Profile of Arboretum Director Public Speaking DailyTITAN An in-depth look at the man be- Students with glossophobia share www.dailytitan.comOnline hind the greenery NEWS, p. 3 their stories THE HUB, p. 4 Since 1960 Wednesday Volume 84, Issue 41 April 25, 2007 DailyThe Student Voice of California StateTitan University, Fullerton Filipino Lack of C h a r i t y Students Screening in Clubs BY JENNIFER CHURCH BY ERIC BARTOLOME Daily Titan Staff Writer For the Daily Titan
[email protected] [email protected] With 35,000 students, Cal State CSUF students, friends and fam- Fullerton is the largest school of the ily came together at the TSU Pavil- CSUs. But according to the Dean of ion for a movie screening to benefit Students office, less than half of these the Filipino charity organization students participate in clubs and ac- “Gawad Kalinga,” which in Tagalog tivities on campus. means to give care. CSUF offers over 260 clubs on Hosted by the Pilipino American campus, giving students the oppor- Student Association, the movie tril- tunity to connect to their campus ogy “Paraiso” revolves around the on many different levels. To get in- mudslide that struck the Philippines volved, a student can go Greek, or on Feb. 17, 2006. join a club in their major. Students “Our goal is to raise $5,000 to go can also join clubs where they may toward building a school in the Phil- discover or deepen religious convic- ippines,” said Nichole Puzon, busi- tions. Other clubs offer experiences ness major and sports coordinator in cultural diversity, sports, politics, for the association.