THE WAR, the Cunard Liner Lusitania Passed out the WORLD of Mr
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THE MR BERMUDA COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER AND RECORDER Vol. LXXXVH—No. 90. HAMILTON, BERMUDA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1914. SINGLE COPY, lid (OE3 CENTS).—20s. PER ANNUM ^•'***^l>'*^l»l^ll,^l,l*^<ll*^ltl-^H ^U^II^O^O1^ <*X* iably a most attractive feature. On in the past must have had cause, I *t •* New York, Am;. 5.—in tbe foee-of the first day the St. George's Stakes after being counted out or battered J possible capture by ( cruisers attracts crack three-year-olds. Thus to bits by Carpentier in the roll ol in the waters jttsi outside the harbour on Tuesday the race was won for a _ ubiquitous and very angry whirl THE WAR, the Cunard liner Lusitania passed out THE WORLD OF Mr. J. B. Joel with his black horse. wind, to exclaim, Kke the heroine in to sea at 10.55 this morning on what Black Jester, when ridden by the a_ melodrama, "and he seemed such a promises to lie a, trip at French jockey, Stern, was a tremen nice gentleman too." Infortunately to l.itcrpool. ^SPOUT dous fancy for the Derby, but the we cannot lay the flattering unction I son of Sundridge disclosed then that to our soul that this is aH part of Belgrade, via London, Aug. 6.— he does not stay a mile and a half. our rough Island tradition, about an Austrians renewed the biiinbardnieiM He very easily won this race of a Englishman never knowing when hc Germany's Ultimatum to Italy and Italy's of this City to-day. They seriously t From Our special Correspondents § mile and three furlongs, but that was * 9. is beaten. Whenever our modern damaged the royal palace, the National I because thc course is an easy one, champions of the ring in the heavy Theatre, the Biiii-h Legation and many "-"fri^n -^I»-^Q--»II-^,I and there was nothing in the opposi weight classes do come up against a Reply private houses. The Ser* i.nis did not tion capable of testing him at the end. genuine French or American boxer, reply to the lire. Three perstMS were London.ontlon , July 24th. Florintino, who won thc Liverpool most of them very soon .now when killed and many injured. they are beaten. Some of them received Plate of a mite and three quarters ( THE TURF for Mr. W. M. Singer, represented the revelation under 75 seconds. London, Aug. t,. -Xejlh**! .real what can be best described as "a It is their managers who really keep Britian nor Austria has declared war A certain racehorse, b> name Ken- racing certainly." He had very easily up the tratlition. These enterprising FIERCE FIGHTING AT LIEGE on the other as yet and the Au-trian nymore, was given an opportunity won the Bibury Cup, although re anti incurably optimistic gentlemen Ambassador has received no instruct last - Friday to redeem Ms serious ceiving 46P>s. from that good horse certainly never know when their ions to Iea\ e Loudon. in of omission in th Derl.\. lie Junior, but, notwithstanding, the han- proteges are as good as beaten. It is refused redemption again and so re a great pity that our promising young Loudon, Aug. li. - A t'esjwtch to dicappcr of this Liverpool race only 1 In* Times Iruni Si. Petersburg says mains an outcast*. What a melan put him about 7lbs. which is absurd. sters are not as cleverly run as Car Ten German Colliers Captured choly sequel tour Racing Correspon pentier, who has gradually fought his that ten German steamers with coal He demonstrated this by winning and lumber were seized at Archangel. dent "Centaur" writes) to the beliefs again just as far as his jockey liked way up the scale of weights into the full championship, and was never al expressed in the Spring after the and the starting price of 4 to 4 Cnstantiiioplr. Aug. 5. I lie Russian horse hatl won the Two Thousand against shows clearly enough that the lowed to break his heart by fighting a hopeless fight against a too tough Washington, Aug. 5.—Carrying mil reached with the unanimous consent Ulack Sea Fleet is bottled up and will Guineas th.u the era of another great public did not ignore the handicap- be unable to paniicpate in the war. racehorse had arrived at last. Ken per's extr aordinarv mistake. proposition. This applies especially to lions of gold for the relief of Americans of Banking and other interests there that really clever and plucky I^anca- helplessly stranded by the upheaval there would be no necessity to suspend The Turkish Government issued an nymore went mad at tht* -tarting official declaration today announcing post in the race for the Derby. I It- It was on the second da\ of the shire boxer, Young Ahearn, who is in Europe, the armoured cruiser Ten specie payments. When thc Banks meeting that the best and fastest matched against Carpentier for nessee will start from New York across re-open on Friday one pound and ten that the l!n*-phorn- has been closet! was tortured by the kicking and lu warshijis of all nations .,;,,] I hat tiny •scrimmaging of other horses, and his spripters in training competed for the £10,000. The Lancashire lad shoultl the Atlantic to-night. It will distri shi'ling notes to theamount of £3,000- Molyneux Stakes, whieh is a £1,000 certainly have been allowed to gain bute its cargo at the principal ports 000 will be issued through the Bank attempt to force a passage would be temper collapsed altogether under the repulsed. strain. When at last the race was handicap of 5 lurlongs. It was, in much more experience and at least a in Europe for the use of banks and of England and five millions pounds deed, a fine assembly of champions started, he, among other-, was prac stone more weight before entering I nitctl States diplomatic agencies daily thereafter until the supplv is Halifax. N.S., AUK- ''• The Maure tically left in the kicking-fi-e-U. That for they included the Hungarian-bred the ring against the white chainpion in replenishing the purses of Americans adequate. Adular, Great Surprise, Hornet's Beau tania of the Cunard Line arrived at was written down as a tragedy. of the World. There are still firm who suddenly have found thdr let Halifax to-day and is anchored in the ty, Yiuing Pegasus, and The Angel admirers of the debonair Bombardier ters of credit useless or their funds ex- Brussels, Aug. 5.—The prompt des He might have returned to glory Man. Creat Surprise was favourite, stream. The big liner came up the Wells who convince themselves by all liau-!cd. truction of bridges by the Belgium habnur thi- morning under her own at Ascot but for going amiss just Inn the winner was forthcoming in a the laws of logic that, could he only before the meeting. The fact pre troops checked the advance of the steam. The Mauretania is outward three-year-nld named Coronis, who was conquer his "nerves' the Bombardier Germans. The Tenth German Corps vented Iti 111 from running. The very much fancied. She won by a London. Aug. 5.—Confirmation has bound from I tverpool for New Vork would beat Carpentier. This is 1 been received of the report that a is operating along the northern line, anti reporled to have 1.400 passengers Eclipse Stakes ef Ci 0,000, however, neck from The Angel Man, who was matter that Carpentier is -bowing an was to be the medium l>\ which he trench warship has captured the and finding unexpected resistance, mi Imard. conceding 2ofos. with Voldy, receiving admirable alacrity in consenting to moved further northward, invading would prove the hollowhess of the 34B)s. third. Dan Russel won the (ierman steamer Porte off Guernsey. put to the test. If Bombardier Wells The Porte which belongs to the Olden Dutch territory at Tillburg ami cross London, Aug. 6. A despatch to the Derby fiasco. He musi surely win, Knowsley Dinner Stakes for the noble does beat him next time his backers burg Portuguese S.S. Co. is a vessel ing the Meuse at Eisdon. An army Chronicle from Amsterdam says ii because his trainer, Alec. Taylor, owner of Knowsleyj Lord I>erby. ought to be able to retire on a res is reporled that ,1.500 Germans were knew li\ the work hi was doing and of I,<JOO tons and plies between Ham of 100,000 Germans were marching Tbis horse is a son of Chaucer, who pectable fortune. Because they will today on Leige where a general attack killed or wounded al the fighting at the way he was doing it that he re does not stantl more than 15 hands, easily obtain long odds against him. burg and Portugal. Vise. The Postmaster of the town tained his fun* galloping powers. is orderetl to be delivered tomorrrow. and vet has ]>roved himself a great sire Some of the best judges are inclined A ("ierman officer taken prisoner bv was -lint becau.-i* he refused to s.*nd I'licn what was there to beat him. ol winner-. Torloisk, who won the to bclie\e that the ont" man in this London, Aug. 5.—The British ad- telegrams for the Genu.111-. the cor Cantilever with his lost.? No; it miraliv announce this afternoon that a the Belgians said he was ainased at Great Lancashire Breeders Produce country who mighl le.illx make a tie- the resistance offered to the * .1*1*111,in respondent says.