i ! ; LEOI~L~TIYE LIBN~RZ, COMP. 77/78 .~ IdOl.lAMENT HUILDINGS, - V£C~ORIA, B.C., #bL VSV-ZX4 i¢ .:::::::::::::=:::~::::=:=:::::::~:.~::~.~. ~.~::.~=:~.~.::.':::::::'::::::::~.:::.~::.<.'~r.. ~ ;~:~:~.~...~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.:.~:;.~.~;~:~:~.~;~;~;~.~.:.~..~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~....~.~.~. TERRACE-KITD AT the.weather: the w.eathe an is ca!ling for oc.oasslonalram for Friday wdh highs of 1§-17. ailyh Showers Saturday morning with r light winds. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1978 : VOLUME 72 No. m 20 ~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I • Full sail for four- mders

VANCOUVER (CP) -- and lines and scampered Vaneouvor got a salty taste ' aloft--as high as 40 metres-- . of the grand old days of sail to twice unfurl and furl the as the Japapese four- expanse of canvas. masters Nippon Maru and, Kaiwo l~aru each broke out Except for the sharp bll.~6 sails entering English uniforms of the officers, Bay Wednesday. 'there was little military Oubeard each 48-yesr-old about the ships. The 156 vessel, among the tallest of cadets, learning everything the world's waning number frown modern navigation to tall ships, chanting gangs developing blisters hauling of whiteclad merchant ealines, aredesttned to man marine cadets and sailors the bridges of Japanese labored cheerily at braces merchant ships. Local Unions backstrike Kitimat, Terra~ &' have been pi~eting PNG DistrietLabeurCooncllhave ~flces in Terrace, Kit/mat, announced they will be and throughout the nor- contributing ~0 a mouth to thwest and in Vancouver the Pacific Northern Gas since first contract ,workers strike fund for the negotiations broke down remaking eye.silO abie to getaround,'care for a garden and duration of the strike, earlier this month. T Des|arlals of Terrace was the winner of the car raffle vehicles, and picked a 1978 Mazda GLC four-door hat- The striking employees, The labour council con. at the Jaycee Annual Trades Fair last weekend. As the chback from Skeesa Auto Metal. Pictured with maintain her own lo& home in Cedarvale, Agnes Sultan en- members of the In- tributlon is in support of the winning ticket holder, DesJarlals got to choose one of five l)esJarlais is Doug Minfeldt, Trades Fair chairman. Joys a chuckle when the HERALD editor taking her picture ternatloual Brotherhood of PNG strike, according to a ~..,'.,'.':';'..~..,;.-.~.;:~..~,;.;'~.;.;';5%"~.,~:~.~,~5~?,~,~o.,...... ~...... o...... ~.~..~...:..*~.;.~..-:.~...... ~.~..~:....~...... ~;:;~;:~:~:P-.-.-.-.-~;ggg.~.;:~:~;::.P.....-...... -~.:.>~...... ,.-...... ;,;-.....'~'~'.'.'~'. ".'-'- ~'-'.'-'.'-'- ...... "-.'-'.'.'-'.'.'-'-'-'..~'.'-'-'-'-'.'. while being visited in Mms Memorial bespi~l. M~,. Sutton Eledlrieal Workers ?IBEW) .council spokesperson. says she is very upset that the property housing the Salvation Army Church Hall in being sold, which will InaveCedarvale - ence known U the "Holy City" without its historic mooting Trudeau strip irks Congress , gun for and Church haiL The property is said to have been pure ' . ' BULLETIN chased.for I~azing land by relative newcomers to the area. WASHINGTON (AP). -- A Cartoonist Garry O'Neill's office refuses to ,~Alean in K|flmat has agreed to convert all '~' ",',~:::~'~.~-~:::::: comic strip poking fun at Trudeau's Doonesbury strip say how many have been Kitimat u,que"l~'-"- mzerune'----"---- congre,' investi~aiiou of lastwesktoppedoffaserins received and be isn't oum- RCMP casting furnaces from natural gas at the request South Korean businessman of frames concerning Park's menlin¢ Unofficial sources Kit/mat RCMP haves new of striking workers at PacHic Northern Gas, • Tongann Park has swollen gifts to Congressmou with a said more than ~00 coupons toy. This one catches reducing their gas consumption by about 65 TORONTO (CP)- Rick "How I wish there were the mail of House of coupon for readors to soud in have beoudelivered. speeders. Constable Scott of percent, according to Onion spokesperson Rich Ber~ler gets around with a more," eays Sue Leonard, Representatives Speaker O'NClIIat his Capitol office, the Kitlmat RCMP says that Greene; ~,?951aser.beameane--the who has been instructing ThomasO'.Neill, butbeisnot asking for informatiou and ~.:~:.:.:.:, the detaclunent has been C~i~n.prick--which,sensatlona,by soUndwarnsand cane.Benderin the me of the :.:.~:.:.:.:.:~':-:':':':""""""'"~""'~::::::':':amused, urging public hearings. . , waiting for a new radar unit ..In exchange, the PNG Workers agreed tO do for a couple of years and has operations, and maintenance of the reWdatlon the blind diabetic of any recently received a new gun. station at Alcan to guarantee natural gas service obstacles in his .way. typ(uultwhich can be used to the pollution control systems. He Is one of the'-~ ~ilnd r On the dash of a car, out the ..If these systems were not maintained, the persons in conada to own the window of a car, or hand held by an officer, plant would risk being shut down by the Pollutinn The laser-beam cane The liSht en/iRin~ diode Control Board, Greene said. warns Beruler in advance of unit has a digital read-cot on ,.'l~he Alcan agreement is the latest step in at- drop-offs, as well ss ,the back of the blow-dryer tempts'by the union to forcq major industrial gas determining distances frmn ~ond the beISht of obstacles. S,i_l,c~nsg~tableScm[dthashad usersto switch to alternaie!euerg~ sources. :*~ s"-ess alrea,~" w,s ~ *, ~Th,~ c0uversion atAlcanwUl take from 91x to lO

". Central:: B~aheh ~ f6~*""the Canadian Pregresa Club after citizens' band radio Barrett refutes charges enthusiasts collected $1 VICTORIA (CP) -- OIP of several cabinet ministers did not know the source of million worth of grocery pnsition~ Leader Dave travelled free on the reports about use of the store cash-register tapes to Barrett said Wednesday that governmentplanes (xta total planes by Barrett's wife, • purchase it for hlin; each time his wife ac- of 39 occasions, said whoever leaked the compauled him on flights Premier Bill Bennett story was only playing petty aboard government airerafl, made the charges Wed- i::!itics. Therulns should be P.6. pri itwasinrespeaseto"o~cial nssday, thou backed tham up baseball, Rotary Park, Wednesday evening

heads In thatr.----,- general ...... dkectina. r--. - -~ ...... Allan Nlchol up at bat for Terrace Esao Elks' player Mltch Yerde swings for a flrst base hit Terrace Esso player Patrick 8herman strlkes curl PAGE 2, THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978

..,e ee..e.o.,...... e*...... i.~e..eeeee e...... ,..so .~- oo.eoe*o*~-~oe..-~-e-..e.e~oe.e e o ~ e e e * I e. o e e e. s, e e ~ e ~ e ~, ~. e e o ...... o-- ., Logs lift spirits at MK low tides • government has forced for them to clean-up lop', With the tides at extremely protected mooring area. they have spent money to high and low levels, dead- • This past week Crown- logging operations, in the southern part of this ~whepare for transport." head .logs can pose a Zbllerbach hes been loading t can be done? Waslti problem. This is quite barges in clOse quarters to province, to clean-up after • says that ff any damage to ./// ,evident to one Kitimat the marina and are, to some themselves. Not so here because of the isolation of private property is inimrred resident, Ray Starkey of boaters like Mr. Starkey, a civil law suit is the only Anderson Street, who had his blame-worthy for the the area. Local officials from alternative. This would be boats' bow suspended in the mishap. succmsful only if the com- air by a dead.head log which Not only did the logs lift Fisheries, Forestry, and Crown-Zellerbach were not pisinant could prove that the had been caught by the bow and submerge parts of lo~ging operator had he~ and stuck strai_ght down into Starkey's boat they available for comment on the problem. negl/gmt in some way. the bottom, The stern of his damaged munidpal Starkey says he will bring craft submerged, motors property as well. The dock Lower mainland govern- and all, whe~ the log lifted suffered an inJm'~ when one ment officials confirmed the log problem up at the the bow. exceptionally long log poked that denn-up is practised by next District Council its way up through a walk- logging operations cut of meeting. This problem is an annual way. courtesy, not by legislative one.. Last year the marina Luckily Starkey got his restriction or law, The ~,,~'(..,~~~~ bad .several lifted boats and small troll~ motor, which operation clean.up is ~/.~rf///f ~'%,\\ one fatality - a hole punched. was submerged, running beeaaseofprossureimpo.sed ///7/ ~\~ through the bottom of a boat again, shortly after by "government agsoclos ~// ~ _ \\~ - from logs. retrieving it. .The large and .the public," says "//[ ~qrl~,~.~ -~ The variance between metordicln't~em to suffer forester in charge of..'//..~..fll~,J~) || tides at this time of year, in my great damage ~ther. quantification in Victoria, [1 (~~---~ ]JI this area, is about 17 feet. With logging ' operations " Waelti explained that adjacent to the marina it is The problem, says "there are no rostricUm~s accepted by most boaters Starkey, is that "the logs. imposed.on the operations, that a few 'floaters' will interfere with the operation Just pressure. Not only have make it under the break- of the marina." the loggers responded to the water boom and end up in the Starkey says that press~ but, it makes sense O mon The MK marina has been plagued by 'floater' dead.heads ,laced 'floater' and munidpal property .was damaged by Trooper prepares to over the past week. A boat owned by Ray Starkey of another such log Kitimat was lifted partially out of the water dan to a sis. :~:~..::~:~..::~:~:::::~:~:~:::~::..~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:*:;:;~*~:~:~:..**:.:.:*:.~:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::~:~:~:~:;~:::;**~:~:~:~:~:;:~:;:~:~:~:~:~:;~.~:.~;:~:~:.~.:~:~:**e:.:.:.:*:.:~:.:.:~:.:*:*:!:*"Knock 'em dead" ) "On the Vaudeville circuit,, "Two For The Show" truly sltbd~ with thdr third a trouper is a thorough showed ' their musical" albmn,'"Knock 'e= Dead, professional, always ready ffogrension. The title song, Kid". 'Ibis album opined up n0n=uTs to go, ready to knock himself A Soft Rocker, was a major the national concert market JULY 19-29 out for any audience." Canadian hit and was the to the group ..... enabling Canada's Trocp~ has only first of their three Canadisr~ then to do what they do best changed the spelling. hit singles to penetrate the ..... outertalnpeople~ Having Kiflmat is taking the group American market ..... as a received platinum atutm in on for a Friday show, 9 p.m. consequence the album Canada with this album their at the arena. Terrace is to achieved gold status in up-coming album, '?hick As host them Saturday, 9 p.m. Canada. • 'rn/eves" ..... amber four at the arena. "We don't wut to stand ..... will definitely surpass Trooper was born in 197s still", says Re, '"['be whole everything to date. as "Applejack", a top-forty. poke Is to keep growing. With Trooper their forte is band formed by long-else We're trying harder now to porfomdngl Give aTroop~ Come for fun-fiNed KlondikeDays. As friends Brian Smith and Ra let more of o~ own per- an audience, and he']] knock Edmodton turns back the clock to the ears-freeGay Nineties.And honky-tonk McGuire. Applejack was a comdLIty shine through the himself out for iL It's a music fills the air. you'll stepdGht back punchy, melodic rock group male." traditlon that they are into history and relivethe colouduldays with a. large following in Trooper's perasnallty was determined to maintain. of the Gold Rush. Vancouver which soon spread them to be a top attraction in Western Canada. ~mmonwealthGames Early in 1975 a com- AUGUST 3 • 12 bination of impresslvo NeNadin Naohinor/lJiL original m~terial and an energetic stage prebenco 1004 Park Ave,, earned them a record deal with MCA. By the time the Prince George, B,G. VZL 4T7 z Cmm~m~Gr4. record was released the Box 862 EI]M]mONE78 group, decided to change their name .... ~ the spirit of • 663-171"/ Telox 047-6633 F.xpedencethe excitement of the Xl the new bqllming. The new CommonwealthGames. It's GOinGto be a thrilling spectacle. As Canadian name .... Trooper. 1971 Model TD2OG Anglo-dozer and, ~ athletescompetewith conte~ntsfrom After the release of their t • Commonwealth countries around the first album, "Trooper" .... winch, Has new undoroarriop and ~. world. Make Sure you're In oh the the 8ronp began touring. breath.takingaction. • .Don't forget the Friday Trooper, the Lions' Giant at the arena), and the 3 p.m. Hirsch Creek Park, Sunday. Their tint. show was, in motor $66j900, night rock concert .with Bingo Saturday night, (both Ecumenical Services at Nashville on a bill with BTO. l~fore long they had played For complete Information on .:~:.:.:~:`:~:*~:*::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~::::~:.~;:~::;:*~;:~*:~:~:;:*:*~;~;~;:.:*:*:*~:~:~:~.~.:.:.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~*:*:.:*:.~::::.*::::::::::::~:::::~:::::~:::~:~:::~:::::::::::::: most of the major cities in i966 Modal 7E Anglo dozor and Edn'mnton, for pleasure or busl- North America backing up neu, write: such acts as 7.7. Top; The winoh thoroughly checked over

Doobie Brothers, Elo, aTVOF Hawaii trip stopped short in California Aerosmi~, Fleetwsod Mac $37~00. and Nazareth. • momon VANCOUVER (CP) -- interview Wednesday. "We peeted to sail the Orenda 160 main purpose of the 3,600- ~?It6was duri~ their spring Also in stock, assortment Business Developmem, Three people attempting to hope to sail for Hawaii in a idlometres a day, but were ldlomctre voyage is'to wove tour that they added Vbitm'e Burs=u, sail a sT-metre dugout canoe few days and are more only . aver. aging 96 that Indians from the" nor- Fi'ank Ludwig; talented of Clearing Blades and 5068. 103 St~t, coast Edmonton, Albem to Hawaii from Vancouver confident than everthat Idlometres. They expect to them keyboard player, singer and T6H 5C5 have been forced to land in we'll make it." reach Hawaii in midAugust. could have sailed to Hawaii song writer. Winches , California a|ter the skipper He said tho ~ow had ex- Tocher has said that the 1,400 years ago. Trooper's next album became sick and gales caused minor damage to some sails. - Geordie Tother, 51, Gerhard Kiessel, 34, and Karin Lind, 34, all from the Vancouver area, arrived in Santa Cruz, Calif., earlier this week after 21 clays at Secondary..,, SP~. Tocher, who carved the Haida war canoe Ormda, lost 24 pounds on the voyage processnng usa nig 4:, and said he is suffering from a kidney infection and carbon monoxide poisoning caused by fumes from an part of B.C. mining. nutboard motor they have on ' board, Many people believe that mining in B.C. consists mainly of extracting "We have no intention of ending our journey here," ores from the ground and producing mineral concentrate for export to Kie~sel said in a telephone foreign markets. But there's also a good deal of secondary processing• within our province-in fact, many thousands of people are now employed in this "other side" of B.C's mining industry. Fress Duress t A major centre fop secondary, mineral processing is located in the City of . .VICTORIA (CP) - Senator Ed Lawson, a Teamsters Trail. Here, at the giant Cominco operation, mineral concentrate from many Union director, has accused sources is converted tnto lead, zinc and other finished metals...while a the Canadlan media of petty by-product of metal production Is used tO produce, chemical fertilizers. and negative attitudes that Animportant source of concentrate for Trail is the Sullivan Mine at are oat of touch with the ~7 Kimberley...but concentrate is also received from over 20 other B.C. mines, positive views of the general from Pine Point in the Northwest Territories" and from other world sources. public. / , ."We the public must drag This Canadian-owned alteration provides direct employment for nearly the press kicking and 4,000 people, and indirectly supports many thousdnds of others. screaming along to o •i positive view," he said B.C. Is also an important producer of alu~ninum.The Alcan smelter at Wednesday in a speech to the ? Kitimat has a capacity of 300,O00tons of finished aluminum yearly, for sale Vlctorlai Chamber of both within Canada and abroad. More than 2,500 people are employed Commerce. at this operation ...and, as with the Trail plant, thousands more depend ,.Lawson drew a prolonged on activit~ at Alcan for their livelihood .... ovation when he said the :Jill unedls are constantly The plants of Cominco at Trail and Alcan at Kitimat are major centres negative towards any new for secondah7 mineral processing-but there are also other such operations Idea or proposal. He singled within British Columbia. At Alton near Kamloops, forexample, B,C's out the Vancouver gun and i ~]::i: first modern copper Smelter began operating during 1977. Victoria • Times as major i~il] offenders. !ii:i The export of mineral concentratelto foreign nations will continue to be ..Lawson also commented an Important part of B.C's mining ~ctivity. But se .condary processing will /" on the labor scene, saying ]i:' both management and labor play an Increasingly prominent role in. years to come. It's all part of the also have to develop positive 1~.:::. process of development which makes mining avltal economic force attitudes. in British Columbia. '% ..lie also repeated his I i criticisms of proposed changes in the constitution width would give provinces power to appoint sans,ore. MINING .. Lawson said this would put q 9 members of the Porti B.C.s second largest industry" Ouebecols in the Senate and The Mining Association of British Columbia add to the disruptive tone ef P ~t debate.

I THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978, PAGE 3 • ;*** • ...... ° •,,, ,.,., *.**~.%%%%%%%%%~**%%~**;~;*;*;~**;%%*~%*'~;*~*;*~*~*;~**.*.*~.*.~.*~*.*~*.~****~.*.~`~.*~**~**`~**~**~;**%*~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.~*.*.~`~%%%%%%%%%..,.,.%%%%%%%%.,.,.,.,.****%%%**%% •%o,.,°,.*o Enough gas to last, a • energy commission told PRINCE GEORGE, B,C. profits for major companies. McKnight said about 97 (CP) -- City homeowners The proposed increase per cent of new homes built and businessmen. Wed- would mean homeowners in in Prince George have nesday night attacked • this Central community natural gas coaneeti~ and proposal by major otl would pay •bout $180 a year owners were concerned companies to raise the price more for natural gas through • bout possible price in. of natural gas in British heating bills. creases, Columbia. George McKnight, INDUSTRY PROBLEMS They told a public hearing representing the local City manager Cheater of the B.C. Energy Com- division of the Urban Jeffery said industry here mission that there •re Development Association of would be jeopardized if enough reserves of natural Canada, said the province natural gas prices are in. gas tolast until the end of the needs a total energy policy creased bCeauas it is the century and more ex. presenting a global view of "life-blood to the commu- flotation will mean bigger problems. nity."

~.. ,,.--......


i ? HIRE-A-STUDENT WEEK- A umber ~ m•ture students and unemployed youths have Provinoal benefitted from the Canada Employment Centre's Student Placement Office efforts to m•tch employees with employers for summer Jobs..At left Is Nancy Clay (with Cat• The biggest Provincialyet! and still only $5! .Larry York) who Is co-ordlmtor el the Nelgbbeurheod Watob Pregram for the Terrace RCMP. Fomerly director el the Cbikl nevelopmest Centre; Nancy reemtb' returned to coUege to further her edhcailon. At right is Tim Koving wh• b working with contractor John Kroeker. Tim has becn out of school for • year,'but since taking tbb summer Job he NOW ON SAiE bu made plans to begin an apprentleechlp in carp.airy. ,

~*~~,X,X*;*'-,~%?*'-,%?*?*?*%" ~•% ** ". :, :0.' ~*-'*?.'J:.?* %%?0?•% *•• •'. ~',:~•;,%?,?,% %7o%~',-'*.%.'*:*'~0-'*:* ~', "*" *'?~ ,'0;..%;,~?~,~.;*'J:,'*" .', ,?.?,_'..',? ,.%'*'* ","*','* ,?,_',.*•:._% :,?.?,?*'.',; ~•:,~; :,?,?, ?.~',?•%;.:,%? ._'.?.?." :~_.~~?~.~. ?. "." .?• ". "• %" ~.?.? .'~.% %;•' •:. %"•%?•;°: •°•~"-" ,%-% "• Western Cono~o { otte~ Founclofoo

Job opportunities

• •Further details on the" General Office Clerk - ;4.50 f~llowlng lobs are to be hr. Terrace. Permanent #btalned by calling the part time. General Tsrrace office ef the Canada bookkeeping experience. Employment Centre at 63S. Reception work. No typing 7134• required;., Registered Nurse - $1124 MlUwrlgbt - 10.51 per hr. mouth. Terrace.• Care of Terrace. Temporary full patients in ICU maintenance time pooitiea. Should be of equipment. Respamihie certified. Some shift work. to head nurse. Shift work 8 percent VP. Room and Baker - $7.00 per hour to Board provided at cost. start. Terrace. Permanent full time. Must have ex- Executive Secretary - $1,050 perience. ' , nionth. Terrace. Typing6O wpm, filing, transoribin¢ Dining Room Waitress - $3.75 shorthand month end per hour. Terrace. Per- reports, exp with l~bJic• manent full time. Ex- perience preferred. • S¢crt~ary.BookkeslZ~ -' '~ re.on. Tk~_r~ee~,.~ej*n~a. hen t . , ",. ., ,,., :, :: .., . Ilcier~,' ~:~,e~' °' i ft]ll'timF:~'~nv°lveS' typing;" i ~ i1-t-~;L~tsO, per l~to.,,~..'~l~J~tallge~ full time, 4o wpm typing and stock, reception,, mail essea~i, some experience filing.. required. Live in Housekeeper -. $350 H.n. Mecllanle - I.W.A. per month + l~kB. Pert rates. Juekatla. Permanent Edward. To care for 2 "What makes it a new _w:4y.. fulltime. 'rQ or fully ex- children age 7 and S -some: pariunced. housekeeping, cooking, chiMeare. , Waiter-Waitress - L3.~5 per hour. Terrace. Permanent Car Hop-" Mininlum. to car6 about people ?" full-time. Over 19 years of Terrace. Some experience age. Stock work, c•sh preferred. Evening 6-12. register and balancing Day llq. Hours vary when ordering. busy. Cook. $3.00 hour. Terrace. l're heard a So far, so Rigging Slinger - I.W.A. Cooking and some clash-up. M They say Terrace• Perm•nunt full Shift work. ME lot about the Progra m 1good. It time. Working on tower. II Must be experienced. Medical Receptionist. $5.50 this Leng-Term is not just for •sounds like a hour. Terrace. Medical Care Program-- the elderly- straight- Jmdtor- $1050 mo. Terrace. background necessary. Temporary (5 weeks). Must Typing speed not easeatial. wh,at I'd like to is that g forward, logical have some related ex- parlance. Cleaning, Waitress - DOE. Terrace. knOw is exactly true? approach. But pelkMn8 floors, shop area Must be experienced in how this now comes the general waitruselng duties• Program Very definitely. big question- Journal Clerk - Tart•ca• General Line Painter - ~.36 The Long-Term month. Typing speed of hour. Terrace. Permanent differs from Care Program is how much will 40 wpm• Must be able to fulltime. Excellent op. what we've had for any British this cost the handle clerical work - typing portunity to energetic Columbia resident oontracts and cheques, etc. person. Some background in the past. person receiv- and knowledge of heavy -young or old-- equipment. What, specifi- who requires long- ing the g Court Worker Assistant - $138 week. Terrace• Desk Clerk - $3.50 hour. cally, is 'new' term care for care? Gmeral typing, filing and Terrace. Permanent part- health-related r~,e~m duties. Must. be time• To register guests and about it? reasons. able ~ m.~..tp.~.c...... -....~.m.e..r..~..~...k.~.~ .... .:.:.'.:F~:.7.'F.:.'.:..•:%....•.••%•..•.•..••...... ,...... •.•..o.••.•••,...••..,.,.,.,..% ..;.;...... •..•;.;.;~; II • %%%%~•%%%%..%%.••`.••.•.%%..••%%%.~•••#•.•%.••.%•*•.%%•.%•*%..••..%%..%%%%%~••*•.%.°••%%•~ In the past, those who required special As far as care in the home is LIGWi~ING STRIKES OUT A SNAKE STOWS AWAY M You know, concerned, there is often no cost SYDNEY (CP) -- Sydnw LENINGRAD (CP) ,-- care due to health pi'oblems often had ! think ! ator~tlmtspeelalize in elec- ,Seamen found a python to leave their homes to receive the II involved ~t all. For example, there,is trmle items are offering the hiding behind a sofa in a necessary care. Services were know of some- no charge for Home Care Services T~under-phene, a phone that ~bin on the Soviet ocean scattered, difficult to locate and where they are provided with referral warns of lightning strikes liner Sculptor Gelubin. The one who could from your doctor, and no charge for. within six ki!ometres, python had vanished frem too expensive for many people• benefit from' Salesmen say it's cape.ally the cabin of an animal The purpose of the new Program is to Homemaker Services where family useful for golfers, farmers, trainer who had been on the co-ordinate care services and make the Program. unit incomes fall below certain line,men and fishermen, ship several weeks earlier. guidelines--ranging from $296 for a t', them available to everyone who needs Where should them--in the comfort of their own single person to $745 for five persons. homes, wherever possible-at aB she go In a residential facility, the basic cost affordable cost. to apply? IIM is •$6.50 per day. No extra or hidden Wagon Days We believe British Columbia residents charges can be made. However, a Room Differential may be charged should be able to receive the care they You can get com- need, without financial hardship, while where the accommodation" exceeds plete information the standards set by the Licensing maintaining as much dignity and and discuss your independence as possible.. Board--for example, private or semi- particular needs at private rooms. These Room Differ- the Long-Term entials may run to a maximum of $9.00 Oh, so the emphasis is Care Office in the M per day. The Long-Term Care on home care? •local health unit.It's Administrator at the your local health MiI ' / •. as simple as that. Yes. While the Program does provide unit can provide complete details for residential care wherever deeded, 'regarding your particular circumstance. home care, homemaker services and THE LONG-TERMCARE PROGRAM home maintenance and repair are A NEW WAY TO CARE ABOUT PEOPLE. TERRACE HONDA SALES of prime importance. 4643 Hwy, 16 West Terrace, B•C. VSG 1L6 (~ Provinceof Ministry of ~ 635-6571 or 635-4325 British Columbia Health Dealer kicence Number02066A Hon. R. H. McClelland. Minister. I'IONDA Test drive aHondatoda#. '

a 4tM* PAOE 4, THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978

EDITORIAL Sandy would notpayten cents to a baby's life until... Just how important little things can be in a The time came when our own infant had to go We tried t0talk the post manager into carrying A religious woman, the Scots lady.attended the matter of life or death was forcibly driven home on the bottle. Looking over the nursing bottles the better type nipple, and when he saw the morning, afternoon and evening services of my to me many years ago when I was a missionary sold at the local trading post, my wife was • success of the hard rubber variety, he did so - church the next Sunday. I congratulated her on on an Indian Reserve in Northern Manitoba. One dismayed to find that only one style and brand of finally. Result. Death rate drol~ noticeably her faithful attendance, so far from home. • of the main duties of my calling seemed to be nipple was stocked for the bottles. This was a for bottle reds. "Och, Aye!" she protested, in broad Scots, that of conducting funerals. Most of the funerals thin, elongated soft sticky plastic variety. "Good Then the company sent in a new manager and "It's nee that. I just love to see the wee bairns were for infants. At that time we had a baby of .Heavens," my wife said. "These would either the old one was transferred. Back went the store suckling at their maither's breast. It's nee the our own. My wife had noticed the majority of starve or choke a child." tothe plastic, collapsing nipples. Up soared the fash no mair in Scefland, ye nee. Yet it were infants that died were those whose mothers had "Tapwe! Ke-ba!" said the Indian women, death rate. when I were a Lassie. But ye nee. Sandy" she attempted to bottle feed them. Most of these "They are baby killers!" The difference in price of thetwo types was said, "I nee would nairse ye, yub bonnie mothers were or had been suffering from When .we ordered some of t~ hard rubber, very mail. About ten cents, I believe. s~0hcker! Ye was a fair to weakling bairn, ~ tuberculosis and had been advised by the visiting 'noncollapsible nipples from the catalogue, we This proved to me, that sometimes the life of a ye'sdf. If I nee had fussed ye wi' a bottle night doctors not to nurse their babies because of the gave a few to the bottle-feeding mothers - those chfldhun~outhedifferenceofa..d~e. Ten cents and day, ye wouldna be here the nee - ye know. heavy T.B. control medications they had to take who were forced to bottle-nurSe their infants. fern life. A ha.by.'s life! "Ye were a bottle-bairn reet fra' the stairt!" d~ilv. Sure enough- their babies lived. DO you think I could get the idea across to the Sandy turned a beet red from cellar to • Is • .! new bacheler-manager at the Company trading forehead. post? His philosophy was ene ~ "survival of the His mother gave me a big wink, and teased blMohaM&ekson fittest", lfa mother could not nurse her baby, he him for being so modest - but that wasn't why OTTAWA OFFBEAT insisted this was Nature's own way of saying the Sandy was blushing. Only my wife and I knew Ottawa,- Come when it may, the federal positions and rates. childwas not intended to survive! In that case, I THAT reason! dection is a no-win situation for the public So after all these years of ove~n"du~gence of tried to argue, Nature had not intended Sir' The next mail plane to take Off from the lake sea,ice. the public service, the government suddenly Winstun Churchill (who was born very left the foliowing~eek~. Aboard~t was the year's.. Mter 15 years of fat-catting it - ever since that mmses taxpayer outrage and it Itecemes premature) and many of the greatest men in fUll requisition o stop e goods or the company first week in 1963 when former Liberal Prime politically profitable to crack down and squeeze history to have lived. No matter. trading post. Included in it was an order for hard Minister Lester Pearson, himself a career lmblic out the payroll fat. A few weeks after this rather heated rubber, anti-colic, no-cellapsible nursing bottle sea, ant, took power - it has run out of friends in Bill C-28 results, and just as suddenly the disoussionl Sandy, the post manager - or .'!fac- nipples. A whole gross (twenty-four dozen) of High Places. public service is as anti-Liberal as it always - tar" as the fur trade term was, received a visit them. R was in'luck from Pearson's first week, when repeat always- was anti-Comervative. by float plane from his old mother - all the way Sendy's "mither", it seems, had succeeded, as a former duputy minister, he called in his so-• Because Bill C-28 will cut the obese public from Scotland. beautifully, where I had failed. recently senior public service cd!eagues and service back to the pay-~d-privileges weight of told them that at last they'had "come home." the inflatien.thinnod taxpayers. Coming home meant salary increases that led The legislation would keep government the national pay parade and gassed up the in- payrolls on a par with the private sector levels, fintlon balloon. put a centrol-lid on penaiun indexing., and curb the Coming home meant opening the dourto fh~ abuse of power of the publie serwce unions. unions and the continuing blackmail, especially But worse was to come.. ' by the militant postal workers and other ac- tivists, of the taxpayers,, with the acquiescence The Conservatives, knowkig a good dection of weak,kneed governments. bet when they See one, "me-to~d" themselves in Coming home meant indexed pemican and on the Liberals' public service hashing action. fringe benefits including not only goodies but In fact, they might even go further- asfar as immunity from reprimand, discipline.and even drumming the mandarins out of their empire, or penalty for mistakes involving millions of your to put it in street talk: fire the fat cats. tax dollars. To the barricades, was the call of the public And when. Prince Pierre succeeded the service unions. M~rch Mike in the Liberal throneroom he • Battle back, beat the bill and all those carried on the tradition of treating the public parliamentarians who support it. service as part of the court. • The.call to public service arms is sounded in Nothing was too good for it. the union's news-letter. Not only was it allowed to multiply and prosper But how to beat a bill supported by both major even beyond former Deputy Minister Mike parties? Pearson's fondest dreanss, itwas even permitted Work to defeat MPs who support it. ' • to write its own job descriptions in filling the Question pro-biil candidates' at. nomination ever increasing positions at the-public trough. and election meetinge. Knowing -in fact having invented the Write letters to newspapers bureaucratic buzzwords, it was able to wri~ up Get on open-line radio •shows. the job requirements for a junior clerk to make it Run for office themselves. sound as if it were in the employment market for The Public Service Employment Act, limiting' a senior administrative executive. political activity of government employees, With the result that not only does the public rules out any open campaigning FOR a party or pe~ive the civil servant to be underworkedand a• candidate...... ,. - :i. .... ~, . ov~-h~the :~reasucy Board itself, making But what about campaigning AGAINST tiara. an investigation of pay levels, confirms that Different, apparently. thousands of them are salaried at inflated So it's war on the hated Biil-~8:

"Heritage" oontest kid winners to tour every "7 can live ~ith the arms race, the volatile African situation, crumbling detente, nuclear prOliferation, the Middle East... but not a BEER shortage/'" 0anadian provinoe I II J '11~ ~0oo Canada tour Island and •visit the neck to Mouh'eel'.• itinerary was announced • Parliament Imildiags and • In Montreal, they will visit LUg replies to MP hna 0a mpapolo today for the 35 winners, the British Columbia Man and His World, the g ages 13 to 16 years, to be Provincial Museum in MeCord and Military ~ta selected from British Victoria. Musemna and da city , on M.L.S. for Terraoo airport Columbia in the national At Kamioops, British sightseeing, before CbrishnaRamnmsm 14 compatltiou "Explore Your CoI~nbis, they will visit me pro~edi~ to qwtec C~. BeverlyRofd 14 MydearCollcague: capabilities'at many mvigatlngin cloud. Atsome of this new iasimment' Heritage," organized by the Canadian Armed Forces 'where they will vk/t the I refer toyour lettca" dated toeaUnas'butexceptions are locations,this may be the inndingaid. National Museums of Base, and thin depart for. Plains of Abraham. Aprilll,19'lS, coneer~the to be expected. There is limiting factor and the in- .Canada. Banff and .Lake Louise,. ArrlvinginSaintJobn,New l~qple Ridge, new Microwave. Landing some doubt about airl~, stallation of improved in- Generaluse of MI2 is not Ush~ planes, beses and Alberta, to take in their- Bmnswtck,thay will drive to LandonCrdt 13 S~stem (MLS) developed in suchas Terrace, which are stmmentapprsaebfacilitiss expected to commence beain, tbe ysulhs will vkit, in great scmic beauty. Shedinc, and have a clam HelenBladna 13 Britain. stm'otmded by momiteinous m the airport would not beforeI~ but you may be ~4 da~s, every province of In calgary, Alberta, the ¢ilnner at Purlco beach. Kart[~urSet 13 Work on microwave terrain. In such eases the provide a lower minimum nsmredtbet everyeffort will the coen~-y,and see famous groupswill visit tl~ Glenbow MoW to Prince Edward JofmJohnstan 13 landiN[ systems has been minimum safe altitude to safealtitude. Each airport be made to take full ad. historic sites, scenic at- Institute, take the senule Island, a loheter~lunch has . underway in several wlflehaircraft may descend vfdl require, careful een- vantage of the equipment tracttons and museums. drive to Heritage Park, and been arranged nt New Fort Ware countries for a number of. in cloud in.influencedby the sideratioo taking into ac- capabilities to improve Toe winners of the com- thin leave for Snshatom, Lendou Bay, and the af- M/tchMasastoe 13 years. Two systems which .abilityof aircraft tO safely count the height, and. sawies at difficult sites in patitinn from across the Saskatchewan Here they terncon vdll be sprat at the VlctorMccaok 13 meet the .~ standards execute a missed approach proximityof thesurrounc~ - Canada at the earliest date. " province will Join ap- will visit the Mendel Art National Park beach in DorisPoole IS established by the In- procedureon instmmmts, terrainand the Climb per- proximately 340 other .Gallery and Western Cavendkh. LaeillsPort~ 14 tornational Civil Aviation Thisprocedure requlrec:the formauceofnormaiaircraft, Yourssiscerel)., winae~ from the nine other Development Museum. At. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sckani Indian Day School Organization(ICAO) have oireraft to climb clear of all ps well as the improved and Otto Lane provinces and the two An evening paddlewheel they will drive to York been deyclopad. One is the obstructions while more versatile capabilities tm'ltodes en this voyageof cruise on the Red River, with Redoubt for a picnic.lunch, Vancouver Brliish sys~n to whlch you discovery. dinnerand dancin&has been tour the fort, visit the 15 ,ad in a Food talk * The 35 winnare of tbe arranged at Winnipeg. Citadel, and have a boat tour MickelleNnsh ' 15 systemdeveloped Jdntiy by An innovative' eoastmler and preparing food. "It is a While Consumer and • ' Anstrslin and ilm United' competition from British Visits have been planned to of the harbeur. And an to States. Bothsystems have nssistanes program spin- part of the federal govern- Corporate ,Minks Canada Columbia will gather in Sydney,when they will take Louis Riel's ~rave and to the Agassiz " • been undergoing trial in sored by the federal meat'sstudent Job creation has established basic Vancouver on July 21 and Museum of Man and Nature. the ferry to Argentia, , CalestoBobb IS many locations, the most Department of Consumer isitiatlve,andwllloperatoin guidelinesfor the ~ will start their adventure Driv~g put the grain Newfoundland, and visit WaynsBobbJr. 13 recentbeing three weeks ofl and carpomteAffairs wiil be IMnooRupert with a project and has provided a Ir~ndna tour aetna Canada. elevaton at Fort William, Castle Hill park. PettorPeffls 15 demomtraflen and in opera[ton in Prince leaderand five ~nployeoo, course for all project There Will be three Ontario, the groups will .In St. John's., New. Seabird Island Band Ad- evaluaitou flights at Men- Rupert this summer, all hired from the local leaders, each team will chaperones, specially arrive in Tonmto, and visit foundland, the~ will visit ndmdstrstlen treai. The Montreal Sbean, M.P. and Ministerof community,"explained Mr. assess [he needs of its in- trained by the YMC~ ac. Ontario Pince,'Dayol On- Memorial University Art demonstrations were in State i0na Campagnolo Campagnolo. diyidualenmmunliyandwm companies the Stoup. They torio Museum, Black Creek Gallery and do city s~- will stay at University Pioneer Village and the seaiag, beferetsking a irons Btmmby conjunction with a meeting pmmuncadtoday. " The"FoodTalk" proj~t is sPeCifically~'to meetPr°gramtheec domlinries theenSheut the Metro Zoo, and flying hans to British TernuAndrews IS of the All Weather Tneprogrsm,c~dled"Fond oneof46tlmmghoutCanada, needs. The "Fcod.Ta~" ThereeaRobinmm IS Opemtiousl~iviMon~ ICAO' tour. Two days will be spent in Cchunbin m August 15, toevaluatebeths~tamsaed' Talk" in designed to show., asditisrecuiviag$13,0~out teams also augnm~ the Arriving in Vancouver, Ottawa with visits to The British Columbia Wend~Maclean IS make recommendations consumers how to save d a national "Food Talk" workof existing 9ommunity they will take a eceaic drive Provincial Museum in J Gatineau Park for a couoert, TOnAY mrmsroRY . concerning adoption of one money when shopping for .budgetof MgA,100. groups and sooinl.agmclon. thron~h the c~ty to vl~dt the the national museums, a 'viofom Js the im'flclpal~g MacMillan Planetarium, boat ernise on the Ridaau mmeum for residents of By THE CANADIAN PRE88 system for world-wide use. . take the ferry to Vancouver British Columbia only. " A force-o[ about, 3,000 The Anstml~.United States Cana~ a~ sWinecina and system was sofeetad but Contestants .will design Americantroops was taken before cffktol adoption, the and cmmtmet n museum by sm'prke in an attack by exk]bit model illmtvati~ an 70/) British soldiers at the selectionmast be approved aspect ed regional British .Baffle of Stoney Creek and by tim ICAO Air Navigation Columbia he~ta~e, was routed in confusion IM Cammiulm and the ICAO years ago today-4n 1313. C¢.~ll. The following are the, DurlnltbeWared13L~, the ,taixportCanada~fldak ~ Guwol Office. 43S43S7 Published by British Columbia winners of risVn~k~SWOre C~[~p~d mr have been involved for arculatlon./35.6357 . Sterling Publishers "Explore Your Heritage Burlington Bay on the several years in studying "program" Canadian side of Lake On- developments and taking PUBLISHER...Don Cromack tarlo when the redcoats part in the evaluation MANAGING EDITOR...Ernest Senior Victoria:- attacked in the early mer- preceu., in addition, a REPORTERS.,.Donna Vallleres (Terrace-Thornhlll) DenaldLawrenco 13 • vlng. The American com- Transport Canada aircraft REEOKT_ERS~,Sm~t .~rowes..Uqflmat~Kitenmat ) MichelinFue 15 maaders, Gee. Jdm and crew corried oat a large KITIMA T OFFICE...Pat Zellnskl - 632.2747 Pamda Williams 15 Chandlerand Gun. William numb~ of ill.in during the Published every weekday et 3212 Kalum St., Terrace, VelerfoFclker 16 Vflnder,were eapturad in the trials in Mentreai. Con- B.C. A member of Varified ~;Irculatlon. Authorized os NevinEvans 13 cogagment, tianad perticipat/on in the ~ ' second class mall. Re31stratlen number 1201. Postage paid In cash, return postage guaranteed. DtannaBlower 14 th~IgL~._IT~.]H~.~ .Nor~V~. (lards and operating NOTE OF COPYR IGHT Card~"ffi J" 14 ' left Britain to return home Much..wock""remelm to be 8 YEA iNA ROI£ The Herald retolns full, complete and sole copyright Quesnal to Nazi occupation, that MI~ may be used at . |neny sdvertlseme~t produced and.or eny editorial or LyndaAitohimm 13 1941--U.8.Secretary of sites not suitable for con, ~7o.~,~~w~o,~,~70~ ' . I~hetogrophlc content published In the Herald. S~dlaAl'lnatl~ 14 State George Marshall ventlonal, Instrument. ~,'~,~7",~.,,,,.~,d ~q~reductlm Is not.permitted without the written KarenMenroe 14 aanomicadhisMarshaHPlanLandisgSystems (ILS). The o~.~.~'~""v~°~v~ ermleslon of the Publisher. JackieWbeel~" 14 'for the recomtruofioo of new system will provide ~ Brenda ~orn 15 Europa. better iastrumest approach

• , ? THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1976, PAGE $ Buenos' Aires resounds to home soccer Rough Mussels cracked open 19-1 loss VICTORIA (C]P) hasebaUbomeopa~rbefere with a home run and a club push/" World Cup F als waters Bellingham Mariners 73t fans. double. Werner LaJunky hit by Don Pea.rs0n, Custom bombed Victoria Mussels 19- Jim Cabalas drove in five a Mend-dam homer for the By ROBERT BART If en Sunday their heroes .Menotii, formerly a player doctor's evidence to the Sports 1 Wednesday night in the runs during a 13-hit mariners In the second in. BUENOS AIRES (Router) can beat the Netherlands with Rosario Central and contrary and was sacked by The tides rids morning at Mussels' Northwest League Bellin~ seventh inning nimz. --Ar~tlu's soccer team andwin the World Cup for Racl~ Clubs. Menotii. Winger Daniel Bar- MK Bay Marina are low at stands Just one atop from Argentina for the" first time, Their real World .Cup tone's form fell right away 10:10 with .4 feet, high tide is wi~ the World Cup and the celebrations could last buildup began a year ago and there w~e rumors that at 4:~ p.m, with 14.7 feet. bringing an enormous• for days and the deeper when Argentina played a midflelder Ricardo Villa was Douglas ~hannel was psychaloilieal 'uplift to a effects on this natic~ of 27 series of seven matches the object of a $1-mflllon bid rough Wednesday until about nation depressed by million will be felt for much against European countries, by the North American 5 p.m. It was rough enough eceaomle restrictions and longer. • Including now-dopesed world Soccer League. to stop meat boaters from the firm hand of military Can they do it? After champion West. Go/many, Argentina's World Cup going out. Thts,.of course, rude. Wednesday's dazzling England, Scotland and chances seemed to be makes +it very difficult to Each Argentine victory on display of attacking football France. seeping away without a ball report on fishing. the road to the final has can anythinggtop th~n? LOST ONCE ~ing kicked lint it managed du~e salmon did come: In t tens of thousands of Some ohaervere of Despite showing mixed c~mfortable wins against the evening after Province of British Columbia ~ out into the 'streets of Argentine football remain form and having two players .Romania, Bulgaria and waves and winds died do~.. dries tlnu~bout the cannery unsure. More than once in sent off for losing their Urt~y in preCup I noticed me Cahoe at that Ministry of Health in a ri~ of waving flap and the pest the Argentines, with temper and punching OP- exhibitions and, ironically, thne. blaHng hems. all their flair and skill, have ponenLs, the Argentines lost ~he obangee forced on • There seems.to be a lot of Mtor Wednesday night's fallen at the last hm.die only once, to the West MenotU new appear to have allied-heads in the waters 10reaildakin8 6-0 win over thro~ lack of discipline or Germans, won three ~,ues bern the ranking ef the team. ri~t new. This i~ caused by Peru celebrating faro hn'ned temperament. and drew three. Above all, doubts about the extremely high tides and PUBUCNOTICE thecemtre of Buenos Aires ~e ourrent squad, with . In a mood ot olAimhan Bortoni and Villa non- ~'operations. into an impassable melee of only a few exceptions, has Menotti picked Ms World tributed to Menotti's Here In the marina we had chanting humanity and been together for the last two Cup squad in February this decision to recall the burly one boat parched on a dead- hoot~ traffic almost until years under the taciturn year, only to run into a series Marie Kempes from Spanish head and another 'floater' dawn. control of coach Cesar of apparently crippling club Valencia where he has dead-head pike it's way up setbacks. bee. the leading Spa~sh thrmsh the dock. ADVISORYCOMMITTEE ON First piteh lets First, team captain Jerks League ecorer the last two On Sunday I'm going Carrsscoas, a model of Coo- 8eassns. ~hing for one week durLqg Angel get first homer sistency and control in K~upes, who is featured in wMch time there will be no By THE ASSOCIATED starts, scattering five Mrs. midfield, opted ~ut because the nentrefold of an tishingreport~ I aL~prcathed MEDICALMANPOWER PRESS Rick .Miller drove In the of the press~e impused by Ar~ooLlun magazine which a couple of fishermen to It took Dave Machemer Angels' final two runs with a •international footbaLl on his abews him searing One of the replace me for this hat I sevea years to reach the seventh-inuln~ ~ple. personal life. goals leading to the World ceul~'t get =my ~ers. TOTHE MINISTER OF HEALTH major leagues and more The last player before Then No. 1 goalkasper CUP, eonirihated a goal in than awesk to got In a same, Machemer to homer on his Hugo Gaff complained of Wednesday night's win over but when be tinnily did it was first major league at-hat Was lack of fitness desp!to a Peru. Kitimat well worth the wait. Toronto's ,6,1Woods on April REOUESTFOR WRITTEN BRIEFS California's 27-year-old ?, 19'/7. Referee takes abuse activity z~kie third baseman, called Tigers 10 Blue Jays 8 up from theminore early last Alan Trammell's solo following .Timbers' loss ..On the adgenda for aH The Advisory Committee on Medical Manpower (composed of mem- week when Carney Lausferd homer led a five-run sixth By THE CANADIANPRESS Franeieco Bolota netted active Klthaat ~Sth blrthday bers from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C., the B.C. was .injured, was the first inning for Detroit that. It wasn't the best of nights Rochester's only goal. eelel~atorl Is thls weekmds'. Medical Association, the Ministry of-Health, the Health Education hatter ef the game Wed; erased a 6-5 Toronto lead. pantathlon, and archery for Portland Timi~they FLANAGAN SCORES Advisory Council, and two~. lay •members) is currently examining needay ul~ht. After Trammell's homer, lost a bunch of narmnents Mike Flanagan scored tournament. ~, He lined a 3-a pitch from oossecutive singles by Lon with the referee, a aino- three goals as New England • .The Kltlmat Rod and Gun physician distribution in order to ensure the availability of high quality Minnesota's Geolf Zahn just Whitaker and Run LeFlere pme ~ streak and defeated san Jose and pusted hosts .the Second Annual care, and to study the most effective utilization of medical care bside t~ lett fldd foul pole, plus a do~IMeby Steve Kemp centrehack Graham Day f~ its eeveath victory In 17 Pentathlon at 0 a.m. services in British COlumbia. becoming the 46th player in chased Don Kirkwoed, who their next game. matches this season. Saturday, at the Rod and major league - baseball had. taken over in the fifth It aLl luipponed Wednesday Flaunsan save New Gun slte. The Committee is reviewing the present and projected requirements Natory to homer in his first from starter Tom .Un- n~ht aa Tampa Bay England a 1-0 lead at 4:27 of • .'me 11drd Annum Canada for physicians, by region and by speciality;.the means of meeting at-haL Den Baylor added a derwood. Rowdies pasted 8 2.0 victes7 • the first half and then added We~k Arches~ Tournament these requirements, and the various mechanisms which could be two-run hamor in the first is being hdd Sunday at 10 Jim Crewiord got the win over the Timbers, their first two goals in a two-minute employed to improve the distribution of physicians. inning, his 17th, and the in rdlef of sturt~ Jack lees in 10 press, to azzapthe span early in the second hail. a.m. on the Fire~ Mountain Az~ela went on to defeat the Blllingham, who gave up longest winning streak In T~s Bur~tt and Steve range. The Committee, therefore, respectfully requests the submission of Twins 5-~.. four rum on six bits in'the North American Soccer David scored feint-half goals "It's a 8rest thrill," Mach- written briefs from-all interested individuals, professional associa- first im~ Jason ~psan Leape history. and gcaltonder Dave Jckerst W Gernlan tions, and the public in general, on any matter pertinentto this study. emor said. "I was really also homered for Detroit Day said me man is to made just two eaves as happy running thuse bases, while Otto Voles connected blame, for the defeat-- California bested depression The time frame within which this Committee is working is compara- as you could probably.tell. I for the Blue Jays. ~eres MarJun Dana. was just looking for a pftch to P~lp~a. tively shod; therefore, it would be appreciated if all briefs were sub- I~diuns 4 Royals 2 "Homer--that means he Barrett save California a INNSBRUCK, Austria ~itted by August 14,1978 to: Mt and luckily 1 got a fast Paul Dade's cheek-swin~ (Raus) was on the home 1.0 lead at 13:36 and David, • (Renter) -- A West German haLl up. I hit it good. I was side," complained Day, who who Joined the Start last vacationer was so depressed just hoping that it would stay groander scored Jim NaTIS with the tie-breal~ run in had the unusual distinction Meaday, scored 8n by his soccer team's 3-2 leas f~ir." Chairman, the seventh inning and ef b~ thrown out of a uanesktod goal at 21:15. •to Austria in the World Cup Advisory Committee on Medical Manpower, nmhere in " t~ same that was no longer • MldSelder David Bradford In .Argentina Wednesday that ~nowly-acqulred Dan Spillms" 1515 Blanshard Street, , p/tched three ~ of one- |~ayed. sacred two goals and Alan be tried to commit mldde. Cleveland Indians beat After play ended, Day Brazil added a goal and an Josel Waller, 31, a house Victoria, B.C. V8W 3C8 Kansas City Royals 4-3, Mt relief. drew a red card from Raus ausbt as Detroit defeated painter from Herdorf W. D. BLACK elkin~ the Royals' lead over Red Soz II Yankees 2 when he extendedMs hand to Memphis. walked into a bar here and California In the AL West to Carl Yastrzemski and the offlclul thee ~.it. Kdth ~ added the slashed his wrists. Chairman one.half~ ,go+me; Buston ROd Carlton Ftsk led a. six-run hack m.Da~..,m~ed out to L~ ~' +.final score, white Police say be is. out ef so= ~t~ork Ynk~ t~rd inmS with ceasec~e -shake it~ ";+~, ;,':::'.i.,.~: .... defender John~.Faulkner .danger in ,hcapi~! still .'..-."+ 9-~,.L~*a~~a beat: doubles and Butch HokJon, -"I never should have gone tallied for the ~&~es; . "- depressed. ' ' +++ Rolt~it'ore Orioles 5.s and Fred Lyre and Gesrge Scott up to the referee, but I Detroit Tigers outlasted homered aa the S~d Sex thought he had a bellura bad Th~uto Blue Jays 10.8. whipped the Yankees behind same," said Day, who will Mtor the Angels webbed a the six-Mt pitching of Dennis have to sit out the Timbers' quick S-0 lead, Mianesota's F_~ersley. next home game. "This is Roy Smalley ceent~ed with The vtotory, Boston's llth the only place whore the a tworun Mow in the bottom in the last 13 games and 21st NASv. falls down. The refer- of the first. Don Aese settled in ~7, enabled the Red So= to ess are So diaboUcul." dawn after that and pitched take the rubber match of a Wee McLeed and David bls first complete game in IS thme-Rame serlns Rubb provided ,the ~ods~ .. NEAREST THING TO A LIFETIME* ENGINE I I I for Tampa Bay in an unruly (Reduces the frictional wear-and-tear that causes you to "trade in" every few year=). " "candthe"four to Portland and+'-- one to broken~v~Ldl"l-stre-"tkNate Dv "-°=" B T• M• T• HOT"PLATES" THE INSIDES OF YOUR BGIHE By THE AaSOCIATE'D to lead the Expgs over New McI~ Save the Rowdies PRE88 Yd., ' a 1-01ead at S3:0~; scoring an . • | .oo ,._. ++o, - _. ++ -"'+-"+,+, ,. + WITH...... , A 50 OOO MIlE o PROTECTIVEDe P0nt streak+ finally came to an three times, the last in the 'yards out. Rabb added an ~ end, oalybecauseEdRoUcki bettomefthoseventhinuln~ insurance marker 11 Marred a mean streak., after a delay of one horn' and minutes Inter', mnverting a IBllUH bURIINb! FACT The cost of owning sad operating,any vehicle, car, bua, track, yon "I Just decided to go out 2,1miuntus.+~Tboro wore Mete. pass from P.odaey Marsh. i' name It--~as gone lfral~ht throuffh file ceiling/The coat of gasoline and o11?UPf there with hate," said on first and second with .one In oth~ HASt. actlm, New T~he P~gysmen~ demand~J., bY akllkd !and nol-so-ekilled) mecbenies? UP~ ~ , " ' Halicki aft~. pitch~ San out in the seventh 'when the York Cosmos defeated pr~e !g, WCOrn uno trucks? UPSIt s positively sickening_and ira gotng to get Francesca routs 3-0 same was called. Ptratos z • WHAT IS TMTP worse nofore it gets any belfort , tea Colorado CaribOu S-l; TMT is a superconcentrated liquid for- victory over Cincinnati Reds Cubs 1 Toronto MetresCroatia mulation incorporating 06 Pont TEFLON'. and their ace Frank Taverns ldt~a tie -. edged Roehoater Lancers S- the same chemical compound that went to Wednesday night. "I decided tw~out single in 1; New England Tea Men the Moon in the lunar v~hicle engines When ED ALMAUISTW0RLD FAMOUSAUTOMOTIVE [NGINEEH REPOATSON T.M.T. THLON 11F,ATMEM1'. me ninm innbq~ in beck the TMT is addedto an engine crankcase, this no more buddy-buddy stuff." crushed San Jose Ear- key ingredient instantly goes to work against - , "The active Chemical inlredient in "T.M I"." his "And o~ce "T.M.T." has been o~ to an m'~ Helield was in the right six-bit pitching of John Uxpuikes r,-s; CaUfmd= Surf ' • s special affinity for metal which causes t to line ..: positive reuulJs can be seen throush the the No. One Cause of poor gas mileage. "plate" and adhere to all*exposed friction sur. experienced and trained eyes or even me most frame ot mind for.the Reck Cundolurla and lead Pitt- blanked Pldladelphla Fury ~ ' . sluggish performance, high operating tem- faces. Polymers attract more polymers toe micro skilled of mechanics. They will nolle! s d~:ide4 aria' the kind of sorry work sbn'gh over C'qdcago. . O and Detroit Express peratur'es, and mechanical brqakdown: fric- thickness which means s "controlled" build.up increase Ih compression readings--which indl. ' fionaldrag. ' , OCcurS around worn surfaces, which accounts for cares tMt plston+.and rln[ seal. I.e.ve.iml~.ooooyd... bersdoneagalnst them in hves Z Pn4ree e, blasted Memphin Roaues 4-1. the numerous user.reports of reduced "blow.by', An mcrease in iota r,p,m, s wm alSO o4 ee~lct. Gary Matthows reflected But unless you're a chemical engineer, mcreaued compression readinls, end reduced o able due to the reduced friction after e tim 'lmst--~ 14 lifetime record l)eanls Tnoart and VetoDi .... right now you're more interested in what TMT consumptlonl hundred miles of "T.M,T." "plating". ,and a 6.53 earned-run ti~ee hits and drove in" two mltr~evio scored goals four does than how it does if. So here it is, in a '*CONCLUSION: Not only IS "r,M.T," easy to W. avenge. runs and Adrian Devine and minutes apart late in the • nutshell: "And in order to effect.,, o Permanent treatment, (it should take 30.seconds it the most for oMl.nl GoneGmber'nombined oa an TMT IS FAST! There's ngthmg complicated He I~d the added incentive second half as the Conmca about using TMT,a 12-year-o d kid could do ~ +i~!i~dd~:r ~'iprhTil/i~;!~;teaef t--sete~r~!~nee~nel mechun,c,seene Perma evennanThetrcaement)- under butbeneflts the thatcarefulcanltSh, ucrutlnyeupecfedresults ofcon anyoe . facing Sea~er, an el~btldtter to lead Atlanta defeated Colorado and it in less than 60 seconds ... and not even get wllh engine' should then be run ~or e mlnlmu'm of *°T.M.T.' in the engine-ire is follows In. ill~trtolM plteber who had over San ])[ego. posted their ~st eoesecutive " his hands dirty! thirty minutes In order to make sure that all creased Gas*Mllaela--Iflcrsasad Horsmpowlr-Lass games, Dodgers S Astros 4 home victory. TMT IS PERMANENT! it's an engine treat- friction surfaces are "plated". 0ely e lbt ounces 011 Consumption - Less Wear On Internal Pelts - won seven s~a~ht meal. not an oil treatment. Just one single. |re required for the Oversee Pessenser car or Reduced_Emissions- Lower 01~ratlnl Tampon. Inoind~l a nohltter hla last Pineh-hittcr Steve Ycagor The Coemoebad a or.eNd of application is all it takes to permanently pro- small truck enstne. • tureo - easier Gold Weather Statist" • time ~ut ag~dmt St. Lore sidled home Bill North fr~s 33,476, 81vil~ tbo~ a sessml tect your engine: for as long as you own your I CunMmls. third hase with ~e out in the tcud ef+~o,~, estub~ r..ar I 11th inning .to boost Lon a NASL renard. • TMT IS SAFE! We've put our money where New that yen're baird from t~l assert.., listen to the roves ef mVthe;1fliklv~s. This timer saaver [[ave up - ~, our mot~th S on this.., with a $1.000.000 a mcond.iuninS degas to A~des over Houston. North Vance Balevskl scored ''. '. Product Liability Po cyiseuedbyanationally THE RESULTSPEOPLE HAVE GOTTEN ARE SO SENSATIONAL, WE CAN'T FAINT THEM. THAT'S led off the lnninS with a .... " famous insurance company! • ' WHY WErE "ilLE[~O" THEM OUT OF THESE ACTUAL CUSTOMER LETT[IIS ... Jack Clark, thin allowed with s:~ ranaininS,lasdins (Once you've put T.M.T. In your vehicle, you'll be liillne In the figures yeurselq. three ruus in the fourih. double off loser Joe Sambito, Toronto to its e~th victory ' TMT IS EFFECTIVEI Effective for any ca'r!' It ml~ Imve been a 1.0 took third on a ssorifica bunt in 17 matebus this lassos. truck/or other vehicle--whether it's the'-'. Motorcycle Racer • "Bad Deal"becomes wronS. Of course he probably :year's model or one that's lS years o d Pro,+. pts more powerS "Good Deal" with '*T.M.T." won't admit it until he uses the . ~ve bad not a fourtl~iunIn8 by Jerry Grote and came Ivan Lukaeevie also • tecta and preserves new engines... 'tightens • TMT In his car that I'n~ Divans him by Rapt Matter borne on Yea~or'a d~le. scored for Toronto, while up" and rejuvenates old ones! • "As an englneerlnI sludent and "i've tried ps savers, pills, new as a present." -- M.W. TMT IS GUARANTEEO! Every TMT Treat- racer, I was interested in what filters, engine treatments, etc. My between centre fielder Cessr T.M.T would do ;n a tenth mile friend told me about a product Auto Meclmalc Germ.s.i,=1 right fielder ment sold carries with it the strongest most speed test, that his father had just tested for recommends!'T.M.T"I ' ir0n-¢lad Guarantee we'could think of!-- A series of runs from a standln| ' ida fleet of trucks and I'm sure "1 am en Auto Mechanic and I 'O GUARANTEEO; Better gee mileage... start showed that our E.T, (Elapsed • you guessed it was T,M.T, . drive e '61 Caddy. and t wls us. l~n~'~-'e~" in the National more miles from every tankful., or Time) was rcduced by XX s second My mileage has lone from XX to ins a lot of ese in the city end All the • • money back in full! • , In unbelievably astoundlnl XX. My on the hizhwlys, I was left n| 14 after T.M.T was added to the fuel ~Silue, Pittslmrah Pirates 4} GUARANTEEO: Less od burmng long- father, who Is e car mechanic milesto the lelfon but now ellp.-e t Cbkago Cubs 2-1, mix In my 125 c,c. Kawssaki M0. 'told me it's Impossible but i've I've been uslnl"T,M.T" i pick uo er periode before 'loppmg off' . . or torcross racial m0torcyce. kept exact records on my last four XX gallons in the. city-end XX Ipll. Montreal Expos defeated money back rn rail! AS s student of enzleeerlnl this tankfuls and have proven the old Ions on the.hllnwey, so i know • GUARANTEED: Smoother engine perfor- proved that T.M.T reduced friction ssylnl that even fathers can be you people nave e |ood pro~luct NewYork MeV S-11n,a same HO end I will recommend it," dwrtmed by rain 'in the mance...lessetalling and rough edhng., end incrsasgd power," or money back in full' .. ILL -- Hacer Mr. O.T.B. seventh inning, Atlanta + • , Bravep bOat San Diego • .GUARANTEED: Increased horsepower and higher oompression.., more zip and FILL OUT AND MAlL NO-RISK COUPON--TODAY! i, acceleration.,, or money back In lull! " ,+ • GUARANTEED: Longer engme life .. , ,=,:' Astn0e 8-4in U inning, The fewer repair bills (especially for cksstly , ONLYTWO. TO ACUSTOMER, gUSTO OVERWHELM NG DEMAND. (FIRST COME.'flRST SERVE), ringandpistonjobs) . .ormoney beck in ~ ." Ptmedolpm-st.~ sa=e full! wu pmpud by re1.. • GUARANTEED: All Ihese important, /9'~ Enclosed is 17 cheque or [] money order Halicki allowed leadoff money-savlng benefits no matter how .xl~:." hatteN t~ teeth bane in four long you own your veh,cle, o~" money 9~i I'1 one at $14.95 I"1 two at $26,95 innS, but no Cincinnati h.,,,....., ...... back in full! - ~t~ .r" In got past second. Name: He walbed JUSt me batter In view of the many possible savings and Address:, and struck out four. benefits cited above, what do you suppose Testc aHo, datoday at any vehicle owneror operator would gladly CiW: Prey.: . P.O, E~ = M~ Z TERRACE HONDASALES pay for e one.time, permanent treatment of • stove l~im, weakly sup- TMT? SSO.OO? S100.00? MORE?" Montreal hats the 484:!HWy, 15West Well, listen to this, The established fetid Terrace, D,C. VOG ILl grice- of TMT. iS eel Y' $t4 95 i That'S rinhlw ", ~-'1nnlu FOREST LAWN DISTRIBUTORS 635~1571or 43s43as 1n.95--a trny investment that could possibly M[OX~TZ)~nk Dealer Llcence Number 020jlA pay itself back dozens of Uses over. !n say- P.O. Box' 550, Station J, Calgary, Alberta. T2A 4X8 run with a llflh-inninSslngle rags on gas, Oil. and repair bdls. Fastest#c. a, ,. , j PAGE 6, THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978 Spinks 25mph high

Saddle Club has fine turn-out JACKSONVILLE, ~N.C, crown, paid a fine and court SHOWMANSHIP TRAIL HORSE CLASS (AP)--Heavywcightboxing costs totalling $59. Wed. A - ,r champion Leon Splnks, who nesday after he was stopped 1. Shan Darcy Buller was arrested Wednesday on by a Jacksonville policemen 2. Keers Mynette GinetteKenney 1. Country Cameo Debbie Snider a traffic violation, was for driving without a lieance 3. Smokey Pat Fosherry 2. San Teono , CathyBarber arrested again early today and operating • vchlde with 4. Jaypet Travis Sherry Dahl 3. Whitenix Gaylene Poirier on a sveadlng charge, an expired registration. 4. Keers Myn, te Genette Kenney B The" •utomoble problem 1. Maestro Atison Maximchut B for the boxer came again at SEALS WILL BE KILLED I. Legacy'sKyan .' ..... TraeyScott 4:10a.m. todaywhen Spinks CAPE TOWN (CP) -- 2. Charlie Brown Donna Heppner was charged with driving 45 About 5,500 seals will be 3. Castile Amy Lloyd 2. Castile Amy Lloyd miles an hour in • 20 m.p.h, killed this year in nearby 4. Joey's Imagination Carolyn Hamer 3. Baby Doll . Sheila Morrison zone. False Bay to control the 4. Pepsi Terry Townsend rising seal population, which C Spinks, who holds the has ineressedabout 10 times 1. Baby Doll •Shefla Morrison World Boxing Association's in the last eight years. BARRELS version of the heavyweight 2. Sugar i ~ ShawnBraid A 3. Star Tracy Elwood 1. Dan Teano Cathy Barber 4. Neeka Kathy Curran 2. Deal-D-ash Joleen Goodwin STOCK SEAT EQUITATION 3. Benj-K-Mitch Debbie Dahl A Florence Kirby V--E-RSATILE. Darcy Butler 1. Shah B 2. Dan Teono Cathy Barber 1. Buttons Karen Johnson 3. Keers Mynette Ginette Kenney 2. Tandy LeeBalatti 4. Jaypet Travis Sherry Dahl 3. Terri Linda Easton B 4. Queerde Lucy Wilson 1. Maestro Alison Maximcliuk C Here's.a dual-purpose motorcycle to fit almost anyone's needs. Motocross features and.design 2. Tannix • Terry Brady 1. Trigger Kathy Curran make the DTIO0 at home in ruggeo otr-roao 3. Whitenix GaylexePoirier 2. Charlie Brown, Donna Heppner terrain. Fully street legal, too, so it's great around town• Nots mini, but smaller than a .t 4. Pepsi Terry Townsend 3. Sunshine Kathy Johnson full-size Endure, the DTIO0 is the little bike C 4. Baby Doll Sheila Morrison that's just right. Totem Saddle Club Queen 17 year old Cathy Barber, Sheila Morrison TOOVEY SERVICE 1. Baby Don. Grela Dealer Llcence No. 02013K 635.5929 stands with princess Gaylene Pairler, right, and princess 2. Nikki Kathy Curran POLE BENDING Karen Johnson. Cathy rides a horse named San Tease Tracy Elwood while G ayleee rides Whltenix and Karen rides Buttons. 3. Star A. 4. Sunshine Kathy Johnson 1. Desi-D-Ash Joleen Goodwin 2. Benj-K-Mitch •Debbie Dahl B 1. Tandy Lee'Balatti 2. Queenie Paul Wilson 3. Terri Linda Easton 4. Sunshine Fern Marshaldon C 1. Pepsi Terry Townsend '2. Domino Paul Wilson Business 3. Trigger ', ' Katy Curran 4. Taffy S~nnon Baptie regulations FLAG PICKING A I. Tandy LeeBalatti shouldn't, B 1. Maestro Alison Maximchuk 2. Queenie . Lucy Wilson mean C I. Shat'n Karen Goodwin 2. Charlie Brown Donna Heppner business 3. Domino PaulWilson 4. Trigger Katy Curran Two riders at last weekend's Totem Saddle Club meet dismount after a hard, hot show. ENGLISH EQUITATION " strangulation A Games to have "small" Rifle team to Britain 1. Shan Darcy Buller 2. Keers Mynette Ginette Kenney $30,000 deficit OTTAWA (CP) -- The Gunnar Westiing of New Westminister, B.C., Ken 3. San Teano Cathy Barber gaF~ONTON (CP)- They have there look like they are Dominion of Canada Rifle Association today announced West!!rig of Cranbrook, B.C., 4. Smokey.. :" :' , oP~itF~be~n~y .i ed for a brief time going to be utilized. R's too Colin Ambrose and W.J. Wednesday night at the early to know wimt our final the 18-man team that will compete •July 8-22 at the Fiintoft of Vancouver, Capt. annual meeting of the position is going to be." Jack Hutterfleld of Corhy- 1. Maestro AlisonMaximchuk Commonwealth Games Losie told the general 109th international Bisley' shooting meet in England. ville, Ont., Master WO Leo 2. Castile Amy Lloyd 'Foundation. . meeting that there was a D'Amour and P.J. Ev•ns of •3. Tannix Terry Brady There was • good deal of surplus of $2,748,315 at the Commanded hy Brig. Thomas Eric Snow (retired) Montreal, J.E. D•igle of 4. King Theresa Balatti back-slapping as members end of last December. That Shannon~ que., Art Grundy of the board of directors said compared with • deficit of the team will be shooting for $500 and a gold medal and of Kingsville, Ont., W.V. Hall howwellthingshad goneand ~J6,390• year earlier. of Kingaton, Ont,, Fred Lays i. Caby Doll Sheila Morrison how optimistic they were It is expected that badge. There also will be individual competition~ of Steilarton, N.S., John 2. Nikki Katy Curran that the Games, set for Aug. operating revenue for the Marshall of .New Glasgow, 3-12, would be a success. Games will be $17,033,000 among riflemen from all over the world. N.S., Peter Papadidsris of JUMPING But Robert Los!e, while divisional expenses Calgary and F.O. Salevsky treasurer of the foundation, will be $17,062,298, leaving a Team members include 1. Whitenix Gaylene Poirier Don Buffer, Peter Hornsby' •nd W.F. Verchere of delivered some bad news-- deficit of $20,298. Nanaimo. B.C. RIDE-A-BUCK I the Games will carry a small Losie said that if there was and W.O. Cox of Toronto. deficit. , a deficit "the city of Ed-' Stingers want part SPLIT PURSE. "Total revenues, after monton would be the final Joeys Imagination , Carolyr Hamer deducting the Games' recipient." of rumoured merger We can help capital contribution, will Tevie Miller, one of the Ginshig. Tammy Rinsma result in a deficit of about foundation's vice-presidents, CINCINNATI (AP) -- Bill would be beneficial to the • RIDE-A-BUCK II $30,000," Losie said. said that $3.5 million had DeWitt says Cincinnati Stingers. When asked how the been gained by ticket sales Stingers of the World Hockey Five years ago; Cincinnati Charlie Brown Donna Heppner cut red.tape budget stood at the moment, out of a possible $5 million. Association will be part of a had an opportunity to We know the rules and . Losie replied: There are great expectations rumored merger with the become an expamiou team "As of May, •ny cushions that the Games will be a total in the NHL but found the J.C. Snead pulls from regulations. or contingencies that we sellout. despite reports that say entry price too high and otherwise. opted to remain in the WHA. Canadian Open We can help your business "We aren't involved'inany Earlier this month, the Sti. ch~'t the quickest way through Record purse on talks, but we have notified OAKVILLE, Ont. (CP) -- He dudndhin pursuers by ngnrs reached their goal of t.- those teams which are---and J.C. Snsad, whose critical hitching a ride on a golf cart the maze. selling 5,000 season tickets to commentary on the Glen back to the parking lot.. '78 Queen's Plate. the league--that we eer- keep the franchise aflouL , All yofi have t9 do is write ~inly want to be a part of Abbey layout following last . Course designer Jack TORONTO (CP) -- Eleven The winning owner will re- any merger," the executive One report said New year's Canadian Open raised Nicklans wasn't partloularly or call. Remember, we're here to., Canadian-bred three-year- ceive a record $107,090. vice-president of the England, Quebec, Winnipeg the shackles of Royal upset by the criticism help.business-not hinder it. olds were entered today for Second choice in the early Stingers Says. and Edmonton would each Canadian Golf Assoeiatien levelled by Saead. :.- J the ll9th Queen's Plate, odds is the entry of Lucky A published report said put up $300,000 to pay off the ~flcialdom, withdrew today "I wouldn't worry too Vancouver office: Box 10111 making it a record gross Colo.nel S. and Forty Bye Cincinnati, Birmingham and other three clubs if a merger from this year's tourney much considering the 700 West Georgia Street. purse of $164,755 for Two, owned by Conn Smythe indianapolis will not be took place. But DeWitt says afterpiay!ng only nine holes, source," said pro golf's Vancouver. B.C. V7Y IC6 Saturday's running of Can- 9f Toronto, listed at 3-1. absorbed into the NHL if the that figure "isn't realistic." 'Tee had the flu. for n richest enmpetitor. "There Telephone: 668-2878 adn's premier thoroughbred The draw, in order of post merger occurs. He adds that a merger is couple of days and Just are four or five guys on the •Victoria office, 1405 Douglas Street, event. positious--1. Colorful Conn, VeWitt, who helped doubtful this year. "It might couldn't see anything out tour who, are airways eom- Victoria, B.C. V8V IX4 The horses--including 2. Forty Bye Two, 3. Over- organize the Cincinnati be better (to w•it) for there," said the nephew of plainkg after a totn'nament. Telepfione: 387-6701 L'Alezane, the only filly-- skate, 4. L'Alezane, 5. !ranchise four ye•rs ago, another year or two so aH the golfing legend Sam ahead. "YOU ccme to expect it of will compete over • distance Pre•cher Joe, 6. Portage admits that an ac- . legalities of a merger can be "I don't want to talk about thorn." of IV4 miles with 0verskate, Bay, 7. High Roller, 8. Regal comm0dntinn with the NHL fully worked out." it," he added when asked Earlier in the day Bobby owned by Jack Stafford of ~mbrace, 9. Pleasure Bent, • bout his st•temenls Cole of South Africa was / King, Ont., listed as the early tO. Maple Grove and 11. following the 1977 opm at forced to.withdraw with a 5-2 favorite. Lucky Colonel S. Beavers lose while Glen Abbey in which he reou~ hand injury, He Provnnce ofBfl~tish Columbia " referred to the 7,138-yard was replaced in the starting Ministry of Economic Development field ct 156 by Greg Pldlaaki Shamrocks ElliS tops homfrs championship' layout in the Honourable Don Phillips, Minister, most uncomplementary of Toronto, the 23rd PCL By THE ASSOCIATED Salt Lake's only run came on over Adanacs terns, ' Canadian in the lineup. PRESS a pair of errors in the fourth Snead'arrlved at the VICTORIA (CP) -- Ron Burial ' Bob Ellis of Portland liming. course late Wednesday after MacNeil and Charn Dhillon Beavers has taken the lead • The Canadians erupted for competing In a one-day each scored three goals to ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. in the Pacific Coast League 16 hits, including home rum Police Athletic League pace Victoria Shamrocks to (AP) -- Bruce Robinson, home-run derby, swatting by Bruce Robinson, Jerry tournament in Detroit and a 14-6 win over Coquitlam Jerry Tabb and Tim Hosley his 13th fourbagger of 'the Tabb •nd Tim Hesley. Tabb went directly to the practice Adanacs in a Western hit home runs as Vancouver season. also hit two singles and a tee, well removed ~rom a Association game Canadians buried His team, however, double, driving in three runs. contingent of the news media Wednesday night. Albuquerque Dukes 15-6 dropped a 12-8 decision to As a result of the loss, trying to attract his at- Chris Hall had two' goals Wednesday night in a Pacific Tucson Toros. Albuquerque • missed a tention. and Norm Baker, Ranjit Coast League game. In other games San Jose chance to take over first I Dillon, Larry Bell, Gerry Vancouver mounted a 16- •Missions humiliated Salt place in the . Enstern ' ~ Kustaski, Dennis Somner hit attack, erupting for eight Lake City Gulls 12-1, Van- Division, remaining four VATICAN CITY (AP) -- THo and Rick Baker completed runs in the third inning and couver Canadians trounced 'percentage points behind The world faces a ',serious JI IWIJI • i the Victoria scoring. six more in the sixth• Albuquerque Dukes' 15-6, Salt Lake. and painful phenomena" Coquitinm got two goals Albuquerqu~ got only four Tacoma Yankees blanked Tacoma pitcher Jim that denies "the hopes of from Jim Aitchoson and singles off winner Phil Hawaii Islanders 5-0 and Lysgaard~went thc distanee~ peaceful and fraternal ce- Provnncnan' l singles from Moe Jodoin, Hut,man before he left in the Spokane Indians squeezed scattering four hits to boost existence between peoples," Dave Durante, Bob Salt, and eighth inning. past Phoenix Giants 2-I. his recor~to 8-4. The victory Pope Paul told an audience The biggest Provincial yet! and still only $5! Mike Mitzel. The Dukes used four hits to The Beavers lest despite a completetl a three-game of 8,000. The Stmmrocks led 5-3 score four times in the 15-11 hitting edge on their sweep for the Yankees, first "Some (world) regions are after the first period and eighth, most of them off home field. Dan Duran led in the Western Division, over engaged in struggles that increased the margin to 10.4 reliever Brian Abr•ham. Tucson with four hits--a the last.place Islanders. have no explanation. These NOW ON SALE after two. Tabb also had two singles, three.run homer, two Jaimie Qulrk's solo home regions are in difficult Scott Marshall stoped 34 a double and three RBIs to doubles and a runscoring run in the fifth inning proved situations which could to be the margin of victory shots for Victoria while Greg lead Vancouyer at the plate. single, worsen," the Pope said in , . Westeln Conodo [0tfoP/! oun(Jotl0n Thomas and John Lewis The loss was charged to Designated hitter Jack for Spokane as the Indians Italian during his usual stopped 17 shots each for Bob Cast!lie In his first . Pierce drove in five run~ and halted Phoenix's four.game Sunday blessing. He did not Coqultlam.. starting assignment. scored twice for San Jose. winning streak. elaborate.

1 t F ~ j

THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978, PAGE 7 Canada pilots + Constructmn• ' workers stopped from moving won't strike +o+o+,-on In his letter te Trudeau, inOntarlaforeechOntsrio By GINNY GALT With the issue oftravd!lag tario will retaliate with Davis said that fewer than worker employed in Quebec. OTTAWA (CP) -- Air between assignments-- legislation preventing 2,500 Ontario workers now Davis told Trudenu his Canada pilots agreed deadheading--tenporarily Quebec construction are employed in Quebec government has been Wednesday to call off a resolved, the Crown cor- woi.kers from working in On- whereas more than S,000 reluctant to impose strike threat and stay in poratlen and CALPA now tario if the federal govern- Quebec workers are em- restrictions on Quebec werka~ employed in On- ,tbdr cockidts after the cam- will settle down to full meat does not" challenge played in Ontario. prosy agreed to let all 1,500 contract negotiations. presmt Quebec legislation in In an interview last week, tsrin. The pilots have been the Supreme Court of Ontario Labor Minister pilots travel first clans The collected bones of a 160- between flying assignments. withcut a oontraot since Canada, Premier William Betto Stephenson estimated January. Negotiations for a Davis said Thursday. there are six Quebec eou- pound man weigh only 29 The strike, threetmed for pounds. Monday, was averted after new contrast have been fidd Davis told the legislature stmctinn workers m~ployed almost nine hours of up by the qunstioo of whether he has written Prime negotiation between Air Canada violated an Minister Trudeau asking the representatives of the pilots, agreement by. restricting federal government to Air Canada and top •fimtolaas travel rights. challenge the con. mediators from the fed~al A lotter M intent sent [o stitutionality of a Quebec ' labor department. CALPA by an Air Canada regulation which would "The strike if off. We have official in 1971gave all pilots prohibit Ontario con- reaehed agreement," said the right to travel first class, struction workers from Norman Foster, negotiator on a space-avalluble basis, taking jobs in Quebec, ef- for the Canadian Air Line between assignments. The • s-urvey-e]atis-tt-csfrom-iut summer's reereati~n survey undertaken by the District of fective July 1. Pilots Asooelatien (CALPA). company removed that right Terrace within Terrace and part of Thornhfli. The students, from a mixed grades 8, The premier also said he Foster said the crunch from first and second of- and 10 class taught by Kathy Sereda, worked on the figures about three hours a day for has also written to Quebec isnue was not first-class fleers in March, 1977, about a momth and autohed their end of the project shortly after Easter. Miss Sereda Premier Rene Levesque said the work was u eUmtion of the studeuU studies in the community. fllBbt privileges, but whether allowing only captains the I IIII outlining Ontario's position. letta~ of intent between the flrstelaas prtvilege. The letter to Levesque oompany and the nasnetatiea ~A said it brought the notedthat the provinces had are binding. issue to a bend because it not achieved an appropriate The pilots had voted 92 per was worried about the status agreement on the issue cemtin favor of a strike at the of a dozen other letters of Nuclear plants despite lengthy negotiations peak of the summer traveL intent between Air Canada involving officials from samoa. CALPA said Air and CALPA. Ontario and Quebec. Caeada broke an agreement Air Canada agreed Since agreement has not AT: with the usucelaticn last year Wednesday night that all not safe been possible "we have i when it ended the right of letters of intent are binding. TORONTO (CP) -- Two d The spokesmen said the dered, indirectly, to make decided to push ahead with - first and seecud officers to However, Miller served these other i/fitiativns," the TERRAI]E EQUIPMENT NOW! Ontario's nuclear power federal a~ency failed to tell improvements; we told the T|ke world ChSmpion~lp cahbre engmeering• ag|]n• hands ~, Gel on to soma4hinO 00od-- .fly in first-class .sections notice that the company will letter said. pluslegendariSuzuklrelmbdd?andyou'vegola and.vemoneydo*ngil Andr~g~bs¢.you~ lants have been under the public about the order to Douglas Point plant by letter ~mner a! arty price ~ot us behind you every mi~ of the way. I~ween assignments. attempt to revise first-class oral orders to operate at reduce power production and it didn't meet our cooling- "Our purpose, like your Tak, SuzukiBest Va;ue O~y, and you wm .travel rights in the coming Air Canada spokesman reduced power because of an that it should have. systems guidelines and own, is to ensure both the • THE RIGHT MOTORCYCLE FOR OUR TIME5 Bernard Miller said round of contract talks, insufficient safety system, The tiny 20,000-kilowatt ordered a reduction to 70 per ~rotection of the rights of following Wednesday's ~ Officials of the federal spokesmen for the Atomic nuclear demonstration plant cent; and the Bruce plant citizens of our province and " . • • . meeting that while the labor department met Air Energy Control ~ Board at Itolphton, near Ottawa, will operate• at reduced proper treatment of workers airline was.meeting the pi- Canada representatives confirmed Wednesday. owned by Atomic Ener~ power until all cooling in all provinces." low demand on the travel Tuesday and brought both They said the board is not and operated by Ontario systems are amended." " If court action is not ri~ts issue, it was not ad- parties together Wednesday. satisfied that if certain frcut- Bydre, was ordered several Blackburn said the chance initiated, "I have asked our miflin~ that it had breached During Wednesday's line safety systems fail in the mmths ago to make ex- of two or or three other officials to prepare ms earlier agreement negotiations, the parties plants, enough moll~ water trusive changes to its mar- safety systems failing first is legislation that will give TERUGE EQUINIFJffSLUES LTD. RF.,COGNIZE RESPONSI- were sometimes in separate can he flooded instantly on ~ncy system. "highly improbabLe- adequate protection to On- MU l.~dso BILiI~ rooms and sometimes the nuclear-fuel sheaths in However, the Rolpbton perhaps impossible-- but we tario construction workers." haler Lleinmo lumber llt.4M "We did it in order to meeting face-to-face. the reactor core to prevent plant was allowed to con- cannot Say it is impossible. rmtore our relationship with Tom Eberlee, deputy labor them from overheating, tinue at full power because it "We recognize that it is the l/tots.., and to recognize minister, and top mediators burAtin8 and spewing deadly runs less risk of overheating possible to have such a both parties' responsibility William KeLly and GW de radiation into the plant and the reactor core, the coincident series of failures. to the travailing public and Merlis heLped the airline dna possibly o~toide. spokesmen said. And if you do, yes, then a First Time EverH! • to do what we could to avoid the pilots reach agreement The spokesmen said the The spokesmen said the release of radiation could a stri~e." on the deadheading dispute. 900,-000-kilowatt Douglas Dnogias Point plant was de- happen." Point generating station, , rated by 30 per cent because Joe Mailoy, the eaerg~ TERRAGE SPEEDWAY owned by Atomic Energy of the key emergency core- board's chief of power Quebecers get Canada Ltd. and operated by coolis~ system was Judged reactors, said a complete Ontario Hydro at the Bruce by the control board as in- systems failure has never MONDAY 26 JUNE 8,o.°. nuclear development site 50 sMflcisnt. occurred at any nuclear Idiometrea west of Oven PICKERING PLANT OK plant, "but there have been RAIN DATE-JUNE 27 Sound, has been frozen at 70- They said the remaining some near misses, in the tax rebate par-cent producUon since nuclear power plant in U.S. military installations, By CAROL GeAR The Crown cerporati0n has April 21, 1977. Ontario, at PickerinS, just for example. IRU& #IJgOEU said it will be forced to The twin 750,000-kilowatt east of Metropolitan "There is cause for con- OTTAWA (CP) -- eern at the Bruce plant. We Taxation officials were in- curtail operatiom by mid- Bruce. generators at'the Toronto, operates at a lower summer unless the bilL same site, +. owned and temperature and is not are not fully satoified with strueted today to begin the safety systems. We want prepare8 income tax rnl~te becomes law operated by Ontario Hydro, expected to need additional cheques :for ~ 2.4 million BTAnT F~"~n~y . have been limit~i by the cooling systems.' • .. , - more." .. Quebe~q~!~Ml0wing.-finai ,' Bob Blackburn, secretary Malloy. said the board Comm0n#~app/'oval Wed- ~rl~,:~' ~ ":~ ' beyond 88-per-cent power bf the• heard, said in a determined that Douglas ~'~ "' cticu since the plant telephone interview that the Point needs anemergency needay of federal budget In the two mootha since predu coolin~ system which floods lesislaUou. Chretien introduced his opened, for similar roosom. Relphten "plant was or- " A spckesman'fer Finance the entire reactor core• budget, he has faced ccu- system, "even if that means Minintor Jean Chretien said llnucd and an~y opposition it probably will be the end of radioactive runoff into the from the Quebec gnv- lakes. July before the rebater- ernmont, the Couservativ~, CBC strike vote must of them worth ~5--can "We want that at all the New Democrats and a few Dlants." be put through computers at Libe~Ibackbenohers, • OTTAWA(CP) -- The AGREEMENT EXPIRED William Merrisen, the revenue department. Two days after the federal 4,800 CBC production era- The last collective director of design and The bill was approved by a budget was presented ployees, including an. agreement expired July 3, development at Ontario 99 to 29 vote; all opposition Quebec Finance Minister neuncen, are taking a strike 1977. Hydro, confirmed on paiPtLee and independent MP Jacques Parlzsau rejected a vote following a b~eakdown Dufrcene recommesded Wednesday that "we haven't Leonard Jones voting federal plan under which in negotiations with the acrcss-the-board wage in. completed work to satisfy against the bill. Liberal .each province would reduce corporation, a union creases of 15 par cent over 17 the control board about backbencher Serge Joyal its retail sales taxes in order spokesman said today. months. His recom- operating Bruce beyond 88- mendations would have who criticized the ~5-rebate to qualify for federal re- The employees, ' Wer " plan for Quebec in the imbm,sement. - represented by the Canadian applied to office, profes- Commons, .was absent as Faced. ~ifh only one Union of Public Employees, sional and television- demand that fuel l~dles was Prime Minister province that .would not had earlier voted 98 per cent prednetioo employees. should never fail "is im- Trudean. accepthto Wopoasl, Chretien to accept rceommendatians possible to meet. Standing in the ~64-seat offered a series of modified in a report prepared by "But we can assure Commons is Liberal 137, sales tax cut schemes to conciliation commissioner Move to everyone of no release of Prosrensive Conservative Quehec, none of which the Pierre Dofrqeae. radiation, because of our 87, New Democrat 16, Social Parti qunbecois would However, the union defonces in depth." Credit 8, Independent 4, implemenL Quebec said it spokesman said the Crown the right Morrison referred to the vacant 12. had ire own scheme, under 'corporation rejected must of WATERLOO,Ont. (CF) -- nuclear plants' giant The legislation now goes to whichealastaxee enseleoted theproposalaintheDufreme Canada's increased con: vacuum buildings, designed the Senate, where it is ex- items would be abolished, report. servatism and its wish to to take in any radiation that ,pe~tod to receive smooth The agreement finally Resells of the strike vote return to the basics because might escape in the plant, as passage. A senate com- reached was that Ottawa should be known.by .next of the faltering economy are "another, last line of mitres has already studied would provide Quebec ~ Thursday, the union startLog to affect educatioo, defense." the l~ll and wm report te the • million to finance this plan, spokesman said. says Laurier LaPierre, head However, published upper house Monday. but the remaining 1186 A major contentious issue of an Ontario commission reports last year showed the Debate oo the budget, million set aside for the is contracting out of work to studying the education of vacuum system suffered a wkieh dragged on for more l~ovince Would go directly to nonunion employees. " obtldran. leak that went unnoticed for than a month, came to a its taxpayers in the form Of .In May, a number of CBC He told a seminar on t~'ee days. surprisingly quick con- 1977 income tax rebates, annowme~---includin~ education reporting Wed- eluMon when the Con- The ~dget leWslati0m also many familiar, faces and nesday at the University of Nrvatives decided tO includes provisions already voices from radio and Waterloo that the tightening abandon their attempts to In effect to: television news pro~rums-- economy ha, meant more delay, its passage and --Relax capital gains on held sporadic walkouts ri~pla are moving to the complete third reading in small buainemee and family across the country to protect t In politleal and social Carpet & Drapery Service i less than two hours. farms, delays in contract settlement affairs. ' BffA~AME CLEAR --Encsurage industrial re- and to protest the company's An un~ertoant'e result has A party spokesman said it search and deydopmenL' l~OPcsaito remove all an- been that Renaissance types became clear the Con- --Increase tax avoidance nouncers from . union have succeeded in ge!ting s~vatives would not ~ able 'provisious for workers at Jurisdiction and ~tain. them c~.tain, boo~ banned ~om to stop the government from remote werksites, by individual conwacts, s~cot use, t,avlerre sara.

mauves took onelast dig " at .orth,the government css. afewCen-~members during t~.of ili ' Business, , !! Voteshouting,,seilout,, W en"Shame" aria .... ~ "+ Not hsted ,n our s~ the legmmuon. ~!'. I~~ . • • ::: / C One,uehecLiberalPierre. B I] ..,o0, Ready-made drape. 1~e Bane (Matsne) fidgct.ed e n Tel Directory. monmfortably during u~. a Shags.Loops.Twist. in all popular sizes A Sculptured . votethe and party didMinister nctin cheerlag, Jcln theJean and II de~k-bang~g to appmuon "9 T ~ We have WATER LILY BAY RESORT - 798.2267. ii!~ E .j~ Scotch Guarded FREE ..~I1 Clwetlen. for his efforts ~,~" Carpeting EDTRASK| DELIVERY +.. s L • 'm~+ "t~- 's~m' •tax ;i;i We,re" ; % ---- JiOYO$ BODY SHOP ~M 9410 ~:l:" leglalati0n approved, the way ,is cleared for the i~:i '. GEMINI EXCAVATING-63S-3479 ' :'~: Io~manent te introduce its !i~.' +++ :o mmtotional ' prolmmla for i!ii';-': ~.~ ~'t r,e~ I Free ' for ONE month courtesy of THE i~il " debate next week" " I ! ~/q~' ,, DALLY HERALD iii![ P'FuNishings • Phlt, however, Chretien is When quality matters. ~~ KITIMAT repasted to scek approval of ~i! 'lellillllltlon~ Develo,ent nllowiDg C.orp: the~ 11 ,o, wish yOlJlr Busl,eEs Fho,, ' R_qR=R K'I ++'ii!il - Sheers • Lined Drapes • Insulated drapes- Drape rods 1073 Main St, Ph. 847.4485 "- ~+ ,...... ~..m~.,+, ,..+~ ~oim~eueltslegalflaanda| '.~ Ilsmdfor your customers please call Vii ~ffVV II'iiii [ ~q~l~ tO 1~6 billion from :~ . ... :.. : . ~-. ~-...,~-...... ~....~....+..:...,..+..:...... :...... :...:.%...... :...,~::.:~;...:.;.;.:.:.:.;%%~...%...... z.:.~:;: mskfl~ ~.~ I~Ub~. . ~:~:~::;.:3..'.'~ ''::::::;::~'~'~':'~'~%'~''''"~+ ...... " •"'~(:;E ~, THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978


S¢~,$ urday, June 24, 1 978



i i

4717 Lakeise 635-2286

Load of Values Here for You. THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978, PAGE 9 .=.-,-....•. - • • -.-.-.-.-.-...... ~:~:~:~:~%~:~:~:~:.¢~:~¢~;~`~:~;~:~;~`;~%~:~:~:~:~;f~%~M~%~:~.~5~`~. *...%'.'.*.'.%'.'.'.". [ Pop You're Tops winners

Winners from The Herald's recent Father's Day ContesL "Pops, You're Tops," received gift certificates from Terrace's Gordon and An- derson store, and stopped by our offices to have their pictun~ taken. Brent Adams, first prize winner in the grades 5,6,7 Category lives in New Aiyansh and was unable to get dowfi for his picture. i

i Jenine Krause was the only, entrant in the. .T_erri-LynKennedy, 3rd place, gades Z, 3, 4. Kindergarten, grade one category, and so took first and and only prize in that group. Presenting the youngsters with their, cheques L is G & A manager J'.nn,Penner.

~-*R:**:: Jenine Krause, 1st prize, Kindergarten, grade one

$6 million for Friendship Centres • Kathy Radford, 1st place grades 2, 3, 4. Long range planning, The new Migrating Native recoguiz~ in a formal five- that we have had to deal year federal government with middle management lobbying and evaluating of Peoples Program .which the onrrmt program will begunon April 1, 1978, has program, yet we find the officials. We will press to program to be mueli too reverse that trend so that we only be effective ff we the ell-seated about 6 million elected executive provide doikrs for the first year of bureaucratic and • begin to talk more with unresponsive to our needs. senior level officials and strong direction and this we operation. Friendship intend to do. esmtrea have been Therefore as the new with the minister himself. NAFC executive, we propose beTOaccompllsh this we will It will be our tank te designated under this develop a comprehensive m as the cornerstone during the coming mouths to making realistic demands enter into negotiations on on the program so that the federal package that ad- al policy with respect drmes itaeff to misratinS to migrating Native peoples. what Secretary of State minister has to become considers to be the standard sufficientlyinvolved with the and urban Native peoples. This will enable our We will try to maintain the member centres to help levels of performanes for program to respond to those friendship centre• - which demands. united voice of friendship alleviate many of the eentres that the past t~roblems that have plagued our member centre• find to To be an effective national be too stringent. association our elected of- executive and board em as a result of under. developed in drawing all funding under the previous The new executive is flclais must be mec~g with concerned with the .type of their elected officials to • provinces together. program. They are to be commended Loss of staff because of low relationship that we have jointly iron out areas of concern. for the unity they have salaries, inadequate had with the Secretary of achieved and for the hard Christine Bmnett, ~d ptues, grades 5, 6, 7. facilities and financial in..State officials and the Through the liaison security are just a few of ministur. We see it as part of committee we will work to work they have done is adapt the program so that it reacting to the wishes ex- :::::::: :: : : : :::: :: : thesaproblems, our mandate to improve pressed at the last annual We are pleased to have those relations.. One of the does indeed meet our needs friendship centres biggest concerns has been and doesn't force us to ac- assembly. copt the interpretatio.~s of We will be pressing for the middle management of. changes in the new program finials. that arise from the As the new execuilwe we resolutions passed at this are now responsible to a conferenes.. large degree for successfully High on the list of negotiating changes in the priorities will be Migrating Native Peoples programming for Native Program and for giving youth, the enncerrm of new friendship centres a satiopal and dnvelopinK friendship All the Gibbs profile. centres, as well as more We must begin now to effective communication examine what will hap:pen both within our ersanization ,: when this five-year program • and with the community at are peaking large. June 11 - June 17, 1978: • : ends. By MARY CAMPBELL I didn't realize how close he Two members from Kermnde Friendship Centre attended NEW YORK (AP) --Andy was following my career in the conference in Montreal, Quebec. Gibb is proud that he is a Australia." Board of Director - Batty Ross success as a solo sinker When his first aibum, Executive Director - Vi Gcllonbeek Pleasures of a while his three •older Flowing Rivers, came out The major item on the conference agenda was the new five Inthcrs, the Bee Gee•, are last summer, Andy went on year migrating Native People's Program through the riding a high wave of tour to publicize it, opening Secretary of State Departmont. record reviewer, pulatlarity, ton. shows for Neil Sedaka. This week at Kermodo Friendship Centre all of the workers "We're both peaking," he Andy's I Just Want To Be i -.are busy preparing a summer schedule Of activities. By DAVID FAItRELL authoritative sleeve notes says. "I couldn't think of Your Everything was one of Cindy Boyd, 3~d place, grades 5, 6, 7. In July there will be many members attending the United One of the pleasures of and, in most cases, per- anything nicer than this 1977'e biggest hit records and Native Nations Conference in Williams Lake July 4 - July 9, being a record reviewer qs •sonuel participating and the forever." his (Love Is) Thicker than 1978. Anyone who wishes more information may call the that some real treasures are date of first release. Even so, An~ conceden, Water also became a hit. Centre 635.4906, ask for Christine BoRon. tucked in between'the mass •Arista has purchased the he admires them so much This year, Andy went out Miss Chiefs ~d Annual Softball Tournamemt July 28, 29, 30, of material put"eut to feed Savoy Records catalogue, that if they asked him to jcln headlining a tour for the first New roles for 1978 at Riverside Park. the insatiable pop appetite. A containing a wealth of,great then, he probably would thne. We need a long list nf Volunteers for this event. Can yon . number of these nnggets are names from the '40s and 'r~s. give up hi•personal fame He took Sherbet, a hot help in any way? Call 6354906, Recreation Director - Joan mentioned herein, an- The first releases are a and do it. group in Australia, as the Cheloberg. compenisd by a couple of collection of vintage Charlie "A lot of people thought I opening act on his tour. "Meathead" • 'mere in an all Indian Elders Gathering this year at Babine warnings. Parker, Lestar Young, John was going to join them when Having been helped so much • By JERRY BUCK They began work on the Lake uponsnred by Smithers Friendship Centre. The Ker- Foremost among the Colt~une, SUm Gets, Art I grew up," says Andy, 20. by his brothers, Andy says, reissues is Atlantic Records' Pepper and several solon- "I'm happy to stay as t am. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- show three years ago, before mode Friendship Cmtre is organizing an Elders Group. "I sort of felt like I was doing Rob Reiner has a quadruple Roots and before Heater There will be an Indian Elders Tea on Thursday, June 29, That's Jazz series, a 20- lions trading the roots of But if they sakad me, Iwould something to help some- volume collection of the best role in the upcoming Street, a movie about Jewish 1978, 2 p.m. at the Centre. If you wish more information or rock 'n' roll. probably jump at it." bod~," television series Free immigrants. need a ride, phone Vi Gellonbeck, 635-4906. of Atlantic's archive RECORDS IMPORTED Andy was 10 when the Bee After the summer tour, material between 1956 and Country. "If tiffs gets picked up as a Kermode Miss Chiefs a:e also holding a dance at the Arena Volume 2 in the roots of Goes b~an gathering an Andy will perform ~u some Two of the roles on the serieswe're going to d6al Banquet Room 9 - 2 a.m. for advance tickets after July let, 1968. rock series, contains names interuatioual following. dates of a tour by the Bee Definitive works by Moss soreen--actually the same with a decade in the ha. the Centre. like Johnny Otis, Huey SCHOOL DIDN'T LAST Goes; person as young man and at migrant family's life each Teen Club meets every Monday at 7 p.m. New elected Allison, Errell Garner and Smith, Big Maybeile, The "I bad a terrible time in Joe Turner are amesg, the 89-- and the other two he season," said Reinor• President: Brenda Belton; Vice President: Nell Stewart; Havens, Wild Bm Moore and school alter that," Andy performs behind the Joseph Bresner is an Tnmanr~: NeiilWhitisker. For more information contact: works , released, each Little Esther--in other says. "I couldn't get on with •Canadian complemented by c~lmera. amalgam of Reiner's and Joan Chelsherg or NelllWhittaker at 6,~5-490eor 635-4907. Words, the real stuff.. anyone, the kids more than Reiner, who recently left Minhkin's grandfathers. The Verve catalogue has the teachers, because I was ,. opera All in the Family after eight "Joseph was a watchmaker also been reactivated. brother to the' Bee Geen. I By JAMES NELSON eesaons as Mike Stivic, plays and Jeweler," Reiner said• Modern Master of Magic Largely responsible tar found that at every school I a Lithuanian immigrant in "My grandfather was that." bringing bassa nova to North went to, I le/t school very OTTAWA (CP) -- Seabird the early 1900s. He is also the Reiner and Mishkin also America, Verve also offers ear~y," Island, the first Canadian uncamera narrator looking are working with a publisher some breathtaking sides by he was growing up opera on a native theme to hack on his life 70 years on turning Free Country into the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, and his brothers ware away tour nationally, op~nd a lator. a series of novels, each one Oscar Peterson and Billie from home and famous, two-night run at the National dealing with 10 years in the Holliday. Andy hardly knew them., felt Arts Centre Wednesday and He created the series with Phil Mishkin and the two life of the family. Like the Savoy offerings, a guneration removed from was received en- Reiner said he may return these records are imported then. New, he says, he feels thusiastically by some of the serve as executive producers. It wlil run for five to All in the Family with from the United States and they're alike in Several eomp.aratively small Sally Stmthers for special cost more than newer ways. andien~e present. shows as a try-out series. Reiner. stars as Joseph appearances this next recordings on general "We have similar attitudes With lyrics by Norman soaaon. release. in our song-writing. We like Newton and music by Derek Brenner, Judy Kaban as his The Vintage Vault series, a uptempo things, positive Healey, the production, wife, Anna, and Fred Mc- new six-volume set from the encrl~'." which opened this year at Carron and 'Renea Lippm King vaults, chrmicles the The Bee Gee•--the name Guelph Spring Festival, are their .neighbors, Sidney Director early careers of The Plat- stands for the Brothers featured Garnet Brooks as and Ida Gwertzman. ters, Clyde McPhattor and Gibb-- Barry, 31, and twins Indian shaman and The first episode is an the Dominoes, saxophonist' 11&in and Maurico,28, spont Rexoisna Rasisk as an In- artful blend of comedy and dies Earl BostiC, 'the Ink Spots a" number of years In dian princess. ~ poignant drama. LONDON (AP) -- and Hay Charles. Australia, getting their act The story is a Tsimehlan 13renner is eagerly C,anndian born Mark Rob- While sound quality is together; bndy was six legend about a princess who awaiting the arrival of his son, who directed such films generally good, the series is months old, In 1958, when the scorns the love of an Indian wife after working two years as Peyton Place, Valley of poorly packaged and less Gibb family moved to' that prince and is bewitched by a to save enough money for the Dolls, Von Ryan's Ex- than memorable in content country from England. sorcerer who passes himself her passage. When she ~ s and Earthquake, has with a few exceptions. But Andy started performing as an attractive young man.' arrives at New York's Ellis of a heart attack at age for a collector, these early at 13, in tourist bars on the When they run away Island, a medical exam 64. '50s sessions tell a great deal island of Iblsa, where the together, the princess reveals bad eyesight. She is The U.S. embassy said about the roots of the artkts. family was living then, and it discovers the young man is to be shipped back within a Robson died Tuesday night '60S RECALLED locked like he was a iimspect the old sorcerer. few hours unless Bresner in hospital. An embassy spokesman said the body A large magic revue with the moat oamm8 a z,,,, rune mnns. ne says Several compilations for show business. The Bee Nicholas Gnldschmidt, can come up with I~ to post mysteries in the wnrld. The that regardless of it's being rel&sed this year Geas advised him to do what artistic director of the bond for her as an un. was to be flown to Los sponsored by the C~edom Angeles today. Kermode. s is coining to town. show includes a company of popularity he would be attempt to chronicle major they bad done; get keasocing Guelph, Ont., festival, desirable. making magic anyway. conducted members of the For most of his career ,Mngie-Capades, the .... five wonder workers and names of the '60s rock boom. in Australia. •largest traveling magic seventeen animals. "There's something which The File Series, under' the NEVER HAD.roT " Stratford Ensemble sup- SOL~rES THE PROBLEM Robson specialized in tur. show in the country is The 114-year-old magician fascinates me about creating PYE label, is a British- "I planned to s~y five plmeneted by additional It is a hamilitating on. nlng besiselling novels into coming to Terrace on June isn't nicknamed bat lips, but illusions, esting"flre, and oriented treasury of chro- years but I Just stayed two," players. The score klso in. counter with bureaucracy, nucce~alul movies. 2S, • be has been doing genuine escaping from Strait nological histories of some of Andy asye. "I never bad a hit eorpeates tape-recorded but one ha solves in time to Other Robson films in. The show is izoasored by Hindu style Fire .Eating Jackets." the bigger, artists of. the single there. I put one cut but music based on the sounds of take her home for a tour of cludo The Inn of the Sixth the Caledonia Kermodes and since he Was a sophomore in DurLug 1977 the Mngie- period: . It never did anything." waves, wind and sea gulls. the new apartment--and, as Happiness, From the will appear at the R.E.M. high school. Loomis has Capa~des troup traveled over Each two-album release Andy left Australia ~ter a The'800-scat theatre of the he says, its bed. Terrace, The Prize, The Lee Theatre at 4 and 8 p.m. singed his beard more than 60,000 miles, and performed has extensive historical telephone call from Barry in arts centre was only about Reiner and Mishkin have Harder They Fail, Bridges at The show features ones while extinguishing the in 17 states, primarily int he resoa'rch printed on the liner 1976. half filled for the first of the been writing together since Toko-Rt, Phfft and Lost Magician illusionist Dennis hot flames iwht his mouth. western ball of the United jackets, Included in the "He told me to come to two performances here. The ooUege, including scripts for Conmmnd. Loomis who carries his Loomis, who has a degree States. During 1978 the show series are The Kinks, Lmnie Miami because I was going production goes to Banff, .All in the Family, the first Robson, who wan born ,in magical extra~agunza in a in English Literature, is will travel to over 200 towns Donegan, Donovan, The to make a record and he was Alta., and Vancouver, where episode of Happy Days, and Montreal, iS survived by his custom made 48 foot diesel happy about the resurgence from the East Coast to the Searchers, Status Quo and .going to take it to the Bee 'it is to be part of that city's the 1972 summer series The wife, Sara, and three Nm! truck, loaded to the too of magic at which he makes West Coast. Mungo .Jerry. Goes' record company, RSO. Heritage Festival.' Super. daughters. q~

PAGE 10, THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1976 Someone joins every, 3 minutes In an era of ln~eaMng labeled the rapid growth as nations." There are Kimball recently. "He has disinterest in organized the Church's most difficult currently more than 25,300 never intended that we religion, someone joins The problem. ~ full-time missionaries shouldchangeorupdatewith Chureh of Jesus Christ of "The very rapid growth is serving in 54 nations our vision the moral issues Latter-day Saints (the a real problem that we threnghout the world. 1S)of which He established long Mormons) every three struggle with constantly," these are presently serving ago. Sin is still sin and minutes, president Kimball said in British Columbia. always will be." Aceordiqg to figures recently, "because we can The missiolmries, The leader, who is recently released by Church baptize so many thousands primarily y.oung men bet- acknowledged as a prophet headquarters in Salt Lake of people. We need ween the ages of 19 and 21, by the 4.05 million members, City, worldwide membership leadership to guide them. It serve for two years at their stresses belief in Christ, totaled 3.97 million as of takes time to develop ov/n or family's espense and honesty, moral chastity,, 1~4RDWARE STOi J Januar~ 1, 1978-a dramatic leadership." nfaintein a rigid schedule family solidarity, in- increnseof223,000members, Unlike most Christian that involves 60 hours of dustriousness and self. erb.96percent, during1977, denominations, the Mor- active proselyting and 20 reliance. ANDERSON Officials now estimate monshave no paid ministry., hours of scripture study each To carry this message to current membership at 4.05 All positions in the wards week. the ever.increasing fold, the million and climbing. (local congregations) are They preach a strict, Church now holds area Statistics show' that 100 hold by men and women who straight gespel hased on old- conferences several times a years were required for the volunteer their services in fashioned Biblical prin- year in different parts of the Merrnon Chureh to obtain addition to employment and eiples, something Church world. one million members, 15 family responsibilities, leaders believe is largely "Our ~message is to all years the second million, 9 When 83 year.old responsible for the religion's mankind everywhere,' years the third and only 6 . President Kimball was born, . widespread appeal.' concludes President Kim- T.V.-- GUIDE years to reach four million Church membership totaled "God is the same ball. "The. gospel of Jesus members. 250,000. Church membership yesterday, today and Christ is.a gospel for all the All listings subject to change without notice. But the phenomenal in British Columbia was forever," said President world andfor all people." IlillllllllllllllIlll llllllllllilMllmllMilmIllilllllMlll II growth gives Mormon 13,328as of January I, 1978 leaders as much cause for and 69,815 in Canada. With concern as rejoicing." In an average of over 1.8 Friday, June 23 5 p,m, to midnight South America, for example, converts being baptined r membership catapulted daffy in B.C. from 141,000 in 1973 to 213,000 That growth has not been CFTK ' 6CTV KCTS I~i KING ((:Dr.) by the end of 1977. accidental. Mormons take e ence a (NBCI (CTV) (PB5) The Church's president, literally the Biblical ad- Spencer W. KimbAll, has monition to "teach all Newlywed, Cdn. Open Emergency Mister apace makes. Game ' Golf Emergency Rogers News Cdn. Open Gong Electric • 145 Golf Show Company ; News' i News Hourglass News Big Blue i News Hourglass Hour Marble News Hourglass News Over 145 News Hogrginss Hour Easy Seattle Rich Man, OpersUon MacNeil Tonight Poor Man I Petticeat I Lchrer Hollywood Rich Man, Julie Crockett's 7 ~Quares Poor Man Julte Garden Robin's • Wonder Washington Seefor m at Sharkey Nest Woman Week TERRACE HONDA SALES CPO On Our Wonder Wall Street 4842 Hwy. 14 West Terrace, B.C. VgG 1LO Sharkey Own Woman Week ~ 635-6.571or 6354325 Dealer Licence 02066A CanhdnWeek . l Columbo I Comin' UP Rockford i Masterpiece Z-ZOND~ Test drive a Hondatoday. Columbo Files Theatre "Try and Conr~' Up Fockford Polclark Catch Me" Country Files Poldark ~.:::.:.;~:::::::::i:.:i:!:~:i:i:i:.:..i:i:.:i:i:i:i:.:i::::::::::::::::i:!:i:i:!:i:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:!~iii.!!iiiii!i...iii~i.~!!ii.iiiii!iii!i!!!!!!iiiiiiiiii!i!!i!iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii~i~iiii~ii~!ii~i::i::iii.:ii ' ~ :0O [Quincy Dallas quincy I I :~5 Quincy Dallas quincy Advoates • • :30 Qniney Dallas quincy Advocates V :45 Quincy Dallas quincy Advocates ATTEND sA.n. C'IV National • News Cavett /1 13o [ The Tonight Night News Hour Search of " THE """ • 45 ISbow Final ! Final Real America I ~ :00 [Tonight Movie Sign Off I / : 15 J Show Sorry No / / :3o I Toniglzt details OHURO 4830 $,ra ume Ave. Terrace I ~ :45 i Show available of Bumbo ,~l I r"P"NnS' '' ' O F :U~/:~ ::/2;'23` ' ' t I0 a,m..., to . 6 .....p,m,. r., '.. Saturday, June 24 • ' ~ :3 *~ ~'~:!~'~ .I'L%. I A ~" : 00 Baggy Pants' " George Sesame I l :~5 and Nitwits George Street IYOUR, i!;i:/m= i I I :3o. Space Kum Kidstuff Sesame t | I J :45 Sentinels Kum Kidstuff Street a .00 Land of ~turday Red Basically ~15 the Lost Morning Fisher Baseball OHOIOE .m0.,- 130 Thunder Quiz Red . What's I • s :45 Thunder . Kids Fisher Cooking? A .00 Hot Cdn. Open That's Gardening -D : 15 Fudge Golf Hollywood Gardening •THIS. .omm,. B' 13o This Week Cdn. Open Flower Turnsnout m ~ :45 inBaseball iGolf Spot Turnabout _ OHUROH SUNDAY ' .o,~,~,,.,.,..,5 • 130 Major League [Golf . Sports [French L_J :45 Baseball Club Special [Chef ' aJ~ .oo Cent Mission Wide World Crockett's wB i|5 Conti" Impassible efSports Garden . ' , ' PostoriDwaylleOgrkmafl,, ~r :3o (,ont. [Mission ' :Wide World IDaniel ::iii:I131 !'!'irlve -- ..,5 ~co,t. ~~. =" ~ l~I~ IAII Star I Magic of LUTHERAN ~r~,~e "M i'~ [Coni~ ~' Ilmpessible IWreatliag [Oil Painting I~ :30 [Con[: [Miision lAiN Star . IBaok OHUROH. " qIJ i'5 [~on[ IImp °"ible lW~tUng l Beat "D!!!Zte~l;Rr~!: ' Sunda~~ill~ a m Cur. Sparks St. ,~, J :00 [WorZdof I ca.na~,en IThe war IFiring " & Park Ave. IOI, IIIMI lilt, ifel lm : I s I survival I Reflections [ Years I Line X1:30 iwfldiife [Death ~ ~' ~e~p~PT~ ii0'0 Rev. Rolf Nosterud I AMill ill.aM i ilr :45 [in Crisis [Valle]/Days I I ice ::: :o.' '-' I I llllllllMlllllllllglllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll=

Youth and~ilt Classes i~!ii4,1:::;::::i~,a~l . :g

• , [ lING"l ANS [ Service I:30 p.m, Evanollsth ,1/2lb. flats. 1 OHRISTIAN ~,.,,. ~.~,n~ Tues." Night • . 19 ez,..,,s,tMI REFORMED Prayer,:,~ ~tectlng,,b,. S,ud, • $'=-==,.===,Ipll=i=iH==~'==--=.=i====.p==p===m==u=.| Wedn~s~y , OHUROH ,:~ ;.P.m. Ladles Home Leag't~ Fellowship Sparks St. &' Saturday $traume Ave. ~.:~ p.m. Youth Group 6ordon and Anderson Ltd. ,, Christian Counselling " Rev. S. Van Daalen Emer0encyWelfare Sunday School • Terrace SpiritualResources . Store Hours: a,m. • 635-5446or 635-2626 Sunday School- Remo hO0 • Tues.-Sat, 9a,m.-5:30p.m. ARGF X p.m. ~J~ ,/ 11:00a.m. Worship Service ~,~'~ 5:00 p.m. Worship Service Friday' 9a,m.-gp.m. VISA i CLOSED MONDIY

4 THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978, PAGE II

• • • • . I Ne w policies Ch lnese move towar

n~ne,;~errace.~aycet~ e oL~.,m.e~.yersn.~P':Wewa, n ~ ,. . ;~,~i~..~'~ ~.~" ~ reviving...legal institutions participat!on of the P~ple: .w.hodid speak out regretted v-s .... ,,.v. .a. u©~. ~uu, ,Jut ~.~.,.v ~,,, ...... \; . ?,~;~.~'¢~Ii~i ~ e~ Y ~ and taucmg tavoramy of they must aeveiop a legal it lat~', ", . pushing foro.pen mere- andweca_no.n!ywalt.forthe ~ ~..~/~.' /~,~ w human rights in what one system ',with some kind of "They feel a oee..p, neramp at mmr muona, answer. Tiu augmtz ~ ",, ~ ~ /7.; ~, ~: ~~ ;,,".L U S legal expert says is a minimum security and order resentment agaimt the state Jay.eerie level... Now,tokeepy0.upo_stedm ~ ~."~ ~:°¢2 .... campaign to convince so that people will have . and how it acted to them and •ires .means ..mat ALT.~. ~r mncuons,. ~e }~ra.ce ~ [ "~,'~:i~: " / ~!~ millions of Chinese that confidence that ~ey will not their families: They. f~l womm oe~een me ages.or aaycee p.nnum "iraaes ¢'alr .,..,~t~.. ~ ~~" ~~' "~ ~f:):~r~ ~~( : ~ ~:~'~.~ speaking out will not mean be subjected.. to arbitrary they're really, ricing, sages to 16 atld..39 .year.6.of a.ge. will, came to a clme for. another ~.~ ~,,'~" ~;~ , L ] "'%~. arrest and torture as before, deprwabons or sanctions by build an unjust society- that .impenmy, oe able. to ~om me year, sunaay eyeing at ~ ~i" ~ ' "o~ ~'~ ,~ ; . .~ ,:~.~i~i Professor Jerome Cohen, the state. . , they may De arrestea, Jaycette .OrgammUon with p.m.. .. Q'~ " ~ ~.i ~i" ~~' " " ~ associate dean of the Har- Modern China s 29-year dragged away at any time, all the oenefits Jayeettes Tneoayeettes, onceagam., =,,~ ~;~.~ vard'Law School, said the history has witnessed vast held indefinitely, not know 0ff...~': This change, of policy were succ~sful, wi~. the.!r ~ ~~ i ') campaign's ultimate aim is pendulum swings with the cbarges against th~, be De votm o~ m ~ugust ~eet-o.n-a-u.m_ ~oom. we ~ +~/~ ~ r ~" [ to get all China's people to periods of relative freedom subjected "to torture,", he umyear, were pteasm ~o note me ivL~ J~,~r~'_'~.,~ . participate in making the followed by periods of seve~e added, There will be a follow-up welcome rmpbme of "Glad [i~ [~. ~ ~.'~ ~i~ ~J " countrv a modern vower by r~ression article in August to inform you're here", plus, of course,. ~..' ~,~'~'~y~ ~ .... ~i~'~..... the year 1000. C,ohem said the country's SINK ABOUT THIS ' ~y.mngwo..mmofTerra.~., the welcome rmpome m ~ [~..~.~'~Jf Cohea, director of Har- intellectuals., scientists _~U~. CERNE.Y, me ~auonm dayce~e sales, " ~A ' r~ ~f~". ~.~'~, • yard's East Asian ~egal educatorsanaprmeu~onam- ~:ngmna tta-~ -- ruling, either opening The Terrace Jayeettes ,~f-~ /J,~?~.~%:~4~ studies denartment, just desperately needed now in Engineering studmte from membership or leaving it have a big year ahead and ~.~' [~''~. ~ ~; returned fro~n China, wh~'e China's modernization plans dozens of colleges will dined to Jaycee wives only: we will be. info,rm,ing the ~ [~ ~ ~~ he met officials of the new - were ,the hardest hit by participate in canoe Tae New ~.'xecuuve" ana public on our acuwms, ~.'~ [~i ~'~ ~ ~, ~' institute of law of the these pendulum swings and championships at South ' _ ~'~ " [~;~:~.~.'~' ~,g-.:._.~:? Chii~.se Academy of Social are most wary about Cerney, Gloucestershire, on • T ... • I- _ stiveare(lefttorlght)DariGilham, pre ...... = Scimces and saw a criminal speaking out again. July 8. The studentswill ....v~.l.~..~ ,..'~ ...-----~OPiIIOI ...~ m o x ,h=m., past president, Sharon Striker, secretary, and Marni Carlsen, treasurer, trial in Shanghai. "People aren't taking part compete in" 100-potmd canoes , Missing from picture is' Deane Glover, vice-president. In an interview with The in the corrent movement to that they made from con- ~'w'rW~(A) f,/ a S?Vlr • -er~? ...... ~:" ...... : ....:...... "~.~'~~""...... -,:~.:. :'"...... ":'"':'"' :...... ":' '"i':':" ~...... :::" ...... "~"~:~.:~.:~:~`:~...~:~:...*:~*..~:~..~:~:~i~.*::.~:~.~:~:~...:::~.~.~::~::~.~.~.~...`..`~ ...... ": "" ":"" .:...~...... :.,:.~,~.~.~~'':':':" '::~':"$:;:::~'<:':' ~ x., :~z~, ~ o::: ~ ~ ~ ~:~m:::.:,.~,~ Assoclated.. Press ~ he ~aid/'~--~~--~seakP out," he said • crete .

MOSCO -- as, ident .k ~" ~ ," -: agency, responded today toa Carter last weekend by "/ 1 ~ I ee~ ~ . ~ """ \\-~ ~, .... ~ I United States appeal for a Pravda, the Soviet Corn- • [ .k [ ~ .i : • • ~ TUE|TDI~ • ._ ~-=: ~ • A _ I i mutual reduction of munist party newspaper, ~ n ~l • ] I ~i~ ~ un'=Mln'~ ~-I ~ I I ' criticism by publishing which accused him of [ i . I • I K,~iP' IN"" ll m ...... ~ -- I tiO~_~" __ i l qu0t~, from the U.S.' state- :deli.be.r.ate]y' ..worsening" J] ' ~-~ ~ ~i ~ ~.% ~.% PA~:~If$ ~ ~ By The Sea: [M-est~ll meut wimout eommmtary ~oviet u ~ remuons ~ 7 i ~ ~ ~ .... ' "-- '' generally is seen as a The" ' U.S, s~nent ~ I • * I • \ Hidden somewhere m the .* ~ ~ ~ [ siga of Soviet agreemmt suggested that insteaa of IH i 1 ~ I iA * [ • ~ , • .~ * -~ Modem 5 slorev firsl class mo~or h~elleL Good Iocatio~Io(mk)n- I blockblo~k hem5ore I • ~...... ~ quoted.,..^ a a.-declarahon -,.-... twoexcheung,ng sides ~ontinue aceusatmns, a bus" the r 11l] Ii'm i .g, '~ g~ an~~.~ in the en~mnent. ~ ] " beach.Mod,,..English ~o,,. BmVmd Stanh'7 P~urk.m~m downtoln, shopptn9within 2 | •u# ~,= .m,~ ~,u.~.t _.: .AI In "K ~ .. ', ~n "~ i blocks.12~attracth'elvappmintedair-(o~ioe~'drooms. sludtos, elMctencV i Wednesday which said: seheduleof negotiations,.Tne u H ~ I .~ : seCl;lon are ~wo zerrace. , . i m.....~,~ - ,,,h ..~,h p,~-. b.,n. yo,or~ ,d p~o~.:.c,,-~ . | "Tl~'eare statements in the countries are mgagea in n II ~ ~ I ~ _ • __ . ~ i noom .,~ c~e., shop. Log, .~.h m.,-..-..,, s~p~ ,~ ~ [ Pravda article with which talks on strategic arms li [l I ~ I ~ phone numbers. £ I Rooms.D~h~.|nlobb~.db.p~ung. | we are obviously not in limitation, a compmhmsive i"M~q'~ [ .~ i Findthem, and if one is vo~s voa've ~ , i, , , , [ agreement,• . but we do not...... nuclear test ban ana torces b,- n,=a=lw,n=~ :1 4c r-~ "won. *, " " - 4~~ I, .,,~ ...... ,..., ~,...~' ...... v..o.....o ...... ,.~,,-.,,.:..~.,-,., ~o,,, I, thinkRwouldserveatmelul recmcuonm~urol~.. .. . ~ '1 ~ ] r pick nn vnur tic eta 1 ~, ~ TelezO~.sIi61 | purpose to precipitate an- Tassalsor,erre~,wimou~ ~ .~ ~ ti,& =L~X_%~;urt~cke~ at th, Herad ~ , , ...... I other round of rhetorical ex comment, to a statement ~ u,.~ ...... ~ ...... , ~ ~~ , , changes" " Monday by Secretary of ' . ' _ . .-.-- . __ '..~.~. State Cyrus Vance, and ~" "--- ~.~------~-..--- ,---'------/7- - ~ ~- .L J. J.I~U~JLJ.q~L .i~ moat comstruetive course for J ' ' n' ]1 • " ~ . both countries as we move • " " " ,, ,, in Gmnea ~:~:oT:o.~,J!~i~ l • • [ : "__,~AB~ TS[2~ST?. JJ By EDITH M. LEDERER we both can hi e to • t ' " I i~ i II ~ ~ * ~ ~~ ~ ~1 HONG KONG (AP) -- tensions and to reach / 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~ 11 -~~..i|~ ~ II| Chl~'s new leaders are agreementonctificalism~.s ~ ' . i • [] i: ~ [] • [] [I l~ll,l~'lJl~l.m~ll~" I1~ reviving legal institutions now onthea.genda.". ~ i [] [] i • • ~ ~ ---~ ------d~ and talking favorably of Tass regmarsy quo~es or [ I I I i I I ~ " -- - " human rights in what one 'summarizes statemen~ on "[ " I~/JLI~I~II~A~ Ir CHAR-~RO,'LEOSTEAKS, [l{ U.S legal expert says is a various subjects from [ , . ~ ~~ w "---~dPmim~ II ' Ill campaign to convince around the world, without I . . ~ II _ _ ~js millions of Chinese tha adding its own eommmtary, | " ' , ~ ~~ ,.~.~1~, ,~. ~! speaking" out will not mean Taese are taken to mean me I ~ "' . ' . , II

.i, arrest and torture as nefore. ,~pge~eyagrees~iththepoint ~ .. .t ' "~ ~" "" "~ n - ' , :: ~ II " " ~ . ,,,~ ',. ".'4 "~,~ Pro/~ Jbroifie ff'o~d~, ,~'t~viewitisreL~rting. 1[ , ~..,t'~ • ~l " , " "~':""':::!" " IL 1, [~~, ~..~-.~.~3[ .~J '~!;.assodate dean of the Har .... ~, ~ .~ .ll . . : : , ~ : _ " ...... " 11 eampa~n'su,Umateaimisvard Law Scchool, said the r - 3r ,.~~e • - II • * M ,M s ~ "'TOgE' ' II to get all China's people to " ' " "~'~ ~ ~ ~ " "" ~ " ~L dJ parfl, ipateln, making ~e /~~ ~O#~ / [ -y~v J II _ . ! ~ Char-Broiled Steak $3.39 1~ counu-y a moaern power oy , . , _

vard:s East Asian legs I /,~_ .. _ / ~ ° ...... ":" .... 311 ~~ .~T~ " .~_..=Jf~ ~ ~ DRESSINGS.GARLIC TOAST: " ~ stuolesreturnedfromOeparlmenl'china, wh~'e]US' I V~'P~4~'~J[" ...._ . . I ~ ~ d~ II --~[~-~-~.~w.;~'.~F. " I •' l"*,1#4' e,';:'" ' ~aa re..:~"~,~.~:~:,,.~ ~l" ||' ~ .....q~ . , • ' " ' be met o , alffis off new n .,.. | 11 II ,all, [ .,.,.,.. Steak Donner $5.79 ] lmtitu~_ .... .-':-:":, /~:~.~ . ~ o.-:-- ~' ~ II f/l~/lliUb "~ II I~ "Tenderloin Steak' Dinner ' $549

.tdalinShanghai. ~_._{~_~1~l IU .o,,v,.,. ,,, ..... ,.,-,-,. i II I||J~ ~lliViV Jl'l~) 11 il Steak & Shrimp Combo $4.99 II In an interview with The /,~t~t -gt.F-~, / ts :r ;" ;c w :: -¢ffiaffi~ It I~ _L ~il My ~]~-.~| It • ' " Associated Press, he said /l~~l~Y l - --' II '~k~_ Nil ~1 fr2.// ~ £ Jumbo Shrimp Dinner • , $3.39 ] G~ina's leaders realize that --~ ,, ~, ,t:=ffi==~t=ffi==ffiffi~ • t~'o~"f D" to set the enthusiasUc /]1 " t Chopped Beef ,nner • $1 79 ] t~eiml~Ut°%~el?;PTe~a~ / n..,wm0~smm,,w.u, / ! SAlWll II RESTAURANT ~ ~t TheMikeburger " $1.59 11 aqmtem...... "with some ]find of /~--~, ~-,,, / II ~iHfliibOEi' ' II C~|1~£ & CANADIAN' FOOD ~ II '...... ,,o. II mmunumseeumyanaoroer 1"..417-.f'~.lE..... / II " ' II II~ , "ii [I. ~e w w ~c___.~c___..~.-2 so ~a.t p~..p]e, will ...have / W(ILUI/I~VV~(/II~I ]1 inl~,imiil JJ II 10 a:m to 1 a.m. Monday- Saturday II eoImamceum~meywmnot / , ,,o. 7 • nniBi -~ ii • " . .... R i/ be subjected to arbitrary / (~ / Ir ggH~im [i ~ 11 a.m. lr0 |0 p.m. bunaay, ~ , ~ ;

~t~el~s~ateflonsor sanctions by / Tt's time to ca|L your / [I -- ...... -. _ II II _..--... --.-...... Ii __ _ • i Modern Chinas, 29-year / Welcome Wagon hostess • / ~ 2T/E PLACE J~'OJ~ _ II PNillII~ li:4.h-.iii 1 1 11 7T(**~ ~,,, ~ i lllstory has witnessed vast . t NS ' I1' sssWs'am --'-- --"" " ~U~J~ ,rid.lure swings with. IL,.. Hlckmin.6~S.S427 ' I WEDD|N "'"''O II r ,,. ,_,,...... , o.. _ periods of relative freedom ILois Mohninger -635-5309 II PRIVATE PARTIES II II ,u~,...-..m,...~. m I,,-,. Ii JI ~,~k ~k v.~,o~ I

,repression. • . ~ ~ . CATERING ,11 ' -- ~,,,~.--- ~ I ,**4c ***** -- *****************v~ . II DANCING SPACE AVAILABLE II 7 ~lt.e~,l~ak,sP,ar-ni~u.m : 1 HECTO_S ,L _qvnnmnn IH! =n..A, n,,,,,,,,n -- .- ~ II INTERNATIONAL CUISlNE II ~ f~t~ UUlIIMIllUll Illil, ~i ,vi~,w.r.ti. lw,,1,,1~.,, • ~. . --~,~ . " "¢ I1' MeN -SAT • $ PM - 11 PM• - ~ II ~-~TA~~.~ II Mo n-Th uhr- ,m,-12 p .m. ' ,,"~ ' ' ,' , II ' I1,, Located on the west side ~ Fn-Sat-8a.m. mla.m. ' "l[ '' ' . "K rimi~w m ~ .... ~ blocks from SkeenaMall " ' " " ' . ' SHOWIN G AT 8 P.M..,< i Av ' II ~~yt~....,.,..~. ooo, . CLO.O Reser¥.flon|. , ...... ,t 4620Lakelse enue 111L ~;-w":. ] 236 OITY OTR, SUN 632 3636 aUlliq ' _ . . ? j~==~,-----~e===~-----,e==~~e=~ , ' .... ~~ ...... ~lose Eneounlers el ihe ?hird Kind :~ -. ' ""F .u.~,..~o,~, , ...... il ' ~,-~-~-~,-~,~-~

• t i HJgh R,ders'",& Sata, Ilheerhuiderli ": I II ilem • gOlUll 1 , ~ . . i i o , , ITH presentsresents I ' JUNE 28 - JULY I Starshlp In V as I ons "~, I ' ' ' il P ]

. ~ ,,.,,.,.., i I WfD6| of LEMON. I ' i II ~;. ~_ ~1 : I i 6OLDEN FREIlOII FRIES . I / '~?2s,.ea'oo~ L/I . •"~ ! x / GARDEN F~!Sl VEGETABLES !1 ~| voo,~;;~,-,i/nUTlll~ .... j | L_-;I~LI -,.I I~Ulll~.,~ ~- I,I I dUNE 24 0abaret : i ! Tea or 0of~e and Dessed moluded ~ D|IlIIIE ~'~''J i dUNE26-27 - i i L .,-~~ ' ! DANG!NG :~ 00nte.ions ola Summer 0amp : i , .~,~.F~ix--~I ~lt,~ ; .~ , ' "~'~ II i ~l~l.lili~_'~._liil ~--~4[F/)4[J ~'sm" A...lliOi II , Reservations a! llw Tudor up until $ p.m, i Oounl~llor ~ II ,/ ~"~ I!11 , IID,-SUI, " "'-'" Lt 1 : I ~ ~ iWl6 Hw,. 11 W.t ~ § a.m.-1 a.m.

• ****************************** . ~-,, ,,- . , ,m;:__: --~,_,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.~.~.~_~:~

• .', ,'. ' " 'i". '.. . • I

PAGE 12, THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978 .o..o...ooooo..oo.=I ! oou=,s +,,.:,re,:

: 6324721 ,

DAVE $ERRY ~n= • ' 632-4426 9 om=,,e,ocxe,os,sso=-s o. .s • • - KITIMAT = , "The Performers • • ' HOMES FOR SALE ' O : J-43 ' noublewideMobile Home • 4 Petrel - Single Familyw/basement • • 27 Finch - 1% Storey Revenue • ~'ii~ ~ :~*!+~+;~!~i! t J-20 - 2 Bedroom Mobnlo+ Home . • We, ,om~vf~P~m~v~'h0me ; 76 0arisen- large family homowith :

i!i!~ii!~,~~il ~ii~! O• 38-863 - Lahakasrevenue 0arpeted i)ondo. -O• Unit : ~!h~Ss~c~p~ltng~?; ;haed:n areaprovides Extra adequate ,argeenfrance storage ; 95 Stikine- 3 Bedroom Bunplow • are,~, small fruit etc. and laundry hook-up. Asking $58,000. " Asking $20,500. : 20 Finch Street- Single Unit

WE HAVE A 12x54 mobile with 12x36 addition which Skyliner. Tremendouspotential provides up to 5 bedrooms and 1V~ baths. Large : 27 Morgan-Immaculatehome, : workshop on property. Owner very anxious to sell and will let go for $20,000. nice location 23 HeronStreet - RegisteredDuplex • +~ '.~,~ fantastic vail .,olpa~trm;:::.or rent with option to" : ..,o,. S. EBY ST. Core•or•able 3 bedroom . THOR•HILL STREET • APP~n~LS-PROPERTYmNAGEMEm • full basement family home This 3 bedroom modular on large lot near schools home very nicely situated • LOT SALES-- DEVELOPMENT • and hospital. Backyard on large treed lot. Lot is fully fenced with good fully fenced. Large • CANADAWIDE REFERRAL SERVICE • garden area and frame for workshop with concrete MORTGAGE ADVICE A wallcoverfung such as "Family Album" is a real the Yorkville collection of pre-pasted vinyl, scrubbable greenhouse. Exterior all floor. Small fruit, garden conversation piece in this contemporary study. From and peelable wallcoverings by Sunworthy. weather siding. Listed in area and greenhouse. : a.d i mid forties. Street to be Chickens and coop : Very ASSISTANCE • ~= ~.-....~.~...~.~.~...~.~.-.~.;.;.;.;.;...;~:`:~:~:.~;.;.;.:.;.;~:~:.:~:.:.;~;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;~;.;.;.;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;:;:~¢.~.~.:¢~.~:~::~:.~.:~.~:;~:;:~ ************************************** ...... paved. reasonable at $32,900. . Don't Fool Around Wit h Half A Service • 'i~ Wallcoverings ~. Talk To A Full Service Real E~tate Office • • We Are Here To Help You. Professionally w,~ -The Great • CAN WE SELL YOURS? -- JUSTTRY US • Cover Up! gPooooooooooooooooo0 If you' have juSt moved into Finagy, apply a wall size wallpaper.1 . How can we strip is needed to wait ,for the .,a,o~pleo(,strt~A,..~..thne. .+ ' an older house, or have been with a mold inhibitor. Now these layers off? water to penetrate +corn- W~ISfi,thai f~l"~:wall8 living in one that needs you are ready for your ANSWER: Lots of water pletely. This can be done by down While st~ we~'" The redecorating, wallcoverings beautiful cover up. and patience are the secret first scoring the surface with finished results will be well can do a great cover up job QUESTION: We'd like to ingredients needed to suc- a knife. Then, using a paint worth the effort. Once all the for you. Not only will they redecorate our bedroom • cessfully strip these layers roller apply lots of water, layers are off, then prepare brighten up the walls, they using a wallcovering, but the off. Water has to get to the Start from the ceiling and walls in the usmd way. have all the characteristics previous owners painted glue behind all that paint and serape the well-soaked paper that make them ideal for the over several layers of old wallpaper and the patimce off with a broad putty knife, do-it-yourselfer. The pre-" pasted, dry-strippable or peelable wallcoverings are easy to put up as well as to • take down when the times comes. .Most are easily washable and many are sm'ubbable~ so there is little maintenance needed over the years.' There are, however, a few Well located service station corner grocery complex. Ideally set up things you should knew for family operation. beforehanging wallcoverings in and older home andMary 1. Bay service station with 2 double head pumps. Prud'homme, Interior Design and Color Consultant 2. 2 bedroom residence at rear. for Sunworthy Wallcoverings answers some of the most often asked Situated on 1.3 acres off Hwy 25 at Lakelse Lake. Only service and questions in this regard. Well kept 3 betlroom, full Very impressive 3 bedroom Modular home In excellent tastefully decorated and in grocery located in Lakelse Lake area. QUESTION: We've just basement home. Features family home located in condition, 1248 sq. ft., 4 excellent condition. moved into a house and 2 fireplaces, built-in dish- preferred area of town. bedoroms, ensuite Formal dining room plus For more particulars contact: there's a really old washer. Nicely land- Wail to wall carpeling, plumbing, wall to wall informal eating area. BONNIE OR BUD AT McCOLL •wallpaper in the living room. scaped, located on bench ensuite plumbing; 2 carpeting. This is an ex- Attractive .living plus We'd like to put up lust blocks away from fireplaces' and finished ceptional well kept family room with bar. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: something new and more to school. Asking $59,900. basement are only a few Of property in the Queensway Games room. Three ~l[]Ull[][][][]lln[][][]llll[]ilU[]l[][]•[][]n[]l[]llnlll•ln-[]ll•l~[][]lMg our taste. Do we have to Call Christel or Horst to the fine attributes this area. Prided to ~ell. Call bedrooms. Ensuite strip off the original view this property. home features. Asking Horst or Chris'tel. bathroom. Landscal~nd • • wallpaper as it's still in price $5%000. Call Horst or and many o.thei" fine • reasonable shape? Christel. features. Call Frank or see • ANSWER: Even though ; . .~:¢': + it on Realscope in our of- • there is only one layer, it is fice. l' recommended that you strip • this off before applying the ~ i ~ . , new. The main reason for • this is that you will want to [] take advantage of one of the. prime benefits of today's Excellent family house, 3 This 3 bedroom home with Around the corner from lh0 bedrooms up. 1 dawn- over 2000 sq. ft. is really [] wallcoverings, i.e. their dry- high school, lust three strlppability. If you leave up stairs, fireplace and many Priced 1o sell quickly. • different and unique. The blocks from downtown and i i theorigin~d;wallpeper, it will extra features. Come and 12'x60' mobile home with beautiful interior is ac- over 2000 sq. ft. of family REPOSSESSED1,400sq. ft. residence and NASS VALLEY Tire Service is for sale, • make it more difficult to see it on Realscope in our attached building, centuated by vaulted cedar living. Complimented with office .or call Horst or Established on serviced lot ceilings in living and dining three bedro@ms on the lot on Kirby Rd. New and unfinished, full includes metal constructed 35x40' shop, • strip the new one off at a Good in- [] basemenl, very sturdily bullt. 3bedrooms, fully equipped with all necessary equip- • laterdate. Another reason ts Christel for more in. on Copperside. rooms. Located close to main floor and a fourth In electric heat, prepared for stucco. Only ment and tools. With 24x60 clean 4 : that sometimes the paste formation, vestment for rental unit. town on 5 acres, Asking the basement. This • from the new wallcoverlag Call Frank. price $68,000. For more spacious .home must be [] $'16,500. Open to offers. MLS 2987. bedroom residencewlthensulte bathroom, • will sdak through, soften the' information call Horst or' viewed. Call Kelly today 13.5 ACRES on Douglas Road with 40x60' on 2 acres, landscaped, greenhouse. Price [] ~, ~ ~ ~,~ ~ Christel. of $170,000 Includes a sdrvlce truck • old paper and cause blisters. ~"~!~..',"'..~I~'~ for your appointment. Industrial Quonsit shop, several acres • Also, if you are using a ~~~=~:~!~:~:++=~;=:~Jl~,:.... ++~i:~ ~~ "Realscope"can bring this equipped for road repairs and existing tire • heavier quality • ~?Pm+.~+L~. ~:+, ~, :L • cleared, 1700' frontage, has own well. stock. Gas and oil sales and operation ~1 wallcovering, such as vinyl, beautiful home to you! • Goodfor trucking cor~panywanflng repair shows excellent revenue Increases over • itcouidpuiltheitghterpaper ~~=...... • premises. Only $40,000. past5 years. ' • off the wall. :+ : i " :~i • 237 SlMPSONSt. 1,000 sq. ft. solid 3 • Modern 4.plex. Combine ,i=i ii ,i:i,,:+i'ii++ :+~i:i!,. • bedroom home mostly carpeted, with : QUESTION: The walls in revenue and security. • carport, concrete foundation, 12x18 living 5316 MCCONNEL Ave. 5 acres, cleared, our 30-year-old house are in Interesting property for Quiet location on Graham [] room. Good valueat $25,000 on 75x120' lot. fenced, with barn and corral and 1,800 sq. • pretty bad shape, will Investment. 4 units of 1200 Avenue, Three bedrooms,' Schools, recreation and A home for leisure and • ft, residence, full basement, 4 bedrooms, • wailcoverings help to ' sq, ft. each with fireplaces, sundeck and some finishing shol)ping lust blocks away. pleasure. Well appointed • MOBILE HOME LOTS at Copperslde and large kitchen, dining and Ilvlflg rooms, : disguLsethem? ensuite plumbing, wall to in the .basement area. Three bedroom; double and in excellent condition. • off Queensway on Scotton Road from extra bathroom tully carpeted. Good • ANSWER: Providing you wall carpetingf throughout. Askiqg $46,500. Call in attached garage with In fine neighborhood. Call • $7,500 up. location, asking $70,000. MLS 2988. • prepare the walls properly, For more detalls call Horst today and view it on landscaped lot. Asking Frank for more • j~ • wallc6~'rings, particularly or Christel. ' "Realscope". Call Kelly $56,000. Call Kelly to view. .information. • A.E. Le Page Limited Coast ~ Coast Real Estate Service • those with an all-over pat- • •[] pearanee,tern or willdefinitelya textured helpap- , AFTER OFFICE HOURS you. To prepare previously I . R3fi'R.qilii+i EvE+m,+N, P,ON ES decorated walls--remove vvv v.vv= '+ +++ Harr.y Smith- ~35.~826 grease, dirt, old wallpaper HORST GODL'INSKI - 635-5397 KELLY SQUIRES. 635-7616 +~ ' StanParker- " + " : 635:4031 and loose paint. Next fill in .... " ^ 't 4611 LAKELSE-, + ,,, +..... AVE. .:,, . ++ ' tleten ulJber son .. 63;.3609 any cracks or gouges in the FRANK" SKIDMORE - 635-5691 CHRIsTEL GODLINSKI - . plaster and smooth down ++TERRACE, B,C, - :BobR ipmees~er- + + . with sandpaper when dry, ...... ",~' ?~' Gloss paint surfaces should ~llialliliilmllBlllUilllligilmlilillilililiHI also be lightly sanded, THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978, PAGE 13

Skeena Health Unit The first European monarch who had a car especially RAPE RELIEF RUPERT STEEL & Babysitter required in my to own a motor car was built for him in 1898. CLASSlF lED RATES 3215-2 Eby Street & CRISIS LINE SALVAGE LTD. home 3-5 days per week for right to classify ads under Terrace, B.C. King Leopold of Belgium, appropriate headings and to FOR WOMEN We buy copper, brass all July and August. 3 school LOCAL ONLY: 635.6307 aged children. Bench area set rates therefore and to CALL 635.Tsse metals and batteries. 20 words or. less $2.00 per The following are a few of SlO.O0perday Phone 635-3055 determine page location. OR Location - Seal Cove :nsertion, over 20 words" S the services offered locally Open.till 5 p.m. Man. to Sat. after 5 (c3-11) The Herald reserves the by your Health Unit Staff: cents per word. Phone 624.5~39 right to revise, edit, classify 3 or'more consecutive In- CHILD HEALTH CON- A Heather•Tartan Society is Everything a Girl wants In a |o It Now or reject Shy advertisement sertions $1.50 per Insertion. FERENCES. being formed with the in- DUFFS BICYCLE SHOP pesltlon: . and to retain any answers • Held weekly at the Health terest of promoting Scoftlsh directed to the Herald Box Reconditioned bikes and REFUNDS: Unit every Tuesday from cultural Interest and events, repairs. Pleasant Working Conditions Reply Service, endto repay •First Insertion charged for 1:38.3:50 p.m. Plsase phono Interested persons should Chance for Advancement Aluminum the customer the sum paid Reasonable rates. whether run or not. for an appointment contact Eleanor Halley at 1931 Queensway Dr. Good Salary for the advertisement and Absolutely no refunds after • Held at Thornhlll 63G.2456as soon as possible, Friendly Associates ,box rental. ad has beenset. Recreation Centre on the ABLE ELECTRIC LTD. Stead# Employment Sheets Box replies on "Hold" fourth Friday of- every MILLS MEMORIAL ElectricAl and Refrlgeretlm Instructions not plc:ked up CORRECTIONS: month from 1:30.3:30 p.m. THR IFT SHOP contrad. |1)" X within 10 days of expiry of an Must Be Experienced Typist N" Must be made before 2nd Please phone for an ap- Mills Memorial Hospital "l:lousa wirlag. and advertisement will be Insertion. pointment. Auxiliary would epprnclate ; 135.5876 destroyed unless mailing Able To Handle Clerical Allowance can be made for • Babyslffers who bring any donations of 9ced, clean (clf) Work & Numbers Instructions are received. only one incorrect ad. children must have parents clothing, any household 12 sheets only-3.76 Those answering Box written consent for im- items, toys etc. for their Apply To Numbers are requested not BOX NUMBERS: munization. THRIFT SHOP. to send Originals of 75 cents plck up. AD.ULT CLINICS For pickup, service phone documents to avoid loss. INDUSTRIAL AC- THE DALLYHERALD Sl.35 mailed. These are held atthe Health 63.¢.5320or 635.5233,or leave CEPTANCE - COR- All claims of errors In Unit on Monday, Wed. donations at the Thrift shop ~advertlsements must be PORATION LTD. 3212 I(ahm St. Terrau CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: nesclay, and Friday from on Lazetle Avenue on Lost from the 3300 Block of IAC LimMed recalved by the publisher Rates available upon 3:00- 4:10 p.m. by ap- Saturdays between 11:00 Thomas• Small black female within 30 days after the first 4639 Lazelle request. peintment only. a.m. end 3:00 p.m. Thank cat with white spot under 635-6391 . publication. PRENATAL CLASSES you. (no) chin. Wearing yellow collar (C5-18) It is agreed by the ad- NATIONAL CLASSIFIED Classes are held throughout and goes by the name of vertiser requesting space RATE: the year at Intervals for ~keana District Girl Guides Sarah. Reward offered. Call that the liability of the' 22 cents per agate line. expectant parents. Phone would like to announce the 635.2148 or 638-1064. (ctf) i Herald In the event of fallura the Health Unit for details opening "of .a Land Ranger Minimum charge $5.00 per A white tong haired female to publish an advertisement insertion. and registration." Company in the Thornhill or In the event of an error HOME NURSING CARE area. Girls between the ages cat with green•yellow eyes, She's two years old, Missing appearing In the ad- LEGAL - POLITICAL AND Nursing care in the home for of 14 and 18 who are in- 1976 Sports model Honda for from the lower Albatross vartlsement as published TRANSIENT AD- those who need it on referral terested please call 635.3061 sale Phone 635.2654 (p3.17) .shell be limited to the from their family doctor. or 638-1269 (ctf) area of Kitlmet, Any in- VERTISING: formation would 'be ap- amount I~ald by the ad- $3.60 per column inch. Terrace area only. 1977 Honda Civic. Extras yartlsor for only one In- HEALTH PARADE Pregnant and in need of preciated, Contact 69 Brant Include: radio and tape correct insertion for the support? or call 632.2924, (sff) deck, driving lights, 2 Winter A & W Food Services of'Canada BUSINESS PERSONALS: For 4year old children. Held Ltd. has developed a new series portion of the advertising $4.00 per •line per month. on third Monday of every Call for help from Right-to- tires. Asking $4,000. Week. space occupied by the" In- Life promoters: Lost In tl~ Copper Moetaln days call 638•1221after 5 and of inside seating restaurant On a 4 month basis only. month. Developmental, District, one black and white correct or omitted Item only, vision, hearing screening sa at 635-3164 weekends. 635-3324(p5-21) concepts that have been and that there shall be no rol at 63.5.5136 male cat wearing a yellow DEADLINE done. Please phone for collar with bell answers to adapted to shopping centres liability to any eveet greater appointment. Janno at 635-4503 .1978 C.B. 400 Honda Hawk than the amount paid for u the name of Chaser• 635-9785 Type I. Must sell owner and-or downtown sterefront DISRLAY: PRENATAL BREATHING ask for Marie (c5-19) such advertising. 4:00 p.m. 2 days prior to & RELAXING EXERCISES leering town. Phone635.7091 locations. Advertisements must publication day. Held every Monday af- Hunting knife- Lost. B.C. ask~ for Bob. 4706 Graham. comply with the British terncon at 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Phillips . Canada . type (p5-19) These opportunities will be of Columbia Human Rights Act CLASSIFIED: V.lY. CLINIC Sentimental value. Sub- particular interest ,to highly which Pr0hlbits any ad. Held every Monday at 3:30 1:00 p.m. day prior to HERCUS. Will and Rebecca starrtlal, reward. Call 635- motivated individuals with a vertlsing that discriminates publication day. or by appointment. 6836 (p1-17) against any ~rson because SANITATION (nee Roberts) are proud to strong" desire te own and of his race, rellglen, sex, Service charge of ~;$.00on all The public health Inspectors announce the birth of their operate Heir own business color, nationality, ancestry N.S.F. cheques. are now situated "in" Eby daughter KatherlneCorlne, 6 Ibs. 15 oz. on June 15,1978,at within an established and or pla~:eof origin, or because Street. They will be pleased 4 AT TrackerS; on 15x10CON successful national restaurant his age Is between 44 and 65 • WEDI)ING DESCRIP- to assist with any san!tation Mills Memorial Hospital, Terrace, B.C. Proud rims, .GM-Chev, Phone 635- chain. years, unless the condition Is TIONS: problems. 5092 (cff) justified by a bona fide No charge provided news Speechand Hearing Clinic grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. HELPWANTED J. requirement for the work submlffed within one month. Held at 4612 Grelg Avenue. G. Hercus, Richmond, B.C., Earn.2 hours a day.S200a Interested parties may reply in Involved. 55.00 production charge for Hearing eats will be done by and Mr. S. Roberts, Rich- month commission plus Four Goodyear Plygless E- confidence to: Manager of mond, B.C. Great- 70-14tires; $110or best offer• "~'weddlng'ahd-or engagement by referral from family prizes. For details write Franchise Sales, 101. 145 West '" 'plotufes:~News of weddings doctor or community Health grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Brush, "Box 108,.207 Pho~e635.2303 after 6 (cS.17) J.M. Varey, Victoria, B•C. lath Street, North Vancouver, (write.ups} received ons purse. 63~-1~_s_s. _ West Hastings St•, "Van- Published at Terrace month or more after event LONG TERM CARE . &nd Mrs. V• Malyuk, Van- oouver V6B 1H7, or Mr. T. For Sale: Stove and frldge. B.C. V7M 1S1.' B.C. 5 daysa week" $10.00 charge, with or Office at No.205-4721 Lazelle couver, B.C. (p1.17) Dlamol~l, R.R. 3 Kamloops, Good condition. Phone 635.. without picture. Sublect to Ave. Tel 635.9196. B.C. V2C 5K1. 3093 (p3-17) Mi.nimum cash . required: Nmn.-Frl. mornings, i condensation. Payable. in Assessment and planning for $50,000. advance. those eligible for Long Term School District No. 88 I large oll painting (country Care. (Terrace) scene) froh~ Great Gallary PUBLISHER Johnson original. Single bed Oon Cromack AID TO HANDICAPPED Help wanted Teaching CLASSIFIED AN- Office at No. 205.4721 vacancies • 2 months old; With box THE HOBB'Y HUT spring, mattress and NOUNCEMENTS: Lazelle. Tel' 635-9196. Ceramic supplies and 1. English teacher Skeena SUBSCRIPTION Assessment and guidance Junior Secondary V~ time headboard. Phone 635.9251 Greenware, air brushing (c3-17) RATES Births 5.50 for vncational and social available, custom tiring. position. Funerals 5.50 rehabilitation done by 2. English teacher Caledonia DOUGU$ OOLLEGE Effective October 1, N~:Neil St. GarageSale: Saturday Ju~e Cards of Thanks S.50 consultant. 635-9393 Senior Secondary .6 'Requires 1977 Memorial Notices ~ 5.50 assignment please send 24, Ig78 at'~B3S Davis Ave ~NelgM Watchers meattn~ 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. (pZ-17) CONCRETE SEPTIC completed application form PHONE ~5-~157 heldevery Tuesday at7 p.m. • Instrudional Faoul For Single Copy 20c TANKS PRE-KAST together with supporting By Carrier ruth 3.00 Classified Advertising Dept.. at the Knox United Church documents to Mr.. M. Kenmore heavy duty Hall, ,1907 Lazelle Avonue. For Immediate delivery washer and dryer. Excellent By Carrier year 36.00 Septic System Bergsma Director of In- New 0ooupationall Frol n struction, Box 460, Terrace, condition. Asking $450 for By Mail 3 ruth 12.00 Specialists Due to a planned major expansionof WANTED DONATIONS B.C. VSG 4BS. Deedllrm for set and a stand-up stereo the Colleges vocational offerings, a By Mail 6 ruth 22.00 The , Terrace Dance The Three Rivers Workshop "Insist on the Bast" Sg00. Call 638-1221weekdays PHONE-~.2039 submission to application of .vacancy will shortly exist for an Association will be for the Handicapped are June 29, 1978 (c1.17) or weekends or after 5 635- By Mail year 40.00 presenting a Dance Semlnar- SCHMITTYS EXCAVATI NG instructor (who will also be Senior Citizen year looking for donations of any 3324 (p5-21) responsible for ' developing Workshop on June 24th and old, broken or used pieces of Full or port.time. Here Is an ,20.00 25th to be held at Clarence curriculum) In each of the following furniture, also any discarded GOEDEN RULE opportunity to earn extra six occupational fields: British Commonwealth and 'Mlchle| Elementary School, wood products we could use Odd Jobsfor the [obless. money, , - fa per hour. 34, FOR':RENT •United States of America I Terrace, B.C. This weekend for recyc!ing or renovating. Phone63S•4535.3238 Kalum Training Is available. For DRAFTING - with .special options.,• , war 51.00. is opento all Individuals over Call us at 635-2238between Interviews Call Marnle 635. MISC. age 6. 8a.m. and 3 p.m., we will try GEMINI EXCAVATING 9721 anytime (Fuller Brush) BOx 399;Terrace, B.C. Miss Shella Marshall e WELDING . fitter.welder- layout to make arrangements for LTD. (ctf) with special emphasis on or- VBG2M9 membew" of the Royal pickup. (Was Andrews) Office Space for Rent: 2700 Academy of Dancing tralnud SaleePersonah Part.time& sq. ft. on Greig Ave., namental metal work and Backhoe Work fabrication. , • Telephone: at the Rae Burns Dance SKEENACENTRE Hourly & Contract full time staff. Apply at Reasonable rent. Lease 112-604.635.6357 School, the Wynne Shaw Skeena Centre offers to the 635.3479anytime Sweet Sixteen 9:30 - 5 p.m. available. Phone 635•72~6. School of CDence and Three Frl. (df) CONSTRUCTION. residential and Senior Citizens of the (AJ12) community construction and shop "~ HOME DELIVERY • Summer Sessions at the Terrace and Thornhlll area Terrace 8, District Banff School of Fine Arts. the following services - * work. Thornhllt & District There will be four . Adivlty Centre for ban- _ • MA SON AR Y.STON EWOR K Phone 635.6357 catagorles available Ballet, dlcrafts • B P.nmnlmtm UMtinn nf l Tap, Modern-Jazz and . Day Care for working I BE --"--'"~'"_"--_'"'""" ,_ I eml)hasis en fireplaces, arches, AcrobatioGymnastic people ' ' • ~ ql ~"llm ll • UJFlll • • paving, patios and walls. Dancing. Fee of $20.00 will - Drop.in for companionship I llE! l_ Eq ~ llllnH_lln .__ ,_ o.__. l cover any. or all sections & coffee, PARTSMAN-COUNTERMAN - taken over the two days•' Nk)ndaythru Friday 8-4• -- .... automotive and heavy 'duty Registration .forms may be Transportation available m~¢hlnery In retail and wholesale obtained at Terrace •Sight Contact Skeenaview Lod~ I 1"" I 1974 I 1973~,q11| I 1914 NAZOA I codlnter work• , •.June 28...Last meeting and Sound or Terrace Public 635-2265 V0LKSWM01i I nnquu P. IIRr % ,IN0 BIll00 PU before Summer break to be Library. Please pre register I _ ...... I s. . I • I LANDSCAPE ARTISTRY - I hold at Watson and Florle Greenhouses, horticulture,' turf Bailey's home. All Rebekah, 256, Terrace, B.C. V8G 4A9 PARENTS IN CRISIS ~ 2 dr. With Box Liner top canopy management, landscaping con. Oddfellows and the ,Spouse • Are you making your own • ...... I , ...... I .... z " i structlon, and small fruit farms. welcome. Annual General Meeting of. life and your children's I tt 1M I egAIMll I ~2.BIB I t~J;M I August 26...Rummage' Sale Northwest Regional Arts miserable? /Do you con-,' Vij1w qNkreM~ --r------, I]~IF~ New shop facilities are to be con. • at Elks Hallfrom 1Otll 2p.m. ' Council Sunday, June 25th, stantly yell at your ~lldron,: ...... , ...... struded as part of Douglas' Surrey Sept. 13....First meeting of 19"78, 11:00a.m.R.E.M. Lee or hlt them; or flnd it hard to • 1B/a •AIGUB ~ ~ 1 1913 FORD i Campus. Fall session. Presidents Theatre. All Interested In control your angry f~llngs l. RInew ' " '" ICP.IMIlll III1: VIM i Visit. the arts welcome to attend, toward them? l.."~ .'." . .. . . ,,_,-,,..--,n. l Required skills Include expertise In November .4...Elks Hall Fall P.I.C.'s goal Is to help you l~W mllea~ ,~ . . All Radial Tires l the program field, demonstrated Bazaar. The Catholic Womens become the loving con-. • .-* ..~ • ...... e, m • ability to develop Insfrudlonal League (C.W.L.) will hold Structlve parent you really l "Z.Zll " . • " "~[,WlU • programs and preferably in.. ,The next meeting of the the FaliBazaar on.October want to be. --r--- , " • ,, strudlonat experience. Regional District of Kltlmat 28, the last Saturday In All Inquires absolutely ~~ ;,~1 I07~)DATSUN I 19M~ • ..Stlklne will be held on October, at Verltas Hall. confidential. . i -~_ -I--- ..... I PlVM~-II'rN l Initially 1hess appointments are for ~saturday, June 24,1978in the Phone Mary or Jshn635.4419 I I I a one year temporary basis. Salary Mesonic Hal(, 491~ Lazelle Centenn!al Chrlstlar~School Do You Feel You Have • s~am;- I me.m I ,19M I ~llJmlB I s~r~ I range $17,875. $28,986. /Vexlmum Avenue, Terrace, B.C., Graduation program for A Drinking Pi'oblem? • "~'" I .~.w I "'"" I "~--- I , -'- • starting salary $22,967. Attractive comn~encing at 9:00 a.m. Grade 7. Wed. June 28 7:30 Therelshelp • ' / I .... , I mS MAXDA I • i benefit package. • (lU16;20,22,23) p.m.'-9:00 p.m. It promises Aveilablel i ~.J ]t74 VALLIANT• mBi to be a fun evening. Phone635•MO6 I ~v~"l" 4 Or. Seam; I P'~i ~ Please apply In w'ltlng (by June 30) r c; 4 Or Scamp *The Minus One Social Club • ALCOHOLICS I I Or S.mp I ~~ detailing education, training, work ~1~ experience and personal data to: I will sponsor a dance on " NOTICE ANONYMOUS i 81,260 ] 2JIOB I 'IN I -,Z me I '2406 I Saturday, Ju~e 24th at 9 p.m. Neetlngs: [] "'" I "~'" I "" I -r,w I ""-" [] qb,,nll, dF . Personnel Deportmmt • at the Masonic Lodge 4900 Man" 8.30 p.m. United [] ~,aw:~,: | It74 DATSUN I ...... -'..i ' block Lazelle Ave., Members '. Church ' i ~;I;-'" I :,74 ~AZOA PUll "" i"" • 53.00. Non.members $4~00. MeeteveryTuesdeynlghte~i Thurs.orsat•8:30p.m•MIIIs ~~~;; I Lowmlfosge i - Box.. • I • • , New Westminster, B C I For all slngleadults• Phone 8 In the Skeena Health Unit. MemOrial Hospital...... " 1 oOUglOS couege VSLSBI ' ' &15.4052635-5359 For further For moP.einformation phons Sun. Breakfast Meeting. t '. details, 635.3747.or 635•3023. 10:00 to noon. Lakelse Hotel. PAGE 14, THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978

PRIME LOT Thornhlll For Sale: or Rent: Notice to Creditors FOOBFACTS & FANCIES 'Glinton Manor. District. Well and septic 12x60 house % COME Furnished or unfurnished system $10,000 Call Ed trailer will also consider IN THE MATTER OF THE studio or 1 bedroom Carder • 956-4110 or write taking a smaller trailer as ESTATE OF OTTO PAUL 'GARDENING Help Wanted. Employer's~ apartments. Securlt Box 820, Port McNelll, B.C. part I~ayment. For further SCHULTE, TRAPPER, Do you need (some) extra enterphone. Sauna. V0N 2R0 (p8.may 12F) Information please phone FORMERLY OF with help? Try the most en- 635-3521 635-7878 (c10.1) TERRACE, BRITISH thused, energetic, eager help 639-1032 Build your home among COLUMBIA. This brilfli]~an~Oy~l~ow citrus i ii around• HlreA student. beautiful large cedars on lot For Sale: Four 1971 12'x52', fruit is valued not only for its Dec Hartnoll ._ Contact Allison, 632-4691 or 150x210 Skeena St. Asking two bedroom semi-furnished Creditors and others having nutritive value, but as an I CEDARGROVE AP S I 11,500.00 Offers. Phone 635- Safeway trailers. Complete claims against the above excellent honsehold cleanser, JeAnne 635.2044. (jut9-23) 13 bedroom townhouse apls. I 5102 after 6 and weekends. with axles, wheels, fuel estate are required to send a cosmetic (hair rinse) and as NOTES ON TRANSPLANTS, Iw'h full basements. No.J tanksand blocking. Asking full particulars of such the principal ingredient in a J118-4529 Straume. (off) J For Sale: v~ acre lot along $6,000 each. Call 636-2660 J. claims to Murdoch R. wide range of folk remedies• Queensway in Thornhill. Hatchings, Box 727, Stewart, Robertson, Barrister & British sailors on long voyages WEEDS AND PEONIES Well treed on fertile land. B.C. (plm-10) Solicitor, P.O. Box 746, used it to prevent scurvy. CEDAR PLACE Septic tank and wlel- Asking Terrace, B.C. V8G 4C3, on or IIi, 41 About this time of year many home gardeners see problems in To give away 4 kiflens, :' APARTMENTS $8,500 638.1036 (p10-1) before the 14th day of July, the lawn or flower border and in the vegetable garden. When black male and 2 calico 10'xS0' 2 bedroom trailer for 1978, after which date the Property for Sale: 6 acre you can't identify the problem, it becomes worse. This females. House trained. 4931 Walsh Avenue sale. Set-up in trailer court. estate's assets will be treed lot for sale in a quiet, month, based on letters from readers, we'll try to solve these Great entertalnment. No. 2.'. Large j0ey shack, distributed, having regard Suite 113 low density residential area. problems. North Kalum Trailer Park. reasonable offers accepted only to claims that have been Terrace, B.C. 1 mile north of municipal Phone 638.1785 eves. (p3-191 for quick sale. Phone 635- received. 635-7056 " boundary 635-4398 (c5-17) 5582 (c5-20) Before I answer those questions, i'll remind everyone to apply ~lew 1, 2 and 3 bedroom Horse to sale: 6 year old Hermann J. Buschmann plant food to the vegetable garden prior to plantingor trans- suites for rent. Fridge, For Sale: 10 acres in Old planting, and again after crops are producing. Well fed Welsh pony mare. Asking stove, drapes, carpet, rec Remo. Barn, with livestock, Administrator $300 Phone 635-7704 (p5-21) (c2.11,12,16,17) plants, eiiher flowers or yegetables, will respond to balanced area, sauna and pool table, greenhouse in VL acre of MOBILE HOMES wJth security interphone garden. Small cabin. Good fertilizer. and elevator. Absolutely well with ga.~, pump. •Price ~cw mobile homes from Remember too, that grass is like everytldng else that grows, 38'WANTED ~I'ISC; no pets. (ctf) S16,000 Contact T. Stevens, but it requires feeding with a different formula to stimulate ii | i as low as $100.00 down. Box 664, Terrace, B.C. (p20- D.A.C. good growth and to keep that growth lush and green all 4) summer long. That's why you should use a lawn food like ,Wanted. to Buy: 75.100 MORTGAGE LOANS Golden Vigoru. 3el up and delivered promptly arranged CCsmtni.bike, in good trades welcome . QUESTION: =I have a lot of weeds in my vegetable garden. condition. Phone 635.5394 anywhere in B.C. In- formation and references on Can i use weed control hcreT' (c5-17) Modern three bedroom home Phone collect 591-5"101 request. '.I.D. Phillips for sale. New flooring. ANSWER: i don't recommend it. Weed control is designed for Capital Corporation, 10673 Large landscaped Iot. ,(ctf Lemonade may have been. lawns. Weeds grow as quickly as crops, and ! suggest you 39, Successful store for sale in King George Highway, invented by the 13th'eentury Greenhouse, garden spot, control them with a garden hoe. i strongly suggest NOT MARINE Terrace. Complete with Surrey, B.C. V3T 2X6. Phone Mongolians as a treat for the using a weed killer, either granule or water soluble. Betides additional buildings. equipped butcher shop, 8 FOR SALE: 12'x68' Frontier 586-0411 days, or 585-1603 very wealthy. Today, anyone the garden hoe provides good exercise. Queensway area. Asking coolersand freezers. 1 walk-. mobile home with 2 large evenlngs. (f) can enjoy lemonade made $25,000. Will a~cepf in, 3 bedroom dwelling at- from an economical and con- QUESTION: "i've tried everything to have a good lawn, but 1975 Relnell 21' cabin additions. Built In fireplace, •reasonable offer. Call ,638- tached. One rental house, venient powdered drink, the'darn'weeds continue to grow. What's the easy and most cruiser. 1750MC with 302 raised living room. Will 1260 anytime. (c10-21) occupied, 3 bay garage all on good-tasting new Minute effective method yoo can recommend.P Ford engine. CB, depth move and set up In Terrace sounder, compass, tandum one acre of land. Annual Maid Lemonade Crystals. area. 635-4692 (ctf-f) Made from" lemon juice, it ANSWER: There are a number of products on the market for bed trailer, and many ex- 'JFor Sale: 3 bedroom splitJ sales almost double asking • lawn weed control, some designed for spot killing. What's price. Assumable mortgage. contains no artificial flavors tins. Firm $12,000. 633-2332. Jlevel -bench area. 4 yearsI or colors. (C10-19) Jleft at 101/4 percent| Call 635-5202 for details. Must SII - 12x46 2 bedroom Camper 1975 Edson 8' *** often overlooked is that when a weed becomes full grown, ...... |assumable mortgage. More I mobile home on a fully Camper, C-W 15,000 BTU it's not the only. one there. It's the'slart of a whole For Sale Prime Tire serviced, clear title lot on furnace. Phone638-1121 (sft) It wasn't until ice was easy crop. A general weed controller both kills visible weeds and For Sale:' 22' K&C cabin |information 635.3320 after 5I to obtain that lemonade be- cruiser, 351cu.ln. 888 leg - 10 IIp'm' (pi0-10) Ii Business with gas service Simpson Rd, Thornhill. stops their roots from spreading. etc. 4 bedroom home, Open to offers, G. Warnen, 14' Travel Mate Travel came popular. In a classic H.P. outboard - trim tabs - 19th century book lemonade QUESTION: "My transplants always 'keel over and die.* Will VHF - CB - tape deck - completely furnished, 1V2 Royal Bank, Terrace, B.C., Trailer. 1 year old. Used For Sale: 2 bedroom house 635.7117 (ctf) was reported tobe helpful in you please offer some suggestions?" recording depth sounder - bath, many extras, situated only 3 times. Includes caring everything from aene compass - anchor - 2 down basement unfinished. Wood 68 miles north of Terrace. furnace, 3 'way frldge, 3 to swollen joints. Today, one ANSWER: Annual seedlings and perennial divisions are riggers -stove- ice box. slnk stove plus electric heal. 5211 Apply C. RItter, Box 183, For Sale: 12x68 ATCO burner stove, 2 way lighting lemon derivative, pectin, is subject to transplant shock unless you help them become • head - price $13,000. 635.6126 Hepple635-9488 (plm jul 10) Terrace, B.C. 633-2326 (eft) Velmont 3 bedroom mobile and washroom. Sleeps 4. used in more than 50 pharma- established. Gibe them a better start in your garden with a or 635-3575 after 6 (c5.19) home. Set up and skirted in Owner must sell. Price $3700 ceutical products, and lemon cupful of Instant Vigoru water soluble fertilizer. An eight- trailer court in town. Will Call 635-9404 after 4 (c4-17) juice itself is often suggested ounce package should last for a year or more. I like to use For Sale: 22' cabin cruiser. sell furnished• or un- as a salt substitute. this when I'm transplanting vegetable seedlings as well as to Plywood, fibreglass and furnished. Phone 635-9046 For Sale: .10' Vanguard Old World Sauce boost growth. mahoganey finish. 3 way even. (pl0.Jul) camper with 3 way fridge, 3 Bestows "Buon Gusto" fridge and •stove. 638-8348 Sa Ivage BIdSto be taken on a burner stove. Heater and QUESTION: "What do I do now that the peonies have finished (p5-19) Trailer for sale: 197412x68 3 porta-pattle. This 1973 (Good Taste) Upon Foods blooming? Do I cut the plant to the ground, as a neighbor Couplewlth small child wish 1975 Volkswagen Beetle. On bedroom furnished trailer, camper sleeps 5 is in A-1 has told me to do~ to rent house, trailer or an as is, where is basis. For dishwasher, frldge, stove, condition. View at 41 Chris Craft 25x9'6" Totally cabin. Phone Jack at 638- more information contact ANSWER: DON'T cut the foliage hack to the ground. Let it refitted as new, sink, head, washer, dryer, china cabinet Charles St., Kltimat or call 8101. Local 56 or leave Brouwer & Co., 6-3238 Kalum grow to make up fond for the root system. However, you stove, dinette, sleeps 4 to 8. St. or 635-7173 (c9- etc. No.1 Pine Park phone 632-2620 after 4 p.m. (pS.18) message• (c6-22) 635.3246 (clm-Ju 17) would be wise to remove the Spent flowers. If left on the Moorage, tandem trailer, 7,8,9,16,17,18,23,24,25) canes, they'll develop seeds, which yoo won't be planting aux. engine. Dingy, depth For Sale: 13' Holiday anyhow. In the fall you can cut the plant hack. There's sounder, gas sniffer, swim Wanted to Rent: Small 1974 Ford V2 ton pickup 360 Irailer. Exeellmt condition. house preferrably out of Mobile Home always the chance of cane borers so put the canes in the grid, trim tabs. Phone 635- motor auto, Radial tires, Immediate Delivery best offer..Phone 635-5628 town. For professional (p5-20) garbage. 7191 or 635-6689 (p2-17) electronic ignition. Phone To Your Location person. Not needed until 635.9580 after 4 (c4-9) QUESTIOI~I: "What am i going to do to rid my lawn of brown September but would con- 24' bus motor home, unit are now available on ou, spots? Some are quite large and others about the size of silver sider renting before. Please completely rebullt,i new 1972 Forcl Ranger pickup ilovely 14 wide, ,and • • dollars. Do I haW some sort of lawn disease?" " d:all 635-3843anytime Sunday .mptor, tires- has to, be set,ft $1400 and 1974 Ford window [doublewlde mobilehemes. ANS)~i;R: ~V~l~inl~lis~that condlUoo - Dbg unne "('c1-i7 van $2200. View at 2609 tol b~ "ap~recla'ted. Phbiie i Y0u choose your decor, 635-3692 (c5.21)$ (No}mat alW,;ye said!,', ~ canbrownlawnssotumonthehoseandwatertheareawell. Skeena St. or call 635.6636 and we custom build to Fontane fifth wheel on four 1 Rigatoni has long been a The spots could aim be from white grubs which eat the Wanted to Rent: Reliable (c3.17) foot slide 16" dry type air working girl with small dog suit. Government grant of specialty of Italy's cuisine, so tender young roots of grass. You may have found the turf cleaner, 225amp Forney gas wants 1 or 2 bedroom house $2500 applicable. Expense for your Once-a-Week Italian dug up by skunks in ~earch of grubs. Apply something like 74 Fiat station wagon for paid fare Vancouver - Meal, serve the tender driven welder with 3500 watt or duplex. 638-8335 after 5 Vigoro Ant & Grub Killer for white Mubs, ants, sod web- sale, good runnlng condition. Return. For free credit noodles with a rich and hearty. built in power unit. 849.5349 ((:3-17) worm, wireworm and other soil insects. (06-19) Ca'll 635-9444or 638-1410 (p5- check and approval .please i " i spaghett] sauce from Ragu. 19) •one collect GENERAL Either the Old World Style It could also be a Fuutfium Patch Disease, Corticulum or D6 (9U) good condition, with Single Parent and child wish Parker Homes of Canada CARPENTRY Traditional or the Extra Dollar Spot. In a new subdivision, the cause may be buried winch, blade and ROP to share a house with mature 1964 Mercedes Benz in .td. NOJOBTO BIG Thiel~ and Zesty sauce helps debris. Check below t.he soil and if debris isfound, remove it canopy. Phone between 8 people who enloy children. running condition. Call 635- 937-5447 • OR SMALL you to quickly and easily and replace the turf. You may have to add a little top soil p.m. and 8 a.m. 695-~t382 or Phone 635.24249a.m. - 4 p.m. 6277 between 8-12, 1-5 (c5.19) (cld-22) ADDITIONS, SIDING create authentic p~ta meals. under the sod to bring it up level. RENOVATIONS Box 553 Burns Lake, B.C. 635-7728 anytime. (c5-19) RIGATONI WITH It's great to hear from readers who enjoy the column and we'll (p5-19) Chev V~ ton 283 Corvette 4 CEMENTWORK, include answers to your questioffs in future columns., Moving to Terrace, require speed motor- mags- headers For Sale: 12x68 Glendale PAIN.TING MUSHROOM SAUCE • near new interior and palnt. If you have any questions, write to me at tie Garden Infornm- 3-4 bedroom home, will Vista Villa, three bedroom • Phone after 6: 4 tablespoons butter or 43. ROOMS Offers to $2500.. Youth's margaxine zion Centre, 165 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario maintain, willing t0 rent or with utility shed Included. 635-4094 ' ' FORRENT lease, references, security Raleigh Chopper 3 speed $50. Will sell partially furnished I tablespoon vegetable oil M:~H 3B8 enclosing a stamped sel/-addre~ed envelope. deposit, mature family of Phone 638-1880 (p3-17) or unfurnished. For an 1 medium onion, minced three. Referinqldries I lb. fresh mhshrooms, leThe appointment to view call 635. "Most people judge men only Rooms to Rent: Kitchen and Herald Box 1178, Terrace, 73Renaultfrontwheel drive, diced 9403 after 5:00 (p10.17) by success or by fortune." Notice to Residents laundry facilities. Phone B.C. (eft) asking $1000 and 1976 Kx250 Salt and pepper 638-1896 (e5-20) 1/3 cup dry white wine or. La Rochefouamld motocross Kawaskilike new of Kltlmat asking $1,000 638-1483 (eft) • chicken broth , 01 • " 1 jar (32 oz.) Ragu Old 47, HOMES 55, PROPEnT¥ World Style Spaghetti "Silence is the mother of • : 1973 BMW 750cc with wlncl TENDERS truth." Benjamin Disraeli Burning will be takln jammer Fairing $2100 Phone Sanco, Traditional or FOR RENT • FOR SALE Extra Thick anti Zesty )lace at City Centre E> 635.78~0 (c5-17) mnslen site over the nex By Cynthia Lee I14 teaspoon nutmeg .Ul ~ __ -.... For Rent: 2 bedroom house ew weeks. We wish t( 1975 Jimmy 4x4. Fully' Notice tp Creditors ConsumerRelationsD,ept. 1 lb. rigatoni [~1 ~-'~.~/, in bench area. Available 3 and 5'acre parcels on apologize for any In equipped. Lots of extras. Texize Chemicals Co. Heat 2 tablespoons butter I1! I if_'N. J;?Ii, ' t nUT I " convenience caused to clh July 1st. References Woodland Park Subdivision IN THE MATTER OF THE High Sierra package; WEEKEND CAR TRIPS andlteblespoonoUandsauteSJ~[ I ~J~f~/, | :,j'~u°CI~~= residence due to smoke an¢ required. Phone 635.3971 $14,000and $1900. Two lots ESTATE OF JOSEPH Trailer towing suspension. onion until tender; add mush- Ill J ~ ~7J'.:e~ will endeavor to kee; (off) only !eft. One with creek. JD KENNEDY HART COM- If your family dreams of rooms and eook 1'minute. j-s I~tl'j{~l .~,.'~,r~,'~l~ Will con~ider trade 632-7973. smoke at a minimum; Prodor, 490 Anderton Road, (c10-18) MONLY KNOWN AS JOE K. traveling areas-country, but Add salt and pepper to taste I. ~[~(~ ~ ma 48, SUITES Comox, B.C. V9N 4B4 phone HART, RETIRED doesn't have weeks-longvaea- and wine, allowing wine to 14~~,~ "~ 339.4736 (c50.julyl) 1969 and 1974 Ford pickup o/L EXECUTIVE, FORMERLY tion time, consider taking almost evaporate. Add sauce ~ .'~.~ ~"-~ Thank you for youi weekend car trips to scenic )atlence. FOR RENT ton for sale or trade for OF EVERETT, points in your stat'e, and nutmeg, mix well and heat I'~ - -= ~ '-- SOUTH CARIB'OO travel trailer 18' and up WASHINGTON. BUSINESSES • Packing light and right is thoroughly. Cook zigatoni al Michelangelo ~rved his fa- 2 bedroom basement suite. Address 2636 Penner St. 635- important on short trips; dante, drain, toss with remain- mous statue of David from a Dorann Contracting Led Unfurnished. Frldge and 1. Lakeshore Motel • 10 units, 3752 (p5-18) Creditors and others having these suggestions may help ing butter and pour hot marble bloek o, whieh anoth- ic3-17) stove. Steady worker, quiet 6 kitchen. 4 bedroom living claims against the above put you on the road to a sauce over rigatoni and serve, er soulptor had started work. people. Nopets. Available quarters, 1V~ acres with 480' 1975 Datsun Sports truck estates are required to send happy mini-vacation: ~ield: 6"eerviags. lakefront,300' Hwy 97. Price •immediately 635.5738 (c3-17) 27,000 miles Good condition, full particulars of such • Pack coordinates that Irn ul $177,000, Phone eves 638-1320 (c5-19) claims to Murdoch R. can be interchanged for sea- NORTHWEST COMMUNITYCOLLEG i= For Rent: Bachelor suite, 2. Fishing Resort - 7,5 acres Robertson, Barrister & eral looks and take along with 700' lakefrontage. self contained, electric 1967 Caprice, 4 door hardtop Solicitor, P.O. Box 746, accessories that can be used requires a heating, cable T.V. hookup, Cablns~ boats, motors, for sale. Excellent con. Terrace, B.C. V8G 4C3,on or to. dress up or dress down wharfs. Good campsite with private entrance. Phone 635. dillon. Phone 635-3298 before the t4th day of July, your outfits. Be sure to in- Ccordlndor of Supervisory Management 7485 after 2 p.m. (p3-17) room for expanslon. F.P: between 5 & 6. (p1-17) 1978, after:~whlch date the $125,000, easy terms.. estate's assets will be Training Program 3. Lakes here Nursery -200' 1974 International Logging distributed, having regard lakefrontage. 4 I 1° Truck V12, 44000 Eaton Rear only to claims that have been During the past several months Northwest College and Selklrk Collega have been greenhouses, 1800 sq. ft., 4 ends. 1974 Brentwood received. KEYSTON'E COURT bedroom home. Good out- developing a supervisory management training program, mainly for first-line Trailer, scales. Phone 842. supervisors. The appointee to this posltlen will be expected to help with the com. APARTMENTS buildings. On good lease. 6609 (c5-21) Juanlta Thelma Hart ude an umbrella, extra Excellent opportunity. sweaters for unexpected cool pletlon of the.training package. Atthecompletionofthlstask (about December 1978), Office No. 2 • 4603. Scoff. Executrix theappolntee will be required to organize and coordinate a supervisory management One, two and three Asking $48,500. 1969 Dodge V2 T PU, V8, 4 weather, and one pair of everyone's comfortable walk- training program for employees In the Northwest region of the provlnca. The up. bedroom apartments. 4. Welding Shop • 2700 sq. ft. speed trans~ post trac dif- Murdoch R. Robertson ing shoes. pelntee will also be required to Instruct In the program. Laundry & storage area. metal building plus 3 ferential. New rear tlre~,. , Solicitor bedroom living quarters. spare parts, motor trans. • B~ oreparedl Don't let Near schooh~ and down- (c11,12,16,17) Qualifications: May be purchased with all etc. $1,000 or best offer. 635. accidental spots and spills town. Clean,, quiet, on dlothes spoil your trip. Industrial experience In o supervisory capacity and educational experience as an spacious, security Iockul equipment and materials, 5339 (ctf) F.P. $86,000. Pack a tube or can of Instructor would be assets. and patrol. K2r ® Spot-lifter to remove 5.Recreational Dealership- Full time manager in t unexpected stains from dry- 2800 sq. ft. Shop c.w living DIETER S CORNER Salary." residence. cleanable items; apply spot- According to B.C. Government Employees Union Instructor.scale. 635-5224 quarters. On Hwy 97. lifter to the dirty spots, let (ctf) Showing excellent return. It m~' be helpful in dry to a fine white powder, I Starting Date: Many options as ~to lease- dcve!@ing your dieting then brush the powder--aod purchase. August 1,1978or as soon as pesslblethereafter. progr~B) to think of it as soil--away. Also, take along Contact Dick Munro. 56' Safeway doublewlde. some mild detergent for HILLSIDE LODGE Aspen Realty Ltd., Box 1~77, Includes all major ap. giving up one set Of washing hand.washables. Appllcat.len Deadline: June 30,.1978. ' 4450 Little Avenue 100 Mile House, B.C. 395.;~054 pllances, large garden shed habits for another set, • Pack a s~eeial travel- (c2-18) and fencing. 3 bedrooms, 2 Omiuing sugar fronl.tea basket for the entire family. This position Is subject to the C.bllege'srecelvlng appropriate funding. Sleeping: rooms, full bath, and fireplace. Set nr coffee is one cx,amplc Include simple snacks, a small housekeeplng units, con. up and fully skirted in For Sale: 1.5 acres. All year of breaking nnc habit tbr toy or game for each child, [rally located. Fully spring fed creek. Very cedar. View at No. 31.4619 tissues, aspirins and pre. Reply with resume of qualifications and experienceand names of referees to: furnished. Reasonable secluded and nicely treed Queensway Drive (Tim. another. moistened paper washcloths. 'ates by day or week. Non- one mile from town. Asking berland Trailer Park Also, be sure to pack a Principal, t Phone 635~9429. (cff) flashlight with some extra Northwest community College , drinkers only. Phone 635. $11,900. Write Box 714, , Ik,u~l,t,( I',,li,~i batteries and a good state Terrace, B.C. 6611. (ctf) Terrace. (p3-19) Aulht.l ,,I Ih,. h, I,, ; tt~,~ht -- ! I I map. -

"' ill,* 7,; :. .... I.


. THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1979, PAGE I$

Your Individual - , I IVLIH6 ,0. n.. see,,, ! LEAGUES| ALLiVS "~ ...... N.OW!". |

voas~TOe~av.~u. "@: " s.c. ' ,---.. ~~i , What kind of day will condll/ois with which to reckon ~o~. be? To find out what e~.~__/uN~_.~J~P~.~ +Io~..I~. The original gift oouponi Playwright George Bernard + tbe stare say, read the fcrseast ~,,.,m,, la,lxli lli,mlauullauu~. ,,alo,,o ;nt,.*lA.INI,4 kullliln;=mln l~ven for your bL,lh . ~J~n. ' SAGITTABIUS~Nov 23 tn rt~ ...... 211 )t;f4~ Babb,tt :' ...... of N.Y., " so...... buyers Shaw"aesthetic was and a vegetarianhygienic rea-for el~+_,, o,,,~ ..... of h,s soap would t sons." He never weighed will be tbebl~esi keterl.l~i think they were pay,n9 more than 126 pounds. . ,- (Ma . = to Apr.=) " "+ ...... ' Better.than-average op- making a auecesdul day. extra for the wrapper. pertmdtlesfory0utoleapahasd THINK your way threush -" and, if one matter seems compllcaled sltuanms. . DEAR ABBY: i'm a happily married ~9.year~)ld slulgish,, don't think they all CAPmCORN . ~t'~ housewife with two beautiful children and a faithful are~ Your outlook very ira- (Dee. 23 to Jsa. ~0) vd~ husband. My problem is unueu,d--in fact, I have never pori,~ Not a spectacular day, I~ seen it mentioned in your celesta. friendly for personal I'm addicted to pinball machines! A day doesn't 8o by (Apr. 21 to May 21) development; also for ex- when I don't have the urge to play. I'm now at a point ~"''"*' ~'~l • [ I II The Taureso, connoisseur of where l'm spending mush too mush time and household the truly 8end ~ in Ills, complinanonsand makin~ion~. money on the machines. Where can I got help? I feel so should have a field day. renge plans. stupid• Especially favored: artists, AQUARIUS ~l~ THE JUNGLE QU:EEN writers, entertainers, dealers in (Jan. 9-1 to Feb. 19) line arts. Try a strategy that worked in •DEAR QUEEN: Admitting that you have a problem yon G~ . ll,sl~" the past ff a new cee is net ~m~ handle 'alone shows that you" are very intelilgont. (May 22 to Jlme 21) "7 Ibe results of your efforts will. pr0due~qL'~onow thresh,, The rigM wm Mart k=p andyou Your pinhall mshine addition is a form of compulsive be de~ by what use ycu master of an situations, gambling. Find Gemhlere Anonymous in your telephone make of talents and op- PISCES X~ directory and asqualnt yourself with that wonderful portusitles. Stretch out; delve (Feb. ~0 to Mar. Z)) self.help 8roup. (No fees, no membership and no tbeA~AZ/NGSPJDER-MAN. By Stan Lee and John Romita into areas that ~lve prmine of An excelimt peri0d for in- commitment. Just attend, and ikton.) f WHEN OR. ~NN • delivedn~ more. ventlons, new ideas, new If there's no G,S~. in your ares, your nearest mental ~ s~pe~ ~ A ~,ry~,y~.. ~~d~ ~EE~ THE ~I~,~H~'LL, m i • methods and means of ap. health elMs has counseling available at a price you am i A.~d HIS P~YCHIATRI51"HE'Sl L~ISLASTHOP~!~.~ ~ ]]/~J RP.ALIZe .RO~M:)NE'S / • (June 22 to July 23) ----* "+--++ - ~M ~orrtM~ i ~ • BBI Unexpected eompt~aUoon a~ deamm~- ~mes p~m.ms ! ~;~! ~_XISY.~OW.N+M.e~pYj 1 ! may cell for an nnezpeeted to the futm~ DEAR ABBY: I have been dating a guy named AI for • " ~ " cha~e in travel plans. D~'t about two months. My problem is that AI doosn t know ireL Trip, as arrassed, could YOU BORN TODAY are a how to kiss. He is 22 years old, hasn't been around mush have been disappoint~r~. ~ wM Istsi]ll~t and kisee, meliha he's kisei~his~'andmother.. P]_~~~i~ LEO individual, ambitious and I know how a guy should kiss a g/rl, and poor AI donas t eonsdmtkl but not Idle is knovl the first thing about it. A fine day for those who sot +ell.. the mllJsril@" + . iB there some way i can te]] him without offendlng him? I courasse.uly and wbe FIND the yo~ Mlow Canee~au~ You wouldlike to hang on to him, but I'm afraid if I criticize his way to hurdle seeml~ly im- eould~wellasa mmqlcr ~ ]dsoi~ be will drop me. possible obstacles. Not too ~emterpr~ W ~mue~ Cnn you plsase give ,~d land goys like himl a simpls.J-~--~ Iv./. ~1~ " difficult a task for one born ..=~ with -- under issmn on how to ~s? i'm ~e i'm not the ouly ~l'with ~ ~" fY~~/I under your Sign! your supervlsl~ and IF ~ou leave o~Unn and ~ to this problem• l~.s. u to ~t =) otbcrs. You are mcrgefle ~d I~HY K~SES Especially favored now: vi~xoussodhavealturalG~t . DEAR ]~HY: Ki~him the way you'd like to be kissed. teachers, students, fm.~; ~lan bememakels. A good day, too, outstanding . polltlcin, Then hang on to your hat. far those mgaged in outdoor stalem~an or eonnnisdcr in II armed forces. Ycu are ore- DEAR ABBY: What do you do when you ask ~e servaUve in your the, ea~twaitress.thef°rhouseSeparatepal/eyChecks"and, she. says, "~orry, ~t" s (Sept. u to oct. ~) =='" cenvmtlcoal la be/Her; must Look for some changing inure, however, to cerb tm- z,ver hear of that? W'el], that s what happened to me. , " aitoaUons. Be alert, ready to denclse toward over- possessiveness toward loved. ,,,n,m,,>, CATFI SH- byeoeo k,,, 8 take quick action, and be &~dded + by procedures which have cons md Jealous#. BMllle d: proved succesaful in the past. Horatio Herbert (Lord) Kit- my oomplalot to him (or her). If that didn't" produce SCORPIO ~Mi ~ M_ .chmcr, Brit. field mmlbel; AmT Jack l)e~, Amer. bmur; Aspects fairly bright but p~t aarrts, ulnaer. CON~m~.~rL*,L TO "HAD rr ur To HEr,m IN ~ ~~r~ ~1~'~ I I | I there may be hlddon silap, @1~ F,~ Fmtwm8yadi=t~. Ins. or not at an. I am aware lhaf no~ everyone eau speak well el hiiJ employer, in whisk eaas he,should keep his mouth

Gottinl married? Whether you want 8 formal ehurch ' " I wedding.or a dmple do-your-own-thing ceremony, get Abby's new booklet, "How to Have a Lovely Weddlq," :. +::~ ~l~lll. Ud .8, loai. -~ped IPA ' Cents) soll.eddress~ '~ :~+ envelspe to Abby: 1~ Luky Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90ZlZ. , DEAR ABBY: Maybe I am worrying needlessly, but l can t help it. Our daughter will be a freshman ~ fall at a TmmACE coed university halfway across the conunant. Its s,ms H considered to be a fine school, but I understand there is ractisally no supervision. I mean, the studon~ stay in. H SHARP SHOP AT REDS BILLIARDS ~ormitoriss, and there is a dean of women to talk to, bu~ the hours are very liberal. Students can "siSn out" for .HBilliards Enjoy...... +Visit Red's nill ard+s II Chose Wrong Man weekends, and with so many freshman ~ris, ours will got no special looking after: b~v nnmt lWJU~ md ~ohB~ trot We've never had any trouble with Our daughter, but M WIZARD OF ID For Her Affair with all we hear about premar.ital sex in cellegoe, we 8re concerned. Shouldn't the colleges try to discipline the freshman By Abigail Van Buren girls a little more strictly? After all, it is the first time O |era i~ cfficl~oTdl~n0.N.Y. News Stud. ins. many of them have ever been •way from home. CONCERNED IN KANSAS ..... ' . . DEAR CONCERNED: By the times Ski goes to sealegs, DEAR. AB]~Y: This• is probably )ust like a million other...... i..... 81 node is well established-, and what she didn t letters you've received from women who have had affairs ~..... , ,...... ~ ~..h...h of,, ,,m ,,,,, i,u, i,,,,,.ih~ with married men. But this one contains'a piece of •deice ~.~..".~'.'~"~n'~t%.'~me--~n~s're'~l~l'th~'t ;v~;~; that hasn't been emphas'~ed nearly enodus?~' _.. " ~'t~t'~eolleg; stu--dsn'~ than %uper~hdon" is a go~i, t~ast year t srzr~a soemg an a o~lu~ety an~as~c c~o~sound morel 8roundin8 during thek Impressionable years from work. I knew ne was marriea, unc we ptayea k coo ,t hnm~ and thought we could handle st. It was terrific while Jt Eclucetore eannnt be expected to "police the morals of lasted, but~ it had to come to an end. (The old story: We got colleq students beyond the seneral rules that apply to P too serious. He didn't want to hurt his wife and kids. Then sode~y as a whale. he got '~oble" and told me he couldn't allow me to invest DOONESBURY any, more time in a man who Couldn't marry me.) DEAR,aJJBBY: I`m a recently retired gent who's dating a I`m.not blaming anybody hut myself. I'm a mature nice gel in her mid;50s. Being retired, I have' a limited . woman and should have known better. The moral to this income. " I~ ~~ A~mR~'~(W.X~ stor Y is.7 • If Y ou meet'have. an-- ai[alr,,. .... don't , shoose. ..someone ~ ..... wo~,,'~,,+¢~r,i~--orover,,~i,es...... 7~ turdavnilrht~--.o , andonoe~na.. I ~ ~r~AN ~A~~ yOU wnl see at work every any. wean ~s over, Be aany while during the week we go out for lunch. My lany.vary I|~W_~ ~o~,~/~ rFi"~,4',o~w~7/eR/ru~ i l litolti~,,leil~ /~i.I contact m• torture ' " STILL HURT/NG mush wants to chip in to pay for the meals, drinks, etc. I~ o01~ee~l:le f l I\ a,,~.~l~:~v~ I I,,~__~_~_,iv _,!~' I1':1 . • I cant see it. I told her that when it gets to the point where I can't afford, to pick up the tab for both of us, we w~'t ~ Io%~,7-~ (..,,~1 '~ . DEAR,, .... STILL. ". You ~em to have• overlmked another,. }net .... o- anywhere~ .... She save -- she doesn't see anvthine- - .....moral or two: Thou shaft not commit adultery and wrongwlth• Aev,.iekln. +, u n the tabonce s"n awhile. . -thOU shal~ -~ s~eul." " , • Am I right or/s e~e;~ • "' ' CONFUSED | " . DEAR ABBY: For the man who promised hie wife on her deathbed •thathe would never marry again and then, DEAR CONFUSED' She's riaht. Surrend@r, dear. broke his.promise and felt guilty, Lug.go himto heed these r~a,)~,mv, v~..... ~.~...... ~o~¢,,..... l~e~ear to a wise• finnJ revery• ---"...... wuru~ J- s~~-^- "h- Tannun.... u=,~.,..,~...,-v+++----..--.+----- + f ,,r I t ,,uo, oh,l! be called tou,- accohnt ~ - for ell the nermitted men who had beend/vor~d for .three years be o.e m .e niooo"~"a~"h'~ fnilad ta ,~niov" ~ him. He does something that drives me up a wan, ana z t.-- .~ ...... ~ ~' " have trouble controlling my hurt and anger when he does blgn me , ,, Well, for the last year I have had a secret desire for comes so often, I've taken a dialike to her. What should I " '" "+~ LOVE AT 60IN BURBANK" it. He still refers to hie ex-.wife as `my wife. (They were another man. I never dreamed that such thoughts would do? No names or location, please. ~She has a sharp tongue ..... murried for a number of years, but that's no excuse.} ever enter my head, a~d my husband would die if he knew and would make a better frtand than an enemy. DEAR IN LOVE: I knew about the"das of omission," .Abby, I am his wife. She is his FORMER wife, but for it. ' HEEDS HELP but that a person, shall be called to account for all the some strange reason he continues to refer to her as "my The other man doesn't know how I feel about him. 'I see permitted pleasures he fellqd to enjoy is Joyous news wife." • " him often (he's n butcher at the supermarket where I DEAR NEEDS: People who open the.k dlo~a to bores I love him very much. He is • fine man and I know he trade ), and the thrill Igor out of just looking at him makes and telerate their usmpany day after day have anly .indeedl " doesn't do this intentionally, but it,bothers me. I should me ashamed. I know he's married and has a family, so themselves to.binme. By your fanure to dlsmurqe her, • DEAR ABBY: Your advice is desperately needed if my add, his former wife ]ms remarried, so she is somebody nothing could ever come of this, but I can't help ]~ow I feel• you encouraae her. •wedding, which is two months off, is to be a happy elso's wife now. Help me, please. Correcting him hasn't The Good Book says that to lust after someone is the • If I had to make a choice between Imvb~ a vi~ml, occamon, helped• ' HIS WiFE same as committing adultery. I feel so ashamed and guilty• gossipy, gutsy pest for a bland or an enemy, Fd opt foe the ' My father.is dead and my mother insists that I have my + What's wrong with me? latter. only brother walk me down the aisle and give me away/ DEARWlFE:Hyouqove"thisflnemu, andcorreeUq " LUSTING IN MY ttEART Abby, my br@ther is a foulmou~ea: re:mann,areal, ]~Imhas not hel--d thus far, coolit Heqlevantually got the . .. ,, ,, ... CO.N.FIDE .NTIAL _'I~,~TORI~,! i .mldom ro~. chronic alcoholic who spoils every g.arzermg.ne arrange .,.k,..w.s. *h~ri-bt eontext when you've been his wife as _DEAR_,,LUSTING:..The.re ss no,rang wrong w nn you nove~, Dul s.p.].~ea up w x ~n~ .-~ritton ny you. -~u. a with his drunkenness. I rarety see nun zor.r~s reason...~_" ;'i~'-~. - , " . that mac wrong w!m_ me. reoc ot.num~ty, .sou _are ,scom un~putntaownunmsmmmean.: wmeLa .m~usaumS I am marrying anne man. Members of.his family wee '~ ~0"~" . . - indal,ging.in fantasy, which m normm--anu..narmi,as. "Ass e xpar_zen~A: WUwUe~UYsorry..weon 1, en.~.a. Sou are, live out of town are commg..to our weaning, i suppose n~.a~ an . an • --rosa ~t --inns bak ~ou~fi hie 8trot seeung.s over Y.°ur unyoremnjs are aomg you more ~,n~_. w r,l~ as ea ape uuantea mwmum, ann your everyfamflyhasaske!etonintne.ir doset, bu~Idontw.ant ~loDthEesAR?MABv~o~?:nd~then~oot"terrible sane vo~eve r h~m man ~ne a.ay~eam.e., uont awes on me m. ,~ wynner aeserves to De a wmner. to put mine on display. I am paymg mr my own weaumg ~a~:~]'do'n,t e~an w~t to mention where he ~ot it the ~,,ow, go scrun me mtenen noor ann m~e a corn ' and don ' t want it epo";led ' ' - -" ...... ; worst-- ~ ~ o shower - youql feel ,better ' Getti-- married? Whether you want • formal chareh M Y mother has. made excuses. for my bromer, ~'ms me, Answer', right away, Abby, because . if he' couldn ,t .have. . . ' n n inr e wedding-e or 8 simple do.your~wn-.hing. eeremon~nT;,got and she has glvan ...... me an ultunatum: ...... If I don t,... have ,ho,o him gotten it through hie pant~, it is all over between him and I.~..~DEAR ~..... ABBY. f~, I havei.,,, preschool childrenm,, time n d so thatS Abby..... s new .booklet, How to Have a ,Lovely W~mlag. gweme •way;snewon ~a~enn. ,wun~ ,-7...... me. Thank you. . ..~...~•,~....~. ~:~. ~.oI,~?oednuleo,:., ,,o.,~ ,,,;,, Send $1 ann • mar, stamped Is4 can,s! islf-addresNa V~'hst shoulu I GOT , / • ©v~s~,u.eS,5~o ~,v..,~. ,, ...~...... v, ..... , .... ! ~.,,,,~,,,,~,~_nLU E ~MEt . MISSY letters watch TV or' lust relax r • envelope to Ahby'. 132 Lasky Drive, Beverly Hills; Calif. , ' ,-..om~,ar--'--.~ • t , "' ' " ' ~ " n 9021Z. ' ' " DEARbIISSY My--dicalexpe~tstallme It'snotei,u However, lately nearly every afternoon a certul DEAR BLUE' I think your mother is.being Moe.ely,to~et,,,ison:ili:throu~hone,sclotbln~, botlt'spoufble, neighbor barges in on me. She helps herself to __L...... ,_ ..,__-..J..-..,s--.,.,.~ but w~- not Issue nor -~ o,. r- .... ' - o .._ o refreshments, then settles down for an endless outpouring _ ... one?unamr Tell u~,,--ms her that ,u~-,`", if she w-=----,will assume the reeponsibm.ty-., of Don ~ s=atcu mm on your tin. - of gossip, una.sked•foradv,~• and a mono!ogoe of op'.mions• .~..,.,~,.us ou wish_ . ~oou had, m ore .~ad~u? F~r the eeeret of ' : ' have . . ' ' • ' " PAGE 15, THE HERALD, Friday, June 23, 1978 Communist fleeing boaters safe ADRIAN, Mich. (AP) - fluttering at its bow as a flag ocean," said Ellen. It was the mercy of " the They survived. of truce. then that four armed men authorities." The odds were against it Adams' photographs and aboard a motor launch or- "Several hours later, five months ago, 19,200 story on the "beat with no &red them to stop. about one mile off shore and kilometres 12,00 miles from smiles" were in United The pirates demanded near midnight, holes were GORDON this prosperous U.S. city of States newspapers last gold but did not get mough, punched in the hottom and trees and large, white winter. He never saw the They threatened to kill all we abandoned ship," Ellen houses. refugees again. aboard, said. Then, 14 men, II women But they survived. "We cried, we begged, I Cuong said the Thai police and 25 children were aboard "Someone was protecting knelt down on my knees," were angry .but later AND a weather-beaten, 30-fool us," explained Ellen Hinh said Ellen's then fiance, sheltered the group in a fishing boat that arrived at Tieu Vien, who so unhappily Coong Chiem. camp - including the NARDWARE STORES Khlong Yai, Thailand, after had watched Adams leave "We had heard Pirates newborn baby that Nguyen five stormy days at sea. theheir boat in Thailand. were killlngheatpeople. We Na and his wife named E Iw I IW Iw • II i They were among a She and some of the others pleaded for our lives." Freedom in hopes the ANDERSON mustitude of Vietnamese now are in theU.S, A Roman The leader was unex- voyage would endwith that. boat people fleeing their Catholic agency in Tampa, peotedly merciful, It did. All 50 qualified for Communiet-run country. Fin., has found an apartment "Maybe it was because sponsorship in the U.S. They had no ~uel, no water, for her where she is studying there were mostly children A Lutheran group aent no food, But the Thals had English. aboard," said Coong. ,"He EllenVie~ andcoong Chiem toughened their policies. The frightening adventure told us the only way to get to Adrian in May, and they The Vietnamese would not was described by Ellen in an refuge was to scuttle our were married a few weeks be given refuge. interview. It began with the boat and throw ourselves at later. Photographer Eddie adults paying about 25 Adams, an Associated Press ounces of gold each to he T,V. GUIDE special correspondent, found amul~led from Saigon. All I,stings subject to change without notice, them a~d went aboard their Then came a trail of According to our IIIIIIlIliIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIilllIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllll leaky craft. But he was country roads to Vietnam's ordered elf by Thai police. southern coast, a trip to Saturday, June 24. 5 p.m. to midnight As he reluctantly left, the Phuoc Quoc Island and customers, it's the Vietnamese started weeping finally the dash to Thailand and shouting in fear. crammed into the tiny boat. Once he was gone, police "We had been warned of best deal in town. KING CFTK 4 BCTV KCTS towed their small craft out to pirates, but didn't meet any (NBC) (COt.) (CTV) (PBS) sea. Adams watched the until after the Thai police boat disappear, a white shirt had dragged us back into the Journey to Discover Previn & Adventure 1999 Discover. Pittsburgh News Space Frank's Previn & 145 News 1999 Garden Pittsburgh News CBC News French EVERYONE News Hour Chef ~l " Outdoor Show Once upon 6 World Edubatlon Biz a Classic NEEDSTREES Test drive a Ikmdatoda~ at Wild One Day The" Bionel Nova ~ TERRACE HONDA SALES GK~dom at a Time Woman Nova 4842 Hwy. 16 West The Two Bionic Nova Terrace, B.C. VeG 11.8 Show aonal~..~ Womn Nov~ TO LEARN .... 635-6571or 635.432S Bionic To be New Special Z-IOI~T]D.~L Dealer Licence Number 02066A Woman Announced Avengers The Rononbtrg. TREES_A GROWING CONCERN !Bionic To.be New Subell Case I Woman Announced Avengers Revisited Sat, Night I To be I Aead. I Cont. ' At ~m~ ~ i gored I P~f0rmance I ...... A Sesmitive I To be[ Gelded Voyage of I Country Passionate Man Music :David Janssen To be Cont. Austin BUSINESS DIRECTORY ;Angle Dicldmon Announced Cont. Cont. Tobe- Austin I10 Cont. Announced City Lhnlm News The CTV No, News National News Honestly Saturday, Provincial News Hour Sign Off 145 Night Live Affairs Final TOOVEY SKEENAVALLEY N~ght Late Meat Loaf Final show Richard Befzer Late Show Diamonds are ,SERVICE ell perform , Forever OANAVENTURE RENTALS... ,hoots, YAMAHA Most Anything. Most AnYtime For MEBOUR¥ CONTRACTORS.INDUSTRY-INDIVIDUALS Sunday, Jura 29 (outboard DOLMAR motors) Hours: Mon.. Sat. 8.6 (chain saws) Baseball Golf Wintes Week Hours: Mon.. Sat. 8.(' Seatle Cdn. Open Star Wall Street Dealer Licence i 4946 Greig Avenue 14s Murin~ Golf Trek Week i 4946 Greig .umb~O~O13A 63 -6929 636as 7417 Phone635-7417 vs. Milwaukee Open Star Advocates ~:~ Brewers Golf Trek Advocates at Milwaukee Cd~ Open Sunday Advncates KITCHEN CABINETS $ VANITIES • INSTALLATION 2 Cont. Theatre Advocates Terrace Electronic Repairs Ud. • MOULDED COUNTERTOPS • Great Music to . Murder or Great Amer. Game See Mercy " Performances SERVINGTERRAOE & KITIMAT Sportsworld Summer Ctry. Melvya Douglas Great K:wooo o ..~. Sportsworld Canada Bradford Dillman Performances ,e.~ . SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF T.V.'s Horst Kochler Cont. Announced ~uestlon Performances ~q~l~@ Warranty Depot for , Meet the Hymn Period Si~lal qO ~ Zenith, Phillips, Hitachi, AREAeaAo MANAGER .ezs~ KABINETS Sylvania " 869 • 5TH AVENUE P :oo [Menttho Wild Untamed '• Black MON. - SAT. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. V2L 3K5 (NORTHERN)LTD. BUS. 564.1488 k :'1s I press ' Kingdom Frontier. Perspective 4908 Graham 635.4543 , RES. 562.22el FREE ESTIMATES _l :so INows Reach for, Capitol Sounders V : 45 News the Top Comment Soccer a~ :oo INows World of News Sonacors IL :15 Nows. • DLsney Hour' Soccer 30 Ton Truck. Hydraulic Cranes -20 Ton R.T. il :30 Castaway World of Provincial Sound~tage TERRACE ANSWERING BUREAU V :45 Castaway Disney Lottery Soandstage BOB N I E SH. 624-6283 Prince Rupert 638-8195 The Hardy 7 Disneywoo, Beachcombers Boys Spim~e~ ANSWERING, World of Rhoda Hardy Oasis in Space SKEENA CRANE • PAGING, 145 Disney Rbeda Boys MONITORING OR King of Project' Previn & K~mingten UFO Pittsbursh SERVICES LTD. PHOTOCOPYING Allin Project Previn & SERVICES the Family UFO PRtsbur~h 24 HOUR SERVICE • The Big Super. Switch Maste'plece Ti:,F Ci: 638-1 555 4603.D Park Avenue, Terrace, B.C. VeG 1V5 Event ', Special Swit~ Theatre I O ::~ Police Story: Super Switch Masterpiece Pressure Special Switch Theatre r This Aesigameat NO, .... SUZUKI Motorcycles and O :~ls DavidPoint Jaessen Land Maclesr Honestly , :. 30 Coat. ,This Haft AesJgameat No, 145 Coat Hour Maelesr Honestly" aooesmies in 'stock NOWZ MR, BUSINESSMAN! ~mmlmmlemmt ~ The CTV S~nO~ I News National News £ £.:~ ~veStar. Night News Hour This Space is Reserved Movie Final Final Late Show rootatepo ' Ho~e of Danny Kaye Richard Cronna Bamboo Terrace EquipmentSales Ltd, ,L ~ ~4s ~al Zeta]InS Joanna Pettet Robot Stack 4439 Lakelse 635.6364 For Your Ad, Dealer No. 01249A SUZUKI GOES THE DISTANCE! ii "ShiPpm~t Arrived"

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