Burns Reaiiy Uo
"be. state Baskets and Jardinieres Boo1 Fiorai Co. ITHACA DIRECTORY 91 Cornelius Nelson W, r 317J4 Utica " O, foreman C U, res r d 3 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS R W Sailor treas, 123 W State " Annuals The (Inc), George W Sisson 3rd, mgr, 209-211 E State " Barber Shop, Sullivan & Salter props, 224 E State " C E, insp C U, r 612 Highland av " Charles E (Katherine), h 514 Highland rd, Cay Hts " Civil Engineer, monthly, Lincoln Hall CORNELL CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY B E Sanford mgr, books, photographs, stationery and office supplies, Morrill Hall, C U Campus " Confectionery, John L Hunsinger prop, 416 Eddy " Countryman, N Y S College of Agriculture CORNELL DAILY SUN bus mgr J V Frank, sec Jessica Holland, 147 E State " Earl T, carp, b 632 W Seneca " Era the (Inc), C G Peck mgr, 222 E State " Esther E, wid Alonzo B, h 419 Wyckoff rd, Cor Hts " Florence, emp 114 E Seneca, b 506 Cliff CORNELL FRANKLIN C (Cordia H), prop East Hill Coal Yard and v-pres Ithaca Trust Co, h Forest Park, Stewart av cor South av Diirno Dnnltu On Real Estate & Insurance Burns Reaiiy uo. 101 n. Tioga st. " Glee- Club, 111 N Tioga " Guy (Nina), carp, h 221 S Cayuga CORNELL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION E T Turner librarian, Anna Elsbree acting librarian, Sabella B Hinck ley asst, 115 N Tioga " Lillian, widow, hskpr 506 Cliff, b do " Mabel J, chief opr 121 W State, x 204 N Geneva " Mary E, h 202 Stewart av " Masque, Schoellkopf Memorial bldg " Modern Shoe Repairing, Joseph Cosentini prop, 402 Stew art av " Morse (Margaret), emp Brick Yard, h 116 N Plain " Nathan (Estella), repairman 110 W Green,
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