Primary School SEN Information Report (and contribution to the LA SEND Local Offer)

What our school does to support learners with specific needs

2019 - 2020 How to get in touch From the very beginning it is important for us that parents and carers know who to contact and how. Whether you need further information, need some clarification or wish to raise concerns, please contact any of the following:

Executive Headteacher Mrs Aitken 01325 374412 Head of School Mrs Boyce 01325 374412 SENDCO Mrs McTimoney 01325 374412 By email:

By post: High Coniscliffe CE Primary School, Ulnaby Lane, High Coniscliffe , DARLINGTON, , DL2 2LL Our School

 High Coniscliffe C.E. Primary School is a small school for children aged 4 - 11 years, situated in the village of High Coniscliffe, near Darlington in the north-east of .

 The school is a Church of England Controlled School and is both conscious and proud of its Anglican foundation.

 The school opened in 1963 and at first catered for about 40 children. It has grown and changed since then, and now over 100 children attend the school. Our planned admission number (PAN) is 15.

 We currently have four classes:  Class One – Reception (Early Years Foundation Stage)  Class Two – Years One and Two  Class Three – Years Three and Four  Class Four – Years Five and Six

 We have 4 full time equivalent teachers, 1 full time Higher Level Teaching Assistant, 2 full time teaching assistants and 1 part time classroom support assistant. At High Coniscliffe CE Primary School we promote a Christian ethos through the commandments Jesus taught: to love God and to love one another. We strive to promote Christian values of friendship, thankfulness, justice, hope and endurance.

We celebrate that there is something wonderful and unique in every person and encourage in children a sense of awe and wonder about the world.

We encourage high aspirations and self worth by motivating, nurturing and valuing every individual, striving to prepare them for life’s opportunities and challenges. This is why ‘I can if I try’ is our school motto.

We may be a small school but we are a great big family taking an active role in our local community and the wider world. • The Dove Academy Trust is committed to including all pupils, regardless of religion, ability, special educational needs, race, sex or disability. • It aims to be a place in which every person feels valued and welcomed. • Parents, governors, staff, pupils and the wider community work in partnership to create an atmosphere of Christian love and a climate of understanding, tolerance and harmony where all pupils can learn and grow. • We follow the SEN Code of Practice 2014 • Where there are specific needs of children in relation to particular subjects, these are identified in Pupil Passports and teachers’ planning. • Teachers adapt and differentiate activities to ensure all children can have equal access to all aspects of lessons. Our Core Offer

 High quality first teaching meeting the needs of the children is at the heart of what we offer at High Coniscliffe. Our highly skilled and qualified staff, who are responsible for the progress of all the children they work with, offer challenge as well as support.  Our small school is a big family with all the staff knowing all the children; providing exceptional pastoral and social support.  Our broad and balanced curriculum engages the children and makes the most of our rural setting and environment. We make the most of all available space – inside and out.  Our links with the Out of School Club provides a seamless link between the end of the school day and the wraparound care available for families running from 7.30am to 6.00pm.  Our after school activities provide additional opportunities for the children.  The children play a key role in shaping the work of the school. From designing the school lunch menu to deciding which charities to support the children have a voice and use it well.  Children’s medical needs are managed well in liaison with parents and health professionals. Staff training is undertaken as refreshers and to support needs new to the staff team. Assess • Staff continually assess all pupils’ learning and progress, and closely monitor any pupil who is having difficulty. • If from our rigorous tracking and monitoring of your child’s progress, it becomes apparent that he/she is not making expected progress then you will be invited to a meeting with their teacher and / or Mrs Sarah McTimoney (SENDCO). • At the meeting we will begin to explore the possible barriers to learning and you will be asked how we can best support your child. We may also agree how you could support your child at home. Observations and assessments will then be carried out and, if required, input from specialist services may be sought with your permission. • Support to this level would be documented in a ‘Pupil Passport’ with strategies jointly devised to support staff in guiding your child to achieve their learning outcomes and specific, short term targets. Proven, effective interventions will be used. • If, despite this level of support, it is determined that further, external support is required a ‘One Plan’ will be devised. A One Plan is a document to support the child, taking views from the child and parents, as well including the advice from outside agencies. • Where a child’s needs are deemed more complex and require the input from a range of outside agencies the school can apply to the Local Authority for statutory assessment to determine whether a EHCPs (Education and Health Care Plans) is necessary. This may include input from health or social services. An EHCP helps to determine the level of educational, social and health support the child needs in order to meet the learning outcomes we have jointly identified. • If you are concerned about your child’s progress or that your child may have SEND, please contact our SENDCO Mrs Sarah McTimoney on 01325 374412. Plan

• Depending on the need we modify teaching and learning approaches as well as the environment to facilitate access for all children. • By carefully matching appropriate and proven interventions alongside a range of SEND resources, we can support the needs of the children. Their progress is monitored by the class teacher, the SENDCO and staff with specific expertise in relation to the targeted support in place. • All teachers are teachers of children with SEND. • Staff receive regular as well as specific training. • Our team of support staff are deployed where they can best serve children's needs. • An holistic approach is adopted where the development of the whole person is valued. • Advice from external professionals such as Educational Psychologist, Occupational Health and Speech and Language therapists is sought where a child fails to make adequate progress, despite carefully planned additional help. • We always discuss specific concerns with children and parents in order to provide support tailored to individual needs. Do

• Our teachers are skilled at adapting teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs in each class. • Daily planning takes into account individual children’s needs and requirements • We assess and evaluate the provision arranged for your child through feedback, questioning and observation. • Differentiation is approached in a range of ways to support access to the curriculum and ensure that all children can experience success and challenge in their learning. • Grouping arrangements take into account the different skills and abilities of each child. This ensures that learning is maximised. • Additional adults are used to help groups and individual children with the long term goal of developing independent learning skills. The class teacher leads, guides, plans and monitors this support and ensures the child does not become overly reliant on it. • We fully encourage parental support and offer opportunities for individual meetings with parents/carers to provide clarity and recommendations on how they can support their child at home. Review

• Homework is given regularly and your child may have the opportunity to access computer programmes to support their learning at home through the school website. You are encouraged to support your child’s learning at home. • Reading record books are used to support communication between home and school • Parents’ Evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms where all parents can meet their child’s teacher and look at their work in different subject areas, as well as discussing other aspects of school life such as behaviour, attitude, friendships etc. For parents that have children on the school’s SEN Support Register these termly meetings are held with the class teacher and SENDCO to review the child’s Pupil Passport or One Plan. Your child will be involved in reviewing their targets at appropriate times throughout the term, with the class teacher, and during the setting of new targets on a termly basis. • A further opportunity is provided in the Summer term for you to discuss your child’s end of year report with their class teacher and SENDCO. • We aim to ensure that all looked after children expect and experience the same outcomes as their peers. For children with SEND who are looked after by the local authority, we provide the same equal access to all areas of the curriculum. This is systematically overseen by the school safeguarding officer. • If your child has an EHC plan, you will be invited to termly review meetings with the SENDCO and class teacher, and also a formal Annual Review of this plan which could also involve other professionals. The four primary areas of SEN: • Speech, Language and Communication

• Cognition and Learning

• Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties

• Sensory and/or Physical Development

All of these are tailored individually for the children in our school Speech, Language and Communication

Our staff have a wealth of expertise and additional training over and above the standard qualifications for their roles. When we feel we need more support and advice we access specialist services as required.

Some of our expertise in relation to Speech, Language and Communication are:

 High quality first teaching  Use of ICT  A differentiated curriculum  Spellcheckers  Differentiated Good to be Green reward system with half  Talk partners termly Reward Days  Daily phonic lessons for KS1  delivery  Differentiated spelling groups for KS2  Planning cater for different learning styles  Labelled resources and equipment  Learning walls  Individual targets shared with children on as age / need  Topic words shared prior to unit of work appropriate  Talktime  Blank level questioning  Show and tell  Teacher modelling  High quality displays  Drama productions  Learning objective / success criteria shared in an  Poetry recitals appropriate way  Participation in worship (including ‘Open the Book’  Illustrated dictionaries/wordbanks/thesauruses activities) Cognition and Learning

Our staff have a wealth of expertise and additional training over and above the standard qualifications for their roles. When we feel we need more support and advice we access specialist services as required.

Some of our expertise in relation to Cognition and Learning are:

 High quality first teaching  Learning walls throughout the school  A differentiated curriculum  Regular communication – Marvellous Me learning activities,  Differentiated delivery e.g. simplified language, slower lesson badges and messages pace  Curriculum visits  Differentiated delivery  Volunteers working with individual children – hearing readers,  Structured transition programmes between key stages flashcards, ‘bubble’ writing  Pupil centred planning / personalised learning with individual  EYFS daily reading with an adult targets  Opportunities for parents / carers to see their child’s learning  Clear learning objectives and success criteria such as class assemblies, Parents’ Evenings  Use of visual aids  Interactive displays Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties

Our staff have a wealth of expertise and additional training over and above the standard qualifications for their roles. When we feel we need more support and advice we access specialist services as required. Some of our expertise in relation to Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties are:

 Positive praise culture  Time to listen  Good to be Green reward system with half termly Reward Days  Interactive prayer spaces  Responsibility roles within all classrooms  Termly Christian values  High quality lunches cooked on site  Prayer Tree  Fruit scheme for EYFS and KS1  Weekly House Team Assembly: celebration event with awards  Health snacks encouraged in KS2 including Wonderful Work, Manners Awards, Mathematician of the  House team system Week, Writer of the Week, Stars of the Month, Super Spellers  House Captains and vice-House Captains drive initiatives e.g.  Active Minutes, Fit Friday fundraising events  Lego Therapy  Year 6 buddies for reception children  Relax Kids  Circle time  Go Givers  Social stories  Collective Worship  Individual behaviour plans  Class assemblies  Now and next boards  Website celebrates success and achievements Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties cont. Measures to prevent bullying:

 Promotion of good behaviour and positive relationships  Promotion of British values – tolerance and respect of individual differences  Promotion of Christian values – compassion, trust, forgiveness, hope, thankfulness and wisdom  Vigilant and caring staff  Positive relationships between staff and pupils  Tracking system of incidents of poor behaviour/bullying – effective monitoring and involvement of parents/carers  Thorough investigation of incidents of bullying  Liaison with parents and, where necessary, PSCO or other agencies  High quality PSHE  Invitation to organisations to promote positive relationships such as NSPCC  Whole School focus for Anti Bullying week  Good quality E-Safety teaching for pupils, and awareness sessions for parents/carers Sensory and/or Physical Development

Our staff have a wealth of expertise and additional training over and above the standard qualifications for their roles. When we feel we need more support and advice we access specialist services as required.

Some of our expertise in relation to Sensory and/or Physical Development are:

 Staff awareness of implications of physical  Handy writers impairment  Coloured overlays  Visual timetables  Outdoor areas – Jubilee Garden  Wobble cushions  Large playing field  Fiddle toys  Hall with gym equipment  Caring cutlery  Appropriately sized classroom furniture,  Bear hug sinks and toilets  Weighted jacket  Named pegs  Chewellery  A variety of playground equipment  Sloping desk  Fine / gross motor skills support  Ear defenders Accessibility

• With due regard to our admission policy, parental choice and accessibility of the school building all children with special educational needs who apply will be accepted by the school. • The school is fully accessible for any person with physical disabilities and wheelchair users. • We have disabled toilet facilities. • There is clear signage throughout the school. • We have experience of supporting children with hearing and sight difficulties, English as an additional language and long term medical or mobility conditions. Activities outside of school

• We are an inclusive school and put in place appropriate support, whenever possible, to enable your child to join in with their peers. This may include extra staffing and/or equipment. • We will encourage your child to take part in trips that occur, if the trip is suitable for your child and their safety and the safety of others is not compromised due to their special educational need and/or disability. • Staff who are arranging an offsite trip will discuss with parents and the SENDCo any requirements needed and the suitability of any trip which the school is taking part in. • The Executive Headteacher oversees all trips to ensure children are safe and included where possible. • We ensure extra curricular activities are accessible for all. If there are any additional requirements for children to be able to access activities we provide further support Medical

• If your child has specific medical needs then please contact the school office so appropriate plans can be put into place. If needed, a care plan will be written to inform all staff involved. • We have a comprehensive policy covering the administration of medicines in school. • On site medical support is currently provided by our qualified First Aiders. • Members of staff are trained to administer specialised medication. • Children who have more severe medical conditions will have detailed Individual Health Care Plans which are devised in consultation with parents, school staff and medical professionals. These Education, Health and Care Plans will be shared with relevant members of staff. • We work closely with the school nurse and other medical professionals for any medical needs within our school. Transition – moving up and moving on Our pupils face a number of periods of transition from the day they begin school to the day they leave us to move on to secondary. We aim to prepare pupils as much as possible to enable these periods of transition to be a positive experience. For pupils with Special Educational Needs, these periods can be challenging so a range of additional support strategies can be put in place.

Starting in Reception at High Coniscliffe Moving up at High Coniscliffe Moving on at High Coniscliffe

•Discussion and support for parents •Nursery visits by class teacher and •Meetings between teachers and to carry out early visits to secondary SENDCO to meet pupils, parents support staff schools (usually in Year 5) and liaise with staff •‘Taster’ days in the new class with •Appointments with secondary •Additional transition visits at the new teacher school SENDCO different times of day prior to •Ensuring that support strategies •Liaison between SENDCOs to beginning school are carried on in the next classroom ensure full awareness of pupils •Photo books and social stories to •Transfer of Pupil Passports needs use at home prior to starting school between teachers •Additional transition visits for the •‘Buddy’ system for Reception •Parents and new teacher invited to pupil to meet with key staff and children, matched to a Year 6 pupils SEN review meeting prior to familiarise with the new setting to support transition periods during transfer •Intervention support to discuss and the day, such as lunchtime share anxieties about transition Evaluation of Impact • Staff evaluate all adaptations and provisions continually, to ensure that they are best meeting the needs of the child • The impact when a child takes part within small group sessions or intervention group, is monitored termly by the SENDCO and is shared with the parent during meetings where necessary. • Despite high quality interventions and appropriate adjustments concerns may persist which would mean that advice and support is requested from other professionals, with the parent’s consent and involvement and further assessments taken. The SENDCO will contact the most relevant external agency, e.g. Speech and Language, and arrange for your child’s needs to be assessed. • Pupil progress is regularly assessed by the teachers through observation, marking and assessments. Assessment by testing occurs at the end of the academic year, both formal and informal where appropriate. Pupil progress meetings are held termly between the teacher and the Head of School where every child’s progress and attainment is reviewed. The impact of the provision provided has been to improve access to the curriculum for all pupils who have SEND. • When children have consistently met their targets and no further additional strategies are required they may be taken off the Special Educational Needs register. • The SENDCO asks all parents of children with SEND to complete an annual survey about how the school has supported those needs. The returns for the last academic year were very positive with areas for improvement being addressed through this year’s School Development Plan. Staff Training Our SENDCO is qualified with the National Award in Special Educational Needs. The SENDCO leads the management of pupils with Special Educational Needs, supporting staff, pupils and parents.

All staff are teachers of children with Special Educational Needs

Staff members have recently received specific training in the following areas :  Autistic Spectrum Disorder  Social, Emotional and Mental Health support  Speech Language and Communication  Sensory processing including awareness of the sensory classroom  Occupational therapy – sensory processing, fine and gross motor skills  Emotional Literacy  Growth Mindset  Mindfulness Further information to support this report can be found in the following documents:

• Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (January 2015)

• Darlington Borough Council SEND Local Offer

These documents can be found on this website or hard copies may be requested from the office

• The Dove Academy Trust’s Accessibility Policy

• High Coniscliffe’s SEND Policy

• High Coniscliffe’s Admission Policy

• High Coniscliffe’s Behaviour Policy

A close partnership between home and school is very important to us all so if at any time you are not happy with the SEND provision at the school, in the first instant please contact the class teacher. If you still have concerns please contact the SENDCO or the Head of School, to share your concerns. We do find that, through this communication, any issues can be quickly addressed. However the Complaint Policy is available on the website or a paper copy may be requested from the school office if you wish to take the matter further.