If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. I." :-:')'," , ~c">"'" ill' .. "J! . l' 0, • ~l ! 1 o ,~ ..~ . .;I' ,.}/" 'v {f. REPORT OF THE CHIEF CONSTABLE OF THE '\ WEST MIDLANDS POLICE ,j FOR THE J I YEAR 1982 U.S. Department of Justice 90203 National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or orgamzation originating It. Pomts of vIew or opimons stated in this document are tho..le of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official posltJon or polIcies of the National Institute of JustIce. Chief Constable's Office PermIssion to reproduce this COPYrighted material has been Lloyd House granted by Colmore Circus Queensway --tio...r:J:humhria .-l?o...l.J..ce-__ ~. __ Birmingham 84 6NQ He adquar_t e r S ___ 'h._____ _ to the National Criminal Justice Reference SelVice (NCJRS). Further reproduction outSide of the NCJRS system requires permis sion of the cOPYright owner. r WEST MIDLANDS POLICE I. MEMBERS OF THE POLICE AUTHORITY Chairman: Councillor E T Shore (Birmingham, SaZtley) I ; Vice-Chairman: ·Co~ncillor T J Savage (Birmingham, Erdington) Local Authority Representatives Magistrate Members Ward Councillor D M Ablett (Dudley, No. 6) J D Baker Esq JP FCA Councillor D Benny JP (Birmingham, Sandwell) K H Barker Esq Councillor E I Bentley (MerideiYl, No.1) OBE DL JP FRIeS Councillor D Fysh (Wolverhampton. No.4) Captain. J E Heydon Councillor J Hunte (Birmingbam, Handsworth) ERD JP Councillor K RIson (Stourbridge, No.1) S B Jackson EsqJP FCA Councillor
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