TheSnapperMU TheSnapperMU THESNAPPER.COM FOR MILLERSVILLE.BY MILLERSVILLE.SINCE1925 VOLUME 97 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 2020. ISSUE 2 S ay Hello Social Media and The Tech Industry Shapes Human Perception pg.6 to FallI Behind the Walls of Terror pg. 7 The Mandolorian blasts back onto Disney+ pg.9 FREE TO THE PUBLIC Advertising:
[email protected] An independent student newspaper © 2020 THE SNAPPER NEWS THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 2020. PAGE 2 | NEWS Myths and Monsters of Pennsylvania! PHOTO COURTESY OF ALBATWITCHDAY.COM The Albatwitch supposedly sits in trees on the lookout for picknickers and their apples. In the photo below The Squonk is another creature that lurks PA. JAKE MARKOFF News Editor Pennsylvania is home to 17 million acres of baby that wept constantly, either out of fear or mind was broken, and his words were reduced to forested land and over 1,000 caves. Such vast wil- when it caught a glimpse of itself in moonlit wa- nonsense. Wilson would go on to live out the rest derness always inspires the inception of myths ters. No specimen was ever captured because of his days in a cave becoming a hermit. and monsters in the mind of men. Unusual en- according to Cox the beast “when cornered, or Documents from that time period support counters, a sense of community, the simple plea- when surprised and frightened, it may even dis- show that William and his sister were real resi- sure of indulging childlike wonder – these are the solve itself in tears.” The Squonk was such a pop- dents of Chester and that there was in fact a trial basis of myth.