AT.E%DA lTErV NO. d..*i..uuiirU23 NORTH COUNCIL




Date: 13/1/98 Ref PJ/SR

1 Introduction

1.1 Thls report summarises recent action taken to improve access wibColtness Woodlands, near W is haw.

2 Backeround

2.1 The Coltness Woodlands are on the \vestem margin and with the Coltness housing area: approximately 1 mile north of Town Centre. The total area is approximatel?. 45 hectares. The woodlands were originally established as the policy woodlands of the old Coltness Estate, and for the most part are nom. in the ownership of North Lanarkshre Council.

2.2 In 1992, the former authority applied for and was accepted for Urban Aid funding for a Coltness Woodland project.

2.3 The Coltness Woodland Project funded a Development Officer whose duties included the draftirm of a Management Plan for the woodlands. The aims and objectives of the project can be sunmarised as shonn:

2.3.1 To involve the local community in the management of Coltness Woodlands; 2.3.2 To develop a healthy-woodland structure; 2.3 3 To provide a network of paths through the woodland environment; 2.3.4 To ensure continuity of the Coltness Woodlands as a sipficant feature in the local environment. 2.3 3 To tackle the litter problem in the woodlands 2.3.6 To provide appropriate facilities within the woodlands.

2.4 In 199 1. a Development Strategy n7as drawn up and a funding package adopted to allon7 works to proceed . The particular achievements of the Projects which followed included the establishment of a nehvork of inter-linlung paths through the woods, a structured woodland thinning with tree surgery coinmunity clean-ups; and the formation of a local volunteer group.

2.5 The original Project ceased in 1994 when Urban Aid funding ended.


2.6 In summer 1996, North Lanarkshre Council had the opportumty to access new funding to continue to pursue improvements in the Coltness area.

3 New Proiect: Phase One

3.1 In August 1996, Central Countryside Trust and Wisestart Ltd were invited to a meeting with the Departments of Leisure Services, Planning and Development and Housing to discuss the future of the .v\.oodlands,particularly in the contest of the previously initiated but uncompleted Urban Ad Project.

3.2 It was agreed that some limited funding might be available: particularly through CSCT Forestry Commission grant, for some necessary work as a Phase 1 stage, with the possibility of future expansion in scope and geography with later phases.

3.3 Follom-ing site visits it was agreed that the immediate priorities for a Phase 1 were:

3.3.1 To improve to a sufficient standard a single linking pathway through the woodland. The previous interllnking netmork of paths and wooden steps had deteriorated and were considered to be of an insufficient standard to encourage safe public access.

3.3.2 To arrange for clean-ups of litter and dumping spots in and around the woodland

3.3.3 To inform and involve local residents, schools, and other groups in the local community.

3.4 Following successful grant application to the Forestry Authoriq, it was agreed to proceed with a &14,000upgrade of a main path through a part of Coltness Woodlands.

4 Recommendations

4.1 For Information Only