Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes
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A 53 Council MONTHLY MEETING OF BELFAST CITY COUNCIL Held in Adelaide Exchange on Monday, 4th February, 2008 at the hour of 6.00 o’clock p.m., pursuant to Notice. Members present: The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor (Councillor Rodgers) (Chairman); the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Kelly); the High Sheriff (Councillor McKenzie); and Councillors Adamson, Attwood, Austin, D. Browne, M. Browne, W. Browne, Campbell, Cobain, Convery, Crozier, Cush, Ekin, Empey, Hanna, Hartley, Hendron, Humphrey, Jones, Kirkpatrick, Kyle, Lavery, Long, Maginness, A. Maskey, C. Maskey, P. Maskey, McCann, McCarthy, McCausland, McCoubrey, McGimpsey, Mhic Giolla Mhin, Moore, Mullaghan, Newton, O'Neill, O'Reilly, Rodway, Smyth, Stalford, Stoker and Wilson. Reading of Scriptures In accordance with Standing Order 9, the Lord Mayor read a passage from the Scriptures. Summons The Chief Executive submitted the summons convening the meeting. Apologies Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Cunningham, D. Dodds, N. Dodds, McClenaghan and Patterson. Minutes Moved by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor (Councillor Rodgers), Seconded by the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Kelly) and Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the Monthly Meeting of the Council of 7th January be taken as read and signed as correct. A Meeting of Council 54 Monday, 4th February, 2008 Disclosure of Family Relationship The Chief Executive informed the Council that, in accordance with Section 30 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972, he had been advised by Councillor Mhic Giolla Mhín that her husband, Mr. Caoimhin Mac Giolla Mhín, had been offered an appointment as an Economic Development Officer in the Development Department. Noted. Change of Membership on Outside Body The Chief Executive informed the Council that correspondence had been received from the Democratic Unionist Party Group indicating that it wished Councillor Newton to replace Councillor Stalford on the Board of the Lagan Valley Regional Park. The Council approved the change of membership. Strategic Policy and Resources Committee Moved by Councillor Hartley, Seconded by Councillor Lavery, That the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 8th and 25th January be approved and adopted. Amendment Moved by Councillor Stoker, Seconded by Councillor Convery, That the decision of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 25th January under the heading “District Rate 2008/2009” be rejected and accordingly that the Council agrees that the amount of £1,000,000 to be allocated to the Strategic Investment Fund in the first year be taken from reserves so that the increase in the District Rate would be limited to 4.83%. After discussion, the Council proceeded to vote by division on the amendment. A poll having been taken, there voted for the amendment twenty-nine Members, viz., the Right Honourable The Lord Mayor (Councillor Rodgers); the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Kelly); the High Sheriff (Councillor McKenzie); and Councillors Adamson, Attwood, D. Browne, W. Browne, Campbell, Cobain, Convery, Crozier, Empey, Hanna, Humphrey, Kirkpatrick, Kyle, Maginness, McCarthy, McCausland, McCoubrey, McGimpsey, Mullaghan, Newton, O’Reilly, Rodway, Smyth, Stalford, Stoker and Wilson; and against it twelve Members, viz., Councillors Austin, M. Browne, Cush, Hartley, Lavery, A. Maskey, C. Maskey, P. Maskey, McCann, Mhic Giolla Mhín, Moore and O’Neill. Four Members, Councillors Ekin, Hendron, Jones and Long, did not vote. The amendment was accordingly declared carried. Meeting of Council A Monday, 4th February, 2008 55 Adoption of Minutes Subject to the foregoing amendment, the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 8th and 25th January were approved and adopted. Parks and Leisure Committee Moved by Councillor Adamson, Seconded by Councillor Ekin, That the minutes of the proceedings of the Parks and Leisure Committee of 17th January be approved and adopted. Request for Matter to be Taken Back for Further Consideration Restrictive Convenant in respect of 43 Whitewell Road At the request of Councillor D. Browne, Councillor Adamson, the proposer of the minutes, with the consent of the Council, agreed that the minute under the heading “Restrictive Convenant in respect of the 43 Whitewell Road” be taken back to the Committee for further consideration. Adoption of Minutes Subject to the foregoing omission, the original proposal relevant to the minutes of the Parks and Leisure Committee was thereupon put to the meeting and passed. Development Committee Moved by Councillor M. Browne, Seconded by Councillor P. Maskey, That the minutes of the proceedings of the Development Committee of 16th January be approved and adopted. Requests for Matters to be Taken Back for Further Consideration Draft Crumlin Road Gaol Masterplan The Chairman (Councillor M. Browne), at the request of Councillor C. Maskey and with the consent of the Council, agreed that the minute under the heading “Draft Crumlin Road Gaol Masterplan” be taken back to the Committee for further consideration. A Meeting of Council 56 Monday, 4th February, 2008 Shaftesbury Community/Recreation Centre At the request of Councillor P. Maskey and with the consent of the Council, the Chairman (Councillor M. Browne) agreed that the minute under the heading “Shaftesbury Community/Recreation Centre” be taken back to the Committee for further consideration. Adoption of Minutes The original proposal relevant to the minutes of the Development Committee was thereupon put to the meeting and passed in the following form: That the minutes of the proceedings of the Development Committee of 16th January be approved and adopted, subject to the omission of: (i) the minute under the heading “Draft Crumlin Road Gaol Masterplan” which, at the request of Councillor C. Maskey, is taken back to the Committee for further consideration; and (ii) the minute under the heading “Shaftesbury Community/Recreation Centre” which, at the request of Councillor P. Maskey, is taken back to the Committee for further consideration. Health and Environmental Services Committee Moved by Councillor Mullaghan, Seconded by Councillor O’Neill and Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the Health and Environmental Services Committee of 9th and 22nd January be approved and adopted. Licensing Committee Moved by Councillor Kirkpatrick, Seconded by Councillor Stalford and Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the Licensing Committee of 23rd January, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted. Town Planning Committee Moved by Councillor Smyth, Seconded by Councillor McCarthy and Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the Town Planning Committee of 10th and 24th January, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted. Meeting of Council A Monday, 4th February, 2008 57 Notice of Motion Irish Language Act In accordance with Notice on the Agenda, Councillor P. Maskey proposed: “This Council acknowledges that many Belfast ratepayers have demonstrated a desire to see the emergence of an Irish Language Act and wishes to express its concern that after two extensive consultative processes based on guarantees within the St. Andrews Agreement there remains no legislative provision guaranteeing the rights of Irish speakers.” The proposal was seconded by Councillor M. Browne. Amendment Moved by Councillor Long, Seconded by Councillor Ekin, That the Notice of Motion standing in the name of Councillor P. Maskey and seconded by Councillor M. Browne be amended to provide that “This Council recognises that the issue of the introduction of an Irish Language Act is a matter to be progressed by the Northern Ireland Assembly. This Council reaffirms its commitment to reflect and celebrate the linguistic and cultural richness and diversity of the City of Belfast, believing that this can best be achieved in the context of the promotion of good relations and the building of a shared and better future for all the citizens of Belfast”. A poll having been taken, there voted for the amendment twenty Members, viz., the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor (Councillor Rodgers); the High Sheriff (Councillor McKenzie); and Councillors D. Browne, W. Browne, Campbell, Crozier, Ekin, Empey, Hendron, Humphrey, Jones, Kirkpatrick, Kyle, Long, McCausland, Newton, Rodway, Stalford, Stoker and Wilson; and against it eighteen Members, viz., the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Kelly); and Councillors Austin, M. Browne, Convery, Cush, Hanna, Hartley, Lavery, A. Maskey, C. Maskey, P. Maskey, McCann, McCarthy, Mhic Giolla Mhín, Moore, Mullaghan, O’Neill and O’Reilly. The Motion, as amended, was thereupon put to the meeting as the substantive Motion. On a vote by show of hands twenty Members voted for the substantive Motion and eighteen against and it was accordingly declared carried. Lord Mayor Chairman .