CONGRESS ASKS PHASE OUT OF VIET AID FORMER CIA DIRECTOR ADMITS PERJURING SELF BEFORE CONGRESS IN CHILE AFFAIR Setting the stage for a possible WASHINGTON (AP)-Former CIA Direct- whole way, all right," he said. compromise, 82 congressmen yesterday or Richard M. Helms has acknowledged On a related matter, Helms blamed asked President Ford for a dialogue that he withheld information concern- a lapse of memory as the principal on phasing out all U.S. aid to South ing the agency's covert operations in cause of discrepancies in his sworn Vietnam and Cambodia. Chile while testifying under oath on statements concerning the agency's Ford said in an interview publish- two occasions before Senate Commit- domestic activities. ed by the Chicago Tribune yester- tees. Helms continued to deny that the day he would be willing to halt pre- "I felt obligated to keep some of CIA had done anything improper in sent large-scale U.S. aid to South this stuff, in other words, not response to the Huston Plan. Vietnam in three years if Congress volunteer a good deal of infor- appropriates sufficient money dur- mation," Helms told a closed session ing that time. of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- The 82 congressmen, 12 senators mittee last month. He said that U. S. NAVAL BASE and 70 House of Representatives disclosure of CIA operations against GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA members, told Ford in a letter the the government of Chilean President time has come for a decision "as Salvador Allende could have to how we will extricate ourselves further damaged relations between from the situation in Southeast the U.S. and Chile Asia once and for all." Helms appeared before the Foreign They said they are prepared for a Relations panel on Jan. 22 to serious, unemotional dialogue "on explain various apparent discrep- the immediate problem of ending our ancies in previously sworn state- involvement in Indochina responsibly ments regarding CIA operations and honorable. both abroad and at home. A censor- "We are not prepared for it to con- ed transcript of his testimony was tinue indefinitely." released by the committee yesterday. They say continued U.S. aid "may Helms said that his decision to perhaps prolong the life" of the withhold information was perhaps Nguyen Van Thieu and Lon Nol govern- "a serious mistake" but categor- ments in South Vietnam and Cambodia ically denied that he had ever but that cost to the United States. knowingly lied to a Congressional "Continuing American military and committee. "If I have been guilty Monday, February 10, 1975 economic involvement in Indochina in the past of not having gone the will not bring that unhappy region closer to a lasting peace," they AMERICAN SOLDIERS HIRED TO TRAIN SAUDI ARMY BELIEVE THEY CAN DO BETTER JOB said.

LOS ANGELES (AP)-The former Amer- uled for only a year at a time and RUSSIAN COSMONAUTS RETURN SAFELY ican soldiers hired to train Saudi are subject to scrutiny and frequent Arabian forces to guard some of the monetary change by Congress, as in AFTER 30 DAYS, SET SOVIET RECORD world's most important oil fields Southeast Asia. believe they can do a better job in --The former U.S. Soldiers going to MOSCOW (AP)-Cosmonauts Alexei G the Persian Gulf than the U.S. mil- the Persian Gulf will have operation- Gubarev and Georgy Grechko returned itary did in Southeast Asia. al control of the training programs, safely to earth yesterday after "From a professional point of whereas in Southeast Asia they were spending 30 days in space and estab- view we have a lot more going for only advisers with no control over lishing a Soviet record. Tass said us this time around," said retired local troops. "Over there we will be they felt well after landing smooth- Army Colonel William G. Walby, 49, in command," Walby said. ly in stormy weather on the Kazak- of Pebble Beach, Calif. He is -- The Bedouin tribesmen who make hstan steppes and that their mis- Training Director for the Los Angeles up the Internal Security Forces sion was "successfully accomplished." based Vinnell Corporation, the first are believed to be intensely loyal The two Cosmonauts docked their private contractor ever asked by the to Faisal, so we won't have to try Soyuz 17 spacecraft with an orbit- U.S. Defense Department to train a and teach loyalty to the local lead- ing Salyut 4 laboratory and conduct- foreign Army. ers, as we tried and failed to do ed experiments for nearly a month. Like most of the several hundred in the countries of Southeast Asia," While it was a Soviet space en- former military men being recruited, Walby said. durance record, the time spend in Walby is a veteran of military ser- --Tactically, the high desert of space was far less than the 59 days vice in Vietnam. He believes the Saudi Arabia will be ideal to open of an American Skylab 3 crew and $335 million contract between the spaces and no rivers, what a change the 84-day record by the U.S. Sky- Saudi Arabian government and the from the jungles of Vietnam, Cam- lab 4 mission completed in Februa-y -Pentagon to train King Faisal's bodia and Laos," Walby said. The 1974. 26,000 man Internal Security Force Americans will also teach street The previous Soviet record was 24 will have a greater chance of fighting. days in 1971 and was set by the three success than in Southeast Asia The Saudi Arabians are already Cosmonauts who established the world's for these reasons: using oil profits to buy American first orbiting space laboratory --The Americans have a three-year Northrop F-5E Jet fighters, bell aboard Salyut 1. The three Cosmon- contract, and it is "Congress-proof" helicopters, and Cadillac gage auts died on return to earth because because the Saudis are paying the armored cars. The Saudi Arabian Royal of a fault in their Soyuz ship. bills. Normally, U.S. military family security guards will be drawn training programs abroad are sched- from the units trained by Americans. Page 2--LOCAL Guantanamo Gazette Monday, February 10,1975 LOCAL NEW CLUB FOR CHILDREN SPECIAL COMMUNICATION * BRIEFS A new club is being formed in Git- AT CARIBBEAN NAVAL LODGE 9 mo for children in grades 1 through ASH WEDNESDAY 5. The first meeting will be Fri- There will be a special communica- day from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at tion at Caribbean Naval Lodge in This Wednesday is the beginning Oceanview 3. Masonic Apts. Bldg. 800 at 7:30 p.m. of the Christian Lenten Season, cul- The club, which will meet every on Wednesday, for the purpose of minating in Easter. Traditional Friday, will feature bible stories, Conducting work in the first degree. distribution of ashes will occur memorary verses, refreshments, All Masons are cordially and frater- at the base chapel at 5:30 p.m. awards and other activities. Call nally invited to attend. and at the Leeward Air Station Mrs. Huff at 85264 if you can at- Chapel at noon. The 5:30 p.m. tend. TRAINING CLASS FOR CASINO OPER. celebration will be within the Roman Catholic Mass. SOAP BOX DERBY SPONSORED BY A training session for this year's Mardi Gras Casino Operators will NAS OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the BASE PROVOST MARSHAL REQUESTS FTG auditorium. A Soap Box Derby is being sponsor- BETTER PARENTAL SUPERVISION ed this year by the NAS Operations MARDI GRASS 1975 TICKET SALES Department as part of Mardi Gras The Base Provost Marshal has made 1975. Mardi Gras 1975 ticket sales will a strong plea for better parental Anyone with a soap box racer, which begin Friday at noon outside the supervision of children at the is defined as a four-wheeled cart Navy Exchange when RAdm. Ralph lyceums. particularly at McCalla with steering apparatus and brake, Ghormley buys the first ticket. Lyceum. is eligible. The Mardi Gras queen candidates Cdr. Donald Sheppard said Ribbons will be awarded as appro- will be on hand to unveil the there have been reports that par- priate. For further information call grand prize--a new spirit of Amer- ents have apparently been taking Lieutenant Commander Gault at 64316 ica Chevrolet Vega. The auto is their children to the lyceums, DWH or 64460 AWH. equipped with air conditioning, dropping them off, and coming radio, automatic transmission on back later to pick them up. Often, ARTS AND CRAFTS WORKSHOP STARTS the floor, valued at $4,000. The the children have been noisy and car was purchased to avoid the disruptive while running around, OIL AND ACRYLIC PAINTING CLASS problem of a Catalytic converter and even throwing soda cans. required on 1975 models and is not Cdr. Sheppard said that if The Arts and Crafts Workshop is a 1975 model as advertised on the children are seen being disruptive starting an oil and acrylic paint- tickets. at the lyceums, they will be asked ing class for beginners. The The second through fifth place by the shore patrol to leave. If classes will be held on Wednesday prizes, respectively are- a Honda, they do not leave and continue evenings. Both men and women are 175, Zenith 25-inch color televis- to make trouble, they could be invited. For more information ion, Amana microwave oven, and a taken to Base Police Headquarters, call Karen at 85539 AWH or Dan at Remington 20 gauge shotgun. and their parents would be not- 98171 AWH. and since this is a ified to come pick them up. class for beginners, no experience BINGO JACKPOT *650 TONIGHT The Provost Marshal said the pro- is neccessary. blem is one of parental supervision Tonight at Morin Center the Bingo and he pointed out that parents LOST jackpot will be $650 in 57 numbers are responsible for the conduct or less. If there is no winner a of their children. Child's motorcycle helmet at the $100 consolation will be given to Marblehead Gym., Contact at 98237 AT. the first bingo. Come out for a chance at the jackpot on new bingo cards.


i t. P .Q~~ Catrae iT.Wtit Coaoniit iffta

LC. .r. Lo . otcA -arite J ~ ~ ~ Edt~at. Officereii Citttra ojo tiP. Joe- 1 un- 40 jeh* .lar. . tPoesll Clear skies with visibility J03Det N~~ral. . Rro. o restricted. Winds 8 to 10 knots

jJak Rod Hatty. prtlr with gusts to 20 knots. Bay conditions 1-3 feet. Sunrise TbG-~t-oeat CIe. . 4,atbfl.hed -torditg to th. tale. -o regulatiat. ftt hit end sttonoipp tomorrow at 7:32. Sunset will be aottli.d il ilAVOS P-35 ed -tdr th. 1direction of the Novl Ba., pabic affair, office. Pintei High tides will be at fotttt-Q.e,.ky at Socetta~o ep.t,. t. gooro at 6:58. equi"iant, the tPicitt that appear hereit,-- to.t , t-ntrou.d-tOt a t 10:26 a.m. and 10:07 p.m. Low fitla or -e r~flettg te. vt. tf toCanfle. o the i.parta.t of the Mayn. o tide will be at 4:33 p.m. Monday, February 10, 1975 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL--Page 3

LOCAL CONTRABAND INSPECTION UNIT SAFETY AWARENESS FOR 9BREFS All personnel not under official PEDESTRIANS AND MOTORISTS orders embarking on an aircraft for LIVE FIRING EXERCISE a roundtrip flight to a country other In a continuing effort to pro- than Puerto Rico, will be required mote safety awareness here in The Marines will conduct a live to sign, before leaving the base, Gitmo pedestrians and motorists are firing exercise Tuesday from 1 to a form consenting to an inspection of reminded of the following. 4:30 p.m. The firing will their person and all baggage upon Pedestrians must walk on the take place at Granadillo Range return to the base. Here is in- left side of the road when no and will impact at Granadillo formation about the form. The form walkways are provided. Range. will be completed and signed by all All of the area north from Car- personnel, except those under offic- Pedestrians shall not sudden- acoles Point to Hospital Point in- ial orders or those excluded pursuant ly leave the curb or other place Hospital Cay, Medio Cay, ' cluding to paragraph 5, when picking up of safety and walk or run into the South Toro Cay, North Toro Cay and their boarding pass/recreation travel path of a vehicle which is so Granadillo Range area is off limits request at the Base Passenger Trans- close that it is impossible for during this live firing. portation Office (BPTO). The forms will the driver to yield. The Marines will conduct another be attached to the boarding pass live firing exercise Wednesday recreation travel request. During Motorists must use turn-sig- from 8 a.m. til 4:30 p.m. The flight check-in, the completed forms nals whenever any other vehicle firing will take place at Hicacal will be removed and retained for may be affected by the movement. Range and will impact at Hicacal pick-up at the flight check-in desk In addition, courtesty dictates Range. by a member of the CIU. The forms that motorists use turn-signals All of the area north from Saint shall be retained by the CIU until to warn pedestrians of their in- Nicolas Point to Caracoles Point is the individual has returned from tentions. off limits during this live firing. the trip. If not required to con- duct an inspection of that individual, Let's all remember: caution, MOVIE SCHEDULE the forms may then be destroyed. VC- courtesy and common sense. 10 aircraft passengers will complete Staff NCO Club: enclosure (1) and deliver the forms COMMISSARY TO CLOSE SATURDAY Mon.-"The Lords of Flatbrush," a to the CIU. The CIU will be available comedy rated PG starring Perry King to conduct contraband inspections of The Commissary Store clo- and Sylvester Stallone. incoming passengers on VC-10 aircraft sed Saturday, in observance of Wash- Tues.-"The Terminal Man',' a drama when requested by CO, VC-10 and ington's birthday and will reopen ated PG starring George Segal and may conduct such inspection on in- for normal business hours on Feb. Joan Hackett. coming passengers without a request. 18. Customers are urged to shoo' Wed.-No movie. (Bingo) early this week to avoid the Friday Thurs.-"Death Wish," a drama rated 1975 MARDI GRAS PARADE last minute rush. R starring Charles Bronson and Hope The Jamaican produce normally Lange. SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 14 sold on Saturdays will be out for Fri.-"Daisy Miller," a comedy rated sale Feb. 18. G starring Cybil Shepherd. The 1975 Mardi Gras planning com-- Sat.-"Dectective Belli," a drama mittee has established Mar. 14 as BEGINNER TENNIS LESSONS rated R starring Franco Nero and parade day. Adolfo Celi plus "Blazing Saddles" "Spirit of America" is the theme of Special Services is offering ten- a western rated R starring Cleavon this year's parade and Mardi Gras. nis lessons for beginners. Classes Little and Gene Wilder. Prizes for the 1975 parade will be: will be held on Friday and Saturday Sun.-"Don is Dead" an action drama Best Bicycle--a $10 prize for the evening starting Friday. The fee rated R starring Anthony Quinn and best decorated boy's and girl's bikes. is $10 per person. For more infor- Frederick Forrest. Mounted entry--a $10 prize for the mation or to register phone Special best decorated horse. Services at 951160 or 95449. KITTERY BEACH TO BE OFF LIMITS Military marching unit--the unit with the smartest performance will GOLF TOURNAMENT PLANNED Kittery Beach will be off limits be given $10. from 8 a.m. til 7 p.m. tomorrow Most unusual entry--$10 will be Special Services will be holding and 5 to 7 p.m. each week day presented for the entry that, in the an inter-unit golf tournament thereafter until further notice. opinion of the judges, is the most starting Saturday. All teams desir- Base Police will establish a road- unique or unusual. ing to enter must register with block on Kittery Beach road. On Best float --$10 will also be award- Special Services prior to 4 p.m. days after Feb. 11, persons at ed to the best non-military float. Monday. Numbers to call are 951160 Kittery Beach at 5 p.m. will be This prize is restricted to individual or 95449. permitted to stay on the beach but or local activities. Commands are will not be permitted to leave until not eligible. FOUND; after 7 p.m. For more information or entry into this year's parade, contact LCdr. Hut- Helmet bearing the name of Big Ed. ton at 85849 DWH. Call 85266 DWH and identify. Page 4--NAVY NEWS Guantanamo Gazette Monday, February 10, 1975

FISCAL YEAR 76 BUDGET overhaul funds for two FBM sub- I W marines, 12 nuclear attack sub- GOES TO CONGRESS - nvn EV w- marines and one Kitty Hawk class attack carrier. NAVY SHARE IS $31 BILLION The budget also includes overhaul conventionally powered patrol fri- of 1,662 aircraft and 3,470 air- President Ford has submitted his gates (PF) is included in the bud- craft engines. budget request for fiscal year 1976 get, as well as continued support Based on a successful one-year to the Congress. for two ships in the patrol hydro- test program in 1973, several Navy Included in the budget is a $31 foil (PEN) program. The PF's are support ships have been transferred billion request for the Navy. planned to replace World War II type to the Military Sealift Command If funded, this request will give destroyers, while the PHM program is (MSC) to be operated by civilian the Navy 23 new ships and 338 new designed to introduce high speed crews. The FY76 plan includes the fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. hydrofoil ships to the U.S. Navy change of three additional oilers However, the total number of ac- and other NATO countries. to civilian crews. By the end of tive ships will drop from 499 at the Auxiliary and support ships re- FY76, eight Navy oilers, four end of FY75 to 490 at the end of quested are two destroyer tenders fleet ocean tugs, one stores ship FY76. (AD),three fleet ocean tugs (ATF) and two cable repair ships will The Navy's attack aircraft wings and two oilers (AO) to replace aging have been converted from military will be dropped from 14 to 13, and World War II vintage tankers. to civilian crews. two attack carriers, Hancock and Oriskany, will be decommissioned, AIRCRAFT AND HELICOPTER PROCUREMENT CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES leaving a total of 13. The budget includes requests for The largest single item in the The following are summaries of the following types of aircraft: Navy's proposed construction budget major categories in the Navy's FY76 A-6E, A-7E and A-4M attack aircraft; is to continue building the Trident budget request: EA-6B electronic countermeasures submarine base at Bangor. This will NAVY PERSONNEL aircraft; F-14A fighters; P-3C and be the third year of funding for The planned strength of the Navy S-3A ASW aircraft; E-2C early warn- the facility which, when finished, for June 30, 1976, is 64,380 offi- ing aircraft; T-34C primary train- will support the 10 Trident sub- cers, 460,028 enlisted personnel ers; EC-130Q communications air- marines to be homeported at Bangor. and 4,243 midshipmen, a reduction craft; KC-130R tanker aircraft; and The proposed construction budget of 1,474 officers and 5,992 enlisted UH-lN and AH-lJ helicopters. also includes funds for the con- from June 1975. This reduction will Funds to prepare for production struction of new hospitals at be accomplished by varying recruit- of the CH-53E multi-purpose heli- Bethesda and Bremerton, as well as ing levels and allowing normal at- copter and the first procurement of construction of the new University trition to bring down the numbers the VTAMX multi-engine trainer are of the Health Sciences at Bethesda. on active duty. also included. The university will train medical The promotion opportunity for of- students who will be obligated for ficers will remain about the same WEAPONS PROCUREMENT seven years of military service in as this year. Approximately 1,000 Funds are requested to buy the new exchange for their medical educa- more petty officers will be promo- Condor air to surface missile, the tion. This university program is ted in FY76 than were promoted in air to air Sidewinder "L" missile one of the steps being taken to FY75. and the Captor mine, and to contin- provide an adequate number of mili- The budget request contains no ue buying the Sparrow "F", Phoenix, tary doctors in the future. funding for lump sum payment of Harpoon and Standard MR missiles, Funding is also requested for new selective reenlistment bonuses, and MK-48 torpedoes. or modernized bachelor housing for since a restriction on such payments Also included are the first buys 3,339 enlisted personnel and 132 has been imposed by the Department in quantity of the Trident I sub- officers. of Defense as a means of combating marine launched ballistic missile The Navy is also requesting mqre inflation. and the Phalanx close-in weapons than 800 new family housing units The budget does include funds to system. at the following locations: continue payment for days of un- Nantucket (18), Bangor (400), used leave. However, Congress has OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Sugar Grove, W. Va. (10), Keflavik, previously directed the services to This year, the fleets had to re- Iceland (250), Subic Bay, R.P. (200). make a real effort to encourage duce ship underway time because of Funds have also been requested people to utilize more earned leave, insufficient funds. for improvements to existing houses, rather than accumulating it for cash Included in the budget request including additions of bedrooms and payoff at separation time. are funds to permit increased un- baths, and construction of commu- a derway time of ships in the fleets nity facilities to be used by Navy SHIP CONSTRUCTION in order to provide for more ade- personnel and their dependents. The Navy is continuing its nu- equate underway training time. clear powered ship construction An increase of 70,000 flying hours program with a request for funds to over this year is requested WHEN A build a fourth Trident submarine, effort to achieve adequate training a fifth Virginia class DLGN and two time for Navy pilots and air crews. PROBLEM DRINKER more 688 class nuclear attack sub- A request to overhaul and modern- DRIVES, marines. The first large buy of 10 ize 107 ships during FY76 includes IT'S YOUR PROBLEM. Monday, February 10, 1975 Guantanamo Gazette NATIONAL--Page 5

HUNTSVILLE, Tex. (AP)--John McAdams nearby Houston office of the Nation- says a cow with her tail in the wind, al Weather Service. or a hog buried to his jowls in mud, John, 66, challenged meteorolo- is a better forecaster than an army gist Irwin Bolbrecht to an 80-day of weathermen and its electronic gad- test period on weather forecasting getry. beginning Jan. 19. John could be right. The pair decided to forecast TEXAS FARMER He is holding an edge over the weather three times a week at a specific field in Huntsville where WHO PREDICTS WEATHER the weather service's rain gauge is located. BY HIS COWS AND HOGS Irwin said okay, be he warned that "no one can tell farmer Brown if HOLDS EDGE it's going to rain on his field." Phooey, said John, who claimed OVER LOCAL OFFICE that simply by watching his cows and hogs he could predict not only OF NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE where but when it would rain. The contest was on. City Utility Director Boyd Wilder said he'd keep score. Wilder says John has missed cor- rectly forecasting rain only once in eight times. Irwin has missed four out of eight times. John conceded that the direction is which a cow faces early in the mornings, or how deep into the mire a hog may burrow tells an alert ob- server a lot about what the weather will do for the next day or so. John also admitted that he counts on his arthritis a little.


WASHINGTON (AP)--Gasoline ration- rationing if the President's energy The number of cars also dropped ing during World War II was char- program fails to cut consumption. from 28.1 million in 1941 to 24.3 acterized by public resentment and Nationwide gasoline rationing, million at the end of 1944. a black market. But statistics show with its assortment of coupons and Figures compiled by the American it cut consumption. paperwork, was begun on Dec. 1, 1942. Petroleum Institute show the nation Calls for rationing are beginning Government statistics show that con- used 6.3 million barrels of oil per to be heard now as congressmen and sumption dropped 40 per cent in 1943 day in December, 1974, for gasoline citizens who dislike the Ford ad- from the amount used in 1942. In --more than three times the total ministration's proposal to raise 1944, gasoline consumption amounted used in 1942. There are now more gasoline prices search for other to 1,257,000 barrels per day com- than 101 million cars in use-- ways of curbing consumption. pared with the 1,800,000 barrels four times the total at the end Legislation already has been in- per day used in 1942. of 1944. troduced by Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., and Senate Democratic SILICONE BREAST INJECTIONS TURNING INTO NIGHTMARE FOR HUNDREDS Leader Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., that would require the President to LAS VEGAS (AP)--Plastic surgeons year are seeking surgical help for set up a mandatory gasoline ration- in this bosom-conscious town say problems ranging from discoloration ing program. the glamour of silicone injections to gangrene within one to 14 years Mansfield acknowledged in intro- has turned into nightmare in hun- after injections. ducing the bill two weeks ago that dreds of cases. At least four women have died, Las there are not enough votes to pass They're pressing for a state law Vegas surgeons say. Mastectomies have such legislation at present. But he against future bust-building liquid been performed on many others. said the sentiment for rationing is silicone injections, and oppose the, Case history photographs show growing. possible release by the U.S. Food faces of women with open lesions House Republican Leader John J. and Drug Administration of a new around the eyes and foreheads. The Rhodes agreed the House could not silicone fluid for experimental use. liquid silicone, surgeons say, has now override the President's threat- Not long ago starlets and house- slowly interfered with circulation ened veto of gasoline rationing wives flocked to have injections of of the blood and the lymphatics. legislation but said there will be liquid silicone. Also, the silicone causes lumps increased congressional support for But now, about 120 recipients a and is X-ray opaque, making it\ nearly impossible to detect cancer. Page 6--LOCAL / NATIONAL Guantanamo Gazette Monday, February 10, 1975 UNITED STATES MINT PREPARES CAMPAIGN TO RETRIEVE PENNIES

NEW YORK (AP)-Gold bugs may have Mrs. Brooks says penny saving is vanished, but pinchers of the lowly "a bad habit, bad housekeeping," Ta xlips * penny are alive and thriving, gov- and premiums for pennies are "rid- ernment officials report. iculous," she says a Mint campaign New York banks are still on allo- in the west asking school children The Internal Revenue Service cation and the U.S. Mint is pre- to bring in the copper coins has offers taxpayers a seven-point paring a nationwide advertising eased shortages there and the Mint checklist to help them avoid un- campaign to retrieve the little is now planning an April television scrupulous tax return preparers. coins. and radio campaign to further the Most tax return preparers are Of the 70 billion pennies pro- drive. competent and honest, says the IRS, but some of them seek to duced since 1959, the Mint estimates "I thought hard times might make prepare returns falsely. The un- 30 billion are lost or still lying in people spend all their coins, but scrupulous return preparer is pickle jars, piggy banks and shoe it hasn't happened," she says. typically not a tax expert. He boxes--out of circulation. Some believe penny pinching has thinks that certain "average de- The hoarding continues despite a nothing to do with the value of ductions" can be taken on items 60 per cent drop in the value of their copper content, but that they such as contributions, medical ex- pennies' copper content, a change are a nuisance. "I think people penses, or exemptions for clients which Mint director Mary Brooks put them in jars to get rid of them," who can't legitimately claim such hopes has left speculators "with says one New Yorker. "They wear deductions. egg all over their faces." a hole in your pocket." This IRS checklist will help Last year's sharp rise in copper Mrs. Brooks acknowledges pennies taxpayers steer clear of the un- ethical preparer: prices to nearly $1.50 a pound led may be a nuisance, but she can't to home stockpiling and talk of an see the country without them. Even * Never sign a blank return. aluminum penny. With 147 pennies though it costs the Mint millions * Don't hire a preparer who to a pound, some Americans wonder- of tax dollars to produce new pen- hints he has a special relationship ed whether they might better sell nies for those lost or saved, she with the IRS or has a special tie- their coppers than use them for cash. says) the Mint is not going to stop. in with IRS computers. But copper sells now at about * Don't sign a return pre- 50 cents a pound. Brooks says the GUANTANAMO BAY LITTLE THEATRE pared in pencil, since it could be aluminum penny has been "absolutely changed later. rejected." Guantanamo Bay Little Theatre has *Stay away from the preparer Still, shortages persist in some announced tickets are now on sale who presents misleading claims areas. "It would be overly opti- for the sophisticated adult comedy on the number of taxpayer-pre- mistic to say the situation has "Not Now, Darling" to be produced pared returns that err in the Gov- eased, but it's not gotten worse," Feburary 20, 21, andt 22 at Mori.n ernment's favor. 0] says a spokesman for the Federal Center at 8 p.m. * Don't permit your tax re- Reserve Bank in New York, which As in the past, a combination din- fund to be mailed to the pre- has area banks on penny allocations. ner theatre ticket will be offered. parer. Have it sent to your own As a sales gimmick, and to re- On Feb. 20, dinner will be a steam- home. trieve pennies, some New York stores ship round buffet at the Blue Car- *Avoid the preparer who maintain penny premiums. Sam Goody's ibe for a combined dinner-ticket "guarantees" refunds, wants a a record shop, gives a $1.50 credit price of $7. On Feb. 21, the CPO percentage of the refund, or for 100 pennies. "You better believe club will serve a 12 oz. T-bone claims to know "all the angles." people are still coming in," says steak dinner for a dinner-ticket price * Insist that preparers sign and a Goody's manager, Bernard Bornstein. of $6.75. On Feb. 22, the COMO put their social security number Club will have steamship round for or employer identification number THREE AMERICAN SOLDIER'S a dinner-ticket price of $6.50. Din- on the return. I ners will be served at 6 p.m. at Taxpayers who have their re- KILLED IN MEXICAN CAR CRASH the Como Club and the Blue Caribe turns filled out by someone else should seek an honest, ethical restaurant and at 5:30 p.m. at the preparer. Such preparers perform NUEVO LAREDO, MEXICO, (AP)-A car and CPO Club. a valuable service for both tax- a bus crashed head on early yester- Tickets for "Not Now, Darling" are payers and the IRS. day, killing three American soldiers $2 for adults and $1 for children 12 and critically injuring two others and under. Reservations for the WINDJAMMER MOVIE SCHEDULE in the car. One bus passenger was play or for the dinner-theatre may be killed and 10 others injured, the made by calling 96157 AT before Feb. Tues.-Daisy Miller, comedy G., Wed. Red Cross said. 15. All reserved tickets must be The Terminal, suspense drama G; Thu.- The accident occurred at 4:15 a.m. picked up and paid for on Saturday The Lords of Flatbush, NRA; Fri.- and the impact was so great the from 10 a.m. til 3 p.m. in front Death Wish, action drama R; The Dar- car was totally destroyed and the of the Navy Exchange or the reser- ing Doberman's, drama G; Sat.-The bus flipped over, a Red Cross vations will be canceled. No dinner- Anderson Tapes, drama GP; Tales That spokesman said. theatre tickets will be sold after Witness Madness, horror drama R; The soldiers, from Fort Sam Houston Saturday. Sun.-Executive, Action drama PG. Texas, were driving from Mexico City toward Monterrey when the crash NAVY EXCHANGE OPTICAL SHOP occurred. The Red Cross identified the dead The Navy Exchange Optical Shop will Americans as Ricky A. Hagin, Lindsey resume normal hours Tuesday. The oper- Raymond Tschetter, and Mike Bean. ator has returned from emergencye. leave. SPORTS--Page 7 Monday, February 10, 1975 Guantanamo Gazette


(UPI)--College basketball powers upset Southern Cal 78-75. had their way Saturday, with only Elsewhere, Alabama tripped Tenne- third-ranked Louisville and eighth- ssee 71-65, North Carolina clobber- ranked Southern Cal ending up on ed Georgia Tech 111-81, Marquette the wrong side of the score. crushed Xavier 78-55, Notre Dame The top-rated Indiana Hoosiers edged South Carolina 66-65 in over- smashed Iowa 79-56 to win their time and LaSalle beat Temple 74-63. 25th straight contest. Number two UCLA outscored 10th- ESPOSITO SCORES FOUR GOALS ranked Oregon 107-103. Louisville was stunned by Tulsa TO LEAD BOSTON TO VICTORY 82-77 despite 32 points from Junior Bridgeman. (UPI)-- sits atop Number-four Maryland topped Duke the scoring 104-80, and fifth-ranked Kentucky race with 52 goals and 104 points. downed Georgia 75-61. Esposito got four goals in lead- All-America David Thompson, the ing the Boston Bruins to an 8-5 nation's leading scorer, had 35 victory against the Red Wings at points in leading sixth-ranked Detroit Saturday night. North Carolina State to a 102-87 In other NHL contests Saturday, CHRIS EVERT win over Furman. Minnesota shut out Philadelphia Fourteenth-ranked Oregon State 5-0, the New York Islanders ripped Washington 5-1, the Toronto Maple CHRIS EVERT BEATS MARGARET COURT MCFARLAND SETS WORLD RECORD Leafs tied St. Louifs 3-3 and Mon- treal routed the New York Rangers TO WIN TOURNAMENT IN CLEVELAND (UPI)--Sophomore Mike McFarland of 7-1. (AP)--Chris Evert, Indiana University set a world rec- In the , CLEVELAND ranked no. 1 in the world of women's ord in the men's 70-yard dash with a the stunned Winni- beat Margaret Court 6-4, six and seven-tenths clocking in the peg 5-3, Baltimore won its first tennis, $15,000 in the 15th annual Mason-Dixon games. WHA game ever with a 6-4 decision 3-6, 6-3 and won Houston, Quebec shaved Phoenix final of the Women's Tennis Circuit * Another highlight of the Louis- over dropped New Tournament at the Coliseum yester- Wville track meet was Danny Smith's 4-3, Blazers upset victory over the world's top- England 4-1 and San Diego whipped day. the 32-year-old Aus- ranked high hurler, Charles Kester. the Minnesota Fighting Saints 8-4. Mrs. Court, tralian who has been back in action RAMIREZ DEFEATS TANNER only six weeks since a year's ab- sence to give birth to her second sharp enough to force CLEVELAND COMES FROM BEHIND FOR FIRST TENNIS TITLE child, wasn't Miss Evert to the net or to play game, a tactic that TO BEAT KANSAS CITY-OMAHA ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP)--Raul her own rushing Ramirez of Mexico took his first eliminated Miss Evert from a tour- week in Washington, D.C. (UPI)--The Cleveland Cavaliers victory on the World Championship nament last set, the 20-year-old were down by 19 points at halftime, Tennis Tour yesterday in a 6-0, 1-6, In the first Mrs. Court.'s ser- but didn't give up. Instead they 6-2 win over Roscoe Tanner in the Miss Evert broke fifth game and won the came back to post a 92-91 overtime $50,000 tournament final. vice in the placing lobs out of reach. win against the Kansas City-Omaha Sixth-seed Ramirez, 21, the top- set by service breaks in Kings at Richfield, Ohio, Saturday. ranked player in Mexico, blitzed After matching Mrs. Court was Dick Snyder led the Cavs with Tanner in an 18-minute first set, the second set, a mixture of pa- 25 points. but Tanner took the momentum in the successful with and a rushing Also in the NBA, the New Orleans second to win in 22 minutes. tience at the baseline Miss Evert's service Jazz won its first road game, beat- Ramirez turned it around again in game, breaking ing Atlanta 106-102, Boston embar- the third set when he returned in the eighth game. service rassed the New York Knicks 128-102, Tanner's deadly serves and made ac- The pair again matched set, but Mrs. Golden State triumphed over Phoenix curate placements on strong vollies. breaks in the third in the eighth 105-96 and Portland surprised Wash- Ramirez won $12,000 and the seven- Court double faulted her second ser- ington 100-96. th-ranked Tanner, 22, earned $6,000. game, setting up set. In the ABA, San Antonio stopped "This is one of the biggest vice break in the losing time in 1 ; Denver's record-setting homecourt thrills," Ramirez said. "I've play- It was the first circuit final win string at 26 with a 120-115 ed well now for two straight weeks years that a women's sets. triumph over the Nuggets, Kentucky and it gives me confidence for the went the full three After accepting her winner's check bettered Utah 90-87, Memphis got by rest of the WCT tour. I feel I can dozen red roses at midcourt, Virginia 100-96 and Indiana clipped play poorly and still win." and a Tanner shook his head over the Miss Evert welcomed her opponent 103-92. back to the circuit. In 1973 the St. Louis unusual match. "I played in the * match and I still don't know what pair met five times, and Mrs. Court happened," he said. won four of the matches. Page 8--BEELINE Guantanamo Gazette Monday, February, 10, 1975 What's happening Beeline TODAY rTHE LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION will meet tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. at the golf course. For more information call Doris Hutton at 952279. THE GUANTANAMO BAY MOTOCROSS ASSOCIATION Calls will be accepted for ads will meet at 7:30 at the FRA. on Sundays from 5-7 p.m., Mon- For more information call 97185. day-Friday 3-5 p.m. Boxes are THE LITTLE THEATRE will meet at 7:30 p.m. For more information contact located at the Flagship Mess and between the Navy Exchange Richelle Grizzard at 98156 AT or Hank Stence at 95551 DWH or 98144 AWH. and Commissary Store. BINGO will be played at 8 p.m. at the Morin Center. DiAL 951144 JUDO class will practice in Marblehead Hall at 6:30 p.m. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will meet. For more information call 96160 AWH. On Leeward Point call 64436. AMATEUR RADIO CLUB will meet at the club station at 7:30 p.m. which is located at Hobbyland. For more information contact Gary Grahn 90181 AT or Ted Kennedy 95596 AWH.

for sale TOMORROW AKAI MK-8 reel to reel with tapes and head phones for $100; 1965 BINGO will be played in the CPO Club beginning at 8 p.m. Buick Skylark, runs well for THE GUANTANAMO BAY SELF DEFENSE CLUB will practice in the Child Day Care $280; Call 99142 AT or see at Center at 6 p.m. For more information call 97110 DWH. 1228 A Villamar. THE GUANTANAMO BAY DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the COMO Club. 12' x 18' barrel boat with 25 hp THE SURE LOSERS will meet at 7 p.m. in the Hospital classroom. For more in- Chrysler motor. Complete with life formation call Pat Trent at 951212 AT or Darla Tennis at 97216 AT. jacket, extra gas tank and acces- THE BOY SCOUTS will meet in the Boy Scout Hut at 7:15 p.m. For more infor- saries, $800 firm. Call 64535 mation call Skip Miller at 99147 AWH. AWH. THE ARTS AND CRAFTS WORKSHOP is open today from 1 to 6 p.m. for anyone need- ing a place to paint or work on crafts. The workshop is located on the 10 gal. fish H20 aquarium with second floor of the McCalla Admin building. For more information call complete accessaries, equipment and Linda Hornbrook at 85791. some fish for $30. Call 64359 DWH. THE GUANTANAMO BAY RACING ASSOCIATION will meet at the club house at 7:30 p.m. For more information call 951074 or 98176 AWH. Red, white and blue crochet afghan PAINTING CLASS will meet at McCalla Admin building at 7 p.m. For more in- for $15, baby stroller $20; Call formation call 98171 AWH. 90251 AT. THE OKINAWA KARATE AFFILIATION will practice from 6 to 8 p.m. at Marblehead Hall. For more information call 85559 DWH or 98258 AWH. Complete Cub Scout uniform, size ten for $10. Call 952269 AT.

1962 Senca, runs, $60; 22,000 BTU air conditioner $150; 5,000 BTU 12 lb. bowling ball, $5; in good 1956 Plymouth Gitmo special, runs air conditioner $75; Kawasaki 175, condition, 15 lb. bow, $4. Call good, $250. Call 90149 or see at two helmets and accessaries, $600; 85829 AT. 261-B Villamar after 5 pin. carriage / stroller $10; playpen $3; babyswing, $3. Call 97108 AT, Ladies 26" 10 speed bicycle, like new for $50. Call 99168 AT. Reconditioned Nikonos II 35mm under- 1969 Chevy, power steering, air Mustang, 6 cylinder, automatic, water camera with 1.25 F35 lens. conditioner, 396,' needs minor body new brakes, wheel cylinders, tires Call 85842 DWH or 85754 AWH. ask for work. $700. Call 90227 AT. amd mags. Air shocks in the rear Leird. and pleasurizers in the front. Hood 1974 Kawasaki 175, in excellent scoop spoiler and eidepipes. New condition for $700. Call 95401 AWH. paint, headers, shocks, custom services steering wheel,. tachometer and Babysitting in my home, anytime except 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass, excellent new headliner. Interior in school hours. Call 97141 AT. condition throughout, full power, excellent condition. Comes with air conditioning, new white wall extra starter, headers, 8 track, tires, paint and upholstery. Best and hurst shifter. Also has lost offer over $1,550, available Apr. 1; optional air conditioner. Call 85782 Long length of heavy nylon rope. Be- Airoquipt slide projector, needs DWH or 85631 or 951049 AWH. lieve was left on boat launch ramp minor repairs, best offer; winter by PW garage. Call 952241 AT or baby clothes fits child to 18 Trail Flite mini-bike, less than a yr. 95451 DWH. months, new or like new. Call Ai old, best offer. Call 99201 AWH. 952208 AT or see at TK- 71.