U. S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
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CONGRESS ASKS PHASE OUT OF VIET AID FORMER CIA DIRECTOR ADMITS PERJURING SELF BEFORE CONGRESS IN CHILE AFFAIR Setting the stage for a possible WASHINGTON (AP)-Former CIA Direct- whole way, all right," he said. compromise, 82 congressmen yesterday or Richard M. Helms has acknowledged On a related matter, Helms blamed asked President Ford for a dialogue that he withheld information concern- a lapse of memory as the principal on phasing out all U.S. aid to South ing the agency's covert operations in cause of discrepancies in his sworn Vietnam and Cambodia. Chile while testifying under oath on statements concerning the agency's Ford said in an interview publish- two occasions before Senate Commit- domestic activities. ed by the Chicago Tribune yester- tees. Helms continued to deny that the day he would be willing to halt pre- "I felt obligated to keep some of CIA had done anything improper in sent large-scale U.S. aid to South this stuff, in other words, not response to the Huston Plan. Vietnam in three years if Congress volunteer a good deal of infor- appropriates sufficient money dur- mation," Helms told a closed session ing that time. of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- The 82 congressmen, 12 senators mittee last month. He said that U. S. NAVAL BASE and 70 House of Representatives disclosure of CIA operations against GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA members, told Ford in a letter the the government of Chilean President time has come for a decision "as Salvador Allende could have to how we will extricate ourselves further damaged relations between from the situation in Southeast the U.S. and Chile Asia once and for all." Helms appeared before the Foreign They said they are prepared for a Relations panel on Jan. 22 to serious, unemotional dialogue "on explain various apparent discrep- the immediate problem of ending our ancies in previously sworn state- involvement in Indochina responsibly ments regarding CIA operations and honorable. both abroad and at home. A censor- "We are not prepared for it to con- ed transcript of his testimony was tinue indefinitely." released by the committee yesterday. They say continued U.S. aid "may Helms said that his decision to perhaps prolong the life" of the withhold information was perhaps Nguyen Van Thieu and Lon Nol govern- "a serious mistake" but categor- ments in South Vietnam and Cambodia ically denied that he had ever but that cost to the United States. knowingly lied to a Congressional "Continuing American military and committee. "If I have been guilty Monday, February 10, 1975 economic involvement in Indochina in the past of not having gone the will not bring that unhappy region closer to a lasting peace," they AMERICAN SOLDIERS HIRED TO TRAIN SAUDI ARMY BELIEVE THEY CAN DO BETTER JOB said. LOS ANGELES (AP)-The former Amer- uled for only a year at a time and RUSSIAN COSMONAUTS RETURN SAFELY ican soldiers hired to train Saudi are subject to scrutiny and frequent Arabian forces to guard some of the monetary change by Congress, as in AFTER 30 DAYS, SET SOVIET RECORD world's most important oil fields Southeast Asia. believe they can do a better job in --The former U.S. Soldiers going to MOSCOW (AP)-Cosmonauts Alexei G the Persian Gulf than the U.S. mil- the Persian Gulf will have operation- Gubarev and Georgy Grechko returned itary did in Southeast Asia. al control of the training programs, safely to earth yesterday after "From a professional point of whereas in Southeast Asia they were spending 30 days in space and estab- view we have a lot more going for only advisers with no control over lishing a Soviet record. Tass said us this time around," said retired local troops. "Over there we will be they felt well after landing smooth- Army Colonel William G. Walby, 49, in command," Walby said. ly in stormy weather on the Kazak- of Pebble Beach, Calif. He is -- The Bedouin tribesmen who make hstan steppes and that their mis- Training Director for the Los Angeles up the Internal Security Forces sion was "successfully accomplished." based Vinnell Corporation, the first are believed to be intensely loyal The two Cosmonauts docked their private contractor ever asked by the to Faisal, so we won't have to try Soyuz 17 spacecraft with an orbit- U.S. Defense Department to train a and teach loyalty to the local lead- ing Salyut 4 laboratory and conduct- foreign Army. ers, as we tried and failed to do ed experiments for nearly a month. Like most of the several hundred in the countries of Southeast Asia," While it was a Soviet space en- former military men being recruited, Walby said. durance record, the time spend in Walby is a veteran of military ser- --Tactically, the high desert of space was far less than the 59 days vice in Vietnam. He believes the Saudi Arabia will be ideal to open of an American Skylab 3 crew and $335 million contract between the spaces and no rivers, what a change the 84-day record by the U.S. Sky- Saudi Arabian government and the from the jungles of Vietnam, Cam- lab 4 mission completed in Februa-y -Pentagon to train King Faisal's bodia and Laos," Walby said. The 1974. 26,000 man Internal Security Force Americans will also teach street The previous Soviet record was 24 will have a greater chance of fighting. days in 1971 and was set by the three success than in Southeast Asia The Saudi Arabians are already Cosmonauts who established the world's for these reasons: using oil profits to buy American first orbiting space laboratory --The Americans have a three-year Northrop F-5E Jet fighters, bell aboard Salyut 1. The three Cosmon- contract, and it is "Congress-proof" helicopters, and Cadillac gage auts died on return to earth because because the Saudis are paying the armored cars. The Saudi Arabian Royal of a fault in their Soyuz ship. bills. Normally, U.S. military family security guards will be drawn training programs abroad are sched- from the units trained by Americans. Page 2--LOCAL Guantanamo Gazette Monday, February 10,1975 LOCAL NEW CLUB FOR CHILDREN SPECIAL COMMUNICATION * BRIEFS A new club is being formed in Git- AT CARIBBEAN NAVAL LODGE 9 mo for children in grades 1 through ASH WEDNESDAY 5. The first meeting will be Fri- There will be a special communica- day from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at tion at Caribbean Naval Lodge in This Wednesday is the beginning Oceanview 3. Masonic Apts. Bldg. 800 at 7:30 p.m. of the Christian Lenten Season, cul- The club, which will meet every on Wednesday, for the purpose of minating in Easter. Traditional Friday, will feature bible stories, Conducting work in the first degree. distribution of ashes will occur memorary verses, refreshments, All Masons are cordially and frater- at the base chapel at 5:30 p.m. awards and other activities. Call nally invited to attend. and at the Leeward Air Station Mrs. Huff at 85264 if you can at- Chapel at noon. The 5:30 p.m. tend. TRAINING CLASS FOR CASINO OPER. celebration will be within the Roman Catholic Mass. SOAP BOX DERBY SPONSORED BY A training session for this year's Mardi Gras Casino Operators will NAS OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the BASE PROVOST MARSHAL REQUESTS FTG auditorium. A Soap Box Derby is being sponsor- BETTER PARENTAL SUPERVISION ed this year by the NAS Operations MARDI GRASS 1975 TICKET SALES Department as part of Mardi Gras The Base Provost Marshal has made 1975. Mardi Gras 1975 ticket sales will a strong plea for better parental Anyone with a soap box racer, which begin Friday at noon outside the supervision of children at the is defined as a four-wheeled cart Navy Exchange when RAdm. Ralph lyceums. particularly at McCalla with steering apparatus and brake, Ghormley buys the first ticket. Lyceum. is eligible. The Mardi Gras queen candidates Cdr. Donald Sheppard said Ribbons will be awarded as appro- will be on hand to unveil the there have been reports that par- priate. For further information call grand prize--a new spirit of Amer- ents have apparently been taking Lieutenant Commander Gault at 64316 ica Chevrolet Vega. The auto is their children to the lyceums, DWH or 64460 AWH. equipped with air conditioning, dropping them off, and coming radio, automatic transmission on back later to pick them up. Often, ARTS AND CRAFTS WORKSHOP STARTS the floor, valued at $4,000. The the children have been noisy and car was purchased to avoid the disruptive while running around, OIL AND ACRYLIC PAINTING CLASS problem of a Catalytic converter and even throwing soda cans. required on 1975 models and is not Cdr. Sheppard said that if The Arts and Crafts Workshop is a 1975 model as advertised on the children are seen being disruptive starting an oil and acrylic paint- tickets. at the lyceums, they will be asked ing class for beginners. The The second through fifth place by the shore patrol to leave. If classes will be held on Wednesday prizes, respectively are- a Honda, they do not leave and continue evenings. Both men and women are 175, Zenith 25-inch color televis- to make trouble, they could be invited. For more information ion, Amana microwave oven, and a taken to Base Police Headquarters, call Karen at 85539 AWH or Dan at Remington 20 gauge shotgun. and their parents would be not- 98171 AWH. and since this is a ified to come pick them up.