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... • • I First Day Passes ~ ,.' • ,'J , :'::~::~~o"..':$SUPPlies Reds lai;.nch · ~c",r SaY' New Dealers- . >.' '".... ', i :;Army' Lands

LONDON, \\'ecluesday (AP ) N Oft' i , Arch Reacf,onn"es i ' U . ed' Ill~~hr C~~;l\c~.~{t;~~h~~;~c~ ~te~~ e~ ,! : ' enSIYe SAN D' IEGO' Calif. ' U . Inoppos Nnzi line was bl'CllChcd at Aneh· (AP)-.paign staff before a nation-wide I'll has pas ~f'd and the Gel'llIan' . Gov. John W. Bricker declared radio broadcast "Is not a people's Id('fC'ndcl ' of the l'ih' ·till are Aim Toward 'Heart last night that the leaders who govtrnment. The J)Ower It now ex- Carrier, Land-Seised vit,tuull" H >alcll ol'f h'OUl their Of East "'russia' , represent "the SC?-called liberalism ercises has already proved shack- J of the New Deal" were in reality les for the llb6tiea of people. Plane Attacks \ SIIPPOl1illjr forces und supplieR. Bombers .fIrepare Dath "the arch reactionaries of this That Is why the New Deal is re- 0 I M" d SMOKE POURS BAOK over the fuse!are and tall 01 all Amerlean Ubefttor arter It had been bit by Although OffiCl'I'H III supreme ' .. Icentury." actlona'ry-not lIbel'al." ver ap at In anao oak durlnr an attack on a tarnt In Quakenbruk, Germany. The Unlted States Elrhth alrforee, to which allied heudt)lIal'h~ I'l! would )lot LONDON W i:l 'd " ( \P) The RepubUcan candidate for BriCker pictured government Ihe bomber was attachcd, did not disel05e whether It reached Its home base, Army Alrforces photo. confiJ'lIl. the "iew it '. ~'IIS consid. \ ..: 'cr ' ~ , !l. ~S a;, J.. vice-president defined Ut>crallsm under thc New Deal as a "gro- U. S. PAC I F I C F~EET ------1 , 1 'bl tl t tI 1: I I -i , tremell O\1S Ilc,w ~.USSlall as {a1th in the future of America test;lue montrbslt:y" in wblch, he HEADQUA~TERS, PelU'l lIar- l'r~l IPlO~fll ~' 10 . Ie ng Ifr:on~, oi'£ensiye aim d ~traight w st d bell f tI t" '~I'd, "Independent bureaucrats" .bor (AP)-Sustal'ned actl'on by W. Earl Hall Describes- !nuuc wtl gIven lip hope? .m· towol'd the heart of East Prus. an a e lB men can govern ~ Roosevelt Will Give I1I1g Aachen 01' tilut the flll'IOU sia ~was annouJlced by alarmed themselves," were "the jeaislatare, adlT)l!)istra- earrier·based planes against the allied all' attacks on Cologne and G t._• .1 t t d The 'New Deal, he added in a tor, ,prosecutor,. judge, jurt and PhiJippines and a new landing 1 crmau IMVa4cas ers yes er oy, prepared text reelased by his cam- sheriff all rolled up 1n one." in the western Caroliues were Philade~phia Speech O uls be rg had made . German res-Ium} til Sp\'iet midnigh~t . com, European Tour \ cue attempts ImpoSSible. munique described beavy Red I reported last night in 8 ~om- • A . mun~que of Admiral Chester W. At Ball Park Oct. 27 Powerful American and British uil'l'orce bombings all aton;: the Hungallan rmy Nimitz. DES MOINES (I\P) - W. Earll Euch buzz bomb levels 10 homes forccs sparred warily with the path 01' adva.nce as [ar a~ Inster· H' i The carricr planc attacks ex- Hall, man a gin g edllor of t11e and damages 500, he satd, in illus- cnemy yesterdny all along the 85- burg, 37 miles i.USidC the OCl" Chiefs Join Russia O. mecom ng teuaed operations which have Declar,as Details Mason City Globe-Gazetle. who trnling the loc~ of conception he mile battle Hnc paralleling the JUan JunkeJ'!!' homelaml been in, progresa against Japan's l'ecently returned from a ~even- believed Americans have oC the . The Russians did not uireetly __~ ~ Of Security Plan week tour of thc British Isles and destructive powers of the bombs Dutch-German bordcl from Allch- t·· I ff . bOB d S" I inner defense ring since Oct. 8 Over-Emphasized a trip Into France "heard felt or Seeing liberated Paris as onc ~f en in Germany to Arnhelm in con 1I'm tIC' o. ensl~'e yen. Neutral Reports Say . a ge ae and arc meshed with land·based saw" de,raff, A2' of Sigour- western Pacific. ' • During· the conference, the presi- ree .VI lans West and north of Antwerp It W8B backed. I:i)!' fOl~"" of artil- planations', appeals, boas, ts Dnd ac- ney cll tili t PI B ta Phi " Th ' 1 .lin k t . rugged Canadian troops steadily lery and spearheaded by Ibw fly- y' p n . or • e ; "e all.,. . gs were. ept f!ecre dent. took an obvious dig at the In Effort to Stop -cusatlons tencUnJ to obscure the and .virginia O\'ay, A2 of Des becau.1t the Japanese possibly practice of Gov. Thomas E. Dewey . overcame dilicult weather cond!- Ing Stonnovlk· '~anes . . Thc ' Rus- Molnes, .leaderof Delta Gilmma, were- unlnVant' of them until re- In Quoting excerpts from speeches . Guerilla Attacks Hons and wllterloggcd terrain in .i'an.s ali'eady .wet'll at 'the Jborder sitllatioll, bll~ It appeared a Hun- have sent their teams out :[0£ cent1y, ' or i-ecords of the administration.. * * * theil' job of clearil)g the enemY at poInts w1I&t Of lnetetbur,.. , wga:la• r; -1lrmy Te\'olt was undcr I the .lour day corue$t. ljec!l I' Adva~c~ patrols ~ 111\ d'e d on A reP.Qrtel' asked Roosevelt to Nimitz ann~unces unoppofled ' R0ME (AP) q,eek women aod Irom the bankli o(,Abe Schelde e6- While allebt ~,laIici _ so.rQl'i\y .cbalrmail JJIS eOIllPI~te ~assaran 'and Mangejang Islands con6Inent on a sentence of a ~pee ch occupation Of. Ullthi atoll, in children are being Ustd ai host~ J tuary and opening up Antwerp, acllon ; !l8alnst, l:as£ ,~ ~ul;sla,j· the . J)NB announced that the com- charae of me saies by her lI1'9l.ip, in,the UIiLhi group on both, sides of by senator Mead (D., N.Y.) in Western Cai"oline by 81st urmy I' g , by Oe t 11' 'Europe's sceond port, to allied war Ru!fslahs' annOl.ln'ced ' a ' further "'anders ot the First and Second directing the ,irIs, tab~latln, ' the main ep.trapce to Ulithi lao • Burralo last Saturday in which the divison troops. 1\ es l'man roops cemg shipping. slashing orive In northern 'fran- t.. 8al~, and booetlng sales e ch goon Sept.. 20 SIIUI\()I' said we ean expect Rus- northwar.d In an effort to prevent I The Germall I'adio said every- sylvllnla had carried within two Jiungarian II r m I e s had been dily. Game time Saturday aft- I The next day troops occupleCl sian: help' in the Pacific war. Nazi defenders of Aachen ceasil gucl'rllJas b'om attacking their thln~ pointed to a mighly pre- Iniles of .tne southern border of Qusted and that Maj, Oen. Bela ernoon marks the of the the fout Islets ot MOlIDo" Pon- The president said he's not com- counterattacks. columns, authenticated rep 0 l' ts winter offensive by the allies thc Ciirpat.ho"Ukreine territory J.{iklos von Calnok, commander contest. . . tangeras, hor and Sorlan. mebtilli on a part of what some- said yesterday. somewhere in Germany or Hol- which HunPrY took from dls- The badge thIS year ha~ re~ , Ullthl is known as the Macken- body said. He's learned better, he Reds plunge toward heart of The Nazis warned the Gl'eeks lanel. The Bel'lin Transocean news membered, Czeclr~OVllkJa, and ~ ~: ,::;r a~y~l~:: !~rt~~ I turned to the ' pre-war mel;lil :tle islands, They roughly ne half smiled. East Prussia in new offensive. that JO hostages would be killcd agency declared ],500 Britl,sh told of turther small gains south" lapel button, .Th.~gt1 ~\e last way between Ame~can-occupied J\oosevelt said also that he is In retaliation for each att

~~~~'ot~li~~e~e:~dlcted on II Gavel Club to Sponsor Students No 'v~ 61=E~~;:I~;in~!~1~~~;~ De ...... y Plans Speech " . the organl~tion which represent. "". r - ---.------....------.------.-.---., 342 'newspapers In norlh central On Foreign Policy Iowa students will have a Parter ot the political science dc~ Iand Bruce Hughes, A2 o! Sioux !ollowilli Thursda>:, an open po- to housing units. Ward I wiLl in- tin, Alpha Delta Pi; Milrll.Yn Hade, . states. Ichance to tabulate their votes on partment Is advising members of City, COl' the Democratic patty. Utical rally will give university elude dormitories: ward Il, soror- A3 of Ft. Madis91l, Alpha Xi I .------EN ROUTE WITH DEWEY TO the coming presidentlaJ election Gavel club 011 pOlitical practices Members of the election board studCI)\s an opporlunity to discuss lllcs; ward 1l1~ ~ate~nities; ward Delta; Gloria W;lkeCie1d, A2 of Tropical Hurricane ALBANY (AP)-Oov. 'rhom~ E.' in a strow vote Nov. 6, Gordon concerned with elections will be Velma Martin, A! of campaian ' i!lbues. Anyonc. Demo-I IV, students hvmll In town and Amcs; Louise Johnston, AS of h 1"'_ Dewey dictated yesterday the final, Chl'i$tensen, president of OIIVel . Laul'ens; Virginia jackson, At of erst or Republlcan, can present hili Mlll'shaUtown, Delta Delta Delta; T reaten. FlorKKII IIfatt of a foreign polley speech he club, announced last ni,ht. Marion; 000 Ecroyd, G of Arkan- viewli d,!rilll this. o~n meetllll. Precinct captains will meet Virginia Hoak, A4 of Des MOines, wttJ. ~eliv~r tonight In New York According to a recent poll con- Anyone interested in work- sas City, Ark.; Tom Wuriu, At of Ext.enilve campalan plans are With Oordon Christensen Mon- Delta Gamma: Mildred Buo11 A4 MIAMI, Fla. (AP)-A vieioua Cib-. dueled by Georio Gallup, the IIlI in the straw vote campaign, Iowa City; Dick Baxter, A4 of beina formulated for the straw day at 8 p. m. In room NlOI, of Councll Groye, Kan., Gamma tropical hurricane Isolated the Returning to Albany aboard his trend amoni college-trained peo- I re,ardlellS of party preference, Mt. Plcasont, and Christensen. vote, flr;t 01, its kind to be at- East hall. for fUrthcr infonna- Phl Bela; DOrothy Oottem.p, A2 Isle of Lines last ni,ht, sent ad­ , IllJecIlII tral111rom St. Louis, where pie is 65% for Thomas Dewcy should contact Gordon Chrls- Publicity chairman is Mary OS- templed Dh the Iowa campus. The tion conceri1ln, their work In of BUrlin,ton: Kappa Alpha Theta; vance gales roarln, ove!,' westem he said Monday night that Presi- against 35 % for Franklin R()()I;C- ieruien or one of the Plll'ty borne, A3 of Ottum\vu. 0011 camJl.Ua tlreject in connection the pre-vote campail:n. Sally Birdsall, :.\2 ot W.ttt)oo, : Cuba and threatened thc Fiorida d~nt . Roblievelt's Ne\v peal ad- velt. "The S. U. L poll will chl!\!k chairmen, Robert Roy (Repub- POlitical Deba1e with previoUs political campaigns Kappa KapPll Gamma; MaT y keys with their worst blow lince ll\lniitraUon was Incompetent to the Iowa vote again~t Gallup's na- lIcan) or Bruce Huahes (Demo- The Northwestern university was II pMitlc1iJ. debate sponsored ward V, cooperatives dormitories. Forslund, M oC .Sloux Fa1l:i, S'I the atonn disaster of 1935. hand~ domestic or foreign affair.s, Ul'es 011 the preLence indicated by crat). speech department has been in- by the 6~h J!epartinent In 1938. Wlthil;l each ward, precinct cap- D., Pi Beta Phi; r.oul&e llUUnan, The realn, Winds knocked aut ::: love.rnor worked nlc:lt o! the, college-trained people," Chrlsten-l vited to send lwo speakers to par- ~ CIIaInIlen tains have been chosen to bring AS of 8I!t~ndOrt,SI~ Delta the IOvern.ment radIo In Nueva 'Yin hiS private car. sen said. A polling place will be set up in licipate in u political debate next The can-PUB Democratic and Be- out the student vote, Ward I cap- Tau ,and Janet Howell, ;.. of Gerona, principal city of the PurJlO8f1 0' Vo&e IOWQ Union, with all university Wednesday in the senate chamber publican otilialrmen are plaonlng : ta.inB will be Marjory Swall8On. Sprlnglield, OhJoj ~ta Tau Alpha. 1peaceful tourist !alet SQuth of No Cen .. to Thil Purpose of the straw vote, spon- .tudents elig1ble to cast thclr bol- or Old Capilol as the first event party campalins to lifimulate slu- A3 of Webater City; Louise Fra&Wlal" ca.,.. ICuba, and there WI. no wOrd MIAMI, Fla. (A9)-A minor sored by Gavel club, Is "to stlm- lots by presentln. student Identi- in a pre-vote campaign. Two Iowa dent interest and ,brll\C' out a Schroeder,.At of ~nsali City, Mo.; Delbert Donahoo" A4 ot Mor- from the population of leu than finanCial mystery con!ron ted Mrs. ulate student intel'est and reClect £lcatlon cards. The polling place dcbaters will oppose the North- slrOllI vote repr~taUve of cam- Betty Subot.nlk,' A4 01 Cedar Rap- avla, and Baxter wlU be precinct 110,000 persons. tllltlbelh Kay of Miami, yes ter- st.udent opinion on the coming will be open from 7:30 a, m. to western speakers on the question pus pollt1c~ teDdellCles, Party i!IB; KaraJ,yn Kelle • A4 of Sioux captall)S for ~atemtt1es, Wllrd III. The United ,States weather b\lr- ~. election." 7:30 p. m" Nov. 8. or party !Ol'elgn and domestic Is- workers have been chosen Jrom City; Patricia Moorhead, A3 of Captain fo~ · the fourth ward, town eau sald hurricane wind. of 7$ . For no known reason she re­ Conducted accordlniC to standard N.n-ParUsa~ Board sues. The debatc will be followed housing units to b.ulld up party West Branch, and Vir&1nla Ros- students, 'VUl be Peter 'ToMk, PI miles an hour or hi,her would be ceiVed fl'OIl\ \Vashilliton a United polling proc:edure, the vote will Voles will be tabulated by a by a discussion pehod in the tit- spIrit in their hO\lMll,1J1'IinI stu- enberg. of De~rah, Ward V captain Wlll blo~n, by early Wei:lnesdJ17 ~Iij.~ ~QVIlrmnel1t c.beek (or onc tally 001>- the national ticket ior 1l0n-plIl'tlatin election board lind Illosphel'c or a b01111 nde campa\Stl dents to reils.ter!their ballou. W..... D be Patrjcia MW"" 48 of Rock lB- mornln, over the J'lorJdJ k.n. Cent. the :Republican lind DcnlOC""Uc couhtl~ boIIrd, plus the two party meeting. ,aft. W.... · ;. CaptaiDli for w..-d II will be hlrid, Ill., In Cb~t '01 the 'earn- wbere lOme 600 ,int World war '"She aaid .he would Include It partlea, Itlcludin, the presidentlBl chalnnen. Bob RIo', G of Cedar Open Rail)' VJltv~l~ . ltuden\l , bIJv, -been Helen Oltman, AJ 01 Oak Park, pali.n to brIO. out tile, ~~ in CCl-I ,:,eter~ lOll their Uvea in a ter- '" ber Income tax report: ! and scnalo\'lal cbntests. Prot. kirk Raplds, for thc Republican pII1·ty TClltaUycl.Y scheduled for the scct.Juned ~ (1v.e w~. acccm11DJ 'Ill" Alpha Chrome.. ; Mlu Mar- operaUve do~i9rj.IM. ' rille .w~ tabor diaJ. waa. PAGE TWO 1BE DAILY IOWAN, lOW It. C11Y, lOW A 'WtDNtSDR-t, GCTOBEH jS, i944 - -- October 18- VOTING ON THE WAR F,RONT Interpreting The- A THE DAILY IOWAN' OffiCIAL DAILY BULLETIN I PublJBhed every morning except ~onda, by Student Publlcatloua mcorporated at 126-130 Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. Board 01 Truslees: Wilbur Schramm, Kirk H. Porter, A. Cralg Back War Balrd, Paul R. Olson, Donald Ottilie, Mary Jane Neville, Mary Beth Pllmer, Kara\yn Keller, Jack Moyers. Wednrsdny, October I., tIKI Fred M. Pownall.------Publisher------Tracks News Doroth,. Klein, Editor Dick Baxter, Adv. Mgr. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Entered a. lecQlld cIa.. mail Subscriptlon rates-By mail .0 * 1921* * The net conclusio* * n* to be·drown . TlIlIl'!lduy. Oct. 19 torlum. utter at the POltoftlce at Iowa per year; by carrier. 15 cents An SUI cooed of two yearJl ago 'f rom oUlel'wise jrreconcllable 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Surgical drcssing3, 8 p. m . UniverslLy IJla~: "Thl City, Iowa, under the act ot con- weekly, $5 per year. remarked to a professor that all Alnerican and Japanese accounts University club. Skin or our Teeth," Urlive1'lllty ~ of Mareb 2, 1879. 'the Associated PteSll Is exclu- at the students seemed terribly \ of lhe battle o( Formosa is thAt i ~ 1 p.m. Red Cl'OSS Kensington, TELEPHONES aively entitled to use tor republl- young this year. ended with the elusive Nipponese Ulliversity club. theater. Id1 rial 0ftI cation of aU news dispatches. 19t3 home fleet in flight, ngnin refusing 4 p.m. Tea, University club. Tuesday, Ocl. 24 to ce 4192 credited to it or not otherwise E'or the second time in the 1600 I action, and the powerful American 4 p.m. Information Firs(: Ad- 7:30 p. m. Bridge (psance architecture on surface battle meant that the third 8:30 p.m. Reception program tor Movies, "Seattle Mountaineel'l Rlckenbacker said last night "one public into 1\ false belief that East Washington today. I . fleet hod completed il~ task against women, University club. 1939 Teton Outing," room 223 of the ,reate~t underlying men- peace Is near." / 1925 I Formosa and the Ryukyus and was ' Saturday, Oct. 21 I Engineering building. PVT. RICHARD LONG of Cranaton, R. explairis the federal vote bal­ aces of the moment, with respect Rickenbacker said" the p1'Obiem Nine ou t or ten eyes neee! exer- r., moving on to its next assignment. HOMECOMING 8 p. m. University ploy, Unlver. lot to two irauleins In Wiltz, Luxembourg This Is an oftlclal United to maintaining the high pressure related to the Ro-.called readjus~- else and dl'iIl, and fUrtlng is about Anc;l In the whole period of Its bola 2 p.m. Football: Purdue vs. Iowa. sHy theater. Sla.tes Signal Corps radiophoto. (Int~rnlltion.l) at our war effort, is too much op- ment of OUI' .sel'vlI?emen on th:e~r the best exercise there is, accord­ sweep in the East China sen area, Iowa stadium. Thursday, oct. 26 timlsm." return to CIVilian life from mllt- ing to a Cleveland doct.or, He Nimitz added, t he fleet suIre~ed 110 8 p.m. Hom~omin g party, Iowa 9 a. m.-3:30 p. m. Surgical dtes. • Rlckenbacker declared In a lary service" was "false and says "Who evel' saw a flirt wear- 0 .. 0 d OH C s damage of "consequence" to !)Iane Memorial Union. sings, University club. speech prepared lor delivery at 8t~:CtJy. pho~ley ." in!! glasses?" I pInion n an ampu - carriers or battleships. Only two Monday, Oct. 23 I 3:30-5:30 p. m. ,Tea, Unlversltt 7:30 p. m. Graduate lecture by club. tllc national convention 01 the While it lS true that some small Women students at Northwest- WhO h\&1 L d D Y M Ad 0 , "m ~ dium" surface craft forced out American War Dads thnt "it is percentage ?f our veLcrans may ern were notified that smoking IC" ar ea er 0 OU ost mue4 of action by aerial tOrpedo .hits. Gerhart Seger on "What To Do 8 p. m. University play, Un Iver · ,better to be prepared and keep be temporarily affected by combat wJll be followed by expulsion. The 0 That seems to dispose complet­ With Germany," Chemistry audi- sily theater. prepared up to the hilt for a long fatigue, the fact remains that the same (ate awaits the co-eds who ely of Tokyo claims of half a hun­ (For inlortllllLion regarding dates beyond this schedule, see Wal' and have it end sooner than vast majority of our boys will pose ior newspaper photographs Richard Stewart, £2, Waterloo: obil1ty to see the war as a unified dred or more American noval resel'Vatlon~ In the office of the Presldellt, Old Capitol.) expected, than It is 10 anticipate n come home just as ~ound nerv- without secul'fng permission from "I admire Admiral Halsey because effort of ihe entire il'ee world craft, big and little, sunk or crip­ shader war and have it last langei' oUlIly, mentally and physically as the faculty. he has led his task force to great against the menace of the totali­ pled. It certainly dismisses the victor! ' in the Pacific, and aU 1 than planned." they were when they left . .. I 1927 tarian nations and not as the ef­ Japanese assertion that tbe Nip­ GENERAL NOTICES I ' ASSerting that "OUI' only hope "And yet all l1l'Olllld lIS sob sis- Unless Chicago night clubs, signs indicate hc will continue to fort of one particular anny or one ponese home fleet had intCl'wmed. of bringing the axis pOiVers to tel's and bubble brothers tearfully hotels, and cafes ban liquor drink­ do lIO." counh'y," Again discretion proved the lll)tier ItECREATIONAL SWIMMING , tained in Iowa Union lobby be- , their knees is to keep up thl,! pres- procla~m that when JOhn.ny comes ing by tbeir patrons, they wjll be part of Japanese valor at SCD . It The swimming pool at Iowa I ginmng Saturday, Oct. 21. Stu­ sure against them," Rickenbacker marchm~ home he WIll be a padlocked one year by federal in- J. I. Routh, unlvl'.rslt)' chemis- Mary Kay Summerson, AI, t~nds also to confirm the conclu- field house wUl be open to all mcn dents may secure tickets by pre- , said "swivelchair strategists" Dnd s~ran~er m to~n because hJS whole junction. Itry lnstruetor: " 1 Ddmire Stalin. Hoxie, Kansas: "I admire General SIOIl that the bulk ot enemy naVAL students and facuIty members (or ' sen ling their identification card, QeD A nu~ber 01 "typewriter tacticians" are threat- vIewpoint of life has been changed I 1928 He used a wise policy in the de- Patton because he is a real sol­ fighting power in the ChilJa is , recreational swimming on Tues- I limited reserved euing the backbone of our wiII to by" the war. I,.. fense of Russia three years ago. dier. He is a tough and hard­ based southward where oil fuel is day, Wednesday, Thursday and seats will be nvailable to bon- sustain the war effort to the blt- ... IC we greet our return- Anel battling agamst stOl m ana Because of this Russia was able driving general and he usually gets readtly available and where Tokyo Friday nights from 7 to 9:30 students. tel' end with their twaddle about ing boys as strangers, if we look accident fO.r 112 hours an~ a di.>- to come back a~d take the oUen­ where he is going." certainly anticipates early allied Students and faculty mu;' 01'- PROF, C. B. ruOHTIlR the early conclusion of th war." upon them as strangel'S-then they tance of sue thousan~ miles, t~e sive." actlvi ty in the Bay ot Bengal range tor lockers before 6 p. m. at Rickenbacker dec I arc d "we will not onJy be strangers to us Graf Zeppelin ended Its dramatlc theater. . the fieldhouse. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE wete forced to take some of these but we will be strangers to them." Wgbt at Lakehurst, N. J. Alb t Jill A4 CJ L k • Betty 8tDuAIlI, (A2), De s AmerIcan forces have struck E. G. SCHROEDER seIt -appo int e d m UI·t ary mas t erIcR' k en b ac k el' sal'd' thIS country 19"9.. "I ~think er a that0 y,Willkie , wasear one a ofe. Motnes: "Two army men, Eisen­ hal'd at Formosa. That boasted Christian Science organization on campus wlll hold its weekly mllld!\ to. task two yem:s ago. Some shou~d "be prepared to oUer the With December in the oHing and lour best war leaders. He stood hower, and MacArthur. Bo'h men JapanEse "unsinkable" plane car- inspire confidence by their lead­ rier has proved a dismal failure as FIELD HOUSB meetin~ Wednesday, Oct. 18, at , at them .. . told the world that G. 1. 5, on thel~ re~rn, a country the reindeer all fattened up and up as an individual tor what he our bombers represented no men- :vhel'e they WIll !md confidence raring to go, a Chicago doclor thought was right regardless of ership and their campaign plan­ a sure protective bastion tor the I All university men may use the 7:15 in room 110 of SchaeHer hall. I ning shows their genius in strategy [01' All those inierested are invited to ace to Germ!\ny-that American I~ste~d of confusJon-~etermina- sternly decrees that all the five- party politics and the opinions of Japanese-occupied Philippines, field house floors and facilities fighter planes were inferior to tlon Instead of uncertamty, and a year-olds in America be told the lathers." . planning," the central coastal area of Chinu / from 6:30 to 9 p.m. They must be attend. those of J apan-that American land where men are free anq equal devasting truth about Santa Claus., ___ and tor Japan itself. . dressed in regulation gym suit of RUTH JEFFERSON plane production would never get wilh no chance of being tied down 1931 Fern Younr, IIbrarlan In Educa- Betty Loll Towne, A4, Alrona: The big and mountainous island black shorts, white shirt, and rub· Icmber of the executive is still there, a formidable place ber-soled gym shoes. into its stride-that our theories nor slowe.d clown by .the shackles Thomas A Edison, greatest in- tlon library: "I think I admire "Eisenbower is the war leader committee to take by invasion; but its use- E. G. SCHROEDER of air combat werc all wrong- and tettels of old wOlld class h~t- ventoI' at all time, died tbis morn- General Eisenhower the most of whom I most admire because of (ulness as an air concentrlltion that our tanks were inferior-our r~ds ~~ well Da old world preJu- ing at tile age of 84. lour war leaders. He represents the way he has carried on the UNIVERSITY LECTURE ships obsolete-our men poorly dices. . I 193" a fine type of American gentle- European campaign. He has done point or staging base is now highly mrllrr.ANDER'S trained- and so on down the long The Umted States must maln- ,. man as well as being a leader of a good 'job of commanding a large doubtful. Caught under the co- R!HEARSAL S(;U£DfjI E The second university lecture of j hard road of bitter, blasting critl- tllin "sufficient army, navy and In the opinion ot hair stylists, great military ability HI3 suc- group of men. The eooperation ordlnated blasting of carrier plal\es Seh d I f h 1 [ U the year, lmder the auspices oj t, • and the giant super-forlresses from e u e a re ears~ S 0: a the senate board on universit) clsm. a~r strength" to make peljce poli- gentlemen stIll prefer blondes. cesses on the battl~front have that he has prolt1Dted between from Hina, the score or more en- Oct. 3 to Nov. 24, mclus!ve- lectures, will be delivered by Jan "Now they have changed their CICS last and peace ~reatles pre- Any shade of. ?londe, w~ether proved him to be on accomplished I allied troops Is superb. He will emy air centers in Formosa have Tuesdays. Thursdays and FrIday! Struther, creator of "Mrs. Mlni- tune. Now they are so over-opt i- vail, Rlckenbacker saId. natural or artificially achieved, leader" be one of the men to be con- been badly cl'ippled. at 4 p. armory. ver," successful lecturer and radid wllI .be the smartest for Miss . sldered for secretary-general of I m., The Inner arch of Japanese in- W. L. ADAMSON artist, in the main lounge of Iowa Amen~a ot 19~3. I Fr u Artl\ur, AS, Hampton: "I the proposed League of Nations." sular defense islands, or which I Pipe MaJpl Union, Wedne~day, Nov. 1, nt ~ 1934, 'tbink Stalin is the war loader to Formosa is the capstone, thus'l p. m. Replacements to the Front- One hundred unemployed doily be most admi~-ed, because he has Robert Schnl'eder, AI, of Gar­ proved no rtuii'e iripei'ietrab!e than s'CHOLARSHIP'S Her subject will be "A Pocket I go to California in hopes that Up- done the most with what he has net: "My favorite is Churchill be­ he outer barriers in the PlIcific Any stu(ient wishing to be aon- F'ulJ I.Ii l' I.>bj c ~." Fn:e t cl\;ets fo r ,. ton Sinclair will be elected gover- had to work with. Russia's vast cause of hls ease and friendliness hIough which American power sidei'ed for a partial tuition 'ex- this lecture will be availal;>le at J,ly KENNETH L. DIXON nor and inaugurate his "end pov- terl'ltory, her mediocre equipment, with his own 'people ' and those of as already crashed. emption, Car r scholarShip, or the information des}!: of Ipwa IN FRANCE, Oct. 11 (Delayed).BlIly Doren, Evansville, Ind., and erty in California" plan. and her soldiers' lack of mechani- the Qther ,Allied nations. He Impol'(ant changes incl'ntrnJ Noyes scholarship in the second Union beginning Sunday, Oct. 29, (AP)- While the whole countt,y-l Pvt. Hardin Benton, North Wilkes-I T\le question of whether a dead cal ability were all deficits to should be given credit :tor holding PaciIic plans might flow out of semegter of this school year, must at 8 a. m. , side seemed to shake from arlil-/ bora, N. C. man brought back to life would.- Rus:sia's war effort which Stillin together the Brllish Elnpire at "hat has been learned of en~my have the completed appUcation on I Any tickets unclaimed by far· lery, load after load of rookies I But cUlside, scattered. amid ! b~ ~ithout a soul was raised ~y overcame." , tilne~ when f n leI' n a 1 trouble leakness in the vilal East China file in the oWce of student af' I Ully membet's and students 01. . . hundreds of prone forms III the rrurusters as a Berkeley, Call!., I --- seemed to be blotting 9ut aU hopr sea sector. Matched against the fairs not later than noon, Nov. 4. 1Wednesda:/ the day of ihe lee­ crawled ~lumgllY out of tz U~ks and little Pllsture, none ot the quartet scientist proposed to try to restore Luella Pollock, physics librar- for coopera tion." leight of American sea and all' The application blanks nrc avail· ture will be made availa1l1e to lined up cold shivering columns knew. They only knew as each I Iiie to an executed convict. Ilan, Iowa City: "I admire C\lur- . m lower now available to ihrow able now. the general pubJic. oC two. Through the blacknes.s unrolled a shelter half, spread a 1935 \ chill because he seems to knoW Ed Currie, A2, of Schaller: .gainst it, J apanese air and sea ROBERT L. BALLANTYNE EARL E. HARPER they marched to a little posfure. single blanket on it, wrapped up F res h man men outnumber what he's ~oing. He has more "Stalin has long been the out­ .eployment there has been tested Secretary ChalrruliJI Senate Board "Bed them down there beyond and tried to'sleep ,thai at last they women two to one on the Iowa definite aims than other leaders." standing leadel' in world aHairs nd found wanting of efJectlve- On Univ;rsity Lectures the kitchen lent," said Lieut. Rein- had I'eached ihe western fronl. campus. I --- as I see it. AUtlough, he has not ness. CANDIDATES hart Hasselbl'ing, Plint, Mich., With wido awake fascination their Jeanne McDonough, A4, Iowa always agreed with the Allies on FOR DEGREES former r iOe company commandet· eyeS watched the flashes along the • 1936 City: "StaUn. Througb the leader- certain subjects of discussion, it Thomas Denounc.es All students who expect to re- INTRA~ruRAL VOLLEY BALL who bas been regimental personnel hWs. CANADA: They readied the ship of the Russian army, he was shQuld be remembered that had I I •• . I ceive a degree or certificate at the Women's intramural voliey ball officer since he recovered frwn Inside the captain was saying al- I bassinet tonight fo~ a Toronto responsible for the beginning of it not been fo~ him we would have Power PolitiCS Dec. 22 Commencement should toumament will start OCt. 18. severe wounds received in Italy. most viciously, "No, we are not n:othelt's 24th bambino, . an~ a the deleat of Hitler." bad more trouble in our European I I make formal application immedi- Teams will play Wedensday o~ ~hen in louder tones aimed at thl! going to send these guys up tQ dIZZY .stork Wh~led wearlly mto campaign. In my opinion, he was rookies' ears he added, "This is as their outtih until they are pulleq the tmal fortmght of Toron.o's I Boward Frederick, At. Ft. Madl- more than fair with the Allied NEW YORK (AP)-NOl'm!iD ately in the oHice or the registrar, Thursday according to the team far as they are golllg tonight" out of the line. Most companies baby derby. l5:on: "I admire General Montgom- cause when they waited So long Thomas, Socialist candidate fo r University hall. eutry which has been submitted. They wel'e replacements. It was 9J'e due to get an alternatins two- 1939 ery the most for the brilliant way t.o start a second front and relieve president, said last night that I HARRY G. BARNES Play will start promptly at 7:15 a little village on the western day break right away anyhow, and Errol Flynn wJ1l select the queen he handled the North African his weary armies." President Roosevelt, Prime Minis- Registrar p. m. The tournament will run tor front. we are not going to send a raw of the 1939 Dolphin FOlljes. Icampaign. And then there'll that ter Churchill and Marshall Stalin I lour weeks and each team. Iljusl . Hasselbring added aside as he bunoh o.f replacements diJ:eotly 1940 famous beret of his." Free lots for Veterans had "turned their backs on the SENIOR NOMINATIONS play at least three of the four strode toward a iaint 'light In a into 'the line again. We not only only road whicb leads to lasting I Seniors in the college of liberal nights to be eligible Lor points or nearby bouse: !ose mO$t of them that way but we I .Radlo. station. WSU~'s new trans- J. R. Brunton,--_ sboe clerk, 1401 ST. PETERSBURG,... Fla. (AP) peace" to play "the old imperial Iarts . may tile nominations for a winning place in the tournamenl "POor devils. They probably fig- also lose a hell of a lot of veterans" mltter an~ n\!w studIOS "were for- Yowell stJ:eel: "All tne leaders are ~City cOUl1cil voted ~esterday to game 01 power politics." I presidential candidates of t h ~ DOROTHY MAGILL ured they were going right into the too, trying to take care of them." . ~IY de4tc~ted, ~? the preserv~- my favorites because they're aU gl,-;e free lotsyto )'eturrun!! war vet­ Asserting it would be abs\,U'd to I class of 1945 In the oWce ot the lIcad of Intraruura1s line tonight. It must be a miser- "I am glad of tbat," Hasselring ' t10n and enrlcb~ent of OUr Amerl- doin:! a good job, ~ hope they get I euns who iUarantee to bul~d say the Dumbarton Oaks world or- college of liberal arts, 108 Schae!­ able Ieeling com in!! as replace- said. "We lost a lot of men that ClUl way of Ji1e. Ithe Job done early.' Ibarnes on them as soon as maLE!rl- sanization proposal basically aJ- fer hall, until noon, Ocl. 21. Only SEALS ments this way, not knowing the way back at Mt. Maggiore. These I 1941 --- als are available. tered the situation, Thomas sold seniors . who ,¥ill be graduated in the agreement had potentially use- I the April Convocalion are eligible Seals swimming club will hold guy next to you or having the kids will be in combat line in three If your hands are attractive, you I William ~ohen, · AI, Broo~lyn, :rh~ ~ity h~ 900 lots ~hich it a meeting at 2 p. m. Wednesday, least idea ot what Is going to hap- days anyway. MeanWhile, they will be too . . . or so says the lash- N. Y.: I admIre President seIZed 10 foreclosure achons and luI poinls but that chiefly "it con- (or nomination. solldates tbe power of the big Committee on Nominations Oct. 18, in the women's pool. ~n to you next. I came with my will get a chance to learn a litUe ion edict. "You never see a wall- Roosevelt more than other war I which will go to the veterans, it JOAN WHEBLE .. outfit lhe 1irst lime. That is bad first!· flower with beautiful hands and leaders. For one thing, he has thP was decided. . three." , I Chairman enough but most of lhese guys The rookies lay listening Dnd shining, perfect nails!" WEDNESDAY EVENING never even hod an outfit yet," wondering-as they would wonder 1941 MUSIC HOUR Inside under one light, a caplai n many nights aheac\-if any sheUs The issue of the bathe of Gua- .HEADING BACK TO BATAAN ••28 MONTHS AFTER Prof. Hans Koelbel of the music NOTICE TO IIOUSEIiOLDEIlS abd two serge~nts were chec~ing IIVere li!tely to land close by. They dalcanal was undecided today as department, ee l Ii" t, and Prof. All householders who rent rOOlll' the newcomers records. The Iieu- \lad tned . to locate one another, the navy went into action along Philip Greeley Clapp, bead of the to any undergraduate women ani tenant leaned over the stove. Out- but the IU'st effort met a quick with the air and land forces of music department, pianist, will called to attend a meeting Thurs­ side somebo~y barked sharply: discouragement. "Who is that?" both the marines and the army. present a program consisting o[ day, Oct. 19, at 3 p. m. in 221A, "Watch that hght." barked a sergeant, spotting a 1943 "The G Minor Sonata" by Bee- I 1 Schaeffer hall. "Pvt. Kenneth F . Baxter, Chi- movement. Sleek and soft the nylon wig , lhoven and the "E minor Sonata" ADELAIDE I,. BURGE cago, ~7, s~ loot, two," the captain ,"~ust one ?f tJ~e re~lacemenls, is expected to bec~me highly popu­ by Brahms at 8 p. m. Oct. 18 in the read. 'He IS big enough to handle SIr, one rooklC srud heSItantly un- lar in the post-war period. The I I north rehearsal hall. WSVI will a machine gun." able to see whether his questioner strands of nylon are finished and I broadcast the pl'ogra m. PHI SIGMA IOTA "Any ~uy that big has enough \\'83 an oUicer or another enlisted dyed to simulate human hair. ADDISON ALSPACII There wll1 be a busipess meet­ trouble lust h a u li n II himself man. I ing and initiation of new melnbers ~round up there," disagreed Has- \ "Well, gel bnck to your bed," W II S k GIRLS' TRACK ~lEET o( Ph i Sigma Iota Ilt the home or selbring ami a b I y. The captain . s~id the sergeant less grufIly, par- a aee pea s I All girls interested in the track Pro f. 'Gruce Coch ran, 10 oak nodded. 1 tlally because he had been ad- meet to be held Thursday, Ocl. 19, Ridge, 'J'hursday at 7:30 p. ml "I g u e S:9 we'll put him in dresse.d as an officer but moslly At De i· R~I at 4 p. m. must sign up in the of­ ANNETTE PETtIS Company G,' 'he;: said and tUl'l1ed because he felt sorry for the new- mocra lea.. y fice of the Women's gymnasium Secretary over the other records. Thus un- comer and. understood his loneli- before npon Tuesdny, Oct .16. knowingly he completed the final lles:s. • HARRIET ARNOLD split of {our comrades who had The roo1?rt IS. sister, J.asth: stilhding, but also pm·tid- grow potatoes or carry BtI'elchcrs a real indication or his ability in F t pC a e, durI!Me" ISS Ie eEn stre~t, he~ I~l' f E Roosevel& said, "A two- , h'onoral'y ol'ganizatlon, before. h' !S' Mrs. rthomas McIntire of .Zanes- te" b '1 t ' 't' II , E t ' d ' Ot'''anizl' ng COL' p"aee " I OC 1, ro, an 15, or . lion, The services, as d '~cribccl by 'vill Ohi ' pa m ex :a-eurJ'leu ar ae IVI les. In' ng on . " ,,, . Harper, Dr, and Mrs. Donald Mal- Frank E. Lce, arc to be given 'ocean navy Is an outmoded gradu tlon in 1918. . e, o. "'.. , ', . After bell1g acceptea" a member For about 0 yeul' sketches of The Republlcans have had two I tt D d M' C W d thc fourth Sunday of evcry month. I ~ conception of na.vlll de- Gradua~e Study , VI'I~ l ~ J)e$' ~ I ' , ;Of the college board mu~t com- Mrs. Miniver were rUll in Thc ch.ances to show how they can ;h' can ~~ ( l~ M" ~ y I A report on thc auxiliary con- ! Hall returned to the eampus for Mt ' RS,y ~ . M k· n"d M j>letc · a b, ou t five assl;ltnments Timcs nnd had considcrablc mo- ~'un the country after a devllstal- H o~b~o~, . IOn an l~ May Cerence at Keokuk W:lS presented Jeuse. Such a. e~ncep· of rs oj ( a brief period of graduaie study Ol ~L' OM , ~ , k' lie edy' dan hte , thrQlIghout thh yeal' consisting of ralc virtuc, "Mrs, Miniver was lllg wa~, WillI am s continued, u o~~ 'J~geNI, b c, a n an rs·/'mct Ml's Anno R BUI'g rCIJOl'ted tlon of the natlou's d~. . 199ft ' hi 1 #- ~n. , utooc an ' au,g; 1', ' r I ' ·r T' I ' . "Aite U W 'Id d it , o[lJ I Y >.. cw UI n. ' ., :\t1 m 1 , a er s d scharlle ~ om J nne .222 E: Daven ort street ar I? es on "campus ~~ IVI les ane 1111 ullfrl~hlencd WOI11?lI o,yho Ia(:ed : Ie 01 wa~ lin II el lIollol'ed Gue~tlj un lhe i1uxi\iOI'Y eonCeren9c heid t {! n s c was just pIahi the army. His first reportorial I?iI :... d'rl th - P I It '. ilh trends. Prizes of Wat bonds and w a l' Wltllotit palprtalloll and' the Civil wnr this nallon had the H th f th ' in Ced'lr in Augu, t lali s R~pid :; dumb." nl. job came the same ye3l', when he llre d ,:,11 , S· e:",~ . : W 5 ta~ps are, ::tw~l"cled for the bcst whose general attitude was pre- most graft and eorruptlon in its , ~~~emu . ers 0 0. van~us DCle:atc-~t-iar 'e to lil~ Keo- went to work on the staff of the l,n M ones, A 'member is paid 101" any ciscly rigM in thc British tradi- national administration in all its "':'Ili .be G honored kuk Mrs WlIliam altl ~~Ie" ~ ne: .M~~~Stt' ';il~e SOlOItl~ICSMs ~I~~~ y co~erence ~as 19 Days Until Electlo.n! wa Mllwaukee Journal. At'the age of taCtere -b r::-., a~_lei'J , w ' 1 "'\ re.~ 1 be articles or ideas used. , 'I tion." j hIstory," Grant and Harding werc gAulesh , Ch,lS,O Ig ,urM . uernsAlet , Gay Other delcgates wel:e Mrs L 22 he went to the Glol)e-Gazette ~ , oa~~ , m"" !1g 0 '.. r s c u S Any . unlve,:sity . women, mtcl"- U on ' coinin io thc UnHed I honest and sincel'e men but Uley I ~ a ~ me n, 18. ~ '. . " • . ~ JolmROll County Republican I ~ , . t III Iowa as' a ,member of the s~te ested in applymg tor 0 position on p ,. ,g i . Were controlled b the bl indus- I M~Clenah,\l1, Alpha Delta PI, D. AndClson and Mr s, Fled Gal t Central Committee ~ managmg ~dltor. Since th!l ' board. of control for Theta Rho. tIle "Mademoisclle" colle c board St~tes slle bl~Ugbt two 0 her Y fl" Mrs, Marjorie Atwater, Alpha Xl zke, Also present wel'c Mrs, Rex Political Advertisement eet time his editol'lals for . ~he paper .. . . 0 ' • .. should see Miss Focht in ;cr oUice c~lldl'en, Oil\) 12 and the other 9'1 tr~:iits bchlnd thc Repubhc,lfl IDeita; Mrs. AJlye Simpson, Chi Day. s~a~e secr~t(1I'Y - treasurer, ~r have been widely repunted and To VliU Einstelns in th b t fOld C ·tol WIth her, p y, ' . Omega' Mrs, Lida Filkins Delta M;;I'S;,~w~l;;u;,;lo;;;m,;,W~h;lt~e~, ,;o;,;,n;;;d~M~I';;S;,,.~L;';"~~~~~ ~~~~~~~;;:;I quoted. M' r' S. 51'las ' Kobe"" of r....~ver, e asemen 0 apI, Shc landed in Canada on the "Shall we pursue an admlDls- D It'D It ' M' M 'St ~t " """.. • . th f hich · ' 1 ill 1 d e a e a, (5. aye ump, wa Commander of the Iowa depart- Col., wl'u arrIve tomprrow to fourth o.f July In 1940. Her child- I' a I~n w S UI ~ y ~v ea \.1S Delta Gamma, Mrs. Stella Craw- ;--____YETTER'S - Dependable since 1888 ___,"""",,""\ 29, ~ent o( thle Abmel'icaniLc~iOnthlnt ~i>end a week with 'lier brother- Beta Sigma Phi Fetes kl'cn werc senht . Ito Mc~pe sCtOdlhto ~~~~e~nother war? Williams con-, lord, Gamma Phi Beta; Mrs. Law- 1132, )-Iall las ee~ act ve 1D iJ , in!1aw and stster,' Dr. and, Mrs. cep coo,l ~ I e IS!! ru . l' ' rence Kucheman, Kappa KIIPpa Ii· organization, contributing artl~les Ro~rl ' E\hs\ein , 419 ' E. Washing- RUlhee. at Party spcnt thc ouhre summer roJlJllUlJl I Gammo' Mrs. Mahlon Anderson 01. to t/le American Legion MontIJly,. tre:-mentioncd better 'f' I been urtdefellted In two yeal'S of Fred Kuhlman Vacates Wins Jamaica Vannatta. Roesch has tallied ~even J" . BCllin~' passes. . play. Wilbur Shaw, speedy 183~ R' hf Gu d P 'ti of the 10 tOllchdownS an,l oe has been the best climax runner Htre, then, is the problem which I As the leaves begin to fllll a GREAT LAKES, m. (AP)- pound left halfback is the main~ 19 or OSI on, NEW YORK (AP)-Baron Jack', confronts the Hawkeyes jn theil' young man's fancy tUI'n to foot- '* * '* I Lieut. (j.g.) Paul Brown, coach stay, and if the Hawklets can Leaves for Primary Henry Lustig's $33,000 yearling of the coast season. 1944 Homecoming tilt. Obviously, baU or so the saying might go, but I of Great Lakes neval training sta- throttle him they .shoul.d presen. t Washington wilt also be hard I ,.~ purchase of 1943, beat 11 other hit, lOSing 11 players after the some plan must: be devised with out II City high they're tlirnJng Jly, wu.. TNEY MARTIN, tion's Bluejackets goes baok to a aefinite threat to that victol'Y- I With on~ more barrler on the- I ' h t t . th' b bl ' 1 ik d '1 two-year-olds ill n 51=-turlong California game, including ICelfh w llC 0 S ymlEf IS, pro a y one to oasketball as evidenced py NEW YORK (AP) his old bailiwick at Columbus c 10 e e even, Seahawk path to success now of the most lethal combines In the mce at Jamaico yesterdoy. D g60d SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP)- were 619,414 ahead of the N'a- lar attention to the ne\\I boys. phasis on pass protection and J V" . teams much the same as last year. Rott'e Dame drilled yesterday on Uonal league figure, which was blocking. Coach told F . "" W. That is, teams like Notre Dame, 0 delense against the aerial wiz- 4,178,744. the Boilermakers that ragged I r...... r on In P4!n, Army, NaVy, Iowa Pre- ardy of , who may boy The N'ew York Yankees were Club Wants Martin downfield blocking probably CO&t I VIH. Fllght and Ohio State. to by-pass the Irish via the alt ift second in ottendance in the' Amer- Englert - Last Big Dayl them II victory over the Iowa Sea- The really big garhes lie aJiead, I the Wisoonsin game Saturdll'f. ican league, with 789,995 com- Sl':N DrE~O , C a I i r. (AP)- Lamonr-Eddle Bracken hawks last Saturday. W'htm Ole' gnmU and groans had though, and I'm afraid soll'le 01 ' Coach Ed McKeever also moved pared with 618,33() in 1943: At- PreSIdent Bin Starr of the San "RAINBOW I LAND" With the exception of Ed Chro- dil!c'l mer the srtroke had cleared the leaml! that have been going George Sullivan, va r sit Y lett otendanee at other Al'n!erican lleaguE' Diego basepall club yes(el'' 1941 and 1942, winning the pen- To Give Exhibition TIlf ~ iJats of ]l(cKinley, couple of weexs. . L9'nn Waldort sent his Northwe&£.. an'mi hOw H~~e.r game. NoW' YOU ~ team . Phlladelphia naval hospital and unddHtc!d, wit"' . RoosI!velt 01 pmt Chalky Wrllht-WUlie- Pep Jim Meulendtko, Reoild stl'lrtg Orcnimt al\d' FlWht eta ... Just England general hospital, .Atlantlc C~Il'" ~pld!t IMng ,the list with fl,ht cam~ oiIt, either. Well, p~ fullbKC1c, has been ordered by the sllft'tlDa'. Call teclat', Dual In· City. four vfctories arid no deteats. Dav- won' by two-sfeppliir anti job- nny to report a~ Memphis, Tenn., IItrucHon itVen. Trainlnr planes enport CHnton and Satt Wates'IOO' bing, an~ a lot ot UI~ fa"'" dJM'i 1 n4nc'.f Tuesday tot' traiOllttf ,;". It ".a.. -Plus­ Backfleht GOlliblnafloai at' ~' in the ~bder'eatM clad. like it. Pl!norn'lly,. I thift~ lie was 6O!nb8t, crew member ill" tile n4V~ McIb • 'flip ill a HUfty LINC6tN, Nl!b. (~d~ "-OJ ' eX"' .. ~ .. ,! . ~ pfetty ,smart, as it> 1\1«- head ~r but lie- will' be aviiiloIDe Pcpcye "Anvil ChQrua Girl" we. We are now equipped &0 UIuUe Nebfiikfl bac1tflel4 ~tio. ~ H~~ . tHat . Wrilbt was aimlD' at, not tot tlle fildlana ' ~' I N' $tul\ldreher. je8\er'day ailYWay" '. When the Germans smnhed Tat aSSignments, we're beins pOliJhed nal1l~ • .ilerl Glr~rd, ,17, ~yel\r-o~ .Wel, J~1. ~. fUMS , *f18t'., aijOut fhrougJf Belgium and northern CL01'JIlNO~FOR. iU88fk by head Coach Adolph Lt!\ftndo'lt.: ~.U~ft ilaUback; cii'ptaln fot cmen'the nap spate. .. dOr1'r SUP- I Fral\ee- ift August, 1914, they' J't!I. Shaw Aircraft. Ce. DRIVE . D.... lOSS ' ski .~esterd ay for Saturday's con- the Unive.l'IIlty of Wiaconain eleven ~ t'lt, h6ar from "ou until you Iceiyed little check unfU Of", Otlt. 22'-21 tnll, fere~cl opener agafnst the Uni. in Ita- f.IIrnf wi,tb ~otn!' Dllthc! Sat· i.throalh< . ~ Ih!ep-~~. ~ the banks of the Marne I Iowa CIt7 MUIlJolpaa AirPort Du·. Junior Ohm. or 00mJiIt . verilt,y of Kansas, urday af SOuth Bend. in" Joe. Your pal, .Whitney. near Paris. !-__------. . . ~ .\

• I, , , PAGt ITn

Junior C. of C. W. Earl Hall to GiVe 'One Man's Opinion' ~ Bunualow Class Program Announeed To Holct, stag Party, Woman's Club to Her1Farewell Courtesi s not (tltj W)lT (eM) of Cart.! ,"ml l('[lesluncllts Chicken Dinner .... (I_H (MO) OB9 "") Of Methodist Women For First Concert ' Talk on Child Welfare Precede Sf. Pau Trip no (tNt) MBS (nI) follow thl' husincs!! me~ling . Dr. Christian (WMT) The Junior Chamber or Com- R 0 s e Bamp10ll, metropolitan _" ill h ld 18 ty d Guest speaker at the monthly 10f Dr' Mrs Berg "Cambridgc, Oxford Are Strong Carlon of Cheers (WEO) To Have Party Tonight g ar I ., . opera sopl'ano, will open the con- melr"" tv di 0 a s M IPod ,a'~ll meelmg oC the Towa Ci y Womtfu's Rivals" Is the t~pic for discussion My Best Girls (KXtL) Sl'rl'iccmen's \\-Ive club ch cken nner at e y l'<' I " . Mrs, William Gladstone :J h d cert series Ocl. 24 at 8 p.m. In Iowa Oct. 24, it was announced at the 'I club Will Pauhne S. Sears A number of ewell courtesIes tonight at 7:46 p. m. b.y W. SarI .:1)' 'rhe Bungalow class of the Mcth­ ~ D~, ra: Frank Sinatra Show (WM'l:) I)dlst church w111 hold a port', 10- t ~, Edwin L. Hill will be has- Unloll, Her accomp nlest Is Fred- chamber's ni.eetling last night of lhe Umverslty of \Towa, child are being gi~e~ 10 hOllor 01 Dl'. Hall, manaJing ed.itor of lh e nlgnt at g o'clock In Fellowship Mason City CiloOe-Gazetle. to be Time To SmlJ~-Cantor (WHO) tc'>Se5 at the meeting of the Serv- erick Bristol j Fred Beek and Bill Grandrath Iweaare ~I'partment. W 10 ;'111 dL - and Mrs. Wlll~lam BpI'S. 019 E. Uunninger (KXEL) hall. In charge ot m'I'angementq Miss Bampton wi 1 present Ule t t cuo;.<; "Guldonce of Youlh m n Dc- Market strC<'t, who will leave Sat- heard on tile WSUI editorial page will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jnhn­ le men's Wlvcs club tomorrow hit '-- 8:15 1 II I . "T I I" bare co-c II rmen 0 ,>Of QVen. " P 'd t 2 30 . ot the alr-ftOne Man's Oplnlo",'l flOD, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. ~'.Visher, nlltht in the lounge room ot the 0 ow ng program: u 0 sa Y Other members of the committee moc:racy 1'1 ay a ;. p. m. Hl urday fol' St. Paul. Dr. Bel'g, who Frank- SlnaUa Shbw {Wl\IT) Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Chadwlci<, and U 0 at 8 o'clock, Work will be Torelli; "Ah, mal non ceS$8te" Include Ken Denzin, Llyod Mem- lhc clubrooms I hilS been serving as nn lnstruclor M.I'. Hall, who has been i~ Eng­ Time· '1;0 Smile-Cantor (WHO) Mr. and Mrs. Pearl West. (All, do not (all silent) by ler, Ray Bywater, Joe Schaaf, Ed I Hostesses will be members or actuarial mllthematlcs at the land recently, tells that the riv­ d Don- at Dunningel' (KXEL) continue on Raggedy Anne doUs. audy; "Hear ye, Israel," froln Eli-I Vassar, Bud Bowlby and Dean the public welfare depm·tment, oC university, will assume II position alrY between the two 'schools is 8:30 even more acute in things aca­ Hawkeye Chess club Ati scer\'icemen's wives in Iowa gah by Mendelssohn; ''Romance'' Jones. I which Mrs. John A. Yodel' is a ac!uarian with six coopCl'Utive j'ack Carson Program (WMT) 'The jJli ial round of Ole s,e~ond Cily are eligible to attend the by Rubin teln: "All Along 'the tnark Caldwell, chairman 01 president and Bernice K!ltz is ec- insuronce companics in SI. Paul. delQ1c as well as athletic. At Ox.­ Mr, District Altorney (WHO) ford the academic emphasis has chess tournament will be P :lyed mc::ting. Highway" by Gretchaninot£: "TQ the local Nile Kinnick fund com- reinry-treasul'el'. Tea \V i I I be I • .. • Builders oC the World Ahead tonight at lhe meelin, at t~(' Many or jhe handcraft project' ~,he Chlldl'en':, by Rachm:Jninoft~ mittee, reported that his commit- served by M:s. F,'ed L. Stalcup, Mrs. Allyn Lemme, 15 E. PI'en- beeII, and Is, on the classics and (KXEL) the humanities while at Cam­ H'awKeye Chess club in the lo'mll ~ recently c0l1'\pleted by membprs of Thine Alone by Tse\lalkM/eky, ee Is planning projects for Iowa Mrs. L. V, DlerdOl·rr and Mrs, J. tls.~ street will entertain s vera I bridge, science and technology 8:45 room of the USO at 8 o'clock, All I he organi,£ation are on displ:lY at Aria: "DJch theUl'e HaUe" trom tity's contribution drive. Elwin W. Anderlion. I friends at' a waWe breakfast to- have been stressed. Jack Cerson Program (WMT) chess players, students, servic~men the ti S r;Jdirectors' c(lnvrntil)n Tannhou~er b~ Wag~er: . Shain and LouIs Shulman were Reports on the fir't district con- mOl'l'OW morning at 10 o'rlock, Hall wIll discuss the history Mr. District A1torney (WHO) and IOWa Cltians are elegible 0 qeing held in Des Moines this Fo)]owlIIg. mt~rml~lon. M, s ~ named to this committee. , venlion o[ the 10w\1 Federation of I .. • • and buildings or the two English Builders of the World Ahead play, {veek. J. B. Martin, USO dir('ctor ~ampton ~~Il .I~ Zuelmonl New meJTllJers who joined the Women's clubs will be made by Feting Mrs. Bcrg, Mr•. Milton universities. (KXEL) lh lown City, is attending the con- b~h~~:~~s..'.c':~h\rr" (~hlt~u~:' organtzniion last night are L. C. local delegates. The convention Hardimon, 18 '" S. Clinlon stree1, Music Hour Great Momen~~O~n Music (WMT) L€a,oe or Women Volers ference. ~C de eo', b ~b~8S' ~'B .2:Jl III~ Crawford, H. Vernon Pl'l~e, Hnr- was held .Oct. 4 10 Muscatmc. ntel'lained at a bridge party yes- Prof. Philip Greeley Clapp, pi­ A meeting of the 10wn "tatc 0 ,~ • MY! "nIl ) Y, ~ rp. 1old Tellln and Elwin ShaIn. A meeting oC the board has been terday afternoon ot 2'30 College of Musi.cal Knowledge q 1. ance \ urn 0 by 1\'I.gono. 11 d! 1 '15 dl "th . . anist, head ot the music depa rt­ (WHO) board of. the League ot W?lncn vrtu:lns DC Fort ign Wars Auxll- "Capriccio in B Minor" by D(Jbn- . co e or . , p. m., precc n.. e I In honor o[ Dr. a,nd Mrs. Berg, ment, and Prof. Hans Koelbel, Builders ot the World Ahead Vote S Will be h7k1 here tomor-llary aoyi \ III be play~ by B" i, toi. Mo ht n e A d Ilene!':! meetmg. the Youn!' Coupl ~ cl(l~~ of the cellist, of the music department, (KXEL) , • row, when appl'.oxlm~tely 130 rtl!:m-I The regular meeting ot the Vet, The linnl thre numbers of M\qs ! U al e rs war Pl'~sbytenan church held a SUI'- will present 0 recital tonight at 8 9:15 ?er~, r epre.sentlO g district organ- rans of Foreign Wars Auxilial''\I I ~;)mpton's prO(ram are: "A n' N' CI bto I must. ~a\'c be:~ leadf'r of one prl~ bl'~akrllst Sunday morning at o'clock ih the north music hall Great Moments in Music (WMT) Izations thlOughout the slate, wliL will be held tomorrow evening at I ~ce\ln Idyl" by BrQOks Sm1th; "Do Ine u [mb ems quahfymg activity and h a \ e 8 a. m. 10 the home of Mrs. Henry which will be broadcast over sla­ College of Musical Knowledge meet ot. the Holel Jeffeeond I e o'clock at 1032 N. Dubuque not go, JTlY love" by Hageman; "]0 I climocd a spec:Hlcd pinnacle, I Linder, 120 N. Dodge ~treet. An ;)1'- tion WSUI's Music Hour program. (WHO) IThere WIll be luncheon at 2:.5 street. Mrs. Mabcl Lange n1 "~u~- I son lumlle ancella" lrom Adriaha Thosc receiving the emblems ran,~ment of fall fruits provided Beelhoven's "Sonata," opus 5, Builders ot the World Ahead and members. of the Iowa Clt.y t:llline, (irst dislrict president, will Lecoli reur by Clleo. Nine qualifying members oC the were Martha Is-aal's, Charlotte the cen1erpiece for th(' tablc which No.2; and Brahms' "Sonat~," (KXEL) chapter . are .lOvited to ntte~d. Inspect the auxiliary as guest of I ' IIowa Mountaineers IA(cre awarded J effery, Bill Vo)'bjch, Anna Gay, Iwas sel for 25 guest. opus 38, wUl be played. 9:10 Reserva!Jons should be marie ~vd. h honor. Albania'! lleolfrt\phie position is the clUb emb1em duri g a wcek- 'Mary Wyl ie, A2 ot Towa City, News (or Youth The Electric Hour (WMT) Mrs. Evetetl Hall (7994). Mrs, Frank Michael is chair- or strategic, if1lportance, mainly end outin" at the Mi is ipp! Pali- Phil Cady, Loui.>e GingJllS, 1\3 of The ancestors of three Amcri- News ot the day, presented so College of Musical Knowledge mar. for the vell1ng. A ~()(;io l because it comml\nps the narrplV sades state park, Oct. 14 and 15, Onawn, Hntlie Haack, G of Frc- C:In presidents were D ute h- children of the upper elementary (WHO) ~Y3 1 helpers Class or the bhrl~l- haul' will follOW the mce1in~. mouth of the Adl'iatic sea, sep- To qualiry for this Dward each donia, N. y" and ,rohn Ebert, Mortin V 1\ n Buren, Theodore grades may understand and enjoy Scrnmby Amby (KXEL) , n Cburcb Iar~tlng It 1rom Italy by only 47 member must have par~~i~ated [n chie~ operator and technical su- Roosevelt ond Franklin D. Roosc- it, will be broadcast over WSUI 9:45 Ch~~~i~o~~~r~~l~I~~ ~::: l~~~~ Goo d Samaritan Enrampmrnl. mIl ". three qualifying act,vll1es; be I pervlsor at WSUI. velt. this aClernoon at 3:45. This pro­ The Electric HOllr (WMT) row altemoon at 2:30 In the !lome Auxili ary No.5 gram is espeCially preparcd by College of Musical Knowl('oge Pror. Wilbul' Schramm, director (WHO) or MI·S. Nettie Lakc, :W8 E. Falr- Mrs. Leigh C. Douglass, whc. at- cramby Amby (KXEL) child. The class report or the tended the ladies Encampment of the schoql of journalism, and S Donald Brown, instructor in the 10:00 - month will be given at the b\llll- auxiliary convention in Tama Oct. school of journalism, ness mteting, and 0 program bnd II, will pl'esen t :I report of the News, Doug Grant (WMT) social hour will foUow. conven1ion a1 thc business r.'leel- Mercer's Music Shop (WHO) ing of th ~ Good Snmorltan En- I TODAY'S PROORAMS 10:15 Past Noble Grands Club of C \-na- campment auxiliory No. 5 Fridoy ' 8:00 Morning Chapei H. R. Grass and News (KXEL) tiou Rebekab Lod.e No. S7~ at 7:30 p.m, in Odd Fellow hall. 8:1 5 Musical Miniatures ' Starlit Road (WHO) Mrs. Frank E. Humeston, 416 Mrs. L. R. Morfdrd, Mrs, Siorulie Kaye's Band (WMT) S ronsecuilve tlaYII- , Elayne." Ext. 635, CllrriCl"~ I i\; Od Lest ' W~FdrMl; · I New§,"O¥l'ry Lenhart (WHO) 7c per Une per dar ':r:!f} Excursions in S6ii!nCe ' Rev. Pietsch's HOllr (KXEL) a cop.Secutlve day&- Red pldstlc limmed gI3RSCS. Fle­ S:JO News, Tbe Dally Iowan 12:00 !lc per tlne per daJ wat'd. Ext. 81:14. , lIIonih- 3:35 Music of Otber Countries PI'C~S Ne\lIs (WMT) Gold heart-shaped l~ e I <'h­ U5 News for Youth 4c per llne per day gI'uved on back 'En ill, Love - ~igure 5 wOrll!! to line­ 4:OQ, Elementary Spoken Spar!- , ' l~ Elayne:" Ext. fl35 ~Cur riel', t Mit1tmlun A.d-2 linCi 4:3~hTea Time Me~odies ., Job~S~ker5 need Llietime Shaetfel' pen In vicirUly ~ :oo Children's Hour ' CLA SSIFIED I2J.SPU1 ot East Hl\lI. CCllI Ex. 230. RE- ~:30 Musical ~oods ' \IDe col. fficb WARD, I 6:00 Dinner :Hour Music Employment. I ~ Cards Or $5.00 per month I --~----~----- Gold ring. Inscribed "1915-W. 7:00 Pan America Ptcs~nts I ---- '1:15 American Mercury Theatre Ii you arc going inlo War work >\11 Want Ad!! Cash in Advanet' M. lU' Call Ext. 304 of the 'Air ' ip' another city, be sure you hovc .~ayable at Daily Iowan Busi­ INSTRUCTION 7:3Q Sportstime a United Stales Employment serv- ness oUice dail~ until 5 p,m 7:45 One Man's Opinion ice referral c(lrd before you leave, OANCING LESSONS -l>altr::bln. 8:00 MusiC Hour E. E. Kline, area manpower di- I Concellatlons must be caUed In !,aUet tap Oia' 1248 MimI 8:&5 News, The Daily l!lwlut. rector, yestElJ'day wamed wOl'k- before 5 p. m, I Youdr Wurlu. 9:00 University Plays l.ts Part ers ree'ruited to staff essenUal in­ Responsible tor Qne Incorrect dustries irI labOI' shortage areas. Insertion only. J;iarriet Wnlsh Dance S(.udio. Dial NETWORK HIOBL10HTS !tUne explained that under .the 4719. 8:08 war manpower commission pri- WHERE TO BUY IT J Love a Mystery (WMT) ority referral ·program, hiring is Cliff and Helen (WHO) done through USES, except for DIAL 4191 Grain Belt Rangers (KXEL) alMcllltUl'e, and . referral cards For Y01tr enjoyment . , 6:15 are essential for immediate hlr- Arcliery Supplies Passing Parade (WMT) lng and avoiding loss of time and POPlllar 'and Pbllharmonlo News the World (WHO) wages, at WMC Regulatlon. Record Albums H. R. Gross (KXEL) Referral cords are issued only AlllvettrsemelH. for ~Ie or e~­ 6:30 by the United States employment HIlYa..,...1e wod...... ear­ Lunal'e of All Kinch Easy Ares (WMT) service, the director said, and may rled in these "Selp Wanted" FlRE~+qNE. ~'tORE M. L. Nelsen (WHO) be obtained upon proof of the coldituts with tile ullderttand­ Did You Know? (KXEL) worker'S availability for lransfer Inr that hlNnl' tlroeedares shalt 6:45 to another . position. All new em· conform " to War., lIIanpOwer Easy Aces (WMT) ployees in essential work cannot Conunlssloa Beaulatio_ Fi1t6 Baked Goods News, H. V. Kaltenborn (WHO) be legally hired without them. Pies Cakes Bread Preferred Melodies (KXEL) The director reported there are Rolls Past riel 7:80 now many jobs cqrrenlly availa, SpIJcia1 Orders Al1an Jones (WMT) ble in the Jowa City area, in ad- FOB ItENT Mr. and Mrs. North (WHO) dition to the area quota of 23 City Bakery !22 E, WashlD&top Dial 66011 Watch the World 00 By jobs In other parts of the country Room tor rent. Mrs Elizabeth (KXEL) ' where war production is lagging Conley, 11 W. Pn!ntiss. Call 7:15 du~ to. manpow,er shortages. These AUan JOl1es (WMT) oU!sid~ jobs, Kline said, are in ~6:J3 . Mr. and Mrs. North (WHO) plants 'whlch produce the most £Ow ARD S. ROSE says­ Lum an' Abner (KXEL) critically needed war material. I Nickelodeon tor dahCi!s nnd pa~- Pf'ottct your family and self 7:30 "If ever there was a time to ties. Best recortllngs. Call 4670. l\t II Dr. Christian (WMT) get into W)lr work, or to stick to by fr~diug Prates ional Pharmacy- Carton ot Cheers (WHO) III war job, that time is now," Attradive room tor It r (l d u ate _M_Y_B_e_s_t _G_i_rl_s_(_K_XE_ L_ ) ____K_ 1I_\'l~1_c_o_n_cl_u_d_ed_, __-_:_-- women ot' statf inember. Fine DRUG.SHOP location. Dial 7191. DUNKIRK CHILD ~VACUEES FURNITURE MOVING I . -- NOTICE MAHtR BROS. TRANSFER The Coffee Tyme cafe will be 1I'0r Emdent Furniture Movin, opel} days fr0ll!.L 7, a,~ , to 7 ,~- ,A.~ , A'bOl1t bUll, p;m. WI!~"" au day Wednes­ WARDROHE 3EHVICE day. DIAt - 9696 - DIAL

Ws Right To .•• PAGE SIX tHE ,

., Student Veterans -Elect--· Officers 118-12' So. CllntOD ..I Phone 9807 S T R tJ 13'.:.W ARE BAM . , .' National Officer Richard Nazefte Annual Coffee Hour Prof. Earle S. Sinith Of Phi Gamma Nu At Currier to Follow Chosen to Head Visits in Iowa City "o~~~min9 Dental Consollant -_. AIlel' tbe HomecomingGa". game Helen Fosler of Chicago, grand FII~hion Reclui~~i~~": SUI Organization Saturdly; .. llernoon, the annual War Depa~ment vice-president of Phi Gamma Nu, " De coffcc hour for aU CurrieI' SU commerce sorority, arrived last . Richard Nazette, AI, was elected..womlen aJ:ld their "uests will be I' Names I , .' . night to Inspect the alumnae and president ot the University Vet- held in the south toyer o( Cur- Dentistry Professor active chapter hel·c. She will par­ f'or 'Campua •• '. Fot Wmter Wear " . 'Pi riel' hall; f.'Om " ~ 6 o'clock, ticipat.c in lhe pledging ceremony eran association at an election with Margaret Daughton, 04 of Pl'bf. Earle S. SIU ~ th or the eol­ for 20 university women which For W~tb cmd Styl, tit HOIUCO~g ~ ~: meeting held in 22lA SchaeUer Mt. Ay, in charge. As~i¥inll lege of dentisb-y he:; reCently been will take place in the Hotel J c!fer­ fOI hall last night. hel' will \ be Betty Layland, A3 aPPointed as a dental .coru;ultant son this evening at 6 O'clock. Other oUicers include: Fred Da- ot Hamll.n, Ruth COl'Penter, A4 py the war depw·(l1\cnt. Honoring Mi s s Foster at a vies, G, vice-president; George o( Rochelle, Ill.; Jean Beemer, I Two of the major problems of luncheon this noon in Iowa Union · f'aUoretl' You can't miss your goal in FaahionS such rts that plans lor ovel'-all anny pollcy and faellJ­ On t1M M.lI ...... S.turdq • r I.u-J..... S.,tIt ...... Dall, _ Su... On-or-off in a jiffy• .tl}ey OfCicers urge all veterans on the the pep ;ally are nea~ing com- ttes at hand, he will lecture and: 11M-Rea"", and BODl• ••••• Dall, a ann.. campus to contact one of the offi- pletion. • democratic techniques in his ..IJ-hr. IIoTY1ce ...... II.... Wed. FrL launder easily, .always J[-. B~1. lIeqlAo •• Tu .. Tbu. Bo .. ~er~ [or membership in the organ-I Prof. William D. Coder, vet- respective fi eld, he will obscrve I._F... N_...... Dall • .,. Sun. look fresh, Full , le,nqth natIOn. erans' adviser oh the ~mpus, will the work as it is being cavded on, '."-J..,.,. ... ZoWa ...... D.II. ft Bun. back and front, adj\lala­ "-N.... .AI ... D'" .... Dallp tot S... be master of ceremonies. Presen- and, if the need seems to be ,.11-'1'1_ t.. Bllln ...... DaIIp _ ...... ble waist. In w h He, '~.",Ie ____ ...... lhln4u .I StrUb's ·vers·lfy Club lation of the ecIJors by a ml}ltary present, w.iIl suggest modifications N_ ...... Dall, os B.... new colors. Unl color guard and the singing or'the wher~by It ~ms that that re­ 'o4I-Uael. Blae a x...... Dallp '" aun. Will Be I ...... W.,..Jd N .... Roundup ...... 8undQ' ClOSed national antbem are schedul'ed to spechve SC1'Vlce may. be improved ",. Haden hll'II7 ...M ..... Wed. Fri. th DurIn&' STRUB'8-Flrst Floor. _II. Round"" ...... TIt ... I ... e 1:10- To Recognize Alumni open the pl·ogra:m. ahd ma,de more ~fCicJe?;t. , --... Ad ..... h ..U ...... 8undQ' cOIlll ... e_ hqfol...... , ..1Ioa. Wed. Fri. ball Il&'O 1'00&_ he.d Cltp "c...... Taa. TItL 'day te;~~~~~t ~;~h:e ~~f:t~~s e~; Red-Cross Course . Allen IIotIo ...... Boturda,. alllc . At Open .. House Frl I President Vlrgll M. H an,e,her, ., 'oM-StrlnR Qbo.rb& •• ••••••••••• andap N ...... lI .... th. Frl. • Coach "Slip" Madigan, the foot- Ad_tot_ of 0_...... Saturd., Opens Tomorrow :'-oW, ..... ~ ...... 11 .... Ut. Fri. An open-house for all alumni, ball team captain, and M. W. Ry- __rlotlu 8ri_ ...... SUDdQ' University club members and their land, presldept of the "1" club. __, __ _ Lou.. 1.&_ ...... MOD. UU' FrI. 8mllln' Ed IIcCOo1\OU ...... Saturdu WemT the ' Ver~le guests will be Friday at 8:30 p.m. The team will be presented, Johnson county Red Cross will ••'J-Pnto"- 1ft tho N ...... Sund•• in the University clubrooms of The Univel'lIity ~and with tqe aid ttach the essentials of caring for N ... Of the World ....110'" Ih. Frl. •.-A_ .... ~" ...... 8un!!.' Iowa Union. of the Higl\landers wifl help ~t1r minor slckness,/Wh8:t tQ, do ill case Flnden It""""'" ...... M"". lh. f)1. B ...... 'Bobo llu\lt...... Baturd"" The rooms will be decorated up enthusiasm for . the . te~. of illness in the hbme, how to pre­ • .-.-N...... SU1\dQ . ,"·.lum.-pet· with autwnn I10wers and the pro- Cheers and Iowa sonp will , be vent the \ spl'eaki of contagiQn and o.lIlDR AU Gld...... kturd&7 ..._W'BO "-t...... S"nd... gram will consist of moving pi~- led by the newly-chosen tentlt- how to Qssis ~ qhe .doctpr by carry- Rood Of Llr...... Mon. tIlr FrI. )(.() l.mOO...... "kturda. Hlg\\\y ' te~' ,,~o. . ()t. ~t~~w.n~·· tures fE aturing the NavY-Pre- live squad of cheerleaders. iog out speclJ5c instruction in its .t.ll-lIoo... o17 .. " ...... Mon. Ihr Fri. Flight School and "Highlights o[ horne nUJlsing! COUrse ,«; begin to- ,t •• I-Au,.rI•• Back 10 Clod . ••• •••• SUD",," ., ot 1\.b -mt,- BI.. PI.yh"""...... Mon. Ihr Fri. styling are theee Jum~ .. . t Iowa." morrow undf!r the direction of Mel. RouJldup ...... SalurdQ' Mrs. Franklin Knower, ptesl- Mrs. J:ohnson, county ....I-O .. ,d H.roD'l '" ..... Mon. Ihr Fri. Divorce Petition' Fited Mlldr~ U.tt-cII ...... BerYl ...... Sund... teriala and workmalUl~P that , ~, · t()'t dent of the University club, will ~ , nurse. " I ' •. Jub aad .I...... ,. •• MOD. tbr Fri. prescnt certificates to the grndu- A petition for divorce w,\s flled The tl'aintPg will be given in 12 AI ... Dr...... BalunI., a t~dition of.veraatillty. ~ . ~e. ~~ II .II-PeJTJ' Moo"" ...... Man. thr Fr.. ate ot the oldest class, to the pel'- in district court yesterday by two. 'hour l+Sons. The class will Go• • II. II. 81"'.... 1..,...•• Z.98 Ul'. alumnus who has attended the cruel and inhuman treatment. Red Cr06s oenclals stl·ess the Ih46-Bttckll'- ...... XOII. Utr Fri. largest number of homecomi ngs The couple was rn a rrie~ J"une 'importance; of the course when ~.. AFTERNOON · 'ROGRAM$ at Iowa. and lo the alumnus who 30, 1941, in Ely, Nev., and sepnr- l one out of 'every three doctors and , II ."":-Old Fubl.)led Rari..al •••••• 8UDdq . .WOol , has had the most children gradu- ' ated June 6, 1944. . I 600,000 ~ nUrses are Serving our Martet•• nd 1'1...... Mo• . tIlr l1'rL I CorA Belt 11"",,..,.. U'OllJ'. ~ •••• &tQ t:~.' at e~ from thf' University of Iowa. Mrs. McGill asks to to awarded wounded. .,.11-..... All Tb_...... M$>D. We4. ~, The committee in charge of ar- the householq furrtishings and , Women interested in enrolling · • Victor. Faf'1non ..... : ."T... TIll" 0( S~ · ., ,_Uni•. Chi. Round... "I •.•. Sund•• , , rangemt.n,s includes Mrs. Donale;! pe r~ onal property, and UJat the are asklii LO lelephone Mrs. Ellis 1'1"", ...... Dally ... Sun. , 1•• • 1-8.... f.II ...... 111011. Wed. .,,1. SIll.. Mallett, chairman, Mrs. Theo:lbi'e defendant pay the costs of ' the Crawfoltl, 6611, Mrs. W. H. Tyler, So.., ...,. K.ni...... Tue. 'l'hu.. New stylet! · to ~ t,t. Rehder, Hnd Prof. Marie Diedcsch. court action. I 7936, or Gertt'udc Dennis, 3644. l ...... Tb60. W. r.o...... 8und., GuldlllJr LI~ht ...... VOll. thr J'ri. IL~ thtl~ ~1lY'!\l!I' X .. on tb. Fa...... 'J," .S.turd., effect. t'laln col.. ltlI-TO. W.... FrI. .kIn glowl Every one a ther :p;alnw. U9 R~ub . St.te (""mnm• •• •••. Thunda7 J lmm. Fldl ...... TuOldu winner! 110m D..... CarnIYOl ..... ,8&turday T,lt-(Jharll. 1IcC'",rtb ...... B.I\d., Striped Wool Cavalea41. of Am.rica •••••• :Monda, Johnny P"",ent. ...•••• .. . TuNd.,. Glovel; bright lIIr• • nd 101 .... North .. . .. WednOld ... X.s.... 11 lIouoe 001f...... Thuroaa , Colon. 1.98 •• ___"tbe 0111. s.r.ice OOnr.n ...... Frld. , ~ biIp, dlfl5mtty in obtaining mntainn Rud, von ...... 8alunl., In the 19« livestock productioD .O;-~ T ' ~ .. Man', '..,,11, ...... 8und.' aDd 01 Itcrap space with Vol .. 0' P1reolon ...... Xond •• W hit e Fur Mitts find.." 000_ with A n .... Jud' ...... TIl .....y with plgra.ln pIllml, farmerJ and rancbera of ~ are elI'ort Cartnn 0' Cheer • ••••• • • . W~nesd.)' aJiw.cIy ftDed to the doors. Dinah Shore . • • .• •. •• •••. Thursday 1.4.9 to win another pennant for patzjotic Aa Dalfy·. Ta.. nt ...... F.I~a, Truth or OOnllll ... n_ ...•8Atur~ W. did oar belt "hittiq in the piDcbeI" by I 1,M-Jlbnh'llan Mern-Go-Rnd •• . SundQ' by an even wider ID8IIin tbJ11 in l,94.S. tbi T,'",bon. Ronr ...... , .... Mond ... baYiDI~~ IUpplyofliveatockahMd Mnlerll ",.. tr • •••••••• ' •. 'l'u.d•• SheeprNooI Mit­ Eddl. Cantor . ..• ••••••• Wednttoday "officiAl box IIOOl'I," with film" ~~_ Xl'llft Mualo Rail ...... Thntld. y "ns with leather • aJl~ of -UcI*riac capacity. nus W8I • ~ Wallo Time ...... JPrI". palmi. U9 numbers oflivMtock Ilauchtered ill . N.tlon.1 lIarn llan"" ...... 8.turday pr.et.ioe hai .....tia1 ODI. • .a.-A...... Album Fmlr. Muoie ... Sunda. packing plante operatiq UIJ(Ier {ederaliJlllllO"iw~ IftfonaaUon rl...... MM'ltIQ of ta. poclaction ftC­ _ NeG ••nd 1(0111• .•• •Theodap ,. • b r 1 cGtOVel, W.'" ,.,. meat Xr. n latrfet AtIooD.,. .... Wodn.. d&!' tioD, tells the story: Bolt Bum. . .. • •. . •• ••• ;. TbaNd. " ,lap , • ... oIlf4a.nd 1944. W. W a Urd job to Poopl. A...... nn' ...... JPrld •• I_a Born Da... "roIle •••• S.turday 8'l'&UB'8-J'iftt Floor. 1M3 Tota', • aDd .. did itf But the 1Nlte1t IIwe of : I :M-Roar of Ch~rm ...... " ... S .. nda" Contented Hour •••• \ •• I ••• 'Monda, (A ...II "­ Bah K ...... T.... d., recwll, the cndIt lOll poperJy to oar teem mat-. I X.,. Xyoer'. Coli...... Wedn.. d ... Costume Jewelry $1 up Abbott ."" 00010110 ..... " Th,,"~.,. Hogs-63,431,OOO A ..... 'n' And, ...... JI'I-Idap .~ of. I~ock. Per,.. bow that • ,e.-.G_-"-",.. .._ ..... Sund ... l'inI, Broocbe.t, Necklace.e and earrln,. in a wtdt Lambe-23,363,OOO DT. I. Q...... Mond.p VUlety of styla, anat.erltWt and colora. • tUbkla .. crletalIdinc recorda ... made uDder I HIlMor"" 8._ Club ....TuOld.,. M.",h 0' Tim...... Thn""'.,. foe- each co.tume. CaUle-ll,727,OOO Hollywnod 'I'Ilootr...... Frida,. ~. ad ..the r.dt of hard wark 011 1.'_A_tlll _ CarUlPt .•.•• , .Sund.,. M__ • M.1o II ...... V ... th. Frl. 8rRUS'8-Flnt Floor. Calvee- 5,209,000 fhIIir pm...... , aDd.ma etrori.n the M.li-H_ ...... nan, I • .-W.r ...... ",llID . II_Wed. '"'... hrJ't"'".¥, tOf' the ..,. ....'l'uOidU During theIIe rmt aeven 1IlOD~ of ~ ... ~ 0.. y ...... ,. !1o .. , ...... J'rId~ You Can A.lwall' .. "11'7 WOOcI.Ptita,. • .u,. ....ta ..., meat-packing induatry oftea tmmd it8IIf .... III4I-Dota. Stalo 0...... 8uftIoo ...... J'ridO Here ,ou'U ftneS .v~ ,. is under a st.rain. Lib the bak. Swift • II.-.....cJW Puhloned 8eriYaI ...... Su.da, beaul)". LottdOll c..t...... Monlto, lake. Company round ita capacity IIraiDed duriD,l N_ ...... , ... 'I'Itoo. Ih. Bat. l' , :U,.. .,.".';;"'",OOIIJi riff... 111ft-II...... Dall, n Sun. Il ,.I-tt...... llally os Bu .. . the heavy marketings. In IIpite of t.biI, bo. •iIIIb3,J1(JO ....~,.,. iAlI-UIliMtl U'-Klrtit lad V"" __ ... . II011. Ihr FrI. , " 0'· " , .' , Bu.laln t1M ".1_ ...... ta"",,. ever, we have bought and benct1ed men Iiv...... ", .,IIlJO ...... ~ II tII-GeoOI lila.' ~. · ,~,.eo.;._~ IItoclt than in any aimilar pa,dliD';' • .. , ...... , L WAYS A LOOD SHOW ~ Willi ~ eV(!Q with tile ehnrj;ap af_~ * _ ...".infbyt IdIhrlaMJGQaftl* ONWHO 0 -- . ------