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EURODATA Newsletter No ISSN 0947-9260 EURODATA Newsletter No. 1 Spring 1995 EURODATA Research Archive of the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research Here it is: EURODATA Newsletter Feature This newsletter, the first issue of which is presented here, is intended Household and Family to contribute to facilitate data-based comparative research on Euro- Trends in Europe..........3 pean societies and polities. It is published and circulated twice a year, free of charge. The EURODATA Newsletter is a product of the EURODATA Research Data Infrastructure Archive (more on page 2) of the Mannheim Centre for European Social Comparative Research Research (more on pages 13-15). It has three major objectives: on Europe .......................10 · to disseminate information on the research activities of the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, with particular emphasis on data- generating cross-national research the archive is involved in; Research Institutes · to provide information on European data infrastructures and important Mannheim Centre for developments; European Social Re- · to provide a forum for the exchange of information on ongoing com- parative social research on European societies and on European inte- search (MZES) .............13 gration. Our newsletter has been very much inspired by the European Political Data Research Groups & Projects Newsletter, published from 1971 to 1988 jointly by the European Consor- tium for Political Research and the Norwegian Social Science Data Serv- Urban Research ..........16 ices. The EURODATA Newsletter cannot fill this gap: resources and net- works are too limited. We think, however, that we nevertheless can make a Social Indicators.........17 useful contribution to the systematic and cumulative improvement of in- formation on various aspects of the European data and research infra- Computer structure. The newsletter is intended to be an open forum: contributions from other research institutes and individual researchers are always wel- Gopher and World come. Wide Web........................18 The EURODATA Newsletter will, as a rule, be divided into seven sections: Feature reports substantive findings from on-going cross-national re- search. Data Infrastructure reports on data institutions such as data ar- Special chives, governmental and non-governmental organisations, and covers Norway and the Euro- historical developments and current modes of access to data. Research Institutes presents profiles of research institutions with a cross-national pean Union ....................21 orientation. Research Groups and Projects informs on co-operations and networks in comparative social research on Europe. Computer deals with specific aspects of electronic information processing and the use of elec- Country Profile tronic networks in comparative research. Country Profile provides back- ground information on individual countries. Noticeboard provides general Ireland..............................24 news including information about new statistics, recent books and studies, conference reports and announcements. Noticeboard New studies and statistics.......26 Conferences ...........................27 Editorial EURODATA Newsletter No.1 We hope that many people will take this newsletter as what it is meant to be: a helpful tool and a contribution to infrastructure in comparative European social research. The editors: Franz Kraus, Michael Quick, Franz Rothenbacher Peter Flora Notes on the history of the EURODATA Research Archive In 1989, when the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research was created, the „European Data Archive“, as it then was called, became part of the new research institute. At that time it was able to look back to a „pre-history“ of one and a half decades in which its basic objectives were already defined. Therefore these few notes. The history began with the HIWED project (Historical Indicators of the West European Democracies) which had the main goal of producing a historical data handbook on Western Europe for the period 1815-1975. The project was started in 1973 by Wolfgang Zapf and myself in Mannheim and moved with me to Cologne in 1977. Officially, it ended in 1979, but it took some more years to complete and publish the two volumes of the historical data hand- book (State, Economy, and Society in Western Europe 1815-1975. Frankfurt; vol. I, 1983; vol. II, 1987). The Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, which had already supported the HIWED project, was generous enough to also finance a follow-up project: WEDA (West European Data Archive) from 1979 to 1981. With this project we wanted to prepare the ground for a permanent data archive with a statistical library and machine-readable data sets on Europe. To some extent, this was realised in 1982, again at the University of Mannheim. However, our attempts to institutionalise the archive within the frame of GESIS (Gesellschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Infrastruktureinrich- tungen), the central infrastructure for the social sciences in Germany, were less successful. Probably for two reasons: We wanted to link the archive more closely to research than pure service institutions usually can do, and „research on Europe“ was at that time not yet well discovered in Germany. The creation of the Mannheim Centre thus offered ideal opportunities to pursue the original intentions on a much broader basis and with a long-term perspective. Under these conditions, we were also ready to follow the strong suggestion from es- tablished national data archives to change the name from „European Data Archive“ into „EURODATA Research Archive“. Whereas names and organisational forms changed over the years, the basic objectives remained the same. They were shaped by the ideas of Stein Rokkan who contributed to the development of comparative research and its in- frastructure more than anybody else. These ideas are simple: in order to understand our world of today, we have to study its long-term development; for this, studying the history of Europe and her nations is crucial; its analysis must take up questions and concepts of classical sociology, but at the same time utilise the modern possible ties and methods of data collection and data analysis; and this in turn requires a division of labour, international co- operation, and an infrastructure for comparative research. EURODATA wants to make a modest contribution to this latter task. Although it normally cannot offer specific services to outside individuals or institutions, it will provide some general services to the scientific community in- terested in research on Europe: · its statistical library and documentation centre are open to the scientific public; · its machine-readable data files are being made available by the Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung (ZA) in Cologne and the Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) in Bergen; · it publishes, in co-operation with the IZ (Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften, Bonn), a series of guide- books for the social sciences, „Europe in Comparison“, started in 1994 (see page 26); · it will soon begin to publish a series of historical data handbooks on Europe. Last not least, it wants to facilitate communication on data-based comparative research on Europe by the EURO- DATA NEWSLETTER. Institutions and libraries which want to subscribe to EURODATA Newsletter please write to: University of Mannheim, MZES-Eurodata, D-68131 Mannheim. Fax: +49 - 621 - 292 8435 It’s free of charge. Due to limited resources we can not mail the newsletter to individuals. They are referred to the electronic version available in Internet (World Wide Web): 2 EURODATA Newsletter No.1 Feature: Households and Families Franz Rothenbacher velopment of households with three and more generations. But this way Household and Family Trends in Europe: from Conver- of presenting data according to gence to Divergence generations is only possible for few countries. In the western industri- The International Year of the Family 1994 together with the World alised countries such as Germany, Population Conference have drawn greater attention to the changing the United States and Canada the family. On the level of the European Union interest in the family was shares of households with three and intensified, as the first steps taken towards the creation of a European more generations are meanwhile household and family statistics and the strengthening of the European (1990) below 3 percentage points. Observatory on National Family Policies (EONFP) show. In addition, As late as 1957 the share in West other international organisations, such as the Council of Europe or the Germany was three times higher United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), have intensi- (9%). With 16%, Albania on the fied their activities in the field of population and family research. In other hand shows a still predomi- this context the question may be posed how household and family struc- nantly preindustrial pattern of the tures in Europe evolve. Not only for the European Union but also for generation structure. sociological research in general the question of divergence or conver- gence of national household and family structures and of national Thus the model of the nuclear fam- demographic developments is of great importance. ily has become the dominant family type in all industrialised European Growing convergence of the this process is highlighted by the countries. This is in contrast to, for “old” diminishing household decline of “bigger” households. example, the
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