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______i j j - j ______iin .0 J- 6 S x 0 5.127 - 1 2 7 UUbraria" b ^ ^ Ufthol i i t i o HiaH istorical Soolety 83701

,l8 8 . B o l» 8 « — ' \. ■ - ' 1} weatKir- * F in al * Partly Cloud/S y I V yBiJJvnkn 11 — t i . ■ The Magic Ml Valley Newspaperper DeiiDeiJicated to Serving andnd PromotingPro: the Growth off Nine Irrigated Idaho Countiesm ties

-VOLr64; NO.n35 ------“ ^W FA LLS IDAHO, WTUE^ ESD A Y , august 29, 19677 . 'TEN CENTS U.N. Talk ■ I d a h o y On W ar Is H m n • V oicess I N e w ■' Expected H P l e a F^ o o i r F i nl a a n n c i n g By JACK BELL WASHINGTON (AP) - A blocinc of form er senatorial delegatesles . ' ' to the United Nations is confl-Ifi- - d ent President Johnson will try m M i A g a i n s t ] to initiate U.N. debate on Viet- F i g h t A ] s t F i r e s nam early In September. . "1 BOISE (AP) - Idaho voicedced delaved delaved until early next year,:ar. aster area.ai Such ^ designation Democratic Leader Mikeike H B P H ' a nnew e \ appeal for assistanceI in "Believe'"Belli that misunderstand-md- could makemi federal funds avail- Mansfield^ who led a show of H aJU B financingfinant irs"tight'against fore.st•est ing ing exists exi concernjng serious-lus- able. able. support in the-Senate Monday fires todoy. telling federal offi-)ffi^ ne.s.s_of ne.ss of Idaho'.s _fire em ergency...ney.._ JSryant said. liie-iii.sastciS.Jes.------for such a move, .said ln_on la-In^ — t i a i s -that ^‘mi.stinderstanaing"ex^ex^ anB"nie''anH^'dit financing of efforts lo ignation ignation was intended only when " " terview fhe nexf move Ts uplolo ists.”ists." combat these fires," Gov. DonDon a a slate state had exhausted its own j the President. TheT he request for federal aid SamuelsonSamueh telegraphed' Farrisrris re.sources.re.source, He .said it was intend­ "Tlie President Is interesteded : } - . was made while legal authori-ori- Bryant,Bryant. ed to supplement,su; not substitute In bringing the m atter before -J . ties .studied Idaho'law to deter-ler- Bryant,Bryar director nf the Officefice for, for, stale slnu spending, the Security Council and wc minem ine whether the slate can use of EmergencyEm Planning, lold "Regret"Regrc federal assistance un- ' were trying to demonstrate tliatIII deficit spending to pay for the Samuel;SamueI.son by telegram late1 1 e available available lo Idaho tor current he would have public bacliing if firetire control c work. Monday that the situation jnin and continuingcon fire di.saster," he undertakes to get action,” ho If it can, a special se.ssioiiI o t Idaho didd not appear to justifylify Samuijlson Samuijlsi telegraphed Bryant, said. "T he decision, of course,se, the StateS Legislature might be^^^nabe designation of lhe state as a dis- "l.osses "Losse .sllll m ounting — .slate '"is up to the President. I am con-)n* fire-fightingfire-tight funds' and resources fident he would like to have the 1ft T exhausted. exhau.sle matter brought before the Unit-lit- ,• "Any federal em ergency-as- cd Nations." He indicated no . r ® 7 slstance available tor slate fires move would come before thehe f l K m cOregon HaHas New' tS, would be strictly supplemental. .South Vietnamese electionsms "To daled all costs on stale . Sept. 3, however. ■m 0 fires bcborne totally by stale. One by one, -form er members;rs BLM'Intends to bill the state of American delegations to thehe any and all costs incurred by U.N. got up to say the best routeUe Fire Expk that ajency. far breaking the stalemate on v : - ^ - A • . :plo$ion - | | ■ "State costs running $200,000 pcace negotiations is through B y The Associated Press of Los Angeles. California offl-jffj. per day.'I'V- Tolal to date jl mil- the International organization. I N evew forest fires explodedded clals expressedcx hope of contain-ain- lionI'O" and''"d Mill climbing. If such a move failed because I along the Cascade Mountains! of ing the -brush blaze before'>1 it "Ti-em"Ti-emendous load tor a slats of a Soviet veto, Mansfield said,id, I OOregc regon Monday as the Pacific:ific reached the forests. wwith th a ppopulation of 700,000 and it would expose the Soviets as Northwest faced a forecast of New five-day weather fore-ore- 20 per cent( of ils land in tax “the artful dodgers they are" Inin MRS. WILLARD SLATER,, one of Ui the many e v a cu ees fromI flood flood w ater .swept away allII of theirthe possessions and two continued contir lightning storms and casts for the Northwest calledlied base. VValuable school endow- calling for an end to the conflictict thet h e recerecent Fairbanks, Alaska,a, floods, looks over photograplis homehomos, M r. S la te r remainedd In AlaskaAla to help restore tho unseaunseasonably hot, dry weather,ier. for temperatureslem from five to1 10 ■"entment landslai being destroyed, but blocking an American pro-O' in a famfar ily scrapbook with her (hrciIhree clilldren. The family citycily pf ^^airbanks. Mrs. Slaterter and 1her children are residing O ne rainless llRhtning frontont degrees above normal throughugh "Appreciate"Appn your surveillance posal 10 reconvene the Genevav!j Including.Includlnj Willy, 8, T am ara, 4; and Brenda,Bren 6, from left, fled as temptemporarily with relatives inn Twin Falls, sweptsw ept across Oregon la te Mon-lon- Friday.Friday, Only small amountsi of of IdahoWahc situation and request Conference which worked ont day, setting at least 125 newiew precipitationprecipll, — accompanying/ing that Ihe Idaho application bo re­ Vielnam .seitlements years aRO.!0. ___ < fires.fires, the first blazes to hit the lightninglightnini storms — were pre-pre- viewedjviewed and considered a contin- , Almost all of the former U.N. state- in nearly a week; dieted."dieted.' ...... “ ui'rigni'rig appapplication in force during delegates who spoke are critical W . V , T h e U. S. Forest Service said;aid "There"Ther have been lightningling course oto: this extreme emergen- of President Johnson's war poli-;; 1Ex-Resident' - J A mt Has Vividid Memory^ f Tossed i( extenti ot the new fires in Ore-)re- strikes in every direction,"’ a ey."cy." cies. Besides Mansfield, theyey BOISE (AP) - An old „on’sgon’s fir and pine forests wasA'as Bureau of Land M anagemlent ent After te d e r a 1 authoritlcj include Sens. J . W. Fuibright, n ii suitcase full of m en's not kknow i n early today. The larg-irg- official said. "We've got everyery turned didown the first appeai for D-Ark.; George D. Aiken, I l-l- clothes which has bounced jstest j,] b laze w as believed to haveavc manm an andan every piece of equip-uip- disaster designation Monday, R-Vt.; John Sherman Cooper,iOf Disastrouirous Alaskanan Flood 11around Ihe Statehouse for covercovered more than 300 acresi in mment ent outdi on the fires." SamuelstSamuelson said h e had hopes of R-Ky.; Frank CarI.son, R-Kiih.;1-: twotw years moved from the (i,^the f; firs t tew hours. An auautopsy w as ordered in the delaying a special session ol the F ran k Church, D-ldaho; Cordmnn Jj jJ y y BOBON NN IE BAIRD JONES Tor tho Slater family, thele cd ed awawny at the foundation andnd treasurer'sin office to the A fte r crew s stopped 25,000-000- death oiof 19-year-old G erald Che-:he- legislaturelegislalui by issuing deficit Allntt, R-Colo.; John 0."Pas-is- TimTimes- es-N ew s Staff W riter Fiiirbanks Fairban flood w a s not theirir t|ie «walls , cpllapsed, trappingng Department Dt of Education i acres acres of blazes In Oregon last lini — a; Butte, Mont. volunteer[eer warrants to cover the mounting tore, D-R.l.; Wayne Morse, D- How does a moiher of three•e lirst disaster. Seven years ago50 most nf the family furnitureire li Tuesday. Ti i~i week ^eek several fire fighting unitsnits who becamebe ill while fightingting fire costs,cost ; OrC, -and John J. Sparkman,''■small ^),j| children fee] aboul re-iheye. they movedme to Ala.ska where Wil-11- under concrete, mud and swir-/ir- i;\] But D, V. Engelking, I g w were ere transferred lo sites in the northnor Idaho Trapper Pealt'eak ------lu rn in g to tie r iiome town, wiiere-e lard Slater, a geologist, accepi-)t- ling w waters. stale st; superintendent of i ; Washington,Wash and Oregon based,sed tire. HeHt died Monday in a Mls- T J _ ^They are Joined In their ap-^ a‘‘"'fe'J® few 's|. slio rt weeks ago shle e ed a^ job jo in construction. He is FortFortunately, no one was in- ii public pu instruction, said it's i i officials officii feared they would be soula, Mont.I hospital. X1C8 p ea l for U.N. action by Seas.'lj w“ atched . sw irling flood w atersrs also a former T w in Falls resi->1- jurijd'andjuri’d'i the Slaters moved intoIto ii jl going go right back to State I caught caugh shorlhandcd it the newnew More than 9,000 men and Hearse With P hilip A. Hart, D-Mlch., RalphLy w ash away ; th e family home andid dent an d son of M r. and Mrs.'S. their new i home minus much of ii Treasurer Tt Marjorie R. I fitires fires spread rapidly. thousarthousands of pieces of fire fight- T> _ . Yarborough, D 'Tex., and Harry W. B. Slater, 419 Diamond Ave.e. their furniture, clothing andmd i|| Moon. M' | i„ F. Byrd Jr., D-Va., who havi^ possessions?Possession; W « I In Washington, Idaho, Mon-Ion- ing equequipment aro still In use. Rockwell’sllU l. IS. For attractive Mrs. Willard.J Afler, ' , residing‘ in Juneau, thehe houselhousehold a rlio le s. I "The damned thing is •| .|j; tana tana and B ritish Columbia, flre.sIre.s T he battleba has been u n d e r waylivay . _ not served oa U.N. delegations. F or atti 3 ;ho il full of moths and old neck- | contir ------Slater, FiFairbanks, Alaska, a fnmlly moved with a construc-:c- By I a.m., Mrs. Slater, who il fu I continued to spread, while! a for moremo lhan two weeks in , tion project to Valdez, about 25050 kept w watch throu g h o u t the night,ht, iii| ties,"}Jf Engelking said. I | southern southi California grass-and-md- some places,pi UUtBody Barred former Twin Falls resident, ‘ " ily iii “ There’s nothing in the | bru sh th e re is so m e doubt. ’ miles southeast of Anchorage. could' no longer see the family I “ 1 I b ru sh fire raced acros’s 1,400,400 OfficialsOfficii estim ate n e a rly 125,- Ex-O iildFU m d- Seo FLOOD M EM ORY , P 8, C; 4 iiiI , law that says it should I | acresncres toward timberland north)rth 000 acnacres have' been blackened.li^i CULPEPER,CULPl Va. (AP) - Ili» "I“I don't want lo leave Alas-J. .While living th e re they resid- Seo Fl j( cd ih a mobile home. As a re-e------Iiii come .to this office.” i ------— hearse bearing the body 'of ka,” she said in Twin Falls, “ b ut f®, Instead, Engelklng said, AmericanAmerica; Nazi parly leader Star Turns I'm not sure I want to move my suit?“ of “ .' some wiring problem the r j • f I slate law puts unclaim ed George Lincoln Rockw'dl was children back to Fairbanks.” home ^burned, taking every itemm DU l isbursem l ent |I ^ property ol an estate I i ( barred trom Culpeper National -I* • • children bt of.clothing, furniture and other M rs. Slater, along with other P n • I whichwl the suitcase is—in Communityity iAction H-Cemetery today as feder'al family possessions. Politician women and children, fled Fair- f , O f Savings I the state public school troops arrived ai to enforce an or­ SAN MATEO, Calif. (AP) - banksb an k s Aug. Aug 13 after flooding riv- Friends rrieni and n eighbors took fund "and Ihe treasurer Is | . der banning N azi insignia and Shirley Temple Black, the one-e- ers submergedsubme the entire townji tne,IhCj fanfamily in and provided a \VT‘ the custodian of that | I unitorms.- time child movie star, an-n- with the exception’ofex the Univer- honie liMe until'' they could re-es-^ WiU J B e M ade‘ I fund." I Group I Setsts Meeting]V I -S Military policemen, armed I. tahlish. The suitcase belonged lo _ nounced her candidacy for Con-n- sity of Ala Alaska Campus and sev- tahlish. I The little-publicized South Cen-ntraryen-Hlrary thanth general appointment. with pistols and night sticks ar- . 0 The second tragedy which wasIS BOISE,BOIi (A PX — Disbursementint Ii MikeMi Mikuland, who died | , , ® gress today, following in the po-- eral other higher regions. The s( loh bf this one third, Mr. Morgan„„„ rived In helicopters and buses. ■ r- to again leave Ihe Slaters home-gi. of ™ payments to shareholders of ij in Bonner County sev eral I | Iral ‘■'‘•I Idaho Community Action bf this S“" They were led by M aj. G«n. litical footsteps of two former:r Until FairbanksFa is made liv- to again .1 Agency is scheduled for a formalnal pointed out. ^ co-stars, U.S. Sen. George Mur-r- able again, M rs. Slater and herr less begbegan at noon on Saturday,M the dcfunct Idaho Savings andnd ji yeyears ago. There were no | Agenc Carl Turner, Army provost j’ Loan Association will be made ; he I boost tow ard full-scale operation xhe ol p hy and Gov. Ronald Reagan,. children, Willy,1 8; Brenda, 6!,, Ang. 12. Mrs. Slater who is dis- Lo m ; de i heirs and probate court in | boost Ion The other committee membersers marshal.marshal, between Sept. 1 and Oct, 24, thehe iji if BonnerBo County turned i ! TuesdTuesday night with the naming are to 1 .. Mrs. Black, a Republican, likele and and. TTamera. am er 4, arc residing withh Irictirict salessal manager for Avon in ,f ^ las are to be appointed trom civic _!lam-going-to.^)rotcct-fcdcral^=:r::^ lk a -sister=in-:Ja,w,- M rs.-R obert JL , Alaska--Alaska--was -attending- a -sales,j, Idaho Departnient of Financeee | i|._jivi:iL_ o y lo_ the..slnlc the j e s k IM of .on< .one-third„of the members on and ”business-groupsr-The—JB^-bu; property ■Murphy and Reagqnj-wlll seek a-sistetin-^ g said Monday. iji dui i one o f it? three governing Qom- rom e an property," T u rn e r lold news- n- D ohse and faniily at 2G5 Loiss meeting when sh e received a iii due of Mikuland’s estate— one ol rome and Cassia county commit- men ^en as the h ea rse wailed out- the n th California Cdn'gresston- D ohse and im iii $511 in cash and the suit- i i mitteemittees. tees aln al D istrict seat vacated by the1C St., and withw her parents, Mr. call fromfror a neighbor. ■P‘'yfPayments will be made from i| $51 tees already have been organiz- side s^e the gate of the little mili­ death last May ot Republican J.I. and Mrs.M rs. S o ren Nielsen, .Burley. Mrs. Slater wa.s advised toQ a® trailer outside the company'si-'s iii| case.caj i Acci According to agency directortor ed alongalon this procedure. tary cemetery.ccm “ No one will be le offices In Boise, Pocatello, Ida-la- |\l The' suitcase Is sllll I A. W . Arthur Younger. " come home ht immediately as the ? I A. W. Morgan, the'people who'ho Invitationsinvltai to more than l,OflOlOflO permitted permillet in here with Nazi unt­ bridge across the' Chena riverIf ho Falls and Twin Falls, Idahoho Iji" t bouncing o i around. iii | are to be benefited by the CAA’sA’s Twinx«rln FallsF; residents have beeneen forms andan insignia." She is entering a crowded „ Finance Commissioner John D. wasvas^exi expected to wash out at j;,'™"': D. ii J iii anti-CManti-poverty program have been2en sent out in order to "bring out By noo field. Six other Republicans andS Traffic Deaths Silva said. out By noon, more than one hour any time. The S la te r home, a asked to attend a public meet-iet- the vote,"vote he noted. All residentsnts after theth; scheduled graveside three bemocrats already -arc Disbursements — equalling 46 ing beginning nt 7;30 p.m. to- who are running. The district covers San 1 9 6 7 partial basement a p a rtm e n t was to- who are interesied in participa-pa- service, the situation was St'an ' 1 9 6 7 1 5 9 J p er cent of th e shareholder’s night in o rder to help elect the tlon In local Headstart, Job impasse, M ateo County, prosperous andId - ti o q R c R c ...... ’ T o n ““already y boing th re a te n e d and original account — will be made;■ CSI Ready • fob impasse. populous suburban ^ r e a irame-E- 1 9 6 6 ...... 180 siijjershe, her husband and friends be- representatives of the group who/ho Corps, WorkV Study, Youth Corps j, '' between Sept, 1 a n d 7 in Boise; will se rv e on Twin Falls Coun- and o'thi [TS The soldiers w ere lined u p ------diateiy soulh of San Francisco. lui ■ gin evacuating. T h e Slaters„ gg_Sept. 22 ,, and 26 in Pocatello; Oct. |-( ^ un- and other Department of Labor across the .ro ad facing the S Magic Valley ' grented j ' ' another apartment on j j ty's Committee for the Under-er- and De]Department ot Public. As- mourner- Mrs. Black, now a 39-year-old a c -7 6 and 10 in Id ah o F alls and Oct.i; For “ Start Of « | As- mourners ringing the hearse housewife and social figure inIn 1 9 6 6 7 7 ...... 3 1 hleherhlehcr fground, but before they jg priviIeg(rd,'Tnc, slstance programs are urged to who—afterwho-afti two or three futile at­ y 20 and 24 in T w in Falls. ,-w-^| This commitlee Is one of three attend, her home town ot Hillsborough.:i. 1 9 6 6 6 6 ...... 3 0 complet(completed the m ove w ate r wash-I." Purchaser of th e dcfunct Com- I I] ree attend. tempts Itlo breach the llnes-cbn- Tiiird Year -!'*such groups in Twin Falls, Je- The -j-jj CAA^ was organized "in tented themselvestl with singing pany’spany's assets, Equitable Savings” romrome e ;and Cassia counties. Three Q-der In T Y * and L(Loan Association of Port- Registration Rgg continued at a memb order to seek out the underpriv-:iv- Nazi marchingmat . ® members from each of the units' ileged and the underemployed There i land, Ore., will open the offices's slowed-downslowei pace Tuesday a t comprise com pr the South Central Ida- /ed There appeared to be about 50 q people of this area in order to mourners Auto Industrjiistry Offerss UiiionU In Kac^ each city a few days before the (|,e College of^Southern Idaho‘0 ho CoC om m unity Action Agency, },g|p (| to mourners, -Some dressed in tull the disbursements dis begin. on ((„the eve of the opening day which ■y.’ help them help themselvesves Nazi uniformsuni J je a rin g swastl- At a news confereifce Monday, gf pig, y which was originally organized ,hrnirolithrough education and job oppor- kas. FIvi y. of cla.sses for Ihe college's thirdd injn MMai arch . " S , lor- kas. Five ofT hose in uniforms ' Silva said th e m ethod of dis- year of , operation. The lunilies,” Mr. Morgan noted. said theyIhoj were to be pallbear- bursement had been determined ^ The local governing bodies are ., , ' ‘Best Contracttract PackageIge Ever’ h ursem J. More than 1,050 vocationalII requinrequired by federal law to have "This * "i’’ Is not a giveaway-pro-r,o- trs'®!'S- . "by a party other than the de- E ram ," he em phasized. . Among the floral pieces was a partmentp a rtm e of finance and the pur-[f. acade:academ ic students have regis-!■ a minimum m ini of 10 members, one- „t te red for fall classes. D r. Donn third o( f which shall be chosen•en , One , ' of five such agenciesles large swastikaswi com posed ol red By A.F. MAHAN Ion lon itse lf hahas called Its m ost am - cenl-an-hourccnt-an-f hike now and 2 .88 chasbr," chasbr, but declined comment J?™ 1- in Idaho, the local group hifsuts carnationcarnations and a Nazi fliig In DETROIT (AP) — The auto;o bitious in 30 years of industry/ pcrper cent a year in th e followingg on whtwhom that party was. K Keith, eith, dean, noted, about 30010 from the community's low-in- J" ;d more than al tho same periodd colne group. An election where- been active in Headstart, JobIob red, whitewhili and b la ck flowers, indiistry today offered the Unit-t- bargaining.bargaining, ______.IWiLyeaj lW!Lyeais,r______. T.The h e commissioner stressed af. C orpsjndJJiH h.SchQ oL E qulval- License ed Auto Workers Union what onele TheT h e indu;industry economic offers,, All three,thr how ever, asked thee thatth a t the thi payout schedule was theie lalast st year,y A number ot collegee by th e people-who are to-be-af- A=QIPSJ| 'al- License plates ol cars_carr_____ re programs have not begun regis-i- tected by the agency's variousm, ency'"'jy programsP" since its organi-mi- rylng thethi m ourners, somo of company termed its best con-J- based on a proposed three-yearr union to modify a cost-of-livingg Initialinitial disbursement, with more progr; (g. zation here. Applications lo the whom b tract package ever, but askedd contract, comct e afler two monthss escalatorescalatoi clause based on thee return on the shareholder's de-e- Iration.tratior prograprograms name their representa- " lhe whom brought children with n tives is considered less arbi-lj|. Office'of Economic Opportunityily them, werewe trom California, On- the union to cut back on someic ofbargainirot b a rg ain in g an d with only eightt governmentgovernm cost-of-livIng indexX posits to be forthcoming when:n AdultAdu education registration — for funding of a Neighborhoodlod tarlo,larlo, NewN H am pshire, Con-' j key provisions won in previousIS days remainingreniai before a strike! which hashi brought union mem-1- other iassets of the corporation)n wwill ill 1 begin Sept; 12 for those° Youth ClCorps program have been;en necticut, Michigan, New York ‘ years. deadline. bers IncIncreases o t 18 cents ann a re sold.sol studenstudents 19 years of age and A union spokesman said theree ContractsC ontracts covermg 650,000) hour sincesini 1904. TheT he Idaho S avings nnd Loan older subm itted through the agency. and Pennsylvania.Penn ™ older who have completed less li A primary activity of the or------frould be no com m ent imme-:- w orkers at th e Big Three expire! UAW President W aller P . A.ssociation A.ssocIe closed July 6, I960, t(,anthan ian eighth-srade cducnlion.,■ Rough Going ‘"“ S'. diateiy on the united front pre-nt:- nt midnightm idnight Sept/.fi although onlyr Reulher has sa id h e wouldd w ilhith $20 $2 million in deposits and fjo (y A KHARTOUM, The Sudanan ganizationE“ mzatit has been the under-er- MARCHJ HELD No tuition or foes are charged . ;es ta'king of a survey to analyze thehe ^ WASHINGTONWASHI (AP - Him- ' sented by General Motors Corp.,., IhQ companycom pa selected by the■ brook n llBcnco reports nnd questioning ' .J Ihc eleclornl process. , ...png reportreport ^nld^ald a speclnl VIet two dlslrlcl!| l of guerrillas taken prisimcr, /*■ ■ T ho .same docum ent assailed assailed Vict C ung Is asstimning ini; ChiefChli of Cong are givingng youths youtli special , volved In Ihc elecli vo dlstrlcl!| llte VIet Cong nti- • 'i Iho UnlteO Stales, saylnp;ir; "Tak-"Tak- Slale N guyen Vnnn Thieu Thieu and Irnlnlng.ht as.sembilngicmbllng explusive ' Ou election1 day, theytli said, lhe Cong bivltnllonbivttnllon hus ha been broken nouncedlunccd they willv "awnrd prizes- Over lira weekend the Com- Inging p a r t In tlia.clccllon Is lelllng. P rem ier Nguyen Cno Ky-lhoKv- devices "whichh cancan 1)0 ho placed In tirders are forfor VIet VIet Cong cadrc.s u p lilt) Into small sm all teams nrotiml toI tho people who m ake tho iminlsts launched n seriesCl ol An Atncrliinnj go on litiniinR biifulng nillllary cnndidatcs—willtes—will ho polling places." "lo set up ainbiishcainbiishe.s along Hues Saigonn nnd nnd Instructed Instru ''to movo niust^iu s t. outstniidingoutstnii elforls to . .. niorlnr, rocket nnd nrllllctyty at. luit liou.se.f, dcslroyinn rellEloiisliioils lie-. de- (ileuteii n rcsld en t andn>l vlco tiin>L ti fllhni-n rillHlilnitned illilMii)lan.s fur Icr- of comm'uilicalionsilicalions tn prevent Erndunllyally to to' nrens ar bordering coiitUerjutUer tho tho elections." Th# ’ 2 Twin Falls Tlmes-Newsi-News 'Aug. 28-29, 1967— Seen Todayay 2 Sky Div(MversTell Dailyly WeathMir^I ir^port I Harry Turner back from ~ i t i “white water" river boat trip FROM TIMES-NEWIES-NEWS 24-HOUR WEATHER^THER BlBUREAU WIRE Roberts MayMaj Secede1 C .: . . E dythe Koontz looking up ren p o rt . . . Armour Andersoni Of “Nighti I sitting in barber chair and read- fhtmare” ^alley Forecast p T . Ing Playboy Magazine while get- Temperaturesires Magic Valley helmet, ____ V 1/ tingti hair cut.. . Berniceflsohn- John- HURON, Ohio (A P)-“It“ It was "Then I floated on the helmet, Partly cloudy today withth a tewfew, I reaureai with 66 per cent humidity, From Schoolhool District !h vol- really quite a nightmare,"2," said strugglingi to g e t dff isome of my --- ^ - ^______1:______u^ S(son working wav through vol- j thundershowers throughI Wed-'55Wed- 155 aat T. F. Entomology Labora- )—Peo- transfer procedure ".a mixedxed up "ume ui of mall . . . Harry - Povey -Robert-^Vr-one-of-two-knowai-j(nowa J-clothcsr-The-waves-WPre nwfii| _ ‘nesTay.'WInarelght'lo 15-^mllertory[5"mllertorrT*ith-il4-p?r-ccnt- htnnldlty,’ ROBERTS, Idaho (AP)—Peo- transi >ky div- high and choppy_ I took my hel­ js[ational___ ^ pie in this 'small soutlieastern:astern mess,” mess, vivisiting with Zoe Ann Shaub survivors‘ of the worst sky div- I ’'upside HIgb LowLow PPr. r . ^per i hour and locally guslyfly dur- 60 nti Rupert, 48 at Falrfleld, liscuss- Law enforcement commission-ilssion- . . . Harold Lahcaster suffer- ‘ accident in history. met and used it like an upside , m ce ol 59 a t ' H ailey, 63 at Buhl, 52 Idaho, communlly were discuss- Lav a bad down cup and it gave me buoy- \Albany, cloudy ...... 79 5 566 . 08 .08 Ing Ing the afternoons. Chance ol;59 i ing plans to socede from Jeffer- er WWarner Mills and Stateite Po- ingin in silence . . . Ron Scheuf- ' ^ Albuquerque, clear 85 0161 . . she siMwers 20 per ccnt todaylay and at Ca&tleford,C 62 at Gooding. At son County Sphool DistrictI tod ay lice superintendents Clarkei Hand fefele - engaged In telephonele con- ‘<*™am. Maybe it was, and I’ll ancy.i . ^Atlanta, clear...... 77 59 . . ton Vednes- noon, SO ai T.F. Weather Bu­ iniioh" "'ake up pretty soon and find 59 .. tonight and 10 per cent Wednes- noor following a jirotest m arch:h a n d flew to Idaho Falls Mondayday aal l versation vi . , , Heber Lough- ' nd find "xhen'’il saw a bpal coming bBismarck, clear .... 94 56.56 ..daj .. day. High 88 to 98, lowll 52 tolo reau with 30 per cent humidity, altercation with state policelice on (he reqi u est of Gov, Donon W. m ille r writing out d ru g “ orders df"; out it didn’t happen." ,and I said, ‘Thank God’ ahdand Boston,b clear ...... 83 '6262 . . •• 62, 62, except Cam as P ra iriele high BanB arom eter:. 30.21. Soil tem per- drivfnc- Springfield,1, Ohio, ,yjaved my a rm s ■ and hollered g Monday. SamuSamuelson. They were investi-investi- . . . ' . Kenneth L eazer driving' , lOllered Buffalo, clear ...... 68 5959 .05 -05 In gijs^ 40 s. Outlook ajuratures: A t T. F „ four-inch 73-68, Five protesters were arrestedrrested gatinggatini Monday’s incidenttl and tr tru c k with camper . . . u/o„„o W ayne held• onto a slim hope thatat some and, still didn’t know if helie saw Chicago,c 'cloudy ..,. 79 58 | “ eight-inch 74-70, 20-inch 72, 36- and charged with unlawfulful as-a s- plannedplann to meet with various/arious H Hankins discussing problemsn w /m ! of-J I’is 1^ parachu-arachu- ,me because the waves were/ere so rCincinnati, clear ...-81 5454 '“r for Thursday little change. Tem- inch 74: at Ruperl, four-inch Sl­ sembly and obstructing a public groupgroups involved today, in i^igby. Rigby, w with "hippies" d u rin g Wagon ;tists missing in Lake E riee would ihigh. ■ . ,. cCleveland, clear .... 77 5252 .19 .19 per peratures i)t 8 a.m .: 58at at Je- Je- 73 73. . at Buhl, three-inch 88-59; highway after a brief billII spspir- ir- "I (don’t know why itiis had to D D ays . . . John Stevens carryrnfrv- ; S earchers con- "But ‘I’e m en In the boatat saw Denver,D cloudy ...... 87 5252 . . .. ror rome, 58 at T. F. Weatherlier Bu- at Castleford,I three-inch 83-72. ited encounter with 13 stateate po- lurn o ut like it did," Nukayalukaya in ing parking' meter money j„ into r tinue, dragging operations (oday me , and picked me up." DDes Moines, rain ....85 6464 .09 . 09 ------said. “ We consulted with our b: ‘ ° for the 14 who fell into the lake Detroit, cloudy ...... )9 4949 .01 .01 ------licemen. said. li', our b ank . . .Judy Brooks trying"fSunday, lo ; - The incident erupted att Rob- lown marshal and the sheriff;rif[ in k0 get8c:t call ci at the Albertson-Dickardcka'rd VancouverY‘ ...... 82 ,58,58 ing ing here from Nampa. Shele was j_o„g B ea c h . Calif. On Ju n e 16. Mrs, Jerry Adermann a and n ^ Scene Of TwoVU Homeho last December. frfree nf all the gear. Thenrhen I Funeral p Chapel until 8 p.ni,_ p, A ncorage ...... 70 5050 a a n member of the Jeromee LDS 19.1519.15, he married Fern Whitzci daughter, "Mrs. Harry Merr;ick "7 ------His-wiIo-died-in-L953Jk_GiSi:_Gis^4oaied. .f4< on m v_icierve para- luesday—and—Wt i ednesday-until-u n til ...... 47 Church. |„in LoLos A ngeles, and Maude Murdock, all Twin A P lor w as one ol the few survivingI'iving clchute, holding it in front of“f me noon, Tunea'u V7...... ’...... 60 45 45 Surviving St besides her hus- Mr.Mr Alberts was a shoe sales- Falls, and William PetersonJS a n d Accidents 'i;Spani.sh American W ar veterans,>rans. uniilui il became full of waterer and ____ H(Honolulu...... 90 75 75 band, ban Ray Denney, Jerome,le, are man In California and had been Robert Tyler, bolh Buhl. EDEEDEN — Idaho State Police’olice Surviving' are five sonsi and it sank. HAILEY — Funeral servicesrvlces four lour daughters, Mrs. Ruilen retireretired for the past eight years Births investiinvestigated two separate acci- fotir daughters, Jess Gisler,. IdIda a------rc for Mrs, G ertrude Anna Draker'raker THflhn (Nellie) Thompson, Jerome;^rome; becausebecai of 111 health, A son was born to Mr. ana n d a t the .same locationin on ho™ F alls; John G isler, Boise; McClure will be conducteded at lUdllO MrsMrs. William (Leona) Coates,2oates, In addition to his widow, sur- Mrs. Gerald Relnke, andi(j a In■I'ferst terstate 80-N Monday three EEr; rsk in Gisler, W endell; P aul I- 3I’V 10 a m, F rid ay at the Emmanuellanuel High Low.owPr. P r. AmiAmbler. Penn.; Mrs. Robert vivorsvivor Include one son by a for- j^Q„. miles southeast of Eden, Gi.>Gisler. Sacramento. Calif.:S and Flood Memory^J Episcopal Church by Rev, W, E E. AlAberdeen ...... , .. . S7 .50,.50, (Boi (Bonnie) Arnette, Twin Falls, mer marriage, Donald C. Al- daughter lo Mr. and Mrs. R on- ® Boise; bens. California, aid Stevens, all Twin Falls. According , to State Patrolmanliman ThomasTh( Gisler, Mountain Home;lome; (Continued From PageOne) One) Ellway. E Concluding rites will Bear Lake...... Rl .50.50 and Mrs. Dana Hyder, Boise; bcris, _____ Chet 1Hillman, Ihe first mishapishap MMr rs. Rhoda Mnorc. Hermliston, iston, c£ car and pickup truck. Both, Both. beb< held at the Hailey Cemetery,ttery. Boise ...... 50 ,67,67 two step-sons, Elwin Denney,enney, FuneralFui services will be con- occurredoccurr at 10:30 a.m, in1 the Ore.; On Mrs. Pauline Neyman,■’man, pj parked near the apartmeni,It, had had Friends F; may call al the Bird■d Pu-Fu- Buhl ...... 91) 6060 nn ILDS Eastern Stales missionli-s.sioii ductedducie a t 2 p.m , T hursday in nd G. the Hove Funeral Chapel hy St. Benedict’s, Jerome>ltie ' inter- Tw Twin Falls; Mrs, Kathryn Pratt, disappeared under rising water,water. neral n( Home Wednesday and Burley ...... 88 5555 in in Boston, and Raym ond G. the slate. A Ford pickup and camp-:amp- HoHouston, Tex,; and Mrs, Doris sjaifr ^as working with! with H Thursday. ' ?Caldwell ...... 88 5G56 DenDenney. Boise; two slep-daugh-daugh- Rev. Harnld Livingston. Final Admitted er trailertra driven by Phillipip A. BaB aker, Boi.se; 25 grandchildrenildren ot other residents operating; river river ------C;Caslleford ...... 91 5252 ters, Mrs, Rayola H ale, Bur- r/t<^srites will be held In the Jeromo Orlin Gunter, Mrs. Jeanetteinette Smith, CO, Murray, Utah, wasw as andam 26 great-grandchildren. boats [y up and down the floodedlooded JEROME — Funeral servicesrvices EmmettEi ...... 92 5858 Icy,icy, and Mrs,.. Marvin ' (Lor-Come(Lor- Cemelery. Friends may calpat Bass, Robert Hellewell, Mrs. struck in the rear by a deisellei.sel F1 u n eral services fo r Mr,- Gis- 5 streets,, plucking persons fram fram for fo Mrs, Rose May Denneyy wili Fairfield ...... 85 .IS.19 rainraine) Jones, Richfield:; IwoIWO the cl chapel Wedne.sday afternoon LeRoy Twitchell, all Jerome;■ome; truck driven by Leo Charleslarles icicr r w ere conducted Saiurdaylay incar ce and,house tops ahead ofot ris- ris- hi be held at 1 p,m , Thursdayav in Gooding ...... 92 6262 brotbrothers, Albert Crable, OsageO.sage and eveningc and Thursday until Mrs. LaDar Sorenson, Dietrich;tric h ; BlackvBlackwell, 38, Treynor, Iowa.'a. ^ Mountainmc Home. Burial was in Ward Grace ...... 86 .5050 .46 .46 City City, and Arthur C rable, Kan- t'™etime of services. T Mrs. Ijiu ra Balle Sloan and M rs. Both ;as in jnj, waters, thetli Jerom e I.DS First Ward ‘ Mrs. Both vehicles came to rest-St in the Mountain View Cemeteryletery ’Taking only what they could could with w Bishnp Neal Perkinsis o[.of- Grangevilie ; ...... 87 5353 • - .?as.sas City, Kan.; (hree sisters, Im a Phillips, bolh W endell;ndell; (hethe m edian between Ihe two thtj,e e re . ca 11 be Hailey ...... 84 5757 Mrs, Mary Eaton. K ansas Cily; | \ Mrs. Odell Chalfield, Buhl; M rs. Janes. carry, the Slaters moved again, f|{ficiating. F in al riles will be M rs. Janes. The deisel separated from ______boarding a river boat and bead-head- hcheld in H agerm an Cemetery.■tery. Idaho Falls ...... 85 .53.53 Mrs. Gertrude W atson, ‘S Kan- CSI Ready \ Marion Pugmlre, Hagerman,■man, the semi-trailersei and both over- ipsoii Jerome ...... 94 5757 sas, sas, and Mrs. Vera Ormsbee. \w id Mrs. Ron Shockley, T w in turned. ing for a public shelter at Ihe FiFriends may call at Thompson “ (Conthiued From Page One) Twin turned. The deisel was carrying I Tues- Kimberly ...... 88 5454 Santa Sant Rosa, Calif., and 24 Fills. a shfpi ^-Donna W ill ^nearby high school on still high- FuneralFi Chapel, Gooding, Tues- lional school. Dale of the open­ a shipment of fresh pork. Kuna ...... 86 56ifi .01.01 gran grandchildren. \ Dismissed The ipickup and trailer - camp- -m- er ground, daday and Wednesday. ing classes will be announced More fortunate than many, ------LeLewiston ...... 95 65 p,,Funeral services will be5 held later.later WHUam Austin, Wendell;dell; er receivedrece about Sl.IOO damage I ( vices Malad ...... 89 51 .20 at ] PaulinkMcClain, Hazelton; MMrs, rs, and the deisel and trailer aboutEl Is Jerom e Mrs,m1 Slater and her childrenildren ,JEROME — Funeral services ;■ -2t) a t 1 p.m. Thursday in thele Je- Sept. c„o, 5 is the date for registra- re be- fof Donald M . Alberts wijiII be Mountain Home .... 92 66 rn,y,( Tom Coupe and daughter, Je-j 0 . S-1.500.S-1.5Q0. Mr. Blackwell was treat-Teat- -pi • / \ spent only a few hours there be- foi ™ mine LDS First Ward , withV'th (ionnon ii in the college’s high school ed for cuts in Hazelton and re- JH fore they were taken, aboardlard a conductedco: at 2 p.m. Thursdayay in PPa a ™ a ...... 92 54!'• Bi.shop Bj,hi Neal Perkins officiating.latmg. government „Q„er class for people who rome. \ cd for i re- a u ’ y u e e i i I by Pocatello ...... SO H3 f|,,a \pirlhs leased. He was also cited for flat bed truck loaded with .some the Hove F uneral Chapel by Po “ Final rites wiil be held inn Ha- are workingw on their high school banks Rev, Harold Livingston, Final Pre,stonPr' ...... 91) 53 „ern Daughters y ^ b o rn to Mrs, improper passing. . jJEROME - Donna Will, 50 refugees, to the Fairbanks Rc german Cemetery, equlviequivalency tests. The class Mr Tho second accident occurred j,,, ^ a irp o rt, rjl'riles will be held in the Jeromrome e ReRexburg...... 89 48 „ Ima Phillips, Wendell, and Mr. ' If,''™ d au g h ter of Mr. a n d Mrs.' Wai- ^ ‘I ill at R upert ...... 92 53|T Friends may call at Tliomp-homp- meets from 8 (0 10:30 p.m . T ues- j I at 2:40 p.m. when a IDG4 Olds- lueen There they boarded the. first Cemetery.Ce Friends may call at Ru son Funeral Chapel, Gooding, days nnd M rsr LeRoy Twitchell, Je- ^ ' ter Will, was named' 1968 queen and a lh® chapel Wednesday afternoon-noon SalmSal on ...... 87 ' oding, days beginning Sept. 12 at the rome, A son was born to ’ Mr, mobile driven by Myrtle Boden-■ g.of the Jerome county (sir a t available a '' jet for Seattle and a 1™ Tuesday and Wednesday. high school.s T-^yjn hamer. 44, Eden, slowed near long train ride to Shoshonee and anda,"' evening and Thursday until SoiSoda Springs ...... 88 54. ------"In and Mrs. Ron Shockley, Twin the closing rodeo perform ance time of services, TwTwin Falls ...... 93 52 "In addition, our vocational Falls. the he wnwreck scene and was struck S aturday night. TvTwin Falls, tin GET TREATMENT school has any number of exten- ____ from tlthe right side by a vehicle c Ben- lender the confusion at the She was crowned b y Kav Ben- . ' ^tJrf PAUL — F u n eral services for KING HILL - Mr. and Mrs. sionsion„« courses that will not start ------driven—by—Edwin—J-r-Rulfr-JlTd riv e n -jgnson; retrrlll!rT]ueen,' and—re^t— -time—of—her—departure,—Mrs- iimeci enrolling-for-a-week-or two; -In ----- aJ Manor, Wash. jIj jg kaymond H dward Denton Will Decla¥outh Hur4U 'l H r RuRn™5s-McMillan“ have—returned enroll Minidoka Memorial ceived red roses a n d a trophy.Dphy. Slater5 h said it was difficult lo from Wheeler, Ore., where: they general,genen we expect to show a Tbe Bodenhamer vehicle was eived know just whal the situation Pbe conducted at 2 p.m, Thursday T , "'a^ Each of the contestants received i^o f r in tho Paul Melhodist Church:h^by by I I Lp recei received medical treatmeniml at suKsta suKstantial increase in total en- Admitted traveling travelii east on the interstate, a gift certificate. wawas. although she learned-the 1? In 1-Car Mishap ■ Mrs. Billy Hawkins, Malta. slowing when approaching Ihe ^ ^ Rev, Virgil Selix. Final ritesi will BURLEY i — A 19-year-oldar-old the A r t h i t i s Clinic. TheirThelr rollment rolimt over that of last Ine Paf|(5|.^ daughterr - . of. enientire business district of Fair- be held in th e Pleasant View D e good daughter, Mrs. Phillip Lawson,wson, year’s,"year’s Dr. Keith commented, Dismissed wreckage wrecka of the first accident. „ rker, banks and some !)0' per cent of View Declo youth Is listed in good °aug Brett Fenslermaker and Su- Behind h er was Mr. Ruff, who ' Parker, ba mt ot Cfnietery, Burley. Friends 'nay may condition coi at Cassia Memorialnorial and tchildren accompanied them. Late registration for academic jPp Jerome, was first runner-up,;r-up, th(the residential area was under ejiejU at Ihe Payne Mortuary, h o 'eived She also received treatmentnt the and vocationalvi classes will con­ ' san Hunsaker, bolh Rupert. was a|apparently watchjng the and Charlene Kimball,-daughterghter waterwa at that time. ^ary. Hospital with injuries received She i ■Blrlhs crash !scene and was unable to ■ Burley, W ednesday afternoon in a one-car accident at' g9:15 . l 5 past Pa« three weeks. tinue ffrom 8:30 a.m. lo 3:30 p.m. f of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kim- IMr, Slater said during! the'ae ancand evening and Thursday prior „ „ daily at the college offices and A son was born to Mr. anand d stop in time to avoid hilling the ball, Hazelton, was second run- Ion prior p ni. Friday four miles westest of ------‘‘aily Bodenhamer auto, swerved to run- long nights he worked lo rescueescue to services. g'" USE TIMES-NEWS WANT' ADS trom from 4 to 8 p.m. at the h ig h Mrs. Billy Hawkins, Malta. Bodenh I n eru p . peipersons stranded atop buildings,lings, ------Burley on Interstate 80N. ------the left and creased the auto. g Admitted to tho hospitalI w^^,35 as FOR FAST SELLING RESULTSULTS school for the next two weeks. Beverly Richmond, daughterghter he could hear screams of what PAU^-Funeralj services for AbouA bout $150 dam age was caus- of p. Mr.. and Mrs, Boy Richmond, he Nelson Richardson. The otheroth er ■■■ ed lo the Bodenhamer . vehicle p j, lond, he took lo be drow ning .victimsdim s My Myrl Scott K lam m will be con- ig.; ^ Eden, was the third place win- or persons fearing for their lives du( c:on- ig.year-olds, Robert C. Giles, T S andand|$ $252^ to the Ruff vehicle. Mr. lives ducted at 10 a.m. Thursday at ■ A.uto Workers as waters continued to rise. wa y “t Murtaugh, and Carl Anderson, • Ruff was cited for Improperoner . T- a® -• Walk M ortu ary ChapjslJ®'': by Rev. Declo, were treated and re- I (Continued From Page One) passing. passing There were no injuries, Attendance was reported tolo be stillc in Ihe flood ravaged cily,city. vir Virgil Selix. Paul ' Melhodist cent lo 80 per cpnt in Ihe su p ­ good at both perform ances!s of Mr. Slater has been ab le to tele- pa. leased. I the rodeo produced by Del Has- p|„ tele- pastor. Last rites will be held According , to Idaho Slate Po- I plemental unemployment bene- U Has- phone his wife se.veral times,imes. ji, In the Paul Cemetery. Friendsends ,jp(j ]j^( Ro„a|d vv, Jolley, • fits — the benefits that supple- t X c l . lam , Wellsville, U tah. Originally it was believed1 the ma may call at the chapel Wednes- SNEW< CAR ’pi Hailey Man the accident occurred whenien a ____ V During the Saturday night per- ment a laid-off w orker's s ta le women and children couldd re- dajday afternoon and evening and jgj unemployment compensation. form ance, Billy S tuart, G rape-™P'=- (y,.turn by SepL 10 and Fairbanks Thi 1959 Chevrolet driven by Giles vine, Tex,, was injured during lanks Thursday until time of services.>ces^ attem pted lo “ pull up" while This apparently was far shortLri JLDies /lv Wliile schools could open at thal lime. ■ -• ------J ' of 'the' demand made by the! uh- ^ the bull riding even t. He w as ,: traveling west on MON to allow listed in fairly good conditionliJT^if w "In the last conversation,"ion," RUPEkTF — Funeral services the t|,e occupants of the vehicle tq lon for a complete guaranteed r> |i 1 ji' Mrs. Slater said, "m y husbandiband for John E m o ry Simmers, annual inconie. A111 l l JRupert TueTuesday at Sl, Benedict’s Hos- speak with a passing motorist'.i;orist. LEASIlSING wa.t very discouraged. There:re is HaiHailey, will b e conducted a t 2 (Jj|, Louis G, Seaton of G eneraliprnl pita Giles lost-Control of his. c a r ' RUPERT-John Emory Slm- ______untold= cleanup work to be done p.m.p,n Friday at Walk Mortuary when II ran into gravel on the Motors called his firm ’s offer and the city is still without san- ChtChapel by R ev. Roger Adaylott, ig<, g;,”; ALL MODEL ( the best it has ever made. mers. , „ Hailey. 65, died Monday - tj left side of the road. The Chev- ODEL CARS, >,2 in Rupert of a heart attack y j itatlon facilities or safe drinkingiking FirstFir Christian- church. Final .n|, ■ • Malcolm Denise, chief b ar- , Qf V F l l l l wa' •Inal jQiet ^^as totally damaged. while visiting at the homes of Mi-s _ Gini “waler. It is-hard to see how riterites will be held in the Rupert j-Driver inattention and looseioo3 e PJCKUPS•S & TRTRUCKS gainer at Ford, termed his com- J much more of the populationation CetCemelery. Friends mny call at _ . pany’s package "responsive and" and “ hrother-in-law . Herb Barnes, ■ r^ I, “ gravel on (he road’s shoulderuider Gaf Your Order In Now foi for 1968 Modalsl responsible." Kupert, can return until these problemsilems the mortuary Thursday-after-ner- were llsted as the causes ofif ththe e —------“ D ie s At 8 7 5have heen corrected,” noo GM estimated its contracira e l ™ noon and evening and Friday‘day w reck. An a rre st is pending.IE. . ; a„ Aurelia, Iowa, nnd married Al- BURLEY-MBl rs. A nna Gini,^ 87 87,, AsA of now, the known deathleath untilunti tim e of services. package at 3C to 44 cenls an , ively ------hour over lhe next three y eJarj a rs. In Smith'’ "’ ‘I at Burley in 1925, SheS h e diedd ie d at 5:30 p.m. Monday/ ata t foil from the flood is relatively INVENTOR DIES NEW ^ CHEVROLET y^TON dell, low, Mr. Slater said, bul there T' q Ford pegged its a t 31 cents, died in!' 1927, Mr. Simmerslers MMaf agic Valley M anor, Wendell, low [here TWIN FALLS — Funeral ser- OTTSVILLE, Pa. (AP)) _- W W ith V 8 motor, 4-spoerf.-'HitcIDoerf.^'Hltch, mirrors, etc. 24 , Chry.sler figured 33 to 51 cents,ts, ' resided for several years at of sa lingerinK illness. Sho hadliaci are many more persons asi yet vicevices for Ju n io r H. Sleadman Charles B. Darrow, the man month rri' lease tax Includecl, for Sealon has estimated Ihat un- Santa Monica, Calif,, where he beeibeen there ono day. unfunaccounted for. Damage esti- will be conducted at 1 p.m. Wed- who invented Monopoly nnd approximately ap ...... “.'‘.".V.”.'. M .„,h $ 7 6 .0 0 lon’ demands' made at the startitart "'as employed by Douglas Air-Mr- SheSl was Iwrn O ct. 12, 1879,1879, mt>iai ates originally .set at $200,000,-,000,- nesdaynest in th e Fifth Ward LDS made a fortune from it, died (Ford Pricedod Same as Above) of bargaining in July would cost craft‘^raft OCorp. Ttr AA'illa DeChavena,' llajy, and 900(190 may also rise before the Church.Chii Bishop Allen M. Alexan- Mondiiy nl his Bucks Countyounty GM at least $1 an hour. ' In MMa arch, 15S7, he retired, ondand was, -married lo Andrew Gini towntow is again ready to provide)vide der will officiate. The body will r„ red ''“ll living,wllh a sister.ter. AprilApri 21, 1902, In Genoa, Italy,:n|y, norm"ot al living conditions, ■ be itaken by Reynolds FuneralJ — i I - - y | Tho industry also offered ''“J b®' s as Home to M idvale, Utah, for bu- = j VOIKSWEN 2-DOOR SED, addilional wage biiosls for *’'''■'*•Mrs. LloydLl L, Smith, Hailey, The;They came lo Amcrica lalerater "Probably Fairbanks was ns Hon OCR SEDAN that Survivors include four sisters,;rs, that year, setlling in Challis.illis. Pfcpreparc:d as the average town rial,rial. . i Brand newl Choice of colors usually available. skilled workers, an Issue th a l Survi\ • I By tho .month -----Lhas-causcd_somc_di5sejision_|nL i n Mr-';' LILloxd Smith, Hnlley; Mrs.Irs. MM: r; Gini died F e b . 21, 1920,920, wouldwoi: bo for such-a disaster,"ter *' jouid Twin F alls Duplicate Bridge,I I MOVING? 1 Ifo r ju st ...... (lie union. Skilled w orkers hlavc ave t 1T.~Ellibin’iirmn; .~EI Mrs.'Graceaco and Mrs. Gini lived wilh h her er Mrs.Mr; Sinter said, "b u t 1 would ...... $51.00 - demanded increases of at leasteast Hillon, .Boise, and Mrs. John T,T. son,_Mikeson,, ,Glnl, In Challis untiljnlil not sny they were ready for any-anv- ChicClub m et M onday night nt (he (p lu s $ 1 , 5 3 tax) Jt of Fullam , Oxnard, Calif,; onoono 1959 when ..slic m oved to BBur- ur- thinthing like llmt. It wns the (Irst first Elks Lodge wilh five tables in SI nn hour more lhan tlio re s t of Fullnni, Imvp piny- W inners w ere Dr. nnd tho workers get. brother. Miles C. Simmers, Can-an- ley to nmlic her hom e withh a tiri'C1‘ti" in 68 years (he rivers have ^ ”5' ,(l j, Mrs, H. E, B urgess, llrsl; Mr. FORD GALAXIE SPORT COU The three companies did not ago Park, Pai Calif. dau(daughter', Mrs, F ra n k (D ojra ra) ) floeflooded and no one dream ed it and M rs. R o bert.Sass, second;I R E N T H 'ORT COUPE OR specify liow much they wouldwill He Wiwas preceded In doalh by PPric ric e . - wns coming.''. - - - .... Mr, lind itlrs. Richard Cook, CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORl give the 200,000 industry skilled;llcd a Bistor,—Mrs.-Slella-Barncs,Bistoi ICS, __S S u u rv |v n rs liicliide^ lhrce srinsj^tins. ThereTl wns noi particular organ- fff' S Cl 14 SPORT COUPE ier, Andrew iSliiraiid Mlko Gini,;ihi7 Izailon'Izai to Hike over 'and direct third, nnd Mrs. II. M, Proctor and said only llmt it was nego-:go- lUipert,R upert, Who died in December, Andi linst atid Bill , Cookr tourlh. , . ... B _ Air conditioning, p.oworor brakes, steering. Whitewall tiabic, 100(1. ., both Challis, and Lawrencemce the immediate haltle 'against „ tiros, outomatic transmission,smission, tintedt glass, radio, Ford nnd Chrysler took a dif- FFuneral u n er service? will be heldeld Gini.Gini, Idaho I'alls; two daugh-Igh- floodlng'andfioo the rcscue.of vie- i"“" S 5 ; J ' , VEV 8 engine, wheelcovers.irs. (toe nn ----- ^orent-(nck-lhnn-GM-on-Uie-e.t-- C lt- at-3-p,»i.-irriday-at-.lh(iJVjilkat-3-p,i alk icrsicrs. Jil[!LJ!lUL(AmerlfA) Jlrili)ri!i iim tlnis, Mrs, Sinter recalls, but ‘ I With tax, approximately3l y ...... >VD.00 m p . ___ _ calntor clause, Ilulh asked cqll-:qll- MortuaryMortuar chapel by Rev, Rogerger nell,nell. Eagle, anil M rs, P riceIce, , ^ s1ic7inil..niniTy_lownspeople, i c I'iSf like f-'PEO-RESEWHi j ' - ings bc placed on tho am ount)unt AdaylottAdaylott, First Christiana n BBurley; url 17 r.randchlldren, 29- her husband, sim ply wenl lo > ~HAND TRUCKS possible for a worker (o get—ct— Clmrch, Clmrch. Final rites will bo heldeld grcal-grandclilldren;grea livi) ,sls- wiirwork (iild kciil w orking nround- ! j| ’■'SEW IICKEIS ! :| ^; PIANO DOLLIES W ill B u y S eSell ll or o r Take your ~ ,Ford of C cenls an hour, Chrys-rys- In Ihc RRupert Cemelery, terste rs in Hilly nml one In LaM esa,L'sa, thotlio clock, 0\il of Ihls clforlrl a I■ , • F FURNITURE PADSs ler of 7, FriendFriends may call al Ihc Calif, CnlK i greigreat deal wns accumplishcd J !' Call 733-1421 NolhIng wns said by any com-om- mortuarmortuary Thursduy nflornounion I'unernII'u scrviccs will bo con-;on- and mnny lives saved. ■j O n Sale Old Car bnn Cons Consignment 'pany about llie union deinanilanil andnnd eveningeve and Friday untilItll ,ducted,(lucti at 2 p.m, ’I'luir.'idny a t (he AlAbout four (o five dnys of J for parity for Canadian work-jrk- (lino (Itiio of iscrvice,s. ClialClialll.i Coniniiiiilty church hy lienvyhen\ rnin preceded lhe flumi.s, i > Fairgroundsp Office ers, which along wi(h gu aran■an- - . ------RRev. ev. G, Krciiienstchi. Friciulsluls MrsMrs, Slater said, bul residents of J Bill StandiiStandley teed nnminl llicoino, n big w agenge 3 J IlliDS KII,I.I:D may call at Weaver Mortuary,iry , the lowii wenl about their busy ! II p i? boost nnd conllmmtion of Ihc cs-c.s- DANGlBANGKOK, 'I'hallniul (AP) -— Weiidcll,Wem from l lu R p.m. Wed-'ed- roiilineroiil work wilhout muchaj- » ' fiiw ■ I' culalor clause were Iho unliin’Niii'h Three Cumnunilsl lerrurislss(s nesdayne,sdi and nl the Challisillls thouthought ot Iho pciidliii! disaster,itcr. 'I Phono collotl » chlcf. doniamls, ’rho UAWAW have beenhei killed nml five cup-ip- cliiircliurcli Thiir.ulny. I.ilst rilesilrs No one reiillzeil It could rcnt'li » I FURNITURE STANDLEY'S'S CARCAI SALES, , plnceil no inoncln'ry vnliio un ils lured- in a week of scallcicdcd wwill ill bo holll In -th o -C h a llli! (iiieli '255 Main Avo, WoilVoil — TwinTw Falli, Idaho '! . .. illll! (iiieh~pi'U |w liuns, . th e ..lovincrs * { ...... - -ij»i ■'127 2 n d Avo, W, - j , uwii imckiiiic, llghliiiy.llfihliiiii, CciiiiCeiiiolory. jTwiiTwin I'ttllj wuimui cuiiunonlcd, j,,,, . \ < ...... I — — I § m m ' ; - 11* Twin falls Times-News 3 Moilierliood GolCoUidesW itli Fire Fin Fighter’s J 'Aug. 29-30, 1967 lill Tax Rebelbellion Drive Held ( Death Is Probed — SAN ANTONIA, Tex. (AP)?) School 5 ( Board Al . MISSOULA, Mont. (A P )-T h e t(_ —A fund drive is under w ay d And Loses -The } f_ back-INJURED . ar PITTSBURGH;’ Pa. (AP)) —-Stan Stanley R. Duda, superintendentnrfoni death of a 19-year-old fire fight- . lo restore historic Hangar P\ ,nnU: Or Monday in a Missoula '^os- hos- KIMBERLY - Virgil D urfee, Staged ^Jigainst a i i Incom()me Tax 9 » at Brooks Air Force Basese Motherhood Mol collided with1 a of thetl C hartlers Valley Schools^ pj,j,[ ° being InvestigatedI to- district Brand Inspector, was re­ anand name it for astronautut school scht board—and lost. “/“Are you having a child?”i't*? day.h„v >““sedleased from the Magic V alley 10 Mrs, John Hill gave birth to aske By RICHARD P. POWERSRS . states with no Income taxps,xps, gomerygom County or Marylandland Edward H. White II who M h io asked Duda. „ , ^The youth, Gerald Chilini,ill i Memorial Hospital Sunday after WASHINfiTnN. ^APWThere’sprs’c sucli-aa siirh as Ohin, and see|i to collectI t e laJL.ta2i.^ ______di!_____ died In a fire aboard ain n her her fourth child while on" ”a i.x-No.’- replied Mrs. Hill.J uBut t Rntt,.J t t t IWnnt ill fhn beingbeing hhospitalized last week for ’ on a percentage from congressmenmen AlthoughAl Dahoff Is unmoved.ved, ApolloAt spacecraft. sabbatical sOT sitrdjnKrverMDiBlifyuor ^ conceded she was ■ gaining TraDtx Ida- treaiiiiuiil uf, u biuken back-re------■ a tax rebellion underway on a pcrce night, she was fired from her lining xrapper Peak-fire In norlh'Ida- Capitol Hill. ■ ' from si states where the income3me thenthere is no known effort amonglong IHanger 9 Is, the last of I 'f' weight. ho McMonday, He was first taken ceived „ when his, horse fell on ?res- tax Is less than Maryland’s. '■ state officials in MarylandI or thosothi used at Brooks for" , leaching‘ job. gffu him. He is expected lo have to It has nothing to do with Pres- tax is li "I was fired for being a moth-lolh- ‘ I getting fatt be- to all alhospltal hi Bonners Ferry "™' ident Johnson's request for a 10 AshbrookAshbr believes, however,ver, VirginiaVlrg or from District offi- pilotpll training during and ,1 fl„ly cause I had been used to danc- and' a n d ' 1; la ter transferred to Mis- remain f*™am in a body cast for about 1 in- th a t as an Ohio resident hee Is clals to force members to pay jui , er," she said. "That’s the only three months. per cent ‘ surtax on federal in- that as pay just after World War I. thing I can see I’ve done. Theyrhey l"S "S a■ lot. then slacked off, plus soula.soula, *ree n; come taxes. This is a rebellion;lllon not liableliat for either, the Mont-ont- state or D. C. income taxes. fea- the fact that I had had three ------' *------:ome ; ...... ,,.,m COUlcouldn't think of another rea-™?. against a one per cent income • , son.son." The story of how the ™l( children.” , 8 tax levied by suburban Mont-lont- '• —7 — ■ ‘ " r. 42-year-old42-y elementary school•hool But she gained m ore o r 8 e l _ LIVINGING R( ROOM gomery County, Md., where'here i ' ' musicmus teacher gained a son and weight—and finally acceptedid the 8 about 100 congressmen maintainntaln (i ,,:-''--' - • a n master’s degree, but lost her fact she was pregnant. ^ their Washington-area homes. ;;; > . job, goes back to 1966. " I really didn’t know I w as ^ Nearly all of them have ig- I ;-, ,i In M arch, h e r school boardoard P''S£pregnant," she said. “Any wom- fe nored Ae new county income:ome j|U granted her a sabbatical leaveeave .*‘6 ® ^as difficulty ac- » ' QUALIlA L IT Y ta x . _____ lo sS lu d y al Duquesne Universityrsity eepting such a development." ^ ; One who didn’t ignore the levy . the following school year. at Jonathan wns horn Sept. 13, S ; Rep. John M. Ashbrook,rook, half-pay. 1966. And born wllh him was a S 1’. R-Ohio. He took notice of it andan d Then she started to gain full-fledged feud. S I C A RtP P E Tl IN G refused to pay. weight.well And, ' school officialscials Duda contended Mrs. Hill, S I Some congressmen contendItend said, she showed up for classesisses “P°n“P°f learning she was pregnant, N I they are residents of the statestates S in loose-fitting clolhes. should have notified the board,Sard Si DuPontit 501 Nylon they reprSSeht and pay Income;ome tele, asked for maternity leaveI and 8 I taxes to those states. It wouldfould Dr, canceled her sabbatical, ^8 i Completelyitely instafledinstal on our be unfair, they say, to havere to ---- Mrs, Hill figured liiat since 8 pay the income taxes levied by she had already made applica-pile" g^ ^ heaviest foamfoam rubtrubber padding. Montgomery County or, for that tion lo Duquesne, she saww no ^ - _ _ _ _ matter, by the states of Mary-Iary- Jg reason lo cancel the sabbatical,lical. ffe e land and. .Virginia., and the-Dls>J31s> ------^Anyway, -6he-added,-sho-ful->-fui- Sfe i— ______^ W W i r trict of Colum bia. filled the terms of her sabbatl- fe However, they do pay person-rson- 3ball- fe Af On June 10, she got a tele- “^kecal. She went lo school, gotIt her fe ' al property and real estate tax- degree and took off o n ly' one ^f e I g / g es levied In their respectiveClive I . phone call from her boss. Dr,, week lo have Jonathan. &- Washington-area jurisdictions. B The school canceled her K The M o n tg o m ^ , .County tax sabbatical allowance, amount-loum-i S NO MONEY I DOWN , was levied only for the last nine ) — Ing' to about $3,000, She’ ^P'ap- 8 ® months of 1966. It was to be paid JuryJDecjjineorge pealed, Monday night, the hoard 8 by "all residents." No otherIther r p T ! • . 1 lo- fillet turned down the appeal in one 8 county in this immediate area -rest volecaL and fired her In another,i: - fe | ! Claiide BBROWN'S R ( yet levies an Income tax. ' l o Indict degrThe board contended Mrs.■ Hill 8 I FEATURING THETHE LARGESTLARG! CARPETING •Ashbrook says he 'filedd a rand violated state law by not^ " re- fesl I SELECTIONDN IN MAG MAGIC VALLEYI Montgomery County tax return,turn, George Ware 27, " portingti! her pregnancy, 1 but sent no check, He estimates " dent sabb ' I r™5— i 5 ^ .^ 'iaw--- -VU? -'7»rn»xjn bybv Mr:M rs.,Everett Savage, Tlme.s-News c ider- J f NEW YORK (APj - Bur-u,.. wh®wKo y > y i n Goldfus Is b etter known -w-| O m lttee. il ac- .. to (fie w orld a s CoJ. Rudolf He w as jailed Aug, 22 on a Abel, the Soviet master spy Return To Ecoiitconomic Health f' warrant sworn by two Nashville a who was exchanged In 1962'62 By RODNEY PINDER He figures lhat, for the time Pr attorneys. The warrant accusedMitinj I c j . fon U2 pilot Francis Gary ,LONDON nwr (AP) - Prim■Imc e being,beini such forelRn headaches "i him of committing sedition by I I’O"'"®- MinlsteMinister Harold Wilson stakedked as FRhodesia, Aden, Hong Knnf> W( daysaying that "black people shouU ■ "He was a fascinating® his personal prestige today on and Vielnam can lake second ta| achieveo n : power by any means ■ man . . . even before riearn-r Brilain’s return lo economicimic P'ao place lo the economy. ncce.ssary," 1 an ® 0 ^ , - > cd he was a spy,” recalled health with a Cabinet shakeup;eup It is al.so generally believed Ware could nol be reached for A Silverman Monday. Before In which he took the reins of the that Britain’s application lo join a s com m ent. He has b een free un- Goldfus’ true IdenUty be- oeparlrDepartment of Economic Af- the Common Market will stand 'V' id derNon $5,000 bond since last theh Fri- came known the two Brook- fa||.sfairs. ! mucmuch more chance of success l e mill day, lyn neighbors became fast Wilson’s goals are a cut In un- withwithout the handicap of havinR 'hi ir- A member of the grand jury ememployment, ployi a slrong pound,'^■an an tpto sisupport a sickly pound ster- n,.. war told, a newsman a “preponder- _ ...... m. n end to wage restraints andil a Ung.ling. os ance" of the 13 members ^ was pprosperous r o s p e r Britain hammeringring If Wilson .succeed.s, he will himagainst indicting Ware. the / / t / l at the door of the Europeanlean prob probably insure another Labor ^ /i Under Tennessee law, sedi­non; II O / \ I— W f Pretrial TaUtr Common Market for admission,lion, vlclc victory at the polls a n d . will achtion is advocating tlie violent WiisoiWilson also is acutely con- earn a place in the history C p nccioverthrow of the stale or federal B O>YS|‘ Y S l / sclous of the disillusionmentt of booksbook as the man who cured povennment,W nr belonging to any Set On AskingI f f votersS : weighed down by risingsing Britain'sBrit: perennial .financialew 'ill minutes BC before this piclure was1— conorganizaiion advocating suchADS ac- .. / A , — D^ pricesp ric e s Vwhile wages are frozenn In health.heall Phillip grou Smith, Murray, Utah, ando b der lion. an attempt to curb domestit de- If there is no marked vhen Im- Iheir outfit was struck In thebs day Ware came lo Nashville '£ lasti f \ Of 2 Newsmen. j l l m mand a n ^ and bring the country’sry’s prov provem ent In employment,, 38, I'"'”'Treynor, Iow a, Monday m or-ur week A to teach al llie Liberation, ,. _ trade Into balance. prodproductivity and trade figures,!.s-News correspondent at Heyburn,ay told School for young Negroes. This NEW ORLEANS, La. (AP) - ‘’’“'Jf. . ar's Wilson must bear the forcerstale of $0N, before the debris wased anc came shortly after he and for­ A federal judge has scheduledL „a Although the m easures ar's Wllsi pretrial conference Sept. 4 on a. s™"'inEshowing signs of success, wllhrtilth the ireaction. agamer SNCC Chairman Stokely the trade deficit halved last -In the main CaWnel phange.s, ------Th er Carmichael U returned frornidl, an I j \ \ PENNEY'ENNEY'S HAS request by two television news- nail Peter Shore, 4.1, replaced Mi- kli, I \ men lhat Dist. Atty. Jim Gar- 1'^“'’,year and prospect of a small Pete ce lion unauthorized visit to Cuba, surplus this year, Wilson knowsows chaechael Stewart as head of Ihe ru- I \ ' . .rison be enjoined from harass- •s, As a re.sult of that visit, in. the I \ \ THEfflE OFOfflCIAL“ ' ing them because of their crit- that ne he must soon offer the vgt. vat^ .E<^pr gconomic Affairs Department Red Tape ^e- Slate^ov Dcparlmenl revoked Ihelr ----- ioism—of—GarrisonV-Kennedy e“e£s_someJight_at_the.cnttoLthe.i!lia£ _som the under Wilson's .siipprvislnn; ___LOS ANGELES (AP)-lat pa.ssports.org ------' tunnel or face trouble in the Cros Crosland, the former educationI All lhat stood between jo b lion assassination probe. , be minister, replaced Jay at the Stale Rep, Charles Gaibreath U.S. Dist. Judge Alvin Rubin general g®!’,®'?' eleclion that musl be mini . seekers and 25,000 jobs and w attorney Jack Kershaw 8 glle. held by the spring of 1971. BoaiBoard of Trade; Thomson re- (ori T v “ ® im '" r ^ u tf its ! — ruled Monday that the alle- “V placed Herbert Bowden time as hold promised during a 19-hour swore wee the warrant against Ware. gatlons by Walter Sheridan,, nnan EmphasizingEmph his Common P“ ' ches "job-a-thon” telecasl today Gaibreath Sch is a director of the ^ C o u n t onin Penney's to get the kids investigative reporter for the Market drive was the dismissal5531 com monwealth secretary, (nnfi and meet were long lines and red American cnn Civil Liberties Union; and of Douglas Jay, president of thetl,g Reginald Prentice, 44, replaced al tl Kershaw is a form er m em ber of suited foror gym clossicloi We've a com- National B roadcasting Co., and of Doug Arthur Bottomley as ministercond of will tape. iiiei R ichard Tow nley of NBC’s New Board of( Trade and a staunch Tho problem aro.se a fte r Ihe Car White Citizens Council. ' i t i plete Ilete easy ^Cgsj carecc selection of regulationlation stylos for all Iheir gym O rleans affiliate, WDSU-TV,•TV, opponentopponer of a Britain in Europe.ope, overseas development. jvpj for slate C Employment Scrvice una ' n eeeeds d s ot.ot, PeiPenny-right prices. Popularpular schoolschoo colors. Come In were sufficient to requiree a Wilson brought Inlo the Cabinetinet jol„ offices, especially In Walls,lege TRYa T 1ME.S-NEWS W ANT ADS /„—. now.ow. Get theth kids set before school startstarts. hearing. George Thomson and Anthonylony land _ _ _ jammed by prospec-ions FOR sial FAST SELLING RESULTS The judge, at the same time,ime, CroslaniCrosland, both ardent Euro-ai'O' cessb MMI 4• t t**•»•»»•• t , »*»»•• L Shorti. 0laiHewaliitic walit—/—'26 26 to 3(f, whIlt,. 7 0 is helpifig Garnjson investigategate years—thereyears—I has been growingI’Ing will | H _ | Gall **THE MOST" 1 what he claims was a plot concern in the Labor party, the on guns, golf clubi, diamondi, hatched in New Orleans to kill traditlortraditional protector of the man- I '^Blouiai — t,; Goidwater To Zradios, wotchii, fypawrllori, ikli,j 100.% cotton...... ^ ...... 1 Rad and ...... F’ President John F, Kennedy,edy, ual worker.woi Wilson hopes that toddles, toolt', TV, mujlcol Inilru- T'ShIrt — Flnait FInait quality 0 0 3 9 who was slain Nov. 22, 1963i3 in under Ihis direction this figure S Speak In Boise __ I manU, chain lowi, camarai, bin*I Full ona.piaca gym lult wllh fto o non-lag. neck,Bctc, long wwiai ia H n g .to v for ^ ' Dallas, Tex. will be slashed by a concerted rm BOISE (AP) - Boise College___ TR'i 'bcuion, tope recofdart, ofcharyI ; ^ m ap front aiaiMc lag. He said if Sheridan was re- governmentgovernn iJrlve to increase Tnd any olhar Ifem orvolu*. I 1 ~ Copen and amaroid...... :...... 3®’ 70c quired to appear before the productivity.product! Investment and groups are making preparations FOF Alhlatic Supportara.pportara...... ••• • . i • grand jury he would be forcedreed modernimodernization. im- for the Sept. 8 appearance of to match legal wits with Gar-G a r ------lent lornicr Arizona Sen, Barry Oold- rison without an attorney.-ney.' ircs’ water, whose talk is to bo spon-Hi B&B Loans B of sored by the college Young Re­ Rubin, however, denied a re- re­ SENTENCED '"THE MOST" I OUR GYM SHOES publicans Club, MAIN AND SHOSHONE STREET quest by Sheridan and Townley SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) - “ . a # that Garrison be enjoined from p -.-u ige,^ The form er presidential candi- (NEXT TO YELLOW CAB) j prosecuting them-on^publlc-brlb-"II? SBonnie ' ; Jo Bllyeau-forracr man- . IVii! date will m ake his first appear- I CAN TAKE ALLUL ‘M k aging editor of San Diego Stale Ihe ance In Boi.se since ho ran for ery charges. Collene’ The two newsmen were ac- College’s ," ‘ newspaper—was sen- nent pre.sldent in 1904. ' __ . mij cused by Garrison of attemptingnine , ^0 six years In federal ;inn* ‘6ei THE ACTION! to get his assassination proberobe ‘ mai-ijua- illM R’EHESRSnrSET witnesses to change their tes- • the SHOSHONE—Junior high chior timony. Townley Is also chargedrged . f . re- (or ihe local Baptist Church will with Intimidation of a stale wit- USE TilTIMES-NEWS WANT ADS ^ a.s hold a preliminary rehearsal ness. FOR FAFAST SELLING RESULTS J i anil meeting after-scliooHThOTKtlav i iced al the church.'Mrs. Jame.s Holt ir of will he chojr dire5lor this year ^^= = = = = ^‘»‘“ for Churcfr choirs. M ■ ■ ■ ENROIENROLL N O W I i ----ACCORDIONCCORDION LESSONSLES | | l leorn to play the veMolil* Accordion W C'ANOANO LESSONS |I N Now acceptingacceptin beglnneri ^ GUITAR CM. eivmT Frtvale Losjoni to meef the Sludenl'i Need. I?ock *N* Roll - j l l | H l P ' and Folk guitar clonei Hart ilart at thath# YMCA Soplambcr I I . B j Enroll by callino 733-4304.104. ClaiiotCloiisi forf< oil ogei« Nit INSTRUMENT SALES 'Count on those fab- ______AylhQr!i9d_jloaler-ioc-JjIuI(.Mtliul(,«ttl-Accordionii-CpIphonv-and.^la*— -Acco/dlo f ric shoes for qual- tional'G uitar: andOfmpllflBri. Soles by fieri. Soiei by Appointment. ■ | 11 y consirucllon, '< INSTRUMENT RENTALS, i ' ClIfF flICHARP— ____ p-c-fl-p-c-r iu p p Q tl,______------“ Accordfdft~and~GuIlarRflnlaI*purchai® p noodod for feet on or YMCA Claiiei. itiB gol Cool and INSTRUMENT REPAIRS ■ ^ ccmfortablo colton Ad|u»tmof1li,^a^d,.irepalri of accordloni and oullort, ^ army duck uppers FREE ENTERTAINMENT t'f STUDENTS rUDENTS " I on bouncy rubber y ' Solo and combo group! availoblaavailable for PTA'i, icouli, Qrongcif Ijl churchei, «tc. solos aro loslod for ' WIIILtlUU. quality and rugged jJW S M A.**’ w o a r . , . SanI- IIM COLOR ^ lizod® for lasting WYNKOOP MUSIC STUDIO I rroshness, loo. 934 Sunrlii DM. Phon# 733-7265 ‘ l||' RAHAIM — - .... Wayno andribrdns Ibrons WyWyiikoop...... { . ■ CHARGE IT! — ...... ------..... r. ^ ■ ■ ...... - ) L.

n Crusade , rI' V- TELECASTi IIM i i C r i i E i r " BIIIVCRAinD,iipeDl[i]|aiiil'sawiil iis-iiEMUfiicsf* All BpiliainG . 29G - BiOO P.M. A Hoppy Homo" Thurt., Aug. 31 ■ 7t00 p.m. d special pis IF IM,V JiT ope lio C nuso OI W at',’ ,., _ winigioppopnijaiiisis-illllCHANNEL 11

TUESDAY, A UG . 29 - 'Tlio Socrot Of A Hapi W«d., Aug, 30 7t00 p.m. Thun "God A iiJTlio liipiiios"

KMVT-TV CIIANN ■ _ / / ■ • VNDREW TUtLY E d i t o r i al l P a g e R o c t ejfeller—Rea f e teagan: The"he Com proip r o m i s e Aug. 29-30,3, 1967 / «' ■WASHINGTON-No expedition a lot of h ard thinking In 1968. •ed -ed on to harvest the votes of)f and- the-thi conseh'atlves mightight most-c most-of the key i^rato n In the ___ ^ ^ toI the Ora(Oracle at Delphi Is neces- They wawant a winner, and of all conservatives consen and the South forir wince aat the Rockefeller name.me. Romm Romney drive. T h e possibility ^ ^ ------sa^ry-to-discover-the- ry to -d is 1neanlng-of-^he-tloke-the-tleket»-propos«d.4he-Ro(*e-__aJlheri B liberal Rockefeller, which wasIS and the liberals, might be nau-lau- ■ ■ ofof a a d deal Is in h e ren t la th e set- thele new p(popularity of a Repub- feller-Reifeller-Reagan gimmick is tha ,■ the purposepur for which Kennedyy sealed b y tHe K eagan c a n a iaicy s c y rn p m ip pr r^at-is' ^ to sayHt-ls-quita----- licancan ticket ot New York’s Gov. most propromising. It is a gimmick, hired JoJ h n so n ., • ■ but winwinning is the aim . of theth e llkeiy llkeiy that .R ockefeller has an Ncisonelson ro Rockefeller< and Califor- of course,coursi but Democrats who ThenTherefore, It should com e as■s game, and a Kennedy proved thathat unders understanding with Romney that the 11 the Intler’s cam paign fizzles I b tJ/JJJLSB la’s Gov. Ronald Reagan. It' sneer shshould be reminded that, no siirjsurprise that the Rockefeller-r- an outrageousduln balancing of the 11 the ^ hasJS the cc comfortable attractive- the Kennedy-Johnson-^cket-in—Keni —^Reagan—pairing ^Reagan emerges in a ticket g e ts the jo b done. RomneRomney will throw his sU’cngth ness,css, in GCGOP circles, of the easy 1960 wenwent as far as gimmickry ■dead dead 1h e a t wllh- the Johnson-'■ What is amazing—and peril-,rii- to Rockefeller. The Rock then Humphrey ticket in the latest juj (g ( ilb . would m erely m o v e in on his PHONE 733-093113.0931 compromisJmpromise. ' could go. Indeed, there is a strik- Humph 't ous to GOP moderates and lib- ^ ■ Republicans Kepublic; don’t w ant to do ing slmilsimilarity. Reagan is count- Harris Poll. The Southernerss erals—Iserals—is Reagan’,s slrenglh, lessesg own ° organization, Offldol City anrf County Newipaper Member Mer of Audlt'Bureau of Circulation and AP . than a yyear after he was electedted But, Reagan will st,iil have the a s t advantage. B esides adding to his Entered o j lecond closi moll mottflf April 8, to hishis' f fl ir s t political office. L a st odvant Pubilihed dally and Sunday at 130 Second Enlere NovembNovember, Reagan got only 3 39 9 own =* strength, he w ill be free of Streef W«f, Twin F o lli, Idoho, 83301, by Ib» 1918, a r the post offica In Twin Falls, idoho, eat commitments to any other can- Jlmei-Now* Publishing Company, Inc. '83301, 8330 under th# act of Morch 8, 1879. per cent in a Harris trial heat The Man Wlio^ Comes To0 DiDinner , with Johnson: today, he gets 4 45 5 “idate. dldate. He is playing ,a certain JARED HOW JACK MULLOWNEV.ownev ’’ ^— cpnGoincEtxEft------— —------—per centcent. Indeed, it Is Reagan’sn 's amcjjn amount of footsie w ith Dick Nbt- Prejldont Publishsfner . Execulfve Editor ' ' early strengths that perils a on, but he h a s m ade no binding lise promises there except that he O. J. SMITH AL WESTERGRENRGfiEN WllEY DODDS KockefelEockefeller-Reagan compromise prpmis ticket. willwill w wait to see w h at develops. Managing Edifor Buslnesi Monogerlonoger Advertijing Manager I , Wilh Reagan and Nixon playing DALE THOMPSON PAUL STANDLEYNDLEY HAROLD STILES U i ^ As a n e w m a n who will be- lillle S gentlemen, there Is as yet Composing Room Manogaf PfeJi Room Mnnager Circulotion Monogar JIL \. m come better known, as the ma-' : no schism ? within the soaserva- neuverinneuverlng progresses, Reagan Is ™ jpn w hereas the moder- almost certain to .gain even ates , are split on the Romney more ground during the next™ candidacy, with one branch sup- several ■m onths. With this new porting Rockefeller and another strength, the temptation will ,'f be talking wistfully of Sen. Chuck ' strong among Reagan support- p ® "■ Perc7 of Illinois. ".. er^• to rrejeiit any alliance with™ Unless he falls flat on his face any otheother candidate designed to , ' ' — give Reagan second place on the „In the} , meantime, Reagan can ex­ For The Go*rood L ife R ----- si™ on summer’s r ticket and go-all-out for the topP convention with virtually no ma­ , Jorjor enenemies within the parly, A survey by opinion-sampler Louis According Acco to “ City,” pDblished by Mbreo'Moreover, Reagan s opportu-t"' xije The c conservative alternative, Harris finds that Americans, by a non-profit non-pn Urban America, Inc., the I P C y nity Is eenhanced by the circumm - NixonNixon, can h ard ly m ake siich a ■ stance tl slim 45 per cent to 43 per cen t m ar- conferees confer£ agreed that space and stance t h a t Rockefeller is not^ a claim,’ claim, and this 'm ay prove de- .S M ’- candidate Mndldat for the Presidency— cisive’ gin, are now opposed to the program weapons weapor programs, complex as they cisive in a y e a r in which the -iwK c,or, at least,1 must pretend he gqP GOP v will be seeking a winner. to land a m an on the moon. More are, are, have hi the advantage of clearly S k JS isn’t for several months. Rocke- andand Ihi the devil ta k e his political than GO per cent said they would op- defined defined ends. But there is no similar feller is co m m itted to Michigan’sn s philoso philosophy. pose it if the Russians were not; in agreement agreeir about the ends of urban Gov. GeorgeGe Romney, and has i„In (j, Ihe end, Nixoh may turn competition with us. rehabilitation.' rehabil rebuffed a ll attem pts by his sup-'P" out out lo lo be the king-maker. As Not surprisingly, low-income people Said Said D r. Ronald F. Hornig, science porters to force him into the;he Barry Barry 1 Goidwater did in 1S63-64, race. Nixon and those over 50 were heavily rep- adviser adviser to the President, "The sub- Nixon has built up a big lead resented in the opposition. urban < NNatura aturally, th is could change,5e. among among GOP professionals and urban commuter, the small downtown ^ ’IheThe Romney Ron organization, in ef- polentii potential convention candidates, Though the question was not asked, busines businessman, the low-income resi- r- feet, isIs th e Rockefeller organ-m- If If Reaf Reagan decides tiTgo for Ihe it’.'is a safe assumption that a ma- ient, dent, thet real estate developer, all HSW l m I uatJon.izatlon. R} o ck efeller has provideded White White 1 Hoiise, he’U need Mixon’s jo rity of Americans, in this poll or save have quite q different goals.’’ HrawH all the important money andnd nod nod atat 1convention time. . -any other, would like to ^ se e some Though different, those goals all space or other funds diverted to ^ :ome under the heading of “ the good ' 7 I Wdl[ projects or defense closer to home, ife.” jjfg .■ This sentiment seemingly has few ' But, said scientist Walter Rosen- t echoes in Congress. Viewing the BRUCE BIOSSAT wreckage after the House vigorously jlilh of MIT, “We cannot define 'the . BRU( >ood life’ in measurable and opera- ^ l^ p wielded an axe against an appropria- 1 /•a • •' . w m n u ■ional term s; we cannot foresee how tions request by the Department ot j Housing and Urban Development, his , definitionj® might change in tha DelegatesJ ;es HNeeded Rep. Louis Wyman, R-N.H., remind- uture, ‘“‘i'’'''' and we cannot judge ade- ]uately all the effects of means which ' ed his colleagues. « ,*SH,WASHINGTON (NEA) - In of of advii advice heard in Lansing: “There is just about enough in the ””8'"night be ‘ used to achieve it.” less lhan a month. Republicanan I^Rom I^Romney needs Cliff White," present appropriation for this model Thus Thus Americans remain, in gen- BSaiBHa candidates for the patty’s 1968168 fhe The c allusion, of course, is to cities program to fuel and fire one eral,!ral, inin favor of large-scale spending . _ _ _ presidentialpresident nomlifation will11 F F. . Clift Clifton W hite of New York, irograms on domestic problems. A R T - E move InInl to the h a rd business of - Ihe now-fablednow organizer ol dele- large Saturn rocket.” prograi .RT BUCHWALD rustling delegatesI for Ihelr Aug.ig. gates gates lrin Barry Goldwater's 1964 Nevertheless, the House went on to But But Congress i sees the moon and 5 convention.conver The big questionon sweep sweep to the nomination. By chop ^425 m illion from the $662 m j^ the■he Russians,Rus sees the enemy in Viet- is who w ill do th e rustling, broad'broad 'Estimate,i White is seen lion request. Meanwhile, a House- nam,lam, sees £ the shape of the super- Right now, th e chief political;al today today a as Ihe p a rty 's most skill- Senate conference committee w as !onic sonic a a ir lin e r . It does not, a n d can- The Warar Of The EdEdsels organizerorganize! " i ” for G ov. George Romm- - f^l fill oek delegate rustler. He has a only able to weed out a mere $234 lot, not, see se^ the shape of America as it • ney of MN ichigan is Leonard W.(V. considei considerable following of polen- ;ould be or should be 10 y e a r s o r 50 WASHINCWASHINGTON-We were sit- think think we we made a m istak e and who who had hai just relumed from a1 Hall. HHe e is w idely known andnd tial tial hel| helpers in m any stales, million for the space agency’s $5 bil- could b lg around discussing the w ar should adm ad it It," visit visit to to the Edsel faclory, wasi well-regardedwell-rega in tiie parly. Butlut The The a assum ption of many poll- lion budget for 1868. ^ears years fromf now. Vietnam the other night when "Balderdash. "Balder The solution Is opilmlslfc. opilmlsl he has nnever had to corral dele-le- llcians has been that While America, says President Johnson. No No blueprintbl of that America exists, somebody S d y rememberedr that Sec- to pour inli more men and mon- "It"11 m m a y take more tim e than1 gales In a truly competitive sit-;it- "could do it for anybody," con­ can afford both the Vietnam war and and thereth( is no one around with the retarylary of DDefense Robert McNa- ey. SurelySurelj with all our resources we we thought," thou, he said, "b u t prog-- uallon. sorvallvservative, m o d e rate or what- the poverty war. It can also probably Aiisdom wisdotr o r omniscience t o b e able maraara used to work for the Ford we can makei the Edsel a big ress ress isis being made. We have! He pplayed la 9 -role In the nomi-nl- afford the moon race and everything ;o to ddrav ra w u p such a blueprint. Company.impany. success, andi we will show gen- ■ lo concentrateconci harder on the■ nations 0of Dwight Elsenhower in Recently, how ever, one parly 50 figure rudely cast doubt on this e lse it feels it m ust do. This This is bow it is in the very nature ’^1’™rhon “somebody r* else said, " I eral Motbrs Mot' once and for all custom custome ers to win Ihem over be-- 1956 and R ichard Nixon In 1960, ''5 “''“ J inder whnt would havo hap- that that If If Ford F niakes a commit- fore fore w we e'll see any results on1 but thesethes* were not contested. ’ estimate, suggesting that White ‘The conflict, however, is not over rf of things. thin] This is why there will al- ned if Ford continued making ment lo ai car ll will keep It.'’ tho tho sales sale charts. Our Industrial j(,j. „ might be able to enlist his large- ■ means but ends. , ways-vays bb e billions for defense, a n d all (|,c „ ! As for Nixon, the 1968 conten- : Ed.sel motor c a r ? " "What's "What's your plan, sir?" fnlelligence fntelligei division says lhat■ (jj,.der, he and his longtime aides ly conservative followers for Sociologists, philosophers, engi- thehe nationalnati endeavors that fall under rhis is what we decided could "I.ci's J ,sc'nd In our top engl- General General Motors is hurling badly „are 'in In rhth e sam e fix. They have Reagan or Nixon b ut could not neers, architects and city planners abroad1 broadened definition of defense, and haveve happened, happc neers and nnd develop the best car and and lhat tha wllh each new Edsel' not been bloodied in a real dele- take i,._. them lo R om ney and per- met in Washington recently to talk onlyinly comparative cc pennies for “the xhe year njoney can buy," coming coming off Ihe production line: «nte war. haps " not even to Sen. Charles rhe year the Edsel came out " A year later the high - level their their mmo orale is sinking to a new pi-jg Percy of Illinois, who gained about ends. good;ood lif lil e .’’ a highligh level conference was call- ' ' Since Nixon Is nevertheless some , ^ conservative credentials cd. group stared glumly a t th e sales low. low. This Thi is no lime to lot up.; presumed to have thorough figures. *"Sir, as you can see, 1 I propose propo: we pour In another “ 1 as a 1964 Goidwater supporter. Therhe vice president In charge we only ; knowledge of the national politi- t ThoughHo u c once rum ored to have we only sold 43 cars this year, 125,000 125,000 workers\ and $50'millionI cal scene, and-strong links wilh se.Hed, of sales mimade his report. "Sir, Thetiii; people peon just^ won’t b uy the additional additloni funds. GM must be „„„„ „ , " settled on Reagan. White seems _ I might ias well face it. The Edsel. It’: many party leaders in every re-^ still , to be hanging back, trying Edsel. It's not their kind of car. made made lo lo realize thal their hard- glon, „ion no one evidently is telling , j , Isel is a bomb. We can’t sell Let’s Ld’s ' get out before it's too sell sell tactics tact won’t pay off." him ’he 1 Jp lo determine when and where ough of them to pay for one , him he needs th e help of addi- L" “f “ lale." Three Three y ea rs later, with 550,000I tional ™ to ‘p organizers. he ® can , best c a st his weight for M a s s , N ot)t Class vertlslng spot on the Ed Sulli- "We "^e can'tcai just get out. We’ve workers workers on Ihe productiln line . maximum personal and party vann show. I think we ought to got 50 000 : Reports persist ol poor effort gol 50,000 workers committed to and and a a billion dollars invested uby the Nixonj; forces in a num- benefit. ------. -Jake.JlULlQ ifi.JlULlQSSeA.and_get out." maklng__a. n„|,|n'[; ; .succe,5SfHl _ car. apd^ JnlnJhej:ar,_on!y J h e j one Edsel was ,, IS. White likes a challenge and In several respects, the United nnce since won recognition. Its rights, un- "wait a L- ber-o£-key-,stat£s. .Ihough_asr__ ‘Walt a minute," a board we'd we'd be be Ihe laughing stock of sold sold — — to the Sinlthsohiaii Th- cribed to his wife's serious ill-n. “ B“plainly P®" eager to-prove that States is international odd man out • derwritlerwritten by a mass of legislation memberimber sisaid. "If the Edsel the the worldworld if we quit now. The stitution, nessness, th e resignation of Dr. Gay-y . his skills a re real, that he d id “ with its salute to the working man. unmatcmmatched in the world, are now falls,Is, the FordF might fall, then problem seems1 to be with the "W "What hat do wo do now?” some- ilord n .j ' Parkinsonp „ , of Californls nsQ3 more In 1964 than simply direct We have chosen September for this Integra!ntegral to the structure of our so- ‘!’ay. Not Nc class but mass solidarity is [ ^it looks grim. dominatelominate 1by persuasion and sub- When Wheh theyI have achieved lhat gether to produce and sharing in the .thele messagemes now. It is an occasion not 'here's ® {{j no need for guessing version/erslon even e If they did no strength, strength, judging by their past one point; The Communists iliootlng. shooting, performance, performa the'Red Chinese benefits of the nationnl plenty. forir demonstrations dem and m ilitant ora- ^ould take uld lake over instantly if the ]11 ( (hedie VViet Cong are k e p t out will be In1 a poslllon to try to, . It was not always thus. The first tory,iry, b bu u t a day for each A m e ric a n — Unitediled StatesStati pu lled out now. of)f theIhe govgovernment, b u t through mako CommunistCi satellites of H iatuss HerniaH( Labor Day, in New York on-Sept. bluelue collarcol and white collar—to ob- Assumeiitlumeiit won't.\ The following aI general general amnesty are permit- all oil thoir thoir neighbors, 5, 1882, was a militant demonstration, serve:rve andar enjoy in his own way, and j® what thethe. picture may look ted;ed to renremain part of the popu- Then, Then, it can bo assumed, an Q—In a recent checkup thele sitting sitting or0 standing. Heavy lifting a demand for rights nnd recognition, throughirough private observance’ to join in ! if the United States stays jmionallon, they the are still in a prim e attem attem pt pt definitely will be m ade X-ray si-showed that I have a may may aggravateag| your hernia hut il a settlement. posHiin ] The battle was prolonged and often a public affirmation of the American wsilion for subversion. ■, Tho to capturecnptui South Vielnam. How? hiatus hhernia. What Is this?:? not not so so m r arkedly as It Would a [0 one IS predicting how long unitedJnited StcStates would rea liz e all In one ofi several ways: pres- What caica u ses it? What a re tho10 hCfnlahCfnIa liin the groin. A hernia is bitter, but American labor has long achievei:hievement. the war will last. Say at the end his, this, •„ sure, subversion,sui a new attack symptom:symptoms? Is surgery advis-s- a, a ruptureruptur (in this case a rupture of anothermother year,yi or two or three, It would probably want fo from ff°m thethe North. able?able? Wi W ould lifting lieavy ob-J- ol of the the diaphragm). di A rupture of the Viet CongCc a n d tho N orlh 7 “" jects make it worse? Can it'i t' the henhernial sac itself is most . Vietnamese leep troops there fo r ' some It doesn’t does seem reasonable to "1“ tnamese aro badly beaten or ime. There j would be opposition think any nnj of the small Southeast rupture? rupture? unlikely, 'beaten—enoten-enough to agree to J, Q—I have a hiatus hernia nnd pence. It home. And the North Viet- Asian Aslan nationsna will try to resist AA-A -A h hiatus hernia Is a pro- Q—* laraese havo consistently InslsF ,^m ,® n m unism u n if by then U.S. truslontruslon o of p art of the stom achh eat only only bland foods. As a re- MR. SPECTAIOR Thehe’North North Vietnamese would- id on American w ithdraw al. , fp.rces !• d suit I am troubled wllh con- havee to withdraww it behind their fp.rces have been withdrawn. ' upward upward through a weakened I ‘ Would th e United States rush dlnphraeidiaphragm . It is often an un-1. . stipatlonstipatlon. What would you ad- J ' J • ®"'n1 frontieifrontier. Tiiat’s for sure. Therefore, the United States I Viet Cong a re another prob- nljht agree to a compromise: back IntoInti th? defense of South . expected expected finding in persons who,0 ■ vise? vise? 'hat It would keep frCfops In Vietnam,-onco Vietnam, it was out of areX-rajare X-rayed for some other con- A-A bland diet mny Include . Suppose It’s- the kind of ” y well-cooked vegetables and N o D o g P ro'otection t st’C:peacece thatth a t lets the Viet Cong fO"hiolth VietnamViet only a limited Southeast Southeas Asia and Red duiondition aand r the possessor mny well-coc 0 fruit. An amount of these foods , , . . ' ...... ■ . "V take: part part In In the negotiations. Ime until tho government hnd was wns a nuclearnu power? have havo no no symptoms referable to A tew days ngo Mr. Spectator pave’ his alsoso don’t don’ think much ol anyona who nl- Thathat wouldwouli be a problem In It- ■ ichleved ; some stability. Even P Perliap erhaps not if 11 m eant nu- thethe hernl;hernia. Since ll Is estimatedd sufficientsuiflclen to' give you a form- views on Individuals m o would poison iow.iiVS theirIhdlr dog: to damage people’s properly, self., It It'.see '.seems unlikely there tlienhen Viet Cong ( subversion could clenr clear w wa a r wllh Red China. P er- Hint Ihot Ihe th e condition Is present-! inn i:d ^ stool ' without . straining doRs. - ! ------or~bnrk-bark I nil night, or chnse cars, bicycles,' wouldlid behe any an agreement lottlngi=-®“!'"nue.-ontlnue...... haps tills Is tho best A m erican - more th than i 50 per cent of, all11 should*''2“', f bo e a tM ev ery day. lo d n y n Jerom e, roslilcnt hns given h er ctc,, or o r bark b all dny. Here In Jerome wo themn take take part in the South But supposesup{ everything hope; hojw; thattin when the present fa- persons vwho are over 65, age IsIs ,, Q—1 hi\ve" a double hernlo. I t views cn the dog situation' nnd what sho havovo nono worthwhile ^ protection against nny Vietnameseinamese government. Thnt turnedurned oout ut dandy: life In South natlcnl natlcnl Peking] leadership dies a cnusat:causative factor. Another Isis this‘nl’ dangerous?dan Does It causa __ wrlles bm .^o m for thought. Like Mr. of Ihesetliese offenses.o wouldId hehe like111 turn in g a tiger VietnamIetnam continues cc in an orderly or fades '"des away a more moderate obesity. obesity. gaseous gaseous distention? Is nn opera­ tion necessary? Sfjoctnlor she, loo, docsriU~llnnkTiiu'ch~or----- "ll”'’ll”ottcirb(!coiiiic.i'qulirnpparcnt-to'm0ttc o— looiic;------c:------7 ------w^nyrthere-nro-legnl-clnctlons,— n y rth e rt J)iinch,ntJei«ler?,jsJn„Moscow I'unch nf __-^It-your-hornla-^ls-asJarKo-aa_J!?''"';J|^if_vour. anyone who would-poison u dog, but sho thatat nn good go mnny people think a b it m ore 'I'lieyhey arc are organlied, disci- no0 revolts. revolts, And supi»so- then tho nfler after Slalln,Stai will emerge. your fist fis t it may bo associatedJ i„"r,‘ A^Tho'chtof , danger-wllh-sn— also doesn’t think much ot some dog own- o( theirtliclr dogs d than they do their fellow hu- pHncded nnd nnd < dedicated to tnking Unitedhilled SlatesSU eventually with- Wllh With themtl It might be easier , with hheartburn, c a i belching or fre-“ Ingiiliml or groin hernia Is e rs . inniis,ins. W Wl hnt has liappcnHl to God’-i plea overr the igovernment, They draws.raws. Docs Do that m e an South lo talk reasonable1 settlements.' qucnt hlihiccups. Aluminum hy- sirangulatlon—a pinching off o f Frankly, wo can sco licr point. In Twin for: us ua to to lovo ono nnotlicr? Does allowing wouldId ho detdealliiE with tho South Vietnam'Ietnam Is is safe?, This hopehop Is perhaps the best droxlde «nnd other antacid pre- the 'i blood supply of tho loop ot F a lls there Is n dog-lcnuh Inw which Is gs dogs to fo inflict mental and physical dls- Vletiinniescnnniesc wlio, even' though Hardly, Hardly, unless tho Viet Cong excuse forfi tho present 'Ameri- parallons mny help to relievo Intestine „ „ 'J?° contnlned In llio lior- Bomewhnt effective In controlling people coinfortmfort on'o other show' lovo toward others? they' have hn hnd a government of lose)so their their dedication a n d Ihc can Involvement, Invol If this sounds theso jyi sy m p to m s but they willII nln. Your h ern ias nro iiot tho who Insist on letting tliclr dogs run wild. . "I Ihmk cnuse fit gas In tho Intestines. 'I think the punishment you suggest fur ions,s, nre nro spl split Into factions. Norlhlorlli VIotnainesoViol th e ir deter- like n gloomyglc view, at least It’s „notqi rcmrem ovoo' the couso, A s iirS In Jetonve, iipparciilly, tho control Inw dogg iHiisoncraiwiso Is Just as apiillcnblo to nny- Tho10 splitssplits would mnko it ens- inlnatlon.ilnatlon. Tho ' departure of tlio ' nn nltemnltem; pt to bo realistic. , A surgical repair Is tlio only doesn’t amount to much. At least that Is ono0 guiltygulltj of tho named offenses. ' Icr for tho organizedo Viet Cong Americans■mcrlcnns Would ho a n open Do Do youyou think tlio United Slates An , opcrnllon Is tlio only euro® cure undiini Is lidvlsnblo la pro- wlint wo gather nflor renillng Uie Icltor ro- "And'And d di o n ’t tell ino tlmt to lovo ono nn- to assert assert llicmselves. This dooroor lo a nowr try nt a takeover, would let Red China movo pliys- hut ,,th is is n ot advised unless .vent ,vont complications. con cclvcd from tho Jeromo resident.’ ■ othericr mmen e a n s lo lovo ono nnOthor’s dogs, too. m ightht tnko take Ilme. Tliey liiivo evenven though thou slowly at first, Ically IcnIly IntoInl the Western llcml- Iho condlllon Is causing more® Q A_i - I am tnking Avonlyl. W hnt Why not shark this Jeromo, woman’s I amam notnol ndvocatlng criiclty to dumb ani- timo.). And ththo Viot Cong In tho Illll Ilut by by thnt tl time, sny 10 years sphere? sphere? You had the nnswcr distress “Hircss thnn t you want to go ou“ Is|j this(iii, drugj given for? vlowpohit with us? Wc will let you look n t nials,lls, b b u u t t I nm pleadlnij lor coiislderntlon governm’rnnioiit ent would havo plenty fromOIll now, now, there will bo a new when PresidentI’rc Jolin h'. Kciinc- jlvliig P '''!! w ith, ' A—It' Is a trnnuulllior. I t Iho Ictler received — nnd hero It Is In full; for■ othersolhers who mny not Iio ns /ond ot dogs oflelp. help, proWwii.roWciii. Red R Chinn by then will (ly dy wns readyi lo risk w nr with 'I'ho'Tho sy syiiiptoiils i nro npt to ho0 Hluiuld iiluiuld ho1 nvoldod by persons " I , ov ovou witli tlioir gum nalnl «nd a« nilssllo1 lystoni, capn- (orco.iti missiles1 oul cf Cuba. lyliiii lying (lovyndovt th n n whon you nro0 enso. enso. /■ ■ ■ ' t ' - - \ if ^ i Jerome)me Countyity Fair ReResults " Aug. 29-30, 1967 . Twin Falls Times-Newj 5 WOMEN’S DEPARTMENTNT ^vhite. Best collection; Kasoia,isota, CarolCa Kiser, blue; Second Ward CHILD CARE i|„ FFidel Castroistro Is Teen-age Sewing blue; Crestview, red; Noreneorene ReR elief Society, "red. ApricotIt Con­Con- Division I: Kathy Lastt ifndtind I . Blouse; Diane Roem er, blue; biue; AAndrus,' ndru white. serserves; Crestview, blue; SecondJecond MarshaW Hartwell, djstrictt and i. Karen Rehwalt, red. Coat, wool; CANDY WaWiird Relief Society, red; C Crest- re st- blue',bl Judy Moore, blue. Dress,, col- DiviDivinity; Vlckl Hinton, blue; view,vie white. Peach Conserve;serve; HOME IMPROVEMENT I Playing LasLast Card . ton; Diane Roemer, biue; Cyn- KKasoti aso ta, red and while, Penuche;uche; CaC arol Kjser. blue. P ear Con- Division I etles.. serve; Crestview, blue; Caraa r ft I Susan Hagier, Lois Jenkins.:nkins, ' ■~^la:-PoolrTed-I>resJr-i>etterretterr ^«stvieWr-bluei-Doraestic£ttes..'Gtest^ ^ By ROBERT BERBELLEZLEZ mateimated, has less lhan 1.000 m en . Diane'Roemer, blue; Paula Reh-'red; FriendlyI Neighbors, white.vhite. kKis is e r, red! Strawberry T (J oT o n P - VvrckrBrOwnT-diStrict-and-bluer -b lu e r —- Cindy r r t ”----- e7WAeASrVeneiuela-(AP)-— undcLiirinsi“ dci and split into small wait, red, Nighlwear; Linda PeaputPeapu brittle; 1st Ward ReliefReilet servser e; Town and Country, blue; WMary Caldwell-, red; Cindy Sclierlc, blue. Play clothesis oro r Society,Societ; blue; Crestview, red; Crestview, Cri red. WMills, while, I ■ - I a j "Fidel Ca.stro is playing hisils last groups. “ “ sportswear; Linda Schorl:, biue;blue; Viclti.Vicki- Hinton, white. Whitehite ^Cherry preserves; Carolll Kis- . Division II and III I card in a losing game, but he "The‘Tt movement will collap.se blue- er, red. Strawberry preserves;erves: Shanna Schuldt, Linda Grif- I ' K ,m does doesn't know il. He just doesn'tdoesn't of ilsit own weight," _he said, Karen Rehwalt, red. Robele or fudge,; . Shirley Haslam, ■ blue; iandra f . —-jH 9 — know-how-ti-e^-c-r-a-t-e-l'y-badknov “Thci - housecoat; Linda Scherk, blue.blue, CrestvCrestview, red; Norene Andrus,idrus' Crestview,V ' red. Tomato pre- fith,fi district and blue; Sandra j l-y-bad “Thcreiira'povefly of ideology jdoj.' serves: Crestview, red.d. To- Bpguslowski,B white. Jm things are going for violentnt rev- withwilh biller rivalries fo r .hege­ Skirt; Judy Moore, blue; I^ianeiiane while.w hile. , Peanut 'butler fudge; ® ® elution." mony among various groups. ' " Roemer, red. Jumpers; GradeM cie NNorem orene , Andrus, blue; Shirley,irley rh[I?' a I o preserves: TownI and Scrapbooks tram, Haslam, r'ed.’ Chocolate^'fudge;iidee- C ountry, blue; Carol Kiser,r, red. • Merry Mixers, blue; Fccdemeedem > s" ThThe speaker was Ramon EverybodyEver) warns lo be boss and Fansier. biue; Susan Buttram, Haslar i t ' Any other preserves; CarolII Kis- aiand Leadem. red; Appletonpleton Varj red. Suit, 2-plece, cotton; Joan- Crestview,Crestv blue; Shirley Has- ™ Varges, 25, former comandanlendanle lew f®"" y " '‘‘i t •<> ffeht- Finally, an In- LiLivestock, white. ‘® | . or m a jo r—the h ig h est rank—inink—In fanlile Icfl has moved in, young eile Pool, blue; Diane Roemer,imer, l^m, red;i Kasoia, white. Lt Eng- ’ a unil, fellows inlere.sied only in lerror- Roe- lish toffee,: Kaso(a, blue; Bettyg„.,“ Pickles, Relishes ij®jiS n a Castroiie Ca urban guerrilla unil, red. Miscellaneous; Diane Roe- lish to ' Beet pickle: Western Rural-R u ral- - r ;i W n WllhWith h im w as an eq u ally (lisillu- di.sillu- ism ."."' mer, blue; Judy Moore, red.:d. Stepp, red; Crestview, white, Julio The revoluiionary movement Nut roll; Shirley Haslam,stnm “ j blue; Friendly Neighbors, •.■jSK sionisloned comrade in arms, Julio The Pictures Ctt' Creslview, while. Bread V a % - — — RomRomero, 24.-Both were arrestedrrested silffere.dsilffei Its severest rev ersal in Quilted: Janie K iser, red. blue; Norene Andrus, red. Car- butter . , pickles; Friendly Neigh- _ 'm H last M arch in V enezuela. lalelate ISS.'i, Romero said , when endly amels, plain; Friendly Neigh- ^ P ainted: Kasoia, blue; Friendly ® bors, blue; Crestview, red; Mar- ;aW i | | ; . WeiWearing casual civilian cloihes,loihes Venezuelan Communl.st par­ Neighbors, red. Glitler; Carol '’''rs blue; Crestview, red,. ion Van Leishoul, white. S - Traffic Courts ol Dr' Politburo, following the ,j Mints, pillow; Betty Stepp, blue, j- I'ts Iheythey said in the office of Dr. K iser, blue; Janie K iser, red, Dill pickles; Western Rural- Fined by Ruperl Police Judge ' y " S I Nelson Lehmann, 30. ihe boyish-lOvlsh- Moscow line, d ec id ed , on a Copper: Viola Darling, 'blue blue Boston Creams; Domesticettes,“ 'fS' ettes, blue; Crestview, red; , ;eneral revolutionary course. J blue. Best collection: Shirley p- Jake Wall for speeding w were ere V j VV ’l lookinglooki head of Digepol-Geiieral [1™“ and red, Mosiac: 2nd Ward Re- First Ward Relief Society, James j L. Frayer, 20, Rupert. ■ I Direcloraie of Police —- and)and ‘ m ovem ent Into lief Society, blue; Linda Lowe. Haslam, blue; Creslview, red; white. Mustard pickles: Crest- ,, 'ahoui he said, "and N orene Andrus, while, $16; Ruben E . Kelterling, ■ 42. i j S■ -il I lalketalked freely if acidly ahoui,'f“J."’' red. Embroidery: Nancy Priest, view, blue; Kasota red. Sweet t I 'I Castro's program for hemis-i'!’.^h‘p,„j5-;.seriously weakened lhe national H AND D IPPED CHOCOLATES R upert, $12; R ussell W, Kraus. . I liberaiion force.s," biue: Crushed gravel: Linda pickles: First Ward Relief So- ,, Ruperl. K e is - ' 1 H pheric polilical violence laid ' Ka- C aram els; Mrs. Melrose Bur- r r « ? " 20. $15: L aM ontM .K eis- ' ■1 Lowe, iilue. Crushed glass: Ka- ' ' “ '’a ““r- ciety, blue; Kasoia, red; Crest- I 4 down at lhe receni Havana con- ^ Despiic ihis, lie added, there gess, blue, Fondanl: M rs. Mel- view, white. Sweet chunk „ pick- v i , ter,p 52, R upert. $20; Bernice L. ' are plans in intensify urb an and sota-; blue: Marlha Anderson, ' i P Porter, 55, Ruperl, $18; Blaine feren red. Yarn pictures: Rosannisanii f.®®® B urgess, blue. M int pat- les: jgj Crestview, blue; Friendly ^ l i mounmountain warfare in December j'ndiv Mrs. Melrose Burgess,gess, fjeiNejghbors, red. Sweet Dilln i n D.^ Bird, 46, R u p ert, $15; Harveyarvey TheThi pair also spoke aulhorita-horlta- |„ll, afiodjer a/jempl to disrupt F iala, blue, Olher: Friendly f'?®' . blue' K. Bell. 15. Acequia, $15; Uls M. Neighbors, blue; Creslview, red red. g N ut clusters; Mrs, MelroseIrose pickles; p j" Domesticetts, blue; ^ P J ‘i™ 'y. the lhe national n, elccllons n ext year, B urgess, Wue. Best collection:ilion: MMa arion Van Leishout, red. SweetSiveet Carter, 36, Ruperl, $13; Paullui B. f i t H Vargas, Vai a universlly sophosopho-- Aa sinsim ilar effort failed in 1963. „ Handicraft „“s® blup. Young, 22, Burley, $10; Lexex H. 'Xv: more, had been in the urbanu r b a n ----- ^r— ...... :—— ------— ,, Mrs. Melro.se Burgess, blue. fruifruit pickles; Creslview, blue; J' y r* jj- W f Tole Bag: Lmda Lowe, blue; pRu„, Kasota , red. Catsup: MaryV Lou Kunau, 46, Burley, S13; L Law- a w - ‘ guerillas since 1960, he said,d, and Ka.sola, red. Necdlecraft: Rulh ^_p| ;, $13; V l o n * '“ ‘1 Apples: Western Ruralettes,Utes, ottO ttm an , red. Corn relish: TownT ow n rc B, W right, 26, Rupert, $13; his superior was Doufilas Bravo, j Peterson, blue; Western Rural-T u while. Applesauce: Ruby Beem,eem, and Counlry, blue; Friendlyiendlv a> Frank 1. Winfrey, 20,. Ru­Ru- APPOINTMENT OF Richardlehard Reed,Rc Twin Falls attorneyTos^as Castro's No. 1 guerrilla, leaderleadcrl l/t Columii fof Sporfs Fans ettes, red. Bed Dolls: Mrs. , John ‘J." blue; American War Mothers,hers. Neighbors, Nei red. ' P 01 oi f . V Roger might agree. He Mrs. R 0 b e r I Websier, blue; j ,, r|„pipaint; Irene Hosman, blue and Judgejuc Archer. r.onn.ird I.oe Olivor, .V. Twin 0(/r /ricnW /u.'fe. fli/f fcv Mo: i , , Ka.sota, blue; Isl Ward Relief orah A. D aguley, IS, Burley, SIO. lo a d , $10; Myra E lizabelh Hill, sp ecialists a t . . . Coffee cake: Mrs. Olen Whist-' ■ show: Irend Hosman. '"'a . ’ 20, R u p erl, Cecil Cooper, ow/ner, ner, Society, red; Kasoia, white. ®how Olhers fined by Judge Archer ’ Ier, blffel Mrs. Robert W ebster,'o ' W axed beans, fancy pack;icl(. Juvenile 0 „ no mud Maps, Sl.'j; Donaldd J. Citizen red; Norene Andrus, white, I Ba- , M ary t Lou Ottm an, blue. Waxedxed B est under gia re: Dliane iane weiwere Claudetle Smilh, 18, Ru- Dickson, 21, Ruperl, WoolfordIford DI»counlt. BOB REESE MOTOR Co. nana nut brcad:Kasota, blue; ^ Ota Bragg, blue; Laura Hosman,n a n , perp e n , drag ra c in g . $20; Sherman , „ ' beans, utility pack: Kasota, Brap Mill, owner, ilcfecllve equip-^uip- V 1 % I 50050 0 Block 2nd Ave.. So. Western Ruralettes, red; Cher-I u,blue; ' ’ Kasoia, red; Dellaella red. Best lustre: Laura Hosman,n a n , H. Hibberl. 34, Burley, following'■‘"E n ie n t, $10; Raraly A. H anshew , u r yl Ingham ,' white. Plain nut g , Ip,, blue. Best colored glaze; C'hris hris too closely, $10 bond; Margarilo |g ' i Dodge' ■ Chrysler - Im­ bread: Kasota, blue; Mrs, Olen Blades, white. Other vegetables; 16, Ruperl, deleciive equipment,le n t, Friendly Neighbors, blue; Townj„ n H osm an, blue. Best of Show;lo w ; CasCasares, 45, Ruperl, driving ..n KINGSBUISSBURY’S perial - SImca - Dodge ..Whistler, red. Muffins: Town ler D ian a Bragg, Best underglaze;laze; whiwhile Inloxicated, $105; Ray- $10. u Trucks. "Home of the and-Counu^i, red;.‘Bave,Eaiisler. .2 “*" John (Neil) Manning, Hey- Projcriptlon Pharmocy/ ModicalModi Center Pharmacy go^'c and Country, blue;' Triendly Loil Cora "Capps, blue and red. Besl moi ' Good Guys" J . white. Miscellaneotis: .Mary Lou Cora B e st mond D. C oals, 25, Ruperl, fol- b u rrn . noi.'?y cxlwu.st .sy.stem. $J0;$10; 117 Main Avt. B. — 733-4674>674 60860i SIShoup Avt. W. — 733-9114 Neighbors, . red. Bis^iltts: Nor- * nn- h an d molding; Cora Capps,ipps, Iq^vlowing loo closely, $1.1. c., ma Bartholomew, blue; Kasota, Ottman, blue;. best, collection; Stanlev A. Shiewe. 16. Albion,:>ion, ■ ^1______Mary Lou Ottman, blue-; Kasoia,3(o' blue. Best china paint; Cora q Charles W. Thomas, 29, Boise, 1 .- red; Mrs. Olen Whistler, white. red and white. ' Cap[Capps, blue. Best-lustre; Cora was fined $15 In Glenns FerryJ; “ Best colleclion: K asota, blue; ™ Capps, blue, red and white.■ jujijustice court for violaiion of Mrs. Robert Webster, red; Nor-Jor- •’AMS CaPI Apricot; Kasota, blue; 1stc t „ B e st underglazed; CCora ora basic^as rule and excessive speed.eed, , ^ ma Bartholomew, white. W ard ^Relief Society, red; Town Capps, CaPf blue and red. Best col- He received Ih ree demerits- lo- j _ . and Counlry.Coi white, blackberry;ry. ored°red glaze; Cora Capps, blue ward„ai revocation of his driver's ’ Angelfood, while: Town and L Laura au ra LeeI Martin, blue; Amer-,/rl and red. Best decorations: Cora n-,license. I Come onin i n . . . Country, blue; Ka.sota, red,'ed. icanjean WarWa Mothers, white. Blackack CapfCapps, blue a«d red. Besl Por-r, ■ ,,In Glenns Ferry city court,lurt, Yellow, cake; l.st Ward Relief■I"'' raspberira sp b e rry ; Helen Beer, blue;ue- c e la in entry: Cora Capps, blue Donald E, Waller, 19, Glenns j Society, blue and red. Chiffon;on: 2nd2„d WaWard Relief Society, red;ed^ andaia red. Best ol show: Cora f^^rry, charged wilh ylolallon of ' kasota, blue; Domesticettes,tes. Friendlypriendlj Neighbors, white.- Boy-oy- Capps. Capf A basbasic rule and excessive speed,i! you havere friends inside! ins red. cierman chocolate; Kaso- s senberr e n b e rry ; Town and Country,r^ Amateur received 3 d e m e rit points, a n d d '' ta, blue; Ist Ward Relief So- bluebiue. CCl herry; Town and Coun-u^ Best“ 6 underglaze: Mrs. Dalec ? w as fined $2ff plus $5 costs. ciety, red. Chocolate; Kasota, try, fry, blublue; Crestview, red ; Wll-Vll- Coleman,Colei blue; Madelyn San- /Mrs, Melba Kendall Tubbs,bbs, blue; Janie Johnson, red; ma ^a Fansier,Far white. Red rasp-st> bergberg. red. Best lustre: Pearl n a n i b l e - DEE JENKJENKINS, Friendly Neighbors, white. , berry; Town1 and Counlry, blue;ue- UtteiUtter, red; Mrs. Dale Coleman,bara ‘charge, ' failure 10 transfer drlv- Devil's Food; Kathleen Fiala,'•i*. |stl.st Wwar ard Relief Society, red;sd- blue. Best underglazed; Barbara-. 1 er's hcense into married name. red. Spice: James VanLeishout,wL Mary^53 ™ LouLc Ottman, white. Straw-ny!.:Hosman, -Hosn blue; Mrs. Dale Cole-' ' and violation of basic rule re-r e - 1 PHARMACIlRMACIST, blue. Others: Vicki Hinton,on, berry; 1Helen Beer, blue; Town,vvn man. nian, red. Tgbn -suiting ,, in a m inor accidcnt a t blue; Crestview, red; 1st Ward^rd andanj Country,q„ red; Creslview. Be;Best colored glaze; Mrs, John ■ H INVITES YOU lo bringg youryoui- prescrlpllonspro fo Magic ' Brehm, blue; Mrs. Dale Cole-'- 1„. Bannock Street nnd Highway cake; 1st Ward Relief Society,ity. white. w hite, Breh onj. 30. She received 3 demerit Vaiiey Drug for prompt,npl, Iriendhfriendly, exact compound- blue; Mrs. Olen Whistler, red.■ed. Othfer;othfer; Wilma Fansier, blue;ue^ man,man. red. Best decorations: i l ^ roi Mrs. John Brehm. blue; Mrs.Yirs' ^points und p a id a fine of $15 f r y . ing. Only pharmaceulicolsicals which meet our high slan- Donuts, bread; Crestview, blue."o- Western Ruralettes, red; Carol Mrs. t ol plus $5 costs, Janie Johnson, red. Best collec- Kiser, while.' Best collection; D ale“ * Coleman, red. Best of P^ .do.dards ore sloclen our php harm odsl h ere since blue. Novelty decorated; Ros-os- Beem, red;r Western Ruralettes,es Lucky.L u c Appleton Livestock,' NOTICE Jlml sill! will' uii llic Bill8ih ann Fiala, blue; Friendly Neifih-gh- white.w hite, Blackberry; Americanan TeensTeen; United. Sale T Operator.I t o r , d u y Qf S e p te m b e r. li)(>7, ut iliu hiour o u r f f H March 6lh of this year. He previouslypreviou served of Salem, bors, red; Nancy Carpenter,er, War MtMothers, blue; Mrs. Ben-len. F eed em and Leadem, H appyIDDV oi of 1 3:00 p.m. und ul ihc ufllce! ofUt : JLA J H Oregon, Mr, Jenkins isi a native ofo Twin Foils, g ro d u - ry; Homcmakers. Busy Bakers, allnil J;",’Huyborn, Uuyburn, Webb & I'ike,Ike, 1 5 1 / 7 white. I- Davis, v white. Black raspberry: Homi , AUonieys, ul UG Sycond bireel Eusi,USI, i w r '___ H ating from High Schoolj I here wwilh ilh Iho class o f 1940. ,COOKtES 1 r ,X:restvie' XIrestview, blue; Mary Lou Ott-Itt'. blue. b ' ** Barrymore Wranglers,lers, Twin Falls. lUuho, buII the lollowinKi^inKi — H , After army service he attended anda received his de- ■is S h ad y Rest, Feeders and p{i. F it- g,™described prunurty to (hc hlghebiliebi W i . . Choodiate Bi^ownies’. [Rubyby mman. an, rired; Mrs. Ben Davis. Shad; b id d e r; H greo from Idaho StaleI University, He resides at 223 Beam, blue; Friendly ,Neigh-5I1'-' white. Cherry;C Mary Lou Ott-)t(l ters.t®rs, Mod Squad, Merry Mixers,• C r s , 1. The following described rcul j | M nd Canyonslde Needles, K asotasota propertyprop bUuutcd in Twin l*ulU Pierce with his wife June,jne, Iwo sosons and a d a u g h te r. bork, red; Kasota, whitcT’J-ig;ht h t man,m an, blue;bli Crestview, red and Cany County, Iduhu; brownies; Kasota, blue, I^efrig-■ig- white. ClChoke cherry; Crestview,IW Dese:Deseretts, Super Stitches, Flying Lots 8 und 0 of Home Acres Sub-r If H Onc son Is serving in Vielnam.(/ietnam . crated cookies; Ruby Beam,'m.' blue anda r red; Domestlcetls,Is' SingeSingers, Gabby Girls, all red, iihdivision. County of Twin I'ulls, itrh ^lule 01 Id a h o . H Magic V a lle y Drug isIs open by telephons 24 houn bliie; Betiy-Slepp, red; FriendlyJly white. CiCrab apple; Isl Ward Re-iel KnittingKnitt Unots. Mix and Stitch.7 1 " 2. All of Iht furnliurc, fixtures,res. Neiehbors, white. Filled cook-3k- lief ief Society,Socic blue; 2nd Ward Re-te- and Darling1 Daiseys, all white,m e . muchlnerymud und cqulpinenl utid ull1 uuf, f. ' H a day, 7 days a week.' — I >holhe stock1 of good?, wares,, merchun-iun- >hH*|(2 I' ■ “ ies; Mrs, Glen Whistler, blue;le; lieflie( Society,Sod red; Donna Hart------disc.and, nil or the supplies, di&hes, ^ d ls e - ies. -eiUH' ' > H Store hours 9 a.m. lo 9 p.m. MMondi onday through S atu rd ay Suzanne VanLeishout, red; Mrs.rs. well, wh:white. r uionslls,' sllvcrW urc,' food, uccounls W imrl a ■ Currant; Ruby Beom, blue; SNAKE RIVER REPORT receivablereLcl und other-uasels of thuthu t I t ' j H Emergencyf phonophons 73!733-8137 R obert Websier, while. ft’ ’ ccrtnccrtnin business, store und cafe, sit- Rolled cookies; K asota, blue;le; Domesticetts,D om estic red; Mrs. BenCn ------UUtCLu u tc d In 221 Main Avc/iuc West,est, !»■' ■ •-li V \ jr. Davis, .white. Grape; Westernrn __ AUG. H, 1M7 Twin Falla, Twin Fnlls County, Jdu-du. - i f l *' Crestview, rod; Janie Kiser, , (From reporla by Dureau of Reclamation,tlo n , ho.hu. white. Oatmeal; Jan ie Kiser,0r, Ruralettes, blue; 2nd. Ward Re-iC- ceoioiiiGeolOBlcil Survey and cooperating panics)ties) TheseTin properties will be sold sub*ub- (]. lief Society, red; Western Rural-al* Disch. Nof'Nor' jcctled Ilo (Ifclr secured dfbi. blue; Joan Dorlholomew, red; “y Socle Stntlon ' or Com. Stored m«lmal ThiThla sale ahull bc held subject lu 15 ettes, white.. Mint; Domtsticells, jLcKi Mrs. Roberl Webster, white, " jackK on U k e 666,330a -- ththe e TDecree of the Dlstrici Court f for ir TEAMWORK; TOGETHERT0( . . Bar cookies; Kasota, blue, Hei- blue; Western" Ruralettes, rede d HonnM oran 2.080 3,160 420 TTwin w h i Pulls County, Idnho, cnieredred J m m m i ^ [„ and w hite. Peach; 1st W ard Re-p PaJjiadM netrrvolr Auiiu.Aujiust 4, 1807, In tho imtlcr 0/ Dur- __eaiBecr,..r«l; Kasota. white, “"d ^ ' Illand Park Reiervoir P3.«0a . hftruhAru Muriwick v. Uonuld Owenverl TO COM BATBAT SICKNESS_____ ' Chocolate chip; Friendly‘Ne\gh- lief Society, blue; Helen Beer,!r, Hclieiw.e -...... - ' D.05B— O30-4.520<,520 Hunv lliu-lwlck, Civll No, 21 IM. Tlie salelue 'j. red. Pineapple: Mary Lou Ott-t t . “S helley '"'v 4,070 3,720 3.3S03,3j0 wwill ill 1be mnde to tho hluliest resiion* bors, blue; Norene Andrus, red; 'L',, l)lack/o(m \ , m 1,7J0 310 asible ib le Wilder. I)iirb«ru JlMrnvlck “I!- re* Y i our cjoctor antj. pharmlarmaclst aci worl<,tpgether as Jnd W ard Relief Society, white.. ’ man. blue; Western Ruralettes,'S» (,,M1* Ic1. h u u d ttru m p 94 04 0 mIn in in s s the rlg h i t u . b i d a t (lie siik*. red and white. Am. f Fa'll ReicrvoIr I60,OOOa , WrllienW rltli bids will hc ncfcptcd nl theiihci Sa highly, qtialified teameam, , tott heip dispense the Chocolate Drop; Norene And-“l_jeiunt;..RubyJeom._bIiie; n i..™ , Ka-. NK i'uley j 13,200 10,290 3,010J.OIO orriceo ffices of H u y b o rn , H uybiirn, W e h b ' nTsriiluerMrT^OIdf-W lll.'itlcr,--"” ^ ! uue-W flicott..______.c = :^, J & & _j>i _ J ’lkc, 1% : _ —jgropgrC care for yourir family.famii; The doctor's pre- sota, red. Red beet; Crestview,N, MiniuokM inidoka N.S. Cfliial 1,C<0 J Twln_l{u|l8,_ldnh(i,1 ^ 1,, ul nny lline p rio r; red; Kasota, white. Soft drop; 11. ’. w , P; blue; M ary Lou Oilman, rod;rl. li’SM hildokn ”'' S.S. Cunal 1,340 1,340 ,.,2 0 (olo tIutlie tlniu oftninnlc'nnd imist-btt;-bij -^scriptiQ — S Bs,ac£.filled ^i^ortiyexport by ourt'eglsterGdG d------Jnd W ard Rcllcl Society, blue; Kascita S nake Klver, M lnldoki 8,030 7,020 3,910 accompanied ;,c c ,,,’ by it doposll* uniial tol _ Kasota, while. Red raspberry; 'MiniaokM inidoka N.S. Pum p 310 210 , 2 0 tento n pertcnin (10%) of the bid prico.1d"! Rpharm acist with allI thothe s| spood, accuracy you Sherri Muir, red. C risp Drop;P' priendlVFriendly Neighbors, blue; Crest-;t . m]]""-M llncr S.S. C anal 3,0^0 1,122 2,SC8X.308 nDurbnrn , rlir JhtriwicK reserves Hie rluhl _ - . M linpf Low Llfl . a n 2S« 0 , Crestview, liliic; 2nd Ward Re- y|,,w ,“ " .1 ® to Bell llio proiKjrlles descrlliod uc-'5c!i expectG of liim .' ® view, red; Helen Deer, whiles lief Society, rod, Mncaroon; Snd Utiiisua e* (ioodinii I'roject 1,S70 1,570 0^ cordlHK lo aucn Icrnin an she inuyIHV Unusual jelly; Crestview,;V, n.s,N.S. ill in (inotiing BSO) determliio AV to bc reltsimable, llldsIds i t i s r " Ward Relief Society, blue. Cook-I'- blue; W(W estern R uralettes,, red,.l P.A.Jj.'f-*-' LR(eraf 74| 3,J42 U t other .im r thni) cnnh bids slioulil conltiiii:tiitI ! io press; Kasoia, blue Pennut niul whlti Milner N.a, Canal 2,m) n „ (loscrlptlonOfZ, tho terms ptopuscdJC,d ft niul white, Unusilal berry; Do-0* snakeSnake 1 River At Milner 241 ' 249 ® 0 byj,u Um,|, prospective buyer. butler cooklcs; Crestview, blue;e; niestlcotls,mestlcotli blue; Mnry Lou Ott-ff. Dlveriioni: , l^DATUl)^h a ’ This 78th (luy of Aub« 8 (, M rs, Olon Whlsller. rell. , mail, miu,, red.red Best collocllon; Ruby IJcIm (tf SltellfV 7,710 I,JIO a,OCff ,n,i7 ) y S helley to H latkfool 3.280 I.JOO 3.OC0 ' IIAiniAHA IIAimVICK No bake; 1st Ward Ilellef So-0 - Ilceiii,Beeiii, blue;bl Mnry l.ou Ottman,I), («)(u) aAcfc-reeti oihrr minnlllKPi In cfi. haviHAVIIOIIN, HAVIIUIIN, WKnil H cicl.v, blue; Onry Plala, red;:1; rtd; HelenIlch Beer, white. WATHKMASrint "A S Hlil'OHT! ' , 11, Kasoia, while. Cereal nu bake; Ih <-■<»»Ifuilii* |y fill fIghJii earlier th n n Allonio’y' A lto n fnr llnrlinrn llinlwlcii \ L<; Ilulter, Conscrvog il-’Gb, ib, 06 ,, 1819. ■ 'I'tuiti MAGIIGIC VALIILLEY DWIRUC Twin l-’nlli, liliilio ' J \ f Kasota, bluo; Friendly Nelgli-h- PPench; e n c h ; Second Wnid Kcilefo f 11 C. rA OLi:, KuRlneer-lM- rnlilllll , , Aug, 211, ;iO, ,11, .Seiil, I, J, 41 W ’’ est Addison nt Martini r t l nStr S t r ^ ^ Tolophona 733-7733 ^ C h irifl, U,S,(],S„ Siiah* H Iver n 7 " biOT, rod; Norcno Andrus,s, Society, blue; Apple butter;r. Waififiiailer, fitaii v l Jd ih o . IBOL '______I

• 1 b Twin Falls TimeyNewslews Aug.s29-30,Ai 1967 ^ I D uke w m Bele GiaG lad T o H ost LLove-Ill ove Again ’ ^ WlWOBURN. England (AP)')' — cc4me4 me painted,' beaded andand ties ties dni and So4 drink .cartons. But TThe he flower people--15,000a of feathered fealhe to listen to continuousuous the the dukduke was -not perturbed. ' ththem—grooved en on joss sticks,ticks, rock rock 'n'‘ roll music, buy buttons:tons The The balance’' o l the profit- Idaho0 News A { rolled on the grass and got to do and and bellsbi and m ake friends. afterafter th the duke’s-take—went to a ig on The loye-in ended wilh the compan company unapproprlately called FAIR OPENS dormitory dormllo was reported Tuesday thei)their thing all weekend long on The .[r the dream-deep lawns of statelyateiy lawns lawns strewn with champagnejgne Four Four Si Sijuare Ltd.-, form ed three BOlkE (A P) — The W esterntern by university univi officials. , , . ■!. I WobWoburn Abbey. The duktf dug bottles, bottles plastic cups, beer bot-bot- weeks weeks i ago to hold>'lo,ve-lns, Idaho Fair begins its 19BC run Tlie Tlie ll-story 1 dorrtiitofy is the . |. - it—a ^ J2.?0 a head. ------: "Tuesday on new-fairgrounds and firsrunit firsrun in a proposed .hpusing without the word "stafe" as pjirtpjii't compWxcompWn which eventually' will f . ’ ,, W ith 10 per cent of the $70,000fo,ooo C T O Ot Its naiirer ~ ------accommodate-W52-atudentS; irccoinn: ------~ _ profprofit from Britsin's first massmasg MM itern The loan is being made by the ~ leICVFlHT^he v s DuR6 of Bedford Formerly called tlie Western The lc ’ t ^ ssays a y s he’ll iie glad lo opdn his ----- Idaho State' Fair, the "state"ate" U.S. DepartmentDe| of Housing and j v ' xpo- Urban Development. It will be anCEancestral estate again next year I H - wa.s dropped because the exp(^ Urban I to the hippies, dition is financed soieiy by Ada repaid by I revenue from dormi- ^ County. It did not receive stateitate tory renrentals. '|R ‘ Tthe t duke turned to the flower tM funds. power business over the ^pmk'N long ■ wweekend eel as p art of his relent- E H This year'.s fair will run 'sey-sev S'SWISHER SPEAKS H than BOISE (AP) — A former Ida- B i less commerciill campaign to en days, two days longer than , BOISl I» y off $16.8 million in death du- p H in the past. ho legislatorlegis and candidate Iforot H i i l i . WEDNESDiYESD/iV S8 FRIDAY! J . governor Monday , describedibed ties on the estate he inherited.' Jl’M The new fairprounds are imt ad- American involvement -in-Viet./let- - H NoiriNoirmally his customers area re VS A jacent to U. S. Highway 20 just^ nam as a blunder based onI an M - Ttm=of=the=Tnil|—tourlst5^^hDugH■ — K ti w est of Boise. The old grounds ill-founded m fear of communism.ism. ■ he once was host to a paying m DRAWINGS!# adjacent to U. S. 30 were soldnir pocatiPocatello publisher Perry ■ nudinudist encampment. 3 ' | 3 BIG DRAW when an iniprstalc highway sp u r Swisher, ciuiQhnr a former Republicanican ■ ThThe !ove-in crowd was small- ^ slashed through them. state senator and a 1966 inde-nde- ■ eer r than expected—organizers |y . pendent candidate for 'governor,nor, mM hhad a d predicted 100,000- h u t they LOAN APPROVED said the high cost of the war:e ef- f- H “ b a n k s f i MOSCOW (A P) - Federal ap- fort fort wa was draining funds fromrom H I I *200® BA provai of a loan of $2,150,000 to needed WE'make I lO to needed domestic projects, in- H (No Purchase3 Necessary to Win| EjKa finance construction of the Uni- eluding eluding irrigation of southernlern H versity of Idaho’s first high-riserise Idaho.Idaho. H 0 li® ★ REGISTERrE R ATL WEEK f f l ^ ® WINNERSERS POSTEDPOE m i Jordan In Bettertter ConditionC ■ : 5 o A N ^ I O l n Anything of Valueue H Wheel of ForFortune m Than Foreseensen AfA fter W ar B K M EVERY FEW MINUTESMINUl ■ &y DAVID LANCASHIRE1 served: "Jordan wants to keepceep Mu RED’S AMMAN, Jo rd an (AP) — Jor- the resistanceresi; passive." __ - ~ dSn is in a state of suspense,;, as It hahas reason' for wantingting ,S | .< J l Win Up to $11J100.00 g \ - one official describes it, but It it is quiotquiet on the west bank. Chaoss oor r i H ■■ i - 0 ^ 0 1 LUCKYJOKY LlCLICENSE in hotter condition lhan manylany terrorism,terrorist or Israeli reprisalssals J H foresaw two months ago afterifter that cotcould follow an uprising, the Middle E a st war. would s(send countless more refu-efu- y 3 0 WINNmNNERS^^\ It faces crushing problems:1; ItII E^esgees fiefleeing into eastern Jor-Jo r- — RogUler Frae All11 W«ok. WInniWInnifi Posfid y O g f lost its richest liind and its dan. a!>n- IP* T l Wsdnflidoy'oy and Thundi Thundoy. 28-p lane air force. ItsKs An Arab Ar resistance campaign,ign, Ff"' _ . 59,000-man arm y was knocked;ked the gigovernment calculates, C ' 3 be would give Israel an excuse to , WEmi out. It has 230,000 refugees to be would g SITTING LEGS APARTr as ho takes part in the conferenceercnce. .olof anII-Vlelnam war groups ^ fed and housed. refuse permission for the . 3 JV , present refugee's to return ,0 to "Is Blnck Power advocate H. Rap Brown. The meeting was held at tho Overseas Press ‘25-f10 M- j f And if it becomes clear that their homes. Jordan hopes jj. Is- p"Club in Manhattan Monday.. At his sides Is Rt. Rev. Msgr. CharlesCharles COwen Rice of Pittsburgh,*' ' U.S. 30 East to Eaitland Drlv» i Israel intends to keep all the rael J can be persuaded to accept.p .j P a. A coalition of these groupsoups annannounced it planned a massiveisslve demonstrationdcr In Washingtonn A Jordan-claimed territory west'j “of 150.000 or more. on Oct. 21 in an effort to shut do\down the Pentagon. (AP wlrephotiw irephoto) Hurry, Ends WecJ. M the Jordan River, Arab political' . Israel , has balked at wholesalesale ^ Gates Open 8:00 f l circles say, King Hiissein's ] re- return of Arabs because of an -jr gime could face an upheavaL gxhortat ^ fM N E ii DDi i U l ( l \ • exhortation by one government I i R R S T R-U-N m There is evidence that Jordgn official for them to act as i "a (Johnson f I ¥nllnlftely To'o ( Convert Recommended -For - -|H I is trying to prevent any efforts° r “ thorn in the side of Israel.” Sen-Sen- Adult Eyes Onlyl j hBH TO THE MUSKMUSIC OF' to explode armed resistance' ■'Jin ior diplomats here note that this f l ' the .ti^Fltwy occupied hy Israel was an isolated statement, and A ^ At 9:00 H despite iMaeli contentions the™ (jjpy(j,py dismiss(jjj, it as Arab rhetoric. govemraeTiris Inciting Arflb^-on *Achievemenlents Into Poli*oll Support 1;mgmtnsrt a martin lansotiofimduction .w B the rich we^t bank to rebel. , ^ ~ m Mustiee BraunBr m Jordanian officials and West"- Open HousingIff Byi JOSEPH R. COYNE councountry’s future that they’vey’ve cent cent of the 106-nation fund is ro-re I fiiycttrtis I 1 ern diplomats here say theree Is fr ~O wWASHINGTON / (AP) - Therhe spentspeni four to five years tryingg to quired qulr to put any plan inlo ef- H ^I^A T THEE ORGANORG M no Incitement and point out; Not Johnson administration Is un- resolveresol problems surroundingding feet. feet, fl i one Israeli has been reportedr"?ed M iT lU arch I M ay likelynkei; to convert two major in- each. each ]fIf finally approved, this con- | claudia killed on the west bank since the ternationaltern£ achievemcnls inlonw priPresident Johnson called last tingency ting plan wouid be the first II | Middle East war and no riots T J™ , m assive support at the pollsoils weekweekend’s agreement ■ “die“lhe major maji revision in the way the I have erupted. “‘'BringU O I U nrest' nextTxl year. greagreatest -stejvlforward in worldorld world worl docs business since the B The Israelis have made no ^ BuBut bolh will help shape the (|na„fin a n c ia l' cooperation’’ in two end end of World War II. H claim s of a rm s being smuggled•led By KEN HARTNETT lives ijve, and leisure of many Amer- decadecades an d .said it will a d v am nce------c e ----- across the river, where secret-ret MILWAUKEE,inlLW, Wis. (AP) -“ fcan.leans for years to come. the vwelfare.of all Americans. gm gnt. An organization of young £g crossings a re easy and frequent. An ori E arlier this summer, U.S. "f' of- .j-j^The reduction o f tariffs and ^ Security sources add that Joir-jqfl Negroes plans to return tonight'?ht ficialsf|;,ja| reached agreement lo cul j. CLUB „fl|. (0 the predominantly Polish (arjfi the means to finance more V dan arrested eight Syrian infil- P the h^h tariff.^ on thousands of items trade will mean more jobs for U trators who tried to slip intb tlifetlie South .Side where an open-?™‘ over a five-year period in return » n a housing marth Monday night f„^ Americans, the administration K occupied zone this month on a |E h tf„ r cuts by olher non- contends. W nuerrilla raid against the Israe-rae- brought out thousands of taunt- Communist nalions. lied The government estimates ^ Iis. ‘"S’ing, threatening whites. And last weekend the United L One- minor injury was re- lj„„ that every Sl billion in exports CAFE One European diplomat ob- j ] Stales agreed with nine leading __ ported during sporadic bottle- industrial nalions on a frame- m ean s 127,000 jo b s for Ameri- ' ” and rocrock-throwing from white work for creating new money, (0 to cans. Government officials ex- Jackpot, N evada j persons that shouted, "We w^ant j,p|phelp pay for new trade. I peel the successful round of lar- 5an,^ff talks to increase .exports al- ' - ' *^--J slavesl" .Police estimated thal Bolh go, move.s havo bipartisan ' * ^ . Manlnjm-edin 3,000 persons lined Ihe route' of support but lack nia.'isive voterHer though they hesitate lo say by ,*‘A ipectaculor ^ march. * attenattention given such questions how m uch, Spoof y< "iipanavisionV^metnicolor 1 One-Car Crash xThe " p opolice, equipped wilh riot as the(j, Vietnam war and troubleble I'oe.s of specific tariff cuts'Uts , Burtffng fHe.r fn Itv 'grfiOS' ling: One man was slightly injuredred and tea;tear-gas guns, prevented in the ,|„ cities. contend conte lhe.se could lead to in- wwith Bond(" and damage estimated-at S7001700 any seriousseric clashes between tne the Yetyet government officials con-on- creasc re ase d im ports w hich couid af- Plus at 11:00 “ resulted to his automobile in1 a whites anda the 250 marchers, sider them so important to lheIhe feet 5 som e U.S. obs. single car accident late Sundaylay most of them members of t the h e :------J------— WWilh it Ihe machinery for mone­ ^ JIMMY WAKELEYAKELEY SHOW I one-quarter mile west ot Curryrry MilwaukeeMilwauk( Youth Council of the „ tary reform inking place, the , U l S f f ® on U.S. Highway 30. National Association for the Ad- y non- Communist world is cx- ,63 Begins Friday Night for 10 Big Days H laul vancement of Colored People. Gov. W allace May Sheriff’s officers .said Michael vanceme: pected lo have the money to paypay Frad and Janin aat t the Plo Piano Bar n J . Em erick, 21. 1136 WiimoreQfe . Ten personsP were arrested, l-ln S for growing trade. — ,ith including two juveniles. Have Treatments ' 0 St., Twin Falls, escaped with "’cl“<'ing _ II took four years to draft the ■ M..I10I1 X g ^ Pl- ted The Rev. James E. GroppI,3p|, HOHOUSTON, Tex. (AP) - >t I ^ CHAD EVEREn:a;rs» ^ ~ minor-injuries nnd wa.s treated ne « the Should Alabama (Inv. Lurleen,en nionemonetary reform outline whichlich Oollor ^ u:ii:r.«iuwc(i.i\D oasiiUfBT and released from Magic Valleyiley y™thyouth councilco ad viser, said the Shoul ^er now m usl be approved by the 5 t o $ 5 0 0 m archers would return tonightght WallaceWalli begin X-ray cancer TECHNICOLOR* MSIOH-fROMWAHHERBHOl1 WIN $5 to $ Memorial Hospital. P. treatm ents next monlh, thejl,e ’■'terrInternational Monetary Fund:id c " .'r \ w ^ f ™ and said Gov. Warren P. treati i n g —SABA MAC. J His vehicle wns passing anotli- Knowles should surtimon the therapythera will take three lo six and ratified by participating — er on the left side, officers ,said, luj countries. Approval from 85 per ,„m “BIGJ BERTHA”BER , 1“: National Guard. weekweeks to complete, physicians ™'^"t when he pulled back into the", The Guard was called oul lastlast say. P*“ ------i‘W orld-3 -tarEest-Punch■gest Punchboard** ------*“ *...... right hand lane and lost control, summer when the priest and the SurgeonsSui at the University of _ EVERY WEDNESIWEDNESDAY The vehicle swerved and skid- youth council coi marched in subur-)ur- TexasTexa M. D. Anderson Ho.spilal D d e d com pletely around in tn® the ban Wauwatosa in protestlest and ' Tumor Institute removed;? a |rIO-REY = 1 ® F No Purcfiase NecessarNecessary to Win! highway, mis.sing the car it had agajnstagainst m em bership by publicblic lemon-sizclemoi tumor and a seclion FEIEIlSULEItS'URSUJAIIDRESS I0 t l ion 1 ^ kl. I . p n ust passed and a large oncom- officials in all-white clubs, andmd of thitlie governor's colon July 10. ^ '9 ^ ^ DUVIDIIIVEH'WOODY DH tUEII , JOANMPEnErORSOIIWEUES I PhONL /J3-6.26 11 FRIED CHICKEN:KEN DINNERD 1 ng truck. The accidenj was ri=- re- was „as summonedsui earlier this:his ReturningRei Sept. 10 for a ""ARRIVIDERCI, BABY” ^J{ ported at lUlO p.m. . , _ month duringdi rioting in the pre-ire- checkup,checl Mrs. Wallace, 40, DAIIDH UW' DEBOntH KEII1I Eait Eai on U.S. 30 to Eatlland Drive WmUHHOLDEK'CmBUSBDTEIl Southernern Fried ------dominantly dominant Negro Inner core, probl 3nt w ith WH '• probably will be an out-patient _ Hurry, Ends Wed. ALL YOU “This was a white riot,” saidaid as doctoraj determine whether'Cf Tq^ny Curtis and _ -NOWPLAYlt^Gl: _ Gates Open 8:00 ■ CAN EAT Rupert Man Is ■ Father» Gtijppl. "That crowd she should£ undergo precaullon- Nancy Kwan j $1 was out of control. That disturb-rb- ary X-rayJ treatment. j Conlinuoui from 1:00 - EVERY WEDNESDAY:SDAY ■...... I anceJof Tliird Street (the Negroijr o ------;------First Area Showing Shot In Mishap W ed . O nly SHOSHONE — Investigation, Is is riot) was nothing compared to continuing into the accidentalital this."this, ______If you plant it “ NEVER tOO-LATE’* | Add ______A t 9:00 gunshot wound received by Ray or feed It — , n Madisen, 47, Rupert, about0“^ BABY BORN 324-5511 1 12; 30 p.m. Sunday outside his HOLLYWOOD (A P) - Singer Jl ' J - |MASTER-CRIMINM!| M .y John Gary and his wife, Lois, {GLOBE SEED ^ a cfus c a r five mile.s west of Richfield. ^ [ ■ became parents for the fourth D O N ’Tr MMISS I S S ITI State P atrolm an Ron Eggles-(] ' time Monday night — a 7-pound'‘d Will liave it! SUPER-SPY! ton, who investigated, said the boy . named John Andrew. shotgun accidentally discharged, ^ AND ALI TRUE! striking Mr. Madisen in the t h e J | R . PETETE S I back, during a family argu-gu- J ADVENTURES ' UMM mcnt, Mr. and Mrs. Madisen ‘ E l were outside the car and their three small children were in- E l SHAGGY LIHLE M U B side tlie ca r nt the time. E l SERYI BURRO AND . M l He was taken to St. Bene- ^ 3 h im diet’s Hospital, Jerome, w h e r e ; ■ IL he was treated and dismissed. M l f f f fGRanpGiMKoii in a ^ Sunday night. i |j SERVIVICE I _ 5AY COUPON “1 p L.4 M™tl itt actual I % I ™ “ TRY TIMES-NEWS WANT ADSDS I M SERVIC locations in the L > FOR JrtST SELLING RESULTS ^ [VICE I a W Wednesday,3y, AugusAugust 30 . ^ Spectacular ^ Grantl Canyon! E 0 ^ » JACKPOT,T , NEVANEVADA ^ F YOU LIVE i ^ tHRISTOPHER Uj m f This Couponipon EntiEntitles to Receive I l IN AAAGf\AAGIC . VALLEY 0 % piummER I1E|S ^ Bearer to Repel' I : I ROmV TREUOR ^ ^ I CALLVLL EBLACKERS Q f SmnEiDER -HOUinRDB ^ i ^ I . ^1®® IIN N C A S H I

1450 KC j ^ CERT (IRUOinE iV ^ ^ Coupon must ba tiBshodtiashed between1 Sx I FOR ALL KINDS OF H y FROBE-RUGER ; ^ jsI the hours cf 6) p.m. p .m . and 12 p.m. SN ON YOUF? RADIO DIAL ; ; N- ■ Wednesday, Aug.ug. 30, 1961967. Limit i ?SS vuiB R vnnE R ; ^ one to person I overover 221 1 j years of- ^ A#-TM|BA«ON" .• ^ ■ HOpSES E SSHU, H U , W List^fdr ' j nI APPLlAilANGE I i TCRCNCe YOUNG'S ^ B«yWW»tfWnit»WWY»W»»»WY»VW»WYYW«VW Keep’s Citizen ^I SERVICVICE I L I I ROY MACK MAC I E d I ___ Plus at 11:15 ! ; ^ ^ Al The Plano-Organ0 -Organ CConsolaoi S ^ , o L th e____ H ' , . Sm R IN O ’ \ ^ r| i1 I—I ” r~A T“THETTHE... WEEK Color. JlSfl ul) L1 I Write a letter H B _ STARTS m IAST TIMES TONIGHT ]WEDNESDAY I II H o rsee S I to KEEP nominating bw| | n "Ih i Onom. Molill." / ■ and [ ^H JACKPOT, NEV. '7ait«il Guitar Alivi" m YOUR favorite citizen. Optn at 6iOO p.m. Nswman |[ feHaniBrji i

I / r »- I Jeri Blakeslee ■ T SuzanneSu: Smith ___^Xtig. 29-30, 1967 Twin FallsFal Tinnes-News 7 ■npiH H H ;lsM s BrideE Of I I Is. Engaged To ^ J Byron Carrier. r Wi William Bufton ^ ? - | '~£ILER' ~ £ IL - -. Jerl Blakeslee, ■ ; BUI B U H L -M r. and M rs. M . F. _ ■ ______I daughterdaugh of Mr. and Mrs. Jackrck I Blake Blakeslee,'. Filer,-became theth e H Vy '■ SmithSmith. Buhl, announce the en- . . I bride of Byron D. Carrier, sonson i gagement and forthcoming mar- KA 1^' ofof-Mr. . M and Mrs.. RoscoeCarv^B I riage of their daughter, i: Su- M * ’ • agic V a lleyey Favorites' F( ' t HIte e r r T , . Sumin®!^ fflfsh:; Inr'‘B‘” ^ B I— zannazanne..,tn,Willinm,R. Bufton. .son___ ;____ I- of- Mr. and Mrj. George Buf- , DAr-GERG&N—-— ^------I doubl double rin g ceremony Ju ly 30 ' - Bo* 152;S2; Haielton Haiollon ^ a t the F ir s t Christian C hurch,c h . I ton, Vancouver, British Coluni- ______f j I Aubui Auburn, Wash. , Jll PrUe Winning Banana Bread vorites, I I Rev.Rev M r. Helseth performled ed ' ^ ■ 1 ,, I MisMiss Smith Is a 1965 graduate ^ i vorites. If you have a favorite I of Buhl High School and i s at-a t . /J/4 cup butter recipe, jujust mail it to the Recipe I the Clceremony. I ’ 1 cup sugar " ' Deparime < x ,'* ^ " - J ^ M K n i r I tendit tending the University bf Idaho, , “P Depariment, Women’s Page Ed­ I The bride, given in mdrrlage ■ 2 eggs, well beaten itor. ilor. The recipe becomes tho .w ^ j I by hiher grandfather, I. L. Ja-Ja- ■ ’.'v. I where she will be a junior thisI 3 , ripe j Jl bananas, crushed property f let- fall majoring In business edu- j property of the Times-News and I Irs. Allen I lusion n e t was held by a satintin ; , versitv e rsity of Idaho- fbr four years,ir.s, 54 cup chopped nuts, optional" r Rci'.sd ou- > R. Rce.sor and son wcre guests I headp headpiece. She carried a bou- ■ I majo’imajoring in electrical engineer-;er- BakeB ake in two loaf pans for one of „(' |,„|,i,riMmiir nl a Meiliodisi Church I quet of white carnations andind ; r - N I ing. 1 He was affiliated with Phi hourh o u r in a 300 degree oven. Ice be 'ith . ' ' ‘■L' picnic held at the fairgrounds. I pink rosebuds enhanced with ^ ; ' ' * . KappiKappa Tau Fi-atcraity. Mr. Buf-!uf- withw ith a tth in coating of powdered<^0 The'Hie RRei'.- ci'siirs a r e leaving l-'ilcr I white streiimers. ton is playing professional foot-30t- sugar icicing and crushed nut.'!. j„ ii,c ne^: of : ' in Ihc near future and will move r' JeaJean n ie Blakeslee, siste r of . ' . '.T s | B ball with the B. C. Lions of (The (jbe 'Times-News \vill pay $.110S.') lo Idaho l-'alls.1 II the b ride, was maid of honor..or. Vancouver. each wi week for tho best rccipepe I| -V- X- a- : \ f ' < I Glenn Carrier, Pacific, Wash.,ih„ H _ A D ec. 30-wedding Is p la n n eled. d , ssu u b mittt itte d for Magic Valley I'a-■a- TRV TIMTIMir.S-NEWS WANT ADS I brotherbrothi of the bridegroom, m H I servedservei as best man. — I Soloist was Sheila L edbetter,:er, I Pacific, accompanied by MrsiIrSi ■' .■--SwTT I Jim F letcher, Auburn, who also.’®° MR. AND MRS. BYRON D. CARRIER______I playedplaye the traditional weddinging —------.—— ------* m music. usii MR. AND MRS..S.. CLAIR SISEVERSON LinLinda Forest, Buhl, and Col--ol- ClndyCin C arrier, sister of the bride bridi was honored at two pre- * (Leedoiridoni photo) . leen Bingham , Filer, w ere bridegroom,bride registered thehe nuptial nupi showers hosted by Don- -•— ^------— candicandielighters and ushers were guests..guest G ifts were displayed by na na Blakeslee, Betty Hawkiiis Jim Blakeslee, brother of the LindaLindi Forest;'C olleen Binghamam and and Mrs. Linda Wright, Flier,] - ■ - . Miss Crockett, “ers were at each side. A largerse bride,bride and Leon Gibson, uncleicle and Betty Hawkins. Bride-ide- a and n d by Mrs. L eo n Gibson, P a cici* i- ■ I ' .. ■ bouquet of m iniature gladioliloll of theth bridegroom. groorgroom's cakes and flee packets;ets fic. fic. H and greenery w as placed at one The church was d ecoratedted were distributed by Joan Jacob-ob- >1. H- ■ Severson Soy fsl^ouslde..of. the altar and a bouquetust with-'-with-whlte candelabra enhancedced son anda Shelley Jacobsottj^u- was on the piano. Bouquets of with pink satin bows andind sins of( th e bride. J w /\A j Wedding Vows the yellow gladioli and greeneryi^ry streaistreamers and baskets of whitelite CofCoffee a n d punch were served Miss Walker, HANSEN — Christy Jewciiwell were alsoals tied in the center “f of gladioligladii and pink carnations,ms. by Mrs.M N ancy Gihson and Mrs. Pi-p ^ a u hee a c Crocliett, daugliter of Mrs. Char-har- the ttie arch and candelabra. A rreception was held im m edi-:di- Virgil Luntiand, Pacific. Mrs. Freeman Name lotte Crockctt and the late Mrs. Charles( Helman, Gard- ately a(g|y after the cercmony in the Jacobson,Jacol Portland, aunts of the \A /, George Crockett, Hansen, be- nervlile,nen'ille, Nev., sister of '"e Ihe fellowshipfgHo,, hall. The b ridle’s e’s bride, cu t and served the cake,ll;" W edding Date came the bride of Clair Sever-ver- bride, wasv matron of honor. ,n|,|gtable was covered with whiteilte GuestsGut attended from Idajio, son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnohn BridesmaidsBridesmi were Jane Bennett,'j ; lace and, centered with a three-ee- Oregon,Oreg( California and Washing-IJ”; GLENNS ‘j FERRY-Katherine w'dL c^ ovei Severson, Bonner.'! Ferry, at Parma, a .college roommate;I®’ tiered w edding cake decoratedted ton Virginia Walker will become^ ^oveiine65 evening rites held Aug. 5 at Snsan 1Rosenb'aiim, Kimberly, j.u 1 the bride of David Freeman in- in' '' '' with pink rosebuds, white bells2ils The couple look a wedding the Kimberly Christian Church,rch. and Mrs.Mrs Vyrl Alcorn, Moscow,!);• and j silver leaves. The cak e wasvas trip toi S a n Diego, where they rites Sept. 2 at Grace Episcopalpal Howard Larsen officiated at the DouglasDougla Pendleton, Pocatello," ' topped, w ith a miniature brideide will rreside while the bridegroom2 C hurch. double ring ceremony. was the bridegroom's attendant,,L ■ and jr^ bridegroom under two laceace is ser serving wilh the Navy. MiMiss Walker, daughter of Mr. Stefani Brothers of San FranciscoFra The bride was given In mar-iar- Tim Hill,Hill David Thom as, Sho- ‘ vas and Mrs. Worth Walker, was van shone, and B r I'a n Crockett,ull wedding V, bells. Wliite taperedred A |pre-wedding luncheon was ^nd bring to Tv/in Fallss and thefhe M ayfair j riage by her elder b ro th e r, Jvan shone, i candles and pink carnationsans hostedhoslei fo r the bride at the Rho-ho- graduatedSrarf frnm Glenns Ferry Crockett, Loveland, Colo. Gardnerville, G ardner Nev., brother of dodendron Inn, Auburn. T hbe" e High School. ' ■ ■ furs of opulence, beauty and qual- j The bride was gowned Inn a the bride,bridi were ushers. decorated the table. doden Mr.Mr F reem an , .son of M rs. floor - length A-line creation1 ot Brian Crockett lighted ^he the ^ __ ity. Yours a t g r e ait t ssavings a v in g s during( white organza over satin featur-tur- arch on the altar, and Kim ^ Earl EarJ Hooberry, Middleton, was'/a s ’ ing long lily point sleeves,, a Crockett and Kelly Crockett, graduated from Middleton Highig h Ihe Mayfair's Augustiust Fur SheShowing. lightly fitted princess style bod-DOd- Loveland, Loveland Colo., nie.cs and neph- School and served three yearsirs ice, a lace yoke styled highI at ew ofot theth bride, lighted the spi- wilh the Military Policc in (ier-e r­ the neckline and extending overiver ral candelabra.candi many.m an ; He Is now staiioned at al We urge you, comele see. KnoKnow the jp ththe e King Hill P o rt of E n try the sleeves, and a border of Stacy Crockett, flower girl, ^*"^1 luxury and joy of’ your fur c dream lace a t the hem line. A long laceace andan d Mitchell Mite Crockett, ringbear- i I " ' N station. train flowed gracefully from her er.er, GarG ardnerville, Nev., were ¥ ¥ ¥ come true. shoulders held by a self-materialrial also the niece and nephew of bow. Her shoulder - length net the bride.bride 0 PeiPeace Guild veil cascaded bouffantly from-om A sexsextet, Donna Froehllch, We havi many unusualol ffun u n anda n d «!'i l y lo i In- a jewelled crown enhanced withvith Mrs. TerTerry Butler, Lou Ann Cal- MembersAAe Meet eluding—007 itylt in illvor hair laal—i« tho aurora borealis stones. She car-:a r-le len, n , SylvSylvia Freestone, Susan new boidtr look — Or. ZhivagoZhivogo »fylei In % l * ^ ^ * / ’' “ j j f t , ried an arm bouquet of yellowlow RosenbaumRosenbai and Christy Crock- By g y ABIGAIL VAN BURENJ .kept thatI promise. pil (auff broadtail wllh SobI*ioble trimIrlm oi P#r»lcn • " ' ' j f ' ''f f i r FILER — Peace Guild mem- ^ lomb wllh m ink Irim —•01 o i wwell #ll t>i a o cqmplot# c ™ / *jr ‘‘ roses. ett sang, accompanied by Sam™ DEAR ABBY: The other eve-|ve-| YeaYears have passed and nowf'"’ bers drove to tho home of Mrs. An arch of lighted yellow tap-;ap- Kevan. Rev.1 Mr. Larsen sang,"S' ning Ij w as ready to go out with'ith ^j our pi problem is, in filling out job Ralp Iln* of tig u la r f u n . iral accompanied by Mr. Kevan. Syl- jj, I’ob Ralph Pielstick, Hagerman, forFor ers was on the altar, and spiral accompa 'y'' my fiance when he asked m e 10 lo applications, applic where it asks,I'S. theirth e ir August m e e tin g . Mrs. Ed-id- candelabra of lighted yellow tap-;ap- via FrceiFreestone w as organist, and pjeasjplease change my dress. He saidaid "Have you ever been arrest-■sl- disdis. Lammers presented the[be 2 dayi only, Augustgust 29 2 9 an a n d 30 ■" ------— she and Mr. K evan played duet he j,g dj j id n 't like me in " p a n ts.”s.” ed?" Should we say YES or open r preliide music and the wedding y^|j|jy er opening devotional service andnd '"B Abby, I w asn’t wearing pants.Its. NO? • Mrs. ' Harvey Maxson led the[he 1 Marian M artin'n' marches.m ^ ch es! jI „aj was w earing a divided sk irt,irt. PleasePlei answer in your column topic IVTfS..Jerry Butler registered P" topic study. called “culottes.” ■. as we a r e too ashamed to sign'E" -yhThe group v o te d to hold a b a ­ quests. The table was covered go our names. Thank you. t>a- *l'ne i P attern . ^wiih X a an n ' em broidered cloth and['d My mother said I couldn’t go our » zaar in November. Mrs. William _ out with him unless I vore the TWO le-YEAR-OLDS’ yodcYoder and Mrs. Carl Drunkow 1 guests Uiused a long green plum- 7 culottes, so there I was, torn3rn , rcDoirep o rted ' on v is its made to ill { J ed quill pen. ™ « ' no- d e a r TWO; You were only ; ' Kathy Froehllch, Mrs. Tom between my fiance and my mo- "'y people. / / Kathy ™ th e r. ! caught a n d warned: This Is nofj Kathleen Sievcrs and .Sandra ' -^3 ( Proctor, Hansen, and Mrs. Don “'r / fi. the same as being " a rre ste d .” J} Then m y mother lold my fl- Sievers. granddaughters of Mrs. A 4 J I Bryan, T Twin F alls, arranged theJ ance J. he, should apoligize to mne e, ;ThatI'lT"'! you would ask, however, pj^jj gift tables.tabli Carl Crockett and “ 5 . Piei-stick, were guests. Sandral7a ,1,. and he sa id he didn't have any-„y! Isis a Egood sign. 5 )^^^ Judy Crockett,Cn cousins of the “™ S ievers told a b o u t .a c h u rc h , thing to apologize for, th a t he convention she had attended re-r"e'l * ^ D OOW W N NTOW N TWIN FALLS 1 bricle, accepteda( the gifts from should h av e the say in w hatt'’^ I DEARDE/ ABBY; The letter you “ J’)',' \ the guest guests. °, cently in Seattle. Hu Use your convenientconvei Moyfolr Charge3 AAccount ccount wear when I go out with him.m. publishedPUhlis from the m other of Mrs. Marvin Rubier Is host- 1 /Q A five-five-tiered white cake, dec- ;re a retarded child moved m e to . LLI orated v wilh yellow lilies and-j My JT mother said after we were . e s s lor the Sept. 14 meeting and I,, m arried m aybe, but not until,il. tears, fo r my husband a n du|‘ I it. will . be held In the evening greenery and topped with a clu.5- Well, m y fiance left, and '] I have also walked through this , , ‘ A 'Z tter f ot ™wedding bells, centered . at her home. ,.1, haven't heard from him since,ce valley. ^ L j f i — ------r------• IV'- f-L' I the recep reception table. A satin cloth„> Hand j y,it's been four days. Abby,Dy, Our second child was severely:ly I ' '/ i with a fll floor-length organdy ruf-’ I love him and I'm worried, butjut retarded,retard and we were also cru-ru- ' I v \ ' I " v / a ' fled flounce floun covered the table, iI don't think I should breaklak cified by thoughtless people, I I * A ^A bouquet of yellow gladioli down ‘ and call him, do you?lu? OneOiie woman (a toml stranger)3r) I and Bells of Ireland flanked™""We’ve been engaged six months,hs. came up to my door and said,id, - ^ - (■zo- f c V /1 4 ------with._Ugiwith._Ughted..mellow . tflpcrs_ In ...... WORRIED) "I "I heihear you have a baby that's,t's > > •»*-■„'!< '. I W f green candelabra. A silver" an ldi(idiot. I ’ve never seen an idiotiot L //* t ~r* I-' Y punch bobowl com pleted table ap- polntments. DEAR WORRIED: Call HIMIM and I c a m e to sce yours." cIT '/'/ ' I pointmen lay I told h e r that my son wasIES I Cake and punch were served and ‘apologize. You don’t say I to ‘■•I- l 3 “ ,,, how old you are, but a w omlan an not onor display to anyone of her I by Mrs. Stoddard Jacobsen, who’s b ^ n engaged for six cruel curiosity. Gardnerville,Gardnerv Nev., aunt of the months ’ should be able to run■un AlthAlthough we wcre nlso blessed f l i . ■■ ■'. bride; MlMrs. Ivan Crockett, Love- ch- wilh two normal, brilliant chil- land, Colo., and Mrs. Brian„„ her, own®' love life without coach- wilh i »OUIucaiiisetl8 t h e ing from her mother. If yourmr dren 1who have brought us much 11^ ~ '*'1 Crockett, G ardnerville, Nev., '"E '' sisters-in-law of the bride. ■' fiancenance accepts your apology,gy, joy.joy, oour little retarded son has ~ m a rry h im before he changes>es given us depth of love and un- Ladies of the Christian Worn- {’1“'’'^his mind. A man who Insistssts derstandingdersta we never could have en’s FellowshipFelk assisted in serv-' m- known w ithout him. ing at the reception. U"on w earing the panls In his fam - known i„. Ily can’t lie all bad. WhaWliat w e considered al first ■ u|R-4ncradii n t iditniaiunM ir e s I The couple visited Glacier “y "a cross to bear” has become Park, Waterton Park, Calgary, /!• ^ ’ 'Iflflj Parl their wedwedding trip. , la- ents of a retarded child, please The bridebr will continue her from 'the dim e store. The m ana- ents o o f list n Securw i t l i senior year studies a t the sta.tei(j gerSer cauc g h t us, made us giveive print it.i : "V ^V senior ye j.,, hitirouf names and addressesies MOTHER O F A ; 1 ! ; A ■ UniversityUniversit; at Pocatello where him~c and said he was going to callall RETARDED CHILD Ihey will m ake their home. our paren ts. He told us never'er 0 9 7 0 “ V \ GuestsGues were present from ]* - (*- yz./ o \ Colorado, _ to set fo o t In his store again.in. Prot Problem s? Write to Abby, Box i H i K r l cic a a i n i Colorado, Nevada, Ketchum, ^ 7 .' B an k SIZES 12V4-26J4 \ iji Shoshone, Blackfoot, Bonners!'■ We'J', didn’t. Fortunately he never'e r 69700, 68700, L os Angeles. Cal. 90069.69- called our parents. We prom-.m- For o0 personal reply, enclose a F erry , Notus, Boise, Moscow,' Ised ourselves we would never'er stamped,stamp sell-addressed envel-el- l»Y PParma arm a aiand local towns. ° ^ n. >1. steal aan o th er thing, nnd we haveve opc. opc. ULTRA-EASY! , Princess lines make thisIs Club ClUD Members youthful jumper so slimming,lg and so simple to sew! Team ‘t It DiscussD jsC U Visits f irBacli-to-Si r | i ^ G M nn e e i e d s with smart, collared blouse. __ j al( FILER - Poplar Hill Social.1 A baBACK-TO- Printed Pattern 9278: Half * 1 sizes 12'/,, 1414, 1 6 '^ 181/,, 20'A,\L Club C'ub members me discussed the ?[i 22W, 24'/i, 261^. Size WA um per,j f places they would like to visit I'A 2% yards 45-inoh; blouse 2'^ly and what “"<* means of transporta-: scSCHOOL y ard s 39 -inch. tlon tlon they they would use to get there, Sixty-five cents In coins for'of nt “J the the meeting m at the home of , ' You (an chartieirt|e all typesty o f clothing, shoesihoes and school each pattern—add- 15 cents fortor Mrs. GeneGei Shaft, Twin Falls. cach pattern for first-class mail-ii|. Mrs. Verna^ Clifton and Mrs, ' . Supplies. ing and spcciaj handling. Sendnd J. C C,,Jc ,-Johnson received gifts,i T j - Specials Sp. u to Marian Martin. Tlnies-News,;s, Mrs. Mrs. Guy Gt Kimball was In 395 PaUenLDepL.-232 West 18tK1th charge ofol games and contests,s, / You con cliarflenrge air titransportation andd everythingeveryth an St., New York, N.Y, 10011. Printiht and prizes prize were awarded Mrs. q i namo, address with zip, size andnd Roy Lancaster,Lan Mrs. Reuljcn r | / automobilele needs. style number. Llerman, Llerman, Mrs. Mabel Barronmn PERMANENT! l y Plan your new fall wardrobe,le, and and Mrs.. Mrs. E dw ard Reichert. im send now for our new Fall-Wln-In- Refreshments Refresh were served by ' J ) Wj And you cann take youryoi timo about paying13 — if youyo wish ter pattern Catalog. 100 fresh,ih, Mrs. Mrs, Shaft Shai and Mrs. Alda Or- WAVES / ^ PRICE exciting shapes in all slies. Getlet thei. Mrs.^Mn B arron and Mrs. . : as $10 a m onth or 5% . ono pattern free—clip coupon In Llerman Llerman aro hostesses for tho5; *■LANOLIN WAVE BBODY WAVE / I s , ” as a , ■ catalog. Send 50 cents now. Sejitember, Septembei meeting. RoqRog. 2 0 .0 0 ...... 1 0 . 0 0> Reg.Reg, 1 5 .0 0 ...... 7 .5 0 Should youI need oxoxfro (ash, your BankAnjclankAnjericard CREME WAVE - P I A N O LESSLESSONS JT ------entitles youIU to a cashcas advance, tooL .______: Rog. 1 2 .0 0 ...... 6.00 j j p RtgliUrr rtowl All dai(laiiii btgln S Pilvaft.tnilrudloni for ^ COLLEGE

j y ) ~ PRE SCHOOLSCHOO CLASSES I ’ 'C, ' l \ \ ^ 4-monthinth cour*ecourte for(or 4 ond 5 year oldi. , of HAIR* DESIGNDE > 3 claiieiei per week. Teachei leller, nole, I ‘ imhpcl. The . o n !/ coltsgt In Twin Folli wllh III#the ffanchli'eI for llit fomoui Pivot Point SyUem. Member of Idaho llolrlloli Taihlon Commlllee, rOR rURTHCR INrORMATKDN.TIONMirnlSIRATION A RCHISTI CAU ‘ ^ MRS. FRANKJK E. DoLUCADol 577 LYNWOOD PHONE 733-7777' • Corllflod Tenchor Ph(Phono 733-3531 ___ __ ...... —II . /' '~x ..

8 Twin Falls Tlmes-NewsNews t Aug.'29-30, 1967 . ^ ...... — ^ - - - Teacher ShortageShe NotNo Criticall l ]In V a lle y Despite the much publicizedliclzed TheT itese women, usually mliddle'from iddle'fro Oregon. Utah and Okla- district,(Ji comments, "I don’t shortage of teacliers throughoutjghout aged an< d wilh perm anent homeslomes horhoma a s w ell as the local com- tl-think the public rea liz e s that we the country, the situation1 does in thith e community, have filled munity,mu . aiare.competing with other states not appear to be critical inI Mag- the gapfi in many schools.s. ,Al-At Clas.sroomC size will be simimilar ilar fcfor our teachers and that we ic Vaiiey with most schoolschools Shoshone,Shosh' where there w»re; sev- lo last year and there are-E- two justju can’t hold up against higher ■“ ----- opefting^n--6c-hedul6--lhis--wcclt.-ren—tc-w cck^ - rpplnrenipnls Ihls yearir injn a vacancies t hnth for music leach-Mch- p(populated states like Callfor- ■' A few' WlIl begin- Sept. 5. the the 30-memher 30 staff, Supt. Ken- ers in bigh schools In the coun- uia,"ni In Twin Falls however,r, the neth neth Crolhers ( said he feelss the ly,ly. He added that - he had had 269-strong teaching staff■ was community comm is fortunalc 10 have GoodingC also needs a vocal theth most difficulty in finding just completed the week before these these "captive" teachers. music'teacher, mu but Dee Keller,elier, qiqualified science, special educa- school began, and it includeseludes "I "i can c think of no job which«hich superintendent,sup said an elemen-:men- ti(tion, chemistry and counseling -, 49 neW teachers. is is better, b et either from timee ■ in- tarylar music instructor, Mi's, Rob- personnel,pe compared to a, rela- "We've never been downwn lo volved, volvtc or pay, for a housewifeewife ert Caron, will teach Iwo hours tiitive abundance of English and the wire like this," Ernest!st H. and and mother lhan a teachingching dailydai in the junior high school,:hool, socialso studies teachers, ■ Ragland, superintendent, said, job," job," he commented. He said plusplu four hours in Ihe gradegrade The Twin Falls school system "and 1 think it indicatesI Ihatthat the the paypa does exceed many other schoolsch in the morning, so they ddi id nbt have to re so rt to a low- we are not in a healthy positionJsilion ty types p e s of work a w om an mnight ight will not be wilhout any vocal eering r of standards or increase llll^ in Idaho.” Generally, he said, lake take and a the hours are compali-ipali- mumusic. , , in classriOTirloafrlJEcaustnJt “ . the staff Is completed inI late ble ble w wi iih family lile. TThe p a rtic u la r field in whichvhich a teaqher shortage this year, June. • V- T Tw w o o leach!;rs were hired wilt)wilh teachersleai a r e m ore difficultill to butbu dtficlalj weren’t confirming With 49 new teachers, repre- provisional provis Mrtificates in Sho- findfine v aries from year lo year, thatt h the situation would remain sentinc a^^g-Tier ccnl turnover,wver, shone, shone, Mr. CrOlhers said, and he com m ented. Several years th e sam e next y ea r, the Twin Falls School systemyslem in m twq tw years~several elemen-men- ago English teachcrs were "If our leacher salary scale recorded its highest percentageimage tary tary teachers t will retire, whichvhich scarce,sea he noted. ddoesn’t c go up, It wiil undoubted- of new personnel in its history,story, may m ay pose j a threat lo fillingg the AlA R u p ert Doyle Lowder, as- ly he worse next year — and Normal turnover Is 15 per cent, staff. staff. sisl;sistant superintendent, reportsports I Can’t say what will happen Mr, Ragland said. All All positionsi are filled a t Hail- lhal a m ore seriou.s shortagerlage if il does," Mr. S tau d a h er said, In most schools throughoutul the ey ey a an< n d officials there said each of te a c h e rs has been avertedened Summing up, tbe two officials area, the teaching staff is com- year year some ; teachers are recruit-:ruit- by the la rg e percentage of m ar- pointedpc oul th a t T w in Falls plete, although music teachersichers ed ed fro fro m oulside Ihe districl.I, At riecried w om en filling teachingg po- schools,s c bolh elementary and seem to be in greater demandmand Je Jerom ro m e , Supt. William Ij'pscom:omb b sili(sitions. Two posts, one in juniorunlor sesecondary, will not have an ac- than supply, with two neededeeded attributed attribi the full rosier to1 the highhigl and one in elementaryntary tualtu leacher shortage this year, at the Cassia county schoolII sys- fact fact thal t allendance is slighllyghily gragrades, a re still unfilled. siisince the average staff was ' tem and one at Gooding.:, low lower er in the elementary grades■ades M inidoka school olficials have cocompleted in time for classes ■ School administrators point this this yy ear, recirecruited teachers from outsideitside anda r student enrollment will be out that in many cases, Ihethe M M any an of Ihe Jerome teachers:hers lhe district and slate and have aboutah the same as last year, shortage of teachers which1 nor- are are permanent pi residents off lhe someson- new ones in Ihe systemstem Nearly half of the n ew teach- 1 mally .would result from thee fact county, countj he noted, and as such, frorfrom C alifornia and Utah. e r s are from o ut of state, a l- ' that young people are not going are are nol n affected by the offer LackL of money is termedi the thithough the system did not ac- into the profession in sufficient’icient of of better bei paying positions out- biggestbig] reasbn for difficultyly in tivelyti\ recruit any staff mem- numbers to fill the demandind i.s .side side the t: slale. keekeeping and completing teach-each- bers.be Active recruitment may offset by married women, oflerofter C Cas; assia oounty school officialsicials ing staffs. be resorted lo next j^ear if the referred to as "captive” teach-leach- at at Burley Bu said teachers on1 the GeorgeG Staudaher, assistantstant situationsit docs not improve, Mr. 232-member faculty w ere hired superintendentsup' of the Twin Falls StaudaherSt! concluded. ers. 232-m( ____ PICKLE LOVERS UNITE!ITE! AcciAccording to 1. T . “ P ete” Creed,Ireed, gal gallons a day until they hadhad the the SOSO ]gallona. Mr. Creed says, all children aro pickle lovers.vers. ThaThat’s wliy hc and bis wile have “K “Kids aro always pickle ! eaters eaters ...... an d we hope to do this grown, picked, cut, washedshed and bottled over 50 gallonsns of mt more often.” The Creedsds intend Intend to to send more cucumbers pickles, all destined to end up on the; tables at the Idaho to to the Idaho Youth Ranchnch so so that that the house mothers can Improvemenments Madee I Committee^ Youlh Ranch. Tho C reedseeds packedpac an avefage of seven mi make up other varieties ofof pickles.pickles. TThe 50 gallons are all dill. OK’sRent IIIIUIII BIENDEDWHISKEY-86PR00F^65»CPR00F^65» GRAIN NEUTRAI. SPIRITS 6 1967jCALVERTJI967XALVERT DIST. CO., 10UISVIL1.E. KY. At Shoshone!ione Falls I County Fair SuBsidies WASHINGTON (AP) - One ot the final projects;ts ofot develodevelopment ot the park, but ® - The There will be striped tentsents thi sea.son foi^the Twin Falls approiapproval of a land appraisal is S j. ill $411 on the south lawn of the rtre ^ departmeiit’has b'e e e n stillstlll'pendlng p< It has been neces- sub.si- White House and from themiem completed. City Planner Rog?r^oger sary tito reappraise tbe property i 3r its will flow free pop corn and IHarsh reported Monday. as the first method did not meet votes h„t dogs and ice cream and He said street crews, asIS an federal federa approval. '• ations cotton candy and soda pop additional project, have Justit fin- TThe h e Boise Cascadc properly, !! I and candled apples, ished paving the parking and tentatitentatively called the Hayes M said And, if you aro from six view area at Hayes lookoutut on PPark, a rk , will be developed into a H ll ele- to 18, and the child or grand->nd- the road into Shoshone Falls,Falls, neighborhoodnelghb park over a two- r a ition's child of one of the nation’s Many of the rough spotsits in year period,p Mr. Scheuffele said. inydn ------K \ pro- top officials, you will be bc UM- M the road going into the canyon ;ilies” able lo toss rings, race in H | ^ have also been bladed oft and , sil ‘‘the sacks, be amused by clownswns f l I m ^rSi I V | R repaved, Mr. Marsh said.d “ In n Clark Oaims | Ivlce” and barked at by barkers. I I the park area Itself, crews have The Sept, 12 event, billed graded and placed asphalt on . ilWTfllw'lTW" if, ^J iduled by Lady Bird Johnson's the area above the falls “used used Convictions CHARLES C. HART forWASHINGTON (A P ) -3 n- The on press■ officc as an old fash-ash- for boat docking and for park- admlnistralion got the full $40 i ing ot cars and boat trailers. i . . . pioneer Buhl area omni- ioned country fair “unique farmer and prominent breeder m illion it asked for re n t ations subsi- In' White House history,” , The roadway leading into'? this h is In A ll G’ime ' Up ta'r dies and $537 million for its , area Is also surfaced for better)etter of Milking Shorthorn dairy ^>11 will bc open to 500 boys and ■ ■ 1 ■ and WASHINGTON (AP) - Ally,Atty. calcattle, died Sunday night in model ( cities program^ in ; votes and girls.| utilization ot the facilities, and b y the Senate A ppropriations , ■ greater convenience and enjoy-injoy. Gen. Ramseyf Clark reports that a Twin Fails nursing home. Ur 'Span- ______|ya(er convictions of persons involvedilved He bad been a resident of Committee. e I $40 . ment of the boaters and waler convic President Johnson has said • skiers, in organized crime and gam-Rani- FFll iier since 1&4G, and was m i ■'ill T -l • 1) Ron'Scheuffele, city ejiglneer,ineer, blingb'jns rose' 39 per ccnt In fiscaliscal 55 selected] to the Dairymen’s the lo\ two programs are vital ele- i said the city still hopes toQ get 1567—bul a Republican group:roup Hal!Ha of F a m e in 1959. ments un of Ihe administration's Lpsleiii i s work started on the park± in said- he ? was "fighting a warar ot of —______‘‘pledge to bring hope and pro- i the northeast part of the city retreal retrea'i' against organizedz e d ■ tgre.ss o lo lhe n atio n ’s cities” i r ■., » which was donated by Boise crime.c rim e ." - j j through Ihe applicalion of “J ‘‘theThe Death , Being O5 Cascade Corp. Clark Clarl said convictions result- J fj new est ideas and w ise st advice” j ==“11 Hearing Set ot ™ urban experts. Mr. Scheuffele said federalderal Ing fromfrc FBI investigations and O m l 3Vided Investigated funds have been approvedi for Justice Department prosecu- ^ . Democratic leaders scheduled 1 ! ------tions----- tions il in the organized crimei andan“d O n W ater fo r Wednesday floor action-■al aid on |LIVERPOOL, England (AP) , gambling fields totaled 197 dur- e a theto measures, part of an , omni- up — i Police removed pills fromm the 01^ ing the year and that as of June ^ler t>u3 $10.4 billion appropriationsiprove I Beaties' managernager TypicalRioter^30, an o th er 330 defendants werewe?e OSituation J . ilry t>i'l-“ o' ,pa„5. Brian ' Epstein Monday for labo- awaiting trial. He said convic- ; in Officials of the Housingin and I analysis in an effortirt tolo • i B U RLEY — A formal hearing P ° IsNeffroMan[ 1 "tions were based on “sound in- me. Urban Development Depart- determine , whether they, togeth­Jgcth- ___ - —n t / O vestigative v estig a techniques untaintedInjed on 'the critic a l ground waler of sil- mcnt ® _ have estimated the $tO er wilh liquor he drank al a Sat- Sai- by improper electronic eaves-,ves- uatlon in the Oaklcy-Murtaugbwas million subsidy p ro g ra m will)grara al- -j- ^ould j,avg Inffis20s dropping, which has sometimesimes ' P-™- Wed-en’s pn low financing of 44,500 bousing‘ cau.sed In his death. /ert Extra, hinderedh in d e n successful prpseculionution ne.sday in the Cassia County ilyunits for low-income families. ■*-E pstein, 32, v(ho was found By IBILt SIMMONS in the past." courtbou.se, reports Jack Bar- of ^morc jjg j] jjj 1,1 J Belgravia bome „,iii nell. of tho Stale Reclamationr; The abrmnittee voted Monday f W m S b u m I SoftWhiskey, DETROIT (AP) - The "aver- However,, „ the House Republi- 2^“ : ' 'tO 'allaW j537 million formW the S“"day,J_ had been taking pillsills tolo age rioter" in Detroit is pic- Department. <3“' uia oe counter the effects of hepatitislatitls a TMk J kTH , can T ask Force on Crim e .said:jJ Keith Higginson, Reclamation nicmodel cities p ro g ram . The tured as a Negro male 20 toHtv 28 ^ '■'>R“lations as in- , . President had asked for . $662. andT glandular illness whichivhich - is mellow,ellow, years old, a resident of the city, . i d ep artm en t engineer, will con- vision troubled him for months, evitably discouraging the use’l of duct the hearing. In 1963 the foimillion but the House provided J., who was arrestea dh a cTiiifp® of joynj,. sound,, acceptable and legal in- only $237 million. s bill. An autopsy will be performedrmed easytdswa'to swallow, looting. vesticavestigative techniques in com- area aro u n d Arte,sian Cily al - e pro- In London Tuesday, The result That's the composite picture Murtaugh, Kenyon Farms, north vidThe program gives federalin the aid will ' determ ine whether an in- bating organized crime." “u^ to cities which draw up, n in- W - • a very grown-up that emerges-from police statis­ of O akley and Cottonwood are a , jjo . The quest will be held. If one is> nec- l a ’ tics on the 7,207 iidults arrested near tbe old Buckhora ranch be- t^vicomprehensive plans to improveIt for essary,^ it probably will be held housing, education. trans- I held m In the week ot July 23 during I j i l i m tween Artesian City and Oakley :r full on Wednesday. > —L . J roof. looting,'burning and violence in Labor Day Death was JJ closed because ol declining,ri_ „ ge, portation, heaUh, recre atioHouse n and ------the nation’s fifth largest city. T ^ J ] water levels, caused by heavier,. cai sanitation in slums. differ- USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS " All but 150, held on additionalL a l Toll Estimated pumping for irrigation, augb eei The rent subsidy program- FOR FAST SELLING RESULTSULTS ______charges filed against them1 be- CHICCHICAGO (AP) - An esll- SliSince that time, the Reclama-Wed- —provides tliat a low-income fam- fore the riotr- 'KaVe completedileted matedm ated 660 to 600 persons will1 die tion Department,.has enteredlunty ily pay no more thai) 25 por cent | their trials or are free on bond;3ond; in traffictrai accidents during the into financial cooperative agree--B ar- of ils income for re n t. If more Reports from the recordss bu- 78-honi78-h6ur Labor Day holidayIday men ment with the U.S. Geologicalation money is needed to se c u re ade- reau of the Detroit ScJtcecjfce weekend,weekei the National Safetyifety SurveySurv to have the ground re­ quale housing, the co st would be .q, Department shows about haltlit of CounclCouncil said Monday. soursources Investigated. As thealion re­ met by the government. those arrested—3,595^had rec- Council poun statisticians predictedeled suit of this investication, itcon- is The House m ade n o provisionREMINDER tre ER TO ME\AERCHANT:NTS ords ot previous offenses, 23,00023 0 0 0 1 fo 26,000 persons m ay sut- believedbelie that portions ot thethe for rent supplements in its bill, / though some were as minorir as f^J. (j|,disabling injuries betweenveen closed closi areas now can bey re- The bill before tbe Senate pro- In traffic violations. FridavFriday evening and midnightilght opened.“Pcn ______lorth vldes $445 million m o re than the wil The records also show that Monday. ^onda U st Labor Day week- irea. House's $9,9 billion total. The qU' more than 90 per cent of those end gj,636 persons died on the mi^ T i » bousing item s acco u n t for es< arrested aro from Detroit. , , tion’slinn’i highways, tho council--#-*, 2 -T^ntiking Freightikley niost of this increase. A fter full on As In the riot la.st month In , . Ining Senate action, a Senate-House Newark, N.J., nearly 50 per Rat^HikeOK’div^er conference lo iron out differ- US cent of those arrested were over ^ ___ Ri MOVES TO KING IIILUr WASIij;^GTONW, (AP) - The eences is liltely. - FC 25 years old. M O ^ Interstate Commerce Commis-im a- — ------Ot the total number ot riotersjlers KINGKINC HILL - Mr.‘ and lilrs, slon decided Monday to permit;ered detained by police, 3,363 were G ordon Mills nnd fam ily, Poca- ),higher ^ truck freight rates ingree-- the charged with felonies. In De- tello, niovedr inlo the King " Hill Rocky Mountain area. glcal • troit, as In Newark, about 75I per United Presbyterian Parsonage The IC C ’s Division Two voted cent ot the felony Indictmentslents over theth weekend. Mr. Mills5 I® Is lo allow the new rales to co into Involved stealing or receivingivlng Idahouiaho State Police officer in effect jffjc Tuesday. They will raise stolen property. chargec h a rg e ot the .King Hill P o rtt 0 of,' (jyeitruckload rales five per centthe A r If' you clchanged the seftwgs»ftwgs ofi your There were 255 arrests on Entry, He replaces Frank York“■■k andjud less-than-truckload tariffsre> . charges involving weapons> or ^viiowho hahas moved to Twin Iwills,Is. (|,re(three per cent. C)(ploslves in rioting a t Detroittroit ------where 43 people died. In Ne- M nW WiiMiMiWmWMMMtiuMMMn § ' store^ wind(window time clocksks whenwhe day- wark, where 27 died, there were;vere B ^ ht 92 such a rrests. g Seven felony arrests were tor S NOTICE OFOF AMEETING 1 | iiglit saving murder. Ohc,-_against__Patrol- B ____ The savingscame on, nowDW IsIS fXfhe time man Robert Paille In-the deathealh 8 { imis- of a Negro youth, was dismissed S S . For all BuiljIIngig and Construction( rm |it _ for ^ack of evUence. S I the f! fo changelange fthem back. Ugh is In 95 Other cases, the charge B Ight IS cheo|). Is assault with Inlent to commitS ! Tradesmen in the0 MagiiMagic Valley Area— j I ■* oted { r ? c S murder. Pollco list 26 of thosehose SN ^into I . V arrests as snipers, among themhem 8 MMeeting e i to discuss ovorallrail condconditions Including unionraise I You needneed it now. Chase awayiway ifthe sha- five wonien. S3 org organization of those workingvorking inI the industry. Meot- cent | z y I Thero also were 52 person.ssons gS jpgJng Is ah open meetingig for UnionU and Non Union riffs I \ chargcd with possession of ex- Sj m e n origa'god In all b raranches n c h e s of the Building and J plosives—gasbllne firebombs. ^ Jows>thof thof chosec away saM S Construction Industry, including inciudin Shop-nnd~Spoolal— ( ----- aM 8 ty Trades—Building Tradesrrados ande Heavy Construe- J P l| 8 ti o n , , 1 I _^LGU?fSJLI— !| S.JTWD^potLnBBjiKL1: 8 chodulpd_f

* > -'S' r ^ - i I H i

I •; , : .' Mr. SteadmanJJ — ^Aug. 29-30, 1 96,7^ Twin FallsFa T|mes-News 9 T o d a yr"s ' s 1M a r k e2 t t a n d F'inancidl i n R e p o r t Dies Here Of' thei Daily Dow-Jones, 2 p.m. ] Sliort Illness Stocks:ocks Do Livestock G ra in •Sl 0 30 Indus. 893.38 dow n 1.33 „ ■ Junior H. Steadman, 41, 363 2:30 P.M. SUMMARY —- MARKETS MARK! AT A GLANCEr ^0 20 RiRails 258.82 up 0.55 OGDEN CHICAGO Cl (AP) - Tire po,«l-S M aurice St. ,N., died MondayIs Investor ' 15 Utils 130.21 up 0.23 NEW YORK (AP) - Aulouio • ' nn e e w w YORK 1 (AP) - jj g, OGDEN (API - Cattle and bililyb'li': of a grain handlers strikel 'l eveni ig in Magic Valley Memor-mor- ' ' • ^ fiS.Stocka 323.54 up 0.06 ito; ,t|iis*weckend tended to influence . pj, shares perked up a jnlxed slock:“‘^“1 Stocks — Mixed: trading mod- calves 1,000, Including 75 calvos; >|ii^ ial Hospital of a short Illness.s ^ By WILLIAM A. DOYLElOYLE ' markei, lale ihis aflernooh. small offeriog slaughter steerseers highhigher priccs fot .soybeans lind, He was born Aug. 31, 1925,5 , at8 t .. RyderSys Rydcrs .« ^ 26% 25%' 3BH + Tj n l j l f ' ows'grain -futures on the Chicago ------Iradingjiias_m D £lcialt__ —___ t—l _ c C o o u tt o o n - ^ — 4 . ^ w c r ; tr a d ln g - Aa C c s = , .safeWA -Safeway I.Hl <8 IV A i iV. 23U 4I iiand1 and heifers about steady; cows;grai “ I Freedom , Wyo. He moved .to . J '' '' n • I c ■ Gcneral Motors and Ford weree r e sStJOsLd u o s b 3.10^23^4?4 45 r:.:7ruitBVt;. :rrui(6ven~iJn~expanded—reccipts-Boa!ipts--Boa rd-of~T,rade-Iues4ay.< ------r-^WesHordanrUtahras-a-boy-and?and , Q, YourYi comments about capi-|'stock pu StLSanF 2.20 2 47% 47 47 4 - ',4 fnfairly irl- ■ active and steady, laterater! P'Prices had been, for the mostmnl attended schools there. In mo. No- tal-gains PJI distributions by a mu-TIU- the brokersbrol turn around and' , C H I C A G O : StRegP S 1.4flb 31 34% 33?; 34 ...... *“ *” • lulls'pan. f.luctualing aimlessly over^^^| (l,j tual fund interest me. I haveave charge a customer "at least" and American Motors fractions W heat -Lower; liquidation.o n SanderSanders A iw 37 40% 39 39',i --'ii ?; S sales a le j weak to 51) lower; bulls'pan , 7 vember, 1943, he entered the "J®* after an aulo industry counter- C o m - Schenley l.iO 92 95*4 ^4 i 54 4 ...... about abO U steady; feeder cattle fully’ully a a ni narrow margin. Around riiid-,^ g lleen always left my capllal-galns dis- six per centi on debit balances— Corn - Irregular: light trade.dc. sdenV scleni Data 16 83% 82 J 82 i ...... ”'i' U.S, Navy'. He married Eileen offer lo the union in tne current q j , _ 175 session, however, some strength’8 ■ 1947, tribution with the mutual fundund the 'am( amount of money a cus- •bl Osts — Higher; goocTdemand,nd. s SCM c m (Cp .6flb 21 97% 57 i 97 i -Z'ij % steaisteady; receipts included 175 sess ^ B e c k ste a d In Elko, Nev., In 1947. ributio 50(1,crept inlo the nearBy contracts^ rllne in which I have invested to lie1)e tonier owo' es by buying stock on labor negotiations. The sirike Soybeans Cnvbea ~ Higher; j „ p active Scou Paper 1 142 36% 26 4 26 4 -- . hJ) s slaughter la U I steers and'heifers; 5(10, crep , He la te r m arried Sherllne in whii deadline is next week. , Sbd CitL 1.20 27 M 62% 62 i 4 ?! ^ “ “ ced- of all commoditities on word juple reinvested In more shares. margin,margin. ' trade. IsearicSearlG D 1,30 19 97% 56% 97 J 4* ?i(5 COW£ cows, ■ remainder mostly feed- of i Jones D ec. 17, 1950. The couple relrvves (lual lhai Ihc grain handlers and imil Now thal 1 am approachingling 1 stres stress "at least’’ — bcciiuse Gains outnumbered losers by Bulcher Butche hogs — 25 to n t 50e Scents ears Roe la 122 57% 56% 57 4+ '/Vi , tI eers; r s ; slaughter steers individual thai moved to Twin Falls in 19B1 Now Seeburg .60 6 w X 11% l« li 4 *4 and'Spokesmen for the n)ajor eleva- retirement, I plan to start tak- interest rates go on up from a comfortable margin but the^^°|low er; receiptsr< 4,500; top 20.75. sharon + ii and small lots high good and'spul- f “■ from West Jordan: retiren -/a. Sharon Stl-1 46 37% 38% 37^-% ^ . B,4(l.(tors were stymied in Iheir Son- Un. Ing my capital-galns distrlbu-ibu- there, ddepending on how good Dow Jones industrial average! siau„|„Slaughter steers — Steady to I sheinShell Oil 3.10 0 72% 71% 72 47 %!5 CnOll choice 950-1200 Ibs. 25.00 - 2G.4(I.; tors He was employed by the Un- mB ™ rn Shell Trn .59g 4 23*A 32% 22'/,...... I n r l i 1178'tract lalk.s, !(,„ lead lions in cash — as I do my a customcusto: er you arc with the was down a point or more. I sirono-1 strong; r receipts 1.200; top'28.50. JSelll Including part load choice 1178 irac lon Pacific Railroad as a lead 1 •50. SherwnWm I 40 49^1 48% 49*! 4 '/, i,7(l; I Carlin griiin rcceinis w ere es- ' his dividends. These distributionsions particularparticuk broker, The stock m arket still w as ‘°*’Ifol-j Sinclair Sinclal 2.60 13 73% 73 ' 73 -11- ?i IbS. Ibs. yield grade 3--I al 25.70:' electrician al the time of his|d'Viden lowing a cautious path,-analysts!/ s t s SlngerCo Slnier< 2.M 53 72?4 72 72 4+ % '/. o other t h e good 950-1300 Ibs. 23.50-3„50- limaicdlinu al: wheal 16 cars, corn•°r'’ death. He was a member ofjhave tamounted to about threeiree ------Fla Pow 1.36 3 47 46 47 f 4 % '/, SmilhK Sm 'lhJ 1 80a 21 58 57% 58 4 J, nr 3.50- 20, oal,s none, rye none, barley |^„y| and'per cent a year. (Mr. : Do^Ic will an.swer only said. in. view o fthe many un-j^jjtF la pJ"PLl 1.64,'j 44 70»4 70 70?; - % VJ SouCalE SouCal 140' 112 39% 35% 35*4 ...... * '' 25,00 including Holsteins 23.511- 20, rl“y Knvler Lodge No. 94, AF and per cei certainties following U bor Day.iFMC'a y . (FMC tpCp .7.73 72 34?i 34 34^ - % W South South Co < 1.02207 25 24?; 2 4 % ...... 24.3C24.30; standard and good 22,50-,8,2.50--8, .soybeans; 5. ■ ANi, TH E IBVW Union and) the It seseems to me lhat I should)uld representativerepresen lellcrs of general American Telephone, whichiic h 'F o « lH « ir -90 17 16?4 16? le u SouNGai souNG l.JO 90 41% 40% 41U 4 l 223,50; 3 50 slaughter heifers pan ------FifliiFiflh W ard I.DS Church. be ableabl to take this in cash:ash interestinlerest in his column. lie can- l u i PordMo 12.40 310 52 50 5 lti 4114 4-114 SoulhPae SoulhF 1.50 M 32li 31% 32 + y . who nol answer phnne queries.) edged lower, was pacing tne the ForMcK .I2g.i'; 55 28?4 26?4 26*4 ....• • . Soulh Soulh: Ry 2.10 24 53% -92% S3',i 4+ % lj iload M d choice 880-905 lb. yielde l d KAN.SAS CITY Survivors, Su in addition to) his and dependd( on the people who nol ansi list on volume lale in the day.iV FrcepSu] FrrepSui 1.23 i. 149 66'/« 63V 85?4 42% 4 2 I i Spartan Sparta Ind 27 17% 17 1T,4 ...... * •••• grade n r a d 2-3 25.80 - 26.00; few good?ood K, KANSAS CITY (AP) — Wheatheat widow, „ldo Sherllne, are his mother,ilher, mmanag anage the fund to keep the ---- :— ------FruehCp 1.70 101 3 2 ^ 31 ^ 3I?4 - % H Sperry Sperry R .10| 555 40% 39% 39?, ...... ’ "ily;' value of my investment intact. r Also active, Boeing and Hew- G amSko 1.30 18 28U 27 4 27!i - % H Squire S q u irt D ,70 24 25% 29*.4 25U 4 |4 22.00-24.50; slaughter cows util- 60 ccars; down 1-y, lo up V4. No 22 Sarah g^ra Smith; Salt Lake City; value i leit-Packard rose more than1 2 G c AccepiAccepi I.3Q i” 17 30 ^ 30H 30*4 -~ Ui StdBrand StdB ri 1.40 18 40 39% 39?4 ...!...... Uity y .an d commercial 16.00-18.50,8.50. hard ban and dark hard l,47Vj-l,53,1.53, sons, Michael Steadmanfmaii Am I wrong? LBusiness p o i n t s . GenAnllF .40 I 11 21>i 20*| 2lt4 4+ 4 4 StOllCal StOllO 2.J0b 126 96?4 55% 5« - } ) 4 latel a t e sales mostly 16.00-18.00; few No 3 l.45-1.50',4. ,No 2 red whealand „nd Kenneth' Steadman, both A. I1 hope nol. 1 can't & say ay . Gen Cig 1.20 3 24 23*; 24 - 1 % 4 StdOillnd StdOill I.IO 76 59% 58% 98W - % Mrs for sure, but the chances are Allis-Chalmers was upset b by y GenDynum u,„Dynum' I 31 «?«/« 66^ 8 74 + 4 i SldONJ SldON 2.40| 175 63 62?J i M - ^ ccanner a n r and cutter 14.50-17,00;7.00; I. 1,414II/4-I.45N, No 3 1.39'/<-1.44N. Twin t „ | , F a lls; six daughters. Mrs. ‘?r sui denial of the latest merger r ru- u - fien f;'" Hlec “'c 2-CO 99 lOOV. 108'4 108!4 - % 4 StdOIlOh SidOlK 2.J0 17 70% 70% 70 4 4+ ^5iJ Oother tH c slaughter classes utilitylility Ci Corn 12 cars; unch, lo dofn yjck •dan that y you will be very correct. Mirror ^ ; Gen Fds 2.40 34 751* 75?4 75H 4- % W St St Packailng P t ]0 15% 19% 15 I ...... Vickie Green, South Jordan, mors and sank more than a ' c'JJmiii,' f; +'(j and com m ercial bulls 21,50-23.20.3,20. 13 1%,/4, No 2 while I.24-1.28N. No3 Utah; „taV Judy Steadman, Westuj,tl Basedf on w hat has happened “ GenMilli 1.50 13 74y, 73?, 7 3 ?- ; - 4 Stan Stan Warn ' 1 8 40% 48% 49 { 4 ?4 in the past, you certainly wouldduM “®y PH'*- THOMAS point. |fietiMoi,GenMoi 2 2.53g.J: 278 8 2 ^ 811 8l U 41^4 l i ; StauffCh Stauff 1.10 13 47% 47 47(^4%+ « individualm d l ' good and choice 250- 1,13, l,13-l,27N. No 2 yellow & mixedJordan, Utah, and Carolyn g„, AP Business Writer Gains of about a point werea r p GenPrec 1.50 ‘j 16 68'.; 67^ 67^ -- 'iy, SterlDrui SterlD .tO 348 5) 51% 92^ -7,1! % ^en350 lb. vealers and slaughter;hter 1.23 1.23'/j. No 3 1.14y,-l.23N., Steadman, ' Kathy Steadman, have been‘ right as rain. Bul, '^*®,GPub.Svc .46g27 6?, 6U 6*4 ...... StevenJP Steven 2,25 25 41 47% 49 4 l% ' without trying to scare you,I itli NEW YORK (AP) - A lot made by Goodrich, Uniroyal,('a l, I Cc PubUl Pu'bui 1.50 i. 31 2 8 ^ 38V4 3 8 U - . 4 4 Sludibak Studil: ,75| 43 64% 63% 64U; 4 calves CalV 25.00 - 29.00; feeder cat- 0,; Oats no cars; up i^. No Gloria 2 p . Steadman and Sara » past more th a n the hills are alive ■ .... , A GTel El 1.40 136 46 i 46 < 6 T - \ % Sun C •ly. must be pointed out that past ^ U.S. Smelling & Chesapeake ‘ -1% Sun Oil Ib IJ 70% 70% 70 4 rr... tie Me choiceC 550-750 lb, steers 24,50-4.50- white whi 7I-751,4N, No 3 70-74>/iN. Steadm an, all Twin Falls; five (or "'ill' sound of music in the ' “ iG en Tire .80 62 2 9 ^ 20}i 2J 4 ...... Sunray Sunraj 1.40 82 35?{ 34% 34U 1 4 n ?4 26,50, cf few 750 - 950 Ib, 23,211-3,20- M Milo maize 2,03 ?rna it performance Is no guarantee for O h io . I'Oa Oa Puciric Puciric ' lb 15 62^ fill, 6l j i ...... Swift Swin Co 1.10 36 27% 27% 27H - U brothers, Dallas Steadman, Salt the future,- with mutual fundsmds UnitedUnilcd Stales,< Alcoa and Eastman Kodak'i.ioi a k 'f lc r b e r I.IO 13 35 4 34H 34H -% - ^ TompaEl Tam pj .60 11 26(5 28'^' 28%-%- « 24,90; 24.9C good 4-5 550-7,50 lb, steerseers RyeR I,04!^-l,07y4N Ixike , ‘ k, City; Ralph Steadman, ™ I 'G clty O ll .lOg 64 84^^ 83 ^ 84 - H % Tektronix Tcktro 54 49% 44« 45% 4 % c. or any other marketable secur-cur. .The echo is hiling-heard from were among the blue chip los-'fj',",''“'VioGilleiie 1.20 39 87 56J4 56% 4 + %% Teledyne Teledy Inc 71 104 *102‘4 102?4 t 4 2% 23,50-25,00; standard 700-900) lb,lb. B, Bariev 1,04-1.13NLompoc, Calif.; Duane Stead-“"y the mountains, to jhe prairies, ers of a point or so. jcicnI Glen AidAid'.; .70 142 ICi/^ 16 ' 4 4- % ?4 Tenneco Tennei 1.10 100 28 27',4 27% 4+ '/,V, HOlS Holslein steers 22,50-22,85; few S( Soybeans 2,63'/i-2,72N , ‘ man. Las Vegas, N6 v.; Virgil''and ‘‘y:, TJe capltal-galns distributions,[«'>'3 41 4-1 Texaco Texact 2.60a 84 73% 72% 72S -- f% l ^hnt choice 200-500 Ib, steer calveslives .Si Sackcd bran ,13,00-43,75 c, , Goodyr 1.35 56 48?4 47\^ 47?4 ...... TexETrn T exE l l.JO 36 23% 23% 23?4...... e Steadman, Magna, Utah, and made ‘"f by an investment com-on,J louder J and louder tune-on the on the American Stock Ex-oroceCoE x - G raceC o i,1.40 83 45'/, 44?t 45 - - % >/, Tex Tex 0 0 Sul .40 47 140 139 139?4 Viii 4lW 20.51 25,50 - 31,25; good 300 - 550 SiSacked shorts 47.00-t7,75 , , Sheldon |, Steadman, West Jor- , lypglcash registers ot 'the m usic in- c h a n c e . GranliCS CranliCS 1.40 I. 64 31^4 30^ 30H 4+ % U T TexasI exaslnit .10 100 120% 130 120V. 4-+ %M l Ib,b .■ steers 23,50-27,50, few stand-and- W Wheal futures closed front 1 ,^^3 pany (a m utual fund is one type re, ^ • GrantWT GrantWT 1.10 1. 28 32i/* 31?; 32W .. . .. Tex Tex PLd PI .3J| 16 20 19% 20 4 l ‘ dan, Utah, and two sisters, Mrs. of P ff investment ' company come3n,e dustry.““s'ry ------• (i(A&P 1.30 4 % Textron l.JO 29 78 i 78% 7B?1 4t'u % ard 357 - 51’8 Ib, Holstein steerseers to lo 1 iVs lower, Maryf , ' Severnak, West Jordan, “"I GIA&P 1.30a 25 3 0 ^ 30^ 30 4 4- H Textro [iZ ' from the profits made by sell- In Jf 1930, there were 13 million 3 P.M. QUOTATIONS Gl n. NorNor RyRy 3 24 f>8Vi 68 88 ...... Textron Textro wl 9 39% 39% 39(4 -- i(4 ! 24.2! 24,25-25,00; mostly choice 5™- 500------UtahUtah, and Mrs. Edith Green, , ™ Itles amateur musicians banging, Gt West F in l 132 17 16J4 17 4 4- % W Thiokol Thiokf .40 55 20 4 20% 20?; 4I 'A '(f cc 650 n Ib. heifers 23,40-24,70. includ- ' Ing stocks and other securities amateur N n w YORK .STOCK EXCHANGE . GlWSug (jltfS u t' 1.60a l!6' 18 47V. 47‘, 47% 4 4- 4 J Tide TIdeO Oil l.SIg 25 99 4 » »5 + Vi j :lud- CASH GRAIN „ Riverton, Rive Wyo. rynd tootling and strumming away In . S»lci N*‘ Nel|ff„._oni iGreenGni .80 7 36?; 36 38 - - 4i Tim Tim RD R 1.80a 13 42 1 42 42'/, -_ Hjj in ing g p a n load good and clioiceloice C CHICAGO (AP) - W heat No on. at higher -prices than the fund (bdi.) High Low u n Cha., G " houna ■ No Funeral services will be con- the United States, according to i Greyhound I 72 23y, 23?4 33?4 4 4- % W TransWAlr TranS' 1 368 61% 60% 6ft?4 -- J ?J i 624 624 Ibs 23.60; good heifers 22.00-I2.00- 2 h 2 hard I,48'/4n, No 2 soft red paid lor them. “ Ahboll Lnb 1 + \\ '«1 GrumnAir fi umnAir .80 69 37U 36 36'/, - - ,; Transamer Transi 1 139 42'4 41*/1 42 4 ?; c, red ducted 'Wednesday at 1 p.m."•'h in When ' a fund distributes capi-;ap|. the™ AAn m erican Music Confer- ABC Con M 32 27 ^ 261^ 2fiy, -7 y* W Gul/ c [ ,l Oil Oil 2.60 J.t 450 68?J 68 68 - - %W Transilron Transi 58 16% 16)4 16% -I j % t 23.50; choice 310-500 lb heifereifer 1.,14 l.,l4%n. Corn No 2 yellowthe. F ifth Ward LDS Church J ™ . Abex Cp 1.60 8 33^i 321, 331j + ii fiulfStaUt . S tal gains equal to three per cent”cnt ®nce,«nce *■ ^ GulfStaUt .80 18 25*4 34?; 25H 4 + 4 4 Tri Tri Com C' .42g20 28% 28% 28% ...... ccalves a l v 23.00-26.00. 1.22%n, 1,22 Oats No 2 heavy while with Bishop Alton M. Alexander P“‘ "res But by the beginning of this ACF Ind 2.JO K 5W/i 50 51) —~ ii M Halliburl Uallihuri 1.90’ 1 14 5 8 ^ 58?l 58?44 4- % U TRW TRW 1.40 29 67?i 66% 67% 4 l% ckSheep 3,700; slaughter lambsimbs 73n, 73n, Soybeans No 1 yellow Mid. of the value of the fund’s shares, b AdMilli.-. -40b 19 55(5 5^ +^ > 'J J HewPack .20 ' 298 76?J 74?4 76?I 42(^ + 3 ^ Un Un Elec E 1.203 0 23 % 2J% 23^ 4 % ^ be taken by Reynolds Funeral (or ™ lucky) enough to have other|l,er swollen ™ to more lhan 41 million, AlcanA lum I 78 26V, 26^ 26H —“ Vi Hoff jjoff E Eleclr lectron 46 12V4 11?; 12(i 4 4 % H UnOllCal UnOlU 1.40 63 59% 59?k 5»H -Ijz % natives; ewes scarce; receiptssipts A At the close \vheat was >4 to ^om otal About 15 million of these range A llcgC p .log ‘ 5 10’/. lOh 10^...... •••; Holid0 dInn Inn .60 8 70 70 70 ...... Un Un Pac Pi l.lOa 26 42^, 42% 42% 4+ %H m mostly O S range Utahs total evenly’enly % o % of a cent a bushel lower,Sei^ Sep- ______investninvestments that lift the total About I AllcRl-u 2.<0I, 17 75>,i m l m t -“ V •?i HollySug f f i s u i 1.20 r 9 33?; 33V, 33?; 4 4-. % W U UnTa: nTank 2,50 3 60 1 69% 6 9 % ...... value of the fund’s shares by In age “f from 4 to 21, and the oth- A llfs Pw I 20 H 25',i IV/j 25U ++■ hVi Homfslk J ,.m,slk .801) 8 61 47?; -46? 47?i . f .'. Unlroyal Unlroi 1.20 50 44% 43% 44% 4 l divided between slaughter and tem tember 1,42^^-%; corn un- T T Iu5t er 20 million are over 21 . Allied C l.90b 71 42 4H,i 4|i« +* •/, Honcywl 1.10 , 13 79?; HX 79?;-4T4T UnllAlUnilAirLln 1 109 75% 74% 75?; -- ; i f feeder e e d lambs; shippers active;live; cha changed to >4 higher, Septem- £X at least three per cent — Just Allicd.Sir 1.32 171 371/* 371 + », ^ok Ch I lem-'HearinffOn val- "Amateur musicians In tho , ^ ,5* Hook Ch 1.40 13 42‘/i 41? 41?; 4 4 % W UnllAirc UnllAl 1.60 88 01 4 90% 91%-%- .] slaughtera ii spring lambs 10 decksecks ber ber 1,19%-%; oats iher, higher, n to kee[keep the total remaining val- Alhs C lul 1 4H3 37 3fi -- I H )» Houst: Fin Fin 3fi .32?4 3IH 31?4 - - % Unit Unit Cp < .501 15 11 i 11% 115 - 5 ®*. ue of the fund's shares at leasteast United States Increased by an Alcoa 1.80 36 8*1 87^,^ —1'/«-*'/« Housi jjoy,, L L P p 1 ] 50 42 40* 4 m 4 4- % V, Unit Unit Frull : I 47 40% 49% 49% -_ 5 choice,C h o i mostly prime 102-1088 Ib,Ih, Sep September 69%b; rye l l / f he. average of approximately a mil­ Amtrttdu 3i 12 VM 78J; 7 9 ',^...... Howmet l.j 31’ equal to what they were be- Howmet 1.20 4 80?; 80? 80^ 4+ 4i u UOasC o a s c p l.JO 16 75 { 75% 75’ + 4 % rrange a n t Utahs 23,00-23,10; 5 decksecks |,igi higher. September I.16’4. ‘an'd and Maiislauffhter IT l equal' lion annually from 1950 to 1961," Am Alrlln .80 48 30^4 395i +*■ YiU HunlFd* jtunlFd* .50b .5' 118 37'A 36?; 37i4 4 + % H. Unll Unit MM ^ 1.20 49 28% 27% 28', 4 % ^ i , . ] fore the distribution, 4 choice, few prime 96-99 lb, rangeange soyl .soybeans %-2% higher, Septem- A m B o srh .(50 19 fiH 45»i 45»i -- ?• llupp Hupp Cp Cp ,17f .1 143 7^4 7 7 ...... US US Dorax D la 5 29?; 29% 2 9 % ...... *'^0 tem- ^ ~ " 1 Frankly, three per cent In says thethi conference, which de- AmOdcM l.iiO 19 761-i 76 +^ Vi IdahnPw idnhnPiu 1.501 .8 6 3 m 30?i 30?4 - - 4 4 USGypsm USGyi 9a 38 79 77 J 79 4+'ii % U Utahs ta l 22,65-22,90; other choice,oice, ber ber 2,76-75%, ,J g , ulot scribes itself as an educational Am C.n-im « 56(, !61i i t v , + ?• Ideal Cem 3 „ | 1 24 20?J 20U 20V^ - - 4 US US Ind lr .70 ■ 43 2 4 23 % 24 4if? % few prime 90-110 Ib, natives Is Continued capua"capital-galns distribution is a'lot AmCrySut I 10 IJli Ijji +*■ V. '• III m CcntCcm 1.50 1,S( 40 70'/, 6 9 ^ 70^4 4 4- % H US US Lines L Jb 13 36% 38 J 38?4 - % ^ , to^xpSct every year. Therelere organization supported by ma- AmCyun ! 2S 158 31H 30\ 31^ + ii 4 Imp Imp Cp Cp Am Ar 61 9U 9 8^ 4 + % W USPIyCh USPIy 1.50 48 94% 93‘ 54 4 4+ ? 20.21 20,25-21,90; slaughter ewes cull CRAIN FUTURES AmKIP 1.44b 63 3fl>/, 3S» 35’/, - j ina.rH and P ro b ate Judge Zoe Ann Shaubhaub may^'b jnay be some years when (lie the jor segm ents o fth e music Indus- - '>• InuerRand 21 47li 47W 47t4 -%- U US US Smelt Si lb 20 66% 65% 68U 4l%+>vi and and utility No, 2-3 pelts 2,50-S cCHICAGO (AP)- A lin k u l.30« 10 29ti 29i, 2 9 J ,...... Inland f f n d Stl sfl 73 36'/4 3 6 ; 36 ^ - - i4 4 US US Steel SI 2.40 110 47 46 46% 4 % c5,30; feeder spring lambs 1200 , has continued a preliminary managtmanagement of the fund honest-ipsf tty- A m FPw 116 13 35T, 25^, 25% *■ f V*Vi InsNoAm SsNoAm 22 40 50 62 60 4 62 41% 4 1 ^ UnlvOPd UnlvO 1.40 5 01 4 01% 9l(^ hearing for Larry D. Morrison,Ison, i„ ly fegi, feels that it would be better "From 1062 to 1966, however, A mH omc 120 35 53’i 53i,i 53(? +^ InlcrlkSl K ? k g T 1.80 1 7 32?; 32^ 32?; 4 4 % U Upjohn Upjohi 1.60 35 56% 56?4 5fiM 4+ ??i mixed m i x choice and fancy 79-87 High Low Close close i„nH the average annual Increase ex- Am Mosp .50 18 691/, 68'/, 69'/* +*■ H HIM |HM 4.40bi 40b 50 489?; 486 489y, 4 44V, 4 ( 4 Vanad Vanad 1.60sJJ _ .3 f l 4 36 36V4 4 ?i lu , 31, H ansen, until 9 a.m . Wed-Wed- (J to keep keep the investments the fund ™ J'™ ' AmlnvCo 110 4 I8 U 18 18 ... . |nt Hnrv I - % V arlan Aiio 84 34 4 33% 33 i ...... + ’• Ib, range ' Utahs 21.4(1-21,60; blh- Wheat^ „ ' , „,i ceeded 1 .8 million with dramat- lm Hnrv 1.80 73 38 37*4 37H - Varlar , j 3; nesday on charges of Involun- airead'already has, rather than sell. A mM Fdy 90 72 22!, 22«; 22’i +*■ »i 'I Inl1 ., Miner Miner I 58 33W 32?i 33',4 4 4 ?4 ?4 Vendo Vendo Co .60 38 30% 30 30% --■« % er e r choice ( and fancy 80-lQfl) ib,fb, ggpSep 1,43% 1,42% 1,42% , nf ic increases of 2.3 million in 1965 AMet r i l.DO 33 53^! 53?! 53^, +^ ^ Inl Nick ^ 23 80 K 86 95? 95^ - — %V* VaEIPw VaElF l i t 39 44 4 43?4 44 4 4 ?I n a t l cq'* tary manslaughter. , ^ Here, ' we get into an area of Am Moiors 28fi 14li 13*^ 13^ + J, im| Pnckei t Sj natives 18,40-20,25; few choice'fice Dec 1,50% 1.49W 1.49% 1.50 ‘“rV and again in 1966. * ?» Inil P ack ers 17 10?4 IOW IO W...... : ! W W amLamb am I I 73 47?J 46% 47% 4 jJ ■|;,3/ Mr. Morrison Is charged wllhwith managmanagement judgment. “Am„ Am N Uas 1 90 48 39*! 39^i 39H + ( , Inl |!l Pap pVp 1.35 I 1 232 28?4 28 28 i -% - U WaihWat WaihV l.JO 0 23% 23% 23 4 -l i<4 ) and and fancy 50-65 Ibs, 19.90-20,35,!0,35, MMai ar l„56% 1,54»4 l,55l/, 1„55S4 .H-e- "A m erica’s am ateur musl- Am News I 2 26J^ W /t 2 6 W ...... jnt t4 T I "roi7 the June 10 traffic death of a fui ...... inl T4T 1.50 86 lO lii 101 lOlW 4 4 ?S ?S Westn W eitn AIrL I 39 30% 49% 90% 4 % May 1,58% I,.57V, 1.5734 1..58I4 fe h of A fund that makes a practice clans are almost entirely-re- Am Phoiocpy 65 9^ ...... JfW JewlCo flCo 130 I J3 29?, 29?( 2»4 4-% + f i WnBanc WnBai MO 97 31*4 30% 30U -1 5 ! ------Ma: 'l-j'* Larry Joe Moran, 24, Twin of takitaking proflt.s - just to have " Am Smell 3a 14 <19 C8ts 68% — ii johnMin 2 Jul 1,57% I„'i0i4 1,56% 1,57 - Vl JohnMan 2.20 21 61 60?4 61 ...... WnUnTelWnUn' 1.40 32 37% 37 37?4 111 4 % PORTUN D money for capitals-gains dlstrl- sponsible for the long record- Am .Std 1 105 I'V, 27({ 2 7 ^ ...... •••; JohnJohn iohn John .60 . 23 73',; 73 73 - - %«/, W Weilj eiH El 1.6ft n o 67% 67% 87W - % V Corn Falls. , money breaking upswing in sales ot Am T&T 2 20 667 51JI SO^J 5 0 ^- ,-^ i JonLofian JonLofian .80 . 10 50t4 50 50^ 4 4 t}\ i W Weyer eyerhr 1.4020 44 , 43?4 43 i 4 ?4 + P | PORTLAND (AP) (USDA) - jep igy A m otorcycle driven by 1 Mr. butlons - Isn't really operating “reaKini Am Tob 1.80 88 33'/i 33 33 —- H Jone* jone* L L 2.70 2 ' 41 66?4 65‘1 66W ...... WhileMot White Jb 21 54% 54 54?4...... - Sep 1.20% 1919'/, 1,19% 1,19« ^ new instruments. Instrument ac- A M P ln c .36 81 36 J5»i 3fi ...... Joy joy Mfg 1.25 ,, 48 37 35U 36'4 4 4 % W Winn Winn Dlx 1 1.50 2 8 30% 21*4 2« i l^'ii - ?l t Cattle a t l and calvcs 600 all slaugh- Dcc 1,17% 1.171/, 1,17^ 1,17(2 Moran Mor and a pickup truck In the Ibest interests ot all share- cessorles T and instructional aids Ampe* Coip 61 3C>1 36^i 38^i —~ Vi Kaiser Kaiser Al Al I 13 54V4 S3?; 54 -— % % Woolworth WoolA 1 155 28% 38% 28?i - - !4 14 t te^ e f classes steady; slaughter ««aM ar 1.22lA 1,22% 1,22U 1.22V.'22V driven by Mr. Morrison collidedUded holders. holderi fu'that ,ta started 20 years ago. They Amphenol .70 27 2fi 25^ 26 ... K ayicrRo Kayu-rBo .60 31 30?4 30 30U 4- 4- ?4 ?4 W Worth orlhlni 1.50 40 68 65 86 4 % E»st- Q. You wrote that "these days, ^ A nacnnd .62h 87 50*i 49 50',i + % Kennecott ; 60 I steers choice 930-1035 lb 27,00-!7.00- May^ .r 1,25% 1,25U 1,2514 1.25W25W O”“ n ' Highway 30 near E»st- 0. Yi ^ % Kennecott 2 91 47^ 47U 47W ...... Xerox Xerox Cp 1.40 258% 3M% 251? 4jj{ jjee ti J ' have also contributed substan- Anken Chem 23 13|', 13‘j I3?i ++■ U » KernCLd KernCLd 2.60 2, 4 fl3<4 05 95(4 4- 4- %M. YngstSht Yngst: l.BO36 34% S4 34J 4 % + 27.6l !! 27,60; slaughter heifers of high Jul Tyi l,28>/g 1.27l/j 1.27’/a 1.27t/,'i n land »nc Drive. Mr. Moran died ot of a broker brok will charge you from tially to “ improved sales of sheet A rm co Stl 1 32 56^i 56^ 56Vi — ^ K K errM errM c c 1.50 I. 18 138^ 137W 138 414 .....I Zenith Zenith R 1.2093 iiV* 82?4 83 ( 4 W gnn, good to choicc 730-975 Ib 25,80-a.80- Oats o the ‘h® injuries shortly after being six perpei cent on up" on the mon- ““ ‘j , A rm our 1 60' 77 36JJ 3GU 38 - ^ KimbClk KimbClk 2 2. 25 '4 65% 65 4 65^1 +4- %.Copyrighled Copyr byTha Associated Preti 19^7 9 ^ Me- cy a customer owes, as the, re- „ music in ‘ rcccnt years.", ArmRiCk 140 29 56'/, 55^, 5fii/, + ,t Koppers Koppera 1.40 l.‘ 8 40V, 40 4 40 ^ ...... - ■ ■ io26,50; .o slaughter cows slandarddard Sep joW '.69i/j .69% .69V,591/ admitted to Magic Valley Me- ey a c l,uv The conference says these A shldO jl 1.20 48 3 ir , 30H 31^4 4-+;, • Kresge Kreige .90 .90 7 69V5 69 «9 - % ,p 18,75-20,00; feeders standard and n„, 'M m orial Hospital. suit ot of borrowing money to buy f"®. Assd DG I fiO 8 69 61 69 + 1H Kroser Kroner 1.30 1.3C 33 22Vi 22?l 22V 7 4 j/I V, A; AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE Dec .fioU ,68% .691/2 .68% ' combined sales, which totaled '70W Testlnnony in the preliminaryInary stocks on margin. Alchi.dy; Dec 1,21% l,20« 1,21%MU ------sr arr , 1 ' s,porls;, still and movie cam eras, , Heal Fdj I 65 ^ 28 59?i 59 59 —- ^*i Littonin Littonin 1.94t 1.! 239 98W 97 98V4 4- 4- % H Asamera Aiam i Oil 16 4% 4% 413.I8-1>i-|,ii I feeder feed lambs uneven and steady I A. By the ground rules of the R eaunit .19p 9 14^ H Hi-i + i Livinistn C “ oy M ar 1,2,V>4 1,2414 1,25% 1,24 Y i comic books and- • playing ' + } Livlnistn Oil47 7|i 7W 7?; -- %V4 AlsdOIl AlsdO to 58 3%" ‘3% 3K 4- 1,001 I New York Stock Exchange. Un- ' g eckm an .50 36 69« 6fW 68W 4- A LockhdA J. + to lower; slaughter spring May 1,28 1,27 1,27% 1.263,4i Youths^ Held N e ^ Y cards," *■ 4 LockhdA 3.20 36 67U 66?4 66?i -1% - I U AtllsCorP AtlllC wt 41 3% 3% 3^ 4 ^ dcr an unwritten rule a broker ' Ileech Airc 1 6 45’/i 45i^ 45’/, + H Loews Loewi T The h eat 4 8o({ 80 80 - - i j B Braill raillL tN r 1 18 10 4 10(4 1^% + lambs choice and prime 95-114'j„r ' f J _ dcr an i " How d o you explain this cur- Hell How .50 20 74?i WA 74« + ) LoneS LoneS Cem Cetn 1 124 19i4 19i4 19?4 4-+ % (4.. Brit Btil Pet 1 .49g 1 8 M l 8 7-18 8 7-1141.!+]• IK lb 2 22,00-23,50; slaughter ewes of must charge his customers in-f rent". boom,l ., boom, boom In an in- Dendix 1.40 48 <6*j 46i,i 46^4 +* /* LoneSGa LoneSGa 1.13 1, 150 2SH 24(4 34Vi 4- 4- % Vs Campbl Campi Chib 11 S % I M 6 4V ,4M tei«st of at least one-halt of J'" Denguet ,137 6li 5U 6 —- U4 LonoliLt LonsliLt 1.16 I 18 36% 26?4 26?; ...... Can SoI Pet 10 3 3.16 3>4 J 3 -li-l_i M 6IJ CUll cull and utility grade 4,60-5,00; For Larceny S ' dustry that was in decline be- BethStl I 50a 77 56(^ J5« 36i^ + Lorlllard 3, + H Urlllard 3.50 24 53?; 53 53W -- %>/* Cdn Cdn JivMln , 41 9?4 814 8% -- t j f feeder e e d spring lambs choice and TwoTv Twin Falls youths were P®'’^ tore WoWorld War II? noeing 1.20 272 94>i 92^ «*/^ +l}j+ 3 j Lucky Lucky SStr tr .90 . 6 28?J 26*4 36?J - - % (J Cinerama Clnere 16 8?4 8U 8'^ ~7 i',4 ; t fancy . f . . 60-70 lb 22„10-22,80; brecd- Potatoes BoiseCasc 25 49 ' 31 37V* 37% —- \} U Lukens Lukens Sll Sll I S8 43‘^ 40j 42 4 4 }4]4 Ctrywlde Ctryw RU 22 2 1% 3 4 •{ CHICAGO In in ccustody Tuesday morning on "There is a higher level of ed- Rorden I.Tfi ISI W i 3^1 38% -- U M MackTr ackTr 1.59t 1.1 164 69?J 68( 68?4 - - ^4 f i Creole Creole 2.6fls 13 37% 37% 37«4 4+ % ing ing elepgood and choice 10.50. q 'con" banks are charg- ucation in the country and a BorgW ar 2.20 25 48 47^i 47^1, —- • Macke Macke Co Co 30 0 17 16 17 4 4 % Vt Data Dala Cont 11 16% 15% 16<; 4 ?i CHICAGO (AP) (USDA)-Po--Po- charcharges of grand larceny in con- , BriR»iS-X40a 1 ?5’, ii>, 55*, + MacyRH 1 hv Srcater need for individual *■ MacyRH 160 8 63 62^ 62?; - - % >,{ EquityCp Equitj ,16f 16 4% 4?4 4?i ...... *..'l laiclaloes arrivals 55; on track 144; nect:nectlon with the theft and strip-S Interest on loans secured by Brifcl Mypri 1 48 7 j ', 74»i 74T, —- 71 Mud Mud Fd Fd 2.23g 2.2 13 25W 24? 25V4 4 4 % ?4 Fargo Fargo Oils 49 3% 3 13-16 3t;4-1.16 total shipments 160; suppliesplies ping of a racing car from C en-_____ creativity," says Marlon Eg­ Brunsw ick 04 IIV4 H‘,^ 1 1 '/;—- ',11 MagmaC MagmaC 3.60 3. 6 59(4 59 59U 4- 4- %^4 Felmont Felmo OII 1 11% 11% 11?4...... DENVER '"If BucyEr 1 fiOa 15 35»i 35 35'/, — U Macnavox . f. . moderate; demand slow; mar-nar- tury Automotive Machine, 116 '-m. bert, the conference’s cduca- ~ I Magnavox .80 307 44% 43 4. 44^; 4lV441% Fronll Frontier Air 3 25?J 25*4 2 S « ;...... V i; DENVER n i (AP) (U SD A )-C al- ["™ 116 h j t J 1 T 1_ 1 Budd Co .80, 72 |**» 17>i 17*, + k M M»rathn arathn 3.40 3. . 4 76»4 75?J» 76(J_H^?5iK % Cen Cen : Pl>-wood 8 9 '/, 9?4 9^4 + '/« , ^ 1 I ■ ket aboul steady; Washingtongion EighthEigh St. N. J y l I tional director. "Ijiis combina- Bulova ,70b ‘ H 3(l 29 29?; + l i i Mar UQf Mid 1.40 i 10 29H 29 4 •J9?*r4--’W4--^% Giant Giant Vel .4029 9'4 9 9 - - 3l i J16 tie t i e 300; . calves none; hardly „ Mutual Funds. „. tion['7 is'^ part ot the great atmos- Burl Ind 1 20 14 36>4 35V, 36>; +^ V*Vi M M arquar arquar .35g .3 43 ISfJ IS j 15H - - % s Goldfleld Goldfl 44 8 7?4 7 % ...... enough p n o i any class offered fornr an Norgolds 3.40; Idaho and Ore- 'Police Chief Frank Barnettr n i Bid Asked ' B urrougin 1-18 1441, 14Jji 144 - I M MartinM artinM ar ar 1 117 22?; 22 4 22?4 - - % ‘/, Gt Qt Dai B; Pet 88 4% 4',4 4 % ...... , “ . ? gon Norgolds 4,15; Minnesotasola idemidentified the two as John Con- „ phere that exists for music Cal Flnanl 34 fi*, 6^ fis, + 14 MayDStr MayD.Str 1.60 I. 26 3 4 t| 34H 34^44 4 ?4 ?4 Gulf Gulf Am Cp 29 8 '^ 8'4 8 1 ^Vii 4 ?4 test; te S t; high utility cows 17.90 16 round reds unquoted. rad Anderson, 18, Route 3, ‘'“"J and Affiliated Fund 9.16 9.91 mK aking.” | „ b CaluniM 1-20 33 39 38U 3 8 i.'i...... •••;; Maytag Maytaa 1.60a 1.6 10 39% 39 4 39?4 4- 4- % ?4 GulfResrc GulfR Ch 171 32?i 31(5 3JW + +1*4 >W 18.40; 18.41 utility 16.00-17.50. h. Commonwealth 20.22 22.10 "’S f j (,'anipRL 45a 34 21*, 20>, 20?, —- ii McCnllmcQ II ,40b .401: 6 31 30 4 31 ...... Hycon Hycon Mfg 1 16 1C 16 - ?4 u , Robert R . Weaver, 18, Wash- •;• it Egbert also cites new teach- Camp Soup I 44 27?J 2J'{ 2 7 H ...... McDonD McDonD .40h .4 394 83% SO I SI?; 4-1% 4-l?4 Hydrometal Hydro S 19% 19% 19J4 7 4 i !14 Hogs 400; barrows and gills FUTURES ington ingtc Streel North. Dow Theory 8.09 ? Ing 8.95 techniques which make Canlren .80 3| 24?, 24»i 24?,++ ^ 4 M MeadCp eadCp 1.90 I. 46 39 38 I 38?i - - ' /% , Im im per per Oil 2« 3 61% 61»; 6 1 %-M - % steady s t e a to 25 lower; 1-3 190-240 CarnPLt 1 34 14 39‘, 3» 39 — *1 Melv Sh 1 . .. The following quotations werevere OfficersOfl said the two wouldLfould Eaton and Howard 16.75 18.20 learning learninc music fun and not a - , l Melv Sh 1.60 96 70'/. 69 70 4-1% 4-H i K Kttlsei aiser Ind 39 16U 16%16% ...V .- tu Ib1 19.75-20.00; sows steady; 1-3 ' ('a rrie r Cp 1 28 64 63^ 63?4 —- ^ ♦ MerckC McrckC 1.40a 1.4 39 88% 88 88',4 - - ?i ?i McCrory McCr( wt 6 6V4 6% 6 % ...... \ ° * ' provided by E. W. McRobertslerls be arraiga n ed in Police Court'ourt Fidelity Trend 32.01 34.80if'SO chore—plinkingchore—| out the ‘‘Skat- C arierW 40a 48 16>', 1ST, |(t + ^ f MerrChap MerrChaD I« 5 25% 25 25% + 4- % U MeadJohn Mead. .41 76 33ti 33*4 33?i - % 195-115 195^ Ib 17.50-18.60. ■ and Co,, Twin Falls, TuesTuesday afternoon on the grand;and KeystoneKeysto B-4 ' 10.12 11.04i'Sl or’s of.j Waltz’'wa on the piano every Cnse .11 24 21% 2Ui 21«i -- ^ MGMmGM lb lb 168 S6?4 9S 95?4 4- 4- % % MichSug MichS .lOg 9 7?4 7% 7 ?4...... Sheep CV 5.000; slaughler spring were Keystone K-1 9.12 9.96 9.96 day day forfor a month Is out—and the C atfrT r 1.20 32 45*, 45^', 45Vi —- Vi s MldSoUtil MldSoUtil .76 , 78 23?', 22}i 32% 4- 4- 54 ?4 Molybden Molyb t 49% 49?4 49?i 4 % , J.,,. Maine Potatoes larctlarceny charge. They also were Keysto O la n tsc C p 2 35 fi2?i fiU,', 62?i + 1H U i MinerCh MinerCh 1.30 1. 33 SI?! 91 J 91%-%- % Monog Monot Ind 9 112 111 111 Jlljj - % lambs 50-75 lower than Monday; High Low Closelose beingbelni questioned Tuesday morn-norn- KeystoKeystone K-2 7.56 8.25 8.25 "growing "growir awareness bt peopio C en co ln s 30 30 51H 51 51 ...... MinnMM 1.30 1, 73 83*4 8 2 ; 8 2 (4-1% - 1 % NewPark NewP Mn 20 9 8% 8% ...... feeders f e c d and slaughter ewes not 2.23 Ing concerning several otherother KeystoneKeysto S-2 " 11.12 12.142.14 In in cdjicationcduc! that things like mu- Cem SW 1.60 23 43 43^i - /I }• MoMo Kan Kan T T e* ll2 16% 15h .16% 4- 4- */j % Pancoiil Panco Pet4 1% l?t IV4 * 4 ?4 established; spring lambs „ of Nov., 2.23 2,20 2,23 Ing - Cerro 1 60b 63 39‘, 38Jj 39 —- ^ MobllOII MobllOil 1.80 1.1 157 4 l?J 41W 41%4- 4-% . %RIC r ic Group11 1% 1?I 1% 4 ?l I n March 2„« 2,51 2.52 2,52 thefts theft and burglaries. KeystoKeystone S-3 10.91 11.911-91 sic sic M m d art are needed to bai- Cert-teed .80 15 I8i,i IB 181,4 + *,4 4 M Mohasco ohijco 1 I 75 18?4 !? « 18 + 4- % %. Scurry s c u r r Rain 119 3 8 « 37?4 3«?4 +1+1 CnOi choice and prime grade 90-110 CessnaA 1 40 28 48?| 481/, 48'4 — ?» Monsan 1.6 April 2.72 2,68 2,70 Keystone S-4 6.77 7.39 7.39 ance ancelhi Ih e lr programs. Almost ev- - ^ Monsan 1.60h 130 44?4 43?i 43T4 -% - %. Signal s iin a lOilA I 199 35*; 34?; 35 -- *i■> Ifa lb 2 22.50-23.10; including .several "P r 2.70 ------^— InternationalK“y ° Fund 15.85 17.14 cry sch CFI Sll .80 30 20 lfl‘i 20 + MontDUt MontDUt 1.52 1 7 3l(5 31^ 3 1 % ...... Sperry Spern R wt 287 19 14% 15 4- % 23,|[g May 5,07 3,03 3,04 Q , 7.14 cry school today has a music Chea Ohio 4 34 68?; (8 6B?J 4-1 MontPow I 1 MontPow 1.56 16 31?4 i \ / . 3 l W- -‘,4 ‘,4 Statham Slathe Inst 5 49% 49 4i - ',4 1030loads 92-105 Ib range lambs 23.00 Over the Counter.e r tlfet i i r i Insur. i Invest 6.88 7,52 7.52 program progran ." ------ChlMil fltP I 33 47 48‘4 MonlWard MonlWard 92 24 33?i 33% ~ ~ % % SyniexCn Svnie: .40 34 92^4 9 1 ^ 01?4 -3 W2 tO to 2 23.10. ' 75Q. pioxi- M anhattan 10.60 11.591,59 Or,- Or,-as as the member of a youth------ChPneu 1.80h 21 «>4 42'^ -” W^4 Morrell Morrell 16 43?4 41 i 41?I - — *41; Technicol Techn .40 20 27M 27% 27'/. - % 750-850 Ibs 24,25-25,00; cows util-UllI' QuoUtlontcim from NA6D at ipproxi* Monha C hriiC rofl Ib 10 34i/, 33 , 34'/4 + UH Molorola Motorola I I 14 127 I25j{ UBJi 4- 4- Vi\ i UConlrol uCont .l7g 208 10% 10 10',4 4 V* ity and commercial 16.25-18,00.00. mitely "•I'l 10 a. m. All bid* «r« InUrdMlMJi»l« Ma.SS. M ass. Inv. Growth 12.66 13.843,84 ful ful rock rocli ’n’ roll group puts it, C hry iler 2 248 47?J 49?j 47'/. + j i MI.SITT M tS lT T 1.24 I, 17 23% 23H 3 3 %- - % WnNuclr WnNu .20 8 34.-.33?;. 34 ...... t.i: OMAHA “ ^siSheep 300; .spring slaughterL,.- bldfl. “S ; InlerdetUr quoUUon* do not In* Mass. Inv. Trust 16.83 18.408.40 musical musical instrum ents are a way CIT Fin I.RO 154 3l?i 31 i 3I?J + % /4 N alA N alA irlin irlin ,60 8 76% 76 78 ' ". . , . 7 .. CopyriihWdCoeyr by Th* Assec)at«4 Preis 1967 q j clurfa reull mirlnip, nl»rk down or JJ®” * riliesSvc 180 71 51'J 50V, 5IV^, 4-+• % Nal Nat BISC Disc 2 2 20 49 48?J 4B?4 — % OMAHA (Ai’i (USDA) - Cat- lambslam steady; choice and prime‘ime commlMlon. comm . . , NfltioniNational Growth 11.26 12.312.31 for for young yot people to express ClevKlIll 1,80 21 3fi?4 37 ; 38U —- ',4U Nat Nat Can Can .50h .5 10 37?; 37^J 37?; - % tie 9,000; calvcs 10; slaughterihter 85-185-110 Ibs spring lam bs 24.00-i.OO- Bid Askedsked NationalNation; Slock 9.05 9.89 9.89 themselves. themsel' CocaCola 2.10 62 120 M5 i 117^ 4-2>,i*■•]} NatCash fjatCash 1.20 1. 28 102 101 101 - % Colo Palm 1 33 39?i 39 4 39?i 4-^ !4'.i NfUDairy NalDairy 1.50 I 34 38% 38'/, 38% - '/i , ' .steers, steady; cows steadyy to 25.00;25.01 choice 80-100 Ibs 23.00-J.OO- A Albe lbertson’s 10.25 10.62'4.62'/^ PutnanPutnam 16.24 17.767.76 A A totaltota of 1,430,000 guitars was ColllnRad .80 40 lOHi #9 i lOWJ 4-* ?4% Nut Nut Dist Dist 1.80 1 34 44% 43% j| 44 4 ?i Woot ■ I;strong, Instances of 25 higher;her; 24.00;24.0 cull to good shorn ewesiwes E Equi quality Oil 22.00 ■50 22.50 TelevisionTelevJs Elec 10.80 1.76 11.76 sold sold in in 1966, says the confer- {•otolnlC. 1.60 32 40?i 40 40«/,.4-+ 1,4'.s Nat Nnt Fuel Fuel 1.68 1. 8 30?4 3W4 3014 4 % m i ( BS 1.40h 131 63W 62*i 62^5 4.+ VVta Nat Nat Genl Genl .20 71 Ifl 17?i * fj 18 4- NEW >4 YORKr (AP)-W ool (u-fu- slaughterslau steers high choice and 4.004.00-7.50. First Firsi Sec. Corp. 31.00 .00 32.00 Value Value Une Income 6.62 7.26 7.26 ence,ence, an a d more than 4,650,000 Col G as 1.44 30 27? 27*4 ■*'*' VfVi Nal Nal G G yps yps 2 ! 118 46',4 4S',4 48'/i + 4- s »i tures tU re i closed '.1 of a cent loweriwer primeprlit 1200 Ib 28.15; heifers high ------F Flrsl irst Sec. Invest 5.87>4 6.37'4 Value Value Line Spec. Sit 7.43- 8.14 8.14 guitars guitars have been purchased ( om lCre 1.80 74 33?* 3314 33?, 4- \\ n i.^ad 2.3 4 U N lead 2.25f 51 62% 62! 62'4 ++ % to tO 1.4 1 ccnts higher. Oct I17.0B, choi 0.00 during the past four years. lomSolv 1.20 19 39?i i i \ \ 39^/, -- % ?4 Nal Nat SteelSteel 2.50 2 31 50% 30!i 8 0 % - I „ ' f.OB, choice and prime 1205 Ib 27.0(1;7.00; CATFLE FUTURES G Gan arret F reightl. 22.00 •'^5 22.75 West. (Vest. Indus. Shares 9.14 10.00 during t ( om w l'd 2.20 12 49 48?J 48»i -- U NalNat Tea Tea .80.1 4 I4?4 14 14 ...... DDec 6C I19.0B, M ar II9.4B, May utilityutllli and commercial cowss at TlTlie following quotations wererare Idaho Idah Power Pfd. 65.00 68.00.00 ' ‘ ------— ------{ om sal 23 62H 6214 62',/. --'/« \{ Newbrry Newbrry .30g .3 15 22 21 22 + 4 1 1 , 119.4B,lini Jly 119.4B, Dcc I20.IB.UB. 16.50-18.00; )6.5( canner and cuttersIters pro'provided by E. W, McRobertserts Interm Intel tn. Gas 10.75 •35 11.35 . , I on F dis 180 10 33 ^ 33',; 33*1...... NEH NEnsb EI El 1.36 I. 13 26% 2rj; 2 6 * / ,- % 75 uiigtn iiiu n HMHi mint u mr. laiiitniiiui« M Nmnnmn n ctte ent wmuir eo, fwuoii, (onElecInd 1 40 46?i 48^ WA -- %U NYCent NYCent 3.13a 3.1 18 77?; 77 { 7 Jj 77% 4 Certificated ?4 wool spot 117.0N.'.ON. 16.00-17.50. 16.0( and Co,, Twin Falls. Liberty LIbe Gem Sliver .67 .75 *l"«tni t nnFood 1.40 31 47?, 4?',. 47?, 4-+ )j l i NiagMP N iatM P 1.10 1 74 23 21 J 22 + 4- VI % Wool W ( tops futures closed quiet.ulet. Hogs He 8,000; barrows nnd Bill,'! gilt.s High Low Closelose M Mon orrlson-Knud. 24.00 24.37%■ m C onN C ai 1.60 84 2 9 ^ 29«; 2H';{ - i l Norflk W it - % Norflk W it 6a 24 105!; 105 { 105?4 + 4- J* ?4 N M o a s , a l e s . 25 n .75 ConPow l.96h 12 42V, 42U MV...... NA NA Avia Avia 2.80 2 16 45?; 45 J 45?J - % * 25 m ostly 50 lower; 1-3 200-2601-260 OctOct. ■ 27.90 27.82 ■■27'.90!7'.90 Rogers RogI Brothers 20.75 21.75 C oniainr 1.30 33 ,30«; 30?; 30*| -- >4% NorNGai NorNGai 2.40 3 4 48*4 47 \ W A ...... “ CC Certificated spot wool topss atat Ib jb 19.75-20.00; I! sows steady lo0 25 Dec.Dec 27.72 27.62 27.72!7.72 Sliver Sllvc Star Queens .34 .38 .>>tv CnntAirL .40 78 "iJIU 31 31?; 4-4 H% Nor Nor Pac Pac 3,80 3 28 66 65 { 65% - - !t «i I60.0N. Ifift fi lowe l ont C an 3 30 93?i S3?4 S3?, 4-4 ^4H N NStn StnPw Pw 1.93 1. 8 30% 3 0 ; 30%-% * lower; 1-3 350-400 Ib 17.50- pehFeb. 27.55 27.45 27.52!7.52 Sierra Slen Life 2.75 3.75 f . to rn In* 3 4fi 78',i 78 78 —- ti U Northrop Northrop I I 41 38% 38 4 38% ...... oB-BId; r N-Nomlnal Sheep Sh 1,800; spring slaughterihtcr AprApril 27,25 27,20 27,2217.22 Surety Sure Life 5.50 5.87W% ' Hforpeople d Com Oil 2.60 27 70U G9?i 70 4 4- \ f . Cowles .50 13 18 15^ 16 ...... OllnMalh OllnMalh 1.80 I 65 76% 75 78 + 4 % NEW N I YORK (AP)-Domcstlc ^■59, Thii announcement it neither on offer C nxBdcai .SO 13 9Q' any of thetoe iflcuritiealecuriiiei. Iho offerlna il mode onlyy ^ „ m m Crou.seHind I 33 351,4 35 35>4 »- % Outh Outh M Mar ar .80 89 25?{ 25 29 ...... * ]’ sugar futures No. 10 closed qui- CrowCol l.87t S 52 51?; 5l? i -- % Owenilll Owenilll 1.39 1, 18 95% 55 85 I - - % ct. C t. No . sales. Raw sugar spot by llie oflflfing Circular. Crown Cork 13 58’J 58ii 58V, 4- *4 Pac G El I CHICAGO 4 *4 Pac G E I 1.40 41 34 33 33 4“ - %'* 7.34. 7 1 4 World sugar No. 8 closed p, CrownZe 2.26 13 483; 47^ 48?J + 4- ?4!4 Pac Pac Ltg Ltg 1.90 1 30 27% i W 37 i ...... - * 7 ^ CHICAGO (AP) - (USDA) - f>uo Sll l.2fl S 23 23 .’1 ...... • Puc Puc Petrol P etrol 87 I9?4 M» 1 1 1 ...... 22-13 'J 3 lower. Sales 2,178 coiitracls.I no Hogs ' 4,500; barrows and gills 25 360,000)00 sl shares * . Cudahy Cn 13 '11*; 11*4 11*4 -- ^ % PacPw PacPwLt Lt 1.20 1 18 23% 2iV 2 3 % ...... ••••• QO C ct t 1.64, Nov 1.74, M ar 1.95-56, .Curtis Pub 8 lfl»i Iflli 19*4 +4 (4U PacT&T PacT&T 1.30 1. 12 26 35* .35 - % w . , , to 50 lower; 1-2 210-240 Ibs 20.25- Curtiss. Wr 1 02 30?4 2D?; 20% +4 ?i% PanASul PanASul l.SO 1. 488 26% 37? ; h 38 M 4- ay % 2.04^15, Jly 2.13, Sep 2,21- 75; .1-3 200-250 Ibs I0..50-20.25; Commonnon Stock { ^ Dan Rlv 1.20 10 -22'4 211'* - U% Pan Pan Am Am .40 .< 358 28% 37j 31 ^ + 4- « % 22, 2 2 , Oct ( 2.25, Nov 2.32. . (“fj' DaycoCp l.«0 5 4I?4 41 4IH 4-f 54 14 Panh Panh E E P P 1.60 I, 75 33% 33 33 ...... late 19.50-75 ; 2-3 250-270 lbs 19.00- ’ Day PL 1.40 3 30 ;9?i .39?; -- *4 % ParkeD ParkeDav av l a 41 31 30U +‘ 30 i • 4- i < ------^ 50 l;-21 190-200 Ibs 19.50; 1-3 325- D eere 1.80a « 6W a S9?4 SO’i -- <4(4 Peab Peab C Coal oal 1 64 43% 43U 43 ~ 4 DelMnte 1.10 13 34?I 34 34U >•- jU j PennDlxie PennDlxie .60 237 37% 38« - 36 4- % SPOT METAIS 350 lbs sows 18.50-19.00; 1-3 1 350- Sllv6rButte MiningMlnii Company f l D elta A ir 1.20 36 1 12! I10?l I12U 4- t]\ l Penney Penney 1.60a 1.6 60 66?; 66U 86 - 4 NEW N I YORK (AP)-Spot non- 400 lbs 18.00-75; 1-3 400-450 Ibs DenRGW 1,10 ‘ 15 19*; IB'4 IP'.^ -- % ?4 P P aP aP w w L L t t 1.32 1. 17 3l?4 31 31 ...... f - „ . f (An Idohoho Corporation) Corpi ajl D etE dls 1.40 25 2S*; ISi 38? ...... P Pa t RR RR 3.40a 3.4 40 66 65?i •"i; 18 ferrous 4- % metal priccs Tuesday;y; . . 17.50-18.00; 17.5C 2-3 450-500 Ibs 16.75- Det Steel ,68 19 1C?; lfl(J 18?4 -~ % ?4 Pennioll Pennioll 1.40 20 113% i n i j 113% + 4-1 i' COCopper 38 cents a pound, Con-Con- 17.50. 17.5C $ . 1 0 per share |H ixclusive,new DiamAlk 1.20 50 34 33?| 34 ...... PepsiCo PepslCo .90 .90 128 39% 38* 39 + 4* 5'. % n nCCti c c t l c u t V a l l e y . , , Cattle C a 1,200; slaughter steerseers D isney .40h 24 93V, 9314 03<;-U- 14 PerfFilm Pern'ilm .41f .< 31 40?4 30 39% - ?i * 1 1' ^ Dist Seag 1 3 34*4 '3M - % PfiierC 1.30a 1.3 23 80 85 { 88 +4 - ij ? J , Lead LC 14 cents a pound, New steasteady lo strong; a few loadsoads O ffe rin g P r ic:e e $ $ .25 .2! per share ' H DomeMln .80 48 47*; 4S?I 4 C U »-114 1 '4 PhfilpD P h d p D 3.40t 3.4 23 75*1 75 J 79?4 - - H ?J York. Y o r J and lots mixed high choice and DowChni 2.20 34 7SH 75U 7 9 U ...... Phila Phila El El 1.64 1 23 32% 32 3 2 % ...... T |r :ular, doled July 27, 1967, may be D reisln d 1.2S 41 38^ 35 4 35?4 +4 % *4 Phil Phil R R df df 1.60 I, W 76% 74?| i:';: 75 - Zinc j i cents a pound, EastEast primprln' e steers 1,200-1,250 lbs 28.25-8.25- Coplei o( Ills olferlng Circular, doled D u k eP w 1,20 7 3714 17ti 37',^ #«.(J PhllMorr PhllMorr 1,40 1 • 37 46% 45? 48 + 4- il % st, S t, I,oul5 ) ______^------— _5 050; ; cholco-IiOOO-l,25()-lbs-2Gr76-Cf76------__ oblolnodjro:n lhe ^undervvfllor,Df...Hunt«r*..AnHer!pn_Cp.-TMn ..Hunler, ingfM- - — ■ ■ ------iluFont-J.7fin----- J8-I87H-lH«-l58M4-%- -^n- I'hltl rhlllPer-1: Per-l;4B ----- 45“ 83- " G n r 8 1 % ...... - TTin“ I , i;52~a~poundrN 6w n'6rkTork. 27.75 27.751 mixed good and choiceloice ore dieted lo bonolide reildenllidenll of of lim ll State of Idabo. Uit th« M l Duq Lt 1.60 6 31^4 S lii 31*4...... PlIneyD PllneyO 1.30 ].! 39 66 65 { 66 i 4- ?i i Ifgj.,,. c o u1 p o below, n bfllow. H I D ynamCp .40 B5 16)4 lfi>4 1 0 ^ ;...... PllPlate PItPlale 3.80 3.1 9 .8 3 I 63( + ll C3 4 4- Silver ?4 1.675 per Troy ounce,nee, 000-1000-1,125 lbs 25.75-26.75; hoifers EnnI A ir .50 CS 64 83>4 93?; —- ?4% PI’ltli llti Sleel Sleel m 13% n \ \ 12 } - • Ji NewNcW York. load average to high choicc 950 EKodnk I.GOa 111 137 115^ 126 -- 1 Polaroid Polaroid .41) .4 30 JOO 4 198 300 \ 4- % n „ ' 950 The tuckaw ay fifth I'lttonY a 1.25 14 313074 30 ?4...... ProclerO ProcterG 2,20 3 36 94% 04 94 ...... +.!; Quiokjilver $501.00 pcr flask,ask, lbs 26.25;; choice 800-900 Ibs 24.7 EG&n .20 30 Bl 4 82?i S2»I ~-1 1 PuhSvcColo PuliSvcColu I 31 31 31» 31 J ...... NNew e w York, J5.7525.75; mixed good and choice C o . - n l ------P«blklnd-.( 4-% P«»blklnd_48r----- 13_9 L -9— ,? } ^ t . Hunter, Anderson Co. ■ th at jsacks as flat E lrctn m Sp • » 27 , 37* 3 7 * 4. .. . Ii . . PPuburSPLSPL l.CO l.l 5 35 5 3 5 ( ; ^ 5 5 . . . . — ■•■'larSherman-Avenuo—,n u o — ------H I I’.IPnioN G ID9 31 4 311 3174 4- %H Pullman Pullman 3.80 3. 17 49 49 , 49 - 4 F m e rK I 1.68 14 13 { 81 . 83‘ ; -4- f 4 nCA RCA .80b .80b tl3 93 5 62*i 5) 4 + 4 , P.O. Box 847 l l j ’ asybuTshirf! i:nil Jnhnsnii 12 38 1 J8^ 38 ?4...... llalilonP llalilonP .80 .( 24 26 35 : MI 4 4 Twin Fallsills MarketsI a h o H I ^ r r lc U c k IIR S8 9 1 D) OH -- % H R R iynier iynier l.40l» 1.4 S3 36?J 38) 36?4 4- 4 ____ Coeur d'Alene, Idaho EthylCnrp .60 40 43 { 41 [ 4 3 i i- - % 4 liaylhcon Kayllicon .80.1 64 82 Bl { + *1* I + i ------r — E vnnilM .«0b 93 32 I 31 i 32% 4-4 S I l 4 - 4 Reiall .30b t !{(J Soil While Wliem ...... <1.1.41. 1. lle H e « n v v y Sowi ...... «IO.OO,il3.0(iH3.5d . r e d d e n ,80 57 33 31U 32* 4f- Keyn Keyn MM fl fl M . 43 62 51 4 92 _ 4- >/ *•{ Corn p . 'i _ (19 per cent moiiture) .,|].D9 I'edD.Str 1.70 III 6<)?4 e?H ( 9*4 4-4 4 Reyn Reyn Tob Tob 3 89 39 I 38 JB - ?{ ^Om M.3» I'.ons ' Sirtci A ddrxi ...... l>rr(iC |> 1.20 in i n i 3ft 4 36% -- 4 lUiccmM lUiccmM 1.40\. 17 37 4 37 37 ...... D E A N S L t i i n n e AK ...... rillro l 1.40 20 39i; 2«i; 2 8 ? i- - I Roitnfirl Roitn firl .snn .3 81 .9 4 9 | 9 { ...... GmullErnell lild ...... 7.00 LL»r«« i r i A ...... IP^^ Popular round i rire sln e 1.40 87 49 4I?4 49 - Hohr Hohr Cn Cp .80 J 71 38% 37 38 4 + 41% 1)1 I’lnki I’lnkl ...... 7,007.00 MeiH Medium AA ...... c i i y ...... siau. S la lt...... Zip,.... r ir m c h it .511 10 3 II4 3Qi( 31*4 4-f 'J 4 RoyCCnli RnyCCnli .73 , 34 34% 93 | 34 4'4-l(5'+1(1 Oreel Or««l Hmhern ...... 7.00 MMedium ed A ...... 33. : mllibit »vl u uiuili ^ Flintknif 1 17 23 4 »! f - H% R o RoyilUut y ilU u t l l I I 1B% I I { ...... rinV intoi tO ...... 7.MIM (Dll (Dillvtnd lo rililler In cttloni) =3 U’l Abner • _ , ' . I Aug. 29-3P, 1967 )RIS1T . W RIGHT." THEV'REi TWEY r o T f beur-cMuCKiEr- his ^aki'noiAKl'NOBOD/) '^?-S O T H E V )|- ( l ^ ^ ^■HAT T I F IF h HER L HOTTESTINTHE'

------^------DEFENSE-GIVES——------:_my^s-jack-lost_to-East!s_queen_ H E LPIN G H A N DI and anil East E played the ace and. South's three no-trumpD con- icn. ten o of f c lu b s. T h e ten w as allow- tract looked as if it had1 beeh ed eti to to hold the trick and East I H M H H E X E ANDD WALT DULANEYDl ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ glued togelher with dishwater,iwater. shifted siiifted to a diamond. South I South should merely have raised won won that. t He couldn't afford P one lieart to two but hele had lo lo le let t W est in a t this point. | t t * clscted to respond one spade West West signaled with his jack I m P r* Love’s On Thinin Ice and, instead of droppinglg the of of ddiai ia m o n d s , ZJH"^ ------.- —I South Sout played his nUK of hearts 20 N O R T H (D ) 20 and “"d let le it hold the trick after E U., WEU FOKOCT’^ / ^ANK 'lOU, \ w s y A t ^ R 'SH T/ BRIN8V0UIC ^ IIf He Works Nights Wcst discarded a club. Then r THAT »U SAIP J i [ MR. KESSLER/ ) W P / NOTEBOOK, JOPIE/rW AKTt A A i n onlhs If' "charm school" equates V AKJ83 ‘ South led a spade [oward dum- | pM FU^SllK,O E A S e N„ ]^ ANymiNe,^ ^ ^ Dear W alt: About sfat months I f ' my and finessed the jack.:k. At IPONT BE ANeHV WITH Y7 VVAt.TEKWAt.TEK/ TAM 1 1 /---- rTlJfi] ago I started w orking nightsus at at ‘'$500' "$500" or "professional model" * 10 8 7 ",'y Ihis p o in t S outh was su re of r «E FOU WHATlVE SAJP/ I 1 mTHE H£lREST OF 1/ 1 I * a theater. My steady girl (Chris-:hris- with w ith mom, ask hec to investi- * 8 5 'I)'* P ‘ ‘ t ITS JUST that I CANT y(^THEPAYCFF/ THE PA"! J . ^ eight tricks and would make rjI BEAR TD SEE 10U ANP p:v? tie) would have me leave herler aa t t g g a a te te \ what your local YWCA, de- IVEST e a s t nine Iif h e could pick up Ihe L'j' the skating rink at 7 p.m.. and and partn- partment store, or 4-H club of- AQDCS . whole whole spade suit. He ranin off N then pick her up a t midnight,nlght. fe rs forf under $25. I think she'll '^>0 VQC54- ^dummy's hearts. I f e Fine. Well, all this time, while be surprisedsu and impressed! — ♦ KJ2 ♦Q 8 543 “7 ™ ; W KEsntR W . I was working, she was flirtingirting EEle. le. + KJ96 3 +A100 East made a friendly play p '^ucm oH ics ’ ^ here. He had to make one dis- |f with the soldiers that skate'state ■' MOTMOTHERS SINS F A U UPON S O U T H 5"^^-card I and let his last spade go. Rj l,i|5 there. Once she w as neckingcking GIRL * ® ^ MeanwMeanwhile South was discard- W with one of them a n d was going DearDea Ele and Walt: "X" walks ing h is la s t tw o clubs a n d West S 15® to go out with him. but at,t the, to schoolscl 'mfh us. We're fairly ■ ' l i e was getting rid of his clubs and n mlK last mintue she changed her good good friends, although she can , Ihe deuce of diamonds. ' ^ mind and told me everything,thing, nevnever er attend school activities East-West vulnerable' Z\% Because she was honest, II for- for- becausebecau she has to slay home ’ ® , South cashed dummy’s ace of West North East Soulh Wj^ gave her. anda n d ti take care of h e r sisters and spades, noted that East did not W ■ ^IqiI quit the job, and everything'thing bbrothi ro th e r (she's like a mother to ■i'ly Pass 1* follow suit and led a diamond...... -f Pass 2* Pass 2N.T, ™ S hort RJba wwas as OK. But now I'm gettingailing those kids!) Her fa th e r works a t Poss 3N.T. Pass Pass ' r n f 0I«J — J anoth another job and I know she'lli'll go night, night, and while h e ’s oul, her Pass monds and had to lead a spade skaskating til again if 1 have to work mothe mother goes out nnd "paints the up to South's kinj^ten. — I r on Fri<(ay or S aturday nights,Ights. tow to w n.' n ." We know fo r a fact lh a t OpeninE load— V 10 ____ CARD SENSE' ] m * n F SeeinSeeing how things w ent before,jfore, h her e r t mother spent a weekend ■■■• do I have a right to say' "no with with ssome college boys recently, ■ bidding at two spades afterfn imhis Q—The bidding has been; skatliskating?'’ Or should I trusther? her? anand d hhas threatened to leave h er partner's raise, he went to two Q—T o u th J 1 ro -tru m p . West ' ’ost, North East Soulh -—Usher. U s l husbahusband several times, (i5. 1* ' D b le P ass 2 N.T. ® Dear Usher: It’s virtuallyy Im- No one is allow ed lo hang North might have been satis- / r W (r,™„Fass 3» Pass ? possible for an attractive: girl girl aroundaro i "X" because ,par- fied to quit at two no-trumpt Tn? You, South, hold: to remain “solo" throughout)ul a a enents ts haveh heard ab o u t her moth- .because his opening bid ssZ was ♦>^’>»A J54*43Z4.K 10K five-hour skating session. If a er. e r. "X " doesn’t know the truth ossm ie J ij about as minimum as possible ♦ y l ■ relativepos^l (male cousin, youngeranger about about her mother. She always ' but he decided there was'as no , three hearts. Youj ' her, feels hurt because kids keep real play for two no-trump and brother, etc.) can take her, feels 'P considered bidding two hearlstarls"-. ■■ je.;y * ------great! ff not, I think you have away aw ay from her.' S h e writes us "it you were going to be set you at , your last turn to bid. *- — a right to object. But basic;lc to sob sob si stories and k eep s asking us "might as well go down at a Caotain Easy rW ------— ^ ^ ■'[‘"“allbrothi thisu is your jo b . Can't. you w why hy i no one wants her around. ■' worth-while contract. Fortunate-tunate°- TC T O D A Y 'S Q U ESTIO N and p E ^ y . PO VOU m tJT TO look a little further and find) one Shouli Should we tell "X’’ what we’ve ■ly for North and South (hehe de- Yoi You bid three licarls ami ; (^OH.PO>J‘T ACT TKE WJLP.Q\PTfliUPiWWIkl Efl$y„,E ^ rVE HEARD IHW VOU'RB- J I (JWU , - .... a ng! he oc- your partner raises yuii, lo lo CONDUCTAQUIPEP < TOUR -r;------“ - T - r l OME OF McKEES FIU15T I'LU I ™ that just requires daylightflight h heard eard , o r would sh e be hurt ' fense was not equal to the oc- your ; . O F THE &TATE& F O R A N • ’ed to four hearts. What do you do ( ^ EWPL0VE65. BE5IPE5, ?TE all th shifts?-Walt. mmore? ore? How should we tre a t ■ casion and South managed to four :R'WJffP a ME Dear Ele: I'm n o t Phyllisi Dll- Dii- "“ X X ""? ? We're all 14.—Two Who gather nine tricks. now?n o w ? J' ^ 0 ■" " '' -J iil tjwiimw, iwwtkwow.mrs. ‘ West started helping out by IB $m r y ESr I'LU PAV ALL VAN H0RW...L8r5 SET^ ler or anything, but thereI areare Care. Care. )ut by « ction D ear Two: With your com - opening the len of hearls. Dum- Answer nej(t Issue g ;.| lots of other girlS'irT our section Dea j J a t school who are a wholee lot lot panlonship panlor you’re doing all you T l ^ ^ prettier than I am. Sometimes-:imes- ca can n dod( directly for " X , ' We ap- \l ^ the boys make w ise remarksks to to plaud plaud you, and also your parents v A me. Just last week, a lady talk-talk- fo for r not no falling inlo th e otlier par- ifl ed to us girls about grooming,ning, e ents' n ts' unjusti pattern of blacklist- wT n ^nnnrinnrsiP m ^^ | H and the boys found out aboutul it.it. ing ing the th innocent daughter of a When we girls cam e back to0 the guilty guilty mom. Don't say anything ’—:> o ' I? — O ^ classroom, one boy said lome, me, to. to. "X" "J about her adulterous ^ “You sure didn't changei" andand parent. parent But talk the situation “—•i—^ ^ H everyone laughed. What shouldlould ov over er withv your parents. Perhaps * v Z ^ o ' . r V I do? Don't suggest a charmlarm they'll they'll find a way to al«t the ^ school. My mother’s againstit it.it. girl's girl's father,—Ele and ' * —No Second Looks. A A fewfi hilarious games'- can ) ^ Gasoline Alley Dear No: I hope you paid close:lose rfially really spark up an outdoor o "ZZiirBU**""* nllentlon lo the grooming con- p parly. arty . Ele and Walt have 35 sug- — r ▼ It isn't very T AnywayThe^ 2 sultant. Good appearance isn't geslions geslioi in Iheir pamphlet "Go- 13 ^It’S ope! iUeei'm ih l^icl^lnq around!IT convincinq.Corky.'lconvir wouldn't g o to id wonDea: in 30 minutes. It takes day- Go Go Games," G lhat are almost o treasure drew it: wlien we\ someplace forir l He He cco o u ld n 't ta k e I that old house by-day determ ination. Compon-ipon- g guaranteed u arai to m ake any outdoor \ °g map.’ in 1 found were i^ids;ids plauindplai thirtu years k it ; jy,iie VWouldn’t tie? Thegj fuUan ents? Count proper diet, ade- party party a success. For a copy 3 il: in Nubbin's Dirates.' pi and Nubbin : qo to \ shovel is qone...and^ won quate ir rest, deep cleansing off the write write lo Tffin-age Date-Line, in o ^ ^ re t vaul^ / skin, mastery of basic make-up:e-up care care c of this newspaper, enclos- jl methods, and polishing sewingwing ing ing a a dime and self-addressed 5 / ^ 1 : 9i i r c 5 i k U skills. enveloenvelope.

1 M alo r H o o d Is ii ------—,------'? ______7 AFFAIRSAFFAIRS Of0F\\Y i3U P10N 'T EXA^TLV 6TATE rrouKjKNOCK, gUT I y E6 A D ,that's 6REAt/bI(5&EST; e s t d D&AL&a l r y 6U E S S y o u ca N a ^ o i fr ' W NEW6 ./A e>OJOUKN (1 WAS;H1K1M'10 H IK IM '10 COMEIkI, M A30K./ o — iT’' c J I T ' A IN TH9 COUMTKV Q &U%'S TTO o BBOO O O ‘jL\ w b m a y n e e c > ^ ______o *1- J i WILL BE A WELCOME THE 6OVERN0R''6OVERN0R'$l) ^OVlEBODVTOOrt' CHAU6 E FI?OIA T U E 1 Of’PONENT?0NENT ATa t TALK t h e cTOPSOM O — _ --- "3 Q WInthroD 0 ^ T3EBATE /J THE RADAKTf^APS.' >- °a ” mnieTou^HEsrKiDi 0) J m pm AT m l 7 CHAh 8 -1-1 S ' ^VaOPCfAUAT /f ^ / IA) HIN&PALE/ ' ______r — 1 5 *h;wnu.u«‘W 1| NU, u*. T-u. li,. u I rt. oil. H / i m a r X . ^ XmJiSULJULUJtJUULWlUMMJlMJiASiMmMSy tWUL I " [aJAKICEEA) _ 1 ' “Sharon'* boy frient)1 is a realroal gonej musician. Shaha ffl l : DECBY/^ J ^ hasn't seenI him inIn ssix ix m o n th s !" fl ^HAT./y"^ .M

Out Our Way - —

/ WE GOT CAUQHTmWTHEEAIIJ IM THE RAlf. AkJDIHAPTO \ 1 STUFF THIS CREAM;AM PUfFPUFF WTOIKJTC) MV JA C liSJ FOR 1 / 1_____ I FEARSHE'PSHRlMKAWAyTO!WK AWAV TO WOTHIW' IF SHE J t - I ____ leO T T O O W E T -A■AN'5HE'S M ’£HE'S sBEt e e m LICKIM'MV < - — — i — ----- —llL aju AJu-1— — JL- — FACE ALL THE WAV'HOME.'IFWAV HOVI I'M 60WMA \ ______’ e-zy ' 7 7 BE STUCK:K WITH WALKWALklW’ HER, m ( S O U U A \ L /r“3 V BUV HER aA RAWCO/NRAWCOAT, AW '-U H -W ELL, / A lle y O op ■■■ ■ y .fl<- ■■ M ^ 6 ET MEA^E A1DWELATQWEL fSO 1 CAW DRV ^ _ raJW ,' i HEROFF-WOSe 0 IM7 W NU. ta. , , : OFF-WO SEN SE IW LETTlWS J ' i~ IP voulLTAKE OH,I I buBUT t MVGo SH, I 'M \ NOT HALF------A S IER. CATCH CCC O LP.' ^ :'S:'W VOU'UL \ ME WITH DO ■th a t! m / / w o l . . . .\ ^ HEADINQheai FORTH' FftNSEROUS , jl - 3 TURN ME 1 YOUJ ^ GOCc o o 'n e s s R i s i ^/■ : ^M0UNTAIN9I IHAT'SJ Aa rriLBE_____ / ______/ PANGEROUS yHERERJRMDU / TEBRITORV'/ y ^ -'C O M E EAYUQHTIwijs I bestow p Aniwer to Prtvloui Punli .BE / THAT \ BEUEVE i i Mixture | J g ; © 9 ACROSS 40 Rebound If IE © A I N llmperlil 42GoddeaoJllie I^ Ul£; ___ 9 I 7— ofJuIr 44Wghtl)ro»a iqoiiimrintT 45 ProQcun lE I n X i H ' 3aj«T^'^ |§»totapld | g | §

either ' S H t I J I (Tf»t7hHU.Im.TM.T^Xh,!oH. | WB«"“*'*• *ion.ddi.i> 10 lUsddlali teown !8 C a tta r inl 23SleiHrom .. ,«r'D O ™ ilNegoU»l11 Negotiate Brutua Robin MftloQe 25 Favorite an ljn tl:! Giellc 1212 Conboy'Conboy't 90 City in GeorsU k ■ ' ' F 28 Air (comb; ^ M a t c h e i concernconcern 41Pertsliilii|lo ybu'R^BEING \ CAN I lonn) - SFemlnlns lODecomplODecompojB the feet ( ITSNCTTHATI'mI lliLBEAW C SSWorolen appeUitloa 22 22 Color Color tiSrijtlea RAMPAW , , z ' ,-'p\PASeP,CLAV. 1 you yoUFC FOR WE l / P ^ \ \ I CHICKEiV™i/p < IFIP£7WTffl iOLegilprafeuloaasllv* 4Fettydamiia1 24 Colton [btmillt MSnuU fliin ------^— '•••- ■ " “" - “ I HEY/ he y0tJ^\L0OK6 LIKE /PATTI-eoPTHe PATTI-E ^A V V LOVEjaBUr-< PACK------TOTH ------28 uiwbaltAir SScolilih SSFteebooSSFteeboolet 47Hardjr ludM TWTWO/Z^RE OUR TIME- / Lm&O FOLE, n ^ ' -BEAWOt-X yoUKB^ . Siaibbonjo 'X ...... ’i. . iheepIoU , »2rinciinlon „2Mnrar«lo 4HFlih SSFiIuhooil flMlilike ...... 20Automol20 AutomoMtl 80 Verw (lb.) yon OUT 16 U P .'A r o b : P£7WTser I tEAVws > 34 soiim Age 7 Obese SlObnoxloS I Obnoxlotti plist Bl B itter Tilch ------CO. :ktothe . SSTuttm m . ectiemlol nUIrOlt 35 Cloak eSNatiramilil yrom .J i^ ^ rvil a7Sleamer(>I).) OTtaeinuni StCarpenti28 Carpentet’i MEducallonil I > • aOBlrd'a craw (anat.) gadgetgadget - tro u p (lb.), \YJ.1-0LLAN------1— i i S T - W II 12 13 k |S IS I 18 19 110 111 112 iltf AMIy Cuida H strr.il r4i ijffi I n o lo 111! Slor». » o d . D ^ i ® ® r ~ " — w'------» *■ I Msoao for W cdnesdoy, 53.54^ 51*8^ , « R t >U>CH«A>J______I } GRAMPAWrrcsponcling to numbers 69-77-79-W w I iT IJ— T ”— — = . --S iiS o , » 1 Ulmoit 6 mH» ' OCT. 24 { 5 ^ 2 Comei 62 PIctur® NOV. 2 2 ^ ^ I F T l?lHj||K9 ■ ECTVOU 'HAD TIME TWO CASE I'D BETTER ' )Antj. 73 Slyinlei! riMirnBij /^I M ^ MERE T' [ 3j 23.55.B7.89 J words correspondingIGrefi/ 74 to Tcmix)totIly ni V I VER V KITCHEN 6INK,)®°|,'7^^Y'')EAI?Ly, TO OO THE / BUCKS (3ET/(3ET I | ; h ^ — t — 7~TMim~ of your ZcjdJocWrlJtiWill sign, 75Mt)t>py W BUaSJ BREAK- /AN HOUR V iO'O _ 7{i Eventually JAN, 20 ^PETUNIA^^y->^ ^ I (lalU-HWS-THE-A------• • d - \ 21 I 31 Ulnvnt 61 Tl FAST \V/HETHER ^ ' DISHES CONE ff/THE I t I 'W MAY 21 2 Sonte 32 ;ii'.Comei 62 / i Pi S • M -Jj-sassj- DI6HESJ J I'M . ^ K TIME VOU FINISH J ps |~ | aHBpr STI t . 47 .. JTmincnt 33> Or Yihi • 79 63 YotirIt 50 ai-62 ^ WRVCIN'fl r * • 3-V67.7l-76_ SSuccmful 35V«iKniollw.l HI65 NutW » iaijT I I TVFLOOR^ ^ * OEMKtl 6 "Guts" 36lnlMtlW':.pln 66 R2lkHulM D ’AfUl I MAY 22 ‘/Are 375l»ijlJlUecivtlllwi 67T 113 LU* rtD. I • nilopci 3QNotI O f 6 0 4HA A . K j l y » l i , _ p f = f y ; &JVJUUC22 9 rinonclol 3VUailly 69 flSGo 2 ; 5. 9-77*29J . il l05hyiil(J -tOUiimbl#U:m /Ol.(WYour ' . 3 I - W 0 a 0 4 l . --- J ' -nNecc3Jory'^*ixo.i>li«-yrt;^^llIn^l 'U7rioc«lcol ------L i T T , — * / TO - b5 2t I M BV ” ” ; 1211 ' -<2ILoy* l n . , imSuKty 72Ui , // f CANai 3 To ^3'|!t)iiKHK« Anti. nVActimu 73 51 L gg------* I* JUNE 33 <1 n'jlIiinijlJl ^^Gfffu/. • vo/4 Vl MAIl2i’ it5{ h. «• 15G«hJ «WiII 75 W r - — ------s r - f ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ 2) • Afieiwcni ^60..c»)AJi '00 H •>26-2l)3'l lyi’ftVio -

Dlw-liwu'; 0}^

f Tuoiday, August 29, 1967 H -| T h r e e AAre r e Tied F o r L e ad d " U.S. SwimiiiTmmers^Are— Highlightht Of C Games A f t e r SS e e c c c o n d R o u n d O f i r W By ROBEflT LIBtl gangand In I9C6 and the pending » TOKYO (A P) — Americanimerican recordrect of 4:08.8 racked up by 17r r L ...... W i fswimmerssw ’ started off onn anoth-. year-oldyea Mark Spitz of Santa —------I ' er-cr—record—rampage—Monday,Monday, Clarar-Calif.Hit-Santaj:iaraClai 4 a5t-:— _ ^ ^ O U j U y U I __ smashing three world standardstandards Jul; July 8 . '_____ ^ _ • In a sweep of seven swimmingvimming 'Hh rckcox’s 'tim e surpassed 'the and diying finals in thele World llsltlisted m ark of ;59.6 set by the 6 ,- Casper and Ken Venturi were . By WILL GRIl^LEYY par f(for two trips around the ,- Ci Manager^rW a n t^ !®irinantlRace IUniversity G am es. . , ThoThompson Mann of the United Associated Press Sporls Wi’IferWriter S73-yii573-yard Westchester course,:ourse, amongai those who barely 1 I The record smashing winners Stat over squeezed In at 145. . winners Stales at the Tokyo Olympics in RYE. N.Y, (AP) - Crusty and a one^stroke edge over sc were Greg Charlton, 19,9, Area- 1964 jand the :59.5' clocking of D an Sikes, who pulled out of the FFrank ra n l Beard, who exploded■d four The second round, after three ' i P C dia. Calif., with 4:08.2 ina the 400 teamtear m ate Dbug Russell. Mid- tournam ent tw ice and got a birdies birdie in a row and finishedinlshed delays,d( finally was completed'..S's'IoBeDecii in ecidedin Finainal2GamesL V /O S metei- freestyle; Charleses Hick- land,lane Tex., in' a morning heat7‘ third chance because of' rain, birdie,birdie tir d ie fo r a 67 and J35.135. thisth richest of all golf tourna- tcurna- 7^ cox,CO 20, of .Phoenix. Ariz., in RussellRus was 'second In, the final blazed a course record lO-under-under- SikesjiredSike his spectacularilar 62 m ents—the $250,000 bonanzao nanza p . j the 100 meter backstrokeIroke in 60 s seconds flat, 10 ing team 11,times. Fourth-placeth-place From New York, the Red Sox I5I p ar 62 M onday a n d lied Tennes-'ennes- with birdies and no bogeys,lOgeys. withw a first prize of $50,000.10. The By BEN OLAN i » ■■59-3. and the 400 m eterter Iree- TheTl relay quartet wiped out nd Min- 1 return home for a four-game see’s M ason Rudolph and1 New He hihad opened w ith a parlar 72, susun shone m ost of th e day,ly, but AAssoclatci PreSs Sports: Writer Detroit,1 1'/, games behind Min- our-game relay quartet of Charlton,Charlton, the m a rk of 3:33.2 established Zealand’s Bob Charles foror the quittingquittii after nine holes onin Sat- theth course was still wett from NEW YORK (A P) - "'I’d I ’d like inesota, has 17 at home and 16 iseries with Chicago. They“ y„ha.ve have Ken Walsh. 22. E a st Lansing, by the American championship second round le ad in the1 rain- urday becausfe of a dizzy'f spell three th days of almost steady n nothing better than for thethe pen- away.i The T igers playy their six : games left with the White Mich;,Donwi Havens. 19. Granada tearteam in the 1964 Olympics, plagued Westchester Golf' Clas- and then,t changing his mind, rnrnin. There was a brisk wind,« n d . nnant race to com e down to those threet other rivals for thehe flag ! Sox, two each against thef TwTwins ins Hills,ui Calif., and Zac Zorn,rn, 20, of OiOther winners in the opening sic. ’ shot a 75 on Sunday in whatlat ap------lalast two g a m e s a t Fenway nine i times, and i Tigers, eight against'linst ththe e Buenag. Park, Callf., In 3:32.6,:32.6, of the swimming and diving The three pace-setters had a parently paren blew him out of the ^ P ark." B oston m an ag erir Dick "I'm pretty satisfied withvith Ihethe Yanks,'' seven with Baltimore.altimore, (Charlton’s time eclipsedised the competitioncom were Ken Merten, 36-hole score of 134, 10 under field. I ' Wild^ Throw»r Williams! said Monday. \way things went' in Chicago,"ilcago," threeI with Washington aridand two listednj ^vorld mark of 4:11.1:11.1 seset t 21, Pacoim a, Calif., m en’s 100- / However,Hov, both Saturday and ’ The rookie skipper of the Red :said Williams in reference:nce to eache with Cleveland anda KKansas ansas by E ast G erm any’s Frankjnk Wei- mmet eter breaststroke. 1:03,1; Ma- SundaySunda rounds were washeded out ^ • rn • S'Sox, who c u rre n tly a re lockedicked in tthe five-game weekend series City.( . , ^ deladelaine Ellis, 18, ■ Indianpolls, _ by late aftemoon-,ptorms and T a a battle for the Americanmerican ' with the White Sox. Boston;on won Minnesota has three each with ,V"toW es Iw ins “ lach w ith wonwomen’s 200-meter individual Homer Gives althoughalthou both times ^ ready to League lead with Minnesota,nnesota, threet gam es. th<>-White t S ox and Tigers, tw o j r medley. 2:31.3; Unda Gustav- __ pack up' and go home-Sikes-Sikes on fl nr* • I Chicago and Detroit, wass refer­refer- "But we can’t let down agilnsts the Red Sox. nine with !■ 5 son. 17, Santa Cruz, Calif., wom­ ring to the final series against againsta any of the other teams,’’ I line with iQi*een Bats Z'. , decided to hang around andj d try ^ ^ Q D - z leams,’’ Baltimore, four apiecece with en's 100-meter freestyle, 1:00.2; a | i n ! Ir m m p n the Twins, S ept. 3 0 -0 c t. 1. 1he added. The Red Sox opened a < Pirates WinI again. Friday’s round was can­ pened a Cleveland and Kansas City and ri I . and Lt. MIcki King, 23. an Air celed by rain before anybodyybody MINNEAPOLIS - ST! PAUL'AUL The schedule from •e here on inon four-gameIn f series againstisl the threeI each against Newiw '^Y York, o rt Tigers J PastI ?Sr Force officer from Ann Arbor, ■n had teed off. a(AP) — Pitcher Pete RichertHchert ^ appears to favor the 'insTwins and and ninth-place r Yankees atI New California( and Washington.‘on- . ” , „ MicMich., in the women’s sprlng- Over Atlanta ^'“4'The bespectacled Rudolph,dolph, thi threw arfa'y "a potential doubledouble l^^d Sox. York '! Monday,night, The White Sox face Boston i board dive in with 698.65 points. nberto "'ho had rounds of 69 and 671 go p]| hesota's into M onday night’s Williams, a leading candidateindidate and. £ Detroit four times each, r . ATUNTA (AP) - Roberto y^o h . P'ay ball to le t In M innesota’s Angels 10-0" ‘"S All of the swimming times Clemente blasted his second down the drain, charged back tie-breaking(jj run in the seventheventh gaaies,f Minnesota, leadingng Bos- forf AL Manageir of thee Year MiniiesotaI three times and pplay la y O lenny were- (Jniversity Games’ rec- hom er of th e g am e with two' out with a“ 68 after a first round"d 666^. Inning|n', and the Twins heldId the hy one percentageI ^int,[ioini, honors,1 is pleased with Elston !seven games wllh Cleveland,!land;sii six ANAHEIM. (AP) - Lenny „i„l,t The left-handed Charles carved^rved American League lead^withth a 3- had 19 of its 34 remainingmalning 1Howard, the v eteran catcher \with Washington, four withvlth Cali- GtGreen drove in four runs and in th e loth inning Monday night, ‘ “ w Y ork. Mickey Lolich pitched " a r hve five- „ Lesley Bush, the Olympic and giving the Pittsburgh Pirates a’ out p.® a 'second straight 67. . 2 victory over BaltimolrB~Mon-r-Mon- Sa™es at home and a total of obtainedc , earlier this month fornia,I three ,.wlth New York, Mi „ Jp Pan-American Games platform , Five players were tied at“ 136, dayja night. eight against the other contend-:ontend- fron>f the Yanks. two t with Kansas City and one hitterhil as the Detroit Tigers de- , 4-3 victory o v e r Ihe Atlanta feated the California Angels„oi. 10-in^tiivinE champion, was second to Braves. two strokes off the pace. i The Twins, w inners of sixI of f ers- "Not only has he helped)ed ourou r t w ith B altim ore. lei "S'’® MI.SS King wilh 663.25 points, They were U.S. Open champi- , Boston h a s 17 of 32 gamesimes at rpitching staff, but he’s been a The Tigers’ remainingg games 0 IMonday night. -ri ■;■,The Americans also took scc- . C lem ente’s 20th homer, a jj," lesDite 1“®* 8 “"’es. remainemain f,,bome and 10 against the other t ® on Jack Nicklaus,,67-69, despite le olher big help to Mike Ryan, our)ur oth- includei four with Chicago,go. three The victory moved the Tigers ond in the women's 200- medley---- drive over the left field fence drivingdrivini and chipping problems; one , percentage point ahead=ad of“j ,,top teams. eer catcher," Williams pointed \ dth Bos- into third place in the American Tfi’ fhe “ “ nd place Boston Red pointed with Minnesota, two with Bos- int 1 fwith Debbie Ledford, Fresno. against reliever Jay Ritchie, Gary jPlayer of South Africa, 66- ™ ’ The White Sox, In thirdd place c out. “ Ryan Is usually a quiet ton,t eight with California,mia. six League,Le I'A games behind Min- qjk broke a 3-3 deadlocli and ended Sox, who blanked the New York h, ■t Calif- 2:32.8, (n the women’s 100 ended ^q. j^oberto de Vicenzo, pride of y ' 'OrK but only one gam e from the lop, fellow,f but he seem s to0 have withv Washington, five withdth Kan- nesotane; -ancTBoston, whichw both :freestyle wilh Lynne Allsup, the P ira te s’ losing string at* four the Argentines and recent “" win- “[Yankees “ 3-0. . have IC g am es at hom e and 18 learned1 from H oward how to s a s City, th re e with Newew YorkY ork wonwc Monday, and one-half game KO.K?' Winner Jim Perry, 7-6, and k inc^T Bloomington, III., 1:01.8, and m . . . . . ner olof the B ritish Open, 69-67; , ’’ away while facing the contend-:ontend- ttake charge out there."______sand two against Baltimore.ore. ahahead of Chicago, which'' lost to (u.the m en’s 400 with Mike Burton, T h e B raves h ad scorcd twice young ’ reliever Al Worthington, who _ ------— Ba young Dave Hill of Evergreen.^ worked the final two innings,inings, ------Baltimore and fell to ' fourth '““rth Carm ichael, Calif., 4:13.6, in the eighth to tie the gam e. CColo.,qIq 68-68, and the stotky ti- Pinch hitter Rico Carty doubled ’j, I combined to hold the Orioles to "I 14 hits The American basketball ’"bled ger from El Paso, Tex.,’ Lee three.. hits. R ichert, 8-13, and Stu ~ The Tigers slammed 14 hits. Tl to start the rally and successiveessiye Trevino,Previn 68-68. „ , n K including two singles andd a dou- '"arn, ““r favored to retain ils title, singles by Felipe Alou, Tito Dougd q u, Sanders, wearing, fi..fire Miller allowed only four"S Min- Bills -I AreB DDealing Witi^ith Veterans ble by Green. Norm Cash„i, con- trounced Belgium 108-48 for a 2- Francona and H ank Aaron' P’’®'pro- engine red from top to toe,> had "esota . hits. triltributed a two-run doubleble and’and “, Z'' record. Lt. Mike Silllman, the duced two runs. , 69-68—69-68—137, followed by Arnoldi’rnnift 'Richcrt was tagged for a two- r J 1 Bill Freehan hit two doubles '^est Point graduate from Matty Alou’s run-scoringB tri- paimePalmer, 69-69, Bob McCallister, run homer by Zollo Versalles in ' In three Louisville, Ky., topped the scor­ r h ’ the sccond inning, then retired . I I ^ and a single and'flrove in three ers with 28 points. He scored pie and a balk b y Atlanta start- 71.577i_5 7 ^ and cigar-smoking Char- " sT o Rebuildlild Team, DefendDe Title sruns. er* Mp„ ' 15 Minnesota baiters in order ,4 er Pat Jarvis sent the Pirates'rates jgy gifford,g]. the veteran Negro Ji DcDetroit 040 210 300-10_,n 14 n0 23 In' the opening 79-53 viclory ahead 2-1 in th e fifth and CJe- 5(3 ^ w H art “ hile his Oriole team m ates took _ 0 5 2 over the Philippines- Sunday...... — ' PJe- star who won last week at „Hart- advantage of Perry’s wildnessldn°e°ss BLASDELL, N.Y. (AP) - The couldc be used to spell otff WWray ray Prudhom m e Is the onlyilv n,.w-new- California 000 OOO 000- 0 5 2 m ente's sixth inning homer■ fapad- d - ford, £Conn., 71-67, all tied at 138. Buffalo BI11.S had to w aitit until CarltonC at fullback. c lefensive lolich and Freehan; Hamil- JaJapan, dominating judo as, -: ed the lead. -Che to gain a 2-2 tie. » comer to the starting defensive * (5), Ci- Yanks do swimming, to'olt Its The cut-off point for the low 70 j Collins 21 college players had beeneen .se- Jack Kemp is back at quar- li Ron M e- “>"■ Weaver (2), Coates (5), Ci- Yan The Braves scored their first shootei J.C In the seventh, R ich Rollins '1 t quar- line. The holdovers are Ron Mc- Taylor, third and fourth gold medals, ' ‘."'51 .shooters and ties was Piii 145. lined.. a one-out single to leftft and lected;e before they got theireir turn ttqrback although Flores,i, who DoleI at the other end and Jim Jji "’1"° {’’'>• K'l®° and Taylor, hire run in Ihe second inning against pormFormer e Open champions Bill ™ ?k a t th e W -Lollch, 8-12. I^H amamllton, ilto n , LightUgh middleweight Yujlro Al M cBean on a walli, a b a l k ------‘____ Rod Carew b ea t out a buntnt sin- sin- pro football’s commonn draft vwa.s_ a started at Oakland,md, is IDunaway and Tom Sestak at the Yamazaki and middleweight it field ‘his year, but they didn'tI wastewa,9te rready to step in at the firstIrst op- tackles.I and Woody Woodward',? popjp fly Ki'gle which Richert could not field ‘h ------Isamp Isan Sonoda beat Soutli Ko- 1 in time. ■ >-—___ any time in making dealsals for p portunity. Elbert Dubenionjbenion There's certainly nothing new j - single. rf^ ;d a veterans. rrounds out the backfield at a |1 i rean- finalists, Soulh Korea has Pittsburgh 000 02 1 000 1-4 11 0 I V i P fl Versalles then tapped a ve eld at about the linebacking corps. The Homer,BalkIK wonr four silvers in judo. Atlanta 010 0 00 020 0-3j H 9 0I Two Hui’l Red grounder back to Richert.■t. He First, th e y reacquired placc-place- flanker.f' i,linebacking trio of John TTracey, racey, ’ ,11 n Kan- The Bills’ biggest pianpower j. Italy’s Arcangelo PInelll won McBean, Face (8), Ribant (9), CJ turned and threw th e ball be- kickerki Mike M ercer from Kan- npower H arry Jaco b s and Mike S tratton f ' tween Luis Aparicio and M Mark ark sassa City. T h en they sent, defen- Pproblem s_are on the offensive ^ J the m en’s foil fencing gold med- P izarro (10) a n d May; Jarvi.-;, o O ' fensive will go into the regular season Carry Phils* al w ith Daniel Revenu of artll’ Sox Past >3Belanger, both running to cover sivesi' end T om Day to San1 Diego liline w here twp holes were! creat- bhaving started 73 consecutive Ritchie (9) and Torre. Wr-Ri-^r-Ri- Be isecutive V* •, t ^raiFrance second and Italy's Nlco- , second. for fo running b ac k Keith Lincoln,^incoln. ede by injuries to starters.'S- ggames together, 'P bant, 7-6. L-Ritchie, 2-5. V7' e ffS *^ranlerl third. Home runs — Pittsburgh, Cle Cle- X S ’, I The ball went into centerfield,rfield. Finally,Fi they traded quarter-luarter- All-Star guard Billy Shaw nnd The secondary hasn’t been to^ to- -TP aS t K c d LCgS C , Yankees 3-0 “J ne tie- back Daryle Lamonica andand re- splits end Bobby Crockett both m ente 2 ' ( 2 0 ), allowingalll Rollins to sco re the tie- ba ripht sether that long, but it is just as ^ ______NEW NEU VORK (A P) - Al Lyle breaking bre run and permittinglilting ceiverce Glenn Bass to Oakland)akland toreti ligaments in their right “ rf Butch PHIUDELPHIA (AP) - W res and legs wilh Shaw expeqtcd tn to beho “°lid , with Tom Janik and Butch , I relievedrclievB starter Dave Morehead“head CarewCa to go to third andI Ver- forfo (juarterback Tom Flores and li nl thp ^yrd at the comers andmd Ha- J°hn Calllson’s home runr iand n d a i WildTT Pitch in the sixth inning, escapedled a salsalles to second. receiver re Art Powell. back b for the secqhj-felf of the Saimes bases-loaded balk by Gerry Ar- _ ien our season while Crlickelt is out fn-for ^good Clafke and George Saimes ba; Cards Split bases-1bases-loaded, one-out jam and ^Miller relieved Richert: and "We wanted to strengthen our s at the safeties. rigrigo in the sixth inning carried I 4 ■ held Neiy York to one hitt the IntentionallyInti walked pinch hitter offense,”of Coach Joe CollierIler ex- tlthe entire year. , ... ^______the -Philadelphia PhilliesB ,|o a 3- Enables Cubs rest of the w ay as Bostonn de- Rt 1 before ^sti’s wild pilch n the sixth in- 1 game Minnesota 020 OOO lOx—3-3 4 0 to you. fl the Phils loaded the basesies on on a a pjng pjng enabled Adolfo Phillips lo ST. LOUIS (AP) - Tim Mc- ican LLeague by one-half game Ml ford to lier moved tackle Stew Barber , C arver w hacked a two-run hom- over Minnesota, pending the 1Richert, M iller (7) and Roz- "We felt we could afford to li Barber - « A ^ two-out double (Jliver, by Gene scQrc Oliver, (be go-ahead run as the game novsky; Perry, Worthington3n (8) gigive up th ese people and replace toti guard and placed rookie i^J an intentional walk and Bill c|,ic cr, Orlando Cepeda and Dal outcomeoutcorr of the Twins' game noi trading Gary Bugenhagen, an All-Amer- -* nd Bill Chicago Cubs nipped Houston 6 - , and liquierdo, Zimmermann (8). ththem. We felt we w ere trading C .SS Dodgers 7-0 «While's infield single, Arrifio Arrlgo 5 Mondny.5 jvj, Maxvill each singled in a pairjir of with fiBaltimore. , 8-13. strength for strength.h. WeWelc ica from Syracuse, at left tac- runs and ex-Met Jack Lamabemabe MoreMorehead had little troubleouble W- W—Perry, 7-6. L -R ic h e rt, 8-13. sti fna'on ®AN FRANCISCO (AP)tAp) _- thenthe balked, enabling Oliverliver to QjGiusti, who hit his third hom- e St. with the Yankees through1 the fHomeTUn — Minnesota,, Ver- weren'twe weakening ourselvesIvcs ata t kle.k The Bills a r c counting on two-run seore what proved to be the er leadingIc off the fifth, suffered pitched a five-hitter as the St. with t' any position." BBugenhagen so heavily thathat on poked a two-run sco Louis C ardinals whipped New first fi'five Innings, blanking them sallessal (5). an single In the third inningIng anda n d WJr wi?nl"E run. . . , his 113th loss against 10 victories, br a on two hits while Boston ouilt□iit a ------'Only the Lincoln-Day trade theirtl depth chart they don’t * I in the The Reds countered in theth e piiiiiipspbjij opened the Cubs’ isixth Y ork 6-0 M onday night tor a on two actually created a vacancyney in evene list anyone behind tj- him. capped a three-run.burst Tn the ^ split of their doubleheader. 2-0 leadlea on C arl Y astrzem ski’s 1-1 has AI “ th by scoring from second bottom hot of the Inning whenen Pete inningjnnir with a double and went to runs sacrifice fly in the first inning IH the Bills’ s ta rtin g line-up,ip, but The rest of th e line has Al ? as San Rose singled. Lee May doubled third on pitcher Bill Stoneraan’s The Mets struck for four runs sacrifw S Homer Lifts 1Collier feels Day's defensiveive end BemillerB at center, Joe O'Don- “ ® San In the fifth inning of the opener[^ner “"d Elston Howard’s run-scor- cnn nf Franclsco drubbed Los Angeles anti Tony Perer scoredd Rose sacrifice.sacr: spot can be filled capablybly by nellni at guard. D ick Hudson a t ^ ind the with a ground out. „ , Wl and hung on for a 4-2.victory,tory i‘"S" 8 singlesm| in the sixth. o RemI Prudhomme. tackle t£ and Paul Costa att tight pht 7-0 'j Monday night behind the v/H , While pitching to Glenn Beck- snapping their losing streaklk at But '“fter striking out pitcher ^ three-hit pitching of Gaylord fDick Farrell then relieved ert.jpt. Giusti wild pitched and Fred' Talbot leading off ““'SenatorsOver the Lincoln, on the olher hand,hand. end.e ------P ^erry . winwinner Dick Ellsworthh and philHpsphin scorcd, eight games. .. Fred'. supplies Buffalo with additionalJitional ------“ ^ , sixth, Morehead gave up singles'll Mays' bases-loaded singlengle 'iJff'M t decked-“ e the Redsjhe resttof ot the Houstonjjq jumped otf to a 2-0 In Ihe nightcap, Lamabe r post- ,[■ to Horace„ Clarke and Tom y running and receiving power as le third »ay_as the Phijs vaulteded Intointo leadle^d in the first as rookie Doug cd his third victory as a Cardi- -rrg.i, « Wliite Sox well H as top flight competition ^ loser Don Sutton in the th ird fj Tresh and walked Mike Hegan.2gan. we letiiion Australians \[followed singles by Tito Fuentes secondjec place fn the National(ational Raderr jJ, drove a Ferguson Jenk- nal, raised his season record to Lyle , , replaced Moreheadd aat t WASHINGTONV (A P ) -, Ken foifor halfback Bobby Burnett,ett, the “ a walk League-one percentage' point injIns pitch over the left field 3-6 and extended his string of n fol- American Football League’sague s y , «and Jim Davenport and a walk, J" th a t point, w ent to a 2-2 countcount McMullen’sMc 15th hom e run fol- Ar J Willie McCovey’s sacrificelice flvfly aheadJ^he of Cincinnati. bijaibleachers wilh one on. , ' consecutive scoreless innings to on Steve Whitaker belore get- lowinglow a single by E d Stroud)ud in rorookie of th e y e a r in 1965. in th e Philadel. 010 002 000-3 5 0® Thexh Cubs battered starting shing- "Usually there's a droprop inm ______. _____ .J'delivered tire third run in the Ph‘ ting hilhinuinj* called third strikeitrike the sixth inning gave Washing------f inning.’ ------Cm'- ' Cincinnati 100 OOI' 000-2-10-0- 2-1 0 -0 T(j|,|{|g-Brnce-Von-HTook: 6 ff'fortWo ■ McCarver put-the Cardinalslinals and thenth ended the inningg by ton a 2-1 victory over the Chica-:hica- performancepe if you. switch H Haller Ellsworth. Farrell (6’)) anaand runs in ^oth the second and It, ■ backs," Collier said. "Butit'w with ith J II fll Davenport and Tom Haller E ahead for the first time in1 the getting C harlie Sm ith to hithit a go White Sox Monday night. ' ba ToiiriieyTinal opened the sixth with singles 0Oliver;“ ' Arrigo. Nottebartrt (6 ). third innings. The victory went doubleheader with his llth hom- first-pitch’grounder. first-pit t , 'jddv the two of th e m , you would have I pitch Abernathy (8 ) and Bench.'"■ W— to(0 Stoneman,si 1-2. who replaced The victory for Bob Prlddy the ™ same caliber performance,mance, BROOKLINE, M ass. (AP)p. -_ and Mays was hit by a pitch, er in the second inning after■er a jjgggReggie Sm ith concluded the was only his third of the year, ™ n nnd ‘he bases again. ^ After f t e ^ Elh Ellsworth. 6-5. ^ -A rrlg o , 6-6 . . Jenkinsjjn k in the sixth. ■<, / double by Alex Johnson, scoring with his 13th home run but er n and just as important,,, you FavoritesFi John Newcombo-and L Covey’s Home run—Philadelphia,la. Cal- hous Houston 210 OH'-OOO-S 11 3 ! run but it was h is second ovj„„,. er a anwould have a fresh mlan. a n . in Tony Ti Roche swept past tinhor unher- [rDavenport scored on McCovey’s „ H Cepeda singled two runs in the eighth( inning. penpennant contender in five days. Drvs sround out, Haller andI MaysM ays 11^° lls°n (l^)' ChiciChicago 022 Oil OOx- 6 9 0 across ih the third alter Julianulian Boston 100 OOI 010—3 7 0 He there.’’ a!aided South Africans Cliff Drys- P Von Hoff, Giusti (3), Dukes ■ 3 7 0 He beat Boston last week. , , ‘ Lincoln,j Incidentally, also dadale and Ray Moore 6-3, 11-9,, 7- both raced home when Sutton ------^ Vo: ■lood New York 000 000 OOOH) 5 1 p (8) and Bateman; Jenkins,' I'- Ja v ie r w alked and Curt Flood New Yi ® 5 1 Dave Baldwin relieved with —------—-----— 5 5 Monday to set up an all-Aus- ,uncorked a wild pitch. BIVINS TRADED ( ) singled. MoreMorehead. Lyle ( 6) and How- 6 one-out in th e ninth and two _ J tralian final in the 87th US. Na- ^Los Angeles OOO 000 000-0M ) 3 1 C:CHICAGO (A P) - The Chica- StomStoneman ( ),, Hartenstein (9) two- ord; Talbot, Verbanic (9) and 8 I Char- and Hundley. W—Stoneman, 1-2. Maxvill keyed anolher two- , " men on to sa v e the victory for I :n Q tional Doubles Champi- San^Frim.----- 003 030'01x-7-8-2t-i? 2 gogo Bears-Monday traded Cjiar- nnd irver Gibbs. W-Morehead, 4-2. L - pri t'S Cokes To Defend S 8 run burst in the fifth. McCarver L - Prlddy. ^ onships at Longwood. Sutton, Miller ( ) and ■ Rose- lie Bivins to the Pittsburghisburgh L-Giusti,L-G 10-13. singled an d w ent to tliirdro on n Talbot, 5-7. boro; P erry an d Haller. WV --^cr- ^ c r - Steelers Slee for offensive linemanineman "Home-* Ho runs— Houston, Rader------. 1, 1, Don Buford led off the game I Newcombe and Roche, seek- rj P h il Gagliano’s fourth hit off thp the Home run — Boston, R. Smith ,7; .™TitleOnOcfc2 " seek- ry, 11-15. ^-Sutton, 9-13.1. Dan James, _____ (2), (2), Giusti1 (3). ' '______' with a homer, his second of the OAKLAND, Calif. (AP)-Wel--Wel- in, ing the onfy'major title which night. G agliano took second on season. Buford. also clouted a ^ Cleon Jones’ throwing error be­ tcrweight k in g C urtis (>)ki;s;s was was hasha eluded them in the lastst two two-out triple in the fifth inning '^r id his years, advanced to a showdown fore Maxvill drilled a two-run A I-,- >C but he was picked off thirdrH byK signed Monday to defend his ye single. World Boxing Association cham- withwl countrymen Bill Bowrey Alvis Homers "5.catcher Paul Casanova. . ,, pionship against No. 1 challeng-alleng- an and , the No. 2 T h e M ets loaded the basesis In rwi rw i /^ • J(Joe Horlen. 14-6. was working ^r In the foreign seed, Tuesday. m FAIR the fifth inning of the opener on I r i rkipg er Charles Shlpes Oct, 2 In the fo MINIDOKIDOKA COUNTY - T o Give on a three-hitter for five In- Oakland Qa Arena. Despite a rain soaked court, singles by Ed Kranepool, Jerry nlngs. Stroud, traded to the'Sen- Sen- g„,j|ej Bruneau of NewIV Or- Ni Neilrcombe, 23, a n d Roche, 22, Grote and winning pitcher Jack f j ators from Chicago in mid-sea- j^aleans, WBA vice presidentIt and and playedpl, brilliantly in crushingushing AUGUSTT 3 1 , SEPTEMBER 1, 2, 3 and 4 Fisher. Bud Harrelson singlede le d J jQ (j [ son, opened th e sixth with a sin- ^h; In th e first run of the inning and Indians Win Z a chairman of its championshiponship th the Cinderella hopes of Drysdaleysdale and gle to center and McMullen" fol- committee, Immediately ap- an and Moore to become the! first scored the fourth, Cleon Jonesones KANSASKANS CITY (AP) - M Max ax fow, lowed wllh a line d riv e into the singled in the other two runs. Alvis't “ proved the title fight in a tele- SouthSo African team to winla the s. Alvis' two-run homer in the llthll*h sen:Senators’ bullpen. ... . phone talk with Cokes’ managerinager U. U.S. Doubles crow n. T w ilight Game inning gave Cleveland an.,8-7 8-7 0 Chicago, 1, 100 000 000- 1 '8° OSYn Diuglas A. Lord of Dallas,i.______Betty Pratt of Mallland, Fla.^ New York 000 04'J 00(M 8 0 victory over Kansas City Mon-Mon- Washington 000 002 OOx-2;r 5 , 0 A few h o u rs later, Williamam K. an and Shirley Irvin of Darien, St. Louis 00 0 000 011-2 12 0 day n'Snight. . hHorlen, W ilhelm (7) and^ Jo- Houston,„ m e m b e r of the Callfor-!allfor- Cc Conn., won th e U.S. Senior F isher, T a y lo r (9) and G rote;■ote; With one o u t in the inning,wns. sephson; jepi Priddy, Baldwin' (9) nia Athletic Commission,, said V/> Women’s Doubles Tennis Cham-Cham- hick Tony Horton, who homered ear- and Carlton, Willis (5), Woodeshick Tony H ear- and Casanova. W -Priddy,' 3-5. that"ba body a lso had approveded the pii pionship wilh a 6 -0 , 6-2 victoryictory / (G). Jackson (9 ) and McCarver,•ver iier, dcdoubled off Athletics' re-r ^ l^ H o rn e , 14-6. _ Lfight contract. The commissionilsslon ov over Charlotte Lee of Short W— Fisher, 9-15. L^Cnrlton, n H- ! llever''e v e r JackJ A k er a n d Alvis ‘Ol- fol- Homejj runs -y, Chicago, , Bu- ■ members “ were polled byr tele- HI Hills, N.J., and Katherine Hub- g, ’ lowed Vwith his 18th homer.' ford (2). W ashington, McMullen pb,phone. ____ bell be of Conway, N.H.______New York 000 000 000-0 5 2 TTed ed IKubiak singled In a run ( 15) St. Louis 022 020 OOx- 6 13 1 for Kansas City in the bottomttom ^ . Hendley, Cardwell (3), Reniffjniff o'of ‘hethe llth, GRID sc o r:e s ~ (5), Connors, (7) and Grote, Sul. Sul- ,The The Indians tied the gam:ame e gy Associated Press * jJr f j livan (5); Liim abe and McCar-Car- with two runs In the ninth Inning" ‘"B Greenq Bay 20, D allas 3 'J'// ver. W—Lamabe, 3-6. ^-Hend-end- on a single by Leon Wagner,ir, a ■ ______* * ^ ley,' 5-3. double by Horton and a singlengle t tr r i y TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS s s n ______' by Alvi;A l v i s . , - ^ iFOR g , FAST SE L U N G RESULTS PARI-MUTUELTUEL __ o ..... !• , Cleveland Clevelai 000 020 002 22-8 10 0 — K ansas C. 012 000 010 21-7 14 0 ^ standings ^“McDowell,m"cS> Pena (3), Culver B&BLOANS ]O N d P E N (5), Williams (S5, Tfant (11) and n Po s i M National League „ _ Sims; Odom, Pierce 8, Kraus-aus- "THE MOST" III! “it”' I . W. L. Pct. G.B. ‘ se (8), Segiu (9), A ker (11) and on GUNS, and Secrotary-Treasur'reasurer-Offlce Mgr. '7 St. Louis . . . . 81 50 .018 -77 Roof. W - Williams, 4-2. LL - - SSPORTING GOODS»S North Side C Canal Co. P hiladel...... 6 8 S8 ,535' Jl *kpr 1 {{ A ker, 3-7. ((Next to _Y«llqw Cab) IHMSES[ HACIIIIinu, s >) ; ___ Jerome,rome, !Idaho ______' Cincinnati ... 70 61 ,534 Jf11 Home ruhs — Cleveland, Hor- C h ic a g o ...... 70 61 '.634 .11 / T Also Bur, sill, m bi ‘ , San F rancis. jES 62 ,528 12 Oh H‘" ‘o" (°>' Ajvis (18).1°)- L . ■J Serving 150,i150,000 Acres A tlanta ...... - 65 63 .SOS WAJM M I ' ~ ^ ...... — ; Fringe BenefitsBenefll Include SCHEISCHEDULE OF EVENTS;/ENTS; Pltt,sburgh ... 6 2 68 ,477 ISU Los Angeles 59 G9 ,460 20H n f Aug. 31, Sept. 1,L, LIVES1LIVESTOCK JUDGING and HOMEHOM ECONOMICS ----- lIoustoa_:„.^U_.403_27U — J T g V acationn Retirement New York .. 50 77 ,394 P-T(AaecoTiio(lm 29 > CoodTD &noIie" Sick Leaveive I $ept. 1, evening,ning, TR^TRACTOR PULL andnd CALF SCRAMBLE Am erican League ^ib e p p t. 2, A.M., FAT STOCKICK SALISALi? W. L. PCI. G.D. HospitalI InsuranceInsu Minnesota ... 73 50 ,500 — Sept.pt. 2, 01 ovenlnK, MINIDOKAKA RODEORODI ~ Tllll a pinch of Cop«nliag a a nNC o iiiiii riNE rxoDUCi o r UNITEDu n ited iSIAUS TOBACCO COMfANVM wowamwooi^^ ll0(l tlon. 3 Dcdrooms, cxaulslte kltch- recess with Commissioners Carlson h / IQ tio. Landscaped to perfection. ^ S p.m., 3, 4, 7, 11—"The Fugitive," iends a long run tonight o[,si “r',‘"" HAIRCtJTTlNG. hair styllns, „ tin tint- t- g r a i n C O M B I N I N G o**- en and covcred patlo. This dis­ "BW observed with outstandin'g sue- ond “ Loughmlller und the Clerk Inn, j Permanents from S3 Artistic „ tinctive home has been reduced with a final cpi.sode that featjjre.s a flashback showing the juj, i„ 1905. ,y||| 1,0 repeated2ated pr'cipresent, Commissioner Chancey:y ab- Beauty i Salon, 135 M ain X Wcst. lt New" 510 Mossey Machine. Alsp • GLOBE REALTY' 'to"o,to only $15,300. Excellent loca- rtinn Sent. Phono ] 733-lG,“augment 8 routine diligence andana workwor on the masonry of the! new CHILDc h cnre. limited number o( chll------^ Dave Hamlett, Broker efforts by maintaining a con- JudicialJui Building; starting datee andund dren ( to assure Individual atW atten- J0"E BLAIR 50x 1: 205 2nd St. E. 7.13-4070 (anytime) 4 KCPX-TV Salt Uke 7 7- -F u g itiv e c salaries are as follows: E. Clayton ♦ 50x125' COMMERCIAL location luyton tlon. Excellent (acllltles. PhonePhone CUSTOM FARMING at ^238 Blue Lukes. Comm ercial'3 Ann - ’''J, Hoffmaster 733-2810 5 KSL-TV Salt U k e 2B-Pevton 21 Plnce , . slant vigilance for other S air- ” ’ Jj“pN eptune—starting date J u ly 27. 1067 733-8005.7 '______C. Harley Williams 733-0320 craft in flight and by attentiven tiv e ——s a la r y $3.00 per hour; H ow ard ^ -T— Hay swathing nnd baling, Back-ack- " bedroom home. 7 KTVB-TV Boise '5 '5- -D a k 'ta ri c E dm ons—starting date J u ly 31, 1967 BO PEEP child cure. Divided 1 class- win' & '^ork. Phone 324-4459. Je r- ♦‘5.2 8 use of a check list. —s £.5' a la ry $5.00 per hour; John 'Max- M ax- e>- r Nursery, nre-klndernartcn,[■ I*'"' kin- ome." ______^______.KIFI-TV Idaho Falls...... II-FugitiveII c dergarten. ICO 7th Avenuo North. HOMES FOR SALE ,ro m - well—startin g dale July 31, 1967— J SH-3 BARNES REALTY ” 11 KMVT-TVTwm Falls 9:309;30 2B—CBS 21 News Specialal c S: Safety posters will be prom- "'jH Plione 733.501)7.______hHAY a Or struw stacking wanted. 3 ^ » alary $5.00 per hour; H aro/d H unt- —I —^ wide harrow bed. In the vicinityIcinlty 1037 1037 Blue Lakes No. -73.3-82271227 BEAUTIFULBEAT 3 bedroom, larg« (c) Telecast In color 10:00 10:00 2SL—News,25 Spts., Wthr.thr. inentlyiner displayed at airportsports er—starting date July 26, 1967—sal-!—sal- CHILDCARE CH In my homo onL Van ",of Twin Falls and the surroundingjndlng E Earl arl B arnes 423-5659'659 farriil' fan illy room and, m aster bed- nut 2B—E ssay on Women c and flight service stations will aryory $5.00 per hour; Dllly DeanI Pat- Burcn I Street. Reasonable rates. area. Phone 733-8114.______Bill Bill Hill 733-1916'..Oie*.. ^— r f room lo m . 2 baths. N ortheast section...... 21 , J . te n - s ta r tin g duto July 31, 1867— 1967— Phonu I Ua3-.73M.- ______-T—r HAY swathing with conditioner:r and ______$18,50$18,500. 3-3—News, Spts., W thr. hroibroadcast safety slogans toJ de- s a la ry $3.00 per hour. , PHE.SCHOOt; m5 children. Larne fenc. Routine business was transacted .. E ' baling. 14' New Holland swather 5:30 2B—News, Spts., Wthr.r. c 4—News, *(- Spts., Wthr. parting par aircraft. R incted cj.in back yard ond large base- and "J self-propelled baler. LeonardSri J'MLS" - ROSIROSEM ONT DRIVE, 3 bed. . until th e hour of 5:00 o ’clock P.M . ment r plaHifOom. 133 Sunrise. p rooms. 1>A bnths. Large double 2SU-News c .5—News, 5- Spts., Wthr. C c FAA F personnel will; also0 be oe S when e a recess was token-until the -=^ _____ . Pedrow . 32G-4897. Filer.______^_ t4 BEDROOM b brick-fireplace, ™mi iliolVi DAYTIME child care for workin* g arag e. $17,500. r. 7—News, Spts., Wthr. malmaking numerous contacts withw ith hbou o u r of 10:00 o'clock A.M ., A ugust ’''Hj?* CUSTOM green chopping withtl pre- bulll-ln built- oven, range, dishwasher- 8ora{ 7B-News, Spts., Wthr. mi>lliers;ln my home. Phone“ 7.13- servatlve added. P hone 326-4703.6-4703, cQvered CQVe: putlo, full nnlshed base------. 88-N e w s, Spts., W thr. pilots pilo and the flying public to ■ 4 B EPR O O M HOME. Full base- 3—Daktari c - to ’ heber j. LOUGHMILLER.,'e R, . _Jt ___ _- FlFlier.______ment. mem 3 baths and attached gar- I,”ment. *: DelMar Drive. $18,500. 4—Cheyenne 11—News, 11 Spts., W thr.r. promoteproi "oper|tions safe." aA t TTEST: " C hairmIrmun an ClIILI) cTl care In my home. Mrs. Rob- FALL PLOWmG:‘ 4 bottom plow. age. Northeusa $21,900. H. A. LANCASTER _ert_LanK.J’hoiioJ33J576^ c ______‘ "p Phone 326-5135, F iler o r 837-4778,7 J 77fi 2 BEDROOM-fullyj corpeted with . nc 8—Cameo Theater c 10:20 4- at ------” 4 BEDROOMS- 3 baths. Outsldo 10:20 4—Movie,’ "Decision at Twin Falls, Idaho — ■ full finished basement, 3rd bed- of city limits on Falls Avenue 5—M r. Terrific c Sundown S c - O Aug'on I. 19C7 Employment Er Agencies 17 ^ _ . ______■ ■ room-androorr recreation room down. E a st. $32,000. lOiW) o’clock A.M. 77: r r r - CUSTOM grain combining. Maisey-laney- garace, gara $13,000. Gl appraisal ap- 11—Daktari c 7B—Field 71 and Stream Re- |5 l ' JOU OPENINGS nt Personnel Ser- I Rg- Burglars Gain Regulor July Session ‘ Harris 90 machine. 2 trucks.I. Call plied piled for. -3 BEDROOMS. IU baths. On ' I T he B oard of County CommI ission- „ i „ „ Ivlct ol Magic Valley. 226 Shoshone Idte evenings. 326-5310.______2 2 BEDROOM B near downtown. « 1iia 6:0i) 2B—Gilligan’s Island c P' Inl ?o _E...'l,:733-5.%2.______^ Dlue Lakes Boulevard. $13,500. ll*H srs met ai this time pursuant to _j ------CUSTOM corn combining. Newu, ma-mn walking walk distance to shopping. 2SL-Netv.'! 10:30 10:30 2B—News21 Li Pl i\ recess with nil Commissioners an d u . Little From Work d “ Help Wanted-Female 18lfl chine. 30” corn heads. Truckscks ifIf ?*** ^do"w ^3 bedroom s. Located on IDth 5-News, Wthr., Spts. 2SL—Tonlte 2! Show c the Clerk present. nC _____ needed. 537-4163, Castleford, Low Avenue East. Partial basemenL .3—CBS News Special (. c °Burglars failed to benefitjneiii "'n Routine business wus transacted — 'Y Single g arag e. $13,000. 7B—Tarzan 3- much from their weekend workw o rk until the hour of 5:00 o’clock P.M. HAY HAULING and stacking. Any GEM GE STATE REALTY S ! 7-Tonite Show c when a recess wns taken unlll the , ^ amount—anywhere. Ray Campbell,^Pbell, 633 633 Blue I L akes BlvJl. N. 733-5338 n p 6:30 2B—Spotlight c "I 7 z 'E Y 326-4084. Filer. Ever 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX with at- p. 5—CBS News Special cJ in 'the Twin Falls area . h„uh o u r of 1:00 o'clock P.M .. Augustju st 2,2 . MAKE f SOME MAD MONEY 3i ______E venings call: 733-0069 733-5785 tached garages. Sprinkler system 2S^-Glrl from UNCLE ^ 1967. Wanted: \ young women for 7^ R—Tonlte Show c CCity police reported entry 'or CUSTOM hay slacking and hauling. " in y a rd . $21,500. 3-SpotliEht c 'r HEBER J. LOUGHMILLER,.ER, buan I windrow Inspection crews Reliable. « Phone <23-5004, Kimber-Imber- LARGE LAR 3 bedroom, fireplace.ice. 11—CBS News Special1 c wa;was gained at the Americann c a n a t t e s t ; ChulrmanIrm an during c cutting season. ■MrnjiH^o--l>«- ly. i„ ______$8100; SBIOO 4 -C o m b at c n St H. A. LANCA.STER nble i tn walk long distances.CCS - V •----- HACKNEY AGENCY 10:55 2B—Movie, "The Sea Linen Lin Supply, 141 Bracken St. THRESHING beans, baling and cua 5- -Spotlight c ^ " Twin Falls, Idaholaho if 1 interested contuct: SHARP 2 bedroom brick. Roomlora 733-4559 C reature" S., S., som etim e Friday nightIt or August 2 . I9G7 plowing. Phone L. R. Sorenson, for ex^jansion in full basement..nf Ace Johnson 733-5852 8-Girl from UNCLE „ ^ R n r. 1:00 o'clock P.M.M. CORNELLI ( SEED..CO.,- Inc.In c . _ ^33-6441.______------,1 $16,500. 6 5 ' * _____Kernell K< Anderson 733-7651 11:30 5—Movie, "Rogue’s early ear Saturday morning. Bur­ rough. — — - ll-Spotllght I glars entered by prying open a j Regular July Session *^th A v e n u e S o u th bBEAN e ; hnuilng. Ahron A. Yarbrough. 7:00 7B—Blondes c „ „M arch" gia xn a The Board of County Commission- — ------1206 2nd Avenue East or phono b BRICKRH 3 bedroom. 2 bedrooms,m s, “ “M M L S ” 11:45 4—Joey Bishop c side sidi door after forcing a cate gate *r»'rs met at this time pursuantAnt to STARTST al once—Earn big money” oncy 733-4585.73 ______bulbhath and playroom in basement.snt. 7:30 4 -In v ad ers c “ recess with all Commissionerss and supplying : Avon Chrlstmus gifts, HAY rrj: hauling and stacking. PhSHe Phone 'I $17,000. $17.0 12:00 2SL-Movie, "Hazard"" to to reach the building. [Jethe Clerk present. Wc ' train you to represeni Avon. "C. 2SL-O ccasional Wife ^ Iniurf' Tom P arn ell. 543-4946. Buhl. INCOME PROPERTY A small home-made floor. -afflsaf^ RE: JUDICIAL BUILDINGIG ■ ■ Write ' Mrs, Phyllis Molniurfi _ i IjTTTr SPLTT-Level, 4 bedroom. 2 bath. ^Petticoat Junction c . A . j Thomas Edmons wns employedyed to 1Route No. 2. Kimberly. Iduho.10. or hay HA bollng nnd stacking. Phone family room, carpet, fenced, near 2B—Petticoat Junction1 c ACCIDENTS ACC REPORTED;0 in the building was also prtea pried workwni on tiie masonry of the newJW Jo- J u . (catt 7.i;{-7-«i3. ______------;= -.'“ schools o' nnd shopping. $25,900. DUPLEX—reaJ nice .... «2,500 • left dlclal Building, salary to be set at e EXCITING> - different . exclusive.uslve. HAY HA' stacking .wanted. Phone0 -loyJny OI r\] g i ’ open, but it had been left O LD ER home—2 units . $12,000 3—Petticoat Junction c GENOAEN (AP) — It can be as , f. $5.00 per hour, starting date-Au-e—Au- Show i Studio Girl cosm etics toI your Greene. 733-«2l)C. ' ______FELDTMANp j REALTORS , em pty and the intruder leftle ft gustjJ,', 2 . 1967. I 8—Occasional Wife dangerous dangen lo stay home as to friends. Part time. Be preparedinared CUSTOM cUJ plowing and discing. Phone 875575 jrn e r A ve. 733-1988^983 ?2 STORY home-2 units $10,000 Routine business wus transactedsacted for1 the holiday season. CallI 733- Jo j, e M iller. 73!-58!ll. ■ ' ______11—Petticoat Junction1 c drive drive aa car or cross the streets,reets. '="'P‘y Junlll the hour of 3:00 o'clock P.MP-M . •,2 B01 for appointment.______2 HOHOMES on one lot .. $10,000 said when a recess was tnken until the 8:00 2SI^M ovie, "P ard n ers”rs” The The Institute In; of Legal Medicinelicine SheriffS James Benham said whi Dust ^ IMMEDIATE opportunity for experl-^iperT- W W( o r k W a n t e d 2 4 ------8—Movie, "P ard n ers"’ nf nf the the Universil'y of Genoa says I his officers were investigatinE;ating [‘^“'1 o’clock a.m.. August 7.'' enceil llcensi-d cosmetologist. with ______ACREAGES 2B—Away We Go c deaths deaths from accidents in the a breakI in reported at Aslett\ s l e t l ' h e b e r j . LOUGHMILLER.,ER. clientele. | Write Box P-6, Times-rimes. ROTO-TILLING ilrm an ______G 3—Billy Graham home home have averaged 7,50000 a CotConstruction Co., but reportsnnrt.‘l ATTEST;a t Chairman __I ------Gardens, lawns and farm acre- 8 /^cres. 4 bedroom home $0,000 A. LANCA.STER TAKINGTA applications for college'ge or nges_q p o rd tractor-m ounted k'o^i Rolo BY OWNER M- C rusade c year year recently rc com pared to 9,000 iridindicated only an unknownn^wn Twin rails. Iduhoiho oul ( of scnool girls to work attA A && -rrilcrs, 'p' 4 Acres.Act 2 bedroom home $13,500 5—Biliy Graham deaths deaths a year on the streets? and amountam of cash was taken from Auuust 7. 19G7 W ^ Root Boor, evenings. 733-3-tSl. E p lm o G a rris o n 7.13-66306G30 One of Twin Fulls finest loca- . C rusade c highways.. highwa; asa soft drink machine. 10:50 o'clock A.M.i.M. In 1 person 1980 East Addison.______^ :______- . _ tlon.s. tinns 1005 Dorian Drive. Deluxeuxe Vl b AAc cre. 2 bedroom home $7,000 Regular July Session . , WAITRESS ^ wunied. Experienced.raced. ROTO-TILUNG-LEVELING R TMfi 2 bcMlroom 2 brick plus den, of- The Board of County Commission- « Ission. Pull ca ll 543 0983. Buhl for Gardens,c, lawns, farm acreages.>o/.« or -Ird bedroom. Mnln floor LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSr s ; e g ^L advertisementsTS LEGALl ADVERTISEMENTSTS ersc J met ut this time pursuant to fh* re- Interview.1 ______j; ------cess w ith all Commissioners and th e — _____ Ford tractor mourned Roto Till- „ ', is SHAW REALTY PIZZA cook w nnted. Phone 733.3913.J-.3913. er. e ',;ll'r‘;^r,™ rd “aX~co“ ^Klu§: S I 8x8x8 H Blocks. p e r 100M Tho The Contraclori vs. Twta FallsPftij. Clerk present. * *------— ------D ed. Fenced back yard. $16,800.800. Susan Shaw 7.')3-0473 Proceedings of The' KxilOxSxlti R egulura. $41.59 per 100 Counly Cou Commlsslonera. ^ CLAIMS APPROVED ~ — - D IC K P O O L E R 733-43754375 Phono p'ho, 733-8349 or offlco 733- E dna Irish 733-0882 10x8x10 Bund B eam an d Specials,:clul!, AUTlIOniZATION Claims were approved and war-war. Help He Wanted— Male 19 — Board of County rnnts ordered drawn In the follow-oll.iw . ------— !_------_____ MA MARRIED Sinn; 28 j^iirs oHT EI lm er Sommer 733-5597 p er 100 Dnnald D* Youli wus nulhnrlzed In would like immediate employmenrf/m enrf Commissioners, TwinW i n ibxais10x8x8 U Blocks, $24.12 p er 100 nllcnd nite Ihe Stale Weed ConvenllnnanHnV. log amounts; Hownrd Edmons, r'A V " $200.00; Thom as Edmons. $120.00. Hlgh school graduate und some ______- - - ‘ fixSxlG R eg u lar Blocks. *26.766 per at Mncksf Inn, August 3rd and 4lh. Tr^ Fails County, Idahon o 100 ... - v 1967 “ H nrold Hunter. $200,00; John 'iE M ax ­ BODY MAN college. S Military obligations com- ' “ M ' L S " 1967. ■nfiy pleied. Experienced In wurehous- 6x8x16 Bond B e a m r^ n d Specials. well. $200.00; Cliiyion N eptune,ntune, Comblnntlon ( body In 2 man body P' ehous- 1 0 R O O M iclalj. RESIGNATION J^Vi " 7 '"R- 'itock control, forkllft oper- . ^ $20.40 per 100 TheTi realsnntlon nl Zoo Ann Shaub, $211.50;. Billy Denn I'attvn. $l3-‘i.OO; shop. g Excellent work conditions. Twin Falls, Idaho flxHxH i/i Blocks. $f.').58 p e r 100 Pro D onald Schultz. $200,00; R lchurdIchard Contactr foreman ol jJ,ator. truck driver and has exper-exl^er'. L O V E L Y H O M E IIN FOR SCHOOL July 11, 1D67 10 ProhQio Judiio, wns acropted wllh S P chultz.J $200.00. ^ lence In supervisory positions. ^i-lnch interior C D Plywood,wond, renrels,reer ellecUve dale October 6 . „ SPARKLING new 3 bedroom 10;60 o'clock A.M . ti-f-U , Routine hu.slness wns trnnsarted Contact: Box 2,13. Gooding. I Idaho. l E $ 1 7 , 5 0 0 ■ b b^^?k^ rick . 2 baths, fireplace, com- $i:i2.00 p er 1000 sq u are f e e t / |0(i7 WILLS MOTOR — R6guIor July Session * If-inc^i-mch ex te rio r (. D Plywood, Ri inp»A^ '•'’**1 the hour of .VOO o'clock P.M. SPRAY THESE NOW showShown by appointment weekdaysnvi pletely bullt-ln kitcnen, lovely Tlie Bouul of County Commission- , wood. Routine business was transacted‘“A‘^°.when a recess was taken until the ssjo n - J I4-I.UU per lOUU square feet until untl the hour of 5:00 o'clock P.M. unn II the Bodv Shop RRed spiders, aphids, nlghicrawl.crnw l. nftoj-after 4.:i0 p.m . All day S aturdayrtnv home- Ready to move Into. $25,- ers mci ai Uns ilmc pursuaiu to ^‘l intciKjr C I) 1‘jywuud, J1I4.U0 wlie il j'Jjg.hour of 7:U0 o’clock A.M. August 6s,, 2'J2 4tli Avenue West etets an.I tk,iHlolio,is. Gem Spray- and Sunday, ‘ ^ WO- 600. rcccss wilh all Lum m lsiloners and nei- Kino 1I4.U0 when a rcioss was talwn until the .‘i “ "<1 pel- lOIIII SIIUOIU le d hfiui hriui of 10:00 O’clock A.M.. July 18, *•'''' lii){ .s.’rvi. e . ______CALL 733-5852 pQ l.] the Clerk prescni, 1, i.xi 'y 'HEB1.R .1. LOUGliMll.LKH. — POI.K STREET. A real dollhouse •I, ifx ien u r C 1) PlywoDcl. $lJGOf)IJGOO 1%7. 1%7 DHPHNDAni.I- handvman. 0 Odd d (I eve I > AUTHOIUZATION pci*pv.‘i luOO UlOO b<|uai<’ foci ,-p ATTL.si. Lliairmun cvcivihinR immaculate, (resh Mf Rl'.il J . LOUCilM II l.l-R. I'mun RF.I^Rl'.SEN'fATlVE ’’I';,Jobs, wall washini; nnd vardwork. ------paini ilnoii«lii)ui, 2 bedrooms. Tnmi '' ‘"‘h I' Wi’bb iI’lnftif. iiiK, SliSlilOATM’Sl 10 ATI Chairman A. LANt ASlHR Autlioriziuion was Rranicd lo T nin' '’ ‘"‘I' Twin I'.itls. hl.iho,),,, WAN! ^ I.IJ for .Smi-L’r l ir bodies. Skinnerkinncr ^ bcdrf)oms. 2 baths, full mentnient lintshi'd foi an aparlmi;nt. ]9, «n,i 20. I%7. ^ ■ I lOin.h «■■;;; h K Wel)b rnnfnruilt’. $G„'iOJti ''11 10 «» o 'ch u k A.M. -r. ss.on- ‘•'luipnii-m fui iiislicl. This Is a .s,. 1 rrjii. hasemcni. double ciirpori. cur-•ur- PnieP n ie $12,000 or will trade for PL'I IOO ft’.’I The Ho.iiil of ( imnlv < omnilssion- \ s .Sfwing Shoppe. r.ii7 Filor and rill- COUNTY DUMP TOUR I <• ut,' Rrculiir July .Session .,7' full limi‘ p.iMimn anil resn v tjd pcied throughout, bulli-ln rangenge smullorsmull home ur 2 bedroom • n-iiuh K Webb. ivinloicinK. Sii Sli !)0 Thr))f lUmnl of ( i.unlv i ommhsion- ______——; amiJfjf' own; has patlo, Price■ice niobilm obile home. The Coninilssi»n«rs toured thcint,,*|,i(,100 ,k ’ci lei.s cfss w ith nil ( i)nimis.sionei.s and tlic *' , ‘ MATtJRE t'xpcrirncvd hifih school k, j ■, Klmherly dump sue. /um.lu , ' J C lerk preKoiii ' school $17,200; down pavmont. 5700; /oni.liie Masonry insuluilon. $l.S 51.S4:4 jc ce.s.-j e -'.5 WUh all m em bers’ und the Clerk IQ Apply between 9 and 11 a.m.“’, nl j mil wants habv lendlnij. house- r.aynpaymL-nts 5104.10 'laterest and JOINT QUARTERLY REPORTHT per bu«buH (4 cubic loei per bag) 1 pres' ^I’-rk h i /. JUDICIAL BUILDING ^ IJ;,. work. <’tc. Plione 7:i3-6182. Lfn< Erncsi Ahrondsca wns hired tofn ir *■.0 Mam North. Twin Falls, Ilia- _____ principal. Phone 7-13-2891. days;S LYNWOOD Joint quarterly report of the Audi-\udl- PerkuiPerkure Masoniy iniulaiiun, $1.48 '’'^'^^'^"^■j'aIL INSPECTION y ,A I, _ h 0 ;______IROIRONING done in my home, R R efer. efer- m ^33-8 - S m , evenings and Sundays. tor and Treasurer for the perioderiod per bau (J cubic feet per bag) TliTlio Commissioners made their help ,„J wllh Ihe masonry work on the h Twin Judicial Building, sulnry was set nt TV TV REPAIRMAN wanted to -rnn: take ences. $1 per hour. 1528 3rdI Ave- —------— ^ REALTY - from April 13 to July 7. 19G7, wasw u s PortlarPortland Ceinynt. $1.45 p e r bagag quarterlyquar Inspection of the Twin rv k e nue E ast. 733-1947. -• approved and placed on file. Lime,Lime. $1.4S per bag FFalls n ll County Jail and found every-,™ " J3.00 per hour, starting date-Au-Au- over n good TV snies nnd service. __!!!: 610 B lue Lukes Blvd. N. 733-0211 !'''ry- gust 8 , 1067. Owner's c health reason for change.ange.’ IROIRONING quickly.nnd neatly done. JOINT MONTHLY UEPORTT TWIN FALLS LUMBER AND SEED>EED ihlnRIhlni to be In order. Tose BY OWNER J a m e s D anner 733-2240 DOISE TRIP Snme S cnsh Investment reouired.uired. 51 per hour. 454 5th Avenue E East. ast. R , J . l,,Hi COMPANY WEED REIMBURSEMENT t , R. J. Schwendlman 733-7100 Joint monthly report of the Audi- * The Commissioners made a» trip Will V sell o r rent and npplyy on 73733-0785. ______tor and Treasurer for the periode rlo d ex te rio r Plyw ood C.. D., C I^ IM APPROV ED ------Clean seven rooms and finished was syuure feet , qiClaim for Weed Chemicals in« the- lo B oise to confer with Bill CChild, hild. purchase. n Wrllo Box P‘9, Times-imes- a ^Ll l l types of sewing wanted.’ Res.Res- ' basoi basement, fireplace, carpet, bulh We J invite you to drive by a from Ju n e 12 to Ju ly 7. 1007. w a s V A t/? !r nT Supervisor of the Idnho StatoQ De- News. h ______^______| .so approved and placed on file, ''““iA. i V e. L HOUSTON LUMBER CO. amonm ount of $30,944,65 In favor of 1 sonable. Phone 733-2316. ______andnnd half, lots of storage, largo“o* wonderful home at 811 'Green- ^ JL partment of Public Assistance, — wood Circle. You have to see Routine buainess wus transacted:a c te d ; ■ ex to rlo r Plyw ood C.- D., T TwinwIj F alls Canul Company was ap- incipd WANTED: Man for work In store, store OILING OIL nnd repairing roofs. FreeF ree gura g arag e and shade. $15,700. y/ood p M I$m.00 per 1000 square feel prov rnZ" Routine buslnesi wns transacted this extremely nice gingerbread until the hour of 5:00 o'clock J proved and warrant ordered drawn.raw n. „_,i , 1,^ ^,0 ^^ of 5:00 o'clock P.MPM . JH'il « elevator. Unfurnished house*house i esestimates, Call 73.V029!). 1128 8lh Avenue East ' 1 Ihei ^*-'nch extorlor Plywood. AgencySency • r E j JUDICIAL BUILDING home and Its lovely yards. when ii re c e s s wns taken unU} th e i . ’‘''n cn ^ when the Board adjourned sinee die.die supplied * with posithm. S liv'ver er i r o n i n g done nejjDy In my W: home, ».1123 home ’ hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M.. J u ly!, Y12 ®i.! stumped C.D.. $133.00 per 1000 lOOO INSURANCE ^ ------^ Creek Supply Company. Picabo, $i Whily you are Jn the mood, wa jijg? ■'' sc^are square fn cent commission. Phone 882-20242-2024 —~T.VZ. ;iT"cT;------Pi°’n ‘ n duced to $24,900. Ace Really, Twin Folli, Idaho r,, !,!"'- ' Mr. Chancey seconded the motion ^ Mos- M L S HolltH olland R eal E state. 733-1080. stam ped C.D., $127.12 per 1000 and It curried unanimously. iCIossifiedldays. Wrlto 311 South Main, Mos- ± ___ _733-5217.______Jnly 12. 1967 w square feet i cow, Idaho.______ULTRA ULTR- fumily home. 4 spacious 11:00 o'clock A .M . t T iw iK DEER LICENSE TRANSFERIR ______£ com! IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3- Rcjular July Scjilon iCENNINGTONS x|License transfer for the sale of . . 7 TAXI driver wanted. Over 25. mustm ust bedribedroom s. 2% lovely baths, com- i^M ' ision- ^i-lnch exterior Plywood C.D.. bottl J®no- ’ellow MAGIC CITY rc.ijnrt on enst side forta fortable family room with fi-e. fire- bedroom home in the Morning- The Board of County Commission- „?1 !>^ 1 C D., bottled beer was approved for Do- ^01 and Found 1• know city. Apply In person, Vellow M Bide a re a . G aruge. fam ily room, ers met at this iime pursuant to *4,$1(1.87 ^ p er 1000 sq u are fe el mmer er W. Bensch, Manacer Elks TK< “ viH Cah Co.. Twin Falls.______oof Magic Reservoir. 'Cafe, fur- fur- place.plac( Al) bulll-ln kitchen. Pre- nutJh. ^i-inch exterior Plywood, agency u.P. Elks LOST vicinity of 100 block Van —T— nl^ed cabins, bouts, motors.s. 2 mlun mlum northeast locution. Spaciousclous Reall,Ideally nice $12,500. Assum e 5'/,% receBs with Commissioners Louch- , jency b.P.O.E. No. 1183 to the Twin Falls Duren:n reddish brown Chihuahua.lahua. TRUCK TR dtivers for corn chopping. J,‘ lg be. loan. $84.00 m onthly. Ace Realty, 1000 County Falrfirounds at Filer. o wells, 9 ncres. $28,000 gross an- an- lot. Reduced1 price of $19,400 is be- miller und ChanQoy and the ClerkL 'llrk fi?f One blind eye. Answers■8 to Approximately / • 1st of September. m edl- ^^3-^217.______present, Commlsi^loncr Carlson ab- REr JUDICIAL DUILDING•» ''S q u eak y .” Reward. 733-C974—733-^ 7 3 3 - 30 3' or 35 day run. .■?26-4726. piinJ.’ Filer. J'uwl Income. For 5 month oper*per* .low .low replacement cost for Immedl- ‘ bW l E ^ B R I C K COMPANY DrDon Schultz and Richard Schultz . 2 iil£ i; otlon. $75,000 with 29% down.vn. ate ute j sate. Let your family sceJ this BY OWOWNER: Immediate possession. ^hulti » 2929.^ ______EXl'I-RIENCED ^ milker for grade I . ‘ AUTHOIUZATION ir?AMn'Brick, $G2.00 p er 1000 (delivered) were wer< employed, to do the Masonry 77- hom''«''clng at Ihe quotedwjrlces, Mr. TheTh Doard of County Commission-ninn. tend our heartfelt thanks. EVELYN WILSON EsiESTABLISHED Texaco servicee sta- stu- Joodwood floors. Basement with floor “"a ' Company o f Bgrloy,- Idaho, $G15.80.. Chancey seconded and^t carriedrrled ers met nt this time pursuant,, totn E. R. Sparkman 220•}- Shoshono s tre e l E ast 733-5562i5(j2 tlon[jJ for lease In Burley. Excellent:j3llent drair drain. Garage. Gos heat. Two5 lots take over payments. 733.2870, Commissioner Chanccy made a unanimously. i ( rece-recess with all members andI thethi. I^llllo Sparkm an income opportunity for ambitiousjltlous on ccorner, beautifully landscaped.apef pnnFFORECLOSURE: r Must be lold Inv ,- ‘ Delltha Conner t individual. Some finunclal assist* Near motion that the proposal of Bennetts Chancey made the motion01 on rierlClerk prosenl. FEMALE: osslst- Near Washlncton, St. Edward's mediately. ^idlc Brick 4-lcvel, carpet. "nm Burley Brick Mr. and Mrs. Wayntj ^ ancc and paid training program,srum. and Junior High School. $20,000. iJn Point und Glass be accepwd. Com- Jrltk TAX CANCELLATION (1) Neat ap p earin g lady, a g e 0 ,000. |ng_ appliances, radio • Intercom, 'nn i t-ompany be accepted for the neces-eu's. TaxTa cancellation was approvedd lorfor Montgomery ( ,P ® Apply 936 Elba, Burley, 678-5361. 73373.3.6050..0. ■ T ^ , , , missloner^ Louahmlllcr seconded and jury raff 25-10 for retail clerking. (2) Ex- e ■ ■■ family room, fireplace, choice lo. sury Brick at the quoted price. Mr. Idahoiduhi AKalla Prnducts In t the h e “ " ‘I Mrs. Hill Graff and Kimberly p.LTlenced secretary-bookkeeper. 7777; ?n* BY OWNER: 2 bedrooms upstairs,Ira, 2 cation.catior Ace Realty, 733-8217. Routine buslniss was trunsacted ’ I'd It am ount of J38,«.1.04. ____ E ependable, good typist, lightX ' “MLS" TWO SMALL Buslneas'. El- S r S WE wish to express our sincere Jp ther one husband and wlfo set-up.•. down. Fully finished basement.L">-' ,2 2 "MLS"m m l s ^ SEE us lor aclloni Complete until the h o u r of 12:00 o’clock noon RESIGNATION WE ' “■nnr shorthund. Able to work alone. }nm' baths. 2 fireplaces, all Frlgl- " ql . when a recviss wus taken until the ,h.>W'’’ hi, ‘-^Hrlson , m ade tho m otion that The Thi rcslsnntlon ol V. Kins, JanI- thithanks and appreciation to our ; Jl Trudc for grocery-apartment com- ‘r ' ' *Vi" Teal estate sofvlce. Homes, farmB, , the bid of Idaho Concrete Productslucts tor tor ata the old Hosplfal. wns accept- re ' ..wl <^) House, atl utilities nnd smull .A pifnT!. dulrc bullt.ln kllchen. Carpeting ranches, fJnrh commercial pruncrlies, h o u r^ f 11:00 o’clock A.M., Ju ly 13, r : “ cept- relatives and many friends whn salary '' for counle. Good deal 7 for‘‘ blnutlon ^ or purchase variety store and drupes. Putlo with bullt.ln Inc. for Ihe Glnzed Interior blocksocks cd—effectiv cd—< e August 1. 1067. wiwere so kind to us during the re- ^ wllh good Ifvlng q u arters In re a r. k ‘“i. Joans, and rentals. Lynwood Real- 19G7. „ .? In ,h„ the amount of $3,770.00 be ac- i Ann’ *■181“ couple. (4) Llvc-ln house- Xj »r.i*y broiler, w a te r uml sink. E x tra ,v ni' ...JIEBER J. LOUGHMILLER. ‘'L ,i “ “ c- R E : JUDICIAL BUILDINGi centce loss of our beloved Ruth Ann. T J,®: Term.t uyailablc. Globe Realty, U1B83 ty. 610 Blue Lakes North, 733-0211. L.' ccpied,-Alr^-CJ»ancoy-80conded-the —Mr --kucpor.-Good-worklng-conditions------,V. ^coUyi. - l a r g o - iot.-4120-A faurlce.-J33.lB a3 ------ATTEST.------C hB irm an S -the —Mr. Chnnn3y“mndfl'a"motlon th that a t ------^tr.“ ond Mr*;'Robert"Kullk and good wages. (5) Experlenc-nJ‘ " ~'lC _iil 32-A-ddlsoh-Easr733:2623:------{ , “ ^ 0 R ED U C ED $1,000. New price $8900." ' , motion an i It carried unanimously,usiy- bids bids be culled for for a filing system _____ by appointment only. REDUC H. A. LANCASTER n in e stem and family .in, ed “ secreturle.^. bookkeepers ondmd FOR FOI LEASE: profitable going ser- TiJVs 3 bedroom. '’Full basement. 2 Twin Falls. Iduho^ „ BIDS JUDICIAL BUILDING' for for courtc files, Mr. Carlson secondedndcd M r. nnd Mrs. J o e Kullk ®I $77.00 MONTH on your G.I. buys 3 ^ b e ^ BIdj w ere called for on the Insu* thi. M Mot. general offlco girls ulwaya need-ed- vlcovb station, Kimberly, Idaho. this lovely well kept older 2 bed. bed- - roomsroom! new Indoor-ouldoor carpet, Insu. the m otion nnd It ca rrlc d unanl-nani- ______Mr. and Mrs. Louie Miller Owner retiring. Cnn ihow figures 1907 Infinnlution nfof tho H eating nnd Air Con- mously. mous Bids will be opened August ------_ cd O' r*rori^t room hom e w ith a personality.nlitv N ewly painted. $900 down. See a t 11:00 o'clock A .M . ?|Vidltlonlni; systems in the new Judl- u. ii pusi 15 years. Excellent credit -le a n ■ 1316 4th Avenue EasL RcRuIar July Session r ? & i ludl- H, 190^ al 11:00 o'clock A.M. R ReS e s o r t s 8 M A L E : „ PJ card backing. Call 423-5231, ^im Kim- NO'*' Cttrpet and linoleum. Clean ^ The Board of County Commission-»Jnn " nulldlnjj. snid bids to be openedencti CLAIM APPROVED ^ ----- r- (I) M anager-tralnce, ag e 21-28. he ns a pin. New wosher ond dryeri ry e r CLASSICLASSIC HOMES". "W e build on er.s met at thl.s time pursuant to ro- , ,u “ , lOfiZi.__The claim of Buhl Highway Dls-nis- CLARK-MILLER Guejl Ranch, cab- Must 1! bo neat appearing and;^nd . ______—:— Included. fnclS. 733-5074. Mountain SHates tates fofour u r 1lot.” Your floor plan or ours. Bids w ere also called fo r on tlic 7 trlci?U: for Twin Falls County'i share■hare m culs, saddle horses. FOr'■Jps. res- niect ni public well. Starting wugeige OLD OLL ESTABLISHED grain broker-rpker- Realty Reall — Alma Booth. QualliQuality construction for a truly ' mntorialfi fnr roofing tho building,llOR. of theil Clear Lakes Bridge InI theIhe crvatloni write Ketchum or phoneihone J »;75 to jg^.so per week. (2) re- Qge ffi and transportation. Includes BRAND NEW listing on beuu'trf^Unfin competitivecojnp( prlcc. Twin Falls bids to be opened same timo nml amou oved 774-2535. ______gj J.35 trucks and all equipment. Owner >t nn Realty and Insurance. 733-36G2. CANCELLATION OF TAXES ON dllll, ' nnil nm ount of $22,016,54 w as approved _____ sponsible young man, age 28-35 4 bedroom , 2 bath split level on O N diiie, . , nndn n d -warrant-I ordered drawn. o^. a for rapid progress In manugc-,„e- selling ” bccauso of hcnith andiin?T age. Alturas. For price ond detail 'call! call: "MLS"'*MLS'' * BEDHOOM quality home, REAL PROPERTY Routine Routine bu.slncss was transactedctetl ^QUARTERLY' REPORTS "erPersonali— Special Nollcos 9 S j'llj J. S. Craven, Paul, Idaho. <38.<013. At the renuvisi nf H, A. Lancaster, until the IS V ment training. Beginning wage Twin Falls Really. George Haney,ancy, near to downtown shopping area. ster. until the hour of 3:00 o'clock P.M.PM- APPROVED —D =E— JlOO for $125 p er week. (3) Ne eat a t F0Rr o i ;1.I3A SE : Station In ooodJ vol-vol. 733-4609,733.llcd hecuiise th is hour hour of of 10;001 o'clock A.M.. July' n,17, for for the tl sccond quarter of 1967 were “ properly was purihiised liy the Jun- 1DG7, w»re 417 Main E ast - 733-8213 for / ' full time work. Good Job _ products; pr R. J . Holmes, 733-01723-0172 u rn 'j m j e e d hom es to aell. also smimall all ASSUMEASSUM large 6 W% loan, A ttrac, approved and placed on file. t :— for CSI student. (4) Pcrsorvible.)le, or or cjenlngs, h3-3800. WE io r CnllcKe D Istriit: Ucul R e c:>-'liit e ln t ' H lil-B EB ER J . to U G H M IL L E R , A^i GUEST home. Senior citizens ------acreages. Wo have a numbersr of tive 3 bedroom, basement, recriu- n. 'APPOimONMENT , A-1 - neat, ambitious men needed foe BRICK mtT 4-nlex. Close to Lynwod. godd ib era tlon room . R apid possession. $12.- No. 7G(iJ ill the omount of $2l«.0(>;I.oti; ATTEST; An'I'-STi ch a irmman an Am Apportionment of Motor Userst. ' ffi'cpmo )ive with me. Your comfort n o.wod. godd buyers. Wo are not members tlon r No. 7(.M In tho am ount of S48.27; Ji. a . 1 double garage • carport. Individualvldual of of Multiplem i Listing Service. WeB can cun SOO.soo. yA ce R ealty. 733.S217. ' L27: 11, A. LANCA.STEl! nuvcRevenue for Iho second quarter ofn» **is my conccrn. Let-me do "you" your J"!" ^ - do No. laGOl In tho iimount of $730.83; , , Twin Falls. Idaho in07 Twin worrying for you. I nrovlde per- ' heat, aTr conditioner. Owner,•, 733‘733* give give you fust personal service. 3«BEDR00M •i.nFnR brick, garage, /omlly No. 13G07 in the amount of $131.34. 0 1067 was approved as follows: Twin ,Por- O PEN IN G S FOR Sli 5094. , ______fluhl( -34. Ju lv 17, 1007 Fnlls 'H ighw ay D istrict $67,462.10;;2 in. “sonal O' core, home cooKlng, private•lyute QUALIFIED PEOPLE ^ _ _ fluhler Realty, 73b-52il5 or 7334237. ^ roomro o m In bdsem ent. $1000 down, llIUS JUDICIAL BUILDING lOiAo o 'clock A.M. nuhlBuhl Highway D istrict 123,450.68;n'og.' o r 8 cml-privale rooms; furnished,shed. reglsiration fee chargedA WANTED; WAI BualF?88 partner for A-1 by by OWNER: OV Four bedrooms, fully Take over F.H.A. loan. Phone'733- This hulng the time for the open- tru lit July Session , piicrF iler Highway D islricl S13.3fl0.4fl;n‘4fl’ or you may bring your own.•My My Strictly confidential porting ^ BoodB store In heart;rt of corpeled, carpi full base, .ment, 2 c a r 0012. Ing of bids for Masonry blocks,cks, The The BoardBin of County Commission*•Ion* AAmer m erican Folli R ei. D istrict 18,•$8 • years of e)fperlence ond know- 77^ ------: B urley, w rite Box 0*17, Tlmei*imei* oarage, oaroi 1 block from hlgh ichooLhool. ------—------— ------liflck nnd Plvwond; bids wero open-pen- ers ers mut mut at ii this timo pursuant to ro- 708.73 how provide the atmosphere you LOOKING Lot for middle-aged mon1? be or News, iJJ Twin Falls. far^ \ ro- 768.72. '• »»o woman who needs lob. Must be ------Large First Federal loan. Seo50 at ot Our O ut of o Town.Homes 5i ed with the hillowlnit ivbuIis; comecus with with all members and tho Clerklerk APPOnXIONMENT OF will y' enjoy. Cull or seo for further V " T r ; ; 330 Maurice Street Nortli or phone ^ ------ANDERSON LUMBER COMPANY^NY present. present. c I Information: 1708 Poplar, TwinTw\S dependoble ‘JJ with good credit. 40. to BY BY OWNER: Income property^,. four 733.3024 5 . DYBY owowner: Spacious 3 bedroom GENERAL SCHOOL FUND 48 hours per week. Run office,fflce. apartments, np good location. Reduc------i hom e. VA balhs, fcnced yard, 8x8x10 R eg u lar Blocks, $34.00 pper e r CURRENT CU EXPENSE 1 AptApportionment of General SchoolIhool r ^ a° i l s . 73.1-IKB2.______100 T’Av ------tako phono cnlls and bookwork,vork. cd od to sell. Lttsy terms. 733-2533.2533? HAPPY HAPP'i nowly docoralca homo ,*1*50“ need double Joubh garage, green houie. 80G , , TAX CLAIMS APPUOVED , PuiulFunds— Stntw nnd C ounly for Ihe m e n Ih; MEMDEHSIIIPS AVAILABLE, Twin Conlaci, Ci V-l Oil Company, 237 4th 'm -n 7T[,r new owner. 2 to 3 bedrooms, lorgom ilt? Y vnitin aktm a. Filer, 326-5254. Specials,lals. Claims for FedernI, Stnto lux nnd accondaccon qunrler of 1007 was approved pn ^ BAR and cnfe for sale In BuhF.nol’ lot. [Jf,"'- close to ichool. Attached build- J4J.00 per IOO Sociol sei "Vfij Fallj Men's Health Club. Steam;teum Avenuo A South.______Di____ Doing good business, write Box *i„‘’ Social Security withheld from salur-tlur- nani follows:fo Clan A School District balhs, fj showers, cxerclao equip- «/Ai InR can bo used for reo reatlo n , O n » n ' •^^x8x8 Vi DIack Ilegulnr, 322,00 p e r Irs for thtthe m onth of J u n o ,-1007, worevere 411. $7«.Q7D.72:$ Class A SchOOl Dls- WANTED: Slock Control clerk, M^lMall P-4. p. c /o Tlm gj-News.______ly™; Out of Town Hornet 51 .^1"; m e n t.-G o lfe rs sum m er, sportsmsman an .npnllentlons to- Box. 42K- for.ap- — ------office o r bedroom , Cnll 733*3077 o r ” nppruved and worrnnta ordereilered Irlcttrict 4 l'i, $17,UB.13; C lass A School:hool « « c i e n n up, relax. 733-02iB, d a y s; J ■ 4 0 - 733-0104 ev e n in g s.----^ ...... - : -| negular Blocks, JiO.OO per (Zdrawn u trn ns l follnwsr Fcderiil Tax $3,. DDlstrl istrict 413, A 73. jjofnlmenL Give all quallflcnllonB,i'io“ni M Mui uiirL eiV oni' ...... 4 0 $12,17^0; Clast 733-6250, cvcnlnHS.______jjl ^'MLS" m a n y Gl'a hove let ui help i , , 014,20; Stnto T ax $5.17.57; Social So. So- SchoolSchoo D istrict 414. $10,074.54; Class — _____ nddreas nnd phone number. ■raj * Lovely Home * lOxBxio Ilond Bcurni anil Specials,la ls, curUv'curlly JL' $1,270.77. B S( — INSTANT MUSIC. A tune at your themtlicm with thoir paperwork nnd wllh *ni»h aluminum siding. Located B S chool District 41f(, $4,273.13;3.13; GRADU QUA ATE engineer req u ires room . revo* home selection. May we serve nt ed 9S1.00 per 100 iiiiim ' ai 0 S Clasa n School District 417. $.1,*$.1,> and mu bonnl. Memltur of the Unlvor-i‘i“v“e?.’ F **Gr a rm W o r k W a n t e d 23 2 3 very first lesson with Iho revo- home at edge of Buhl. It liai n nice , „ BUREAU o r NOXIOUS WEEDS £'»*" ------lutlonnry Pointer Chord Syatem.Item, you? Mountain Stales Reolly, 733*<«!'»• scl back5 , wllh •garage, machine Block RcHulars, $21.00‘•00 r/vxTAX CLAIMS APPROVED 7H1.52; Jo in t School D istrict 418, $4,. sity sit: of Idaho Research Staff.S l a f f . ------I"; 026.00; School D istrict No. 416,4lfi, C Cle lean , re a t. W rite Box 0-21, c-o Privnto lessons pinno nnd organ.^rsoo. fti>745974 _____ shed, shed, g ra d e A barn, solid sel of J . m u , 733-BGOO. ^3-5050.______MUSTm UST" sell: largo 3 bedroom home, corral b J’VxBxifl Ilo y u lu r B locki, $20.00 pper e r sodSSocial l“ su'Security withheld from nil su|. 1^ $27.61, , Tlmo»»Nows.*1 111 C U S T O M ^ ome. corrals ntul I located on a clcun n«7 Routine huslneas wns trnninctciJ WhP 1 BEGINNING Bludenl opcnlngravainavain 11^ tbaths, firenlnce. 2C0 8th Ave* 43 43 AcrcB ac of land. Own this Im* - i6x8xlfl B ond Deum and S p ecia ls, .fJ?,?arltii foi' the month of June, lon?, ..J, ctcd WHEliL 'chatil.” exorcising equip-Wv MANURE HAULING “'jS lldrcn nue .E a st. $13,500. Very good p p re ressi sslv e farm for only $31,WO. were am.rovcd and wnrranls o/.‘or. until tho hour of fl:00 o'clock P.M.•M. ment.,,10 crutches, wnlkcra for rent ^ altlo for piano lessons. Children nue tM M p er 100 when a recosi wns Inkcn unlll Ihe «r J S 't Vernon Olnnder — Buhl 034-4572572 nnnnd ad u lts. 733.Q083 . 283 BDorah orah term?te rm s .•733-4025. OxBxrf B lock Regulnr, $lfl.00 p e r Kilcrcil m drawn ii na follows; Pederal ,V, pj* t or sale. Kingsbury's Pharmacy. ^ lux $.W2,2t»: Hluto tax $01.05; Social®lJl hour of 10:00 o'clock A .M ., Ju ly' aS, '117'117 M nln E ast, 733-fl[J74 o r■%![; -733* ^ ------_w West. , ______*ro TO sot sotllo cstnto.~l.ovcly 2 bedroom FARMERS , P Security $244.IH. >007. UUITAH clRBses~^r boglnnersI now homhome e nt 654 Locust. In q u ire 428 ■ *°?i-lnch exterior I'lvwood, C.D. ’ 'lIHBER J. LOUGHMILLER.R -rffi- :______. C U S T O M m tacl 2nd Avenuo South or 733-7180. grad o , 1100.00 per 1000 sijuaro fee, et * SOCIAL oUCi/^ SECURITY CLAIM ATri’ iVnn ALCOHOLICS Anonymous - Twin Btnrtlng. $1.50 por lesion. Contacl 2nd / REALTY ATFEST. Chnlrmnn Ormond Stmth, Buhl. 543-400H.OH. NEWn e w 3 bodroomi I^ bath; full base. Buhl. Idnho ^i-lrtch exterior Plywood, C.Dj.D...... ^ APPROVED H. A. LANCASTER--* Fnlli Courlhouae, Wudneidnys1 nl SWATHING J); ____ 6fiiiiip...*Il«.00,|icr i()(Jl) flijunre ^ 'e t ? "I. * ------B:30 -n.m .- F o r-fu rth er Inform otlona llo n - Genu n< Glloh - 830-^401'W ondall- r~ T _.ineot{ double garago,_203() Sherrylerry Ralph Ralph & Bill ABBondrup 84^4020______•1.“/ ------Twln- Falla. Idaho------4 6 Lnne. l*luino 7.1!l-81‘n)i f i m T Zonalll# InsulallMH Block fill, #1.401.41) SOCInlROClnl bejbrcuiU y for tlio second qilnr-'/'»• July 2IJ, 1007 cnll ■733.4030, _ OiKor lnifrucilon 46 ~'l-nnc — W I’ILIiRy l^or lalo two bcdrootn ' per bng (4 cuhlc feol per Ima) tcr I®** of lB(i7 Jt wna nnprovcii nnd n ’fTTT CLEAN 2 bedroomi, cnrpelod, gn^ homn 10:00 o'clock A,M,rf. siNsTn Uc L ii~X bU L T 'S — Call 733-®0343; CUSTOM O EiU a i l F T t o i ryT r i- tli» nlrch cnb

U s e} TThe h Wantnt Ads To} EBuy Or SeSell Farm Equipment! E lit! IRedd No.lo. *90 N i l tl 4.. . ..__

— Farmi_ffl[_Sale______51^ J l Loti anda Acrooffo ______M54 Houfst— Unfurnished 74 FarrFarm Implemsnti 90 FarrrFarm Implomenli 90 S w lna^ ______1103 0 3 TwinT w in FallsF Times-New 13 Animil Breeding 100 ^ INCLUDES JNCJ rangei re/rlgeralor,ratofi ' HUSKY weaner pigs for sale. Fhonelone Aug.A 29-30, 1967 ' dishwasher, disposal. 3 bedrooms, \J CACHE Valley Breeding Associa*i s n ? 423-5877. .K im b erly .______NORTHSIDE SPECIALS\LS C(COUNTRY LIVING 2 baths, carpeted, basem ent.T Hot i VALUE-PACKED V D FOR SALE ^ tion, Farmer owned and-operated. Hnrtni 1 A cre woter w t heal. Coll afternoons or eve- Nation's top proven sires, "Soj also, [^{A Appllai ppllanctti &' HH Equip. 120 ----- tID-AeRe s.- Hmvy-jeBr-WOiOOO,tOOO.------^------nnil ln g s. 7:^3-3flfil.______Farm Equipment______J^Rr,IfrrFRFT> ft y m r nlri.-IorVny-Itny.U -7,L o-„ ■ M I li.i' ij.rr~Z ______1—Int. l88(t Tractor, wodei1------ra ‘ Club T h o ro u g h b red 'm a re and 3 car^icdtwu^ ^ mont^^" nn gaVSonl^^irrigatlon," fenced.S ’ -W0HN-DBERB-NO7-13-fortfB«>•------riW^ B n ------{f, -monU\-mftp&7-oolt~fop>^ater-PtoodA .31 U Iroit proot 16' telrliierator-fre«l«r. s with rock fireplace, din ng areac a Lynwoodlv area, 175. See at 1212 h " a rv e s te r with Iron corn hcu^. U coU yrte: Canao Win-by Detrort.-Coli-Tnl» yeiio\^ with leTi.hwa” aoor,------160 ACRES. Snndy soil.’ Largeirge wllh w llh large* 1 china closet, built-in b1 I Jef* - J O H N DEERE No. 8 forage , chrome nflihr'OriTy-'$Hflr.50.“ ^n(^ ------^ '•n Blue Lakes Circle, Call at 121 Jef. —0 1— Int. Plow, Model 641. by Interglory (Shoshone). Both modern home. J32.000, . appliances appJIa In lovely k itch en , terson. fei • ■ •■ J;h a rv e s te r with 1 row corn * ARTIFICIAL” BREEDING to ABS inhorses Jl for 5550 or be« offer. trade-in. Iniured payment . l.r.o Pla^^room^^l, -7^ head and pickup. great p roven s ire s , natio n 's high* high- ContactContai F. D. O'Donnell, c/o Al- plan. M 4 Y Electric C o' <41 80 ACRES, Belw ccn Tw in Fnllj • ‘ ’ M ODliRN two bedroom liom e. Car. 5 I—InL 12’ Disc on Rubber, IIJ ~ Main Avenue East. Open Friday anci Jerom e. E x cellen t im proved ' t pcted throughout, newly remodeledidS ' -FARMALL { 460 gas tractor 1— I e s t type p ro d u c tio n sires. Also-80- allatl pine C' afe. K etchum . Id a h o .. breeds of beef avaUable, Buhl col- « y e a -j;— *tU 9 p.m.______;______land. m.OOO. ______l lL —i______a------bbathroom, a gas furnocc, Insulated,lated 300 UUllty. M odel No. 37. ; iSi- “ gelding, new riding pbANk* CHOICE larg e Jois ior home* Jn» the wiwasher hookup. Adulu preferred:irred* —FARMALL —I 6G0 diesel tractor, lect. 543*6102; J e ro m e 324-2652;B floitV % equipment Julm for sale or trade forfoP FRANK S farm and home refrlgera* <0 ACRES, Clou In. Good build- Hazelton 82M 5M ; B tifiey 678-9253. JJlvei tion. Experi repair service on all most up-fo-dato subdivision 'In•In 580. 58( Phone 733-4290. ^ com C plete m&Jor overhaul. 2 Row I Farmhand Beet =7^ calves, or good-pickup; Horse weU Inss, S21.000. Twin Falls. With all uUlUies un- CACHE VaUey B reed in g Associa*isocla* broke b r o ^ ^ r experienced riders.{nr-* Khome n* freexers and refrlgeratori. NICE, clean, 1 bedroonT home.TTtT Re- —CASE 100 Side delivery rake. P h o n e.733-8041. 160 S id n ey . , derground. Adjacent to the new fri can -^ O H N DEERE 216 W S wire Ud£ Harvester ,i„tion, N atlon-s to p proven sires. Phone 733-9441. ______- frlgerator, range, table. Or can —J AU breeds. W alter Leltch. 643*4658, L AND N REAL ESTATE CO. coilcge. Land Office of Id ah o . 733- bo completely furnished. Locatedicated b f ale r. - — All 3-4J58, f o r lale, 4' year old bucksln Palo-3 ^ LARGE Seh/el gas refrigerator anti Jero m e f24-lgM•4800 0716. 0716.______acros* J c from high school. Refer*lefer. —IHC —» S5W wire tie baler. C i an Be Financed. Contactt Buhl, F ile r E n te rp ris e . 557, TwinTwm jnjno, P a rtly b ro k e saddle horse, apariment size gai range. $150 for Leon M. Stockton, R efflior^ “MLS”ImT T T ^NEAT 2-bedroom home oon n 1 en en ces preferred. 733-4110.______-CASE —C 160W wine tire baler.St. _ PFalli. o C all co llect.______sJeveiSteven Ferraro, Star Route, Box Madrona Street. 733. 324-5280 ' \ nc?B a c re — east locaUon — p ric e d fT f H f c R E E bedroom s, living room,-rrr car- , englno drive. First Security Bank Call ]0 2 18. Wlnnemucca. Nevada.______. ^ F re d Thleme______7^3838 right — low down payment, bal- pg • car- CASE 600 combine. w i n Vi e w 38'‘“kenmMe eiectric range. Dai- drapes. fuU basem ent, oil i i’i R U P E R T ------£5!!!?______------CHESTNUT m are. 3 years old. Well .-Ance on contract. Gem State Real- hear, girage. 1137 Sunrise, vacant Beans, f grain, «eed wllh bell broke.broke, Good with children. Used^ ^ 9 2 Coppertone color, e x c ellen t condl* 633 Blue Lakes North. 733-5336, , and au g e r unioader. Belt pick-)k- ______,71;* Hon. reasonable. Call 328-483J, PI- “ 36, la s t oLA U gust. $115. Inquire 733- “ iiJF: WE SLAUGHTER ff. 733-9069733-D0< or 733-4540, _ 0 04‘ 4 4 3 . ^ ______m). Excellent. cAC A SE SE 1050 U' iwolher and t r a i l e r . . , Eb*ori"v.‘-” - ler or 438*4255. P a u l.- ■ _— -FREEMAN twin tie baler, en* A u , 120 ACRES ptfstur# on Snalw THREEV h r f f choice building lots, deep ^ ■A' Automatlc-4\ay- stacker. 3 bale (]On Farm Slaughtering oiiETi ■TTji: USED refrigerator c le a ra n c e . Re- River In Hagerman. Only 5«,* giLpr l m I. ■ gine drive. wldwide, gross load 144 bales. Must n g ONE Pinto stu d . 5100. 2 m are , w ith sew er, will FHA. will sell 1 o r all. • BEEF pinloPinto colls a t sid e. Phone 324-4101.iiAi condlUoned and guaranteed refrlg* ooo. S e 1.“*^ four bedrooms, full basement,. sto-sit -^ J N E W JOHN D E E R E No. IQ 10 ssee e e to believe. 423-5729. Hanaen. Close to Stuart Junior High. GoodjOOQ k e r furnaco, g arag e. 585 monthnonth h ig h density b alers. BIG ttttt L___ • L A M B JerorrJeromo before 7;3|1 ft.m. or after Wilson /ery duplex location. Box 1168 T w in rei LIKE new: hay pllcr and loader.d e r. • V E A L 7 p.m 160 ACRES. New homt. Very S ? ’ rw in re n t. Sell. 59500. 733*1887. ____ DISCOUNTI -^O H N DEERE 95 combine. 12'.2- Owner moving. Must sill. Call North Main Lockers - g o o d - RCA portable siereo, detachable good Und. O w ner tn x lo u i lo — •= SOUTH Park, T bedroom home plus lllj 825-5621 Eden.______p ■ OOOD-APPALOOSAS: mares and lell. ' IN FIL FILER; 3 acre! with a nice .f2 smaU „ rental house. Needs clean*clean- -I—I H C model 20, 12* sw ath er with _ ! ? £ ____ For fa s t s e rv ic e call 733-4983982 colts,.colti,_fillleS f -seldlngi and studs.tiidi *P«aker9. wlUi stand. Also Silver- bedroombedro< home and numeroot fru it' ing, large lot, priced rightt for «conditioner. a t E v en in g s 733-7188 ReasoReasonably priced. L. B. Wood*^ood^ If"®*0"® P portable. Phone 837-4778, H»- 4000 ACRES. P riv a te , deededEded ftree e e s s. , »/« mile north of F a ir- caall. 733-6r.l» o r 733-1633. -—2 2 JO H N DEERE 95 comblncJ. Farm Supplier 91^ \ ' ______bu>y,«bury,' Gooding. 934*5035. ; ■ass. grounds. 326-4640. Flier.______range land, very good grasi. TWO bedroom hom e. Oil furnace, _ J [HC, 60 HEAD of H o ls t^ n sp rin g ern«ir* helf* REdljSIREdlSTERED quarter horse.—T 3- FOR SAL^: Stove St~ refrigerator! ;r:-r: " S -C A S E 1.000 com bine 12’ late,1, MOWER PARTS-John Deere. IHC, 5 0 ; Shoshone batin. 1 ACRI ACRE outside city limits withitn 2 avoUable Immediately. 545 por , Ford. 7 (oot hay knife, *8.29. All ers, eri w eighing fr o m 1,000 to 1,350 yca^-(ycaf*old m a re , excellent dlsposl-noij. ond 0-E. .washer, (good bedroombedro< hom«. Pull finished base-^9*®' m ontb. The Land Office of Idsno.dflbo m odel. Top condition. pans on hand. Dealer pricea forfo r ' 'IbiIbi, Lots of ABS h eifers and CCache ache tion!tioni Green broke. 733-8535 aftera fte r »hape>»hape). 733-6839. ’ ' m ent. 51000. will handle. H a roOld ld 's s 73.733.0716. Dis- Valley b reed in g . W ill freshenI from 6:00 tp.m .______COMPLICOM PLETE furnoce a n d Iro n Fire* BARNES REALTY K c rrest e s of season. Form & City Dis* Val Agency. 733-5532 or 733-7487. _ trlb u tln g , 633 Main E asl.------\» week ' to 6 weoka. For sale or°j; NOWwnw TAKING■ horses to break. m an stoker. Good condition. Phoije 1037 Blue L akei B lvd. N. 733-822755?I 100x120* COUNTRY lots. F alls Av 733-J9I0 ‘ q u ire 243 6th A venue East. Heavy Equipmant 92 _S“ ______ver F ine. R o u te 1. Filer. 326-4631.4631. GOOD tused late model push button 733-1416. ______^ EQUIPMENT S? — , DAIRV COWS and helters, fresh or WANTEDm.^TP h o rseshoeing. 281 W est J36" J " ^G.E. electric range. $55. 7^^ 1.6 ACRES. 240' frontage. 305’ Heen 3-BEDROOM 3-BE hom e. Addison Avenue TWO CaterplUar 80 scrapers, goodJpod sprspringers. 100 per cent guaranteed. "^•IVjrT C '‘ 1.6 ACF JloK E a st. 589 per m onlh. Phono 733- condlllon. 324-2454, Jerome, after wn JP«H. Caswell, No. 13, Twin Falls. Phonehone - B B i ikL ______. — - - , M L b In HIHlghlawn Acres Subdivision. J; tfter will ^uy or trade for all kinds rivJJ733-M92. ______TV RecReceiver, Magnavox 21" good — N.E. of City. 3200 East. 733-3307.307. ______'7'- ' SALES, INC.' . 6 :0 0 p.m.______Hvi llveitock and springers for Call* condition. 442 Locust. 733-3876. ------—r7 7; “M•■MLS" l WE NEED h o m cj (urnljlicd ■*X7 fornla. H ap o r C ly d e Hughes, BuhlBuhi ALL TYTYPES of horses, boughi. sold . conditl F O R H O N E S T Hay, Grain and Feod 949 4 ^543-5009 o r 543-5825.______and eexchanged. Specialty: ranch c.. Business Property 56 or or unfurnished, Sliaw. Roalty, 733- , Furniture & HH Goodi 12J ____ 0473; E d n a'Irlk h . 733-,08B2, geltHngs. L. H nley. 733-(^35. f u m l f u DEPENDABLE Chentcr Sherr«t> 733-5260GO CUSICtJSTOM green chopplrfg vrtth pro- FOR FOR SALE: Good baby and pasture C E Commercial Prm )erty TWO TWC bedrotyn house on I acre';,'^ r ' 21 sorvatlve added. Phone 326-4703.J703. cah-ca. cal AU k in d s. Holstelns, w hile t h r e e year old buckskin more pA^r REAL ESTATE SERVICE < '■■ H q. M, "Duko" Roberts 733-M2I r 324. with co lt a t sid e, well broke, gen* FAMOUS DARWICK C A R PE T S A SPECIALTY p pa astu re . Phono 733-1928. F il e r . facft,' fnc an d b lac k , 324-4162 o r 324* with t 0 ''®^ ^50 colors and p a tte rn s -- Or Advice Call peidin tlo with kids. $100. 825-5987, Eden. JfJg g Feldtman Realtors ' 733-1988188 ^ ^— ^ ------V------— ------^------— FFEED E E grlndfiig and"mixing. Molas- 402i. Jero m q .______wl free estimates >- expert InstaN 't'jo jftrti FOR LELEASE or salet Tho old Sutur-utur- Roonw-BoardRq q and RoorfT 76 s e s . B ulk tank, Daffln MlU. Thelt*helt* COMCOMPLETE dairy herd^ 40 hendhead rREGISTERED.i REGI- Quarter HorsesJ for , laUfln.latkm. Lower overhead means 7Ji-4U8l day Auctionf Sales ground*. Lots ______Have Your te fert rt MllllnB- SeK'Ice, 733-6276. vre:well b re d H o lstein cd ^ s. D.0 DD. *“lc-«“lc- 324-42^3,‘ Jero m e , or 300 East E a s t YOlJ SAVE 1 I I “erry , Avenue I. >______, 6. G-ond 7 In block u of tbe clt)^cltj^ EXIEXTRA-fllco'sUJepIng rooms. GenUe- W A N T E D to” buy g rain a n d ~ h a y . Anderson, iJ'’' Box 408, Glenns Ferry, _Aye_nu C. LOONEY, REALTORDR of"f bBuhl.Si Excellent for commercialrcIaJ • ■ men. nn Large closcts snd nicely lur TRACTOR Phone Merlin Askew. 536-2511, — 36S-2250. •______^GL-IF-M- GL-IF-Mlller^horseshoolng and-trlm-ETiHT -voiyl G A M B L E ^ B U H L .- X P A H O .______use. Liberal terms. CaU 436-4C92-4C92 nished. nli 304 7th A venue North. * use. I T— Overhauled wcW en d eU . ' WAN WANTED to buy: Holstein springerFiHger ming. P h o n e 733-7006 or 733-3529.3529. SNA! SNAKE RIVER AUCTION -______------at at Rupert. Ru ______EX C ELLEN T room s, warm , clenn, rr r hellers and can use heifers 3 and REGISTEREDr e g is i Pinto""neIding for Sale Sole Evory Saturday 11 a.m. We Repair All MakesI TOPto^p ^ QUALll^V-baled hay delivered. J?®‘ DO YOU HAVE a form or ranchinch FOR FOR LEASE: L 60x75’ clndor block>lock private pr entrance. Close-ln, 137 4th Load lots. Phone Merlin Askew,i,n,v' months bred. Eugene Hughrs.igfiffl. sale. P hono 423-5238, Hansen. CALL 733*7754 you would like to trade lortr a building, buJldJr sultaWa for shop or ator«Btor* A^A venue North. Y 536-251 J. Wendell.______£21324-2415, Je ro m e .______' j]----- p 77^ Pickup Service Available livosfock Accessories 105 v k busln eii In M agic V alley? ScoSeo r.ge. r.ge. heated i with l)ln fed s to k e r DOUI K o r j L a S Hotel ii open, I Uw S MOLYNEUX MACHINERY GOOD se le ^ lo n o f 2 y e a r^ Here- IU3 Used Furniture store open or call Ui. boiler. boiler. r.LE., 303 Bib Avenue MAGIC VALLEY MUllng Service; 0°^' l~ T . ______every day enae monthly and weekly rates, 130 139 YourY( Allls-Chalmers DealerT Fwe e e d Grlndlnit. W «lter L a r s•inn' o n , J®; ford b ulls. S im o n B aker, PhonePhone HORSE tra ile r , now Universal. 4- PQ West. 733'«24.______Sh ’ 862-3820, O akley. horso GENE LARSEN SALES CO. ____ Shoshono North. ______KU— K im b erly , 423-5604. horso slie. oulcklv convertible to LET US show you our top Invest- — FOR tra d e or s a la goo{i”liuuallty a llty Btock»tock or cargo. Hydraulic brakes.Ike',” SPOT CASH P hone 733-6008 • fi34-5i 71. Gooding '^nv' COLLEGE-approved rooms tor wom- m n gas f i r s t cutting hoy by bal® only. ^ ment properties with above ov- COL FOR SALE: 3 John Deere 3010 gas Holitein ho lfers. P hone 836-2203,j.2203, g-pty >tire s. P h o n e 436-3346. R upert.pert. FFor o r Furniture . Appllaacw Chuck Petterson 733-3C38 eroge reiurn on your money. Toy- en. Single or double. Phone 733- * tractors. (fa Farmhand two.row beet Close In. Phone 733-4810.______"O 7 } ^ Things of V alu e ■JTT WcndelL______— p^,u||rvPoultry and Rabbiti 108 ^^1 ------lor Agency, Kimberly. 423-^89.9. ^ ______toptopper with four-row Farmhandmnd GRAGRAIN rolling Iteam or dry. Me* =7^=- 12? BANNER FURNITURE ■ “ M L S " ------ROOMS downtown — dav, week,week. beib eater. John Deere 45 Hl-Lo lelf-self. MUllan’s.M l! Jerome. Phono 324-2677.e r r f o r SALE: Close up springer cows p. . .. ’ ^ ond helfors. M ik e N eal. Buhl,1, Ida- 'year VEAR old ( hena for laying or roast-oast- 127 2n2nd Avenua West 733*1421 For FARMS Iff BARNES Vacaff CO m onth. C am era C enter Hotel,I, 205 pr(propelled combine. 3 trucks.'• 'I fo r” SALE; 30 tons baled Mrow. ho ;S V a c a f J o n P ro p o rfy 5 8 JJJ •■aw. ho, 543*4768.______Ing. 2 m ile s w e s t of Jerom e. Ap- FABRICS b,a p p 'i r for back to school leff* Shoshone Street South.______pickupplc plus complete line of xTrama- p^,P h o n e 934-8267. Gooding. pleton ro a d . L . A . Overman. 324- BARNES REALTY J! . itu. chlnery and loola. All In extra ------WILL~ b u j^ soll o r loan buUs^ Varf- Ing. Sewing noilons, sewing ma« , 00^-7 CABINS custom-bulU on your lot.lot, O ONI N E room for re n l fo r college stu- chl See f 6 ^ sa le ; corn illoage. P h o n e K en ous 1037 Blue L akei B lvd. N. 733-8227 Iosed dent. 1598 Filer A venue Eost. gotgood condition. Price 53.VOOO. See Kcn ous breeds. Emanuel Nelsen.. 324- JEL______' - chines new and used. Also k *;' 7rXn completed cabin, 18’ by 24’ closed de fwin A llre d , 324-4270. Jerom e. 4431 vice. SScissors sharpened. Skloner'i E arl D arnel 423-5G59 In and livable (windows and doorsjoors • “ ------or or ca ll Ernie SUtl. 4 Vi easl of Twin ____ 4480 or 324*2333.______Bill Hm______733-lOJfl flO Falls on Falls Avenue East. Pbonelone 190JOO .ACRES straw for sale. Phonelo n e g o o d Holstein cow. Sound. Vaccin- * Sewing Shoppe. Save-Oa Shopping In and roof on). Included foun.foun. Buslnest-OfficeBuS Renfafs 60 Center.______dation. Crow Is building 1 milem ile ------______733733-5981. , 03S055-4307. Hollister.______ateiated. Just fresh with 4lh calf. 1Reed = TERRIFIC! C. Harley W illiam s ‘ West of Smiley Creek Store now.now, IDEAL IDE, offlco location for Insurance, DEPENDABLE 5^ Caso machlnpry,"^ re. WANWANTED to buy: Straw In the BuhlBuhl HuiHulet, W endell. 536-2653. . JUST received direct from factory,' That’s rlghtl See Harley about3out Total T o tal cost of cabin, la b o r ond re r e a l estate, accounUng, etc. L'Her*S ’ Ilablei.gv service at Reed Tractor Co..Co v ic in ity . M3-5682. Buhl. ____ j 14 n HHfeAD I'st diirHoUlelns for sale: ThaiThat’s what you’ll sayy anotheanolher- shipment--of-carpet_-roll______buying or selling your /arm mater f^eln. Isson F u rn itu re outlet on North ends, nylons, Acrilans, Polyesters, arm moterJaJs - 52900. Sid Hein- IsJ :^orih Avenue SouUa, Twiny J n WANW A N T E D ; Mixed grain and b a rrley le y . PhiPhono K en . A llre d , 324-4270, Jer* when you use a Want Ad property. Call Hamlett Really, shohnshohn. Box 97, Hailey. Phonehone B Bl lue Lakes. P hone 733-6095. J -__ FaUs. pJ] $2.($2 .0 0 per CWT. Phone 733-0928.I. ome.om( fi off regular selling p ric e . Ban* 7 33 ^0 7 9 ^ Ev en in g s. 733-0320.______788-431 d n er Furniture. 733-1421. >• 788-4318.______^ O F F IC E space 150 Sq. ft. to 1,000 _ P H O N E 733-0931 ' . 55^ 487 ACRES, all p a stu re , Sliver ,/K Sq. it. Norlh Blue L akes Shoppingpplng n M MOVING??? Protect your valuables, Creek run* through. Fair home, Uother tner Real Eilale oU 60 Centerg locations. Remodel toI suftsuit ______^______FurnltFurnlturo pads and hand trucki “wTTi tenant. Gem Stote Realty. jlQ for^rent. Banner Furniture, 733* CHOICE Improved 80 ... ;M.OOO'■"*> 20 xx36~ 36 BUILDINO lor ,a le . WIU Pefs and Pot Supplies ITO [421.”’ Illes FURNISHED office space for rent FELDTMAN REALTORS>c move lo locniion within 15 miles. *'UJ- ^ _ » 2 5 ^ 2 m ______■J l wllh parkins on North Blue Lakes. HIDE-A-BED, N ^ly re-upRollteri^ ------Phone Gordon Crockclt. 733-5580. ~ H A N -S U _ rebuUt. Closeout. $129.00. Ron's 875 F iler Ave.______733-19^8 - MAGIC VALLEY KENNELS Ssto' i NEEDD an E X PPERT?a. l A V -A. • ^BOARDING. Any size. Dogs— 80 ACRES, all good heavy loam Real EEstate Wanted ’62 ,62 Parms pa, for Rent 84 jL s 6^ 7*'°**^*^^' soil. Fields lay exceptionally/ well ______Cau.Cats. Air . conditioned and cover- ’ with no rock blowoui. Full w wnter nter WANlWANTED directly from owner, ed runs. rut bMALLSMALL clectric iiove. SmaU reMg* FOR RENT;”0^ne o7” tiie better 160 orator. 2-bedroom s e ts . Mlscella* righls with one headgate Easy southssouthslde farm. Twin wuler, 160 acre farms near Gooding. New- GROOM ING — All Breeds access fo Twin Falls and Jerome.rome. acres moro or less. Reply B ox 0-8. jp, S K k U S E t h is h a n d y DIREaORYa O R Y AAS A GUIDE TO studSTUD S E R V IC E and P U P P IE S neousncous Hems. SOI 3rd Aveoui m odern 3 bedroom home. Write 512 North. 3-bedroom home, garuge. barn TimesTlmes-News. ______Boxqc P-7. Tlm>;s-News.______. SouthSoulh B lu e L ak e s Blvd. 733-0512 North. and corrals; all first class shape, uWANTED/ a n t h to renl: 40 acres, improv- FAST, RELIABLE SERVICE.:e . pPHON h o n e t o d a y I POODLIPOODLE parlor. E xperienced SIMMO^SIMMOf^s double bed, spring, ani 180 ACRES, good house, etc. Tenant M 'rom mattress. Chest of drawers, Keit* P rice 541.000; 19000 down, wUh with ed?d forfoi iflgg on share crop b asis. musl have adequate help and Ml , grooming. groom Quality breeding from mattre less for all cash. Dryden Agency.lency. wjuwiii p^y p^ri cash by month, gf, • the tno famous fai Darrote's Wee Marquis-ouls more «electric sewing machine. 326> ontn. equipm ent. 2 south Vi west. Duhl. f l l FREE ESTIMATES. •Wn- 4302, Filer. _ Jero m e. 324-5232. E d P ettit, sales- . , Writew rite Box 0-18. Tlmes-News. _____ Cecil Calhoun. .■»43-4875.______II t toy pcpoodle. P ro d u cin g silver sk in - 4302, i _ m an, 32<-.B3<.------WANTE ned whites,\ apricots, or silver.Iver. WANTE: WANTED: Used furniture, appliin* ------WANTED: Ground for wheat,.mixedilxed SOUTHc q u side. Good 160 acres. Must V — Show 4 GOOD 160 acre combination dairy grain, peas, hay. Share crop. t-n Show q u a lity . Cherl MUler KKen- en- ces, aiantiques, baby things. Hayes hove finanoc re fre n ce. Write Box w sels, K1- im b erly 423-5104 — 423*5136.5136. F urniture.u rn lt 73^-4010. ______and row crop farms. One Includesdudes Phone 423-5136 or 423-5104, >lan- P-8, p “ Times-News.______" 40 cows and milking equipment.mcnt. sen. ______—-rr MAC'S K E N N E L S . AKC re g isteere red d CLOSE*( CLOSE-OUT on F o rm ica a t 40c per : 2 4 H O L ” Sfe?tGreat Danes, Samoyeds, Norweg-weg- foot. IBl*Low Building S upply, ?3J* Prlcod from J4S,000 to 565,000. ------Light Industrial Equipment 89 H O U R Take your pick. Also c’aitie caitle Apartments—Aportr FurnUTiGd 70 ll!?! lan E lk h o u n d s, Poodles, C ollies)lllc5 5162. ranches all sizes. Wendell Realty,:cnlty, ------— nnd purebred German Shepherds.jrd s . ------...... Wendell, Idaho, S3&-2274 or eve- SMALL apartmeni for young tei? lady. USED INDUSTRIAL ^ ANSWERINGING SERVICE ^ .• |p|Puppies at all tlmei. 388 4th Ave* M iitlre nuc E a s t, W endell. 536-2317. mMuilcal u i i t o InilruMBnts 124 nlngs M6-2438, 536-2948 or 63G- 636- 535. AlsoA sleeping room, by w eek EQUIPMENT or m onth. 415 2nd A venue N orih. nM It The Tolephono ot)t Any IAdvertiser In This sam oy 2648^.______or me IHC Model AC 220 tru ck traclor SAMOYED p u p p ies, AKC re g iste red . ^ IH ii^ P hone 733-5822. IH k n s w e r o d , D ia l 7 3 3 - 2 3 8 6 . i ninli NEW AND USED 125-ACRE farm located 4 miles -Z!l£E — 777 w ith 220 Cumm ins engine, 5 snd Directory Is Not Answeroc 1 male, 1 female. Reasonable, Dor- ^ . northwest of Burley, Idaho.I. 105 SMALL bachelor apuriment, all ulll- 3 ,transmission, single drive with _ Telephone AnaworingI g ServiS e r v i c e , D a y o r N i g h t . ,o;inyortl\y F le m in g . Phone 530*2117,2117, BANDBA INSTRUMENTS Wendell.______R en t I acrcs under A & B irrigation1 Dis- Uicsincs furnished. {■IS. per month.onth. Neway trailing axle. 10:00x22 The Advertiser W ill B e NotNotified to Call You. _____ R en t before you buy. S h o p early trict. 1500 feet new cement dllth. ditch. CleantCleanest opurtmcDl In town. Phonehone .1. mjf, model ...... J3950,950 TROPICAL1 ROPK FISH and equipment,nent. whllowhile seloctlons are complete, 18 acres alfalfa, balance row crop. 733-521733-5216 after 5 p.m. ____ TDO -j-pg IHC craw lcr w ith doiere r . I.I— —. I .1 I AquarAnuarlums repaired. Fish bought.u g h t. MasonM asoner Music C en ter, 211 Mala 2-bedroom home, oulbulldlng.i.dings. ONE bodrnombo apartment. Very nice-nice...... }i2r.00ir.oo sowsoW und exchanged. Seo ot; 559 Ave. Enst. Pricc; 548.0DO. Mack Crouch Heal- Jyjy fuini.shcd.fuu prlvaif eniriince. t:ar. JCJOHN DEERE Mndel 1010 inic-•ac- Main A vcnuo VVesi. _____ CLOSE-*CLOSEOUT of all 1967 “m odels ' ^ tor, Durley, Idnho. Phono G78-87DO.J.87DO. pnn, water nntl sanitation paid.pald. tor toi loader back hoe ...... S.'iriOOI'ioo FREE:”BTuck and while mule cock-jo ^ Zenith and Curifs Mathis, colored (Icr L is te d h e r e In e o siy-to-find y - to - f in c alphabetical order orere servlcservice offers you can ,, CASTLEFORD n re a . 79 acres. 73.1-7-lC-l.______CASE C/ Vj yard w heel loiwicr cr and bvjagle. Long hnlr. GC;ood ood TV solsots at big sdvlngs an d pay no Priced to sell at 1-arm and Home VERY inice RrDunil floor apartm eni. tiiirto\\\ r ...... SI750 use every day. Contactintact oneo of theso firms o r Individuaindividuals for better ser-'aw K | uiihwllh children.c Will retrieve. Phonohono money unlll February. Calm , 733* apprnlsnl. Having modern home, 3 3 roorrooms nnd butli. uilllties furnish-nish- (•''T i ' Model D-1 Crawler traclorS vice and first qualityity prodiproducts. ■m-48:■Hl-4873. D u h l . ______7111.7111. u t e r ed, I «r 2 older inluli.9, 148 A ustinustln dfizcr ...... iiJSM pup- BUESCHHR tenor sax, M&E 400, amplo outbuildings, full water ed. I nil- GEfeMANGl-RIUA Sfiephcrif female nnd pup- BUESC7 rIglU. A real p ro d u cer. WesiI End A A w w n nue.______u CASE J-/ ROO C raw ler with hydrant- pics. A K C teB lslered. Phonft 878-678- $175. 1Normondy 14 c la rin e t, IBS. lc angle dozer ...... J5000000 ____ Air Conditioning |I _____ Lawn Mower Service ____ Sewing Machines gj“- ‘ Realty, 1012 West Main. PhonePhone 2 2 OROR 33 rooms, baili; shower, private 8r^4, O v erlo o k Trailer V illage,lage, R eal jgood condUlon. 733-0038, 292 543-4409, Buhl. K en P atterson,erson, cn entrance. tru r Good qunllty. Well muln- Air condiilonlng. hcuting und~f”ur-(uf. SharpeningS h a ri repalrlna. Motors rc- Bernina Sew lne Center. 578 BluoBlue Burley. Burl'oj Van B Buren. ser- paired. Power rokcs tor runt. Froe B roker.______(alned tained. Location. Adults only. 227 E L L IO T T S "'L,nace cleaning. F o r Ibo beit ser- p a l lalies Blvd., 733.8757, Ono Ber- b e a/IOLJ g le s '- Reglsiered -“ Pet nn“dn n d REYNOLDSREYN trombone. UsetT'i "M LS" 360 AC R ES, 160 Irrigated.jated, 71h 7th A Avenue North. •______jji Iho vice call Ek F u rn ac e Company,my, p ic k u p . Intermountaln F u e l. 733- ninn O p c n srm . fully automnaUc, atic, Showshow • S tu d S ervice - H eard •> 100 yyears., ears,, Very good condition. 2 ____ 111 O verland Ave., Burley, Idaho v'c 6621. }2[|9 balance dry pasture. 29 head range UPSTAIUPSTAIRS apartment for bachelor,elo r. Phone 678-5585 733733-3287.______^^2 ----- JJM.95. GrandGrandview Drive, mouthjmouthplcces and case. Phone M3* righls. Nice 3 bedroom all modernlern Alla U ut utlltles except lights. Reason-ison- Bo' Bob Houston. Sales RepresentallVQlive Light Fixtures ------;------GERMAN GEHMA Pointer "puppies. Startstart -JM 6267._guhl. iJ _ . hom e. 532,000 w ith term s orr will ^ ab b ie le j rent. 3J2 4fh A venue E nist. s t. ______P hone 733-1490______Aluminum Service — Spraying hunimhunting th is fa ll. M ales and fe* BAND instrumii ent re n ta ls . New and trade for motel or trailer court. ___ Complete Hock of light fUliire,. _____ males. P h o n e 733*3462.______used. Conn, Selm er, B u n d y and Lei us show you this one loday.Sifi' TWO aparlment. All utilities Z ling Chooso your, at our rcducediced furnished. 329 6ih Avenuo N oorih*. rlh . F F a a r n m I m p l e m e n t s 9 0 For T h e DMl In Aluminum Siding Ch< 733- WEED and Insect control. Spray GOLDENgoLDEI Labrador for sale. 1 year _ ArUey. Warner Music Company. Lynwood R ealty, 733-9211. J.:__ ond Insulation Phono Uoyd r.f . prli n r l c c i . BILow Bulldin* S u p p ly , 733- WEE J------P hone 733-2940.______— ■ . .1 ...... anc now for Dandelions, Earwlass and oldold, $$15. C a rl M lchals. 034*5098,5098, CONN woodw clnrfnct, l l k i T n e w , ^ ^ 70 ACRES, verf^mte 3 bedroom —,,r. vl KelK elley 733-0066. _._W ------x ; TWO bedroom olr conditioned clenn cj — Aphids. M. L . F o u ts Customustom Gooding.Ooodlt ______or sax. Conn Constellation, excet> home. Good out bulldlnoa, on high- ■‘’I'iKn® S U G A R B E E T F A R M E R S ------Spraying. 733-5037.______I with ^lorne. Adults only. P h o n e « ------Milking Equipm enf Spn _____ AKC REGISTERED Norwegian Elk- j£5L£5lent condition. 733-5191 a f te r 0. way close to Gooding, «8,500 with Hi, iin ; Boarding & Troining gjjj- 58500 down. Iv erso n R eally,, 934- ______ATTENTION F'ACTORY Bulk milk tank and pipeline service , i , hound p u p p le i. 5 monUis old. GJood ood NEW YcYomaha pianos; u s e d planoT; " a — sa le ,. Ln.well'i, J o ro m o . ^ 324- Telephone loi Answer ServiceIC8 hunters.hunter M7-4454, Hagerman. AdminAdmiral stereo record playeri, 4354, Gooding. C h risty ChrlsUan-sUan- NICEN IC E apartmeniai at Jusi-A-Mere-Inn.■Inn. TO FARMER gjjpOeorSQ's Kennclj! Dourdlnj all — 88fr' E ld erly persons only. P h o n e 733- WarnerMusic,131 Shoshone North, _____ sen, 934-4499. E llen Scoaleld, 888- Elder! CLEARANCE SALE bnbreeds. •^Tralftlng-QH-breeds. ,324-324. ° — ------______— ______------REGISTREGISTERED "Hungarian - Vlzla _____Shoshone.______' 9244. 9244. ___ 9. 24* pups. 5 wedks old. Guy Martin., 172 CONN trtrombono In very good conHi* r - ^ ______424____ 4245. Jerom e. ______Vour Tolephono Is never atone. 24* pups. ' = ______OrnomBntaLkoD ______------JiouiLfleE.vicc^_EhDnfl_233r2afl(},hom _____ Mndls^partn>enls. Phone 733-1057. Q u a rry , m arble, and Terazzo.uo: MARYIV CARTER PAINTS ^ , months old. Playful, Housebroken.iien. BUNDY flute wllh case. Good con- _ fley, g34.4781. G o o d i n g ^ ____ ' Guaranteed workmanship. 733-0j 27. VALLEY TREE SERVICE S!".’,'!,’ r r r r THREE rooms, private balh, ground One-coal acrylic latex house Trlmn OvlnR 733.5126.- S e o -a t 351 Mndlson. .^ dd tfolion. n . Call 733-4847. I f no answer 173 ACRES Wllh uxcellent Improve- ,« Trimming:, ToppinB and ■ Removing r o i ";733.5301; - — ^ ments and plenty of woter. Check-hAru irn floor, r clean, close-ln, older lody. 4 aonly 2 row Wescon Tanksks ------ppaint a l 2 gallons for $8.98. Reg­g- Free efltlmatca. Insured * STOCK puppies for sale. Cross o^ 733^jl any- 550. Call cvcnlnRs. 733-3324. J u l a r $7.08 per gal. B O X 82, T . F . 733-3331 Australian Austra Blue and Border Collie.)iue. DRUM iset. Ludwig set, exceli^ out this farm before you buy any- ^ ------2 only 3 row Lifter Loaderss Color Television thing. Full p rice is only 565.000. . — SAVE 10,08 I 1 I I ______Very Igood. 543*6011, Buhl.______, condUicondiUon. ChrOma a n d p e a rl finish, OUTSTANDING English Setter pup-pup^ P^one 733*7334 after 5:M. Coll C. Harfcy Williams, Hamlettmiett AApartments—Unfurnished partn 71 ^ Buy your color TV ^ NOW d^^B .■ S31 M ain Ave. E . 733-3493.13. Wsoted:Wante Treo lopping ond removal, Renlty. 733-4079.______Dealers Protected on Re- closeout of 10G7 m odels, nnd PAY ‘OV®- p lc s;fo r s a le . P hone 324-4245, JJe- c - NEW WurllticrWi Spinet piano. PhoM. ~r. Twin F a llt Shrubbery Shri trimming. Froo estl- 436-4174. Rupert. If n o an sw er call ^ "MLS” 80 ACRE farm In Buhl area ^ AIR CONDITIONED ferrals fe — Act nowl NOn o MONEY until February of ------VA’’ rome. 436-417^ ------mslmsiei. Wood'* Treo Servlco.■ 733-733* — ■ .1 ,, - ■— ■— oa ftefter r 66:00. equipped /or dairy and suitablele for SPLENDOR I19681tio CAIN'S, Twin Falls. — P a in tin g ______llv llv o e s ito to e . k f o r s a row crop. Largo orlck home. Very soacloSpacious 2 bedroom, carpeted,!d, WESCON, ------Wpnted, 114114 FOR SALE; Used Bundy Clarlnel. aood Inprovem ent. 552.000. T erm s. Hrunetdraped. aU clectric apartment. 2 Stuart Drotheri; lnte7lor an^exte------EExcellent x cellt condition. Phone 733-M31 JIJ- 2401 Warm Springs Ave,,, ____ Concrete Forming stuai a fte r 4 p.m.______' Irrig ated Lands Co.. 733-1070.•______BUI cCarport, a rb o loundry facUlUes. Beau- -TTT rlor, commcrclal and residential.ffi; Towing FOR PROMPT R alphs. 733-8023.______Vlful tlful J recrtaUon park In back.clt', B o ise , Id a h o Meyer's Moye Concrete ConstruqtlnnTAnb 8 S a n d BlasUng 733-1134 o r 733-1948.;948. ------2 DRUM outfit with .c y m b a l. SpsTk- HAVE a it!al fino 80 between Jer- Mako Mako a smart move lo . . . ____ lyptypes. Flatwork, forms, curbs, SlJear Wrecker Scrvice. Addison^ 'R E M O V A L llng blue, great for beginners, top - — ■ ------nutchlng. put etc. Free esilmaicj, 324-324- Interiin t^ lo r and exterior painting. Hour SUfiar ome and Twin Falls. Number 1 . - or contraci. Pre-estimates. Phonelone AveiAvenue W est. Phono 733-1234.I. ^ , ^ condition.conduit Phone 733*7338. ' •«- and 2 soil. Large level fl«ld^n V u l L LYNWOOD MANOR B bea EA TER cleunup salo^WeJConn I*Is 'i '217 l 7 l. 733-5302. 733-7902. ' o r closing out heavy duty ilngleingle _ _ _ _ J ______"33.733-7648. ------Jii Dead and Useless USEDu s e d clarinet cl with c a s e . $50. ^ No rocks. 3 bed ro o m home. 545'* 1 830 Elm Norlh. P h o n e 733*8240, Twin Falls Address drum Si” beaters and devlncj^s. Pricesrices Concreteconci forming, basement, (ounda*i d a * '...... Vacuum Cleaners LIVESTOCK -M-5!' 800. Oood term s. L & N Reol (Ion footing, residential or jom- FOR sale: B Flat Clarinet, ooo^ Estate Co.. Jerome. 324-4800. O f D istin c tio n slashed 5i« to sell. Ali muchlnei new tloi P fcfura F r a m i n g ------559 with full factory warranty. Rub- merclal. me Merlin Deahl, 733-3139. _____ — PHONE COLLECT '^?o"dltllcondition. Phone 733*8940. BY OWNER: 80 acre farm. Ex- {'‘illJVC all M n . Walt Thom o,. 733-366I1 wl —-7 Kirby V acuum s — Tho only factory ^ » nnrt «howlng. (Sorry, no childrenea her flaUs or knives for spudi. 84". ______.. ------L— Largea r g i sto^ of molding, m at board ButhorliedI m| i, Kirby Vacuum Sales WANTED: Used piano In good coiw. cellent location between Twin ond 128“ and 144" widths. Scalpcrs a n d art supplies M agic V alley -nd Jerome, Nice home, shop, V dairy ir? ) f'r" Denial Laboratory and service in Magic VaUey. Uslnsu.“in« I D A H O H I D E dUion. Phone 733*440g. ' ' ____ ovallablc. Dealers protected on re- ______C h rlsU an Supply, 733*3677. genuine JSJ, Kirby parts. We repair ail barn, corrals, potato cellar, sdageUlage CLEAN CLEAN 4 rooms, nrlvatu entrance,mce, ferralf.. fer Wescon. 2401 Wttrm TALLOW CO. GOODg o o d ^ violin for”iale, 3 years old. '“rm p alse plate r“epalrs. 33 years exncrr*eri* ------— ...... ------vacivacuums. Vacuum Cleancrs of Ida- ___ CaU 733-1168 after 6:00 P.m. nil. Call 324-M03. evenings. 324- h eae a l.l, w ater, sanitation fu rn ishhed. e d , Springs spi Ave.. Boise. Iduho 83701.^Ql- en ce. Ambrose L ab ., 207 2nd street 9924 days. J ero m e .______larg e R a d ia to r S e r v ic e Jj-g,ho, C orner B lu e Lakes an d1 2nd TVT W IN F A L L S 733-C835 _____ large parking area. Twin FaUs,alls. yjgjj Q2 comblnei. One EEoi o st. phone 733-4141. ______Avenue E ast. P hone 733*1027. ^ KAY guitar and caso for sale, $40. 40 ACRES, 4 bedroom m odern homiom e. 550. WO. 42 <23.5803.______678-8411 B U R L E Y '^phon'oP hone 733-6846.______Iniernatlonal 57 PTO baler, like ------— XTOM'S O M radiator shop. 242 Second FircpJacc,-utHlty,-Qttached-garago. r e e d - Try~ rago. REED-Apartments.—Sludfo-aparl-}ar(- new. nei Good selection used stvathors. Avenue South. Phone 733-6823;° orqI! Electrolux, only authorized dealerle s le r ------18x65 clnderblock shed, barn, good ment. ment. Quiet rcspcclablo building,ling, oil oil makes. One used InternaUonala D^y Wall ■ AV] for genuine Electrolux cleanenan e n corrals, full water plus year round. Excell' __ re s id e n c e 733-7807. ■ound. E xcellent location. A'dulta only.3nly. 151 isi S.P. combine. Uke new. Twin a— ■ oER ------nnd sunplles. 733-B618. 80Q Bluo r ...... I stream . 530.000. F a rm e rs Realty. ealty, c Call a ll B Beck. 733-0531.______Falls Fa Troclor and Implement. 73j- Ves „ , L“kilakes I3omevard. 543-4050. Buhl.______C L E ^ - — - CLEAN spacious 5 rooms, stove re- 86i ------S tew art.' 733-C5J5. __ R e n ta ls 200 HEAD cow ranch'In Little Woodwood frlgera frlgerator, all utllllles furnished. ,n«y, , ------W ater Softening^ River Valley. One of the best. Less excellc 1956 90 SPECIA L M assey Harris 12’ ------[andy excellent location. P hone 733-0920. com bine wllh rebuU t engine, in* than MOO per. cow unit. Handy -cJH; E le c tric a l C o n tr a c to r s Folding p o i d i chairs, tables, any number,ber, We lervlce si all makes of water >2/ R eally, Jero m e , Idaho. 324-4330, u n u . o * eludes pickup and clover icreen. •<330. H o u s e s — F u rn ljh e d 73 7 3 Excellente x running condition. Phonenone — ------— aall ll occasloni; also trash hauling.ing. .Softeners..Sofli Phone Mlrocle Waterr a ’ts; ^ ------. evenings, 324-5430. , ------034 iJ I ------934-4730 or see a t 662 Nebraskaa.k. /i west of Albert­ ------linlin e e s Gleaned, repaired, a n d in­ r20 AC^ES iouth fide. Row cron -p . irniV E x c a v a tio n «stalled. « i Also, Septic tank cleaned.ted: BORROW ‘ and cattle. Good modern 3 S bed- BARNES REALTY, sons, 302 C asw ell W cit, Bernle 27 C ralg, 733-8293. ’ - — ~ 24 hour service wlUj n o e xipllc ,y .tc m . Ifoio-tlUlng.ftff Septic S e p tI tanks cleaned, power equlp- 160-ACRE stock ranch focatedd inIn ' Reasonable. j}® Fred Huklll, 438-5171,!? ‘j SatisfactionQ o isu rcd . Olciin Fair-ilf. ment J J ' for drainage failures. Free -— Foul. Call before 7 o.m. or after b hnn a n k i & Son, 733-3oei, InspecU •'J*l on. Uoyd C rav e n s. OT- 733- Ask tor CUsslfied 'i ' Lincoln C ounty. 528,000, 57500 MODERNm o d EU 1 bedroom. No childirndren . 7 7 p.m.r ______■ down. Drydon Agency, Jerome,°iilr ornr pots,nei must have references, S ir Would llko doier work and tiacWIII.m: " - I ■ 324-5232. E d P elU t, aalosm an,' 324- P p hone h o n e 733-1411. ONE ONE No. 5 Curl potato harveiter. Woult -T-- Threo Lockwood bulk bedi. One l“ B- C. A. P n rro lt. Phono J33-B5S3,)89, _- - ■ • ...... - — ^ 2 ROOM housti. Water ond sunlta.U‘iJ* Johnjo» Deere spud digger. Ono Johnlohn Twin Pall., ■______FARM AND RANCH loans, largei ^ tlon^fu I 'I ar^. tion furnished. 676 All. Phone 7J3- 733. Deere pc potato devlner. 324-4153> °ror llockhou work. Speclallilng In Sepilc)Uc T 1 • mall, devolopment, refinance. 2278 0 2278 o r 733-8401. ______324-205G. 324.2^ Laraen B rothers.______tanks nnd drain ffeJd Insiallollon. I Lloyd Roberson Agency. 230 Main ^ HAVE THE NAME OF YOUR BUSINESSDU O R SERVICB n Avenue N orth, 733-88BS.______^‘VFURNISHED S h irJ 40' trailer houau. No i?0H j?oH SALE: 91 IHC self . nropulledilled HaVHokcn Sewer Scrvice. 733-2MI. : children or p ets/P h o n e 733-1144. jjcd ring ------— ------— ^ 110 ACRES 2 .m iles from Jerom e. 110 ...S " ^ *4. bean'Bpoclal combine; with iprlng " 125 7lh STREET Et>st. 3 ro o m houseouse cylinder cyl and groin cylinder. Leo* Furnace Cleaning ^ PUBLISHED IN THI^THi; DLBUSINESS — Ihares of water, Nice older home. 'v? “ ilh. nard Pedrow, Flier. 326-4807. ' Only $40,000..Jerome ReaUy andqJijI _ partly furnished. 545 per monlh. nai ^»»m‘«ncen24M388;------— ...... H o u i o i SEU Iho all new 34 nnd 38 John'ohn FurniFurnaco cleaned . aervlced, $10; oil H o u i o i —U nfurnished ■ -74 IJeero forage harvcstDfi. Oemlem ito>slovei, $6.-U-years.-experience. - —...... SERVICE GUII^EOUlliEOFTHE 0 80 ACRE form, northside, good Im- " rive Work guarantcoJ. 733«7234. provements, good land, Jays good.Lln}' SMALL 2 bodroutn house .on small[nun , Equipmonl Kq .soles, EnaUnnd Drive Woi lol. 249 4th Avoiiue N orth. (4 0 . Coll South. Sot 733-7272. . — 733-3288.______■ ___ _ FOR YOUR Delaval~r«pn(rs^aiitl^ F u o l O i l FARMS AND RANCHES - BuyingIHwJS M ODERN 2 bedroom home for smallmall , dairydal supplies contact! Mountain _____ or selling. Phone Dlaye Renlty,•nltv family, Nice yard. Garage SouthQuth Htiitos Stii 'Im plem ent, 126 2nd South,Uth, F o r stoa v e and fu rn aco oil, calfUem 7n3-fl432. !______Stal kes t 3 - u S I B 3 a l D . ^ 733-7004, ______r of Kimberly. • 42H002,______733 ___ S la te Oil, 733-6002. Our /uel makes rac-i warm fr/endi. % 1LS" 80 ACRES.- WlU trade77 fo 7 7 r f o U H t roonts with, bulh. O a s 7 fuT- u F ALM ALM' OST now C ase 430 DleicI (rnc-, w ai i 740 tor. J u s t 170 h o u rs. ZUlnu Motor hoino In town or good paper. TheThn nam n ce i,., adults only, no pelB. 740 (or F or Blove and fu rn aco oil, call Oemem Land Office of Idaho, W3-0710,0 All Avenue. 733.0H0. Company, Coi Wendell. Idaho. fl3Q.5111, S ta te Oil, 733.9002. Our fuel makeskes ------■ :------:----- i-DEDRCil-UEDRUOM home. Stoker furnnce.KcS; C C R lO EQU IPM EN T Co.. "lllKhway 227, ^ wwn o rm frionds, Roaf Eifofe For Trad# 53 Near i ichooli, ihoppiftg. ChildrenJren south sou of Paul. J. I. Cnie farmarm ------— ------■“* fubl)»hed vmJer 1h». h so d lnig jj ol ywryour cholc* . . . (vtry doyl 1 _ —r—- ncceptcd. 100 Blue Lnkes N o rlhh, . m m achinery a Sales ond Servlco. EXCHANOU whftt you hnve /or whnt G u n R e p a ir ------you want,- Rocky Mountnin Realty,Jl (V RENT-or-lonio-wiui N option to, buy,[my? C C R » ^ lA Y co tn b in t for sale. O o o d ______------T - - ,___— DELIVEREDED TO 21,0002 ^ ' 711.' 2-3 bodroom home, Newly painted,Ited. condltlou; con Phond (I33-4307, Hollli*illll* J e rryr r y 's Gun Shop. Completi gun* a180 II. 'Imonlh, 2D1 Vnii Jluivn, <#r. («r smimlthlng. i Rod-reel repair, PhonoZ MAGIC VALLEY HOUSEf*HOUSEHOLDS DAIIYI - . .j ... - ..... -■ ■ a-UEDROOM homo. New gna TiiT fur* GHHL M iT slngfq row m n Uinptior. ?33*733*5907, in jio t w eit Of hospl*l’l- P H O N E Y O U R A\D D TODATODAYI 733-0931, V i • c a s h ’ plu, tarm tor well.jocnlml ilox ta l. ______niolol. Rocky Mountain IWalty,.Mlv <^nace. Wniliopdryer hook-up. 309 Used Us< 3 soRsnns. 324-O^BO or Ilox tal. 8 - l ‘t wiwi.HW.utM'Wiu.tit.W i Eve- Tcrrni;o Drive. fa.B4H. 191, 191, Jerom g, Id ah o . ______“ — W E 'L L DILLLL YOU ILATERI 812 Mnln N orth, 733-1406, E ve- — IJ5 ; _ H o u s o m o v ln g ^ nlngs. 733-.7102. ______3 ROOMROOMS, bnlli, 3 sKives. Nice 'Tor for To 10 INCira-noInt, II iwo^huUoin plow, _ A TRAINED AD-WRITERVRITER W ILL H E L P Y O U . ^ “A bulletin h«i ju»t oom«« In . . . bibut (liough bad n iw i' W ill iTnTIo iMplox noarTollege l i\ lU idenl b u p lc. MO, 733-tiOI5. _ HW 320-4^/25. ___ _ ilixperlenivil J ™ lic .n ie il hou.eiuiiylhB,im...... Twm I'olli-for trnilor home. CallC all 2 2 lU BEDROOM iD Il fuHnci -Newly pnlnl^lr a ALLIS-GUALMERB X tu All vrui) beannan PPriio r t Hllmmei. 11. U., M ll«r,er, ______- - - _ fortodayl"•todayl" i, 1 - 733-3114. i1 In iid i iand out. 169. P h o n o 733.DO07.>097, combine. con Phone 924>4228, Jerome,nie. phop h o n # 733-0078. ' I .... Get in thefhe Swing,! Everybody'! E' ly's Havingg IFun withh IPatio, Pore'orch & Garag■rage Sales

. ______2 0 0 14. Twin Falls Times-Newsews MiscellaMiicelloneom for,Sola 14040 Aircraft Airc for Salo 165 MoMobile Homes 194 iAUTOS FOR SALE ______2 0JO 0 AAUTOS t FOR SALE ^ ______Aug. 29-30, 1967 = CHAPMAN CERAMICSj REEDER FLYING SERVICECE Radio an d TV S e ts 12^125 SKuitSKult KKilns. Lots ot stecnwnre.f------P i>r HiB bial deiil In Alrcratt------==i^-« l3 Malr> , 37li-m Fllur^ _ For low cost Flight Instruction!^ S3695 ~ m--iiilirT~t!? A'5r 7itc;CQrarai| - W EJiOPE H f - you niime U, WC have ll us Tow W 'OWER 68,0006G homemulSfs-fSIVTTfe -fioa:-floals for Sgia------Wl * y -^iCKW— -SreAW PERr—= -- r - m- I L L L S = mso, M & Y Electric, 441 Main Mam wrong. wrong. They ’ use new Host to clean““h “ CHRYSLERpiT outboard motors.irs. li19G5 'Ciievrolet picitup, '/i- East, open, Frldny *tll 3.______Ihelr ihelr carpel c without water und**!:“ g^nStar Crafl boats and camper *, TO SAVE YOU m o n e y ’ ON YYOUR O U R NEXT CAR TRADE N1:\V $79 Svlvnnlrt record chunBcr.icer, Wrong. Wrong. TTic'y ' use new Hosi to clean trailers. Sterling boai, trailers.?“/ ton, big ‘6 ’, 4-speed, 30,000 «950 Dcautl/ul tJipesirles, «,50 «,M their their carpet, cc without w..oter and Pioneer Chain saws. 3'actual miles. New Pickup un Used T.V.s. H12 Kimberlyberly w«lk w«lk on oi Immediately. Rent ma- JEROME IMPLEMENT & r. : F A M IL Y F A I R WON’T YOUT]f O U T R Y USJ . Rofld. ... ^ y chine $1.’ $ Wllson-Dalcs. 702 Main MARINA J'camper 814’ Traveleze with'ith 7^^ Jlorth.______001 South Lincoln 324-4641641 hi heater and M onomatic toi- '63 GALAXIE ...... $1345J45 '59 '59 OLDS 0 ...... $295 ‘fAI’B recorders.' TVs', stereOL.op- 500 2-door hardtop. V8, 4-i 4-door. Radio, healer, aulo* nllunccs. New and used, pimoramcra CANNING CANNING size pressure cooker wilh JOHNSONj q u , outboards and Skee Hor- let- automatic trans-1 s- mmatlc transmission, power Center and Unli of Music.______accessories. acccssoi Slone jars to 15 guHon,!»n --g Dntsuns, McCulloch saws - SA A L E - mission, power steering■Ing br brakes, power steering, ' I r IIOl'l'MAN Easy Vision wllh with size. slic. Large L heavy dutch oven.,J1 ‘ and outboards. Dean Motor Coen- Com- 17'1' TRAVEL TRAILER,'R nnd brakes. Extra sharp.rp. Hand. S35. Phone 733-(284. Large Large Iron sklllel. Glass churn. 8 ------— Assorted AssortC( large pans. Ico cream•am _ *26 2nd Avenue West. _ ___ 1964,jj very good condition,on' li1967 PLYMOUTH FURY III 4-door4-doo hardtop. V , radio, heat- vn! . er, power steering, pow power er bibraltes, Torquefiite. This’ is ’65'’65'PLYMOUTH . . . . $1995)95 ’62 '62 CHRYSLER C: ...... $995 ^ 3 0 fn>ezer. 733-2100.______16' jg' BASINCRAFT. B 50 H.P. Evinrude.rude, W with heater and front awn- 5BV 300 4-door hardtop. Radio, Garage S ile s 130 nts electric stun. Sklls, trnller. Wtll a PLYMOUTH DIVISIONSION LEASELE CAR, like new, onlynly Sports Fury 2-door. ‘383‘ 30 ° ______---- SCOPES,SCOPES. binoculars, pistols, tents. elC' ing and rock guard. V8. power steering. 4-spcedpXi heater, *‘f automatic transmis­ RUmiAGE iSALE:_ 1 alecplngsleeping bags, luggane, trunks, rid’ rid- finance 100 per cent to right party. SH 9,000 miles, factory w arrantyarranty. sion. power steorlng. power —&35.5.')35. Gooding.G ______EBE SURE TO SEE Magicgie ...... ,...... :...... $1495 matching interior. Clean. ’63 O'! VOLKSWAGEN » .. $895 enstnb Orchard. 2 miles north,th, 1 PAINTpainT fort> house, barn und tquip- Jis- Convertible. Rebuilt motor. milo west of west 5 points.______menl:ment; 1 Top quality, wholesale price Valley and Reed Mfg’s. dis­ 295 ... New-4op.-...... ■■ U.SED ;play at the Fair! I!1965 CLASSIC 4-doof sedan.in. Heater Heati and overdrive. ' '64*64 RAMBtER $1295 ... n' BARTLETT pears now rwudy at1 the Farm *•& City Distributing. 633 A r Wagon. 6 -cyllnder with i-t ^ Gmirlev Orchard. 2 miles west,35t, 0 Main E ast. ______. ^ ...... ;...... $1595y o overdrive. Low. low mile-’lie. ’63.CHRYSLER ^ ...j. $1695 miles norlh of Deadmans corner.rner. STOCKcTOric • hay - utility trailers, ^ new HOTORCYCLES^ S vWE ARE CLOSED Salur-lur- age., 300 3C J 2-door hardtop. Full _ • .Vi6-5630. Flier.______undunj used.us All sizes for all Jobs. day nnd Sunday d u rin g the power, 413 engine with dual CORN for canning and freezing.jrlng. Snper'a Trailers. 251 4lh Avenue°nuo 1966 19 SUZUKI X 6 ...... $599 1964 PLYMOUTH BELVEDEREEDERE 4-door. V8, radio, heater, .rt'65 CHEVROLET . . . . $2095ngi? rum’ n IndueHon carbs and Phono 733-J013. 1102 North DluuBluu West.______,— Y/YAMAHA 125 ...... $.125■125 * standard transmission,Dn, 3,000 m iles. .EXCEPTIONAL. Impnla Super Sport conver- sliarp. V This car is a real Lahes. Closed Sundays.______GIRLS 26"2< bicycle. Good condJU^^ .■y, Q /r , tlble. '.1.06’ VB. power sivc-r- HALE Haven pcQChes now ready•eady Warner electroplate baby shoelj,™' 'YAIMAHA 80 T rail ...... S150 iMAGIC Y'A LLEY:y , ...... $1295 ■ Ing* nnd brakes, nutomuticlltic nt the Crystal Springs Orchnru.hnrd, bronzingbronzln set. mcludlng inslruc-ruc- HONDA HC 50 Sport ...... $125 ^ I transmission. A very shurp‘“■p '66 ’gfj PONTIAC p ...... $3195 - -Filer...... - .... tlgnfi. tlgnfi. 3 324-2425, Jerome.____ '------HONDA 150 ...... $175!175 MOBILE HOMES n 4-wheel drive, radio, heater, lock-ick- . “"II- Unnncvllld11, 4-door hartltop, RED SPUDS, -carrots, 1102 North RENT a portable air conditioner,ner. ^ 1964 JEEP WAGONEER 4-wheel _ Closed .Snturdavs nnd Sundnys o ut hubs. JA- I'ull power and air condl- Dluo Lakes. 733*1619, No Sundaymday Use Inin any room. Banner Furni- SALES r SERVICEE 2''/i miles west Hlway 30 733-6141 '61 CHRYSLER ...... $895 tlonlng. ,,, New premium Hr's. I saleS;______. ture, piphone 733-1421.______Q k New Yorker 4 • door. I-ull•ull low lo mileage. WHOLESALE beef by half or ()uar- <|uar- STOW-a-\STOW-a-way bed for rent. $2.50 a ...... $1995 power and air conditioning.18. ter. Cul and wrapped. Phone>hone week. Banner Furniture, phone ACCESSORIES — North Main Lockcrs, 733-4982. 733-1421733-1421-______L(0)(0)K 1963 1! MERCURY COLONYJY PARKPAR Station Wagon. Radio,Iio, ’65 CHEVROLET .... $18953!)5 ’64 ’64 RAMBLER R ...... $1295 . CORN; cucumbers-, beans andI red USED USIU milk tanks, used pipe- heater, power steering,ng, automatic,autor top luggage carrier.ler. hnpnla 4-door sedan. Pndlo,dlo, Clnsslc ci CCO. 4-door sedan. 0- potatoes. Langs Nursery, 405 Gard- lines. New Boumutic pipelines.jW- BLUE LAKES KROPF - SCHULT henter. automatic transmis-nis- cylinder, cj automatic trans- ner.______LaswellLasweirs. Jerome, .324-4381.____^ CYCLE SHOP’ - FLEETWOOD - ...... $1295y{) slon. power steering, powerwer mission, ni radio, white side­ GREEN beans, corn, and lomatoes.atoes. STONE ;pickle Jar^. All sizes. Red's The DCsi nnd Lowest brakes, V8 engine. wall w tires, low mileage. I'or ■ Lnrce red rhubarb. 403 Quincy,ilncy. Trading Posi, 215 Shoshono St.■ So So. 1115 Dlue Lakes Norih a financing and Insurance. j, ,. economy, et see ihls car. 733-8233.______733-354(733-354G. _ __ Alway.s the be.st price Will be closed Saturdays^ 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA\L A SPORTSP COUPE. V8, radio, .^5’qs MERCURY ...... S1895895 TOMATOES for sale. $2 bushel.jshel. WE REBUILDRE] hydraulic Jackss at on motorcycles heater, automatic. 4-door with Breezeway,'«y. ’65 ’65 CHRYSLERQ ...... $2795 Lawrence Ave., basement house,use, Abbott'Abbott's Auto Supply, 121 3rd Ave- ---- ___ and Sundays n r power steering and brake,'. New Yorker town Sedan, “— ------^ ------—“ “ nue W568. .'>568. 130 i: Taylor West, Kimberly.rly. MILLER] HONDA SALES t „ 1960 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DOOR3 0 R SEDAN.SE! und old boules. Antique Shop, Q{^j omi?7 officenff lypewriier, 1 portable.able. WeW sell only Hondas. Service __ ;QP: ’62 T-BIRD ...... J1595595 '61 '61 DODGE D ...... $795 Hnjtcrman, Jdnho.______Hko new for salo or trntiQ Iorlor ononly Hondas. Wc uru well slock­ Af.L UNITS ...... $395 Power steering and brakes,kes, 3 3sL'iUer wagon. A real good REasONAULY priced: Washstands,ands, livestock. livesto< 53C-2741, Wendcll,____ eded. Open every day nnd evo- nir condilioning, new Urea.res. one. oi V8. automaiic trans­ clocks, frames, round tables, love TRIFTEXt r i r t f ' 9 X 12’ linoleum rugs.■ucs ^ nl'nine- 3 blocks soulh on Rotk"‘it EXCELLENT] CONDITIONON 1959I OLDS 2-DOOR HARDTOP.DTOP. I Radio, heater, power steer-5er- A sharpie. mission. m seats, desks, rockers, trunks.• 43B- $6,05 sJU Assorted patterns. Bannernncf ' Creek r Roud, Hansen. Phone 423- J ing, power brakes, autom ati'atic. 5950 nnytlmo. Paul. . . _ __ Furnhure. pjirnUi 733-1421.______- 45179. ^ __ ].l-inG5 6 ??dgc"V8. A-lOO van. - PICKUPS - iJA NEARLY new acetylene welding "THd and 10^^* HONDA- 305, l.lko.'nviw. 4000 1 i-i%- 5 I-ORU Super. Duty Econ-con- M iscellaneous f o r Sale 140 cutting torch. 1548 3rd Avenuesnue nctualnc miles. Forced to .sell:ll at ollne van ...... ?S95 '59 CHEVROI.ET . . . . $850850 *60 *60 DODGE D ...... $995 ictor. East, Twin Falls.______$525. Must see to nppreclntc.clnte. 1-1—1060 fJMC Handy m an vnn. BATTERIES for car, truck, tractor. East, 1 Phone 733-4161,______All vans would make ex- 11959 CHEVROLET 2-door.r. 6-cylii-cylinder, standjfjl, shift withvith 6-cyllnder. I.nng j , wide Vvloti 6-cylinder. Ton (luallly Hood brand, whole-'hole- FOR sale.salt 8 ’ snack bar. Phone 733- ---- cellent mobile campers. aaio price. Farm & City- 'Dlslrl-)lfllrl- 252G. YAMAHA YAN lOOcc Trallmaster. Excel- , overdrive. 4sj)eod. butlng. 633 Main East. —-- — ■ '-- ’------—- “ lerlenl condition. 3 monihs old. PhonethnnL' ‘"’‘1 I 1*’^’ C'HEVY 1^. ’60 CHEVROLET .... $795795 ^ ton, VR. 3-.speed pickupsKupa y o R-cylinder leq f WINDOW SHADES;'Jl, Si up. ^ Sides MMiscellaneous lieellJ Wanted 141 32fi-S.3-1ft. Filer.______----- with ulllliy bodies...... ,...... $395 ennlne, fi-pty tires, trullcr '59 OMC ...... $790 3G" to 54” odd sires cut free. ’"7 _ YAMAHA. 10G5. flO rc. F.xct'llcnlI con- 1*1—10B4 7 HONDA Scrambler — les.s than 23’ NASHUA...... $895595 Volhswapen. Also Gfbson electric'er 6 iocatlon.S ? . * Box 0-14. Times-News.ra 700 70( miles. Like new. J325. Phone’tione CHAHLIE’S THUCKS i ...... $195y o TRAILER. Shower and toi- ’62 ’62 DODGE D ...... $1095 Bullar. 324-4185. Jerome, after S. " — 7.33-1842 or 7:i3-5.')50. ■liQUIPMIXNT. let, gas stove with oven. PUMPS; Irrigation and domestic.-777 WANTED; o'5;,!,hTn Furniture, appliances,ices, - _Zi: ----- 2IOWestAvu.21 A Jerome 324-4362 water heater. Just right 7o"r for Any alre. Sleel •pipelines. QuickS cii “nythlnK pt value Call 7^3-7754. FOR p o „ SALE: 2 motorcycles. Topper _T — ' ■ 1.1-;E PONTIAC — OPEN TIL 8 - FRFRIDAY 'TIL 9 flint mountain cabin. ctrid ______r . - _ . . ______ScooterSc 17r>cc nnd an Indian .^^»0(;c,-*“^ Instnllotlon. Klylnger Eloctrld, ______1 ^ 2 See ut 1081 Poplar. Call 733-.»)20^]1 GMC TRUCKS - IN JEROME>ME phono 733-5728. __ _ MiscelUMiscellaneous Service 142 •'-".-j! UOSS I.1-E l-OUU. INC. ^ - TRUCKS - DUCORATING Problems?' LetL et ------106 lOGGG TRIUMPH TT .ipecl/il. Neww en-c .„ .______L'Herlsson's help you brlphten; i»ino. many exUus. Phone 72G-523I.1-5231. HhHEHL: l.s th^.- bcbl buy fur $1550. ) '58 DODGE ’52 '52 GMCC, nroblem rooms. F ree consultation.£ ; S E A R S iieketchum.------SlHiilSI u'hci'lbasc 1956 (.^hcvrolotm 2- W I L L S UUSED S I CARS » 2-ton 18‘ hay bed. ID wheel-eel- 2 2-ii>-ii'n liav truck, 16’ bed with L'Herlsson'a. Jeromo. 324-53GI. pyy, ------ton.U 'liSJ' VH wUh'U.2U0 milesics on cr, ovcisliot,0' CUSTOM KITCHEN 7“ i g o rebuiUI. fi-speed ii.iiisinlbsion, 2- ' Truckck Lane We.st SUNSET Memorial . Pork.-'»V,alley FREE p h e e " SERVICES: Free Idea=a C a m p e r.______I* M "speed axle, A-l 8,25 tires 6 hole View area, full section (fl llurlnlWLI?' {,book. ,Freo export consultation. T— 7 ";— Budd wheels, oversize Ifi' .nVio' grain Office Phone 733-7365i '48 ClIEVROI.ET ’64 ’64 CHEVROI.ETC spaces). Only JI.OOO. Phono^33- Free j floor plans. Free coloror KAMPAWAY campers and nlckupickup beet^1 bed. Licensed for 24.000. Very t 2-ton 14’ grain bed. 2 2--ton. long wheelbase, big ______sketch. Qunllty Instnllntlon. Nog,, covers. Largo selection plus lowestowest -• cleiin,^.| .124-44211. Jerome. ■*-LOWELL WILLS DICK)IC K B(B O Y D ERNIH W IL LS G-cyllnder engine. 4-specd ALUMINUM atorm doors (seitsior-•slor- money down on Sears moderniz*I2. prices. G. & G. Manufucnirlng? Co.. rnr Vfl with van. 733-6562 733-054;733-0542______733-4888 trtransmission, 2-specd rear Jnfi). reg. $34.95, now — 526,59.26,59. ing crecredit plan.______Paul. Idaho 43B-4.‘)80. ___ Iksi Buy Aulo Sales, 507 Main —------=— ------’61 FORD axle. a: 825.X20 Ilres. A. C. Houston Lumber (formerly------8' SLlDE-lN cumner. LouveredI win- West.W Open 7 days a week.:. 733- T700 tandem drive V8. 5- ... _ Homo Lumber) 733^2214. ^ Bikes & Mo^o.r Scooters 157 ® dows;jo No appliances. 5250. Dial !)•9^46,______speed main. 3-speed auxll-xif: bU i'l ’60 FORD DAVIS highway nylon cord fi:50xlG50x16 ONE ONE use used 26” bike for sale. Phone ____ _ ^ SCOUT, i960, 80. 4x4. full top cover. lary transmission. Major0 r 2 2-lon- dump truck 5-speed. iruck tires, 6:50x16. S17.95 plusJ fed- 423-5238423-5238. Hansen. 3 V/VACATION trailers. Like new.V. 14- hihubs, like new, 4.000 miles. J2475. overhaul recently. CJopd 000 2-spoed,2- V8 engine, In top craft tax S2C5. Western Aulo. — ------;-----—------——---- 15‘A15' feel. Webb’s Chevron, 310) Sho- CCameron Sales, Rupurt. phono 436- ' rubber, new king pins, will sl shape. Twin Falla. Sportln;Sporting Goods 1591 59 shrsoii up.‘I Reatorable. runs. p«x^d CDIHii- coinii- • ___ 3 — l-ton dual wheeled trucks A good buy. 733-5666 daytime,, 733- Good condition. Phono 438-2843,J843, PhonePh C55-42C3.______J*tlon. Also A parls to sell. Phone 1 ^ • ^ / ’60 GMC ' . ^ ------Donald Capps,-733.42S4,- — - 2.ion..Jon8 wheelbase, V8 ------67al-aflor-5:00-p.m. - • • --. -- —Pauir- —Paulr- -...... • ------5SPECIAL:pE e^foot pickup campers. ~ „y* 103-USED- UNITS IN STOCK liono- 'H''® INTl-UNATtONAl, ciib-ovcr. lli englno. 4-speed trunsmls- ■■ ^ $375 $3: while they lust. Park's Cono- foot van. Excellent condition.M Sell F inte e ( C ars slon 2-speed reur axle, 825x CO,co, Jerome. truck or van separately. 5-spced.speed. 20 Ures. '■** 13 13 — — 2-ton tru c k s in slock .. ------2-uxle.2- 7.13-2H37,______'I Mobile Homes 19419 4 jei JEEP pickup. 4-whecl drive, new 1966 J FORD GALAXIEE 500 2-door2 Hardtop ___ englno nnd tires. Wurn hubs. Good'■""'I ‘352’ engine, automlatic atic transmission,trar power steering, \ ------c'; condition. $550. See ul 723 North lg. B O B R E E E E S E ’S AD DEAD]A D L I N E S^ ^ COME AND SEE _ii12th, Buhl.______low mileage. lflri5 CHl-VY with bed cunopy.-. Has ...... SPECIALS PRICE $2195 M O B IL E H O M ES ‘“-liooil i tlivs. Just overhauled., Me- chanically good. $395 . 733-5236. j M arlette — Magnolia _!j L 1965 MERCURY MONTERENTEREY 2-door Hardtop D O D GS E (C I T Y Cltampion KENWORTH cab-over dlesei truck. FOR7 0 R Also tandem seml-trauer with1 belt.'belt. Beautiful Sultana white,ivhite, “3!‘390’ VS engine, all of Mer- ^ .....■ neasonable. 536-2511.______cury's luxury equipment.sment. dPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 8 —- 500 BlotBlock 2nd Avenue South TRAVEL TRAILERS3 $400. fiMTTinSG Heavy duty U'vtonVvlon c jg j ______Kcpny Moon — Winn Ellis — Jo e Butler truck.tr 1845 San LaRue. Phono ...... SPECIAL PRICE $2495 ____ Traveleze — Aristocrat 7:t3-G.'i.’)2,______v,-. lOGl WHITE dlesei tructor. lOGlrois: Gen- "Iges1 OLDSMOBILE 4-door1-door IHardtop CLASSIF5 S I F I E D Roadrunner eral trnllcr, doublo deck, 40 foot. 432-2fifi5, Murtaugh.______' ^oot. Automatic transmission,ssion, papower, new car trade-in. PICKUP CAMPERS) IS 19,')8 G.M,C. pickup V-fi. 4 spocd.speed...... SSPECIAL PRICE $2395. ' A -l BUBUYS ILongj wheelbase. Excellent condi­condl- If you want youry o u r ad a d to1 a p p e a r : Winnebago _i!ltion. $ri50. 733-1870. ___ ] 1966 CHEVROLET BELAIRELAIR Sedan 1^ MAGIC VALLEY INTERNATfONALONAL Low mileage. TravelT: Trailer Rentals III Trucks nml Industrial Tractori.ictors. g 304 4lh Avenuo West, 733-4200...... SPECIAL PRICE $1695 MONDAY MOTOR HOMES -i? « U N I O N MMOTORS C Aulos For S als 200 1 9 6 r m e r c u r y M ONTEREY N T E R E Custom 4-door Breezeway. Fully equipped,e low mileage, 1 (Ads m ust bo 'receivedIvcd by noon Saiurday) GATEWAY - No Gimmicks 1 '65 C H E V 4 -d o o r ’65 ’t FORD Wagon TRAILER CENTER ov.’ner. _ • ' , Here's Ilert our top A-l buy that has 66-cyllnder,-cylln< standard transmission, - AddUsonAdi West 7:13-2410 ...... ,...... SPECIALS PRICE $1495iqi; vjeiV8 engine, Power Glide, poweriver radio, radio. heater. You will like the Rear Dean’s Rlchrield "o No Wild Claims iteerlng, real nicely equipped.d. cconomy econon on this lop A-I buy. OPENDP DAILY: 8 n.m. to G p.m. $1795. $1450 , TUESDAY OPENOP SUN,: 10 u.m. lo 6 p.m. Just Honest Dealingss 19631 F O R D G A L A X IEI 500 4-door4-t Sedan Locally owned, fullyly equippequipped. ’G2 F O R D T -B ird ’61 *61 DODGE Travelall (Ads m u st be receivedIved by 5:00 p.m. Monday) - MOBILE HOMES -Kl, 19G5 F O R D ...... s:...... SPECIAL PRICE $119595 you You’re' bound to appreciate tho lhe Wagon. Wanon This rugged unit will starSla Crafl — New Moon — KU _ fine care of this luxury Thunder- take you , to the summertime'' 8-10-12-20-25'8-H wide, up lo 60' long.nn GalaxleV.‘ 500 2-door hardtop. Ra.Ra* bird. You’ll enjoy tho savings on fishinc _J* dlo, heater, automatic transmis- 1964 ] COMET SPORT S Sedan e d a n Sif.'*' fishing and recreation spots. - TRAVEI. TRAILERS -“ ‘‘Islon, power steering, power this A-l buy. $695 Kit-Alotia — 13.25' i,rbrakes, whilo sldewnlls. B ig ,6-cylinder engine,ne. standardstani! Iransmission, 1 own-m- $1495 WEDNESDAYAY SALES - SERVICE er car. PARTS ~ SUPPLIESES 5>395 ’65 DODGE Polara ...... SPECIALS PRICE $1295!95 'I ’59 PONTIAC 4-door (Ads m u s t be received by 5:00 BAKER’S MOBILE HOMES 4-door sedan. V8, automatic, ex- ved by 5:00 p.m. Tucsdny) Honest Prices — FnIr Dealings _ 19G4 F O R D You'dYou' really expect to pay more cellcnl cellent Midnight blue Hnlsh with ® Falcon Sprint. Radio, heMer, 1963 1] COMET 4-Door Station Wagon for ' this dependable buy. niutchlng niutchl Interior. 11 YF.AHS SERVING V8, 4-spccd, whlto wall tires. MAGIC VALLEY ^8 Big 6-cylinder engine,ine, standardstan transjDlsslon, whitoito «60 . $1895 Y ^ 412 Addison ,Ave. West 733 3258’58 $H95 wall tires. Sold newi-Stvi-St TheisenThe Mottir.';. ’cc’66 R A M B L E R C la ss ic THURSDAY 1964 CHEVROLET ...... SPECIAL ( PRICE $895'95 ■uo'. ‘770’. This immaculate low mile.1!;. ’66 00 MERCURY 4-door Impala , 4 • door sedan. Radio,lllo, - - 1 ^ __• age new Ford irade-in ha# atan-an- This This new r Ford trade-in Is in (Ads must be receivedved by 5:00 p.m.r Wedtibsday)' SIMPSONS l'lheater, luitomutlc transmission, 196011 CHEVROLET Stationation Wagon durd transmission, radio, seateat showroom ahowro condition and you’re ' IN RU PERT power pi; Iteerlng, power brakes, belts and all tho extras. / / sure lure to tc apprecluto this fine buy. while wall tires, ‘1127' V8 . 6-cyilnder, standard1 transmitransmission with overdrive, ab­lb- $1795 $2295 Spcclniizi; in you ^ $1095 ide and out. .md your iicetls. solutely pcrfect inside and * Broadniore ^■Fleetwood ...... SPECIALJ PRICE $69595 'G2 C H E V 4 -d o o r '' ’6 ’6 6 6 VOLKS V( Station Wagon FRIDAY-, 3d 19G3 B U IC K 6-cyllnder-cyl engine with standard4fd Here's Here's a llhc-ncw trade-in that Security uLcSnbro 4-door sedan. Radio, 1961 It RAMBLER Stationon WagWagon f“n;tranBmlsslon. If It's economy you'OU -ia ia loaded lon with lots of extra (Ads must be receivedved by 5:00 ]p.m . Thursday) ______llCIheater, nutomutic tran.imlsalon, want, bo lure and see this one.ne.. • ' ’-ctii^lpment. I. ’ Big 6-cylinder engine, stni SALESALO or trndo 1905 Kit 10' trullcr power .t»;rlnB pow,r brak... ;ine, standard trnnsmlsslon with'‘h $795 I house.hou Biituno refrigerator, heater,ater. • ■■. overdrive, runs good.)d. !; rcMil clean nr tru»!e on lato model 77 -COMMERmii- H'lfself cuntalncd around ‘20’, 32Q-5138, ...... SPECIALS PRICE $277 M E R m i i - " ■ ■ l-IU'Filer. ______^ PICKUPS JJ 1955 FORD i/j-TON Pldtpp’ lc k (ip . ’59 F O R D P ic k u p ■62 ’62 WILLYS Pickup ^ lO.'iB FLAMINaO 10x45 1 bedroom. 4-speed. ityleilds box. a realcal Grip Grl[> llrcs,' t 4-whcel drive with $$2ri00.2r.(] Prefer trado camper or 19GG GM C V8 engine, 4-specd transm transmis ission, good tires. bargain, hubs. hubs. smnll O'-witif for pftrl ,pnyment.lent. U.iU'ton bichup. O-cyllnder, S-spcGd.'I ...... SPECIAL£ PRICE $28585 $650 ...... SUNDAYfNDAY pPhone i 7:i3-r>u:i7.______$1795 $665 FOR SALE fl.x35 Iraller houso. Phonetone If1958 BUICK 4-DOOR S Sedan e d a n ’'G5 F O R D F a lc o n '(j 733'5.')43733- between fliOO a.m. and«nir *“ tvueli, , ' c a s sSSIFIED iF iE - - A BlG liouio for a littlo money. mirrors, witl lerva as both passengor and " New im i tniidcl IZx SI Lolaurc"trr'i' $1335 ' m1957 CHEVROLET )^-TONTCjN PIP ic k u p picnipickup. Hume, Cariiet, drapes, furtiltiire.lire. ' •' ■ 4-s|)ced, good rubber. ! $1540, , A renl good l»iy, Pljuno 733-8234.^±_ 19G0 CIIEVROLET . 'CO FORD Picliup . . SECTIONiCTION jgI'LEinWOODi 10x53. Two Hod*Hp(!. JV’’U'ton, n-cyllndor, 4-B|)ocd, Ionsiiijj ...... •...... ®SPECIAL PRICE $49595 '03-03 INTERNATIONAL4 The n.e lop i'l; economlcnl C-cyllndor rodiuB,10(11 wnilnouni with now \viisli>iisli. whfel ' biiAC. wlito bnx, hitcli nnd 4-wlll4-wliecl ilrlve, luibi, Thli li Inm engine, eiiiilnt, 4i8pced. A sharp 2-tono er.jhcr*d >\3r. Air. conilltlonor, 324-55280520 ivlirurs, 2-toiie pnlnt. . tin tup cunilltloii. wllh with nil nl thg rxtrns, ------All .nds to nppcnr In111 - the Time;Timcs-'News Sundny ---- nror ;321-n52l,-...... - -...... - -J1U05 ------r ...... $1595- $795 ...... - mc! FLAMINGO Hx3'i'. Onn bed. " THEISEN I C lassified Sectloli must bo rcccivedrcc bcforo room, condillon, I’liono 733* KIGE '^ M O T O R S 74IB — / ilLECTION TO CHOOSE FROM - Tho Enslost Pluco Inn ThoTiio World\ To Buy A Cnr - ALWAYS A LARGE SELECTION T 17' ’I'HAIM'lt houBo. Cliinn, .filomii^ C] CHEyROLET, Inc. 1 Buy nn A-l Cnr or Pickup 4, Cnll 73:1-4417, y-530:), Jo- 701 MAIN EAST’ PHONE 733-7700 5:00 p . m11. . FRIDAYf r i: ^ JEROME 05 0 llio SnIost PInco to Buy nn A-l _ rnnin i'4un or 731-0H»'^____ - __ , 1, For Nows, Wcntlior nml Bestlest Ei/to Ei/tortnlninciit; Liston To Tho VENINGS TIL » — r)HTHuTTHTni»5Fai)otrii»r)nYB7rn>irtUHTJi iT»nl 200 Knlilh Lincoln , Ph. 324-41111,. i'l; 1,5 - OPliN EVENINGS T hill'hlll'hen, lOxni'. Wrot I'nili Trnllorallor l^ill?d I'hiirchmnn. Cinrence Fallmi,lllll! ,. T Ill liclscn Sliow on KLIX R ndloidlo fronifron 0:30-7:30 ovory innnilng. ni I' U.SUl) CAU D lil’AMTMUNT CuiJCoiJi t. 733-0730, J)J)lck luwe, Frnnk StioppeniHli■ v i ______'B- 140: NKW t'AIl Dlil’AllTMnNTiiio IDO U.SUll aiJ i t n i t...... rM d ii 140 inil Unit ...... 7J3 BIII) IDO ai j


AUTOS FOR SAtE ______2 010 0 A U TO S FOR SALEI’ ______2200 0 0 AUTOS WR SALE• 2200 0 0 . Aug. 29-30, 1967 Tvtfin Twin FoilsI Timet-News 15 >s

^ — — 8 0 WAYS TO SAVE ..-I ------—- ...... - TO SAVE

MAAKE "i'YOURR 0W^f N DEiiEAL e to3 i S E - © 1 5AI5&-

» To mainaintain our‘ volumevo sales3S ppolicy

The1 6 Chevrolet ( t DivisionDi order•dered us to sell our remaini]mining 1967~CARS19 ; anand TRUCKSKS ATA' SACRIFK[FICE PRICESES in order to increase i our3ur quota of 19^1968 modelss

B r in gi in your tradede ■— Pick outit the t] car or trutruck of yourur clchoice aand r make usUS ani offer —-W W e will evenen take1 moneyley 1if you don’tn’t want to tractrade in yourr presentpr car.t*. WE HHAVEi IN SI5T0CKK - 88 ( 0 - 1967 Carss aaf h d T r u c k sS -I I L — ■ . . W e mustist isell them all by Septemt3mber ,20th Act no’'now v^hile thehe selection is ^good. NO0 REAASON^ JABLEE OFFI?ER RElEFUSESED YourY( Eageri: ChevyC: Dealertier

I (GLEf JE^;nkineJS CHElEVROIOLET TheTh SupermarJlarket of Valueslues______

313 Main Mai: Avenueae ^West, Twinnn Falls’ Phone 733-3133-3033 1 , TryrThe Tht Leaderr 'Callall anyi of ourXY salesmensa at anytimear

•4 W here! VVoh olum e Sellingling homeh or wortwork, day or• niglnight SAVES3 YOU YC MONE^SEY ■4 '■ -* Johnin JenkinsJer ...... 733-6241 Larry Sackett...k e tt ...... 733-42.. 733-4280 ...... , ...... 733-1264 D. A.A. McGuire Md ...... 733-7130 Leonhard FisheiF isher 733-12 ‘1 Johnin CaiCarlson...... 733-0187 ■ Charlton HatchS atch ...... 733-60733-6017 ■ ■" "a" Bi-uceice Cs Caughey...... 733-8861 880 0 808 0 WAYS TO SAVE WAYS\ TO SAVE

CADILLAC,CAD 1950. R adio, heater, X T / //,. highest caih bid. Call 733-2601 be- V I NEW CAR CASH - FOR - CARSs iL^ fore 6:00. 733-0530 a fte r 0:00 •lYOUREEor see X > MOMOTOR CO. All 1967 Models any m a k e — any model 1840 AUtiras. >______.______S LEASING CO. a Iel -Jltffcss Now 1for the first time, home- CHEV fdoor nation wagon^ ■ '( CHECK THESE!E FALLFAL] SPECIALS owned In Twin- Falli, leasing ™i all DISCOUNT AUTO with hitch. Excellent condition ' MUST GO! Sfmodel cars, trucks and pickups. over oil. T e rrta . J o e ’i TV. H12 G et yiy o u r o rd e r In now fo r 1068'& WRECKING t KlKimberiy Rond. ’67 Volks ' ’66 Chevelle models. Seej . 1M3IM3 VOLKSWAGEN. 33,000 S mlleai T 2-doo2-door ie d a n . 8,000 n^llei, wlew w MailbiMallbu Super Sport. *127* VI, We N eed First Place West of'Hospitali on ^ < g h New tlrci, clean. Excellent buy. wornworranty. . powerP o w er OKde (ranim Jiiloff, pOwtr DILL STANDLEY Highway Hi 30. Phono 733*54015401 a 'A' i; ► >-Phone 733-3000. ; iit^erinf, t ^ r l i beautiful piitel yellow YOUR TRADE-IN stSTANDLEY. CAR SALES ------^ ^ fl^nlih, 16,000 m llfi, MW w a rrto - 25S21 M ain Avenue W est BONANZA MOTORS ^ XP'A'^ PONPONTIAC sedan. 103D 4-door. See at ------p , s ■ n a , i'i \i\ 441440 North Washington. Phom 733- ’65 T-Bird DRIVE A LITTLE —— ------Pon'.iac Opel Buickick t m _M 15.______Hardtop coupe. Full power, fac- LOWEST overhiada equal lowest . }o/y tory air. solid white finish, white“• ’65 Ford And Vou Consistently SavtV. WORKMAN BURLEY. IDAHO , \ j/ prices. Try uit Real Deal AutoAu'to U n d a u lo p . Galaxle MO hardtp; coup*. '3n' Sales, 183d K im berly R oad. V I, CnilHomiUc tranimi.ilen, BROTHERS ~ ------^------— power itevlni, vinyl Interior. ?100 to $500 FRONK, MOTOR — ’65 Ford LTD PONTIAC-CADILLACC C h ry iie r,. PlymouUi, OMC 4-doo1.door hardlop. VI, Crulieomalle ) POr tranimJiilon. |)ow«r »l«rln| and Direct factory dealer. Chryiier.JSJi, 1 ' GMC 875-802I — Burl«y — m t87fl« m . t r a m _’64.Mercury Plymouth, Dodse fc Dod|o trucks. ^ ■ ■ brake., vinyl top. Montclair 4-door Breexewty. RRupe upert, Idaho 436-M78178 ijsj-USS FORD Crown Vlcloria. Serial ; TRY A WANT,AD , , Automatio tranimlstlon, powir ___ _ number USOWI81109. n»y Lulnn,-ulnn, steering and brakes. HARBAUGH MOTOR CO. — ------— ------^------"- Swowner. To be sold ot auctionI sep* Sep. • ’65 Mustang MILLER AUTO SALES; temberlei 6 at 2 p.m. at Masterlaiter -J ii BRAND ii.rdiHardtop coupe. 8-cyllnder motor, f Gooding, Idaho Phono 934-4111 y/g g Spring service, 2019 Kimberlyiberly ^ ^ H•tandard and tranimliilon, radio,fk ’63 Mercury We guarantee you can lova Road: t/JI T w in Falla. 733-7011. / wwhllcwalli. hite _-.i .1 ...... —------.. money money on luperlor con. No Monterey 4* door l^eeztway. LEO niCE'S CHEVYLAND, Good* Qood- gimmi gim m icks. R ead the book anind d rOHD 1032 pickup. Chopped nnd J NEW! ■ g Automatic tranimlfilon, powir i-v channeled, full race flat head, \ iteirlni, fictory tir coodltlon- Ing, Your one*itop ihopplng; cen>cen. makem ake an offer. Oncn every day £ )' 3—’63 Impalas j;® ter for all automollv« needi. Salei8|ilei and and ei evening. 3 blocks south onni runs good. 1034 Ford pickup, chop- >. I In i' Mini . tirvlce, factory autliorJieJ3rMd Rock Creek Road. ilan#«n., n neil W and ihortcnod, Lincoln Bcur. «cur. \ ^ H ard Cliovrolet. iFontlaci. Oldamobllei,Jbllei Phone Phone 423i5l70, Oltlimoblle J,” cnnihe, needs .opnir. >s or used, Want Ads I^V«7.»y«l7,?v,‘r7w '•I ’55 Chevrolet Ilulcki, and OK Used Can1 _ and ___ — mnko nin o ffer. D3?-5280. GoodlnB. ^ ■harl), Trucki. Open S u n d a y i and even- even* CJOINO to ichool, must Bclk . iono Trrrr M AIr hardtop coupe, Vi motor 1,108. CChevrolet heyrc BelAir with 1002 ‘<09' JUS gEm Motor ■ Compatiy—'C5 J .. engine engine, Grower cam and kit pluiX , Uhev 10-w heel truck. 34d w ith 5 WORK . r e i J W 8.t'rjf'ti?.rvTn\! P aBd J-sp eo d . 3-ipeed Brow nie. 733- '58 Corvette . Hi?.') n o v m etil. Muil lelli im Chtr-rh*v. Sl'.'Ji ' extrai. Will lell englpe lop* Hard!Ilardlon. '283' va, itandard lop, « rolet Imprtia lupvr iport conver- 3n.22g7rJerome.------^ K diiick Ull., Ilble. 30,000 m lle i, bvautlful con- con* CIlliVELLE. CIIU V EI iMl 'Mallbu convert-vefT SEE the new VW Fim BuRRy. Buy --- '™"'"'''&E"‘o"rr'ET aVci. dition, bucket, vinyl, turlioA.iHim tip m >«» on “ PHONE nmllc, $2.SSO. 720-35tL Hun Valley.alley. ' Ing andant brakei. New rubber. I169S.169S. at Centurv Automotive Machine.;h ln » . ^...... * GET THE BBUG i!xtenilon 3094 o r 3006, a ik forr Mr. lia llaniel n ie l Chevrolet Co., Rupert. 439' 439* MiM alt N o rih . nrournian, 315S. "Wo should havo knownn bottobottor thftii to hnng out tho and $62 PER MONTH 3158. ^ t;ilIHj(oLM~jYj7 Drotfipri, Uurlcyi k'our FOR SPSI DOWN and $62 hnn^N T fX C C(invertlble7^3l)^0il^ VOLKSVSVOLKSWAOEWlOOS for iiile, "Corv Con- nuln ulhorU ed Rninb er d enier fo(“n n *clothos, wash tho onrr nnd pplan n ploiiiG all in tho!"* 733-0931 jj'fi644 Main South PhQiw 733-6811 137 em street !!••(. I17S or mike tact Art.Dudden.atA Wendeil 830* Cmt'amla and,Mlni(luka Counties,. 078- . inmomo daj dayl" ■ ______,...... Bon Eldredge Jack Cox Woody Turley orfer, 2ISD.2158. ^ DMBMI. 1 1> ...... Ben ...... L r f ...... - " ■ is-Newi A ug. 29-30, 1967 ,, Domestfcetts, red. Knitted:led: Ka- K a­ Marlin, red. Other: Violaiola Dar- red.re Best original design,n i, knit- Toi Town an d Cduntry, red. D ress, 16 Twin Falls Times-Newi sota. blue; Lucille Oldham,ira, red:re d ; ling, blue; Ja n e K iser, red. teted; M rs. Robert Webster,e r. blue ladies’,lad: better! Crestview, blue. Olher: Mfs. Robert Webster, Tablecloths arand red. Ka:Kasoia. red. Dress, ladies’, 2- blue; Friendly Neighbors,rs, red;r e d ; Town and Country, blue anand d Infant Wear pjeipiei;?, b etter: Kasota, blue; Needlepoint: Friendly Neigh- Neigh­ red; Embroidered; Violaola-Dar- Dar- Baby-quilt,-appliquedr-HMrs.-Crc0^—Mrs.- C restview ,_red„Jum persL _M rSj__ J e r o i t K tity F a ir RR( e s u lts bors, blue. M rs. Roberl Webster, ling, blue; Judle Aitken,ten, red. gdg. Adams, blue. Babyy quilt, RobertRoi W ebsier, blue; C rest- ome County red, Other: Isl W ard Relief Society, en 5 f Society, embroidered: Janie Kiser,r, biue. vieiview, red. Jacket, child’s; K a- . ____ blue; K a so ta Sagehens, reed. d . lace Pincushions ' blue; Friendly Neighbors,ors, red. gabyg; quilt, quilted:. 2ndd Ward sola,sol; blue. Nightwear, child’s: ~ -ir " r ARM P R8 B tl^ - -"— l^loaf g -F F A ...... _-RedClovcr_ScfisI------1 6 e^iser, “ =^^ble Runnere^=''=—1 - Ri Prunes , whitiwhile. ’ ' Sugar Loaf Grange, Wue;lue; Ap-Ap-1 trim m ed, crocheted, colored;: lo re J; 'Crestview, blue; Jane Kiser, Relief Society, blue; Kasota, Mrs.Mr; Robert Webster, blue and . 2nd Ward Relief SMletyLblue;5 re ----- Dk'kv ■ H antl\v-bfafri—Stevciv—Steven------— ______Sn k lfy ______pleton Grange, red; Valleyey FFA, Town1 and Country, blue; Iletta red, tyLblue; red. C arriage, robe: Kasota, red.red, N ightw ear, womens’; C rest------r G iffordT-ied^ce-trim m cdr-ctCKiCdr-ctcK------E laceJlati______Domesticetts, red; > ______blblueVShTrleS^Uttraifi7red."Babyid.-Baby vvT^ T ^ ’blusnktrtr,’-Child’s: Ka- . Cho)nacky. red ; Valleyy FFA, AppletonAp Grange, blue; Mel- ^ ^ HanHv Seed (cheted. 'white: Americanm War Norene Andrus, blue, T e a To'wels " ^ sKfT'sE sweatiirr • eav lintlI buots;boots; -sgnsUia, blue; Mrsr-iiobert-Welyr— white. vin Newlan, red; Dick Handy, Mrs. Dick Handy, blue;e; Dick |Moihers. blue; Kasota.a. red. Polholders Appliqued, machine::; Mabel knit:kr> JCasota, blue; JuneI Haney, sterster, red. Skirt, womens’: Mrs. - Raspberries . „hiti white. u Red; Dicky Handy, blue; Ap­ Handy, red; Appleton Grange, HairpinI Lace: 1st Ward1 Relief All crocheted: Town' n a n d Smith, blue and red. Hand ap- red.re Crocheted: Kasota,I. 'blue;hlue; RobertRqI; W ebster, blue and red. pleton, red; Sugar Loaf, while.w hife'' wlwhite. SSociety, blue; 2nd Ward1 R elief Country, blue; Ednj Clark,irk, re d . pliqued: 1st Ward Reliefelief So- FiFriendly Neighbors, red.• Infant' S ' Skirt, ch ild ’s: Crestview, blue; Ra.'ipljprries, black: ' Valleyy-ii-., Summer: Appleton Grange,jrange. Tame Oats iSociety, red. Crocheled edge: Elva C Clark, lark, ciety, blue. Em broidered:red: 2nd dress, crocheted: Elvarl Clark, n/hv Mrs. Robert Webster, red. Shirt, blue; Clarence Robinson,1, red; Appleton Grange, blue;; Sugar Lunchcloths I. P ra c - Ward R elief Society, .blueblue an d blue;hli Ile tta Gifford, red. Baby FFA,bluo. S blue; Mary Myers, red. Prac- Hanev ™3 n’s; Mrs. Robert Webster, Deborah Allison, white. Dark: Loaflc Grange, red; Valley:y FFA, E m broidered: 2nd W ardird Re-Re­ tical; Y ukata Harigml,, bblu lu e;e ; red. Painted: 1st W ardrd Relief sweater, ™ knilled: June Haney, Strawberries A Applppleton Grange, blue; Sugar white.wi 1liel S ociety, blue; Della B lades, blue. B aby bib: Weslern1 Rural- t>l“® red. Sportswear or B lades, Mrs. Robert W ebster, red.sd. F a n - Society, blue and red. “1' ■ • vjpct. play clothes,' child's: K asota, Appleton Grange, blue; Mrs. Loaf Qrange, red. Light,, sum- Wrinkled P ens rred. Cross - stitch: Crestview,5stview , cy: Lucille O ldham , blue. H ot ettes, b lue. Baby booties: West- J. R. Webster, red; Valley WA lue. Hot Towels fJ blue; Mrs. Robert Webster, red. ley WA jjjgj.. Hartwell, blue;e; Val­ Val- S u g ar Loaf G range, blue;ue; Val-Val-1: blue. Painted; Bernice Couch, placem st: C restview , blue;)lue; Jl- Cocheted edge: Friendly,e„dly ern bluo. Robert <3 ‘Tored: Ka.sota, red. white. ley FFA, red; Randy Sellars,Sellars, Icy|c; FFA , red; Dick Handy, rred. Swedish embroidery;•y; 2nd etta Gifford, red. Neighbors, blue. Other:r: Iletta Blouse, child: Mrs. Robert Other Fruit white. Hubbard: Appletonle lon while. wi Smooth peas: Appleton,ppleton. \ Ward R elief Society, blue. Quilts Gifford, blue; Janie Kiser,Iser, je d . Webster,W blue and red. Blouse,Blouse M e c e ensemble, adult: Appleton G range, blue;je; Jer- Qrange, blue; Jerome FFA,A, red; blue;bl' S ugar Loaf G range,;e, red; Luncheon Sets Cotton, pieced: Mabel1 Sm ith, Afghan, crocheled: Ist W ard Woman’s;W Mrs. Robert WVebster' ebster, '^ ''r d Relief Society, blue; ome FFA red-white. VgjljValley FFA, while. Winter:;r: Ap- JeromeJe FFA, white, Embroidered: Friendly Neigh- Nclgh- blue; 1st Ward Relief Society, R e 11 e f Society, blue;;; Mabel bluehi and red. Car coat:f Mrs'Mrs. MaryMai Myers, red. Suit, 2-piece, Grains' pleton pleto Grange, blue; Alicee And-And­ W OM EN’S D EPARTOENT[ENT bors,h red ; Painted: F"riendly rien d ly red. Colton, machine appliqued:pliqued: Smith, red . ■ Afghan, knitted: Rrd R elief Society, red. Teen- Valley .FFA, blue; JeronieJerome S„lss (-hard Utilily: Rulh Peterson,1, blue; Pillow Cases Relief Society, red. Cotton,m, h a n d Afghan hairpin lace: 2ndind W ard ster,sti blue. Coat, woman’ii,s wool-wool: “W ‘l‘?ll clothes:,.M rs. R obert FFA, red; S ugar Loaf Grange, valley. FFA, blue; Appletonppleton Cre.stvlewCr Club, red. MachineVlachine E m b roidered; Isl Ward1 R elief appliqued: C reslview , blue.ue. E m - Relief Society, blue; Friendly Crestview,Cr red. Coat, women’sram en’s W ebster, blue; Mrs. Glen ue Pal Whistler, red.Miscellaneous: white. GGrange, ran red. aPappliqued: Maragret Moeller, s Society, blue; Viola DDarling. arling. broldered: 2 n d Ward ReliefBllef So- Neighors, red. Afghan,1, other; nonon-wool: Creslview, blue. Pal O at Sheaf red. Fancy, smocked: 1st>t Ward r red. C r 0 s s stitch: Friendly'riendly ciety, rid. Quilted, cotton Friendly Neighbors,rs, blue. Hutchison,Ht red. Dress, child’s, Creslview,'-''e' > lu e ; Kasota, red. Jerome FFA, blue; Sugarsnr IjiafLoaf Tomatoes Relief Society, blue. Fancy,cy, oth- hNeighors, blue; 1st Relieflief So- plcced:-lst Ward.Relief Society, Child’s knit sweater,r, bulky cocotton: K asota, blue; 1stIt Ward . ------Grange, red; Valley FFA,f while.wHle '"''A’ i-PA ar er: Mrs. Robert Websier,r, blue; deiy,c red. Embroidered,J, with blue; Jane Kiser, red. Quilted, yarn; Mr.s, Robert Webster, W ebster, R(Relief Society, red. Dress, PRODUCTION UP Grange, red; Jerome M'A, . l.st Ward Relief Soceily,y, red. lace|| tr i m : Ruth Peterson,1, blue; painted: E lla Robinson,1, blue,b lue, blue; Shirley H aslam , red. chchild’s b etter: Mrs. Robert Web- ^ Wheat Sheaf ,, ,, A;.,white. Cherry Tomatoes: Gerald f;. WASHINGTON (AP) - Do- oeraia Gingham, cross stitched: Eunice j,j R. Webster, red. lacee trim.trim, Quilted, other: 1st Ward Relief 4 . plv ster,'blue: Ist Ward Relief So- Jeronie FFA blue; Valley Chojnacky, blue. d R elief child’s k n it sw eater, 4 - ply sti V col- 2°''* production was up W A , red; S ugar Loaf Grange, ^ Adams, blue; Ruth, Peterson,eierson, handh cro ch e ted : l.st Ward1 R elief Society, blue. yarn: M rs. Robert Webster,Websler, eileiety, red. Dress, ladies', cot-|'’'®-'’ Grange, C rcen Pickling Tom atoesoes re-red. SSociety, blue; Jlletla Gifford, Hugs ild’s knit toi, Crestview, blue and red red. |HI n perP c e n t in June, the B u re a u ; Mel- Gingham, embroidered: Mr.s. j , blue; K asota, red. Child’s knit to' Alfalfa Seed Appleton Grange, blue; Mel- ( I: Mrs. red. K n itted ; Viola DDarling, arling, Crocheled, rag, cotton: 2nd sweater, mohair yarn; Kasota, Dre.ss,; ladies’, 2-plece, cotton:'Ofcotton: ;of Mines said Monday. Appleton G range, blue;,. Sugar vin Newlan, red; Mrs. J. R-R. NuiakaNi Hanami, , blue; Towh |)Mue. Insertion: Jnd Ward1 Relief Ward Relief Society,'blue;J V Istjl>l'"^- Men’s knit sweater, bulky jv ne FFA W ebster, while. anand Country, red. Olher:r: Mrs. Society,s blue. Tatted lacee trimtrim: : Ward Relief Society', red. C ro- ~rM 0000000000mM 0000auM M 0j^ Loaf Grange, rod; Jerom e FFA, Robert Webster, blue andd red. Haj, T h o rn e , blue; Viola D acllng. , y“™' ^itl Ward Relief Society, a' Turnips Dacllng. cheted, rag, wool: Viola 1 Dai-- , 1 " jHue; F riendly Neighbors, red. S w hite.. . Bed Sheets nred. L a c e trimmed, hand cro- Alfalfa Hoy 5ujSugar Loaf Grange, blue, nd cro- ung, bluc-and red. Crocheted,ocheted, sweater, 4-ply yarn:S S Ka- S S ATTENTIONriON FARMERSF ^ Crocheted: Friendly Neighboreighhor cheted;c Mabel Smllh.. blue, yarn: Priscilla Andrus,; blue; sota,. blue and red. S Appleton Grange, blue;le; Jer­Jer- Other Garden Crop Club, blue. Tatted: Friendly■riendly Janie,j K iser, red. Isl Ward R elief Society, red . ome FFA, red; Sugarir Loaf Ed Chojnacky, blue; Valley J- ty, red sweater, 3 - ply S ebs« Neighbors, blue. Pillows Hooked, rag; M[s. Ray Looney,M J’®™-' Loretta Bagley, blue; 3 b e a nN BLADESbl S orange,'White. FFA, red; Mrs, J. R. Websier, Bedspreads Smith, blue. Olher: Friendly Neigh- j 1 w hile. I .u pompon: Mabel Sm ith, Neigh- miidrcd Cooper, red. Suit,uit, knit- b S h a r p e n etd d aand n d hhard a surfaced ^ Red Clover Seed whiU Crocheted, coarse thread:‘^ i S v t l|, u e ; 2 n d . Ward Relief Society,Society bors, biue. ,ted: M ildred Cooper, blue. Ski NJ Appleton G range, blue;le; Jer- Jer­ ” Potatoes g,Else Jacokes, blue; Friendly ^ red; S o fa toss: Robert W/ebster. ebster, Scarves cap, knilled: Mrs. Roberl Web- 8 ome FFA, red. SuiSugar Loaf Grange, blue;“'''‘^'Neighbors, [.j red. Gingham: [, Crestview, red. Woven, W oven. Vanity set, crocheted, 3 or 4 ;ster, blue. Purse: Mrs. Yutaka B G e ra ld Chojnacky, red ;; Lee priendlyp,. Neighbors, red. Other; „ “v r.S ELDON>N SSLIGER I Red Clover Hay ^ _ner. jn d Ward Relief Society.Society, piecs: Viola Darling, blue.je. Buf-B uf-1 Hanami, blue; Kellee Bartholo- ^ _ ,. C h o jnacky, white. C. Appleton G range, blue; Sugar C. R. N. Shepherd, blue. ■- Jblue. C orduroy, smocked;; JanieJa n ie fet set, crocheted, 3 or 4'pieces:■pieces: ]mew, red. T. V. Boot, knitted: S 2 miles south,south, 2 miles I west ^ Loaf Grange, red. R ed potatoes: S u g a r Loaf Centerpieces . K l>l''e; Colton, smlo ocked; ck ed : Western R uralettes, bluelue an d ;iletta Gifford, blue. Townown aan n d iS o f S o uSouth t h F Park ^ I Grange, red; Roger Fiala, while. C rocheted, fine thread:■ J'™* Iletta jKasota, blue; Friendly Neigh- red. Buffet set, other, 3 pieces: iCounlry, red . Shells, knitted: knitted:jS Other Grass Seed e; Lee Gifford, red. Crocheted, coarse i, Jerom e FFA , 2 blues;. Apple- .„„i- B ak in ' g : Jerom e F F A , blu e; Lee Gi bors, red. Cross Stitch;; M rs. Ist Ward R elief Society,y, blue.blue, Kasota, l blue; Olive Morrison,!^ ’ ’ Chojnacky, red; Sugar Loal thread:thi Friendly Neighbor Club,uuD, yY utaka Hanami, blue a nnd d red. Swedish embroidery: 2ndd WWard ard red.i Doll clothes, knitted: 2ndjS lon Grange, red. blue; Della Blades, red. Cro- (. feTTdg 7 3 3-07J3 -0 7 5 2 I Grange, while. bit id- 2nd <-™eheted; Viola Darling,;, blue; Relief Society, blue; Lauralira LLee' ee Ward R elief Society, blue a&r\d''^00M n d l j j KrMtrg0tmMM a0MrM M. Other Sheaf cheted, white, fine thread: 2nd . Dlue t00000000000j000000n0000^ Jerom e F F A ,. blue; Valley *“6'"' w-Ward Relief Society, biueue and ,r FFA, red, ^ . Valley FFA, blue; Ron Busch- « K ohlrabi honr, rfed Fred Tattersall, white,whhe, Appleton G range, blue;i; Vesta LargestLarg: sugar, beet: Gladys Under 14 inches, crocheted,}chelcd. _ Morris, red; Dick Handy, while. Jones, red; Rex Jones, while.^hite. coarse thread: Kasota ^ - Lettuce Beans ^ Sagehens, Sa blue; 2nd Wardd Reliel ■ a r Loaf Great N o rth ern : Appletonppleton Society,So red. Crocheted, while, Valley FFA, blue; Sugar Loaf ^ blue Grange, red. Grange, blue; Valley FFA,\, red; f|rfine th read : Viola D arling, blue > n d s ai f f t t e r y o i Sugar Loaf Grange, white; Gar- ar ) secon ;; Gar- and red. fOU Leaf Lettuce Sugai ■k Han- 'I™ beans: Sugar Loaf Grange,Irange, |C rocheled, c n 1 o r e d:: Viola _ • Valley FFA. blue; Dick Han- “fn I d Ward ■ ■ dy, red; Appleton Grange,' white.white P'"*'’- Grange,Jrange, D e arling, blue. O ther: 2nd Ward ’’ ' blue; Appleton Grange, red;5d; Je- ReliefRt Society, blue; Mrs. Glen , yuiiuy rome FFA, while. Red Mexican:;xican: Ww histler, red. Appleton G range, blue; Valley Valley Handkerchiefs FFA, red; S ugar Loaf Grange,r,r„„p/ Appleton Grange, blue: Valley #V( FFA, red; Jerome FFA, white. L ace trim m ed, colored:d: 2 2ndnd call ^ II w e c ain n be while. R e d Kidney B e a n s: Jeromlerome e WiWard Relief Society, blue;;; Ilelta Yellow Onions FFA, blue; Dick Handy,, red:red; GiGifford, red. I. a c e (rimmed,ijn med, Clarence Robinson, blue. Sugar c„„n', Loaf Grange, while.. Field wwl hite: 2d Ward Relief Society, P a rsle y ^ Irange,------::: - Dicky Handy, blue; Jerome B e a n s : Sugar Loaf Grange,^ IZ"' b lu e . , FFA, red; S ugar Loaf, white. Alfalfa Seed |DON BROWN’S t oo f i l l i n g P a rsn ip s Sl onI the I wivay „ . JeroiTie FFA, blue; Valley Appleton Grange, blue; Mel- ig ■; FFA, red; Melvin Newlan,lewlan, \ vin Newlan, red. white. Peppers B arley Hot: M ary Rose, blue;le; Ap- AppletonAp| Grange, blue:: nor. Flor- pleton G range, red; Melvin encegpce Bolish, red; Dick Handy, Newlan, white. Sweet: Jerome yvhitcwhite. . ^1 youtur heal a t i n gI o i l t aink. n i FFA, blue; S u g ar Loaf Grange, Field Com e red; Valley FFA, white. jerJero m e FFA, blue; Appleton SAFETY SERVICE: i Pumpkins Grange, Gra red; Jero m eI FFA, COMPLETE UNDtR-CAR SERVICS■RVICE I Melvin Newlan, blue; Valley wwhlK hite. Motor Tune-Up ® Bolancingng ®• FFA, red; Apploton Grange, Hill of Com Sugar ^Alignment • Brakei • Tiro Truing white. ByiByron Lyons, ’ blue;' Sugar Rhubarb Loaf Grange, red; Jerome= FFA,FFA,| <4 1 7 M ain E. 733-8213-8213 Appleton G range, blue;; Sugar wwhile hile. ______L .. , ...... ' I , k N^ O O T E : ,,/•••■ ' '] ' ’• ...y

BEGINNING y . ; ' , | .. ' » 1 BEGir 1.' ■r PI , ' M^ l BANDSJD STUDENTS:


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ColotM no-lron cottonton prinlnprints forfot tuolc-to-scliool Jew* rbfougli a jpccfal In® Machine wuh, tiuAo]ehuAbJe '^rVdry ttth e/ie leaiiy to wear. Stay ftesb and crisp., 38-ln.3S-ln. wide. • 3urcl)o}e o r r o n g e - mont Soars bought CHARGE IT onn $ears BeRevplvliig Chnrge ihoutands of thoso ihlrtt. Choose from Tiof^y, m a n y s ty fe s . . coJofj galoffl Three Specfactpecfacular Days of)f Gi G ia n t andnnd otol priciprices you :an‘t* bolievbohcve. Regu- Savings; and LowL Bargain1 PPri( ric e s ! / IV' or ptico $3.99, H-'?'? and oven I" ..... (5.V9.

i- '

m m m ^ r.m vW ,*1 i\. im- <.KI a % / o -

. - r r - s i : , - 3 i■' r : T ' ■ ' / I'.:'-.-'' f l l I I ■ F O R K ':'H I l l

^ / m i w r T 0l!> G2-9Z a s J m SAm,'E , 2 S m < G 6 s S i t ^ n ' m PERMA-PREST'REST CottonaAnldets Ani Misses’isses’Fanciful Roll SleeveI Shirts and Crew•e w S o c k s B a bby y D

' BeguW $3.09 and |4.00,|4.00, MlracMlraclo Regular threa jrfor $1.U$1.17, . Collon ctow BriRlit. youne colorscol nnd nrlnfs. Llglll SmalC medium and lurjie sizoi. blond of Portrol®poly6»tor ond Avr/ • locks, and morcorlzed co E«c2puoriv'uTicloniilvaluofoisuchfinc quullly. luyon Is PEBMA-PHEST . . . th( / ' Sizes Q .n. Terrific la v ] TZ nover ndod ironing. •. .^'^Itoondcof- Whito and co ,port*mindedIII.' mill. - ^ - ora and printa, Sizes 32^38.

I SHOP AT SEAS E A R R S S AND/ SAVE CQ i a o r o i IVIAINMAir AVE. W. STORE HOURS;l a ' OCdlO FREEREE PARKINGF Saturday — 9:30 a.ni-6n.-5 p.m p .m . Mon., Thuro.,, Fri. _-1,“®“''^Tues., Wod. I Sath[aclionGummteeior'.m teed or Your Money Bach' U—r HONE 7 3 3-08 2 1 ______J J g lJ ', 10 a.m .-6 p.m. ■______* BEAKS,•SEAItS, «0*IlUeX ANP'OT;"- ^ -J9:3P a.tn.-i A ug.g. 29-3C29-30, 1967,'’ '' Twin .fallsllsTitrios-Nows ,Times S-l, I / \ ^ fv h ^ SA V EJ UVP i TO $4.11.11

I\i / S A V ® 4) :Ladies’)

JL- r >_ SnSnappy Carlar Goats

k Reversible Cordurc•d u r o y e Natural-CupiI-Cup O Cqntpur< Bra 1 1 •I Padded Bra To Poplin Coatlo a t Gcnllo W ondcr-Fll givesDS you Just UicUio R egular $iOO nmount of slVapini,' you)U need for pa ** _ ^ .. youthful, curvy silliouclte.;ltc. Sides and MO back of nylon nnd LycmI spiindexsprtndexnnd nnd ™ JW m SAVE $210 nc\|ustiiblo slret’ch slhipsKlvoijjlvo com plelo J r ^ freedom nn^l- comfort. Dainty, fcmi*fcmi- m B Regular $13.981.98 nine stylinif.' Fopuliir sizes.zcs.

^ SAVE $1.01 8 • \ I 1 '^ \ Long leg "^\ Powernet I m jsl L a m in a t e d 1 ] P a n t y Corduroy Coat!o a t . r I Regular $7.00 , S A V E $ 3MO .1 0 I Eegular $14.98.98

I I I p s8 pf* O f Designed 5’’ to subtly unclerscoro K , Ap " \ ^^ 2f today 8 fashion trends, this long tjM ^ r/ W pcinty firms and supports VB ^ •f l without confinlnK you. Fosh- M H"/ IoncdofwlspynylonandLycra®jH| S ^ I ■ " \7 ^ Vvt " I spi^ndexspi^' powernet. Reinforced \ A \ '•!&//• ^ / / self-fabric panels givo front and ^ Orion Pile Linedtn e d \ / \ \ I bnc control. Nylon tricot k ’ J C t J j crotch.c r o l SmaU to extra large. Corduroy Coato a t CHARGE IT pn Scars R evolving Charge S A V E $ 4U .1 1 l WK: Regular $17.997.99 i - ^ p - 1 3 8( 8 8 SAVE // V . A 'X UP TO / y / / I Find all tKe on-sceneon-sce styles at Sears. Fashion-Fashic 22% fP* able and versatilersatile these oar coats are the memost popular on-die-godie-go coats. See them iaa a gregreat ------array of Fall1 colorcolors; Sizes 8 to 18. ^

CHARGEIT ______i r s i on SSears ^ e a rs, Revolving Charge

...... H a ni d d y C a r r y> - r a-a lls ll8 C lu t c lieh e s pH |L :.r> W alletsle t s y I Sears L a dies’ ie s’ Hosiery H ^ O O8 ' • Regular' Knit • Seamless S Mesh ^ ^ S S & a - So« vinyl walleM:S wUhwtth Iolol! of ItcgulnrIcgulnr 3 forfoi $2.95 comportmontsj cottoa)tton cordutovT,cordi Belgian linen, cottonItton carrjcarryalls 'in solids and prints;prints! 'vinyl • clutches, many withw ith matematcWnK 0 1 9 J _ .. I |H coin purses. Do canylorryoIfonooE off oi 3(,r‘f o r M tliese great buys* You can always uso0 plpnty of nylons nnd nt tills low prico you’ll want tolo stock up now. Popular slmdcs, f® P ' CHARGEITIE IT Sizes 8 ^ to 11. feik W ' ' on SearsBTS M Revolving ChargeChnrgo CHARGE IT' on Scars nRevolving Cliargo m m m m m a a m mmm S-2 Twin Falls Tlmes-Nowsws AucAug. 29-30, 1967 ■ n||M |H am a||anar n n n z s i H i i !

f g j i i ^ l ^ S - A J t e a r s i t e (M m I P ^ Q .^ , , m | j £ y ^ M 3d m i l ) ^ m mMH

S m

. SALE ENDS]:n d s J ^ k ^ S A T U R D A Y JMmm

w Startrt FallF all' with an Intricate S e a r's s PERMPE! A-PREST^ Knitt SweaterSweats from H ong Ko Proportiofmiofi^Punts'ForFall r ^ AGreatBuyAtI. B u y N oOWf W f S e a r s L o w P r i c e Looking for a cardiganirdlgan or pullover mam m g f that’s out of the oroinatordinary? Do look y f J over our lush wools.ools. You’llYc see in­ f You’r e a w in n er wH'lth ith thesetl I k k tricate lacy patternssms andan< cable de- PERMA-PREST pants in a FortrelFo: H 9 9 signs and zigzagig designs.desii You’ll ipolyester and cotton. Proportio’roportioned H 3 9 7 fit in tiny 8-16, typical 8 -20, tall 12- ■ .777 find them in white,rhlte, n;navy, beige, yellow, brown, black, green, or- 20. Assorted solids in thehe group.grouj H an^e, red or violet;et; size;sizes 34 to 42. CCHARGE H y IT on Searsrs RevolvingRevo Charge

B l . >7<:.>';.^^"* ^ s . I' N u a p p y F l aEltS t s I ''" vSw^ H S I^ ^ ^ o r F a l l


For turied-in teens'a’leens'and young-at-Jieart. . . str; haRpy buckled1 up flaflat! Smoothly upperedred in thet I sleekest black or brobrown leather, smartly:Iy poispoised I on dashingesjt of blocblocky lovv-down heels,s, In sissizes ■ B5-9andlO. .

HARGE IT on Searsrs ReRevolving Charge ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A ug. 393 9 .330 0 ,,; 1967 Twin F alls Tinjos-Novi's Tinjos.Nc 5-3 - FPEaBSBaBTOBHBraieiu m M W M H M H i P P H ^ n k . T I W W a W T F Tn T m ______. .- - ^ SEEEE P Si)ALE! I f ^e a r s ^ MaMattress andiidBoxSprini0 ------■""" ''" - ^ S c t...Now att OlOne Low Prii^% n c e

^ 4 r•in i n SSerofoam € Qtiiltede d M a ttrttress e ss and Box Springsin g s

S 8 % )mbindtIon ^3951 - Do luxe foam>.im mattressmaH combines firmnesscss and tuoy- y ^ f x S & n ancy in one.le. You ienjoy the firm postmbb supportsuppo: of 4 fc Inches of SerofoamSerofoar polyurethane quilteded to tlthe top ■ n .T for downy soft luxur)’.luxi

-in. Dacron QuiltedIted I i § '')' 5 -in . D ,i S eerofoam r o fo ComLinationtio n ^ ^ lia ^ W A f, 88SSis ’ Twin or. 4 9 ® ze M * CombilI^omblDQtion

\ k m & / ' 5 incneq of sofl fir E^Ioy toe comfort nnd solid support ofSinclie^ _yetflrm, quiltedquilted sSProfoam..An extra inch?h ofoffla finffy da- your sleeping Ir^T iJiiillfir^T liS ^ i cron polyesterester auU^uJ ted to the top adds to your sle jjjK^ tf enjoymentit -w-•-4HH.. Queen-size-size 5-lncTi5-ii K ing SSize ize SS-h, -h Combinationination 1Set;...... C om binalionlation SiS$ts J j , TSiSO-in M»J.m . IVly. X Includei 60x80-in ^ g ■ n j / 1 Q 8 8 • o 'd BI o0 xX QP Q 8 8 m ^ ? a ^ \ u L r Mrttreis >nil S p if a B l. W -' m . y ' ^ ' '^ ®°* SpriDgj. ■” SerolouiL £ 3

l'..#v> >^lCBBM[^jt'‘jDr ,v>t<£#^72i^*^4iC k Vk.^ i Q ^ ? » mI>''^sv^

- ka a .:< ^B e?gr^-i

' ' " ” 1 No Moneyey DownDow) ■ o n S eqr n s EEasy a s y ■ Paymentn tP Flan la n ■ m M S A I E EBNDS N D S I SATURDA!U)AY I An HardwoodIwood ■ .VE »8.«7-“Bear and T W ■ ■ lodle” Design Cribs II I 1 jIh 1' ill F ili^ll3r I 111 r ilil r 1 m * ;S ”“^ l ® M a , irUy nntuml fin»H cnb llH I i ^ castera. Single drop aide. |U | losition spring. I||H [| TnnerBpring .. w Crib IVlallrcsacs unloised vinyl _ "V, ^ ^ ^ 0 ■over, ^6 colk ^ 9 9 l u f f e r b o i r d Ih* 4 u litl o iu .

S A V E 3 5 % SAVESAVE $» 2J .4 0 -iM c ln l B e d BOSTON ir T a b le s ...... Regularjular $ $ 2 4 . 9 5 I Frames oil Casters 3SI0N ROCKER p»k«rTaw A d djuit J u i t tot lit ^ ilyltdfie choirV qIu ha i. Big ouihtntlcolly Sturdyf 4S-in. 45>In. walnut flnlihed woodod labilablo wilh M •d choir hai a warm mapt* _ r*i I recoplaclos for_H A Iwlniwinor or ful ..^49.._- rinlih,-iqddlih,^.uddl....of, « n io I d g eon color tolor fqljfoj pjayjng surface, Has recopla l l l ^ A|Vl(.c1.«rh«..l- ld flm a O u m ,l,a n d II, aihlrays, chips. ‘ 1 .* bo«td bn », and 9088 Slasso*» ash»rc w * * ^ Bogulot♦8.0S lutnid■d ligi. , '%...... ZO HosteisIS lop lop imIncludod, . . : ...... , ... . ; I : i i 1

" ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ $-4 Twin Falls Timos-Nows■lows AAug. 29-30; 1967 8 8 B 8 EIB 8 8 S 8 i8 S fl® IB K S 8 i^m B ^ ® ^ P I Searai~s 2! 'Yearsrs Guat a r a i i tt c e e ^ A u t

NEVER BEFORE hftava a v a wwa a offoredo ffo re such a huge array of chainchain aial suchii mammoth lovingt.3«. H FABULOUS SELECTIONCTION of ovoevflrtliad loungt choirs, rocken, tw( rodbn, alvgon} occanl choln, wing bocki and m an/ mora.

TOP-FASHION STYLESI Fret 8 iV Regular ^ ^ 99 7 IHKIB rrantlllonal and trodttlonal. 1 ^ twin size H r l W

HH Cozy nayon and cotlon, (wo0 prpnl prpal HI fil)frs onm* iiufl ruL'j'fd ilurnliil- m binccl for brlglit, clcur colors ;iitfl ruL'^ci 9 | Ity , w asliin R aflo r w ash in g . l'il>cThi«;tKiUcThist finish ro- H B si!>U t>i)ljnk' niul iiiullin^'. (i-Jn,)-jn, n/luii n/lun binding ■H &dds an cxUu fushion touch.

P Regular $12.98 i l 9 » ’ ^ F ull size'- ' Single control

J RcRiiliir$15.98.."| ^ Full size B ■ • ; Dual control JLL2’J ifcaS I F t- I ONW'. lo rro w o f g g m m m m mm m m m m I p g GUARANTEET E E 1 1 H l ^ j M i y i If Control or provenvfs ilffeciilffeclive r S B ^ wilhin 2 years ol'sale, relurnurncon^pleto compl S o 19 unit unti wo will repair or replacereplace, ut ^ H our option free of cliart;c. your'°choice mmmmmmm^mmtm IlRGE i t on Sears Revolvingving ChargeC I ...... ^58 4 DAYS ONLY K ■b'ilHrk' MV Startf Tomorrow of 'SfJrJ 9:30 A.M. Sharp ^ Ba Here Early iV } ‘ |K 9 y ^ ||V NO MONEY DOWN en Saars Easy Payment Plai kk^tVik I ^ * * • > ? # — i i i ^ j K Sit::* !%•

< S^^K b *>T^ c • C hoice B eds] t i e ! I \tn aW Y o u r Cl idspread Sale! I 1 iiVtQ t m y E $ i^ . 1 9 .9 i 9 on Regular; $8.98 ^ull or Sturdy, Tufted » 9 8 / : 9 9 ™ , „ r Cheerful, Sturdy I'ltt Size I and Wovena StyleStyles. NOW ONLY ...... Twin Siz ^ j D l.»Velvel Touch”’ tuhea tuhed cot- b. “Honeycomb’’’’ tutleJtufted cotton c.“Benuty Twist”fist” hoihobnail bcd- ^ n | H ton bedspread hoau the lo(look of nnd tayon bedspread:dsprcad is ma- spread of rayon-ayon andon colton _____ 1 B W - ’ rich velvet. Machinechine vi -wosha- chine washable,e, dryable,dryabl needs comes in pa;tel;tel toncitoncii of pink, lie, tumble dr}', needsleeds bo ii^on* _ no ironing. In1 7 deepdee] colors yellow or blue.'Machue.'Machino m ib ,-

BuiflHHBHHHHIHI Aug.g. 29-30,29-3C 1967 Twin Falli1 Times-times-Nowj S-5 ■iSi It,-'.I t , " ' . 2 * 3 / ■ i l III .'I■■I I,' I, ' llI U i t ~f!.

■M ||P||M

T\W’ ■ H H ^ H E n r a r ™ B I l i s B I P | § % I NOWOW...FIRST.. cCHOICE a OF AiMERICMEOVt m OUSEWIVES! I H eenm i o]»feALUtom v n a tic I Wasa s h er r s a n ^i d D r•y ^ c rsS U T m D AUY ^ B T O ^ sssssa « M MO« « ...... _.' .... K eG n ilm ore 1^1 4 .1 b . I ^ ^ A u ti e t o m a t i c 1W a s h eer r I I ^ ^ i f ^ t ONLY^J5 ■ $ 1 I > A M O N T H , I ri^l ^ A 1 3 8 NO TRADE-IN REQUIRElr iR E D . NO. M O N EYPDOWN! DOVi

HI il 2! SpeSpeeds for Regularjiar andi Delicate FabFabrics * < .;V jJ __ _ _ ^ - > ^ — 1 • Brisl< Brisk actio n gives everydayyday ffabrics a good scrubbingubbing . . . ■ I T ' hit'* gentifgentle action pampers your ddelicate items. Cycie for Reguiar, Delicatelicate

1 I ' ©JVL1V L ¥ $ S ^ ;:|: AmIfOiVTII J l| 1 1^ V , I I s I r ' vJ NOTNO TRADE-IN REQUIREDIRED . . . NO MONEY DOWIDOWN \ K enm ore ElecElecfric M odel

*. "H‘‘Heat” eat seating for dryingrig all 3your Regular fabrics,[OS. , . "Air "A irc Only" dries wet rainwearlinwear, fluffs dellcates. ' I j j - s - 5S=S=^-' •. Handy Load-A-Door. Safety dooriswitcH stopss tumbtumbling when door Is openedopened.

^40' ■ ■ o b m c u m ^ ■ "^QAQ Senrs C ^M W F!Icto!73?5neTT^ ■ Zr ^ ’' ■ . jcnrs Care Service • Ainne SlUL You Seiviee Satliliielioiil i i m wiiw ith I Protect!Protects th e V lilue . fenon • • • oof f YourYout A ppliance 'jVflSei W h e re v e r Ifonlt I s'■■■■■■iPHni ■ d i a l cv-M jo /Twin'IWItiiTiinos-Nevyx'c9V?X'CS-.CAUtt:^0,1967 S' ,CAo ‘ ______\ ______:

HIO]\DAY, TIILIt ■ 1: ■ p

t W O -1 1 - D O O R ^oldspot4 14«l>Cii**I1‘ ..F*. ^ H B R p mI G G E R A TOR O l - ^yLi¥( > I .^ P , i F R^ E Z i E R S

l : l w i P l i f e B ^xgiSLJ r^a L j S l i i ^ ^ i 9 1 8 9

E f n NoSfonefVovn-yBovm - NoTVade-InUcqnlrctlilrecl ^ # Porcelain-finisliSnisli IrInterior is easy to clean,ean, reresists ^ s i P XSBSB^ .stains, rast: and fo(food odors ... won’t yellowyellow.’ < § ^ \m is~ " • Top freezerr holds 108 lb s. of food, • Cycle defrostost in refrigeratorr area, manualiianual de- fros t i n freezerezer sesectioii.

Sears Core Service?vic,e t > ProtectProtects the Tolne of jonr CoMspot'oldspot Ap* pUimcj. Seara highly ttilned1 technicianstechnici ______I ^ I auute you eervica utltfaotianin with pei>j •-M)|il|]lx^ profeaaionaloueoiWI,we e MtriciBM r [ ^ wlut,we *ell, w herever you livee oot im m oro re ln ik e ftS X 1 *-iovflJlx< wkatwi l2iaU.S I r,^..-r:rr:= = ^S K c ^ n m 0 -in cli Ga m o r e 3 0c - iR a n g ee s s ; E l e c i r i c l f o a r O i o i c ^

a, ' ■■"■. iT o n $ 11 3 9B Trade-in Reqniredjfl ; more Cas Range Foatare^ . N o T rad IM«? I c or cleaning remove overtidoor,; door. S • ^K enmmokeless ore ( pull-out broiler; / ' arge 24-inch oven with raclr.|■ack. IONEY DOWN X • ForJuJptiired cleai nou-drip cook top.top.' Sears Easy Payment Plan ^ M w '■ri ® Smokple S A E j E • Largemore 24 Electric Ronge Featureca tu re st ven has Super Pre-Heatt controlcont rm /iic ! K enmttractlve ore E brushed chromene back-ba( ULL YEARS to Pay. K^lllMfa [uard Sniesman for Details S a lu r ^ . o vfinlte-heat „ i . . : controls, plug5 tnIn ■ • Attractiv)turners on-drip co o k to p , controls a t si EsaraisiaiiiHHM HHl 1 guard • Infinlte-hi burners • Non-drip29-30,19a«=^'>i-'!:'^rn«5Wllf;iahe»-i''Tflines^Slfcwj S-7,

';;i,,oAo’tf. 1940,1 > 8MiPBBHIIMHMI8Billi ^ SSB5S9SS9SS

t n o p a y m e nNTS t s iriLlEEBRUAI:UARt, 1968 L 9 N ALL1 COLORC TELEVI!EVISION


^ Silyerto]rtone P ortableble S tereo

O r 1 0 -in. i n . Screen Pi^ortable o r T V ' * ^ *' C * J .

|B ^ * ■iiliiljii'^ ’-'ij^ i ^ l i ^ s i^evSvSSHiS

i j m I f . m t ^ 0 % s SearsSeara Portable TV | Silverlone °"® lOOrin. rin. P ic tu re M easured * Portable Pfaon6£rSfhon6£rS]^ " ID iagonally phonograph witli Ivory color pcportable Is Ideal for 3enI or Xwo removable kitchen,m, Has hl-performance chassis.s i s . :; No. 8103 60-square-lncuare-lnch viewing area.*

BOK>TmSSTmSl . \ Teenage Styled fi k e t No. 6 9 7 / All-Transistor |J P o r taa b b le le PI u P o r t a b le P h o n o s ^ Jio

IL 4 9 » » Fold'Style Flat-Topit-Top Guitinrs 4 7 Price .__ HeBegnlar |ig.OS 7201 ^ r u l l / nulomatio Infermlxing Standard-sIiB Sta llreh IiarJ-•«i| > shirt-pocket type changer ploys monauriU wood wo guitar with shaded ■ M sIzo radio comoss In a choicochoi I Solid-state stered phonograpJend stereo In all sjiecd) and sunburst gut finish. Steel rein- ■ ■ Ult-out changer. Xwosizes. re H i as dual syntlicllo sam forced fon neck, Ftnloss bridge, ■ V '•to-tuno side sp e^ers. phlro needles and'outomollo Hns Hn pick, Instruction booluel ^ |!| shut-olt an one d 45 nPM record, CnAR'CE IT on Senrs BerolvlngHerolvln Charga I CHARGE IT on Se«r» R eTolrfng Clifcrgoikrga j34) jg25SS5SSSS|5SS s SREATFORGinSIFTS OR JUSTr LELEISURE IISTEl^

------^ m j -g

• ^ o i r “ {•LID No. 021 6 l ^ J W , H o . . C O M A ,lr^ \ ' end stei i ¥ : ' ?? _ O R : Bizoj. H S earsrs Ss ailv e r to n e A M < #■ B jQnlht phiro n Sflyeirtone Coinpactn p a ct ite ■ ;CClock lo c ] Radio Table Radiolio |FIVI. Sears AM^ivi , / ios Portable Radios 5 ladios Senrf ^ f r 8 ’ ® 5 P ric o 2 9 5 , | 5 , 5 19«« Cray plaiUo cabinetrt with I whits dial and tuningg knob. fits Into Handsom e solld-slote Itraniijlor O*transhlor ro- Soll^-Stat'o Firontmounted ' d lr^so^d d rlv t^ v e e !-8fata «fflo wltK Tunifnimit.J tunin*| Big 4-ln. sp6.*tcerier gives ’loys' In- dio coinos gilt puckogocl.ooii. hiciucics inck clock.Ic. SnocSnooze nlon^ for morning , J. Greon ‘ carrying strop, earphone.nc. In In ch .aapplng. 'V exceUent tonO) Enclosedled loop ' 0. o f 4 colors. jlng. Jlin > ^ n n n . mmmmimmm m m ■

New Solid-State Silvertone AIVI/FWI. Portable .Radios Soars ' 1 0 9 5 Prico ' I J m

Pocket-size O -tran jijto r radio fitt Into Ihe palm of y o u r h an d . P lo y j' In- itanlly, no woit for sound. Greon ‘ ptoiJlc coblnot with earphone. wmmmmmm ,5-8 Tyylnj Fp||!i TIi^^Q^Jl^ejvs Ajji

I I S e a rp s - P E RIKMS-PIPRESTOS’O T D R Y T h e BB e e s s t N ew s E v esr! r! ^ ‘1 • N e ver e r IronIr< Again! • [ e D r y t Wash and Tum ble D r« P f f l f j l ; - ..... • - Y o ni’ll ’U-Al Always Look N eateat aiand Fresh W henBtt It’aIt’s S earrPerm a-Pres- P r e s t — — M I J f l r . | | | S 1

I B ^ \ WK eal! PERM;R M -PRilST,T. Little Girls’W Dresses, rf ' I I P E R MlA-PRESTVal A - P V a l u e ! ------I -..-

I Grirls’D i r l s ’ resses3S 3 f o r * I - » 1 0 I 1 > i I 3 fL o f o r ^ 1_ ] J L ofrtoOfif to school they go , .. . In dressesd crisp and freshresh asa s a shiny apple! Pert stylesJhflti Jhfltmake ii little girls glowwwithft— with ^ speciaspecial kind of charm. And^nd MommyMo w ill b e thrilleded at thti e H You can bet she’llle’ll be be te teacher’s pet in these PERMA- ease ofo care! Just wash^tumblr-tumble dry a n d they’re ready to H PREST dresses I I ThankThank DDacron polyesterr and cicotton; just. • wear^edr ... . with never thee touchtoucl of an iron ,.. happyppy daday! H machine wash, tumbletumble didp'I So easy! A-lines,lines, !skimmers, FortreFprfrel® polyester and cotton In solids, plaids,, stripstripe es, ra drop waists, pleats,ats, morelmorel Pert plaiqs, solids.lids. 7- 7-14. -prints.Tprjnts. Sizes 3 to 6X.

I • S A T EE 33 4 4 % PERMA-PRES'•REST No-Iron PERIERMA-PRESTrn I Girls’*’ Half Slip ReguiRegular $1.89 L ittle} GirliGirls’S lip s rtton ballsle slip s In 3 ^ H Koclol® polyesterjr nndnnd comt com1)ed cotton slip, DacrDacron® polyosfer nnd notton ball styles: strnlRht, fashion orr seml-bsemi-bouffant. Lnce ^ I D PERMA-PREST? for for conveconvenience. Elnsti- I style: trlm r dty, no lioning. Sizes ^ ■ , B clzed bnck, Mnglc-Grow;ic-Grow fcai feature at hemliuo. I trimmed. White. Tumble dty, no; ■ White. Sizes 7 too 14. l 4 . : : F I • 1-6X. I C H A RIG G E E I T on Soars Revolving Chnr* C H M G J g i T on Soari Revolving Charge ng Chnrgo ' HBBEBHDHBBGSS8fiE0SiSBSBmwiiitmmmm s . Aug. 2W (i 1§i Tw'irl Fdfli TllticiJ-l'/oW'!iciJ-MoWs ^S-9 ... I I f 11U bkSI T T r a 'li

S earsPrs PERMA-T[ ^ P R E S T ~ School ClothC loth es N e v e r• NNe< e e d Ir o n in g ^ I S e a r s I SAVE'V E iI / p r o9 $I 1 . 0 2 n U ■ SALE ENEilN D S ^ ^ ^ A T U R DIDAY A B o y ss’ ’ PERMA-PRESlPEI E S T S h irts

Regular $2.99

A uthentic* b u tto n -d-down o w n colltcollar, . long-tail Ivy style that stiidensliidents ^ p r e f e r . . . in good Iool

B o y s ’ PERMPERMA-PRESTT SSl la c k s | m SSlim lim Ivy Styling Regular 3.99 4 ilie Dacron polyester and ( to n b len d allovj^s heav y stuiini be washed out with hot w« a n d a ll-p u rp o ae lau n d ry dc gent. Ivy style in sm art Fall i ors. Boys' sizes 6 to 12. Student sizes....,. Waist 25-292! ...... 2...... 2 .9 7 H A R G E IT on Sears•8 RevolvingRe^ Charge

' A S mu tilll till D e p o s it H o ld s y <^ntive J :• Purchase in Sears L a y A wway ay UntilT Sept. 30th I III

Ml ’ f B I S A T E U P TF O O $ i " o ? T

Little Boys’PER]\IA-P]lA-PREST Shirts i

nr $2.99 g i I H Sporty biitton-cbutton-down col- l|^ htrs nd tapered tails ^ 9 m ake a hit withw every boyi Easy-careasy-care polyester cotton In well-niatohed I phiids thnt iieeineed no iron- InK if tumbleumble dried. Fall H H K SBH^ I fo r colors. Sizes 3-6.\. I^ong 5 0 I Boys’ short sleeves! shirts, regularIar $2.79$2 .' . . . 2 for 4 ® »

Little JBoys’PERMA-P]lA-PREST Slacks Your Choice of Corduorduroy or Twill

$3.99 each

C hooso nowlOW from Kodel® polyester mldwale cordurojcorduroy or 11-oz. pojyes- 2 9 7 nnd .cottoncotton twill. Always stay ver nnee e e d ironing when ' tum ble dried.rled. Rej]R egular or slim styles in tho latestcst Fall shades. Sizes 3-6x. iH lI

. 1 , GJHARGEI;e i t on Sears Revolving'ting Charge

ilTMTIliMffffii WM M M i

S-IO Tvi^in Falls TImes-Nows« Aug, 29-30, 1967 . I'

i , ■ j j r a M I SchoolABound B< I " S e a r sQ j I Valueilues V ? . ' ^

I Big Fashions h io n L o o k . . . I Men’s PERMA-PRMA-PREST Shirts IH fg I your V W 9 7 j^WPw*'WH ^ ^ J H clioice each

I The “ In” loolc for back;k to school,school. A wide assortmer\t of ■ plnids, stripes, solids i nndnnd c|ieclcheeks in no-iron Dacron® H polyester nnd cotton. , Choose Choose th the Classic collar style H with square cut bottomtom 2 or or IvyIvy collar or Continental H button-down coll.ir witliith t.ipcredt.ip cred tta ils . H e m m e d slee v e s, H 'One pocket on Ivy styles,/les, two pocketspot on Classic styles, H Sizes; small to extra Inrgc.nrge.

II S A VYE E i3 1 % I Regular 99c99c CiCrew Socks

r o His favorite solecllon . . . colorfulc o l o r f u l • B fi crew socki, Improved with Too an d B g Heolguard. Ono size fits all,

I CHAKGE IT on1 Sears ReRevolving Charge i' r ' 1

SAVE$1.0:sZoT SA V I h \ \ ■ M e n ’s N o[)-Iron -I r 2 8 % PERMA-PRIPREST W esternL StjS ty le ^ *' *^***, Ii J e a n s Regular $4.9 9 7 M ^ 2

will of For- and cotton 0 iro n in g . . [A - PREST, v/ash and loose black, J.TXC11len’s U nderwrw e ear SALE!E! aist sizes 29, I r ' ’ ' RRegular e £ , J ;E IT $1.3!$1.39 each , a r s 9 9 ^e a c h1 C h a r g i Choose)se SearsSee imported Royalal EgyptianEgj cotton sleevelessiveless crew neck cor V-neck T-shirts,, athleathletic shirts, briefs orr l O100% O % ifi 0 9 ' )ed mercerized cotton broadclc „ j t t i com bed me: oadcloth boxer shorts in assort- S A L t e d patterns.ittems. Sizes small to extra;tra lorilarge. ENDS r'TTAi? I ^ IHARGE IT on Sears R< •ge ITURDAY irs Revolving Charge Heavyweight twill ol ' trel® polyester and i mmmmimmm Aug. 29-30,19-30, 1<1967— ^ . Twin Falls Tlmo5-No\Imos-Nows S-n, denim. Need no ironi they’re PERMA - PI just iDaehine v/ash tumble dry. Choose 1 tan or loden. Waist sia to 38. .

C H A R G E n o n S e a r s ^ . Reyolving Chai

SAI EM SATUR ^ ^ ' - I , ^ n n ' ' ) ■ !Now’s ' TlThe Tim eeT 1 o

[ S ea r s I CC l h a l k U I p S ai v v i n g s i I

^ i« fk

iU m a r M e i * L ■ Men’sI’s andi Boys’.ys’

I X - 15 5 S H O EE S S - - - // ^M gTBj|8q ^ H . Little Boys’ Oldio ld e r BoyS’ Youngng MerMen’s 1 ^H b Regular $7.99 BeguBegular $8.99 Kegularliar $9.98$9.99' K

p c ; 9 7 f^ : 9 7 7' 9 9 7- pair 'U f pair g ■ pairp“''' ^

Oxfords in sizes Oxfords Oxford or slip- Blaclc oxfordsoxfords i an d 1 814-3 in B, D, E, •ons, -ons, sizes si 31/2-7. slipons,IS, D D7i4-ll, n - g widths; slippons Both Both nre avail- 1 2 , EEE7-11; E 7-1 I ■ kAE in B12Mi-3 and able able inii B, D, E brown■n cxfoi o x fo rd s, ffi DlO-3. widths. widths D7-11,12., 1 2 . g

Huslcy Sta-BriteIrite finishedfin leather uppersers re- ^ Jm ® - tain new lookok witwith a few brisk rubs)S of a | y R R ||^ H H |P ^ !r. Flexible ^"poIyethyL acifate ^ ||r'r]iW ^ ^ ^ ••^- heol counters can’t cr m m A d am p cloth.. Cushioned Cush insoles, Pacifate or break, olways spr back to original sha n^K vamp linings,'s. Cru Crush-resistant heel coun­coun- M Their resilience helps m s tain neat appcarance . ' ters. Wear-guaranguaranteed polyvinyl J ?, back ofshoei provide I ise black slipons or havez&^the the B j ^ ^ i!SSf9t^jA ter heel fit, comfort heels. Choose bla ^ ' v w is s i ' ,•*“ handsom e oxfordsxfords in black far brown.i.

£3VDS Men’s ) y s ’ TWAY ■ i^s and Boys'

I ' . ■ ^ G Y MM S H O EES S il ^ Regular 84.99 / / ' ' vkp^.i; S m B! h3 2 2 b 3S®^R! ■ - S A I

....$ ! . < i ' i l l n M M3 9 7 m p a ir

■■ ■fffll I 'High top ^ or oxf or oxford. Black or white.te. Boys*Boy

i f f i 1 1 sizes or Men’s. Here are gym shoesihoes f for

||B || every malele in thtl e family.' U ppersI are dur*du ~ K i ^ able cotton)n armyarm} duclc. Full sponge;e rubb^rubber H

I insoles havewve ccushioned arch andnd heel.hec H

, - ) ' f ^ J K e m l^ M K r I Crepe molded ! iini^^ iBaB85s?tfyyii^r I 's' jlded soles. Secured withthsbrong sbror H

stitchingitching. With non-chafeife heheel H 'W ilr ■ 1 J j l | \ guards. Men’slen’s sisizes GVi^ll; boys’ sizessizes 3^ Q

6M; littlo boys’ sizes 12-3M.

■I ^SX^^^^niwePF^ ■■' in^ CHC H A R G E I T t ! . oni Sears'RevolvingSears' Charge ^ Jj iW iiifiiM M M mmmmuBBBommammmmiimm S-I2 Twin Falls TImos-NewsA/s /\Ug. 29-30, 196^ ■ I ~ | SALEE C ENDSS S e ^ l a y i n Ihiii'i f''".iiii o i i

^ A. SAVE $ 2 .994 4 ^ u

Sears Heavyiavyhuty t) Steelt ShS h e l v i n g Sears Tutortor 1Typew riterf r

R egular g u l a r ^$8.49 The troewriter everyonee can hare-a-post m m afford. So light to carry, so) easy ibbed Vor ' e r e t to use. Pre-set, 5-stop tabula­ I shelf sup- olo ■ A B tor, 5-page gauge, touch s’elec- ’lastio caps tor, 84 cnaracters, 2-colorfz rib­ Q Q 88 j 8 bon, 1-2 line spacing. SmartSm art A Space-saving share-a-post f aquiaqua blue body. snelving. Triple-ribbed fcfor extra strength. Eachon shelf Sears sup­ Revolving Chargerg e ports over 33 lbs. Plasdosarries caps a complete line of on feet 48x24xl0-ln. size. NO MONEY DOWNWN on Sears Easy Paymentlen t PlPlan for all your storage needs!s i CHARGE IT on Sears! Sears cam es a co SSAVEi shelving for all yov SAVE,VE- $ 3 iVP / j TO

$ 8 . 0 0 ^ p t ' '

. y . 4 f — wj^M ■♦vi. j^lllflllllllk K.' im-Bmi i

T rad itio n alll AlAlarm Clock herlite Lngga^ffag e Traditionaliditlonal handsome decorator• styled rppeatr alarm in 4 marvelousrelous ccot “ “ ors., COMECOMI get yours todayl Replaceplace ththat old tired clock; giveI'O oone n e tto a Q Q friendind or or a a rdative. Buy two or threeire e or evene m o re . T he savings's are evene \ ^ " m orere \yhen ■whei you do.. You just can’tn’t go wiwrong o n thi.s buy! 6 Ch e e k th e te iconcterfat featunfe a tu re /: F e a t h e r l i ------Reg6iar-$8.99$ 8 .9 9 — ^ rained vinyl covers, Texon® backed, c ~ — —• C Top-DuinuM>tt heek : than tho. eq uivalen t size hardsidoicked, ligive it dura- *'Top-Di• Variable lound control For men and women. Handsome lininf • E u y let alarm Regular ' 1 :dsido luggage too. • VDecorator u tlab I ityllng $14.99 to $24.99 ^ le linings nlso. • E"/ •' ...... 9 . 9 9 • 2 3 .9 9 27-ln. Pullmon ...... • DualDecort track dial ) 9 ...... 19.66 • 22.99 2^ullor ...... • Variable light control ' I n ...... 16.99 • LightedDull ll dial Featherlite's hardy grained vinyl • 24.99 3'Sullcr INol...... Shown) ..15.99 •V.riabl 1 I bility. I t vi'eighs' less...... than1 3 tho. .9 9 e . • 1 6 . 9 9 C o m p o n lo n ...... • Built-in alarm aisurance 5 » * Shown) ....16.99 •Ughlei• Guaranteed foi 1 yeai .Smart fashion colors forIt men on Sears and Revolving Chargo...... 1 1 , 6 6 • B ulU -Ii • 14.99 Train C a io ...... 9 .9 9 argo • 15.99 2Mn. Woelcnder-...... 19.66 • 19,99 24-in. Pullmon . ■ Aug. 29-30,?-30, 19(1967 Twin Falls Tlmop-Neynop-News |S-13 _ I '.I r ‘ . -'I ^ INol ShownI ...... 13.99 I CHARGE It on Seal I __ . . ... r

F r m a ______9 B u y \ o w ! S a v e ! ^ r e - S e aa s s o n HS d e a t i n‘g g I ECIA l l E ! ^ i L S Choose Fromm JSears Wideide Selection•n l a i i ; a V i ; $ 3t S S . . 9 5

7 5 , 0 0 0O - B -BTli 1 F u rn aces | ' E ngineered;d for naturalr gas ~ ^ $ Q Q I Regular $134.95 95105.000-BTU’U F< Furaiae® $129t9 95i255O ® 0.BTCFiII Furnace $159» 9

5 “600” Space-Sa^-Saver Furnaceee $ 1 Regular $189,95 JL SEARS TOTAL HOME ' 1 5 4 COMFORT CENTER 5.000-BTU output for solid>lid 2424-hour-a-day comfortrt with Let us give you an esti- esti­ ?‘J;?lE«WP^MH mate today for• a total ible furnace. Has Life-Cladla d heiheat exchanger for longng life. home conditioninglg center ^ naming. , - ^ no obligation.

$ 1 5 4 .| 9 5 B 1 ( | H mm $ 1 7 9 , 9 5 1 ; "t. Installatio]U a tio n . D /? Sears Qnallty SAVE VP TO $20.9 SAVE $25.95 InstoUallonnllon ByB; Series “6^ Expert InstallersInstalle Sears Besl U pright Sears Best ConsoleLSOIe ^ 0 Xhoroughiroughly KKnow Theit Job ... . . At Sean£ W all Furnaces LC______Heasonable Priceal^ Priceal______Reg _W alLFjimace__ I 1 Phone oror V¥ r rite il Get a full 75,000-1 I I Sears for FreeFret Regular $119.95^ « 9 9 Regular $144.9S * 1 1 1 this dependable fu " Efilimateimate ------“ ' Dirty filter waminf A wallwell furnacefumnc (Jes!»ied to heat your 0 ~ There li no olilipilon.oWpilon floorstors firstl YoYou get 35,000 BTU’s of heati Gel 20,000 BTU’s of heatlnf^AVllh wllh tlithis de- comfort.mfort. For inside walls requiring chl pendable direct-vent uprightt gas fiimace.fu ------neyy installation.Jnstallatlo Complete with thermos No chimney Is requlredi Quiet-opeulet-operaUng ______Shortlort enough for basement installation "Counterflow.” fiimacemace chimichimney. $159,95 30,000-BTU F um aco...... i « 1 3 8 ------|154,9S54,9550,000-BTU 50,00 Furnace...... 20.95 $1 g i a i Som

ProteptPr< andig h t ] W h a YourSi Homem e w i t h

H S e a r s hG G uaranteedn a 9 e-tuxe-AsphatfiaU Shinglesles— -

' I I Regul ityourcbld B sof heating H—gggg Get20,C % Let Sears3 irlng chlm- pendabl thermostat No chin A rrange EExpe x p e r t itallatlon in IjBIBB* “Counte I io w - C o s t I $159,95 O ff Installationion 18-Year Installed Standard t 5 ! Asplhalt Roof Gunmnleelomntee Whfii tnitallilloa li• nirranged n n i t i You get long-lnsting protectiqotectiph ns well as a gopdJoolcinUoolcing throu|li Setn, 11 i«of letkleak ihonldihonid derelop beciuM «f * nr y dehetdefect on ad Brightenroof. li Weigh a full 2 ^ pouncpounds per 100 square feet. As-A: ihioglei or wdricnuriiblp■Up wlthldwllblii ! phalt coating and tough;h cerncernmic granules are resistar 0 youn of application, we-we will re*re> H resistant l^ir or repuM, it vue option, fne,free, I to all kinds of weather. we Kill piy regalir currentumnt price U{ H for lueh repilr «r replicementcement dtt^da^ M sill H in s the noxt 1 2 years, (ubtncting(ubtnclinf [J ■ ' 1/I80th ef price for cachuch inonlh. iaonth. IMBE IJjnJJPPtl .MMBalttlaiai lairaaiML < > ^ NOMOMilYDOl Plan-

’'S-lV'.'TWlh’lFailk.'Tiiiioi-Newi'iw i'\ ' ;V ■ Au'AUfl. 29-30, 1967, » I I r “

i a w n^ ^ c l ^r a a p i i en i r “ | ^ n l^a ft I K l S f i a B l B al i l d i n gg i s B for Storag(rage of All Yourur Garden( andd PatioP; Eqnipmei»ment I

f?i& r Sears 61 x x 5 1F o o t S teel B iiirclu n c l i n g s lie T^ ..... P o w e r U n i t ^ 1 3 4 ' 9 8 8 Perfect for camplnj:. Won!• t W bum oull Oversize mufflerK is Price § ^ quieter than most models.els.

^ A handsome asset foto any( anyone’s yard. ^ It’s rugged nnd durable. durnbli Besists weathering. Ideal for keepingkec your p l I j lawn and garden equipmenluipment protected | ^ from the weather. Don'tDon't mimiss out, W y

2,650-Walt Portable f Extra Rigiiligill 7 x 5 -f o o t P o w e r U n i t P ortico £awLaw i n B uilding Ensy S operiUion. 299 illt-ln overlond protectionv voltngo ; i With 1 i ^ ^ 1 = 11 ( 0 9 « iIS ‘ I 'I 'iI k :! ^ This roimyoim y 7x^ixS-ft. law n build- BMjl SAVE >"8 78-inche78-inches high. Made nf O Liality galvanized steel. Cgj a5"Ss:witn greens roof, doors |JW! , and trim.im. IWiS-inch porch sup- l HJ i i E i 16-ln Dlrecl-Drlveive ported1 by oornam ental col- ___ .!}»i3 Chain Saw „ um ns. tlglihvelght law cuti IM n loft wood logs In •!]» V f l 1 8 lecondi. Powerful engine. ^ 9 9 ___ ^ ltI29.9S Chain Saw 1]

•*7 * -A ^ -J

Galvanizedzed GutteringG — — 1 0 - F o o t — ------I = p » ^ Eaves Trough

Beautify and prolecttect your liehome with tW» shirdy guttering. Completelete sclectioselection of occessories also m s r ^ available. 1

k S p u n F i b e r G la s s irs Budget-jt-P ric e d ^ Insulation Rolls,J G araira g e D o or r O( p e n e rs ^ a 3 3 # Ne^v Improvenproved Design f J P ,RoIl 9 Quiet Operati)peratipn „ Regular $4.200 9 Trnn^istorisistorized, SoUd-Stato ' * Transmitterir and ]Beceivcri 116®* I tlghtwelglit, «uy to Inil»H.ilall. Al>Al< pluU coated iDFer bacltlng. Helf • 1 4 4 8 B I .leduco fuel bllli. ^ 1 6 9 , 9 , 5 fiarj e r ...... I M I I M i l S S S nil ijijnosij^fljwi S-1S 5«'l CH^vg.,^?fl?S0 . B 3 E H Im 9 i K i ' I S A V E ^1 l 7 l « ‘ C R AA J F T S M A ] 1 5 1 - p• c . ^ o c kk e e f S e t s I



mm I GUARANTEE | CrattsimanCraftsn hand tools arc uncon-. § S n l ditionalditionally guaranteed to give conri-|•m-i ^ g ' H pplete le le Ksatisfacljon oi" return for freoircoi ® ■ H i ^ replaceincnt. replace! TMis guardntett doe3| f f e I H H ^ not apply “ PI io hand tools used in ® HH ^H S rentiilre n ta l i servico, g H

snw g j w n j g n f f l n s t a ;^£TSjI’llWTijfl3 gWT^ f gotn cgansHgjl m m M m m m s s mf f m l s l I

I • ^/t and %-in.Vi-in drive sockels and accessoriesac a ' f ' ■' R e g u l air r Separate f e I I • Exclusive;clusive Vi-in,Vj drive Qulck-Kcleak-Kcleasc' ratchct ■ • Largerge selectionselect (^f fine medbanic’idbanic’s hand tools P r i c e s TF o o l t a l * 4 7 I Save nownow onon theseth Hne Craftsmanin sockcsockct sets. . . tlic kind H lliat profession;professional mechanics dependend on for superior qvial- ; I ity andid extra-longextra-Ip service. Set includesicludes Vi’ and Vz-in. drive B socketsits and acccssorleeac( plus tlie; CraftsCraftsman exclusive Vz- a o 9 H in. driverive Quick-RelcaseQuick ratchet. MeehanMechanic’s hand tools in- H dude! 6 combinationcombir wrenches, 5/16 tot< %-in.; slip jo in t H pliers;>; 3 screwdrivers;screw( center ondnd pin ]punches; a 14-pc. 2 ^ ! I Ilex key;ey setset andand rugged Craftsmann tool box.b A great value I rf* I ______Nm O M O NMEYPOWJ E S V N on Sears Easyisy PjPayment Plan

I SAVt V J E l / P• T l O 5 0 %% ^four €hoic(i c e I H am m d T o o l SSa ale I ^ Rtgulor 2.99 Craftimon X Puneh-Chliil UtS.t ...,....$1.88 Regular |2.49I 'Crofifmon Crofifmoii V Pip# Wf#/j ii.n ...... $ 1 . 8 8 J H .. E E a a c c h I

5-16^ Twin Falls Tlma*-Newiia*-Newi Aug. 29-30, 1967«7 9HHIBBHK93BHB1H9BSS ^ ‘jtL W S j S P I jH B 2 5 e q b s i b e m - A '

I O u t

. . S i i p , E E M > S t i l l l a t u r d a y j IT I S FME]. E E / I dicrn ^ o n ia l ^ ^ S T A L LL i * A T I O I \ | In an Existing Outlet ofif Any !Sears Decorator Light Fixture Priceded at a t $$30 or More! \ l|] Magic Valleyy Area Onlyl HE

Choose Fron:*om O ver ;oo STF Y L E i S See Them Attractively;lively Displayed in •II Sears Decorator £lectri

H I N O• M O ONEY I DOW N ontn AAll nything iTou B uy at Sears on»n CreditC r ^ I A w i v h S p I M W p ^ V ^ c

^ ~9- ^ A \

I f S p a n is h I ^ Provincial ^ *“* a M • ^ » « t l l . J M m i I Hk M i lH R i

■Aug, 29-30, TJmoj^New* S-17 ' I' M g m n n ^ n ^ I Wa 0 I u k . ^ ■ " ' 1 1 \ I T i n

I L L S T AI 1 T E 1 3S - J - M o i i fI l l i l r u a r a ni t t e « d BB i a t t e ry y 7 ■ \ I ' '■ Sale Ends j « FREE Instal^tallation of ' All Sears GuGuaranteed I Auto Bbatteries a t ^ 4 4 I 6 volts

6 * Exchange

Fits Gvoup Numberb e r 1

§ GUARANTEETEE % Free repUcement with* 18-Montli Guaralaranteed 12-Volt^ o l t in 90 dtysff purchue If bttUery jAovei defee* ^ tiv e, Ahei? $0 day«, W0Wfl Battery 0 8 0 replicfl the bnttery, <' if Exchange defective md c charge h i r t ; 20 | eo you only for lhe} pperiod e rio d r . ' of ownership, based on g g Fits Group N um ber>er 242 4 the regulir priceic e lele«i. ii ^2^ 5 . trade-in at the limetime of g g » ■■■.ii^ Jlirr I, „i_ ..... P g S nium, pro-ratedid oover v er ■' number of monlhinlhs of Z ^o|||H ||||||B M a|^^^^^ BQirantee. s p P H g U l This Is the Last f u f f l e r You’l l B u y T Y o u r P re se n t C a r __ I *x ^d m/I [eavy Duty IIIiL l0ii?\ ^R l (fli M u f f l e r s ISSSSIh ^ I MUFFLER m m as low a s m I GUARANTEE" E l P S S i l If muffler falli due to de*de« V I P E feels in milerl#l» orr work* ^ |^ manihip or blowout, ruit- ^ out or wearout w while h ile Bonded Brake ShoesS h o e s original purchasertr owni >iB| With 4 0,000 Mile LiningL i n i n g s th« car, it will be replaced R 5 » « upon returni freor e e -' 0 ol f I : -.c RcKnIarwiihtrad. / | a 8 eliar/e. If ibo defeellvesfeelive ' ' * ® 2 - m c d - H ~ muffler wu Initalledlied by '■ Designed fo give out­ ?8-99 w.t. S " H Sears, we will Installtall lhethe fc^CrPa standing service and IfIf ibe Bmko Linings installed by usu s weaiw e a r o u t H new muffler with[ th nno o |B B perfomMnco. Double wall wlwilliln 40,000 m iles, wo will furnishimisl) ropJroplflce- ■■ rJiarge for cohstructioi» makes this a '"!ment linln(*s no chargc. Instnllntlonistnllntlon cast H will bo iiro-m tcd on tlio porcentagojntiigo of ggunr- U long lasting muffler. JJ[,antccil nulos nctunlly rcccived.

I P* i Fr e e - S © a sg ® ® : a i S h oi t i g i m S a l ( j y y ' ' ' " I SAVE *5 . Slide-ActionSlide-Act S h o t g u n s ^ A d ju ilab le Choho H 4 Buy ^ow at (hii j 1 12-Gaiige1 2 Slid^lide I Low, low price. s r ^ ^ p l I |.L \ l r Actionio n Shotguntl I Sears8 HsHas Tlie ■ ' ■ 774^^ 4 Lowest Sli€Shell Prices v'ou tlon't li.wc to cnny nn arscnni3nnl nioiigonnion Iiu n tin g trip s willi lliislilts vorivorsft- H tiio slidc-nclioh bhotgun. Youu cnn switchS' froni w a ter fowl lo upland up]a H I Town ■ ' Sn.:'!'gumc in n ninltor o f soconcls byb y nifrcinfrcly s w itd iiiig baficls. E.vtiii^.vti'ii barbarrel f f l in To notuot included.iucl Weight W t iwuiids.unds. '^ iP ^ N0M0NI2YI) M0NI2Y DOWN on Scnra EnsyDosy I’liyiiicntI’l.j Pluii

'S-10 Twin Falls Tlinos-News3W5 ' „Aug.,,Au 29-30, 1967 . 1 J

S A K Es I l g s s S H K B S B a Saturday ■ S e p t . 3>y ■i B S B S l i

^M|ji.i'i'i .... & Facts AboutL b o n t -■ - " I ■ Scars Retread^ t r e a d s

* O nly one used;ed tire cicar- t U S m '; a cn.ss in fiveB qimlifiqualifies I fo r Sear.'! Retreads, Retreat mH ^ aI R R ^ H i « y others are rejected,ejected,

^ad rubber ito the ps tape. DHfuM HHBpH ontrols as- inding uni-

process Is w ith th e —I iber under pressure. 9 40,000I Mile(Mile Guarantee • The new treading rul>l) com- is wound onto-ead tlie build- ti: like hot strips of tap 9 Safest liretire everevei tested Electronic controls a sure even winding ut foi;m ity. id ru b b er 9 N o c h ainge n g e ov

U m S T GUAHANTEED AGAmST a l l f a i l u r e FROM DE- H ALLSTATE Paffsengi ALL FAILURE FROM ROAD FECTS FOR THE LIFE OF S TREAD LIFE GUARANTEE HAZARDS, FOR 40,000 THEORIGINALTREAD.lf ^ AGAINST ALL FAILURES MILES. I f tread weanI off or Ifif Uro falls, wp will, a t our 3 Etery ALLBTATB tir# U ' fUftraotM d iia lu t all bllurM tfre £UIs before 40,000 miles, wo option, repair 11 freo, o- t - In. - ^ ftom ro«d hm rdi or defecU WlU, at o u r option, repair“ It *',“ free ®e eichango fot your tire, re- forthellfeofthoorifiiudtmS-MO? d. i INTS 01, la exchange for youro « uUre, to , plaoe.It or give you a refund,...... I ^ U tu* failf, wt wm-»t our 1 M- ^ optioo—ropair it Without eo«tt ! n xepiaco I t c r give you a1 retund,refund, either casa chargingK| only or, ia axchaop for tbe tirt, w« In. either case charglnj, only forfftr for tead worn (clmrBo will B wiUraiOacQitcharfiiifoBljfrpr I the m lleags tecelvea (chargo ^ ^ 3 trMd worn (dur« wDlU ft ' ( I?*® * pro-rata shaia o fO then f 5 pio>rafft that* of than cumnt Will be pro-rata »haro 0of 1 then current regular selling price current rogulat'^elllngi^g price piui Federal Excise u Taio. b e s * ■ JARATu y r a i i plui Fed eral Ejiclse Tax). a i i M I D E - i r s F i n e st RH e t r e a dA sh aI>?u 1 ft. IO" B. M- T - * • 1^1 beless ■ ” I I C T Mckwall J S l8 r i u s F e dle e ra ra l Excise TaxIX aand n d ^ !cnrs Revolving Chargo E x p rr e e s ssi i *‘55*® your old,tire ” S e aREMOUNTING r s U ire ^ S A V B«!I I S! A V E ! €>nly noledoled FerinePerj^ormance • • • ! c s . RSegulnr egular Prico Pluslus Ifylout Cord'ConalrnolIonCord C oi 6 .010 x 1 3 Prico■ice WithWiti With FederalJeral «.00xl£SI(o *M I TiibelesiI ______OMdTire ld Tire Old Tire Exciseso Tax S iK Jr J [ j Blackwal______88.95 . 9 5 7.88 29c19c . 9 . 9 5 . 8 . 8 8 3 2 cc . • ' WWo o Tr«ae-lte T r « j Require J . ;______99 . 9 5 8 ; 8 8 4[3c 3 o AIXSTATE, Byl«>JttfuU r SAlisI CHARGE IT on Scars Bei JExprcw yg5'> f JPjr/ce tl c e W m I F R E E T fR______E M O I 1L 0 0 ..9 9 5 5 e . 8 8 SSc .

110.95 0 . 9 5 I ' 9.88 ' 47c7 c ’ 16»50x36 TolxhTVpc | $2o.9s I I R e tre a d S iz e s . 1 W hitewalls only $3 M ore ]Per Tire »fl0.48'! V z 4 A i I Blflckwall T u b e le ss

6 . 0 0 x 1 3 Aug. 29-30,194729-30, Twin Falls. Tlmes-N(Times-News S-l 2 Se ^ , 5 0 x 1 3

- J 7 . 5 0 x 1 4

L 8 . 0 0 x 1 4 Z 6 . 7 0 x 1 5

• m

1 ■ ’•

i t L IM IT E D ^ THIEHORSDAYNlNIGHT QUANTITIES[ES ' ^ AVGVSI p i i i i i l i H nny In So Y on1 W oii!l o i i ! t- ' ^ lUObs These Specials!i c i a l s l y s ^ I fr - T— 1^— ^

t h d b s d•AT a t NIOHII - •—a::— - f l t o o p j'Jtt, t t ^

..... H M ^ \

Sears Black andn d WWliil h ite Y a m o►f f 110 0 (0 % W o o l Delicious D eli Fig Bars*8

I. '

G H ^ EI l T f C HlA A R G l E f f (C H A R G E I T CHARGEITIT On Soars Revolvinglg Charge On Searss RevoltRevolving Chargo On SeSears Revolving Chargo0 On Sears RevolvingBg ChargeChari Foil wrapped qualityIty film. UseUs Four-ounce) pull sskeins . . . so Ai dellghdelightful treat for the whole,ola Sears soft colton1 flanrflannel Indoors or outdoors.cs. 127, 120,12( perfect forr fall sweatersi and family,iunily, AAdds a tasty finish to plo*jIo* sweatshirts for littlee boys or 620 sizes. dresses. Choicetolce of 10 colors. nicslies and,and packed lunches. girls. Long sleeves. Sizes 3 to 6x.

v i p i -//1 i I,Y **'»■#. **ft\ « / . \ ’ ! « ■ . A I permai^iNe Nt T > | I r t e # u / i ! \ I AHThFREEZEm 1 I A L J«MM£RCOOIANT. H, t /«^/Im LM / wif I ^Q h I h H ^ ’V* * ■ ^ r ' ' C i : ''I l i j ~ ------; mmm- _ Men's Fa^ionn Right 45-inoliHeat Heavyweight B Boyi oys’ C re w K n it S e ^ r s P e r m a ne n t AS u to Cotton Sportf Shirts Sliirts C o ttoon n FlannelF I CoCotton Shirts ^■Anti-Freeze &: Coo]C o o la n t ■di,;--.-. ' ■ ■ “' S C S 3 ‘ST: .v„ .S... V' ' ^ .1 : . SS ; “j ^ | ‘.-J i S i . / v - i i ■ kl uhr-.n'j 5 l . 7 9 s i a l , ; jS3E? r t h . t Cli.}. c h M g e iIT t C Hl A R R G G l E I T , ' CHARGEIT On Sears Revolvingng CharCharge On Scars Revolving Chargo Hugo a'ssortmerit of p)laids, laid s, stripes,slrlpo On S c a rsI RevOflvRevOflving Charge On Sea ' Sears Permanent Anti-FrtAnti-Freeze .solids and checks. Classic,□ssic, ivy andan All hrst-qualitylality 1heavyweight Solidolid color,coh cotton kpit pulloveri'or and Summer Coolantnt providesprov continental styling. Wash/ash 'em .,.. . "oPPp^ flnnnel.inel. 36 inches wide shirthirt withwiti shapo retaining crowCW year-round protectionin for ;vour I in solids or prints.prints.. Assorted kid- ncckcck at at tho th season’s lowestpricb.ca. car’s engine. Contains lEtliyl ' throw 'em In tho dryer/or . . . 4lion the „ iis tetliyleno boys’, men’s aud pa- Buyiuy no\V no\V in sizes 6-12. Glycol base with specialicial rustrus in- J vi/ear 'em ... thoy neverver noed iron-Irot j|„ „ ^ p a tte rnIS s . . , hibitors for added coolingaling system.sys i Ing. Sm all, M edium , 'J.argo 'J.arga sizes, '1 ■ . protection. ______

i / S-20 Tvk'In Falls Tlmes-Nowsjvs AugAug, 29-30, 1967

• I