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Rank Member Name Member Number Country Total Points 1 Rank Member Name Member Number Country Total Points 1 Bianca WALKDEN GBR-1501 Great Britain 599,89 2 Shuyin ZHENG CHN-1511 China 430,61 3 Aleksandra KOWALCZUK POL-1530 Poland 342,06 4 Briseida ACOSTA MEX-1505 Mexico 240,61 5 Jackie GALLOWAY USA-1797 United States of America 231,87 6 Nafia KUS TUR-1567 Turkey 231,35 7 Saebom AN KOR-1505 Republic of Korea 191,24 8 Wiam DISLAM MAR-1500 Morocco 154,44 9 Da-bin LEE KOR-1536 Republic of Korea 133,65 10 Olga IVANOVA RUS-1507 Russia 132,13 11 Ana TEPAVAC SRB-1529 Serbia 126,41 12 Lorena BRANDL GER-1634 Germany 123,89 13 Maria ESPINOZA MEX-1502 Mexico 122,23 14 Milica MANDIC SRB-1503 Serbia 121,42 15 Katherine RODRIGUEZ DOM-1533 Dominican Republic 116,05 16 Pan GAO CHN-106579 China 115,84 17 Olga MUZYCHKA RUS-3373 Russia 114,56 18 Maeva MELLIER FRA-1510 France 114,22 19 Rosanna SIMON ALAMO ESP-1521 Spain 103,54 20 Reshmie OOGINK NED-1504 Netherlands 92,12 21 Gwladys EPANGUE FRA-1500 France 87,35 22 Ashley ARANA MEX-108715 Mexico 84,34 23 Iva RADOS CRO-1515 Croatia 83,27 24 Marlene JAHL AUT-1838 Austria 80,99 25 Melani ADAMIC GOLIC CRO-1560 Croatia 80,47 26 Laura GIACOMINI ITA-2264 Italy 80,13 27 Aminata Charlene TRAORE CIV-1618 Cote D'ivoire 78,53 28 Bich-na KIM KOR-2212 Republic of Korea 77,39 29 Gabriele SIQUEIRA BRA-1597 Brazil 75,69 30 Akram KHODABANDEH IRI-2240 Iran 63,40 31 Mereke ZHUNUSSOVA KAZ-1505 Kazakhstan 61,77 32 Donghua LI CHN-1620 China 61,10 33 Reba STEWART AUS-9711 Australia 52,00 34 Chelsea HOBDAY AUS-5676 Australia 48,84 35 Keyla AVILA HON-1511 Honduras 47,19 36 Madelynn GORMAN-SHORE USA-1689 United States of America 46,82 37 Jade SLAVIN GBR-2026 Great Britain 46,14 38 Ting Hsia MA TPE-1951 Chinese Taipei 43,84 39 Anne-Caroline GRAFFE FRA-1501 France 43,70 40 Mena MAHER EGY-1587 Egypt 42,24 41 Ella BORISOVA RUS-5013 Russia 40,90 42 Solène AVOULETTE FRA-2022 France 40,79 43 Jessica Paola BRAVO HERNANDEZ COL-1621 Colombia 40,30 44 Sude BULUT TUR-1859 Turkey 38,40 45 Karina ZHDANOVA RUS-1889 Russia 37,91 46 Shuwen LV CHN-1861 China 37,52 47 Mamina KONE CIV-1502 Cote D'ivoire 37,18 48 Raphaella GALACHO BRA-1507 Brazil 36,41 49 Belen MORAN ROMERO ESP-2183 Spain 36,36 50 Sanaz SHAHBAZI USA-1503 United States of America 34,67 51 Tassya STEVENS AUS-3061 Australia 33,69 52 Emmanuelle BOUDREAU CAN-1531 Canada 33,62 53 Cansel DENIZ KAZ-2347 Kazakhstan 32,79 54 Leonor ESTEBAN ROJAS NCA-1517 Nicaragua 32,77 55 Yanna SCHNEIDER GER-1541 Germany 31,15 56 Nisha RAWAL NEP-1561 Nepal 30,58 57 Olesya BARDACHENKO RUS-1849 Russia 30,29 58 RODALI BARUA IND-1849 India 30,06 59 Hinavai TEPEA FPO-1607 French Polynesia 28,64 60 Zahra POURESMAEIL IRI-12976 Iran 27,60 61 Nusa VUJINOVIC SLO-1500 Slovenia 26,38 62 Kirstie Elaine ALORA PHI-1563 Philippines 26,33 63 Aylin AKDENIZ NED-1528 Netherlands 26,14 64 Eleni SALINOUDI GRE-2037 Greece 25,43 65 Ayse ASMA TUR-1799 Turkey 24,85 66 Emily STELLINO AUS-104056 Australia 24,00 67 Nathalie ILIESCO CAN-1630 Canada 23,33 68 Morgan MCGARVEY USA-1638 United States of America 22,32 69 Tina SKAAR NOR-1523 Norway 21,14 70 Violeta BABIC SRB-1531 Serbia 20,82 71 Moehau FAAITE FPO-1566 French Polynesia 20,40 72 Madeline POWER CAN-1806 Canada 19,86 73 Svetlana OSIPOVA UZB-1759 Uzbekistan 19,55 74 Annelisse VELAZQUEZ PUR-2484 Puerto Rico 19,50 75 Khalimova MOKHRU TJK-1510 Tajikistan 19,45 76 Kate MCADAM AUS-3823 Australia 18,85 77 Uzoamaka OTUADINMA NGR-1569 Nigeria 18,53 78 Do-hee YOON KOR-1716 Republic of Korea 17,71 79 Elizaveta DOLZHIKOVA RUS-1911 Russia 17,66 80 Estelle VANDER-ZWALM FRA-1516 France 17,10 81 Hellorayne PAIVA BRA-1506 Brazil 16,84 82 Aniela GARDZIOLA USA-2050 United States of America 15,89 83 Paula WEGSCHEIDER ARG-1520 Argentina 15,62 84 Crystal WEEKES PUR-1614 Puerto Rico 15,60 85 Xingyue GUO CHN-1918 China 15,30 85 Sarah DI SINNO GER-1686 Germany 15,30 87 Lynda LAURIN USA-3044 United States of America 15,27 88 Taylor RAMIREZ USA-2903 United States of America 15,12 89 Alema HADZIC GER-3367 Germany 14,85 90 Leonor ESTEBAN NCA-1714 Nicaragua 14,64 91 Maryna SHEVCHENKO UKR-1510 Ukraine 13,73 92 Natalia GUILLEN PARRA ESP-1960 Spain 13,12 93 Marina KLIMKO RUS-5108 Russia 13,03 94 Lauren HAMON USA-1501 United States of America 12,91 95 Wa`Ad TARMAN JOR-1527 Jordan 12,83 96 Mosquera GLORIA COL-1882 Colombia 12,48 97 Bec WASHINGTON AUS-93057 Australia 12,24 98 Esra AKBULAK TUR-7020 Turkey 12,06 99 Marie Paule BLE FRA-1643 France 12,05 100 Aida MARTINEZ GONZALEZ ESP-1587 Spain 11,10 101 Chen LI CHN-1592 China 10,80 102 Cecilia CASTRO BURGOS ESP-1678 Spain 10,28 102 Doris POLE CRO-1679 Croatia 10,28 104 Carlota MUNAVE SWZ-1107 Swaziland 9,85 105 Franka ANIC SLO-1501 Slovenia 9,52 106 In-jong LEE KOR-1600 Republic of Korea 9,50 107 Yi-Chun YEH TPE-2056 Chinese Taipei 9,24 108 Eve EMBER AUS-1677 Australia 8,64 108 Casey ARDERN CAN-2165 Canada 8,64 108 EPIPHANIE MADJISSEM CHA-1063 Chad 8,64 111 Hadja DJABATE CIV-1587 Cote D'ivoire 8,14 112 Mervenur EVCI TUR-2261 Turkey 7,92 112 Grammatiki CHRISTIDOU GRE-2026 Greece 7,92 114 Jasmine VOKEY CAN-1506 Canada 7,74 115 Maristella SMIRAGLIA ITA-1591 Italy 7,56 116 Seavmey SORN CAM-1505 Cambodia 7,41 116 Samantha KASSMAN PNG-1561 Papua New Guinea 7,41 118 Shin-bi KIM KOR-2214 Republic of Korea 7,40 118 CHAIMAE KRIEM MAR-1819 Morocco 7,40 120 Ines KOVAC CRO-1609 Croatia 7,26 121 Juan SHI CHN-106746 China 7,20 122 Alfiia KURMANOVA RUS-5110 Russia 6,73 123 Petra MATIJASEVIC MKD-1514 Macedonia, FYROM 6,71 124 Thato TAU BOT-1508 Botswana 6,67 124 Konifalanisesi SISIFA TGA-1562 Tonga 6,67 126 Sabela LOPEZ RIOBO ESP-1692 Spain 6,63 127 Zuriñe PADILLA ESCARTIN ESP-2150 Spain 6,43 127 Delva RIZKI INA-300330 Indonesia 6,43 129 Denise UWASE RWA-1656 Rwanda 6,05 129 Zahra KALKHORAN AZE-2266 Azerbaijan 6,05 129 WICKRAMASINGHALAGE RANURI WANTHILA WICKRAMASINGHE SRI-1534 Sri Lanka 6,05 129 YU-TING SHEN TPE-2097 Chinese Taipei 6,05 129 Rebecca MCGOWAN GBR-2270 Great Britain 6,05 134 Esther Okechi UZOUKWU NGR-1568 Nigeria 6,00 134 Meruert TKEBAEVA KAZ-3220 Kazakhstan 6,00 136 Doha BAALI MAR-1712 Morocco 5,83 136 Maria WAJZER POL-1755 Poland 5,83 138 Radka HUDAKOVA SVK-1538 Slovakia 5,67 139 SOO YEON KIM KOR-5706 Republic of Korea 5,40 139 Balaussa KERIMBEKOVA KAZ-3009 Kazakhstan 5,40 141 Asena AYDIN TUR-1541 Turkey 5,36 142 Lalli GOULAMOUSSENE FRA-2236 France 5,28 143 Busra YILDIZ TUR-1842 Turkey 5,15 144 Yi Chun KUO TPE-1703 Chinese Taipei 4,54 145 Mia RADOS CRO-1845 Croatia 4,40 146 Natalie LAURIDSEN DEN-1586 Denmark 4,32 146 Lei XU CHN-106839 China 4,32 146 Raiany PEREIRA BRA-1892 Brazil 4,32 146 Mi-na MYEONG KOR-5620 Republic of Korea 4,32 150 Sandra HOFLINGER AUT-1554 Austria 4,27 151 Dalila D'AMBRA ITA-3042 Italy 4,23 152 Alina IKAEVA RUS-2337 Russia 3,90 153 Linda AZZEDDINE ALG-1500 Algeria 3,78 154 Rachelle CARUSO CAN-1667 Canada 3,70 155 Casandra IKONEN SWE-1510 Sweden 3,69 156 Tahlia BRIGGS AUS-10007 Australia 3,67 157 Lisbeili FERRAN CUB-1515 Cuba 3,66 158 Jin-ju LEE KOR-5287 Republic of Korea 3,60 158 Victoria AVILA MEX-1705 Mexico 3,60 158 Huan WANG CHN-106735 China 3,60 158 Duha AL ASSAF JOR-1537 Jordan 3,60 158 Natalia SALDIVAR MEX-108192 Mexico 3,60 158 Carolina FERNANDEZ VEN-1507 Venezuela 3,60 158 Danica PETKOV SRB-2945 Serbia 3,60 158 JULIANA MIGUEL BRA-232 Brazil 3,60 166 Nafiseh RANGRAZZADEH IRI-13223 Iran 3,38 167 Leonie MARTIN GER-1932 Germany 3,36 168 Natalya MAMATOVA UZB-1500 Uzbekistan 3,33 169 Nadine ELGAZAR EGY-2277 Egypt 3,24 169 Cristina AULLO PADILLA ESP-1812 Spain 3,24 169 OZLEM KUSCAN TUR-7421 Turkey 3,24 169 Esra ZEREN TUR-7010 Turkey 3,24 169 Catharina MEPPELDER NED-2225 Netherlands 3,24 169 SEUNG-MI PARK KOR-5863 Republic of Korea 3,24 169 Sara ZEDERFELDT SWE-1678 Sweden 3,24 176 Justine BERGERON CAN-2154 Canada 3,18 177 Ekaterina DEREV GER-1684 Germany 3,14 178 Lada PHILIPPOVA RUS-1881 Russia 3,13 179 Fatemeh MOSTAFA E DAROUEI IRI-4742 Iran 3,08 180 Kanjana SUKEEWAS THA-1527 Thailand 3,03 181 Do Hee YOON KOR-5948 Republic of Korea 3,02 182 Hye-jin LEE KOR-2172 Republic of Korea 2,94 183 Molatelo DITABE LES-1534 Lesotho 2,92 184 Alyona BURCHAK UKR-1874 Ukraine 2,70 184 Anastasiia VERETEKHINA RUS-3356 Russia 2,70 184 Alona DAVYDENKO UKR-3617 Ukraine 2,70 184 HAN-SEO KIM KOR-6147 Republic of Korea 2,70 188 Hina JOLY FRA-1644 France 2,69 189 Karla GARCIA MEX-1744 Mexico 2,52 190 Nadine TRUXIUS GER-2561 Germany 2,38 191 Danese JOSEPH ISV-1500 Virgin Islands 2,36 192 Anika GODEL-CHELMECKA POL-1535 Poland 2,35 193 Maren-Kristin EILERTSEN NOR-1721 Norway 2,27 193 Hye-jin YOO KOR-2467 Republic of Korea 2,27 193 TSAI-CHEN LEE TPE-2630 Chinese Taipei 2,27 193 Yaxin LIU CHN-106604 China 2,27 193 Paloma LIMA BRA-1784 Brazil 2,27 198 Maryam SOHRABI IRI-15502 Iran 2,18 199 Jun-Nan WANG MAC-1502 Macau 2,16 199 Grace IBOGNI GAB-1526 Gabon 2,16 199 Naira DARWISH EGY-1712 Egypt 2,16 199 Silvia Gabriela CORDOBA CARDOZO COL-1734 Colombia 2,16 199 Min-kyeong KIM KOR-4760 Republic of Korea 2,16 199 Megan LAWRENCE TTO-1612 Trinidad and Tobago 2,16 199 Xiaoqian LIU CHN-1560 China 2,16 199 Chen ZHANG CHN-1653 China 2,16 199 Yasemin Nur YILMAZ TUR-5754 Turkey 2,16 199 CORDERO GENESIS VEN-1640 Venezuela 2,16 209 Alexis ARNOLDT ARG-1518 Argentina 2,12 210 Bo-ra PARK KOR-3248 Republic of Korea 2,04 210 Min-ji SIM KOR-2258 Republic of Korea 2,04 212 Anđela POPOVIĆ MNE-1504 Montenegro 1,89 213 Erica ADRIANE FERREIRA BRA-1637 Brazil 1,84 214 Danielle HARRISON USA-2084 United States of America 1,80 214 Katharina WEISS GER-1509 Germany 1,80 214 Ivana PACAR CRO-1691 Croatia 1,80 217 Mariona LEYES AUSIO ESP-1583 Spain 1,62 217 Nuriye Betul KURT TUR-7126 Turkey 1,62 217 Iva POZEGA CRO-1658 Croatia 1,62 217 Maira SUIENBEKOVA
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