IUPUI University Library Records, 1940-2005 UA 028 77.4 c.f. (75 cartons and 2 flat boxes)


The IUPUI University Library grew out of the libraries of University- , the School of Social Work, and -Indianapolis Extension. In 1974 the director of University Library became the chief administrator of the 38th Street Campus Library (originally the library of the Purdue University-Indianapolis Extension), the School of Physical Education Library, and the Herron School of Art Library. The Physical Education Library was merged into University Library during the 1982-1983 school year, and the staff and materials from the 38th Street Campus Library moved into the new University Library building in 1993. The Herron library remains housed in the art school.

Records include correspondence, reports, minutes, publications, and other materials.


Personnel records in this collection are restricted. The remainder of the collection is open to the public without restriction. The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) govern the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.


Cite as: IUPUI University Library Records, Special Collections and Archives, University Library, Purdue University Indianapolis.


Accessions: A86-6, A87-15, A87-16, A87-21, A88-21, A88-33, A89-21, A89-29, A90- 2, A90-20, A90-22, A90-36, A91-13, A91-30, A91-31, A92-9, A92-13, A93-39, A93-42, A93-44, A93-49, A93-59, A93-90, A94-1, A94-28, A94-95, A95-1, A95-2, A95-23, A95-26, A95-59, A96-18, A96-21, A96-32, A1997/98-022, A1998/99-015, A1998/99- 020, A1999/00-016, A2000/01-023, A2005/06-012, A2005/06-034, A2007/08-006.


Academic librarians Academic libraries--Administration Academic libraries—Indiana—Indianapolis Bonner, Robert Fischler, Barbara Brand, 1930- Herron School of Art. Library UA 28 – page 2

IUPUI (Campus). University Library. Special Collections and Archives Joseph and Matthew Payton Philanthropic Studies Library Lewis, David W. Matthew, Jeannette M. Pumroy, Eric, 1952-


This preliminary inventory serves as an interim guide to the described records, many of which are not fully arranged. A finished finding aid to the records of this university unit will be prepared at a future date.


Contents Box Problems in Planning Library Facilities, 1964 1 Papers Presented at the Institute on Channels of Communication for Special Libraries, 1960 Cataloging Manual The Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce Blue Book, 1964 Summary of the Indiana Governor=s Conference for Improving Library Service, 1961 The National Library Week Program, 1964 The Case for Library Technical Assistants and Library Clerks in Indiana, 1969 Misc. Bibliographies & Reports, 1973 – 1978 Changing Social Patterns: Some Current Concerns, A Selected Bibliography Automation in the Library: An Introductory Bibliography Library Services and Collections IUPUI Library Faculty Committee Correspondence & Minutes, 1973 - 1988 Roster & Committees Bylaws Executive Board Meetings Chair=s Diskette & Index to Diskette Upcoming Meetings System Wide Memos Official Documents Old Ballots Minutes, 1975 – 1980 Correspondence Mailings Constitution Annual Reports UA 28 – page 3

Contents Box Membership Executive Committee Agendas American Historical Societies, 1969 The Foundation in the Year 2000, 1968 The School of Social Work=s Responsibilities in Family Planning Education, 1968 The Nation and Its Older People: Report of the White House Conference on Aging, 1961 Local Organization Handbook for the National Library Week Program, 1967 Education on the Aging: A Selected Bibliography, 1958 Brief History of the Normal College, 1973 The Memory of the University, 1983 2 Archives Coffee Chats, 1976, 1986 IU Presidents & Trustees, 1950 – 1987 [Invitation to Open House of Newly Created Archives of IUPUI, 1976] [Invitation to Exhibition & Reception Honoring Oscar F. Frenzel III, 1989] IUPUI Blake Street Library Staff, 1973 University Library Planning Committee, 1972 Library Staff Association, 1972 – 1973 Meeting Minutes Notices & Reports Library Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1973 – 1984 Library Faculty Meeting By-laws, 1982 – 1984 Library Narrative and Statistical Report, 1976 – 1979 All University Library Faculty Review Board, 1973 – 1976 Budget Request: University Library Preliminary, 1980 – 1981 Collection Development Task Force, 1975 IU Library- Bloomington Card Catalog on Microfilm, 1974 IUPUI Council of Librarians, 1970 – 1975 IUPUI Library Coordinating Committees, 1970 – 1976 Librarians Advisory Committee (LAC), 1974 Affairs Committee, 1972 - 1977, 1981 – 1983 Library and Learning Resources, 1976 – 1986 Library Faculty: Executive Board, 1976 – 1978 Library Graduate School, 1977 Library Paraporfessionals, 1974 Library Policies, 1976 – 1981 Peer Review Committee, 1979 Problems, 1981 – 1983 Promotion and Tenure: Presentation to Librarians by Carol Nathan, 1982 Public Services Meetings, 1975 – 1982 Reference Department Meetings, 1981 – 1982 UA 28 – page 4

Contents Box Downtown Campus Periodicals, 1970 IUPUI University Libraries- Unit Reports, 1979 – 1980 Professional Librarians Meeting Minutes, 1969 – 1974 IUPUI Library Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1976 3 IUPUI Library Executive Committee Minutes, 1978 – 1981 38th St. Library Stats, 1974 – 1976 Law Library Annual Report, 1978 – 1979 Library Committee Minutes, 1954 - 1955, 1965 - 1968, 1969 Library Stats, 1943 – 1968 [Indiana University Libraries Brochure], 1993 Library Committee Forms, 1975 – 1977 Unit Head Meetings, 1974 – 1995 4 Government Documents Advisory Committee, 1983 RAGS, 1975 – 1983 Misc. Computer Upgrade Info., 1993 The Library Page Newsletter, 1975 – 1985 IUPUI Staff Newsletter, 1988 IO Staff Training Newsletter, 1989 – 1990 Downtown Campus and Social Service Libraries Newsletter, 1969 5 Circulation ILS Reserves Stacks Newsletter (CIRSN), 1991 Circulation and Reserve Policies, 1981 Policy Statement on Challenged Materials, 1990 Staff Procedures for Implementing the IUPUI University Libraries Conduct Policy, 1992 Travel and Staff Development Policy and Procedures, 1994, 1996 - 1997 Quarterly Project Status Report, 1993 Director=s Files, 1975 – 1976 Annual Reports Salary Price Indexes Faculty Council Notes and Memos, 1987 – 1989 Memos from Executive Director, 1977 - 1979, 1988, 1995 Annual Reports/ Statistical Informartion, 1975 – 1994 5 - 6 Publication Reception for Biography of Larry Conrad, 1997 6 The 50th Reunion of the 32nd General Hospital Medical Corps, 1997 University Libraries Development Task Force, 1984 7 5 Year Development Plan Progress Report, 1989 - 1994 Budget Request, 1991 – 1992 Project Status Reports, 1989 - 1991 Technical Services Annual Reports, 1983 - 1984 Library Faculty Memorandum, 1973 - 1979, 1989 University Libraries Reports, Charts, Memos and Minutes, 1974 - 1987 Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1973 - 1977 UA 28 – page 5

Contents Box Misc. Minutes, Memos, Rosters, etc., 1981 - 1986 Library Faculty Council, 1970 - 1990 7 - 8 Agenda & Minutes Memos Status & Memorandum Constitution, By-Laws and Roster University Libraries Committees, 1973, 1977 Peer Review Committee Professional Criteria Committee Instructional Teams Misc. Committee Information University Architects Office Floor Plans for Library Stacks Circulation Information, 1996 Herron Museum Library Separation, 1967 - 1971 Herron Faculty Council, 1972 - 1974 IUPUI New Library, 1990 - 1995 Groundbreaking Ceremony Invitations Wood Plaza Groundbreaking Ceremony & Dedication Information Online Opening Ceremony Photos & Memorabilia IUPUI New Library Dedication Luncheon & Ceremony A Vision for Excellence- The New University Library Payton Philanthropic Dedication Ceremony The Many Realms of King Arthur Exhibit, 1996 Nelson Mandela Exhibit & Film Series, 1994 Indianapolis Area Librarians Group, 1972 - 1976 Library Faculty Policies & Procedures, 1973 - 1975 Student Leadership Manual, 1977 - 1978 IUPUI Information Packet for New Faculty, 1983 - 1984 Administrative Council, 1971 Four State University Cooperative Project & Counterpart Groups, 1972 - 1981 IUPUI Library Director Personnel Policies, 1978 - 1979 Floor Plans, LY Building, 1979 9 Floor Plans, 38th Street Administration Building, second floor (location of library), 1986 Annual Reports, 38th Street Library, 1960-1979 Director=s Files, 1973-1981 Affirmative Action Search and Screen Committees, General Background Information Automated Circulation System All University Faculty Council IUPUI Faculty Council IUPUI Faculty Council, Library Affairs Committee UA 28 – page 6

Contents Box OCLC (Ohio College Library Center Miscellaneous Publications and Correspondence Archivist=s Files, 1945-1985 ARL Definition of Library Material Area Library Service Authorities Bus Service, IUPUI-IU Cecil K. Byrd Correspondence Description of Card Files, IU Libraries, Bloomington Faculty Directories Foremost Women in Communications Four State University Circulation Counterparts IU Libraries Budget Request IUI Guided Study Program IUI Statement of Purpose Establishing Archival Program at IUPUI News Clippings about the Archives Archives Memoranda and Correspondence Archives Advisory Committee 10 Estimated Archival Space Needs Meetings with Library Director Indiana University Librarians Association (InULA) Indiana University School of Medicine Library Library Directory for Indianapolis Metropolitan Area Library Faculty Vacation and Sick Leave Record AMan and His Environment: Selected Government Publications, 1950-1970" Manual for Student Assistants Manual of Procedures for Acquisitions Department Purdue-IUI Merger Reference Service Counterpart Group Search and Screen - Director of Libraries (RESTRICTED) Future Space for Library, Downtown Campus, 1968 Student Assistants 38th Street Library Government Documents Background Information, 1977-1984 Government Documents Advisory Committee, 1980-1981 Reference and General Materials Committee (RAGS), 1975-1982 Library Director=s Files, 1983 ATabulation of Statistical Data on the Operation of Indiana Resource Libraries and Affiliated Libraries@ AAssessment of the Needs of Indiana Resource Libraries and Affiliated Libraries for Automation Support@ AFunctional Requirements for the Indiana Resource Library Subnetwork of ILIPSN@ UA 28 – page 7

Contents Box AThe Indiana Resource Library Subnetwork of ILIPSN: System Subnetwork Configurations and Costs@ AAlternative Means and Costs of Shipment of Library Materials Among Indiana Resource Libraries and Affiliated Libraries@ Library Director=s Files, 1957-1975 Divisional Committee on Libraries Proposed Changes to Library, Downtown Campus Library – Services Files on Acquisitions, Space Allocation, Grants, and the Search for a University Libraries Director Grant Proposals University Library Blake Street Furniture and Bookstacks University Library Blake Street -Carpeting University Library Blake Street-Furniture, Blueprints, Built-ins Risom Furniture Catalog Archivist=s Files, 1967-1988 11 Unit Heads Documentation, 1973-1988 Indiana University Folklore Institute 12 ADegrading Education: Education and Technological Society@ Committee on Computer Development Memo about Bids for a New Indiana University Central Library (Bloomington Campus) Indiana University Committee on Distinguished Teaching Awards Search Committee for the Appointment of Chancellor of IUPUI Appointment of Two Assistant Directors of Libraries Memo - Chancellor for the Fort Wayne Campus Ad Hoc Committee to Advise the Dean of the School of Business AGrowth and Change at Indiana University, Volume III Trustee-Faculty Meeting-Bloomington Campus The Continuing Committee: Its Purpose and Composition IU President=s Advisory Committee for Selection of a Vice President for Development-Bloomington Campus Standing Rules Irving Saltzman Memoranda, IU Faculty Council Proposal for the Establishment if Indiana Faculty Chairs Indiana University Committee on Improvement in Teaching Report on Possible Role of Audio-Visual Materials Indiana University Committee on Distinguished Teaching Awards Consortium for Urban Education Librarians Committee Vice President and Dean for Academic Affairs-Memoranda of J. Gus Liebenow Indiana University Departmental Listings APeriodicals and Newspapers Currently Subscribed to by the Downtown UA 28 – page 8

Contents Box Campus and Social Service Libraries@ Downtown Campus Library Staff Directory Downtown Campus Library Staff Meeting Minutes List of Serials-Blake Street Library Downtown Campus Library Book Selection Policy Local Phone Directory for Blake Street Library Library Service and Planning Committee, Interim Report III IUPUI Professional Librarians Meeting IUPUI Library Staff Meetings with Margaret Barron 38th Street Campus Library New Book List Acquisitions - Student Assistants Procedures for Acquisition Department Report of Meeting about a New Library Meeting Centrex Telephone Service for IUPUI ADigest of Federal Programs in Indiana@ Procedure for Promotion of IUPUI Faculty Personnel Policies Interdepartmental Communications, Blake Street Library Downtown Campus and Social Service Libraries= Bibliography of the Negro Cataloging-Problems and Decisions Sheet Mailing Procedures, Downtown Campus Library Revised Sunday Work Schedule, Downtown Campus Library Personnel-IUPUI Libraries AThe Union List of Periodicals of Kokomo Area Libraries@ McGill University Research Reports Precis of Events Leading to Melding at Fort Wayne Campus Extension Division Bulletin, Indiana State Library Bowling Green State University Libraries Bibliographic Research Center, ANegro Culture: A Selective Bibliography@ Indiana State University Department of Library Science Press Bulletin Indiana University at Kokomo Periodical Holdings Oxford University Press Reference Books Stechert-Hafner Book News Indiana University South Bend Periodical Holdings Interdepartmental Communication, Committee on Academic Status Blue Cross-Blue Shield Refund Interdepartmental Communication, Bureau of Educational Placement Faculty Affairs Committee, Medical and Retirement Programs Memoranda from J. Gus Liebenow Change of Insurance Records to Faculty and Staff National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities Information Status Report on the Periodical Bank Committee on Regional Campus Libraries UA 28 – page 9

Contents Box IU Division of Regional Campuses, Space Planning and Analysis IUPUI Commission on the Status of Women IUPUI Tenure Committee Proposed Program of Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority Indianapolis Council of World Affairs Teacher Evaluation Materials Medicare Benefits, Faculty ASocial Work Has Eight Audiences: How to Communicate with Them@ Code of Ethics of the U.S. Student Press Association Information from Library Committees Instructions for Faculty Annual Report University Study Committee Memoranda on Various Topics Library Faculty - Interdepartmental Communication Information about Chancellor Maynard K. Hine IU – President Memoranda from Fabian Underhill School of Dentistry Library Memoranda from James East Library Equipment for Blake Street Indiana University Faculty Staff Alumni Association Downtown Campus Arts and Science Faculty New Members of the Academic and Administrative Staff, Indianapolis Regional Campus Office of the Chancellor Memoranda Indiana University Indianapolis Personnel Policies Resident Faculty, School of Liberal Arts IUPUI Research Computation Center, In-Service Courses Unit Heads Documentation Archival Chats 13 Microcomputer - Archives Archives Pamphlet Organizing the Archives Archivist=s Reports to the Director/Archives Advisory Committee Meetings about Signs in the Blake Street Library Collection Development Program, IUPUI Libraries Ad Hoc Committee on Space, Blake Street Library IUPUI Faculty Affairs - Subcommittee on Promotion and Tenure Special Collections Counterpart Group - State Universities Bicentennial Committee Librarians Sabbatical Leave Committee IU Heritage Committee, Subcommittee on University Archives IU Heritage Committee UA 28 – page 10

Contents Box Administrative Committees, IUPUI Historic Preservation Subcommittee, IU Heritage Committee Planning and Development Committee POLIS Steering Committee School of Social Work 70th Year Celebration Herron Alumni Archives Committee Indianapolis Casket Company Records Correspondence-Blake Plaza Correspondence-Starting the Archives Outreach Policy Statement on Preservation of University Records Jeannette Matthew Sabbatical Proposal Archival Conservation Correspondence regarding Preservation Sabbatical Leave - Conference Results Peer Review Projects and Proposals YWCA Project Oral History Project Materials for Job Description 14 Archivist - Job Description Archives Procedures Manual-Clerical Archives Orientation Archives Projects for the Personal Computer Establishing the IUPUI Archives Grant Proposal to Noyes Foundation Archives Space Proposals ILL Forms Job Assignments for Public Areas Library Resources Aid Program New Telephone System Opening of IUPUI Archives Record Retention Schedule for Blake St. and Archives School of Nursing Shift to Room 320 Serials Request Form IUPUI Acreage Access to University Records Historical Map Suggestions K495 Class Priscilla Brown=s Reports Priscilla Brown Correspondence Archivist Assistant-Sponsored Program Support Statement UA 28 – page 11

Contents Box Associate Archivist Job Description Priscilla Brown File Articles Reports Space Problems Professional Activities Herron Librarian=s Files, 1972-1990 Archives-History/Organization Art Education-Proposal for Funds Artwords and Bookworks B.A. in Art History Bibliographic Instruction Task Force Bindery Bloomington Library System Budget Information Campaign for Indiana Crafts Program Grants Information Government Documents Herron Activities Committee Herron School of Art Memoranda to Faculty Hudson Institute Indiana Library Association (ILA) IU Library System: Librarians Faculty Review Board IUPUI-Campus Development Committee IUPUI-20th Birthday Institute for Humanities Research Ordering Procedures for 7100 Oxford Project Pan Am Games Paton Book Collection 15 Photography Contest Professional Advisory Committee Public Relations Puppet Caravan, Berea College Outreach Serials Librarian Serials Task Force Special Funding-Government Grant Special Funding-IU Foundation Special Funding-Lynn Merritt Special Funding-Office of Academic Affairs Special Funding-Office of Research and Development Special Libraries Association Search and Screen, Head of Public Services UA 28 – page 12

Contents Box Story Hour at Herron Library Student Show at Bloomington Library Director=s Files, 1977-1993 Emergency Procedures Handbook Faculty Handbook Faculty Council Minutes AThe 18-20 Plan: Recommendations for Changes@ AIUPUI Community Services, 1979-1981" AIUPUI=s Complexity@ AIndiana University on the Threshold of the 21st Century@ AA Library Resource Center for Science and Technology@ ALibrary Services to the Handicapped at IUPUI University Library@ Office of the Registrar Enrollment Reports AReport of Facilities and Resources Task Force, IUPUI Mission Project@ AReport of the Task Force on Access to Machine Readable Data Bases@ AUniversity Libraries Development Task Force Report@ AThe Work of the Faculty at IUPUI@ IUPUI Network Committee Minutes and Materials Indiana University Libraries Annual Reports 16 AState of the Libraries (Bloomington)@ IUPUI University Libraries Annual Reports IUPUI University Libraries Annual Statistics IUPUI University Libraries Blake Street Libraries Annual Statistics IUPUI University Libraries Herron School of Art Library Annual Reports IUPUI University Libraries Science and Engineering Library Annual Reports and Statistics IUPUI University Libraries School of Physical Education Library Annual Reports and Statistics IUPUI University Libraries Departments Annual Reports and Statistics IUPUI University Libraries Technical Services Annual Reports IUPUI University Libraries Library Material Accounts Statement IUPUI University Libraries Unit Heads Notes IUPUI University Libraries Unit Heads Notes 17 IUPUI University Libraries Miscellaneous Forms Library Planning Committee Administrative Computing Advisory Committee (ACAC) Bloomington Campus Faculty Documents Council of Deans Minutes and Memoranda School of Medicine Library Annual Reports Student Services Task Force Reports Indiana University Libraries Faculty Council (IULFC) Records, 1974-1988 18 Secretary=s Notebook Minutes, Elections and Ballots, and Memoranda, UA 28 – page 13

Contents Box Minutes, Elections and Ballots, and Committee Records Rosters and Correspondence Operating Guidelines, Review Board, P & T Committee, Faculty Annual Standards Report, Committee Lists Minutes and Correspondence Elections and Ballots Agenda, Minutes, and Correspondence IUPUI Library Faculty 1991-1996 All-University Library Faculty Council, 1974-1977 Computer Evaluation Articles, 1991 Library Information System and Proposals, 1991-1992 Archivist=s Files,1958-1973 Indiana Library Association National Library Week Special Libraries Association White House Conference on Aging Forms Sent to Faculty Social Work and Engineering and Technologies Libraries Computer Technology Information, 1993-1994 19 Archivist=s Files, 1953-1973 Adult Education Council Records Earning Opportunities for Mature Workers, U.S. Department of Labor ALibrary on the Move@ T-shirt, 1993 20 Library Director=s Files, 1976-1997 21 E-mail and Memoranda Children=s Museum Budget Presentation Salary Equity Study University Library Workshop on Philanthropy Videotapes Horizon Kickoff Project Videotape University Library Stories on WISH TV8 Videotape ANew Learning Communities: Integrating Networks and Networked Information into Undergraduate Teaching and Learning@ Videotape University Library Under Construction Videotape ATeaching, Technology and Collaborative Learning: Developing a Model for Instructional Teams@ Videotape Center on Philanthropy 22 Regional Campuses= Libraries Library Steering Committee Briefing Videotape, 1993 AForefront Group, Inc. Virtual Notebook System@ Videotape, n.d. IUPUI University Libraries Project Kick-Off Meeting Videotape, 1992 AIndiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis by the Year 2000: Extending the Promise, 1991-1993" Videotape, 1993 UA 28 – page 14

Contents Box ANetworked Information and the Scholar@ Videotape, 1994 AIU Update@ Videotape, 1995 University Library Spot Videotape, n.d. AIUPUI: Preserving the Trust@ Videotape, 1992 AThe Office of Learning Technologies: A Partner in Building the Future@ Videotape, 1991 AMicrosoft Information at Your Fingertips@ Videotape, n.d. Apple Macintosh CD, n.d. Library Director=s Files, 1972-1998 23 Council of Head Librarians Frontier in American Culture Exhibit Unit Heads Policy Manual Horizon Project King Arthur Exhibit Library Planning Project Library Salary Study Collection Development Special Collection Long Range Plan Committee Peirce Project Library Building Project Computer-Related Publications, 1992-1993 24 AIUPUI Development Plan: 1988-2000,@ 1988 AIndiana University Libraries Continuing Education/Staff Development Plan,@ 1976 AA Review and Recommendations for the Organization and Delivery of Student Support Services at IUPUI,@ 1983 IUPUI Network Committee, 1987-1988 AIUPUI: Extending the Promise,@ 1993 Indiana University Publications, 1988-1995 AUndergraduate Education Center Student Manual, 1993-1994" AResponsibility Center Management: An Assessment of the Last Five Years, 1989- 1994" APreliminary Report IUPUI Goals and Objectives Committee,@ 1973 ATask Force on Faculty Appointments and Advancements Implementation Plan,@ 1993 AUniversity Safety Manual of Policies and Procedures,@ 1974 Instructions for Accessing IO, 1989 ALibraries-Link to Learning: Final Report Indiana Governor=s Conference on Libraries and Information Services,@ 1990 AFaculty Guide for Educational Adaptation,@ 1992 Office Equipment, 1989 IUPUI Publications, 1984-1995 IUPUI Information Technology Plan, 1994 Library Data Network, 1993 UA 28 – page 15

Contents Box New Library Building Interior Information 25 Photographs, Library Dedication, 1994 Joint Application Design (JAD) Documents, 1992 Gateway/Workstation/Multi-Media Detail Design Phase Report, 1993 Gateway/Workstation Project Proposal, 1990 Draft of Multi-Media Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 A Proposal for the Gateway, Workstation Platform, and Multi-Media Systems Projects for the Library Information Systems Implementation at IUPUI, 1992 Periodicals Task Force Final Report, 1993 Team B Documents, 1993 CIALSA Board Book, 1987 CIALSA Records, 1978-1981 Workstation Test Plan Execution Results (Workstation Prototype, 1993 26 Workstation Test Plan Execution Results (Workstation User Interface), 1993 Gateway Test Plan/Gateway Test Plan Execution Report, 1993 Information System Project-Steering Committee Documents, 1992-1993 Draft, Gateway Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 Draft, Workstation Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 Proposal for a Systems Plan for the Library of Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, 1988 Xerox Proposal to IUPUI Office of Library Services for Electronic Open Library Program, 1992 Xerox Reference Guide for IUPUI, ca. 1992 University of Phoenix Library Catalog Demonstration, n.d. Indiana University System COM Catalog, 1977-1985 NOTIS Support for the Private Academic Institutions of Indiana (Boss Report), 1988 Library Computer Network Information, 1994-1997 Paul Peters Award, 1998 I.O. Staff Training Newsletter, ca. 1989 Patent Agreements, 1986 Validity of the IUPUI Placement Test Scores for Course Placement: 1995-1996 Project Alexandria - Park Tudor, 1993-1994 San Francisco Public Library, ca. 1996 Seneca College, 1997 SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), n.d. Sigma Theta Tau, 1991 Computerworld Smithsonian Laureates Orientation Dinner, 2000 School of Social Work, 1982-1995 Council on Social Work Education Commission on Accreditation, ca.1974 School of Library and Information Science, 1974-1981 School of Science, 1974-1997 27 Staff Development, 1986-1996 Special Expenses, 1980 UA 28 – page 16

Contents Box SDC Proposals, 1996-1997 Howard Schaller, 1994 School of Public and Environmental Affairs, 1977-1997 IUPUI Planning and Institutional Improvement, 1996-1998 Outsourcing, 1995 School of Nursing, 1976-1997 NOTIS, 1983-1994 NREN, 1991 Neal, James G., 1994 Hypermedia=s 1996 Conference Indiana Department of Education, 1989 Japan Foundation Grant, 1982-1996 Lee, Desmond, 1998 Lucier, Richard, 1998 Microlinx, 1983-1986 University of Monterrey, 1997-1998 Hitachi Foundation Proposal, 1998 IUPUI Undergraduate Education Center, 1993-1997 Telecommunications, 1984-1999 TLTR (Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable) Summer Institute, 1997 IUPUI Team Project, 1997 IU Summer Project Tech Deans Meeting, 1997-1998 AThe Frontier in American Culture@ Exhibit, 1996 28 Lila Fredenburg, 1998 Charlie and Jeanetta Nelms, 1998 Duncan Nulty, 1998 School of Liberal Arts, 1975 -1998 Council on Undergraduate Education, 1989-1998 IUPUI Undergraduate Education Center (UEC), 1990-1996 Violence in the Workplace, n.d. Young Scholars Program, 1983-1985 George Mason University, 1992-1996 Museum Studies, 1994 Learn & Shop, 1979-1980 ITAC (Integrated Technologies Advisory Committee), 1995-1998 IU Institute for the Study of Intellectual Property and Education, 1997 IMAGIS, 1987-1992 Institute for Forensic Imaging, 1995 IHETS, 1995-1996 Ilchman, Warren F., 1997 Committee on Campus Recognition and Honors, 1998 Fitzpatrick, Christine, 1996 Task Force on Faculty Appointments and Advancements, 1998 UA 28 – page 17

Contents Box IUPUI Fact Book, ca. 1989-1993 FACET, 1996 Executive Information Technology Group, 1998 Ergonomics, 1995 Enrollment Management Plan, 1997 Elmore, Garland C., 1995 Economic Development and Graduate Education and Research Coordinating Committee, 1995-1996 Committee on the Disabled, 1990 Committee on Classroom Use, 1997 Collective Bargaining, 1975-1983 Challenged Materials, n.d. 29 Computerworld Smithsonian Awards, 2000 AThe Center Stage,@ 1997-1998 (Center for Teaching and Learning) Burlingame, Dwight, 1997 Center on Philanthropy Publications, 1992-1997 Center on Philanthropy 10th Anniversary, 1997 Career Center, 1992-1998 Academic/Administrative Office Files, 1992-1997 Bursar Office, 1984-1996 Indiana University Libraries Budget and Statistical Reports, 1994-1997 Boschmann, Erwin, 1996-1998 Blake, J. Herman, 1994 Horizon Project at IUPUI PowerPoint Presentation, 1997 Primary Peer Review Committee, 1979-1991 Application for John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 1993 IUPUI University Library Painter=s Cap and Shoestrings, 1993 Library Information, 1992 New Library, 1993 Library Committee Lists, 1992 Library May Meeting, 1993 Student Draft Letter, ca. 1992 Publications - Cost, 1992 Poster - Proofs and Estimates, 1992 Floor Plans, ca. 1992 Time Line, 1992 Tour Notes, n.d. Library - Publications, 1992 Sagamore, 1992 Sagamore Articles, 1992 Openings and Dedications, 1992 Budget for Library, 1992 IU Alumni Magazine, 1992 UA 28 – page 18

Contents Box Electronic/Telecom Sheet, 1992 Library Update, ca. 1992 Questions and Answers, n.d. Questions and Answers - Approved, 1992 Fact Sheet, 1992 General Information, 1990-1992 Clippings, 1993 Information Committee, n.d. Library Material, 1992-1993 Library Book Brigade, 1993 Director=s Files, 1965-1996 30 Unit Heads Meeting Minutes, 1992-1995 Gifts, 1974-1994 Gift Acknowledgments, 1972-1989 Friends of the Library, 1979-1993 Friends of the Library - Renew Letter, 1986 Friends of the Library - Fund Raising Ideas, 1986 Friends of the Library - Acknowledgment, 1986-1988 Grants, 1983-1997 IUPUI Library Faculty, 1977-1994 LSCA (Library Services and Construction Act), 1977 31 Kleinman, Neil, 1991 North Central Association (NCA), 1990-1992 NCA Self-Study, 1977-1993 IUPUI 20th Anniversary, 1989 News Clippings, 1974-1988 National Institute for Fitness and Sport, 1985-1986 NCA Decennial Evaluation, 1976 NCA Resumes, 1989 Mission Project-Facilities and Resources Task Force, 1985-1987 Matthew=s Memorabilia, n.d. Maudine Williams Retirement, 1991 Brey Retirement, 1988 Jeannette Matthew Retirement, 1987 William Mayles Retirement, 1988 Promotion and Tenure, 1977-1992 Police, IUPUI, 1990-1996 International Programs, 1977-1995 32 Planning and Procedure Committee, 38th Street, 1974-1977 Inventory, 1977-1993 Peirce Edition Project, 1994 Book Sale, 1978-1994 IU Press, 1989-1990 UA 28 – page 19

Contents Box IU Press Book Sale, 1986-1990 Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington, 1984-1994 Library Materials (Account 12-988-00), 1979-1993 33 Library Materials (Account 23-988-40), 1979-1993 Library Materials, Account Columbus Center, 1978-1986 Library Materials - Additional One-Time Funds, 1985-1986 Library Material Allotments - IU Bloomington, 1974-1986 Annual Reviews, 1989 Accreditation, 1965-1971 Bibliographic Instruction, 1980-1992 Blind and Visually Impaired, 1977-1992 Blueprints - Blake Street Library, 1974-1975 Blueprints - 38th Street, 1979 Budget, 1970-1971 Budget - Herron School of Art, 1976 Budget - Library Material Allotment, 1975-1982 Budget - Library Material Allotment, 1978-1981 34 Budget - Preparation, 1995-1996 Budget - Reports, 1976-1979 Budget - Requests, 1971-1995 Budget - Reserves, 1981-1982 Circulation Department, 1976-1996 Collections - Burns Collection, 1983-1986 Collections - Center for Research Libraries Children=s Books, 1990 Collections - Heiss Collection, 1987 Collections - Heller Collection, 1973-1979 IUPUI Library Committee, 1966-1971 35 Library Coordination Committee, 1988-1990 Library Information Systems Steering Committee, 1993-1994 OPAC Automation Advisory Committee, 1989-1991 Council of Head Librarians, 1991-1994 Christmas Parties, 1980-1994 Development, 5-Year Plan, 1989-1994 Dinofest, 1994 Employee Information Binder, 1993-1996 Equipment/Furniture, 1979-1989 Correspondence, General, 1981-1990 Fund Raising, 1982-1987 Fund Raising, 1988-1994 36 Budgetary and Fiscal Affairs, Office of, 1984-1996 Campaign for Indiana, 1985-1988 Campus Equipment Plus, 1980-1996 Cataloging Department, 1984 UA 28 – page 20

Contents Box Center for Study of Religion in American Culture, 1989 Children=s Museum of Indianapolis, 1990-1991 CIALSA (Central Indiana Area Library Services Authority, 1975-1993 Annual Reviews, 1977-1981 Brey, Frank - Correspondence, 1972-1973 Library Staff Association, 1970-1975 37 Regional Campus Libraries, 1968-1973 Schaller, Howard G., 1982-1988 University Libraries/Integrated Technologies, 1993-1995 Integrated Technologies Advisory Committee, 1989-1993 University Library Faculty Organization - Promotion and Tenure Committee Notebook, 1983-1991 Grants - Library Services and Construction Act Grant Requests, 1977-1981 Grants - Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell Grant, 1976-1980 Indianapolis Foundation - Correspondence, 1993-1995 38 Indianapolis Foundation - Grants, 1994 HEH Title II, 1970-1983 Past Title II Funds, 1966-1974 Title II Reporting for 1973-1974 Holidays, 1982-1988 History Department, 1983-1985 HEGIS/LIBGIS, 1975-1988 IBM, 1978-1993 Herron School of Art Library, 1974-1994 IO (Information Online), 1985-1995 Annual Reports, 1973-1991 39 Government Documents, 1991 IO-JAD, 1992 NOTIS, 1989-1990 Indiana University Foundation, 1989-1995 Ameritech Library Services, 1994 Library Information Systems - Informa, 1992 Library Information Systems, 1994 New Library Prospect Reports, 1988-1990 Publicity, 1988-1995 Release and Waiver Forms, n.d. Library Security, 1986-1992 Signage, 1993 Special Collections and Archives, 1988-1989 Stacks/Shelves, 1992 Building Technology, 1988-1990 Technical Services, 1989-1993 UA 28 – page 21

Contents Box Wiring/Electrical, 1990-1991 Bid Documents, 1989-1990 Furniture, 1992-1995 40 Book Brigade, 1993 HNTB Correspondence, 1991-1993 Groundbreaking, 1990 HNTB Correspondence/Meeting Notes, 1990 Bidding Documents Addendum #1-#3, 1990 Indiana Bell, 1988-1989 Movers, 1993 Noyes, Clara, 1989 Pictures, 1989 Planning, 1987-1988 Progress Meetings, 1991-1994 New Library, 1990-1994 Ameritech, 1989-1990 41 Architecture, 1988-1992 Articles, 1986-1990 Cables, 1989-1992 Carpet, 1992 Construction Funds, 1989 Dedication, 1993-1994 Equipment, 1992 Fund Raising, 1989-1995 Donations, 1988-1995 RFI - Request for Information, 1992 RFI - Request for Proposal, 1990-1992 Annual Report Working Papers, 1981-1984 Annual reports, Working Papers, and Statistics, 1984-1995 42 IUPUI Library Project Manual, 1990-1991 43 External Fund Raising Kit 48, 1978 Research Leave Proposals, 1988-1993 Indiana University Property Management Manual, 1988 AFair Use, Education, and Libraries: A Town Meeting to Examine the Conference on Fair Use,@ 1997 Indianapolis Foundation, 1991-1993 Indiana University-Bloomington Academic Guide, 1984 Indiana University Network University Service Environment (USE) 44 Transparencies, 1991 John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Awards Scrapbook, 1993 IO Library Location Codes, ca. 1990 Library Floor Plans, ca. 1993 Archivist=s Files, 1904-1995 45 UA 28 – page 22

Contents Box IUPUI Library 5-Year Development Plan, 1989 New Library IBM Information System Project, 1992-1993 Integrated Technologies, 1994-1995 New Library Building, 1981-1994 Moving Plans (To New Library Building), 1993 IUPUI Library Unit Heads, 1992-1995 Library Dedication Committee, 1993-1994 Peer Review Committee, 1987-1993 Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1988-1994 IUPUI University Libraries Faculty Organization, 1993-1994 Salary Equity Committee, 1994-1995 SET II, III Exhibit, 1990-1991 Unit Heads, 1990-1992 46 Indiana University Libraries Faculty Council, 1987 University Library Faculty, 1975-1988 Shelving Assembly Instructions, 1983 Statement of Wage Budget, 1975-1986 Correspondence - Letters of Recommendation, 1973-1986 Videocassette Tape - Eric Pumroy on Coffee Club Show, 1994 47 Cassette Tapes Box Lists, ca. 1987 University Library Faculty Organization (ULFO), 1981-1993 Correspondence - General, 1975-1987 Correspondence Internal/Director Library, 1974-1987 Correspondence and Memos - Reference, 1975-1987 Kardex, 1990-1992 Statistics, 1979-1987 Archives Needs, 1978-1980 48 Archives Projection, 1979-1989 Archivists Counterpart Group, 1986 Notice to Committee Chairmen for Minutes, 1976 Correspondence - Archives Specific Collections, ca. 1975-1981 To the New IUPUI Archivist, 1986-1987 Correspondence - Indiana Student Financial Aid Association and Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid, 1987 State of the IUPUI Archives, 1986 Correspondence, 1981-1982 Faculty Annual Summary Reports for Jeannette Matthew, 1976-1981 Archives Paperwork, 1980-1982 NHPRC (National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 1986- 1987 Correspondence - General, 1981-1993 Internal Memos - General, 1974-1987 Center on Philanthropy, 1987-1992 UA 28 – page 23

Contents Box Microfilming Project, 1990-1992 Philanthropy Conference, 1989-1991 Fund Raising Paper, 1994 Deaccessioning - Lists and Correspondence, 1988-1990 POLIS - Archives Project, 1989-1992 Suzanne Rollins - Historic Landmarks Projects, 1992 Preservation Planning Committee, Indiana State Archives, 1989 General Papers and Final Report to Lilly Endowment, 1992-1995 Indianapolis Foundation Cataloging Grant, 1994 Collection Development Council, 1993-1995 Turners: 1905 Athletic Festival, 1987 Maennerchor Info, 1904-1985 American Turners Central States District, 1990 Indiana German Heritage Society, 1989 1991 Turnfest, 1991 German-American Bibliography, 1989-1991 Athenaeum Turners Project, 1988-1992 Maennerchor, 1988-1992 Oscar Frenzel Reception, 1989 Indiana Heritage Research Grant, 1988 American Turner Announcements, 1989 Max Kade Institute Proposal, 1992 IHRG Budget, 1988-1990 Indiana Heritage Research Grant Final Report, 1989 German-American Conference, 1990 Athenaeum Museum, 1993 Athenaeum, 1979-1980 Athenaeum Records, 1978-1985 Turners, 1973-1985 Athenaeum, 1992-1993 Athenaeum Exhibit, 1993-1994 Max Fisch Library - Appraisal List, 1986 44 American Turners Project Files, 1990-1995 49 NEH Application Instructions and Forms, 1992 NEH Proposal, Early Form, 1991 NEH Proposal, 1992 NEH Final Proposal, 1992 NEH Grant Awards, 1992-1994 Interim Performance Report, 1994 Extension Paperwork, 1994 Statistics, 1994 Final Report, 1995 Correspondence with Board Members Before NEH Grant, 1990-1992 UA 28 – page 24

Contents Box Advisory Board Correspondence, 1991-1995 1st Advisory Board Meeting, 1993 2nd Advisory Board Meeting, 1995 NEH Budget, 1992-1994 Receipts for Travel, 1993-1995 Expenditure Logs, 1993-1995 Finances, 1993-1995 Orders and Memoranda Regarding Budget, 1994-1995 Post Office Request Forms, 1993-1995 NEH - Receipts, 1993 Project Archivist/Job Description and Search, 1993 (RESTRICTED) Travel Authorizations, 1993-1994 Applications for Assistantships, 1993-1994 (RESTRICTED) Staff Time Sheets, 1994-1995 Time Logs, 1993-1995 Oral History Project, 1994 Correspondence - Ed Colton, 1994 General Correspondence, 1987-1994 Correspondence - National Office, 1993-1995 Correspondence - Turner Societies Lists and Addresses, 1993 Correspondence - Individual Societies, California-Missouri, 1993-1994 Correspondence - Individual Societies, Missouri-Wisconsin, 1993-1994 50 Correspondence about Defunct Societies, California-Wisconsin, 1993-1994 Correspondence - Independent Turner Societies, California, 1993-1994 Correspondence - Survey Forms, 1993 Correspondence - Repositories, Alabama-Wisconsin, 1993-1994 Society Histories, Alabama-Wyoming, 1993-1994 51 Histories - Biographical Dictionary of the Forty-Eighters, n.d. Histories - Biographies, ca. 1994 Histories - Districts, ca. 1994 Histories - Normal College, ca. 1994 Histories - Story of Turnerism, ca. 1994 Histories - Turners in the Civil War, ca. 1950s-1990s Address Cards, ca. 1993 Computer, ca. 1993 Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1993-1995 Donations, 1989-1990 German-American Materials, 1990-1994 German Society of Pennsylvania, 1994 Hoyt, Dolores, 1985-1992 Jeannette Matthew=s Correspondence about the Turners, 1984-1985 Publications and Correspondence about the American Turners Project, 1993- 1994 UA 28 – page 25

Contents Box Publications about German and German-American History, 1993-1994 Publications about German-Americans, 1994 Publications from Historical Organizations, 1993-1995 Inter-Library Loan Requests, 1993-1994 52 Public Service Announcements, 1994 American Sokol Organization, 1993 Travel - Trip Directions, 1993 Turnfest, 1991 Turnverein Conference, 1991 Bibliography, ca. 1994 IUPUI Holdings - Turner Collection Papers, 1990 IUPUI Holdings - Turner Publications, 1994 IUPUI Holdings - Turner/German Books, 1991 IUPUI Holdings - Turner Books from the Normal College Library, 1991 IUPUI Holdings - Turner Collections, ca. 1994 Indiana State Library Turner Materials, 1994 Library of Congress Turner Materials, 1993 National Office Records, 1993 Other Turner Records, 1994 Source Survey List, 1994 University of Cincinnati German American Collection, 1995 NEH Research Guide on Turner Records, 1994-1995 Survey Responses, 1993-1994 Societies/Individuals That Did not Respond to Survey, 1993-1994 American Turners Honorary Members List, 1993-1994 Archivist=s Files, 1951-1974 Educational T.V., Early Planning, 1962 Mayor=s Community-Manpower Planning Committee, 1962-1963 YWCA Long-Range Planning Committee, 1962 Indiana State Adult Education Association, 1959 Library Action Planning Committee, 1955-1963 Parliamentary Law Course, n.d. Adult Education Council, 1956-1963 Indiana Library Planning Committee, 1958-1959 Earning Opportunity for Mature Workers plus Follow-Up Committee, 1960 53 White House Conference on Aging, 1960 SLA Aging in Indiana - Wilson Award for NLW, 1961 NLW - Aging in Indiana - The Project, 1961 AAUP - IUPUI Chapter, 1972-1976 Fort Benjamin Harrison Library, 1952 44 Special Libraries Association - National, 1956-1964 53 National Library Week - Indiana, 1963-1964 Special Libraries Association - Indiana, 1955-1974 UA 28 – page 26

Contents Box ATen Negro Artists from the United States,@ 1966 SLA Indiana Recruitment, 1958-1963 Speeches by Jeannette Matthew, 1958-1982 Publications from or about the Herron School of Art, 1940-1986 Community Resources Publications, 1961-1967 Special Libraries Association Publications, 1978 Adult Education Council Publications, 1955-1962 Archivist=s Files, 1950-1987 54 Jeannette Matthew=s Retirement, 1987 Downtown Campus, 1971-1978 Bibliography on the Negro, 1969 Michael Reynolds - Correspondence and Memos, 1967-1968 James Foyle - Correspondence and Memos, 1966-1967 Miscellaneous Memoranda, 1954-1970 Library Budget, 1948-1957 Library Committee, 1955-1965 Budget, 1959-1969 Library Budget Reports, 1971-1974 Book Budget List, n.d. Job Descriptions, 1951-1952 Annual Reports, Bloomington Libraries, 1968 Divisional Committee Library, 1959-1960 Faculty Annual Reports, 1949-1954 Ordering Procedures and Budgets, 1948-1963 Inter-Library Loan Policy, 1954-1964 Downtown Campus Library Faculty Inter-Library Loan Questionnaire Compilations, 1966 Inter-Library Loan Book Delivery, 1973 Indianapolis Regional Campus and Division of Social Service Periodical Holdings, 1960s Downtown Campus and Social Service Library, 1964 Mail and Bindery Manuals, 1968 Acquisition Department Procedures, 1971 Downtown Campus Faculty Assembly Records, 1965-1969 Divisional Library Committee, 1960-1963 AAUP IUPUI Chapter, 1973-1975 Special Libraries Association, 1974 Extension and Social Services Libraries Users= Guide, 1960-1966 Budget, 1968-1969 Regional Campus Libraries Self-Survey, 1965-1966 Dean Carl Jackson Memoranda, 1973-1974 Order Clerk Job Description, 1972 Librarians= Status, 1972-1973 UA 28 – page 27

Contents Box Indianapolis Area Librarians Group (Librarians Committee of CUE), 1975 3M Circulation System, 1976 Flex Time, 1979 IU Library System: Affirmative Action, 1973-1975 Adult Education Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, 1968 Library Budget, 1966-1969 Regional Campus Office, 1964 Computer Task Force, 1976-1982 55 University Library Librarians, 1981-1983 Acquisitions Department Manual of Procedures, 1970 Dedication Committee - Cavanaugh Hall, Library, Lecture Hall, 1970 Library Staff Manual, 1960-1967 Staff Minutes, 1967-1968 Social Service Library Budget, 1967-1968 Library Fines, 1968-1969 Staff Meetings, 1971 Equipment - New Building, 1969-1970 Library Expansion, 1958-1959 Furniture - New Building, 1969-1970 Library Growth and Expansion, 1961-1965 44 Book Selection Party, 1968 55 Statistics, 1951-1965 Social Service Library - Miscellaneous, 1948-1962 ALiterature of the Humanities,@ Graduate Library School Course Outline, 1968 Acquisitions Department Procedures Manual, 1976 Library Committee, 1968-1969 Regional Libraries Organization and Accreditation, 1967-1969 Library Committee, 1962-1963 Reference, 1962-1971 Instructions for the Faculty Annual Summary Report, 1969 IUPUI Calendar, Rules for Calendar Construction, 1971 IU Graduate School of Social Service Current Serials, 1969 Library Space Needed by 1980, 1962 Library Statistics, 1965 Downtown Campus Library Floor Plans, n.d. IU Library System - Policies, etc., 1960s Personnel, 1950s (RESTRICTED) Special Libraries Association, 1966 AAUP IUPUI Chapter, 1974-1975 IUPUI University Libraries System Design Project: Technical Team Quality Review Board, 1992-1993 IUPUI University Libraries Information System Design Project: Related Projects, Statistics, Time Accounting (WK) (GW) Project Name, 1991-1992 UA 28 – page 28

Contents Box Associate Dean=s Files, 1977-1997 56 Maps, 1977-1980 Budget, 1985-1988 Article on Electronic Recordkeeping, 1997 Inventory, 1977-1983 Budget, 1976-1992 Technical Services - Planning for New Library, 1989-1991 IUPUI University Libraries Information Systems Design Project: Contract, Schedule of Work, and Negotiations, 1991-1993 Supporting Documentation for TCP/IP Software, 1993 Supporting Documentation for the NeXT Platform, 1992 Television Systems, Inc., Synergistic Technologies, Inc., Sony, 1992 57 Supporting Documentation for Core Switch, 1992 IUPUI University Libraries Information Systems Design Project: Conceptual, Design Team, Materials, 1992-1993 IUPUI University Libraries Information Systems Design Project: ADA, 1992-1993 Supporting Documentation for the DOS/Windows Platform, 1992 IUPUI Library Project Sun Platform Analysis, Supporting Documentation, Documents WC001-WC050, 1992 IUPUI Library Project Sun Platform Analysis, Supporting Documentation, Documents WC051-WC100, 1992 Supporting Documentation for LAN Switch, 1992 Supporting Documentation for DOS Session Server, 1992-1993 A Proposal for the Gateway, Workstation Platform, and Multi-Media Systems Projects for the Library Information Systems Implementation at IUPUI (Ameritech), 1992 TAG Reports, 1990-1992 Project and Project Request Procedures, 1989-1991 58 OPACS Library Automation, 1994-1995 Multi-Media Implementation Book #1, 1994 Multi-Media Implementation Book #2, 1994-1995 UL/IT Management Team, 1995 IBM Proposal, 1992 Americable Information, ca. 1992 Image System, 1994-1995 Operating Instructions and Price Lists, 1980-1992 Donna Burrow=s Files, 1990-1991 Equipment Proposal for IUPUI (Communications Systems Group), 1994 Multi-Media Library System Design, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Draft, Multi-Media Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 Supporting Documentation for Gateway Servers, ca. 1992 Supporting Documentation for Gateway Servers, 1992 UA 28 – page 29

Contents Box Supporting Documentation for the Sun/UNIX Platform, 1992 59 Supporting Documentation for FAX Servers, 1992 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Draft, Multi-Media Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 Supporting Documentation for User Interface, 1993 Supporting Documentation for Hubs, 1991-1992 Supporting Documentation for Hubs, 1992 Supporting Documentation for Modems, 1992-1993 Integrated Technology External Review, 1994-1995 Supporting Documentation for the Novell Platform, 1992 Supporting Documentation for Terminal Servers, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Multi-Media Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Gateway Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 Library Project Implementation, 1993-1994 60 PC LAN Administration Technology Series, 1989-1990 Budget, Technology, 1994 Working Manual, 1994 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation Prototype Test Plan, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation User Interface Test Plan, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation CD-ROM Test Plan, 1993 CICS Transaction Codes and Data Descriptions, 1989-1990 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Functional Requirements List, 1992 Peirce-Phelps, Inc. Quotation for Interactive Multimedia System, 1994 The Workplace Workbook: An Illustrated Guide to Job Accommodation and Assistive Technology, 1992 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation Prototype Test Plan, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation CD-ROM Test Plan, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation User Interface Test Plan, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation User Interface Test 61 Plan, 1993 IUPUI University Libraries System Design Project: Networks Gateway, 1988-1992 Supporting Documentation for Adaptive Technologies, 1992 Supporting Documentation for the CD-ROM Server, 1992 UA 28 – page 30

Contents Box IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation Test Plan Execution Results (Workstation Prototype), 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation Test Plan Execution Results (Workstation User Interface), 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Gateway Test Plan, Gateway Test Plan Execution Report, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Gateway/Workstation/Multi-Media Detail Design Phase Report, 1993 Supporting Documentation for the Macintosh Platform, 1992-1993 Supporting Documentation for the Macintosh Platform (Client, Server, CD-ROM, User Interface Development), 1993 Supporting Documentation for the Macintosh Platform (Hardware Support), 1992 Supporting Documentation for the Macintosh Platform (Applications), 1993 Supporting Documentation for the Macintosh Platform (Operating System), 1992 62 Supporting Documentation for the Macintosh Platform (Applications), Part 2, 1993 Supporting Documentation for the Macintosh Platform (Hardware Peripheral Support), 1992 Supporting Documentation for the DOS/Windows Platform (Applications), 1992 Supporting Documentation for the DOS/Windows Platform (Application Software), 1992 Supporting Documentation for the Operating System/2 Platform (Hardware, Peripherals, Operating System), 1992 Supporting Documentation for the Operating System/2 Platform (Applications, Physically Challenged, Server), 1992 Supporting Documentation for the Operating System/2 Platform (Multimedia, CD- ROM, User Interface Development, Notes), 1992 Supporting Documentation for the Operating System/2 Platform (Hardware and Software Matrix), 1992 University Computing Services, 1992 IUPUI Library Information System Project Plan (IBM), 1992 Ameritech: New Library Integration/Implementation Plan, 1990 OPAL-R Electronic Course Reserves System, 1995 INFORMA Conference Information, 1992 IUPUI University Libraries Systems Design Project: Databases Software and 63 Steering Committee Monthly Updates, 1992-1991 IUPUI University Libraries Information Systems Design Project: Multi-Media Sub- Project, 1992 IBM, 1989-1992 PatMan Pages, 1992 Lexmark, 1992 Library Information System Proposal for IUPUI by Digital Equipment Corp., 1992 Technology Manual, 1990 Financial Information System: Capital Asset Document Group and Capital Assets UA 28 – page 31

Contents Box Maintenance Document, 1995 IUPUI University Libraries Information Systems Design Project: Working Manual, 1993 Library Operations Management, 1994 Staff Upgrades, 1994 64 IUPUI Development Plan: 1988-2000, second draft, 1988 IUPUI University Library Information Systems Plan: Current Situation and Requirements Report, 1989 IUPUI University Library Information Systems Plan: Integration Implementation Plan, 1990 IUPUI University Library Information Systems Plan: Conceptual Solution and Integration Design Report, 1989 IUPUI University Library Information Systems Plan: Systems Integration Master Plan: Realizing the Vision, 1990 Library Coordination Committee, 1990 Library Project, 1989-1990 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation Prototype Test Plan, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation User Interface Test Plan, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation CD-ROM Test Plan, 1993 IUPUI Library Information System Documentation, Scripts and Screens, ca. 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Gateway/Workstation/Multi-Media Detail Design Phase Report, 1993 IUCARE, 1987-1991 IUPUI Library Information System: Request for Information Response (Ameritech), 1991 Solutions Notebook, IUPUI/IBM Project, 65 IUPUI University Libraries Project, 1992 IUPUI Library Information System Project, 1992 Supporting Documentation for the DOS/Windows Platform: Hardware Support, Server, 1992-1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project, 1992 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Draft, Gateway Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Draft, Workstation Feasibility/Requirements Phase Report, 1993 Library Information System Proposal for IUPUI (Digital Equipment Corp.), 1992 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation Prototype Test Plan, 1993 IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation User Interface Test Plan, 1993 UA 28 – page 32

Contents Box IUPUI/IBM Library Information System Project: Workstation CD-ROM Test Plan, 1993 Supporting Documentation for TCP/IP Software, 1992 Supporting Documentation for Gateway Servers, 1992 LMB Price List, 1992 Response to Request for Information (Sun Microsystems, Inc.), 1990 Xerox Proposal to IUPUI for Electronic Open Library Program, 1992 Biennial Budget, 1995 – 1997 66 Budget, 1989 – 1991 IUPUI Libraries Wages 1993 – 1994 1987 – 1988 1995, public services pay period 1 – 2, 6 - 27 Statistics Pre-1988 1989 – 1995 Circ. 1993 Cataloging dept., 1994 – 1995 Acquisition, 1994 - 1996 Wage Budget, 1994 – 1995 Wage Budget Request, 1994 – 1995 Annual Reports, 1978 – 1991 Technical Services Annual Report, 1994 – 1995 Promotion and Tenure, 1973 – 1995, 1991 – 1999 Technical Services, Annual Report, 1990 – 1995 IUPUI University Library Statistics, 1990 -1995 IU Libraries Statistics Reporting Forms, 1995 -1998 Center on Southeast Asia, 1991 – 1996 67 Academic Affairs – Faculty Council, 1997 - 1999 Child Care Center, 1997 IU - Columbus, 1998 IUPUI Center for Teaching + Learning, 1995 – 1999 Center on Philanthropy Fund Raising Schools, 2000 – 2005 Funding Proposal, 1998 General Correspondence, 1993 - 2002 Correspondence Miscellaneous, 1983 – 1998 Budgetary Affairs Committee, 1997 – 2001 Brand, Myles, President of Indiana University, 1999 – 2002 Bonderman IUPUI-IRT National Youth, Theatre Playwriting Symposium Banquet, 1999 Board of Trustees, 1980 – 2001 Big 12 Plus Libraries Consortium UA 28 – page 33

Contents Box Virginia Berry, 1996 Bepko, Gerald L. V.P., 1996 – 2003 General Memos, 1997 – 2002 Assessment, 1990 – 1994 Faculty Development, 1995 – 1997 Task Force to Review Faculty & Senior Staff Development, 1997 – 1998 Environmental Safety Committee, 1995 ET – accreditation (main & historical folder in Head’s files), 1989 – 1992 Purdue School of Engineering Technology Reports, 1998 – 2003 Library Affairs Committee Meetings, 1995 – 1997 University Faculty Council, 1995 – 1997 Miscellaneous Committee Materials, 1989 - 1996 Faculty Council Nominating Committee, 1982 – 1997 School of Dentistry, 1998 Development Council – Indianapolis, 1993 – 1997 Center – Miscellaneous, 1996 – 1999 Campus Priorities Document, 1997 Campus Campaign, 1997 – 2004 Emergency Procedures, 1976 – 2003 IUPUI Organization Chart, 1995 – 1999 68 Office of Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education Budget, 1998 Peer Mediation, 1994 – 1998 Mayor’s High Technology Task Force, 1998 Libraries and Academic Publications, 1998 Interlibrary Loan figures, 1986 UCI Informatics Taskforce Report, 1997 Degree Proposal: Master of Science in Media Arts and Science, 1997 Special Funds Grant Proposal, Multimedia Collection for Music Studies, 1993 Intercollegiate Athletics, Proposal for NCAA Division I Status, 1997 The Information Commons, 1998 Older Adult Information Clearinghouse, 1996 Responsibility Center Budget, 1987 - 2000 Resource Access Project, 1998 POLIS Newsletter, 1997 – 2003 Police Reports, 1997 – 2002 Planning and Institutional Improvement, Annual Report, 1998 School of Physical Education, 1974 – 1986 Workshop on Philanthropy, 1997 Year 2000, 1997 – 1999 Task Force on the Status of Women Faculty, 1996 Commission on Women, 1998 – 1999 UITS Accomplishments Report, 2001 – 2002 UA 28 – page 34

Contents Box Information Technology, 1997 – 2001 Colloquium, 1998 University College, 1997 – 1999 Teaching compensation, 1986 Staff Survey, 1996 – 2001 Faculty Survey, 1998 – 1999 Student Survey and Information, 1991 – 1998 Statues – Ball Residence, 1998 Signage Program, 1997 Task Force on Service, 1996 Funds from International Studies, 1987 Yearly Statistics Reporting Forms, 1994 - 1997 Statistics: General Info & Notes, 1992 – 1998 Statistics: Sources of Information, 1995 – 1996 Planning and Institutional Improvement, 1994 – 1996 Statistics, 1994 Access Services Stats, 1997 – 1998 Acquisitions Statistics, 1994 – 1997 Statistics of Future, 1993 – 1998 Columbus Library Statistics, 1997 – 1998 Performance Report, 1996 – 2000 “Why We Matter”, Annual Report, 1998 – 1999 Policies and Administrative Correspondence, 1986 – 1999 69 IUPUI – Columbus Librarian Search, 1997 Herron Library, 1995 – 1998 Archives Committee Meeting, 1981 – 1996 Science & Engineering Library, 1984 – 1993 Ruth Lilly Medical Library Review Committee, 1996 Dana McDonald, 1983 – 1998 Medical Library Projects and Proposals, 1986 – 1998 School of Law, 1992 – 1997 Fire Protection, 1993 – 1996 Educational & Institutional Cooperative Services, Inc., 1997 Director of Library Info, Systems Position, 1998 Council of Head Librarians, 1997 - 2002 Status with ALS, 1999 Continuous Improvement Program, 1996 Selection of Electronic Resources, 1993 – 1994 Collection Development, 1981 – 1992 Cloonan Collection, 1979 Arthur Burks Visit, 1999 Jana Bradley, 1996 – 1997 Herron School of Art, 1997 – 1999 UA 28 – page 35

Contents Box Herron Library Mission Statement Herron, 1997 – 1999 Herron School of Art & Design, Annual Report, 2003 - 2004 Herron Building Program, 1997 – 1999 Herron Art Library, 1994 – 1999 Herron Visual Resources Collection, 1997 - 1998 Dentistry Library, 1982 – 1986 Columbus Academic Policies and Procedures Committee, 1986 – 1988 Academic Guidelines, Columbus Center, 1975 Funding Model IU Bloomington Library, 1983 – 2005 IUPUI University Libraries, 1996 – 1998 Herron Library Digitizing Slide Collection, 1996 70 90th Anniversary Celebration Planning Committee – Herron, 1996 – 1997 Herron – Arts Conservation Group, 1997 Herron – Program Review, 1997 – 1998 Herron Committee Program Review, 1997 Herron/Book Arts Collection, 1997 – 2001 Herron Library AMICO, 1997 – 2004 Herron Art Library – History, 1997 – 1999 Herron Art Library Renovation, 1988 – 2003 Special Collections and Archives, 1982 – 1997 Special Collections, 1990 – 1998 Solt Collection, 1997 Pamela and Stephen Reed Case, 1995 Security Survey, 1995 Roche Image Analysis System, 1993 – 1994 Research Leave Program, 1987 – 1994 Renovation of UL 1140, 1998 Campus General Repair & Rehabilitation Plan, 1997 - 1999 Plug-Ins, 1997 Philanthropic Activity, 1998 – 1999 Payton Philanthropic Library Correspondence, 1995 – 1999 Special Collections, Deed of Gift Form, 1996 – 1999 Philanthropic Studies Electronic Index, 1996 – 1997 Payton Library/Descritive material, 1995 Payton Library Friends, 1997 – 1998 Payton Rededication, 1998 – 1999 Payton Philanthropic Studies Library & Philanthropic Archival Collection, 1998 – 1999 Payton Library Relocation, 1997 – 1999 Payton Philanthropic Library Budget/Estimates, 1996 Payton – Prospects, 1996 – 1998 UA 28 – page 36

Contents Box Payton – Donors, 1995 – 2004 Murphy, Elizabeth, 1996 – 1997 Library Renovation, 1996 – 1997 Library Instruction, 1995 - 1996 Library Information System Management Team, 1995 – 1999 Director – Job Description, 1998 Library Hours, 1992 – 1999 Annual Report, 1985 – 1996 71 Statistics 1997 – 1998 Annual (Statistics) Report, 1996 – 1997 Research and Reference, 1997 – 1998 Access Team, 1996 – 1999 Planning Conversation Documentation, 2000 Business Affairs Team, 1997 – 1998 Administrative Support Team, 1996 – 2003 Acquisition Team, 1996 – 1997 Herron Art Library Team, 1997 - 1998 Library Electronic Initiatives Related to School/Community, 1998 Herron Library Team, 1996 – 1999 External Relations Team, 1996 – 1997 Executive Management Team, 1995 – 1996 Indianapolis and Central Indiana Technology Partnership Walden University, 1997 – 1998 Video Tour Transcripts UL 1140, 1998 Wright, Marie, 1997 – 2001 Tompkins, Philip, 1995 – 2000 Suzanne Thorin, 2000 – 2004 Digitization of the Teaching Images Slide Collection-Herron Proposal, 1996 Grants – 1st Round, 1995 – 1996 Grants – 2nd Round, 1996 Grants – 3rd Round, 1996 Performance Indicators, 1996 Strategic Directions & Initiative, 1996 - 1997 Subject Liaisons, 1981 – 1995 Standards, 1962 – 1987 Staff Lounge Committee Meetings, 1978 – 1994 Staff Development, 1997 Learning Community: Library Orientation, 2001 (video) Dolores Hoyt Files 72 School of Liberal Arts Correspondence, 2005 School of Liberal Arts Correspondence, 2002 – 2003 School of Liberal Arts Correspondence, 2000 – 2001 UA 28 – page 37

Contents Box School of Liberal Arts Correspondence, 1999 – 2000 School of Liberal Arts Correspondence, 1998 – 1999 School of Liberal Arts Correspondence, 1997 – 1998 School of Liberal Arts Correspondence, 1996 – 1997 School of Liberal Arts Correspondence, 1995 – 1996 SLA Serials, 2004 – 2005 Serial Request/Lists, 2004 – 2005 SLA Serials, 2003 – 2004 Serial Request/Lists, 2002 – 2003 Serial Request/Lists, 2001 – 2002 Serial Request/Lists, School of Liberal Arts, 2000 – 2001 Serial Request/Lists, School of Liberal Arts, 1999 – 2000 Serial Request/Lists, School of Liberal Arts, 1998 – 1999 Serial Request/Lists, School of Liberal Arts, 1997 – 1998 Serial Request/Lists, School of Liberal Arts, 1996 – 1997 Serial Request/Lists, School of Liberal Arts, 1995 – 1996 Serial Request/Lists, School of Liberal Arts, 1994 – 1995 Liberal Arts Journals, 1985 – 1989 Budget Reports/Web Based, School of Liberal Arts, 2004 – 2005 Budget Reports/Web Based, School of Liberal Arts, 2002 – 2003 Budget Reports/Web Based, School of Liberal Arts, 2001 – 2002 Budget Reports/Web Based, School of Liberal Arts, 2000 – 2001 Budget Reports/Web Based, School of Liberal Arts, 1999 – 2000 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 2005 – 2006 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 2004 – 2005 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 2003 – 2004 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 2002 – 2003 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 2001 – 2002 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 2000 – 2001 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 1999 – 2000 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 1998 – 1999 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 1997 – 1998 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 1996 – 1997 Budget, School of Liberal Arts, 1995 – 1996 Funds, School of Liberal Arts, 1994 – 1995 Funds, School of Liberal Arts, 1993 – 1994 Funds, School of Liberal Arts, 1992 – 1993 Funds, School of Liberal Arts, 1991 – 1992 Funds, School of Liberal Arts, 1990 – 1991 Funds, School of Liberal Arts, 1989 – 1990 Funds, School of Liberal Arts, Pre-1989 Dean White/SLA, 2003 – 2005 SLA Library Committee Meeting Current, 2005 – 2006 UA 28 – page 38

Contents Box SLA Committee, 1989 – 1990 SLA Library Committee, 1988 – 1989 SLA Library Committee, 1984 – 1988 SLA Library Committee, 2002 – 2003 SLA Library Committee, 2000 – 2001 SLA Library Committee, 1999 – 2000 SLA Library Committee, Past Years, 1997 – 1999 SLA Library Committee, 1990/91 – 1993/94 Liberal Arts Approval Plans, 1988 – 1989 Liberal Arts Approval Plans, 1994 SLA Minutes , 1990 – 1991 SLA Minutes, 1989 – 1990 SLA Minutes, 1988 – 1989 SLA Minutes, Pre-1988 Liberal Arts General, N/A 73 Liberal Arts, General Information, 2001/02 – 2006/07 Liberal Arts Hewlett, 1988/89 – 2004 Collection Development Council, Grant Requests, 1994 – 1995 Liberal Arts Team, 2004/05 – 2006/2007 Liberal Arts and Music Team, 2003 – 2004 Liberal Arts and Music Team, 2002 – 2003 Liberal Arts and Music Team, 2001 – 2002 Liberal Arts Team, 2001 – 2002 Liberal Arts, Unit Visits, 2000 – 2001 SLA Annual Library Report, 2004 – 2005 SLA Annual Report, 2002 – 2003, 2003 – 2004 Liberal Arts Liaisons, Subject Liaison Reports, 1995 – 1996 SLA Annual Report, 1999 – 2000, 1998 – 1999, 2000 – 2001 Burns Collection, 1984 Cataloging Costs, 1989 Center on Innovative Computing, 1989 – 1990 Collection Development, 1975 – 1987 Collection Development Council, 2006 Collection Development Council, 1994 – 1995 Collection Development Council, 1993 – 1994 Computer Literacy Program, 1985 Computer Literacy Project – Memos, 1985 – 1987 Evaluation, 1988 – 1989 Faculty Affairs – P & T, 1989 – 1990 Faculty Affairs – P & T, 1977 – 1989 Faculty Affairs, Salary Statements, 1987 – 1989 Faculty Affairs, 1989 – 1990 Faculty Affairs, 1988 – 1989 UA 28 – page 39

Contents Box Faculty Affairs, 1987 – 1988 Faculty Affairs, 1986 – 1987 Faculty Affairs, 1984 – 1986 Faculty Affairs, 1980 – 1983 Faculty Retrenchment/ Financial Exigency, 1981- 1983 Library Director – Search and Screen, 1993 – 1994 74 Library Computer Advisory Group, 1989 – 1990 Library Staff Newsletter, 1988 – 1990 Operating Systems Committee, 1995 Peer Review Committee, 1971 – 1978 Periodicals Task Force, 1992 – 1993 Policies Library, 1988 – 2003 Pre-Tenure Review, 1986 Retrospective Conversion, 1990 School Computing, 1987 – 1989 Special Collections Team, 1999 – 2000 Special Collections Team, 1998 – 1999 Special Collections Team, Budget Request, 1996 – 1997 Special Collections, 1994 – 1998 Task Force on Faculty, Appointments and Advancement, 1987 – 1993 Task Force on Faculty, Appointments and Advancement Report, 1988 – 1992 Task Force on Faculty, Appointments and Advancement Survey, 1989 Task Force on Fund Management, 1985 – 1986 Retreat Packet, 1994 Students, 1983 T.S. Budget – Current – Computing, 1994 Technical Services Budget, Priorities – Staff and Equipment, 1985 – 1994 Technical Services Budget – Staff and Equip. Computing Separate, 1994 – 1995 Technical Services Costs: General, 1996 Technical Services Costs: Cost Overviews, 1989 – 1994 Technical Services Costs:, 1993 – 1994 Technical Services Costs:, 1992 – 1993 Technical Services Costs:, 1991 – 1992 Technical Services Costs:, 1990 – 1991 Technical Services Costs:, 1989 – 1990 Technical Services Costs:, 1988 – 1989 Technical Services Priorities, 1985 – 1994 Technical Services – General, 1983 – 1995 Technical Services Librarian Meetings, 1977 – 1995 Flowcharts, n/a Technical Services Librarian Group, 1984 – 1990 Tech Services News, 1993 – 1995 UA 28 – page 40

Contents Box T. O. History, 1970 – 1971 DLIT – Budget Factors Including Horizon, 1996 – 1997 75 DLIT – 180/90s, 1997 – 1999 DLIT – Seeds of the Urban Cultural Experience, 1997 – 1998 New Electronics Initiative Team (NEI), 1996 – 1997 Imaging Projects, 1998 Indianapolis Foundation Project, 1994 IO-Ameritech Horizon Project Implementation Team IUPUI, 1995 – 1996 IO-Ameritech Horizon (Marketing and Communication), 1996 – 1997 Horizon Release Notes, Release 5.1, 1998 Horizon Release 4.2, 1996 MQ_Views Training Exercies and Answers, 1996 Horizon 4.2 Table Structures, 1997 Release 4.1 Profiling Wrap-Up and Preparing for 4.2, 1996 Relationship between MQ Views and Tables: A Workbook, 1996 Horizon Table Structures 4.1, n/a Horizon System Administrator, Guide 4.2, 1997 Horizon Day End User Guide 4.2, 1997 Indiana Union List of Serials, 1977 – 1984 IUPUI Library Faculty Bylaws, 1994 – 1997 IUPUI Library Faculty, 1972 – 1979 IUPUI Reference Policy, 1980 IUPUI Technical Services Librarians, 1988 – 1992 IUPUI University Libraries Development Task Force, 1984 Lectures and Convocations Committee, 1977 – 1985 LIS Interface Group 1995 – 1996 LIS Management Team, 1996 LIS Management Team Budget, 1995 – 1996 LIS Management Team, 9/95 – 12/95 LIS Management Team, 6/95 – 9/95 LIS Operating Systems Group, 1995 McClure Papers, 1996 – 2001 76 Ideas I Borrowed to Make Millions – McClure (1977), 1998 IUPUI University Library Planning Review, 1998 IUPUI University Library Planning Review, 1997 Indiana University Register of International Affiliations, 1994 Report to the Trustees of IU, The Work of the Faculty, 1993 Faculty Club – Handbook, 1988 – 1994 Faculty Club – Newsletter Info, 1990 – 1994 Faculty Club – By-laws, 1988 Faculty Affairs – Faculty Club, 1988 Faculty Club, 1988 – 1994 Faculty Club, 2006 UA 28 – page 41

Contents Box IUPUI University Library Planning/Budgeting, 2001 – 2007 IUPUI University Library Annual Report and Budget Request(1998-2001), 1999 Associate Faculty Handbook, 1998 Associate Faculty Handbook, 1998 University Committees, 1991-1993 Proceedings of A Faculty/Staff Seminar on IUPUI: Visions of the Future, 1986 IUPUI Master Plan 1974-1984, 1974 A Five Year Review of the IUPUI Office of Affirmative Action, 1997 IUPUI’s Complexity, 1993 Task Force on Faculty Appointments and Advancements, 1993 A Vision for Excellence, 1988 Phase I of a Study on Student Learning, 2001 IUPUI Responsibility Center Management, 1994 University Library Constituent Communications, 1997 Periodicals Task Force Final Report, 1993 Summary Data for Financial Planning FY 1996-97 through 2000-01 77 IUPUI 1993-94 Budget Information, 1993 IUPUI 1994-1995 Budget Information, 1994 IUPUI Procedure Manual, 1981