REG.NO. 140705113










Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum. Dian Marisha Putri, S.S.,M.Si.

NIP. 19570720 198303 2 001 NIP. 19901029 201706 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English.




MEDAN 2018

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Prof. T. SilvanaSinar, M.A., Ph.D. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D.

NIP. 195409161980032003 NIP. 197502092008121002

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on 23 October 2018

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D.

Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum.

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum.











Signed: Khairunisha Putri

Date: 23 October 2018















Signed: Khairunisha Putri

Date: 23 October 2018





First of all “Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamin” I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Almighty God Allah SWT who has given his great blessing, mercy, and guidance to me so that I can finish this thesis timely. Shalawat and Salam for the prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his family and his companions.

Here, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor, Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum. and my co-supervisor Dian Marisha Putri, S.S., M.Si. for their kindness, patience, suggestion, knowledge and motivation for me during the improvement of my thesis. They helped me a lot in every step in completing this thesis. I also want to thank to all lecturers in English Department who has provided a lot of knowledge to me so far.

I want to express my sincere thanks to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S., the Head of Department of English Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. and the Secretary of Department of English Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D., all of the lecturers ad staff in Department of English for helps, encouragements, opportunities, and facilities during my study in this faculty.

I would like to give my special thanks to my beloved grandmother Hj. Marnis Yan S.H who becomes the figure of father and mother since I was 3 years old until now. She teaches me many knowledge, advice, support and suggestion which make me become a strong girl even though without parents beside me. The one who always ready to listen my stories and my problems, encourage me when I am up and down and give many supports to reach my dream every time. An amazing woman who always pray to God for my success, really love me and give many happiness in my life. I really grateful because I have a best motivator like her. I dedicated this thesis for her.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA I also want to thank to my uncle Susanto Halim O.S, S.S., M.S. who helps me a lot to finish my thesis. He always gives me many suggestion and knowledge to make my thesis better than before and as well as my grandfather Rachman Saragih, my uncle Prianto Dwie Wahyudi, my aunt Dra. Junita Popi Sandra, and my cousin Hamidah and Inggried, who always give me support and pray to finish my study.

Thanks for my best friends in the campus, Puji Esa Suci, Qorry Yohanna Anggraini, Rizka Maulina, Retno Mandasari for your kindness, help, joy, support and many other things until now. You all are not only my best friend but also a best supporter through these four years. I hope our friendship never change and see you on top guys. Not to forget to my friends in English Literature Class B for all the memories and togetherness. I hope we will be a successful person and it will be wonderful stories for us.

Thanks for my sister Tiya Rachmita Sari for everything you do just for make me happy and laugh. You re not only my close friend but I feel that you like my little sister. Someone who always hear my story and you are the best partner for me because we have the same habits and hobbies. We never meet each other but you always give me support to finish my thesis so that we can meet someday. I hope that we will meet soon especially meet our idol together. Amin.

I also want to thank to my favorite idol, EXO especially Park Chanyeol and NCT especially Lucas, Ten, Mark, and Renjun who give me many motivation, support, happiness and strength through your music, your song, your laugh and many more. Thank you for accompanying my youth especially during my hard times. I really appreciate your hard work. Thanks for always remind me to study hard first and then meet you proudly when I am success. I hope that I can meet you soon. And not to forget my fandom EXOL and NCTzen, thank you so much for always become my second family and my sweet home along this time. I hope that we will always together and support our boys.

Last but not least, for everyone who I cant write one by one here, thank you so much for your support and great ideas for me during finishing this thesis.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Finally, may this thesis will be useful for student of English Department especially next researcher and also for the reader. May the grace of Allah SWT always be with us.

The writer

Khairunisha Putri

Reg. No.140705113



This thesis entitled An Analysis of Woman‟s Bravery Portrayed in Guy de Maupassant Selected Short Stories. This thesis focuses on the bravery of prostitute woman in two short stories written by Guy de Maupassant. The short stories take setting in during Franco Prussian War in 1870-1871. Mademoiselle Fifi and as the main female characters in the who are prostitute showed a form of bravery in facing Prussian soldiers who are arbitrary towards them. The aim of this thesis are (i) To analyze the Bravery of Prostitute woman portrayed in Guy de Maupassant selected short stories “Mademoiselle Fifi” and “Boule de Suif” and (ii) To analyze the prostitute woman‟s position in the short stories “Mademoiselle Fifi” and “Boule de Suif”. The writer uses Feminism Theory and Sociology of Literature as main theory, and some references related to the topic in analyzing the problem. In completing the analysis, the writer uses qualitative descriptive method. The writer also collects the data from some other sources included Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif short story, articles, website, journal, thesis and books which related to the bravery of woman. In the results of the analysis, the author found in that prostitutes show their form of bravery not only for themselves but also for others and also the position of prostitutes who are inferior, subordinated, exploited, discriminated and unaccepted because they come from lower class society

Keywords: Bravery, Feminism, Woman‟s position, Prostitute Woman, Freedom, Dignity



Skripsi ini berjudul Analisis Keberanian Wanita yang Tergambar dalam Cerpen terpilih Guy de Maupassant. Skripsi ini berisi tentang analisis keberanian wanita pelacur dalam dua cerpen karya Guy de Maupassant . Cerpen ini mengambil latar di Prancis saat perang Prancis Prusia pada tahun 1870-1871. Mademoiselle Fifi dan Boule de Suif sebagai karakter wanita utama dalam cerpen yang merupakan seorang pelacur menunjukkan bentuk bentuk keberanian dalam menghadapi tentara Prusia yang sewenang wenang terhadap mereka. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah (i) untuk menganalis keberanian wanita pelacur yang tergambar dalam cerpen Mademoiselle Fifi dan Boule de Suif dan (ii) untuk menganalisis posisi wanita pelacur dalam cerpen Mademoiselle Fifi dan Boule de Suif. Penulis menggunakan dua teori utama yaitu Teori Feminisme dan Sosiologi Sastra dan beberapa referensi yang berhubungan dengan topik dalam menganalisis masalah. Dalam menyelesaikan analisis, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penulis juga mengumpulkan data dari beberapa sumber seperti cerpen Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif, artikel, situs web, jurnal, skripsi terdahulu dan buku buku yang berhubungan dengan keberanian wanita. Dalam hasil analisis, penulis menemukan dalam bahwa wanita pelacur menunjukkan bentuk bentuk keberanian mereka tidak hanya demi diri mereka sendiri tapi juga untuk orang lain dan juga posisi wanita pelacur yang inferior, tersubordinasi, tereksploitasi, ter-diskriminasi dan tidak diterima karena berasal dari golongan kelas bawah.

Kata Kunci: Keberanian, Feminisme, Posisi wanita, Wanita Prostitusi, Kebebasan, Harga Diri






ABSTRAK ...... x

ABSTRACT ...... xi



1.1 Background of The Study ...... 1

1.2 Problem of The Study ...... 6

1.3 Objective of The Study ...... 6

1.4 Scope of The Study ...... 7

1.5 Significance of The Study ...... 7


2.1 Historical Aspect ...... 8

2.2 General Concept of Bravery ...... 9

2.3 Feminism Theory ...... 12

2.3.1 Liberal Feminism ...... 15

2.3.2 Radical Feminism...... 16

2.3.3 Marxist Feminism ...... 17

2.4 Woman‟s Position ...... 17


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.5 Sociology of Literature ...... 20

2.6 Prostitute in France ...... 22

2.7 The Relevant of The Study ...... 23


3.1 Research Design ...... 26

3.2 Data and Source of Data ...... 27

3.3 Technique of Data Collection ...... 28

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ...... 28


4.1 Analysis ...... 30

4.1.1 Bravery of the Prostitute Woman That Portrayed in the Short Stories ...... 30 Bravery in Mademoiselle Fifi ...... 31 Bravery in Boule de Suif ...... 37

4.1.2 The Position of Prostitute Woman ...... 42 Mademoiselle Fifi ...... 43 Boule de Suif ...... 45

4.2 Finding ...... 49


5.1 Conclusion ...... 51

5.2 Suggestion ...... 52




i. Biography of Guy de Maupassant ii. Summary of The Short Story Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif



1.1 Background of The Study

In 1870-1871, there was historical incident between two big countries where the war happened between Prussia (German) and France. This war was well known as Franco-Prussian war or the war of 1870. Franco-Prussian war happened based on the passionate ambition from German to create strong unity state. In the end of the war, Prussia defeated France and became the winner in this war. The absolute defeated that was suffered France made France should surrender Alsace city and

Lorraine city to Prussia. Actually this big conflict was over with created the

Frankfurt agreement but Prussia (German) seemed betraying the agreement that had been agreed with colonize of for few months. The action of colonialized was as a form of affirmation from Prussia to France that France would never be able to attack Prussia anymore. This historical background was made by a great author,

Guy de Maupassant wrote two great literary works are entitled Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif. Through these short stories Guy de Maupassant tried to explain the situation, condition, and the bravery of woman against the colonial soldiers who acted arbitrarily.

In this world, there are two genders, man and woman. In the social life, most people think that a man is stronger human who can do anything and has full right and power. On the contrary, woman is a weak human who can‟t do anything without man. The woman often doesn‟t get their right and freedom to make decision for their life. They just forced to fulfill and obey man‟s necessary. People don‟t realize that woman actually can do more powerful than a man. The woman has ability which


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA hard to be imagined because they also struggle to face the problem and how to solve the problem in their life is very amazing. The woman realizes that they afford and must get the same right and opportunity like a man so that, the woman shows her bravery to struggle her right and dignity even though through many obstacles.

Bravery shown by the woman is her ability to deal with fear, pain, danger, uncertainty and intimidation.

Therefore, Guy de Maupassant, through his short stories, tried to portray the unusual side of woman from lower class society in France of a prostitute woman‟s bravery. Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif are one of the short stories written by

Guy de Maupassant which took the setting in Franco-Prusian war in 1870.

Maupassant's experience became a volunteer when the Franco-Prussian War inspired him to make a story based on that situation and described social circumstances at the time. In here the writer also see how Guy de Maupassant which is a man use a women who from lower class society and describe their character, their problem and how they able to face the social conflict, and class stratification.

Mademoiselle Fifi was the story which talked about the prostitute woman who struggled and very brave to against a handsome Prussian captain who was really arrogant and extremely unpleasant. His name was Baron von Eyrick but his colleagues called him as Mademoiselle Fifi due to his effeminate manner. It took setting in which used as headquarters by Prussian soldier. The story was started when many soldiers felt boring and the captain proposed to make a party and looked for some local prostitute woman to cheer up their night. When the prostitute woman was arrived, all soldier in the party were already drunk and they started to insult and said bad comment like disparage the France people and it made one of prostitute woman, Rachel felt so angry. Rachel was Jewish woman who really hate 2

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Mademoiselle Fifi and she got violence by the captain. Mademoiselle Fifi forced

Rachel to do kissing with him and bites Rachel‟s lips and slapped her face. Rachel also got many humiliated where Mademoiselle Fifi said that all the women especially prostitute woman in France was belong to Prussian. It was big humiliation for Rachel and due to matter she could not control her emotion. Finally with a brave feeling, she plugged a knife in the Mademoiselle Fifi‟s neck and killed him.

While Boule de Suiff was the story from prostitute woman called Boule de Suiff with nine peoples were in the same train to leave her hometown because so many

Prussian soldiers stayed there and she was really hate them. She was really brave woman who was able to sacrifice her dignity to sleep with Prussian soldiers and satisfied their sexual desires, though it‟s really hurts herself but she had to do it to save France people who detained by Prussian soldier on their way. But her sacrificed didn‟t mean anything by France bourgeoisie people, as they thought

Boule de Suif was woman from lower class society who liked to sell herself and her love to every man.

Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suiff took the setting during the Franco-

Prussian War era and used the woman from lower class society as the main character. Guy de Maupassant used the prostitute woman which was known that they were from lower social class to convey his messages about some bravery that could be shown by prostitute woman more than what some people think.

Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif were the story about the bravery of prostitution woman to defend dignity of herself and her country and also to get freedom. The story was a withering criticism of the France society of the late 19th 3

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA century. Maupassant took representatives of the different classes and stations of

France society and placed them all in the same carriage, which was then accidentally driven behind enemy lines during the Franco-Prussian war. In time, the true character of each participant was revealed as Maupassant passes scathing judgment upon his fellow countrymen. (( de-maupassant).

The woman‟s main character in Mademoiselle Fifi is Rachel and Boule de

Suiff was in Boule de Suiff who had the real name Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset.

Both of them were the prostitute women who were very brave against the cruelty of

Prussian soldiers who colonized their country at that time. Both of these prostitute woman got humiliate treatment and discrimination from the Prussian soldiers because their position as the prostitute woman whose country was colonized and from people. The Prussian soldiers thought that France‟s woman was theirs because they had already been successful over taken the war so that they could treat the prostitute woman roughly. This case made Rachel and Boule de Suiff fighting to show that even though they were prostitute, they still had dignity as France‟s woman and the woman also could fight the invaders who insulted their country.

The famous author who wrote Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif is Guy de

Maupassant. Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (Aug 5, 1850 - Jul 6, 1893) was a popular French author who wrote under the pen name Guy de Maupassant. He was considered as one of the modern short story‟s father as well as one of its finest practitioners. He was a popular writer during his lifetime and had the good fortune to see that his stories were widely read. As a young man he fought in the Franco-

Prussian War. He drew heavily on that experience and that war provided the setting for many of his stories which often depict the tragedy and suffering of innocent 4

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA civilians caught in war's path. He also found inspiration in the not-so-admirable behavior of the bourgeoisie.


This phenomenon or situation shows that image of lower class woman who bravely against the man even they are soldiers who have strong physic and high position. Guy de Maupassant used the woman in this short story not only talked about the bravery of prostitute woman in that era but also portrayed the reality of class stratification and war. The prostitution woman didn‟t get honorable place in the society. The image of woman in the short story by Guy de Maupassant was not usual as we think. If we think that prostitution woman just as a place of impulse for men but in here the woman can do more even their job was so despicable according to others. It can make perception to other people that prostitute woman isn‟t always bad as they think. The prostitution woman still upholds the dignity and honor of her country in front of the colonialism and think about freedom for other people. Guy de Maupassant used simple idea in telling his short story but could make everyone realized their bad attitude and he often criticized for something that he found through his experience.

In this thesis, the writer uses some theories such as, the feminism theory, sociology of literature, and adds historical aspect because both of these short stories have the same historical background. The writer chooses this short story as the object of research are as follows, The first, these two short stories have good storyline which talked about the bravery, social class stratification in France society, the truth and humanity. The writer finds the bravery action from the short story where the prostitute women still have their dignity in front of the colonialism who really arbitrary and also the bravery to sacrifice everything to save other people. And the 5

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA second, the writer thinks through these short stories we can see the main character is not always show the person with nice background or has perfect image but we can see the different thing that main character here from lower class in the society. The writer sees the different side of prostitute woman which is known as comforter the man especially sex. But in the story they are able to show their bravery as prostitute‟s woman with action and an amazing statement in their utterance that may not be able to do by other woman from upper class at that time.

1.2 Problem of The Study

When the writer does a research, the writer must make the problem of study in order to avoid confusion and irregularities in the discussion. The writer finds some problems that needed to answer during analyze the object of the research. The problems are:

1. How is the bravery of prostitute woman portrayed in the short stories?

2. How is the position of prostitute woman portrayed in the short stories?

1.3 Objective of The Study

Related with the problems above, the aim of the research in this thesis are:

1. To describe the bravery of woman in short stories Mademoiselle Fifi and

Boule de Suif

2. To know the position of woman during Franco Prussian war in the short




There are some possible focuses that a literary work might be analyzed. In this thesis the writer focuses on the bravery that portrayed by two women in Guy de

Maupassant‟s selected short stories where the woman is prostitute through their action and statement who full of nationalism spirit as the main character even though they are prostitute women that under estimated by some bourgeois people around them. In addition, this research also discusses about the position of prostitute woman during the colonialism after Franco Prussian war.

1.5 Significance Of The Study

In this thesis, there are some results of study that will give great benefit into two aspects, theoretically and practically:

1. Theoretically

This thesis can help us to understand more about the short story “Mademoiselle

Fifi‟ and “Boule de Suif” by Guy de Maupassant. This thesis is expected to give benefits to us especially student of English Literature and hopefully can increase our knowledge about the most important to be brave.

2. Practically

This thesis can be used as reference for the readers who want to study about the bravery and hopefully can open people mindset about other side of prostitute women. They can do anything to struggle and protect their rights and dignity or for their country. Even if they are prostitute women which are from the lower social class but anything happen if they have already taken an action.



2.1 Historical Aspect

Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif is one of best short story by Guy de

Maupassant which takes setting in France after Franco Prussian war. As we know that, in 1870-1871, there was a big historical incident happened between two big countries wherein happened the war between Prussia (German) and France that signaled the rise of German military power and imperialism (The Colombia

Encyclopedia, 6th Edition). This war took place on the 19th July 1870 until 10th May

1871. On July 19th, 1870, Napoleon III of France declared war with Prussia. The conflict between the Second Empire of France and the North German Confederation which led by the Kingdom of Prussia happened base on the ambition of Prussian to unite Germany. The commander Prussia who named Otto von Bismarck tried to provoke France in order to attack first so Germany got a reason to make an alliance with other countries in Southern Germany. Bismarck believed that a patriotic war against France could inflict nationalism so that it could create the unity that it aspired to.

In short, in the end of the war, France led by Napoleon III got loss and Prussia had become the winner in this war. The victory of Prussia forced may be not the end of the war but also it had extinguished the spirit of French troops to fight. Regarding some of the battles in this Franco Prussian War, it can be concluded that the way to win the battle is combining the manner of maneuver plus the ingenuity and attrition of the Prussians and the allies. Actually some tactics which made by Bismarck had surrounded Napoleon and his troops. France's defeat in the war was due to the lack of


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA France preparation in the face of war with Germany. This could be proven when the

German Army's Military Mobilization was much faster than the French Forces although French which declared war first. Then, French Military Technology that lags far behind German Military Technologies, Most French troops were poorly trained troops, so they lack experience in using Artillery, French troops are outnumbered by German troops and France is too dismissive of Prussia.

In January 1871, the France government wanted to make negotiation with

German. But it still failed because both of the country still wanted to war. The

German side feels so upset because France kept argue to finish the war with peace agreement but the fact was France still wanted to attack German. In here Bismarck had thought in rational as he believed that France would give up soon. So, in May

1871, the war finished with Frankfurt agreement. The Frankfurt Agreement was signed which marked the end of the conflict between Prussia and France, and France was forced to accept the treaty. They surrendered the Alsace city and Lorraine city to the German states, as compensation until 1875. The most painful thing for France was Germany's actions in treating France with great disrespect, occupying Paris for several months and also insulting them with a peace agreement. This action was designed in such a way as to ensure France will never attack Prussia again.

2.2 General Concept of Bravery

According to Irons (2003:5), bravery to fight for something that is considered important and able to face everything that can be prevented by believing the truth.

Bravery is the ability to confront pain, danger, or attempts of intimidation without any feeling of fear. It is strength in character that allows a person to always be


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA seemingly bigger than the crisis, whether he is indeed more powerful or lesser than what he is facing.

Bravery is an emotional force that involves a desire to achieve personal goals despite internal or external obstacles to their attainment (Peterson and

Seligman, 2004: 199). Bravery is a nature preserve and fight for what is considered the right to confront all forms of danger, hardship, pain, and others (Paul Findley,

1995:10). Bravery is the ability to do something right even though it is full of risk.

A brave person is not a person who has no fear, nor is one who is defeated by fear.

Rather someone who can control fear and act with rational or rational decision. Life without bravery will look useless because life is full of choice and mystery.

Everyone must face bravely all obstacles in life because life choices or decision not always run well.

Sometimes bravery means being the person who stands out in the crowd, who speaks up, and who must be a voice, either the voice they need to hear or a voice for others. Sometimes bravery means having the prudence to pause, to sit in silence, and to be okay. Sometimes bravery means putting up the fight of your life, and fighting till the very end. ( it-really-means-to-be-brave/)

Bravery is existed in every human‟s character but it‟s not meant every people have bravery in themselves. Sometimes bravery appears because someone must save the other people from danger situation or see something wrong that happen around them. Marilyn King said that bravery affected by 3 things, such as vision, action and passion. According to the writer, bravery is not only when you take up arms to fight enemy but also the bravery can shows when you oppose anything that


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA you think inappropriate. If some people think that just a man who can do anything bravely, it‟s not true. Since many feminist who voiced gender equality, the women begin to wake up and bring up the bravery in them. The women begin to show their opinion to public and try to make other people hear their feeling. The forms of bravery usually do by many women from lower class society where they see there is difference treatment which lowered their self-esteem in their society and erase their rights as woman and human.

In the short story Mademoiselle Fifi, the woman who had named Rachel was the woman who had bravery. Even though she still young but she could do something that never be imagined by all people in that party. Rachel opposed the words and bad opinion about her country, and humiliated to French woman which was said by Mademoiselle Fifi and bravely said that Prussia might colonize her country, destroys all property but it did not mean they could have woman‟s France.

They had no right to say woman‟s France was theirs. Rachel also slapped the

Mademoiselle Fifi‟s face when he forced her to do kissing until finally Rachel plugged knife in Mademoiselle Fifi‟s neck and killed him without fear. In the short story of Boule de Suif, we can see another bravery that was showed by a prostitute woman who called Boule de Suiff. She is not only kill the colonialist but more than that. The bravery side from Boule de Suif is when she was willing to sacrifice some

France citizens who were detained by Prussian soldiers on their way by train.

Actually Boule de Suif doesn‟t want to sleep with Prussian soldiers because she thinks it‟s really disgusting and break her self-esteem. But because some coercion she must sleep with Prussian soldiers and serve their sexual desire at that night.

Some people think that being brave is when you do extraordinary things in danger situation or ordinary circumstances and some people consider that being 11

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA brave is when you do ordinary things in extraordinary circumstances. Based on the story we can see some bravery side from prostitute woman where she comes from lower class society. Woman may be considered as weak person especially if they are from lower class society but actually they can do anything more than a man can do.

The prostitute women absolutely have reason why their bravery comes. The main reason is because of a tremendous hatred of Prussian army who really rude and disrespectful. Some bravery that woman made such as express opinions or protest, killed the colonialist using weapons until sacrifice her own pride to save some France people even though in the end it didn‟t mean anything. The bravery also can show when you are letting go all of your ego feelings.

2.3 Feminism Theory

If the writer talks about feminism, the writer will talk about the problem of gender equality between man and woman. Most of people think that gender problem is the same with sex. But actually gender and sex is different thing. Actually sex based on the biologically perspective (male and female) otherwise gender based on the factor of social and culture perspective (masculine and feminine). Sex has the definition that women and men have the function of their respective organisms, woman has reproductive organs, hormones and postures that are different with men and the function can not be exchanged with what is owned by men. And gender makes assumption that the woman is known as a beautiful creature, emotional or motherly, sensitive, gentle, while men are considered tough, rational, strong, manly and mighty. They can be exchanged and changed time by time.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In past time, the position of woman is full of pressure, suffering, and abandonment because of domination of man. The violence and oppression happens because physically a man is strong while woman is weak. Man can make decision and has strong authority in the society while the woman is considered weak and she doesn‟t have contribution to make decision for their life. The woman is from lower class society will be easier to get some violence and oppression by men. Therefore, so many women who become feminist try to destroy that bad system in the society.

―In General, in the sense of feminism is an ideology that drives women to reject the culture of the patriarchy, marginalized, sub- ordinized, and devalue the position of women in the fields of politics, economy and social life in general. Feminism also concerned with woman‘s emancipation and human rights in the field of sociology it‘s called the struggle of gender equality‖(Ratna, 2004:184)

Estelle B. Freedman (2003:285) said in his book „No Turning Back‟:

―Feminism is a belief that women and men are inherently of equal worth. Because most societies privilege men as a group, social movements are necessary to achieve equality between woman and man.‖

Feminism ideology focuses on efforts to liberate women from patriarchal oppression as a member of the public who are socially and economically independent. Feminism is so important to be talked because feminism shows us that actually the woman can make contribution to family and society and also they are able to do the same things like a man. Feminism theory comes along with the awakening of consciousness as human, and women also should have the same rights as men in all areas.

Endraswara (2003: 146) reveals that in analyzing the literary works in a focused feminism study are:

a. The position and role of female characters in literature.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA b. The backwardness of women in all aspects of life, including education and

community activities

c. Pay attention to the factor of literary reader, how readers respond to

woman‟s emancipation in literature

Feminism is a cultural as well as a political movement. It changes the way women think and feel and affects how women and men live their lives and interpret. Feminism is a movement to change the position of women to obtain equality with men. In essence, the movement of feminism is a struggle in order to transform unjust systems and structures, toward a just system for women and men.

In history, the feminism movement was born from the beginning of the resurrection of women to shift the status as a second creature after men in this world. The feminism movement was developed in medieval Europe, namely in the 16-18 century. Therefore, it is quite clear that the movement to fight for equal rights between women and men has existed for a long time. Every woman has realized that they should change the wrong social system of society where man often dominate so that oppression and exploitation in woman. The bad social system of society has impaired women's rights in all areas so that women feel need to rise up and fight for their equal rights and gender.

Every feminist activist has the same awareness about the existence of injustice toward women in family and society so that many feminist activist starts to campaign about woman‟s right in to public. They struggle to change people perception about patriarchal culture which harming woman in various sector.

Patriarchal culture in society has created domination by man which leads sexual harassment and restrains all women‟s freedom. Feminist activist disenchant wrong thought about man have the highest position in society and have full rights to 14

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA woman and say that man and woman should in same position in the society.

Woman can get freedom to say her opinion and her decision and it should be heard and appreciated by man and society. The main goals from feminist campaigned are remove discrimination, oppression, harassment, unfairness of woman, create equal respect with woman even if they are from different class and race.

According to Jane Flax (1987), feminism theory has several purposes: (1)

To understand the power differential between men and women (2) To understand woman‟s oppression, how it evolved, how it changes over time, how it is related to other forms of oppression (3) How to overcome oppression. According to the book entitled Feminist Thought written by Rosmarie Tong, there are eight kinds of feminism such as Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism, Marxist/ Socialist Feminism,

Psychoanalytic, Carefocused, Multicultural/ Global/ Colonial, Ecofeminist, and the third wave which known as Postmodern. But in this thesis, the writer just talks about

Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism and Marxist/Socialist Feminism.

2.3.1 Liberal Feminism

This movement appears around 18 century. Liberal feminism is a kind of feminism which focuses on freeing women from oppressive gender roles: sexual and gender equality. Liberal Feminism looks like individualistic which argues that woman has full freedom in all aspects in society like a freedom to say their opinion, the freedom to get education and also to get good job. A liberal feminism concentrate with the freedom and equality of rationality where the woman is rational human being and they have the same ability with man. Liberal feminism argues that woman has the rights and position like a man and they can show their opinion and act freely without having relied on man. It means man and woman 15

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA must being treated as equals. Liberal feminism tries to make woman aware that they are oppressed group and want liberate woman from the situation. In the society, the woman has very inherent role which can be justification to make the woman in lower position than man in society.

2.3.2 Radical Feminism

Radical Feminism began to appear around 1970. Radical feminism is a philosophy emphasizing the patriarchal roots of inequality between man and woman, or, more specifically, social dominance of woman by man. Radical feminism views patriarchy as dividing rights, privileges and power primarily by sex, and as a result oppressing women and privileging man. Patriarchal culture make woman as an object of oppression by man where the man assumes that a woman's body is theirs. Every feminist radical activist questioned about division of right and sexual responsibility between man and woman fairly because woman always positioned as the satisfaction of man‟s desires. The domination of man in patriarchal culture creates physical abuse, sexual harassment, pornography which is considered to be commonplace. Radical feminists, through their analysis of the gender system, first disclosed the elaborate system of male domination known as patriarchy. Radical feminists focus on the subordination of woman as its primary concern revealing how male power is exercised and reinforced through such practices as sexual harassment, rape, pornography, prostitution, as well as childbearing, housework, love and marriage. Radical feminists made stride in the battle against violence against women.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.3.3 Marxist/ Socialist Feminism

Socialist Feminism is kind of feminism which opine that woman‟s oppression happen because of class and gender differences. Socialist feminism appears around 1960 and 1970 that focuses on patriarchal relationship and capitalism. While, Marxist Feminism assumes that woman‟s discrimination happen because of class system in society. Marxist Feminism shows that there are two classes in society such as lower class (proletarian) and upper class (bourgeois) so that create oppressed group. Therefore, Socialist and Marxist Feminism related each other because both of this kind of feminism discuss about woman‟s oppression which happen because of class and gender exploitation. For Socialist/ Marxist feminist, gender inequality is one of the many exploits attached to capitalism and considers this to be improved only by changes in the whole system of society.

Marxist/ Socialist feminism arises from assumption that women are viewed or judged based on their social status or class so that there is discrimination of woman‟s status and function. Socialist feminists see prostitution, domestic work, childcare, and marriage as ways in which women are exploited by a patriarchal system that devalues women and the substantial work they do. Besides, the

Marxist/ Socialist feminist consider oppression just happen to proletarian class while bourgeoisie class will not experience it because there is social class stratification.

2.4 Woman’s Position

In the social life, man and woman have differences in terms of biological, psychological and cultural aspects. In general, the woman always regarded as weak creatures when compared to man, so that gender inequality occurs in the society. 17

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Gender inequality make woman continue to struggle to get the same position as man in society. As we know that woman always under the pressure and power of man. Women are not seen as independent beings towards their bodies. They can‟t express themselves as they want so they must submit and obey authority and this makes the body as if it is just an object. We know, in the construction of patriarchal society the position of woman is below man. Woman is assumed to be weak and helpless creatures so that woman is often demeaned both morally and physically.

In the past, in France society, we know that there are two classes namely upper class society and lower class society. People from lower class society will get different treatment especially woman from the lower class society. The woman from lower class society will be in position like inferior, subordinate, exploited, discriminated and unacceptable.

 Inferior and Subordinate

The position of woman who gets oppression like violence is a manifestation of male domination of women and an obstacle to women's progress. The man always dominates and make a woman unable to take roles and put herself in inferior and subordinate positions. It makes the woman considered unimportant. The woman in the subordinate position created by social construction results in the emergence of injustice and oppression where they become the object of male violence. The woman become slaves in fulfilling every need of man and woman is not valued at all. The woman is oppressed by a system of patriarchal societies in which the system only benefits a man. Subordination/ subordinate is the attitude or action of the community that places a woman in a lower position than man. Valid values in the community have separated and sort out the roles of gender, man and woman. Woman is responsible and has roles in matters domestic or reproductive, 18

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA while man in public affairs or production. That matter can occur because of the belief in the sex that is considered more important or superior is man, have been conceptualized for generations.

Sex positions that give birth to gender differences affect patterns relationship between man and woman. Man become super ordinate in variety aspects of life. Relations with women are carried out based on understanding concerning male superiority and inferiority towards woman. Man is considered as types genitalia who position themselves superior in any way.

 Exploited

The woman is still considered as second class human beings (the second human) who are under the superiority of man. In French society, the position of women is seen by class and gender. This refers to the oppression of lower-class women where women are only sexual objects. The woman‟s body becomes an interesting thing to be mastered by man and also easily enjoyed by man or anyone.

The position of woman is increasingly exploited because people glance at the exoticism of woman's body as an asset that can be traded. Thats the reason why people look down on prostitutes and blame their presence. People only see one side where only prostitutes are wrong while man don't. Whreas man are actually looking for prostitutes to have fun. The position of woman especially prostitutes in the

Mademoiselle fifi and Boule de Suif short stories are only regarded as an entertainer or satisfying male appetite. This is the reason why they get violence, humiliation, discrimination. Besides, the position of prostitutes also experienced exploitation where they did not get rights to themselves because they came from lower class society. French upper class people consider prostitutes as despicable woman who inappropriate to near them. 19

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA  Discriminated and Unacceptable

The injustice of gender and social status make a woman from the lower clas society in discriminated and unacceptable position. In general, discrimination interpreted as a treatment of individuals differently based on gender, race, religion, age, or other and it grows because of culture that grow in the community.

Discrimination is a form of oppression that can be verbal or non verbal. The dicrimination occurs due to several things like stereotype in the society. The society places the woman as the weak human and or the second human beings. The woman always submissive and obedient to man so that man dominate the woman more and they didnt get the same right like a man. In the short story Mademoiselle Fifi and

Boule de Suif the woman can be in discriminated and unacceptable position because of their gende and their social status. As we know that the woman in the short story are the prostitute. The France society considered that prostitute women are the women from lower class society who don‟t have good dignity and their job is low and really despicable. At that time, France society just accept women who have honorable status and noble family or upper class.

2.5 Sociology of literature

Swingewood in his book Literature of Sociology said that sociology and literature has really close relationship. The close relation focuses on object or target. According to Swingewood (1972:11) sociology is scientific approach which emphasize in analysis objectively about human in society, social institution and social process. According to Ratna (2003: 1) in her book entitled Paradigma

Sosiologi Sastra said that Sociology of literature is derived from two terms

“Sociology” and “Literature”. Sociology is derived from Greek word „socius‟ 20

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA (society) and „logos‟ (science) which means the study of all aspects of human and their relation in community. The sociology of literature is a study about the literature and sociology which focus on the relation among them. Sociology is a scientific study of human society, social processes, interaction between people with their environment or society and as we know that literary work usually describes the social condition or social life and reveal the social problem in real life.

According Swingewood (1972:16) literature is reflection of society. Based on that statement, Swingewood tries to convey that the great author not only describe about just the social world but also play all characters that they create in fiction situation to revealed value and meaning in the society ( Yasa, 2012:22) Actually, both sociology and literature have the same object, which is human being.

However, the essence of sociology and literature is very different. Sociology is the objective knowledge. It limits to what happen in recent times. But literature is evaluative, subjective and imaginative. Sociology teaches us to know more what the social phenomenon in our society is. We should be sensitive to some problem in our society and try to solve it together.

According to M.H. Abrams (1981:178), Sociology of Literature in literary science is meant to refer to the literary critic and literary historian who mainly pay attention to the relationship between authors with social class, social status and ideology, economic conditions, and model of its target. They believe that literary works (both aspects of the content and form) are absolute conditioned by environment and social power of a given period. And Wellek and Warren (1977:94) mention in Theory of Literature that “Literature represents life, and life is, in large measure, a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary imitation”. 21

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Based on the opinion above, the writer can say that sociology and literature is reflection of human social life or the social aspects like economy, politic, etc. the author of literary work should be able to explain what the author see in society through their experience is. In addition actually the sociology of literature also some of good and bad character of human which can resuscitate, quip and critic us directly. Through the sociology of literature we can see some hidden things in our life that may not be acceptable in our society.

2.6 Prostitution in France

Prostitution is often an underground world that has very real cultural and economic effects. France is known for its brothels and cabarets, especially in the

18th and 19th centuries. When one thinks of France in the late 18th through 19th centuries, many things may come to mind. Life after revolution, Napoleon‟s conquests, La Belle Epoque and of course, the birth of cabaret. Prostitution is the world‟s oldest profession, and it‟s no surprise that a country known for romance was one of the first to create the regulatory model for the trade. It is unclear when prostitution first started in France, but it can be inferred that it had always been an act of trade. We know think of prostitutes as one of the most disfavored categories of the social order, to be talked about it in disgust when we talk about it at all. But in Paris of the late 19th century, prostitution was a central part of daily life, a private transaction with public ramifications. Prostitution was strictly regulated during the reign of Napoleon III and this continued into the 20th century. Soliciting was illegal and instead women had to register with the police, work out of single brothel and pay tax.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Prior to the 18th century, the records kept of the prostitutes and their clientele were said to have been entertainment for the aristocrats along with an insight to the goings on of the French underground. Prior to the turn of the century, brothels were not to be spoken of and prostitution was widely unaccepted. However, as time passed, it was recognized that selling sex was not going to go away. In Napoleon‟s era, he believed that harlotry was a necessity of society. He decided to reform the

“system” and enforce regulation. This way, there would be less street walkers the public was exposed to and the men who would undoubtedly find their way to the brothels would know their woman was clean. As well, the brothels were to be discrete and hidden from the average civilian.

Brothels or Maisons de Tolerance (houses of tolerance) started becoming regulated establishments around the year 1810. This was due to men‟s belief that marriage and human desire could not go hand in hand and the government‟s attempt at protecting them from diseases. These houses were run by women, or head mistresses, and housed many registered girls. If a woman was not registered but had been caught soliciting on the street twice, she was forced to become a registered prostitute and to live in one of these houses. On the less glamorous side of the French‟s sex trade, there were the lower class brothels and the girls who would street walk in hopes of finding a man to pay them enough to feed their family.

2.7 The Relevant of The Study

The thesis entitled An Analysis of Feminism in Maya Angelou‘s Selected

Poems by Dian Bania Persada Sembiring, English Literature University of

Sumatera Utara. (2011). The thesis talks about feminism that portrayed through 23

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA seven poems by Maya Angelou where the poems has theme about struggle to woman‟s right. The writer of this thesis use qualitative descriptive method, feminism theory, mimetic and expressive theory. This thesis help the writer to more understand about feminism in Maya Angelou‟s poems so that the writer can develop much knowledge about feminism.

The thesis entitled Pengungkapan Sikap Patriotik di dalam Cerita Pendek

Boule de Suif, Mademoiselle Fifi, dan Le Lit 29 Karya Guy de Maupassant by

Nissa Ardeasari, France Literature, Universitas Indonesia (2010). This thesis focuses on patriotic attitude which portrayed all characters in the short stories. The writer of this thesis uses syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis based on the plot, character description and setting. This thesis gives contribution for writer to more understand about every character in the short stories like Mademoiselle Fifi, Boule de Suif and Le Lit 29. Beside that, the writer knows about the plot especially the sequence of each event in detail by using syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis.

The things that distinguish between this thesis with the writer‟s thesis is this thesis analyze and focus on all characters in the short stories, while the writer‟s thesis just focus on the bravery prostitute woman‟s character and use Feminism Theory and

Sociology of Literature.

The thesis entitled Citra Para Tokoh Wanita Dalam Cerpen Clochette,

Boule de Suif, Histoire D‘Une Fille De Ferme Dan Mademoiselle Fifi Karya Guy de Maupassant: Tinjauan dari Perspektif Feminisme Julia Kristeva by Mawar Fajar

Sari France Literature Universitas Negri Semarang. (2013). The thesis focus on woman‟s image which portrayed in some short story written by Guy de Maupassant based on paradigm of feminism in Julia Kristeva‟s theory, describes images of female characters as imaginer‟s mother and father and describes the image of 24

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA women in oppression and discrimination. This thesis give contribution for writer such as make the writer know more about the woman‟s extraordinary character and how the woman becomes pioneer of independent women's movement.

The thesis entitled Woman‘s Problems and Struggles Against Man

Domination As Reflected in the Color Purple by Zen Elvia Br. Bangun, English

Literature University of Sumatera Utara (2015). The thesis talks about the struggle of woman to face her problem especially the domination of man in her life which reflected in Color Purple‟s novel. This thesis uses descriptive qualitative method and feminism theory. This thesis helps the writer to more understand about feminism and how the woman faces her problem when she must struggle to face domination of man.

Another thesis entitled The Main Character‘s Struggle As The Lower

Class Society Reflected in Suzanne‘s Novel The Hunger Games by Uswatunnisa,

English Literature University of Sumatera Utara (2015). The thesis focuses on the struggle of main character as proletarian people or lower class society toward bourgeois people to survive. The main character here is a girl who starts to fight for her life and her family through the games. This thesis use dynamic structuralism theory, sociology of literature and hermeneutical interpretation to analyze the novel.

The contribution of this thesis is helps the writer to know the struggle of woman from lower class society and make the writer understand about the phenomenon of social class or social stratification.



Methodology is branch of logic that seeks to know how the abstract principle science maybe used to gain the knowledge or a method which is used in collecting the data in the analysis of work. The writer needs to fully understand his/ her research method in collecting the data to accomplish the thesis. In this chapter, the writer will explain every steps, process and data during doing a research which involves research design, data and data source, data collection, and data analysis.

The writer use the two short stories Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif


3.1 Research Design

According to Parahoo (1997:42), research design as a plan that describes how, when and where data are to be collected and analyzed. Based on this statement, the writer understands that research design is the way to obtain the information related with topic that we talk. In this thesis, the writer use qualitative descriptive method by using library research to analyze the data. According to Moleong (2005:6)

Qualitative research is a research that intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by research subjects such as behavior, perception, motivation, action, etc. holistically and with description in the form of words and language, in a specific context that is natural and by utilizing various natural methods. The writer chooses qualitative descriptive method because every idea and opinion will explain by words and sentence. The writer uses the library research in collecting the data from written source books that would be useful during analysis.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The writer collects and combines the data from related book and journal, thesis and other sources like many websites in the internet which relevant to the topic in this thesis as many as possible. The first thing that writer do is reading. The writer must read carefully and write some information from the data in mini notes appropriately. To simplify the process of collecting the data, the writer can underline every strong quotation to support the opinion. In supporting the method of study, this thesis also adds feminism theory and sociological approach to strengthen in thesis.

3.2 Data and Source of Data

An analysis is a scientific study in order to understand something through the explanatory research. During makes a research the writer absolutely needs Data.

Data are factual information which also an important element to make a research.

Data can be numbers, images, words, figures, facts, or ideas. Data can help the researchers to prove and support their analysis or opinion to the public. There are many ways to of classifying data source of data divided into two, primary data and secondary data. Primary data are an original data source, that is the ones in which the data are collected firsthand by the researcher for a specific research purpose or project. The primary data that the writer uses in this research was taken from two short stories Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif by Guy de Maupassant which already translated from France language into English. And the secondary data was the data that had been already collected and available from other sources. The secondary data in this research was collected from many website in the internet, book, journal, thesis which related with the topic.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3.3 Technique of Data Collection

First of all, in this step, the writer uses library research to collect the primary and secondary data. The first procedure is reading the data. The writer will start to read the short story Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif as the primary data carefully to understand the story and what actually the author wants to talk about, and then take some notes of important aspects in the story. Beside that, the writer will underline some strong quotation as the data. After collecting the data from primary source, the writer also collects and searches the secondary data from reading the books, journals, articles, thesis and also open the internet to get other information which is relevant to the topic. The second procedure is selecting the data. After the writer read the short story carefully, and then the writer will select suitable data like quotation or statement. The quotation or statement which already collects will put in the thesis later to find the correlation with the topic and make a conclusion from the analysis.

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting and selecting the primary data, secondary data and also other information which is related with the study, the writer will do data analysis as the last step. Bogdan and Biklen (1982:145) describes that data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcript, field notes, and other materials that the researcher accumulates to increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to other. The first processes in analyzing the data are reading the data once again. The writer at least should read the short story more than one time to fully understand every single words, sentences, dialogues or actions which portrayed in the story. The aims of re- 28

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA read the story in order to find some forms of bravery from a prostitute woman in two short stories. The writer uses feminism theory and sociology of literature to support every opinion in the thesis. After re-read the short story, the writer begins to analyze and interpret all the data and put in the thesis later. The writer will combine all data from many sources. To complete the process of data analysis, the writer makes a conclusion and summarizes in the end. It makes the reader more understand the thesis overall.




4.1 Analysis

In this chapter, there are two main parts that will be analyzed by the writer.

The first, the writer will discuss about the bravery of the prostitute woman that portrayed in the short stories and the second, the writer will discuss about the woman‟s position during the colonialism after Franco Prussian war.

4.1.1 Bravery of the woman that portrayed in the short stories, Mademoiselle

Fifi and Boule de Suif

Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif are Guy de Maupassant‟s short story.

Both of these short stories have the same storyline which talk about prostitute woman‟s bravery. The incredible prostitute woman in the short story named Rachel and Boule de Suif (Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset). Both of the prostitute women show us their bravery in their way to uphold their dignity and also sacrifice herself to get freedom and safe the other people. The situation in Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif are based on the historical incident that happened in France, Franco Prussian war. The writer will give explanation about the bravery of the prostitute woman to defend their dignity, get freedom and save the other people from which portrayed in the short stories and analyze it using some quotations from the short stories and some references.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Bravery in Mademoiselle Fifi

 To Confront All Forms of Pain and Others

In the short story Mademoiselle Fifi, the bravery that shown by prostitute woman is for defends her dignity eventhough full of pain. Dignity is person's positive or negative attitude of himself as a whole and how someone sees himself/herself. The dignity sees as one of important aspect in formation of someone‟s personality. Someone who has high dignity will have the ability to rise again with the way to resolve the pressure experienced. Someone who feels his/her dignity is harassed will try to show the bravery in herself to against. In the short story, Mademoiselle Fifi, the bravery that shown by Rachel can see through the way she saw the Prussian army who named mademoiselle Fifi when he tries to kiss her in a painful way. Here is the statement.

―Under pretence of kissing her, the count had blown a whiff of tobacco in to her mouth. She did not fly into a rage and did not say a word, but she looked at her tormentor with latent hatred in her dark eyes.‖

From quotation above, Rachel shows her bravery to confront of pain from the bad treatment that she gets from Mademoiselle Fifi. The bravery also can see from the way she saw mademoiselle Fifi without fear. Rachel did not say a word to complain but her eyes can speak so many words that she actually bear the pain and she doesn‟t want to spend the night with Prussian army who really rude and high- handed like Mademoiselle Fifi. As France woman, Rachel still is able to not bow her head and her eyes in front of the Prussian army. She really brave to stare to

Mademoiselle Fifi, even though in the situation she is just a prostitute woman from the lower class society. From that quotation, Rachel want to let Mademoiselle


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA knows, she is a France woman who never afraid with the colonialist because it will destroy her dignity as a France woman.

For the next, Mademoiselle fifi acted increasingly rude and violent like an animal. He fondles Rachel as if his lust can‟t be controlled anymore. It can see from the statement below:

He often held her close to him and pressed a long kiss on the Jewess‘ rosy mouth until she lost her breath, and at last he bit her until a stream of blood ran down her chin and on to her bodice. For the second time she looked him full in the face, and as she bathed the wound, she said, ―You will have to pay for, that!‖

From the quotation below, Rachel start her bravery to speak up from her statement ―You will have to pay for that!‖ . Rachel show us that what

Mademoiselle Fifi does causes pain and very hurt her and he‟s like torture the prostitute woman. Rachel through her statement is really brave to warn

Mademoiselle what she can do to him more than he thinks before. Mademoiselle

Fifi must know all kinds of torture which he give to Rachel, it will be pay by himself later. Her warning seems like threaten. As the woman who gets humiliation and torture from a colonist, Rachel must be brave to fight because among the prostitute women who taken to headquarters, no one can speak about that. As we know that the prostitute woman usually just a woman from the lower class society who considered does the despicable job so that every man (the Prussian army) can treat her arbitrarily. Mademoiselle Fifi also does the same. He treats Rachel really bad because he thinks that Rachel just prostitute woman who must obey what he wants and torture her like a colonialist into a slave. Therefore Rachel can‟t accept it.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA  To Confront All Forms of Hardship and Others

Mademoiselle Fifi is not only treats Rachel badly but he also mock France people with considered them afraid with Prussian army. Rachel who hear that mockery words from Mademoiselle Fifi feels so angry because this matter same like mock her too. Rachel believes that France people will never afraid even though

France already taken over by Prussia.

But the little count still holding her on his knee began to laugh, for the wine had made him very merry, and said: ―Ha! Ha! Ha! I have never met any of them myself. As soon as we show ourselves, they run away!‖ The girl who was terrible in rage, shouted into his face: ―You are lying, you dirty scoundrel!‖

From the Rachel words ―You are lying, you dirty scoundrel!‖ we can see the bravery of Rachel to confront the hardship where the Prussian army keep belittle the France people. She really brave to protest about what Mademoiselle said. She never trusts what a colonialist said about people in her country. Rachel is not only refute all bad words about the France people but also she able to scold

Mademoiselle Fifi with call him as dirty scoundrel when the other prostitute women in the room just silent hear that humiliation. Because of her statement,

Mademoiselle Fifi stare Rachel‟s eyes so deep like he will destroy her with his gun and keeps laugh.

Mademoiselle fifi said that France is Prussia‟s mine and it means that everything in France like, forest, France‟s home, field, and etc are theirs.

Mademoiselle Fifi wants to tell Rachel that her country on Prussian‟s authority and

Rachel must realized about this situation where here her country has lost the war.

Another Prussian army in the room also possessed by military enthusiasm and


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA shouted while raised their glasses. They are yelling about the victory of Prussia in front of the prostitute women especially Rachel. Until when one of Prussian army said the statement which really demeaning the dignity of France woman. That statement is something which the main point of the humiliation. He said that France woman also Prussian‟s mine too and it makes Rachel is getting angry and make her braver again.

 To Confront All Forms of Danger and Others

Then the little marquis put his champagne glass, which had just been refilled, on the head of the Jewess and exclaimed: ―All the women in France belong to us also!‖ At that she got up so quickly that the glass upset, spilling the amber-colored wine on her black hair as if to baptize her, and broke into a hundred fragments, as it fell to the floor. Her lips trembling, she defied the looks of the officer, who was still laughing, and stammered out in a voice chocked with rage: ―That—that—that—is not true –for you shall not have the woman of France!‖

Here it can be seen Rachel feels that her dignity as the woman‟s France already demeaned by Prussian army who named Mademoiselle Fifi. Mademoiselle Fifi thinks that if he already taken over France so that everything in France include woman is theirs. As the France woman, Rachel feels that this matter is totally wrong. Even though France becomes country which lost the war and Prussia can colonize France, it is not means Prussia have France woman. This is tantamount to insult France woman‟s dignity and their right. From Rachel‟s statement ―That— that—that—is not true –for you shall not have the woman of France!‖ We can see clearly she oppose stupid thought which coming out from Mademoiselle Fifi‟s mouth eventhough at that time the situation is really danger. Among prostitute women who stay in the room at that night, just Rachel who able to speak up and


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA oppose it all. Rachel doesn‟t want her dignity fall down in front of Prussian army which they are France enemy. She is not afraid even though she is surrounded by

Prussian army. From the quotation below, Guy de Maupassant open the readers mind that prostitute woman still think more about her dignity. The prostitute woman who considered by some people just a woman who as man‟s sexual object or satisfaction of man‟s sexual desire but she is really brave to defend her dignity even though under pressure and threat. When she maybe can killed by Prussian army in headquarters at that night but she cant keep silent hear Mademoiselle Fifi and other Prusian army keep saying offensive words.

He sat down again so as to laugh at his ease; and, trying to speak with the Parisian accent, he said: ―She is good very good! Then you did come here, my dear?‖ she was thunderstruck and made no reply for a moment, for in her agitation she did not understand him at first, but as soon as she grasped his meaning she said to him indignantly and vehemently: ―I! I! I am not a woman, I am only a strumpet and that is all that Prussian want.‖

Mademoiselle Fifi can‟t stop to disgrace Rachel‟s dignity with questioned why she comes to Prussia‟s headquarters when Rachel said that Prussia can‟t have

France woman. From the dialogue, Rachel seems to get an insult which she can‟t forgive anymore from a man. Through Rachel‟s statements ―I! I! I am not a woman, I am only a strumpet and that is all that Prussian want.‖ The writer sees that Rachel tries to resuscitate Mademoiselle Fifi that actually Prussia never can have France woman. Even though at the time France prostitute woman comes to spend the night with Prussian army but actually she comes as Prostitute woman, not as France woman. Rachel seemed to mock Mademoiselle Fifi‟s stupidity without fear. Rachel wants to tell Mademoiselle Fifi and other Prussian army that their opinion is totally wrong. Prussia just gets a prostitute woman, not more. Rachel is


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA not afraid with what happen with herself because of her word. Rachel really hates

Mademoiselle Fifi not only because he is a colonialist but also because his attitude and his character which really rude with woman and arbitrary.

Hearing Rachel‟s statement, Mademoiselle Fifi becomes really wrath. He can‟t stop himself to do something which more rough than before.

Almost before she had finished he slapped her full in the face; but as he was raising his hand again, as if to strike her, she seized a small dessert knife with a silver blade from the table and, almost mad with rage, stabbed him right in the hollow of his neck. Something that he was going to say was cut short in his throat, and he sat there with his mouth half open and a terrible look in his eyes.

From the explanation above, we can see the action of Mademoiselle Fifi to

Rachel has hurt her physic. Mademoiselle Fifi beat up her without think that Rachel is woman. Rachel feels that she must against crude action that happens of herself.

After insulting her dignity and her country, Rachel can‟t let Prussian army like

Mademoiselle Fifi hurt herself again. Without hesitation Rachel take a knife and plug the knife right in the Mademoiselle Fifi‟s neck. Mademoiselle Fifi finally dies in Rachel‟s hand and no one can save him. The crazy anger makes Rachel really brave to do that. She is able to kill Mademoiselle Fifi, an officer of Prussian troops.

Rachel must stop the arbitrariness and brutality from Mademoiselle Fifi and other

Prussian army who has lowering her dignity.

Rachel has done the unexpected thing which can‟t do by other woman. All officers even screaming and very shock. They never think that Rachel can kill

Mademoiselle Fifi with knife until die. After killing Mademoiselle Fifi, Rachel runs away from pursuit of Prussian army. Rachel didn‟t join the war to fight Prussian army but the death of Mademoisellle Fifi had become the real big defeat for Prusia and also shakes the Prussian army mentally. Even after hearing about the death of 36

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Mademoiselle Fifi which done by a prostitute woman, the general of Prussian army also censure what his army have done. He said that the army should do his job, not spending their time and making out with a prostitute woman. Rachel apparently blurred and hides in the church bell tower. When the funeral of Mademoiselle Fifi was done, Rachel is chanting church bell hardly and vigorously. People don‟t know that someone who chanting the bell is Rachel. Rachel did that as a sign of victory of

France and also herself to defend her dignity.

Based on the short story Mademoiselle Fifi, we can see the bravery that shown by a prostitute woman named Rachel. Rachel didn‟t let Mademoiselle Fifi to demean her dignity as the France woman and of course she always argues every single word that said by Mademoiselle Fifi when he insults her country. Rachel did it by herself because the other prostitute woman at the situation choose to silent and feel afraid. Rachel realized that she should do something to give an action to stop all of humiliation. Rachel assumes that Prussian can colonize her country but it‟s not mean the colonialist can have France woman casually. If the Prussian army also wants to have France woman, it‟s same as they take the right of France woman directly. Bravery in Boule de Suif

 To Confront All Forms of Danger and Hardship

Boule de Suif is the short story which talks about the runaway story of 10 persons to avoid the Prussian army who colonize France at that time. The 10 persons consist of 2 wealthy merchant and his wives, 2 politicians, 2 nuns, 1 strict

Democrat, 1 prostitute woman. Every passenger represents the social status in 37

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA France. Based on the title “Boule de Suif”, the short story has the character who named Boule de Suif where she is a prostitute woman. Boule de suif has the real name Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset. Boule de Suif means fat ball so that she called Boule de Suif because of her fat body and she has big breast. This short story portrays the bravery of Boule de Suif to reject the authority of Prussia in her country. Boule de Suif is the one and only woman from lower class society who really brave to reject the command of Prussian army even though in the end the condition force her to be brave to sacrifice herself for get freedom for other people.

The story starts from the desire of Boule de Suif to leave Havre city and go to

Rouen city and ride in a horse carriage with other passengers. But their trip must stop because when they arrive in Toles, they meet Prussian army. The Prussian army holds them back so that they can‟t continue their trip and Prussian army wants a Prostitute woman to spend their night. Then, the Prussian army interrogates them and asks to Boule de Suif. Here is the dialogue

He called ―Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset?‖ Boule de Suif started, and turned around ―That‘s my name.‖ ―Mademoiselle, The Prussian officer wishes to speak to you immediately‖ ―To me?‖ ―Yes, if you are Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset.‖ She hesitated, reflected a moment and then declared roundly: ―That maybe; but I‘m not going.‖

From the dialogue above we can see that Boule de Suif shows her bravery to reject a command of the Prussian army to meet with the officer. She still shows her bravery in front of Prussian army even though the situation is really danger because they are being detained by Prussian army. This is the first rejection of Boule de Suif for Prussian officer. She doesn‟t care what will happen to the rejection she did.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Boule de Suif as the France woman who really hates the Prussian army will never obey what they want. She thinks that if she obey that command and meet the officer, it will demean her dignity in front of the colonialist. Even though she is a prostitute woman, the colonialist can‟t give command easily to her. Because of her rejection, the Prussian army who delivering a message from his officer give threat words to Boule de Suif. That army said that if Boule de Suif is not obeying the command, Prussia will hold them back so that they can‟t continue the trip.

If some people think that prostitute woman just a sex workers for getting money but in the short story Guy de Maupassant open our mind that Prostitute woman still think about freedom. The freedom of other people at that time. Because of the threat words from Prussian army Boule de Suif whether she wants it or not finally chooses to meet the Prussian officer. She is doing that just for other passengers and of course she wants to know what the officer wants from her. After that meeting, Boule de Suif doesn‟t tell what actually the Prussian officer wants.

Until in the next day the same question still given to her, here is the dialogue

They were about to sit down to dinner when Monsieur Follenvie appeared, and his grating voiced announced: ―The Prussian officer sends to ask Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset if she has changed her mind yet‖ Boule de Suif stood stood still, pale as death. Then, suddenly turning crimson with anger, she gasped out: ―Kindly tell that scoundrel, that cur that carrion of a Prussian, that I will never consent --- you understand?--- never,never,never!‖

From the dialogue above, the bravery can see from the second rejection from

Boule de Suif to the Prussian officer. The statement ―Kindly tell that scoundrel, that cur that carrion of a Prussian, that I will never consent --- you understand?--- never,never,never!‖ we can see anger and the bravery of prostitute woman to reject


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the command of Prussia again and make us understand that what actually the

Prussian officer wants from Boule de Suif. That Prussian officer wants Boule de

Suif becomes his mistress. Even though Boule de Suif is a sex workers but its not means she will do her job for the colonialist or enemy of her country because it will demean herself as France woman.

Boule de Suif has show her hatred since the first time the Prussian army comes to her country, that‟s why she chooses to leave Havre because she can not stand to see Prussia colonize her hometown. Boule de Suif is a prostitute woman where in the France society is lower class group or it means her social status always ignored by other people. The Prussian officer thinks that if Boule de Suif will do her job because that is her job and absolutely everywhere all prostitute women are same.

The Prussian officer didn‟t expect that prostitute woman like Boule de Suif would be very brave to refuse his request for the second time.

Just as soup was served, Monsieur Follenvie reappeared, repeating his phrase of the evening before: ‗The Prussian officer sends to ask if Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset has changed her mind.‖ Boule de Suif answered briefly: ―No, monsieur‖

From the quotation above, Boule de Suif still maintains her stance. Her bravery still very strong to reject what Prussian officer wants. Boule de Suif doesn‟t let officer take her to his bed. The passengers who already know what actually the reason why Prussia hold them back, for the first time still empathizes with Boule de

Suif and angry with Prussia. They still support Boule de Suif‟s decision. But over time they feel upset and blame Boule de Suif instead. They consider that the one who must stay is Boule de Suif because just her who Prussia wants. They start to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA demand her to change her decision and sleep with Prussian officer in order to they can continue their trip.

 To Confront All Forms of Hardship and Others

All passengers keep persuade and demand Boule de Suif to do sacrifice just for to get freedom for the passengers. They give something like pressures to Boule de

Suif with the way tell her the story about kind of sacrifice which do by someone under name freedom and safety of other people. One of passenger which also a nun tells to Boule de Suif that her sacrifice is truth. Because of their pressure and persuasion from all passengers, finally Boule de Suif must change her decision and sacrifice herself for get freedom to all passengers. Here is the quotation below;

Boule de Suif didn‘t answer, and joined the rest of the party. As soon as they returned she went to her room, and was seen no more. The general anxiety was at its height. What would she do? if she still resisted, how awkward for them all! The dinner hour struck; they waited for her in vain. At last Monsieur Follenvie entered, announcing that Mademoi selle Rousset was not well and that they might sit down to table. They all pricked up their ears. The count drew near the inn keeper and whispered:―Is it all right?‖ ―Yes‖

From the dialogue above, after get many pressures from other passengers, at that night Boule de Suif decide to sacrifice her dignity to go to Prussian officer‟s room. The hardship that she feel from the pressure of the passengers makes her burdened and chose to sacrifice her dignity. The bravery that shown by prostitute woman Boule de Suif in the short story is when she decides to sacrifice everything especially her body, her morality and her principle as France woman. As the promise of Prussian officer that he will let go the passengers if Boule de Suif wants to sleep and spend the night with him. At that night, Boule de Suif can‟t join dinner


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA with other passengers because actually she goes to Prussian officer‟s room. This matter also reinforced by Mr.Cornudet‟s statement ―I tell you all, you have done an infamous thing!‖ when all passengers make party for their freedom after Boule de

Suif submit herself in Prussian‟s bed. The most painful thing is Boule de Suif‟s bravery to sacrifice means nothing for all passengers. They just use Boule de Suif as tool to save their fate. After that night, all passengers aren‟t thankful but on the contrary they stay away from Boule de Suif, see her full of hatred and disgust. They also sneer about despicable status of Boule de Suif where she is prostitute woman from lower class society and inappropriate to sit close with them.

Through this short story we can see that the bravery of Boule de Suif to take decision for freedom the other people is not getting good feedback or respect. Guy de Maupassant changes people‟s perception that bad side or bad view from prostitute woman for some people. Through Boule de Suif we can other side of prostitute woman who still think about other people and her dignity even though in the end she must sacrifice all of it. Prostitute woman is not always about sex and man but she can be the one and only who really brave and strong. Under name of humanity and freedom, prostitute woman from lower class society already freeing that bourgeois people who really hypocritical from Prussian army.

4.1.2 The Position of Prostitute Woman in the Short Stories

. Guy de Maupassant describes these short stories about Franco-Prussian war in eighteen century. In the short story Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif, we are not only seeing the bravery of Prostitute woman but also their position as the woman from the lower class society who has despicable job. Both of the short stories described the position of prostitute women. The position of prostitute women in 42

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA both of the short stories is seen by class and gender so that the woman get humiliation, violence and discrimination. The injustice of gender and class can be seen from views and action to prostitute woman. As the feminism theory said that woman get the unfair position because of class and gender differences and also the man assume that woman‟s body belongs to the whole man. Mademoiselle Fifi

Based on the short story Mademoiselle Fifi, we can see the woman‟s position where she becomes of violence‟s object by man. It can be seen in this quotation:

Suddenly Rachel choked and began to cough until the tears came into her eyes, while smoke came through her nostrils. Under pretence of kissing her, the count had blown a whiff of tobacco into her mouth.

From the quotation above, we can see the prostitute woman in the subordinate position where there is oppression of the woman‟s body here. The man thinks that woman‟s body just as sexual object and something that he can master. Rachel gets violence from Mademoiselle Fifi. The sentence Under pretence of kissing her, the count had blown a whiff of tobacco into her mouth describes to us how

Mademoiselle Fifi kiss Rachel not like a man kiss woman. He just pretends to kiss but actually do more than that. We can imagine that how tortured Rachel is. The violence that Rachel gets because of Mademoiselle Fifi thinks that Rachel is prostitute woman. He can do anything include torture her. The violence that do by

Mademoiselle Fifi tell us that woman from lower class society especially prostitute like appropriate to get it. Rachel is France woman but because of her despicable job, she didn‟t get right in front of the man who also an enemy of her country.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Mademoiselle Fifi had taken Rachel on his knee and getting excited, at one moment he kissed the little black curls on her neck and at another he pinched her furiously and made her scream, for he was seized by a species of ferocity, and tormented by his desire to hurt her. He often held her close to him and pressed a long kiss on the Jewess rosy mouth until she lost her breath and at last he bit her until a stream of blood ran down her chin and on to her bodice.

Based on the quotation Mademoiselle Fifi had taken Rachel on his knee, explain to us that the position of prostitute woman in inferior position where the woman always under the power of man. The word “knee” means a humiliation of degrading woman‟s dignity. Not only because of she is woman, but also because her job/status which make she gets humiliation and considered low. Beside humiliation, Rachel‟s body keep becomes object of torture by man. It can be seen from the quotation above. Mademoiselle Fifi kisses Rachel as well as bites her lips by force and pinches her malignantly. He tortured Rachel‟s body as if it were hers.

In here we can see that Mademoiselle Fifi looks like has full rights to Rachel‟s body so that he can torture her.

The girls didn‘t protest, for they were reduced to silence and were afraid. Even Rachel didn‘t say a word, as she had no replay to make. Then the little marquis put his champagne glass, which had just been refilled, on the head of the Jewess and exclaimed: ―All the women in France belong to us also!‖

This statement explains how the position of prostitute woman is exploited. The prostitute women lost their right in the eyes of colonialist like Prussian. The

Prussian army considers that France woman is theirs. France woman seem to be in

Prussian hands as well. Prussia has indirectly taken France woman‟s right so that they can do anything to France woman. The men (Prussian army) show their power, authority and give big domination to France woman. Besides, it can be known that


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Prostitute woman can‟t get freedom because her country has become a losing part in the war.

In the short story Mademoiselle Fifi, we can see the position of woman especially prostitute woman at that time. Her position not more as prostitute woman who really despicable, so that her dignity doesn‟t mean anything. She didn‟t get her right even in her country. Even though Rachel is prostitute woman but she is just like an ordinary woman. Boule de Suif

In the short story Boule de Suif, we can see the position of prostitute woman like short story Mademoiselle Fifi. The name of prostitute woman in this short story is Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset who known as Boule de Suif. Even though she is prostitute woman but she has good person, really care with other and the most important is she has high dignity as France woman. She doesn‟t like if someone whisper about her job which is considered as hussy.

As soon as she was recognized the respectable matrons of the party began to whisper among themselves, and the words ―hussy‖ and ―public scandal‖ were uttered so loudly that Boule de Suif raised her head . From the quotation above, the writer see that the position of Boule de Suif in inferior position. Her presence unceptable by wealthy woman in the carriage. Boule de Suif get non verbal harrasment because of her status. The passengers show that they don‟t like Boule de Suif because of She is sex workers. The peoples in the carriage are from upper class, so that they see Boule de Suif just a woman from lower class that appropriate to close or assort with them. The way people from upper class see Boule de Suif explain to the readers that the social status in France


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA at that time is really important. The upper class people just respect with people who have same class and status like them. In this situation, Boule de Suif just a prostitute woman so that wealthy people in the carriage saw her trifling.

Nevertheless, Boule de Suif still good with them. She shares her provisions with all that wealthy passengers until the time when the passengers ask her sacrifice for to get their freedom from Prussian army

In this short story, Guy de Maupassant creates the different character of prostitute woman. If some people think that prostitute woman just sex workers or woman who satisfying man‟s sexual desire but Boule de Suif has different character from her job. She really cares and thinks about other and she must sacrifice her dignity to get freedom. Nevertheless, the sacrifice from prostitute woman like

Boule de Suif didn‟t respected by people from upper class society (the passengers).

After the night Boule de Suif sleep with Prussian officer, in the morning she gets many humiliation and discrimination from passengers who pressure and seduce her in the name of truth before.

She seemed rather shamefaced and embraced and advanced with timid step toward her companions, who with one accord turned aside as if they had not seen her. The count, with much dignity, took his wife by the arm and removed her from the unclean contact.

From this quotation, we can see the prostitute woman in inferior position.

Boule de Suif as prostitute woman considered low and despicable. As soon as

Boule de Suif appeared in front of them to continue the trip, they even stay away from Boule de Suif. They shows their dignity as honorable people and their class which higher than a prostitute woman. They don‟t want to adjacent with Boule de

Suif because she looks like despicable woman.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The girl stood still, stupefied with astonishment; then, plucking up courage, accosted the manufacturer‘s wife with a humble ―Good-morning, madame,‖ to which the other replied merely with a slight and insolent nod, accompanied by a look of outraged virtue. Everyone suddenly appeared extremely busy, and kept as far from Boule de Suif as if tier skirts had been infected with some deadly disease.

From this quotation, we can see the position of prostitute woman in discriminate position. We can see that upper class people disposed to avoid Boule de Suif. When Boule de Suif tries to greet them and think that they will be thankful about what she has done, sadly it is not same like her imagination. Her body is used as a tool to get their freedom. The writer identified discrimination of her class and also there is humiliation in the name of her sacrifice. The upper class person look like didn‟t accept presence of Boule de Suif around them. Sleeping with Prussian army make them continue labeled Boule de Suif as woman who likes sell her body on the all man‟s bed. They seem forget that what Boule de Suif has done because to get freedom for them. They instead feel disgust to close with Boule de Suif like she has deadly disease.

The rest seemed neither to see nor to know her--- all save Madame Loiseau, who, glancing contemptuously in her direction, remarked, half aloud, to her husband: ―What a mercy I am not sitting beside that creature!‖

The statement from Madame Loiseau makes the writer can feel how it hurts

Boule de Suif. Boule de Suif seems like did not get a decent place in the society.

Her position as a France woman is unaccepted and not appreciated. The word

―What a mercy I am not sitting beside that creature!‖ describes big humiliation for

Boule de Suif. Boule de Suif like unworthy even to sit together with that wife of wealthy man. For the first time they ask to sleep with Prussian officer but in the end


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA they even taunted her deeds. Madame Loiseau shows status and class of Boule de

Suif clearly with her statement. She also shows that actually she doesn‟t like if a prostitute woman like Boule de Suif to be nearby. She just need Boule de Suif to help her free from the colonialist‟s prisoners. Whatever sacrifices that Boule de

Suif made, it will not change her social status and social class in Madame Loiseau‟s eyes. The presence of Boule de Suif never respect by other people around her.

No one looked at her, no one thought of her. She felt herself swallowed up in the scorn of these virtuous creatures, who had first sacrificed, then rejected her as a thing useless and unclean.

From that quotation, we can see the positiof of prostitute woman who is discriminated against and rejected. Boule de Suif receive rejection from upper class people which also passengers in same carriage with her. They fell that they are wise person and they have high status than Boule de Suif so that they can not accept the despicable woman like prostitute woman who really shameful. They gaze Boule de

Suif full of disgust and underestimated her. They just use kindness of Boule de Suif to change her decision. They behave very well, give pressure to Boule de Suif and convincing her that her sacrifice is a truth. Eventually Boule de Suif knows that it just pretends. They don‟t care about Boule de Suif, and never think about how about her feeling. They still discriminate Boule de Suif after what she has done for them. They just need Boule de Suif for their sake and after that dump her like garbage. Boule de Suif feels so disappointed because she ever believes with people from upper class that they will accept her circumstances.

But the countess noticed that she was weeping, and with a sign drew her husband‘s attention to the fact. He shrugged his shoulders, as if to say. ―Well, what of it? It‘s not my


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA fault.‖ Madame Loiseau chuckled triumphantly, and murmured: ―She‘s weeping for shame‖

From quotation above explain the position of prostitute woman in unaccepted position where she gets mockery and humiliation. When Boule de Suif cry, they instead mock her like what happen with Boule de Suif is her own fault. Madame

Loiseau laughs at her fate without feeling guilty. The upper class people don‟t want to be blamed and said that weeping of Boule de Suif is a form of shame. They really hypocrite and didn‟t care with Boule de Suif. There is no appreciation for the

Boule de Suif‟s effort to save them. They only look at status and class of Boule de


4.2 Finding

Based on the short story written by Guy de Maupassant which has been analyzed before, the writer can see that the bravery is not only owned by man who more superior but also the woman especially prostitute woman has it. Beside that, the bravery is not only for you but also for others. In the short story Mademoiselle

Fifi , a prostitute woman who named Rachel has bravery in herself to defend her dignity which demeaned by Prussian army who named Mademoiselle Fifi. Even though at that time, Rachel was at the headquarters of the Prussian army but that did not frighten her. The bravery that shown by Rachel such as, the way she stares

Mademoiselle Fifi sharply without even lowering her head and her eyes, the way she speaks up and denied any insult words said by Mademoiselle Fifi and also kills

Mademoseille Fifi with knife in the end.

On the contrary, in the short story Boule de Suif, the writer see the bravery which shown differently by Boule de Suif. For the first, Boule de Suif shows her 49

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA bravery with reject the request or command of Prussian officer but finally she must be brave to sacrifice herself to sleep with Prussian officer in one night just for get freedom to the carriage passengers. The Prussian officer promises that if Boule de

Suif wants to spend one night with him, he will allow them to continue their trip.

Even though in the end, her sacrifice doesn‟t mean anything. Through this short story, we can see that high class status doesn‟t guarantee a person‟s character. The upper class people only use the lower class people for their purpose in the other words they are more hypocritical. In both of the short stories, Guy de Maupassant also explain that woman consider as inferior, subordinate because of there is injustice and inequality of gender and class where the woman from lower class society like prostitute woman gets oppression, humiliation, abuse and violence. The position of prostitute also exploited, discriminated and unaccepted in society.

Furthermore, at that time, France is country where class and status more important than anything. Just people from upper class who get good place in the society




5.1 Conclusion

After reading the short stories “Mademoiselle Fifi” and “Boule de Suif”, analyzing and finding of bravery that found in it, the writer here tries to make a conclusion. It can be concluded that:

1. The short stories book of Guy de Maupassant which has entitles

“Mademoiselle Fifi” and Boule de Suif, is telling about how bravery

becomes a way to take-over the feeling of frightened where ones ever

experienced in life as well as the figures are described in this Guy De

Maupassant‟s short stories book of the titles above. By having a bravery

someone can take an action for doing and thinking something immediately.

In both of the short stories the bravery can see from the way Rachel and

Boule de Suif to confront all forms of danger, hardship, pain and others.

They show the bravery in their own way. As Rachel is in “Mademoiselle

Fifi” shows her bravery to kill the Prussian officer called Mademoiselle Fifi

by herself with a knife to defend the dignity.

On the other part is Boule de Suif shows her bravery for saving some people

from the Prussian soldier with sacrifice herself. She must sleep with

Prussian soldiers one night in order that she and other passengers can

continue their trip. Actually she doesn‟t want not to sleep with the army

who colonized her country but because of pressure she must do that. In the

end, her bravery to make decision to sleep with an enemy of her country to

get freedom for passengers didn‟t get respect by passengers. 51

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. In the short story Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif the position of

prostitute women in inferior and subordinate. Besides, we can see the

position of prostitute women who are exploited, discriminated and

unacceptable because of their gender and class. Therefore, the women from

the lower class society especially prostitute get oppression, humiliation,

violence, and abuse. It happens because the injustice of gender and class in

the society. The prostitutes just considered as satisfaction of man‟s sexual

desire so that the man seems has full rights to their bodies. The man think

that women‟s body is something that he can control and enjoy. Even though

the injustice of their gender and class, the prostitutes have shown to the

people that a woman like them can do something and think as similar as

man. Even though they are regarded as women who sell their body for joy

to a man, but when something happened they can change their mind to be

wild and to be strong.

5.2 Suggestions

In this occasion, the writer wants to suggest to the readers who interests to discuss about bravery especially a bravery of woman can read the Short Story book of Guy de Maupassant as reference for further discussion. The Short Story book of

Guy de Maupassant can be more popular if the readers would like to find more case written inside of the book that others can learn more to bring this book to the next generation. The writer hopes that these short stories will change the reader‟s mindset, and give useful lesson after reading this thesis. Finally, the writer believes that might this thesis still far from being perfect. It is expected that after reading this short story book of Guy de Maupassant, the reader will understand the works of 52

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA literature especially short story. Besides, the writer also hopes that this thesis can be a reference to make a more perfect analysis for everyone.



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Appendix 1 : Biography of Guy de Maupassant

Appendix 2 : Summary of the Short Story Mademoiselle Fifi and Boule de Suif


Appendix 1: Biography of Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant, in full Henry Rene-Albert-Guy de Maupassant, (born

August 5, 1850, Chateau de Miromesnil, near , France--- died July 6, 1893,

Paris), French naturalist writer of short stories and novels who is by general agreement the greatest French short-story writer.

 Early Life

Maupassant was the elder of the two children of Gustave and Laure de

Maupassant. His mother‟s claims that he was born at the Chateau de Miromesnil has been disputed. The couple‟s second son, Here, was born in 1856. Both parents came of Norman families, the father‟s of the minor aristocracy, but the marriage was a failure, and the couple separated permanently when Guy was 11 years old. Although the Maupassants were a free-thinking family, Guy receied his first education from the church and at age 13 was sent to a small seminary at that took both lay and clerical pupils. He felt a decided antipathy for this form of life and deliberately engineered his own expulsion for some trivial offense in 1868. He moved to the lycee at and passed his baccalaureate the following year. In the autumn of

1869 he began law studies in Paris, which were interrupted by the outbreak of the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Franco-German War. Maupassant volunteered, served first as a private in the field, and was later transferred through his father‟s intervention to the quartermaster corps. His firsthand experience of war was to provide him with the material for some of his finest stories.

Maupassant was demobilized in July 1871 and resumed his law studies in Paris.

His father came to his assistance again and obtained a post for him in the Ministry of Marine, which was intended to support him until he qualified as a lawyer. He did not care for the bureaucracy but was not unsuccessful and was several times promoted. His father managed to have him transferred, at his own wish, to the ministry of Public Instruction in 1879.

 Apprenticeship With Flaubert

Maupassant‟s mother, Laure, was the sister of Alfred Le Poittevin, who had been a close friend of and she herself remained on affectionate terms with the novelist for the rest of his life. Laure sent her son to make Flaubert‟s acquaintance at Croisset in 1867, and when he returned to Paris after the war, she asked Flaubert to keep an eye on him. This was the beginning of the apprenticeship that was the making of Maupassant the writer. Whenever Flaubert was staying in

Paris, he used to invite Maupassant to lch on Sundas, lecture him on prose style, and correct his youthful literary exercises. He also introduced him to some of the leading writers of the time, such as Emile Zola, Ian Turgenev, Edmond Goncourt and . “He‟s my disciple and I love him like a son,” Flaubert said of

Maupassant. It was a concise description of a twofold relationship: if Flaubert was the inspiration for Maupassant the writer, he also provided the child of a broken

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA marriage with a foster father. Flaubert‟s sudden and unexpected death in 1880 was a grievous blow to Maupassant.

Zola described the young Maupassant as a “terrific oarsman able to row fifty miles on the Seine in a single day for pleasure.” Maupassant was a passionate lover of the sea and of rivers, which accounts for the setting of much of his fiction and the prevalence in it of nautical imagery. In spite of his lack of enthusiasm for the bureaucracy, his years as a civil servant were the happiest of his life. He devoted much of his spare time to swimming and to boating expeditions on the Seine. One can see from a story like “Mouche” (1890; “Fly”) that the latter were more than merely boating expeditions and that the girl who accompanied Maupassant and his friend usually prostitutes or prospective prostitute. Indeed, there can be little doubt that the early years in Paris were start of his phenomenal promiscuity.

When Maupassant was in his early 20s, he discovered that he was suffering from syphilis, one of the most frightening and widespread maladies of the age. The fact that his brother died at an early age of the same disease suggests that it might have been congenital. Maupassant was adamant in refusing to undergo treatment, with the result that the disease was to cast a deepening shadow over his mature years and was accentuated by neurasthenia, which had also afflicted his brother.

During his apprenticeship with Flaubert, Maupassant published one or two short stories under a in obscure provincial magazines. The turning point came in April 1880, the month before Flaubert‟s death. Maupassant was one of six writers, led by Zola, who each contributed a short story on the Franco-German War to a volume called Les Soirees de Medan. Maupassant‟s story, “Boule de Suif” (Ball

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA of Fat”), was not only by far the best of the six, it is probably the finest story he eer wrote. In it, prostitute traveling by coach is companionably treated her fellow

French passengers, who are anxious to share her provisions of food, but then a

German officer stops the coach and refuses to let it proceed until he has possessed her; the other passengers induce her to satisfy him, and then ostracize her for the rest of the journey. “Boule de Suif” epitomizes Maupassant‟s style in it‟s economy and balance.

 Mature Life and Works

As soon as Boule de Suif was published, Maupassant found himself in demand by newspapers. He left the ministry and spent the next two years writing articles for Le

Gaulois and the . Many of his stories made their first appearance in latter newspaper. The 10 yers from 1880 to 1890 were remarkable for their productivity; he published some 300 short stories, six novels, three travel books, and his only volume of verse.

La Maison Tellier (1881); “The Tellier House”, a book of short stories on various subjects, is typical of Maupassant‟s achievement as a whole, both in his choice of themes and in his determination to present men and women objectively in manifold aspects of life. His concern was with I‟humble verite--- words which he chose as the subtitle to his noel (1883, A Woman‟s Life). This book, which sympathetically treats its heroine‟s journey from innocent girlhood through the disillusionment of an unfortunate marriage and ends with her subsequent widowhood, records what Maupassant had observed as a child, the little dramas and daily preoccupations of ordinary people. He presents his characters dispassionately, foregoing any personal moral judgment on them but always noting the word, the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA gesture, or een the reticence that betrays each one‟s essential personality, all the while enhancing the effect by describing the physical and social background against which his characters move. Concision, vigour, and the most rigorous economy are the characteristics of his art.

Collections of short stories and novels followed one another in quick succession until illness struck Maupassant down. Two years saw six new books of short stories: Mademoiselle Fifi (1883), Contes de la becasse (1883, “Tales of the

Goose”), Clair de lune, Les Soeurs Rondoli (“The Rondoli Sisters”), Yvette, and

Miss Harriet (all 1884). The stories can be divided into groups: those dealing with the Franco-German War, the Norman peasantry, the bureaucracy, life of the banks of the Seine River, the emotional problems of different social classes, and somewhat ominously in a late story such as “Le Horla” (1887) hallucination. Together, the stories present a comprehensive picture of French life from 1870 to 1890.

Maupassant‟s most important full-length novels are Une vie, Bel-Ami

(1885, “Good Friend”), and (1888). Bel-Ami is drawn from the author‟s observation of the world of sharp businessman and cynical journalists in

Paris, and it is a scathing satire on a society whose member s let nothing stand in the way of their ambition to get rich quick. Bel-Ami, the amiable but amoral hero of the novel, has become a standard literary personification of an ambitious opportunist.

Pierre et Jean is the tale of man‟s tragic jealousy of his half-brother, who is the child of their mother‟s adultery. Maupassant prospered from his best-sellers and maintained an apartment in Paris with an annex for clandestine meetings with women, a house at Etretat, a couple of residences on the Reviera, and several yachts. He began to travel in 1881, visiting French Africa and Italy, and in 1889 he

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA paid his only visit to England. While launching in a restaurant there as Henry

James‟s guest, he shocked his host profoundly by pointing to a woman at a neighboring table and asking James to “get” her for him.

The French critic Paul Leautaud called Maupassant a “complete erotomaniac”. His extraordinary fascination with brothels and prostitution is reflected not only in “Boule de Suif” but also in stories such as “La Maison Tellier”.

It is significant, however, that as the successful writer become more closely acquainted with women of nobility there was a change of angle in his fiction: a move from the peasantry to the upper classes, from the brothel to the boudoir.

Maupassant‟s later books of short stories include Toine (1886), Le Horla (1887), Le

Rosier de Madame Husson (1888, “The Rose-Bush of Madame Husson”), and

L‘Inutile Beaute (1890; “The ). Four more novels also appeared:

Mont-Oriol (1887), on financing of a fashionable watering place; Pierre et Jean;

Fort comme la mort (1889, “As Strong as Death”); and Notre Coeur (1890; “Our


Although Maupassant appeared outwardly a sturdy, healthy, athletic man, his letters are full of lamentations about his health, particularly eye trouble and migraine headaches. With the passing of the years he had become more and more somber. He had begun to trael for pleasure, but what had once been carefree and enjoyable holidays gradually changed, as a result of his mental state, into compulsive symptomatic wanderings until he felt a constant need to be on the move.

A major family crisis occurred in 1888. Maupassant‟s brother was a man of minimal intelligence—today one would call it arrested development and could work t nothing more demanding than nursery gardening. In 1888, he suddenly become

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA violently psychotic, and he died in an asylum in 1889. Maupassant was reduced to despair by his brother‟s death; but though his grief was genuine. It can not have been unconnected with his own advanced case of syphilis. On January 2, 1892, when he was staying near his mother, he tried to commit suicide by cutting his throat. Doctors were summoned, and his mother agreed reluctantly to his commitment. Two days later he removed, according to some accounts in a straitjacket, to Dr. Blanche‟s nursing home in Paris, where he died one month before his 43rd birthday.

Maupassant‟s work is thoroughly realistic. His characters inhabit world material desires and sensual appetites in which lust, greed, and ambition are the driving forces and any higher feelings are either absent or doomed to cruel disappointment. The tragic power of many of the stories derives from the fact that

Maupassant presents his characters, poor people or rich bourgeois, as the victims of ironic necessity, crushed by a fate that they hae dared to defy yet still struggling against it hopelessly. Because so many of his later stories deal with madness, it has been suggested that Maupassant himself was already mentally disturbed when he wrote them. Yet these stories are perfectly well balanced and are characterized by clarity of style that betrays no sign of mental disorder. The lucid purity of

Maupassant‟s French and the precision of his imagery are in fact the two features of his work that most account for its success. By the second half of the 20th century, it was generally recognized that Maupassant‟s popularity as a short story writer had declined and that he was more widely read in the English-speaking countries than in

France. This doesn‟t detract from his genuine achievement—the inventions of a

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA new, high-quality, commercial short story, which has something to offer to all classes of readers.


Appendix 2: Summary of the Short Stories “Mademoiselle Fifi” and “Boule de


 Mademoiselle Fifi

Mademoiselle Fifi takes place in Normandy, France near the end of the Franco-

Prussian war (1870-1871). During this period, the Prussian/German s occupied

France. That‟s why there are Prussian soldiers living in the Chateau of Urville, which belongs to a French count who was forced to flee from his home. In this short story, Maupassant describes the Prussian soldiers who have seized the chateau as crude, destructive, and rather stupid men who don‟t value the manor or its beautiful furniture and costly paintings and art object. Nearly all of them are violent, brutish womanizers, but the story‟s narrator explains that possibly the worst of these men is the short and slender Count Wilhelm von Eyrick , whom the other soldiers nickname “Mademoiselle Fifi”.

Although the France people in Rouen, Normandy area are otherwise surprisingly congenial toward their conquerors, Fifi is angry that the priest of the local church won‟t ring the bell at the usual times. It‟s the town‟s only form of non-compliance toward the soldiers, and the locals are quite proud of it. The soldiers, who apparently have no further instructions, amuse themselves by getting extremely drunk and shooting or vandalizing various objects. Eventually they get tired of that, too, and their captain proposes that they hire some local prostitutes to attend a

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “dinner party” at the wrecked manor. The soldiers love the idea, and the arrangements are made. However, Mademoiselle Fifi is still angry about not getting his way regarding the church bell, so he makes an explosive using a teapot and blows up the drawing room. This ominous act hints at further violence to come.

When the prostitutes arrive, everyone gets drunk. The soldiers crack dirty jokes in bad France then start making disparaging remarks about the France people in general and toasting their own victory over the country. Most of the prostitutes are too drunk and protest much. One Jewish girl named Rachel, however, is furious at

Mademoiselle Fifi for having bitten her during a kiss. She tells him “You will have to pay for that!.” Later, she gets in an insult of her own, declaring that these man cant have any real France women since “ (prostitutes are) all that Prussians want.”

When she cant take it anymore, she stabs Fifi in the neck with a dessert knife and jumps out the window to escape. Fifi dies within minute. The Prussian search the chateau and grounds and later the entire town for Rachel but cant find her. The priest is ordered to ring the church bells for Mademoiselle Fifi‟s funeral, and he complies. When the war is over, it‟s revealed that the priest hid Rachel in his church and she rang the bells as a celebration of her victory over Mademoiselle Fifi.


 Boule de Suif

Boule de Suif, a famous short story which published in 1880 and begins during the time period of the Franco Prussian war, and it follows the journey of a group of

French residents from Rouen, which was recently occupied by the Prussian army.

There are ten travelers in the group, all of whom have their won various reasons for

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA deciding to leave Rouen. They plan to flee to Le Havre in a stagecoach. The travelers are described briefly. Boule de Suif which can be translated as butterball, suet dumpling, ball of fat, is the main character and a prostitute. Her real name is

Elisabeth Rousset. She was always an unpopular person in Rouen because of her social standing. Surprisingly, Boule de Suif is established as the most patriotic passenger. This is compared to the aristocrats, who would be happy to betray their country in order to return to their comfortable lives. There is the strict Democrat

Cornudet; a couple named M. and Mme. Loiseau, who owns a shop and who comes from the petty bourgeoisie; another couple, M. and Mme. Carre-Lamadon, a wealthy upper-bourgeoisie factory owning pair; the Comtee and Comtesse of

Breville; and finally two nuns. The carriage contains wide range social classes, representing different parts of French population, and acts as a microcosm of the contemporary French society. In the beginning of the story, the author details the background of all of these characters.

The weather is terrible and unpredictable, and the coach is required to move frustratingly slow. By midday, the coach has only traveled a few miles, and the occupants grow increasingly irritated. Initially, the upper class passengers snub

Boule de Suif, but they change their behavior once she brings out a picnic basket full to the brim with lovely food and offers to share her goods with the rest of them.

The coach stops in the village of Totes, taking refuge at a local coaching inn.

Suddenly hearing the distinctly German voice, the occupants are frightened to discover they have wandered into Prussian-held territory. A Prussian officer interrogates them, deciding to detain them indefinitely without giving them any reason. Two days go by, and the occupants of the coach grow more and more

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA impatient. Finally, Boule de Suif tells the rest of her comrades that they are being held until she agrees to sleep with the officer over and over, always refusing his demands. At the beginning travelers support her decision, but as time progresses, they become agitated with her. They begin to demand that she sleep with the officer so that they can escape. Boule de Suif is subjected to all manner of pressure, including various examples of logic and morality to convince and gives in. She sleeps with the officer, who is true to his word and allows them to leave.

The next morning, the occupants load into carriage and resume their journey to

Le Havre. Though they once relied on Boule de Suif and her picnic basket of food, they now refuse to share their food with her on the way. Though they pleaded with her to sleep with the officer to free them all, they now glance at her scathingly while refusing to even acknowledge her presence. At the end of the story, Boule de Suif seethes with rage against her fellow passengers and their hypocrisy. She finally breaks, weeping oer her lost dignity and the self sacrifice she made for those who do not appreciate it.
