12Noon Healthwatch Norfolk Boardroom Suite 6, Elm Farm Dairy

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12Noon Healthwatch Norfolk Boardroom Suite 6, Elm Farm Dairy + p Healthwatch Norfolk Board 16th April 2018 10.00 – 12noon Healthwatch Norfolk Boardroom Suite 6, Elm Farm Dairy, Norwich Common, Norfolk, NR18 OSW AGENDA No. Item Time Mins. Page A,I,D Items for Action (A), Information (I), Discussion (D), Presentation (P) Part I – Public Board Meeting 1. Questions from the general public 10.00 5 D 2. Apologies for absence 10.05 I 3. Declarations of Interest 10.05 I 4. STP Update – Antek Lejk (STP Executive Lead) 10.05 D 5. Minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2018 10.35 5 A (paper attached) 6. Matters arising not covered by the agenda 10.40 5 D • Enter and View Reports • Use of Volunteers • Survey of working age people understanding social care 7. 7.1 CEO Report (Incorporating STP Update) (paper attached) 10.45 10 P/I/D 7.2 Communications & Engagement Strategy 2018-9 10.55 10 I (paper attached) 7.3 Intelligence Report (paper attached) 11.05 10 A 7.4 Updated risk register (paper attached) 11.15 10 I 7.5 Quality Control Sub Group Draft Minutes (paper attached) 11.25 5 I/A 7.6 Finance Sub Group Draft Minutes (paper attached) 11.30 5 A/I/D 7.7 Mental Health Sub Group Minutes (paper attached) 11.35 5 A/I/D 8. Co-option of potential Trustee (paper attached) 11.40 5 A/I/D 9. Any Other Business – Please provide the Chair with Items for 11.45 AOB prior to the Meeting’s commencement. 10. Dates of future Board meetings Monday, 16th July 2018 – HWN Offices, Wymondham Monday, 15th October 2018 – HWN Offices, Wymondham Part II – in camera The Chair asks that representatives of the press and other members of the public, be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest. Section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. 1. Staffing update 11.45 5 A/I/D 2. Any Other Business 11.50 30 D Apologies should be sent to Healthwatch Norfolk Administration Officer, [email protected], telephone 01953 856029 Distribution: Trustees For information William Armstrong Ceri Sumner Robert Ashton Maureen Orr Dianne Butterfield Linda Bainton Diane DeBell Tom McCabe Ann Donkin Graham Dunhill Helen Jackson Mary Ledgard David Trevanion Minutes of Board Meeting – Part I Monday, 15 January 2018 Attendees: William Armstrong (WA) – Chair Robert Ashton (RA) Diane DeBell (DDB) Ann Donkin (AD) Graham Dunhill (GD) Helen Jackson (HJ) Mary Ledgard (ML) David Trevanion (DT) Officers in attendance: Judith Bell (JB) – Operations Manager Chris Andrews (CA) – Engagement Manager Sonia Miller (SM) - Minutes F Gibbs (FG)- item 6.2 only 1. Questions from the general public No questions were submitted from the general public. 2. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Alex Stewart and Dianne Butterfield 3. Declarations of Interest None 4. Minutes of the meeting held on the The minutes of the Healthwatch Norfolk (HWN) Board meeting held on were agreed as a correct record. 5. Matters Arising (not covered by the agenda) Admiral Nurses JB reported that Zena Aldridge had advised that there are Band 6 Admiral nurses in South, North & Norwich CCG’s funded 50% from CCG and 50% from Dementia UK. This will be in place until October 2019. It is proposed to appoint someone soon for the Great Yarmouth & Waveney area, but nothing has yet been planned for the West. HWN were thanked for their interest and support of the project. HJ asked that HWN contact Zena Aldridge again in the summer of 2019 to discuss the continuation of this service. ACTION – JB diary note re Admiral Nurses summer 2019 1 GP Phase 2 Project JB reported that responses had been received from Antek Lejk, James Paget, Michael Scott (NSFT). Copies of the responses are available. ACTION – JB to circulate copies of the responses to the Board CEO Report Work on finalising the PNA project has been taken over by Ed Fraser and the final meeting took place last week to conclude this work. STP meetings WA asked Board members if they had any comments regarding the meetings hosted by HWN. AD felt that the STP Chief Executive should have been in attendance at all meetings so it was not perceived to be a HWN meeting. Concern was expressed that these meetings distracted from the main purpose of the STP due to very specific types of work being discussed. GD said that models emerging for each geographic area were different and questioned whether this work was progressing to be effective. WA said it is taking time to impart the information about the progress and detail. Chris Williams has just taken over the role of Communications and Engagement for the STP and CA is meeting with him next week. WA asked him to report back to the Board on how things are moving forward. ACTION – CA to report back to Board re meeting with Chris Williams AD said that it would be helpful for each CCG to highlight 5 key proposals and 7 ways forward to address these proposals and their impact. The Board agreed that the STP Sub Group would meet (in the next few weeks) to discuss future STP meetings, HWN independence at STP Stakeholder Board meetings and business support for the meetings. Graham Creelman (Chair – STP Stakeholder Board) and CA will be invited to this meeting and the outcomes of the meeting will be disseminated to the Board. ACTION – WA/JB to set up STP Sub Group Meeting SM to ensure that CA & GC invited Multispeciality Community Providers ML had received a DoH paper explaining how this fits together (from the Your Norwich Programme Board) and MCP’s may or may not be part of accountable care organisation. Mental Health Crisis Conference (7 11 17) - HJ said that she felt the conference was constructive and led to good networking, presentations were very good, but it was disappointing to see who did/did not attend. 2 Enter & View Visits JB reported that a programme of visits is ongoing and the focus was on the wellbeing of residents. Visits have been made to those homes with an CQC overall rating bordering on good/require improvement. HWN have visited homes who have recently been inspected and improvements have been made and it was felt that they appear to have responded to the CQC inspection well. HJ suggested that HWN could possibly “drop down a level” and therefore add more value to our visits. JB said that we are learning from these visits and this issue. WA suggested E & V visits be put on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. DT said that we have had a few comments re care homes and asked whether these are acted on. JB confirmed that intelligence recorded is used and visits planned to these homes when possible. HJ said that on occasion the home itself has been good, but comments have been received about adult social care. JB said that she will talk to NCC at the Information Sharing meeting next week and these comments will be added to our database and as necessary issues reported to the appropriate people. Volunteers should be made aware of this and advise staff of any comments received. ACTION – E & V Visits agenda item for April meeting ACTION – JB to share information with NCC & add to Volunteer meeting agenda in March WA said that HWN need to look at the whole issue of recruitment of volunteers for Enter & View and other activities, i.e. meetings, engagement, patient view point. RA suggested that we should circulate information regularly to volunteers about the work HWN are doing and keep them informed and also feed in their knowledge and expertise. ACTION – Agenda item for next Board meeting - review Volunteer Policy/use of volunteers 6. 6.1 CEO Report JB reported in AS absence. Staffing – since Sam Revill’s departure in December, JB advised that in the light of proposed funding cuts to HWN, Sam is not currently being replaced and there is a recruitment freeze. This work has been allocated to the project teams and Line Management of staff has been allocated. Huntercombe Hospital – this has now been closed and beds have been found elsewhere for all the patients. 3 NSFT Improvement Board – HWN are attending the Oversight & Assurance Improvement Board monthly meetings where large action plans are being reported on. A large number of ligature points have been identified, and although overall staffing levels appear in line with national averages, “hot spots” are hidden in certain establishments. Resourcing is a concern and there is a need to look at issues for the long term as well as day to day shortages. WA said that we need to ensure that our contribution to the Board remains focussed. HJ said that at the last Mental Health Sub Group meeting the issue of personal care plans was highlighted as an initiative and how HWN could do some more focussed engagement work with service users to talk about this and work with the NSFT Improvement Plan programme. The next meeting with NSFT is in early February and HWN will clarify its role at this meeting. HMRC/VAT JB confirmed that HWN do not need to register for VAT unless we take on more externally commissioned work over VAT threshold of £85k. WA wished to record the Board’s thanks to JB for her work in the absence of Alex. 6.2 Intelligence/Engagement Report (FG joined the meeting) FG said that the report showed intelligence for the last three months and the year to date (2018).
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