.html Ghosts of Albion by Eden Studios SS /file/b4uwhg Heroines of the Last Age SS /file/ei4a3w Bizenghast SS /file/rt6st6 Torchbearer collection SS /filegroup/G%2BlDP7lTuWgc0XUmIsRbcJUFmkq3%2FWIYIshYLLINw%2BQh0tzv5slPFzFuZsiSx77N Blood and Bone collection SS /filegroup/IwDiRvBPDgXZdKTZQxjpVRLQJekeQzKCRDc3nnGEV3eDtE2Y2BPhXg Myfarog m3g4 /#F!HZEQ2AZL!F1asY2YmYM8d74vTZHayDw GORE FEST dr!v3<dot>g00gl3 /file/d/1Xodo-uyfxk-F-2N1kL2lLN5yMCSXtgsP/view End of the World complete collection meg4 /#F!DxtFCQIK!J3pQwyfdsjdBW0zJaLGNew GURPS - Reign of Steel SS /file/4yryjl Fanmade d20 Terminator RPG http://www.terminatorfiles.com/interact/fanprojects/gaming_001.htm VtM 5e SS /file/tleQf6 Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron SS /file/73vj7j Dark Streets for Renaissance SS /filegroup/eH7xlEufLJQEpgW73ukFlg Symondex SS /file/lQdtdQ The Language Construction Kit (EPUB) SS /file/o6watb Worldbuilding books in general SS /filegroup/Ptk2581L2hyscUEek%2F5avJxtUx4vdkhNM9hbh2IwjgdOgu0QE1bsGj3%2FW55UPWcB Evolution Pulse: Dark Echoes @n0nfil3 /1889V9f0b9/EvolutionPulseEchiOscuri.pdf Evolution Pulse: Valhalla Rising @n0nfil3 /Hb9bV0f1b1/Evolution_Pulse_-_Valhalla_Rising.pdf Age of Steel with To Catch a Thief SS /filegroup/3%2Fk0xKbO132nydKau%2Fug%2Fg Big Corporation collection m3g4 /#F!UVlSVC5a!r6vQaGpneRmF2jwn2AQxoQ Wh40K collection dr0pb0x /sh/0wwdpy6vtowa30Q/AACL_Y70m6w1QgVrQgv4ukAHa?dl=0 FATE - Morts u$er$cl0ud /ta3vchh8h4u9 FATE - Morts (Updated) u$er$cl0ud /7sry99kp7ydf Godbound - Lexicon of the Throne SS /file/4wbl1j No. 201 Oko Yrrhedesa (The Eye of Yrrhedes) English wiki https://witcher.gamepedia.com/The_Eye_of_Yrrhedes The 30-Sided Fantasy and Other Tales SS /file/i5zy9d In Pursuit of Power v2 SS /file/5s1otl Talislanta: The Savage Land (5e?) SS /file/z5hoh8 Cut to the Chase - WK3 Revenge of the Over-Kobold DMs Guild - Manual of Masks Zombie Wizards of Greesly Keep Scarred Lands - Dagger of Spiragos (5e) SS /filegroup/vK7tU0PKziM9zXoB49cUBKNnZpYbFkSeGb%2BubdR2LaQ Class : Soulhunter v1.3 SS /file/4wyf5y Wayfinders Guide to Eberron (5e)(fixed numbering) SS /file/73vj7j Trudvang - English Bestiary SS /file/ia3rQv WFRP 4e SS /file/eze1yn 43 AD SS /filegroup/viwCWTsnhsveXdkNaXOE%2Bg Obscene Serpent Religion and Monsters of Mayhem #1 SS /filegroup/CV631miZ77nFRZ75al0lEQ No. 200! The Little Book of Adventuring Classes Vol. 1 and 2 (Swords & Wizardry) SS /filegroup/Rjtz%2BcEhzi1jQHARTBQQ6g Phoenix Command Playing Aids SS /file/34vl7s ---
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