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• - ' • / > . _ ______ i J J - J ________ ___ iin .0 J- 6 S x 0 5.127 - 1 2 7 UUbraria" b ^ ^ Ufthol i i t i o HiaH istorical Soolety 83701 ,l8 8 . B o l» 8 « — ' \. ■ - ' 1} weatKir- * F in al * Partly Cloud/S y I V yBiJJvnkn 11 — t i . ■ The MagicMl Valley Newspaperper DeiJicatedDeii to Serving andnd Pro:Promoting the Growth off Nine Irrigated Idaho Countiesm ties -VOLr64; NO.n35 ---------- --------------- “ ^W FA LLS IDAHO, WTUE^ ESD A Y , august 29, 19677 . 'TEN CENTS U.N. Talk ■ I d a h o y On W ar Is H m n • V oicess IN e w ■' Expected H P l e a F^ o o i r F i nl a a n n c i n g By JACK BELL WASHINGTON (AP) - A blocinc of form er senatorial delegatesles . ' ' to the United Nations is confl-Ifi- - d ent President Johnson will try m M i A g a i n s t ] to initiate U.N. debate on Viet- F i g h t A ] s t F i r e s nam early In September. "1 BOISE (AP) - Idaho voicedced delaveddelaved until early next year,:ar. aster area.ai Such ^ designation Democratic Leader Mikeike H B P H ' a newn e \ appeal for assistanceI in "Believe'"Belli that misunderstand-md- could makemi federal funds avail- Mansfield^ who led a show of H aJU B financingfinant irs"tight'against fore.st•est inging existsexi concernJng serious-lus- able.able. support in the-Senate Monday fires todoy. telling federal offi-)ffi^ ne.s.s_ofne.ss of Idaho'.s _fire em ergency...ney.._ JSryant said. liie-iii.sastciS.Jes.------- for such a move, .said ln_on la-In^ — t i a i s -that ^‘mi.stinderstanaing"ex^ex^ anH^'ditanB"nie'' financing of efforts lo ignationignation was intended only when " " terview fhe nexf move Ts uplolo ists.”ists." combat these fires," Gov. DonDon a aslate state had exhausted its own J the President. TheT he request for federal aid SamuelsonSamueh telegraphed' Farrisrris re.sources.re.source, He .said it was intend "Tlie President Is interesteded : } - . was made while legal authori-ori- Bryant.Bryant, ed to supplement,su; not substitute In bringing the m atter before -J . ties .studied Idaho'law to deter-ler- Bryant,Bryar director nf the Officefice for,for, staleslnu spending, the Security Council and wc minem ine whether the slate can use of EmergencyEm Planning, lold "Regret"Regrc federal assistance un- ' were trying to demonstrate tliatIII deficit spending to pay for the SamueI.sonSamuel; by telegram late1 1 e availableavailable lo Idaho tor current he would have public bacliing if firetire controlc work. Monday that the situation Jnin and continuingcon fire di.saster," he undertakes to get action,” ho If it can, a special se.ssioiiI o t Idaho didd not appear to Justifylify SamuijlsonSamuijlsi telegraphed Bryant, said. "T he decision, of course,se, the StateS Legislature might be^^^nabe designation of lhe state as a dis- "l.osses"Losse .sllll m ounting — .slate '"is up to the President. I am con-)n* fire-fightingfire-tight funds' and resources fident he would like to have the 1ft T exhausted.exhau.sle matter brought before the Unit-lit- ,• "Any federal em ergency-as- cd Nations." He indicated no . r ® 7 slstance available tor slate fires move would come before thehe f l K m cOregon HaHas New' tS,would be strictly supplemental. .South Vietnamese electionsms "To daled all costs on stale . Sept. 3, however. ■m 0 fires bcborne totally by stale. One by one, -form er members;rs BLM'Intends to bill the state of American delegations to thehe any and all costs incurred by U.N. got up to say the best routeUe Fire Expk that aJency. far breaking the stalemate on v : - ^ - A • . :plo$ion - | | ■ "State costs running $200,000 pcace negotiations is through B y The Associated Press of Los Angeles. California offl-JffJ. per 'I'V-day. Tolal to date Jl mil- the International organization. I N evew forest fires explodedded clals expressedcx hope of contain-ain- I'O"lion ''"dand Mill climbing. If such a move failed because I along the Cascade Mountains! of ing the -brush blaze before'>1 it "Ti-em"Ti-emendous load tor a slats of a Soviet veto, Mansfield said,id, I OOregc regon Monday as the Pacific:ific reached the forests. wwith th a ppopulation of 700,000 and it would expose the Soviets as Northwest faced a forecast of New five-day weather fore-ore- 20 per (cent of ils land in tax “the artful dodgers they are" inIn MRS. WILLARD SLATER,, one of theUi many e v a cu ees fromI floodflood w ater .swept away allII of theirthe possessions and two continuedcontir lightning storms and casts lifor the Northwest calledlied base. VValuable school endow- calling for an end to the conflictict thet h e recentrece Fairbanks, Alaska,a, floods, looks over photograplis homehomos, M r. S la te r remainedd In AlaskaAla to help restore tho unseaunseasonably hot, dry weather,ier. for lemtemperatures from five to1 10 ■"entment lailands being destroyed, but blocking an American pro-O' in a famfar ily scrapbook with her (hrciIhree clilldren. The family citycily pf ^^airbanks. Mrs. Slaterter and her1 children are residing O ne rainless llRhtning frontont degrees above normal throughugh "Appn"Appreciate your surveillance posal 10 reconvene the Genevav!J Including.IncludlnJ Willy, 8, T am ara, 4; and Brenda,Bren 6, from left, fled as temptemporarily with relatives inn Twin Falls, sweptsw ept across Oregon la te Mon-lon- Friday,Friday. Only small amountsi of of WahcIdaho situation and request Conference which worked ont day, setting at least 125 newiew precipll,precipitation — accompanying/ing that Ihe Idaho application bo re Vielnam .seitlements years aRO.!0. ___ < fires.fires, the first blazes to hit the lightninilightning storms — were pre-pre- viewedJviewed and considered a contin- , Almost all of the former U.N. state- in nearly a week; dieted."dieted.' .................... “ ui'rigni'rig appapplication in force during delegates who spoke are critical W . V , T h e U. S. Forest Service said;aid "Ther"There have been lightningling course o:ot this extreme emergen- of President Johnson's war poli-;; 1Ex-Resident' - J A mt Has Vividid Memory^ f Tossed i( extenti ot the new fires in Ore-)re- strikes in every direction,"’ a ey."cy." cies. Besides Mansfield, theyey BOISE (AP) - An old „on’sgon’s fir and pine forests wasA'as Bureau of Land M anagemlent ent After te d e r a 1 authoritlcJ include Sens. J . W. Fuibright, n ii suitcase full of m en's not knowk i n early today. The larg-irg- official said. "We've got everyery turned didown the first appeai for D-Ark.; George D. Aiken, I l-l- clothes which has bounced Jstest j,]b laze w as believed to haveavc mman an anand every piece of equip-uip- disaster designation Monday, R-Vt.; John Sherman Cooper,iOf Disastrouirous Alaskanan Flood 11around Ihe Statehouse for covercovered more than 300 acresi in mentm ent diout on the fires." SamuelstSamuelson said h e had hopes of R-Ky.; Frank CarI.son, R-Kiih.;1-: twotw years moved from the (i,^the f;firs t tew hours. An auautopsy w as ordered in the delaying a special session ol the F ran k Church, D-ldaho; Cordmnn J J y y BOBON NN IE BAIRD JONES Tor tho Slater family, thele cded awawny at the foundation andnd treasurer'sin office to the A fte r crew s stopped 25,000-000- death oiof 19-year-old G erald Che-:he- legislaturelegislalui by issuing deficit Allntt, R-Colo.; John 0."Pas-is- TimTimes- es-N ew s Staff W riter FiiirbanksFairban flood w a s not theirir t|ie «walls , cpllapsed, trappingng DepartmentDt of Education i acresacres of blazes In Oregon last lini — ;a Butte, Mont. volunteer[eer warrants to cover the mounting tore, D-R.l.; Wayne Morse, D- How does a moiher of three•e lirst disaster. Seven years ago50 most nf the family furnitureire li Tuesday.Ti i~i week^eek several fire fighting unitsnits who becamebe ill while fightingting fire costcosts, ; OrC, -and John J. Sparkman,''■small ^),j|children fee] aboul re-iheye. they memoved to Ala.ska where Wil-11- under concrete, mud and swir-/ir- i;\] But D, V. Engelking, I gw were ere transferred lo sites in the nornorth Idaho Trapper Pealt'eak -------------------- lu rn in g to tie r iiome town, wiiere-e lard Slater, a geologist, accepi-)t- ling waters.w stalest; superintendent of i ; Washington,Wash and Oregon based,sed tire. HtHe died Monday in a Mls- T J _ ^They are Joined In their ap-^ a‘‘"'fe'J® few 's|.slio rt weeks ago shle e ed a^ JoJob in construction. He is FortFortunately, no one was in- ii publicpu instruction, said it's ii officialsofficii feared they would be soula, IMont. hospital. X1C8 p ea l for U.N. action by Seas.'lj w“ atched. sw irling flood w atersrs also a former T w in Falls resi->1- JuriJd'andJuri’d'i the Slaters moved intoIto Jlii goinggo right back to State I caughtcaugh shorlhandcd it the newnew More than 9,000 men and Hearse With P hilip A. Hart, D-Mlch., RalphLy w ash away; th e family home andid dent an d son of M r. and Mrs.'S. their newi home minus much of ii TreasurerTt MarJorie R. I fitires fires spread rapidly. thousarthousands of pieces of fire fight- T> _ .