.' , uTtOl'f ""UNDO 1-- '0 ~&A:UIA:'~.~"':~t\tJ.~'::~'''l(M::' ":a!: ..... AI Ie It " ....1 ... a'"~ AI Ie ............ 'artly Cloudy .,.... 10 ••lIe.t.'1/ · .VOO ...r, ••• -Lit, II ... II tu" ,... I.r ".. ,..... "... l1l<I,,..""1,.; GAIO· LINE "A" ........ ~ .. II .,......... ' ..... ,. tIan.,1o IOWA: PariI7 elOUib aIMl lreIh aN •• t1; rVEL OIL ... _ ,., .,.r~ , . · '" ••, _ wmat, oooler, ....Uq _ ......., ••• r.r ~.1 ..... Mal. THE DA =~ ... .,~~,A:'.n.~.~~OI. •••. Iowa City', Mot n i n $ N e¥!,' p a per ~~============================================~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~=======-==~~~~~~==-=~~~~~~~~I t'IVE CENTS t'U A.IOClIA'ftD .... IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY,-OCTpBER .18,1944 .... U80CIAftD ..... VOLUME XLV NUMBER 21 LIBERA TOR HIT BY ACK-ACK OVER REICH ... • • I First Day Passes ~ ,.' • ,'J , :'::~::~~o"..':$SUPPlies Reds lai;.nch · ~c",r SaY' New Dealers- . >.' '".... ', i :;Army' Lands LONDON, \\'ecluesday (AP ) N Oft' i , Arch Reacf,onn"es i ' U . ed' Ill~~hr C~~;l\c~.~{t;~~h~~;~c~ ~te~~ e~ ,! : ' enSIYe SAN D' IEGO' Calif. ' U . Inoppos Nnzi line was bl'CllChcd at Aneh· (AP)-.paign staff before a nation-wide I'll has pas ~f'd and the Gel'llIan' . Gov. John W. Bricker declared radio broadcast "Is not a people's Id('fC'ndcl ' of the l'ih' ·till are Aim Toward 'Heart last night that the leaders who govtrnment. The J)Ower It now ex- Carrier, Land-Seised vit,tuull" H >alcll ol'f h'OUl their Of East "'russia' , represent "the SC?-called liberalism ercises has already proved shack- J of the New Deal" were in reality les for the llb6tiea of people. Plane Attacks \ SIIPPOl1illjr forces und supplieR. Bombers .fIrepare Dath "the arch reactionaries of this That Is why the New Deal is re- 0 I M" d SMOKE POURS BAOK over the fuse!are and tall 01 all Amerlean Ubefttor arter It had been bit by Although OffiCl'I'H III supreme ' .. Icentury." actlona'ry-not lIbel'al." ver ap at In anao oak durlnr an attack on a tarnt In Quakenbruk, Germany. The Unlted States Elrhth alrforee, to which allied heudt)lIal'h~ I'l! would )lot LONDON W i:l 'd " ( \P) The RepubUcan candidate for BriCker pictured government Ihe bomber was attachcd, did not disel05e whether It reached Its home base, Army Alrforces photo. confiJ'lIl. the "iew it '. ~'IIS consid. \ ..: 'cr ' ~ , !l. ~S a;, J.. vice-president defined Ut>crallsm under thc New Deal as a "gro- U. S. PAC I F I C F~EET -------------------1 , 1 'bl tl t tI 1: I I -i , tremell O\1S Ilc,w ~.USSlall as {a1th in the future of America test;lue montrbslt:y" in wblch, he HEADQUA~TERS, PelU'l lIar- l'r~l IPlO~fll ~' 10 . Ie ng Ifr:on~, oi'£ensiye aim d ~traight w st d bell f tI t" '~I'd, "Independent bureaucrats" .bor (AP)-Sustal'ned actl'on by W. Earl Hall Describes- !nuuc wtl gIven lip hope? .m· towol'd the heart of East Prus. an a e lB men can govern ~ Roosevelt Will Give I1I1g Aachen 01' tilut the flll'IOU sia ~was annouJlced by alarmed themselves," were "the jeaislatare, adlT)l!)istra- earrier·based planes against the allied all' attacks on Cologne and G t._• .1 t t d The 'New Deal, he added in a tor, ,prosecutor,. judge, jurt and PhiJippines and a new landing 1 crmau IMVa4cas ers yes er oy, prepared text reelased by his cam- sheriff all rolled up 1n one." in the western Caroliues were Philade~phia Speech O uls be rg had made . German res-Ium} til Sp\'iet midnigh~t . com, European Tour \ cue attempts ImpoSSible. munique described beavy Red I reported last night in 8 ~om- • A . mun~que of Admiral Chester W. At Ball Park Oct. 27 Powerful American and British uil'l'orce bombings all aton;: the Hungallan rmy Nimitz. DES MOINES (I\P) - W. Earll Euch buzz bomb levels 10 homes forccs sparred warily with the path 01' adva.nce as [ar a~ Inster· H' i The carricr planc attacks ex- Hall, man a gin g edllor of t11e and damages 500, he satd, in illus- cnemy yesterdny all along the 85- burg, 37 miles i.USidC the OCl" Chiefs Join Russia O. mecom ng teuaed operations which have Declar,as Details Mason City Globe-Gazetle. who trnling the loc~ of conception he mile battle Hnc paralleling the JUan JunkeJ'!!' homelaml been in, progresa against Japan's l'ecently returned from a ~even- believed Americans have oC the . The Russians did not uireetly __~ ~ Of Security Plan week tour of thc British Isles and destructive powers of the bombs Dutch-German bordcl from Allch- t·· I ff . bOB d S" I inner defense ring since Oct. 8 Over-Emphasized a trip Into France "heard felt or Seeing liberated Paris as onc ~f en in Germany to Arnhelm in con 1I'm tIC' o. ensl~'e yen. Neutral Reports Say . a ge ae and arc meshed with land·based saw" <It least 100 'Of the' "buzz" the first two American clvi1inns Holland. ,1,".3. n .D.. Cbc!·nt~kllOV:lky's Arn,y Plans to Oust strikes by Gen, Douglas Mac· WASHINGTON AP) h bombs while in England. Ito do 'li0 was another result of U,e Leave Vellray Pocll.el 1 hln! Wl\,ll' ~ \Il:i Ii I. all arm;t Arthur who reported a fighter . (-A P lia- Sp~klng to Iowa members of "open~door polioy" extended Hall. In the Overioon area, north o[ group, but. leU, little doub~ that. It Pro-Nazi Premier 0 . T d sweep over Mindanao. delphia ball park speech by P.regi- The Associated Press at a banquet With him was a collcague Fred C. Venroy, the Nazis werc reported WaS IJ). progress, ~n89u./l~I~ tllQt P' ens . 0 ay dent Roosevelt Oct. 27 was an- here last nJght opening tile group's Chrlstopfl01'.SOn, edltoroC the Sioux pulling out oC a pocket approxi- I d . bomblir~, uon\lay.,' ',nl"lot. - to LONDON (AP)-Hl&h Hun- . , Made in September but kept . , Iy 000 did r ll •• ~ .. '\ secret until yesterday,' the new npunced yesterday, and the chief annual meeting, ~11 desetibed Falls, S. D., ' J\r~lIs-Leadel'. They I mate 5, yar song an rom TuCliday motnlri,"fuit Ins\e~burg g~rian armY chl4lfS have gORO over ' At 7 o'clock. this JTlornlng, landin, was achleyed without op- executive said he would make some of his experiellces dudng the also. were the first American cdi- 700 Lo 2,000 yards wide along th J h' i;':'" ,'~ ta' '. " t th R i rt'd d t ~.'\.r u th II r trip when "all doors wel'e thro\vl1 tors Dt. small l1\!wspapcrs to visit II Meuse river, leaving thc aren at' IIh. t e ' n.~~ te " ·1'3I!.way 0 e uss a Sl c an wo army four sorority_ teemll began ' the t'V'" on on II I ato in the ~l\1e, other . spe.eches. befpre the open" to the editpr. Bri t(lin since the Wal'. no-mun's land. hmchops' 6f qUlT!bl~n and Stal- ,commanders have had , l.? be dis- ' ~Oth ·annual. liale ,of, HO"'t:com~ western Carollne group. Ellh~- elecUllll but didn't know yet just . , . I On bolh sides of thc battlefront, ]uplnen,lIlo{11 t.qe very '!'pule the missed, the German oLficlal DNB ,ing badges on the ,campus and {Irsl division army troops, of the w!ljlre or WJWll. • I now sharply defined aIter a monl,h Germa.n" SIII.d . Ahcrnialtltovsky's str~ts of Iowa Clt¥. '. same group which aided In ~e ' in- . Fl '" .N · r • t .,' "'.... a~ncy all.\lounced IllSt nl,ht ' as , .With 1l j{oaL of 1~,000 had,es. vuion .of toe southern Pala"s, , Mr. Roosevelt ,toJd a news COI1- I eemg al,IS 'Jelze of a tacks and counterattaf;kS.! drive was dil;1:cteQ·. "', the Nazis. litrove amid deepcnlng " set by the committee; Dot;Otl)y I went ashore on UUthl Sept. 20' and fere~,' however, that · he deCl- there continued a day li nd night 'I %5-Mil4 ........, .., contusion to hold Hungory In the Goldapp, A2' of Council Blu(fs 21. ,. ' , n1tily w.as not going to make an~ I,WO; m' 'en as,Hostages struggle for Rupplics as each siqe Tb~ German-radlo·said,the.new I chairman for Alnha CIlI,omega! I Ullthi Is 100 miles cast of Yap tr'an"scontl'nental tour as he sal'd gathered itself fOl' the next phase Iattack ~as , alolic; a 254mile front 'war. at'." all costS.. ,. AbbIe' Morrls91lf . rl'A2 0 f 0 nawa, and I8 northeast. of Palau. It. has 5011l ~ newspapers had suggested he I vf Lhe battle of Germany. on both ~ides ' ef·' thc· Li'Ul.udnian . The BeI'lin and Budapest radios Kappa KlIppa .damma leader; one ' of the 'best harbors in the flIlght ·do. Usa G k C' 'I' At. Schelde Estuary tow" of VJIXa.vl.$kis .1",..'t decllired poured ' out clouds o( official ex- I Rachel Uj>de,raff, A2' of Sigour- western Pacific. ' • During· the conference, the presi- ree .VI lans West and north of Antwerp It W8B backed. I:i)!' fOl~"" of artil- planations', appeals, boas, ts Dnd ac- ney cll tili t PI B ta Phi " Th ' 1 .lin k t . rugged Canadian troops steadily lery and spearheaded by Ibw fly- y' p n . or • e ; "e all.,. gs were. ept f!ecre dent. took an obvious dig at the In Effort to Stop -cusatlons tencUnJ to obscure the and .virginia O\'ay, A2 of Des becau.1t the Japanese possibly practice of Gov.
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