233 No. 73 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. WEDNESDAY, 30 JUNE, 1880. 1. The House met pUl'suant to adjournment. The President took the Chair at half-past Four o'clock. Members p1·esent :- The Honorable Sir J ohn Hay, K.C.M.G., President. The Honorable John Blaxland, The Honorable Sir Joseph George Long Innes, The Honorable William Byrnes, Knight, The Honorable Alexander Campbell, The Honorable J ohn Marks, The Honorable Charles Campbell, The Honorable James Norton, The Honorable James Chisholm, The Honorable George Oakes, The Honorable George H enry Cox, 'f he Honorable Edward David Stuart Ogilvie, The Honorable Frederick Matthew Darley, Q.C., The Honorable William Richman Piddington, The Honorable Joseph Docker, The Honorable Sir John Robertson, K.C.M.G., The Honorable Edward Flood, The Honorable Saul Samuel, C.M.G., The Honorable William John Foster, The Honorable J ohn Smith, M.D., LL.D., C.M.G., The Honorable J ohn Frazer, The Honorable John Stewart, The Honorable Samuel Deane Gordon, The Honorable George Thornton. 2. MEss.A.GE FROM T H E GovERNOR.-Cmmcrr .A.ND S c HOOL L .A.NDs DEDICATION BILL, REsERVED :- The President reported and read the following Message from His Excellency the Governor:- AUGUSTUS LOFTUS, Message. Gove1·no1•. .A. Bill, intituled "An A ct to cleclMe tlze enti1·e managemmtt and control qf tlte lands commonl,y known as tlte ' Glnw-ch and S cltool L ancl1/ and tlte appl'Op1·iation of tlte i1wome derived tlte1·ejrom vested in t!te L e,qislatWI·e of this Colony and that from and after tlte thi1·ty-jirst. clay of December one tlwttSand eight ltW1td1·ed and eigltt,1j-two all such lands and income shall be 1'Cspectively lteld and appliedfo1· the purposes qf P nblic Instruction only,"- as finally ]Jassed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has reserved the said Bill for the signification of H er Majesty's pleasure thereon. The proper measures will be forthwith adopted for obt~tining the Queen's decision accordingly, and in the meantime the Bill is herewith transmitted to the Legislative Council to await Her Majesty's pleasure. Government H ouse, Sywney, 30tk J ume, 1880. :3. P .ll'ERS :- The undermentioned Papers were laid upon the Table :­ By Sir John Robertson,- (1.) Regulations under the " Public Instruction Act of 1880." (2.) Regulations under the " Stamp Duties Act of 1880." By 1l'Ir. Samuel,- (3.) Report of the Postmaster General on the Departments under his Ministerial control, for the year 1879. Ordered to be printed. ·i. P.ROTECTION OF THE .A.D omGINES :- (L) Mr. Charles Campbell having, pursuant to Notice, asked the Vice-President of the Executive Council,-Does the Government purpose appointing Protectors of the Blacks in the Districts of the :Jiaciutyre, tbeBarwon, the Darling, the Lachlan, the Murrumbidgee, and the Murray, with a view to the protection of the Aboriginal natives from oppression a.nd outrage on the part of Her :i\Iajesty's demoralised white subjects in New South Wales ? Sir John Robertsonreplied,-Theredoes not seem to me to be any reason for the protection of the Aborigines in the districts named any more than in other districts. I do not know why they are selected. I may be permitted to say that the whole matter of the protection of the Aborigines of lhe Colony is under the consideration of the Government. 5. 234 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS 5. ANNEXA.TION OF PoLICE BA..:&R.A.CKS TO ERYSI:PEL.A.S Hos:PTI'.A.L .A.T P .A.RR.A.MA..TTA.. :- 10. An.rouinnmNT :-Mr. Char}. (2.) Mr. Piddington having, pursuant to Notice, asked the Vice-President o£ the Executive Oouncil,­ Debate ensued. (1.) Have the Government decided upon the application to annex the Police Barracks to the Question put ancl negativt Erysipelas Hospital at Parramatta? (2.) If so, what decision has been arrived at? 11. SUl'REME COURT TEMPOR.A.J Sir John Robertson replied,-No decision has_y.et.been arrived at. (1.) Sir John Robertson me Mr. Darley moyed, That 6. VoLUNTEI<.:R L.A.ND ORDERS BILL (Formal Business),-on motion o£ Mr. Samuel, read a third time, to add at tho end the wor and passed. Debate ensued. Mr. Samuel then moved, That the Title o£ this Bill be "An Act to atttlw1·ize tlie isstte in cel'fai11 Question put,-That the · specified cases of Om·tificatcs to Members of tlte Volunteer 1J'o1·ce mtitlin,r; tltem to G·rants of Land under tlte Act 31 Victm·ia No. 5." 1'he IIouse divided. Question put and passed. Aye1 Whereupon Mr. Samuel moved, That this Bill be retumed to the Legislative Assembly, with the Sir J ohn ll following Message :- Mr. Samue MR. SPE.A.KER, Mr. Frazer Mr. G. H. The Legislative Council havi n~ this day agreed to the Bill, intituled "An A ct to autlt01·iu Mr. Norto1 tlte issue in cm·tain ttpecificd cases of Certificates to .Metnbm·s of tlte Voltmteer Fo1·ce entitling them to Mr. Piddir1 G-l·ants Land under tlte Act 31 Vict01·ia No. 5,"-returns the same to the Legislative Assembly Mr. Mo.rks of Mr. Bluxhi without amendment. Sir George • • • • • Teller~ Question put and passed. * * • * • Mr. Flood, 7. PosTPONl'hlENT.-Su:PRE1IE CouRT TmrPORA.RY J UDGE AcT OoNTINU.A.TION BILL :-The Order of l\Ir. Stewnt Day for the second reading of this Bill postponed, on motion o£ Mr. Samuel, until after the Order Question then,-That thi o£ the Day :No. 3 on the Notice Paper o£ Government Business shall have been disposed of. Bill road a second time at (2.) On motion o£ Sir J ol1 8. Pa.sTURES .A.ND STOCK PROTECTION BILL :-Mr. Samuel moved, That this Bill be now" read a third "time." into a Committee o£ the · Sir John Robertson movod, That the Question be amended by the omission o£ the words "read a 1'he Chairman having rep " third time," in order to the insertion in their place of the words "recommitted, with a view to the Tl1c House adopted the R "£u1·ther consideration o£ clauses 4, 8, and 26." Ordered, That the thiL·d r Question,-That the words proposed to be omitted stand part,o£ the Question,-put and negatived. The House adjourned at tw Question,-That the words p1·oposed to be inserted in place o£ the words omitted, be so inserted,­ :eut and passed. Question then,-That this Bill be now recommitted, 1vith a view to the further consideration of clauses 4, 8, and 26,-pnt and passed. Whereupon the President le£t the Ohair, and the House resolved itsel£ into a Committee of the Whole accordingly. The Chairman having reported the Bill with further amendments,­ The House adopted the Report. 01·dered, That the third reading stand an OJ·der of the Day £or to-morrow. 9. MESSA.GES FRO"ll THE LEGISLA.TIVE AssnrnLY :-1'he President reported the following Messages NOTICES OF £rom the Legislative Assembly :- (1.) Executive Councillors (Functions Substitution) Bill:­ MR. PRESIDENT, The Legislabive Assembly has this day agreed to the amendments made by the Legislatire OOYER:!I'"MENT IIUSINESS-Ol Council in the Bill, intituled " An Act to enabZe tlte Govm·no1· wit!~ tlte ai/;vicc of tlze Executi~e 1. Pastures and Stock Protect Ooumcil to make cm·tain m·rangcments fm· the aiJ;ministmtion of tlte Dcpa1·tments of Government." 2. Wharfage and Tonnage Ra· L e,r;islative A ssembly Oltambm·, G. WIGRAM .ALLEN, to Council's amendments in S.IJdney, 3 0tl~ Jzmc, .A..M., 1880. Speaker. 8. Supreme Court Temporary (2.) Wharfage and Tonnage Rates Bill:- MR. PRESIDENT, The Legislative Assembly having had under consideration the Legislative Council's Message, dated 23rd June, 1880, in reference to the ·wharfage and Tonnage Rates Bill,- Agrees to the Council's amendments in clauses 2 to 17 inclusive, and to new clause 18. Disagrees £rom the Council's amendments which omit the Second and Thit·d Schedules,­ 'U.] Because the retention o£ these Schedules is necessary for carrying out the objects of the Bill; but proposes to amend the Second Schedule by omitting on page 7, lines 62 and 63, " in bulk firkins "12 gallons and under Os. 2d. "-Inserting on same page, line 64, before" kilclerkin" the words" firkin "or," and after "gallons" in same line the words "and under,"-Omitting on page 9, line 13, "per "package," and inserting the words and figures "of 2 doz. and under 2d.,"- Insrrting on same page, line 17, the words and figures" Shale per ton Os.10d.,"-Inserting on page 10, lines 3,4, and 5, the words and figures- . " W oolpacks per bale o£ 50 and under . Os. 8d. " Do. do. of o1•er 50 and not exceeding 100 . 1s. Od. "Wool bagging per bale .. .. .. .. .. 1s. Od." And to amend the Third Schedule by omitting on page 10, lines 30 and 31, "400 tons one " day £or each 100 tons OL' fTactional part of 100 tons above 400 tons," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "And £or every additional 100 tons or fractional part of 100 tons one day." Le.fJislative Assembly Olzamber, G. WIGRA.M ALLEN, Sydney, 30th June, 1880. Speaker. Ordered, on motion o£ Mt·. Samuel, that the consideration o£ this Message in Committee st.and an Order of the Da.y for to-morrow. 10. 235 OF THE LEGISLATITE COUNCIL. PARRAMATTA :- 10. .ADJOURNMENT :-Mr.
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