Parish Council c/o The Clerk, Mr Chris Cowan, 4 Saffron Way, Crowle, , North , DN17 4GL. Telephone: 07429 264938 Email: c [email protected]

Dear Councillor, You are hereby summoned to an E XTRAORDINARY meet ing of the F ULL COUNCIL of Amcotts Parish Council, which will be held on Fr iday 29th December 2017, commencing at 7:15pm, at Hook House Farm, Middle Lane, Amcotts.

Chris Cowan Clerk to Amcotts Parish Council 22/12/17

Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting and may speak on item(s) appearing on the Agenda, or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference, at the discretion of the Chair. The public participation time is limited to 20 minutes at the b eginning of the meeting. As the Council cannot legally reach a decision regarding matters not listed on this Agenda, matters may need to be added to future Agendas for later discussion and decision.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: To note any declarations of interest made by Councillors in respect of this Agenda (in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct and the Localism Act 2011).

3. Planning: Applications for Consideration: a. PA/2017/1682 Planning permission to site a metal storage container for a temporary period of 2 years at Millennium Gardens, corner of Church Street and Chapel Street, Amcotts:

b. PA/2017/1977 Planning permission for the construction of a Flood Defence Scheme comprising of sheet piling along the right bank of the ; the placing of scour protection along the right bank of the River Trent; localised property protection within a managed overflow area at land to the north of the M180 Bridge; the raising of existing earth embankments and flood walls; and associated construction works. Works in the parishes of with , Burringham, , Amcotts, Gunness, and East Butterwick: