Board of Directors ______
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Board of Directors ________________________________________________________________________ Beth Wilson David Furst Maryalice Faltings Philip Pierpont Jan Palajac Director Vice Chair Chair Director Director Welcome to the Board of Directors’ Meeting You are welcome to attend all Board of Directors’ meetings. Your interest in the conduct of public business is appreciated. Since this is a special meeting, only items on the agenda may be discussed, as prescribed by Section 54956 of the Government Code. If you wish to speak on an item listed on the agenda, please wait until the item is up for discussion, the opening staff or committee presentation has been made, and the Board has concluded its initial discussion. Then, upon receiving recognition from the Chair, please state your name, and tell whether you are speaking as an individual or for an organization. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Board of Directors after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the District office, 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, during normal business hours. Pursuant to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, LARPD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability, age or sexual orientation in the provision of any services, programs or activities. To arrange an accommodation in order to participate in this public meeting, please call (925) 373-5725 or e-mail [email protected] at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. AGENDA, CALL AND NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 4:00 P.M. ROBERT LIVERMORE COMMUNITY CENTER 4444 EAST AVENUE, LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA PALO VERDE ROOM 1. CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. PUBLIC COMMENT 3. CONSENT ITEMS (Motion) 3.1 Regular Board Meeting Minutes of August 29, 2018 3.2 General Manager’s Monthly Report (#72-02) Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Agenda, Call and Notice – Special Meeting of the Board of Directors – September 20, 2018 4. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 4.1 AWARD CONTRACT – RLCC AQUATICS CENTER RENOVATION PROJECT The Board will consider awarding the contract for the construction of the RLCC Aquatics Center Renovation Project, LARPD Project No. 442. (Resolution) Resolution No. ____, accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the RLCC Aquatics Center Renovation Project to Western Water Features, Inc., in the amount of $1,824,715.00. 4.2 ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES PROJECT The Board will consider adopting a resolution approving the Energy Efficiency Measures project at the Robert Livermore Community Center (RLCC). (Resolution) Resolution No. ____, approving the Energy Efficiency Measure project at the RLCC, which consists of the Energy Conservation Measures and the RLCC Alternative Energy Sources components to commence simultaneously. 4.3 LARPD LOGO AND FUTURE BRANDING The Board will review an enhanced District logo for marketing and branding. (Discussion and Direction) 5. COMMITTEE REPORTS 6. MATTERS INITIATED/ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE DIRECTORS 7. MATTERS INITIATED/ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE GENERAL MANAGER 8. ADJOURNMENT 2 tg LIVERMORE AREA RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT DRAFT MINUTES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2018 ROBERT LIVERMORE COMMUNITY CENTER 4444 EAST AVENUE, LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Directors Furst, Palajac, Pierpont, Wilson and Chair Faltings DIRECTORS ABSENT: None. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mathew Fuzie, Patricia Lord, Jeffrey Schneider, Linda VanBuskirk, Rod Attebery 1. CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Faltings called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. All Directors were present, except Director Pierpont. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3. CONSENT AGENDA 3.1 BOARD MINUTES 3.1.1 Regular Meeting of August 8, 2018 3.2 COMMUNICATIONS None. Moved by Director Furst, seconded by Director Wilson, approved the Consent Agenda, by the following voice vote: AYES: Wilson, Furst, Palajac, and Chair Faltings NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Pierpont 4. CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTIONS None. ITEM NO. 3.1 Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Draft Minutes: Board of Directors Meeting – August 29, 2018 5. BIDS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 AWARD CONTRACT – ADD ALTERNATES FOR THE MULTI PARK PLAYGROUND RENOVATION PROJECTS Chair Faltings stated that the Board will consider accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the construction of the Multi Park Playground Renovation Projects, LARPD Project Nos. 327, 426, 706, and 508. AGM Lord presented the staff report, and gave a presentation entitled “Playground Renovations” which highlighted many of the recent milestones from July 27, 2016 through August 8, 2018. At the August 8, 2018 Board meeting, the Board approved the item contingent upon evaluation of financially feasible additive bid items. A proposed list of add alternates, along with those suggested to be excluded, was presented, reviewed, and approved by the Facilities Committee on August 21, 2018. [Director Pierpont arrived on the dais at 7:10 p.m.] Following the decision to award the construction contract to Goodland Landscape for $5,482,614 (the base bid excluding add alternates), Staff revisited the overall forecast for expenditures for the Multi-park playground project to determine if funding is available from the project budget to support add alternates identified for each of the four playgrounds. Staff then concluded that $806,720 is available to invest in add alternates. Discussion ensued about soft costs, construction costs and contingency amounts. Director comments and questions included design theories and differences such as seat walls at the playground at Big Trees, but not at May Nissen. Chair Faltings opened public comment. No public comment. Closed public comment. Moved by Director Wilson, seconded by Director Pierpont, adopted Resolution No. 2643, accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the construction of the Multi- Park Playground Renovation Projects at Jane Addams Preschool at Max Baer Park, Big Trees Park, Pleasure Island Park, and May Nissen Park to Goodland Landscape Construction Inc., in the amount of $5,482,614.00, AND approved add alternates with total costs not-to-exceed $799,816.00, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Palajac, Wilson, Furst, Pierpont, and Chair Faltings NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: None 6. OLD BUSINESS None. Page | 2 Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Draft Minutes: Board of Directors Meeting – August 29, 2018 7. NEW BUSINESS None. 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1) Chair Faltings reported on the Facilities Committee meeting of August 15, 2018. 2) Chair Faltings reported on the Special Facilities Committee meeting of August 21, 2018. 3) Director Palajac reported on the Finance Committee meeting of August 23, 2018. 4) Director Wilson reported on the Personnel Committee meeting of August 16, 2018. Chair Faltings asked if the full Board could receive a summary of the Human resources initiatives for FY18-19 discussed in that meeting. GM Fuzie stated that the District has identified areas for improvement which the list reflects, and will be provided. 5) Director Palajac reported on the Livermore Downtown, Inc. meeting, along with a presentation on L Street Parking Garage which will be going to the Planning Commission this evening. 9. MATTERS INITIATED/ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE DIRECTORS 1) Director Palajac suggested that Staff and the Board consider a public meeting on and LARPD trail or a proposed trail, similar to what the District does in the summer during public meetings in the parks. She stated the areas many trail advocates would appreciate that. GM Fuzie responded that given all the interest around Sycamore Grove Park, when that trail is complete, the District may consider substituting an on the trail meeting for a regular Board meeting, or add a Special meeting on the trail head. The Board consensus was that this is a good concept and an excellent idea. 2) Director Wilson announced that the Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce Wine Country Luncheon, held at the Concannon Vineyard on August 23, 2018, was lovely. The theme of agri-business included three to four successful agri- businesses there to speak, and a lively discussion ensued. 3) Director Wilson announced that LARPD hosted another successful Applefest on Sunday, August 26, 2018, at Ravenswood Historic Site. The family-friendly event was a big hit with over 300 people in attendance. 10. MATTERS INITIATED/ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE GENERAL MANAGER GM Fuzie made the following announcements: 1) The Sunset Park Playground Community Outreach meeting is set for September 13, 2018 between 5-7:00 p.m. The consultants will be conducting the meeting and will be reporting back to LARPD after the meeting. 2) The Senior Services Program reminds us that September is National Senior Center Month and the beginning of many fall programs for the 50+ residents. LARPD will be featuring two programs focusing on Grandparenting. There are 2.6 million children in the USA living with their grandparents. LARPD will be partnering with Lincoln’s Kinship support Services and Legal Assistance for Seniors to offer these programs. o Grandfamilies: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Tuesday, September 11 from 10:30 – 12 noon; and o Grandparents & Guardianship, Tuesday, September 18 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. and 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Page | 3 Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Draft Minutes: Board of Directors Meeting – August 29, 2018 Please call 925-373-5700 to register one week in advance for these programs, held at the RLCC. 3) Sycamore Grove Park update: LARPD is excited to announce that it is now able to open the entire park on weekends. All trails including the newly paved path and those in the upper sycamore grove will be open for use from 7am until 8 pm. Construction work continues Monday-Friday with closures until approximately 4:15 p.m. 4) The Children’s Fair will be held on Saturday, September 8th at the RLCC from 10 a.m.-4:00 p.m.