WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 15,2011 BOTI island Best of the Islands Luncheon r REPORTER - Page 12 SANJBEL AND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA VOLUME 49, NUMBER 36 VISIT US ONLINE AT CAPTIVASANIBEL.COM 750 Tentative budget approved at $47.8 million By JEFF LYSIAK .0992 percent decline in taxable property service; establish sinking fund account for
[email protected] values. early retirement of bonds used to con- As anticipated, council members unan- "Since submitting the draft budget to struct the Sanibel Recreation Center. Togo imously approved a budget package total- City Council, additional .factors have • Acid Dinkins Bayou dredging proj- ing $47,784,320 for Fiscal Year 2011- occurred," Edwards said. "These changes ect ($200,000) and Clam Bayou box cul- 12, established a millage rate of 2.1561 ' are reflected in today's tentative budget vert repair ($30,000). What: Final budget public hearing and decrease the draft budget's surplus * Roll forward $100,000 for Sanibel and introduced a set of goals for the next When: Tuesday, Sept. 20 12 months. from $622,898 to the tentative budget's Lighthouse rehabilitation in beach park- 5:01 p.m. During the presentation conducted by surplus of $220,569." ing. Finance Director Sylvia Edwards and City Highlights of the FY2011-12 budget • Received WCIND grant award Where: MacKenzle Hall Manager Judie Zimomra, the City of changes include: ($48,822) and Edward Byrne grant award 800 Dunlop Road Sanibel's budgeted operating ad valorem • Increase pension liability paydown ($2,266). revenue dropped slightly over the past by $447,984 (from $2,552,016 to • One administrative clerk position For more information: year, from $9,074,577 in FY2010-11 to $3,000,000).