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Everett IndependentPublished by the Independent Newspaper Co. Wednesday, June 2, 2021 TND receives MEMORIAL DAY AROUND EVERETT Data shows Vaccine $9.1 million for St. Therese Equity a concern for building site minority residents Staff Report By Seth Daniel age of the population with- in the vaccine numbers, MassDevelopment While nearly half of while Black residents are has issued a $9,143,000 the City’s population has far below their percentage tax-exempt bond on be- received a COVID-19 and Hispanic residents are half of St. Therese 4% vaccination, the num- also below their percent- LLC, an affiliate of The bers for Black residents, ages of the population. Neighborhood Develop- in particular, is far lower That is contrasted with ers, Inc. (TND), which is than the percentage of the nearby communities like using bond proceeds to population they make up, Chelsea, Revere and East buy, clear, and prepare a according to state data re- where the numbers site located at the inter- leased on May 27, putting of vaccinated Hispanic and section of Broadway and Vaccine Equity in the fore- Black residents, in partic- Gledhill Avenue in Ever- front of new strategies to ular, are far higher propor- ett on which it will build continue the vaccination tionally – and in fact – are a 33-unit affordable rent- efforts. some of the highest num- al housing facility for se- Numbers for Everett bers in the state according niors. The Everett Police Color Guard started off Monday’s exercises for Memorial Day in Everett showed that white and to East Boston Neighbor- Located at the site of the High School’s Auditorium, as ceremonies were moved inside due to the poor weather all Asian residents are at or former St. Therese Parish, weekend. See Page 6 for more photos. exceeding their percent- the proposed facility, also See VACCINE Page 2 named St. Therese, will include 30 one-bedroom units and three two-bed- No more masks room units; 19 units will be rented to households Encore celebrates full re-opening of casino property earning no more than 60% of the area median income By Seth Daniel banished casino games and 14 units will be rent- and, hopefully, of many As the clock approached ed to households earning furloughed workers in the midnight on May 28, one no more than 30% of the coming weeks. would have thought it was area median income. St. Spokesperson Rosie New Year’s Eve on the Therese Parish closed Salisbury said they were gaming floor of the Encore its doors in 2004 and the very pleased to be able to Boston Harbor resort. property was cleared in lift the restrictions, as vot- Excited patrons in late 2020. Boston Private ed by the MGC, and are masks stood with bubbling Bank purchased the bond. prioritizing bringing back enthusiasm as a gaming “Preserving and ex- furloughed employees as floor employee stood up panding affordable hous- soon as possible. with a microphone and ing in is “We are pleased with began a countdown from one of the Baker-Polito and in full support of the 10 – just like is done on Administration’s top eco- MGC’s decision to lift New Year’s Eve as the ball nomic priorities,” said Covid-19 restrictions on drops on Times Square. Housing and Econom- May 29,” said Salisbury COURTESY PHOTOS Except this time it was ic Development Secre- last week. “Encore Bos- The Schiavo Club held not to celebrate the end of tary Mike Kennealy, who ton Harbor will contin- its annual Memorial Day the calendar year, but the serves as chair of Mass- ue to operate in accor- parade, dedication and end of COVID-19 restric- Development’s Board of dance with all orders or gathering on Monday, tions in Massachusetts. advisories issued by the Directors. “For our aging May 31, in Everett. With a “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, Commonwealth as well as population in particular, larger crowd on hand than 2, 1,” yelled a large crowd, access to stable housing is normal, elected officials, any applicable guidance followed by many people essential to ensuring resi- friends and the Everett provided by the CDC. As dramatically ripping off dents’ health and well-be- High Marching Band it relates to bringing fur- of their masks and tossing ing. We are pleased to accompanied the proces- loughed employees back sion to decorate the Hero them in the air as the clock see MassDevelopment’s to work, we continue to Square and Club bearing hit midnight – signifying tax-exempt financing, monitor our business lev- Carmen Schiavo’s name. May 29 and the end of coupled with Department els and are re-opening ar- Here, the Club members the Governor’s and Mass of Housing and Com- eas of our resort to meet lead the procession Gaming Commission’s munity Development tax customer demand. Fur- through West Everett (MGC) restrictions on the loughed workers will, as credits and subsidy funds, to the corner of Oakes property. they have throughout the bring St. Therese over the Street and Tufts Avenue It was total jubilation finish line.” where the Hero Square to pandemic, be given pri- at the 24-hour resort, and “At a time when the Carmen Schiavo is located. the reintroduction of many need for new housing pro- The Club was also deco- See ENCORE Page 3 duction is critical, Mass- rated with American flags Development is proud to and hosted plenty of patri- otic residents to one of the help The Neighborhood first allowed gatherings in Baker issues order rescinding more than a year. See Page See TND Page 3 5 for more photos. COVID-19 restrictions

Staff Report Baker. “Over the last 15 months, the residents of On Friday afternoon, Massachusetts have shown Enduring Faith Governor Charlie Baker an incredible amount of joined Lt. Governor Karyn strength and resiliency, The Rev. Patrick Healy celebrates his 100th birthday at Chelsea Soldier’s Home Polito, Secretary of Hous- and we are pleased to take ing and Economic Devel- this step forward towards By Cary Shuman officials came to St.- Mi birthday. stops in Japan, Germa- opment Mike Kennealy a return to normal.” chael’s Chapel Sunday The Rev. Healy is a ny, South Korea, and two and Secretary of Health Effective May 29, all Distinguished veter- to honor the Rev. Patrick highly decorated veteran tours of duty in Vietnam. and Human Services Ma- industries were permit- ans and residents of the Francis Healy, the Home’s himself, having served in He was the recipient of rylou Sudders to sign an ted to open. With the Chelsea Soldier’s Home, beloved chaplain, on the the United States Armed three Bronze Stars and the Executive Order terminat- exception of remaining family, friends, and state occasion of his 100th Forces for 23 years, with ‘V’ Device for heroism ing the Commonwealth’s face-covering require- and valor. State of Emergency effec- ments for masks in public Sunday morning the tive June 15, 2021. and private transportation Rev. Healy officiated the The Order also re- systems, hospitals and chapel Mass in honor of scinded most COVID-19 other facilities housing Memorial Day before restrictions, including vulnerable populations, all well-known attorney and limitations placed on industry restrictions will former state representa- businesses, which went be lifted at that time, and tive Gene O’Flaherty pre- into effect on Saturday, capacity will increase to sided over the impressive May 29 as Massachusetts 100 percent for all indus- program honoring Healy, nears the goal of vaccinat- tries. All gathering limits who was ordained on June ing four million residents. were also rescinded. 2, 1947, one day after his This week, the Common- To continue certain pub- 26th birthday on June 1, wealth passed the 3.5 mil- lic health requirements, 1947. lion mark for fully vacci- like requiring face cover- “We’re here to cele- nated residents. ings in certain settings, to brate Father Healy’s 100th “Today marks an im- remain effective past June birthday,” said O’Flaherty portant milestone in our 15, Governor Baker today in a welcoming remark fight against COVID-19 issued a modified decla- that drew a prolonged ova- here in the Common- The Rev. Patrick Healey, shown with members of his proud family at his 100th birthday celebration Sunday at St. Michael’s Chapel at the Chelsea Soldier’s Home. See FAITH Page 12 wealth,” said Governor See COVID Page 3 Page 2 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 HONORING THE EHS GIRLS TEAM Vaccine / CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 hood Health Center CEO Manny Lopes. Everett Vaccination rates (as of May 25): The percentage of the •Overall – 48 percent population in Everett that •Asian – (6 percent of the population) – 8 percent is Black is 23 percent, but •Black – (23 percent of the population) - 10 percent the numbers of Black res- •Hispanic – (33 percent of the population) – 22 percent idents that have been vac- •White – (38 percent of the population) – 40 percent cinated fully or with one dose is 10 percent. Sim- pop-up vaccine clinic will when most of the popu- ilarly, Hispanic residents begin in Glendale Park. lation is going or coming make up 33 percent of the That’s something Rev. from work – with their population in Everett, but Myrlande DesRosiers of schedules usually being the vaccination numbers the Everett Haitian Com- from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., and/ for them are around 22 munity Center (EHCC) or 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. percent. has been calling to imple- “You need to have Meanwhile, white resi- ment for some time, as part someone stationed two dents make up 38 percent of a Vaccine Equity and hours before 7 a.m. to get of the population, but are Training Grant EHCC has them so that it coincides Mayor Carlo DeMaria last week presented citations to the EHS Girls Basketball Greater vaccinated at a rate of received from Cambridge with their schedule, say Boston League champions and their first-year coach, Riley Dunn. Pictured (right to left): around 40 percent. Asian Celeste Fuccillo; Kayley Rossi; Ashley Fitzgerald; Maya Kirnon; Coach Dunn; Mayor De- Health Alliance (CHA) for maybe at a bus stop even residents make up 6 per- the region’s non-English or very near a bus stop,” Maria; Tatianna Moran; Ashley Cordeiro; Gigi Boyce; and Jane Odiari (missing from pic is cent of the population and Andrea Manley). speaking minority groups. she said. “If you don’t are vaccinated at a rate of That grant covers efforts have stations that are open about 8 percent. in Everett and five other two hours before 7 a.m. In neighboring Chelsea, communities and partners you aren’t going to get ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL which has one of the high- with other organizations that population…These est Hispanic populations to provide education and are the conversations we Adrien mayoral campaign brings on Kate Burnett in the state at 68 percent of access to the vaccine in need to have that are real.” the population, that City Portuguese, Spanish and EBNHC CEO Lopes and its partners like EB- Staff Report Not just any campaign, Haitian Kreyol. and COO Greg Wilmot but one that’s going up NHC have vaccinated 51 The issue in Everett, she said their efforts in Chel- The Gerly Adrien for against a mayor that has percent of that population. said, is battling spiritual sea, East Boston and Re- Mayor campaign has been in office for 12 years. In Revere, the Hispanic beliefs, cultural beliefs, vere are being lauded by brought on Kate Burnett But I saw a chance to cre- population makes up 41 historic mistrust, and in- the state, but they said it’s to be the campaign man- ate a better Everett for all percent, and around 35 convenient access points nothing they did on their ager of the effort, having with Gerly as mayor and percent of that population for these communities. own. In Chelsea, they started about two weeks knew I wanted to help.” is vaccinated. The Black “It’s a mixture,” she turned to places like La ago. Burnett helped to coor- population in Chelsea is said. “It’s bits and pieces Colaborativa – a trusted Burnett said she left a dinate a virtual fundraiser much smaller than Ever- of all these things. It’s the human services provid- ett, at 9 percent, and has stable job to run the cam- Kate Burnett is the new last Sunday, May 23, with particular population, it’s er – to provide a space paign and is ready to help campaign manager for the a $35 suggested donation. about 6 percent vaccinat- access and the question for the vaccinations in Councilor Adrien win in Adrien for Mayor campaign. However, she said the ed. It’s a similar story in of enrollment for appoint- its offices and to assist in September and November. “movement” is powered Revere with Blacks at 6 ments at the beginning. canvassing the neighbor- “To be honest, I was a by small donations, so any percent of the population We have had to battle the hoods to knock on doors ble job during a pandemic little nervous on my first contribution was appreci- and being vaccinated at a fear and they were based and promote vaccination day,” she said. “I left a sta- to help run a campaign. ated. rate of 4 percent. sometimes in cultural be- as early as last February. Those are numbers that liefs and spiritual beliefs That work, Wilmot said, EBNHC CEO Lopes said and it was also about con- was learned when EBN- are some of the highest in venient access and those HC began testing sites in COVID-19 case updates the state, and largely due who were just not com- the region and at Suffolk to the unique work they The City of Everett announced it would •Tuesday, June 1 – No Reports. fortable taking it.” Downs. Quickly, they have been doing in tan- said, they learned they no longer be publicly posting daily case •Monday, May 31 – No Reports. One of the questions of- dem with those municipal- ten presented to her dealt needed to partner closely counts, as the numbers have grown low •Sunday, May 30 – No Reports. ities and the community with mistrust, and the and collaboratively with enough not to report on a daily basis. •Saturday, May 29 – 2 groups in those cities. kind of vaccine offered trusted members of im- “As we enter the next phase of the •Friday, May 28 – 2 The City of Everett has COVID19 recovery period, we will no in Everett. That historic migrant communities that •Thursday, May 27 – 2 had a far-reaching vac- mistrust of medical insti- understood the barriers longer be posting daily numbers because •Wednesday, May 26 – 3 cine clinic it set up with of the consistent low numbers our city tutions played a part in and spoke the appropriate •Tuesday, May 25 – 7 its Board of Health, be- the low numbers, she said languages. has seen,” read a statement. “If there are ing one of the only cities any spikes, please know, the Adminis- – especially when people “Our role as a health •Everett moved its testing full-time in- in the state to stand up its tration will use this platform to keep ev- didn’t get to choose which care provider is to relay own free-standing vac- eryone informed. Thank you, stay safe, doors at the Samuel Gentile Recreation vaccine they wanted of the accurate information to cination clinic. The clin- and God Bless.” Center on Elm Street. Testing is done three offered. Many Hai- these communities so they Monday to Thursday, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., ic vaccinated more than tians, she said, work in the can thrive,” said Wilmot. 10,000 people in a weekly COVID Case Count May 25-29 = 16 and then 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. On Friday and medical field and saw one “It’s not new, but it’s that COVID Case Count May 18-25 = 24 Saturdays, testing is done noon to 6 p.m. effort at the former Pope vaccine given to nursing the stakes are so high that COVID Case Count May 11-18 = 35 It was announced this week that the Rec John High School – with home residents in wealthy the effects are felt dispro- COVID Case Count May 4-May 11 = 67 Center test site will remain open until appointments available by communities where they portionately. It has helped The most recent numbers are as follows: June 30. calling 3-1-1. That strate- work, but in Everett they us broker new relation- gy is now winding down saw a different vaccine ships and show how im- to take on a more mobile being given. portant it is to have trusted role. “Many people thought relationships with trusted “Since March, the City the vaccine given to Black community partners. It Real Estate Transfers of Everett has vaccinat- people or Haitian peo- has been so important.” ed approximately 10,000 ple was the bad vaccine,” Said Lopes, “Equity has BUYER 1 SELLER 1 ADDRESS PRICE individuals through our she said. “There was this been top of the list always, weekly vaccination clin- Park, Jessica Bradford Condo Corp 170 Bradford St #5 $555,000 belief and some thought but as the pandemic un- ic at Pope John,” said the best vaccine maybe folded it just highlighted Hernandez, Genaro Angelo Dibartolomeo RT 17 Cannell Pl $710,000 Mayor Carlo DeMaria. was being given and re- how important that health “Additionally, the Ever- served for white people. care is in providing access Lavita, Richard A Johnston FT 135 Central Ave $500,000 ett Board of Health con- They thought the John- and equity. When we and Genin, Noah Delarosa, Edison J 40 Everett St $515,000 tinues to provide vaccine son & Johnson was being our partners have this con- clinics onsite at Everett reserved for the Black or versation with the com- Kolek, Christopher W Krausman, Rachel E 61 Foster St $685,000 Housing Authority sites. immigrant community. munity, we’re in a position Those unable to make our People questioned that. to follow with the vaccine Reynoso, Manuel Periera, Luis M 25 Luke Rd $560,000 weekend clinics can al- They wanted to know why right behind them. If we Shrestha, Ganesh Rosa, Jose R 50-52 Pearl St $860,000 ways call 3-1-1 to sched- they couldn’t choose. That don’t have convenient ac- ule an appointment during began all kinds of conspir- cess, it’s hard for someone Lila, Nezar C Farhat, Malika 9 Peirce Ave $330,000 City Hall business hours. acy theories and a lot of to turn that knowledge Recently, the City has that comes from how it is into an action. Having Sunoco Retail LLC Best Petroleum Net Lease 1707 Revere Beach Pkwy $817,849 partnered with the Depart- distributed. We’ve made a these community partners Jaymangal Everett LLC Mingolelli RT 1795 Revere Beach Pkwy $1,001,000 ment of Public Health and lot of progress on that with has helped us to do just ASG Communications for education, but it lingers.” that.” Appleton Grove LLC Parlatore, Mary L 17 West St $280,000 more direct communica- A second issue, she Having been offering tion with residents regard- said, was the access pro- pop-ups in their commu- SELLERSSELLERS CALL CALL TODAY TODAY ing the facts and myths of vided – especially in nities over the last several FORFOR A FREE A FREE HOME HOME the vaccine. Through this the Haitian community, months, and canvassing MARKETMARKET ANALYSIS. ANALYSIS. partnership we are making which has the lowest rate the neighborhoods with Always There For You ERAAlways There For You MILLENNIUMERA MILLENNIUM direct contact with resi- CALLCALL TODAY! TODAY! of vaccination right now partners, Lopes and Wil- 291 FERRY ST., 291EVERETT FERRY ST., 617-389-1101 EVERETT 617-389-1101 • 617-784-7500 • 617-784-7500PasqualePasquale (Pat) (Pat) Roberto, Roberto, dents who may not have along with Spanish-speak- mot said they are now also www.ERAmillennium.comwww.ERAmillennium.com Broker/OwnerBroker/Owner been vaccinated. I look ing and Arabic-speaking moving towards offering forward to continuing to communities. While some the vaccine with primary ensure that all residents Haitians work in other care doctors. Affordable Senior Housing have the opportunity to be industries, most Haitian “We thought it was im- vaccinated.” residents she said work portant that during a reg- Senior Living on Bellingham Hill Last week, the City an- in the medical field or at ular visit with your doc- 100 Bellingham Street in Chelsea nounced it was pivoting nursing homes – many at tor, you could ask these 1-774-745-7446 in that effort as the clinic multiple jobs – and keep nuanced questions in the Need a comfortable place to call home? has slowed down. They far different hours than exam room,” he said. “We have now started moving the rest of the City’s resi- are now offering vaccines Studio and one-bedroom apartments for seniors aged 62 or above. Certain income limits apply. Please call the number above for more information! to pop-up clinics at places dents. Because many also as part of a Primary Care like parks and food pan- take the bus, she said she visit so they can have that

Do you live in a community just north of Boston? tries. This Saturday, June has suggested that pop-up higher-thinking experi-

If you need help getting dressed, grooming, bathing, or running errands, 5, will be the last day at the clinics be offered at busy ence with their doctor. our highly-qualified and trained team of Registered Nurses, Social Workers, Pope John vaccine clinic, bus stops very early in the That’s making a differ- Certified Nursing Assistants and Home Health Aides work with you to enhance and on that same day, a morning or late at night, ence now too.” your quality of life while allowing you to remain living independently.

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Middlesex DA’s office along with Everett Police TND / CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Developers build 33 new investigating fatal crash into Broadway Street home affordable homes for se- niors in Everett,” said The Middlesex District vehicle, a Honda Pilot, when it hit a parked car, a MassDevelopment Presi- Attorney’s Office and that had crashed into the tree and subsequently the dent and CEO Dan Rivera. Everett Police have con- porch of the home. The porch of the home. No one “St. Therese will be a wel- firmed the ongoing inves- driver of the vehicle, a in the home was injured. come addition to Greater tigation into a fatal crash female, was pronounced The investigation into the Boston’s housing stock that occurred early Mon- dead on scene. The oth- crash is ongoing at this day morning on Broadway er passenger of the car, time. by offering an affordable, in Everett. an adult male, was also The investigation is be- safe, and vibrant commu- At around 12:25 a.m. transported and is current- ing conducted by the Mid- nity for many seniors to Everett Police respond- ly in stable condition. The dlesex District Attorney’s call home.” ed to the report that a ve- preliminary investigation Office, Everett Police and St. Therese will include hicle had crashed into a indicates that the car was Massachusetts State Po- a community room, fitness A rendering of the finished project at St. Therese Parish. Broadway home. Upon traveling from Glendale lice Crash Reconstruction room, common laundry, arrival police located the Square toward Malden and Analysis Section. central air conditioning, and 58 surface parking spaces. The facility will be Maddox. “Since 2015, we will be for sale below part of a larger mixed-use have invested more than market rates, marketed Encore / CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 project that will include an $1.4 billion in the pro- for first-time homeowners additional 44 affordable duction and preservation with a shared income from ority as we reopen posi- interests and protect their •The licensees will con- rental units, six three-bed- of affordable housing in $85,000 to $154,000 a tions.” patrons and employees. tinue to report any positive room homeownership support of projects. Stable year. I look forward to be- At a meeting of the “We thank Plainridge COVID-19 tests related to units, and a senior-focused housing for working fam- ing able to welcome resi- MGC on Wednesday, Park Casino, MGM the gaming establishment health care center operat- ilies, seniors, and vulner- dents to their new homes May 26, the Commission- Springfield, and Encore to the MGC’s Investiga- ed by East Boston Neigh- able populations is vital upon completion.” ers voted to lift three or- Boston Harbor for their tions and Enforcement borhood Health Center. A for resilient communities. The Neighborhood De- ders from June 23, 2020; compliance and dedica- Bureau (IEB) and their pocket park on the prop- We are proud to support velopers, Inc. (TND) is Oct. 8, 2020; and March tion to health and safety respective local boards of erty will be redeveloped the St. Therese develop- a nonprofit community 11, 2021. Those restric- during this difficult -pe health. to recognize the history of ment which will create development corporation tions included the overall riod,” Chair Judd-Stein •The licensees will con- St. Therese Parish and will new, affordable homes for headquartered in Chelsea. COVID-19 regulations, continued. “I also wish to tinue to work cooperative- include remnants from the seniors with support ser- The organization’s mis- and also specific regula- extend my sincere grat- ly with the IEB to ensure former church building. vices to help them thrive sion is to create strong tions for playing Roulette, itude to the entire MGC the relevant guidance and In addition to the in Everett.” neighborhoods that en- Blackjack and Craps. Lift- team for its consistent practices are being fol- tax-exempt bond, Mass- Said Mayor Carlo De- able community members ing those regulations also commitment over the last lowed. Development assisted Maria, “The addition of to secure a stable home, allowed the reintroduction 15 months.” The orders were re- the Massachusetts De- the St. Therese project achieve economic mobil- of Poker games at the ca- HORSE RACING AND scinded subject to the fol- partment of Housing and will bring much needed ity, and determine their sino, which haven’t been SIMULCASTING lowing conditions, which Community Development affordable housing op- own future. TND owns allowed for feasible since ALSO RESUME were agreed to by the (DHCD) with the approv- portunities to Everett. Al- 488 affordable housing the pandemic closed down In separate 4-0 votes, the together, this project will operations at Encore more gaming licensees: al of federal low-income units in Chelsea and Re- Commission also allowed provide 77 senior citizen vere. than a year ago. •The licensees shall housing tax credits, which horse racing and simul- affordable units with a “In 2020, COVID-19 The MGC Commis- conduct business in will provide approximate- casting licensees, includ- local preference of up to painfully highlighted sioners voted 4-0 to re- accordance with all ly $5.5 million in equity ing Plainridge Park Ca- 70% for Everett residents. the connection between scind all the orders on the COVID-19-related orders for the project. DHCD sino, Raynham Park, and The affordability of these health and housing; at St. state’s casinos, including and advisories issued by also awarded subsidy Suffolk Downs, to rescind funds in support of both units will range from 30% Therese people will have Encore. the Governor or the Com- their respective MGC-ap- this 33-unit project, as Area Median Income access to healthy, afford- “It’s been 15 months monwealth of Massachu- proved COVID-19-related well as the adjacent 44- to 60% Area Median In- able housing and conve- since the Gaming Com- setts that remain in effect, reopening plans. unit rental development. come. This would trans- nient medical services mission convened with as well as any applicable “Older adults make late to a typical one-bed- and wellness programs at all three casino licensees CDC guidelines. Those restrictions up a growing portion room having a monthly the same time,” said TND in a virtual setting to dis- •The licensees will en- were rescinded with the of our Commonwealth, rent as low as $1,296 with Executive Director Rafael cuss the rapid reach of the sure their pandemic safety same restrictions as were and we need to increase some rents as low as $0 Mares. “The PACE model coronavirus pandemic,” officer remains in place attached to the casino the supply of affordable, depending on tenant in- to be offered at St. Therese MGC Chair Cathy Judd- until further notice. licensees. quality senior housing come. In addition to the will provide seniors the Stein said. “The three with services in every re- 77 rental units, the project support and resources to gaming licensees have co- - LEGAL NOTICE - gion,” said Housing and will also construct six new safely continue living in operated fully throughout CITY OF EVERETT Community Development three-bedroom townhouse the communities they are this process, working al- Undersecretary Jennifer condominiums, which rooted in.” ways to serve the public’s

ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 COVID / - LEGAL NOTICE - 484 Broadway CITY OF EVERETT ration of a public health ernor Baker filed legis- Everett, Massachusetts 02149 emergency under the pub- lation to extend certain (617) 394-2498 lic health statute. emergency measures cur- To Whom It May Concern: Under this order, the rently in place via execu- This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Executive Office of Health tive orders that are set to Monday, June 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor 484 Broadway and Human Services and expire on June 15 with the George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may at- the Department of Public end of the State of Emer- Everett, Massachusetts tend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Health will be proposing gency. The bill would ex- 02149 Whereas a petition has been presented by: to the Public Health Coun- tend measures providing (617) 394-2498 Property Address: 48 Westover Street cil the continuation of for a temporary suspen- To Whom It May Concern: Map/Lot: A0-05-000230 some public health orders sion of certain open meet- This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Person Requesting: Marie Prosper in the coming weeks to ing law requirements, spe- Monday, June 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor Rena Prosper maintain flexibilities and cial permits for expanded George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may at- 48 Westover Street policies for vaccination, outside dining at restau- tend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Everett, MA 02149 To the said Board of Appeals, the applicant seeks to construct a testing and other critical rants, and surprise billing Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 20 Mohan Street 15’-4” x 12’ addition on the rear of the existing structure. operations. protections for COVID-19 Reason for Denial: Map/Parcel: A0-02-000052 Earlier this week, Gov- patients. Permit was denied in accordance to the City of Everett Zoning Person Requesting: Richard Little Ordinance Appendix A as follows: 20 Mohan Street The existing structure is a non-conforming structure in that it Everett, MA 02149 does not have the proper front yard, side yard or rear yard. - LEGAL NOTICE - To the said Board of Appeals Applicant seeks to change the use Violations: CITY OF EVERETT of the existing single-family dwelling to a two-family dwelling in a Section 3 General Requirements paragraph C which states the dwelling district. For a two-family dwelling they do not have the following: square feet required by City of Everett Zoning. Existing non-conforming structure or uses may be extended or Several off-street parking issues are in violation of The City of altered, provided that such extension, alteration or change of PLANNING BOARD Everett Zoning: use shall be permitted only upon the grant of a Special Permit 484 BROADWAY Parking too close to operable windows (carbon monoxide gas- by the zoning board of appeals after a public hearing and a finding by the board that such extension, alteration or change of EVERETT, MA 02149 ses displaced from vehicles). use shall not be substantially more detrimental to the neighbor- Applicant is proposing stacked parking. EVERETT PLANNING BOARD hood than the existing non-conforming use or structure. (Ord. of Vehicles will be parked in the front yard off-set. 4-29-91) PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The permit is respectfully denied in accordance with The City of For reference the requirements are as follows: Public Hearing on a Proposed Amendment to the Lower Everett Zoning Appendix A for the following reasons: Section 4 Dwelling Districts (b) Dimensional Requirements line Broadway District Urban Renewal Plan Reason for Denial: 4. Front Yard: Public Notice is hereby given that the City of Everett Planning 1. Section 4 Dwelling Districts (b) Dimensional Requirements. Twenty (20) feet minimum except where the average front yard Board will hold a public hearing to discuss a proposed amend- (17) (b) (2) Requires a minimum lot size of 7000 square feet of a least two (2) buildings on the same side of the street and ment to the Lower Broadway District Urban Renewal Plan on for a two-family dwelling, the existing lot requiring relief is 3164 within two hundred (200) feet of the lot are less than twenty (20) Monday, June 14, 2021, starting at 7:00 P.M., via Zoom. The square feet, (3836 square feet deficient). feet, and the front yard may be equal to the average of those public may view and participate in the hearing at this link: https:// 2. Section 17 Off-Street parking (M) requires that no parking buildings but not less than ten (10) feet. Porches may encroach ci-everett-ma.zoom.us/j/95367693926. This link and a telephone ten (10) feet onto the required front yard. Stairs shall be exclud- be located within 8 feet of any window or habitable room in the access number for the hearing will be provided on the hearing ed from any front yard restrictions. (Ord. of 6-29-87) basement or first floor. This dwelling will have seven windows agenda and on the Planning Board’s website. For those wishing 6. Side Yard: a. Four (4) feet minimum with a total of sixteen on the driveway side that appears to be within eight feet of the to view the meeting live but who do not wish to participate, the (16) feet parked vehicles. meeting can be viewed live on YouTube (https://www.youtube. 7. Rear Yard: a. Twenty-Five (25) feet minimum except for open 3. Section 17 Off-Street parking (J) which states: Parking facili- com/channel/UCdwaOnTb-geJaekx02lH54Q). decks and porches, which may encroach in the required rear The Planning Board is seeking to determine whether the pro- ties shall be designed so that each motor vehicle may proceed yard provided that in no case shall the rear yard be led those fif- posed amendment is consistent with tdhe General Plan for the to the parking space provided for it without requiring the moving teen (15) feet measured to any part of the porch or deck Twen- ty-five (25) feet minimum, except for open decks and porches City of Everett. A draft of the amendment is available on the City of any other vehicle. The Board of Appeals, however may by Violations: of Everett website, (http://www.cityofeverett.com/DocumentCen- special permit modify this requirement and the dimensional • The Front yard is shown to be only 5’ ter/View/6289/Urban-Renewal-Plan-Amendment-Lower-Broad- requirements of paragraph (I) of this section, where a parking facility is under full-time attendant supervision. • The side yard on the left side is shown to be only 2’+/- way-Economic-Development-District-) and at the City Clerk’s • And the current rear yard is only 23’ and after the proposed 4. Section 17 Off-Street Parking (K) Parking facilities shall be Office at 484 Broadway, Room 10, Everett City Hall between addition it will only be 11’ +/- designed so that no vehicles shall be parked nearer to any 8:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. on Monday and Thursday, and 8:00 Applicant must seek relief in the form of a variance from the A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday and Wednesday. Questions and street lines than the minimum specified building setback for the zoning Board of Appeals comments can be directed in advance of the public hearing to Zoning District in which the parking facility is located. Mary Gerace – Chairman Matt Lattanzi of the Department of Planning & Development at Applicant must seek relief in the form of a variance from the Roberta Suppa - Clerk [email protected] or 617-394-2230. zoning Board of Appeals Board of Appeals Frederick E. Cafasso, Chairman June 2, 2021 June 2, 2021 May 26, 2021, June 2, 2021 June 9, 2021 June 9, 2021 Page 4 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 Everett Independent Independent Forum President: Stephen Quigley Editor in Chief: Cary Shuman News in Brief CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2021 MAYOR DEMARIA TO HOST VIRTUAL Graduation Day is one of the few occasions that COMMUNITY brings a smile to the faces of everyone in a community, MEETINGS regardless of whether they have a personal connection Mayor Carlo DeMaria to a graduate. It is an occasion when all of us share in is pleased to announce the joy -- and pride -- that graduation day marks in the that he will be virtually lives of our young people. For older folks, graduation hosting community meet- day recalls a time when we too, were young and our ings on Zoom on Wednes- entire future lay in front of us. days until July 14, at 7 Graduation day marks a bittersweet moment for par- p.m. Each meeting will be ents, friends, family, and teachers, as well for the grads with a different ward of themselves. As befits every turning point in our lives, the City of Everett to learn it is a time of mixed emotions of joy, sadness, and re- more about the current flection. Although the graduates and those close to them issues facing the specific are looking forward to the exciting future that lies be- neighborhood. fore them, they also will be looking back on the passing “My Administration of their carefree youth and the experiences that have and I are excited to meet shaped their lives to this point. with the different wards of Everett,” said Mayor Plan the work, and then work the plan. It has remained the City’s goal to continuously im- The young women and men who will be receiving prove pedestrian safety throughout Everett. Pictured is a Marchese Construction sidewalk DeMaria. “Over the past their diplomas no longer are considered “youths” in the crew working diligently to improve sidewalks on Fuller Street last week. If anyone is in year, the pandemic pre- eyes of the world. They are full-fledged adults who have need of a sidewalk repair, please call 311 and report the concern. sented many issues in ad- been deemed ready to assume all of the rights -- and dition to the ordinary con- responsibilities -- that adulthood implies. cerns that arise and I want The graduates, most of whom have turned 18, can to hear from our residents. vote, run for public office, enter into contracts, be tried We look forward to further fully as adults in the criminal justice system, and fight connecting with the com- and die for their country. munity and discussing the For the parents of the grads, watching their “little boy issues that are affecting or girl” proceed to the podium to receive his or her di- their everyday lives.” ploma will be a poignant moment. No doubt every par- The schedule for the ent will be thinking of the sentiments expressed in the meetings is as follows: song, Sunrise, Sunset, from Fiddler On The Roof: •Ward 3: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 Is this the little girl I carried? •Ward 4: Wednesday, Is this the little boy at play? June 23, 2021 •Ward 5: Wednesday, I don’t remember growing older June 30, 2021 When - did - they? •Ward 6: Wednesday, When did she get to be a beauty? On February 6, the City of Everett opened our doors at Pope John High School to provide July 14, 2021 vaccinations to Everett residents. Vaccine supply was scarce, and the need was imminent. When did he grow to be so tall? To join the meeting for Wasn’t it yesterday when they - were - small? Throughout this clinic, we have vaccinated over 10,000 Everett residents! Over the past your ward, please use the few weeks our clinics have slowed down and the City has made the decision to pivot, work following Zoom informa- with mobile providers, and provide vaccines at places like parks and food pantries. June Although economists these days tell us that the value tion: 5th will be our last day at Pope John for vaccines but there are multiple other places of a high school diploma is not what it was a generation Join the Zoom meeting around the community to be vaccinated. or more ago, the graduates should keep in mind, as they using this link: Monday – Friday, Encore Boston Harbor, 1 Broadway Everett – 8:00AM – 3:00PM Wednesday, May 26th – Connolly Center, 90 Chelsea Street Everett 8:00AM – 12:00PM contemplate venturing out into an uncertain world, that https://ci-everett-ma. Saturday, June 5th – Glendale Park, 100 Elm Street Everett – 8:00AM – vaccine runs out their mere presence on the podium has proven that they zoom.us/j/91511213761 have the ability and the determination to achieve what- Meeting ID: 915 1121 ever goals they may set for themselves. 3761 Our staff is required to only provide normalcy to Sons of Italy, 459 Merri- We recently came across a news item that appeared in Dial in: +1 646 558 8656 sanitize before and after the children’s lives, but it mack St, Methuen. First the Winthrop Sun on June 24, 1898. The article, which each session. will also promote health place team wins The Ersil- reprinted the Class Ode for the Winthrop High Class of COUNCIL ON The “Coffee Clutch” and fitness. I encourage ia Cup and a $1,000 cash 1898, is as timely today as it was 123 years ago, and Schedule is as follows: all the eligible youth in prize. sums up the feelings of all of us on Graduation Day. AGING/CONNOLLY Monday from 9 a.m. to the community to partici- CENTER 10:30 a.m. pate.” BOSTON GLORY The years pass by in swift array Mayor Carlo DeMaria Monday from 10:45 Registration is re- TO HAVE FULL a.m. to noon We cannot check their onward flight; and The Council on Ag- quired to participate in CAPACITY AT The moments that were ours today, ing, together, have been Friday from 10 a.m. to the league, and both boys Have passed forever from our sight. working diligently to be 12 noon and girls are welcome to HOME GAMES able to offer programing Reservations are a participate. There is a $20 In accordance with Yet while the course of life moves by to our senior residents must. To make a reserva- registration fee per child in state and local guide- We too, must never lag behind; to slowly open up The tion please call Margaret the form of cash or money lines, Boston Glory will But work and strive as best we may Connolly Center while @ (617) 394-2323. order. Teams will be bro- have full capacity at Hor- maintaining current safe- mel Stadium. Boston To aid and benefit all mankind. ken down into 4th/5th/6th ty practices and protocol. MAYOR DEMARIA’S grade, 7th/8th grade, and Glory is a professional We are happy to announce high school students. team and mem- This we must do, or soon too late SUMMER our “Coffee Clutch” pro- Beginning on Saturday, ber of the 22-team AUDL We think in sadness of our loss, BASKETBALL gram. July 10th, there will also (American Ultimate Disc For “Each is Master of his Fate,” The Connolly Center LEAGUE be an instructional class League). Featuring men’s Though some must bear a heavy cross. will be open Mondays and Mayor DeMaria is on Saturday mornings be- players from across New Fridays only, beginning pleased to announce that tween 9am-10am for boys England, the team is And when the race of life is run, Monday April 12. There the Mayor DeMaria’s and girls in the 1st/2nd/ poised to begin its inaugu- This life that holds so much for each will be two sessions of- Summer Basketball 3rd grade. This class will ral season. Shall come the gentle words, “Well done!” fered to Everett Seniors, League will begin on be held for four weeks “This is what it is all As we at last the goal have reached. and one session offered on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 with no fee. about,” team owner Pe- Friday. Each session will and will run through Sat- Registration will be ter Collery said. “Going allow a maximum of 24 urday, August, 7, 2021. available in the lobby of through this past winter seniors. There will be 6 ta- The games will occur at the Samuel Gentile Rec- and spring without the bles of 4 people each for a Rivergreen Park on Tues- reation Center between guarantee of fans in the Everett 90 minute session. Seniors days and Thursdays be- 4pm-8pm on the follow- building was tough, we’re Independent will have the opportunity tween 4pm-8pm and on ing days: so excited to be able to to see old friends, enjoy Saturdays between 9am- • Friday, June 4th shar our product. We’re Published by the Independent Newspaper Group a snack and coffee and 12pm. • Tuesday, June 8th going to create a really fun scheduled entertainment. “The Summer Basket- irectory • Thursday, June 10th environment for fans of all D Safety protocols, such as ball League is an exciting • Tuesday, June 15th ages. With an incredible Advertising & Marketing mask wearing, tempera- way to start the summer,” • Thursday, June 17th product on the field, we’re Director of Marketing Editorial ture checks and social said Mayor DeMaria. • Tuesday, June 22nd excited to get the stands Debra DiGregorio Page Design, Copy Editing distancing are mandatory. “This program will not [email protected] Scott Yates For any questions or packed. Even if you’re not Kane DiMasso-Scott concerns, please email too familiar with ultimate, Assistant Marketing Director we’re confident you’ll Maureen DiBella Reporting Staff Your opinions, please [email protected]. Seth Daniel ma.us. fall in love after a couple Senior Sales Associates ([email protected]) hours at Hormel.” Kathleen Bright Cary Shuman The Everett Independent welcomes let- Sioux Gerow ([email protected]) EVERETT KIWANIS The AUDL has been ters to the editor. Our mailing address CLUB TO HOLD gaining popularity across Legal Advertising Printer the country since 2012. Ellen Bertino GateHouse Media is 385 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151. BOCCE TOURNEY Boston Glory’s season Our fax number is 781-485-1403. IN METHUEN will begin in Pittsburgh on Business Letters may also be e-mailed to Everett Kiwanis is June 5. Glory will make Accounts Executive proud to announce the their home debut at Horm- Judy Russi [email protected]. Third Annual Frank Mas- el Stadium in Medford on Phone: 781-485-0588 • Fax: 781-485-1403 Letters must be signed. We reserve the trocola Bocce Tournament June 11 against Atlanta. E-Mail: [email protected] to be held on Saturday, Tickets are available now right to edit for length and content. June 12 at the Methuen on the team website. Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Page 5 SCHIAVO CLUB’S ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY PROCESSION AND GATHERING

COURTESY PHOTOS The Schiavo Club held its annual Memorial Day procession and gathering on Monday, May 31. The procession marched to the corner of Oakes and Tufts to decorate and honor the Hero Square dedicated to Carmen Schiavo. Cpl. Schiavo was killed in ac- tion in World War II on June 7, 1945 on Okinawa Don Auger reads some of the history behind Cpl. Island. Carmen Schiavo. Then, the group moved back to the Schiavo Club Ward 6 Council Candidate Al Lattanzi, Dolores Lattanzi and for a fun gathering and Mayor Carlo DeMaria. outdoor social event.

Don Auger decorates the Hero Square dedicated to Cpl. Mayor Carlo DeMaria and Carmen Schiavo. a friend catch up at the Schiavo Club.

Father Joseph Chacha Marwa, State Rep. Joe McGonagle and Councilor Anthony DiPierro.

Members of the Schiavo Club prepare to march. Father Joseph Chacha Marwa blesses the event with an Families enjoyed the ice cream truck that was on hand. Invocation.

Walking the procession were Mayor Carlo DeMaria, State Sen. Sal DiDomenico, Councilor Rosa DiFlorio and Councilor Anthony DiPierro.

An Everett High band member plays ‘Taps’ after the dedication. Members of the Schiavo Club, including Don Auger and Joseph Ruggiero – among others, pose with Councilor Anthony DiPierro, State Rep. Joe McGonagle and Mayor Carlo De- Maria.

Mayor Carlo DeMaria reads a proclamation for the event. Director Gene O’Brien and the Everett Crimson Tide Band were on hand to perform. Page 6 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 CITY OF EVERETT, VETERANS SERVICES HOLD ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES

COURTESY PHOTOS The City of Everett in Mayor Carlo DeMaria, partnership with the Vet- Commissioner of Veterans erans Services Depart- Services Jeanne Cristiano, ment hosted its Annual State Senator Sal DiDo- Memorial Day Exercises menico, State Represen- on Monday, May 31. Due tative Joe McGonagle, to the impending rain, ser- U.S. Coast Guard Warrant vices were held in the au- Officer Robert Leper, and ditorium of Everett High Bishop Robert Brown School rather than the were among those speak- traditional venue of Glen- ing at the event. wood Cemetery.

Mayor Carlo DeMaria ad- State Rep. Joe McGonagle. A member of Everett Fire Sen. Sal DiDomenico deliv- dressed the crowd. delivers a speech for Me- ered a message for Memo- morial Day. rial Day.

Ray LePore, who served on the San Jacinto during WWII, takes a moment to reflect.

Mammograms Mammograms Everett’s Ashlaay Villard was featured toMammograms sing the National SaveBishop Lives. Robert Brown started off the exercises with an Invocation prayer, and was also a featured speaker. Anthem onSave Monday. Lives. All women over 40 should Save Lives. have a mammogram once a year. Breast cancer found early offers the best chance to be cured. Free or low cost mammograms are available. For more information and answers to any of your cancer questions, contact us any time, day or night.

All women over 40 should have a mammogram once a www.cancer.org year. Breast cancer found early offers the best chance to 1.800.ACS.2345 be cured. Free or low cost mammograms are available. Hope.Progress.Answers.® For more information and answers to any of your cancer questions, contact us any time, day or night.

www.cancer.org Mammograms 1.800.ACS.2345 Save Lives. All women over 40 should have a mammogram once a Hope.Progress.Answers.® year. Breast cancer found early offers the best chance to All women over 40 should have a mammogram once a be cured. Free or low cost mammograms are available. Mammograms Save Lives. year. Breast cancer found All women over 40 should have a mammogram once a year. early offers the best chance For more information and answers to any of your cancer Breast cancer found early offers the best chance to to be cured. Free or low cost be cured. Free or low cost mammograms are available. mammograms are available. questions, contact us any time, day or night. For more information and answers to any of your cancer For more information and The Everett High Schoolquestions, Marching contact us any Band time, day orshowed night. up in force under the direction of Gene The Drum Line for the Everett High Marching Band played a selection. O’Brien. The band hasn’t been able to perform at a City-sponsoredanswers to anyevent of your cancer for some time. www.cancer.org www.cancer.org questions, contact us any time, 1.800.ACS.2345 1.800.ACS.2345 day or night.

® Hope.Progress.Answers. www.cancer.org Mammograms Save Lives. 1.800.ACS.2345 All women over 40 should have a mammogram once a year. Breast cancer found early offers the best chance to Hope.Progress.Answers.® be cured. Free or low cost mammograms are available. For more information and answers to any of your cancer questions, contact us any time, day or night. www.cancer.org 1.800.ACS.2345

Members of the Everett Police and Fire Color Guards with Mayor Carlo DeMaria, State Rep. Joe McGonagle, Bishop Robert Brown, Stacy DeMaria, Veterans Agent Jeanne Cristiano, Sen. Sal DiDomenico and Asst. City Clerk Peter Napolitano.

Send us Your News The Everett Independent encourages residents to submit birth and engagement announcements, news releases, business briefs, honor rolls, social news, sports stories, and photographs for publication. Items should be forwarded to our offices at 385 Broadway, Citizens Bank Building, Revere, MA 02151. Items can also be faxed to 781-485- 1403. The Independent also encourages readers to e-mail news releases to [email protected]. The Everett Independent assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but will reprint that part of the advertisement in which the error occurs. Advertisers will please notify the management immediately of any errors that may occur. Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Page 7 EVERETT HIGH SCHOOL CRIMSON TIDE VARSITY SOFTBALL TEAM

Back row (left to right) Kayley Rossi, Kristi Skane, Bryanna Mason, Kaleigh Snook, Celeste Fuccillo, Kaylin Seward and Emma E. Longmore. Front Row Left-Right- Haley Oteri, Macayla Bessler, Madison Smith, Alyssa Bessler, Sarah Dumeng Captains- Madison Smith and Ashley Fitzgerald. and Ashely Fitzgerald. EHS Roundup

EHS SOFTBALL Mason reached first on a TEAM NIPS Somerville error with two out. Fuccillo then came SOMERVILLE, 7-6 through with a base hit to The Everett High soft- deliver Bessler and fresh- ball team earned its first man Emma Longmore victory of the season in singled to drive in Mason walk-off fashion, defeat- with the second run. ing Greater Boston League The contest remained in rival Somerville, 7-6, in that status until the sixth, extra innings last Thurs- when Somerville erupted day at Glendale Park. for three runs, with some Celeste Fuccillo tossed Everett fielding miscues all nine innings for Ever- proving costly. ett, allowing just five hits, The Lady Crimson Tide while fanning 14 oppo- struck back in their half nents and walking only of the inning when Al- two. yssa Bessler singled and Fuccillo helped her own her courtesy runner, Sarah cause in the second inning Dumeng, made it all the when Everett grabbed a way home to tie the con- 2-0 lead. Macayla Bessler test at 3-3 when Somer- started the rally with a Seniors Kaleigh Snook, Macayla Bessler, Madison Smith, Alyssa Bessler, Sarah Dumeng, Ashley Fitzgerald and Haley Oteri. base hit and Bryanna See ROUNDUP Page 8 Protéjase a sí mismo

Proteja a tu familia Los mayores de 12 pueden recibir la vacuna contra el COVID ESTÁ DISPONIBLE PARA TODOS Todas las personas que viven, trabajan o estudian en MA pueden vacunarse. Recibir la vacuna no afectará su condición migratoria. Personal de seguridad puede estar presente, pero solo está allí para mantenerlo sano y seguro.

ES SEGURA Vacunarse es una gran herramienta contra el COVID-19. La vacuna es segura y eficaz. Cuanta más gente se vacune, más protegidos estaremos todos.

ES GRATUITA No se La vacuna es gratuita. No se necesita seguro médico. necesita No se necesita identificación. Identificación ni seguro.

OBTENGA SU TURNO EN mass.gov/CovidVaccine Mancomunidad de Massachusetts Page 8 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403


Head Coach Joel Levine, Asst. Coaches Steve Gallagher and Curtis Tuden with the 2021 EHS Crimson Tide Varsity Baseball Team.

Head Coach Joel Levine with Tide’s Captain, Brandon Gibbs.

Roundup / CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 ville threw the ball around hit it directly to people in Asst. Coaches Curtis Tuden and Steve Gallagher and. Head Coach Joel Levine with the Tide’s seniors, Brenden Currie, on a hit by Ashley Fitzger- position throughout the Matthew Chaves, Adrian Figuroa, Egan Goveira, and Captain Brandon Gibbs. ald, who ended up on third game until the last two base. innings,” said EHS head After a scoreless sev- coach Stacy Schiavo. enth inning, the teams “The girls never gave up utilized the international and fought until the end. tie-breaker rule to start Maddy Smith’s triple and the eighth inning in which Rossi’s hit were perfect- a runner is placed at sec- ly-executed. ond base with none out. “Celeste Fuccil- Somerville made the most lo pitched an amazing of its opportunity, scor- game,” Schiavo contin- ing two runs to grab a 5-3 ued. “After the Medford lead. game we told her she Everett then had its needed to lay off outside chance in the bottom of pitches because when they the eighth. Kayley Rossi come around late, they started the inning at sec- were getting a piece of the ond base and Macayla ball. She adjusted and as Bessler, the Lady Crim- a result she had 14 strike- son Tide’s cleanup hitter, outs and allowed only five laced a single into the hits.” outfield to score Rossi. Among the top defen- After Macayla moved to sive plays by the Lady second on a ground-out Crimson Tide during the and then to third on a base contest was a throw by hit by Fitzgerald, sopho- Bessler, the Everett catch- more Kristi Skane came er, to shortstop Smith in as a pinch-hitter and at second base to nab a delivered a clutch base hit Somerville girl on a steal to score Bessler with the attempt. tying run. The day before, the The teams began Everett girls came up on the ninth inning in the the short end of a 14-2 Catching for the Tide of Everett High, Justin Longmore. Emilio Guzman started the season off for the Tide. same fashion. Somerville decision to Medford. The pushed across a single tal- Lady Mustangs grabbed ly in its half of the inning, a 1-0 lead in the first on a setting the stage for the home run and then added exciting conclusion. four runs in the second, a an error, scoring Sarah have to make the plays (Thursday); host Lynn head coach Joel Levine. Emma Longmore took solo tally in the third, and Dumeng, who had come when we are in positions Classical on Monday for Sophomore Matthew second for Everett at the three more in the fourth. in as a courtesy runner for to do so.” Senior Day festivities; Turilli threw five strong start of the inning. Senior The Everett bats came Alyssa Bessler, the Ever- The Everett defense and travel to Lynn English innings for Everett, allow- Maddy Smith then came alive in the bottom of ett catcher. made a couple of heads- next Thursday. ing just three earned runs. through with a big blast the fourth. A base hit by That closed the gap to up defensive plays in the The team then The Crimson Tide for a triple, easily scoring Macayla Bessler was fol- 9-2, but Medford added third inning. Fitzgerald will compete in the GBL fought valiantly in an 8-5 Longmore, and Maddy lowed by walks to sister two runs in the fifth and threw out a Medford girl tournament on the week- loss at Somerville last herself soon came home Alyssa and Kristi Skane three in the sixth for the from right field on a throw end of June 12. Thursday. After spotting with the winning run on a and a hit batter, Fitzger- 14-2 finale that was halted to first base to take away a the Highlanders an early base hit by Rossi. ald, forcing in Macayla via the mercy rule. base hit and Smith tagged 1-0 lead, Everett battled “We were getting the Bessler. The second Ev- EHS BASEBALL “This was not the best I out a Medford runner who TEAM SEEKING back to tie with a run in bat on the ball, but we erett run came across on have seen our girls play,” was en route from sec- the top of the fourth. Bran- said Schiavo. “Routine ond to third when Maddie FIRST VICTORY don Gibbs led off with an plays that we have gone faked a throw to first after The Everett High base- infield hit, stole second, PB MARKETPLACE over in practice just were snaring a ground ball. ball team is scheduled to took third on a balk, and SINCE 1985 not executed. Our bats Schiavo and her crew travel to Malden today eventually scored on a were not in this game at have a busy week ahead, (Wednesday) and will fielder’s choice. all, and without the hits starting this afternoon host Chelsea tomorrow Somerville erupted for we buy and runners, we can’t (Wednesday) when they (Thursday) at Glendale three runs in the bottom of score. Medford has al- will host Malden at Glen- Park in search of their first the inning, but once again ways been a great hitting dale at 4:00. They will victory of the pandem- the Crimson Tide re- unopened boxes team which means we play at Chelsea tomorrow ic-shortened 2021 season. sponded with three mark-  Last Wednesday the ers in the top of the fifth Sports Cards Crimson Tide came up on  to bring the contest back Gaming Cards the short end of a 6-0 de- to level at 4-4.  Non Sports Cards cision to Medford. “Once Somerville continued  Vintage Collections again we loaded the bas- with its cat-and-mouse es with nobody out, but game, scoring four mark- Call Paul 617-791-5274 could not come up with [email protected] a timely hit,” said EHS See ROUNDUP Page 9 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Page 9

Roundup / CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 From the Mayor’s Office ers in the bottom of the all, it was a great meet for scheduled to engage in fifth to take control of the the team running in the tri-meets yesterday (Tues- contest. The Crimson Tide blazing sun.” day) with Revere and Meet the team: Rana Wehbe added one run in the sev- Cimea and his crew Medford and next Tues- enth for the 8-5 finale. were scheduled to engage day against Malden and What do you do in the ett Youth! I was able to After their contests to- in tri-meets yesterday Somerville. City? volunteer last summer at day and tomorrow, Levine (Tuesday) with Revere I am the Health & Well- Crimson Kids. I love be- and his crew will trek to and Medford and next EHS TENNIS ness Grant Coordinator. ing in the community. Lynn Classical this com- Tuesday against Malden TEAMS OPEN My role has changed and What is the biggest ing Monday and will re- and Somerville. evolved since I first start- lesson you’ve learned turn home to Glendale SEASON; GIRLS ed. I began working with TOP REVERE from your role? to host Lynn English next PREVILON WINS the Mass in Motion Grant Always make connect- Thursday. THREE EVENTS IN SHUTOUT and I now run the Ever- ing with others a priori- ett Matters COVID Aid IN TRI-MEET The Everett High girls ty, and that opportunities EHS GIRLS TRACK tennis team celebrat- Rental and Mortgage As- What is your favorite Brendon Previlon don’t happen, you create ed its first match on the sistance Program, COVID WINS TRI-MEET served notice that he will part about working for them. new EHS home courts Safe Cooling Grant, and The Everett High girls be among the top track the City? What do you like to do at Rossetti Park in ap- Virtual Youth Works Pro- outdoor track and field and field athletes this sea- How much my role has when you are not work- propriate fashion with a gram. I also help constit- team opened its 2021 sea- son in the Greater Bos- changed and evolved. I 5-0 shutout victory over uents fill out forms and ing? son in outstanding fashion ton League after winning love the opportunity to Greater Boston League ri- applications to apply for Bike riding with my with two victories in a tri- three events in last week’s val Revere last Thursday. these grants. I always work on different range husband, traveling, and meet with Greater Boston tri-meet with GBL rivals Senior captain Rose make myself available to of projects. I also enjoy playing backgammon League rivals Chelsea and Chelsea and Lynn Classi- Jean Pierre, playing at help people. working with the Ever- with my dad. Lynn Classical last week. cal. first singles, defeated her The meet was scored Brendon easily sped to Lady Patriot opponent in as a true tri-meet, with a victory in the 400 hurdles three sets in a hard-fought first-place finish earning in a clocking of 1:01.5 (his battle, 6-3, 4-6, 6-4. five points, three points closest competitor came LOCAL STUDENTS EARN ACADEMIC HONORS Fellow senior cap- for second, two points for across in 1:19) and the tain Regine Georges tri- third, and one point for 200 meter dash in a time umphed at second singles fourth. The Lady Crim- of 22.9 (fully 1.9 seconds LOCAL STUDENTS women for others. I trust themselves as thoughtful in straight sets, 6-0, 6-2, son Tide finished with 69 faster than his nearest ri- you will go where you are leaders in business, pro- and freshman Alanna GRADUATE FROM points, followed by Clas- val). Brandon also won needed. And graduates, I fessional and civic life. O’Brien stepped up and COLLEGE OF THE sical with 46 and Chelsea the high jump to complete know you will keep hope clinched the victory for with 29. his tri-fecta. HOLY CROSS alive.” the Lady Crimson Tide Eduarda Bernardo was “Captain Brendon Pre- Holy Cross celebrated In addition to Thom- UNIVERSITY OF with a win at third singles, the top point-scorer for vilon had a great meet, nearly 750 bachelor of as-Greenfield, Holy Cross 6-1, 5-7, 6-2. NEW HAMPSHIRE Everett with 10 points, scoring the most points arts degree candidates at also awarded an honor- In the match at first ANNOUNCES MAY taking first place in the in the meet and running its 175th Commencement ary degree to Holy Cross doubles, the tandem of 400 intermediate hurdles a state-qualifying time in held in person on Friday, alumnus Dr. Michael 2021 GRADUATES sophomore Luisa DaSil- in a time of 1:28.3 and first the 200 in 22.9,” said EHS May 21 on the College’s Collins ‘77, chancellor of The following students va and freshman Yasmine place in the high jump. head coach Jehu Cimea. Fitton Field. the University of Massa- graduated from the Uni- Laabadla handily topped Other Everett girls who “Brendon is looking to Ambassador Linda chusetts Medical School versity of New Hampshire their Revere counterparts took first place in their have a great senior year.” Thomas-Greenfield, a and senior vice president in Durham over the week- in straight sets, 6-2, 6-1. events were: Gigi Boyce A number of Crim- career diplomat and Rep- for the health sciences for end of Saturday, May Everett was award- in the 100 meter dash in son Tide teammates also resentative of the United the University of Massa- 22 and Sunday, May 23, ed the final point of the 14.2; Anaika Accilien in turned in outstanding ef- States of America to the chusetts. Dr. Collins also 2021. Students who re- day by forfeit when Re- the mile in 8:05.2; Laki- forts. Samuel Desir-Ma- United Nations, delivered offered a reflection for the ceived the honor of sum- vere did not have enough sha Kirnon in the 110 high fouana took first place in this year’s address virtu- Class of 2021. ma cum laude graduated girls for the contest at sec- hurdles in 23.3; Dajana the mile with a time of ally to the Class of 2021 The following local with a GPA of 3.85-4.0; ond doubles. Tadic in the triple jump 5:48; Wensley Mompre- and received an honorary students earned degrees: students who received the EHS head coach Court- with a leap of 26’-3”; mier finished first in the degree. Amanda Fernandes, of honor of magna cum laude ney Meninger’s 2021 and Alyssa Hurley with two-mile run in 12:35.2 A distinguished career Everett graduated with a GPA of squad is comprised of the a javelin toss of 57’-3”. (which was 2:13 ahead of diplomat with 35 years in Julianna Lopez-Picardi, 3.65-3.84; and students following team members: Alyssa also took a second the second-place runner); the Foreign Service, Am- of Everett, Cum Laude who received the honor Seniors Rose Jean Pierre, place in the shot-put with and Brandon Ho captured bassador Thomas-Green- Trishala Manandhar, of of cum laude graduated Regine Georges, and a throw of 24’-8”. the long jump with a leap field reminded graduates Everett with a GPA of 3.50-3.64. Danara Roseme; junior Scoring three points for of 17’-10”. Brandon also that their education has About Holy Cross: Students are only gradu- Hanadie Laabadla.; soph- Everett with second place took second place in the equipped them to make The College of the ated after the Registrar’s omores Luisa DaSilva, efforts were: Leslye Rojas triple jump with a final a positive difference in Holy Cross, in Worces- Office has certified that Yeylin Mendoza Ezquiv- Rujel in the two-mile run landing of 34’-12.5”. the world and to do ev- ter, Mass., is among the all degree requirements el, Alinee Silva, Rebecca in 17:46; Luca Jean Noel Samy LaMothe sped erything in their power to nation’s leading liberal have been successfully Ribeiro, and Isha Barua; in the 400 dash in 1:32.3; to a second-place finish keep hope alive. arts institutions. A highly completed. A traditional, and freshmen Rebecca Victoria Macao in the 200 in the 100 meter dash in “Class of 2021: I have selective, four-year, ex- in-person commencement Hickey-Schultz, Yasmine dash in 31.1; and Rejea- 11.8. hope - I have light in my clusively undergraduate ceremony will be sched- Laabadla, Allana O’Brien, na Guillaume with a long Adding two points to eyes - because of you,” college of 3,100 students, uled at a future date yet to Isabella Barbosa, and jump of 12’-5”. the Everett scoresheet Ambassador Thom- Holy Cross is renowned be determined. Kirsty Hall. Macao added two with a third-place effort as-Greenfield told the for offering a rigorous, Diego Velasquez of Ev- Meninger and her crew, points to the Everett side was David Matthias in graduates. “When I think personalized education in erett graduated with a BS who stand at 1-1 on the of the scoresheet with a the 400 dash in 61.1. Da- of your promise, your po- the Jesuit, Catholic tradi- degree in Biology season, were set to host third place effort in the vid also grabbed a fourth- tential, I swell with pride. tion. Since its founding Julia Passanisi of Ever- Malden today (Wednes- 100 dash in 15.3, as did place point in the javelin With your Holy Cross in 1843, Holy Cross has ett graduated Cum Laude day) and will play at Angelee Torres in the jav with a toss of 54.9. mentors and role models made a positive impact with a BS degree in Health Somerville tomorrow with her throw of 36’-2”. Contributing sin- by your side, I believe in society by graduating Management & Policy (Thursday). They will Single points for gle-points for the Crimson you will become men and students who distinguish trek to Lynn Classical on their fourth-place perfor- Tide for their fourth-place Monday and to Lynn En- mances came from Ma- performances were Pur- glish next Thursday. cao in the javelin (32’-6”), vansh Aujila in the 800 in The EHS boys team Jessica Landaverde in the 3:25.2, Mervens Amazan • Revere • Everett • Winthrop • Lynn • East Boston • Chelsea • Charlestown also swung into action last discus (30’-11”), Dajana in the 100 dash in 12.1, week and came out on the Tadic in the long jump and Ricardo Abraham in Lynn short end of a 5-0 decision (11’-8.5”), Ida Bittaye in the discus with a toss of to Medford. Independent Newspaper Group the 200 dash (32.5), and 56’-10.5”. REaL EstatE “We lost in straight sets Sales • Rentals Hannah Alvarado in the The final score of the rEvErE Call: 800 (3:41.8). to an excellent Medford EvErEtt 781-485-0588 Land • Commercial meet showed Chelsea RECRuItmENt team,” said EHS head ChELsEa Fax: Everett also added 10 with the top score of 70 Professional • Medical coach Greg Bluestein. CharLEstoWn Winthrop 781-485-1403 points thanks to first-place points, Everett with 47 General • Services East Classified “We have some young Boston Classified finishes in the 4 x 100 and points, and Classical with More Than 100,000 Readers Each Week • Auto Sales • Yard Sales talent and many first-year 7 Communities 4 x 400 relays. 37. • Miscellaneous players.” “It was a great meet “For a first meet back The boys were sched- for the girls team start- from a one-year hiatus uled to play at Malden to- ing the season 2-0 with a since the 2019 outdoor MAILBOX RENTAL HELP WANTED day (Wednesday) and will win against both Chelsea season, it was great to entertain Somerville to- and Lynn Classical,” said be back and competing morrow (Thursday), Lynn MAILBOX FT LABORERS - WAKEFIELD - Help Wanted EHS head coach Jehu again,” said EHS head Classical on Monday, and RENTAL Fast-growing company seeks J. Bonafede Co., Inc. is looking for Cimea. “Senior Eduarda coach Jehu Cimea. Lynn English next Thurs- full-time laborers to train in Bernardo was the top per- The EHS boys were Broadway business address part time/ full time Accounts former for the girls. Over- day at Rossetti Park. $100 per month commercial, residential & Payable person. 781-864-9958 environmental storage tank Please contact Butch between Text message or Email me related services. Positions 10AM and 2PM at 617-884-3131. require physically strong persons at [email protected] ______- should be familiar with hand ------LOOKING FOR Great Results? Call of Peggy Olivo sworn to on 232 of the Domestic Rela- this Order, and papers on tools. Starting pay of $18-$20/ LEGAL NOTICE DEADLINES: For classified line ads, our classified department. Call April 28, 2020 and April tions Law in one newspaper which the Order is based, At the Matrimonital Part deadlines are Monday by 4 p.m. hour depending on experience. 51 of the Supreme Court 1, 2021, and it appearing which will be in the English shall be filed on or before 781-485-0588 or fax the ad to Call 781-485-0588 or fax the ad to Full benefits. Please contact Of the State of New York therefrom to the satisfaction Language to wit: Everett the first day of publication; 781-485-1403 Held in and for the of the Court that the plaintiff Independent, published in and it is further 781-485-1403 Cindy ccookson@commtank. ______has a good and meritorious the County of Middlesex, ______County of Queens, at ORDERED that in addition to com or call 800-628-8260. SELLING YOUR AUTO? Call for our 4 The courthouse. Located cause of action against the State of Massachusetts, once defendant for a divorce a week for three consecutive the publication, that a copy 6/17 week special! Call 781-485-0588. At 88-11 Sutphin and that the plaintiff has weeks, together with a notice of the Summons with Notice, Boulevard, Jamaica, not and can not locate the to the defendant and a brief Notice of Automatic Orders, New York on the defendant with due diligence statement of the object of the and Notice of Guideline 23rd day of April 2021. within or outside the State of action, said newspaper being Maintenance shall be sent ADRENALINE Present: HON. JODI ORLOW, New York, and that service designated as most likely to by US Postal service to the J.S.C. cannot be made any other give notice to the defendant; defendant’s last known RUSH! PEGGY OLIVO prescribed method. and it is further address, 163 Bell Rock You’ll also get career training Plaintiff, Now on the motion, Peggy ORDERED that the publica- and money for college. If you’re Against Street, #2, Everett, MA 02149 Olivo, plaintiff, it is tion of the Summons with within sixty (60) days of the ready for the excitement, join WILMAR LOPEZ, ORDERED, that service of Notice, Notice of Automatic first day o publication. Defendant the Summons upon the Orders, and Notice of Guide- the Army National Guard today. Index No. 7156/2019 defendant, Wilmar Lopez, in line Maintenance shall be Dated: April 23, 2021 Hon. Jodi Orlow, J.S.C. ORDER FOR the above entitled action, be made within sixty (60) days 1-800-GO-GUARD • www.1-800-GO-GUARD.com ALTERNATIVE SERVICE made by publication thereof after entry of this Order; and 5/19/21, 5/26/21, 6/2/21 Upon the reading and filing in accordance with Section it is further EV of the affidavits of plaintiff, 316 of the CPLR and Section ORDERED that the Summons, Page 10 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 Administration’s MassTrails Team announces Impact of Shared Use study results

Staff Report “The Study exempli- Bikeway, the Norwottuck •Transportation: During ty, and 2,200 households and maintenance of shared fies the important role section of the Mass Cen- the study period, the with no vehicles. use paths. Over that time, The Baker-Polito Ad- that shared-use paths play tral Rail Trail, and the shared use paths encour- The Impacts of Shared more than $15 million ministration’s MassTrails in the Commonwealth’s Cape Cod Rail Trail. The aged over 90,000 active Use Paths Study along in MassTrails grants has Team is pleased to an- comprehensive transpor- data for the study was col- commute trips and re- with the accompanying been awarded to facili- nounce the release of the tation network to provide lected between July 2019 duced motor vehicle travel Benefits Primer, which tate the construction and Impacts of Shared Use safe connections that and October 2019 in or- by over 700,000 miles. highlights key findings of maintenance of a variety Paths Study which was are easily accessible and der to analyze the health, •Environmental: The the study, are the latest in of public trails through- undertaken to conduct efficient,” said Acting accessibility and equity, reduction in motor vehicle a series tools and informa- out the state trails system, a detailed review of the Transportation Secretary transportation, economic, trips led to $2.2 million tive guides provided by such as hiking trails, and economic, health, trans- and CEO Jamey Tesler. environmental, and safety in savings from reduc- the MassTrails Team. The shared-use paths. To date, portation, environmental, “MassDOT continues to impacts of these shared tions in the social costs of Team, which was creat- over 40 miles of trails have safety, accessibility and identify ways in which use paths on each respec- greenhouse gas and other ed by Governor Baker in been completed statewide. equity impacts that cur- shared use paths can be tive community. emissions during the four- 2017, continuously seeks MassDOT’s 2020-2024 rent shared-use paths have developed or incorporated The key findings from month study period. to develop a unified vision 5-year Capital Invest- on communities across into design plans for state- the study are as follows: •Accessibility and Eq- for a trails network and ment Plan (CIP) sets aside the Commonwealth. The wide projects to facilitate •Economic: Paths im- uity: Paths connect people translate that into strate- $203.4 million for multi- MassTrails Team is an in- future economic develop- proved the local economy with destination and ac- gic investments and poli- use pathways as well as ter-agency initiative which ment opportunities, and by generating between cess to opportunities, and cy innovation to facilitate $60 million for high-prior- was created to expand healthy and environmen- $378,000 and $9.2 million broaden who has mobility the development of a con- ity bicycle and pedestrian and connect a network tally-friendly transporta- per path for businesses without having to rely on nected network of multi- projects to implement the of shared use statewide tion options.” near the trails during the a car for every trip. The use trails and shared-use statewide Pedestrian and pathways and includes The study focused on four-month study period Northern Strand path pro- paths, across the Com- Bicycle Plans. the Massachusetts Depart- four statewide trails that alone. vides access to 31 essen- monwealth. For detailed informa- ment of Transportation represented a variety of •Health: Paths increased tial destinations and has Since 2018, the tion on the Impacts of (MassDOT), the Execu- geographies from the the level of physical ac- low stress walking and MassTrails Team has Shared Use Paths Study, tive Office of Energy and Connecticut River Valley tivity for those who live biking connections that worked to assist indi- please visit: https://www. Environmental Affairs and to Cape Cod and from nearby, saving a combined can be used by over 8,000 viduals, communities, mass.gov/guides/benefits- the Department of Con- urban to rural. They were $2.8 million on healthcare people in elderly or youth non-profit organizations of-shared-use-paths. servation and Recreation the Northern Strand, the expenditures across the age groups, over 3,000 and advocacy groups with (DCR). Minuteman Commuter four paths in 2019. people with a disabili- the design, construction,

OBITUARIES Latino Equity Fund names Evelyn Barahona as first director

Staff Report become the model and in ESOL, largely because framework for other funds of the intersectionality of Eva May Adamson The Latino Equity Fund throughout the United health equity and econom- (LEF), a unique partner- States to aspire to create ic outcomes.” Lifelong Revere Resident ship between local Lati- equitable philanthropy for Barahona most recent no leaders, The Boston Latinos.” served as Donor Relations Eva May Adamson, a Foundation (TBF), and Barahona begins her Officer of the Philanthro- lifelong resident of Re- Hispanics in Philanthro- new post as the Latino Eq- py Group at TBF. Among vere, died on May 31 at py, announced that Eve- uity Fund is during a $10 her responsibilities: man- the age of 85. Born in Re- lyn Barahona will serve million dollar campaign aging a portfolio of do- vere on October 11, 1935, as the organization’s first and is ramping up efforts nor advised fund holders, she was one of 11 children director. Barahona will around vaccine equity and strategically advising key raised by her late parents, work alongside the LEF access for the Latino com- stakeholders, and devel- Ernest Sargent and Mar- advisory committee to en- munity. LEF is working oping donor engagement garet (Allen). She was the hance its advocacy work with the Commonwealth projects related to racial beloved wife of the late and allow a greater focus to improve cultural ad- equity. In 2017, she helped Arthur L. Adamson, de- on its mission to strength- aptation and underrep- organize the Massachu- en health equity and eco- voted mother of Randolph resented community en- setts United Puerto Rico Evelyn Barahona. Adamson and the late at the Paul Buonfiglio nomic opportunity for the gagement, and it has been Fund (MUPR) and man- Arthur Adamson Jr., and & Sons-Bruno Funeral Latino community across leveraging its connections aged a $4 million disaster Margaret Adamson. She Home, 128 Revere St, Re- Massachusetts. to help get the “Mobile philanthropy fund at TBF was preceded in death by vere on Thursday, June 3 “The Latino Equity Vax” into Latino commu- for strategic disbursement fund in the Greater Bos- eight of her siblings and from 10 a.m. to 12 noon Fund will certainly benefit nities – a retrofitted bus in Massachusetts and ton area. The Latino Eq- is survived by her two sis- followed by a Prayer Ser- from having a dedicated than can provide up to 500 Puerto Rico. Prior to that uity Fund (LEF) uses its ters, Elaine Tolwson, and vice in the funeral home. person focusing on our shots per day. she held leadership posi- influence and platform Carol D’Avanzo. She was Relatives and friends strategy and stakeholder While those are critical tions at the Greater Boston to amplify diverse voices the cherished grandmother are kindly invited. Inter- groups,” said Juan Lop- areas of focus, Barahona Chamber of Commerce, and perspectives within of six and adored great ment will be in Wood- era, co-chair of the Latino also sees broadband access Quality Interactions, Inc., the Latino community and grandmother of eight. lawn Cemetery. For guest Equity Fund. “Evelyn has – or lack thereof - as im- and Baring Asset Manage- beyond in Greater Boston, A visitation will be held book, please visit www. the track record of being pacting all sectors includ- ment. with a focus on achieving buonfiglio.com. a big-picture thinker who ing the most vulnerable “Evelyn brings a pow- greater and more equitable gets things done. Her role in the Latino community. erful commitment to mak- access to economic pros- as director is a crucial one English to Speakers of ing Massachusetts a more perity and well-being. The J.F. Ward because it will help us re- Other Languages (ESOL) just and equitable Com- Fund partners closely alize the vision for health is another primary focus monwealth,” said Aixa with nonprofits, funders, Funeral Home equity and economic in- area; vocationally focused Beauchamp, co-found- government leaders, and To place a clusion for our Latino ESOL programs can have er and co-chair of LEF. the private sector, com- Compassionate, Professional community.” immediate payback for “The Latino Equity Fund missioning research and Service Offering Pre-Need memoriam “It is with immense students/community, but is honored to be working reports addressing criti- Planning pride that I join Latino there is a significant short- with Evelyn to leverage cal issues facing the Lati- in the Everett Equity Fund to help lead age of these programs to the strengths of the Lati- no community and other Independent & Locally the organization to new enhance professional or no community and to help communities of color. Owned Independent, heights,” said Barahona. job-related skills and op- them prosper and thrive Since it was established Est. 1929 “I want LEF to be the re- portunities. beyond this crisis.” in 2013, the Latino Equity Kevin S. Creel, Director please call source for Massachusetts’ “This isn’t just an ed- Barahona currently Fund has raised more than Latino community when ucational problem – it’s serves as Board Chair of $1 million, established 772 Broadway, Everett 617-387-9600 they think about issues; also an economic neces- the Conexion Board of an endowment to support (Glendale Sq. Area) we can be the connector sity,” said Barahona. “The Directors, is a board mem- the Latino community in and convener for them. Latino Equity Fund has ber of The Latina Circle, Greater Boston in per- 387-3367 Nationally, I want us to long had a serious interest founding board member petuity, made $600,000 of Amplify Latinx, and is in grants to communi- a member of the Board of ty-based organizations, - LEGAL NOTICE - Ambassadors at Eastern and created a dynamic CITY OF EVERETT Bank. She holds a bache- platform to increase and lor’s degree in Internation- galvanize Latino philan- al Business from North- thropy. LEF is raising an eastern University. She additional $10 million ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS lives in West Roxbury. over the next three years 484 Broadway OBITUARIES for initiatives to expand Everett, Massachusetts 02149 About the Latino Equi- (617) 394-2498 economic prosperity and To Whom It May Concern: ty Fund address the well-being/ Effective Jan. 1, 2021 The Latino Equity This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on health disparities that Monday, June 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor Fund (formerly the Latino have been exacerbated by George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may at- Legacy Fund), a unique the COVID-19 pandem- All obituaries and death notices tend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. partnership between lo- ic. Learn more at tbf.org/ Whereas a petition has been presented by: cal Latino leaders and the LEF. Property Address: 25 Locust Street Boston Foundation (TBF), Map/Parcel: D0-02000012 is the first Latino-focused will be at a cost of Person Requesting: Ms. Priscila Elias Mr. Weber Coelho DePaula 25 Locust Street Everett, MA 02149 $150.00 per paper. To the said Board of Appeals, Applicant seeks a permit for to THINK OF IT AS AN convert the existing building from a two (2) family into a three (3) OWNER’S MANUAL family. FOR YOUR MONEY. Includes photo.No word Limit. The permit is respectfully denied in accordance with The City of Everett Zoning Appendix A for the following reasons: Reason for Denial: The proposed FAR will be 0.59. Please send to Permit was denied in accordance to the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Appendix A as follows: Zoning: The free Consumer Action Section 4 Dwelling Districts b) Dimensional Requirements: Handbook. It’s in print and online at ConsumerAction.gov. [email protected] Line 2 Lot Area C: Order your free copy online Applicant must seek relief in the form of a variance from the at ConsumerAction.gov or zoning Board of Appeals write to Handbook, Pueblo, June 2, 2021 CO 81009. or call 781-485-0588 June 9, 2021 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Page 11 CHURCH News

Mystic Side Congregational Church Zion Church - Everett Glendale Christian Lighthouse Church News and Notes News and Notes News and Notes

Mystic Side Congrega- and socializing follow our Senior Pastor Bishop book page, “Zion Church Sunday 10:30 a.m. ness, Faith, Love, Truth tional Church is located services. Parking is avail- Robert G. Brown will be Ministries.” Worship service. GLENDALE in Everett, on Malden-Ev- able in our lot next to the hosting Virtual Masses to For more information, Wednesday hour of CHRISTIAN erett border, at 422 Main church on Wyllis Ave. (one bring the people togeth- they can be reached on- Power, worship, prayer LIGHTHOUSE Street. We offer a warm, way off Main Street). We er, spiritually while they line at zionchurchminis- and Bible Study, via CHURCH inviting atmosphere, and look forward to welcoming can’t physically. Their tries.com or via email at Zoom. 701 BROADWAY all are welcome. Our Sun- you this Sunday. virtual sanctuaries can be office@zionchurchminis- “Whatever you do, EVERETT, day Church service starts Mystic Side accessed via their face- tries.com work at it with all your MASSACHUSETTS at 10:30 a.m. and Commu- Congregational Church heart, as working for the 02149 nion is offered on the first Glendale United Methodist Church 617-387-7458 422 Main Street Lord, not for human mas- Sunday of each month. A ters,” Colossians 3:23 Rev. Larry Russi, Sr. Everett, MA News and Notes very pleasant coffee hour “In Pursuit of Spiritual Pastor Glendale United Meth- Bring Your Own Book 7:30 Excellence” pastorlarry@ Immaculate Conception Parish odist Church is open to all – 9:30 p.m.; Thurs. I Can’t Righteousness, Godli- thelighthousechurch701.net News and Notes and we welcome people of But We Can, 8:00 7:30 – all faiths, race, nationalities 9:30 p.m. Church at the Well Everett Our Parish Staff: Father will conclude the Benedic- and sexual preference. No AA Meeting – Saturday News and Notes Joseph Chacha Marwa, tion of the Most Blessed one is ever turned away. If evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 S.M.A. Administrator; Sacrament at 6:30 p.m. you are looking for a new p.m. Church at the Well Ev- everett.church to sign up Father Ernest Egbedike, All are invited to spend home church, we would Pastor’s Office Hours: S.M.A. Parochial Vicar; a few moments with Our erett is a new church for for our newsletter and see like you to check us out and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Everett that will begin how we can help you, or Secretary Barbara Can- Blessed Lord let us know what we can do Other times by appoint- non Bring a Book-Buy a meeting in 2021. Check connect with the Everett to make church a better fit ment. us out on Facebook at Community Aid Network Weekly Mass Schedule Book - We have a new in your life. Bread of Life Donations at Immaculate Conception Fundraiser Program in the www.facebook.com/ at www.everettcan.com Bible Study: Consider – This outreach is being churchforeverett to view to request any additional is as follows: back of the Church. It’s joining us for Bible study done to honor the Unit- Saturday (Sunday Vig- called Bring a Book-Buy weekly devotions and up- help. on Sunday. We meet in ed Methodist Women’s dates, visit us at www.for- il) 4 p.m., Sunday a.m., a Book. All books are a the Church Parlor off the Group, who for so many 9 a.m. (Family Mass), 11 dollar and any money col- Chapel from 9:30 to 10:00 years were our outreach Grace Anglican Episcopal Church a.m., and 5:30 p.m. lected will go towards our a.m. source. Please bring any 12:15 p.m. Spanish Stain Glass Fund. Brink a Sponsor the bulletin! For food item(s) to church and News and Notes Community Book and Buy a Book and a $5 donation, you can ded- place in the box located on 4 p.m. Haitian Commu- make a donation. Our se- icate the Sunday bulletin to the altar. Grace Anglican Episco- hope, renewal and new be- nity lections are great and var- recognize family, friends, We are on the Internet pal Church is open and wel- ginnings. Masses are being held in ied. Please stop by the ta- or special occasions. There http://www.glen- coming to all. Grace Anglican the Chapel. ble and see what we have. is a sign-up sheet in the daleumc-everett.org There are 3 services on Episcopal Church Eucharistic Adoration Thank you Pastor’s study. Feel free Glendale United Sundays: 10 a.m. English, 1 67 Norwood Street, p.m. South Sudanese (Din- of the Blessed Sacrament: Immaculate Conception to choose your particu- Methodist Church Everett, MA Pastor David Jackson ka) and 3 p.m. Haitian Cre- Adoration of the Blessed Parish lar week and leave a copy Church Phone Sacrament is held every 392 Ferry Street (across ole. 489 Broadway of your dedication in the 617-387-7526 or Thursday from 7:45 a.m. Everett, Mass 02149 from Glendale Towers) Come all and let us walk mail in that is on the Pas- Please enter the church together in this season of 617-389-5765 to 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Phone 617-389-5660 tor’s door. Please contact Each Thursdays’ adoration by the driveway on the Pastor if you have any Walnut Street questions. 617-387-2916 Boy Scout Troop 814: PastorDavidJack- TO PLACE YOUR AD Meet in Cooper Hall on [email protected] Tuesday evenings from 6-9 Pastor’s Office Hours: CALL 781-485-0588 p.m. Cub Pack 11 meets on Saturdays 10 a.m. to Saturday mornings. 2 p.m. Other times by NA Meetings – Mon. appointment. Everett's Professional Service Directory

CONTRACTING ELECTRICIAN LANDSCAPING MOVING TRITTO “No Job Too Small” Ray’s Landscaping RAY’S LANDSCAPING GARDENING SERVICES CONTRACTING Dominic Mowing • Edging • Weeding Spring Clean Ups Building, Remodeling, Petrosino Prompt Service is Bushes, Shrubs CLOVERS Mowing - Weeding Ronnie Z. Kitchens, Baths, Decks, Cleaning: Trash & Leaves Trimming: Bushes Shrubs my Business New Lawn, Patio, Concrete Additions, Roofing, Electrician LAWN CARE Everywhere in Front & Back Yard Leave Your Siding, Home Repairs Brick Work Free Estimates • New Lawns Installed New Lawn, Patios, Concrete, Brick work Mark Tritto Licensed & Insured E29162 Ray: 781-526-1181 Moving To Us 617-569-6529 Free Estimates • Trees and Branches Call RAY — 781-526-1181 Free Estimates! (617) 401-6539 • Mulch & Hedges Whether It Be One Piece or More! @trittobuilds • Mowing & Fertilizing 10% OFF FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, We accept all • Junk Removal 2 col. x 1 inch VETERANS & DISABLED major credit cards 3 col. x 1 inch FREE ESTIMATES $120.00 Call Kevin Call Ronnie LICENSED & INSURED For 3 Months FREE ESTIMATES $15/wk 617-884-2143 ($10/wk) 781-321-2499 [email protected] For A Free Estimate Gina S Soldano REALTOR® PAINTING ABR®, AHWD, e-PRO®, GREEN, MRP®, PSA®, SFR®, SRES®, SRS® REAL ESTATE Broker/Associate John J. Recca 2 col. x 1 inch Gina(857) 272-4270S Soldano REALTOR® $120.00 [email protected]®, AHWD, e-PRO®, GREEN, MRP®, PSA®, SFR®, SRES®, SRS® Nick gsoldanorealtor.comBroker/Associate 560 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149 Painting For 3 Months (857) 272-4270 D’Agostino Interior/Exterior MillenniumMillennium Real Real Estate [email protected] SAM RESNICK 1 col. x ($10/wk) 291291 Ferry Ferry Street,Street broker | owner | realtor Everett,Everett, MA MA 0214902149 gsoldanorealtor.com Professional Commercial/Residential [email protected] o: 617-512-5712 2 inches Painter Fully Insured $120 for 2 col. x 1 inch Cell: Quality Work ROOFING 3 months 617-270-3178 Reasonable Rates $120.00 ($10/wk) Free Estimates For 3 Months Fully Insured Always the Best Value Free Estimates 781-241-2454 ($10/wk) BOOK SPECIALS PLUMBING NOW V.S.R. FOR THE 1 col. x AND ROOFING SEASON 1 inch Our goal is to provide our customers with $60.00 SAVE “ the highest quality material and professional installations in the business.” –J.B. Free Estimates Commercial Flat 1 col. x 781-520-1699 & Rubber Roofs Licensed & Insured General Contractor 2 inches $120 for 3 months USA Roofing ($10/wk) & Remodeling X110 OR EMAIL CALL “We Get The Job Done The First Time On Time” • Shingle and Rubber Roofs • All Types of Siding • Gutters 2 col. x 2 inches • Window Replacement • Decks $240.00 • Flashing • And More... Phone: 617-650-2246


DIRECTORY CALL 781-485-0588 DIRECTORY [email protected] Page 1214 The Everett Independent • Wednesday, June 2, 2021 Phone: 617-387-9600 Fax: 781-485-1403

Faith / CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tion for the eminent us each and every day, for their church. We’re very clergyman. “To Father the example you set to us happy to have him. Only Healy’s extended fami- as Catholics, and how to God knows how long he’s ly who are with us today, live each and every day.” going to keep him here for thank you very much for us, but we hope it’s still a giving him to us.” Family, friends long, long time.” O’Flaherty presented laud Healy city and state citations to Jim McLaughlin, neph- The Rev. Healey the Rev. Healey honoring ew of the Rev. Healy, recalls his early years his lifelong achievements was one of several fami- Patrick Francis Healy and his continuing service ly members who traveled grew up on Prescott Street as chaplain at the Sol- from throughout New En- in Charlestown and gradu- dier’s Home “to the eter- gland to honor the emi- ated from Boston English nal gratitude of veterans, nent clergyman the family High School in 1939. residents, and neighbors calls, “Padre.” As a youth, he attend- alike.” “He’s a great spiritual ed St. Mary’s Church in O’Flaherty, who was leader and a pastoral leg- Charlestown. He was a corporate counsel to for- end,” said McLaughlin. member of the CYO and mer Boston Mayor Martin “We’ve been blessed to played football, hockey, Walsh, delivered a special have him as an example in basketball, and baseball. congratulatory message our family. He’s stood as a He earned a tryout with A large delegation of Charlestown residents attended the 100th birthday celebration for from President Joseph wonderful symbol in faith. the . the Rev. Patrick Healy, who grew up on Prescott Street in Charlestown. Biden through U.S. Labor As an uncle, he’s married “We had the Bunker Secretary Martin Walsh, us, baptized us, and buried Hill Boys Club at one wishing Healy a happy us.” place and at the other 100th birthday. Flaherty Bob McLaughlin, also end of the town was the also read a congratulatory a nephew, said that his YMCA with a gymnasi- letter from the President of uncle was present when um,” said Healy. “We had Ireland, Michael Higgins. he was inducted into the a group called the Chest- The Rev. Patrick F. Healy United States Navy during nut Eagles and five of us was the ninth of ten chil- a ceremony in South Wey- went into the priesthood.” dren of Patrick and Cath- mouth. erine Healy, immigrants “My father was a pi- to Boston from Kerry and lot and a commander in On celebrating his 100th Limerick, Ireland. the Navy Reserve, so he One could feel the Addressing the gath- swore me in and Father outpouring of love and ering, Flaherty said, “I Healey was present and respect in St. Michael’s know that each and every I was so honored to have Chapel for the Rev. Healy one of you has a very spe- him there,” said Mc- throughout the birthday cial relationship with this Laughlin. celebration Sunday. man. You’ve gone to him Frank Kowalski, who “It’s been here all the in times of trouble, you’ve assisted with Communion time, from the beginning gone to him in times of at the service, said, “Since and it’s mutual,” said joy. But everyone has a he came to us several Healy. special relationship with years ago, he’s just been To what does he attri- this man, which is why a godsend to everybody bute his longevity and in- we’re going to make sure here at the Chapel. He credible energy? today that we took the takes care of all the vet- “Just following the will From left, former state representative Gene O’Flaherty, Chelsea Councillor-at-Large Leo time to say, ‘thank you, erans and all the members of God – it’s up to Him,” Robinson, the Rev. Patrick Healy, Chelsea Soldier’s Home Commandant Eric Johnson, State Father, for all you do for that now call St. Michael’s he said. Rep. Dan Ryan, and Secretary of Veterans’ Services Cheryl Lussier Poppe.

Long-time Soldier’s Home employee Anthony Mafale was Rosemarie DeFelice and Joseph Fineran, with the Rev. Chris Barry of Everett thanked the Rev. Patrick Healy for his among the many people who joined the Rev. Patrick Healy Patrick Healy. outstanding spiritual leadership at St. Michael’s Chapel in at his 100th birthday celebration Sunday at St. Michael’s his remarks at the 100th birthday celebration. Chapel. COVID-19 MOBILE VACCINE CLINIC

1 It’s a Graduation! On June 9, the Everett High School Class of 2021 will walk the stage at Everett Veterans Memorial Stadium. Join the Everett Independent in celebrating The Everett Public Schools held a Covid-19 mobile vaccine clinic at Everett High School this accomplishment and milestone for the on Friday, May 21. Ward 5 School Committee member Marcony Almeida-Barros helped to bring the MobileVax clinic, a collaborative effort of Tufts graduates and for the City. Health Plan, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, and the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center to the school. “It’s vital that our students get vaccinated, for their health Coverage of the event will be published and the wellbeing of their families, teachers and school COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICES staff,” he said. “I’m happy to see that there will be a second vaccination bus coming on June 4, which will be free for June 16 and include the graduate list, — Serving New England Since 1998 — students, families and Everett residents.” • Weekly Mowing The next vaccination bus will be located in the parking lot photos, scholarship awards, and speeches of the Allied Veterans Memorial Pool on 65 Elm St. across • Spring & Fall Cleanups from Everett High School on Friday, June 4 from 9 a.m. to • Shrub Trimming 3 p.m. Residents are encouraged to pre-register at 617- 904-7441 though walk-ins are welcome. Students under 18 2x3 block ad: $75 & 3x4 block ad: $120 •Lawn Care & Fertilization must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, or have a • Plant Health Care signed release. 1/2 banner ad: $150 & Full banner ad: $250 • Tree Spraying Call or Email your Ad representative today! • Licensed & Insured For Advertising Rates, Call 617-884-2416 Deadline to reserve space is Friday, June 4 at 4p.m. 781-551-8733 • 617-242-8733