
The hypothesis over Finite Fields. Lecture 2.

Elisa Lorenzo Garc´ıa 8th February 2016


1 The Riemann hypothesis over finite fields 1

2 The Hasse-Weil bound 3

3 A proof of the RH for finite fields 4

4 Exercises 6

Andr´eWeil proves in the 40’s the Riemann hypothesis for curves over finite fields. Schmidt had already proved the Racionality and the functional equation for the Zeta func- tion, and Hasse had proved the genus 1 case. After that, Weil states the so-called Weil , that it is the natural generalization for curves. Dwork proves the racionality, Grothendieck the functional equation, and Deligne finally proves the ”Riemann hypothesis” in 1976. In this lecture, we will discuss the main ideas in Weil proof and we will see the simplified Stepanov proof by Bombieri of the Riemann hypothesis for curves over finite fields. The main reference is [1].

1 The Riemann hypothesis over finite fields

The simplest statement of the RH for finite fields is

Theorem 1.1. Let f ∈ Z[X,Y ] an . let us denote by Np(f) the of solutions f(X,Y ) ≡ 0 mod p. Then, there exist a constant A, only depending on f such that √ S Np(f) − p S≤ A p. Corollary 1.2. If p ≥ A2, then there always exists a solution modulo p. Once we know the concept of genus of a curve, we can express it in a more precise way.

1 1.3 (Riemann hypothesis for finite fields). Let C be a genus g smooth, irredu- cible, projective curve over a finite field . There exist algebraic integers (roots of monic Fq √ olynomials with integer coefficients) α1, ..., α2g of S αi S= q such that, for all m ≥ 1,

m m m #C(Fqm ) = q + 1 − (α1 + ... + α2g).

m m~2 Therefore, S #C(Fqm ) − q − 1 S≤ 2gq .

We can reinterpret this, as saying that the number of points of a curve over Fq is close 1 1 1 to the number of points of the projective line P ~Fq (g(P ) = 0, and #P (Fq)=1+q). So, we can reinterpret this number as a bound for the error of the number of points to be equal to the number of points of the projective line.

Definition 1.4 (Riemann Zeta ). The is defined, for Re s > 1, by the Dirichlet (that has an )

∞ ζ(s) = Q n−s = M (1 − p−s)−1. n=1 p prime

Definition 1.5. We define the Euler , for Re s > 1, as

∞ Γ(s) = S e−tts−1dt, 0

that can be extended to all C via the identity Γ(s + 1) = sΓ(s). Theorem 1.6 (Riemann).

1. (Analitical continuation) The function ζ(s) can be extended to a in the whole complex plane. It only has a simple pole at s = 1 with residue equal to 1.

2. (Functional equation) We define the complete Zeta function by ξ(s) = π−s~2Γ(s~2)ζ(s), then ξ(1 − s) = ξ(s).

Conjecture 1.7 (Riemann hypothesis). The zeros of the function ξ(s) lie over the critical line Re s = 1~2.

For the analogy for finite fields, we define the Zeta function

s −1 ζC (s) = M(1 − N(x) ) , x∈C

where the ring of coordinates k[C] = Fq[C] replaces the ring Z, and the points in the curve replace the prime in Z. The norm of a is the cardinality of the residue field Z~pZ that it is equal to p. While the norm of a point in a curve, is the cardinality of the residue field k[C]~k[C]p.

2 −s An alternative definition is the next one, ζC (s) = Z(C, q ), where

∞ #C(Fqm ) m Z(C~Fq,T ) = exp( Q T ). (1) m=1 m For genus 1 curves, Hasse proved that the Zeta function look like

1 − aq + qT 2 Z(C~ ,T ) = , (2) Fq (1 − T )(1 − qT )

√ √ √ 2 where S a S≤ 2 q and #C(Fq) = q+1−a. This implies that #C(Fq) ≥ q+1−2 q = ( q−1) > 0, so genus 1 curves, that is, elliptic curves, always have at least one point. We know now all the concepts needed to formulate the Riemann hypothesis for finite fields.

Theorem 1.8. [Weil] Let C be a genus g smooth projective curve defined over a finite field Fq. There exist algebraic integers α1, ..., α2g such that

(1−α1T )...(1−α2gT ) 1. (Rationality) Z(C~Fq,T ) = (1−T )(1−qT ) ∈ Fq(T ), 2. (Functional equation) The Zeta function satisfies 1 Z(C~ ,T ) = qg−1T 2g−2Z(C~ , ). Fq Fq qT

1~2 3. (Riemann hypothesis) the algebraic integer αi have norm S αi S= q , that is, all the zeros of the zeta function lie over the critical line Re s = 1~2.

2 The Hasse-Weil bound

From the RH, we deduce that

1~2 S #C(Fq) − (q + 1)S≤ ⌊2gq ⌋. In 1983, J.P. Serre improves this equality, when q is a square, by

1~2 S #C(Fq) − (q + 1)S≤ g⌊2q ⌋.

Lemma 2.1. Let S = α1, ..., αs be a set of algebraic integers stable by the action of the Galois ω~2 group Gal(Q~Q), and such that S αi S= p for an odd ω. Then, s is an even number and s S α + ... + α S≤ ⌊2pω~2⌋. 1 s 2

3 ω~2 Proof. If αi is a , then αi = ±p and −αi is its conjugate and it is also in S. The other elements can be pair up with their complex conjugates, so s = 2t is even. Since pω~2 − pω~2 = 0, we can assume that there are not real elements and we write S = T ∪ T with ω~2 T = α1, ..., αt. Let us define m = ⌊2p ⌋ and xi = m + 1 + αi + αi. The xi are real positive algebraic integers and they are stable by the Galois actions. Hence, the product x1...xt ≥ 1 is a positive integer. The arithmetic-geometric means equality implies 1 t √ t Q xi ≥ x1...xt ≥ 1, t i=1 s which implies tm + ∑i=1 αi ≥ 0. By replacing αi by −αi, we get the other inequality.

Definition 2.2. We say that a genus g curve C~Fq is maximal if ′ #C( q) = max {#C ( q)}. F C′ genus g F 3 A proof of the RH for finite fields

Weil’s proof of the Riemann hypothesis for curves uses Riemann-Roch Theorem and Bezout’s Theorem about intersections of curves, the proof can be found in [1]. Instead of that proof, we will show here a simplified verion of Stepanov’s proof by Bombieri. We will assume the racionality and the functional equation part in Theorem 1.8 due to Schmidt, see 1.2.3 in [2] for a proof. Notice that if C~Fq has associated numbers β1, ..., β2g, then extension of scalars C~Fqr ′ r ′ r~2 √ has numbers βi = βi and S βi S= q is equivalent to S βi S= q. So, we can replace Fq by Fqr and assume that q is enough large. Proposition 3.1. Assume that q is a square and q > (g + 1)4, then √ #C(Fq) ≦ +1 + (2g + 1) q. 2 Proof. Denote by N ∶= #C(Fq) and q = q0. We can assume that there exist Q ∈ C(Fq). The idea will be constructing a function with a single pole of order less or equal than H at Q and vanishing with order T at each point in C(Fq)~{Q}. Hence, T (N − 1) ≤ H, that is, N ≤ 1 + H~T . Let us take two parameters m, n ≥ 1, and let us define

T ∶= {i ∈ [0, m]S ∃ui s.t. div(ui)∞ = iQ},

for each i, we fix a function ui. We will need some lemmas.

Lemma 3.2. The set {ui ∶ i ∈ T } is a basis for L(mQ). In particular, #T = `(mQ). Proof. Riemann-Roch Theorem implies

(`((i + 1)Q) − `(iQ)) + (`(KC − (iQ)) − `(KC − ((i + 1)Q))) = 1.

4 We define L ∶= L(mQ) ⋅ L(nQ)q0 .

Lemma 3.3. The vector space L is a subvector space of L((m+nq0)Q). Moreover, if m < q0, dim(L) = #T ⋅ `(nQ) = `(mQ) ⋅ `(nQ).

Proof. .... We now define the map

Φ ∶ L → L((q0m + n)Q) q0 q0 ∑i∈T uizi → ∑i∈T ui zi. Lemma 3.4. One has:

1. Φ(x + y) = Φ(x) + Φ(y) and Φ(λq0 x) = λΦ(x)

2. Put m = q0 −  and n = q0 + γ, and assume (γ + 1 − g)(g + ) q > . 0 γ + 1 − 2g Then the kernel of Φ is not trivial.

Proof. ...

2 We take now  = 1, and γ = 2g, so inequality below becomes q0 > (g + 1) .

Lemma 3.5. Let x be a non-zero function in Ker Φ, then, for all P ∈ C(Fq)~{Q}, one has x(P ) = 0.

Proof. ... Proof. (Continuation of proposition 3.1 proof) We obtain

#(C(Fq)~{Q}) ≤ deg div(x)0 = deg div(x)∞ ≤ m + nq0, from where, we deduce √ #(C(Fq)) ≤ q0 −  + q0(q0 + γ) + 1 = q + 1 + (2g + 1) q.

We refer the readers to pages 91 and 92 in [1] for the end of this proof of the RH for curves over finite fields.

5 4 Exercises

1 Exercise 4.1. Compute the Zeta function Z(C~Fq,T ) for C = P by using formula 1, and check that the functional equation holds.

1 Exercise 4.2. List all the elliptic curves over Fq up to isomorphism for q = 2, 3, 4, 5. Com- pute the number of points over Fq for each of the elliptic curves in your list. Compare these values with the bounds explained in this lecture.

3 3 3 Exercise 4.3. Compute the Zeta function Z(C~Fq,T ) of the x + y + z = 0, for q ≡ 2 mod 3 and for q = 7 and check the functional equation. Use Hasse result 2.

2 3 3 3 Exercise 4.4. Compute the Zeta function Z(C~Fq,T ) of the Klein quartic x y+y z+z x = 0 over the finite field F2. Is it a maximal curve? Exercise 4.5. Complete the proofs of Lemmas 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.


[1] M. Hindry, La preuve par Andr´eWeil de l’hypoth´esede Riemann pour une courbe sur un corps fini, Henri Cartan & Andr´eWeil, math´ematiciensdu XXe si`ecle, 63-98, Ed. Ec.´ Polytech., Palaiseau, 2012.

[2] C. Ritzenthaler, Curves over finite fields, notes of a course taught at Universitat Polit`ecnicade Catalunya, 2005.

1 2 3 2 An elliptic curve is always given by an equation y +a1xy +a3y = x +a2x +a4x+a6. Two elliptic curves are isomorphic if and olny if they have the same j − invariant. To define the j−invariant, we need first to 2 2 2 2 2 define other numbers: b2 = a1 + 4a2, b4 = 2a4 + a1a3, b6 = a3 + 4a6, b8 = a1a6 + 4a2a6 − a1a3a4 + a2a3 − a4, c3 = 2 − = − 2 − 3 − 2 + = 4 c4 b2 24b4, ∆ b2b8 8b4 27b6 9b2b4b6 and we can finally define j ∆ . 2Use exercise 3.6 in the lectures notes 1 of this course to compute the genus of the Klein quartic