BULLETIN Chased.For I~Azing Land by Relative Newcomers to the Area
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i ! ; LEOI~L~TIYE LIBN~RZ, COMP. 77/78 .~ IdOl.lAMENT HUILDINGS, - V£C~ORIA, B.C., #bL VSV-ZX4 i¢ .:::::::::::::=:::~::::=:=:::::::~:.~::~.~. ~.~::.~=:~.~.::.':::::::'::::::::~.:::.~::.<.'~r.. ~ ;~:~:~.~...~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.:.~:;.~.~;~:~:~.~;~;~;~.~.:.~..~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~....~.~.~. TERRACE-KITD AT the.weather: the w.eathe an is ca!ling for oc.oasslonalram for Friday wdh highs of 1§-17. ailyh Showers Saturday morning with r light winds. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1978 : VOLUME 72 No. m 20 ~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I • Full sail for four- mders VANCOUVER (CP) -- and lines and scampered Vaneouvor got a salty taste ' aloft--as high as 40 metres-- . of the grand old days of sail to twice unfurl and furl the as the Japapese four- expanse of canvas. masters Nippon Maru and, Kaiwo l~aru each broke out Except for the sharp bll.~6 sails entering English uniforms of the officers, Bay Wednesday. 'there was little military Oubeard each 48-yesr-old about the ships. The 156 vessel, among the tallest of cadets, learning everything the world's waning number frown modern navigation to tall ships, chanting gangs developing blisters hauling of whiteclad merchant ealines, aredesttned to man marine cadets and sailors the bridges of Japanese labored cheerily at braces merchant ships. Local Unions backstrike Kitimat, Terra~ &' have been pi~eting PNG DistrietLabeurCooncllhave ~flces in Terrace, Kit/mat, announced they will be and throughout the nor- contributing ~0 a mouth to thwest and in Vancouver the Pacific Northern Gas since first contract ,workers strike fund for the negotiations broke down remaking eye.silO abie to getaround,'care for a garden and duration of the strike, earlier this month. T Des|arlals of Terrace was the winner of the car raffle vehicles, and picked a 1978 Mazda GLC four-door hat- The striking employees, The labour council con. at the Jaycee Annual Trades Fair last weekend. As the chback from Skeesa Auto Metal. Pictured with maintain her own lo& home in Cedarvale, Agnes Sultan en- members of the In- tributlon is in support of the winning ticket holder, DesJarlals got to choose one of five l)esJarlais is Doug Minfeldt, Trades Fair chairman. Joys a chuckle when the HERALD editor taking her picture ternatloual Brotherhood of PNG strike, according to a ~..,'.,'.':';'..~..,;.-.~.;:~..~,;.;'~.;.;';5%"~.,~:~.~,~5~?,~,~o.,........ ~........... ..o........ ........................ ~.~..~...:..*~.;.~..-:.~......~.~..~:....~......~;:;~;:~:~:P-.-.-.-.-~;ggg.~.;:~:~;::.P.....-......-~.:.>~......... ,.-...............;,;-.....'~'~'.'.'~'. ".'-'- ~'-'.'-'.'-'- ........ "-.'-'.'.'-'.'.'-'-'-'..~'.'-'-'-'-'.'. while being visited in Mms Memorial bespi~l. M~,. Sutton Eledlrieal Workers ?IBEW) .council spokesperson. says she is very upset that the property housing the Salvation Army Church Hall in being sold, which will InaveCedarvale - ence known U the "Holy City" without its historic mooting Trudeau strip irks Congress , gun for and Church haiL The property is said to have been pure ' . ' BULLETIN chased.for I~azing land by relative newcomers to the area. WASHINGTON (AP). -- A Cartoonist Garry O'Neill's office refuses to ,~Alean in K|flmat has agreed to convert all '~' ",',~:::~'~.~-~:::::: comic strip poking fun at Trudeau's Doonesbury strip say how many have been Kitimat u,que"l~'-"- mzerune'----"---- congre,' investi~aiiou of lastwesktoppedoffaserins received and be isn't oum- RCMP casting furnaces from natural gas at the request South Korean businessman of frames concerning Park's menlin¢ Unofficial sources Kit/mat RCMP haves new of striking workers at PacHic Northern Gas, • Tongann Park has swollen gifts to Congressmou with a said more than ~00 coupons toy. This one catches reducing their gas consumption by about 65 TORONTO (CP)- Rick "How I wish there were the mail of House of coupon for readors to soud in have beoudelivered. speeders. Constable Scott of percent, according to Onion spokesperson Rich Ber~ler gets around with a more," eays Sue Leonard, Representatives Speaker O'NClIIat his Capitol office, the Kitlmat RCMP says that Greene; ~,?951aser.beameane--the who has been instructing ThomasO'.Neill, butbeisnot asking for informatiou and ~.:~:.:.:.:, the detaclunent has been C~i~n.prick--which,sensatlona,by soUndwarnsand cane.Benderin the me of the :.:.~:.:.:.:.:~':-:':':':""""""'"~""'~::::::':':amused, urging public hearings. , waiting for a new radar unit ..In exchange, the PNG Workers agreed tO do for a couple of years and has operations, and maintenance of the reWdatlon the blind diabetic of any recently received a new gun. station at Alcan to guarantee natural gas service obstacles in his .way. typ(uultwhich can be used to the pollution control systems. He Is one of the'-~ ~ilnd r On the dash of a car, out the ..If these systems were not maintained, the persons in conada to own the window of a car, or hand held by an officer, plant would risk being shut down by the Pollutinn The laser-beam cane The liSht en/iRin~ diode Control Board, Greene said. warns Beruler in advance of unit has a digital read-cot on ,.'l~he Alcan agreement is the latest step in at- drop-offs, as well ss ,the back of the blow-dryer tempts'by the union to forcq major industrial gas determining distances frmn ~ond the beISht of obstacles. S,i_l,c~nsg~tableScm[dthashad usersto switch to alternaie!euerg~ sources. :*~ s"-ess alrea,~" w,s ~ *, ~Th,~ c0uversion atAlcanwUl take from 91x to lO ". Central:: B~aheh ~ f6~*""the Canadian Pregresa Club after citizens' band radio Barrett refutes charges enthusiasts collected $1 VICTORIA (CP) -- OIP of several cabinet ministers did not know the source of million worth of grocery pnsition~ Leader Dave travelled free on the reports about use of the store cash-register tapes to Barrett said Wednesday that governmentplanes (xta total planes by Barrett's wife, • purchase it for hlin; each time his wife ac- of 39 occasions, said whoever leaked the compauled him on flights Premier Bill Bennett story was only playing petty aboard government airerafl, made the charges Wed- i::!itics. Therulns should be P.6. pri itwasinrespeaseto"o~cial nssday, thou backed tham up <!:~nged ff they prohibit invitations to the premier by releasing cap/as of logs o~ wives travelling on the and his wife." the air service between planes, be said. end foo, ~ Barrett was responding to September, 1973, and When told that Bennett's roporte that when the NDP December, 1975. off~-e was the source of the PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. government wss in power, Social Credit MLA Jack leak: Kempf said his com- (CP) -- Prisoners at the Barrett's wife and the wives , Xempf (SC-0mineca), who mints still stand, Prince George Regional Correction Centre ate their supper Wednesday night after ending a hunger strike Family violence that. began Tuesday fo!- • As a result ot the interest Duetothe size of the group a transition bense. lowing complaints that bugs which evolved from the it wes oncertain whether the Franciswesgrat~iedthat had been seen near a kitchen Family Vlolmes workshop committee should be split in 30 were turned in and all had sink. heldJone 15 and 16 a general , two to handle the two issues, ~ llatod.their names for future Centre director Harry ~'was'~ot'~an~d'~lo , ~ ;;~, ~:~ ~....... , ........~: ~ ~ * *~ ~; ~ ~....... ...... ~ i -y ......... ~'~ t mee¢ingwasbeldonJune~0 10ut after much discussion help with the project. .Rarose said a provincial health inspector toured the that after• a few days .............. ~ : ~~ ~..... /~: ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ _ , ........... at the Kermoda Friesdship the group decided to stay as It was generally agreed contre's kitchen Wednesday maggots w~e found. ......... , .-=.~ ...~: .~...~.~, ...... ..,, ... :: .. ..... .......... Society headquarters on one with various sub- that doenmentat/~ would and found the facilities "AK ~h M--it was ~: ~, :,.~.*: .:,: ~-,..~ • " • ~......... :."~ ..... ~., *~ ... Greig,,iSvnetypeople attended ferentC°mmitteeSaspectshandlingofthedif" fundinghave tocouldbe securedbe appliedbef°refor adequate, discovered:the pan was • ~ ! ~'* "~. ~~ ,~.~i., ,=:..'~i~* :~:~ '.*. ' "- that meeting which was problems. It was felt that to ns~ablish the emergency l~t~e met with the elean~I and the trailh~s ~ ...... ~ .... .....i.. chaired by Lil Farkvam one issue to be vocalized at chairS-. It was decided to prbonbrs and gave r~noved," be said.'.. ChrlaThompann, foreSroond,leeds a class in professionsl tennis lcosons at the Terrace coordinator of the workshop, one time would be more approach doctors, public The two concerns voiced acceptable and less health, police, day care and • ChrisandtravelilngenmponionRobynRencherhavecomefromVancouvertoeducate area of establishing an FranclsSablneoftheDqgg help in kceping a record of TOIIRIST ALERT Iceaitonulsuatbualastsintheartofbettorplay... .. .--, • Emergency Shelter for and Alcohol Commission, all known cases of family Thursda-"a Purist r alert --* --" "I" Dram ,-- --. Teda.y:.Fri.~y, the.two ~ be .hold~...classes.f..rem 6 .?..8 p.mv st the tennis courts, hattered wives, children and circulated questloaair~ at violent. This w.o.uld~.d~e \ ,._..~ ~.. ,~ s't'MP ,u_.~.~,,W_._.~~,~mr sv~u l~...te.rm.melrumeseneame~epa~.wul~trav~tos~Itu1?at:~i~e~ra~em~e teenagers, and more public the workshop asking ~ese .ou a form w.mm wm .oe~ _~. ;~ ,,,y ,;,,~.;-_ y.s~:.p~..~,~...~ .~..so. wm uo