Legislative Council
147 No. LiS. MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS 01' THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. THURSDAY, 29 APRIL, 1880. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The President took the Ohair at twenty.nine minutes a.£ter Foul' o'clock. M8'mocJ'S p,'eSeJlt ;- The Honorable Sir John Hay, K.O.M.G., P resident. The Honorable Archibald Bell, The Honorable Sir Joseph George TJong Innes, The Honorable William Byrnes, Knight, 1'h. Honorable John Oaml,bell, The Honorable John Marks, The Honorable Alexander Oampbell, The Honorable James Norton, The Honorable Oharles Oampbell, The Honorable George Oakes, The Honorable George Henry Cox, The Honorable Edward David Stuart Ogilvie, The Honorable Frederick Matthew Darley, Q.O., The Honorable William Richman Piddington, The Honorable Leopold Fane De Salis, The Honorable Sir John Robertson, R.C.M.G" The Honorable Joseph Docker, The Honorable Saul Samuel, O.M.G., Th. Honorable Edward Flood, The Honorable John Smith, M.D., LL.D., O.M.G., The Honorable William J ohn Foster, The Honorable Sir Alfred Stephen, O.B., The Honorable John Frazer, K.O.M.G., The Honorable Samuel Deane Gordon, The Honorable John Stewart, The Honorable William Gl'ahame, The Honorable George Thornton, The Honorable Thomas Holt, The Honorable John Brown Watt. 2. MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR :-The President reported and react the following Messages from His Excellency the Governor :- (1.) Obsceue Publications Prevention Bill:- AUGUSTUS LOFTUS, Messa~e. Governor. A Bill, intituled " An Act fa?' 11l01'C qffectually p,'eventing tlte Sale of Obscene Booles Picbu1'cs Prints and otlwJ' .L11,ticlcs,"-as finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of Her Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Coullcil, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for eUl"olment, in the manner requil:ed by law.
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