Esso Supertankers Set A year ago I had the opportu- National Safety Council Honors Lago Record Turnaround Here nity of congratulating Lago em- ployees on the splendid records With Four Awards Going to Aruba A significant contribution to Jersey they had achieved in the 1947—48 Standard’s company-wide cost reduction contests of the National Safety Lago’s high place in safety was maintained with the announcement last month program was made here last Council. I am tremendously pleas- month of the winners of the National Safety Council’s annual Contest. First when the supertanker Esso Montevideo ed that today, a year later, I can place awards in the Contest went to the Shipyard and the Stevedores, with the and twenty was loaded in six hours again commend you for the excel- refinery emerging third among the major refineries entered in the Contest. minutes. This is believed to be a loading lent safety records you have esta- Outstanding among the winners was record for one of the new 26,000-ton blished in the 1948—49 contests. the Shipyard, which took top honors in tankers, not only here but at any petro- The Shipyard and the Steve- the Shipbuilding and Repair Division of leum terminal or refinery anywhere in dores-Wharfingers each won first the Contest. This marks the first year the world. Dijkhoff y Britten A Cuminza place in their respective divisions, Nan Estudio na Allentown that Lago’s Shipyard has led all others Close to the Montevideo’s record was and the refinery won third place entered in its division. the loading of the Esso Stockholm in the refinery section. Last year For the fourth consecutive year, ral days earlier, when that vessel Francisco Dijkhoff y Dominico Brit- sever the refinery ranked first among Lago’s Stevedores and Wharfingers won seven hours and forty-five ten, Lago su dos aprendiznan cu a bai loaded in the major refineries entered in the first place in the Stevedoring Division. minutes. Merca pa un anja di estudio, a yega contest. This year, although we Allentown, Pennsylvania na fin di luna Although the refinery dropped from The Montevideo’s record was set Sep- first dropped to third place, we actual- pasa, y nan a cuminza bai school aya. place for last year to third this tember 21 when a full cargo of 171,840 ly finished with a better accident year, its accident record actually im- barrels of fuel oil was loaded in six Cartanan reciente di e mucha-homber- record than we had last year. So, proved. For the 1947—1948 contest its hours and twenty minutes, at an aver- nan ta bisa cu nan ta pasando bon y regardless of our final ranking in accident frequency rate (number of age rate of 27,140 barrels per hour. The nan ta encanta di nan experiencianan this year’s contest, we improved accidents per million man hours) was Montevideo’s elapsed time at Aruba foi dia cu nan a sali foi Aruba. Promé on our record of the previous 2.68. The 1948—1949 rate of 2.42 re- from arrival to departure was only 12 cu nan a sali pa Allentown, nan a sali year. presents an improvement over last hours and 20 minutes. na New York y nan a subi Empire State At the same time I wish to year’s record. The Stockholm loaded on September Building, e edificio di mas halto di extend my congratulations to our To complete Aruba’s outstanding 15 at the rate of 21,900 barrels an hour. mundo; nan a mira Colombia Univer- affiliate, the Esso Transportation safety record, the Esso Transportation (Both records compare extremely sity, estatua di Libertad, pa menta sola- Company, for receiving second Company took second honors in the well with the loading record here on mente parti di tur nan experiencianan place in the tanker division of the Tanker Division (see separate story). one of the T-2 type tankers. That aya. contest. Records in the Contest are based on record, established on the F.O. Prior, is Na Allentown e hobennan cu ta Only through the combined co- the accident record from July 1, 1948 108,190 barrels loaded in four hours and "Frank” y Dom” awor, a bai weita un operation of all employees were to June 30, 1949. thirty-five minutes, or 24,000 barrels an wega di futbal y nan a keda masha im- these fine records achieved. Em- hour.) presiona di e demonstracion duna pa Shipyard Wins ployees and _ supervisors alike Credit for accomplishing loading banda di e school. This is the first time that Lago’s share in the credit brought to operations at such a terrific rate is due E. F. Welch, di Training Division, Shipyard Aruba by our outstanding records has been a serious contender to the careful planning and coordination kende a companha e mucha-hombernan for top honors in the Shipbuilding and in the various divisons of the by foremen, gaugers, and pumpers in te na Allentown a bolbe Aruba siman Repair Division of the Contest. Its win- contest. the Receiving and Shipping Depart- pasa. E ta confia cu Britten y Dijkhoff ning rate of 3.14 accidents per million I would also like to make special ment, working in coperation with ships’ lo probecha es anja di estudio na Merca. man hours mention of the captains and lieute- worked considerably better- erew members responsible for loading "E hobennan ta dicidido di probecha nants of the teams in the Safe ed the average accident rate of all other operations. nan estadia na Merca,” Sr. Welch a bisa, Workers’ Contest; their untiring entries in its division, which was 16.26. The capacity to receive cargo at such ”y e hendenan di e school di Allentown, efforts to impress upon employees Lago’s Shipyard had a firm hold on a high rate is dependent not only on the orguyoso di a ser elegi pa duna es the importance of working safely first place, with the second-place win- facilities of the ship, but on the ability muchanan nan entrenamiento, tambe ta were an important factor in our ner, the Beaumont Yard of the Bethle- of the crew members to perform their desea cu es anja lo ta un berdadero receiving this recognition. hem Steel Company, having a rate of part of the function quickly and éxito.” Each of us should feel proud of 5.90. In third place was the Pusey and efficiently. Dijkhoff y Britten tabata e aprendiz- the part we played in bringing Jones Corporation of Wilmington, Dela- To compete successfully in the world nan sobresaliente di Klas di Graduado- these awards to Aruba. We should ware, with a frequency rate of 6.08 oil market, reduced operating costs and nan di e anja aki, y nan ta e proménan be grateful for them, not because accidents per million man hours. increased efficiency are of prime con- cu ta haya es anja di estudio na cuenta they are good safety records, but sideration. This recent achievement of di Compania. Nan a bai di Aruba dia for what they mean to us as indi- Stevedores Head List Again fast turnarounds is an important step 17 di September y lo keda Allentown te vidual workers: that we do our Lago’s Stevedores won first place in in Lago’s cost reduction program, since na Juni di otro anja. daily work in a place where high the National Safety Council Contest for it is in the direction of making the most standards of safety are practiced. the fourth consecutive year, and for the efficient use of Aruba’s dock facilities I feel certain that each of us fifth time in the past seven years. and of making the most of the new will constantly strive to improve Their winning rate of 8.57 was far supertankers’ increased haulage capa- these excellent records, and to L. G. Smith Gets New Position ahead of the second-place winner, the city in the shortest possible time. maintain our high position among Ohio and Western Pennsylvania Dock L. G. Smith, former president and companies with outstanding re- general manager of Lago, was recently cords for working safely. Continued on page 5 Two Scholarship Winners appointed acting chief administrative a eae officer in charge of Creole’s New York Start Their Training office. Mr. Smith has been active in the Lake Fleet Wins Second In Pennsylvania School | - petroleum industry since 1913. He was general manager here from 1933 to In Tanker Safety Contest Lago’s two apprentice scholarship 1946, and was elected president in 1944. winners, Francisco Dijkhoff and Domi- *Living in a real world of wonderland Upon his departure in 1946, he went to The Esso Transportation Company nico Britten, arrived in Allentown, Lake Fleet added to its impressive list as been the experience during the past the Foreign Refining Department of the Pennsylvania late last month and are week of two youths from Aruba, Jersey company; in September 1947 he of safety achievements this month with now enrolled in the Vocational Public was elected a vice-president of Creole, the announcement that it had won High School there. Continued on page 2 and in December 1947 a director. second place in the Tanker Division of the National Safety Council’s Contest. In the past seven contests the Lake Fleet won top honors four times, and received second place three times. The Aruba tankermen had a record of 9.07 accidents per million man hours worked. The average accident frequency rate of all companies entered in the Contest was 16.77. In first place among the tankers was the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, Chicago, Illinois, with a rate of 5.53. Third place winner was the Atlantic Refining Company in Philapelphia, 10.28. In addition to its high rating in this year’s Contest, the Esso Transporta- tion Company ranked first in the con- Numerous friends and relatives went to Dakota Airport tember Sep- Mr. Dijkhoff, B. Teagle, director tests of 1942—43, 194546, 1946—47, 17 to see scholarship winners Francisco Dijkhoff of Lago’s Public Relations Dominico and Department, I J. ’. Friel, Industrial and 1947—48. In 1943—44 and 1944—46 Britten off for the States. Above, Acting Lt. Relations Director, and other Goy. friends and relatives H. A. Hessling bids them farewell and emphasizes the responsi- of the two youngsters. it placed second. bilites the boys held as representatives of Aruba and covered the period from as pioneers Arriving in Miami, six hours later, the two scholarship winners The Contest in the scholarship program. Looking on are Mr. Britten (center), are accompanied by E. F, Welch of the Lago Training Division. July 1, 1948 through June 30, 1949.


RUBA Esso NEWS Departmental Reporters (Dots indicate that reporter has turned in a tip for this issue} PUBLISHED AT ARUBA, NETHERLANDS WEST INDIES, BY THE Simon Coronel Hospital LAGO OIL & TRANSPORT CO., LTD. Bipat Chand Storebouse Sattaur Bacchus Instrument Simon Geerman Drydock | The next issue of the ARUBA ESSO NEWS will be distributed Bernard Marquis 0000000 Iphil Jones Marine Office Friday, October 28. All copy must reach the editor in Receiving & Shipping Erskine Anderson Acid & Edeleunu the Personnel Building by Friday noon, rales honeisas October 21. Fernando da Silva Pressure Stills Bertie Viapree C.T.R. & Field Shups Hugo de Vries T.S.D. Office Printed by the Curagaosche Courant, Curagao, N.W.I. Mie trteee: Accounting Powerhouse 1 & 2 Jacinto de Kort Laboratories 1 & 2

Harold Wathey Laboratory 3 Mrs. M. A. Lago Police Lunanan Peligroso — Mongroe Esso & Lago Clubs Medionan Pa Combati Nan Elsa Mackintosh Dining Hall (2) | Calvin Hassell Catalytic Tempo di calor ta den su furor, y tur empleado mester Federico Ponson M. & C. Office Edgar Connor Masons & Insulatois 2 alerta, pues ta proba cu tempo di calor ta causa emplea- Machine Shop Mario Harms Blacksmith, Boiler & Tia donan di ta menos alerta, nan reaccionnan ta menos rapido Cade Abraham Pips Jan Oduber Welding pasobra nan ta cansa mas liher tanto na curpa como na John Francisco Colony Comm mente. Jose La Cruz Plant Commissary Stella Oliver Laundry Accidentenan ta aumenta ora cu empleadonan, pa via di Ricardo Van Blarcum 9€ 000000 Colony Service Office Claude Bolah calor, Colony Shops ta laga di bisti bril, helm, handschoen y otro equipo Garage di Seguridad. Harold James Personnel Edney Huckleman Sports Everett Biddle demonstrates how Pa combina comodidad Samuel Rajroop the cu eficiencia y salud durante luna- Special Hospital's new portable iron lung Jeffrey Nelson Carpenter & Paint folds up nan di calor, sigui e siguiente reglanan: George Lawrence 0000000 Gas Plant into a compact unit. Used in the treatment Percura pa bo haya su iente sono pa dia of any condition where continued artificial Batia cu frecuencia respiration is required over a long period of time, this iron lung can be operated Bisti pata di material lihé y fresco automatically by electrical power or by Bebe hopi awa fresco, pero no frioe nan di alcohol ta keda den bo curpa durante 48 ora. manual operation of a hand bellows. One No come di mas; siendo cu hende ta perde hopi salu foi No laga accidentenan aumenta durante lunanan di calor advantage of this portable unit is that it can easily be moved, with a patient den su curpa ora nan ta soda, e mester pone salu den su — tene mas cuidao. Ta na bo mes interes, di tuma tur inside, into a plane or ambulance for transport- cuminca pa reemplaza loque e ta perde na sodor. precaucion pa reduci peligronan di accidente durante luna- ation anywhere. No tuma mucho bebida cu alcohol, pues tin biaha efecto- nan di calor.

SCHOLARSHIPS from page 1 Hazardous Months -- And How to Survive Them NEW ARRIVALS Netherlands West Indies, now residing

in Allentown.” “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” A son, Mario Reginaldo, to Mr. and Mrs, Leon That was the news in an Allentown Flanders, September 7. There may be a lot of truth in that well-known quotation of Mark Twain’s, A son, Neil Roland, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis newspaper describing the boys’ ex- Guevara, September 7 7. but hot weather is here now and periences since leaving Aruba, and it’s it’s to every employee’s advantage to do some- A son, Hilbert Francis, to Mr. and Mrs, Cuth- thing about it, not just talk about it. bert McQuilkin, September 9. borne out by recent letters from the A son, Franklin, to Mr. and Mrs, Urbano Studies show that hot weather causes employees to let down their personal Oduber, September 9. youngsters. A son, David Melville, to Mr. and Mrs, Melvin The Empire State Building, a Yankee guard, that their reactions are slower Browne, September 10. when they are physically or mentally , Oleander Yonna, to Mr. and Mrs. Stadium baseball game between New , September 10. tired. Accidents also happen when wor- York and Chicago, the ice show, Colom- A daughter, Lena Resina, to Mr. and Mrs. kers become lax during hot months Hendrik Oosterhuis, September 10. bia University, the Statute of Liberty, A daughter, Jacinta, to Mr. and Mrs. Maximo about wearing goggles, helmets, gloves, man, September 11, a television broadcast, a tour of Rocke- son, Robby Manuel, to Mr. and Mrs. Ammie and other protective equipment. feller Center — those were just some G. Peterson, eptember 11. For greater comfort, efficiency, and A daught Elvira Cecilia, to Mr. and Mrs. of the highlights of their stay in New Pedro Giel, September 11, health during the hot months, here’s A daughter, Joyce Kathleen, to Mr. and Mrs.

York before leaving for Allentown. what you can do: Pieter Teekens, September 12. Upon their arrival in Allentown the A daughter, Lynette Evangeline, to Mr. and Get a sufficient amount of sleep. Mrs. Elan Bacchus, September 12. boys (now "’Frank” and ’Dom”’ to their A son, Lawson William, to Mr. and Mrs. Bathe frequently. Lawrence Boyd, September 12. American classmates) attended their Wear light loose porous clothing. A daughter, Marianita Catharina, to Mr. and Mrs. Atanacio van der Linden, September 12. first football game, where they were Drink plenty of cool, but not cold, A daughter, Maria Lodowika, to Mr. and Mrs. tremendously impressed with the de- Juan Wouters, September 13. water. Drinking fountains are located A son, Matthew William, to Mr, and Mrs. monstration of the high school band Matthew Farrell, September 13. Fight * throughout the refinery. during half-time. A son, Ronald Irvin Gaston, to Mr. and Mrs, Hot Have a sensible diet and don’t over- George McIntosh, September 14. The two boys, outstanding graduates Weather Accidents son, Calvin Alphonso, to Mr. and Mrs. eat. Since a person loses salt through Hezekiah Bryson, September 15. of this year’s apprentice class, are now perspiration, he should replace it with A daughter, Nicomeda Violet, to Mr. and Mrs. Estevan Crees, September 15. comfortably settled in their new home adequate salt in his food. A son, Rosimbo Adolf, to Mr. and Mrs. Pedro and ready for a year’s advanced study. Almary, September 16, Use moderation in drinking alcoholic A son, Douglas Don Terry, to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Welch, of Lago’s Training Divi- beverages, since effects of alcohol may Humphrey Blackburn, September 16. A son, Harold Alexander, to Mr. and Mrs. sion, accompanied the boys on their trip successful and happy one.” remain in your body for as long as 48 Max Pinas, September 16. to the States and returned to Aruba hours. Triplets, a son, Victor Hugo and _ two Young Dijkhoff and Britten are the daughters, Virginia Josephine, and Victoria last week. He is confident that young first recipients of the scholarships Finally, we might all join in eliminat- Regina, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hanley, Septem- Britten and Dijkhoff will make the most ber 6. awarded by the Company to the two top ing the pest who asks Is it hot enough A son, Reuben Stanl,ey, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter of their year’s study in the U.S. members of the apprentice graduating for you?” Greenaway, September 17 A son, Julien Nicholas, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd The two youngsters are determined class. They left Aruba on September 17, Don't let the accident rate rise during Peter, September 17. stay in the A son, Michael David, to Mr. and Mrs, Samuel to get the most out of their and will remain in Allentown until next the hot months — increase your guard Games, September 18. States,” Mr. Welch said. "And the June. and actually do something about the A son, Edwin Alphaeus, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan September 18. people at the Allentown school, proud weather. It will be to your own safety n, Mario Roland, to Mr. and Mrs. Pedro that they have been selected to give the and comfort to take all the precautions Croes, September 18. A daughter, Bibi Ishaw Zabeeda, to Mr. and boys further training, are equally as possible to reduce the hazards of the Mrs. Abdul Rahim, September 19. SAFETY PAYS A son, Thomas, to Mr. and Mrs. Juan Vries, eager to make the experience an entirely hot months. September 19. A daughter, Merlin Sandra, to Mr, and Mrs.

Walter Pyle, September 19. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril about to begin. those present were Acting Lt. Gov. A son, Daniel Ernesto, to New Church at Paradera Bryson, September 19. Last month, one year later, Father Hessling, Dr. E. Arends, member of the A daughter, Sandra Beatrice, to Mr. and Mrs. Arneaud Martin, September 20. Completed Last Month Spekle celebrated the first mass in the Government Advisory Committee, re- A daughter, Ludwina, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugenio Kock, September 20. completed church, named after St. Filo- presentatives of Lago, S. N. Ecury, pre- James d . Percival Egbert, to Mr. and Mrs. It,,.was September 1948. Rev. Father mena. Situated between the Noord sident of the "Churchbuilding Funds Clouden, September 20. A son, Newby Stanley, to Mr. and Mrs. Adol- Spekle, pastor without a church, care- church and the Oranjestad church, Aruba”, and other guests. phus Moses, September 20. A son, Mateo Isildro, to Mr. and Mrs. Syl- fully and hopefully laid the first stone Santa Filomena crowns a high hill over- Both the exterior and interior of the vester Geerman, September 21. in the foundation of the proposed sixth looking miles of Aruban farms. church were blessed. When this was A sor rnwade Varolii Stephenson, to Mr. and Mr tephen Kirnon, September 21. parochial church in Aruba. The plan- Blessing of the church was given on completed, the Bishop gave a moving A daughter, Catherine Louisa, to Mr. and Mrs. James Morton, September 21. ning and fund raising had been in pro- Thursday, September 8 by His Grace sermon. The ceremonies ended with the A daughter, Betty Ruby Elaine, to Mr, and gress for a long time; the construction Bishop Zeppenfeldt. This solemnity was singing of a song in honor of St. Filo- Mrs. Charles Garraway, September 2 A son, Manuel Luis, to Mr. and Mrs. Rafael of the new church at Paradera was witnessed by a huge crowd. Among mena, composed by Rev. Spekle. Zambrano, September 22. Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo September 2: Cydro, Mr. and Mrs. George A son, McQueen, September 22 A daughter, Agnes Angela, to Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Adams, September 23. A daughter, Pauline Mar. to Mr. and Mrs. John Winstanley, September A son, Lionel mon, to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gabriel, September 23. A daughter, Juliette Eudarie, to Mr. and Mrs Bertin Flanders, September 23. A daughter, Lauretta Lorraine, to Mr. and Mrs. Fridolin Schultz, September 24. A daughter, Dolores Alma, to Mr. and Mrs, Broer Boonstra, September 24 A son, Lucas Dominico Johannes, to Mr. and Mrs. Jan Croes, September 24 A son, Matthew Jefferson, to Mr. and Mrs, Jonas Noel, September A daughter, Evelina Maria, to Mr. and Mrs. Lourens Dirksen, September 25. A daughter, Clara Miriam, to and Mrs. Alexander Yarzagaray, September 2 A daughter, Dora Ernestine, to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Charles, September 25. A daughter, Joyce Wilma, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferrol, September 26. A son, to Mr. and Mrs. Venancio Croes, Sep- has been recently com- Sunlit interior of the new Church at Paradera provides an ap- tember 26. “ The new Catholic Church at Paradera and Mrs. Newton Primus, dignity and beauty. The altar is surmounted A daughter, to Mr. pleted. It has been built on a high hill overlooking many miles pearance of simple September 26. of Aruba. The Church was designed in a cathedral style with by a large crucifix illuminated by large arches and clerestory A son, to Mr. and Mrs, Luciano Wever, Sep- classic lines, buttressed walls, “and clerestory illumination. windows. tember 27.

OCTOBER 7, 1949

Three Colombian girls frolic below the grim battlements of Fortress San Felipe at Via a tributary of the Rio Magdalena, produce from the jungles, the plains, and the Cartagena, famed city of the Spanish Main. The Fortress, one of the most elaborate mountains are brought to the Colombian seaport of Barranquilla. Colombia, a moun- fortifications in the Spanish New World, was built to protect the city against the tainous country, has long depended upon air tr: el to overcome the lack of ground forays of pirates, but failed to ward off countless attacks. (Pan American World transportation, and to provide a faster means of travel than the slow river method. Airways photo.) (Pan American World Airways photo.) olombia -- Variety For Vacationists

Whenever the debate of the seashore strians can be seen strolling down the ter and way of life, the people of its possibilities as a tourist center. Its versus the mountains crops up in the street arm in arm, discussing politics, Medellin, or Antioquenos, are the mer- variety of vacation attractions, how- selection of a vacation spot, the argu- reciting poetry, or simply gossiping. chants and businessmen of Colombia. ever, causing it to find increasing ment can easily be settled by suggest- Someone once said that a pistol shot One of Colombia’s biggest attractions favor mong tourists who wish to

ing a trip to Colombia. In that northern could not be fired down this street with- is the old coastal city of Cartagena, enjoy a most republic of South America you out wounding at least one poet. founded in 1533 by an adventurous can enjoy both the tropical climate of a The many cafes along Carrera Sep- Spanish commander. Sometimes called Caribbean seaside resort and the invi- tima are filled at all hours of the day the Walled City, Cartagena is in part gorating coolness of the mountains. and night with jabbering men. Over an surrounded by an ancient rampart built Thrown in for good measure are breath- alarming number of "tintos’ (black as a defense against pirates of the taking panoramas and ancient historical coffee) or '’pericos” (coffee and milk) Colonial era. Sir Francis Drake once landmarks dating back to the days of they hold meetings, transact business occupied the city for 68 days, then made the old Spanish Main. or conduct political rallies. It is not un- off with a bocty of half a million dollars Only slightly over an hour and a half common to see a university student sit- in gold. by air from Aruba is Barranquilla, Co- ting in a corner of one of these esta- lombia’s principal seaport. A busy city blishments behind a huge pile of text- Cartagena of 100,000 people, it is modern in every books, studying for an examination. Perhaps the best preserved of all the respect, boasting the best water — and The British custom of afternoon tea old Spanish cities in Latin Amer the best automatic phone service — in is very popular in Bogota. There are Cartagena is also a favorite seaside Colombia. any number of modern tea parlors resort. The modern Hotel del Caribe The principal hotel in Barranquilla is throughout the city where the smart has. all the up-to-date facilities found in the Hotel Del Prado, which operates on set gathers each afternoon. For about better United States hotels and is the American plan and serves excellent fifty centavos you are served tea and famous for its seafood. Cartagena is meals. a variety of fine pastries. only 30 minutes by air from Barran- A short drive from the heart of Bar- Favorite sport in Bogota is bull- quilla. ranquilla is the popular seaside resort fighting, which is held in the city’s First city of Colombia to declare its of Puerto Colombia. You can hire a car huge arena every Sunday. Top-notch complete independence from Spain, Car- for a visit to this lovely Caribbean performers from Spain and Mexico are tagena is a veritable treasure chest beach for three to four pesos an hour, imported for these spectacles. historical lore. Tourists enjoy visiti oY pproximately $1.75 to 5 in One hour from Bogota by air is the old cathedrals, the Palace of th« inquilla, Colombia. The American money at the present rate of Medellin, second largest city in Colom- Inquisition, and the ancient vaults that Gc ucture has an interior of exotic bia and capital of the highly industria- were used as _ political prisons half-Indian charm with curious frescoes of

blue, gold, and rose. (Pan American I iness district of Barranquilla lized Department of Antioquia. Totally torture chambers by Spanish tyrants. World Airways photo.) 1 ig with traffic, with the crook- different from the Bogotanos in charac- Colombia has only begun to develop crowded with automobiles, ded truc. and busy people. Technologists Get New Posts everything from leopard ma hats at reasonable Appointment of E. W. Luster as man- iger of the Esso Engineering Depart- ment of the Standard Oil Development Company, central research affiliate of itt] er two hours the Standard Oil Company (New Bogota, ¢ i CELL Jersey), was announced recently by unded b. 10,000 E. V. Murphree, Development Company yuntains, the city is built on president. 8,700 feet above sea level. Mr. Luster succeeds Dr. N. E. Loomis, Of referred to as the Athe vho retains his position as vice-presi- e Americas because of its intel dent of the Development Company while Ir her Bogota and the Bogotano relinquishing his duties as department

ure a class by themselves, In shar} nanager in order to devote more atten- contrast to the coz stal citi tion to general policy matters. Colombia the capital presents a drab C. E. Paulus, formerly associate chief ppearance. Both men and women tend ngineer, succeeds Mr. Luster as chief o dress in black or dark gray engineer with responsibility for the Virtually isolated from the outsid general supervision of the department. world before the advent of commercial Mr. Luster is a graduate of Rutgers aviation, Bogota developed a personalit University. He joined Jersey Standard all its own. Since the only means of in 1916 and the Development Company transportation between the capital and in 1928. the coast was by boats plying the Mr. Paulus was graduated from Magdalena river, Bogotanos did very Lehigh University and joined Jersey in little traveling and their contact even Mr. C, J. Martel of Trinidad, BiW.I., (center) order Secret y of the Independent 1919; he transferred to the Develop- with other cities within the republic Order of Mechanics Friendly Society, meets with Mechanics of Aruba before a banquet ment Company in 1928. was negligible. held in bis honor at The Star of Aruba Lodge, September 24. Mr. Martel arrived here in Aryba from the United States via Panama. His week-long visit Different from their countrymen even implemented con- ferenges held with the parent body in the interest of Societies in the Caribbean. SCHEDULE OF PAYDAYS in their speech, the people of Bogota are said to speak the most perfect AS Semi-Monthly Payroll Spanish in Latin America, September 16—30 Saturday, Oct. 8 October 1—15 Monday, Oct. 24 On Bogota’s Carrera Septima — or Seventh COIN Monthly Payrolls Avenue — numerous YOUR IDEAS pede- September 1—15 Monday, Oct. 10


THAT es ifr >

E buki ’This is Lago”, ta dedicaé na empleadonan — e homber- y muher- nan den refineria, e hombernan den Lake Fleet — kendenan ta yuda Lago THIS IS LAGO mantenen su puesto den mundo di petroleo.

Promé cu Lago a yega te caminda e ta, tabatin mester di anajanan di (Cuminzando cu e nimero aki, Aruba Esso News lo duna un traduccion di contenido di e buki ”This Is Lago”. E promé parti estudio, di planeamento, y experiencia. Material y equipo montando na di e traduccion cu ta parce den e nimero aki, ta cubri "Lago su algun cien mil ton a worde descarga riba su wafnan y a forma e conhunto Puesto den Mundo” y "Na Principio”. E siguiente nimeronan di di staal, madera y y concreet. Millones di dollar a worde gasta. Centro di Esso News lo contene "Siguiente Anjanan”, ”Anjanan di Guer- tur esaki ta Lago su empleadonan, kendenan a comberti tur e equipo ra”, ,Lago Awendia”, ,,Lago riba Lamar”, ,,Su Hendenan”, y inerte na un gran empresa industrial. »Lago su Plannan pa Futuro’.)

Si un empleado di Lago por a biaha "eracking stills’. Estableci riba koraal Dos ocean tanker y cinco laketanker a (Durante anjanan cu a sigui tur e hunto cu e barril di gasoline of cualkier di Aruba su parti mas p’ariba, dos mil drenta e dia ey. personanan menciona aki riba a dedica otro producto cu el a yuda produci, des- milla for di e lugar di unda e tabata San Nicolas, cy su haaf usa pa pisca- hopi di nan tempo na Lago. Sr. Harwood pues cu e barril a sali for di refineria, haya awa, cuminda y cos di trabao, y mento y barco di bela cu tabata carga a bira hefe di asuntonan di Marina; es empleado lo mira lugarnan strano y 150 milla di lamar for di e lugar unda fosfaat, y cu su playa bashi sin’ta pa Sr. Cook den refinamiento. Sr. D. J. nobo. Su biaha, cuminzando abordo di e azeta crudo cu mester worde refina sumpina y algun mata, a cambia. In- Smith a dirigi construccion na Aruba, y un tanker, podiser lo hibe Bayonne, y tabata bini, no tabatin ken bisa kico dustria y comercio mundial a_ keda L. G. Smith tabata Lago su gerente djei podiser pa New York of Phila- futuro tabatin warda pa Lago. estableci. general di 1933 te 1946.) delphia, of cualkier otro stad grandi Awor, despues di 20 anja, Lago ta Esnan cu tabata traha pa Lago e Atrobe Aruba a worde scogi. For di den parti Oost di Merca. maneha tanto vapor, cu su haaf ta tempo ey tabata biba den 12 cas di palo un toren di awa den cercania di haaf e Podiser e biaha lo sigui den auto di conta den esnan di mas grandi di cu t’ey ainda. Bida no tabata facil. hombernan aki a mira e lugar chikito cualkier hende, of den un di e mil mundo; Lago su empleadonan ta repre- Segun Captan Rodger, carni fresco, unda vapornan tabata tuma azeta, cu trucknan cu ta carga provision for di senta mitar di henter populacion di fruta y berdura no tabata cos cu nan algun tanki, algun casita y nada mas. campo hiba stad. Podiser e worde usa Aruba; Lago ta un di e refinerianan di tabata haya mira; tur cuminda tabata Pero den nan mente nan a mira careda- na campo tambe, caminda Lago su pro- mas grandi di mundo. Esaki ta storia di di bleki, pero di bez en cuando e vapor- nan di still, y cantidad di tanki, pipa, ductonan ta worde usa pa tractornan y Lago, for di dia e promé gotanan di nan tabata trece algo bon for di Vene- warehouse, shop, hospitaal, y casnan. Di otro machiennan cu ta worde usa pa azeta a pasa den stillnan na Januari di zuela. IJs tabata bin for di Curacao den buelta pa New York, detayenan mayor prepara tera pa planta y pa cosecha. anja 1929, te Januari di anja 1949, awor barril. Cuminda di casi tur dia tabata di construccion di e planta a worde E empleado por hayé te haste den cu un promedio di 400,000 barril ta pasa galifa, cu tabata costa 40 cents of un dicidi. regionnan di Noordpool, unda Lago su den stillnan diariamente. jotin e tempo ey; webo tabata costa un San Nicolas a sigui sirbi como depo- petroleo ta worde usa den vapornan of dos cent. sito pa azeta crudo pa entrega na vapor- grandi cu ta pisca bayena. Anja 1928 a trece cambio mas exten- nan pa nan biaha, cargando cuater of E empleado por hayé riba lamarnan Grupo Ta Bin Inspecté... di y mas permanente pa Aruba. Na Juli cinco vapor pa siman te na fin di anja strafio; e por sigui e barril te na tera Lago a mustra su promé interes den di 1927, nan a inicia plannan pa lamta 1928. di Norweginan; of te Spafia, of te den Aruba na 1924, ora cu Captain Rodger un refineria den cercania di Maracaibo Captain Rodger, probablemente e un casita na Suiza, unda un lampi di y dos socio a worde manda pa inspecta pa refina e azeta crudo di Maracaibo. homber di mas conoci riba Aruba du- kerosin ta cende cu producto di Lago. posibilidadnan di Paraguand, Curacao y Un grupo di inspeccion, incluyendo rante mas di 15 anja, a bai biba den un Na teranan di Europa, millones di Aruba, pa haya e mihor lugar pa traha. Paul H. Harwood, Thomas S. Cooke, cas di cinco pieza, construi riba e lugar hende ta depende di Lago su petroleo. C. Na Augustus 1924, despues di a Lloyd G. Smith, y Donald J. Smith, a unda ta parkeerplaats dilanti di M. & Tan es asi, cu si refineria di Lago a bishita e dos otro lugarnan, nan a bini bishita Maracaibo y Aruba na Augustus Office awor. Despues e edificio aki mester cerra di repente, e efecto cu Aruba. Dos siman nan a studia e pro- 1927. sirbi como Executive Office. esey lo tin riba Europa lo ta mes desas- blema di cobamento di e kanaal mei-mei troso cu un otro guerra. Europeonan di rif. Nan a scoge San Nicolas como e no tin azeta casi pa nan mes uso; nan lugar propio y cobamento a cuminza na mester depende di otro, Lago por ehem- fin di anja 1925. pel. Sin Lago lo tin menos luz na Lon- Mester a hancha e entrada mei-mei di don y Amsterdam; industrianan na rif y mester a coba hopi pa e haaf por Manchester y na Oslo lo bai atras; a sirbi pa vapornan cu mester di 25 pia winter lo ta mas duro pa henter Europa. di awa ora cu nan ta carga. Trabao a Mundo no por sin petroleo, cu otro cuminza pronto riba loque actualmente palabra, mundo tin mester di Aruba y ta Main Dock, y ocho tanki di 70,000 di Lago. barril cada un a worde construi pa azeta crudo. Na Principio Mientras tanto, nan a manda dos vapor for di Inglatera pa carga azeta Na December 1928, ora cu construc- crudo for di Lago di Maracaibo. Un di cion di Lago su refineria tabata casi nan, Francunion a bolbe Europa y a completé, Aruba su populacion tabata sirbi den guerra. E otro, Inverampton, masha abao. Piscamento, trahamento di a pega den entrada di Lago di Mara- sombré y aloe tabata e industrianan caibo y a bai perdi na anja 1928. Des- principal. Aruba su diez mil hendenan pues a bini cuater vapor tipo di Invei- tabata satisfecho cu nan bida sin com- lago e siguiente anja. E vapornan aki plicacionnan y cu poco cambio. tabata carga azeta crudo na Lago di Lago mes, apesar di construccion, ta- Maracaibo y tabata descargé den un bata jioe-chikito e tempo ey, tanto na deposito na Oranjestad y djei, vapornan edad como na tamafio. E tabatin sola- tabata pasa tuma azeta pa nan biaha- yen di tanki, nan. di im- mente un haaf, un man Un portret di Lago, sakaé tempo cu Lago a cuminza cu loque despues a bira mustra poco vapor chikito, y nan tabata tra- Lago su haaf a cuminza su carera portancia mundial. No. 1 ta mustra caminda grandi di refineria, No. 2 ta No. 3, Main Office ete. hando riba ocho "topping stills” y ocho oficialmente dia 17 di November 1927. e sitio di Cracking Plant, y No. 3 ta sitio di Laboratorio OCTOBER 7, 1949 ARUBA ESSO NEWS a

Aprobacion pa e refineria a yega na Ralph Watson di Receiving & Ship- Februari di 1928, y e promé trahador- ping a biba na "White House” na anja LONG SERVICE AWARDS nan a yega dia 24 di Februari, pa traha 1925. E mes, un asistente, y algun yuda- lugar di biba pa esnan cu tabata bai dor a sonda lamar p’aden di rif, a roza bini pa cuminza cu construccion. cadushi, y a instal4 un pipa di awa Donald J. Smith a recorda dilacion, conecté cu Mangel Cora, un poz bieuw equipo inadecuado, scarsedad di traha- p’ariba di faro. Porfin no tabatin nada 20 der, y di cas; dificultad pa haya sufi- mas di haci y nan a pasa algun luna ciente cuminda y awa, y monton di otro piscando, tur es tem cu nan tabata complicacionnan cu ta parti di un con- warda yegada di e draga. YEAR struccion asina, dos millon milla for di Pedro de Windt di Receiving & Ship- e lugar di unda tur cos tabata worde ping ta recordd cu un di su promé job- importa. nan tabata di gries un careda di mulina E ta recorda cu tur forza y tempo a di awa banda di faro, pa medio di cual BUTTONS worde dedicAé pa caba cu e powerhouse tabata haya awa pa laba y tin biaha pa y "topping stills”. Powerhous2 a cumin- bebe. za traha na December di anja 1928, y Fred Penney, di Marine Department, a 29 di Januari, 1929 ta fecha riba cual e bini na Juni 1927, pa instala boiler y Left to right: William Arrindell, Pipe Department; Gilbert Brook, Police Department; etillnan a cuminza traha. machinenan. E ta recorda com popular Rafael Ching, Stewards Department. el a bira, dia cu el a inventa un moda Nan ta conta.... pa produci binti blokki di ijs pa dia enbez di tres. (Actualmente planta di Mas di cien homber cu tabata traha ijs ta produci cuater cien blokki pa dia.) pa Lago tempo cu e promé barril a Henry Fujooah di Lower Yard Elec- worde produci, ainda ta na Lago, awor tric Shop, a sali foi Surinam bai Cura- cu e ta na caminda pa alcanza su di dos cao pe busca un trabao y a bini Aruba billon barril. For di loque es empleado- ora el a tende di e refineria nobo. Na nan aki ta conta, nos por saka afor principio el a biba den un cas cu dak com nan tabata biba y traha es tempo, di torta, cu tabatin na e lugar unda y nos por nota tambe e gran cambionan Duana ta awor. E y su companeronan cu a tuma lugar na Lago y na Aruba tabata drumi ey den riba kot, pero ora durante anjanan cu a pasa. cu awa cuminza yobe nan tabata drumi Jose Oduber di Oil Accounting, kende bao di e kot pa sconde awa. E di cu a cuminza traha na September, 1925, ta e promé electric shop tabata den un corda tempo cu Lago su oficina tabata hokki di telefoon, y cu e promé power- John Hagerman, Hydro Poly Department; Emilio Halman, Cracking Department; na Oranjestad. Ora cu el a accepta job house tabata tin solamente tres gene- Joseph Irausquin, Marine Wharves; Darrell Jackson, Light Oils Finishing Department. di cable clerk, pagador, y general office rator di 1 Kilowat. man, Lago su payroll tabata consisti di Captain William Craig, kende a bini siete homber y un muher cu tabata bari di Inglatera na 1925 abordo di Inver- y limpia e edificio, cu awor ta cas y caibo ta recorda e dianan pacifico, sin shap di Casey Eman. Jossy ta conta cu ningun sorto di pura, promé cu refi- tin biaha henter oficina ta cera trei- neria a worde estableci. Hopi bez e merdia y nan tur tabata bai landa. De vapornan tabata warda un siman pa lo contrario tin biaha cu tur ta keda nan turno yega pa carga azeta na Ma- traha henter anochi of henter Dia- racaibo. No tabatin luz riba cual nan domingo ora cu un vapor tabata para por a nabega pa drenta e kanaal smal cla pa sali. E record di cargamento di mei-mei di rif, y si nan acerca ora ta- e vapornan ta manera ta sigui: seis bata birando scur, nan mester a ancra vapor na 1924, 57 na 1925, 80 na 1926 p'afor pa nan warda di dia habn pa y 148 di Januari te November di 1927, nan cruza. ora cu e oficina a pasa pa San Nicolas. (E ta sigui) Carl Kester, Pressure Stills Department; Ramon Kock, Dry Dock Department; Guil- berto Maduro, Paint Department; Isidor Maduro, Marine Wharves.

James Rosborough, Light Oils Finishing Department; George Sandiford, Dry Dock Durante Lago su 20 anja di existencia no ta Lago so a cambia, pero henter Aruba Department; Wilton Wilson, Instrument Department; A. Zandwijken, Marine hunto cuné, Ta dificil pa reconoce Nassaustraat di awendia den es portret di Nassau- Department. straat di antes, cu cayanan sin asphalt y sin acera, y sin careda di auto.

SAFETY Continued from page | 10-Year Buttons Company, which had an accident rate Martilio Vrolijk Yard of 20.24 accidents per million man Moises Bienvenu Executive hours. In third place was the Union Orlo Thomas Executive Dock Company with a rate of 25.08, The Pedro Maduro Electricai average rate for groups in this division Elotheus Violenes Powerhouse was 35.52. Frans Breusers Cracking Lago’s Stevedores won first place in Charles Campbell Rec. & Shipp. the contests of 1942—43, 1945—46, Joseph Persaud T.S.D. 1946—47, and 1947—48. In 1943—44 Russell Ewing TS and 1944—45 they won second place. Leo King TS sD: Albert Ayer Accounting Refinery Improves Henry Lancaster Personnel Mavis Cochrane Medical The refinery’s third-place rate of 2.42 Frank Gladman Mason & Insul. is an improvement over its 2.68 record Ramen Arrow Powerhouse of last year when it won first honors Lonzo Moyer Gas Plant in its division. The average accident Eduardo Schotborg Dry Dock rate among the major refineries was John Pakozci Carpenter 5.09 accidents per million man hours worked. In first place was the Socony- Vacuum Oil Company of New York with DEATHS a 2.03 rating; in second was the Stan- Juan Croes, blacksmith A at the Dry dard Oil Company of Indiana, Chicago, Dock, died September 17 at the age of 2.20. 58. He had been a Lago employee for Other ratings in the refinery division: over 15 years, 4 — Shell Oil Company, New York, Mr. Croes is survived by his wife. 2.81; 5 — Continental Oil Company, Ponca City, Oklahoma, 2.89; 6 — Esso Standard’s Baton Rouge refinery, 3.03; Company, New York, 4.87; 12 — Sin- 7 — Humble Oil and Refining Company, clair Refining Company, New York, Baytown, Texas, 3.22; 8 — Magnolia 5.42; 13 — Mid-Continent Petroleum Petroleum Company, Dallas, Texas, Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 10.38; Leaseholds, Trinidad, Nate) Y equipo pa uso 3.86; 9 — Atlantic Refining Company, 14 — Trinidad den refineria, cu a worde descarga riba wafnan di San Nicolas ta monta na algun Philadelphia, 4.12; 10 — Cities Service, 10.86; 15 — Tide Water Associated Oil cien mil ton y dollarnan cu a worde gastaé ta monta na algun millon. Di mas — Texas balor cu tur e material Y equipo costoso, ta Lago su Lake Charles, Louisiana, 4.59; 11 — Company, New York, 12.67; 16 empleadonan, Pan American Petroleum and Transport Company, Delaware, 12.69.


R. van Hoorn, right, treasurer of the Aruba Committee the Vi f ador, ¢ ks ticke ¢ given at

Proceeds of the Eagle Club’s open-air dance and party went to the victims of the recent Ecuador thquake. Here the hundreds who attended view the midnight floor show which presented yo numbers, rhumba and congo dancing, tap dancing, and comedy presentations. Dance music furnished by Speen’s Orchestra and the Casino del Caribe.

The St. Theresa group of Brownies celebrated their first anniversary last month orga! with a concert, followed by the enrollment of eight girls into th tion. The group is saen above with its leaders, Sheila Marte ack left) We (back right). Many. of the girls are daughters of employ Rajroop.) Members of the Conjunto Amigoes del Folklore, Venezuelan cultural roup who

appe in Aruba last month in connection with the Ecuador relief drive, are seen above as they toured the refinery. At left, near No. 10 Crude ill, girls from the group are seen with Lagoites Julio Boom, Albert Richardson, Fernando da Silva, and E. Campbell. At right Mr. Campbell points out a feature of one of the units. Visit of the group here was another step in strengthening the ties of friendship between Venezuela and Aruba.

Friends and associates of John F. Breen (third from left in front) gathered at the Gas Plant last month to present him a gift before he left for retirement. A re- tirement luncheon also commemorated his retirement after many years Jersey ser- vice. Mr. Breen t to work for the Standard Oil Company of Indiana at Cas- per, Wyoming in October 1 In Sep- tember 1929 he came to Lago. At the time of his retirement he was an operator in the Gas Plant.

ie ss Sanaa eee os

Vie Schultz became one of the most popular residents in the Lago Colony, among the smali fry at least, when he built this swimming pool in his back yard. It’s come I ding meeting places for the kids in the neighbor wn above Employees from the Netherlands Harbor Works, gather at the dock for their picture. (Photo by enjoying the cooling water are from left to Ispeth Lau- now at work on Lago’s extensive new dock facilities, Sam Rajroop.) renson, Julie Orr, Vickie Schultz, Myrna Harris, and Laura Lee Schultz.

peace- 16 arrivals at the L Lago Hospital were the triplets shown resting September Hanley The two girls and a boy are the childeren of Mr. and Mrs. James Choir Boys, world-famed musical group that appeared at the fully above. Their Members of the Vienna Mr. Hanley works in the Mason and Insulators Department. seen above upon their arrival at Dakota Airport. of San Nicolas; De Veer Theater last month, are names are Victoria, Virginia, and Victor. Their concert here was sponsored by the Aruba Art Circle. (Photo by Sam Rajroop). i} /\

OCTOBER 7, 1949

By defeating the M & C team in the third and final game of the playoffs, the TSD softball team took championship honors in the 1949 Lago Colony league. Members of the championship club, from left to right, are Manager Bill Tucker, Stan Stephen- The Chesterfield football team (above) divided a series with two Curacao teams on son (selected as the league’s most valuable player), Paul Puerner, Ferdy Frey, Harry a recent trip over there. Chesterfield beat Estudiantes, 6—5, and lost to Nesta, 2—0. Eller, Al Kossuth (captain), Dick Busacker, Don Kurtz, Weir Bristow, Shoemaker, Jim Members of the club are, front row left to right, J. Bikker, C. Maduro, Harold Richardson, and Frank Calvaruso. Maduro, F. M. Tromp, A. Maduro, and J. Kock. In back row are F. R. Maduro, C. Krozendijk, A. Camacho, W. Maduro, I. Kock, Cornelis Maduro, J. Kroendijk, and R. Picue. First Aid Program to Start For Lago Police Personnel A program of first aid instruction

a has been set up for members of the i a r Lago Police Department and is due to ina a get underway soon. Purpose of the pro- or = re 3 gram is to teach patrolmen and ambu- Une lance drivers the fundamentals of first aid, so that they will be qualified to give necessary treatment until medical

eee personnel arrive at the scene of an accident. Among the subjects to be included in the course will be the administration of artificial respiration, how to determine the extent of injuries, how to make the patient comfortable until medical per- sonnel arrive, how to properly transport injured persons, how to treat burns, One of the unusual sights Mr. and Mrs. shock, fractures, severely bleeding in- Hendrik Patist saw on their recent vacation juri and similar matters pertaining to Holland was the gentleman in the cen- to first aid treatment. ter, said to be the tallest man in Europe. Rae Brown, of the Dwarfing Mr. and Mrs. Patist, he stands Safety Division, eight feet three inches tall. Only 27 years will be in charge of the program and old, he weighs 390 pounds. The picture will be assisted by trained personnel above was snapped in Utrecht, Holland. from the Lago Police Department. Mr. and Mrs. David Fung are seen at the Surinam Club shortly after their wedding September 14. Grouped around them are friends who attended the reception. In the inset, the bride and groom prepare to cut the wedding cake. Mr. Fung works in the To Get Educational Refunds, MCC Holds First Annual Ball Accounting Department. Obtain Company Approval First The Marine Club held its first Softball Presentation Ends the awarding of prizes to the top teams ball last month, at which awards were There have recently been an increased and players. presented to the outstanding cricketeers Lago Heights Night Season number of applications for Educational of the group. Refunds which cannot qualify because The 19-week long Lago Heights soft- The Dodgers were to play Caribe in Cups were presented by Marine Man- courses are being taken in non-accredit- ball season was to draw to a close the evening’s presentation match, with ager J. Andreae to Peter Storey, for the ed institutions, or because subjects are Saturday night, October 1, with a awarding of prizes set to follow the not closely enough related to the type Continued on page 8 special presentation match highlighting game. of work the employee is doing. Employees are reminded that they must first submit an application for approval to the Training Division before they enroll in a particular course and become eligible for an educational refund. On any matter relating to the Educa- tional Refund Plan, employees are re- quested to get in touch with the Train- ing Division, telephone number 773.

Friends at the Esso Heights Dining Hall met last month to pre- Hendreik Croes, right, who is going to Curacao to work sent a wedding gift to Cuthbe rt James, who was mar ried at St. there, is predented a farewell gift by his fellow employees Ther ’s Church September 28 to Agatha Alexis. M. J. Saunders in the Instrument Department. Mr. Croes is one of the youngest (right) presents the gift, on behalf of the group apprentices to complete 10 years service with Lago.

A no-hit pitching job was turned in last month by Tenchi Hoftijzer, star pitcher of the Dodgers, when his club blanked Caribe 11—0. Manager Hoftijzer’s outstanding hurling was an important factor in the Dodgers’ taking the Lago Heights softball crown this season.

On behalf of Training Division and CYI personnel, Jessie Gon- Members of the Instrument Department get together for the zales presents a farewell present to Benson Douglas, who left presentation of a farewell gift to Wijntuin Christiaan, left, who [> Lago after six years to go to Canada. He was an instructor in for the States to study electronics. The gift was [st [a is leaving the Training Division, presented by Frank Greforio, right.

ARUBA ESSO NEWS OCTOBER 7, 1949 Monthly Crude Runs Hit All-Time High; Greater Output Calls for Top Eiciency ip

Lago made its bid for supremacy in the world-wide petroleum market last month with a record 410,000 barrels of crude being run through the refinery daily. This figure topped the previous high crude run of 393,000 barrels a day established in February 1948. To meet the fluctuating seasonal dem ands for fuel oil, it is expected that Lago’s crude runs will go even higher this month, with daily runs of 425,000 barrels planned for October.

This represents a tremendous increase over previous runs which have dropped Frank S. Campbell Retires; as low as 315,000 barrels daily. Was Asst. General Manager Here Present record runs are proof of Frank Lago’s flexibility in increasing produc- S. Campbell, formerly assistant tion from 374,000 to 410,000 barrels general manager here, retired in New York Members of the Committees attending the banquet almost overnight so as to take the ut- recently after 27 years service included 23 representatives of with the Lake Fleet and Marine Management. most advantage of the fluctuating world the Standard Oil Company (New demands for petroleum products. Addi- Jersey). At the time of his retirement he tional evidence of that flexibility is the was personnel advisor for the Refin- Activities Building Fleet Committee Holds ing Opens 110,000 barrel a day increase in six Coordination Department in New 2nd_ months; this is quite a significant in- York. Anniversary Banquet crease considering that, among all the Mr. Campbell started his company service "This banquet celebrating the second world’s refineries, there are less than in 1922 as a research chemist with anniversary of the formation of the twenty having a total crude capacity the Standard Oil Company of Indiana Lake Tankermen’s Committee, bringing of more than 110,000 barrels a day. in Casper, Wyoming. In 1928 together socially the representatives Briefly, the increased world demand he came to Lago as chief chemist. In of the Fleet and Marine Management, for fuel oil and Lago’s record runs 1929 he became assistant general super- is very symbolic of intendent of the refinery here, and in the work the Com- mean this as far as employees here are mittee 1935 general superintendent. He became has been doing throughout the concerned: increased competition from year.” Middle East oil makes it more necessary Lago’s assistant general manager in Marine Manager J. Andreae, address- than ever that Lago produce at the 1942. ing 23 members of the Lake lowest possible costs consistent with Mr. Campbeil went to Jersey’s Refin- Tanker- men’s Committee ing Coordination Department in New which celebrated its safety and good operating practices. second York in 1944, anniversary on September 22 Otherwise, we will be unable to com- His home is in Rockport, pointed out the importance of friendly pete as favorably in the world oil Texas. cooperation in doing the job. "The market. Our costs must be lower than maintenance of the present high level our competitors or we lose the business; MCC Continued from page 7 of employee relations depends entirely high runs at the lowest possible operat- best on two-way cooperation between the ing costs and under the most efficient average, to Captain T. E. Welch for the best conditions mean greater stability of average, and to F. Cumbers, employment at good wages. Idle em- the best all ’round cricketeer. ployees, wasteful use of materials, L. C. Nelson received failure to take full advantage of proper a special award for being the noisiest operating procedures — in short, in- spectator and the most persistent fan. efficiencies in both the use of manpower Mr. Andreae, president of the and materials — mean that Lago can- Club, congratulated not compete successfully in the world’s the members on the pro- gress they had made in building up the oil markets. » manager of Clubs, cuts the ribbon organization, and Capt. Problems to be faced and solved in J. R. Hughes, , doorway of the Lago Heights MCC chairman, gave a brief es Building to officially open maintaining this record run _ include history of the the group. W. S. Holness acted as ructure. Standing behind Mr. Vint is getting the oil in and out of the harbor Kelly Tong, member of the Lago Heights master of ceremonies during the inter- in the shortest possible time, and in Advisory Committee. The building, ad- mission program. keeping refinery units operating at a jacent to the Lago Club, will be used as a meeting place for yarious committees, top level of efficiency. Most of all, keep- for lectures, and for similar activities. ing up this record run and successfully competing against other oil companies depends on all Lago employees. They Medical Department Approved by College of Surgeons are a key factor in making Lago flexible Climax of the banquet came when J. An- enough to increase runs and take imme- dreae, left, and D. L. Van Putten, right, diate advantage of spot peak petroleum cut the huge cake. demands. To them belongs the main responsibility for keeping costs down Fleet and Management,” he continued. and for producing record quantities of The banquet was held at the Esso petroleum products in the most efficient Heights Club and celebrated two years and inexpensive way. of amicable relations with the unlicens- ed men of the Lake Fleet. Attending were 27 representatives of Marine Man- agement. Various toasts and speeches Limerick Contest Winners were given by representatives of the Fleet. Spectacular climax of the banquet First prize winner of Fls. 5 in the AMERICAN: COLLEGE! SVRGEONS was the cutting of the magnificent cake Safety Limerick Contest is Mario Yar- HAS APP! ROVED THE: MEDICAL'S RVICE OF prepared by cooks of the Stewards De- zagaray of the Training Division. His Vago Oil and Cransport Company Limited partment of the Lake Fleet. The cake, winning entry is: Yruba, Netherlands 7\nt lles three tiers high, was decorated and donated by the Stewards Department, Bill was running an overhead crane, Ww Hi H-HAS -COMPLIED WITH THE M CA CE-INSINDVSTRY: OF and is one of the most elaborate ever but dreamed it was a real airplane. OF SVRGEONS:AS- FOLLOWS In the middle of his dream prepared in Aruba. he dropped the beam Leading representative of the Fleet And now to his fellow-worker’s wife he was D, has to explain. L. Van Putten; Chairman of the Banquet arrangements was Captain Second prize winner is D. V. Panday, W. E. Porter. Marine Department. He wins Fls. 3 with his ending: Bursting to bits an oil pipe main”. Third prize, Fls. 2, is won by Everett Obispo A Bendiciona Morris, M & C, who entered: "On a fellow-worker who’s now in pain’. Misa Nobo di Paradera Next month’s contest will be this limerick: Na September di anja 1948, Reveren- do Pastoor Spekle a pone promé piedra Pete didn’t wear his safety hat di Misa di Paradera, y un anja despues, and stood under the derrick to chat. dia 9 di luna p: , Pastoor Spekle a This is Pete’s fate: HIS: CERTIFICATE GRANTED BY AVTHK RITY OF THE BOARD They shouted too late OF REGENTS OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SVRGEONS haci e promé sa cio di misa den su misa nobo. E Misa cu ta carga nomber di Santa All you have to do is finish this lime- Filomena y cu ta di seis parokia di Aru- rick. Make your last line rhyme with ba, a worde bendiciona solemnemente “hat” and send it in to the Aruba Esso dia 8 di September pa su Excelencia, News with your name, payroll number, Monseigneur Zeppenfeldt. Un gran mul- and department. Remember to get it in titud di hende tabata presente na e acto. by Tuesday, October 18. E Misa a worde bendiciona p'afor y p’aden, y despues di esey Monseigneur Lago’s Medical Department recently gained the approval of the American College a tene un predicashi, cu a haci masha FOR SALE of Surgeons, top U. S. accrediting body for setting up and maintaining high standards impresion riba esnan presente. Cu un in hospitals. The certificate awarded the Medical Department seen above, and con- cantica na honor di Santa Filomena cu tains the requirements with which a hospital must comply in order to gain A.C.S. 1 Small Radio Fls. 45 Pastoor Spekle mes a traha, e solemni- 1 radio-pickup combined, plays 10 records, approval. Now that it is on the approved list, the Hospital will be inspected regularly Fls. 110 Box 40 to see that its high standards are maintained. dad bunita a termina.