Advances in Pure , 2014, 4, 567-579 Published Online November 2014 in SciRes.

Complex Frame: Four-Vector Identities and Tensors

Joseph Akeyo Omolo Department of Physics and Materials Science, Maseno University, Maseno, Kenya Email: [email protected]

Received 29 July 2014; revised 29 August 2014; accepted 15 September 2014

Copyright © 2014 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Abstract This paper provides derivation of some basic identities for complex four-component vectors de- fined in a complex four-dimensional spacetime frame specified by an imaginary temporal axis. The resulting four-vector identities take exactly the same forms of the standard vector identities established in the familiar three-dimensional space, thereby confirming the consistency of the de- finition of the complex four-vectors and their mathematical operations in the general complex spacetime frame. Contravariant and covariant forms have been defined, providing appropriate definitions of complex tensors, which point to the possibility of reformulating differential geome- try within a spacetime frame.

Keywords Complex Spacetime Frame, Four-Vector Identities, Contravariant and Covariant Forms, Complex Tensors

1. Introduction In a recent derivation [1], the present author identified the unit wave vector kˆ to be the temporal unit vector within four-dimensional spacetime frame. The temporal direction is specified as an imaginary axis with unit vector ikˆ , where i = −1 is the imaginary number. General spacetime frame is then defined as a complex four-dimensional spanned by the temporal unit vector ikˆ and the three mutually perpendi- cular spatial unit vectors xyzˆ, ˆ, ˆ specifying the x, y, z axes, respectively. We take the temporal unit vector kˆ to have general orientation relative to the spatial unit vectors according to kxˆ ⋅≠⋅≠⋅≠ˆ 0, kyˆ ˆ 0, kzˆ ˆ 0 (1) The usual assumption, implicit in conventional four-vector mathematics that the temporal axis is perpendicu-

How to cite this paper: Omolo, J.A. (2014) Complex Spacetime Frame: Four-Vector Identities and Tensors. Advances in Pure Mathematics, 4, 567-579. J. A. Omolo

lar to all the three mutually perpendicular spatial axes, with kxˆ ⋅=ˆ 0 , kyˆ ⋅=ˆ 0 , kzˆ ⋅=ˆ 0 , may occur only as a special case to be specified. The basic elements of the complex spacetime frame are complex four-component vectors, which we generally call four-vectors. We define a general four-vector V in the form ˆ ˆ V = Vkk +=V Vk kxyz + Vxˆ + Vyˆ + Vzˆ (2a)

with the imaginary temporal component Vk defined by

Vk =−= icφ, φφ(r ,t) (2b) where φ is a scalar quantity specifying the nature of the temporal component of the four-vector. As usual, t denotes time. In general, the temporal component of each four-vector occurs along the imaginary temporal axis, ikˆ , multiplied by a factor −c , where c is the . We follow standard convention denoting four- vectors by uppercase letters, e.g., V , while the usual three-component spatial vectors are denoted with arrows over letter symbols, e.g., r . According to the general definition in Equations (2a)-(2b), the spacetime displacement four-vector X takes the form ˆ ˆ X= xkkk +=r xkxxyyzz +ˆ +ˆ +ˆ, xk =− ict (3a) while the corresponding event interval dX between two neighboring spacetime points, takes the form ˆ ˆ ddddddd,X= xkkk +=r xk + xxˆ + yyˆ + zzˆ dd xk =− ict (3b) The spacetime derivative four-vector, ∇ is defined as ∂∂i ∇=kkˆ +∇∇ =ˆ + (4a) ∂∂xk ct

where xk = − ict and ∇ is the usual three-component spatial gradient vector defined by ∂∂∂ ∇ =++xyzˆ ˆ ˆ (4b) ∂∂∂xyz Interpreting ∇ in Equation (4a) in terms of the general four-vector V in Equations (2a)-(2b) gives i ∂∂1 VV=∇⇒ =, φ =− , V =∇ (4c) k ct∂∂c2 t We observe that the concept of imaginary temporal axis developed here, represents a rediscovery of the idea of imaginary time first introduced independently by Poincare [2], Lorentz [3] and Einstein [4] in their original theories of electrodynamics or in a four-dimensional spacetime frame. These authors did not identify the temporal unit vector and therefore could not completely specify the complex spacetime frame and develop the full mathematical operations using complex four-vectors in the manner presented in this paper.

2. Mathematical Operations with Four-Vectors The general four-component vector form in Equation (2a) with all unit vectors specified allows us to carry out four-vector mathematical operations in the complex spacetime frame in exactly the same manner as the standard mathematical operations with the familiar three-component vectors in three-dimensional space. In developing the mathematical operations in general form, we shall take the temporal unit vector kˆ to be of general orientation relative to the spatial unit vectors xyzˆ, ˆ, ˆ , satisfying the conditions in Equation (1). We de- note four-vectors with arrows, while the three-component spatial vectors are written in boldface as stated above. We use two general four-vectors V and U defined by ˆ ˆ V=+=−=+=− Vkk kVU, V icφϕ , U U k k, U k ic (5) to develop the mathematical operations with four-vectors. The basic mathematical operations are essentially ad- dition, subtraction, , cross product, divergence and curl.

2.1. Addition and Subtraction Four-vector addition and subtraction is straightforward, taking the form

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ˆ W=±= UV( Ukk ± Vk) +(UV ±) (6)

2.2. The Dot Product The dot product of the four-vectors U and V is obtained as ˆ ˆ U⋅= V( Ukkk +UV) ⋅( Vk +) (7a) which we expand term by term, maintaining the order of components in the products and then substitute

Uk = − icϕ , Vk = − icφ from Equation (5), to obtain the dot product in the final form U⋅= VUV ⋅− c2ϕφ − ickˆ ⋅( ϕVU + φ ) (7b)

2.3. The Cross Product The cross product of the four-vectors U and V is obtained as ˆ ˆ U×= V( Ukkk +UV) ×( Vk +) (8a) ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ which we expand term by term, using kk×=0 , UU×kk =−× and then substitute Uk = − icϕ , Vk = − icφ from Equation (5) to obtain the cross product in the final form U×=×− VUV ickˆ ×(ϕφ V − U) (8b)

2.4. Divergence of a Four-Vector Setting U equal to the spacetime derivative four-vector ∇ according to i ∂∂1 U=∇= kˆ +=−−∇∇ ic kˆ +=−+ icϕ kˆ U (9a) ct∂∂c2 t with 1 ∂ ϕ =−=, U ∇ (9b) c2 ∂t in the general four-vector dot product obtained in Equation (7b), we obtain the divergence of a general four- vector V in the final form ∂∂φ 1 V ∇⋅V = +∇∇ ⋅V +ikˆ ⋅ − (cφ ) (9c) ∂∂t ct

2.5. Curl of a Four-Vector Setting U equal to the spacetime derivative four-vector ∇ according to Equations (9a), (9b) in the general four-vector cross product obtained in Equation (8b), we obtain the curl of a general four-vector V in the final form 1 ∂V ∇×V =∇ ⋅V − i +∇( ckφ ) × ˆ (10) ct∂

3. Four-Vector Identities We now derive some basic four-vector identities in complex four-dimensional spacetime frame, which general- ize standard vector identities in three-dimensional Euclidean space [5] [6].

3.1. Curl of Gradient Four-Vector A gradient four-vector ∇Φ generated through application of the spacetime derivative four-vector ∇ on a scalar function Φ is obtained as

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i ∂ 1 ∂Φ  ∇Φ=kˆ +∇∇  Φ=− ic −  kˆ + Φ (11a) ct∂∂ c2 t  Setting the general four-vector V equal to the gradient four-vector according to 1 ∂Φ V=∇Φ=− ic − kˆ +∇ Φ=− icφ kˆ +V (11b) c2 ∂t with 1 ∂Φ φ =−=Φ, V ∇ (11c) c2 ∂t in the general curl of a four-vector obtained in Equation (10), we obtain the curl of a gradient four-vector ∇Φ in the form 11 ∂∇ Φ ∂Φ  ∇×∇Φ =∇∇ × Φ −ik −∇ × ˆ (11d) c∂∂ t ct which on using the standard three-dimensional space vector analysis results 11∂∇ Φ ∂Φ ∇∇× Φ=0, =∇ (11e) c∂∂ t ct gives the final result ∇×∇Φ = 0 (12) This shows that the curl of a gradient four-vector vanishes. This four-vector identity generalizes the corres- ponding vector identity in standard three-dimensional Euclidean space [5] [6] given in the first part of Equation (11e).

3.2. Divergence of Curl of a Four-Vector Taking the divergence of the curl of the general four-vector V in Equation (10), we obtain i ∂ 1 ∂V   ∇⋅∇×V = kˆ +∇∇ ⋅ ×V − i  + ∇( ckφ )  × ˆ (13a) ct∂∂ c t  which on expanding term by term becomes i ∂11 ∂∂VV 1∂ ∇⋅∇×=V kˆ ⋅×+∇ VV kˆ ⋅ +∇( ckφφ) ×+⋅×−ˆ ∇∇ i ∇ ⋅  + ∇( ck) ׈ (13b) ct∂ ct ∂∂ c t c∂ t Applying standard three-dimensional space vector analysis results 1 ∂V ∇∇⋅×V =0, kˆ ⋅ +∇( ckφ ) ×=ˆ 0 (13c) ct∂ we express Equation (13b) in the form ∂11VV  ∂   ∇⋅∇×V = ikˆ ⋅∇ ×  − ∇∇ ⋅ +(cφ )  × kˆ (13d) ct∂∂  ct  Application of standard three-dimensional space vector identity ∇⋅×(QR) =⋅×−⋅× R( ∇∇ Q) Q( R) (13e) gives 1∂V 11 ∂ VV ∂ ∇⋅ + ∇(cφ) ×=⋅× kkˆ ˆ  ∇ + ∇(c φφ) − + ∇∇(c) ⋅×( kˆ) (13f) ct∂ct ∂∂ct which on using

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∇∇×(ckφ ) =0, ∇ ×=ˆ 0 (13g) takes the final form 11∂∂VV   ∇∇⋅ +(cφ )  × kkˆ =ˆ ⋅ ∇×  (13h) ct∂∂ ct  Substituting Equation (13h) into Equation (13d) gives the final result ∇⋅∇×V = 0 (14) This shows that the divergence of curl of a four-vector vanishes. This four-vector identity generalizes the cor- responding vector identity in standard three-dimensional Euclidean space [5] [6] given in the first part of Equa- tion (13c).

3.3. General Vanishing Four-Vector Dot Product: U⋅×( UV) The important identity on the vanishing of the divergence of curl of a four-vector in Equation (14) can be gene- ralized by taking the dot product of the four-vector U and the cross product of the four-vectors U and V which on using the general result in Equation (8b) is obtained as ˆ ˆ U⋅( U × V) =( Ukk +U) ⋅{ UV × +×k( Ukk V − U V)} (15a) which we expand term by term and use standard three-dimensional space vector identities ˆ ˆ U⋅( UV ×) =0, kk ⋅×{ ( UkkVU − V)} =0 (15b) to obtain ˆ ˆ UUV⋅( ×) =⋅ kU( kUV ×) +⋅× U{ k( Ukk V − U V)} (15c) Applying a three-dimensional space vector identity ˆ ˆ U⋅×{kUVkUV( kk VU −)} =⋅{( kk VU −) × U} (15d) and using

UVVkk×= U UU ×=0 (15e) gives ˆ ˆ UVU⋅{k ×( Ukk − V)} =−⋅ kU( kUV × ) (15f) which we substitute into Equation (15c) to obtain the final result UUV⋅×=( ) 0 (15g) This result generalizes the divergence of curl of a four-vector obtained in Equation (14). It is a generalization of the corresponding vector identity in standard three-dimensional Euclidean space [5] [6] given in the first part of Equation (15b).

3.4. Divergence and Curl of fV For a scalar function f( rt, ) , we use the definitions of V and ∇ from Equations (2a) and (4a) to obtain

ii∂∂ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ∇⋅=( fV)  k +⋅∇∇ f( Vkk k +VV) , ∇×=( fV)  k +× f( V k + ) (16a) ct∂∂{ } ct { } Expanding these term by term gives if∂∂ˆ ˆ ifˆ i ∂ˆ ˆ i ∂ˆ ∇⋅=( fV)  k +∇∇∇ f  ⋅ Vkkk + k + f ⋅+VV f k +⋅ Vk + f k +⋅ ∇ (16b) ct∂∂∂ ct ct ct ∂

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if∂∂ˆ ˆ ifˆ if ∂ˆ ˆ if ∂ˆ ∇×=( fV)  k +∇∇ f  × Vkkk + k + f ×+VV f k +× ∇ Vk + f k +× ∇ (16c) ct∂∂ ct ct ∂ct ∂ which we reorganize to obtain the four-vector identities ∇⋅( fV) =∇⋅+∇⋅ f V f V, ∇×( fV) =∇×+∇× f V f V (16d) These four-vector identities generalize the corresponding vector identities in standard three-dimensional Euc- lidean space [5] [6].

∇⋅ × 3.5. Divergence of Four-Vector Cross Product: (UV) We use the general form of the curl of a four-vector from equation (10) to obtain ∂1 V  UV⋅∇×=⋅×−⋅( ) UV(∇∇) ikˆ  cϕφ ×+ V + ∇(c ) ×U (17a) ct∂ ∂1 U  VU⋅∇×=⋅×−⋅( ) VU(∇∇) ikˆ  cφϕ ×+ U + ∇(c ) ×V (17b) ct∂ after applying standard three-dimensional space vector identities 11∂∂VU   kˆ ⋅ +∇∇( ckφϕ)  ×=ˆ 0, kˆ ⋅ +( ck)  ×=ˆ 0 (17c) ct∂∂ ct  11∂∂VV UU⋅+∇∇(cφφ) ×=⋅+× kkˆ ˆ ( c) (17d) ct∂∂ct 11∂∂UU VV⋅+∇∇(cϕϕ) ×=⋅+ kkˆ ˆ ( c) × (17e) ct∂∂ct Subtracting Equation (17b) from Equation (17a) and applying standard three-dimensional vector identities, together with appropriate rules of differentiation of vector products, we obtain the final result 1 ∂ VUUV⋅∇×−⋅∇×=⋅×+⋅( ) ( ) ∇(UV) ikˆ ( UV ×+×) ∇∇(cϕφ V) −×( c U) (17f) ct∂ We now use the four-vector cross product from Equation (8b) to obtain i ∂ ∇⋅(U × V) = kˆ +∇ ⋅(UV × −ickˆ ×(ϕφ V − U)) (18a) ct∂ which we expand as appropriate and apply standard three-dimensional space vector identities kkˆ ⋅×−=ˆ (ϕφVU) 0, ∇ ⋅×−=−⋅∇×−kˆ ( ϕφVU) kˆ ( ϕφVU) (18b) to obtain the final result 1 ∂ ∇⋅×=⋅×+⋅(UV ) ∇(UV) ikˆ ( UV ×+×) ∇∇(cϕφ V) −×( c U) (18c) ct∂ Substituting Equation (17f) into Equation (18c) gives the four-vector identity ∇⋅(UV ×) = V ⋅∇×( U) − U ⋅∇×( V) (18d) This four-vector identity generalizes the corresponding vector identity in standard three-dimensional Eucli- dean space [5] [6] given earlier in Equation (13e).

∇× ∇× 3.6. The Curl of a Four-Vector: ( V ) Let us start by taking the four-vector curl of the curl of the general complex four-vector in Equation (10) to ob- tain

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i ∂ 1 ∂V   ∇×∇×=( V)  kˆ +××+×∇∇V ikˆ  +∇(c Λ)  ct∂∂ c t  (19a) which we on expansion takes the form 11∂VV ∂∂ 1  ∂ 1V  ∇×∇×=××−××+Λ+××+××+Λ( Vi) kˆ ∇ kkcikcˆ ˆ ∇( ) ∇∇( V ) ∇ ˆ ∇( ) (19b) ct∂∂ ct ct ∂ ct∂ Next, we take the four-vector gradient of the divergence of the general complex four-vector in Equation (9c) to obtain i ∂  ∂Λ 1 ∂V  ∇∇×=( V)  kˆ +∇∇ +⋅+⋅V ikˆ  −Λ ∇(c )  (19c) ct∂∂ t c ∂ t  which we expand in the form i ∂ ∂Λ 11∂   ∂VV  ∂Λ 1 ∂  ∇∇⋅=( Vk) ˆ +⋅∇VV − kkcikcˆ ˆ ⋅  −∇( Λ)  + ∇∇∇ +⋅ + ˆ ⋅ − ∇( Λ) (19d) ct∂∂ t ct ∂  c ∂ t ∂t c∂ t  We apply standard three-dimensional Euclidean space vector identities giving ∂1V ∂1 VV ∂ 1 11 ∂∂ V  kkckkcckkcˆ×⋅ˆ  −Λ=⋅∇( ) ˆ ˆ −Λ− ∇∇( ) −Λ( ) ˆ ˆ ⋅ −Λ ∇( ) ct∂ ct∂ct ∂ ct ∂∂  ct (19e) 1∂ 1 ∂VV 11 ∂∂ =kkˆ ×⋅ˆ  −Λ+∇∇( c)  −Λ(c). ct∂ c ∂ t ctc ∂∂ t   ∂1V  11 ∂ VV ∂ ∇⋅kˆ  −Λ=××∇( ck) ˆ ∇ +⋅( kˆ ∇∇) −Λ( c) (19f) ct∂ct ∂∂ ct ∇∇⋅=×⋅+ ∇ ∇ ∇2 ( V) ( VV) (19g) which we substitute into Equation (19d) as appropriate to obtain the final form

i ∂ ∂Λ ∂Λ 2 11∂  ∂V  ∇( ∇⋅V) = kˆ +∇ ⋅V + ∇ + ∇∇ ×( ⋅VV) + ∇ −kkˆ ×ˆ ⋅ −∇( c Λ)  ct∂∂ t ∂t ct∂ c ∂ t  (19h) 11∂∂V1∂ VV 1 ∂ − −Λ+××∇(c) ikˆ ∇ +⋅i( kˆ ∇∇) −Λ(c ) . ctct∂∂ct∂ ct ∂ Subtracting Equation (19b) from Equation (19h) and using standard three-dimensional Euclidean space vector identities giving ∂∂∂11VV 1 V ∇×⋅kˆ  +Λ=⋅ ∇( c)  ∇∇ +Λ(c)  kkˆ −⋅( ˆ ∇∇) +Λ(c) (20a) ct∂∂ ct  ct ∂ ˆ×׈ ∇ Λ=ˆ ⋅ ∇∇ Λˆ − Λ kk( ( c)) ( k( c)) k( c) (20b) we obtain ∇( ∇⋅VV) −∇×( ∇× ) i ∂ ∂Λ 12∂2VV ∂ 1 ∂  (20c) =ˆ +∇∇ ⋅ +2 − +ˆ ⋅∇ Λ+ˆ − ∇ ⋅ + ∇ Λ ˆ kVV22 (k)( ck iV) i(c)  k. ct∂∂ t ct∂ ct∂ c∂ t  which on reorganizing

∂11V ∂⋅(∇ V ) 2 ∇∇⋅ +(c Λ)  kˆ = +∇(c Λ) kˆ, c Λ+ kˆ iVV = i( −Λ+ ic kˆ ) = iV (20d) ct∂∂c t takes the form

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1∂Λ2 (c ) 11∂∂2V V ∇( ∇⋅V) −∇×( ∇× V) = i−∇∇22(c Λ) kˆ +V − +2ikˆ ⋅ ∇ (20e) 2 2 22 ( ) c∂∂ t ct ct∂ We easily obtain

1∂Λ2 (c ) 11∂∂22V   1 ∂2 i−∇∇22(c Λ) kˆ +VV − = ∇ 2 − −Λ+ic kˆ =∇2 − V (20f) 2 2 2 2 22( ) 22 c∂ t c∂∂ t  ct ct ∂ which we substitute into Equation (20c) to obtain

11∂∂2 ∇∇⋅ −∇×∇× =∇∇2 − +ˆ ⋅ ( VV) ( ) 222ik( ) V (20g) ct∂ ct∂ Setting 1 ∂ UV= =∇⇒ϕ =Λ=−, UV = =∇ (21a) c2 ∂t in the general four-vector dot product in Equation (7b) gives 11∂∂2 ∇⋅∇ =∇22 =∇∇ − +ˆ ⋅ 222ik( ) (21b) ct∂ ct∂ which we substitute into Equation (24e) and reorganize to obtain the four-vector identity ∇× ∇× =∇ ∇⋅ −∇2 ( V) ( VV) (22) This four-vector identity generalizes the corresponding vector identity in standard three-dimensional Eucli- dean space [5] [6] given earlier in Equation (19g).

3.7. Gradient of Dot Product of Four-Vectors: ∇ (UV⋅ ) For general complex four-vectors U , V , we have 1 ∂V U×∇×=−( V) ( icϕ kˆ +×⋅+×UV) ∇∇ikˆ  +(c Λ) (23a) ct∂

1 ∂U V×∇×( U) =−Λ+( ic kˆ VU) ×∇∇ ⋅+×ikˆ  + (cϕ ) (23b) ct∂

 ∂ 1 ∂ (UV⋅∇) =U ⋅∇∇ +ϕϕ −ikˆ ⋅ c − UV( −ic Λ kˆ + ) (23c) ∂∂t ct

 ∂ 1 ∂ (VU⋅∇) =V ⋅∇∇ +Λ −ikˆ ⋅ c Λ − VU( −icϕ kˆ + ) (23d) ∂∂t ct Expanding these term by term gives U×( ∇× VV) + ×( ∇× U) ϕ ∂VU Λ∂  =−ickˆ ×(ϕ∇∇ ×VU +Λ ×) +ckˆ × kˆ × + ct∂∂ ct (23e) 11 ∂VU  ∂  +××ckˆ { kˆ (ϕϕ∇∇( c Λ+Λ) ( c))} + iUV ×× kˆ  +××kˆ  ct∂∂  ct  +i{U ××( kcˆ ∇( Λ+××)) V( kcˆ ∇( ϕ ))} +×U( ∇∇ × VV) +××( V).

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(U⋅∇) VV +( ⋅∇) U ∂Λ ∂ϕ =−ic{(UV ⋅∇∇) Λ+( ⋅)ϕϕ}kˆ − ic +Λkˆ − c ϕ( kˆ ⋅∇)( c Λ) + c Λ( kˆ ⋅ ∇)( cϕ) kˆ ∂∂tt{ } ˆ ˆ (kk⋅⋅UV) ∂Λ(cc) ( ) ∂( ϕ ) ++ kˆ − icϕ ( kˆ ⋅∇∇)VU +Λ( kˆ ⋅ ) (23f) ct∂∂ ct { }  ˆ ˆ (kk⋅⋅UV) ∂V( ) ∂ U ∂∂ VU +i + +ϕ +Λ +(U ⋅∇∇) VV +( ⋅ ) U. ct∂ ct ∂ ∂∂ t t  We apply three-dimensional Euclidean space vector identities to obtain ϕ ∂VU Λ∂   ϕϕ ∂ VU Λ∂  ∂ VU Λ∂ ckˆ××+=×+ kˆ c kˆ kˆ − c + (24a) ctct∂∂ ctct ∂∂ ctct ∂∂ ckkccckcckcccˆ×{ ˆ ×(ϕϕϕϕϕϕ∇( Λ) +ΛV( ))} ={ ˆ ×( ∇∇( Λ) +Λ VV( ))} ˆ −( ( Λ) +Λ ( )) (24b)

1 ∂V   1 ∂ U  11 ∂ VU ∂ 1∂ V 1 ∂ U iU×× kˆ  +×× V kˆ   = i UV ⋅ +⋅kikˆ − ( ˆ ⋅ U) +⋅( kˆ V) (24c) ct∂   ct ∂  ct ∂∂ ct ct ∂ ct ∂ i{U×( kcˆ ×∇( Λ)) + V ×( kcˆ × ∇( ϕϕ))} = i{ UV ⋅ ∇∇( c Λ+) ⋅( ckikc)} ˆ −{( ˆ ⋅ U) ∇( Λ+) ( kˆ ⋅ V) ∇( c ϕ)} (24d) −ickˆ ×{ϕϕ∇∇ ×VU +Λ ×} =−ic{ ∇( kˆ ⋅ V) +Λ ∇( kˆ ⋅ U)} + ic{ ϕ( kˆ ⋅ ∇) V +Λ( kˆ ⋅ ∇) U} (24e) Substituting Equations (24a)-(24e) into Equation (23e), adding the result to Equation (23f) and reorganizing gives

ii∂∂2 U×( ∇× VV) + ×( ∇× U) +( U ⋅∇) VV +( ⋅∇) U = kˆ +∇∇(UV ⋅) +kˆ +( − cϕ Λ) ct∂∂ct ϕϕ ∂VU Λ ∂   11∂ ∂Λ  +ckˆ ⋅ +kˆ + c( kˆ ⋅VU) +⋅( kˆ )  kˆ (24f) c∂∂ t c t ct∂ ct ∂ −ic{ϕϕ∇∇( kˆ ⋅VU) +Λ( kˆ ⋅)} kˆ − ic{( kˆ ⋅ VU) ∇∇ +( kˆ ⋅) Λ} kˆ. where we have applied a standard three-dimensional Euclidean space vector identity to introduce ∇(UVU⋅=××+××+⋅) ( ∇ VV) ( ∇ U) ( U ∇∇) VV +⋅( ) U (24g) Rewriting ϕϕ ∂VU Λ ∂   11∂ ∂Λi ∂ c kˆ ⋅ +kˆ + c( kˆ ⋅VU) +(kˆ ⋅)  kˆ = kˆ{ − ickˆ ⋅(ϕVU +Λ)} (25a) c∂∂ t c t c∂ t c ∂ t ct ∂ −ic{ϕ∇∇( kˆ ⋅VUVU) +Λ( kˆ ⋅)} kˆ − ic{( kˆ ⋅) ∇∇∇ ϕϕ +( kˆ ⋅) Λ} kˆ ={ − ickˆ ⋅( VU + Λ)} (25b) we express Equation (24f) in the form

i ∂ 2 U×( ∇× VV) + ×( ∇× U) +( U ⋅∇) VV +( ⋅∇) U = kˆ +∇ (UV ⋅ − cϕϕ Λ− ickˆ ⋅( VU + Λ)) (25c) ct∂ which on substituting the definition of the spacetime derivative four-vector from Equation (6a) and the four- vector dot product obtained in Equation (11c), gives the desired four-vector identity in the final form ∇(UVU ⋅) = ×( ∇× VV) + ×( ∇× U) +( U ⋅∇) VV +( ⋅∇) U (26) This four-vector identity generalizes the corresponding vector identity in standard three-dimensional Eucli-

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dean space [5] [6] given earlier in Equation (24g).

×× 3.8. Triple Cross Product of Four-Vectors: W( UV) We introduce a third four-vector defined by W=−+ icχ kˆ W (27) and use the four-vector cross product to obtain W×( U × V) =−( icχϕ kˆ +W) ×( UV ×−ickˆ ×( V −Λ U)) (28a) which we expand as  W××=−××−( U V) icχ kˆ (UV) c2 χϕ kˆ ××{ kˆ ( V −Λ− U)} ic W ××{ kˆ (ϕ V −Λ+×× U)} W ( UV) (28b) We apply standard three-dimensional Euclidean space vector identities to write −icχχ kˆ ×⋅=−(UV) ic{ U( kˆ ⋅− V) V( kˆ ⋅ U)} (28c) −c22χ kˆ ×{ kˆ ×( ϕVU −Λ=−)} c χϕ{ kkˆ( ˆ ⋅( VU −Λ−)) ( ϕ VU −Λ)} (28d) −icW ×{ kˆ ×(ϕ VU −Λ=−)} ic{ kˆ( W ⋅( ϕϕ VU −Λ−)) ( VU −Λ)(kˆ ⋅ W)} (28e) W××=( U V) UWV( ⋅−) VWU( ⋅) (28f) which we substitute into Equation (28b) and collect like terms to obtain WUV××=( ) UWV( ⋅−Λ−⋅c22χ ickˆ ( χVWVWU +Λ−)) ( ⋅−cχϕ −⋅ ickˆ ( χUW + ϕ )) (28g) −icϕχ kˆ(WV ⋅−⋅ ickˆ V) +Λ⋅−⋅ ic kˆ( WU ickˆ χ U). We rewrite the last two terms in Equation (28g) by subtracting and adding appropriate terms according to WV⋅−⋅ickˆ χ V =( WV ⋅−Λ−⋅c22 χχ ickˆ VW −⋅Λ+Λ+⋅Λ ickˆ ) c χ ickˆ W (29a) WU⋅−⋅ickˆ χ U =( WU ⋅−c22χϕ −⋅ ickˆ χUW −⋅ ickˆ ϕ) + c χϕ +⋅ ickˆ W ϕ (29b) which we substitute back and collect like terms to express Equation (28g) in the form W××( UV) (29c) =−+( icϕ kˆ U)( WV ⋅−Λ−⋅c22χ ickˆ ( χVW +Λ−−Λ+)) ( ic kˆ VWU)( ⋅−cχϕ −⋅ ickˆ ( χUW + ϕ )). Finally, we apply the usual definitions of the four-vectors U , V and introduce the four-vector dot products W⋅=⋅−Λ−⋅ VWV c22χ ickˆ ( χVW +Λ), W ⋅=⋅− UWU cχϕ −⋅ ickˆ ( χUW + ϕ ) (29d) in Equation (29c) to obtain the desired four-vector identity in the form W××=( U V) UWV( ⋅−) VWU( ⋅) (30a) This four-vector identity generalizes the corresponding vector identity in standard three-dimensional Eucli- dean space given earlier in Equation (28f). We easily apply the four-vector identity obtained in Equation (30a) to establish the cyclic property of the triple four-vector cross product in the form W×( UV ×) +× U( VW ×) +× V( WU ×) =0 (30b) which generalizes the corresponding vector identity in standard three-dimensional Euclidean space [5] [6]. The four-vector identities derived in Equations (12), (14), (15g), (16d), (18d), (22), (26), (30a) and (30b) con-

576 J. A. Omolo firm the consistency of the definitions of the complex four-component vectors and corresponding mathematical operations within the complex four-dimensional spacetime frame. This means that complex four-dimensional spacetime frame characterized by complex four-component vectors is a consistent mathematical extension of the standard three-dimensional space characterized by the usual three-component vectors. The other four-vector identities can be derived following similar procedure.

4. Contravariant and Covariant Four-Vectors To complete the mathematical formalism within complex four-dimensional spacetime frame, we introduce con- travariant and covariant forms, which are useful in carrying out general mathematical operations with four-vec- tors. A contravariant four-vector is specified by positive spatial components, while a covariant four-vector is specified by negative spatial components. We represent the four-vector V in a contravariant form by V µ and in a covariant form by Vµ , where µ = 0, 1, 2, 3 with 0 labeling the temporal component, while 1, 2, 3 label µ the spatial ( xyz,,) components, respectively. We define V and Vµ below. Denoting the four unit vectors by kxyzˆ, ˆ, ˆ, ˆ as presented in this paper, we define the contravariant coordi- nates xµ of the general four-dimensional complex spacetime frame in the form [7] [8] xµ , µ = 0,1,2,3, x0= ict , x 12 = x , x = y , x 3 = z (31a)

The corresponding covariant coordinates x− are defined in the form 01 2 3 xµ , µ = 0,1,2,3, xxictx01 = = , =−=− x xx, 2 =−=− x yx, 3 =−=− x z (31b) We then express the contravariant spacetime displacement four-vector X µ and the corresponding covariant form X µ as µ 012ˆ 3 ˆ X=−++ xk xxˆ x yˆ + xzˆ, Xµ =−++ xk012 xxˆ xyˆ + xz 3ˆ (31c) which we introduce the position vector r =++xxˆ yyˆ zzˆ according to Equations (31a)-(31b) to express in the final forms µ ˆ ˆ X=−−=−+( ictkrr), Xµ ( ictk ) (31d) 0 The spacetime event interval takes the contravariant and covariant forms (ddxx= 0 ) µ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ddddd,X=−+=−− x00 krr( ic tk) ddddd Xµ =−−=−+ x k rr( ic tk ) (31e) A general four-vector V as defined earlier is expressed in contravariant and covariant forms according to 0 123 V= icφ, V = Vxyz , V = V , V = V (32a)

011 3 VVVVVVVV01=, =−=−=− , 1 , 3 (32b) with µ 012ˆ 3 ˆ V=−+ VkVxVyVzˆ +ˆ +ˆ, Vµ =−++ VkVxVyVz012ˆ ˆ + 3ˆ (32c) which we express in the final forms µ ˆ ˆ V=−−=−+( icφφ kVV), Vµ ( ic k ) (32d) The contravariant and covariant four-vectors are related through complex conjugation in the form µµ∗∗ V=−=− VVµµ, V (32e) We use this contravariant-covariant four-vector conjugation relation to obtain

µ∗∗ µµ2 2 VV⋅=−µ( V) , V ⋅=− Vµµ( V) (32f)

µ which provides the definition of the invariant length V of the general four-vector V or Vµ according to

2 µ 2 2 VV=−=−( ) ( Vµ ) (32g)

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We express this in the general form

2 µµ∗∗ V= VV ⋅=µµ V ⋅ V (32h)

µ Using V , Vµ from Equation (32d), noting the relation in Equation (32e), we apply Equation (32g) or (32h) to obtain the invariant length in the explicit form

2 φ ˆ ⋅ (2ckV ) 22 V2=+1 cc22φ−=VV ηφ22 − (32i) 2 2 ( ) ( ) (c22φ − V ) which is modified by a factor η arising from the general orientation of the temporal unit vector relative to the spatial unit vectors according to the definition

2 φ ˆ ⋅ (2ckV ) 2 η =1+=, V VV⋅ (32j) 2 2 (c22φ − V )

The invariant length ds of the spacetime event interval is then modified according to

2 4 kˆ ⋅v 2 22 ( ) dr =−=+=ηη (32k) (ds) (( ct d) ( drv) ) , 1 2 , v2 dt 2 − c 1 2 c where v is the velocity, with speed v = v defined as usual. This result has important implications for current theoretical and experimental research in physics [9] [10].

Tensors in the Complex Spacetime Frame We now develop the procedure for defining tensors [7] [8] within the general four-dimensional complex space- time frame. To put the presentation in familiar form, we adopt the standard contravariant and covariant four- µ vector notation to express V and Vµ from Equation (20d) in the form µ V=−−=−( icφφ,VV) ; Vµ ( ic , ) (33a) with complex conjugates taking the form

µµ∗∗ V=( icφφ,VV) =− Vµµ ; V =( ic , −=−) V (33b) where the usual four-vector mathematics is applied, but now taking account of the general orientation of the temporal unit vector kˆ relative to the spatial unit vectors xyzˆ, ˆ, ˆ to obtain the general results presented above. Using the complex conjugation relation from Equation (33b) gives

µ∗∗ µν µ VV⋅ν =−⋅ VV; V ⋅ Vν =−⋅ VV µν (34a) µν from which a definition of complex contravariant and covariant rank-2 tensors T and Tµν follows accord- ing to

µν µ ∗∗µ ν µ T=−⋅ VVν = VV ⋅; Tµν =−⋅=⋅ V Vν VV µ ν (34b) In addition,

µν∗∗ µ µ ν ν VV⋅ =−⋅ VVνµ; V ⋅ V =−⋅ VV (34c)

µ ν provides a definition of complex rank-2 mixed tensors Tν and Tµ in the form µ µν∗∗ µ ν µ ν ν Tν=−⋅= VV VV ⋅νµ; T =−⋅ V V =⋅ VVµ (34d)

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The definition of more general tensors of higher rank follows easily. Some mathematical properties of the rank-2 tensors defined above can be obtained by interchanging the indices µ , ν or taking complex conjuga- tion or carrying out both operations simultaneously. The complete definition of contravariant and covariant complex four-vectors, which can be used to define tensors of general ranks in contravariant, covariant or mixed forms, provides the necessary foundation for more general vector and tensor analysis, leading to reformulation of a complex four-dimensional spacetime frame. This is indeed the origin of a new framework for studying physics, mathematics and related disciplines in the 21st-century and beyond. Some important implications for physics are presented in [1].

5. Conclusion All the basic four-vector identities which we have derived in this work take exactly the same form as the stan- dard vector identities established in the familiar three-dimensional space. This confirms the consistency of the definition of complex four-component vectors and corresponding mathematical operations within a complex four-dimensional spacetime frame with an imaginary temporal axis. The contravariant and covariant forms in- troduced here lead to consistent definitions of complex tensors, which are the basic quantities for reformulation of differential geometry within complex spacetime frame. This new mathematical framework has important im- plications for various models of relativistic mechanics, quantum theory and as a theory of gravitation and cosmology.

Acknowledgements I thank Maseno University, Kenya, for supporting this work by providing facilities and working environment.

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