Australia’s LONGEST raiL TraiL CrEaTE your OWN STOriES BIKE HIRE CONTENTS TRANSFERS The The TOWNS raiL TraiL TriP and PACKAGES EXPEriENCE PLaNNEr ViLLaGES RETAIL 4 16 28 The experience 6 Getting there 18 Tallarook and surrounds 36 The tour map 8 Trail gradient 19 Stay s Eat sDo 39 Trail features 10 Trail distances 20 Yea and surrounds 42 History at a glance 12 The essentials 21 Stay s Eat sDo 46 Walk, ride or cycle 22 Alexandra and surrounds 48 Stay s Eat sDo 26 Stay s Eat sDo 52 Connect with the trail 27 Town maps 30 Mansfield and surrounds 54 Stay s Eat sDo 57 Trail map 32 Ride the 22km from Mansfield to Bonnie Doon. $55 per person, includes bike hire and transfer. A shared use trail 62 All trail users 63 Stay safe 64 t 03 5775 2724 e
[email protected] a 58 High St, Mansfield VIC The raiL TraiL EXPEriENCE This easily accessible, varied and unique rail trail offers close proximity to heritage classified rivers, majestic valleys, lakes and mountains. The trail is Australia’s longest continuous rail trail, with Victoria’s longest rail trail tunnel at Cheviot. The trail spans 134 kilometres from Tallarook, through Yea to Mansfield, with a spur line linking Cathkin and Alexandra. 5 4 • | 1800 rTraiL raiL TraiL EXPEriENCE • 5 You can take a ride through the historic 201 metre long Cheviot Tunnel and explore the old Alexandra Station with its Timber The Tramway and Museum. raiL TraiL FaCTS The rail trail meanders through farmland, EXPEriENCE crossing over Lake Eildon at the Brankeet Length: 134 km Grade: Mostly flat Arm, on its way to the Victorian High Country, Mt Buller and neighbouring Track: Chert or Start: Where you like granitic sand Mt Stirling.