Your Weekly Newsletter

Issue 375 Week Ending 23/9/2016 – FOUR Pages this week Dates for your diary Tuesday 27 th Sept The Life Education Bus Wednesday 28 th Sept The Life Education Bus Wednesday 28 th Sept Senior School Council visit to the Houses of Parliament Wednesday 28 th Sept Foundation Bedtime Story Night 6.00pm Thursday 29 th Sept The Life Education Bus Thursday 29 th Sept Class 17 Assembly 9.00am Friday 30 th Sept The Life Education Bus Wed 5 th October 2017 Intake Open Evening (See below) 6.00 to 7.30 pm 4th , 5 th and 6 th October 2017 Intake Open Afternoons (see below) 1.30 to 2.30 pm Thursday 6th October Year 4 Harvest Celebration at All Saints church 9. 30 am Friday 7th October Year 2 Harvest Celebration at All Saints church 9.30am Please note that we have also put general dates out for the year on our school website. Some of these events may be subject to change and where that is necessary we will contact you in advance.

End of an Era – It is with sadness that I write to inform you that after 30 years of dedicated service to Anchorsholme, Mrs Mitchell has decided to retire at Christmas. I know that is still a while off but Mrs Mitchell and I wanted parents to know officially rather than through rumours. We will have plenty of time to plan a special farewell for her…… watch this space!

School Visits and Visitors Contribution for 2016/17 – Many thanks to all the parents who have already made their contribution towards this year’s visits for their child/children. As stated on last week’s Anchornews, the sum of £15.00 is due on or before 30 th September via ParentPay and this will contribute towards this year’s visits and visitors. Please contact school if you have any problems making the payment.

Year 1 to Year 6 - Meet the Teacher – Thanks to those who came along. I hope you found it useful to meet your child’s teacher and get an insight into your child’s learning journey for the year. We will be holding some curriculum events for parents throughout the year to give you even more information about key parts of your children’s learning. We will of course also be having the pupil progress Parents evenings after Christmas. Please also note that you are welcome to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher if you need more information about their progress throughout the year. In addition, a growing number of year groups are also providing parents with regular information about pupil progress.

Babybel Issues – I have mentioned on a number of previous issues of Anchornews the problems that Babybel can cause in school. As I am sure you will realise I am referring to the wax coating it is wrapped in. This coating is regularly dropped on the floor at lunchtimes and is very quickly compressed into the floor. This causes potential trip hazards and, as it can be difficult to clean up, can have an impact on the use of the school for other events. With this in mind, please could we ask parents not to include Babybel in children’s packed lunches and maybe include a less disruptive alternative. Thank you for your support with this.

Children arriving very early to school – As you know, we are a school who encourage our children to get to school on time. Some children are taking this to extremes and getting here for just after 8 o’clock! Whilst we appreciate their keenness to get to school, we are worried that at that time in the morning they may not be safe on the school premises and are exposed to inclement weather. Could I ask that parents encourage their children not to arrive at school before 8.40 am. Thank you.

Foundation Stage Blog up and running!! – Please take a look at on our school website at . It keeps you up to speed with learning in Foundation. All other Year group blogs will be up and running soon. Girls Soccer stars – Girls football has developed phenomenally at our school over the last couple of years. The Staff team who run girls football training regularly have 50 girls attending. As a result of this fantastic opportunity in school, many of our girls move on to football outside school. Two of these, Kasey-Lee and Sophie Pitman both in year 5 who play for Thornton Under 11s, took part in a girl’s football tournament in on Sunday. They got through to the finals and again won. Another great achievement for Thornton Cleveleys Under 11 girls.

We also have a large number of girls who have joined Town Girls Football team. This includes girls who left our school last year and many more who are in our Year 5 and 6 classes now. They form two teams one of which has had a fantastic start to the season (see the table below).

Nicky Askew – Wonder Woman!! – Many of you will know Nicky. She is one of our parents who suffers from acute sight loss, so much so that she requires the support of her lovely guide dog. However, she does not allow this to stop her from taking the most active role in society that she can. This Sunday she is taking part in a triathlon to raise funds for guide dogs for the blind. It starts with a swim in Fleetwood Baths from 9.15 am. She has asked that if anyone could go along and support her, she would be most appreciative and could you possibly wear blue as they want a sea of blue supporters!! If you want to support her fundraising please see her Facebook page at 507538009433186/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE&fref=nf

This Week’s Mandarin Character of the week -本週普通話性格

Our character of the week this week is ….. 谢谢(xièxie) : it literally means “thank / thank” - You will find this link useful for how to pronounce and write the characters. Have fun learning it with your children. I think many of the children already know this one. Please also see the poster below advertising a Chinese Cultural event at Anchorsholme Library on Saturday 24 th September from 10.00 am This is a great opportunity for you to get a first-hand experience of the Chinese language and culture that your children are studying.

Please see page four for important attendance celebration Please, please, please can I urge you to read this Anchornews each week. Remember you can also read all other Anchornews on our school website

Life Education Bus – Next week we are being visited by the Life Education Travelling Classroom. All children will be visiting the classroom to access learning experiences about a range of life skills associated with Personal, Social and Health Education. Topics covered include: how the body works, the importance of healthy diet and exercise, safe use of medicines, the risks of tobacco, alcohol and non- prescription drugs and emotional wellbeing (including bullying.) Emphasis is placed on teaching in a fun and interactive manner using music, sound and light effects as well as interactive technology and Life Education’s life-sized illuminated model of the human body. Parents have a chance to visit the classroom themselves from 8.50am to 9.10am on Monday morning. If you would like to visit the classroom please report to the school office at 8.45am when you drop your child off and staff will take you round to the mobile classroom. Reminders Open Evening and Afternoons for the new intake in September 2017 - A reminder that we are staging our Open Afternoons on 4 th, 5th and 6 th October and our open Evenings on 5 th October. For more information, expand the adjacent image or see the banners outside school. Please share this information with your friends and acquaintances who have children who will be school age next September. Feel free to utilise your social media contacts

Reception Bedtime Stories – A reminder to all Reception parents that you are invited to bring your children to the Bedtime Story session on Wednesday 28 th September from 6.00 to 7.00 pm. This is your opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and to get an insight into your child’s learning path this year.

Family Tai Chi – Lancaster University provide us with Tai Chi and Kung Fu lessons for some of our classes on a Friday. The teacher also stays after school to run a session for staff, pupils and their families. It is a fantastically relaxing way to finish a week. Please join us with your children at 3.30 if you are interested in taking part.

Named School Uniform – Please could we ask that ALL elements of school uniform are clearly named with your child’s name. We have already had a number of distressed children who cannot find their jumper as it does not have their name in it. We also still have an unclaimed navy & white girls coat at the office

Please see the two community notices below.

Chinese Culture experience 10.00 – 12.00 Rossall Open Day Saturday 24 th at Anchorsholme Library Saturday 1 st October 10 – 12.00

Please, please, please can I urge you to read this Anchornews each week. Remember you can also read all other Anchornews on our school website

Please see page four for important attendance celebration

We’re always looking at ways to recognise our children achieving their goals and meeting our expectations. As a school we are set standards of attendance by the Government and look to instil these in our pupils. This year we will be running an attendance initiative where the class with the highest percentage attendance will collectively receive a reward at the end of each half-term; this may take the form of a movie and popcorn in place of the usual Funky Friday afternoon activity. As this initiative is managed by our school we are able to establish attendance percentages and have the ability to ensure the figures take into account serious medical procedures and conditions where absence is unavoidable and must be taken during the school day; this will not include standard doctor or dental appointments. Whilst we are aware that it is not always possible to avoid this type of appointment during the school day we would like to remind all parents that if your child is present at the time school registers are taken then your child’s attendance percentage is unaffected by their leaving for a short appointment later in that session. Weekly attendance figures will be published in Anchornews and the winning class will be announced in the last week of the relevant half-term. If you would like any further details, please contact Mrs Howe.

Weekly Attendance Week Ending 23rd September 2016:

Our minimum weekly target is 95%. Whole school attendance this week was 97.6%. The winning class this week is... CL10 with 100%. Fantastic!

Year Class % Class % Class % EYFS Spring 99.4 Summer 96.2 Autumn 98.8 1 1 99.7 2 99.2 3 99.4 2 4 95.0 5 96.1 6 97.8 3 7 99.4 8 95.4 9 95.1 4 10 100 11 97.1 12 97.2 5 13 96.4 14 97.2 15 96.3 6 16 99.7 17 98.5 18 95.4

Please, please, please can I urge you to read this Anchornews each week. Remember you can also read all other Anchornews on our school website