Harborough District Council

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

Technical Consultation Report 2014


1 Introduction 1.1 Background to this report ……………………………………………. 4 1.2 Purpose of this report ………………………………………………… 4 1.3 Approach to this report ………………………………………………. 4 1.4 How to use this report ………………………………………………... 6

2 Methodology for the assessment 2.1 SHLAA Stages ………………………………………………………... 7 2.2 Stage 1: Site / broad location identification…………………………. 8 2.3 Stage 2: Site / broad location assessment ...... ……...... 9 2.4 Degrees of Suitability …………………...... 11 2.5 Degrees of Availability…………………………………………………. 13 2.6 Degrees of Achievability ……………………………………...... 13 2.7 Overcoming Constraints …………… ...... 14 2.8 Reviewing the Assessment …………………………………………… 14

3 Outcomes of the 2010 Update 3.1 Summary of Assessment ……………………………………………… 16 3.2 Identified Housing Capacity ………………….. ……………………… 17 3.3 Capacity on Previously Developed Land ………………………….… 17

List of Figures Figure 1: The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment process and outputs …………………………………………………………………… 7 Figure 2: Categories of Suitability …………………………………………………… 12 Figure 3: Categories of Availability ………………………………………………….. 13 Figure 4: Categories of Achievability ………………………………………………… 14

List of Tables Table 1: Gross to net development ratios by site size ……………………………... 8 Table 2: Density standards applied by location …………………………………….. 9 Table 3: Number of sites assessed by type …………………………………………. 16 Table 4: Potential estimated housing yield by settlement ………………………. 17 Table 5: Potential estimated housing yield by land type …………………………… 18

Appendices Appendix A: SHLAA Capacity by Settlement ….……………………. ……………. 19 Appendix B: Sites Not Currently Developable for Housing….....…………………. 36 Appendix C: Sites Excluded from the 2011 Update ………………………………. 50 Appendix D: SHLAA Sites with Planning Permission ...... 54 Strategic Housing Land Availability June 2014 Technical Consultation Draft

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

1.1.1 The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) will form a key component of the evidence base, and will support the delivery of sufficient land for housing within . The assessment is required by the National Planning Policy Framework (2012) (the Framework), and it will assess the various opportunities that exist to meet Harborough’s housing requirement in the period until 2030 and beyond.

1.1.2 This update report builds on the previous assessments for 2009, 2010 and 2011. It also aims to support the delivery of the Council’s Adopted Core Strategy (November 2011). A number of revisions have been made to the assessment criteria applied to the 2014 SHLAA; the methodology will be clearly explained in this report.

1.2 Purpose

1.2.1 All local authorities are required to regularly keep their assessments up to date (on at least an annual basis). In accordance with national guidance (set out within the Department for Communities and Local Government’s (DCLG) National Planning Policy Guidance published 6 March 2014), the SHLAA 2014 will:  identify sites with potential for housing;  assess their housing potential; and  assess when they are likely to be developed.

1.2.2 To develop an accurate picture of potential housing supply within Harborough District the 2014 SHLAA will check whether:  sites previously under construction have now been developed;  sites with planning permissions are now under construction;  new planning applications have been submitted or approved;  any progress has been made in removing previously identified constraints on site development; and  any unforeseen constraints have emerged which now mean a site is no longer deliverable or developable.

1.3 Approach

1.3.1 The SHLAA 2014 has built on the general approach detailed within the & Housing Market Area SHLAA Methodology Paper (March 2008). To develop a more accurate picture of housing potential within the District a number of revisions have been made from the Joint 2008 Methodology Paper.

4 Strategic Housing Land Availability June 2014 Technical Consultation Draft

1.3.2 The revisions made will be detailed throughout this document. However the key changes in the 2014 Assessment include:  Expanding the scope to accord with the areas set out for housing growth within the Adopted Core Strategy. Land within/surrounding the following settlements will now be assessed; the Leicester Principal Urban Area (PUA)1, , , , Rural Centres2, and Selected Rural Villages3. Please note that land surrounding Rural Centres Kibworth and Great Glen is included. In order to provide a comprehensive assessment of potential housing land supply to inform the preparation of the new Local Plan.  Sites in conflict with the saved Local Plan policies ‘Limits to Development’ and ‘Important Open Land’ are no longer ruled out in order to ensure the relevance of the SHLAA 2014 evidence for the preparation of the new Local Plan.

1.3.3 The above changes have been implemented to help evidence the delivery of the Council’s Core Strategy and to inform the emerging new Local Plan. The scope of the assessment, and the methodology used, will be reviewed each year to ensure that the assessment remains as robust and relevant to the plan-making stage as possible.

1.3.4 Harborough District is predominately rural and has a large number of smaller settlements. However the vast majority of small settlements within the District are less suitable for significant new housing development in sustainability terms. Furthermore, their contribution to meet future housing needs is likely to be limited due to their limited land capacity. Sites below Selected Rural Villages are therefore not considered appropriate for inclusion within the 2014 SHLAA. This does not preclude sites within such settlements from coming forward for development at a later stage, but ensures that the SHLAA is focused on those settlements likely to contribute most significantly in terms of their housing land capacity.

1.3.5 Historically Harborough District has always had a significant amount of sites with planning permission for fewer than 5 dwellings, due to the predominately rural nature of the District. However, as per the previous 2011 Assessment, it was not considered feasible within the scope of the 2014 SHLAA to assess small sites individually. As such a site size threshold was applied to exclude sites which were considered too small to accommodate a development of 5 or more dwellings (circa 0.2ha or less in size).

1 Scraptoft, and Busby & land adjacent to . 2 , Fleckney, Husbands Bosworth, Great Glen, Kibworth and Ullesthorpe 3 Bitteswell, Church Langton, Dunton Bassett, Foxton, Gilmorton, Great Bowden, Great Easton, Hallaton, Houghton on the Hill, Lubenham, Medbourne, North Kilworth, South Kilworth, Swinford, Tilton on the Hill and Tugby.

5 Strategic Housing Land Availability June 2014 Technical Consultation Draft

1.3.6 The site visits and initial desktop research carried out as part of the 2014 SHLAA used the Site Characteristics Pro Forma developed during the 2009 Assessment. The form recorded the following information:  site size;  current land use(s);  the character of the surrounding area;  existing community facilities in the locality;  existing commercial facilities in the locality; and  potential constraints to development.

1.4 How to use this report

1.4.1 The findings of this assessment will form an important evidence source to inform future plan making. However, this document does not in itself determine whether a site should be allocated for housing development. All sites listed within the assessment will be subject the usual Development Management process. The purpose of this study is to assess future housing potential only.

1.4.2 A separate Site Assessment Companion Guide has been published in conjunction with this Report. The document provides maps of sites which the 2014 SHLAA deemed to have potential for housing development. Accompanying each map is a summary of the evidence used to assess the housing development potential of each site. Only sites with potential have been included within the Guide. The full document is available on the Council’s website at: http://www.harborough.gov.uk/shlaa-consultation.

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2 Methodology for the assessment

2.1 SHLAA Stages

2.1.1 Figure 1 illustrates the main stages for SHLAA (Stages 1 & 2) and three further optional stages of the SHLAA process. The flow chart has taken from DCLG’s National Planning Policy Guidance (2014).

Figure 1: The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment process and outputs

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2.1.2 The remainder of this report will follow the structure set out in Figure 1. From this point onwards all references to the national SHLAA guidance will be referred to as the ‘Practice Guidance’. All references to Harborough District’s SHLAA for 2014 will be referred to as the ‘2014 SHLAA’.

2.2 Stage 1: Site / broad location identification

2.2.1 The geographical area for the assessment is the local planning authority area of Harborough District.

2.2.2 The Practice Guidance requires Local Planning Authorities to work with a range of representatives in order to plan an assessment which the market acknowledges to be viable and to ensure a robust evidence base in terms of housing land availability. Planning Officers hosted a Developer Panel which was held on 12 September 2013.

2.2.3 A letter of invitation was sent to all parties who submitted a site for inclusion within the 2009 Assessment or 2010 or 2011 Updates. The 2013 panel was made up of representatives from the following organisations:

Andrew Granger Persimmon Homes DJP Group Fox Bennett Sworders

2.2.4 The event invited developer viewpoints on the proposed changes to the 2014 Assessment Methodology, and provided an opportunity to raise any concerns/put forward any further recommendations or suggestions. Specific aspects discussed included development ratios, development densities, geographical scope of the assessment and minimum site size. No changes were suggested by the panel; therefore the following criteria have been applied.

Development ratio The use of such ratios takes into account the accompanying forms of development needed for residential development (i.e. access and service infrastructure, open space provision, community facilities etc). The requirements for infrastructure will be greater the larger the site. The 2014 SHLAA has used the same range of gross to net ratio standards as the 2009 Assessment. These standards were discussed and agreed with external parties as part of the 2009 and subsequent Assessments’ Developer Panel events.

Site Size Gross to Net Development Ratio

Up to 0.4ha 100% 0.4 - 2ha 82.5% 2 - 35ha 62.5%

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Over 35ha 50% Table 1: Gross to net development ratios by site size

Development density The Adopted Harborough Core Strategy sets out the following minimum net density standards, which have been applied when assessing the capacity of each site:

Area Density Applied

Sites within and adjacent to the Principal Shopping and Business 40 dwellings per hectare. Area of Market Harborough and Lutterworth

Sites elsewhere in the District 30 dwellings per hectare.

Table 2: Density standards applied by location

Geographical scope The assessment will identify all sites within the geographical scope which accords with the adopted Core Strategy, i.e. PUA, Market Harborough, Lutterworth, Broughton Astley plus Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages.

Site scale The assessment considers all sites capable of delivering five or more dwellings, as recommended in the DCLG’s National Planning Policy Guidance (2014).

2.2.5 Harborough District Council conducted a Call for Sites in July 2013, and received details of 35 sites for assessment, to add to the existing list of SHLAA sites. Subsequent to the 2013 Call for Sites, officers attempted to re- contact all site promoters who submitted information in 2012, in order to capture comprehensive information on those sites, using the 2013 Proforma. Out of the 56 promoters re-contacted, 33 responded.

2.2.6 Taking into account site duplications (from previous Call for Sites exercises since 2009), sites which have been developed since they were previously submitted to SHLAA and new sites generated in 2013, a total of 246 sites qualified for assessment.

2.3 Stage 2: Site / broad location assessment

2.3.1 In accordance with the Practice Guidance, the 2014 SHLAA has assessed sites from the following list of site sources:  planning permissions for housing sites under construction;

9 Strategic Housing Land Availability June 2014 Technical Consultation Draft

 unimplemented/outstanding planning permissions for housing; and  remaining Local Plan housing land allocations.

2.3.2 In addition to the above, sites from the 2011 Assessment have been reassessed where necessary, along with any new site suggestions submitted after the completion of the 2011 Assessment.

2.3.3 Sites already within the planning system have been assessed using the same criteria as newly submitted sites. However for sites with planning permission it has been concluded that issues, such as access, have been assessed and adequately evidenced through the Development Management process.

2.3.4 The assessment of sites with planning permission in the 2014 SHLAA aimed to test whether a site was still suitable, available and achievable. Such evidence is crucial for the inclusion of sites within the Council’s 5 Year Housing Land Supply to ensure that the information used to inform these figures is as robust as possible. The National Planning Practice Guidance in relation to SHLAA methodology has been incorporated and deployed by the assessing officers.

2.3.5 For sites already within the planning process, Building Control records were checked to identify the current level of development progress on site. In addition a series of site visits were also carried out by Planning Officers to ensure that the starts and completions records were accurately reflected. The desktop review also covered planning application refusals. However this did not identify any new sites that had not already been identified through existing sources.

2.3.6 It is important to note that the approach taken to the SHLAA 2014 has been ‘Policy Off’. The SHLAA provides one of several pieces of evidence which will be used to inform future housing land allocations across the District, as part of the emerging new Local Plan. Details of the constraints against which a site is assessed are explained in paragraph 2.3.7.

2.3.7 The Suitability assessment looks at the land in terms of its spatial and physical setting. The factors considered when assessing a site’s suitability are as follows:

 Flood Zones 2 & 3;  Non-inert landfill sites;  Active mineral extraction sites;  Hazardous installations;  Grade 1, 2 and 3a agricultural land;  Oil and high pressure gas pipelines and 400kv buffer zones / easements;  SSSIs and scheduled ancient monuments;  LCC Highways Assessments;  Landscape Character Assessments – landscape capacity evidence was drawn from the following reports:

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o Lutterworth and Broughton Astley Character Assessment and Landscape Capacity Study (Nov 2011); o Market Harborough Character Assessment and Landscape Capacity Study (April 2009); and the o Leicester Principal Urban Area Character Assessment and Landscape Capacity Study (Sept 2009).  Potential conflict with the saved Local Plan policies Area of Separation (EV/5) and Green Wedge (EV/3);  Existing employment areas - using information from the HDC Existing Employment Areas Review (2012).

2.3.8 Availability is assessed to help determine how soon in the plan period the site may be developable. A site owned by developers or sites where a developer has a legal interest in the land will be developable earlier than others where a period of land assembly may be required. Evidence of availability is provided by site promoters and assessed by officers.

2.3.9 Achievability assesses the likelihood that a site will be developed and takes into account phasing projections for sites, where the information has been provided. Factors with the potential to impact on delivery are also assessed at this stage, based on information from the Proforma and knowledge of the site and the possible mitigation measures it may require.

2.3.10 Finally, most of the 2014 SHLAA was conducted ‘in-house’ by the Planning Policy team. The only exception being the input of Leicestershire County Council which provided highways comments for each site in the assessment.

2.3.11 Setting the timeframe for development is the concluding element of the SHLAA survey. Sites are categorised into one of 5 possible categories as a result of the Suitability, Availability and Achievability assessments:

Developable in the next 5 yrs

Developable in the next 6 - 10 yrs Developable in the next 11 - 15yrs Developable in the next 16+ yrs Not currently developable

2.3.12 Estimating housing potential of sites classified as ‘potentially developable’ is arrived at by applying the following calculation (incorporating the development ratios and densities outlined in tables 1 and 2 (pages 8/9)).

Site area x density x Gross to net ratio = Net housing potential 100

2.4 Degrees of Suitability

2.4.1 A combination of the factors detailed in paragraph 2.3.7 has been incorporated into the following set of varying classifications of ‘suitability’. (All

11 Strategic Housing Land Availability June 2014 Technical Consultation Draft

sites with an existing planning permission are deemed to be suitable, as they have been assessed through the Development Management process).

The site is located within an area which is consistent with adopted Core Strategy/retained Local Plan policies on sustainable locations of development; has no physical constraints which would prevent Suitable housing development being provided within the next 5 years; and would not have a significant negative impact upon the existing landscape. The site meets the ‘suitable criteria’ but conflicts with another adopted Core Strategy/retained Local Plan policy which could Potentially prevent housing development within the next 5 years; or the site Suitable has a physical constraint which has a reasonable prospect of being mitigated against - to allow housing development at some point in the next 6 - 10 years. The site meets the ‘suitable criteria’ but has a physical constraint Not Currently which has a reasonable prospect of being mitigated; to allow Suitable housing development at some point in the next 11 - 20 years. The site does not conform with adopted or emerging local policy on sustainable locations of development; or has a physical constraint Not Suitable which would prevent housing development now or in the future; or would have a significant negative impact upon existing the landscape.

Figure 2: Categories of Suitability

2.4.2 This approach has been taken to provide a more accurate picture of a site’s current and future potential suitability for housing development. The definitions for each classification were discussed at the 2010 Update Developer Panel. The same approach has been taken for the assessment of availability and achievability. The separation of sites into ‘suitable’ and ‘potentially suitable’ categories enables a realistic and robust picture of capacity to be drawn to inform the 5 Year Housing Land Supply Statement.

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2.5 Degrees of Availability

2.5.1 The Practice Guidance states a number of factors which should ‘on the best information available’ provide clarity as to whether a site is available for housing. These factors have been incorporated within the following set of classifications of availability:

The site is controlled/owned by a housing developer, who has expressed an intention to develop, or a land owner(s) has Available expressed an intention to sell; and there are no ownership issues which could prevent housing development being delivered at some point within the next 5 years. The site could become ‘available’ within the next 5 years; and has Potentially no ownership issues which could prevent housing development Available being delivered at some point within the next 10 years. The site has legal or ownership issues which would prevent Not Currently housing development being delivered at some point within the next Available 10 years. There is no evidence to suggest that a housing developer or land Not Available owner has expressed an intention develop or sell the site for housing development.

Figure 3: Categories of Availability

2.5.2 As planning applications can be made by persons who do not need to have an interest in the land, the existence of a planning permission does not necessarily mean that a site is available.

2.5.3 In order to classify all sites as accurately as possible, sites with an existing planning permission were treated the same as sites without a planning permission. Hence a site with planning permission would still have to supply adequate evidence to meet the ‘available’ criteria defined above.

2.6 Degrees of Achievability

2.6.1 The Practice Guidance states that a site is considered achievable for development where there is a reasonable prospect that housing will be developed on the site at a particular point in time.

2.6.2 A revised site suggestion pro forma was developed for the 2010 Update. The revised form aimed to gain a greater level of information on the potential ‘achievability’ of a site. The form was sent to anyone who had a site positively assessed through the 2009 Assessment. It was used as the standard site suggestion form for the 2011 and 2014 Updates.

2.6.3 The revised pro forma required an estimate of the number of units to be built on site per annum. This was asked on all sites and not just those with planning permission. Respondents were also asked whether there were any accessibility, market and/or cost factors, which may constrain development.

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2.6.4 The information received from the site pro forma was used to classify the sites into the following categories:

There are no market, cost or delivery factors, that would make housing development economically unviable within the next 5 Achievable years; and there is a reasonable prospect that housing will be developed on site within the next 5 years. There are no market, cost or delivery factors that would make Potentially housing development economically unviable within the next 6 -10 Achievable years; and there is a reasonable prospect that housing will be developed on site at some stage. Market, Cost and/or delivery factors, indicate that housing Not Currently development is unlikely to be delivered on site within the next 10 Achievable years. Market, Cost and/or delivery factors indicate that no housing Not development is economically viable on site, either now or in the Achievable future.

Figure 4: Categories of Achievability

2.6.5 For sites without planning permission the timeframe for delivery was estimated depending on the site’s potential housing capacity. Sites with a net capacity of 200 dwellings or below were judged to be deliverable in one 5 year timeframe (i.e. 6-10 or 11-15 years). The timeframe for delivery on sites of between 200 and 400 were split equally across two 5 year periods. Sites of more than 400 dwellings were split equally across three timeframes (i.e. 6-10, 11-15 and 16+ years).

2.7 Overcoming constraints

2.7.1 The outcomes of the Suitability, Availability and Achievability assessments are outlined within Appendix A and B. All sites within these tables have been assessed as having (to varying degrees) some potential for housing development.

2.7.2 Appendix B sets out the list of sites which the 2014 Update deemed to be ‘not currently developable’ for housing development along with the identified constraints.

2.7.3 The identified constraints on individual sites would need to be overcome for the site in question to be included within future assessments. Emphasis will be placed on the promoter of the site, to provide the evidence needed to show that the constraint could be overcome in the future.

2.7.4 Particular constraints affecting deliverability of sites have been highlighted for each site in the accompanying Appendices.

2.8 Review of the Assessment

14 Strategic Housing Land Availability June 2014 Technical Consultation Draft

2.8.1 The SHLAA aims to provide evidence to support the effective delivery of the Council’s Core Strategy and to inform housing Land Allocations in the emerging new Local Plan. The outcomes of the SHLAA will be monitored to ensure that a sufficient level of potential housing land is potentially available to meet the housing requirements set out within the adopted Core Strategy. If shortfalls are identified additional sites and/or additional settlements may need to be considered in future assessments.

2.8.2 Should any evidence of unmet housing need come to light in the future a reassessment of available sites will be required in order to identify the next most suitable for future housing supply.

2.8.3 The SHLAA provides an important piece of evidence to inform the preparation of the new Local Plan. However, evidence on potential housing land availability from the SHLAA will be complemented by evidence of housing needs and infrastructure constraints, community aspirations and other land use needs in preparing the new Local Plan.

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3 Outcomes of the 2014 Update

3.1 Summary of Assessment

3.1.1 Within the 2014 Update a total of 299 sites were submitted by site promoters for assessment through the SHLAA for their potential for housing. Of this total, 53 sites were excluded because they were superseded by later submissions or did not meet one or more of the site assessment criteria set out at para 2.24. Of the remaining 246 sites assessed, 18 sites (7%) were deemed to be ‘deliverable’ within the next 5 years, and a further 126 sites (51%) classed as ‘developable’ beyond the next 5 years.

3.1.2 Paragraph 48, footnote 11 of the Framework explains that to be identified as deliverable,: sites should be available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years and in particular that development of the site is viable. Sites with planning permission should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that schemes will not be implemented within five years, for example they will not be viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites have long term phasing plans.

3.1.3 Paragraph 48, footnote 12 of the Framework states: 12. To be considered developable, sites should be in a suitable location for housing development and there should be a reasonable prospect that the site is available and could be viably developed at the point envisaged. Excluding the 53 ineligible sites, the results of the assessment are as follows: Number Site categories of sites % assessed Deliverable sites with planning permission 22 9% (See Appendix D) Deliverable sites without planning permission 18 7% (See Appendix A) Developable sites 126 51% (See Appendix A) Not currently developable sites 80 33% (See Appendix B) Total sites 246 100%

Table 3: Number of sites assessed by type

3.1.4 Section 2.8 of this report sets out the definitions used to assess a site’s availability, suitability and achievability. The application of the definitions to individual sites is set out within Appendix A. Where sites have been assessed

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as not currently developable, the assessment outcomes along with a commentary are provided within Appendix B. A further list of sites excluded from the 2014 Update, with the relevant commentary, is set out within Appendix C. Appendix D outlines those SHLAA sites which already have planning permission.

3.2 Identified Housing Capacity

3.2.1 SHLAA assessment has identified a potential total yield across the District of 10,593; 30% from Market Harborough, 21% contributed by Rural Centres, 17% from the Leicester PUA and 17% from Broughton Astley. There is some scope for growth identified in Lutterworth but this is limited (5% of total capacity), and potential for growth across various SRVs (10%) – see table 4 for details. This assumes that large sites which will be delivered over more than one 5 year SHLAA period will deliver an equal number of units within each relevant period. 6-10 11-15 16+ % Share of 0 - 5 Yrs Total Settlement Yrs Yrs Yrs potential yield Market Harborough 482 880 822 971 3156 30% Leicester Principal Urban Area - 360 - 1,400 1,760 17% Broughton Astley 378 599 503 300 1,780 17% Lutterworth 42 422 - 118 582 5% Billesdon (Rural Centre) 89 164 - 39 292 3% Fleckney (Rural Centre) 127 244 - 159 506 * 5% Husbands Bosworth (Rural Centre) - 44 - - 44 0% Great Glen (Rural Centre) - - - 413 413 4% Kibworth (Rural Centre) 87 151 89 387 714 7% Ullesthorpe (Rural Centre) - 172 44 48 264 2% Rural Centres (sub total) 303 775 133 1,046 2,233 21% Selected Rural Villages 14 887 14 167 1,082 10% Total potential yield 1,219 3,924 1,473 3,737 10,593 100% * Total adjusted to reflect overlapping sites

Table 4: Potential estimated housing yield by settlement

3.3 Capacity on Previously Developed Land

3.3.1 Of the 144 sites assessed as either ‘deliverable’ or ‘developable’, 20 (18%) are on previously developed land (PDL). However, the potential estimated yield is heavily focused on Greenfield sites, as the 28 PDL sites only account for 5% of the total estimated yield.

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Potential Number of estimated % sites Land type dwellings Previously Developed Land (PDL) 20 379 4% Greenfield Land 120 9979 94% Mixed PDL/Greenfield 4 236 2% Total 144 10,594 100%

Table 5: Potential estimated housing yield by land type.


APPENDIX A: SHLAA Capacity by Settlement

Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Developable in Broughton Land off Dunton Potentially A/BA/HSG/01 6.00 Available Achievable the next 6 - 10 6.00 101.3 Y Astley Road Suitable yrs Developable in Broughton Land west of Mill Potentially Potentially Potentially A/BA/HSG/07 2.90 the next 11 - 2.90 48.9 Y Astley Farm Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs Land adjacent to Broughton Deliverable in A/BA/HSG/08 land south of 11.44 Suitable Available Achievable 11.44 193.1 Y Astley the next 5 years Crowfoot Way Agricultural land Developable in Broughton Potentially Potentially A/BA/HSG/10 off Frolesworth 6.00 Available the next 6 - 10 5.41 91.3 Y Astley Suitable Achievable Road (north) yrs Land north of Broughton Deliverable in A/BA/HSG/12 Dunton Road 9.61 Suitable Available Achievable 9.61 162.2 Y Astley the next 5 years (south) Developable in Broughton Land North of Potentially A/BA/HSG/13 10.25 Available Achievable the next 6 - 10 10.25 173.0 Y Astley Dunton Road Suitable yrs

Land north of A/BA/HSG/13a Broughton Deliverable in Dunton 1.04 Suitable Available Achievable 1.04 23.1 Y (part of Astley the next 5 years Road_Ref_13a A/BA/HSG/13) Developable in Broughton Land at Station Potentially Potentially Potentially A/BA/HSG/14 9.57 the next 11 - 9.57 161.5 Y Astley Farm Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs Developable in Broughton Potentially Potentially A/BA/HSG/16 34 Main Street 0.20 Available the next 6 - 10 0.20 5.4 Y Astley Suitable Achievable yrs


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Developable in Broughton Potentially Potentially Potentially A/BA/HSG/17 Land at Elms Farm 7.50 the next 6 - 10 2.33 39.3 Y Astley Suitable Available Achievable yrs Not Broughton Land at 34 Sutton Potentially Potentially Developable in A/BA/HSG/18 1.40 currently 1.40 31.2 Y Astley Lane Available Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Not Not Broughton Land South of Developable in A/BA/HSG/19 4.71 currently Available Currently 4.71 79.5 Y Astley Dunton Road the next 16+ yrs Suitable Achievable Developable in Broughton Land south of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/BA/MXD/20 3.00 the next 11 - 2.60 43.9 Y Astley Cosby Road Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs Developable in Broughton Land at Glebe Potentially Potentially A/BA/MXD/05 39.00 Available the next 6 - 10 42.00 567.0 Y Y Y Astley Farm Suitable Achievable yrs Land at Witham Not Developable in Broughton Villa Riding Potentially Potentially A/CD/HSG/39 3.51 Currently the next 11 - 3.51 59.2 Y Astley Centre, Cosby Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs Road

Total for Broughton Astley 112.97 1,779.86 Field south of Developable in Potentially Potentially Potentially A/LT/HSG/03 Lutterworth Gilmorton 4.61 the next 6 - 10 4.61 77.8 Y Suitable Available Achievable Road/west of M1 yrs Developable in Land west of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/LT/HSG/06 Lutterworth 1.55 the next 6 - 10 1.55 34.5 Y Gilmorton Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? The Rectory, Deliverable in A/LT/HSG/07 Lutterworth 0.22 Suitable Available Achievable 0.22 5.9 Y Road the next 5 years Developable in Land at Gilmorton Potentially Potentially Potentially A/LT/HSG/08 Lutterworth 1.40 the next 6 - 10 1.40 31.2 Y Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Potentially Potentially A/LT/HSG/09 Lutterworth 18 Station Road 0.24 Available the next 6 - 10 0.24 6.5 Y Suitable Achievable yrs Developable in Works, Crescent Potentially Potentially A/LT/HSG/10 Lutterworth 0.64 Available the next 6 - 10 0.64 14.3 Y Road Suitable Achievable yrs Caravan Park, Deliverable in A/LT/HSG/11 Lutterworth 0.21 Suitable Available Achievable 0.21 5.7 Y Moorbarns Lane the next 5 years Developable in Land off Leicester Potentially Potentially Potentially A/LT/HSG/12 Lutterworth 3.42 the next 6 - 10 3.42 57.7 Y Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Potentially Potentially Potentially A/LT/HSG/13 Lutterworth Vedonis Works 1.99 the next 6 - 10 1.99 44.3 Y Suitable Available Achievable yrs James Bond Deliverable in A/LT/HSG/14 Lutterworth 1.36 Suitable Available Achievable 1.36 30.3 Y Caravan Park the next 5 years Not Land off Potentially Potentially Developable in A/LT/HSG/16 Lutterworth 7.00 currently 7.00 118.1 Y Brookfield Way Available Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Land east of Developable in Potentially Potentially A/LT/HSG/22 Lutterworth Leicester Road 3.50 Available the next 6 - 10 3.00 50.6 Y Suitable Achievable south yrs Developable in Land south of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/LT/MXD/02 Lutterworth 7.00 the next 6 - 10 6.20 104.6 Y Coventry Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs


Total for Lutterworth 31.84 581.53 Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Developable in Market Additional Land, Potentially Potentially Potentially 10.21 the next 6 - 10 8.55 144.3 Y A/MH/MXD/04 Harborough Farndon Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Not Market Land at the Potentially Developable in A/MH/HSG/05 1.48 currently Available 1.48 33.0 Y Harborough Ridgeway Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Developable in Market Stevens Street Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/07 0.36 Achievable the next 6 - 10 0.36 9.7 Y Harborough Allotments Suitable Available yrs Allotment Field, Developable in Market Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/08 Northampton 1.84 the next 11 - 1.84 41.0 Y Harborough Suitable Available Achievable Road 15yrs Developable in Market Land south of Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/09 2.08 Achievable the next 6 - 10 2.08 35.1 Y Harborough Dunmore Road Suitable Available yrs Market Deliverable in A/MH/HSG/13 Airfield Farm 54.90 Suitable Available Achievable 54.90 926.4 Y Y Y Y Harborough the next 5 years Developable in Market 101 Great Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/14 0.31 Suitable the next 6 - 10 0.31 8.4 Y Harborough Bowden Road Available Achievable yrs Developable in Market Land off Great Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/15 2.54 the next 6 - 10 2.54 42.9 Y Harborough Bowden Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Market Saw Mill, Gores Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/16 1.59 the next 11 - 1.40 31.2 Y Harborough Lane Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs Market Land off Kestian Potentially Potentially Potentially Developable in A/MH/HSG/17 0.62 0.45 10.0 Y Harborough Close Suitable Available Achievable the next 6 - 10



Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Market Land north of Deliverable in A/MH/HSG/18 5.79 Suitable Available Achievable 5.79 129.0 Y Harborough Lubenham Hill the next 5 years Market Land at Manor Deliverable in A/MH/HSG/19 10.11 Suitable Available Achievable 36.00 486.0 Y Y Y Y Harborough Farm the next 5 years Developable in Market Land south of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/20 0.47 the next 6 - 10 0.47 10.5 Y Harborough Braybrooke Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Market Car park north of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/21 0.19 the next 6 - 10 0.19 5.1 Y Harborough St Marys Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Market Towrite Depot, Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/22 0.22 the next 11 - 0.22 5.9 Y Harborough Clarence Street Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs Developable in Market Buildcentre Site, Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/23 0.47 the next 11 - 0.47 10.5 Y Harborough Braybrooke Road Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs Developable in Market Land rear of 115 Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/24 1.50 the next 6 - 10 1.29 28.7 Y Harborough Lubenham Hill Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Market Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/32 Hillcrest Farm 1.34 the next 6 - 10 1.34 29.8 Y Harborough Suitable Available Achievable yrs Land east of Developable in Market Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/34 Northampton 13.00 the next 6 - 10 11.40 192.4 Y Harborough Suitable Available Achievable Road yrs Developable in Market Land rear of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/35 39.30 the next 11 - 39.30 530.6 Y Y Harborough Overstone House Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Ex-garage site at Developable in Market Naseby Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/46 0.46 Available the next 6 - 10 0.46 10.2 Y Harborough Sq/Newcombe/ Suitable Achievable yrs Street Not Market Compass Point Potentially Developable in A/MH/HSG/49 5.10 currently Available 2.10 41.3 Y Harborough Business Park Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Not Developable in Market Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/50 Land at Clack Hill 7.4 currently the next 11 - 4.00 67.5 Y Harborough Available Achievable Suitable 15yrs Land north of Not Not Market Developable in A/MH/HSG/51 Market 22.26 Currently Available Currently 3.10 52.3 Y Harborough the next 16+ yrs Harborough Suitable Achievable Developable in Market Land adjacent to Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MH/HSG/52 2.83 the next 11 - 2.83 47.8 Y Harborough Overstone House Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs Not Not Market Developable in A/MH/MXD/48 Airfield Farm 13.40 currently Available Currently 13.40 226.1 Y Harborough the next 16+ yrs Suitable Achievable

Total potential for Market Harborough 196.27 3,155.70 Land at Springhill Not Potentially Developable in A/CD/HSG/34 Glen Rise Farm, London 33.00 currently Available 33.00 556.9 Y Achievable the next 16+ yrs Road, Oadby Suitable Not Land off Station Potentially Developable in A/SC/HSG/01 Scraptoft 3.80 currently Available 3.80 64.1 Y Lane Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Not Land at Hamilton Potentially Potentially Developable in A/SC/HSG/07 Scraptoft 6.60 currently 6.60 111.4 Y Lane Available Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Not Land to the east Potentially Developable in A/SC/HSG/09 Scraptoft 6.60 currently Available 6.60 111.4 Y of Pulford Drive Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Land east of Not Pulford drive and Potentially Developable in A/SC/HSG/10 Scraptoft 19.50 currently Available 19.51 329.2 Y south of Covert Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Lane Not Land rear of 32-50 Potentially Potentially Developable in A/TH/HSG/06 Bushby 2.55 currently 2.55 43.0 Y Dalby Avenue Available Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Not Coles Nursery, Potentially Developable in A/TH/HSG/07 Thurnby 10.00 currently Available 10.00 168.8 Y Road Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Developable in Potentially Potentially A/TH/HSG/08 Thurnby Land north of A47 6.50 Available the next 6 - 10 6.5 109.7 Y Suitable Achievable yrs Land at Thurnby Developable in Potentially A/TH/HSG/09 Thurnby Playing Fields (off 0.90 Suitable Available the next 6 - 10 0.90 20.0 Y Achievable Grange Lane) yrs Developable in Potentially Potentially Potentially A/TH/HSG/10 Thurnby The Cuttings 0.37 the next 6 - 10 0.37 10.0 Y Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Land rear of Potentially Potentially A/TH/HSG/11 Thurnby 9.60 Available the next 6 - 10 9.60 162.0 Y Wadkins Way Suitable Achievable yrs


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Developable in Land rear of Potentially Potentially A/TH/HSG/12 Bushby 4.90 Available the next 6 - 10 3.50 59.1 Y Devenports Hill Suitable Achievable yrs Not Land at Potentially Potentially Developable in A/TH/HSG/15 Thurnby 0.89 currently 0.69 15.4 Y Wintersdale Road Available Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable

Total for the Leicester PUA / Adj Leicester PUA 103.62 1,760.93 Rural Centres4

Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Land off Rolleston Deliverable in A/BL/HSG/01 Billesdon 0.49 Suitable Available Achievable 0.49 10.9 Y Road the next 5 years Developable in Lorry Park, Gaulby Potentially A/BL/HSG/02 Billesdon 0.22 Available Achievable the next 6 - 10 0.22 5.9 Y Road Suitable yrs Developable in Land at Gaulby Potentially Potentially A/BL/HSG/03 Billesdon 3.25 Available the next 6 - 10 2.43 41.0 Y Lane Suitable Achievable yrs Land south of Potentially Potentially Developable in A/BL/HSG/04 Billesdon 1.55 Available 1.55 34.5 Y Uppingham Road Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10

4 4New evidence of Landscape Capacity for Rural Centres will become available in the summer of 2014 and all Rural Centres will be re-assessed using new evidence before the conclusive SHLAA 2014 Update is published.



Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Developable in Land south of Potentially Potentially A/BL/HSG/05 Billesdon 2.50 Available the next 6 - 10 2.50 42.2 Y Leicester Road Suitable Achievable yrs Land north of Deliverable in A/BL/HSG/06 Billesdon 1.18 Suitable Available Achievable 1.18 26.3 Y Leicester Road the next 5 years Land north of Deliverable in A/BL/HSG/07 Billesdon 0.15 Suitable Available Achievable 0.40 10.8 Y Rolleston Road the next 5 years Land north of Deliverable in A/BL/HSG/08 Billesdon Billesdon / High 2.40 Suitable Available Achievable 2.40 40.5 Y the next 5 years Acres Land adjacent to Not Not Not Developable in A/BL/HSG/11 Billesdon The Mount, Brook 0.76 currently Currently Currently 0.76 16.9 Y the next 16+ yrs Lane Suitable Available Achievable Not Not Paddock to rear of Potentially Developable in A/BL/HSG/12 Billesdon 1.00 currently Currently 1.00 22.3 Y 21A Brook Lane Available the next 16+ yrs Suitable Achievable Developable in Land at Gaulby Potentially Potentially A/BL/HSG/13 Billesdon 2.51 Available the next 6 - 10 1.80 40.1 Y Lane Suitable Achievable yrs

Total for Billesdon 14.73 291.38 Land to rear of Not Potentially Potentially Developable in A/FK/HSG/01 Fleckney 121 Leicester 0.80 currently 0.80 17.8 Y Available Achievable the next 16+ yrs Road Suitable Land off High Deliverable in A/FK/HSG/03 Fleckney 0.98 Suitable Available Achievable 0.98 21.8 Y Street the next 5 years


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Developable in Land off Leicester Potentially Potentially Potentially A/FK/HSG/04 Fleckney 5.29 the next 6 - 10 1.41 31.4 Y Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Land to the north Deliverable in A/FK/HSG/06 Fleckney 6.24 Suitable Available Achievable 6.24 105.3 Y of Kilby Road the next 5 years Developable in Victoria Works, Potentially Potentially Potentially A/FK/HSG/07 Fleckney 0.60 the next 6 - 10 0.60 13.4 Y Saddington Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Land at High Street, Fleckney Developable in Potentially Potentially A/FK/HSG/08 Fleckney (Land North of Car 2.90 Suitable the next 6 - 10 1.55 34.5 Y Available Achievable Park High Street yrs Fleckney) Developable in Land off Kilby Potentially A/FK/HSG/09 Fleckney 3.90 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 3.90 65.8 Y Road Available yrs Developable in Potentially Potentially A/FK/HSG/10 Fleckney Land off Longrey 2.10 Available the next 6 - 10 2.10 35.4 Y Suitable Achievable yrs Not Not Land at Kilby Road Potentially Developable in A/FK/HSG/11 Fleckney 12.85 currently Currently 8.35 140.9 Y (south) Available the next 16+ yrs Suitable Achievable Paddock land to Developable in Potentially A/FK/MXD/02 Fleckney rear of 61- 83 0.64 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 0.64 14.2 Y Available Leicester Road yrs Land adjacent to Developable in Potentially Potentially A/FK/MXD/05 Fleckney Churchill Way 2.90 Available the next 6 - 10 2.90 48.9 Y Suitable Achievable Industrial Estate yrs

Total for Fleckney 29.47 529.54


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Not Land at London Potentially Developable in A/GG/HSG/11 Great Glen 24.50 currently Available 24.50 413.4 Y Road Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable

Total for Great Glen 24.50 413.44 Developable in Husbands Land off Welford Potentially Potentially Potentially A/HB/HSG/01 1.07 the next 6 - 10 1.07 23.8 Y Bosworth Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Husbands Land east of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/HB/HSG/05 0.92 the next 6 - 10 0.92 20.5 Y Bosworth Welford Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs

Total for Husbands Bosworth 1.99 44.29 Developable in Land at Warwick Potentially Potentially Potentially A/KB/HSG/03 Kibworth 5.90 the next 11 - 5.30 89.4 Y Road Suitable Available Achievable 15yrs Merton College land (4 of 4) east Potentially Potentially Potentially Developable in A/KB/HSG/10 Kibworth 13.80 13.80 232.9 Y of Carlton Road, Suitable Available Achievable the next 16+ yrs Kibworth Land adjoing the Developable in Potentially A/KB/HSG/13 Kibworth A6 and north of 2.85 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 2.85 48.1 Y Available Wistow Road yrs Land off Smeeton Deliverable in A/KB/HSG/15 Kibworth 6.80 Suitable Available Achievable 5.16 87.1 Y Road the next 5 years Not Land Off Fleckney Potentially Developable in A/KB/HSG/16 Kibworth 2.43 currently Available 2.43 41.0 Y Road Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Not Land at Warwick Potentially Developable in A/KB/HSG/17 Kibworth 6.70 currently Available 6.70 113.1 Y Road Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Developable in Land at Birdie Potentially Potentially A/KB/HSG/18 Kibworth 6.07 Available the next 6 - 10 6.07 102.4 Y Close Suitable Achievable yrs

Total for Kibworth 42.31 713.98 Developable in Land north of Potentially A/UL/HSG/02 Ullesthorpe 0.50 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 0.50 11.1 Y Ashby Road Available yrs Developable in Land at Warren Potentially Potentially A/UL/HSG/03 Ullesthorpe 1.44 Available the next 6 - 10 1.44 32.1 Y Farm Suitable Achievable yrs Developable in Land south of Potentially Potentially A/UL/HSG/04 Ullesthorpe 1.62 Available the next 6 - 10 1.62 36.1 Y Main Street Suitable Achievable yrs Developable in Land north of Hall Potentially Potentially A/UL/HSG/05 Ullesthorpe 1.21 Available the next 6 - 10 1.21 27.0 Y Lane Suitable Achievable yrs Not Land south of Potentially Developable in A/UL/HSG/06 Ullesthorpe 2.84 currently Available 2.84 47.9 Y South Avenue Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Developable in Land off Fairways Potentially A/UL/HSG/07 Ullesthorpe 3.16 Available Achievable the next 6 - 10 2.22 37.5 Y Meadows Suitable yrs Not Developable in Grange Croft, Potentially Potentially A/UL/HSG/08 Ullesthorpe 1.17 currently the next 11 - 1.17 26.4 Y Ashby Road Available Achievable Suitable 15yrs


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Not Developable in The Woodlands, Potentially Potentially A/UL/HSG/09 Ullesthorpe 0.80 currently the next 11 - 0.80 17.8 Y Claybrooke Road Available Achievable Suitable 15yrs Developable in Pear Garden Land, Potentially Potentially A/UL/HSG/10 Ullesthorpe 0.44 Available the next 6 - 10 0.25 6.8 Y Hall House Suitable Achievable yrs Developable in Land south of Potentially A/UL/MXD/01 Ullesthorpe 0.95 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 0.95 21.2 Y Ashby Road Available yrs

Total for Ullesthorpe 13.00 263.75

Selected Rural Villages

Is the Site Deliverable or Number of Site Total Site Area 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Dwellings 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Area Available for 10 15 Ref Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Minus 10% Yrs Yrs (Ha) Development (Ha) Yrs Yrs NPPF footnotes Lapse Rate? 11 & 12? Developable in Potentially Potentially A/BT/HSG/01 Bitteswell LE17 4SQ 0.30 Available the next 6 - 10 0.30 8.1 Y Suitable Achievable yrs Not Not Not Land north of Developable in A/BT/HSG/02 Bitteswell 2.94 currently Currently Currently 0.33 8.9 Y Valley Farm the next 16+ yrs Suitable Available Achievable Developable in Land east of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/BT/HSG/03 Bitteswell 4.20 the next 6 - 10 4.20 70.9 Y Ashby Lane Suitable Available Achievable yrs


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Land at The Developable in Church Potentially A/CL/HSG/01 Hanbury Centre, 0.97 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 0.55 12.3 Y Langton Available Stonton Road yrs Dunton Merrie Monk, 38 Deliverable in A/DB/HSG/03 0.18 Suitable Available Achievable 0.18 4.9 Y Bassett Station Road the next 5 years Developable in Dunton Land east of Potentially Potentially A/DB/HSG/04 1.38 Available the next 6 - 10 0.75 16.7 Y Bassett Lutterworth Road Suitable Achievable yrs Land between Developable in Dunton Potentially Potentially A/DB/HSG/02 Church Lane and 1.70 Available the next 6 - 10 1.70 37.9 Y Bassett Suitable Achievable The Mount yrs Not Land off Potentially Potentially Developable in A/GN/HSG/01 Gilmorton 0.42 currently 0.42 9.4 Y Ullesthorpe Road Available Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Developable in Land west of Potentially A/GN/HSG/02 Gilmorton 2.50 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 2.50 42.2 Y Lutterworth Road Available yrs Developable in Land east of Mill Potentially Potentially Potentially A/GN/HSG/04 Gilmorton 1.20 the next 6 - 10 1.20 26.7 Y Lane Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Great Land north of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/GB/HSG/02 2.02 the next 6 - 10 2.02 34.1 Y Bowden Leicester Lane Suitable Available Achievable yrs Land of Welham Developable in Great Potentially Potentially Potentially A/GB/HSG/03 Road and Langton 9.16 the next 6 - 10 9.16 154.6 Y Y Bowden Suitable Available Achievable Road yrs Developable in Great Land north of Potentially Potentially A/GB/HSG/04 0.85 Available the next 6 - 10 0.85 18.9 Y Bowden Dingley Road Suitable Achievable yrs


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Not Not Developable in Great Potentially A/GB/HSG/07 41 Main Street 0.20 currently Currently the next 11 - 0.20 5.4 Y Bowden Available Suitable Achievable 15yrs Developable in Great Land off Sutton Potentially Potentially A/GB/HSG/08 0.99 Suitable the next 6 - 10 0.99 22.1 Y Bowden Road Available Achievable yrs Not Great Land South of Potentially Developable in A/GB/HSG/12 0.20 currently Available 0.20 5.4 Y Bowden Great Bowden Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Not Not Great Land off Upper Potentially Developable in A/GB/HSG/13 4.30 currently Currently 4.30 72.6 Y Bowden Green Lane Available the next 16+ yrs Suitable Achievable Not Great Land off Berry Potentially Potentially Developable in A/GB/HSG/14 2.15 currently 2.15 36.3 Y Bowden Close Available Achievable the next 16+ yrs Suitable Developable in Great Land at rear of 28 Potentially A/GE/HSG/01 1.15 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 1.15 25.6 Y Easton Broadgate Available yrs Developable in Great Land East of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/GE/HSG/02 10.00 the next 6 - 10 10.00 168.8 Y Y Easton Barnsdale Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Land to rear of 31 Potentially Potentially A/HA/HSG/01 Hallaton 0.18 Available the next 6 - 10 0.18 4.7 Y High Street Suitable Achievable yrs Land off North Developable in Houghton Potentially Potentially A/HH/HSG/01 Way/Winckley 2.30 Available the next 6 - 10 2.30 38.8 Y on the Hill Suitable Achievable Close yrs Developable in Houghton Land at Stretton Potentially Potentially A/HH/HSG/04 1.7 Available the next 6 - 10 1.70 37.9 Y on the Hill Lane Suitable Achievable yrs


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Developable in Land off Laughton Potentially A/LN/HSG/05 Lubenham 0.40 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 0.40 8.9 Y Road Available yrs Developable in Land south of Potentially Potentially Potentially A/LN/MXD/01 Lubenham 1.70 the next 6 - 10 1.69 37.6 Y Main Street Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Land at Potentially Potentially Potentially A/MB/HSG/01 Medbourne 3.30 the next 6 - 10 2.57 43.4 Y Uppingham Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs Developable in Land at Drayton Potentially Potentially A/MB/HSG/02 Medbourne 0.54 Available the next 6 - 10 0.30 6.7 Y Road Suitable Achievable yrs Land to the west Developable in Potentially Potentially A/MB/HSG/04 Medbourne of Uppingham 0.30 Available the next 6 - 10 0.25 6.8 Y Suitable Achievable Road yrs Land to rear of Not Not Developable in North Western Potentially A/NK/HSG/02 0.33 currently Currently the next 11 - 0.33 8.9 Y Kilworth Cottages, Available Suitable Achievable 15yrs Lutterworth Road Land west of Developable in North Potentially A/NK/HSG/03 South Kilworth 0.90 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 0.90 20.0 Y Kilworth Available Road yrs Land and Developable in buildings south of Potentially A/SW/HSG/01 Swinford 0.35 Suitable Achievable the next 6 - 10 0.35 9.5 Y The Berries, Available yrs Stanford Road Developable in Land off Rugby Potentially Potentially Potentially A/SW/HSG/02 Swinford 0.40 the next 6 - 10 0.22 5.9 Y Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs


Is the Site Number of Site Deliverable or Total Site Area Dwellings 6- 11- HDC SHLAA Area Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Available for 0-5 16+ Settlement Site Address Minus 10% 10 15 Ref (Ha) Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by Development Yrs Yrs Lapse Yrs Yrs Assessed NPPF footnotes (Ha) Rate? 11 & 12? Not Not Land south of Potentially Developable in A/SW/HSG/03 Swinford 2.05 currently Currently 2.05 34.6 Y Rugby Road Available the next 16+ yrs Suitable Achievable Developable in Tilton on Land at Oakham Potentially Potentially Potentially A/TN/MXD/01 1.28 the next 6 - 10 1.28 28.5 Y the Hill Road Suitable Available Achievable yrs A/TB/HSG Land at Hallaton Deliverable in Tugby 0.33 Suitable Available Achievable 0.33 8.9 Y COM/02 Road the next 5 years

Total for Selected Rural Villages 58.00 1,082.59


APPENDIX B: Sites Not Currently Developable for Housing

Is the Site Deliverable or Site HDC SHLAA Is the Site Is the Site Is the Site Developable as Settlement Site Address Area Comments Ref Suitable? Available? Achievable? defined by (Ha) NPPF footnotes 11 & 12?

Land south of Not Not No safe access achievable due to speed and Not Not currently A/BL/HSG/10 Billesdon A47, 2.50 Currently Currently status of A47 and lack of local road capacity. suitable developable Billesdon Available Achievable Therefore the site would not be acceptable to the Highway Authority. Lack of local road capacity to accommodate increased traffic movement identified. Land to the Not Therefore the site is unlikely to be acceptable to Broughton Not Potentially Not currently A/BA/HSG/04 west of Stiles 3.10 Currently the Highway Authority. Astley Suitable Available developable Close Achievable A significant proportion of the site is covered by flood zones 2, 3a & 3b.

Agricultural The site has no frontage to an adopted land off Not highway. Therefore the site is not appropriate Broughton Frolesworth Not Not currently A/BA/HSG/11 10.00 Available Currently for consideration in isolation. Astley Road (south), suitable developable Achievable Broughton Part of site in flood zone 2. Astley


Access from London Road is unlikely to be appropriate. Transport modelling work re: Land at Not Potentially Potentially Not currently A/CD/HSG/33 Glen Rise 92.00 impacts on wider strategic road network Stretton Hall suitable Available Achievable developable needed before Highway Authority could support principle of site development.

Access from A47 would not be appropriate due Land south of to its speed and status. The site is therefore not the A47, Not Potentially Not currently acceptable to the Highway Authority. A/TH/HSG/05 Bushby 4.40 Available Uppingham suitable Achievable developable Road Leicester PUA Landscape Capacity Assessment concluded that the site has low capacity for development.

Land Access from A426 would not be appropriate Not Dunton between Well Not Potentially Not currently due to speed and safety. Therefore the site A/DB/MXD/01 0.60 Currently Bassett House and suitable Available developable would not be acceptable to the Highway Achievable garage Authority.

Lack of local road capacity to accommodate increased traffic movement identified. Therefore the site is unlikely to be acceptable to Westleigh Not Not Potentially Not currently the Highway Authority. A/FX/HSG/01 Foxton Farm, North 1.2 Currently suitable Available developable Lane Achievable Section of the site is also covered by flood zones 2 & 3a.

Appropriate access to accommodate increased Land east of Not Not Not currently traffic movement unlikely to be achievable. The A/GN/HSG/03 Gilmorton Lutterworth 0.60 Available Currently suitable developable site is therefore not acceptable to the Highway Road Achievable Authority.


Not Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Land off Mill Not Not currently A/GN/HSG/05 Gilmorton 3.50 Available Currently The site is therefore unlikely to be acceptable to Lane suitable developable Achievable the Highway Authority.

Land south of Appropriate access not achievable due to status Not A6 at the of A6 and lack of local road capacity. The site is suitable Oadby Potentially Not Not currently therefore not acceptable to the Highway A/CD/HSG/35 Glen Rise Boundary 5.18 Available Achievable developable Authority. Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Fox Pond The site is therefore not acceptable to the Lane Not Not currently Highway Authority. A/CD/MXD/17 Glen Rise 2.25 Available Achievable Glen Rise suitable developable Oadby Site not adjacent to Great Glen and could not be linked via another SHLAA site.

Not Great Land off Not Potentially Not currently Appropriate access not achievable. Therefore A/GB/HSG/01 12.40 Currently Bowden Dingley Road suitable Available developable the site is unlikely to be acceptable to the Achievable Highway Authority. Land Off Not Great Knights end Not Not currently Appropriate access to site not achievable. A/GB/HSG/06 4.27 Available Currently Bowden Road and suitable developable Therefore the site is unlikely to be acceptable to Achievable Dingley Road Highway Authority. Lack of local road capacity to accommodate additional development identified. Therefore site is unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway Land at Not Great Not Potentially Not currently Authority. A/GB/HSG/09 Knights End 11.50 Currently Bowden suitable Available developable Road Achievable Market Harborough LCA concluded that southern part of the site has medium-low capacity for development. Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Great Land off Main Not Potentially Not Not currently A/GB/HSG/10 1.14 Therefore the site is unlikely to be acceptable to Bowden Street suitable Available Achievable developable the highway Authority.


Land off Not Current access to the site is not appropriate. Great Not Potentially Not currently A/GB/HSG/11 Green Lane 1.82 Currently Therefore the site is not acceptable to the Bowden suitable Available developable (Track) Achievable Highway Authority.

Land East of Not Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Great Not Potentially Not currently A/GB/HSG/15 Great 6.98 Currently Therefore the site is unlikely to be acceptable Bowden suitable Available developable Bowden Achievable to the Highway Authority.

Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Not Not currently A/GG/HSG/01 Great Glen Glen Cottage 2.40 Available Achievable Therefore this site is not acceptable to the suitable developable Highway Authority.

Additional access or intensification in use of Not Not Land at Not Not currently current access on to London Road would not be A/GG/HSG/03 Great Glen 23.30 Currently Currently Mount Farm suitable developable appropriate . Therefore this site is not Available Achievable acceptable to the Highway Authority.

Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Therefore the site is unlikely to be acceptable to Land at Not Potentially Potentially Not currently the Highway Authority. A/GG/HSG/06 Great Glen 0.46 Station Road suitable Available Achievable developable Part of the site is covered by flood zones 2 and 3a.

This site is not considered to be a sustainable Land east of Not Not currently location for further housing development as A/GG/HSG/10 Great Glen 10.50 Available Achievable Stretton Road suitable developable residents are unlikely to be able to access local services by walking, cycling or public transport.


Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Therefore the site is unlikely to be acceptable to Not Land off Oaks Not Potentially Not currently the Highway Authority. A/GG/HSG/12 Great Glen 4.55 Currently Road suitable Available developable Achievable Approx 25% of the site is covered by flood zones 2 and 3a.

An additional access or intensification in use of Land off Not Potentially Potentially Not currently a current access on to London Road would not A/GG/MXD/05 Great Glen 3.46 London Road suitable Available Achievable developable be appropriate. Therefore the site is not acceptable to the Highway Authority.

Land adjacent Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable to former Not Potentially Not currently given lack of local road capacity and speed limit A/GG/MXD/07 Great Glen 6.45 Available Manor Farm, suitable Achievable developable on London Road. The site is therefore unlikely London Road to be acceptable to the Highway Authority.

Additional access or intensification in use of a Land at Not Potentially Not currently current access on to London Road would not be A/GG/MXD/08 Great Glen 20.93 Available London Road suitable Achievable developable appropriate. The site is therefore not acceptable to the Highway Authority.

Corner of Lack of local road capacity to accommodate Not North End Not Not currently additional traffic identified. Therefore the site is A/HA/HSG/02 Hallaton 0.23 Available Currently and Hunts suitable developable unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway Achievable Lane Authority.

Lack of local road capacity to accommodate Not Land off Not Not currently additional traffic identified. Therefore the site is A/HA/HSG/03 Hallaton 0.60 Available Currently Tugwell Lane suitable developable unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway Achievable Authority.


Lack of local road capacity to accommodate additional traffic identified. Therefore the Not Land off Not Not currently Highway Authority would be unlikely to accept A/HA/HSG/04 Hallaton 1.10 Available Currently Langton Road suitable developable this development. Achievable

A section of the site is covered by flood zone.

Any intensification in use of the current access 101 Not Houghton Not Potentially Not currently would not be welcome due to the status and A/HH/HSG/02 Uppingham 1.80 Currently on the Hill suitable Available developable speed of the A47. The site is therefore unlikely Road Achievable to be acceptable to the Highway Authority.

Land adjacent Uppingham Rd is currently subject to national Not Houghton to A47 Not Potentially Not currently speed limit. This site is therefore unlikely to be A/HH/HSG/03 10.38 Currently on the Hill Uppingham suitable Available developable acceptable to the Highway authority. Achievable Road

The A4304 not appropriate to gain access from Land at Not Husbands Not Not currently due to national speed limit. The site is therefore A/HB/HSG/02 Theddingwor 2.15 Available Currently Bosworth suitable developable unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway th Road Achievable Authority.

Access from the A4304 would not be The Rectory, Not appropriate and there is an identified lack of Husbands Not Potentially Not currently A/HB/HSG/03 Honeypot 0.48 Currently local road capacity. The site is therefore Bosworth suitable Available developable Lane Achievable unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway Authority. Land off Not Lack of local road capacity to accommodate Husbands Not Potentially Not currently A/HB/HSG/04 Mowsley 0.50 Currently additional traffic identified. The site is therefore Bosworth suitable Available developable Road Achievable unacceptable to the Highway Authority.

Land north of Not Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Not Potentially Not currently A/KB/HSG/02 Kibworth Fleckney 16.4 Currently The site is therefore unlikely to be acceptable to suitable Achievable developable Road Available the Highway Authority.


Land at Not Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Not Potentially Not currently A/KB/HSG/04 Kibworth Windmill 27.63 Currently The site is therefore unlikely to be acceptable to suitable Available developable Farm Achievable the Highway Authority.

Land Adjoing Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Not Potentially Potentially Not currently A/KB/HSG/05 Kibworth Windmill 8.94 The site is therefore unlikely to be acceptable to suitable Available Achievable developable Farm the Highway Authority.

Westfield, Not An access would not be appropriate from the Potentially Not currently A/KB/HSG/06 Kibworth Leicester 1.50 currently Available A6. Therefore the site is not appropriate for Achievable developable Road Suitable consideration in isolation. Merton College land Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. (3 of 4), west Not Potentially Potentially Not currently speed limit. Therefore the site is unlikely to be A/KB/HSG/09 Kibworth 1.90 of Carlton suitable Available Achievable developable acceptable to the Highway Authority. Road, Kibworth Lack of local road network capacity identified to Land south of Not the north and east of Kibworth. Highway Not Not currently A/KB/HSG/11 Kibworth Priory 2.50 currently Available Authority concerned over possible severe Achievable developable Business Park Suitable cumulative effects of development.

Lack of local road network capacity identified Land south + Not to the north and east of Kibworth. Highway Potentially Not currently A/KB/HSG/12 Kibworth west of Priory 9.13 currently Available Authority concerned over possible severe Achievable developable Business Park Suitable cumulative effects of development.

Land east of Not Potentially Potentially Not currently An access would not be appropriate from the A/KB/HSG/14 Kibworth Harborough 6.90 suitable Available Achievable developable A6.Therefore the site is not acceptable to the Road Highway Authority.


Creation of road infrastructure to support Merton growth on this scale is of District-wide and even College land Not 101.4 Potentially Potentially Not currently regional significance; therefore the A/KB/HSG/07 Kibworth (1 of 4), currently 0 Available Achievable developable development of this site is not likely to be Leicester Suitable achievable during the next plan period (2011- Road 2031). Merton Creation of road infrastructure to support College land growth on this scale is of District-wide and even Not (2 of 4), east 205.3 Potentially Potentially Not currently regional significance; therefore the A/KB/HSG/08 Kibworth currently of Leicester 0 Available Achievable developable development of this site is not likely to be Suitable Road, achievable during the next plan period (2011- Kibworth 2031). Lack of local road capacity to accommodate additional traffic identified. The site is therefore Not unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway Land west of Not Potentially Not currently A/LN/HSG/03 Lubenham 1.67 Currently Authority. Rushes Lane suitable Available developable Achievable Southern part of the site is covered by flood zone 2/3.

Not Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable Land off Not Potentially Not currently A/LN/HSG/04 Lubenham 1.13 Currently due to traffic speed. The site is therefore not Foxton Road suitable Available developable Achievable acceptable to the Highway Authority.

Lack of local road capacity to accommodate additional traffic identified. The site is therefore Old Hall Not Not Potentially Not currently unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway A/LN/HSG/06 Lubenham Farm, Old 0.60 Currently suitable Available developable Authority. Hall Lane Achievable

Southern part of site within flood zone 2. Lack of local road capacity identified. The site is Not therefore unlikely to be acceptable to the Tofts Barn Not Potentially Not currently A/LN/MXD/02 Lubenham 0.50 Currently Highway Authority. Undle suitable Available developable Achievable Small part of site within flood zone 2.


Lack of local road capacity to accommodate additional traffic identified. The site is therefore Works Not Not Potentially Not currently unlikely to be considered appropriate by the A/LT/HSG/04 Lutterworth adjacent to 3.96 Currently suitable Available developable Highway Authority. M1 Achievable

Site partially covered by Flood Zone 3.

Land east of Not Appropriate access not achievable due to traffic Not Not currently A/LT/HSG/15 Lutterworth Leicester 12.90 Available Currently speed on Leicester Road. This site is therefore suitable developable Road Achievable not acceptable to the Highway Authority.

Access from Coventry Road not appropriate. Not Therefore the site is unacceptable to the Land north of Not Potentially Not currently A/LT/HSG/17 Lutterworth 12.20 Currently Highway Authority. Leaders Farm suitable Available developable Achievable Part of site within flood zone. The Lutterworth and Broughton Astley Land off Landscape Character Assessment and Capacity Not Potentially Not currently A/LT/HSG/20 Lutterworth Brookfield 5.80 Available Study (2011) concluded that the site has low suitable Achievable developable Way (north) capacity for development.

Site is not adjacent to Lutterworth and is located in open countryside. Land at Not Not Potentially Not currently A/LT/HSG/23 Lutterworth Moorbarns Currently Lack of local road capacity identified. This site is suitable Available developable Lane Achievable therefore not acceptable to the Highway Authority. 2.29 The SDA Master Plan identifies the future land use of this site as green space and balancing pools. Not Not Not Market Land rear of Not currently The site has no frontage to an adopted highway A/MH/HSG/03 3.50 Currently Currently Currently Harborough Knoll Street developable and there is no apparent route to provide Available Available Achievable access – therefore the site is not appropriate for consideration in isolation.


Land at Current access is not appropriate for additional Market Not Potentially Potentially Not currently A/MH/HSG/06 Burnmill 6.40 traffic. The site is therefore unlikely to be Harborough suitable Available Achievable developable Farm acceptable to the Highway Authority.

The Market Harborough LCA concluded that the site has low-medium capacity for development. Not Market Land north of Not Potentially Not currently A/MH/HSG/28 7.40 Currently Harborough Clack Hill suitable Available developable The A6 is currently subject to national speed Achievable limit. The site is therefore unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway authority.

Previously The site itself and all adjacent uses are currently Market Developed Potentiall Potentially Not Not currently business/industrial therefore it would not be A/MH/HSG/31 0.56 Harborough Land, y Suitable Available Achievable developable appropriate to give this land priority for future Riverside housing development at the present time.

Land off Market Not Potentially Not Not currently The Market Harborough LCA concluded that the A/MH/HSG/36 Harborough 8.45 Harborough suitable Available Achievable developable site has a low or medium-low capacity for Road development.

Market Land at Mill Not Potentially Not Not currently A/MH/HSG/37 3.29 The Market Harborough LCA concluded that the Harborough Mound suitable Available Achievable developable site has a low or medium-low capacity for development. Not Not The A6 is currently subject to national speed Market Land at Lodge Potentially Not currently A/MH/HSG/38 8.66 currently Currently limit. The site is therefore unlikely to be Harborough Farm Available developable Suitable Achievable acceptable to the Highway Authority.

Not Not The A6 is currently subject to national speed Market Land south of Potentially Not currently A/MH/HSG/39 7.84 currently Currently limit. The site is therefore unlikely to be Harborough Lodge Farm Available developable Suitable Achievable acceptable to the Highway authority. Avondale, Not Not Any new access or intensification in use of Market Leicester 0.827 Potentially Not currently A/MH/HSG/53 currently Currently current access from Leicester Road is unlikely to Harborough Road, Market 5 Available developable Suitable Achievable be acceptable to the Highway Authority. Harborough


Land The site was suggested by a local resident, not between landowner; there is no evidence that the site is A/MH/MXD/1 Market Leicester Potentiall Not Not Not currently 35.00 available or achievable. 0 Harborough Road and y Suitable Available Achievable developable Leicester The Market Harborough LCA concluded that Lane part of the site has a low or medium low capacity for development. Not Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Land off Main Not Not currently A/MB/HSG/03 Medbourne 0.62 Available Currently Therefore the site is unlikely to be acceptable Street suitable developable Achievable to the Highway Authority.

Not Lack of local road capacity to accommodate North Land off Dag Not Potentially Not currently A/NK/HSG/04 5.55 Currently additional traffic identified. The site is therefore Kilworth Lane suitable Available developable Achievable unacceptable to the Highway Authority.

Lack of local road capacity to accommodate Not additional traffic identified. The site is therefore Land off Not Potentially Not currently A/SC/HSG/02 Scraptoft 20.1 Currently unlikely to be considered appropriate by the Covert Lane suitable Available developable Achievable Highway Authority.

Lack of local road capacity to accommodate Land north of Not Potentially Potentially Not currently additional traffic identified. Therefore the site is A/SC/HSG/03 Scraptoft 5.28 Covert Lane suitable Available Achievable developable unlikely to be considered appropriate by the Highway Authority. Site is not adjacent to Scraptoft and is in open countryside. Not Not Potentially Not currently A/SC/HSG/04 Scraptoft Lodge Farm 7.00 Currently suitable Available developable Site located on a road subject to national speed Achievable limit. Therefore the site is not acceptable to the Highway Authority.

Not Land off Not Potentially Not currently The Leicester PUA LCA concluded that the site A/SC/HSG/05 Scraptoft 2.40 Currently Scraptoft Rise suitable Available developable has a medium low capacity for development. Achievable


Land at Not The Leicester PUA LCA concluded that the site Not Potentially Not currently A/SC/HSG/06 Scraptoft Nether Hall 5.80 Currently has a medium-low capacity for development. suitable Available developable Farm Achievable

Land Not Not Potentially Not currently A/SC/HSG/08 Scraptoft northwest of 7.50 Currently Beeby Road is currently subject to national suitable Available developable The Mount Achievable speed limit. The site is therefore unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway authority.

Land rear of Not It does not appear possible to achieve an A/CD/HSG/38 Stretton Hall Sycamore currently appropriate access. This site is therefore Close, Suitable Not Not Not currently unlikely to be appropriate to the Highway Stretton Hall 4.1 Available Achievable developable Authority. Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable as site has no frontage to an adopted highway. Therefore the site is not appropriate for Land rear of consideration in isolation. Grange Not Not currently A/TH/HSG/01 Thurnby 3.30 Available Achievable Park/Grange suitable developable The Leicester PUA LCA concluded that the site Lane has a medium-low capacity for development.

Almost half of the site lies within Flood Zone 3.

The Leicester PUA LCA concluded that the site Land of Main has a medium-low capacity for development. Not Not Street, Not Not currently A/TH/HSG/04 Thurnby 9.14 Currently Currently Bushby suitable developable Lack of local road capacity to accommodate Available Achievable Thurnby further development identified. Therefore the site is unlikely to be acceptable to the Highway Authority.


Any new accesses or intensification in use of a current access from the A47 would not be welcome due to the status and speed of the road. This site is therefore unlikely to be Land south of Not Potentially Potentially Not currently acceptable to the Highway Authority. A/TH/HSG/13 Thurnby Uppingham 4.34 suitable Available Achievable developable Road The Leicester PUA LCA concluded that the site has a medium-low capacity for development.

Southern part of site within Flood Zone 3.

Land at Not Not Potentially Not currently The Leicester PUA LCA concluded that the site A/TH/HSG/16 Thurnby Stoughton 25.14 Currently suitable Available developable has a medium-low capacity for development. Road Achievable

Land East of Not Not Potentially Not currently The Leicester PUA LCA concluded that the site A/TH/HSG/17 Thurnby Stoughton 13.70 Currently suitable Available developable has medium-low capacity for development. Road Achievable

Northern part of the site is within Flood Zone 3.

Land south of

the Rose & Not Not Potentially Not currently The Leicester PUA LCA concluded that the site A/TH/HSG/18 Thurnby Crown Public 2.30 Currently suitable Available developable has a medium-low capacity for development. House, Main Achievable

Street Southern part of site within flood zone 3.

Appropriate access unlikely to be achievable. Land at Firs Not Therefore this site is unlikely to be appropriate Not Not currently A/TH/HSG/19 Thurnby Farm, The 1.77 Available Currently to the Highway Authority. suitable developable Square Achievable Almost half of the site is within Flood Zone 3.


Site is not adjacent to Thurnby and is in open countryside. Land East of Not Not Not Not currently A/TH/HSG/20 Thurnby Stoughton 12.7 suitable Available Achievable developable Site is located on a road currently subject to Road national speedlimit. The site is therefore unacceptable to the Highway Authority.

Land south of Not Potentially Potentially Not currently The A47 would not be appropriate to gain A/TB/HSG/01 Tugby Uppingham 1.40 suitable Available Achievable developable access from due to its speed and status. The site Road is therefore not acceptable to the Highway Authority.


APPENDIX C: Sites ineligible for the SHLAA 2014 Update HDC SHLAA Ref Settlement Site Address Notes The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Ashby A/AP/HSG/01 Land rear of The Hollies Parva as a selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use A/BL/EMP/09 Billesdon Land off Rolleston Road, Billesdon sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the assessment. SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use Former Golf Course, Coventry Road, A/BA/EMP/09 Broughton Astley sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the Broughton Astley assessment. B002/09 Broughton Astley Land off Broughton Way Superseded by site submission A/BA/MXD/02. A/BA/HSG/12 Broughton Astley Land north of Dunton Road Superseded by site submission A/BA/HSG/12. Land south of Crowfoot Way and B003a/11 Broughton Astley Superseded by site submission A/BA/HSG/08. Murray Close A/BA/HSG/04 Broughton Astley Land west of Millbrook Drive Superseded by site submission A/BA/HSG/04. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify East A/CD/HSG/60 East Norton Garden within curtilage of April Lodge Norton as a selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify East A/CD/HSG/61 East Norton Land Adjacent Old Police House Norton as a selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify East A/CD/HSG/62 East Norton Land at Moor Lane Norton as a selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify East A/CD/HSG/63 East Norton Land at Uppingham Road Norton as a selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. A/FX/HSG/01 Foxton Westleigh Farm, North Lane Insufficient site information. RC060/11 Great Bowden Land at Knight's End (North) Superseded by site submission A/GB/HSG/06. RC069/11 (reduced Great Bowden Land at Knight's End (South) Superseded by site submission A/GB/HSG/09. version)


RC062/11 (Previously Great Bowden Land at Nether Green The site is now fuly developed. M007/09) The site does not meet the minimum size threshold to A/GB/HSG/05 Great Bowden Land adjacent to 10 Leicester Lane warrant a SHLAA assessment. SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use A/GG/EMP/09 Great Glen Land to southern fringe of Great Glen sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the assessment. Houghton on the A/HH/HSG/04 Land north of Leicester Road Insufficient site information. Hill Houghton on the A/HH/HSG/05 Land north of Rolleston Road Insufficient site information. Hill Husbands RC008/10 7 Church Lane The site is now fuly developed. Bosworth The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Leire as a n/a Leire South of Frolesworth Rod, Leire selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Leire as a n/a Leire Stemboro Lane selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. A/LT/HSG/21 Lutterworth DeVerdon Road allotments Withdrawn by the site promoter Being developed with Leaders Farm (SHLAA Ref: Lt003/09 Lutterworth Land north of the A4303 A/LT/HSG/01 planning permission 13/01223/REM) SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use A/LT/EMP/19 Lutterworth Land south of Lutterworth Road sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the assessment. SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use Works adjacent M1 / Land north of A/LT/EMP/18 Lutterworth sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the Lutterworth Road assessment. SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use A/MH/EMP/42 Market Harborough Airfield Farm North sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the assessment. n/a Market Harborough Council Offices Withdrawn by the site promoter SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use A/MH/EMP/45 Market Harborough East of Rockingham Road (Peaker Park) sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the assessment.


The site does not meet the minimum size threshold to A/MH/HSG/01 Market Harborough Gildings Auction House, 64 Roman Way warrant a SHLAA assessment.

This site is now mostly developed with a small parcel of M122/10 Market Harborough Harborough Rubber remaining land up for sale with planning permission.

The site does not meet the minimum size threshold to M132/11 Market Harborough Land at Edward Road warrant a SHLAA assessment. SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use Land east and adjacent to A/MH/EMP/44 Market Harborough sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the Northampton Road assessment. Land east of Leicester Road & south of n/a Market Harborough Insufficient site information. canal SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use A/MH/EMP/25 Market Harborough Land off Dingley Road sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the assessment. SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use Land off Dingley Road, Great A/MH/EMP/25 Market Harborough sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the Bowden/Market Harborough assessment. UF042/09 (including Market Harborough Land off Gartree Road Insufficient site information. UF046/09) SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use Land off Knights End Road, Great A/MH/EMP/26 Market Harborough sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the Bowden/Market Harborough assessment. M093/09 Market Harborough Land off Welham Road Superseded by site submission A/GB/HSG/03. SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use A/MH/EMP/27 Market Harborough Land West of Rockingham Road sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the assessment. Local Plan Allocation MH/3 at Farndon Rd has 2 ha set aside for a school - it is unclear if this option will be MH/3 Northern Section: Additional A/MH/HSG/41 Market Harborough taken up therefore this site will be excluded from Land, Farndon Road SHLAA until it is apparent whether the school optiion will be delivered.


SHLAA 2014 is only to assess residential or mixed use A/MH/EMP/43 Market Harborough Railway Goods Yard sites; all employment-only sites excluded from the assessment. Land east of Scraptoft, Scraptoft UF051/10 Scraptoft The site is now fuly developed. Campus The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Stoughton n/a Stoughton grange farm, Gartree Road as a selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Stoughton n/a Stoughton Various - 19 infill locations as a selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Sutton In n/a Sutton In The Elms Land at Sutton Farm The Elms as a selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Sutton In Land at Sutton Lane (Formerly Leicester n/a Sutton In The Elms The Elms as a selected Rural Village within the Road) settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Sutton In Land at Sutton Lane (Formerly Leicester n/a Sutton In The Elms The Elms as a selected Rural Village within the Road), Sutton in the Elms settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Sutton In n/a Sutton In The Elms Land south of Messenger's Barn Farm The Elms as a selected Rural Village within the settlement hierachy. The Council's Core Strategy does not identify Sutton In Sutton Circuits, Sutton Lane, Sutton In A/CD/HSG/64 Sutton In The Elms The Elms as a selected Rural Village within the The Elms settlement hierachy. Land south of Covert Lane and east of UF002/09 Thurnby Superseded by site submissions A/TH/HSG/03 & 02. Station Lane (Southern part only) Land off Marefield Lane, Tilton on the A/TN/HSG/02 Tilton On The Hill The site is now fuly developed. Hill RC049/11 Ullesthorpe Land Ashby Road Superseded by site submission A/UL/HSG/02.


APPENDIX D: SHLAA Sites with Planning Permission 5

Planning SHLAA SHLAA Ref Settlement Site Address Site size Land type Development description Permission Ref Outcome Land to the Mixed use development east of comprising up to 310 Deliverable in Broughton Broughton residential units; a food A/BA/MXD/02 18.10 the next 5 Astley Way, store and petrol station; a years Broughton community leisure/sports Astley building (Use Class D2); a 13/001142/OUT - medical centre; permitted but employment units (up to Greenfield Land to the subject to a signed 5,500 m2 in total) (Use Class west of S106 agreement B1/B2/B8), and a variety of Deliverable in Broughton Broughton areas for formal and A/BA/MXD/03 4.30 the next 5 Astley Way, informal sport and years Broughton recreation, foot and cycle Astley paths, sustainable drainage features, access roads and landscaping Erection of 199 dwellings Land at and all associated 13/00898/FUL - Coventry infrastructure, including Deliverable in Broughton permitted but A/BA/MXD/06 Road, 8.40 Greenfield means of access from the next 5 Astley subject to a signed Broughton Coventry Road and years S106 agreement Astley associated public open space

5 Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all planning permissions for the District. Appendix D solely lists SHLAA sites which currently have planning permission. Please refer to the latest Five Year Supply Statement for further details.


Erection of 6 dwellings including conversion of RC074/10 Rectory Farm, existing stone barn and Deliverable in (Previously Great Easton Church Bank, 0.49 Greenfield 09/00044/FUL erection of new farmhouse the next 5 X004/10) Great Easton with ancillary years accommodation (revised scheme of 08/01108/FUL) Extension of time of 06/01185/FUL for erection Deliverable in Midland 0.22 PDL 10/01525/ETF of 8 dwellings and the next 5 Handling Co, associated garages and years RC014/10 Great Glen Great Glen parking GG/2 Land at Deliverable in 09/00536/OUT & Residential development of RC002/09 Great Glen Stretton Road, 11.3 Greenfield the next 5 10/00847/REM 281 dwellings Great Glen years Residential development of KB/1 Land at 660 dwellings and Deliverable in Warwick associated infrastructure RC005/10 Kibworth 15.65 Greenfield 06/01209/REM the next 5 Road, (reserved matters years Kibworth application of 04/00319/OUT)

Former Deliverable in Residential development of Railway 0.88 PDL 06/00124/REM the next 5 18 dwellings Station , years RC010/10 Kibworth Kibworth Land rear of Deliverable in 11/01446/FUL & 13 dwellings and nine 1 bed A/KB/HSG/01 Kibworth High Street, 0.56 Greenfield the next 5 13/00425/PCD flats Kibworth years Erection of 130 dwellings, creation of a cemetery and Land at Deliverable in provision of associated A/LT/HSG/01 Lutterworth Leaders Farm, 5.30 Greenfield 13/01223/REM the next 5 infrastructure including Lutterworth years public open space (reserved matters of 12/00900/OUT)


Erection of 147 dwellings and associated garages, Land north of hardstanding, footpaths, Deliverable in Bill Crane 11/00117/OUT & Lt006/09 Lutterworth 7.99 Greenfield means of access and other the next 5 Way, 13/01282/REM roads, and open space years Lutterworth (reserved matters of 11/00117/OUT) Former Kwik Saves Site, Partial demolition and Deliverable in Market A/MH/HSG/02 Northampton 0.26 PDL 08/00800/CON creation of 43 apartments the next 5 Harborough Road, Market and A1 retail space years Harborough Erection of twenty-four Land off dwellings with associated Deliverable in Market Waterfield 13/00930/FUL - A/MH/HSG/29 1.26 Greenfield access, hardstanding and the next 5 Harborough Way, Market allowed at Appeal open space (revised scheme years Harborough of 11/00810/FUL) Overstone House, Deliverable in Market 12/00806/OUIT & A/MH/HSG/33 Kettering 4.40 PDL 50 dwellings the next 5 Harborough 13/01038/MMA Road, Market years Harborough Erection of 141 dwellings Land at Glebe Deliverable in Market 09/00589/OUT & and provision of open space M004/09 Road, Market 7.7 Greenfield the next 5 Harborough 12/00424/REM (reserved matters of Harborough years 09/00589/OUT) Currently three developers MH/3 Land at have planning permission Deliverable in Market Farndon on the site. Total projection M119/10 25.1 Greenfield Various the next 5 Harborough Road, Market for site is 629 dwellings. years Harborough Commenced and partialy occupied.


Land off Erection of 47 dwellings Deliverable in Market Lathkill Street M130/11 1.29 PDL 10/01669/OUT (means of access to be the next 5 Harborough , Market determined). years Harborough Rose Nursery, Deliverable in North Greenfield / 13/00608/FUL and 6 affordable and 5 private A/NK/HSG/01 North 0.84 the next 5 Kilworth PDL 13/01312/PCD dwellings Kilworth years RC078/11 The Bulls Erection of eight dwelllings Deliverable in (Previously Head, Tur 0.14 PDL 11/00538/ETF (extension of time of the next 5 X006/10) Tur Langton Langton 06/01030/FUL) years Land north of Erection of 111 dwellings Deliverable in Covert Lane, 6.95 Greenfield 12/01330/REM (reserved matters of the next 5 Scraptoft 11/00895/OUT) years UF009/09 Scraptoft Campus Erection of replacement roof and conversion of hall to form eight residential apartments; erection of eleven dwellings and twelve garages; partial demolition Scraptoft Hall, 12/01797/FUL & Deliverable in of outbuildings; associated UF056/10 Scraptoft Church Lane, 4.09 Mixed 12/01798/LBC & the next 5 landscaping and Scraptoft 13/00558/FUL years hardstanding. Erection of 42 dwellings, creation of access and public open space, with associated hardstanding, landscaping and drainage


Land to the east of Deliverable in Pulford Drive, 11/01080/OUT A/TH/HSG/02 Thurnby 5.85 Greenfield Erection of 128 dwellings the next 5 south of and13/01201/REM years Thurnby Brook