Arxiv:2104.14394V1 [Physics.Class-Ph] 29 Apr 2021 Metry Is Generally Undesired and Difficult to Grasp, in Sition Between Reflection and Trapping Mechanisms [57]

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Arxiv:2104.14394V1 [Physics.Class-Ph] 29 Apr 2021 Metry Is Generally Undesired and Difficult to Grasp, in Sition Between Reflection and Trapping Mechanisms [57] Selective mode conversion and rainbow trapping via graded elastic waveguides Jacopo M. De Ponti1, Luca Iorio1, Emanuele Riva2, Raffaele Ardito1, Francesco Braghin2, Alberto Corigliano1 1 Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy 2 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Via Giuseppe La Masa, 1, 20156 Milano, Italy We experimentally achieve wave mode conversion and rainbow trapping in an elastic waveguide loaded with an array of resonators. Rainbow trapping is a phenomenon that induces wave confinement as a result of a spatial variation of the wave velocity, here promoted by gently varying the length of consecutive resonators. By breaking the geometrical symmetry of the waveguide, we combine the wave speed reduction with a reflection mechanism that mode-converts flexural waves impinging on the array into torsional waves travelling along opposite directions. The framework presented herein may open new opportunities in the context of wave manipulation through the realization of novel structural components with concurrent wave conversion and energy trapping capabilities. I. INTRODUCTION ial and flexural vibrations [37, 38]. As reported by the aforementioned examples, the additional complexity in- duced by the symmetry break often reflects in relevant The emergence of new mechanisms to manipulate behaviours that are relatively unexplored in the field of the propagation of waves has attracted growing interest mechanics. Other approaches to induce modal coupling across different realms of physics, with multiple realiza- leverage nonlinear dynamics which, however, can be of- tions in quantum [1], electromagnetic [2, 3], acoustic [4–6] ten unpractical due to the large amplitudes required to and elastic systems [7–17]. In the context of mechanics, activate sufficiently strong nonlinear interactions [39, 40]. a number of works have recently investigated the emer- A recent line of work employs a graded array of res- gence of non-trivial topological phases in elastic struc- onators embedded in a host structure to manipulate tures, in analogy with relevant behaviours previously ob- wave propagation by taking advantage of the resonator- served in quantum physics [18]. Notable examples exten- structure interaction. This modulation strategy pro- sively explored in mechanics include defect-immune and motes a wavenumber transformation that, in turn, ac- scattering-free waveguides, which have been conceived tivates a spatial decrease of the wave velocity at dis- in analogy to the quantum Hall (QH) [19, 20], quan- tinct frequencies, which is blueprint of the so called rain- tum spin Hall (QSH) [21–24], and quantum valley Hall bow effect [41–45]. Originally discovered in electromag- (QVH) effects [25–28]. Other approaches to topology- netic systems in non-uniform, linearly tapered, planar based design leverage 1D structures augmented by a vir- waveguides with cores of negative index material [46], tual dimension in parameters space, to access topologi- the rainbow effect has been pursued within different re- cal properties typically attributed to 2D systems to pur- search fields and through numerous physical platforms, sue pumping of elastic waves [29–34] and nonreciprocity among which acoustic systems [47–49], water waves [50], [35, 36], to name a few. In other words, elastic waveg- and fluid loaded elastic plates [51]. Similar configura- uides are excellent candidates to explore new physics, es- tions have been combined with deep elastic substrates pecially due to the abundance of supported modes with to induce conversion between Rayleigh (R) into Shear distinct polarizations and coupling among them, which (S) or Pressure (P ) waves [53–56]. Despite the under- can be relatively simple to be established as compared to lying physics is driven by the spatial variation of the the electromagnetic counterparts. While the existence of wave speed, the existence of distinct wave modes and multiple modes that can hybridize in presence of asym- the nature of the coupling among them delineate a tran- arXiv:2104.14394v1 [physics.class-ph] 29 Apr 2021 metry is generally undesired and difficult to grasp, in sition between reflection and trapping mechanisms [57]. many cases the break of symmetry creates new opportu- The former is induced by resonances and leads to wave nities by lifting the accidental degeneracies. Mechanical scattering at the boundary of the first Brillouin zone. systems with broken symmetries along the thickness di- The latter is instead promoted by the coupling between rection can be employed for the nucleation of a double crossing wave modes, typical of the second Brillouin zone, Dirac cone dispersion that features coupling between oth- and hereafter employed to achieve concurrent wave mode- erwise degenerate states, which is the key to emulate the conversion and trapping. While the majority of the stud- spin orbital coupling in QSH-based waveguides [24]. Un- ies are focused on a single phenomenon, the coexistence dulated structures have been shown to exhibit frequency of multiple functionalities is not common, especially in gaps and wave directionality due to coupling between ax- 2 the field of mechanics. Motivated by this and by the opportunity to simulta- neously achieve trapping and mode-conversion, in this paper we consider an elastic waveguide loaded by a graded array of resonators with variable length. This gradual variation promotes rainbow trapping of flexural waves throughout the array. The considered implemen- tation embodies a broken symmetry with respect to the shear center of the waveguide which, in turn, activates a mode-conversion between impinging flexural waves and torsional waves traveling along the opposite direction through a phenomenon that is known as mode locking in mechanics [58]. The numerical and experimental re- sults presented herein demonstrate how a simple struc- ture can be used to confine and mode convert elastic FIG. 1: (a) Graphical representation of the waveguide, waves, expanding the range of possibilities in the con- which is made of a homogeneous beam rigidly text of wave manipulation and control, with implications connected to a graded array of resonators that activates of technological relevance for applications involving me- the rainbow effect. Thanks to the broken geometrical chanical vibrations, such as nondestructive evaluation, symmetry, the waveguide operates as a converter ultrasonic imaging, and energy harvesting. + between input A0 and output T0− wave modes. (b) The paper is organized as follows. In section II, a simpli- Idealization of the conversion mechanism: the system fied model for the analysis of symmetry broken waveg- can be interpreted as two distinct elastic waveguides uides is presented and employed to tailor a suitable supporting A0 and T0 wave modes, which are coupled graded profile of locally unbalanced resonators. The the- using an array of resonators. (c) Schematic of the oretical aspects of the trapping and conversion mecha- reference cell, that consists in identical resonator pairs nisms are unfolded by way of a dispersion analysis, which separated by a non null distance ξ, along wih the is preparatory for numerical end experimental analysis employed reference system. pursued in section III. Concluding remarks are presented in section IV. in Figure 1(a) and further wave confinement due to mul- tiple conversion between T A wave modes. 0 − 0 II. SIMULTANEOUS TRAPPING AND MODE For simplicity, we assume that the further wave modes CONVERSION: SIMPLIFIED MODELING AND supported by the waveguide are orthogonal to the excita- DESIGN tion mechanism and weakly coupled to the wave modes of relevance A0 and T0. To elucidate the design paradigm and conditions for As such, the functional design and conceptual analysis of selective trapping and reflection, we consider the waveg- the grading profile are carried out considering the elas- uide displayed in Figure 1. The implementation consists todynamic equations for an Euler-Bernoulli beam domi- in a slender beam, which is equipped with a set of at- nated by torsional-flexural coupling [60]: tachments of variable length linearly increasing along the main dimension of the waveguide, to activate the rainbow 2 + ∞ 2 effect for the asymmetric Lamb A0 (input) wave mode. EIyw,xxxx + ρAw,tt = mω0[Ψr (xr + na) + r=1 n= Each side of the beam accommodates an identical graded X X−∞ array of elements which, in turn, is rigidly connected to b + l w (x + na) + ( 1)r φ (x + na)]δ (x x na) the host structure. In addition to the graded profile, the − r − 2 r r − r − two arrays are spatially shifted by a distance ξ, to locally 2 + ∞ b + l break the geometrical symmetry with respect to the shear GJ φ ρJ w = ( 1)rmω2 [Ψ (x + na) + t ,xx − p ,tt − − 0 2 r r centre of the cross-section. Such a tailored symmetry- r=1 n= X X−∞ break drives a spatially growing coupling between trans- r b + l verse motion w and rotation φ of the waveguide, which w (xr + na) + ( 1) φr (xr + na)]δ (x xr na) + − − 2 − − are inherently linked to the asymmetric Lamb A0 and r b + l torsional T − wave modes. This coupling activates a con- 2 0 Ψr,tt (xr + na) + ω0[( 1) φ (xr + na) . version mechanism that can be interpreted in the light of − 2 modal interaction between distinct waveguides, accord- w (xr + na) + Ψr (xr + na)] = 0. ing to the schematic in Figure 1(b). The schematic il- − (1) lustrates how consecutive resonators locally trigger the where ( ) denotes the partial derivative ∂( )/∂x. w · ,x · transformation between A0 and T0 wave modes, induc- and φ are the vertical displacement and the rotation of th ing a reflected wave T0− exiting from the array, as shown the beam, Ψr is the displacement of the n resonator 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) FIG. 2: (a) Dispersion surface ω (µ, lr) /2π. For ease of visualization, only the first three dispersion surfaces are displayed. The colour is proportional to the polarization factor p, which allows to discriminate between rotation φ and vertical displacement.
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