manrijf at?r Sapntnn Upralb Manchester—A City of ViUnge Charm MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1975— VOL. XCIV, No. 117 TWENTY PAGES - TWO SECTIONS PRICE: EIET EEN CEN'I'S Geneva Talks Called Fruitful GENEVA (UPI) — Secretary of State tion of removing these differences. The The question was whether Russia would Henry A. Kissinger and Soviet Foreign Kissinger’s top floor suite. Gromyko gave United States and Soviet Union have try to obstruct Kissinger’s next step Minister Andrei A. Gromyko admitted a gesture of mock surprise when he saw a covered a great distance in a positive toward a Middle East peace agreement or group of waiting newsmen and television differences today but said their Geneva direction.” help him. A senior American official said talks were fruitful and that.both sides are cameras, but he made no statememt. Kissinger, replying, said “I confirm the that so far the Russians had been neither Before meeting Gromyko, Kissinger i * ; moving towards the removal of outstan­ foreign minister’s evaluation of our very helpful nor notably constructive. 'I ding differences. conferred for 20 minutes with Roger meeting.” He said, “I shall report to the Soviet Communist party General Gallopin, President of the Executive Kissinger and Gromyko, standing side President that we are moving within the Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev attacked by side, made statements to newsmen Council of the International Committee of spirit of previous agreements.” Kissinger’s mission last week in veiled the Red Cross. after five hours and 15 minutes of talks in Both men stressed the importance of the terms. Kissinger’s hotel suite during which they Vladivostok agreement in November MIAS Discussed tried to aiign their rival policies in the Kissinger’s first meeting with Gromyko Gallopin assured Kissinger the Red between President Ford and Soviet Com­ Sunday night was described by informed Middle East and on other matters. They 'Cross will continue its efforts to get some izn. munist party General Secretary Leonid I. sources as businesslike punctuated by had engaged earlier in sharp exchanges news of the 2,300 Americans still missing Brezhnev setting out guidelines for a new some sharp exchanges. but made no mention of this today. or unaccounted for in Indochina. Wt; strategic arms limitation agreement. He Gromyko, wearing a dark suit, arrived - f Gromyko spoke first, in Russian with Frank Sieverts, a special assistant at said he and Gromyko had attempted to promptly at 10.30 a.m. at the Intercon­ English interpretation, and said of many the State Department dealing with those bring their views “into closer harmony” tinental Hotel and was taken directly td issues discussed he and Kissinger found on issues where they did not coincide. missing in action, attended the meeting. 0 . their views close and in some cases coin­ Off to London ciding. Kissinger was flying almost immediate­ * : Positive Direction ly to London for talks with British Prime Role of United States “But I will not divulge a secret, and I Minister Harold Wilson and then flying to am sure the secretary of state will agree, Zurich Tuesday noon for lunch with the that there are questions on which our Shah of Iran before going on to Paris that In Hunger Fight Debated views do not exactly coincide,” he said. evening. Wilson flew back from Moscow /(/ “But it is necessary to work in the direc- today. Uniled Press International food problem and so do many of my In the midst of inflation, recession and colleagues,” he said. unemployment, the debate continues: Can “If the United States could sell all the and should the United States help feed the food it could grow on the land not in use Ford Asks Americans world? now, it might be worthwhile. But the The answer depends on whom you talk hungry countries don’t have enough money to. to buy the food much less to buy the other To Show Confidence “The food situation on this planet has materials needed to help them make their never been more precarious,” the Rev. own land usable. That means it would Theodore Hesburgh, president of Notre come out of taxes — ours,” Reinhart said. Dame, said recently. ALEXANDRIA, VA. (UPI) - President aftermath of skepticism of government in A Moral Question the land. “We in the developed world are con­ “It raises a real moral question if it is Ford, celebrating the birthday of George suming almost a ton of food grains annual­ Washington, urged Americans today to “As our nation approaches its 200th better in the long run to raise the levels of anniversary,” Ford said, “we live in a ly per person while the poorest barely sub­ other countries as high or at least close to "demonstrate our confidence in our sist on 400 pounds a year. Some will say beloved nation and a future that will flow challenging time. It was almost 200 years our own and risk accelerating the ago, in the darkest days of our War for there is not enough money to help, but this crunches — energy shortages, food shor­ from the glory of the past.” rings false in a world that spends more Ford made the remarks following the Independence, that George Washington tages and the like — so they will hit a answered a question that is asked today. than 200 billion for armaments each cataclysmic end earlier.” (Herald photo by Pinto) unveiling of the Gerald R. Ford medallion year.” plaque at the George Washington Masonic The question is whether things are as bad Some argue the United States can help Warmth Wilts Washington National Memorial. He is the 14th Presi­ as some say. United States Chided feed the world’s hungry — but not alone. dent to belong to a Masonic order. “George Washington answered: ‘We He chided the United States for its Dr. Walter Wills, Southern Illinois James, Francis and Edward Sposito, portunity Saturday to create a should never despair, our situation has nationalistic self-interest. University-Carbondale, said he does not all in their 20s and sons of Mr. and Washington was the first. likeness of George Washington. Ford recalled that Washington, in a 1798 been unpromising and has changed for the But others, such as George Reinhart, believe in putting every available acre of Mrs. John Sposito of 145 W. Center St. However today’s warmth and sun letter to the Grand Lodge of Maryland, better, so I trust it will again. If new dif­ sociology professor at University of land into production because “our land is have been wanting to do something quickly eroded the features of the told the order that he “conceived it to be ficulties arise, we must only put forth new Alabama-Birmingham, are not so sure. too valuable a resource. If we are talking with snow all winter and seized the op- nation’s first president. the indispensable duty of every exertions and proportion our efforts to the “I vacillate in my own opinion on about selling (food) for dollars, we are whether we should help solve the world’s come forward in support of exigency of the times.’ ” talking about a different thing. We can use the government of his choice, and to give some of those dollars to buy oil.” all the aid in his power towards main­ Export Expertise taining that independence which we have Rather than attempt to become the so dearly purchased.” Directors Shift Meeting world’s breadbasket. Dr. Glenn Hall, dean “Such involvement by every American of the University of Tennessee College of NEWS is as essential today as it was in George Agriculture, says the United States should Washington’s day,” said Ford. To Thursday Evening export its expertise and technology. CAPSULES “And I ask that we resolve together to However, he said, any program should honor George Washington and America by be considered carefully to prevent perpetuating the national heritage he The Manchester Board of Directors will $301,000 federal grant anticipated in 1975- creating more problems than solving, such engendered through the principles that meet Thursday (at 7 p.m. in the Municipal 76. as happens when advance technology is in­ Iran Buys PanAm Stock overwhelmingly for a 13-member “com­ guide our order: friendship, morality, and Building Hearing Room) instead of The consideration follows proposals troduced too rapidly in a developing na­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - With the condi­ mittee on conservative alternatives.” ’This brotherly love.” Tuesday, as originally planned. made last Tuesday by the Board of Direc­ tion. tion that Iran would not try to take over may be the first step toward the creation The President spoke against a The two-day extension will permit the tors, which has a March 1 deadline for Wills said there was a need for a long- the airline or interfere with its defense of a Conservative political party. The con­ background of confrontation with Community Development Advisory Com­ filing its applications for the grant. range plan of highly competent commitments, purchase of a sizable share servatives have been feeling left out by Congress over his economic-energy mittee to meet Wednesday — for con­ Because the original priority list was for agricultural technical assistance. “Our of Pan American World Airways by Iran both Republicans and Democrats. recovery plan and the post-Watergate sidering a reshuffled list of priorities for a an anticipated $470,000 grant (lowered to legislators operate on an annual basis. We has been approved. The deal must still be $301,000 when the federal agency ad­ spend all out time putting out brush fires,” approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board. ministering the funds discovered it had he said. The State Department announced Sunday made an error in computation), the direc­ Population Increase the U.S. government gave permission “in tors proposed a new list. They gave top To some, the answer involves more than principle.” Meskill Reaffirms Denial priority to aquisition of land for housing agriculture. It must deal with the world’s for the elderly, next for a facility for the spiraling population increase. Hunger Strike Ends handicapped, and next ramps for the han­ “It just isn’t in the cards for our dicapped at public buildings. (agricultural) productive effort to do DUBLIN (UPI) — Twelve Irish It proposed low priority (in the first anything to this (population) tidal Republican Army prisoners, who went on Of Gunther Conversation year of the anticipated grant) for im­ wave...,” James Bray, senior economist, a hunger strike at Portlaoise Prison Jan. provements in the Downtown area and for Stanford Research Institute, said. 3, have ended their 45-day strike. Joe HARTFORD (UPI) - Former Gov. with Gunther about the Waterford lease at nard Mussman, apparently took a com­ revolving funds for providing loans for “Unless the United States dropped Cahill, the veteran IRA commander who Thomas J. Meskill has denied ever having a meeting with Gunther. mission on the sale, investigators said. rehabilitation of property. everything else — and giving it (food) negotiated on behalf of the prisoners, said spoken with Sen. George L. Gunther, R- A subcommittee source said senators in Mussman is a silent partner with Manchester anticipates grants of $301,- away could really make a dent — the the government had agreed to grant im­ Stratford, concerning a state lease for Washington would be “very interested” in Meskill and Manafort in a $210,000 com­ 000 in each of the next three years and an problem has got to be solved by population prisoned IRA men “special prisoner” relatives of former Republican State Doyle’s statement because one yardstick mercial building in Rocky Hill, which undetermined amount in each of the control and teaching undevelop^ coun­ status. Within minutes of the announce­ Chairman J. Brian Gaffney. for judging Meskill’s fitness to be a judge houses no state agencies. following two years. tries how to make it on their own.” ment Sund^ight that talks earlier in the “Never in my whole life have I had any on the nation’s second highest court is his day had resolved the dispute, the strikers discussion with George Gunther on the candor. began taking glucose and sugar. subject of leases,” Meskill said over the weekend. Doyle said he had a transcript of his in­ Eritreans Quit Jobs He said a legislative report which quotes terview with a subcommittee lawyer ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (UPI) - As his appointments secretary as saying he proving he had said it was “possible” but Credibility Gap vs» Weekend Gap; many as 20,000 Eritreans living in Addis probably did speak with Gunther would “not probable” that Gunther had dis­ Ababa have quit their jobs and are retur­ have “no relevance” to his chances of cussed details of the lease with Meskill. ning to their native province. ’The military being confirmed to a federal judgeship. Or, One Thing George DidnH Do government has detained several hundred Ancient History He said the transcript reads: other Eritreans considered possible sym­ “It’s ancient history,” Meskill said from “ I am saying it’s not probable that he Sunday-Monday weekend for some and a pathizers to the rebel cause and purged his ski condominium in Vermont to a (Gunther) did, and I would say that it By SOL R. COHEN “In listing your birth date other than Sunday-Monday weekend for others — a both the air force and navy of possible WFSB-TV reporter. would be a relatively low degree of what federal and state laws declare it to Now that we’re in the post-Watergate holiday for doing things and going places Eritrean dissideats. The detained The report criticizing Meskill’s involve­ probability that he gave any details.” be, you have, in effect — and we hesitate to period we know the meaning of a lot of top- they can’t anyway, because the energy Eritreans were interned in camps in the ment in Connecticut’s property leasing use the words but can find no others to fit level phrases we once wondered about. crunch we’re in tells them not to. south of the country. scandal has been viewed as a threat to his Senate Panel Told the situation — perpetrated a fraud. How many of us are there who don’t But wait a minute. If it’s only the Mon­ “As a consequence, you must forfeit all judgeship nomination. Doyle said he had told the same thing to know the meaning of credibility gap, or day holiday that concerns them, then what benefits received by you, plus all interest. The legislature’s leasing subcommittee the Senate Judiciary Committee which is Balance of Power Assessed executive privilege, to name just two? happened a few years ago when Feb. 22, We regret the statute of limitations is forwarding its findings to the U.S. considering Meskill’s nomination for the NORWICH (UPI) - Former Israeli All right — so you know. let’s see the true Washington’s Birthday, Indeed prevents us from prosecuting you for Senate Judiciary -Committee in nation’s second highest court. Foreign Minister Abba Eban says what we’ve got here. fell on a Monday? fraud. Washington, which wants to review them The legislative subcommittee traced assessments of the balance of power in the What we’ve got is the very first presi­ Was the holiday celebrated that day? “We regret also that this country’s before voting on Meskill’s nomination to Meskill’s involvement in negotiations for Middle East should not be confined to a dent of the United States — the father of Not at all. It was celebrated that year by millions of school children — at least until the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. the purchase of a vacant Hartford in­ count of warheads and airplanes. our country and the first of our chief law — hold on to your hats — the Monday new text books are printed — will continue surance building as a home for Greater “We need to think hard about balance of Involvement Traced executives to say, “I cannot tell a lie.” before, Feb. 15. to read you were born Feb. 22, 1732. Hartford Community College. power,” Eban said Saturday. He ’The report, issued Saturday, challenges Here’s the revered George Washington ’The whole thing brings up an interesting “Shame on you for the sham, Mr. Investigators said, however, more time is suggested abstract matters such the coun­ Meskill’s claim he never discussed a making himself suspect — and all because possibility. Washington!” tries’ moral vitality, scientific talents and' lucrative lease for an uncle of former needed to investigate all community he told everyone his birthdate. He said it’s If George Washington’s birthday legally tenacity for survival be included. Republican state chairman J. Brian collge leases. Feb. 22. is the third Monday in February, as Gaffney with Sen. George L. Gunther, R- The state passed up an initial opportuni­ But, look what else we’ve got here. It’s federal and state laws say it is, and if Stratford. ty to buy the Phoenix insurance building our Congress and our state legislature, George Washington were getting Social Seek Alternatives The report also traced Meskill’s involve­ for $4.5 million and ended up paying $7.3 comprised of sincere men and women Security benefits today (maybe even WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Conser­ ment in the lease of an old insurance com­ million for the structure, the report said. always looking out for our well-being. supplementary payments and food vative Political Action Conference, pany building for a community college in A secret business partner of Meskill, Ber- These fine, upright, good and honest in­ stamps), he just might be receiving the meeting in Washington, voted Hartford and criticized state Democratic dividuals tell us today, Feb. 17, is George following letter from federal officials: Chairman John J. Bailey for his role in a Washington’s birthday. “Dear Mr. Washington: New London lease. ’They say they know best and that it “It is with deep regret and sorrow we The Weather Gunther has testified that he warned the doesn’t matter to them at all that all must inform you you must return all Meskill the lease was a “ripoff,” a claim Inside Today school books, all encyclopedias, all legal Social Security checks sent you since your vehemently denied by Meskill. records indicate George Washington in­ Increasing cloudiness from west to east retirement from active federal employ­ The report quotes Meskill’s former ap­ filing honor ro ll...... Page20 deed was born on Feb. 22. ment. Please call our Washington, D.C. of­ today with the chance of intermittent pointments secretary, John Doyle, as Forum of the A rts...... Page 2 We’ll grant you what these legislators fice, so we may review your situation. precipitation beginning in the west por­ saying Meskill “probably” discussed a say may have nothing to do with executive MACC N ew s...... Page 3 Please save all pertinent papers for the tions by dark. Precipitation occurring as lucrative lease for Gaffney’s uncle for a privilege, but we insist it has a lot to do light rain except rain mixed with snow MCC Calendar ...... Page 9 audit we will conduct. highway garage in Waterford. Doyle with credibility gap. “In a routine check of the application over higher elevations. Highest Area Profile ...... Pages 6, 7, 14 denied he made such a statement and says But, say these s l^ n g examples for the you filed for Social Security benefits, we temperatures near 40. Cloudy tonight with he has a transcript to prove it. Business news...... Page 15 youth of America, the credibility gap isn’t intermittent rain in all sections except note you listed your birth date as Feb. 22, Contradiction Ski race winners ...... 'Page 11 important. What’s important, they 1732. We note also federal and $tate laws rain and snow in higher elevations. Lowest Schoolboy basketball...... Page 11 explain, is the weekend gap. temperatures in the 30s. Rain ending early Doyle’s admission is viewed as impor­ pinpoint your birthday this year as Feb. Martens double winner...... Page 11 They’re talking about a Saturday- Tuesday morning and partial clearing tant because Meskill adamantly denied to 17. ’Tuesday. Highs in4he low 40s. leasing Investigators that he ever spoke Herald Angle...... Page 11 PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17. 1975

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17, 1975_PAGE THP^^K FORUM OF THE ARTS By JUNE TOMPKINS NATiONM WEATHE8 SCIVICE K>tlCAST f 7AM 1ST 2 - 7 5 30 .2 4 3 a c * “ MACC NEWS Feb. 25, 8:15 p.m ., The •K A Ti Goodspeed Opera House Chateau de Ville Hartford Stage Company "A Raisin in the Sun” by Romeros, guitarists. Call 488- “A Taste of Israel” is the Dinner Theatre continue to rise, there is an in­ let’s make sure that none of our Lorraine Hansberry plays 4226 for information. By Nancy Carr Park St., or by simply sending conducted Thursdays from noon third film of the Goodspeed Ann Corio opens Tuesday at creasing need for some means elderly citizens or our children through March 9. For informa­ Executive Director your name, address, telephone to 1 p.m. at Central Baptist Opera House winter travel the dinner theater in East of tiding people over crisis go to bed hungry. Please in­ tion, call 525-4258. Friday through March 1, 8:15 The MACC Division of Educa­ number, and wish to attend to (3iurch, 457 Main St., Hartford. series. Personally narrated by Windsor. For information, call situations when even the dicate your awareness and 525-1488 or 623-9861. p.m., Shakespeare’s "Richard tion is sponsoring a course in MACC, P.O. Box 773, Presentations and dis­ Sid Dodson, it will be shown 'N ew YORK “ Family Dynamics’’ at shelves in their home are bare. willingness to help by either American III” presented by the dramatic Manchester. cussions include: Feb. 27, Feb. 28 at 8:30 p.m. and March Manchester High School as part Since the course is being As we struggle together to get calling or writing MACC, Box Shakespeare Theatre arts department. For informa­ “What is the Housing Picture in 773, Manchester. 1 at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. The ad­ Bushnell tion, call 429-2912. of the Manchester Adult offered through the Manchester through this difficult period, A long-awaited revival of the Capitol Region"; March 6, mission price is $2.25. Memorial Hall Evening School. Offered on Adult Education program, a “King Lear” with Camovsky in SAN “What Can a Citizen Do to Wednesday, Hartford Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. in check for $5 must be included Promote Equal Housing Oppor­ Your Master Charge Welcome On Symphony Orchestra directed the title role will start the 1975 All Freezer Ordere Four Seasons Wadsworth Atheneum Room 260, the Course will begin with the registration. tunities?" Sandwiches will be Dinner Theatre by Arthur Winograd at 8:15 repertory season in Stratford on March 3 and run for six Scholarships are available on May 17. For information, call Wednesday and Friday, “The served. Call 522-9275 a day At the dinner theater in p.m. Featured is cellist Yo Yo weeks. request, please call MACC of­ ahead to secure your sandwich Ma playing Lalo’s Cello Concer­ 378-7321. Mark of Zorro” and “Top Hat.” Higganum, “Marriage-Go- Thursday and Saturday, “Blood Covering a broad range of fice, 649-2093. Any couple who and place. Programs are open, Round” opens Wednesday and to. family interactions and would like to attend but is free of charge with a voluntary WESTERN BEEF Saturday, Hartford and Sand” and an adaptation of plays through March 9. The United States h Theodore Dreiser novel with relationships, the opening ses­ feeling the monetary pinch of contribution for your food. WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF schedule of performances runs Symphony Orchestra Pops Coast Guard Band sion will cover "The Nature of the times is urged to attend on a Emergency Food Pantry GRGCERIES & PRODUCE Concert at 8:15 p.m. features Montgomery Clift and Wednesday through Sunday. Sunday, 8 p.m., in Leamy Elizabeth Taylor. Relationships,” and be given by scholarship. We are seeking ways to en­ Michel Legrand, composer, Auditorium at the Coast the Rev. R.E. Haldeman. If the class is canceled you Prices start at $7.95. There is U.S. For information, call 247- 32 sure that no one in Manchester conductor, pianist and vocalist. Guard Academy in New Lon­ Following topics and speakers will be notified and your money TUES. WED. SAT dancing on Friday and Satur­ 3695. \ will go hungry involuntarily. If Feb. 28, Harkness Ballet in don. There is no charge for ad­ 32 will include “Sexuality,” Dr. J. refunded. TOLLAND SUN. 9 - 6 day. The museum’s restaurant and F— IE0E»U>< you are interested in working classical and contemporary mission. Yusuf Essak; “Husband and t u r n p i k e THURS. FRI. 9-9 For information, call 345- snack bar have reopened for with a group of people to plan a dance, 8 p.m. Wife Relationships,” Mrs. Nan Open Housing MANCHESTER SUNDAY 9 - 6 8515. lunch. _J* a im fex?i(l$wow food center to provide canned For information, call 249- * R. Malkin, psychiatric social For those of you who are and dry foods to persons or 9711. University worker at the Mental Health working in Hartford: Open families in emergency Coachlight housing “ Conversations SPECIALS TUES., WED. ONLY! Dinner Theatre Of Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan T^SH O W EtS ^ FLOW Clinic of Manchester Memorial situations please contact Nancy State Capitol Thursday, 8:15 p.m.. Univer­ Hospital; “Parent and Child Sandwiches-in” for downtown Carr, 649-2093. “Irma La Douce” plays at Workshop U fl WlATMHl FOTOCA5Y • shoppers and workers are being the dinner theater in East Concert Series sity Symphony Orchestra M s. Sarah Ketter of Relationships,” Dr. Arnold As food prices and utilities BONELESS SIRLOIN Windsor through March 1 For Thursday, noon. Winter Con­ directed by Jerome Laszloffy in Manchester is directing the Kusmin, staff psychologist at i ' information, call 623-8227 or sort (whole earth music). Jorgensen Auditorium. Free. Gilbert & Sullivan Workshop the Child Guidance Clinic; For Period Ending 7 AM EST Tuesday. During Monday night, rain will be expected in the “Sibling Relationships and 522-1266. production of “Pirates of Pen­ northern and mid Pacific coast, changing to snow eastward in the northern Rockies. Snow Happiness Is... TIP OVEN zance.” Peer Pressures,’’ Jim is also indicated in Maine, while rain and showers will occur in northern Texas, Oklahoma Ms. Ketter is a Kellas Breitenfeld, director. , of A REALLY CLEAN LAUNDROMAT FREE pa r k in g S2B-3333 and mid Mississippi valley. Minimum readings include: (approx, max. temperatures in Crossroads; and “Putting It all lb. T V T O N IG H T graduate of Russell Sage ir AIR CONDITIONED ■& STEAKS College, Troy, N.Y., and has parenthesis) Atlanta 47 (57), Boston 31 (42), Chicago 27 (42), Cleveland 32 (48), Dallas 37 Together,” Rev. Stephen K. URNSIDE Jacobson, rector, St. Mary’s B5S0 BURNSIDE AVE EAST HARTFORD studi^ at the Hartford Conser­ (58), Denver 25 (33), Duluth 12 (34), Houston 49 (70), Jacksonville 57 ( 80), Kansas City 28 [lJ4tXIT5lf0ll0WI^^ Hollywood Squares ...... 22-30 vatory and the Hartford Ballet (41), Little Rock 37 (58), Los Angeles 49 (64), Miami 72 (82), Minneapolis 4 (29), New Episcopal Church. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SPECIAL | 6:00 The division cordially invites EXTRA LEAN BONELESS Antiques...... 24 Company. Orleans 56 ( 78), New York 37 (47), Phoenix 37 ( 59), San Francisco 40 ( 57), Seattle 38 (44), “THE GODFATHER Sews...... 3-8-22-30 you, your friends and neighbors bewitched ...... 5 Polka!...... 40 She has also studied at the St. Louis 25 (50) and Washington 38 (52). g Lbs. DRY CLEANIN6...«2.GG “HUCKLEIERRYl PART II’ Martin Agronsky ...... 57 School of Modern Dance in Imaginative costumes are part of the Storymimers’ Museum. The show is recommended for children ages 4 to participate in this series. STEWING SV09 nw M ON. THRU FRI. 8:00 World Missions...... 9 presentation of ‘"The Mime and Rhyme Review,” a through 12 as well as their parents. Admission, at the door, Registration blanks may be ob­ 6:00 Saratoga Springs, N.Y., the SATURDAY 8:30 12 O’clock High...... 18 musical entertainment based on Mother Goose. ’The is 75 cents for museum members, $1 for non-members. For tained from your church office BELCON LAUNDROMAT 99‘ SUNDAY 4:30-8:00 Peanuts Cartoon...... 3 Louis-Nikolais Dance Lab in BEEF 1 » The Honeymooners ...... 20 program will be presented ’Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at further information, contact the Lutz Junior Museum, 643- or from the MACC office, 41 Electric Company...... 24-57 Dealer's Choice ...... 5 New York City, and the Martha Waddell School and is sponsored by the Lutz Junior Bonanza...... 40 The Rookies ...... 8-40 Graham School. 0949. (Photo by imagination) Scott’s World: / KATHARINE ROSS (PQ) Pastor’s Perspective...... 18 For three years, Ms. Ketter 6:30 has worked with the workshop ^ “THE STEPFORD News...... 3-8-20-22-30 Smothers Brothers___ 20-22-30 At the Top...... 24-57 as choreographer for THEATER SCHEDULE I Love Lucy ...... 5 "Patience,” "The Gondoliers,” WIVES’’ 8:30 To Be Announced...... 24 , and "Showboat.” Lucie Arnez vs, Lucille Ball / \ h / EVES 7:10-9;20 Zoom...... 57 Perry Como Special ...... 3 Vernon Cine 1 — "Marco Polo Merv Griffin Show...... 5 She has also worked in the Showcase 2 — “Towering NO DISC. 6:45 Hartford area with the Musical J r.,” 1:30-3:00; “ Cabaret,” Inferno,” 1:30-8:00 MancliGster Memorial Hospital By VERNON SCO'TT She is one of Hollywood’s She continues to see her Economics 201 ...... 24 9:00 Theater Guild, the Mark ’Twain 7:00-9:10 brightest prospects for future mother regularly, visiting the The Other Six Days...... 18 Showcase 3 — “Freebie and HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - 7:00 Masquers, and the Wethersfield Vernon Cine 2 — the Bean,” 1:45-7:25-9:40 super-stardom. big family home in Beverly News...... 3-22-40 M ovie...... 20-22-30 Players. “ Huckleberry Finn,” 2:00; Sweetheart Lucie Amaz has waited all her Within a period of a few weeks Hills for dinner where young The Bikinians...... 24-57 Showcase 4 — “Abby,” 1:45- 23 years to star in a television Andy Griffith Show...... 5 Directing the music for ‘"The Stepford Wives,” 7:10- 7:45-9:45 she wilt have played a dramatic Desi stops by, too. Lucie / WINNER 8 ACAD. AEDS. (PflK Truth or Consequences...... 8 9:30 "Pirates” is William Tyler of 9:20 Dinner Dance show, and what happens, when role in an episode of “Marcus doesn’t see as much of Desi Sr. Dick Van Dyke...... 18 Salute to Orson W elles___ .3 Hebron. He is music director at U.A. East 1— “Murder on the her dream comes true? Welby, M.D.,” sung and danced who lives in Del Mar, Calif. “ C A B A R EF ^ Film ...... 20 Romantic Rebellion...... 24-57 Lyman Memorial High School Orient Express,” 7:00-9:20 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2l8t. The show will be seen March on a Disney World Special and Lucie, as a young woman, is To Tell the Truth...... 30 10:00 in Lebanon. He is a graduate, U.A. East 2— “Front Page,” 1 opposite a Lucille Ball special played the heavy role of the at the opposite end of the spec­ t a r a r a s At The Army & Navy Club with guest star Dean Martin. Consumer Survival K it...... 57 News...... 5 magna cum laude, of the Hartt 2:00-7:30-9:30 Main Straal, Manchaatar Black Dahlia. trum from Elizabeth Short, the K MON. and TUES. 99c A Lucille, of course, is Lucie’s 7:30 Caribe...... 8-40 College of the University of U.A. East 3 — "Strongest “These things really give me pathetic young woman known HD MATWES AH TWS 99c Man in the World,” 2:00-7:15- mother. an opportunity to show I’m ver­ The Price Is Right ...... 3 Challenge of Truth...... 18 Hartford. Cocktails 6:30 Dinner 7:30 as the Black Dahlia who was Straight Talk...... 24-57 He has directed the workshop 9:30 The mother-daughter con­ satile,” Lucie said. “Fortunate­ butchered in an unsolved 1947 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 frontation is another example 10:30 for the past two years in Showplace — "The Man with ly, I’m not established as a Los Angeles murder case. New Candid C am era...... 8 Dancing 9 to 1 of network executive brilliance. Connecticut R eport...... 18 “Patience” and ‘‘Showboat.’ the Golden Gun,” 2:00-7:15-9:30 comedienne or a dramatic ac­ “I see 9,000 Elizabeth Shorts / ' Wilburn Brothers...... 18 J A M E S B O N D 1 1 0 7 ^ Lucie will star in the title role Woman...... 24 A full-time student of Burnside Theatre — Cash Bar Roast Beef Dinner tress. Maybe I’ll be lucky in Hollywood, trying to become Call of the W est...... 20 of “Who IS The Black Dahlia?” Behind the Lines ...... 57 philosophy at Trinity College in “ Huckleberry Finn,” 1:30; ‘‘THEMAN „ enough to escape being typed. starlets,” Lucie said. ‘‘They’re Hartford is the technical direc­ “The Godfather Part II,” 8:00 $16.00 PER C O U PLE on NBC. Lucille’s special is via “But for six years I played 11:00 WITH THE ^ all from out of town, wide-eyed tor. Hillary Bercovici is a Showcase 1— “Earthquake,” For tickets call 649-3361 CBS. ’The time for both is 9 p.m. strictly comedy on mother’s with curly hair, fancy clothes News...... 3-8-18-22-30-40 1:30-7:15-9:40 GOLDEN GUN” “When mother and I first [Hi^THEATRES EAST The Best of Groucho...... 5 technical assistant at the series. It was terrific and too much lipstick. That’s ) f AS SEEN middle TPKE.. MANCHESTER SH. PA RKADE • 643- 5J91 Austin Arts Center. He hopes to heard the news we roared with experience for me. I learned how the Black Dahlia was.” Harness Racing...... 9 laughter," Lucie reported the ON TV I Love Lucy ...... 20 teach philosophy and stage something new almost every Lucie, a daughter of affluence other day. “But the more we day. r Captioned N ew s...... 57 crafts at the secondary level. with a soaring career, is ac­ ^|"MIIIIIiaiONIII He has worked with the thought about it the less funny it “I often wonder if it would tress enough to play the role 11:30 Musical Theater Guild and with got. have been harder for me to convincingly — and bright Movies ...... 3-5-9 the National Theater Institute. “Mother even called CBS and have brgken into show business enough to be grateful she never Wide World M ystery...... 8-40 N iN T im u s r He is a technician for the Hart­ begged them to change the time on my own instead of playing will have to travel the Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 ford Ballet Company. slot on her show. But they said the daughter of Lucille Carter Elizabeth Short route. WMIER Anne Newhall, a Hartford the schedules had been made up in the series.” IIRIMIOII MMTHMI native, has been named stage and nothing could be done.’’ Lucie was only 16 when she CONNEfTTKWT Lucie has no clout at all with and brother Desi joined the s V i{Of*caoR« pw«50n« g g Manchester manager. Ms. Newhall is a A UHlVtKSAl PIGUW ^ th e ate r major at Trinity NBC. Her moment of triumph "Here’s Lucy” show. It’s moot College. She played the title in is clouded by the certainty she whether Lucie would have Country Club the Musical Theater Guild will be clobbered by her mother traveled so far so fast without Fond of Pickles production "Gypsy.” in the ratings. the helping hand provided by Thomas Jefferson had a Restaurant She is a student of voice and "As if that weren’t bad her mother. special fondness for pickles. 3 dance at the Hartford Conser­ enough,’’ she despaired, “Our Lucie has covered a lot of “ On a hot day in Virginia,” I* [^0.4 ON show is two hours long. The se­ vatory, and she is a director of FABRIC SUPPLY CO. ground personally as well as he wrote, “I know of nothing YOUR • ID CARDS REQUIRED IVHERE APPLICADLE • SOUTH MAIN STREET cond hour is up against the more comforting than a fine admissions in the Combined professionally in her short life. CHOICE A Beautiful Setting Hospitals Alcohol Program. MAIN ST., HEBRON, CONN. Grammy Awards program. Oh, She has been married and spiced pickle, brought up 228-3804 well, it could be worse, but I divorced (from actor Phil trout-like from the sparkling Reg. 2.96 for Interesting conversa­ “Pirates of Penzance” is the depths of that aromatic jar don’t know how." Vandervort), and lives alone in SHOWCASE CINtMAf 1234 tion or to sell your point of 28th annual production of the O PEN MON. THRU FRI. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. • SA T. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. below stairs in Aunt Sally’s view accompanied by Workshop. The performance Lucie is a light-hearted girl a small house near 20th 1-84 EXIT58 - SILVER L A N E - ROBERTS ST. CLOSED SUNDAY cellar.” ANTRON® III Vic's cocktails and Chef will be presented March 7 and 8 with her mother’s quick wit. Century-Fox Studios. • EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 568-8610 at 8 p.m. at East Catholic High From her father, Desi Arnaz, ' FREE LIGHTED PARKING* We Honor MASTER CHARGE Paul’s creative soups and n y l o n exciting luncheons. School. she inherited more talent as Proceeds from the show will well as dark hair and eyes. We can accommodate PR. WALTZ F re e b ie and groups from a dozen to a be donated to New Hope Manor, 8.881 hundred or more. drug rehabilitation center for ONLY GOWN theBeB ean s teen-age girls, and to the MCCPlanning LEAF, STEM & ROOT Tel. 646-0103 Manchester Bicentennial Com­ p O tV e S T E D X' Lovely waltz gown she can mittee Band Shell Fund. „„p,OVEM SI.ftCKS Popo/arp,„_ Service from Photo Contest Mid-Week Speclell wear all year long! Soft pas­ W9W 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tickets are available at Flair tels with delicate lace trim. Home Furnishings, Watkins And Exhibit TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY LA.1 Machine wash and dry. Bros., and at Vernon Drug. Just Arrived, Outstanding Selection Available in sizesS-M-L. They will also be on sale at the Photography 75, a competi­ door. One full week of Fantastic Fabric Valuaslll tion and exhibition open to the HAN6IN6 canlastic value- _ general public, will be spon­ PLANTS OFFI sizes. sored April 5-25 at Manchester 20% Community College. Houra: Mon.-8at. 10:00-5:30 The judged competition will Thursday 10:00-9:00 e Rhone 649-2522 be in two categories — junior Ma-Ma Mia (up to and including high school and seniors) and others. Prints, black and white or EA Washington Birthday Week Sold la 3 Pr. Pk|. Cuisine color, of any size are eligible. mr. Washington Salt 3.«7 Pk(. ''The Family Retlauranl” Slides will not be accepted. En­ Reg. 3.69 Pkg. EA. 471 Hartford Rd. Corner of McKee Street tries, limited to two per person, MEN'S TOP Reg. 3.88 38”, 45” and 54” W ID E . you'd bs surprissd 111 88WLING should be unframed and matted PR. QUALITY FASHION KNIT T-SHIRTS, BRIEFS SPORT SHIRTS LOOK! HERE ARE MA MA MIA’S WEEKLY I or mounted on boards, 11x14 Reg. 64* ■ PR. Reg. 6.96 Huge assortment includes cottons, acetates, blends, through 16x20, and must have Kodel*' polyes- Assorted poly­ FANTASTIC BUY ON ter/cotton Hal knil esters and poly- MEN’S RUQQED polyesters, solids, prints, lenos,vpiles, broadcloth, curtain official identification labels, shirts, rib briefs. INFLATION FIGHTER DINNER SPECIALS! a k k m i esler/cotlons In BASKETBALL SNEAKERS BONANZA signed by the photographer, af­ sawysr grand prix 570AF « A MEN’S QUALITY SOCKS While: S-M-L-XL. solids and fancies. Cotton canvas uppers, sturdy soles. "Give Your Family A Treat, and prints, batiste, and much more. First quality and irregulars. Stretch nylon dress socks. Plain or cable ‘ TM Eastman Chamleal fixed to the back of each Pioducts bw. Sizes S-M-L-XL. Black or white: 6V2-12. 7 For All Come To Ma Ma Mia'$ To Eat!" 1 to 5-yd. pieces. (You must buy the whole piece — These $11^ projector *9 4 ^^ ribbed. One size Ills 10-13. goods will not be cutl) mounted print. Junior Bowlers MON., TilES. and WED. SPECIALSI Entries should be delivered to auto focus • Hat $134.50 the'main office of the Hartford S E R V E D FROM 4:00 T O 0:00 P.M. Road Campus of MCC, March 3 GAMES 24-28, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or bsll & hqwsll 888 • ROAST turkey • ROAST BEEF WOMEN’S Potato and VagaubI* Potato and VagaUbla POLYESTER March 29,9 a.m. to noon. All en­ of Bowling, tries must be received by noon, slide cube NYLON • BAKED MEAT LOAF • ROAST PORK March 29. PANTYHOSE OR Reg. 3.99 lYD. Shoes, Potato and Vagotablo PoUto and VogoUblo K N E E HI’S Prizes will be awarded to the projector LITTLE BOYS, Rag. 2 yds. SS | • CHARRROiLED CHICKEN DOUBU KNITS top three entries in each of the ^TODDLER BOYS Hot Dog Potato and VogoUblo two divisions. Award-winning romot* control - 2.8 Iona - Hat $139.95 DRESS SLACKS FIRST QUALITY TO MANCHESTER ! 60” WIdfl - Waah A W aar...... Zip-lront flares have and Coke • SHELLS With MEAT BALLS prints and selected other en­ stash pockets. Poly­ POLYESTER |•SPAGHE^I with MEAT BALLS 3 First quality, full bolts. Hundreds of bolts to choose from tries will be hung in exhibition PR. WOMEN’S ACETATE ester twill: colors. Lit­ in the Stairwell Gallery, MCC Said l« 3 Pr. Pli|. !l.|. 1.19 BRIEFS, BIKINIS tle boys’ 4-7, Reg., DOUBLE Slim, Toddler Boys' Fich fram • (ainbow of popuiDi 11 a.m. to for S 0 2 S including solids, crepes, jacquards, fancies, prints, yam- Hartford Road campus, April 5- entire len$ stock Knee-hi's — one size tils 9-11. Panty­ Pastels with contrast stitching. Briels caloei. HM vyw tifht doubiD hn ili ‘ 2T-4T. lot panttuili, drttMi, tpofly »«p- KNIT hose — one size lits 5'-5'8”; 100-150 6-10; Bikinis 5-7. Hurryl 3 P>m. only Your dyes and co-ordinates. 25. 25% Tapa no4 tndudad •(•m l AvulDbl* in 51/00" width* talaphoto • wida angla • zoom lbs. Terrific valuel fuH bolit- Choice 66 Bo Entry blanks and further con­ Wednesday, Thursday & Friday C o lm ab lai test information are available o f f l l s f February 19, 20 and 21 The Above Sorvad at the Hartford Road campus, With Roll and Butter SALE ENDS SAT., FEB. 22 Hmhntif VanMD ErRiM in the Student Activities Office FUmMe AvM-SiMkiiT Ddhm r«W ( tiWUy Fi*a y ^ , on the main campus and at nassiff camera»»,of course 2N Nm Iritain An. FaniingtN Viliy I 111 S in M q. Children Under 12, Vz Price! E l .t . -1 - _ PiVRliWn ■nsw AA PARKADE LANES leading camera shops in the mwiEiaii MMttmi NMnr To Colcl^este^r •'“rri-i V CONN. FABRIC SUPPLY CO. S M W M w A n . NmfiN m FniDiRltw An. « Manctwster Parfcade • 848-1B07 Watch for our Thtirt., Frl 1 Sat Spadabl area. Entry blanks may also be 240liirtfi!orU An. Nuhinitw Fliu Main St., Hebron______228-3804 obtained by writing Sylvian 629 main • mancheater • 643-7369 qfiara at Manchester Com­ *llmlted quantltlw ______munity College.

A i3 d V S o'aDWj I rnd MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17. 1975 — PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., Feb. 17, 1975 ROCKVILLE HOSPITAL NOTES iHaurliPstpr fcitpitiua H fialJi The National Sampler Rec Lists Vacation Programs Admitted Friday: Fred Car­ St., Rockville; Gene Snyder, Cheeseman, Vernon Ave., girls in Grades 426 may skate Evening recreation activities michael, East Granby; Rainbow Trail, Vernon; Sharyn . VERNON leagues will play Wednesday Rockville; a son to Mr. and from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and those in at the Middle School will be on Jeanette Hyland, Lanz Lane, Weirs, High St., Rockville; Mrs. Keith Northup, Baxter St., From the Country's Grades 7 and 8, from 7:30 to 9. the regular Monday through and Thursday nights. The OPINION Ellington; Edyth Layng, Beech Dianne Wise, Reagan Court, Tolland. The Vernon Recreation wrestling program for boys is As long as favorable con­ Friday schedule. The Senior Rd., Tolland; William .Sojka Rockville. Admitted Sunday: Donna Department has planned also scheduled for Thursday ditions prevail, there will be League will play its schedule of Sr., Grand Ave., Rockville; Admitted Saturday: George Ball, Windermere Ave., several special programs for night. Editorial Pages sliding at the Ecker property, games tonight starting at 6:15 Harriet Wyllie, Franklin Park, Parrish, Pinney St., Ellington; Rockville; Penny Krause, this week while the schools are On Friday, the Middle School Rockville. John Weiss Jr., Jobs Hill Rd., closed for vacation. to the rear of the Middle School, with both women's volleyball Only Washington Prospect St., Rockville; Candy and on the south slope at Henry gym is reserved for boys’ infor­ Discharged Friday: Ellington; Deborah Wiesner, ’The gymnasium at Vernon and co-ed badminton scheduled St. Louis Globe-Democrat Bangor Daily Newa Medlin, Rt. 6, Andover; Alice Park. There is no ice skating at for Tuesday night. mal basketball program from 6 Margaret Barber, Rockville Susan Rd., Vernon. Pelletier, Bristol; Kathleen Center Middle School will be to 7:30 p.m. and for men from. It has always been difficult not to world’s revolutionary “heroes” he Liberals are masters at pointing to In a quiet little corner of the News oU the present time. The Stone Age basketball Memorial Nursing Home, Discharged Saturday: Gail Plante, Sunnyview Dr., Ver­ open for boys’ informal basket­ 7:30 to 9. defense budgets that increase slightly fices there’s a sparkling, clean glass jar; become maudlin, to resort to cliches, grows in stature all the more. Rockville; Darrell Bolton, Berube, Windsorville; Mae non; Stefan Sclbek, East Hart­ ball Tuesday through Friday. The judo class for boys and each year in absolute dollars, and painting It could accommodate about anything — Laurel St., Rockville; Ann Franc, Tolland; Sheila ford; Gregory Surdel, Gardner Boys 12 and younger may use girls will be conducted in the when taiking about George Washington never countenanced them as "bloated,” when in fact each year pencils, paper clips, or subscription bills Museum Observes Brotherhood Week Brown, Charter Rd., Rockville; Gallagher, Elgin Dr., Tolland; the gym from 10 to 11:30 a.m.; small gym, Friday starting at Washington. — but it never does. The jar is always full Rd., Vernon. terrorism against the enemy. He the military retrenches further because of Sharon Bugbee, Mountain Edward Karpuska, Rockville; Discharged Sunday: Mrs. boys aged 13-15, from 11:30 Lutz Junior Museum, 126 Tuesday will be South 7:30 p.m. inflation while the Soviet effort of candy. “The father of his country.” “First never had a political or ideological op­ Spring Rd., Tolland; Ronald Rose Krzesicki, Rockville Susan Baker and daughter, a.m. to 1 p.m.; and boys 16 and Cedar St., will be open Tuesday America Day, Wednesday accelerates and the gap increases. The Office goodlesi Burr, Vinete Dr., Vernon; older, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. through Saturday, 1 p.m. to 5 Asian Day, Thursday African in war, first in peace, first in the Memorial Nursing Home, Stafford Springs; Mrs. Janice ponent shot or imprisoned. He never liberals always fail to mention that the ...Candy jars are started and Steven Chase, Village St., Rockville; Mrs. Diana Toastmaster All participants must wear p.m., during school vacation Day and the customs of Europe replenished voluntarily by thoughtful Bessette and son. Prospect St., hearts of his countrymen.” Well-worn sought power over anyone — indeed, "social needs” they claim are unmet are Rockville; Mrs. Eileen Cushma LaMonde and baby, Talcott Rockville; Lorraine Caron, sneakers and boys are asked not this week. On those days, the will be explored on Friday. the subject of an ever-increasing portion workers — almost always women — who and baby, Enfield; James Ave., Rockville; Robert Anthony Pietrantonio, former to bring their own basketballs. museum will be ■ celebrating Saturday, Brotherhood Day, phrases like that. shunned it. His legacy has been understand the childish delight anyone can Warren Ave., Vernon; Bertha of the budget, with annual increases far Cuthill, Bamforth Rd., Vernon. Laughlin, Somers; Mrs. town director, will be master of On Wednesday, there will be Brotherhood Week with special will be a culmination of the find in discovering the candy jar. And Benjamin, Franklin Park, As if by way of compensation, nothing but good. outstripping inflation. A decade ago, in the Susan Gavini, Crestwood Dr., Pamela Lombardo and baby, Rockville; Mrs. Kathleen ceremonies Saturday when the two sessions of roller skating at displays and activities each week’s activities. pre-Vietnam era, defense spending was never finding it empty or inoperable or Manchester, Town Fire D/epart- day. GLOBE attempts are made from time to time South Windsor; Brian Kelly, Windsorville Rd., Ellington. Hawkins and daughter. New Lon­ the Northeast School. Boys and The public is invited to visit Even with 200 years of hindsight to $47.4 billion out of a budget expenditure of higher-priced. Scantic Meadow Rd., South Mrs. Phyllis Maloon and don; Mrs. Janette Melendy and ment holds its 31st annual the museum, free of charge. to knock Washington off the distant, benefit them, historians can arrive at $96.5 billion, or almost half the budget. Every place of business ought to have a Travel Servicie Windsor; Robert Lemay, baby, Tolland; James McKen­ daughter. South St., Rockville; Ladies-Night Dinner-Dance. A . throughout the week. Currently the annual defense spending is candy jar. 555 MAIN STREET towering pedestal he occupies in no estimate of Washington different Somersville; William Murphy, na, Somers; Betty Riley, Broad Katherine Robbins, David Dr., The event will be at Garden only $36.4 billion higher, but the over-all American history and bring him down Springfield (Mass.) Union Kenwood Dr., Vernon; Francis Brook; Deborah Roy, Ellington; Paul Sabo, Prospect Grove. A social hour at 6:30 Tavern Owner ^rre«lcd„r«rn“.SrpS„“ 643-2165 from that of his contemporaries: budget expenditure is about $217 billion Over 30 Veart Politicians tend to express horror at Ortyl, Thompson Court, Newington; Dorothy Schneider, St., Rockville; Mrs. Cathy p.m. will be followed by dinner tation, ‘‘A Mother Goose to our own size — or lower. higher. Thus nondefense items increased Thomas J. Wall, owner of the Meehan said he then returned Travel Experience Without him, there would have been such developments as the full percentage Rockville; Cheryl Phillips, Middle Butcher Rd., Ellington; Ulitsch and daughter, Stafford at 7:30. Dancing will be to the Review,” on Thursday morning by more than $180 billion — annually. Sportsman’s Tavern at 208 to his cruiser and Wall ran from Authorized agent in Manchester , point jump In the national unemployment Stafford Springs; Linda Piader, Deborah Wiesner, Susan Rd., Springs. music of the Dubaldo Bros. at Waddell School. Admission is A few years ago, for example, no United States of America. 'Hiese nondefense items will increase Spruce St., was arrested Sun­ the tavern, verbally abusing the for-aii Airiines. Raiiroads and rate to 8.2 per cent. Many are blaming the South St., Rockville; Margaret Vernon. Birth Sunday; A son to Mr. Orchestra. 75 cents for members, $1 for Steamship Lines. There is simply no other way of put­ another $35 billion or more in the new day night on charges of dis­ officer and attempting to someone made a humorous analysis of White House for not proposing a crash Rudenauer, Windermere Ave., Births Saturday: A daughter and Mrs. Jay McCullum, Ray Hennequin is chairman non-members. fiscal year. program to drop the rate. of the dinner-dance, Mike Kelly orderly conduct, Manchester tamper with the police cruiser. the painstakingly detailed expense ac­ ting it. Rockville; Linda Scott, E. Main to Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Mansfield. Police reported today. Chicago Sun-Times But the factors behind it go back many is secretary and Randy Brown As Americans approach the Wall, 30, of 66 S. Prospect St., count Washington submitted to the The United States has no business per­ years and the trend can’t be reversed, is treasurer. East Hartford, was released on Police said the tavern per­ Bicentennial, as they restudy the mitting a private company to secretly overnight. Righteous indignation at Presi­ Pietrantonio was a town Continental Congress after the his written promise to appear in mittee has been warned in the You certainly ca n . . . train the armed forces of another country. dent Ford’s plan for a gradual return to director from March 1967 to Revolution. While it showed that the Revolution and its aftermath, it is to court March 3. past about possible violation of Control Your But that is exactly what the Defense economic health may be good political Seniors Bus Service Resumes January 1974 and served as its Police said Wall was taken serving liquor on Sunday, general enjoyed his glass of Madiera, be hoped that they will refresh their Department is up to ... fodder, but it ignores the hard realities board secretary. WATER WEIGHT into custody at about 7 p.m. prohibited by Manchester or­ If any training is to be done, a case has that have to be faced. Berger felt it was not feasible Franklin Park housing project. PROBLEM it hardly proved he was anything but a appreciation of this fact. VERNON after an incident at the Spruce dinance. to made that it is in the U.S. national in­ Federal spending policies that began to go ahead with repairing it On Wednesday the bus will USE Only Washington kept the dream of St. tavern. scrupulously conscientious public ser­ terest to do so. And if that case can be several administrations, and several again. He said he has now found leave from Lafayette Square at E-LIM Policeman James Meehan In other criminal arrests independence alive in the dark days at made — and it hasn’t been — then the Congresses ago were fated to get the na­ Bus service for Vernon Senior a replacement. 9:30 a.m. and will travel the Natural Heat Excess water In the body can be un­ vant. said he observed men inside the made by Manchester Police training ought to be done not by hired tion into deep economic trouble some day, Citizens will be resumed on a Arrangements have been regular route to Franklin Park More than 3,500 homes in comfortable. E-LIM will help you lose the end of 1776, when at one point the tavern while he was patrolling over the weekend, Robert W. Disparaging reference is mercenaries but by U.S. military advisory and “some day” is now. An abundance of partial basis starting Tuesday, made for the bus to make and from there go to Tri-City Reykjavik, capital of Iceland, excess water weight. We at Liggett Spruce St. When Meehan got Newkirk Jr., 31, of Woodland Continental Army was reduced to a teams. oratory over the years made the prospect Donald Berger, director of regular pickups on Tuesday to Plaza for shopping. The bus will are heated by natural steam Drug, Manchester Parkade, recom- sometimes made to the fact that piped from the island’s vast out of his cruiser to check, oc­ Ter., Columbia, was charged mere 800 men. Only Washington could Senators Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., clear, but the spending binge went on. recreation has announced. bring the seniors to the Lottie remain at the plaza until 11:45. mendit. o(sjLY Sa.O Q Washington was a slaveowner, a The bus used to transport the Fisk Building for the weekly reserves of thermal under­ cupants of the tavern refused to Sunday with intoxication. Court and Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn., have Birmingham (Ala.) Post-Herald a.m. and then make the return date is March 3. have brought the long struggle to its senior citizens on weekly shop­ pinochle games. Pickups will ground water. unlock the door, police said. member of the aristocratic class — ig­ called for a congressional inquiry. We sup­ Congress showed admirable compassion trip. No bus will be available on successful conclusion. port that effort. ping trips broke down twice and sta rt at 12:30 p.m. at the Thursday of this week. noring the humanitarianism of the for the poor this past week by freezing the Later, when the United States began Dallas Morning News price of food stamps, at least until the end man, especially when viewed against its experiment under the Constitution, The extra sum that President Ford of 1975. the context of the times in which he wants to give South Vietnam and Cam­ It then showed some overdue compas­ only Washington commanded the bodia in military aid is $522 million He sion for the taxpayers by agreeing to take Convicted Doctor Claims lived — ignoring the very real risk he affection, respect and confidence ought to get every penny of it. a much-needed look at where the food took in losing everything he had, in­ Not that so happy a consummation is in stamp program is headed. needed by its first president to sur­ cluding his life, in a cause far from view. The Congress is getting dovish once ...Seven years ago food stamps were Jury Stacked Against Him mount the squabbling rivalries of the again; that Cambodia is in deadly peril costing the government $200,000 a year. universally supported by his fellow BOSTON (UPI) - Dr. black physician and they got a great and supported our theory nascent political parties and see the Porter Brook Bubbles On (Photo by Reginald Pinto) just now and that South Vietnam ... has Now they’re costing $4 billion...If the colonists. serious manpower and supply problems — trend continues, it won’t be long before Kenneth C. Edelin said Sunday woman more than 20 weeks of the law,” Edelin said. infant nation well launched on its none of this matters especially to such as food stamps...replace public assistance as he believed the jury that con­ pregnant and they got a fetusin But, Edelin said the optimism the mortuary.” Such attempts to belittle course of destiny. John Sparkman, William Fulbright’s the nation’s most expensive welfare victed him of manslaughter for dimmed to “concern” as the the death of a fetus in a legal Edelin, former chief resident first day of deliberation passed. Washington merely prove the opposite replacement as chairman of the Senate program... Without George Washington, no Foreign Relations Committee... Raising the price of food stamps 30 per abortion was stacked against obstetrician at Boston City When the jury recessed for the of what they intend. When this man is United States. What more can What obviously is our Israel. cent, as President Ford proposed, was not him. Hospital, and his attorney and night he said he was worried. ANDREW TULLY “I don’t think this jury was friend William Homans said Edelin said he saw the guilty compared with some of the modern possibly be said? Whatever the Israelis need. Congress is the best approach to the problem. always — and properly so, by the way — The Ford plan, which Congress rejected, fair,” Edelin said. ”I don’t they believed initially Judge verdict on the faces of the ready to grant. might have saved $650 million a year. But think it would have been possi­ James P. McGuire’s charge to jurors early Saturday after­ Mr. Ford has addressed that paradox of it would have hurt the elderly poor, many ble to get a fair jury in Suffolk the jury would insure an inno­ noon, even before foreman Vin­ Federal Workers Are Well Paid our foreign policy. "We can’t be inter­ of whom would have been forced to pay County (Boston) no matter how cent verdict. The judge told the cent Shea read it. When the jury Easy Come, Easy Go jury manslaughter requires the nationally minded in one part of the world almost face value for their food stamps. many challenges we might have strode in and “none of them and isolationist in another.” It’s clear, though, that under present had,” he said in an interview death of a “person” which he would look me in the eye,” An interesting suggestion has been crease, if the legislature approves it with United Press Inter­ defined as an infant “born live” Atlanta Journal rules too many families with incomes well Edelin said, ”I began to get WASHINGTON — There are column in 26 categories, the same in one category, national. and outside the womb. very apprehensive.” made to the effect that what Uncle for the July 1 effective date, will The government of Iraq is upset that the beyond the poverty level — some earning ideas one promises oneself to get around and lower in only six. “It was a witchhunt.” To the defense this charge Alternate juror Michael Russians bought oil from them and then as much as $8,500 or $9,000 a year — are Sam might return to Connecticut erode the rebate one per cent. to some day. That day has arrived for an As Boentje put it: “Our system requires Saturday, an all-white, nine- seemed to support their case Clano charged after the verdict sold it to other countries for a higher price. eligible for food stamps. taxpayers in the form of an income idea suggested last September by John D. the average experienced typist in private man, three woman, since the prosecution that racial slurs against Edelin Add perhaps another one per cent if In view of what the Russians did with Some who aren’t eligible are getting Boentje Jr., of the Pittsburgh Pacific Co., industry to help pay the salary for an predominently Roman Catholic throughout the trial claimed had been made “more than tax rebate, the State of Connecticut U.S. wheat, this shouldn’t come as a sur­ stamps anyway through deceit or fraud... the other tax increases are made and of. Hibbing, Minn. experienced typist in government earning jury returned a guilty verdict Edelin killed a baby which was once” before closing prise. All stamp programs are vulnerable to SAVE FROM will pick up in the increase in sales then start adding the monthly infla­ In a long, thoughtful and documented 24 per cent more than he or she earns.” against the 36-year-old black “born or in the process of being arguments. Ciano quoted one letter, Boentje wrote: It just shows what can happen when you ripoffs. That’s why an income supplement tax, cigarette tax, and other tax hikes The Minnesota study revealed other in­ program, providing poor families with obstetrician, ending his six- born. juror as saying, “That black tion increases and then... “I became aware a few years ago of equities: A federal senior keypunch start dealing with a nation of smart enough cash to buy food without stamps, week trial. “After the charge we were nigger is as guilty as sin” proposed in the state budget. Hey, wait a minute. the fact that we non-government workers operator is paid 25 per cent more than his capitalists. would be preferable. “A lot came together for very optimistic and in a light following closing arguments Since the first rebate check won’t be Congress better hurry up or that compensate our employes, federal, state counterpart in industry. A government Columbus (Ca.) Enquirer them (the prosecution) in my frame of mind because the Thursday night. Other jurors and local government workers, in general, senior accountant earns $1,645 a month, President Ford has said Americans Wall Street Journal charge was so specific and so in the hands of John Q. Taxpayer until case,” he said. “They got a denied it. rebate will be spent on taxes, infla­ more generously than we ourselves are compared to the $1,084 paid a senior ac­ would have to make self sacrifices and Massachusetts lobstermen are thinking * 2 8 “ to*56®® late May at the earliest and perhaps tion, rising costs, etc. before we get it. compensated.” countant in industry. A federal principal “tighten our belts” while we recover from of asking Congressmen for “letters of Boentje’s thought is one whose time has engineer gets $1,806, a principal engineer marque” so they can protect their lobster not until August if we believe the IRS Ah, well, easy come, easy go, even our economic ills, and apparently he in­ come because President Ford has in industry, $1,336. For all jobs studied, cludes school children. gear against damage by foreign fishing THIS WEEK ONLY people who will be dispensing the if it is our own dough. proposed a S per cent ceiling on a pay raise the federal monthly pay averaged $759.36, Part of the President’s budget proposal boats dragging their nets off the East money, the one cent sales tax in­ due federal government employes next the privately monthly pay averaged currently being considered by Congress in­ Coast. ^ 2 0 ^ ^ DOWN HOLDS YOUR Oct. 1. But there is every sign that $576.69. cludes a repeal of all existing child nutri­ Congress granted such authority to FOR THOSE WHO Congress will reject the Ford plan and Moreover, as noted before iri this space, tion legislation and would provide federal private ship owners in the Revolutionary permit wage and salary increases the cost of the taxpayer is not just in funds only to nonpaying poor people ... and 1812 wars, creating “privateers” to AIR CONDITIONER OR expected to average 8 to 9 per cent on that wages. The government, meaning you and ’This would be regrettable, because for prey on enemy shipping. But we doubt that date. After all, most of the nearly 2,500,000 Congress is likely to authorize New NEED ONE MORE me, also pays 32 per cent of base pay in many of the youngsters their school lunch folks on Uncle Sam’s payroll also vote. various fringe benefits — health and is their most nutritional meal of the day. England lads to attack Russian trawlers SCREEN HOUSE TILL JUNE 1st The concept behind these periodic pay hospitalization, retirement funds, paid For a child in a school system where the today. OPEN FORUM raises is that federal government vacations, sick leave. Item: A recent lunch program is eliminated, it would be a In the absence of that, however, it might REASON TO JOIN workers’ pay should be kept abreast of change in the health benefits law in­ roadblock in his educational path. not be a bad idea for the U.S. government wages and salaries paid by private in­ creased the government’s contribution Congress should keep these children in to pay heed to the grievances of the dustry. Yet the cold facts show that the from 50 to 60 per cent of total premiums. mind as it peruses the President’s lobstermen. The U.S. does have a Coast 6000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER Guard and if the interests of U.S. w a t c h e r s average white collar federal worker, program. W BGHT : The villain is that august body nationally, now earns fl2,815, and federal humorously referred to as “our” We recognize that self sacrifices must fishermen are being damaged unjustly the government should assert itself on their At the very next Weight Watchers meeting, we’ll give out As a little sidelight, I might mention my employes in the Washington metropolitan Congress. No federal funds can be spent be made. But not at the expense of our Commendation area earn an average fl5,508. Both figures behalf. our new booWet crammed with tips on how to prepare delicious grandson, Steven Schuetz, a kindergarten unless they are appropriated by Congress, children. regMSS”* on sale now M 60 Dear sir: student at Verplanck, who was quite in­ are well above the national pay average in and Congress takes care of its brothers meals on the Weight Watchers I must highly commend the Manchester strumental in my attending. He arrived private industry. and sisters feeding at the federal trough. Program at a non-inflationary cost OTHER MODELS TO 20,000 BTU AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS! Adult Evening Program, of which I was a home from school one day with the names Thanks to friend Boentje, some local Last fall, for example, the Senate TODAY’S THOUGHT for you and your family. participant this past semester, all of the of Columbus’ ships after one month of specifics are available. He enclosed a thwarted President Ford’s attempt to staff, from the secretary to the super­ schooling. Grandma had more or less been study by the Minnesota Department of postpone a 5.5 per cent federal pay raise Clip this coupon and use it at visor, and most of all the teachers. They turning the thought over in her mind but as Manpower Services comparing median until Jan. 1. 'The saving would have been a ’The selection of men who are going to be You may be an Andrew. He brought our next Weight Watchers meeting, our New inflation Fighter. were so kind, patient and understanding. the old saying goes, “Out of the mouths of monthly wages of federal and private in­ fairly neat $700-million. part of any venture is an extremely impor­ others to Christ and helped them find the Booklet offer expires 2/28/75 About 37 years ago, I was unable to con­ babes.” dustry employes. The study showed that Now Ford has announced plans for a tant matter. way to eternal life. out of 33 positions, the median wage for 12x 12 FT. 8 SIDED tinue my high school program. I now have new study of the complex machinery ’This is also true of the selection of men Submitted by Frances S. Pfenning qualified and received notice that due to federal workers in Minnesota was higher employed to fix the pay of both civil ser­ whom Jesus Christ called to be with Him Norman E. Swensen, Pastor our Adult Evening Program I will receive 124 Birch St. vants and those in the military. His Trinity Covenant Church OMMORjEJffi^ON. while He was here. Not a single man Manchester my diploma. proposal calls for a study by a "blue rib­ among them was of any great note, yet Manchester bon” panel of experts from outside of with variety they compass. SCREEN HOUSE government to re-evaluate Uncle Sam’s You will very likely find yourself one of benevolent practices. the men in the group. Well, good, I guess. But studies by "blue Andrew was the sort of man who cared REG *257®'' , 0 . ribbon” panels take time, and if I were a for his brother. He was not the sort of man Hanrlirotfr general repairman in Minnesota earning who could talk easily. He was the sort of $756 a month in industry while paying my man who needed quietness and time to INDIVIDUAL PLAN FAMILY PLAN counterpart in the federal government Eurntnp Irralh Join WEIGHT WATCHERS and save $3.00. Pre­ Join WEIGHT WATCHERS with a member of observe. sent this coupon at any WEIGHT WATCHERS your immediate family, living within the same $911, I’d take a stick to the next member of FOUNDED OCT. 1, 18B1 meeting in N.Y.C. (5 Boros), Nassau & Rock­ household, and save a total of $8.00.*Present Congress I met. Published by the land Counties, N.Y.; Bergen & Hudson Counties, this coupon at any WEIGHT WATCHERS meet­ $ 2 ] 7 0 0 Published every N.J.; Fairfield, New Haven, Hartford & Litchfield ing in N.Y.C. (5 Boros), Nassau & Rockland Manchester evening except Sun­ • M T W r f • Publishing Co., Herald Counties, Ct. Pay a combined registration fee Counties, N.Y.; Bergen & Hudson Counties, N.J.; days and holidays. and membership fee for the first meeting of Fairfield, New Haven, Hartford & Litchfield SALE i t 3 Square, Manchester, Entered at the $4.00. Weekly fee thereafter is $3.00. Present Counties, Ct. Pay a combined registration fee 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 Conn. 06040, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 _ , A ^ Manchester, Conn., at class. Offer good in areas described above and membership fee for the first meeting of Telephone 643-2711 Post OHIce as Second between February 3 and February 23, 1975. $3.00 each. Weekly fee thereafter is $3.00 each. ALMANAC (Area Code 203). Class Mall Matter. Present at class. Offer good in areas described above between February 3 and February 23, BURL L. LYONS, PUBLISHER 1975. 20% OFF ON ALL HERALD 73D By United Press International SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES GOOD ONLY IN AREAS SPECIFIED IN COUPON. YESTERDAYS Today is Monday, Feb. 17, the 48th day PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Single Copy ... ist BICYCLES of 1975 with 317 to go. 3 Months... $11.70 SALE ENDS The moon is approaching its first Weekly...... got 6 Months ... $23.40 There are day and evening classes at the following locations: 25 Years Ago ONE Month.. $3,90 MO DOWN quarter. One Year... $46.80 MANCHESTER: Motts Community Hall, 587 East Middle Turnpike Manchester General Manager George Mail Hates Upon Request bORM^fobhuah M I73Z The morning stars are Mercury and Tuesday -12:00 Noon Waddell suggests 26 mills tax rate. Subscribers who p.m. should telephone WILL HOLD YOUR BIKE TILL JUNE 1st i)OIWEDARMV:Octobei'3U7v53 Mars. [all to receive their the circulation depart- SAT. FEB. 22 State Motor Vehicle Department opens The evening stars are Jupiter, Saturn Herald belore. 5:30 ment, 647-9946 Second Congregational Church, 385 N. Main Street MAR(?1£DI Jdnuaktj b,l759 a subbranch in armory here to issue and Venus. Monday - 7:30 P.M.. Wednesday - 7:30 P.M. VERNON PLAINVILLE NEWINGTON MIODLETOWN WINDSOR MANCHESTER renewal registrations. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations TrI-CIty Plaza 290 New Britain Ava. 240 Hartford Ave. Washington Plaza 560 Windaor A«- Parkade ’Those born on this date are under the SOUTH WINDSOR; Wapping Community Church, 1790 Ellington Road ^iSsiDEMCV: A 130, /789 Sock and Buskin Drama Club of sign of Aquarius. The Manchester Display advertising Thursday - 7:30 P.M. WETHERSFIELD Manchester High School celebrates its American novelist Dorothy Canfield AVON-SIMSBURY BARKHAMSTED ENFIELD DIED: December 14,1799 Publishing Co. closing hours: Three 49 Elm Street 188 Silas Deane Hwy. 30th anniversary. Fisher was born Feb. 17,1878. lull days prior to Farmington Valley Mall Route 44 assumes no llnanclal publication. For additional Information, call: On this day in history: responsibility lor Deadline lor Herald BRISTOL 10 Years Ago In 1801, the U.S. House of Represen­ typographical errora classllled advertising: 232-7600 121 Farmington Ave. appearing In adver- 12 noon prior to day ol Bloodmobile reports Patrolman James tatives named Thomas Jefferson as the tlaements and other publication; 12 noon DOWNTOWN V. McCooe reaches six gallon mark, and third president of the United States. Aaron reading matter In The Friday lor publication two easy ways to 'Charge-lf at Manchester Evening Saturday and Mon­ WEIGHT WATCHERS* Hartford 0216A Mayor Francis J. Mahoney four-gallon Burr, who tied with Jefferson in the Elec­ Herald. day. ■mlOHT WATCHERS” IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL; INC.. GREAT NECK, N.V, • WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL, 1I7S mark, as 102 donate blood. toral College, became vice-president. ST','

^N CH ESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17, 1975 — PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17, 1975 Mrs. Mulligan To Fill She Heralh Curb Spending, School Board Told Coventry Police Setup School Board Vacancy HEBRON many of this school programs. ■ ordering of text books, teaching reviewed to meet each of the The board will take the Describe for Columbia Anne Dallaire A letter was received from supplies, field trips, custodial student’s needs. suggestion under consideration site H erald HEBRON request and advise him of its tion then the town committee Correspondent the Board of Finance asking the supplies and AVA equipment The board also heard from in preparing its budget for the Virginia Carlson lieutenant, six patrolmen, three decision. and repairs. Doris Schefisch, fourth grade it thinks is its crime problem,” Anne Dallaire ' usually recommends them 228-3267 school board to review its next year. Area Profile Correspondent full-time dispatchers and super­ The board received the Cen­ teacher at the Gilead Hill Sandberg said. He added Ckiven- Mrs. Patricia Mulligan of when a vacancy occurrs. School Supt. David Cattanach budget and to show where its The board will study the Cattanach presented to the 228-9224 numeraries used as part-time tral Office Committee tentative projection and discuss its fin­ School; and Michael Klapik board a graph showing the try has many University of Grismill Rd. was sworn in as a When the vote came David presented to the Board of surplus and deficits are. It tells Another avenue was un­ dispatchers. budget for next year of |85,620. fifth grade teacher at the Connecticut students so there is member of the Hebron Board of Allbee, chairman; Charles Education budget projection for the board that the Board of ding at the Feb. 27 meeting. town’s placement relative to covered in the town Safety According to Sandberg, the The board members agreeid to a large turnover in population, Education Thursday. Mrs. Barrasso, Robert Owens, the rest of the fiscal year, at its Finance is asking all agencies The board also voted to ap­ Hebron Elementary School, in total school expenditures in Commission’s exploration of town council appoints two con­ study the budget in preparation prove the adoption of the regards to the need of a con­ comparison to other towns in especially in the lake area. Mulligan will replace Mrs. Edward Williams, and Mrs. Thursday meeting. to limit expenditures for the Council Meets Tuesday the needs for law enforcement stables. There used to be 16 con­ for discussion at the Feb. 27 rest of the fiscal year. American Book Co. Language tingency fund of $300 to $400 in the state. Sandberg told the commis­ Laura Butt who resigned from Foote voted in favor. Mrs. Preli Cattanach said he had met here Wednesday. stables who were elected and meeting. First Selectman Aaron Reid Arts Text for the elementary the budget for each school to Hebron’s per pupil expen­ to set a time and place for a sion (kiventry had a difficult the board last month. and Mrs. Betty Masandrea with the two principals of the SOUTH WINDSOR of “The Redeemer and the Allen Sandberg, town generally were constables “in The board named Mrs. Preli told the board that there is “no schools. This series will replace permit the purchases of in­ ditures are $922 compared to a public hearing on the proposed time establishing a professional Mrs. Louise Bourret opposed abstained from voting and Mrs. elementary schools to go over Judy Kuehnel Redeemed’’ will continue manager for (Coventry, was in­ name only.” to serve as an alternate on the iTioney, no reserve, and no con­ in time the Roberts English structional items during the state average of $1,148. lighted ballfield and possible police force. He said the force Mrs. Mulligan's appointment Bourret voted no. the areas for a possible stop or Correspondent through Lent. vited to speak on how law en­ The two constables serve as Central Office Committee. tingency fund. If you come to us Series in all of the grades. school year. Hebron stands 132 in the over­ location. is unionized nationally. saying she could not vote in Mrs. Mulligan has resided in freeze on all expenditures. 644-1364 Joins C ham ber forcement is handled there and “keepers of the peace” at The board voted to notify the with a deficit, there won’t be Paul White, principal at the Mrs. Schefisch said that all picture for the 169 Connec­ He noted the town grew from ' favor of the motion since Mrs. Hebron for three years. She is a The projection would reduce Will Resign Arthur Kingsbury, owner of the cost involved in a town school functions, Sandberg Central Office Committee that any monies available.” Hebron Elementary school, classroom teachers spend out ticut towns. The South Windsor Town a population of 4,000 in 1950 to Mulligan was defeated twice in member of the Republican last month’s deficit estimate of Roland Aubin, chairman of Arthur Kingsbury Roofing Co. which has its own police depart­ said. the local board favors the con­ told the board that this text is of their own pockets sometimes 9,000 now. elections for positions on the Town Committee and president $6,944 to $1,669 and would stop &me of the surplus Items Council will meet Tuesday at 8 South Windsor’s Economic 229 Benedict Dr., South Aindsor ment. He noted the budget for the ventional school calendar for would be in the areas of the best textbook series $50 to $150 a year. p.m. in the Town Hall Council (Columbia’s population is 3,- school board. She added that as of the Hebron Women’s Development (Commission says is a new member of the South With a population of almost police department runs close to next year. Chambers. 200. a representative of the people Republican Club. he will resign this week. Aubin Windsor Chamber of 9,000, Coventry has a police $160,000 with the majority going The board approved the ap­ The council is meeting of the town she could not sup­ She attended Seattle Univer­ is also executive vice president (Commerce. force which includes a chief, a for personnel. He added this Await Autopsy Results port a candidate they did not sity and is a graduate of Walla pointment of Mrs. Eleanor tx Tuesday rather than tonight of the Giamber of Commerce. Use Your Master Charge budget was not a major item at MIDDLETOWN (UPI) - choose to elect. Walla Business College. Anderson as a part-time worker because of Washington’s He said his reasons for his O ve r the town meeting last year. Police today were awaiting the Mrs. Janis Preli said she Joseph Fongemime, Crouch in the school cafeteria. birthday holiday. resignation, which is expected However, at a public hearing results of an autopsy on the would not support the appoint­ Rd., Amston asked the board to Permission was granted for 100 Stores Included on the agenda will to be accepted by the Town on the general government body of Alfred G. Moore, 41, ment due to a dislike of the en­ the Junior Women’s Club to in­ Across the be the consideration of three Council at Tuesday night’s have the bus go into Crouch Rd. Broad Street Burke Cosponsoring budget in Coventry last year, who was found shot to death in tire procedures of recommen­ clude a resume of school board public petitions: the publication meeting, are personal and He felt there is a safety hazard N o tio n some residents complained his home Sunday morning. dations and appointments. on the corner of Crouch Rd. and meetings in its monthly of assessment figures; a public business. about the police department newsletter. Massage Parlor Bill Moore died at about 10:40 Mrs. Preli also questioned the Rt. 85. Manchester hearing on the current DAY Initiates allocation, particularly since recommendation of one person reassessment of property and a.m. Sunday in his home as the Paul White, principal of the ^SEir-SERVICE DEPT STORES Henry Kupchunos (Chapter of the department incurred a result of a bullet wound in the by the Republican Town Com­ the acceptance, lighting and Hebron Elementary School, the DAV will hold initiation State Rep. Martin Burke (D) regulations for their operation. deficit of over $20,000 during head, said Dr. Charles W. mittee when three or more Oakville Boy Killed Parkade improvements of Maskel Rd. said he had checked the stop SALE ENDS In Vernon Shift tonight at 8 in the Windsor of Vernon’s 56th District, is co­ Under it the chief of police the 1973-74 fiscal year, largely Chase, medical examiner. ’The first two public petitions recommendations had been and feels the children are not WATERTOWN (UPI) - SAT, FEB 22 Knights of Columbus Hall (Com- sponsor of a bill requesting that would issue the permits for due to overtime salaries. requested. She said having only endangered as they wait well Gregory Russo, 14, of Oakville, Lester Baum of Rockville, was e le c ts Thursday as chair­ regarding assessments are sub­ dr. Phil West is asking all massage parlors be licensed by operating them after receiving There are always at least two one name puts the board in a within 100 ft. of the stop. He is dead of injuries he sustained man of the Vernon Democratic Town Committee, mitted by the South Windsor members who have not been in­ the State Department of approval from the health direc­ squad cars covering 100 miles "position of political ploy.” said the visibility is good in both when stuck by a car at Main and WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY replacing James Roche who resigned. His wife, Devra, who Association of Citizens itiated to attend. The auxiliary Health. tor of the town. of road plus the lake area VITAMIN Mrs. Nancy Foote, who in­ directions. Riverside streets. has been serving as vice chairman of the committee, an­ (SWAC). will also meet at the same Under the bill the health It would also require a public where, Sandberg said, 30 per Also to be considered under HEADQUARTERS troduced the motion to appoint Fongemine said if a snow Russo died at about 10 p.m. place and time. department would promulgate hearing before the permit is cent of the population lives and Mrs. Mulligan, said if a person nounced she will resign. She is also a member of the Board unfinished business is the ap­ Liggett Parkade plow can turn around at the top Saturday of head injuries after Board Meets regulations of the parlors. issued and it calls for com­ is the scene of many problems. runs for a position as did Mrs. of Education. (Herald photo by Richmond) pointment of an alternate to the Low Prices! of the hill then a bus could. he was struck at 7 p.m. by a car The South Windsor Woman’s Burke said if it is a legitimate pliance with strict health “The town must assess what Mulligan in the 1973 elections Historic District Commission Allbee told Fongemine the driven by Ernest J. Giroux, 30, (Club board members will meet operation it should bear the regulations. for a term ending Dec. 1,1979; for the Hebron Board of Educa­ board would consider his of Watertown, police said. tonight at 8 at the home of Mrs. scrutiny of the department. The proposed ordinance has Club Will Extend acceptance of new town roads; William Stanley. The town of Vernon has already caused some controver­ the appointment of a member Lenten Meditation drawn up a proposed ordinance sy among massage parlor of the Mass Transit Commis­ The Messiah Lutheran which will be discussed at a operators and employes who Over Junior Ski Program sion to fill an unexpired term the largest assortment of BABGAINIDAVS Church, Buckland Rd., will hold public hearing Feb. 24, concer­ feel it is violating their rights. 100 Stores Broad Street ending Dec. 1 1975; the appoint­ a Lenten Meditation Service ning regulation of massage It sets forth the manner of Hundreds of Chopped Throughout the Store! ment of a member to the Board Across the Wednesday evening at 7:30. The parlors. Burke said the bill he dress of the employes and also picture frames Manchester of Tax Review to fill an un­ services, with a general theme co-sponsored “is not as much of requires that booths have Notion drawing on the raffle tickets : THANK YOU STORE VERNON expired term ending Nov. 30, a shot-gun approach,” as the or­ transparent walls, the keeping they have been selling as the The Rockville Alpine Ski 1975, and the appointment of a dinance. of a daily record of all patrons annual fund-raising event. Ten Club’s junior ski program will member to the Capital Im­ Bridgeport The ordinance will not ban and also would govern the anywhere! prizes will be awarded. The be extended through Feb. 22, provements Committee to fill massage parlors in town but manner of advertising the we have every stock size available from 2x2 Swe 25% to 50% Off Original Low Prices! William Houle and Leon Peck, drawing will be at the Connec­ an unexpired term ending Dec. Man Slain does contain stringent parlors. ticut Jaycee Headquarters in I to 24x48, and priced from 499. bring In your directors have announced. 1, 1977. BRIDGEPORT (UPI) - I prints, photos, and paintings... Famous Brand Meriden at 8 p.m. Under new business, the The extension is to give the Police said today they are club time to make up two Shoup Named council will discuss the Pierce looking for suspects in the fatal sessions missed because of the Richard Shoup, a senior at Rd. bicycle path and the stabbing of Anthony P. priced from' ecology station planned as part HAY-FEVER lack of snow. Classes are at Dresses & Pant Suits °m“i9.9r *3 - ^5 - *7 Assorted Mens Dress Shoes Orig to 14.99^8 Ellington High School, has been DeRusso, 27, of Bridgeport, 1:30 p.m., Saturdays on Fox of the present reconstruction of . w» have every Utile thlngl Most machine washable polyesters. Petite, jr, misses, womens. Selected group of fashion styles. Sizes 6'/i to 12. named as the school’s 1974-75 who died early Sunday in an Pocket Calculators Hill, conditions permitting. Betty Crocker Family Leader .Pierce Rd. argument over a car blocking Sufferers Here's good news fqr you!SIN Exclusive new U S Some residents contend that Allows you to breathe easily— stops watery Pinochle Winners of Tomorrow. Milne Street. B “where a Orig 9.94 Suede Leather Hikers ^7 the planned bike path is a path "hard core" SYNA*CLEAR Decongestant eyes and runny nose. You can buy SYN A- Pajama Pant Suits S6 He gained the recognition by DeRusso died at 3:30 a.m. at tablets act instantly and continuously to AT NEW LOW PRICES! Padded collar, cleated soles. Sizes 3 to 6 ,7 to 12. Tournament winners in leading "from nowhere to ClEAR at your favorite drug counter, with­ Cardigan top, cuffed sleeves. Acetate-nylon prints. Thursday’s senior citizen competing with other seniors in Park City Hospital, where he drain and clear all nosal-sinus cavities. One out need for a prescription. Sotisfoction the written knowledge and at­ nowhere.” Others, however, was taken after being stabbed "hard core" tablet gives up to 8 hours relief guaranteed by maker. Try it today. pinochle roup were: Lester feel that the path is a valuable from poin and pressure of congestion. Screen Print Pant Tops ong 5.99107.99 2 ^ Boys Sport Shoes Orig to 7.99 '3 Bartlett 592; Mike Desimone titude examination on Dec. 3. at about 2:10 in the argument. f part of the reconstruction Introductory Offer Worth...... $1.50 100% polyester. Short sleeve cardigans. Sizes S-M-L. Assorted styles for school, dress, play. Sizes 8Vi to 3. 581, Stella Filip 573; and John It will serve as a basis for his Witnesses told police the three Cut out this ad — lake to a drug store. Purchase one pack of NOVUS 850 possible selection for receipt of project and is vital to the safety or four persons with whom he SYNA-CLEAR 12's and receive one more SYNA-CLEAR 12 Pack Free. Poggie 562. -ffllligwllkiof...... If state and national scholarships. of Pierce Rd. residents. had been arguing fled after LIQQETT DRUG Lhs mVoisla af malaltfa^ dollar! orig 4.99 to 7.99 Mens Slippers & Scuffs ong 4 99 *3 Pinochle is played on ManoNetter Parkacle Misses Novelty Sweaters 2^^ He has been accepted for study The council is also expected DeRusso was stabbed. Choose from a large selection In sizes S-M-L. Leather soles, tricot linings. Sizes 7 to 12. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 Electronic p.m. at the Lottie Fisk at Juniata College in Penn­ sylvania. Misses Tailored Shirts o n g 4.99 to 5.99 2 ^ Youths Harness Boots ong6.99 *5 Building, Henry Park. Pocket Calculator Long sleeved polyesters, blends. Some with vests. 32-38. Squared toe, harness strap, side zip. 12'/i to 3. Jaycees Invited Four members of the Greater But He's Rich Ladies Novelty Blouses ^4 - ^6 Ladies, Teens Dress Flats ong 2.99 to 3.9 9 ! ® “ Vernon Jaycees have been in­ vited to attend a reception to be MEXICO CITY (UPI) - An­ • 9 9 Black, brown and blue in the group. Choose from a fashionable assortment. Sizes 32 to 38. hosted by Governor Ella Grasso tonio Cervantes had no money on Feb. 21. for his upcoming wedding,8o he Misses Fashion Shirts Orig 4.99 to 7.99 5 3 - * 5 Fashion Heel Sport Shoes ongB.99 The reception will be at the turned to his future father-in- Assorted styles In solids and prints. Sizes 8 to 16. Ladies, teens 2-tone oxfords, slipons. 5 to 10. Governor’s Mansion. Those in­ law, police said. • 8 Digits, 4 Functions vited are: Jaycee President Cervantes was charged with • Fuii Fioating Decimai Ladies Pull-On Slacks orig4.99to8.99^3 - ^5 Ladies Moc Slip-Cns ong6.99 *4 Robert Tedoldi, Robert burglarizing the home of Jose Basic p.ull-ons In polyesters, double knit acrylics. 8 to 16. Wallace, Leonard Romanker, Esquivel, the father of his is here! Soft lined for comfort. Black, brown, blue. 5 to 10. • Aigebraic Logic Works As and Jack Smith. fiancee, of cash, negotiable You Would Write It Down See it at your AM C Dealer today! The role of Jaycees on the notes and jewelry worth $50,- MEASURES • Powered by 9 Volt Battery Assorted Handbags ^3 - ^4 Ladies Dress, Casual Shoes origtog.09 ^5 local and state level will be dis­ 000. wide selection of fashionable styles. Large assortment of styles and colors. Sizes 5 to 10. 5 " * 3 ” • AC Adaptor Optional at 3.99 cussed by the Governor. “I had no money for the wed­ Also on Feb. 21, the Connec­ ding and he’s rich,” police Sheer Nylon Knee-Hi’s 3 pair^l ticut Jaycees will have a quoted Cervantes as explaining. Minimum hose, maximum fashion! One size fits all. Infants, Toddlers Jackets ^3 Control Top Panty Hose . 3 for^1 Warm pile with zipper or button fronts. Sheer nylon legs, tummy control panty. Sizes A and B. PANASONIC 2001 ■ _ . Orig 4.99 *07.99 Infants Toddlers C o a t s *11 - *1 7 Jr Dynamite Fashion Tops * 3 “ *5 Selected styles for boys, girls. 9 to 18 mos, 2 to 4. Rechargeable Fashion selection of tops, blouses, sweaters. 5 to 13. S-M-L. Infants, Toddlers Sweater Knits *4 - *5 Calculator 100% acrylic sweater knit dresses, diaper sets. Girls Assorted Dresses o rig 4.99io 9. » '3 - * 4 WITH FULL MEMORY Solids, plaids In acrylics, polyesters, cottons. 4 to 14. Infants, Toddlers Playwear 2*° - *3 Slacks, overalls and crawlers. Selected styles. Girls Winter Coats Orig 16.97 to 29.97 Regular, boot lengths. Piles, plaids, wools. 4 to 14. Infants & Toddlers Dresses *4 - *5 i 9 0 Selected styles in cottons and polyesters. SHOP AT HOME Girls Slacks and Jeans Orig 3.99 to 8.99 *3 For Custom Draperies Selected fall and winter styles In sizes 4 to 14. lnfants,Toddlers Slack Sets *3 - *5 Selected styles for boys, girls. Polyesters, nylons, cottons. Slipcovers & Bedspreads o rig 6.97 to 17.97 • Percent Key Figures Mark-Up, Discounts Girls Warm Jackets 3^® 1en good reasons to buy Pacer, the first wide small car: A wide variety of styles and fabrics. Assorted sizes. • Large, Bright Read-Out ®oWec«on of • Automatic Constant, Full Memory ''fni , Pacer is the first wide pacer is wider than pacer’s sloping hood, pacer’s quick, precise MEASURES • Just 3/4 ” Thick, 6 oz Weight Girls Knit Tops orig 2.99to 4.99 ■■*3 1■ small car. (Wider than S ■ any other small car so S ■ wide windshield and S ■ rack-and-pinion • VInyt Carrying Case Included Nylons, polyesters and others. Solids, fancies. 4 to 14. . Assorted Tier Curtains ong 2.49103.38 * 2 - 2 * ° Chevelle, Duster, Nova- you get an unusual amount wrap-around rear windows steering, and wide stance 6"« 3” • Rechargeable (AC Adaptor-Charger Included) Orig 2.78 to 3.97 $2-93 Orig 1-78 to 2.78 1.2S-1.50 even Granada!) You’ll notice of room. In fact. Pacer gives give you room with a view. makes it steer and handle 0 436 0 8 Orig 3.28 to 3.58 2.50 Girls Slack Sets rig . t n.s * 3 “ *7 W afevenff a big difference in room, ride you more leg room, front More visibility, in fact, than like a sports car. Selected fashion sets In polyesters, blends. Sizes 4 to 14. Assorted Draperies orig5.97 4*° and handling compared and rear, than the two-door any other American-built ong 6.58 to 7.48 $5 Orig 6.97 to 7.58 85 with conventional small cars. Torino or Fury. sedan—large or small! Wide, wide coverage. Girls Cardigan Sweaters o n g 4.58105.99 3 ^ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SR-10 Orig 7.97 to 8.58 $S 9■ Pacer is backed by all Bulky cardigans, cable looks. Sizes 4 to 14. Chrornspuns, glass fiber fabrics. Soma foam-backed. Pacer’s got an eco- Pacer’s wide stance the benefits of the exclusive 2■ nomical 6-cylinder Pacer’s passenger 6■ and isolated suspen­ AMC BUYER PROTECTION Rechargeable Morgan Jones Spreads orte7T97 to te.95 9*° engine and a 22-gallon gas 4■ door is 3.6 inches sion give you an incredibly PLAN."" Orig 25.95 to 29.95-14.90 tank. That’s larger than any wider than the driver’s. So smooth and stable ride. Slide-Rule Calculator small car—so you can go a you can get in and out of the Mens Sleeveless Sweaters 2^- 3^ Striped Shag Scatter Rugs Orig 3.47 2 ^ long way between fill ups. back seat that much easier. Pacer’s hatch opens 1 0. Pacer Price ' ' Latest fashion In solid colors, fancies. 100% nylon wHh fringed ends, latex backing. 20" x 40". 7I wide and the rear seat [ 9 0 folds down. This gives you Mens Pullover Sweaters 9^ lots of wide-open cargo Turtle, crew, V-necks In all the latest colors. A M Cn Dealers space. $3299* ■ 8 Digit Mantissa, 2-Dlgit Exponent Mens Cardigan Sweaters ^5-7^ ‘ Does Squares and Square Roots Assorted styles Including zip and button fronts. t u g > Algebraic Logic, SclanlHic Notation iiiC efciAwNmJFfll CLAujCvUd MEASURES ■ Full Floating Decimal • Reciprocals Boys Warm Cuterwear to'is.M ^5-^14 Colonial Wastebaskets ong 3.90 2*° > Automatic Power Saver Many styles, assorted fabrics and colors. 8 to 18. Decorated plastic. Milk can, brown jug, coal skuttle. B ’/z X 3 ” • Rechargeable (AC Adaptor/Charger S4lfj and Carrying Case Included) Boys Better Snorkel Coats orig$i4 Orig 688 Authentic styling with snorkel hood, lots of pockets. Milk Carton Holder 4 8 * TO SHOP AT HOME Decorated plastic. Holds % gallon milk canon. DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES, INC. Boys Fashion'Sweaters ong3.99toB.99^3-*4 CALL YOUR NEAREST GRANT CITY STORE 285_Broad Street 1-49 Pullovers and cardigans in many colors. Sizes 8 to 18. plastic Barrel Liners ong 99° Menchester Use Your Master Charge Pkg of 15,33-gal size. Heavy gauge plastic. Junior Boys Cuterwear ^6-^12 I.0210B 8 • • • **• “ ‘7 "“7* *• 'Owrov-lt' at G ju u it ‘ Manufacturer's suggested retail price. Destination charges, state and local taxes not Included. Whitewalls and lull wheelcovers optional at extra cost. Ski jackets, parkas, and more. 4 to 7.

(In Soma Caiat Initrmtdiila Markdowni Hava Baan Tnkimt PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17, 1975 MANGIESTER EVENING HERALD, Mancheater, G>nn.. Mon.. Feh. 17, 1975 — PAGE NINE WA13RWQ6HI 7 Auxiliary Bay State PUC Said in Shambles MPOA To Meet / / Duplicate Bridge ^<9 A B O U T PROSLIMT BOSTON (UPI) - With 33.8 million, and Fitchburg Gas coming in faster than ever ’The governor’s reorganiza­ Election of a board of direc­ UM ENGAGED Massachusetts facing record and Electric Co., 3536,000. before.” TOWN N. Main St. Town Manager THE BABY tion bill has been passed by the tors and a discussion of Form East West: Jan Leonard and requests for more than 3350 An additional 3700,000 in rate Robert Weiss will be the main Results Friday night in the Senate and sent to the House, "Revaluation and Federal Elaine Mitchell, Marj Warner million in utility rate increases, increase requests is pending speaker. E-LIM Andover Bridge Gub game at Hickey described the dispute which is expected to approve Grants: Their Effect on the IS NAMED ] \ e w Unit Andover Congregational and Barbara Fuerst, tied for the Public Utilities Commission from water companies and bus Church Women United will A slate for the board of direc­ Excess water in the body over changing the structure of the hill next week. Manchester Tax Rate,” will be Church are: Paul Barton and first; Eugene Toch and Jane —which must act on the lines. ^ the commission as “ political.” meet ’Tuesday from 9 to 11 a.m. tors wiU be submitted by a can be uncomfortable. E- in the reception hall of South the top items Wednesday, when Glenn Prentiss, first; Mrs. Lowe, thli^. requests —is in shambles. “ It’s bad and it’s going to get He said the three-member Dermott P. Shea, consumer nominating committee and LIM will help you lose< United Methodist Church. the Manchester Property nominations from the floor will Decker, Julie KriBtina, daughter of James B. and Karen A new girls’ unit to Paul Barton and Burton Smyth, The commission has been vir­ a lot worse before it gets board will amount to a advisor to House S p ^ e r David excess water weight. We at Owners Association conducts be accepted. Refreshments will Lindgren Decker of Buff Cap Rd., Ellington. She was bom Feb. 10 Manchester’s VFW Auxiliary second; Mrs. Jerome Dvomek Results in the Feb. 8 tually incapacitated by a run­ better,” said Francis Hickey, “ cosmetic change” and will not M. Bartley, D-Holyoke, said Liggett Drug, Manchester St. Mary’s Episcopal Church its annual meeting. be served and dues may be paid at Manchester Memorial Hospital. will be instituted Wednesday at and Robert Campbell, third. Manchester Community ning battle with the state’s new executive secretary of the com­ really effect the way rate cases “ time is the utmost importance Parkade, recommend it. 7:30 p.m. at the Post Home. College game are: North- governor, Michael S. Dukakis. mission. “The requests are are handled. here. will have a Bihle study ’Tuesday It will be at 8.p.m. in Whiten at the door. The public is in­ Mrs. Frances Dunlap of Results Friday night in the South: Ken Hickman and Sid The dispute centers on at 9:30 a.m. at 55 Waddell Rd. Memorial Library Auditorium, vited. Only $2.00 Symonds, David Carlton Jr., son of David C. Sr. and Donna L. Madison, state VFW Auxiliary Manchester Bridge Gub game McKenzie, first; Bruce Cum­ Dukakis’ plans to abolish the Richard Symonds of Bald Hill Rd., Tolland. He was bom Feb. 5 at president; and Mrs. Marie at 148 Hartford Rd. are: North- mings and Ernest Berube, se­ current seven-member com­ Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. Soltis of Bridgeport, state South: John Descy and Louis cond; Jim ^ e r and Paul Bar­ mission and replace it with a and Mrs. Donald Richard of 26 Bolton Rd., Vernon. Hs paternal chairman of junior girls’ units, Halpryn, first; Ken Hickman ton, third. three-member full-time board. grandmother is Mrs. Amy Bowman of Stafford Springs. will officiate at the ceremonies. and Sid McKenzie, second; East-West: Jim Anderson The former chairman of the Maxwell House |!| Large Membership in the newly Mike Joyce and Jim Todd, and Sam Cuscovitch, first; commission, Robert L. Meade, III Hellmanns Cheer Beunty Glotzer, Gene Gilmartin, son of Paul J. and Maryann Gilmar- formed unit is open to girls third. Roger and Eleanor Crafts, se­ resigned two weeks after tin Giozer of 14B Progress Ave., Rockville. He was bom Feb. 5 at from 6 through 18 years of age, East-West: Dr. Saul Cohen cond; Carol Dell’Angela and Dukakis was elected and more Coffee Eggs Mayonnaise • e s S v Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandmother is Mrs. Detergent Tewels unmarried, and a daughter, and Bob Darr, first; Dennis Sandy Craft, third. than a month before the gover­ ^*4^ - “Real Mayonnaise” Rose Gilmartin of Meriden. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. foster daughter, grand­ Robinson and Don Weeks, se­ nor took office. He remained a Ruth Glotzer of Bloomfield. He has a brother, Joseph Gilmartin. commission member. i 1,:^ Rnast £ 6 A C daughter, sister or foster sister cond; Jim Lenertz and William f r ’S OUR POLICY 1 lb ^ I ^Laber 0 ; i .J 125 ct of a VFW member or of a man Belekewicz, third. Mrs. Barbara Hassenfeld was can 8 9 « ^ 1 ;^ Grade eligible to become a member. roll LaMonde, Elaine Monique, daughter of John Sr. and Diana / named by former Gov. Francis W hite doz Sr 9 9 ^ 'Die Junior Girls’ Unit will Results Friday in the III 88^ III Parker LaMonde of 90 Talcott Ave., Rockville. She was bom Feb. W. Sargent to replace Meade take part in the programs of the Manchester Nite Time Novice and she has clashed openly with with This Coupon And with This Coupon And With This Coupon And 12 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Purchaso of *7.50 Or Mora Purchase of *7.50 Or More j l j d with This Coupon And With This Coupon And auxiliary geared to their level. game at 146 Hartford Rd. are: Dukakis on a numter of oc­ Purchase ol $7.50 Or More Purchase of *7.50 Or More Purchase ol *7.50 Or More Mr. and Mrs. Exlaus Parker Sr. of 17 Woodland St., Rockville. Limit One Coupon Per Customer Limit One Coupon Per Customer Limit One Coupon Per Customer Limit One Coupon Per Customer Plans are under way to form a North-South: Marlon McCarthy casions. H-S65 Valid Thru Fab.22 H-S64 Valid Thru Feb.22 f l 1 Limit One Coupon Per Customer Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Ethel LaMonde of 21 Bank St. Boyer Photo Loring Photo m H-939 Valid Thru Feb. 22 H-926 Valid Thru Feb.22 H-925 Valid Thru Feb.22 drill team. and Peg O’Connor, first; Pat B *(gi I She has a brother, John Jr. One of the seven com­ Girls interested in joining the Belekewicz and Edwina missioners, Mrs. Paula Gold, m E iSi 1 ! rakne ^ ® ^ The engagement of Miss unit may call Margaret Zikus, The engagement of Miss The engagement of Miss Lenertz, second; Inara Larson resigned last month when she Lombardo, Suzanne Margaret, daughter of Frank R. and Eileen Jean McVeigh of East Kathleen Ann McArdle of local chairman, 649-0325; or Rosemary Anne Jubenville of and Sue Fenton, third. was named head of Attorney Pamela Brown Lombardo of 260 Windsorville Rd., Ellington. She Hartford to Michael Kevin Tiv- Manchester to David George Ruth Heneghan, auxiliary Manchester to Wesley Charles . East-West: Glen and Barbara General Francis X. Bellotti’s was bom Feb. 12 at Rockville General Hospital. She has a nan of North Erie, Pa. has been Knox, also of Manchester, has president, 649-3728, for more in­ Besaw of East Hartford has Meyers, first; Lily Gowley and consumer protection division. brother, Kendrick. announced by her parents Mr. been announced by her parents, formation, or may come to the been announced by her parents Roger Dionne, second; Mary ’The major rate cases pending and Mrs. James B. McVeigh of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Juben­ Mr. and Mrs. James McArdle By Ray Tanguay, C.L.U. Post Home, 608 E. Center St., Boulay and Jean Raffa, third. are: New England Telephone Flamino, Aaron Douglas, son of Douglas and Randi Tomasek East Hartford. ville of 15 Wellesley Rd. of 16 Benton St. IT nors TO siidp Wednesday at 7 p.m. CERTIFIED INSURANCE Co., 3210 m illion ; Boston Flamino of 102 West St., Rockville. He was bom Feb. 11 at Mr. Tivnari is the son of Mr. Results in the Feb. 12 CONSULTANT E dison C o., 375 m illio n ; Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are and Mrs. William Tivnan of Mr. Besaw is the son of Mr. Mr. Knox is the son of Mr. Nutmeg YWCA novice game Massachusetts Electric Co., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tomasek of Hurlburt Rd., Tolland. His and Mrs. Robert N. Besaw of Safety makes dollars and sense. Ac-j North Erie, Pa. and Mrs. Thomas Knox of 200 are: Barbara Beckley and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Flamino of Field East Hartford. cldents not only ceuse pain and aul-l 322.8 million; New Bedford Gas The bride-elect is a graduate E. Center St. Murray Powell, first; Eleanor faring — they also cauae highi Dr., Ellington. His maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Joseph and Electric Co., 313.3 million; ;ABOUT of East Catholic High School ’i’he bride-elect was Treat and Biz Swensson, se­ |. expenses Involving your family, and i Tomasek of Ellington Ave., Ellington. His paternal great- The bride-elect is a 1974 I guests from whom you are liable. Western Massachusetts Elec­ Pork Loin and completed three years at graduated from Manchester cond; Edwina Lenertz and grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Flamino of Newcastle, graduate of Manchester High

VERNON shoulder injury; and Henry ting injuries to occupants of the Julia Faulkner Dies; building by waking them and Hartford Tops Cougars Pigeon, who suffered bruises. POLICE REPORT ’The cause of a fire which getting them out safely. severely damaged a three-story Both were treated at Rockville Was School Teacher General Hospital, and released. The building ‘is owned by With Cliff Czellecz hitting Mark Royster. MCC battled house at 31 Vernon Ave., early William Breton of New Britain, two charity tosses for a Hartford (82) Sunday morning hak not been Chief Maguda credited Ver­ A Hartford youth who had ap­ Two 14-year-old boys later ad­ a Sunday break into the both ends of a one-and-one back to within five points on three-point edge. B F P ts. Mrs. Julia Dytko Faulkner, for many years. She was Chief Maguda said. Royster 8 4 20 determined. non Police officers with aver­ parently been using another mitted the thefts and were American Collection Service of­ situation with 19 seconds the offensive work of Tom­ 63, retired school teacher, died woman’s champion four times Iverson’s 18-foot jumper Harris 6 2 14 ’The fire, which is still under youth’s driver’s license was referred to juvenile authorities. fice at 983 Main St. remaining. Greater Hart­ my ’Tucker and Curt Iverson Czellecz 6 2 14 Saturday at home, 71 Charter during the 1940s, and one year • A gum ball vending • A 3150 chain saw stolen brought the lead down to one Ciotto 7 0 14 investigation, was reported at charged Saturday with five ford Community College and trailed, 46-42, at inter­ Abate Oak St. she and her husband both cap­ Nuclear Plant Savings machine, reported stolen Sun­ from a car parked at Deci’s again, 80-79, but Czellecz’ 9 0 18 4:22 a.m. and the firemen were separate motor vehicle nipped Manchester Com­ mission. Tyson 1 0 2 She was the widow of Thomas tured club titles. violations, Manchester Police day from the Pizza House, 300 Drive-In, 462 Center St., Satur­ foul shots iced the verdict at the scene for several hours. munity College, 82-79, last Totals D. Faulkner. reported. W. Middle Tpke. day. Fighting an uphill battle, for Hartford. 37 8 C2 Mrs. Faulkner taught at She was a member of the Chief Donald Maguda of the Estimated by Utility Saturday in basketball ac­ the Cougars finally tied it at Rockville Fire Department Bryan J. Topolski, 16, was ' • A burglary into a Coolidge • A stereo tape deck, AM-FM Royster paced the Washington School for 36 years National Retired Teachers charged with five counts of St. home Sunday which netted radio, and a vehicle alarm tion at Cheney Tech. 72-all on a Pete Leber winners, now 13-12 over-all after she came to Manchester Association. said the fire apparently start^ At $137 Million in ’74 in a first-floor apartment, operating a motor vehicle thieves 365 in cash, a 350 clock, system, removed from a van The Cougars, now 6-16 bucket. The deadlock con­ and 10-4 in the CCCAA, with in 1929. She retired nine years There will be a private and jewelry and watches worth parked Saturday at The overfall and 5-11 in the spread through the partitions with nuclear generators was without a license and one count tinued, the quintets trading 20 points followed by Bob Manchrster (79) ago. funeral Tuesday at Holmes' HARTORD (UPI) - each of evading responsibility more than 3100. Manchester Evening Herald CCCAA, face the Central B F Pts. and mushroomed. one of the highest in the nation, basket for basket, until Giot­ Abate (18), Ciotto (14), Tucker She studied at Williams Funeral Home, 400 Main St. Northeast Utilities says elec­ and improper passing. • About 35 in change taken in parking lot. Connecticut State College 11 6 28 Memorial Institute, New Lon­ ’The Rockville, Vernon, and tricity bills for its Connecticut Sillin said Saturday. to’s hoop which gave the Czellecz U4) and Pete Peoples 6 3 IS Burial will be in East Police said the charges stem Disnaw 3 0 6 Tolland Fire Departments customers would have been JVs Tuesday night at 6 in visitors a 78-76 advantage, Harris (14). Tucker took Reynolds don, and graduated from Cemetery. NU owns the 600,000-kilowatt from accidents Feb. 4 and 13, on 2 0 4 Willimantic State Normal responded to the call and 3137 million higher in 1974 if New Britain. one they wouldn’t scoring honors for MCC with Iverson 7 1 15 There are no calling hours. Millstone Number One nuclear violations reported Feb. 5 and Clancy 0 1 1 Ellington department was on nuclear reactors had not Hartford jumped to a 30-15 relinquish. Tucker’s free School, now Eastern Connec­ Friends wishing to do so may reactor in Waterford, and has a 8. In some of the cases, 28 points. Iverson and Bill Leber 4 2 10 ticut State College. standby. generted 33 per cent of the lead behind the outside throw brought the Cougars make memorial contributions share of the 253,000-kilowatt Topolski has been issued court Peoples added 15 markers Totals Chief Maguda said the fire power. shooting of Mike Ciotto and 33 13 79 Mrs. Faulkner was a member to the Arthritis Foundation or reactor at the Connecticut summonses in the name of closer but Royster canned apiece and Leber 10. Score at half: Hartford 46-42 of the Manchester Country Club caused severe damage to all but NU Chairman Lelan F. Sillin These Bills Filed the Heart Fund. Yankee site in Haddam. another Hartford youth whose \ the southside of the wooden said state consumers were building. He said a tin roof license Topolski was carrying, Robert J. Mason spared 20 to 30 per cent in­ Completion of the Millstone St. Bernard’s Church, made it difficult to cut through police said. By Fran Mahoney Robert J. Mason Sr., 49, of 55 Rockville. Burial will be in St creases in power bills because Number Two nuclear unit will Topolski is scheduled to Schoolboy Basketball and fight the flames from the nuclear ower is cheaper to Homestead St. died Sunday Edward’s Cemetery, Stafford top. mean NU will be getting 40 per appear in court at East Hart­ Martens Scores Double produce than fossil fuel cent of its power from nuclear Included in legislation in­ maximupi-income' level for morning at Manchester Springs. Two Rockville firemen suf­ ford March 4. Former East Catholic basketball and track star Joe Memorial Hospital after a brief Friends may call at the generators by about 20 per cent. sources by the end of this year, troduced or co-sponsored by property tax relief for those 65 fered minor injuries. ’They were Northeast’s-ability to Martens was the only double winner Saturday as the illness at home. He was the hus­ funeral home tonight from 7 to he said. In other motor vehicle cases Manchester State Rep. Francis and over. George Taylor who suffered a produce 33 per cent of its power Regular Slate University of Massachusetts captured the Yankee band of Edith Whipple Mason. Mahoney, D-13th District, are • to provide quality legal ser­ 9. reported by police today: Conference Indoor Track title at Kingston, R.L He was bom June 4, 1925, in Next year, when the bugs bills: vices for the elderly at a fair Mrs. Michael J. DePersia • Frank K. Morton, 20, of 230 Manchester,the son of James have been worked out of the Swamp Rd., Coventry, was • to permit municipalities to and equitable price. Martens captured his specially, the high jump, with and Vitaline Emmons Mason, Mrs. Lucy Taylor DePersia, new reactor, 50 per cent of charg^ with operating a motor impose an added motor vehicle • to provide for a full-time Ends ThisWeek a leap of 6’ 8'A. He came back and won the 50-yard 60, of Stafford Springs died and lived here all his life. NU’s power output will be from vehicle while under the in­ registration fee — to be used for paid commissioner on the dash, breaking the meet record with a 5.4 clocking. Mr. Mason was employed by ’Thursday in Titusville, Fla. She nuclear reactors, he said. fluence of liquor, after a Satur­ road improvements. aging. UMass totaled 74 points with favorite UConn taking the state highway department was the wife of Michael J. Sillin also announced the day night accident at Pine and • to extend no-fault in­ • to lower the state sales tax By Len Auster second with 64 points. in the maintenance department DePersia. ABOUT TOWN Millstone Number One unit was Walnut Sts. Both Morton and surance to cover property to 3 per cent for the elderly. for the past five years. He was She was bom in Glastonbury operating again after passing the other driver involved — damage (it now covers only • to appropriate state funds Over 10 weeks ago, the 1974-75 scholastic basketball previously employed by and lived there and in Windsor an inspection for cracks in its Michael V. Laraia, 23, of 87 medical costs). for providing adequate space in season began. This week, it all comes to a close. most of her life. • to provide state aid to mobile home parks for housing Manchester Co-Op for 13 years. The past matrons of Temple St. Mary’s Guild will meet in water cooling system pipes. Pine St. — were treated at For the three local quintets and two area teams, their ef­ Stones apd Larrieu He had served with the Besides her husband, sur­ Manchester Memorial municipalities for the cost of for the elderly. forts have been rewarded with berths in the 53rd annual vivors are a daughter, Mrs. Chapter, OES, will meet the parish house Wednesday at Merchant Marines, and he was Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Hospital. Court date is March 4. operating sewage treatment • to appropriate sufficient CIAC State Tournament. For one, Ellington High, its fate Elaine D. Grant of Tolland; a 10 a.m. Members are reminded plants. a member of the British- home of Mrs. Dye Hooper, 26 • Ronald W. Modean, 32, of state funds for adequate still has to be decided. And for three teams, it’s wait until sister, Mrs. Florence T. Collins to bring their own sandwiches. • to authorize abatement and housing for the elderly. Steal Trdck Show American Club. Williams Rd., Bolton. Miss Beverage will be served by Town Asks Bids 481 Parker St., was treated at (Herald photo by Dunn) next year and hope for better results. Other survivors are three of Manchester; a son and three refund of real estate taxes to Mahoney is urging his con­ Mary Louise Dickson and Miss Mrs. Edward Schumann, Mrs. the hospital early Sunday after East Catholic, 11-8 with a place in the Class A Division, sons, Donald Adams of brothers and nine For Installing a one-car crash at Vernon and the Sheridan Corp. for fire stituents to attend public Prize Winners in State Bank Ski Competition grandchildren. Mabel Trotter are in charge of jjohn Trotter and Mrs. Henry winds up its campaign tonight in Bristol against St. Paul. NEW YORK (UPI) — Judging by the eye-popping perfor­ Manchester, and Timothy refreshments. Sprinkler Alarm Lydall Sts. Police said damage Oct. 16, 1971 at its 613 hearings on whatever bills in­ The funeral is Tuesday at 9:30 Thornton. ’There will be a food and 615-619 Main St. properties terest them and to attend The Eagles are 3-6 in the HCC, locked out of the conference mances of Dwight Stones and Francie Larrieu over the Mason and Robert J. Mason Jr., sale after the church service. Modean’s car struck a utility Andy Ansaldi of the Manchester State Bank presented standing. A total of 105 boys and girls competed with weekend, track and field officials may soon be forced to both at home; a daughter. Miss a.m. from the Lowe-Robacker — with the abatement and relief sessions of the General tourney in fifth place. It will be the worst finish ever for ’The public is invited to attend. Bids will be opened Feb. 24 in pole. awards to these winners in Saturday’s Children’s Ski Wes Fedorchak compiling the best time, 27.0 for the Mary Mason, at home; and two Funeral Home, 2534 Main St., Friendship Circle of the the Manchester purchasing • Cars driven Charles E. to be on the Oct. 1,1970, Oct. 1, Assembly — in order to hear East in the circuit. St. Paul, defending Class B champ, is 8- take a fresh look as to what constitutes a world record. grandchildren. Glastonbury, with a Mass at St. Salvation Army will meet Whelan, 22, of 702 W. Middle 1971 and Oct. 1, 1972 Grand pro and con arguments and to Races at Northview. Left to right, Gary Henning, 17 gate, 1,500 foot course. 1 in conference play and 17-2 over-all. For while Stones was taking his record-setting road Manchester Chapter, agent’s office for supplying and The fuijeral is Wednesday at 2 Paul’s Church, Glastonbury. Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. at the Tpke., and Hal L. Ostrom, 16, of Lists. witness the actions and votes Sharon Lucek and Nancy Narkon. Bruce Henning is show to Oklahoma City for a world indoor best high jump SPEBSQSA, will meet tonight installing five “watchman’s Under the direction of first-year coach Doug Pearson, p.m. at the Holmes Funeral Burial will be in Mt. St. Citadel. Mrs. Brig. Mildred 67 Scott Dr. were in collision • to increase to 37,500 the taken in the House and Senate leap of 7 feet, 51/2 inches, the petite Miss Larrieu was run­ at 7:30 in the Teen Center kits” in Bennet Junior High Manchester High has qualified for the tournament in the Home, 400 Main St., with the Benedict Cemetery, Bloom­ Pickup will show slides. Saturday morning on Wood- chambers. ning the fastest mile ever run by a woman — indoors or out Annex of the Manchester School, with two of the kits to Class AA Division. The Silk Towners, winners of eight of Rev. Felix Davis of Second field. Hostesses will be Mrs. Mary Recreation Center. be for dry-pipe sprinkler bridge St. Whelan is scheduled their last 10 decisions and three straight, are 11-7 over-all — with a 4:29.0 clocking at San Diego. Congregational Church of­ Friends may call at the College Hoop Roundup Thrall and Mrs. Kathy Brookes. systems and three for wet-pipe to appear in court March 3 on a and 9-6 in the CCIL. The Indians conclude regular season But even had Stones not missed in his attempt at what ficiating. Burial will be in East funeral home tonight from 7 to sprinkler systems. charge of improper passing. 9. Novena of the Miraculous would have been an all-time best of 7-7, that leap, like Miss Cemetery. The YWCA Book Discussion A fire-monitoring system is • Edward N. Wrobel, 50, of play Tuesday night in Willimantic against league foe Medal and Benediction of the Larrieu’s mile run, would not be recognized as a world Friends may call at the Friends wishing to do so may Group will meet Tuesday from being installed from Bennet to no certain address was charged PLAZA DEPT. STORE Windham High. Manchester can gain a tie for third in the make memorial contributions Blessed Sacrament will be HERALD record. funeral home tonight from 7 to 9 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the YWCA, 78 the Central Firehouse. Sunday with operating a motor (Wa Hava A NoHon To Plaasa) Kentucky Downed league with a victory, if Conard loses to CCIL titlist Hall to the American Cancer Socie­ celebrated tonight at 7:30 at the Why, you ask? and Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to N. Main St. The book to be dis­ ’The kits are attached to the vehicle while his license was Naxt to Frank’s Supormarkot High. Windham is 3-12 in league play and 5-13 in all games. Church of the Assumption, S. 9 p.m. ty- cussed is “Clea” by Lawrence sprinkler systems and alert the suspended. After his car was East MIddIo Tpko., Manctiostor ANGLE Cheney Tech, also under the guidance of a rookie men­ According to the International Amateur Athletic Adams St. James D. Green Durrell. Anyone interested is fire department when fire or stopped, he was also charged on By EARL YOST In Tennessee Five tor, Gerry Blanchard, has qualified for the tournament in Federation, a world record — in order to be a world record Mrs. Mary W. Bachiochi James Duncan Green, 20, of invited to attend, or call 647- excessive heat causes the a court re-arrest warrant with Sports Editor the Class C Division for the first time in six years. The — must be set outdoors. It’s not that the lAAF is any great TOLLAND -M rs. Mary Colchester died Saturday in The Polish Women’s PHOTOGRAPH champion of fresh air, but rather the varied sizes of tracks 1437 for information. sprinklers to go off. the same charge and a charge NEW YORK (UPI) — Kentucky’s Wildcats ran into Techmen are 12-7 and conclude play Tuesday night at East Witinok Bachiochi, 61, of Colchester. He was well known Alliance, Group 246, will meet indoors (11-lap, 8-lap etc.) have apparently caused too A wet-pipe system is one that of failure to appear in court. Tennessee’s New York-bred “Bernie and Ernie Show” Granby High. In an engagement in December, Cheney was Kingsbury Ave. died Sunday in in Manchester. The Italian-American Society tonight at 7:30 at the home of has water in it under pressure at New court date is March 4. much confusion in years past to qualify world records. •Saturday night and as a result, Alabama holds a one-game victorious, 83-65. Rockville General Hospital. ’The funeral and burial were will meet tonight at 8 at the Mrs. Nichalina Kurlowicz, 34 all times. A dry-pipe system is ALBUMS Goat*s Horns on This Day Regardless of what the lAAF decides to do with her She was the widow of Aldo J. W. Center St. lead today in the red-hot Southeastern Conference basket­ Ellington High is 9-9 and must defeat Middletown High today in Colchester. The Bel­ Italian-A m erican Club on one that doesn’t have water but Thefts reported to police over record, Francie Larrieu could at least gain a measure of Bachiochi. Some games, Lee Otis Wilson has worn a hero’s halo ball race. Tuesday night in its finale to gain a place in post-season mont Funeral Home in Eldridge St. does have air pressure — with the weekend included: • Pocket-Mounts • Fllp-Ups extending a winning streak satisfaction from upstaging the much-ballyhooed men’s She was born in Brooklyn, Colchester was in charge of A story hour for pre-schoolers with the UConn basketball team. play. The Purple Knights have won their last two outings the water poised to flow when • 'Two sleds stolen from the • Acetate Folders • Adhesive Pages of sorts. Behind a career mile showdown at San Diego between Filbert Bayi, Rick N.Y., and lived in Tolland most arrangements. A recitation of the Rosaiy will be conducted at the Whiton the air pressure is relieved. porch of a Valley St. residence. Some games, like last Saturday, the hot-handed shooter, Thanks to a combined 53 high 18 points from Andre to put themselves in this position. In an earlier meeting, of her life. OrganIzB and Protect Your Photoal Wohlhuter and John Walker — won by Bayi in 3:56.4. He was born in Mai^pssas, and devotional hour will be con­ Memorial Library, Tuesday with the defensive shortcomings, wore the goat’s horns in points from New York City McCarter, the Bruins rolled Middletown came out on top, 59-56. Mrs. Bachiochi was a clerk at from 10 to 10:30 a.m. “I can’t believe it,” said Miss Larrieu, who only 24 hours Va., the son of Francis D. and ducted by St. Bridget Rosary the 76-75 Yankee Conference loss to Massachusetts at transplants over Oregon State for their South Windsor High has won 11 of its last 13 decisions to the U.S. Envelope Co. in Judith Putnam Green. Society Tuesday at 1:45 p.m. in Mrs. Michael Mlodzinski and Need Something? Aak Plazal Storrs. and , stand 13-6 for the season. The Bobcats, currently riding a earlier set a world “best” 1,500-meter mark of 4:10.4 in Rockville. She was a 25-year 79th straight victory at He attended and graduated Cronin Hall at Mayfair Mrs. Robert Fish of the Needing to win two of its three decisions last week to im­ Tennessee upset fifth- six-game winning streak, entertain Hartford Public Toronto. “I just keep amazing myself. I was shooting for a member of the Tolland Italian Manchester Junior Womens’ Pauley Pavillion. “I’m not from Colchester schools. He Gardens. All residents of Swim Registration Set prove its post-season position, Coach Dee Rowe’s club ranked Kentucky, 103-98, Tuesday night in their finale. South Windsor will then par­ record both Friday night and tonight, but this is really Friendship Club, and a member was employed at the Electric Club will read. surprised we’re 8-1 in the Mayfair Gardens are invited. Swim classes will begin Mon­ managed just one and now can’t afford another loss in the and knocked the Wildcats better than I expected.” of the Ladies Guild of St. Ber- Boat Co. in Groton. Tuesday and Thursday from 7 conference,” said UCLA ticipate in the CVC Playoffs Thursday and Saturday at day, Feb. 24 at the East Side five remaining games. out of a first-place tie in the After easily clearing 7-5 1/2 on his third try at the U.S. naro’s Church. Besides his parents, other The Manchester WATES will to 7:30 p.m. Coach John Wooden after Bloomfield. Church Women United will Rec for beginners, advanced Track and Field Federation championships. Stones moved Survivors are a daughter, survivors are three brothers meet ’Tuesday at the Italian- Advanced beginners, The Yankee Conference title appears out the window SEC with sixth-rated Rham High (12-6) has two games left. Tuesday night the meet Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. at beginners, intermeidiates and the Bruins moved a full two the bar to 7-7. “That was decent,” he said after missing the Mrs. Norman R. Philipp of and two sisters. South United Methodist Church. American Club. Weighing-in Wednesday 6 to 6:30 p.m. or 7 to with three losses — all by one point — in nine starts. Ver­ Alabama, which was putting games ahead of Oregon Sachems are at Cromwell High and Thursday entertain Tolland; three sons, Anthony advanced swimmers. 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 10 to Washington’s mont, UMass and Boston University all have just two YC away Mississippi, 88-79. 7-7 bar for the second time. “But the more I think about it Refreshments will be served will be 7 to 8 p.m. After the State for the Pacific Eight Bacon Academy in Hebron. Rham, which has lost its last Bachiochi, and Leo Bachiochi, Registration for the classes 10:30 a.m. or 11 to 11:30 a.m. the more I don’t think I’m going to make it.” He didn’t. before the guest speaker. Miss meeting, the board of directors setbacks. Boston receives the Huskies Wednesday. Maine “It was one of the great lead, “I’m more surprised two decisions, earlier in the campaign strung together an both of Tolland, and Joseph Miss Agnes Horigan will meet in the hall. Members will be held every night this Intermediates, Tuesday and is at Storrs Saturday afternoon with Boston College and victories in Tennessee Despite being shunted aside somewhat by Miss Larrieu, Mary Ellen Nemergut, presents week from 6 to 9 at the East some schools aren’t any eight-game winning skein to put itself in the tournament. Bachiochi of Rockville; three Miss Agnes Horigan of 77 A her program on ‘"ITie Elderly” with last names beginning A-C Thursday, 7:30 to 8 p.m. Rhode Island waiting at their gyms Feb.25 and March 1 for basketball history,” said the Bayi-Wohlhuter-Walker mile was far from a disap­ Side Rec on School St. Intermediates, Wednesday Birthday closer.” Rham is 10-4 in COC play. brothers, William Witinok, Sycamore Lane was at 9:45. Miss Nemergut is a are reminded to bring fruit for the Huskies. Holy Cross closes out the slate at Storrs Tennessee Coach Ray Rockville High winds up its disappointing season pointment as Walker clocked 3:56.9 and Wohlhuter 3:58.4 Milton Witinok and Michael pronounced dead on arrival this the basket. The schedule of classes will from 7:30 to 8 p.m. and Satur­ Third-ranked Maryland VISTA volunteer in be: March 4. Mears, “especially con­ Tuesday night at Enfield. The Rams wound up 4-10 in CVC behind Bayi’s 3:56.4, It also was the first middle distance Witinok, all of Ellington; and morning at Doctors Hospital in Manchester. Babysitting will be day from 11:30 a.m. to noon. retained its half-game lead loss in over a year for Wohlhuter, the 1974 the half in 1:57 Beginners, Monday and Advanced swimmers, Van Raalte Sale sidering King’s injury and play and are 4-14 over-all. Enfield needs a victory to seven grandchildren. Hollywood, Fla. The Lions Club will meet over No. 4 North Carolina provided. All women of the Friday from 6 to 6:30 p.m. Appeared in Driver's Seat or 1:58. But records are not that important, winning’s what The funeral is Tuesday at 8; 15 The John F. Tierney Funeral Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at ’The Wednesday from 7 to 7:30 p.m. the fact that we had lost State in the Atlantic Coast qualify for the tournament, standing 9-9 thus far. community are invited to at­ Advanced beginners, Monday Playing before another sellout crowd of 4,480, UConn counts.” In three U.S. mile races now, Bayi has yet to lose. a.m. from the Burke-Fortin Home, 219 W. Center St., is in tend. Colony. Guest speaker will be and 11 to 11:30 a.m. three in a row.” (King mis­ Two teams that have had poor campaigns collide and Friday from 6:30 to 7 p.m. appeared to be in the driver’s seat against the Minutemen Conference race by shooting In yet another meet Saturday night, Marty Liquori, one of Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St., charge of arrangements, which Michele St. Marie from ’The fee is $1.50 for the classes Sheer Flex Top Stockings sed practice all week with a down North Carolina at Tuesday night. Coventry High, 5-9 in the COC and 6-12 in all Rockville, with a Mass at 9 at are incomplete. Manchester Community Beginners, Tuesday and which are sponsored by the after an uphill struggle. knee injury and was a doubt­ games, journeys to Bolton High, 4-10 in the conference and Bayi’s first indoor victims, won the Knights of Columbus ’Thursday from 6 to 6:30 and Manchester Recreation Depart­ Reg. 1.95 SALE: 3/4.59 or 1.59 ea. With 1:40 left, the score tied at 75-75, the home five went Chapel Hill behind a com­ mile at Richfield, Ohio in a rather slow time of 4:05.3. College who will talk on the ful starter for the Kentucky bined 52 points from All- 6-11 over-all. Coventry winds up its season Thursday night FIRE CALLS Voluntary Action Program. 6:30 to 7 p.m. ment. Flextop Sheer Walking Stockings In into a stall and everything looked rosy for a final basket “I’m not in good shape yet,” he said later. "I’m not sure I Advanced Beginners, game). America hopeful John Lucas in Middletown against Vinal Tech and Bolton plays its MANCHESTER assorted colors. P-M-L try until 32 seconds remained. At this point, Wilson tried to Thus, should both teams can beat Bayi this year.” of smoke at Atwood’s Trailer Saturday, 7:56 p.m. —Auto and reserve . finale Thursday at Cromwell. Saturday, 10:24 p.m. —Elec­ Reg. 1.95 SALE: 3/4.59 or 1.59 ea. go through two UMass defenders and lost the ball. win tonight, the Wildcats Other weekend performances of note included Don Park, Vernon; no fire. accident at Pine and Walnut With the shoe on the other foot. Coach Jack Leamons The loss dropped the Quarrie’s 5.9-second upset of Steve Williams in the San trical fire at 58 Wells St. Sunday, 4:20 a.m. -Tw o- Sts. Sheer Support Panty Hose with demi toe. with an 11-2 conference (Town). — ordered his Bay Staters to play for one shot. Tarheels into fourth place in Diego 60-yard dash, Charles Foster of North Carolina Cen­ alarm fire at 31 Vernon Ave., Sunday, 12:12 a.m. —Auto ac­ record to Alabama’s 12-1, Tankers Place Saturday, 11:18 p.m. —Elec­ Reg. 3.50 SALE: 3/7.29 or 2.49 ea. the conference. tral’s 6.9 second 60-yard hurdles victory at the NAIA Rockville. Rockville, Vernon, cident at Vernon and Lydall Sts. Three seconds showed on the clock when Wilson fouled find themselves in a rather trical fire at 55 Winter St. Queen Size Sheer Panty Hose with demi All-America David Ranked 14th In AAU Meet and Tolland Fire Departments Sunday, 11:50 p.m. —Auto ac­ Bill Endicott on the throw-in. The latter, given a one-and- compromising position of championships in Greensboro, N.C., double wins by Mike (Town). Thompson scored 22 points responded to the blaze, and cident at Main and CSiarter Oak toe. one, wasted no time after a timeout and dropped the ball having to beat the Crimson Members of the Manchester Boit of Eastern New Mexico in the mile and half-mile Sunday, 10:16 a.m .—Gasoline but needed a pair of free Ranked 14th in the Tolland and Ellington Fire Sts. Reg. 2.50 SALE: 3/4.99 or 1.69 ea. cleanly through the nets for the tie-breaker. He deliberate­ Tide at Tuscaloosa next Class B Division of the se­ Rec Swim Club placed well in events at the same meet and Stan Vinson’s 1:09.6 win in washdown at Royal Arms Departments sent equipment TOLLAND COUNTY ly missed the second shot and time expired as Wilson’s 'throws with five seconds left the Connecticut AAU Junior the Richfield KofC 600-yard run. Apartments, Main St. (Eighth Saturday just to regain a tie cond annual CIAC State for standby. Friday, 6:57 p.m. —Auto acci­ in enabling N.C. State to Championship yesterday in And lastly, as a footnote in that KofC meet, Houston District). three-quarter court try was short. for the conference lead. Girls’ Basketball Tourna­ Sunday, 2:05 p.m. —Alarm at dent at Rt. 195 and Anthony edge Wake Forest, one of Branford. Sunday, 4:36 p.m. —Gasoline The miss from the free throw lane was the only one Elsewhere among the top ment is East Catholic. The McTear, a high school junior, won the 60-yard dash in 6.9 Ellington High School; no fire. Rd., Tolland (Tolland Fire only three teams to beat Wendy Johnson placed second washdown on Wells St. UMass failed on all game, winning up with 12 hits in 13 10 teams, only lOth-ranked Eagle maidens compiled a seconds. Perhaps by the time he gets to college, the lAAF Department, rescue squad, and tries. them earlier this season. in the 206-yard butterfly with will be recognizing indoor world records. Sunday, 11:51 p.m. —Alarm ambulance). North Carolina met defeat fine 11-4 mark during the Karen McArdle sixth in the from Box 42, Main and Charter Thompson had earlier Ambulance Calls Saturday, 2:17 a.m. —Auto Saturday, falling 96-74 to No. regular season. event. Paige Johnson was fifth Oak Sts., auto accident (Town). Not One of Better Games broken an 81-81 tie with a MANCHESTER accident on Old Stafford Rd., 3 Maryland. Top-ranked In­ East’s playdown round in the 100-yard breaststroke and TOLLAND COUNTY UConn didn’t play one of its better games. There were bucket and a foul shot. Sign Player- Saturday, 4:43 p.m. - ’Two- Tolland. diana belted Northwestern, Freshman also opponent is 19th-ranked sixth in the 400-yard individual Saturday, 3:03 p.m. —Report motorcycle crash on W. Middle t(W many turnovers, bad shots were taken and the players medley. Debbie Cone garnered Saturday, 11:01 a.m. —Auto 82-58, for its 27th straight tallied 22 for the Wolfpack. Cheshire High with an 11- HARTFORD (UPI) - The year for the Connecticut Wild­ 'Tpke. near Fountain Village. accident on Rt. 30, Vernon. didn’t crash the boards, especially John Thomas and Earl win; No. 2 UCLA downed 5 mark. Their contest is sixth position in the 200-yard Connecticut Yankees of the cats, the state’s former entry in TOWN OF MANCHESTER Wilson. Elsewhere, Gus Williams’ breaststroke. ’The quartet of Oregon State, 74-62; No. 4 25 points, which included Saturday night at 8 at St. American Soccer League have the ASL. Before that, he was Bookmobile Dates Wrong The brightest shining star for the losers was freshman North Carolina State Thomas Aquinas in New Johnson, Cone, Patty Duffy and signed forward Victor the all-time high scorer at LEGAL two game-clinching free Katie ’Tucker took third place in Hosiery, D&L In Joe Whelton who came up with 17 points to lead the scoring squeaked past pesky Wake Britain. Calabrese of Meriden, a native Middlesex Community College throws, helped Southern Cal the 400-yard freestyle relay of Argentina. in Middletown. The announce­ NOTICE The Herald erred Friday in The library’s bookmobile Corbins, Avon, and Tony Hanson with a dozen. Lee Otis Wilson scored 15. Forest, 89-87; No. 8 Arizona The Zoning Board of Appeals Whelton had hoped to celebrate his 19th birthday. to its narrow home court with a 4:00.2 clocking. Calabrese was a starter last ment was made Saturday. its publication of this week’s operates on a rotating schedule Bristol, Vernon, State clubbed Brigham victory over Oregon: will hold public hearings on schedule for the Manchester of four different lists. The BONANZA EVERY TUESDAY Manchester, UConn couldn’t contain Jim Town who had his best Young, 99-79, and No. 9 Monday, February 24, 1975, Public Library bookmobile. The schedule printed in ’The Herald scoring game with 22 points. He hit his first four field tries starting at 7:00 P.M., in the New Britain, Southern California sur- schedule printed Friday on just wasn’t updated to include and had 10 of the first dozen UMass points. He wound up vived a another scare from ‘ ...... Hearing Room of the Municipal Page 2 is the correct list for this the new dates for this week. NIGHT RIB-EYE SPECIAL Groton. with 22, Gangling John Murphy added 16 and Endicott 14. A Building to hear and consider Oregon, 92-90. week, but the schedule carried sprained finger hampered A1 Weston’s play and he saw lit­ the following petitions: the wrong dates. $ | 6 9 In a game played Sunday, No. 430 — National Media tle action. seventh-ranked Louisville Parsons' Prayers Answered in Daytona 500 Corporation — Request for “The season is far from over,” a disappointed Rowe overcame a 23-point deficit variance to allow office-studio said. “We played poorly. If you can’t get up for game at in the second half to beat St. DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. “I saw Richard coming When he saw Pearson’s use at 257 East Center Street. Served with baked potato and Madison Square Garden and the fans here, you’re in Louis, 75-68. With 13:23 to lead 21 times on the 2.5-mile One of them was Yar­ (UPI) - If Richard Petty and said to myself, ‘Maybe plight. Parsons said, “I No. 431 — Gulf Oil Company trouble.” go, Louisville trailed, 59-36, tri-oval at Daytona Inter­ borough. crisp salad, with a choice of dressing, couldn’t beat his old rival this is the answer to my about cried, I ain’t kidding — Mandatory submission to Choicest Meats In Town! UConn just let its latest start slip away, the first time in and appeared doomed to its national Speedway. “I was behind (Richie) Board for change of structure and Texas Toast. David Pearson, he wanted to prayers,” said Parsons. “I you.” 19 games the scoreboard showed the visiting team ahead first home defeat in 19 A record crowd of more Panch and Pearson, I guess, at approved location — 250 West at at the buzzer in the field house. give some help to a former think Richard could have Parsons had won only two than 105,000 came to its feet who was going to slingshot,” Middle Turnpike. games. The Cardinals used a Detroit cab driver who had a backed out and let me try to minor NASCAR races : t u e s . o h ly s p ec ia li full-court trap defense and when Pearson, who had he said. “I don’t know Information relating to the ^ Lain, FfMh chance. beat David by myself. Then before he collected the $41,- the hustle of Junior dominated the last 100 miles yvhether he cut back in too above may be obtained in the “C’mon, boy, let’s go,” he I would have faced one of 405 first-place prize in Flyers Top Bruins Bridgeman and Phil Bond to of the race, started spinning soon or what but he clipped Planning Office. signaled to Benny Parsons, the toughest competitors of Daytona Sunday. All persons interested may overcome the upset-minded out of control. me and spun out. I hate it : 6R0UND . . Good wholesome American food “No tippingplease. PHILADELPHIA (UPI) — The Philadelphia Flyers, trying to catch Pearson in my life.” He finished a lap ahead of Pearson was furious. He happened to him.” attend these hearings. Billikens. Bond hit 14 points But Parsons’ prayers Zoning Board at right neighborly prices. Just Imve us with a snulel' tired from a 1-1 tie In Long Island the night before, Sunday the waning laps of Sunday’s Bobby Allison’s Chevrolet, wouldn’t talk to reporters. Petty, seeking his sixth scored their first victory in four games against Boston and Bridgeman got all of his Daytona 500 stock car race. were answered in an un­ with Cale Yarborough in a of Appeals 10 points in the last half. “Don’t ask me. I’m not Daytona 500 victory and I CHUCK JSZ* when they downed the Bruins, 4-3. Parsons, an infrequent expected way. Virtually Chevrolet another lap back. Bernard R. Johnson, • ( 8 lb. Limit PlaaM) Allen Murphy with 12 points going to say anything about third in a row, dropped back Chairman 277 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE “It was tough after last The nationally televised winner riding a Chevrolet, assured of his first Daytona Pearson, often in last-lap it,” he said. “I got spun out early with overheating Paul J. Rossetto, night’s game,” the Flyers’ game had all the excitement and with 11 also fell in behind Petty, who was 500 victory, Pearson lost duels with Petty, had to set­ f HIGHLAND PARK MARKET finished in double figures for but I’d just as soon not talk problems in his Dodge and Secretary Bobby Clarke said. “ We of the meeting between the far off the pace due to some contrql of his Mercury on a tle for fourth place. HILLSTDWN RDAD and SPENCER the Cardinals, now 18-2. about It. People who were finished seventh. Donnie Dated this 17th day of 0 317 Highland St., Manchester—Phone 646-4277 didn’t get to bed until 2 a.m. two teams last year when unscheduled pit stops, and turn into the backstretch Parsons averaged 153.649 Meanwhile, second- watching know who did it. Allison, who started on the February, 1975. and playing today was pret­ Philadelphia beat the Bruins was pulled along in the draft and spun out of the lead with m.p.h. in the chase which ranked UCLA was also They know who was over pole, fell out after less than ty tough.” for the Stanley Cup. of Petty’s speedier Dodge. just two laps to go. saw seven drivers swap the there with me.” 100 miles- PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17, 1975

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17,1875— PAGE THTunniiiN Schieding SCORE Bows Out Tougher Defense BOARD Dramatic Victory in Playoff NBA In Finals Eastern Conference Atlantic Division WAYLAND, Mass. (UPI) Won for Chicago W L Pet GB BOWLII — Bailey Brown of Acton, Boston 41 .719 iFor Snead in San Diego Open Buffalo Mass., Sunday won his NEW YORK (UPI) - credited Van Lier as “the 36 .621 5W U.S.MIXED- Dick Moquln York for the second time in New York 27 .474 14 fourth consecutive 11,500 ’ Coach Dick difference in the game. He less than 24 hours. Elvin 207, Tom Rancourt 206-535, Ed New 'England Tennis Stars Philadelphia '25 .424 17 Duchaine 214-571, Burt Stratton On the following hole — mediately called his wife. Motta “wanted it bad,’’ and penetrated well, and scored Hayes, with a game-high 33 Central Division SAN DIEGO (U P I)-Y ou Floyd and Bobby Nichols. Snead watched closely and (NETS) championship at 219-563, Butch Hurley 210-522, the par three 16th — Snead “I know it was a long Norm Van Lier, Bob Love well above his average. It points, led the Washington Pet GB can pull out all the old Those are the two veteran then tapped in a four-footer the Longfellow Racquet and the Bulls’ tough defense was obvious he picked up the Roland Smith 516, Holly Raymo cliches of gdlf -r- and life for had another four-footer to wait,” he told her, “but it surge as the Bullets Washington .719 500, Nelson Walsh 523, Paul players Snead tied in regula­ to keep the playoff alive. Gub. gave it to him. slack for Sloan.” □eveland look at and it didn’t go in. was worth it, wasn’t it, collected their 16th straight .517 IIW Pagrickas 556, Dave Wilson 555, that matter — and every one tion play at nine^under-par Brown hasn't lost a New They combined to produce Houston “I figured we were even honey?” Van Lier hit 10 of 19 field victory at home and im­ .492 13 Ed Yourkas 542, Betty Ran­ fits J. C. Snead. 279 and then he beat them in England tournament in Atlanta after that,” said Snead. Snead won $34,000 here a 114-109 triumph over the goal attempts and nine of 10 proved their season record .393 19 court 175, Madeline Taflin 185- Sam Snead’s now famous four holes of sudden death New Orleans three years. Buffalo Braves in the free throw trys. to 41-16. .182 30 180-521, Sandy Brown 193-492, nephew is patient, plays well while fans screamed and a The 17th proved routine as and now has 1975 earnings of He beat Eric Schieding of National Basketball Elsewhere, the New Western Conference Louise Repoll 210-494, Dona under pressure, is intent on chilly wind whistled across both made par ‘fours and $45,253. Last year he won Soiiics 109, Lakers 87 Midwest Division Ridgefield, Conn., in the Association’s televised Sun­ Orleans Jazz continued to Spencer Haywood, nor­ Price 184-516, Mary Kolakowski being his own man, con­ Torrey Pines’ seaside South then on the 18th Snead got $164,486 for fifth place — the finals 6-3 6-2. Schieding is a day afternoon game. It gave GB 196-193-546, Denise Cromwell his big chance when Floyd best by a non-tournament surprise the league with a mally a forward, shifted into Chicago siderate to a fault, and best Course. former pro at the Neipsic 490, Alice Raymo 450, Marge put his second shot into a winner. the Bulls four straight vic­ 103-101 victory over the center position after KC-Omaha of all he knows how to play Nichols, the defending SPORTS Tennis Club in Manchester, Delisle 453, Bee Moquin 4M, tories and nine in the last 10 Milwaukee, the fourth win in rookie Tommy Burleson got Detroit the game under the worst of champion and a pretty pop­ small lake fronting the Floyd and Nichols won Peg Callahan 455, G inger SLATE Conn. games. the last five games .for the Milwaukee conditions. ular man with a record green. $15,725 each, while Rod into early foul trouble and Yourkas 455. Schieding, previously un­ "It was a tough game for team with the worst lecord led Seattle past Los Angeles Pacific Division J. C. rolled all those vir­ crowd of 27,000 who turned A few minutes later, it Funseth, who started the seeded, had upset third seek me,’’ Motta said, “because in the pros. In other games, W L GB was all over as Snead rolled final round as the leader by with 24 points. Back spasms COUNTRY CLUB- Vic tues into one hectic hour and out for the windup of the Monday Ken Hoehn, of Jefferson­ Golden state 33 24 .579 home still another four a stroke, wound up fourth Jerry Sloan wasn’t here, and Washington ripped New forced Seattle’s other Abraitis 158400, Nondo An- a half Sunday and made sixth event on this year’s BASKETBALL ville, Vt., 64, 34, 6-1, to Seattle 27 31 .466 6 ^ footer for his fourth tourna­ after shooting a 74 and won it was a TV game and we’ve York, 125-104, Seattle routed regular center, Jim Fox, to nulli 135-136-394, Larry Bates them pay off in a dramatic PGA Tour, was the first to ' East Catholic at St. Paul Phoenix 24 30 .444 7% $7,990. reach the finals. got a good product and Los Angeles, 109-87, sit out the game. 148-159-428, Ken Bennett 351, playoff victory in the 6170,- fall, taking a bogey five on ment victory in seven years. Portland 24 33 .421 9 Tuesday In doubles, Hoehn and should make it good on Cleveland clipped Houston, Cavs 100, Rockets 95 Carl Bolin 367, Bob Bonadies 000 Andy Williams-San the par four, 389-yard 15th— It was by no means an or­ Tom Kite was all alone in Rocky Jarvis, of Ashby, television.” Los Angeles 21 35 .375 11>A BASKETBALL dinary victory for Snead. fifth and won $6,970 while 100-95, and Kansas City- Dick Snyder, who missed Sunday’s Results 355, Bert Davis 377, Dick Diego Open. the first of the playoffs. Mass., defeat^ Scheiding That they did. Omaha beat Detroit, 102-99. his only two field goal Gardella 181-135-438, Sal Lom­ Snead didn’t give himself Floyd thought he had the Manchester at Windham He’s been so close at least a U.S. Open champ Hale Washington 125, New York Cheney Tech at East Granby Irwin, Billy Casper and John and Jim Ratlifs, of Van Lier took over Sloan’s Jazz 103, Bucks 101 attempts in the first half, 104 bardo 353, Carroll Maddox 146- much of a chance when the title won and he rolled a 12- dozen times in the last two 385, John Rieder 141-380, Joe MCC at c e s e JV Greenwich, Conn., 6-4, 6-4. responsibilities of going to Nate Williams’ 25-foot Chicago 114, Buffalo 109 final round began Sunday, foot putt toward the hole on years that he was beginning Mahaffey tied for sixth and flipped in nine of 10 shots in Salafia 363, Charlie Whelan 166- Coventry at Bolton The loss ruined the boards to pick up the jump shot with 10 seconds the second half to spark Seattle 109, Los Angeles 87 but as the afternoon roll^'* that same 15th, but the ball to doubt he would ever win won $5,525 each. 390. Rham at Cromwell again. Johnny Miller, plagued by Scheiding’s and Ratlifs’ ball. It worked so well that remaining and a goal­ Cleveland. Jim Chones Cleveland 100, Houston 95 on so did his game. If you zipped across the face of the attempt to take their fifth Rockville at Enfield “When you get into that a cold all week, never was a Van Lier had an unusual 13 tending call against Kareem chipped with 18 points for New Orleans 103, Milwaukee don’t b^eve it, ask Ray . hole and just passed it. Hartford Public at South. 101 kind of a rut,” said the 33- factor and finished in a tie straight New England rebounds. He also fired 29 Abdul-Jabbar in the last Cleveland while Calvin KACEY- Clem Quey 228-560, Windsor doubles triumph. KC-Omaha 102, Detroit 99 year-old Snead, “it’s hard to for 16th, seven shots off the points, right next to the 31 minute of play gave the Jazz Murphy of the Rockets Mario Frattaroli 561, A1 Bolls Ellington at Middletown (UPI plioto) get out of it. I figured, lead. which Love, the Bulls’ their 10th win of the year topped all scorers with 33 202-508, Gordon Matheny 519, WRESTLING season-long scoring leader, against 45 losses. Jabbar, points. Ed Yourkas 210-586, Bob though, if I kept on playing The tour goes to Los Luurtsema 505, Real Audet 209- Rockville at East Catholic Angeles this week for the Player-of‘ Week put in. the game’s leading scorer Kings 102, Pistons 99 my best one day it would all Slams Way to Victory 211-612, Sam Nassiff 535, Vic Wednesday be over.” Glenn Campbell-Los CENTERVILLE, Mass. Van Lier played the entire with 33 points, was held to Nate Archibald scored 35 Jimmy Connors had to go all out yesterday to whip Pet GB Squadrito 502, Norman Dey 208, Sunday was the day, and Angeles Open. Snead and (UPI) — Canisius forward 48 minutes and said, “It’s all just six points in the final points, including the last Kentucky Pair of Senior Citizens SWIMMING Vitas Gerulaitus to win National Indoor Tennis Cham­ .714 Ron Jeroszko 523, Frank Ruff when the victory was Miller will be there. So will Larry Fogle was named player right. Monday is an off-day quarter as the Jazz out- seven, to lead the red-hot New York .714 516, A1 Kuzmickas 522, Bill Manchester at Windham pionship and $10,000 in Salisbury, Md. The scores of the week Sunday for the wrapped up, Snead headed Jack Nicklaus and Lee and I can rest.” scored the Bucks, 32-13, to Kings. The Kings, bidding to St. Louis .377 19V4 Avery 551, Dave Ahlness 512, Doing Well With Jets Thursday were 5-7, 7-5, 6-1, 3-6, 6-0. Eastern College Athletic The Bulls needed the point rebound from an 8)8-71 third- for the press room and im­ Trevino. make the playoffs for the Memphis .293 24 Ray Duhamel 203-577, John BASKETBALL Conference Division I. production from Love and quarter deficit. Louie Virginia .228 27Vi Sullivan 536. The 6-5 junior pumped in 26 first time since 1%7, when NEW YORK (UPI) - Bobby puted goal with 1:40 left in the Coventry at Vinal Tech Van Lier to balance the 40 Nelson netted 27 points for the franchise was in Cincin­ Hull isn’t the only “ senior third period, lifting the points against St. Peter’s and Pet GB MERCANTILE- Mel Bur­ Bolton at Cromwell followed with a 24-point night points fired for Buffalo by the Jazz. nati, won their 10th game in citizen” who is starring for the Roadrunners to their win at Ed­ Bacon Academy at Rham the league-leading scorer Bullets 123, Knicks 104 the last 11 outings and their Denver .770 bank 135, Leo Foglia 145-379, Winnipeg Jets in the World monton. The Oilers argued that against Syracuse. His worked San Antonio .578 11% S outh W indsor at CVC Bob McAdoo. But Braves’ Washington scored 18 fourth straight. Bub Bender 141, Bill Sheekey. Hockey Association. McNamee, who tallied only 75 helped the Griffins move their Indiana .500 16% ir)0-366, Pete Larson 135-365, Playoffs (Bloomfield) ONE WEEK SPECIAL record to 13-5 and stay atop the Coach Jack Ramsey straight points to beat New Danny Johnson, a 30-year-old seconds after Edmonton tied / Utah .441 20 Tom Greer 164-370, Bill Chap­ left wing who scored 16 goals the score on a goal by Mike Saturday conference Upstate New York San Diego .383 23% man 135-367, Dave Barrera 1 ^ regional standings. last season, is only one short of Rogers, was in the crease but BASKETBALL ABA Roundup Sunday’s Results 165414, Dick Krinjak 136-358, that total after a three-goal hat referee Bill Friday overruled Denver 117, New York 115 Jeff Miller 174-393, Bryce Hunt MCC at UConn JV (UPI photo) trick Sunday night in the Jets’ 6- the protest. South Windsor at CVC Frazier in Sydney St. Louis 101, San Antonio 99 135-136-372, Don Mathiews 137- 3 triumph over the Chicago San Diego 133, Kentucky 128 373, Harry Buckminster 139-361, Playoffs SYDNEY (UPI) - Former Cougars at Chicago. HOLIDAY Chalk Up Two Points for 76ers nick Twerdy 351, Bill Johnson scored his 13th goal Toros 7, Blazers 4 world heavyweight boxing Moorhouse 352, Hank Michaud champion Joe Frazier arrived Veteran Billy Cunningham (32) of Philadelphia has just scored hoop against Golden Denver Rookie of the season at 12:38 of the Third-period goals by Paul 354, Dave Krinjak 356, Tony /iW O R Ii t H E R S / Monday for his bout with State. Defenders are Keith Wilkes (41) and Cliff Ray during NBA game won by BASKETBALL first period on a deflection, Henderson, Frank Mahovlich Yacano 366, Herb Crandall 369, followed just over five minutes and Wayne Dillon snapped a 3-3 American Jimmy Ellis in 76ers. PEE WEE NHL TIRE SALE! Tony Vann 370, Jim Bell 372, later with his second goal on a tie and led the Toros to their B v tr 40 Ym t s o l Ui n x m IM S trv ic * Melbourne March 2. Getting past VFW Saturday Division 1 Surprises Nets Walt Jacy 376. breakaway and added his third triumph over the Blazers. Tom O p e n Charge it - with a Caldor, Master Charge was Wyman Oil, 22-20, at the W L T ] 24 Hours Dally or BankAmericard Credit Card with 1:36 left in the game on a Simpson had two goals for the FOR EMERGENCY SERVia Community Y. Kevin Burnham Philadelphia 35 14 8 Toros. PARKADE DUSTY - Frank hard shot from the slot. DENVER (UPI) — Sometimes Bobby Jones says he has netted nine points for the NY Rangers 29 18 11 The Phoenix Roadrunners Saints 5, Mariners 2 a hard time concentrating on both the defensive and offen­ winners while Billy Hill had a NY Islanders 24 19 15 63 Hardy 220, Ken Bower 215-213- 585, Roland Smith 211, Roger defeated the , Wayne Connelly scored his sive aspects of a basketball game. game-high 12 markers for Atlanta 23 21 13 59 54, the beat the 23rd and 24th goals of the SERVICE ON VFW. Division 2 Mleczkowski 234-566,Roy M©bil p (| Performance “78” “I’m not use to this long of Blazers, 74, and the season and set up two others as HEATIKG OILS/ But the most dramatic W L T Pts Riggott 202-550, Ken Thomas a season and sometimes 1 '213^1, John Savino 211, Stan Minnesota Fighting Saints the Fighting Saints snapped find it hard to concentrate points for Denver were the MIDGET Vancouver 29 21 6 64 downed the San Diego their four-game losing streak OIL BURNER & Behind Bill Tierney’s 13 point Chicago 26 27 6 58 Pliska 236, Terry Sheppard 220-> FOREIGN & COMPACT CARS on both ends of the court,” six scored by Claude Terry, 550, Ken Hesford 550. Mariners, 5-2, in other WHA and moved into third place in HEATIN6 INSTALLATION St. Louis 22 23 11 55 who played only 1:51 of the effort. Fountain Village out­ games. the WHA’s West Division. Mike 4-PLY NYLON the rookie from North lasted Boland Oil, 26-20, Satur­ Minnesota 16 34 6 38 Carolina said. “I’m usually game after sitting out Roadrunners 5, Oilers 4 Walton scored his 34th goal for 643-5135 day at the Conununity Y. Ernie Kansas City 13 38 7 33 Peter McNamee scored a dis­ the Saints. 315 Center St. Manchester ready defensively, but offen­ Denver’s last two outings. Pallern was best for Boland. Division 3 Blackwall Tires sively I start to let my mind Nugget Coach Larry Brown W L T Pts wander and I think about put Terry into the game for CHURCH Montreal 34 9 15 83 Eagle Matmen Reg. SHOCKS getting ready to play the first time with 2:48 left With David Peterson leading Los Angeles 31 11 14 76 AND OF COURSE defense.” In the game. the attack with 16 points, Pittsburgh 25 20 12 62 Bow to Pulaski 18.99 Jones played a superb And in his short Emanuel Lutheran of Hartford Detroit 14 33 10 38 $ For S ub-C om pacts I Washington 6 47 5 17 Plus 1.76 case of defense in Denver’s appearance, Terry shot two topped Temple Beth Shalom, Downed Friday in wrestling and Compact Division 4 F.E.T. 2+2 Whitewall FRONT ENDS YOUR TIRES 117-115 overtime win over three-point attempts and hit 43-36, Saturday at filing Junior action was East Catholic, 47-14, Cars High. Bruce Charendorf tooking W L T Pts by Pulaski High in New Britain. the New York Nets Sunday. both, including one to tie the scoring honors for Temple with Buffalo 35 11 11 81 A78X13 In the final 13 seconds of the gam e, 104-104, with 28 The Eagle matmen are now 5-8- A78x13 21 markers. Boston 30 17 11 71 1 for the season and wind up INSTALLED Reg. 26.99 overtime period, Jones seconds left to force the Also, Wapping Toronto 20 28 10 50 DISC BRAKES ALSO FREE TIRE dual meet competition Tuesday FREE E78x14 Reg. 21.99, f.e .t . 2.27 IO F.e .t . 1.771970 blocked two shots and had overtime. California 15 36 9 39 Congregational whipped Center at home against Rockville N o T rade in an assist to Mack Calvin’s Elsewhere, St Louis edged Congregational, 47-28. Steve Sunday’s Results High. Needed F78x14 Reg. 23.99, F.E.T. 2.40 ^ 2 0 Philadelphia 4, Boston 3 MOUNTING WITH layup with eight seconds to San Antonio, 101-99, and San Aldrich and Joe Freberg led the Pete Shannon, Larry Grigley age, rides smooth. WHEEL BEARINGS play that won the game. Diego defeated Kentucky in winners with 16 and 14 tallies Minnesota 8, California 4 and Bill Leahy were victorious G78x14 R e g . 24.99, F.E.T. 2.56 ^ 2 1 Jones also denied the overtime, 133-128. respectively while Dean Ander­ Toronto 5, NY Rangers 5 for East while Steve Turgeon SIZE 'F.E.T. Pittsburgh 3, NY Islanders 2 REG. PURCHASE OF NEW Nets’ Julius Erving the ball Spirits 101, Spurs 99 son’s eight points were best for was able to gain a draw with his G78x15 R eg . 25 .9 9 , F.E.T. 2.60 ^ 2 2 C78x13 2.02 St. Louis 4, Buffalo 4 29.99 during the overtime, as Er­ Gus Gerard sank a 10-foot Center. opponent. COMPLETE EXHAUST Ralph Barber poured in a Washington 3, Kansas City 0 E78x 14 2.32 31.99 ving shot only twice in that jump shot with four seconds Results: lOlr-PaiT (P) pinned Faust H78x15 R e g . 26.99, F.E.T. 2.83 ^ 2 3 TIRES game-high 16 points for Concor­ Montreal 6, Chicago 3 J ;S7, lOS-Roberge (P) pinned Hoeb 3:51, F78x 14 2.47 32.99 five-minute session, having left to give St. Louis the vic­ llS-ShannoD (EC) dec. Vallarln 5-0, dia Lutheran but it wasn’t m-Waskln (P) pinned Senerth 1:38, Great performance, long mileage; G78x14 2.62 33.99 one of his efforts blocked by tory after it dominated most enough as Trinity Covenant 12»-Tureeoo (EC) drew with Mankns 7- H78x 14 2.84 35.99 another Denver rookie, Jan of the game behind 26 points gain^ a 41-37 decision. Craig 7, 135—Mall (P) pinned Proudrler 5:37, low profile modern styling. 141—Muir (P) pinned Scully 5:10, G78x 15 2.69 35.99 Van Breda Kolff, and mis­ by Marvin Barnes and 23 by Hutt paced Trinity with 11 WHA 14S-GaUuca (P) pinned Reeves 6:13, 2999 Wheel Balance Special. Off car, includes weights 1.75 ea. H78x 15 2.92 sing on his other as well. Maurice Lucas. Gerard points. East 158-Grlgley (EC) dec. Reichert 6^, 38.99 170-Biandd (P) pinned Grondin 3:04, L78X1S And Jones had two field added 18 points and Steve W L T Pts 188-Perduta (P) pinned E. Leahy :S0, 41.99 NOTARETREAD! goals to open the overtime Jones had 17 for the Spirits, EAST SIDE MIDGETS New England 29 21 3 61 Unllmited-B. L ^ y (EC) pinned Bober period for Denver and put who upped their record to Standings- Pro Remodeling Cleveland 25 29 2 52 FOR BETTER GAS MILEAGE, 10-0, Eastern Realty 8-2, Allied Chicago 19 35 1 39 them ahead, 108-104, just a 23-38. 2 Gal. LESS ENGINE WEAR H B Q u tt Building 6-4, First Hartford Indianapolis 11 39 3 25 minute into the extra ses­ O's 133, Colonels (8 QUART) NOTABLEM! Realty 5-5, Community Y 4-6, West O u t/ sion. Bo Lamar scored 40 Police 3-7, Automatic Comfort W L T Pts MHS Matmen M otor Henels Goodyear Quality in a 7 5 tire “Today, I just kept trying points, including 13 during 3-7, Rochester State Houston 36 19 0 72 Loser in Finale Oil 6-POINT Shocks to force myself to move on the overtime session, to lead Bank 1-9. Phoenix 29 23 6 64 obbit designed to meet inflation head-on offense,” said Jones, who the Q’s to victory over the Minnesota 28 24 1 57 i Winding up with a 6-8 record ENGINE led Denver with 23 points, Colonels. It was the second EAST SIDE JUMORS San Diego 27 23 2 56 in wrestling action was TUNE-UP $2075 $22«5 hitting 10 of 14 shots from straight overtime triumph Standings- Suns 8-2, Lakers X-Baltimore 14 37 3 31 Manchester High as Windham the floor, and also had nine for the Q’s, who defeated the 7-3, Pistons 7-3, Braves 6-4, Canadian High pinned a 27-24 loss on the rebounds. “I have to keep New York Nets, 176-166, in a Knicks 2-8, Saints 0-10. W L T Pts locals last Saturday at Clarke E78-14 blackwall' F78-14 blackwall Quebec 36 18 0 72 Arena. Among the winners for working inside and moving marathon four-overtime H elps ^ a c h EAST SIDE PEEWEES Toronto 32 23 2 66 Manchester were senior Co- offensively.” contest Friday night. Artis EA. r B78-13 blackwall Standings- Celtics 10-0, Edmonton 26 21 3 55 Captain Ed Machuga and A1 lure plus $1.83 F.E.T. Jones was aided offensive­ Gilmore led Kentucky with Vancouver 26 24 2 54 GireUi. cars, change front }yoar Willie’s 5-5, Burger King 5-5, For old or new 1 8 gives ' and old tire ly by Calvin, who had 19 26 points. Winnipeg 24 26 2 50 Resulta: 101—Mumford (M) won by ?? $2385 $2490 Top Notch 0-10. oil yourself and save^ X-Franchise Transferred forfeit, lO t-^thw lck (W) dec. (hut- points and 16 assists, Mike nlndiam 10-1, 115-l^chun (M) dec. O Q 0 0 * 8 C y l . from Michigan All-Weather78 G78-14 blackwall G7B-1S blackwall Green, who had 19 points, Melody 11-1,133-Randall (M) dec. Han­ Cars Sunday’s Results son 13-3, 130-Doubleday (W) dec. Coodyear'9 new All-Weaiher 78 is built with polyester cord that's first tempered in and Ralph Simpson with 18. Gillman Was at Odds Snuffer 7-0, 133 —Ryan (W) pinned Toronto 7, Vancouver 4 an exclusive Goodyear process to set the cord at optimum strength and resilience, Plus'$2.24 to 12.63 F.E.T .dependingon size, and VanBreda Kolff had .10 Derewianka 3:48, Ut-GlrelU (M) dec. INCLUDES LISTED PARTS & LABOR The wide 78-serles tread is "reversed molded," a technique borrowed from race tire Minnesota 5, San Diego 2 Baynes 14-10, 148-Alvares (W) dec. lyoZ^X ^icais production. In reverse molding, the contour of the tread surface is slightly concave old tire. Whitewalls ar J slightly higher priced. rebounds. With Houston’s Owner BrezbisU 3-2, ISS-Soucy (W) dec. Jones We will: as it comes from the mold - so that when the tire is in/Ioled, the tread makes full, Winnipeg 6, Chicago 3 16-1, 170-Salveulo (W) won ^ forfeit, flat contact with the road. And the rib-type tread design is well grooved, with plenty Phoenix 5, Edmonton 4 M8-Hawkes (M) drew wlUi A i r y 7-7, W e just pulled a rabbit out of o hot; Yessir! And you get o hatchback, front- 1. Inspect sparkplug wires for of traction edges to provide decisive grip. In every detail, this new All-Weather 78 RAIN CHECK - If we sell out ol your size we will Issue you Unlimited —Thibodeau (M) won by A new sub-compact cor that goes 93 mph ■'voT'Svi'i contact. gives you honest quality, at a price that's In step with the lime. a rain check, assuring future delivery at the advertised price. HOUSTON (UPI) - Fotmer nouncement, felt he didn’t need forfeit. wheel drive, VW's unique rear stabilizer axle “The Fuel Oil Co. Thet I Houston. Oilers’ coach and Gillman anymore. (w e strongly suggest you obey oil speed limits) and the Volkswogen Owner's Security Blanket 2. Check engine compression. .Saves You M o n e y r general manager Sid Gillman Marathon Winner ond has the power for incredible occelerotion. with Computer Analysis! 3. Install new Champion or and the team’s owner, K.S. Gillman and Adams fought Scoots from 0 to 50 in just 8.2 seconds. Yet it All this for on amazingly low $2999. AC spark plugs. G w ik S p r a y "Bud” Adams, never really got NEWTON, Mass. (UPI) - 4. Install new points, 3 EasyW^ys toCharge B&B OIL CO. publicly over team expenses gets 38 mpg on the highway and 24 in the city. The new VW Rabbit means happy days 6 Amp- condenser, rotor. along. And when Adams an- with Adams claiming Gillman Ralph Thomas bought his shoes according to the 7 5 model Federal ERA tests! here again. And that's no illusion. • Mastsr Charge nouced Gillman had resigned as at the starting line and went on Buchanan Arrives Charger 5. Set dwell, tune engine to • ARCO Craiitt was spending too much on manufacturers’ specifications. a fVEAR general manager, shortly after frivolous items. Neither spoke to win the Ninth Annual Silver TOKYO (UPI) - Ken • Our Own Customer Credit Plan giving up his coaching duties, to each other except through Lake Dodge Washington’s Buchanan of Britain arrived 6. Check PCV valve, adjust T W3 6 ^ C.0J)." 12.88 carburetor If needed. Adams hinted Gillman wasn’t the media, making charges and Birthday Marathon race Sun­ Sunday night and said he would 24 Hours Notice for DeHvory needed anymore. day. knock out World Boxing Council Proper care of your car pre­ counter charges. IntrodiKing the $299^*38mp^93mpK VWrabbit. vents expensive repair bills, 200 BAL. MINIMUM He couched it in nice enough Thomas arrived without his lightweight champion Guts language, saying Gillman Sources said Gillman may track shoes and bad to buy them lengthens mileage, makes 24-HOUR SERVICE Ishlmatsu of Japan in the sixth Suggested retail price Rabbit 2-door Hatchback, P.O.E. Transportation, local taxes and any other worked long and hard to do the have resigned as coaoh for from an enterprising salesman round in their title nnatch Feb. driving a pleasure. dealer delivery charges additional."The auisirjg speed of a Rabbit. ^See your dealer for more details. NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE CO. Call job he was hired to do. That job, health reasons and family before the start of the first 27 in Tokyo. according to Adams, was to pressures. But his leaving as qualifying race for the Boston Buchanan, 29, is the WBC top ♦♦TheEPA'shighwaytestaverage. (©Volkswagen of America, Inc. 295 BROAD ST., (OPPOSITE SEAR’S AUTOMOTIVE) 649-2947 turn the club from the worst in general manager raised Athletic Association’s Patriots ranking lightweight contender. 3 WAYS TO CHARGE SALE: Mon. thru Sat. BURNER SERVICE professional football into a con­ speculation Adams may have Day Marathon classic. He He was the World Boxing MANCHESTER Open Late Every Night PHONE 643-1161 528-295 tender. blocked his involvment in qualified and then later won the Association lightweight cham* Ted Trudon. Inc. Except Set. 'til 6 P.M. MOM., TOES., WED., FRI. 8-5:30 • THURS. 8-8 • SAT. 8-1 Gillman did it and Adams, ac­ recruiting and contract race, finishing at 2:29.23, ahead plon five years ago but lost the 1145 Tolland Turnpike cording to the wording of his an­ negotiations. of 205 other runners. title to Panama’s Roberto Tpkd., Rtf. 83 Duran in 1972. Talcottville I PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn!, Mon., Feb. 17,1975 AREA Classical Guitarists Open Mon., Fdli. 1 ^ 1 0 am>s pi POLICE REPORT Here Thursday Wadiiiigton^ Birthdav TOLLAND Community Calendar VERNON and collided with two other cars apartment. He was released on Vivian Kenneson Monday: Inland-Wetland Frederick M. Archer, 25, of 40 stopped at the intersection. The a |50 bond. Correspondent Committee, 7:30 p.m.; Plan­ N. Park St., Rockville, was drivers were David Poharski, On Saturday, he was charged Tel. 875-4704 ning and Zoning Commission, 8 charged S a tu ^ y with evading 19, of 29 Wllshire Dr. and Susan with disorderly conduct, also in Classical guitarist Timothy p.m.. Education Administra­ responsibility, intoxication, two Joaquinm of Overbrook Dr. connection with a disturbance Olbrych will be featured at the tion building. counts of second degree assault, Itennedy is scheduled to appear at his apartment. He was held Arts of Tolland public meeting Tuesday: United and interfering with a police of­ ilr Common Pleas Court 19, at the police station and is to be Thursday at 8 p.m. at St. Congregational Church bazaar ficer. Rockville, Feb. 25. presented in Common Pleas Matthew’s church hall. workshop, 9:30 a.m .; Tolland SUPERMARKETS The charges were placed in Barbara J. Troski, of Mt. Court, 19, Rockville, Tuesday. Olbrych is a graduate of Health Council, 8 p.m.. United connection with the investiga­ Vernon Dr., Vernon, was SOUTH WINDSOR Hartt College of Music and has Congregational Church; Prices elfective Mon., Fsb. 17-Sat., Feb. 22 tion of a three-car accident on charged Saturday with failure Arthur Klatt, 20, of 42 Pinney studied with Richard Provost, Tolland Junior Woman’s Club, 8 N. Park St. and a disturbance to grant right of way to a vehi­ Brook Apts., Ellington, was Gordon Grosskey and Carlos p.m.. Savings Bank of Tolland. WRh this coupon and a t S purchaaa. later at the scene which cle not obliged to stop in con­ charged Friday night with Barbora-Lima. He is a lecturer W^nesday: Board of Educa­ resulted in injury to two police nection with the investigation fourth-degree larceny and in music at the University of tion, 7:30 p.m.. Education Ad­ officers. of a two-car accident at Rt. 30 operating under suspension in Connecticut, and is on the facul­ ministration Building. and Mt. Vernon Dr. connection with the investiga­ JAfe’vebrwiglit Police charge the Archer car ty of Westfield State College Thursday: Arts of Tolland, 8 Police said the Troski car tion of an incident at a Sullivan Tomato struck two parked cars and then and Holyoke Community p.m., St. Matthew’s church collided with one traveling east left the scene. They say Archer Ave., service station. College. hall. tia^ old time was recognized, was convinced on Rt. 30 and driven by Robert Frank M. Locario, 20, of En­ The Newcomers Club, Sauce to return to the scene, and the LaPointe, 22, of Glentsone Dr., field, was charged with fourth- Tolland Junior Woman’s Club, Friday: Tollanders Square assault and interfering charges Vernon. Larry LaPointe, a degree larceny in connection and Senior Citizens have been Dance Club, 8 p.m., Skinner Rd. S*(&10° values were lodged during a disagree­ passenger in his brother’s car, with the same investigation. invited as special guests for the School, Vernon. ment that ensued. was taken to Rockville General Police said the pair ordered evening. ’There is no admission Saturday: Indian Valley Limit one can per customer The police officers, Robert Hospital, treated and released. 35 worth of gas and left without charge and the meeting is open Teens Square Dance, 7:30 p.m., fids week! i Good Mon.. Feb. 17 - Sat., Feb. 22 Ahnert and Edward Moynihan, Court date is March 4. paying for it. They are to the public. Parker ^hool. ^ yo ^ all coupons may be redeemed with otily one $S purchase were treated at Rockville scheduled to appear in Common Pleas Court 12, E ast Hartford, S a l B S S S General Hospital and released. Henry J . McDermott, 44, of IMS coupon v id a SS purdiaa.. | ^ WWi...Ml naa coupon and a K purchaia. with this coupon and a $5 purchaaa. Promoted Archer was released on a |2,- Cedar Swamp Rd., Coventry, March 3. Leon E. Gravell, 45, of 61 Stop&Shop Stop&Shop William Douglas Eichman, 000 surety l)ond for appearance was charged Saturday with dis­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Ronda Dr., South Windsor was Morton in Common Pleas Court 19, orderly conduct and being dis­ Buttermilk ^ ^ Eichman of 33 Scarborough Rockville, March 4. orderly at Rockville General charged with failure to drive in ALL CARS Cleanser Rd., Manchester, has been the proper lane in connection William M. Kennedy, 18, of Hospital’s emergency room. Salt promoted to assistant buyer, with the investigation of a one- Kscirits] 26oz..cont. m Riverside Dr., Rockville was His court date is March 4. 14 oz. C contemporary shop clothing, at car accident on Pleasant Valley FOREIGN & DOMESTIC charged Saturday with speeding Angelo Comeau, 54, of 32 cont. Saks Fifth Ave. store in New Rd. in connection with the in­ Park PI., Rockville, was 122 2 York City. Police said Gravell said he SO C O ltlC and@ ! SS vestigation of a three-car acci­ arrested twice over the Eichman is a graduate of was blinded by the high beam ALIGNMENT 8 02. pkg..^^^2f5 " '263 dent at Pleasant Dr. and Sunset weekend. He was charged Manchester schools and the lights of an oncoming car. He Limit one pkg. per customer . _ Limit one container per customer Ter. Friday with third-degree Good Mon., Feb, 17 - Sat., Feb. 22 I i Good Mon., Feb. 17 - Sat., Feb. 22 New England Conservatory of knocked down a fire hydrant Police said Kennedy was assault in connection with the Music. He joined Saks in and struck two guide posts. He traveling south on Sunset Dr. investigation of a fight in his 2 September 1972 in Boston and is scheduled to appear in Com­ JOHN BEAN was transferred to the New mon Pleas Court 12, March 5. With this coupon and a $5 purchase. With Uiie coupon and a $5 purchase With this coupon and a $5 purchue York store in August 1973. Jack L. Higginbotham, 21, of Alignment Racks Seneca, Mo., was ch arg ^ with Stop&Shop Stop&Shop SunGlory unsafe backing Saturday. For Your Septic Plan Police said he backed his trac­ Iknnato Natural Dog 2 tor trailer truck out of a To Be Aired h c H e r a l i i driveway into the path of a car Convenience Soup fK^urt Food v' Area Profile driven by Francis Fischer, 76, On March 20 10V4OZ.J 0 oz. cup * of West Hartford. Assorted SI S i 14V4 0Z. m Fischer was taken to Hart­ CALL * 43-1131 Flavors can The state Department of En­ ford Hospital, treated and 5 ^ F268 W. vironmental Protection has Limit one can per customer I S E l-lmit one cup per customer UmK one can per customer released. Higginbotham was Good Mon., Feb. 17 - Sat., Feb. 22 t e j S Good Mon., Feb. 1 7 - Sal., Feb. 22 Good Mon.. Feb. 17 - Sal., Feb. 22 postponed a public hearing on ...... [KrvwKvym ~ ' ...... revised regulations for septic released on a |15 cash bond for Ask lor Ray pOCSWiWfmw Welfare Proposals appearance in Common leas system installation from Feb. Court 12, March 10. AI$o 18 to March 20, at 10 a.m. at the With this coupon and a $5 purchase i , coupon and a $5 purchase With this coupon and a $5 purchase state Health Department, 79 Go to Legislature Stop&Shop Stop&Shop Elm St., Hartford. SHOCK SPECIAL JifSyCorn __ Frozen ^ The proposed regulations Proposal six requests a law to Plus $3.00 installstlon. COVENTRY would establish minimum standarize support orders so Two Persons GUARANTEED FOR A S LONG A S YOU OWN YOUR CAR CoSfee in 1 3 Erendi requirements for subsurface Monica Shea that legally liable relatives SE 8oz. disposal systems; would Members of the Board of assume a fairer share of sup­ Asphyxiated liglitetier box delegate the authority of the Welfare recently attended a port obligations for welfare NICHOLS MANCHESTER TIRE Mix .Fkries department to local officials to Frozen COLCHESTER (U PI) - Two monthly meeting of CALAGA beneficiaries. 295 Broad St. (Opposite Sear’s Automotive) H 16 oz. grant permits for several Colchester teen-agers found (Connecticut Association of the Of special interest, con­ container 267 K Reg. or Crinkle categories; and would dead in a car parked in a school P h o n e 643-1161 1 0 ^ Cut - 9 oz. Pkg. B M i d e s s Local Administrators of sidering the current economic Limit one container per customer IV^ eliminate certain types of dis­ Mon., Tues., Wed., FrI. 8>5:3u one box pei Limit one pkg. per customer General Assistance). situation, proposal seven yard were overcome by exhaust Good Mon.. Feb. 17 - Sat.. Feb. 22 Feb. 1 7 - Good Mon., Feb. 17 - Sat., Feb. 22 charges from the requirement Proposals by its legislative stipulates that a law be enacted fumes, police said. Thurs. 8-8; Sat. 8-1 for public hearing. committee were discussed and requiring utility companies to The bodies of James D. Copies of the revised opposed and will be presented give the local welfare and Green, 18, and Jocelyn Stula, regulations are available from to the state legislature. health officials three working 17, were found Saturday about ^ b o o d A e a r ; “Quality-Protected” beef naturally aged fortenderness! the Water Compliance and 9:20 a.m. in the front seat of a A R C O <> The first of the seven days notice before discon­ Hazardous Substances Unit, proposals deals with the aim to tinuing service to any household car in the Hal) Hill elementary '^ettT?^B eet Ibal's Department of Environmental place financial responsibility in which there is reason to school parking lot. Protection, 165 Capitol Ave., for temporary care and custody believe there is physical dis­ Hartford, Conn. 06115. of children on the contracting ability, in order to prevent agency that is making the tragedy. Beef Cliii^ placement, rather than m the Currently, local welfare of­ town. / ficials are not notified of a pen­ Two proposals outlined the ding shut-off and must rely on Burger King rights of towns to recover the family in question to con­ assistance the same as the tact them. Blade Steak Names Plante B o n e -In State of Connecticut in cases In order to aid the large in­ Mark Plante, 21, of 193 "Quality-Protected" beef is where a beneficiary receives creased numbers of un­ Homestead St., has been named property and/or money from an employed in Coventry, the naturally aged for tenderness, restaurant manager of Burger estate or settlement of a claim. board has set up a bulletin flavor and unifermly good King, 467 Center St. He has board with job opportunities in S to p & S h o p Another proposal would everytim^ou buy it. been associated with the firm eliminate the 10 per cent charge its office in the downstairs for 1% years. for hospital expenses to the room at the Town Hall. Plante, a 1971 graduate of town where the recipient Board of Welfare office hours Manchester High School, holds resided the greater part of the are Tuesday from 9 to 11 p.m. Special chickens esp^ially bred to be meaty, as associate’s degree in preceeding two years. and Thursday evening from 7 to moist and tender... business administration from The fifth proposal deals with 9 p.m. p ie Manchester Community the necessity of the welfare Board members Jean lUSoGradeA* College. commissioner to require annual Cagianello, Carol Curry, Laura Plante is a director of the review, revaluation and Forte and Virginia Diehl may Whole Manchester Jaycees and has promulgation of the standards be reached at home for been active in the town’s 2V2-3 lbs. of general assistance. emergencies at any time. Broilers Hb. midget football and basketball Good value to stretch your budget. 22 oz. programs. U.S. GrFide "A " Half packaQ® -Sat. Council Meets Tonight White Gem Chi^enWings Gallon Tub Available Tues. Consumption Drops COVENTRY Assorted Flavors ^ Fuel oil consumption at the Monica Shea their recommendations to the University of Connecticut Correspondent council. This committee was dropped by .6.2 per cent from 742-9495 formulated to study the town’s Stop&Shop C SchootS’ Classes •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BOWER’S SCHOOL - Center 59,000 miles, 4-speed, Fleetside, THOMPSON HOUSE, fur­ estate rental — apartments, VERNON - Town House THREE ROOM apartm ent, • Instructions Wanted kitchen, beamed ceiling in buretor, miscellaneous. 643- 8250. Available March 1st. 872- heat, gas, lights, and parking Situation Wanted 15 living room, two bedrooms, full entrance Garrison Colonial, Real Estate Wanted 28 ■ Painting-Papering 32 WOOD-Seasoned oak, sawed 6103. 81550. 649-4688. nished rooms, centrally homes, multiple dwellings, no Apartments immediately 0063. REAL ESTATE BABYSITTER wanted-part- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fees. Call J.D. Real Estate available. Apartment com­ include. 81'i5. Porter Street time days, five days per week, basem ent. Asking 826,900. eat-in kitchen, formal dining any length, split, 850 per cord located. Kitchen privileges. - Homes lor Sale MATURE WOMAN, efficient, room, front-to-back living room Doga-BIrda-Peta 43 Parking. Reasonaole rates. Associates, Inc. 646-1980. munities of unusual architec­ area. No pets, security deposit. - Lots-Land lor Sale Keeney Street area only. 647- Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. IMMEDIATE CASH for your INSIDE - Outside painting, delivered. John Hutchinson, BOSTON WHALER, sports MANCHESTER - Family sWle 247-4688, 236-0564 p.m. Ideal for - Investment Property personable, excellent legal- with fireplace, four bedrooms, Phone 649-2358. tural design and beautiful 9072. property. Let us explain our Special rates for people over w. 742-6639. model, 14’, with trailer, electric two-bedroom Townhouse. Full newlyweds. - Business Property publishing experience, desires MANCHESTER - Reduced to 1 1/2 baths, screened porch, 2- fair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, Fully insured. Estimates given. start 35 h.p. Chrysler motor and DOG-CAT boarding reser ONE ROOM and three room landscaping which feature basement, private entrances - Resort Property furnished apartm ent - All private entrance, appliances, > Real Estate Wanted responsible office position, 828,900. Seven room older car garage, 845,900. Philbrick 647-1413. Call 649-7863. WOODEN PALLETS for sale at many extras. Iron-Rite yations. Combined inside/out NEW FURNISHED room for and■ patio. ■). fIncludes n ...... heat and BARTENDER wanted for ser­ local area. 647-1829. utilities. Older persons private patio with sliding glass vice bar, two or three nights a Colonial. Located on west side. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. circulation department, automatic ironer, 850. Custom side runs, partitioned privacy, gentleman, near bus and shop­ appliances. 8250 monthly. Paul MISC. SERVICES Three bedrooms, large dining Manchester Herald. 82.-85. made poker game table, 820. germicidal lighting. Canine ping. Call 646-0505. preferred. 272 Main Street. door, wall-to-wall carpeting, W. Dougan,, Realtor, 646-1021 or ROCKVILLE 3-4 ROOMS ' Services Ottered ' INCOME TAX preparation - week. Apply in person. Cavey’s 33 traverse rods, master TV - Painting-Papering room, kitchen and den. Walk to,®Si'crh a K Call 643-1221 after 5 p.m. Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Road, 643-4535. your home or mine. Restaurant, 45 East Center MANCHESTER - Two- antenna, laundry and storage ROCKLAND TERRACE - Building-Contracting Reasonable. By Danny Byram, □ REAL ESTATE school. Zinsser Agency, 646- Manchester problems. Call Warren E. SCRAP NEWSPAPER Free - Manchester, 646-5971. ROOMS FOR rent, close to Large and beautllul one and 2. > Roofing-Siding Street. NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - bedroom, second-floor apart­ facilities, total electric. No 1511. • NEW TO MARKET Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. Circulation Department, SLIDING TUB doors, frosted Main Street. Reasonable. LARGE DELUXE three-room bedroom apartmenia, heat, hot > Heating-Plumbing 649-5096. Remodeling, repairing, ad­ pets. Rentals starting at 8155 water, all appliances Including dis­ Four-bedroom Colonial, 2Vi baths, pan­ Manchester Herald. white, plastic, 58x58. Slightly AKC R egistered Mini-Toy Phone 646-5489. ment in four-family. Security ^artment - Near hospital. - Flooring LATHE HANDS - Overtime, ditions, rec rooms, porches and required. 8175, heat included. per month. For appointment hwasher, disposal, carpeting, pool - Moving-Trucking-Storage Homes For Sale 23 MANCHESTER - 5-5 newer eled family room with sliding glass doors used, 820. 649-7867. Poodles. Charcoal, Silver and First floor, heat and and your own private terrace In a TAX RETURNS and accoun­ paid holidays, excellent in­ to paUo, equipped kitchen, carefree roofing. No job too small. Call Eastern, 646-8251. call 872-0528, Monday through - Ser^^ces Wanted ting done professionally. surance benefits. Metronics, Duplex, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 SEASONED firewood, cut, Apricot. Shots. Ready for ROOM IN private hom^, appliances. References, securi­ country sotting. From $1180. No petsr aluminum siding, very desirable □ MISC. SERVICES 649-31M. working gentleman, Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. MISC. FOR SALE Reasonable rates. Confidential. Inc., Routes 6 & 44A Bolton. MANCHESTER - Newer 3- baths, country size kitchen. neighborhood. 50’s. Call M anann Cullina split, delivered, truck load 830. MAHOGANY General Electric delivery now. 875-7782. ty, adults, no pets. 8200 - Articles for Sale bedroom Ranch. Fireplace, hardwood floors, carpeting, 633-1526. Sand, gravel and stone. 643-9504 stereo console, originally 8500, references, available March FURNISHED two room apart­ monthly. 649-9258. 872-4223 875-7466 529-6586 Experienced. Call Dan Hickey, CARPENTRY - Repairs, THREE BEDROOMS, central, - Building Supplies possible 4th bedroom, con­ aluminum siding, walk-out J. WATSON BEACH REAL ESTATE after 6. for 8150. AM/FM. Call 643-6154. AKC Registered Pembroke 1st. 872-3148. ment, private bath, heat, hot - Pets -Birds- Dogs 649-9145. PART-TIME, recreational 113 E. Cm Iw St, IhwhKtw H7-tl3l Servicee Offered 31 remodeling, additions, roofing. water, utilities. Apply cheerful, quiet, second floor, - Livestock venient location. 835,900. Paul basement. 859,900. Hayes Cor­ Welsh Corgi, ten weeks old, MANCHESTER - Main Street, director, town of Tolland, sub­ Equal Housing Opportunity Call David Patria, South Wind­ Marlow’s 869 Main Street. carpeting, stove, refrigerator, - Boats & Accessories INCOME TAX returns mit resume to The Tolland W. Dougan Realtor, 643-4535. poration, 646-0131. A-1 reconditioned color DURST M-600 enla^er, 860. male, red and white. Call 1-537- LIGHT housekeeping room for three rooms, heat, hot water, > Sporting Goods SHARPENING Service - sor, 644-1796. rent, stove, refrigerator and basement, garage. Adult family prepared in your home. Board of Recreation, Town of televisions now on display in Pop riveter kit, 85. 'Two 5-lug 1627. stove, refrigerator, adults, no MANCHESTER - two bedroom • Garden Products BOLTON - Four-bedroom Saws, knives, axes, shears, linens provided. 801 Main 3 1/2 ROOMS with heat, hot only. No pets. Security, lease. • Antiques Reasonable, Call H.H. Wilson, Tolland, Conn. 06084, care of VERNON - Six room Cape on 1 our show room. Most of these 14’’ wheel rims, 85 for both. Call pets. Security. 523-7047. Duplex, 8165 without utilities, Ranch set on 3/4 acre treed lot. 1/4 acres plus large heated skates, rotary blades. Quick WES ROBBINS carpentry AKC registered black male poo­ Street. 649-9879. water, cooking gas, stove, Tenant pays utilities. Available no children, 646-6232 between 1- ■ Wanted to Buy 649-6506. ■ William Baker, Chairman. BOLTON - Beautiful Ansaldi remodeling specialist. Ad­ sets are in excellent condition, 649-8055. Fireplaced living room, rec bam. Three bedrooms, eat-in built Raised Ranch, on acre service. Capitol Equipment ideal for living room or family dle. Eight weeks old. 875. Call refrigerator, wall-to-wall Febnwry 1st. 643-6733,649-5051. FOUR room apartment - first 7 p.m. RENTALS room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, dining room, garage. Co., 38 Main St., Manchester. ditions, rec rooms, dormers, 643-9279. ATTRACTIVE 4-room apart­ carpet, 8175. Centrally located, floor, heat, appliances, central, • Rooms lor Rent WANT TO start or join car pool AN IDEAL steady position for treed lot, brick front, plastered built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, room. Modern TV Service, 805 IMPORTED Danish orange kitchen plus garage. High 30’s. Offers many possibilities. L w walls, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, Hours daily 7:30-5, Thursday Hartford Road, next to Gus’s wool mini dress, size 7, ment, stove, refrigerator, adults only. No pets. Security no pets, security, lease, 8190 MANCHESTER - New 3 - Apartments for Rent from Manchester to the Aetna ambitious man with wholesale 7:30-9, Saturday, ’7:304. 648- 649-3446. deposit required. Call 643-%78. • Homes for Rent Home Office. Call Mary, 646- Zinsser Agency, 6^1511. 40s. Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. one full, two half baths, r » Pizza, Manchester. 646-2205. excellent condition, originally references, no pets, 8145. Call monthly. 649-3340. bedroom Duplex, half of two- Business (or Rent distributor. Stock, order, inven­ 7958. Garden Products 47 646-3167, 228-3540. PRESIDENTIAL 1237 or Aetna Ext. 6583. tory and pricing. Five day room with wet bar, enclosed 848, asking 810. Also wool family 1 1/2 baths, full base- Resort Property for Rent MANCHESTER - West side. LEON Cieszynski builder - new THREE ROOM clean apart­ VILLAGE APTS. ment, includes appliances, 8275 Rent week, phone 6 4 3 ^ 5 for ap­ MANCHESTER - Redwood heated porch, 2-car garage, homes custom built, SELECT seasoned hardwood evening pants suit, dark blue BUY YOUR Potatoes direct FOUR-ROOM apartment - Two ' Misc. for Rent Immaculate 7-room aluminum Farms - Large nine room 859,500. Philbrick Agency, REWEAVING burns, holes. for sale. 825. per load, and green, size 9, 810. Also two NEW FIVE room flat, all ment, including heat, hot per month. Paul W. Dougan TAX SERVICES - For in­ pointment. Zippers, umbrellas repaired. remodeled, additions, rec from the potato warehouse, water, stove, refrigerator, gar­ MANCHESTER bedrooms, heated. 8165. Five- dividuals and corporations. sided Cape. Charming formal Raised Ranch set on lovely Realtors, 646-4200. delivered. Call The Andrew An­ pair of slacks, two sweaters. appliances, fully carpeted, Realtor, 646-1021 or 643-4535. AUTOMOTIVE Window shades, Venetian rooms, garages, kitchens Caldor Center, corner Bucklano basement storage with washer age, laundry facilities, and room apartment, three ' Autos for Sale Home servite. Call 563-4643. dining room, fireplaced living wooded lot. Three full baths, saldi Company, 649-5249. Call 649-8055. One and two~bedrooms. IMMEDIATE OPENING for blinds. Keys. TV for rent. remodeled, bath tile, cement Road & Tolland Tpke. and dryer connections. storage. Refe/ences, 8190 per bedrooms, two baths, heated. Trupks for Sale first-shift quality control room, garage, rec room and fireplaced family room, five MANCHESTER - Raised Near schools, churches MANCHESTER - Homestead Heavy Equipment (or Sale Marlows, 867 Main St. M9-5221. work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ Convenient to schools and shop­ month. Security and lease. ()all 8185. 36 Apel Place, operator. Must be able to read more. M d 30’s. Keith Real bedrooms, garage. 851,900. Ranch, 7 rooms on large lot, Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale gi Autos For Sale 61 Park Village, large two Motorcycles-Bicycles tial or commercial. Call 649- ping. First and second floor 649-2497. and shopping center, on Manchester. bedroom Townhouse, 1 1/2 ■ Campers-Trailers-Moblle blueprints and specifications. Estate, 646-4126, 649-1922. Zinsser Agency, 645-1511. 166x251 Two fireplaces, sliding □ FINANCIAL MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. 4291. available. Call Mr. Peterman, bus line. Call anytime baths, full private basement, Homes Accurate use of micrometers EAST HARTFORD - 21/2 room ■ Automotive Service MANCHESTER - Duplex, 7-6, REDUCED TO $56,900 Removal, pruning, lot clearing. 649-9404, 646-2912. MANCHESTER - pleasant four patio, includes heat. • Autos for Rent-Lease and calipers required. Contact 900. Philbrick Agency, spraying. Fully insured. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY room apartment, modern, cen­ furnished apartment. On bus appliances, and carpeting also Bonda-Stocka-Moiigagaa 8 Multi-Circuits, Inc., 50 four bedrooms each, enclosed Immaculate 7 room execuUve Ranch, 2 646-2623 baths, over 1800 square feet of first Realtors, 6464200. Licensed. Free estimates. Carpentry and general contrac­ WEST SIDE- 6 room duplex, in­ trally located, avocado line, all utilities included. pool. 8275 per month. Paul W. Harrison Street, Manchester, porches, very large rooms, 2- floor living, full basement, aluminum' Phone 646-3437, 633-5354. ting. Residential and commer­ ■I. cludes garage, many extras. No appliances, carpeting, no pets, Security deposit required. 837 Dougan Realtor, 646-1021, or MORTGAGES, loans first, se­ Conn. 646-3800. car garage. P ric ^ : high 40’s. By owner. Call after 5, ^-0766. siting, double garage. _ cial. Whether it be a small pets. Lease and security. Call 8205 monthly. 649-3978, 646-4780. weekly. Call 528-1998. 643-4535. cond, third. All kinds. Realty BOLTON - Circa 1760 classic repair lob, a custom built home B L A N fm & ROSSEHO center chimney Colonial. TREE SERVICE (Soucier) 646-8379. ROCKVILLE - 3-room apart­ □ NOTICES statewide. Credit rating un­ SMILING WEEKENDS- Trees cut, trimmed or topped, or anything in between call 646- DELUXE ONE - bedroom ment, heat, hot water, stove, FOR RENT - 4 1/2 rooms, $150 THREE CLEAN rooms with necessary. Reasonable. Con­ Hostess,experienced preferred, 7 3/4% MORTGAGE available Rsaltora-MLS S46-2482 Exceptional raised paneling, 189 W»it Canitr Str—t ______stumps removed, fully insured. 1379. MANCHESTER- Five rooms, apartment' - Complete refrigerator, 8145. Adults only. monthly. Inquire at 76 Oak heat, stove, refrigerator, fidential, quick arrangements. Simsbuiy area. Start today, call to qualified buyer. New 7 room beadra sheathing, wide pine Raised Ranch, 2 1/2 baths, floors, original hardwear, etc. Got a tree problem? Well worth VOLKSWAGEN SPECIALS first floor, redecorated, one appliances, carpeting, air- Parking for one car. Ideal for Street, Manchester. Telephone parking and cellar laundry Lost and Found Alvin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. Jobseekers, 568-1070. a phone call. 742-8252. ANY TYPE Carp and WE BUY, SELL, REPAIR, REBUILD ENGINES, TRANS. SOME USED PARTS, WINDOW child, 8138. Security. Utilities conditioned, swimming pool. single person. Security deposit 646-6283. 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart- fireplace, two-car garage. |52,- WILLIMANTIC - 15-room Vic­ Four^ fireplaces, new bath, new facilities. Convenient. masonry work, additions and GLASS INSTALLED. SPECIALS ON MUFFLERS, TIRES AND BRAKES. extra. March occupancy. 643- 8175 plus utilities. Robert D, required. Call 643-9678. References. $165 monthly. Mr. ford. Evenings, 233-6879. SECURITY GUARD needed 900. Frechette & Martin, Inc. torian, 10 fireplaces, excep­ furnaces, large barn. 844,500. LOST - Black and white Realtors, 6464144. tional original paneling CUSTOM MADE Draperies, remodeling. Free estimates. A. 9274. Murdock, Realtor, 643-2692. . MANCHESTER - Deluxe two Belfiore 647-1413. weekends, over 18, car Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Squillacote, 649-0811. Alaskan Malamute. “Cleaka” . throughout, excellent condition 646-4200. very reasonable work 1971 SUPERBEETLE * 1 3 9 5 MANCHESTER - Nice one- bedroom Townhouse, full, Wearing collar. Call 649-1036. MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd necessary. Call Today, guaranteed, call anytime. 649- ROCKVILLE - Available SPACIOUS Six Rooms - Cen­ bedroom Ranch-type apart­ private basement. Includes mortgages — interim financing Jobseekers, 568-1070. CONDOMINIUM - three in very desirable neighborhood. Radio, Heater. ONE-BEDROOM apartment to bedrooms, three baths, rec 4266. BUILDING - Remodeling, March 1. Nicely furnished 31/2- tral, quiet, convenient. Stove, ment. Includes heat, hot water, heat, appliances, carpeting, and sublet - Vernon area. Wall-to- — expeditious and confidential Call Suzanne Shorts 646-3233 or roofing, rec rooms, additions, room, den, living room, dining Maryann Cullina 633-1526. J. EAST HARTFORD room apartment. Heat, no pets, refrigerator, porch, cellar, at­ appliances, private entrance. pool. $255 monthly. Paul W. wall carpeting, heat, hot water LOST - Three year old female service, J.D. Real Estate WOMEN-Part-time help TWO HANDYMEN - will clean garages. All kinds, carpentiy 1969 VW BUG * 8 9 5 tic. 8210 monthly. Security. 649- $185 per month. Paul Dougan, Dougan, Realtor, 646-1021 or English Pointer, dark brown room, kitchen, all appliances. Watson Beach Real Estate, 647- Rebuilt engjQ0,_Dew brakes, radio, heater. no children. Security. 8170 included. Call 649-3614 after 5 Assoc. 646-1980. wanted by leading national attics and cellars, light work. For estimates call 649- monthly. 646-1060.______5675, 649-1924. Realtor, 646-1021 or 643-4535. 643-4535. ^ o ts on white. Answers to company. No investment, car Mid 30’s. Frechette & Martin, 9139. Equal Housing Opportuni­ EXCEPTIONAL p.m. Inc, Realtors, 646-4144. trucking, reasonable rates, 643- 1142. Ruby vicinity Hillstown Road and phone necessary. Evenings ty ______5305. 1967 VW BUG * 6 9 5 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale SI Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 area. Call 649-2243, Reward. □ EMPLOYMENT call, 875-1053 for interview. 3-FAMILY Radlo,_heatei. PRICE REDUCED - Great lot, MANSFIELD CENTER - Ten R. E. GOWER Remodeling, ad­ ossible 8 rooms, 2-car garage. rooms, 2-bath historical 6 huge rooms downstairs and 2 ODD JOBS - Carpentry, pan­ ditions, garages, porches, LOST - Small dark blond WONDER WAITRESS needed eling, rec rooms, offices, kitchen and formica work, 1966 VW BUG Pomeranian Dog, answers to Help Wanted 13 ook at this price, 835,900. Colonial. Two apartments of 6 three-room apartments up­ * 5 9 5 full-time, salary plus, excellent E stairs. Fine condition in nice household repairs. Phone 649- repairs. 646-2087 after 4 p.m. Radio,_liaatej:. Aaron, vicinity of Hillstown tips, tips, tips. Call Jobseekers, Frechette & Martin,Inc. and 4 rooms. Close to UConn. TOOL MAKERS - All-around Realtors, 646-4144. 853,000. Call Suzanne or Arthur neighborhood. Appliances in­ 4594. Road. Call 649-4373. 5&-1070. MASON CONTRACTOR - 1964 VW BUG machinists and Bridgeport Shorts, 646-3233. J. Watson cluded, parking provided. * 4 9 5 BUILDING and remodeling[ - Plastering, custom built stone Real clean. operators. Top wages, fringe LIKE TALKING? Many full or SIX ROOM older home, three Beach Co., Realtors, Personals benefits and overtime. bedrooms, large kitchen with Manchester Office, 647-9139. Kitchens, bathrooms, family or brick fireplaces, chimney if, if. If. if, if if. If. if-if. if part-time positions open with $48,900 rooms, ^rages, roofing and repairs, block and cement W o d fu it^ M Experience preferred. Apply at chance for advancement. pantry, completely Equal Housing Opportunity. INCOME tax returns prepared Paragon Tool Company, 121 redecorated. Carpeted tters. Free estimates. Paul work. New and repairs. E. Jobseekers, 568-1070. exceptional Matarazzo, 875-0509. Richardson, 643-0889, 649-0608. X^TIM MORIARTY in the privacy of your home Call Adams Street. throughout. Verplank School MANCHESTER - 8-room U & R INVESTMENT r Dan Mosler, 649-3329 or 525- area. 829,900. Call owner 646- AVON- A Friendly Personality built executive home. REMODELING jobs needed - 8263. PHONE FROM home to ser­ 6812, no agents please. Fireplaced family room and WILL TRUCK most anything, ^ SILKTOWN MOTORS vice our customers for super is all you need to begin selling WARREN E. most any place for below Design services included. Call beautiful frawances, jewelry, living room, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 Everett W. VanDyne, 633-0137. 270 Hartford Road, Manchester 643-6217 earnings. Choose own hours. MANCHESTER - PRIVATE baths. Prime residential area. reasonable prices. Free es­ BIRTHDAY SALE! Help Wanted Call 647-1810. cosmetics and family products. timates. Call 6 ^ 3 0 3 . 13 You can be your own boss on SALE - Four bedroom center Call Suzanne or Arthur Shorts, HOWLAND RoolIng-SIdIng-ChImnay 34 hall Colonial in prime area of 646- 3233. J. Watson Beach Co., your own time. Interested? Call Realton 643-1108 DRESSMAKING - Everything 523-9401. older homes, IVz baths, large Realtors, Manchester Office, ★ NO GIFTS NO GIMMICKS ★ NO PRIZES BIDWELL Home Improvement fireplaced living room, family 647- 9139. Equal Housing Oppor­ from pants to bridal gowns. room,eat-in kitchen, 2-car gar­ Reasonable rates. Call M3-5973 Co. Expert installation of JOBSEEKERS-Open 8-8, tunity. MANCHESTER - New family aluminum siding, gutters and age. Many extras inclumng weekdays after 5, Saturday & OFFICE POSITION Monday-Friday. Hundreds of Colonial, aluminum siding, Sunday before 1. trims. Roofing installation and employment opportunities to carpeting, pantry with laundry SOUTH WINDSOR - Spacious three bedrooms, bath and repairs. 649-M95, 875-9109. JUST LOW PRICES AND TERRIFIC DISCOUNTS! Long established Manchester firm Is seeking a per­ choose from. 5w-1070. and pool. 851,900. 646-4235. 10-room, 2 1/2 bath executive lavatory, oversized modern 73 ___ home. Three fireplaces. SNOWPLOWING - Commercial son with a thorough knowledge of credit and collec­ kitchen, built-ins, 24’ combina­ and residential. Reasonable HORACE Tetrault - Siding, DUTCHMAID Qothing looking Custom built with quality ford GRIIN toriih tion procedures and a solid bookkeeping HEW 7 ROOM RAISED RANCH tion dining and play room, gar­ rates. Also available as a back­ roofing, storm windows, aw­ DILLON FORD RREAKS THINGS WIDE OPEN! for you. Short hours, good pay, features. Call Suzanne or age, just right lot, conveniently nings. Quality workmanship, background. Excellent working conditions and a Arthur Shorts, 646-3233. J. Wat­ up rig. 646-3467 or 647-9304. will train you. Jessie Dunnacfc, Aluminum siding, garage, 2 located. Trade of your present free estimates. Fully insured. .WRCOII fine program of employe benefits. Reply, with a 423-4216. son Beach Co., Realtors, home considered. Donald S. 872-9187, 649-3417. raised hearth fireplaces, 2 Manchester Office, 647-9139. CLEANING SERVICE for resume and stating your full qualifications to Box baths, carpeting throughout: Gale, Realty Co., Realtors, stores, factories, offices, NEWSPAPER CARRIERS for Equal Housing Opportunity. MLS, 289-7939. TT, The Manchester Evening Herald. Oil hot water baseboard heat, homes, schools. Also window ROOFING - Specializing the Manchester Herald for cleaning. “Special rates to repairing rrofs, new roofs, **795 Caldor area and all of South IVz acre treed lot' Only 841,* VERNON - Five room, 2-bath MANCHESTER - Five room, _utter work, chiiimeys, cleaned executive home on over three Senior Citizens.” No job too big Windsor. Call Mr. Griffin, 647- 900. IVz bath Cape with attached or small. 649-7863, George. and repaired. 30 years 9411. HAND AGENCY - G46-S200 acres. Stone construction. breezeway and garage. Well experience. Free estimates. Privacy. Call Arthur Shorts, maintained and immaculate. Howley, 643-5361. SKILLED MAINTENANCE 646- 3233. J. Watson Beach Co., CONSERVE FUEL - Chimney No-nonsense EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper - Convenient to everything. Call Realtors, Manchester Office, and fireplace heat reclaimers, USED CAR CLEARANCE PERSONNEL With knowledge of automobile Suzanne or Arthur Shorts, 646- Franklin fireplace inserts and ROOFING - Installation and dealership preferred. Write LARGE Seven-room Colonial, 1 647- 9139. Equal Housing Oppor­3233. J. Watson Beach Co., repairs, gutters, storm win­ 1/2 baths, aluminum siding, tunity. breed air dechillers for home, FOR SECOND SHIR Box M, Manchester Herald. Realtors, Manchester Office, business and industry. Harold dows, doors. Experienced 70 TOYOTA MARK II •1 4 9 5 Opportunity at Colt? You betl Our garage, treed lot, 848,500. 647-9139. Equal Housing Oppor­ quality workmanship. Fully in­ 2-Door Hirdtop, (Undard tranimlailon, radio, vary Hutchins Agency, 64^3166. HEBRON 102,900 J. Leese Supplies, Heat clean. business Is just great and we’re adding LOOKING for some “Do-it- tunity. Reclaimer Division, 649-7627. sured. Free estimates. yourself” job security in these TIME TO ACTI Reasonable prices. Rick skilled people right now to make our se­ 819,900 - Five rooms, 1 1/2 7 2 -» Y 0 T « H U H nCKUP * 2 3 9 8 70 uncertain times? Local Amway A large Cape with brick 24 Burnett, 646-30(». Standard tranamlaalon, rear step bumper, Waat Coaat ^ cond shift more productive. Check out baths, stove, refrigerator, gar­ Lota-Land For Sale DRESSMAKING and cash rebates distributor will show you how to fireplace, at a price that’s un­ mirrora, excellent condition. these new openings: age, nearly two acres. Hutchins alterations done in my home. OIOS ORTA 88 get it with profitable part-time beatable. ¥4 acre yard, eat-in GLASTONBURY - 1 1/2 acre Call 643-4626. Heating-Plumbing 38 Business ol your own. Phone Agency, Realtors, 646-3166. MACMMSTS/REPAIRMEN to diagnose kitchen. Even a 2 car garage. lot, north side Mountain Road 4-Door, auto, A/C, PS, 643-5998 for interview. at start of Minnechaug Drive. SEWERLINES, sink lines, and remedy problems on a variety of MANCHESTER - Striking 4- First time offered. A true DICK’S SNOW Plowing - , PB, V-8, power windows, Edmund Gorman Agency, 648- cleaned with electric cutters, ' Immaculate. shop machines. In addition to using bedroom Contemporary, 2 1/2 Bargain that won’t last! Call Specializing in serving 1974 DEMO CLEARANCE HAIRDRESSERS wanted - 4040. Rockledge and surrounding by professionals. McKinney boring mills, lathes, gear cutters, and so experienced, full or part-time, baths, panoramic view of Hart­ Tony Wasilefsky or Judy Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ forth, our man will Install, maintain, and ford skyline, sunken patio, 2-car area. Driveways, sidewalks, 1695 LuJon Salon of Beauty, 61 East O’Reilly, 649-5306. HEBRON - 200 acres of wood lot, sanding. 643-0002. pany, 643-5308. 74 MK II 2 DR. repair gears In clusters, clutches, and Center St., 643-1939. garage. 60’s. Warren E. EQUAL HOU8INQ OPPORTUNITY up to*500 lands and open fields on Route Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. fixtures. He must be able to use shop BARROWS & WALLACE 85 and Old Colchester Road. INSIDE-OUTSIDE Painting, NO JOB too small, toilet NOW *4200 math, handbook formulae, micrometers PART-TIME - Dishwasher, MlflCIWSIIf NOW IMVON HOfllOld repairs, plugged drains, kitchen stock No. 203, power ateerlng & brakee, automatic SUCESSFULLY selling your Owner interested in financing. Wallpapering at reasonable tranamlaalon, AM/FM stereo radio, electric rear window and other gages, and select machine nights. Part-time waitresses, 849-5308 397-1818 7284818 faucets replaced, repaired, rec home is as important to us as it Edmund Gorman Agency, 646- rates. Call 643-6656 after 5:30 defroater, tinted glass, radial Ursa, vinyl top, clock, air feeds and speeds. nights. Apply in person. 4040. rooms, bathroom remodeling, cond. on America’s best'selling line-up of small cars. Tacorral, 246 Broad Street, is to you. Call now - let us ENFIELD - New homes by S. heat modernization, etc. FYee M/UNTENAIKE MEIMJUNC acts a . a Manchester. explain the services we offer. ANDOVER - Three home sites. estimates gladly given. M & M Oaegard Realty, 643-4365. L. Starr. 7¥i%, 835,900. Bank ODD JOBS - Trucking, home ^^500on 75 Mustang II Ghia ^300 on 75 Mustang II2+2 facilities troubleshooter to main tain and Nine high, wooded acres, 816>- repairs. You name it - I’ll do it. Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. NURSE’S AIDES for all shifts. financing available. Ranches, 74 MK II 4 DR. repair a variety of plant equipment, In­ Colonial and Raised Ranches. 000. 4 1/2 acres of sprawling Free estimates. Reasonable. cluding air, water, and other piping In­ Full-time or part-time. Only the oaks, 366’ of frontage, 815|000. 6434)304. TOWNE Plumbing Service, ’’*500 on75 Mustang II Mach I ’’*200 on any 75 Pinto experienced need apply. ★ COLONIALS ir Each home includes colonial NOW *4000 stallations. This skilled mechanic must stained woodwork, selected oak 4.9 sloping, wooded acres, 813,- repairs, alterations, vanity stock No. 98, automatic tranamlaalon, power steering & Highest starting salary in the SOUTH FARMS -C harm ing 500. W arren E. Howland, COMPLETE electrical service cabinets a specialty. Call to brakes, AM radio, radial liras, clock, elec, rear window ”*300on 75 Mustai^ II hardtop ^200on any 75 Maverick possess simple carpentry skills for the area. Liberal fringe Benefits. floors, raised hearth fireplace, delroatar, tinted glaia. 72 Colonial Cape, aluminum built-in oven and range, Realtors, 643-1108. and repair. Reasonable rates. 8:30 a.m., 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 649- fabrication of benches, stands, and Apply in person East Hartford siding, fireplaced family 4056. ^oyon stools, plus sheetmetal working ability kitchenl exhaust fan, full con­ Call 646-5253. Convalescent Home, 745 Main room, 2-car garage, many Investment Property 28 ®'Ooor ’^350on75 SuperCab Pickup for the fabrication of guards, splash- Street, East Hartford. crete basement, aluminum 74 MK D 2 DR. extras. Evenings. Vic Mauluc- siding, amesite driveway. Fully CARPENTRY - All phases of BOTTI Heating and Plumbing - pans, and simple hoods. He will perform '" S T ’ , Ci, 646-8235. deocorated. You pick the B ZONE property, six room residetitial commercial, and All heating and plumbing NOW >3900 cono,., a variety of maintenance assignments, LIBRARY WORK - part-time, house, formerly 2-family, plus remodeling. Over 30 years of repairs plus remodeling. Call Stock No. toe, automatic transmission, power ttsaring ft experienced preferrra, typing M C C A R E A — Gracious colors. City water and city work from sketches and job requests, sewers, plus much more. over 4,000 square foot building, superb workmanship at 643-1496. brakes, AM/FM stereo radio, rsar window defroater, 7 and plan/lay out piping systems. required, Bentley Memorial Garrison Colonial, recently central, good for small contrac­ reasonable rates. Call 2^9029 tinted glass, radial Urea, clock, undareoating. Library, 643-6657. Prices starting at 835,900. For FANTASTIC DEALS ON USED CARS! Both of these positions qualify for our decorated, half acre countiy information or appointment tor, plumber, electrician etc. after 5:30 p.m- FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing generous second shift bonus and the setting, immaculate. call Enfield 1-749-2741,745-4807. Low 50’s. Keith Real Estate, - Repairs and remodeling, LPN-ASSISTANT - Physician’s Evenings. Dick Behrmann, 649-1922, 6464126. sewer lines cleaned electrical­ 74 MK II 4 DR. new negotiated wage Increase which will office. Personable, dependable. Painting-Papering 32 528-2447. HIGHLAND PARK School, ly. Prompt service on emergen­ NOW IS THE TIME TO DUY - COME ON IN AND GIVE US A TRY! be effective April 7th. And don't forget Patient contact. M^edical Place­ Bualneaa Property 28 cies. 643-7024. NOW >4300 the complete Colt employee benefit ment Service. Call 232-5226. Academy St. - Newly decorateo PAINTING and p^rhanging, Stock No. 126, automatic tranamlaalon, power ataarlng ft 6-room Cape, 1 1/2 baths, one- brakai,>alr cond., AM radio, body aide moulding. Unfed package, which Is second to none In the excellent work. References. ★ PASEK ★ car garage, large dining room, MANCHESTER - Main Street, Free estimates. Fully insured. Flooring 38 glaat, elec, rear window delroatar, radial Ursa. area. CUSTODIAN - Experienced, business zoned, four family, part-time evenings, Realton ______^ 289-7475 living room with fireplace, Martin Mattsson, 649-4431. Growth Is a way of life at Colt patio, aluminum siding. 8^9,900. city utilities, level lot, 8 ^ FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing, Manchester. Call 643-5691, 2-6 FORD nrearms and we want you to be part of monthly income. 817.900. Hayes (specializing in older floors). p.m. C. E. Lamson Agency, 633-0227. J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom It. Please apply In person between 8 and JUST REDUCED Corp. 6464)131. decorating. Interior painting. Ceilings and inside painting.' 11 a.m. at our Hartford Employment Of- Professionally landscaped 3- VERNON - Almost new, three Paper hanging. New Ceilings. John Verfaille, 646-5750, 8 ^ DENTAL ASSISTANT - Part- 2222.. LYNCH bedroom Ranch, 2-car garage, 2 Real Eatata Wanted 28 flce. Vta look forward to seeing you. time position for two full days bedroom oversized Ranch, Remodeling. Exterior painting. prestige area, 2 fireplaces, baths, big wood^ lot. Fantastic Gutters and leaders. Carpentry. plus half day per week. Respon­ view of Connecticut Valley. ALL CASH for your property Colt Industries sibilities include oral hygiene family room, closets galore, Fully insured. For estimate call □ MISC. FOR SALE huge screened in deck Fully carpeted and mamificent within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, 6 4 9 -^ . DILLON FORD education, radiographs, some Firearms Division overlooks private wooded appointments. Immediate oc­ instant service. Hayes Agency, chair side assisting. Prior den­ cupancy. 50s. Warren E. 6464)131. Articlaa lor Sale 41 Main Street. Manchester 643-2145 150 Huyshope Avenue. Hartford. Conn. 06102 tal experience desirable. Salary backyard. Call us today. PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. Jackston Agency, 646-1316. Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. Five years experience. An Equal Opportunity Employer commensurate with WE WILL buy your house. Call ALUMINUM sheets used as experience. Please mail Excellent references. Pete, 742- MANCHESTER - Charming MANCHESTER • Just reduced. anytime, Hutchins Agency, 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. printing plates, .007 thick, resum e to P.O. Box 326, Center Street, 3-family in Realtors, 646-3166. SSx^”. 25 cents each or 5 for 81. Manchester, Conn. older six room home, centrally 345 Center St., Manchestei;] located in mint condition. New business zone II. Ideal for PETER BELLIVEAU - Pain­ Phone 643-2711. kitchen, ceramic bath, three professional offices or commer­ SELLING your house? Call us ting, wallpapering, spray/brush Phone 040-4321 l PART-TIME position, after­ first and we’ll make you a cash NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 noons, stock and delive^. Ideal bedrooms, plus 2-car garage. cial expansion. Owner anxious painting. Fair prices, fully In­ Mid 30s. Zinsser Agency, for quick sale. LaPenta Agen­ offer. One day service. T. J. sured, experienced and depen­ cents each. Inquire side door. for college student. Phone 643- Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. Manchester Evening Herald. COLT 0255 for appointment. 1511. cy, Realtor, 646-2440. dable. ^1671.

A13JVS oaDiw irnj PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Cempers-Trallers Manchester, Conn., Mon., Feb. 17.1975 — PAGE NINETEEN Auto* For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Trucks tor Sale 62 BENJY BY JIM BERRY Mobile Homes 65 OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE f^ P T ^ H S U 1973 CAMARO - Two-door, one 1973 CHEVROLET El Camino - SELLING YOUR HOME? Call BUGS BUNNY owner, excellent, V-8 350 engine, Caprice dash, 32,000 Plaza Mobile Home Brokers. automatic, power steering, UP TO *1 0 0 Buyers waiting. 1-828-0369. YOU MAY BE ABLE TO OH, BOY.' TH A T “V TOO LATE.' SHE'S I {! miles. Call 6464625. TOP O' TH' MORNING, MAY X ASSUME- THAT THINGS ARE SO BAD FAKE ASPRAINEP NEVER o c c u r r e d ) COMIN'OUTTH' i brakes, radio, heater. 643-6749. JUNK CARS MAY YOUR CAY BE 'tOUR DESPONDENT RIGHT NOW NOBODY, ANKLE TO GET OUT TOME.' LET ME rYpRONTPOOR AL- Automotive Service 66 UM/ CHEERY, THAT MOOD IS DUE TO A WANTS T' HEAR- OF DOIN’ CHORES, GO, QUICK, B E - ) r e a d y .'TOU'VEAMiPE 1966 CHEVY, 327, asking $250. WANTED MotorcycleS’BIcycles 64 SORT OF r— —^ LACK OF BUSINESS? ABOUT TH' BUT YOU WON'T BE FORE MY AAA jp - W ITH THE HANKY THING.' SHADDUP.' FUTURE/ ABLE TO SO SKATIN' PANKY AND YOU'RE ! Body in good condition, 2-door WE WILL' PAY UP TO $100 A TONIGHT.' STUCICWITH IT' Impala, Call 644-9076. FOR YOUR JUNK CAR EXPERT bicycle repairs, all Depending on Year and makes, models and speeds. EXPERT REPAIRS W tal MATADOR - Free second year Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, Model 0u 6 sy« of guaranty (a $99 value) If you FREE TOW Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- ALL GM s e e s AI.L OiAifiS 2098. et-ABSALU buy and take delivery of a new SAME DAY SERVICE CARS and TRUCKS t c 1975 before Febmary 28, 1975. DeCormier Motors, 643-4165. PLEASE CALL FOR 1973 TM 125 Suzuki, set up for Any and All Typaa of Repair* CURRENT PRICE LISTS racing, $325. Phone 649-3441. (D I97S by NEA. Inc. with Qanulna Part*, Factory /8 a.rn. - 4 p.m. 822-1104 Trained Technician*, and after $ p.m. 247-0910 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ApartmentM For fiont . . Roaort Property Autos For Sale 61 Competitive Price*. 53 Builneu tor Rant For Rant 56 Campers-Trallers I WANTED I ALLIED Mobile Homes 65 TRY US Mb SEE TOYOTA - See us for reliable SCRAP METALS '.'*/|iiV/,I/, MANCHESTER - Comfortable SHARE OFFICE Space with SELLING SHARE in ski lodge, 741 WINDSOR STREET NEW 14’ wide $9,995 not a MICKEY FINN BY HANK LEONARD Ludlow, Vermont, do to injury. used Toyotas with our 60-day u e GARTER CHEV. m two-bedroom apartment, quiet accountant - Ideal location for 100% warranty. We also buy I S D CARS I ‘ HARTFORD stripped down model, super location, includes heat, Real Estate or Insurance, etc. Call 649-6309 after 6 p.m. Top Pricos Paid house, trades welcome. 20 1229 MAIN’^ , 646-6464 BUT WHAT TM , MICKEY/ HE THE BANK CLOSES IN FIVE used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, COUNTING ON ts7 WHO'S WAS TH6BB appliances, and carpeting. | 220. 649-1680, 649-3549. 345 Center Street, Manchester, For All Makos homes to choose from, $999. MANCHESTER MINUTES. IT LOOKS LIKE per month. Paul W. Dougan, The name of the game is Want Immediate placement. I SPENT THE NIGHT AT THAT HE GOES /COVER- WHEN THEY YOUR MAN DIDN'T H E 'S TOO 646-4321. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, good con­ CARL HEDGE'S FLAT, AND TD THE BANK T ING THE OPENED THIS ; : : = i s h o w u p/ S/IAART FOR Realtor, 646-1021, or 643-4535. 122 EAST CENTER STREET - Us...the number to call is 643- i CARTER CHEVROLET 1 dition, $450. Call after 4, 64^ Excellent financing. Parts, 2711. HE NEVER SHOWED UP/ TO WITHDRAW A BANK?; /MORNING/ us! Personal size first floor modem AUTO INSURANCE - Compare 8554. supplies, and accessories, full­ LIGHT BODY and rust repair, MITCHELL RELIEVED ME HIS MONEY/ >OULD B E •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• office. Merritt Agency, 646- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• our low rates. Young drivers 1229 time service department. Plaza car painting. Wright Motor , AT SIX A.M./ A COLLECTORS 1180. IVanted to Rent 57 1965 CORVAIR MONZA- 4- Homes, 1346 Wilbur Cross Sales, 1135 East Middle Turn­ 1TEM = Homes tor Rent 54 welcome. For quotations call fciiiiiiiir Rod Dolin, 6 4 ^ 5 0 . speed, good running condition. Highway, Berlin,Turnpike, pike, next to Bolton town line, BOO/AERANG 197Sby Ht*. Inc. T.ti fig U5 fit on ^ ______'^ •I7 1,200 SQUARE FEET plus full Berlin, Conn. 1-828-0369. MANCHESTER - Three WOULD like to rent garage in $300. Call 649-0711. 649-6290. basement in buzy, modern, Manchester for car storage. WE PAY $10 for complete junk Auto* For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 MUTT AND JEFF bedroom Condominium, 2 1/2 colonial brick shopping center. CREATED BY BUD FISHER baths, wall-to-wall carpeting Cail 643-1488 after 4. cars. Call Joey, Tolland Auto Air-conditioned, plenty of Body, 528-1990. and ail appliances included. parking. Ideal for ice cream m u t t ; h o W c o m e N O - '' I D ID / Z' y o u $350 monthly plus utilities. WANTED five rooms, 2-family MERCURY WELL, IT WAS y *yia>S shop, rotique, insurance office, house, adults, prefer garage but 1972 FORD Torino Station you HAD'/OUR B O D y I LIKED DID? JUSTGROVYING::DovA/iKlr; RilvVilM Available March 1. Mr. donut shop, etc, etc. Mr. LIKED Filloramo, 646-6555. will accept parking space. 246- Wagon - V-8, automatic, power MORIARTY l o n g h a ir i T y e R y LONG ENOUGH Belfiore, 647-1413. 2669. steering, air, very clean. CUTOFF? IT.' BROTHERS LINCOLN iMM'iilllllx'* MUCH SO THAT IT LARGE CAPE - 3 bedrooms, 2- Chorches Motors, 643-2791. L. WOULD HIDE car garage, 2 fireplaces, 2 OFFICE SPACL 1963 PLYMOUTH Savoy II, 2- V j/O U R F A C e baths, residential section, $275 PRISCILLA’S PO P BY AL VERMEER monthly plus utilities. Security FOR RENT □ AUTOMOTIVE door hardtop, 1968 440 cubic deposit required. After 6 p.m. 250 square feet, center ofl inch engine, 4-speed, bucket T O D A Y H A S ^ B U T W E WASMINQTON You KNOW call Marc, 649-5057. 1Manchester, air conditioning! Autos For Sale 61 seats and extras. Tires and B E E N d e c l a r e d ' A L L K N O W WOULD HAVE ) ^ HOW HE body in decent shape. Needs WASHIN&TON'S THAT ISN'T BEEN FURIOUS.^^^ FELT ABOUT and parking. Call: 643-9551. B l R T M O A V ' TELLING- BOLTON - Single house, gar­ NEED CAR? Credit bad? minor work. Must sell im­ TRUE:.' age, large yard, references Bankrupt? Repossessed? mediately. Asking $600. Call required, $220 monthly, 647- Honest Dougias accepts lowest 643-0458 after 6 any day but 1319. SEASONAL Restaurant - Fully down, smallest payments. Fridays. BI0§ * -A L ^ * ¥ h-* equipped. Beer license, Douglas Motors, 345 Main. - m 2 . - I 7 SMALL two bedroom house for guaranteed patronage, gross 1969 AUSTIN AMERICA - Low rent, appliances included, no profit, $50,000. Excellent oppor­ FIREBIRD, 1969, convertible, mileage, good condition, needs CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE pets, can 643-0926. tunity for person or couple V-8, 2 barrels, 4-speed, good transmission work. $250 or best willing to work long hours, offer. Call before noon, 646- economy, excellent condition. BULL DAWSON'S ARAB BODYGUAKP PITKIN STREET - Five rooms, seven days a week, including $1,350. Call 666-9221 after 5 p.m. 1917. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON HFAK5 THE- BRAWL EXPLODING IN- two bedrooms, 11/2 baths. $225 hoiidays, April through Oc­ or 649-8430. eiPE HIS BOSS'S CABIN..., plus utilities. Security deposit tober. Manchester vicinity. 1971 VOLVO, 144S, excellent required, available March 1. Mail resum e to Box “ N” condition, air-conditioning, 1974 SUPER BEETLE, ALL NEW AND USED CARS 2-17 >1 Call after 5, 643-5839. Manchester Evening Heraid. excellent condition, $2,500. AM/FM stereo, radials, 646- 8064 after 6 p.m. Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Phone 649-3441. THE BORN LOSER BY ART SANSOM s it ! FREE ciurrrPle i S You Are Cordially Invited To and Coffee for efff \\ Celebrate With Us Our...

THE FLINTSTONES BY HANA-BARBERA WSSHINGTONS »-C1 Z-\7 ALLEY O O P BY V.T. HAMLIN I THINK HE'S GOT MORE HELP . t h a n h e n e e d s , o o o l a .' l o o k ! BIRTHM SAVE ) j n i NOW THRU FEB Our FREE ^50 *400 on Comets U.S. SAVINGS ^200 Factory Rebate BOND With ^200 Moriarty Discount Every Sale. WIN AT BRIDGE Plus Chevrolets BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY See and test drive ER,.. PARDON V co u ld YOU INFLATION IS «4>CnRDJSm«44 direct to you /ME, KIND 9IR ,„ 9RARE A DIME HITTING Conforte bags his legal limit FOR A LUMP EVERYONE. The bidding has been: 17 CASH REBATES the new 1975 MONARCH OF SUGAR? West North East South

By Oswald & James Jacoby of diamonds and finessed dum­ makes Nils NORTH (D) 17 USED CAR SPECIALS FOR THIS SALE! my’s nine. East was surprised 1 e Pass 2 V ? A J to find his ten of diamonds jgftesd- You, South, hold: Traditional 71 PLYMOUTH $1195 73 FORD $3295 73 MERCURY $2995 72 PONTIAC $2495 V AQ2 Jim; "All mistakes made at gathering in a trick, but not too AAQ76 V2 AKJSt AAQ82 Fi(»5£i(Jty * A K Q J9 8 Cricket 4-Door Sedan, light, Gran Torino Squire Station Montego MX 4-Door Sedan, Ventura II 2-Dr. Cpe., the bridge table aren't costly. surprised to lead a heart to his What do you do now? Wagon, bronze, matching green, tan vinyl Interior, bronze, matching vinyl In­ yellow, black vinyl. Interior, 4k A 93 Sometimes they boomerang partner’s king.” A — Double. This is for takeout AUTO SALE OUR economical 4-cyllndar vinyl Interior, 3S1 V-8, terior, V-8, automatic, PS, black vinyl root, V-8, EAST WEST into winning scores. When Joe Oswald: "South’s play was since your partner has made no bid OPEN engine, 4-speed tranemle- automatic, PS, PB, factory PB, fac. air cond., radio, automatic, PS, PB, factory 4 A K 8 A Q 10 5 2 Conforte of Reno, doubled five rather illogical, yet not com­ slon, radio, 30,000 miles. air conditioning, roof rack, air conditioning, sharp carl Z-/7 other than a pass. Your distribution whitewalls. 7 V K 97 V 10 8 6 Biggest SALE EVERY! MIchelln radial whitewall diamonds at the San Antonio pletely so. Joe might well have is such that you want your partner ♦ 10 6 5 2 TONIGHT 74 MARK IV $7895 tires, 19,000 miles. 74 MERCURY $3795 73 MARK IV $6795 WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI ♦ 74 nationals, he made what should doubled with the ace-king of to bid and know that nothing bad OVER Gold luxury group. Full Montego M X 4-Dr. Pllard 4k 9 8 7 2 A 10 6 have been a costly mistake, but spades a singleton heart and Classic copper, tan leather can happen to him. Mark IV equipment In­ Hardtop, light green, dark Interior, tan vinyl top, stan­ SOUTH wound up with a top score." five diamonds to the ten. In­ 74 UNCOLN $6595 r'VE PECIDED THAT TODAY’S QUESTION TILL cluding cruise control, AM - green vinyl Interior, dard Mark IV equipment In­ A 97 4 3 Oswald: "They sure like to cidentally, when you next see Continental 2-Dr. Coupe, n iS TW E I 150 FM stereo with tape, only 7,- matching vinyl roof, V-8, cluding A M -FM stereo with West continues to three hearts. dark blue, matching leather V J543 gamble in Nevada. North’s two- Joe suggest to him that he 000 miles. automatic, power steering, tape. Cruise Control, tilt STARTED GROWIN© North and East pass. What do you Interior, white vinyl roof, all ♦ 3 club bid was artificial and for­ should rest on his laurels and 9 P.M. power brakes, factory air wheel, sharp carl OLD SRACERJULY. AKQ J4 not try any more doubles like do now? power Including Cruise cing, South’s two diamonds a CARS 73 MERCURY $2595 conditioning, low mileage. Comet 2-Door Sedan, 6- Control. A M -FM Stereo, tlH this one.” Answer tomorrow Both vulnerable negative response and I guess cyllnder engine, automatic wheel, 9,000 miles. O that when South finally bid five IN STOCK transmiaslon, power 73 CHEVROLET $2995 diamonds he sounded like a dy­ Answer to Previous Puzzle steering, radio, radial tires, Chevslle Malibu, 4-Door 74 MERCURY $3995 South H R A M E B A R 74 BUIGX $3895 Sport Sedan, silver blue, V- Monterey Custom 2-Dr. West North East ing duck.” Flying Things 3 E. 1 lees than 21,000 miles. A L E V O t± E L A Century 350 2-Door Hard­ 8 engine, automatic Hardtop, saddle bronze, tan Jim: "Joe led the spade king, *<50 SAVINGS BOND S X F A m E R S L 1 V top, dark grean, matching tranamlaalon, power 2 « Pass 2 ♦ looked over dummy and I ' 1 ^ 1 72 AMC $1795 vinyl Interior, tan vinyl root, H i R s E y. N J1 R With the Purchase of Gremlin 2-Door Sedan, vinyl Interior, 2 tone Vt roof, steering, power brakes, fac­ 400 V-8, automatic, power Pass 3 ♦ Pass 3 » promptly shifted to the nine of ACROSS 2 Fool part s p A a E 2 T 1 bright green, black vinyl In­ V-8, automatic, power tory air conditioning, tilt- steering, power brakes, fac­ Pass 5 ♦ 3 Make lace TT w 1 D H s T Pass 4 ♦ hearts. Five minutes later 1 Flying toy |B L T g> Any New or Used Car terior, e-cylInder engine, steering, power brakes, fac­ wheel steering, matching tory air conditioning, radio, 4 Summer (Fr.) 1 S T E \0 a Y A Dble. Pass Pass Pass S Small Insect s H 1 E A u E N EJ nicely equipped, low tory air conditioning, low blue vinyl Interior, only 28,- radial whitewall Ursa, only South had gone up with dum­ 5 Sometimes fills 1 ] 9 Inborn E A mileage. mileage. 000 mllae. cxae. my’s ace of hearts, come to his a balloon I a A c. a Wl 15,000 miles. Opening lead -K 4 k 11 Zero _ 5 E E s iT a -/7 6 Hard-shelled z . s “A good place hand with a club, led the three 13 Made a bird's M E. B A s E e E L M aio , fruit home (=1 M U T 5 A U A Q [ ^ to buy a car” 7 Shining 1 N G E N h * l ^ SH O RT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL 14 Stableman [£ L h 8 From that place a D ta E W N E SB] 15 Dative |ab.) l E E 11 9 Asian country 1DDAV IS GEORGE TODAY ISNY king FITS THE "THOUGHT 16 Make a mistake 10 Biblical garden 27 Evaluate 38 Rural WASHINGTON^ aRlWCAV iGEORGES BIRTWDAV/, TWAT COUNTS. 18 Mariner's CHEVROLET < 11 Strong north 29 One who robs 39 Winged pest STAR GAXElC*tD direction wind 33 Mountain crest 40 Approaches ------By CLAY.R. POLLAN- 19 Small fish LIBRA 12 Cornered 34 Poems 43 Spanish lady MORIARTY BROTHERS ARIES Your Daily Activity Guide 20 Clear gain CO., INC. , / y MAR. II SEPT. 23 y - p 17 Recorded (ab.) 35 Extra 49 Cravat 21 High card According fo i/ie Sior*. '' 23 Feminine name newspaper 50 Place CARTER Ocf. 224^LVy 22 Former Turkish To develop messoge for Tuesday, 24 Tumult section 52 Picnic pest 1229 Main Street, Manchester Phone 040-6464 O\ll-14-29-40 41-45-51-55^ coin .5y48-64-73 reod words corresponding to numbers 61-67-70 26 Birds (Latin) 36 Payable 53 Depot (ab.) of your Zodiac birth sign. 25 Enchanted Open Evenings 111 9 — Thurs. ’til 6 — Sat. ’til 5 TAURUS SCORPIO 28 Fairy tort 1 Todoy's 31 M oke 61 W ith APR. 20 ocr. 2 3 ^ ^ 30 Stowe heroine 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN.* Phone 643-513S 32 Skill 62 Affection / 2 You're 31 Building ;lts 1 Y ? MAT 20 3 Interesting 33 Turn 63 Eyes NOY, 7 1 ^ ^ c 32 Soak flax ,. . . / r\54-57-68.69 4 Reason 34 Your 64 New 12-15-18-32/^ 10 W i by Hui. Inc .^-M ^*6 ^ S. P4t. W- L'71-77-79-81 5 To 35 To 65 Now 36-38-84-88^ 33 Went by air 6 Day 36 And 66 Yourself 37 European llneh )T iT G E M IN I 7 Beginning 37 Or 67 Smiles SAGITTARIUS 41 Kidney (Latin) BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE 38 Precision 68 Conscience M A T 21 8 Aspects 42 Assembly hall IT 9 Favor 39 You 69 Be ( 7r ^ r JU N l 20 70 Indicote Die. 21 ^ 1 (ab.) THOSE CUFFS, SENOR. LOOK, b u z ! /MAY W E 60 10 Celebrate 40 For iT ^13-21-30-37 11 A i 41 A 71 Your 44-47-53-58/Cl’ 44 French article TO LAND ON SAN BEHE- taOSER, CAPTAIN?. 12 Activities 42 Whoopee 72 Drows . 45 Bitter vetch SEA LIONS' ^52.59-80-85 72-78-83-8Y 22 : IMPOSSIBLE. 13 Some 43 Love 73 Starts 46 Meadow CANCER 74 Indicated CAPRICORN ' IW lLL^y,' 14 Swell 44 A 47 Soprano, JUNE 21 IS T h o t 45 Few 75 Friendships is iEROKA. BUT 46 Pocketbook 76 If soprano, alto WE'LL FIND 16 To JAH. If I T H ER E M A Y B e ' -J^JUtV 22 47 Friendly 77 Guide (ab.) 31 A WAV, 17 For 2- 7.16-20^1 CAPTAIN HIDPEN ROCKS. ,1-8- 9-34 18 Require 46 M aking 78 To 48 African fly miBs IT IS ^ 45-50-75 19 Any 49 Con 79 In 25-53-55 1 51 One In S' PTBJ 20 Op^ 50 Romonce 80 M a y AQUARIUS authority DANGEROUS. LEO 21 Unexpected 51 Tears 81 Tronsoctions JAN. 20 54 Mora weird Ohre yourself 22 Kind 52 Pleosino 82 Visiting 53 Fifty-fitty 83 A 55 Capers AU G . 22 23 Sure fll. li 54 Let 84 Especially. 56 Printing 24 Or 4- 5-10-24/5,^ r-!:?\25-27-33-35 25 Your 55 Mingled 85 G ^ i n g direction 31-42-74 -»'43-50-52 26 Your 56 Enjoy 86 Arrive 57 Personal 57 Your 87 About VIRGO 27 Thoughts PISCES diplomacy 58 Anpngement 88 Fovored 28 Of PEI. IP Buy a car* rig h t newytoday* 4 AUG. 22 29 0oy 59 Gi/t 89 Close DOWN ST SEPf. 22 30 Cosh 60 Add 90 Friends MAR.'20 3- 6-17-19/^ 1 Mixes dough • ^ 3 -3 9 --49-55 ) Adverse lt^'56-75-82-90 7 5 - |22-28-8Sa7Va (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., Feb. 17.1975 Mobile Homes Ethiopia’s nomadic Dana- Honor Roll at filing Junior High School kil tfibesmen build mobile homes using brushw ood, BUTCH’S M ® b r goatskins and straw mats. WHAFS 313 Adams 8t., cornar « l Hilliard St., Minchastar Lori Ferlazo Carol Hickey David Petig Mary Toland When water and forage run G rade 7 Kathleen Flanagan David House Edward Platok Valerie Toros Robert Bagthew Janice Foye Barbara Keeney David Reich Paul Turek short, a family simply bun­ William Kelly COMING MOBIL SUPER Ru*m II Bagthew Lori Fraher Megan Schardt Frank Vucic dles the colUtpsible shelter Shari Bauar Carolyn Frattaroll Carl Kjellson Debra Schlff Tracy Wagner onto a camel and moves on. Diana Barman Jean Qarman Melissa Kreuscher Steven Sheldon Eileen Warren to 10*40 OIL Lynna Bono John Gsiting Daniel Krutt Kathleen Shlrer Kevin Washington with purchase Oil Filtar Frad Boaahardt Kathy Grant Christine Laggis Amy Sllverstein Kenneth Wo|narowsi" -an and David Bowen Joseph Qrzymkowski Marc Laufer Renee Simon Susan Wright News Oriented Lube JobI (THU offer is good iianri|p tf r lu ? ntnn Im lb Cynthia Lemonds 0 Michael Brennan Alicia Hagler Mary SInnamon Timothy Wrobel Finland, with two-thirds of BENTLEY Jennifer Brewer Mary Anna Hardy Miary LIbbey David Smith Elizabeth Young thru March 31. 1975) Catharine Brown Thomas Harley Keriy Manley Kathy Sombric Marcy Young its area blanketed by forests, Manchester—A City of Village Charm Suzanne Brown Donna Harmon David Oshinsky Charlene Stapleton Gina Zaccardelll annually ships more than a SCHOOL? Thonks To AH of You For Making Our‘ __ _ _ A e o Kerri Buckley Tracy Harrison , David Ostrom Agnes Szarka Opantng Such A Succtitl 1*11000 6 4 B " 8 2 5 7 Kimberly Pennington million tons of newsprint MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1975 Linda CalIntKl James Healy Sandra Thurston around the world. Phylllt Combs Linda Herlth Robert Perron Catherine Connors VOL. XCTV, No. 118 EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Kathleen Corcoran Phyllis Cordera Julia DsNIgrIt Carol Donovan Lynn Douville Linda Dunn Ten Ferguson James Qallagher Stephen Flosdorf Linda Fraher Michael Fraser Susan Qsity Shah and Kissinger Meet Kelly Qaouatta Jess Qartsnbarg MART COUPONS Patricia Qronda James Qrzymkowtkl Robin Qustafson Sherl-Lynn Hagenow William Halldin Lesley Harrison Barbara Hayes To Discuss Mideast Oil Kathryn Hickey Kenneth HIM ZURICH (UPI) — Secretary of State States” and a key figure in any Middle British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and lowering of oil prices if the cost of in- Kelly Holmes Christopher Hoyng OCEAN SPRAY Henry A. Kissinger flew here from London East settlement. other leaders. He flies on to Paris later dustrial and farm products imported by oil Tracy Hummel SNOW'S NEW ENGLAND ■ DEL MONTE 1^ 1 today for oil talks with the Shah of Iran— Kissinger flew in aboard his Air Force today for talks with French President producers are also reduced. Carol Hurlburt CORONET Paul Johnson CRANBERRY “an old and trusted friend of the United Boeing 707 jet after Ulks in London with Valery Giscard d’Estaing and Foreign Before leaving London Kissinger and Eva Kalman JUICE COCKTAIL Minister Jean Sauvagnargues. British Foreign Secretary James J" Diana Kalnins CLAM CHOWDER I FACIAL TISSUE ! CLING PEACHES An O ld F rien d Callaghan p rais^ one another’s efforts Michael KaszowskI SLICED Susan Katz 200 COUNT O R HALVES 48 OZ. ______17^____ 1 T k m ______“The Shah of Iran is an old and trusted towards peace in the Middle East and Valerie Kerin 15 OZ. ? Alan Kllbanotf 29 OZ. CAN BOniE — * CC I ; O r e l lyiftrS lim illK I j U a F O F C C S fnend of the Umted states, and we con- detente with the Soviet Union. Joann Lajole PKG. 1 • 1 A « • important to consult with him on Kissinger said the Callaghan’s trip to Francine LaTeano CAN ^ K l l I cc cc Julie Lohr WITH PURCHASE OF tS-00 OR MORE | WITH PURCHASE OF SS.OO OR MORE WITH PURCHASE OF SS.OO OR MORE WITH PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE o o tlin c l A n tl- tie c e s s io n r la n the situation m the M^dle East, Moscow with British Prime Minister Edward Lomnicky AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT.. P E i. it. I AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. 0000 THRU SAT., AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT., PEI. ». AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT.. FEB. 22. and world problems, Kissinger said in a Harold Wilson last week was “extremely Diane Luchslnger ^ LIMIT ONE CAN - ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. j LIMIT ONE PKG. . ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. LIMIT ONE CAN . ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. LIMIT ONE BOTTLE • ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. Penny Lutzen Doreen Malllet WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Ford support for his presidential candidacy in *’^1 tte T d io ^ S o lunch as the shah’s "“S SlnM ^W a^a re ^ u T u Diana Marchand suntimoned Republican congressional 1976. guest at the luxurious Dolder Grand Hotel M iddL ^L st swtne (Herald photo by Pinto) Patience Martin ■ 1 r leaders to a White House breakfast Ford has been bolstered in his GOP .ug outskirts of 7nrirh ^ ^ swing, mere is a gooa Joanne McCarthy Karen McConnell KEN L RATION meeting today and set aside most of the briefings by Treasup^ Swretary William i^an ^as supplied most of Israel’s oil for toT a’I ^ A/ab-lSr^Jce ^ ^ Hooping It Up at Charter Oak Kim McLaughlin MAXWELL HOUSE week to marshal GOP forces against op- Simon Chairman Alan Greenspan of the j^e past 25 years and Kissinger is expected T ssin e ersa id he h w ^ the Soviet Union Dolores MIchl position to his anti-recession program in Council of Economic Advisers and, more *o seek a commitment that Iran will con- *'>ssmKer saia ne nopM me boviet union David Modean The winter break for Manchester’s springlike temperatures, skates were Brenda Moquin cc the Democratic Coneress recentlv bv former Rockefeller aide V commitment tnat Iran will con would understand that progress in his DOG FOOD * off school children may be viewed with cast aside for the old roundball. Gregory Morris I INSTANT COFFEE I 5 5 S d T n i g W w T h vice Pr.sldect S k l. ^ S t o w Z S ; "PlPr"','“i Anne Morrison I ON AN 8 OZ. JAR YUBAN mixed emotions depending on whether Working out in 46 degree weather at Mary Neubelt 6 PACK j 10 OZ. ON A 3 LB. VACUUM CAN NchonB;,ls.lde,F.rddlnrf the Dcmc.tlo Council tero S r.'.'lS S v M Ellen Ostrout the conservative wing of the Republican Ford was to preside today over the M oot, m ... Ttuomi..... ou a not oe incompatible with the Soviet the vacation plans included skiing, Charter Oak Monday afternoon were Annette Packard 15 OZ. CANS JAR MAXWELL skating or sledding. But young people from left, William Cratty of 49 Philip Christine PaganI I party, including several senators who had swearing-in of Betty Southard Murphy as • Kissinger had ^ settlement, Laurie Patarinl CC cc INSTANT COFFEE are adaptable and when the sun Rd, Michael Cratty, and Stacey Sweet WITH PURCHASE OF 55.00 OR MORE HOUSE COFFEE I discussed over the weekend the possibility chairman of the National Labor Relations u_g.i.f.„. Marcaret Thatchpr the Giscard is pushing a French idea of a Marie Petraltls I WITH PURCHASE OF SS.OO OR MORE of forming a third party. Board in the Cabinet Room. ^ ^ ^ a re t inatcne^^^^^ international conference this year warmed the area yesterday to near- of 27 Philip Rd. Debra Platok AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT.. FEB. 22. | I AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT.. F WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT.. FEB. 22. I WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT., FEB. 22. Michelle Plante LIMIT I SIX PACK ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. LIMIT ONE JAR - ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. LIMIT ONE CAN • ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. ^ LIMIT ONE JAR - ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. j Nancy Plotkin J I. N r™ "la‘mpT Z e l f p v " '' n T Conservative Party who could become ^ ^ r^ ip v Diane Poplk ttm m Thnrmnnrt 5 Europe’s first woman prime minister. He “"^er-developed nations. Bruce Randall Lrtnawater, ana strom inurmona, s.u. ^ggl^ continue his campaign to had conferred with Wilson Monday ^ was uncertain if the subject of oil Keith Ray ---I Chrysler Losses Triggering Steven Reich r . , , n drum up public support for his legislative evening. came up Monday night during Kissinger’s Elena Rock j I K eeping L p P ressu re program. The shah is a firm supporter of high oildinner with British Prime Minister Harold Helen Rosenshein I i Q c < & | Susan Roth I Ford kept up the pressure on party pord won support Monday from Gov. prices, a policy which differs with Wilson and Foreign Secretary James Further Belt-Tightening Dorinda Rowett I stalwarts tonight with another dinner at James Longley of Maine, an independent Kissinger’s proposal for a guaranteed Callaghan, Burton Rubin *eff the White House for the so-called who echoed Ford’s battle cry by saying lower floor price. DETROIT (UPI) — Chrysler Corp.’s Michael Savidakis 2 5 I CC j ON A 1 LB. PKG. OF TWO 8 OZ. CUPS [ two top executives are warning of further Along with cutbacks in Chrysler Katherine Schaschl ON 3 PKGS. - LIPTON I O N A 15 O Z . PKG. I O N A 5 LB. BAG “W^nesday Club.” “Too many people in Congress have been Iranian investment in the United States Patricia Shlrer His aim was to get enough Republican playing political games with the energy also was expected to figure in the conver- T • 1 r z i 1 belt-tightening in the wake of a $73.5 operations that included a virtual Pamela Sloan I MRS. FILBERT'S - SOFT GOLDEN I million fourth quarter loss that pushed the TTianksgiving to New Year’s shutdown, Shelley Stevenson cc votes in the Senate to sustain his expected program.” sations. illSlCle 1 OdaV RIsa Strickland CUP-A-SOUP CO I CHEERIOS I Gold Medal Flour veto of a bill to suspend fornOO days his oil Longley spoke to newsmen after paying Iran has just won U.S. government ap- •' No. 3 automaker $52 million in the red for they said, several positive economic Deborah Taylor I REGULAR OR UNBLEACHED 1974. It was the worst financial perfor­ developments—including declining in­ Michael Thrasher ALL VARIETIES ■ ! MARGARINE ^ | increases. a courtesy call on Ford. “I wish the proval to buy a sizable share in Pan ruaiript nnnHprs tav hiiro Paoa m Cindy TInney WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. OODD THRU SAT., FEB. 12. | I WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT., FEB. 22. I WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT.. FEB. 22. I WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MARTS. GOOD THRU SAT.. FEB. 22. mance in the company’s 50-year history. terest rates, predictions of dwindling in­ ^ LIMIT 1 PKOS. . ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. j| ^ LIMIT ONE LB. • ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. j LIMIT ONE PKG. • ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. ■ L IM IT O N E S LB . B A G O N E C O U PO N P E R C U S T O M E R . The President also was pushing for ac- presidential candidates in the Congress American Worid Airways, and long-range P S i “ ...... S ? ! ! Lisa Trembly tion on other parts of his enerp-economic would stop playing politics and come up Iranian investment in the United States is ^ ...... Chrysler Chairman Lynn Townsend and flation and a planned tax cut—could Anita Tychaen restore profitability to the firm. Timothy Valente recovery program, and has been chiding with an alternative plan” if they find expected to reach $10-12 billion. Business news...... Page 9 President John Riccardo said “a succes­ Chad Whitesell lawmakers in his out-of-town trips for pord’s program unacceptable, he said. The shah has his own plan for linking the ^^o^ary 35th anniversary. . . . Pages 10,11 sion of increasingly difficult problems” — Townsend and Riccardo said early Todd Whitney including the early 1974 gasoline shortage, results of the company’s rebate Karen Wilson •In Our Produce Department! wasting time. The President will entertain state gover- price of oil to an index of industrial prices. East hoopsters bow ...... Page 12 Robert Wilson A political uncertainty in midsummer, high program—started Jan. 12 as the first ef­ Scott Wilson RfPfAT SAUl ^ U.S.D .A. CHOICE BEEF ROUND interest fates, inflation and the Ford ad­ fort to stimulate lagging auto sales — have Karen WoJnarowskI U.S. NO. 1 BEST BAKING U.S. FANCY • NAYIVE INDIAN RIVER ministration’s attempts to cut consumer been encouraging. Early February sales William Wright spending by urging people to save money topped figures from the same period a Angela Zocco SEEDLESS - WHITE IDAHO MACINTOSH BOTTOM — were to blame for the losses. year earlier for the first time since 1975 G rade 8 GRAPEFRUIT In the financial statement, the two said models were introduced. The executives James Adams APPLES Brazilian Youths Seek New Techniques further cost reduction programs, as they did not indicate whether rebates would be Adrien Baracco POTATOES ROUND take effect, will restore profitability continued. Robin Belaaky 2V." MINIMUM EXTRA LARGE SIZE “even if today’s depressed level of sales The fourth quarter and 1974 losses didn’t Debra Beaterfleld Christopher Browne c should continue.” Chrysler has 51,500 of its reflect any of the costs Chrysler has in­ Yvette Byram ROAST 114,000 hourly workers on indefinite layoff curred in the rebate program it began Jan. Joanne Caatelll To Speed Up Nation^s Economic Growth along with at least 50 per cent of its 12, the first effort of its kind to Susan Cavasino 3 “ 4 3 ® 6 3 3 ® Pamela Chalke FLORIDA „ _ salaried work force. stimulate lagging sales. Karen Chambers Howard Cohen By FLOYD LARSON be working in or is interested in learning and towns and were quite enthused at the changes which are happening in Brazil. Laurie ColantI CHICORY OR ESCAR0LE>«u">“ ''»"™ 3L.f1. Many years ago there was a song that more about. opportunity to visit here and learn. And it was these changes that we asked SWEET, ZIPPER - SKINNED FLORIDA Keven Davids said, ‘"There’s an awful lot of coffee in We could not understand the words until them about. Cheryl Dow LB. Steven Ference FRESH FLORIDA RED RADISHES 10‘ Brazil.” Both were pleased with the reception translated by Pinto, but it was apparent ‘Several vears aco the oeonle voted to Government May Top Ceiling Brenda Flaherty -I.9 S HONEY TANGERINES U.S. NO. I It still summarizes, unfortunately, the given them in Manchester and other cities they were just as enthusiastic about the permit the eovernment broad bowers to Wendy Foreman Richard Qelting association most Americans have about • u , , ^ On National Debt Today Dana Gilbert LARGE YELLOW ONIONS S ^ BEAUTIFUL EVERLASTING - ASSORTED COLORS LOW U.S. GOVT. INSPECTED GRADE “A" the South American nation. ‘ J t i v t ^ t h / S l Karen Godreau SIZE Andra Graals While coffee continues to be a major “Today it is ruled bv the m ilitary” WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Treasury of term securities, known as bills and notes, Ronald Gustafson IMPORTED STARFLOWERS °»' m Sound. Cloufly tonight with lows in the 30s. Helen Savidakis Lox Sale LB. who was observing social work procedures ^ toeir systein which they s^m edrd^^^^ savings bonds, but most of the money is Laura Schauster Seafood Platter 63 M in this area. f o discuss otter than state their belief ^ Chance of rain Wednesday with highs in WHOLE Bottom Rump Roast .3 9 .59 raised through sales of short and medium- MIml Silverman HOWARD JOHNSONS Large White Fish o"' HALF ... 99‘ nn.ii.. 1 . Ik 1 I . . |- I the country had no choice but to accept the the 40s. Thomas SInnamon 99^ m ile here, the two were taken to ^ ^ would have Elizabeth Smith Macaroni & C h e e s e 4 9 * Jermone Smith Salads POTATO - COLE SLAW • MACARONI LB. 4 5 * COLONIAL SMOKED various business, governnient,^ a | meant a communist take over, Valerie Sterling MARVEL GRADE "A" MATLAW'S HEBREW NATIONAL ^ dustrial complexes in the Greater Hart- | ^hat the military-technocrat NaUlle Swift II OZ. PKG. Jennifer Thomas O F SIX ^ KWIK MAKE ^ Griddles or Knockwurst .39 TURKIY | partnership has Started tuHiing Brazil’s U.N. Troop Presence Stuffed Clams 8 3 * SHOULDER ROAST Beth Thompson FORMERLY DAISY ROLL q k. K M | ^onomy around is not questioned. There David TImbrall vGAYLORD M ik W H w n n PANCAKE r . SLICED TURKEY-SALII. 1 LI. IIQ C BRiAST earn something which could be applied to I optimism that it can Julie Tucker entrees steak-vealp*rm. pko. e n Alport's Pastrami '^^i 79* Jacqueline Twible BATTER 4/8 LB. AVG. their jobs in Brazil upon their return. i change virtually overnight from an un- Christopher Valente REQ. • GLUEBERRY • BUTTERMILK Hinges on Talk Date Shelly Valentins Corned Beef Brisket 69* M anaged N ew spaper | i derdevelopment nation into a developed David VIgue Top Frost Waffles *1. UOZ. K Oliviera an administrator having , |i Charles WIckman PKO. c LB. United Press International German Bologna "othmund lb 7 5* servedasannanaprofanewspa^randis | Keeping Ahead of Plan apparent willingness to deal with Israel Cheryl Wilhelm COLONIAL ROTHMUND POLISH Syria has decided not to allow U.N. Margaret Wilkins Jeno's Pizza T pa-c^ M . 0 9 now substitute chief of the budget division |8 Oliviera pointed out that every segment separately from the other Arab states. Janet Wilks freshly sliced l OUR BEST SLICED tA U tA O B forces to stay on the Golan Heights unless Israel returned small sectors of the Judith Wilson Roast Beef v. ». 7 9 * . . e A o e o Hpi tiok I of the five-Vear plan is running ahLd of a specific date for resuming the Geneva Christopher Young BACON n m o lice arcniieci. m projections Golan Heights in the June, 1974, troop dis­ Jill Zatkowskl peace talks is set, a Beirut news journal engagement accord. A narrow zone Allan Zimmerman Gem Loaves POLISNl!'veAL L. 9 9 * VEAL ^ D a i r y ------^ ^Bakery ^ 1 “By giving teachers crash programs in said today. Tlie U.N. mandate expires between Israeli and Syrian troops on the PATTIES IS designed to expose young people to tt^ . - teaching instead of long, d r a l out, four- PATTIES I May 30. G rade 9 Luncheon Sausage newenSlahd " ‘-*•79 *1.19 *1.39. different ways hingsare^^^^ f l year diplomas, they get out to teach heights is now patrolled by the U.N. BREAKSTONE TEMPTEE . OSCAR MAYER The Arab World, a daily English- troops. Clifford Adamy WHITE ,000 20OZ. $ 4 9 9 ^ . * 1 .6 9 ‘ 7 \ / ' ...... B quicker, and those they teach in turn are language summary of Middle Bast events, Lynn Alemany CREAM CHEESE 5 5 ’’ LOAVES^ I ^ Carando Pepperoni »l 'c i n o w l i 9 9 * Sliced Bacon ” °ck" Golan To Be Kept Mark Anderson BREAD 3 ^ ^ e x p e c t e d to go out an teach also,” he said. said President Hafez Assad made the deci­ Martin Aniello SEAFOOD SPECIALS! Israel Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin SEALTEST OAp P-OOU PAAKI • M W*. risO. OF Child Mild Franks • 89* “ S* L A . J m T h ^ h e said, was enabling the nation to sion after expressing disappointment with John Bashaw "Hot" Bagels AVAiLAifii 1 2 9 9 SLICED • (FROZBN1 Monday said his country is determined to Sandra Beauprs Orange Juice c^^'VoN 2 3 English Muffins 3^<>"1. HALIBUT c. cQ Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s keep the Golan territory it took in the 1967 Debbie Berwick Beef Franks 99* im e Spro^ch il us5‘ otter skill latest round of shuttle diplomacy. Theodore BeutsI war and will not abandon its civilian FOOD CLUB • SHREDDED CRESTVIEW BUTTERFARM . ^ HEALTH A BEAUTY AIDSI STEAK areas where, foV the immediate objective Lorllee BInks .69 Assad met with his army commanders C H E O D A f 10c O F F 4^0Z. FRESH Pork Sousogo*******^**** l^I •4 9 - of increasing productivity, a persoi is in- settlements there. William Britnsll Cheese ‘o-iV.??;O R P IZ Z A Coffee Ring pko. 7 9 Right Guard Deodorant L A B E L C A N 79* the day after Kissinger’s visit to David Buckwald "The government of Israel did not es­ REG..EXTRA HOLD f OZ. AQ . POLLOCK on- qq l u V atructed enough to the job with the idea Damascus Friday and decided on the ac­ Laura Burnett FOOD CLUB • EXTRA SHARP WHITS OILY BONUS CAN gg Pork Sausage Roll„Ho,.8® ‘ tablish the Golan Heights settlements in SU N SH IN E . Gillette Dry Look oV FILLETS ..99* 'PEiIM .IIOI. ufriiH nqT • w ^ ^ that iu ttc futurc more training can be Lisa Carson Herald use it to produce a newspaper. o tion, Arab World said, quoting “reliable order to have them evacuated or so as not Kathyrn Charest TASTE '0 SEA • COOKED Cheddar Cheese 89* Crispy Crackers “x” 5 9 Everynight Shampoo'^ArrrDVN^.l^S!! .^‘V'* Siced BoIoipm - Minead „ „ n i. 'll u 1 (Herald photo by Pinto) given. sources.” Susan Colbert u o se rv e le c n n lq u e s Tliis pragmatic approach is succeeding, to have them included in the Jewish Robert Copeland SOLE Si 1 n Limclwon - Cooktd Salaini 8 9 * Disappointed With Israel FOODCLUI MM, Topco Cosmetic Puffs P A C K A O I 69* State,” Rabin said. Julie Dahm NBC ROYAL 5* An FILLETS ’This is the concept behind the program, 'Pntir l^tytMionnnor Plant both men feel, and they cited the doubling Christopher DeClantls .1 9 ’The sources said Assad was disap­ ’The newspaper An Nahar said today P K O . ko he said, which then gives him ideas and M g u m . of educational opportunity, doubling of Raymond Dezso Cream Cheese 3 3 Lunch Crackers '»‘ 6 9 Valiant Cold Capsules PKO. OF 10 49* Vs methods that could be introduced in exports, more than doubling of pointed over Israel’s refusal to negotiate a Assad will soon visit Algeria to discuss David Dickie troop withdrawal agreement along the Mddle East developments with President Margaret DIPeltro Beacon Aspirin 100 COUNT BOTTLE 27* similar sltutatlons when he returns to his Luciano De Oliveira, left, and under the Partners of Americas agricultural output, and a sharp Increase Judith Don Golan Heights. Israel has said it is ready job. G ustavo B a n d eira o b serv e John program learning adm inistration and in housing. Houari Boumedienne. Brent Downing to make some troop withdrawals along its “The main aim of the visit is to coor­ Maryellen DuBaldo Thus a lot of their time is spent visiting Rosati operating an editing terminal technological methods which they Inflation Battle Sandra Duva Egyptian front. dinate in order to face the coming stage Wealey Fodorchak WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE PMCES EFFECmE IN MANCNESTHI MANCHESTER PARKADE businesses, government agencies, or at The Manchester Evening Herald. hope can be adapted to use in their • “Inflation was at an 87 per cent annual ’They also said Assad was disillusioned before the return of Kissinger to the whatever comparable field the guest may The two men have been in Manchester homeland of Brazil. (See Page Eighteen) with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat’s region (in March),” An Nahar said.