organised crime. organised Further details on policing in the Division where you live are included in the centre of this leaflet. this of centre the in included are live you where Division the in policing on details Further

and area on issues such as counter-terrorism and tackling serious and serious tackling and counter-terrorism as such issues on area Humberside and

about inspecting the police.... Chief Constable’s Strategic Statement Division). (‘D’ Kingston-Upon-Hull of area

We have agreed to work jointly with the other Forces and Authorities in the Yorkshire the in Authorities and Forces other the with jointly work to agreed have We

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) is responsible for examining Vision urban the and Division) (‘C’ Yorkshire of Riding East the Division), (‘B’ Lincolnshire

Working with other forces other with Working

the Police Service in England and Wales, with the aim of promoting the efficiency People have a fundamental need to be safe - safe wherever they are and whatever they North Division), (‘A’ Lincolnshire East North of authorities local the as boundaries

are doing. Humberside Police have a particular responsibility in helping people both to same the share which Divisions four of up made is Force a as Humberside and effectiveness of policing. Investigation'. of Hour 'Golden the of advantage full take and incident such any with

...... a a e e r r a a e e c c i i l l o o p p e e d d i i s s r r e e b b m m u u h h e e h h t t t t u u o o b b a

be and to feel safe. We will do this by providing a service that is intended to protect, a In addition, the Audit Commission is responsible for the financial audit of police authorities. help and reassure all of our communities and we will deliver it in a way which treats all deal to action immediate into swing can MIT The etc. extortion kidnapping, murder, with

If you wish to view their reports, they can be accessed via the Humberside people fairly and with respect and dignity. deal to (MIT) Team Incident Major a establishing into investment significant put also We dealers and other criminals of their status symbols. status their of criminals other and dealers

Our purpose Teams Policing Neighbourhood of network increasing an through you to website drug depriving criminals, Humberside from seized been have boat motor luxury a and nationally and locally. The Chief Constable has responsibility for this and delivers policing delivers and this for responsibility has Constable Chief The locally. and nationally

Our purpose is to make the communities served by Humberside Police safer. In caravan a motorcycles, cars, range the of - delivers a police service to you with priorities set both set priorities with you to service police a delivers - Force Police Humberside

response to public concern we are committed to: top year, last the In criminals. local of reach

about listening.... communities your and police local the between bridge the as acting area,

 Reducing crime, disorder and road casualties the of out them putting assets, ill-gotten of

Your views are used to influence the way that Humberside Police delivers policing your in force police effective and efficient an of maintenance the secure to aims Authority

We have restrained more than £2.75 million £2.75 than more restrained have We

to your neighbourhood.  Being visible and readily accessible Police The members. independent and magistrates councillors, of mixture a comprising as well as having their assets taken away. taken assets their having as well as

- an independent body made up of 17 local people local 17 of up made body independent an -

 Being accountable for all that we do Authority Police Humberside

As part of our community consultation programme many of you highlighted issues such periods, long for imprisoned and prosecuted


as: being criminals many with year last success We are regularly asked about the difference between the Police Force and the Police the and Force Police the between difference the about asked regularly are We

 lack of visible policing, about our priorities for 2006/07.... substantial had Unit Crime Major The ...... s s u u t t u u o o b b a a

 the anti-social use of motorbikes and minimotos, The publishes the National Policing Plan crime major Fighting

every year which sets out his strategic priorities for locations. those in service interpreter the to access enabling desks

 call handling and contacting the police Authority Police Humberside of Chairman Stroud, Graham Cllr

the police service for the next three years. enquiry and suites custody in installed been also have handsets Dual system. phone

responds to those issues concerning you the most. the you concerning issues those to responds the main areas of concern in your neighbourhoods during 2005/06. This Plan sets the framework for policing across the three-way a using caller the and call-taker the between information relays and used being

the Chief Constable to ensure that the service provided service the that ensure to Constable Chief the

As a result of this, we have responded by: Humberside area and we reflect the Home Secretary's is language what decides then interpreter The Police Authority will continue to work closely with you and you with closely work to continue will Authority Police The connected to a highly-skilled interpreter. The interpreter. highly-skilled a to connected

priorities in the Humberside Policing Plan which we produce “

speak English will immediately be immediately will English speak

 secure. looks Police Humberside of future the and proposals

increasing the number of uniformed patrols in local communities, including designated annually. You can access a full version of our Policing Plan

phones Humberside Police and cannot and Police Humberside phones

neighbourhood officers and Police Community Support Officers, on the Force website: “ merger the withdrawn now has Secretary Home The improve.

English speakers. In addition, anyone who anyone addition, In speakers. English

 implementing targeted operations such as Yokohama to tackle nuisance motorbikes, to continued has Police Humberside say to proud am I

Our priorities for 2006/07 are represented here: non- with communicate better to beat the us face the possibility of imposed Force mergers. Despite this, Despite mergers. Force imposed of possibility the face us

 continuing to improve the way in which your calls to the non-emergency number are on officers allowing interpreters to access

 To improve the way in which your calls are handled so seen has year past the but challenging is policing in year Every

dealt with and directed. as to ensure you receive a prompt response and are dealt offer now carry officers that handsets The

Tim Hollis, Chief Constable of Humberside Police Police Humberside of Constable Chief Hollis, Tim

The Police Authority’s major public opinion survey in 2006 showed that overall satisfaction with effectively facilities language New

visit. to area attractive

with Humberside Police was up on the previous year from 59% in 2005 to 63% in 2006 - an and work and live to  90%. of target To implement a system for investigating crime that which in place happy and safe a area Humberside the making

breaking these numbers down to local level shows that residents in the East Riding and

were answered within 10 seconds against our against seconds 10 within answered were 85.6% ensures, when these, Of calls. 999 153,000 over of the last couple of years and maintain our momentum in momentum our maintain and years of couple last the of

North Lincolnshire were the most satisfied with 66% level of overall satisfaction, Hull “

evidence exists, the offender is identified received we 2005/06 In effectively. more managed being calls with service of quality better

showed 60% and showed 58%. successes the on build will we partners, local our and you with

and dealt with promptly a delivered has and handling call on impact significant a had has Team Improvement

strengthening ties with local communities. By continuing to work to continuing By communities. local with ties strengthening

We are working hard to improve our telephone contact with you. The work done by the by done work The you. with contact telephone our improve to hard working are We “  Satisfaction with the police To provide dedicated, visible, and Policing Neighbourhood with developments recent

Call handling Call Over the last year, interviews with victims of crime have shown that their satisfaction with accessible and responsive policing teams particularly and years, of couple last the over Force the across

to all neighbourhoods in the Humberside

the police in Humberside has continued to improve, with Humberside showing one of the achieved been have that improvements the of proud really I'm

most significant rises nationally in victim satisfaction: Policing Area include: year past the over you more of an idea of how to access, engage with and influence policing in your area. your in policing influence and with engage access, to how of idea an of more you

 89.7% felt that their treatment by Humberside Police staff was satisfactory  achievements and successes key The issues. of range wide a with dealing in partners our you about how policing is being delivered and the priorities for local policing, as well as giving as well as policing, local for priorities the and delivered being is policing how about you To increase pride and respect within with challenges difficult face still we but year past the over improve to continued have We

 88.9% believed that ease of contact was satisfactory neighbourhoods by dealing effectively informing better of aim the with area, your for Summary Policing Local our added also have We

with anti-social behaviour, criminal year. last September in Griffin, David Constable, Chief Deputy new a by followed was and

what we are doing in the current year (2006/07). year current the in doing are we what

 74.9% stated that the action taken by us was satisfactory 2005 April in Force the joined Hollis, Tim Constable, Chief new The year. this of June in

damage and other incidents that make

Report for 2005/06, informing you how we performed last year and giving you information on information you giving and year last performed we how you informing 2005/06, for Report

 year further a for appointed were both and 2005 June in MBE, Branton, Alene Ms Chair,

but only 57.2% felt that they were kept informed of progress satisfactorily. communities feel unsafe

and make your community a better and safer place to live and work. It contains our Annual our contains It work. and live to place safer and better a community your make and

We are dealing with your concerns about our follow-up and, in line with the new Victims' Vice and Stroud Graham Councillor Chairman, new a appointed Authority Police The

This leaflet is designed to show you how we are working in your area to tackle those issues, those tackle to area your in working are we how you show to designed is leaflet This

Code brought in to keep you better informed, we are already making improvements to our year. past the in changed has Force and Authority Police the both of

In addition to the issue of force mergers, you may be aware that the leadership the that aware be may you mergers, force of issue the to addition In processes, as a minimum updating you on the progress of your investigation every 28 days. lives. our of all affect issues order and Law

...... r r a a e e y y t t s s a a p p e e h h t t t t u u o o b b a a ...... t t e e l l f f a a e e l l s s i i h h t t t t u u o o b b a a

about our performance.... Stop and Search We all want to live in a community that is safe, tolerant and free from crime. To make sure JJooiinntt AAnnnnuuaall RReeppoorrtt Last year (April 2005-March 2006) was again challenging, with some good results and some which we need to improve on. this happens, Humberside Police sometimes have to stop people and ask them to Here are some examples of our Force-wide performance during 2005/06. We made improvements in all of these areas but did not quite reach our targets for the year. We have set further account for their actions or presence in an area ("Stop and Talk"). Sometimes we may incorporating local policing summary challenging targets for 2006/07, with the aim of continuing to improve our performance: also need to carry out a search of a person's clothes or property ("Stop and Search"). As we want to be open, honest and accountable, we provide people with a record explaining 2005 - 2006 Total number of all Robbery Police recruitment why a stop or a search was carried out. recorded crimes Reduced by 5.8% and came within We are implementing various Force wide performance 2005/06.… Nationally there was less than 90 of our target for the year. initiatives to create a workforce that a reduction of only is supportive of the community. Stop and Search Stop and Talk one percent in crime The proportion of police we We stopped and searched 5,326 white We stopped and talked with 11,501 white levels in 2005/06 and recruited from minority ethnic people, of which 736 led to arrest i.e. people, of which 95 led to arrest i.e. in the group of forces groups during 2005/06 was 1.1%, 13.8% and 229 minority ethnic people, of 0.83% and 281 minority ethnic people, of most similar to disappointingly well below our which 37 led to arrest i.e. 16.2% which 3 led to arrest i.e. 1.06% Humberside there 5.8% target of 4%. Further work in this area is being was a slight increase. undertaken, including holding events with minority Visit the Humberside Police website for more information on Over the same period, ethnic communities to promote policing as a career. what Stop and Search means for you. however, the Humberside We set ourselves a target of at least 22% of Humberside area saw a reduction in police officers being female by the end of 2005/06, crime levels of 6.4%, (although there is still a gap between which we achieved. That means we had 528 female Humberside Police and our most similar forces) from admittedly officers at the end of March 2006. about getting in touch.... high levels of crime historically. This reduction exceeded our The Police Authority has produced this report, in conjunction with the Chief target by over 1,000 fewer crimes. Constable. Burglary We would welcome your views on it or on any other matters relating to the policing of the Vehicle crime (from people’s homes) Humberside area. Copies of this leaflet in other languages and formats can be made (including theft of and from motor Reduced by 6.1%, that's 474 fewer available on request, simply contact the Police Authority. vehicles) burglaries than in 2004/05. There are a number of ways you can get in touch with the Police: Reduced by 9.7% in 2005/06, that's In an emergency, dial 999 if: 1,674 fewer crimes than the   previous year. life is at risk crime is in progress  violence is being used  an accident involving serious injury or danger is in progress 6.1% 9.7% For all other enquiries please call: Local policing in 00884455 6600 6600 222222 Road traffic collisions REMEMBER: ONLY IN GENUINE EMERGENCIES USE 999 671 people were seriously injured or 7.7% died within 30 days of a road traffic Useful Contacts (press out and keep) or contact us as follows: Violent crime 6.2% collision, that's 56 fewer people than Phone Reduced by 6.2%, that's 1,667 fewer in 2004/05. 0845 60 60 222 Humberside Police Authority, violent crimes than in 2004/05. Fax Pacific Exchange, 01482 578260 40 High Street, Hull Sanction Detections [email protected] HU1 1PS Percentage of notifiable offences leading to a sanction detection* increased from 17.3% to 20.4% against our Phone Humberside Police Force, target of 20.5%. *Sanction detections are cases resulting in charge, 01482 334818 Humberside Police Headquarters, We are looking for additional improvements for 2006/07 in summons, caution or other formal sanction (e.g. fixed Fax Priory Road, Hull this key factor in reducing criminality in the Humberside penalty notice). This is now the nationally accepted 01482 334822 area, so we have set a more challenging target of 23% for Phone: 01482 444466 measure of police detections. [email protected] Fax: 01482 444409 HU5 5SF this year. IInsiide fiind out about: the past year, our priorities, our performance and policing in your area

about policing in Hull Policing Kingston Upon Hull - ‘D’ Division

by Divisional Commander, Chief Superintendent Sean White neighbourhood policing Northern & North Carr NPTs Police stations in ‘D’ Division East & Park NPTs Queens Gardens Police Station Tower Grange Police Station Policing in Hull is now carried out by seven Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) "Our purpose in policing “ the City is around just Queens Gardens, Hull, HU1 3DJ Holderness Road, Hull, HU8 9HP Four inspectors head up the NPTs with a sergeant based at each NPT (Riverside has two one purpose, that is to Bransholme Police Station Priory Police Station sergeants to cover the City Centre). Each of the 23 wards in Hull have a dedicated Police make Hull a safer place Goodhart Road, Bransholme, Hull, HU7 4EE Priory Road, Hull, HU5 5SF Officer supported by PCSOs, Special Constables and volunteers. “ where people can live, Through Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) we aim: work and visit."  to provide neighbourhoods which are safe and which feel safe  to provide an identifiable, accessible team of Police Officers, Special Constables and As the Police Commander for the City of Police Community Support Officers within every neighbourhood in the City Hull, I am delighted to tell you about the  future direction of policing in the City, to work with the Council and other key partners and communities dealing with issues what we want to achieve for local people affecting your quality of life and how we will work in partnership with Inspector Iain Dixon Inspector Umberto Cuozzo  to reduce levels of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour and to bring to justice those others towards that ambition. iain.dixon umberto.cuozzo whose behaviour adversely impacts on communities Policing your Community - some examples I have set a number of priority areas for my Northern NPT, Northern Police East NPT, Bransholme Police colleagues and partners to focus upon: Station, Courtland Road, Station, Goodhart Road, East NPT - We carried out 'Operation Kestrel' between December 2005 and April 2006 with Orchard Park, Hull, HU5 3RX Bransholme, Hull, HU7 4EE Officers and Special Constables tackling violent crime with partners and as a result we  We will be seeking to reduce crime well North Carr NPT, Bransholme Park NPT, Preston Road Police recorded 136 people as acting in an anti-social manner, seized 218 cans/bottles of alcohol, below the levels recorded in previous years, sent 65 letters to parents, made 8 arrests (including disorder, breach of bail, burglary, and by spring 2008, to have achieved a 30% Police Station, Goodhart Road, Station, Preston Road, Hull, Bransholme, Hull, HU7 4EE HU9 3TB robbery, drink driving and vehicle crime), and issued 4 fixed penalty notices for disorder. reduction on previous levels. Park NPT - Recently, in one part of the NPT, we arrested a number of people in just a few  We will look to bring more offenders to days, for such offences as being drunk and disorderly, violent crime and theft. This has resulted justice, especially those that are prolific and West & Wyke NPTs Riverside NPT in a decrease in calls for us to deal with anti-social behaviour, disorder and crime in that area. persistent, thereby giving a service to victims North Carr NPT - Through 'Operation Salvidge' we are dealing with large groups of drunken and witnesses of crime and making the youths gathering and intimidating residents. Results from December 2005 to April 2006 include: streets safer. 13 arrests, 34 prosecutions, 193 alcohol seizures and 195 advisory letters sent to parents.  We are committed to providing a policing Northern NPT - 'Operation Espionage' is an initiative combating illegal and nuisance use service in the City that is visible and of motorcycles and minimotos. Our results include 3 arrests, 7 motorcycles seized, 50 accessible to local people. warnings issued, and a 52% reduction in related calls to the Police (when compared against the three months prior to the Operation). The policing structure in the City revolves West NPT - 'Operation Trent' is an ongoing partnership initiative to tackle anti-social around a foundation of Neighbourhood behaviour. Through the Operation we are speaking to youths and to licensees at all Policing Teams (NPTs) that reflect the licensed premises in the West Area, including off licences, checking for underage drinking seven neighbourhood management areas of the City. Led by Inspectors, these multi- and sales to underage drinkers. disciplinary teams of Police Officers, Police Community Support Officers, Special Inspector Duncan Collins Inspector Andy Foster Constables and volunteers will be networking directly with partnership agencies in the Through 'Operation Overton' we are tackling the illegal and anti-social use of motor duncan.collins andrew.foster vehicles in the west of the City and we aim to issue drivers with warnings and ultimately seven community areas, providing valued street patrol, as well as tackling community based policing problems. confiscate vehicles from anyone who chooses to ignore any warnings. West NPT, Costello Park, Queens Gardens Police Station, Working in support of Neighbourhood policing, will be teams assigned to providing a swift Pickering Road, Hull, HU4 6TE Queens Gardens, Hull, HU1 3DJ Wyke NPT - 'Operation Dynamo' has led us to target the illegal and inconsiderate use of pedal cycles in the area. This was a successful operation and has resulted in a noticeable and effective response to critical incidents that occur within communities, and also to Wyke NPT, 19 Pearson Park, investigate crime effectively and support victims and witnesses. Hull, HU5 2TD improvement by local people, according to comments made at Council meetings. The Numbers of Staff in ‘D’ Division figures full-time equivalent at 24/08/06 operation will continue with an additional aim of reducing roads casualties and improving In summary, making the City of Hull a safer place within which people can live, work and visit, the behaviour of cyclists using the road. is our primary task and this will support the ongoing economic regeneration of the area. The 671 Police Officers 47 Police Community Support Officers Riverside NPT - We will focus on engaging you, listening to your needs, taking action to City is a proud community and a fantastic place to settle and work. The commitment from 103 Police Staff 112 Special Constables improve your situation and feeding back on results using local newspapers and the radio. me, and members of all my teams towards achieving this ambition is resolute and the results We will reduce the fear of crime by developing a team that is well known, trusted in the in recent years speak for themselves. You will read and hear much of our work during the community and recognised for the results that they achieve. coming year as we move towards the overarching ambition of a safer City. For Non-Emergencies Contact 0845 60 60 222 about our local priorities and objectives.... about working in partnership.... about tackling anti-social behaviour together.... about police community support officers (PCSOs).... Following consultation, we have set Anti-social behaviour impacts on the quality of life of many residents in Hull and these objectives for the current year can take the form of verbal abuse, violence, drunken disorder, harassment, fly- (2006/07) in response to community posting and littering. expectations and to meet targets set To deal with disorder, we have adopted a partnership approach with the Council, by the and Police committing staff and resources and resulting in a dramatic rise in offenders being brought Authority: to justice.  We will work in partnership with others Hull Citysafe is the Crime & Disorder The Division has an Anti-Social Behaviour Officer who addresses prolific disorder and to reduce all recorded crime to below Reduction Partnership for the City. It quality of life issues. Offenders can be dealt with in several ways, ranging in the minor 25% of the level recorded in 2003/04, brings together the Council, Police, cases from sending a formal letter drawing their attention to unacceptable behaviour, to a focusing especially upon priority offences Fire and Rescue, Health and Probation, full Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO). amongst others to combat crime and such as burglary from people's homes, Currently, 118 ASBOs have been issued in Hull and since 2004, 115 Acceptable Behaviour vehicle crime, robbery and violent crime disorder problems. Some of the work Hull Citysafe is involved in includes: Contracts (ABCs) have been obtained.  We will bring more offenders to We have seen a large number of people change their behaviour and acknowledge their justice, especially those that are prolific Drug Interventions Programme (DIP) actions were unacceptable. and persistent and achieve a sanction Aimed at reducing drug related crime. A To report a problem, you can either contact us or call the Council's 'It's Your Call' service detection rate of 23% by the end of team of drug workers work closely with on 01482 300300, where you will be directed to whoever can deal with your problem. March 2007 the Police and secondees from the  We will provide a visible, accessible Probation service to access offenders and and reassuring presence across the City provide a service to enable them to break that makes you feel safe and reassured. the circle of drugs, crime, prison and to This includes patrol activity (by vehicle, rehabilitate into society. foot and other means) and public access Tackling Violent Crime to policing teams and police buildings. Dealing with problems relating to the night Cop Shops - A successful project placing time economy within the City centre. This mobile cop shops in the heart of communities about consultation with the public.... approach uses the resources of the with particular aims of reducing problems Council, Police, Fire and Rescue, Chamber relating to crime, disorder and drugs. In ‘D’ Division, consultation with you is currently carried out on our behalf by the of Trade and Commerce and members of Council’s Area Committees. the licensed trade as well as those involved in transport (e.g. buses, taxis). It's a nationally We have just agreed with the Council to establish Community Safety Teams who will hold recognised initiative involving the Safer Entertainment Zone (alcohol free area), Responsible forums which you will be able to attend in the future, to talk about community safety issues. Licensees Forum, Best Bar None Scheme, increased Police patrols with dedicated Public Hull Citysafe carried out a detailed consultation exercise "Tell it like it is" in 2003 focusing Order officers and provision of metal detectors to certain licensed premises. PCSOs have become a key part of the policing team, recognising active criminals, building intelligence for Anti-Social Behaviour Orders, working with partner on your views and perceptions of crime and disorder in your area. This is due to be carried Domestic Violence Project out again this year. agencies and providing key evidence to crimes they have detected whilst on patrol, A multi agency team highlights repeat offenders and repeat victims and offers support, including thus helping to secure convictions. provision of accommodation and ‘D’ Division’s PCSOs played a crucial role in applying for a dispersal order at Queens counselling, as well as linking to Your Local Agency contacts Gardens when targeting anti-social behaviour. This helped reclaim the public greens for We need you to be Independent Custody Visitors.... positive Police action. recreational use of visitors and residents in the City. Community confidence is increasing Chief Superintendent Sean White Hull Citysafe Criminal Damage Humberside Police (‘D’ Division) 3rd Floor, Kingston House South, as they patrol their specific beats, take part in local events, visit local schools and provide We are looking to recruit independent members of the community, who will make Queens Gardens, Hull, HU1 3DJ Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3ER a highly visible presence. In an initiative dealing with retail crime and disorderly behaviour Projects like 'Operation Cubit' unannounced visits to police stations in the Division, to check on the welfare of Tel 0845 60 60 222 Tel 01482 615022 in the City centre, PCSOs worked alongside police officers, colleagues from the Goodwin aimed at removing abandoned people in custody. Development Trust and Council anti-social behaviour staff. As a result: cars and a Fireworks/Bonfire Kim Ryley, Chief Executive Dene Sanders, Kingston Upon North Area Commander   Initiative dealing with anti- The Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street, Humberside Fire and Rescue retail theft is down by 30.8% commercial burglary is down by 26.4% These visits provide public reassurance and help the Police Authority to gain a clear social/arson related issues Hull, HU1 2AA Summergroves Way, Hull, HU4 7BB  87 arrests were made  20 ASBOs secured on persistent offenders Tel 01482 300300 Tel 01482 565333 insight, from an independent standpoint, into the running of custody facilities in the area. around November 5th. (figures compared to same period in 2004) If you are interested, go to: Steve Hemming, Chris Long, Director More and more PCSOs are being attached to Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) Details of how to contact Citysafe Chief Probation Officer West Hull Primary Care Trust are set out on the press out and National Probation Service -Humberside Brunswick House, Strand Close, across the City. keep card on the right 21 Flemingate, , HU17 0NP Beverley Road, Hull, HU2 9BD Whilst on patrol, a PCSO spotted and detained a man breaking into a phone box. He turned out Tel 01482 867271 Tel 01482 303500 to be a prolific offender who was wanted for four burglaries and four thefts.