The Parallel Community is a Parallel Community linking network and a platform where people can express and develop their positive Newsletter contribution for change - human, social, ecological, creative and April 2016 spiritual.


To Hamish and Ba Miller, and all the members of the Parallel Community.

This is to acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate the inspirational work of the Parallel Community, seen and unseen, known and unknown, over the last ten years.


It started as an unstoppable uprising. A spring of clear, cool fresh water that burst forth and flowed from our hearts and souls to nourish Mother Earth and her people. This stream flowed over lands and hearts that were sometimes dry and barren, but along the way it fed many souls, and watered many seeds, producing green shoots and fields of love, joy and purpose.

Sometimes it flowed of its own accord, joining with other streams to form great and mighty rivers, from many different sources, that together now flow towards the great sea of consciousness in all its forms, that is the supreme soul.

These mighty rivers, in turn, have merged with the great ocean of love and light which brings healing and peace to our sacred land and all its peoples, guided by “Upstairs Management” as Hamish called it.

We may not know the exact path of this Parallel Community stream. Where it has travelled and where it will travel in the future. We may not be able to see the souls that have flourished along its path, nor all of the fields of peace that have been nurtured.

We may not be aware of the green shoots that have taken root, nor the mighty trees that have grown from some of them. But for now we may rest in their shade, and know that the best was done. It was done with love from all our hearts, and we can be sure that this work will continue and be guided in its own way.

We surrender these ten momentous years up into that great ocean of love, light and peace, so that all comes together for the highest good and purpose of all.


Lindsey and Adam Price (Core Team members)

Photograph: Frances Watts



On March 21, Parallel Community held the Spring Equinox celebration on the Seed of Life Stone Circle and around the Hopi circle. The ceremony was run by John and Jill Nunn and, as a surprise for Ba Miller, Lindsey and Adam Price and friends organised a celebration of the fact that Parallel Community is in its 10th year! They brought champagne and cake for everyone, and a wonderful heartfelt poem, received with gratitude by Ba. There are two short video-clips of the celebratory bit on our Facebook page Ba read out a poem by TS Elliot:

At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards, Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.

Photos – Nathascha Heijen


The world has changed since Hamish started Parallel Community ten years ago. The Core Team have decided that PC also needs to change to reflect this transformation, specifically in the area of communications. A letter along these lines has been emailed to members recently, explaining these changes …

Dear Parallel Community members,

In the recent Core Team Meeting we discussed the digital platforms offered by Parallel Community for you lovely folks to connect to each other and discuss ideas, share information etc. One of these platforms is our Facebook page (where we are delighted to see an increase in your posts!) The other

platform has been the Meeting Place. This is a group which was created a long time ago to offer an opportunity for members to meet. However, the Meeting Place is a paid platform, and it is not much used any more; we have found that we can no longer justify the costs or the work involved in sustaining it.

We will continue to run the Facebook page and hope that you will share many more great posts with us. The main PC website is also still operational, at

If you have any questions with regard to this, please email us at [email protected]

Blessings & Love,

The Parallel Community Team FACEBOOK:


Lynn Forrest (Core Team member): Over the past decade, members of the PC Core Team have been aware of the growing trend towards information-sharing and 'people platforms' that connect, empower and communicate with us on an international scale. We know that there have evolved some effective ways of making our voices heard and bringing those responsible to account: on-line petitions are one such successful example. Facebook, Instagram and the like are now popular ways of sharing and distributing information quickly and efficiently to encourage mutual co-operation and support across a broad spectrum of social, spiritual and community issues and interests.

Parallel Community has its strength in a spiritual understanding and appreciation of the Earth and her re-emerging relationship with us. We hold those traditions of ceremony, sharing, teaching and wisdom resources as a deep asset which we both practise and share. This resource can be connected to via the internet, through Facebook and email, plus the central Core Team who hold events in the traditional land of PC's birth, . It is therefore timely that we do not stretch our resources so thin that we are unable to offer our experience and wisdom when called upon. So now we can release the original place of connection, the Meeting Place, and use the communication networks that we have all come to be familiar with, whilst knowing there are still actual events to attend in person and opportunities to meet others if we want to.

Parallel Community will look very different over the next decade. Its colour and shape are still being decided and it will change and evolve more than once. Nothing is fixed and we have everything to play for. It's up to us and the community of people who want to link with it. One thing I do know: Parallel Community has bridged the gap from the old to the new and now we are helping to create a better story for the future.

David Anderson (PC member): Late last year, Ba asked Miriam and me if we would like to attend a core group meeting of PC to lend our thoughts and ideas to the future of PC after its 10th anniversary. It was felt that while the concept and philosophy of PC were of great value, a change of direction was needed as things have changed a lot in the last 10 years. I personally am very taken by the principal aim of PC which seems to promote the Ghandian concepts of social integration, and especially the recognition of the importance of respecting the Earth and realising our connectedness with it.

Given that other internet organisations are now already acting successfully as interconnectors of various like-minded groups, it seems that PC would be better served operating on a more local basis by promoting social connectiveness in small and simple ways at a local level, at the same time as putting this "general message" out on social media to the world at large. The whole group recognises the large amount of voluntary work that Nathascha has done in this field and in other fields to keep Parallel Community running in recent years.

In relation to social events, Ba has been running Earth celebration ceremonies at Treviscoe for many years, and it now seems a good idea to tie these more closely to Parallel Community, recognising the great value that these events have on all levels.

I personally feel that PC can promote in all like-minded souls the idea that each individual can make a difference by being "The One" who says hello to the stranger, "The One" who calls in on the neighbour in distress, etc. and in these small ways helps to remove the isolation of our modern electronic mechanised world.

Miriam Naccache (PC member): I was invited to the last few meetings of the PC core group where its future was the focus of the gathering. After listening to the voices of our own hearts and each other's, we looked at the new patterns and trends emerging, whereby new PC followers have been joining in mainly through social media such as Facebook. It was unanimously decided that the Meeting Place had no reason to exist, as this was no longer the entry point for new followers, or just for people searching for groups like PC or similar.

The newsletter was also discussed; it involves time-consuming gathering of copy, and IT and editorial skills, and core team members don't have the time or resources at the moment to do this on a regular basis. We are aware that the newsletters will be missed especially by the non-computerised people who received the newsletters by post.

It was decided that PC would continue to function via local events and gatherings for any special occasions like Hamish's celebration day or any dowsing events and for all the seasonal earthly celebrations that are organised throughout the year at the Seed of Life. Ba says that she would welcome any help for the latter, as well as people offering to organise them and prepare them. So please contact Ba directly if you are interested. From now on all those events will be shown on PC’s Facebook page that Nathascha has kindly agreed to manage.

Finally, we all agreed that despite this being the end of an era for PC as it has been known and spread until now, it would also be the birth of a new less centralised and more localised way of spreading the message of PC. The core group would also still

3 like to show any new film or documentary which they feel would appeal and be of interest to the local community and in line with PC core values.

Ba, PC's grandmother, says that she realises that times have changed since the beginning of PC ten years ago, and that as long as the PC message could still be conveyed and shared by others on any level, she would feel that Hamish's dream and seed would still be living in people's hearts, words and deeds.

THE POWER OF WORDS synchronistic links, contacts and When invited to contribute to this celebratory edition of the newsletter, opportunities for creative endeavours marking the 10th anniversary of the that have evolved out of this decision. founding of Parallel Community, I was Nothing was ever planned yet over six sent a copy of Lindsay’s letter to its years I have discovered hidden members, written in appreciation of the relationships, friendships and work it has done so far. connections between myself and like minded souls I could not have dreamt It came, not as an email or block of text, of or planned. Yet all these emerged but as a photograph of two folded pages out of conversations, communications of script: a real, old style letter full of and contacts based on using words heartfelt sentiments expressed in imagery that echo the resonance of Hamish’s and a choice of words that were gentle books, Lindsay’s letter, and the way and genuinely beautiful. It was thoughtful, these live on as an integral to the core mindful, centred and it left me reflecting essence of Parallel Community’s on the power of words, whether spoken, stated ethos. written or read, to either hurt or heal. Just this week, when an IT melt-down and a nasty dose of flu So much of what is communicated on a daily basis through modern media, and often in haste, contains themes that nearly got in the way of writing this article, kind words and carry a harsher, much more aggressive message. These can encouragement from one PC friend, and thoughtful devalue the nuances of language and the subtle skill of real photographs of scenes from the far south west of Cornwall sharing when people of different perspectives and cultures from another, lifted my spirits and got the wordsmith in me try to communicate. working again. I joined Parallel Community in 2010, One of these photographs seemed to speak a thousand words. It was taken just after reading Hamish Miller’s very recently and showed the long cave at obituary. Having met him, albeit Nanjizal Bay where the Mary earth energy briefly, several times, and read and line flows into and out of this land. For owned most of the books he wrote, I some reason images of this place have had enjoyed his writing style and the flown into my inbox like homing pigeons way he delivered his talks. There was over several years but I have never been warmth, humour and an essential there - yet. I know the cave is called “The truth in his choice of words that was Song of the Sea”, I know it has captured unmistakeable and the fact that many the imagination of writers, artists, of the trails, trials and triumphs he scientists and photographers alike. I know described in these accounts were set the beach around it changes constantly in landscapes and places that were with the seasons and ebb and flow of the already woven into the fabric of my tide. But right now, as a singer, writer, own life story. This made me really artist and lover of landscape in its natural appreciate his depth, integrity and form, I don’t know what I will hear or see or feel when I try human honesty so joining Parallel Community was simply a to listen to that song as the future unfolds. Hopefully, like natural thing to do. Lindsay and Hamish, I can mirror the message gently and What I had not expected, and looking back have appreciated with good grace…. as my own reasons for celebrating, have been the

Brenda Desborough 4


The power of a word To hurt or heal Holds all in balance: So here a hope Or prayer may turn Pure poison into pearl And hate into the love Of life

Words speak – their Ripples resonate Within the silence Of each soul, Seeding the sound Of new beginnings, Sourcing the music Of the spheres

Some touch The deepest wounds With tenderness: Then words become For a song and Silence holds the Sanctity of peace

Brenda Desborough - Photograph by John Chadbon 7/04/2014


Our world, the Great Soul, anima mundi, has sheltered us for aeons with her Divine presence of unsurpassable beauty. She has kept us safe with her produce, shown us her vistas, watered our thirst with her rivers and streams and cooled us in her seas. She has given us haven in her secret caves and places in the fierceness of her storms, and rescued us in the spring and summers with her offerings of food for our bellies. What do we do for her? What difference do we make in our lives as gifts to her noble presence in ours? They are few; but the one and only gift we can offer is ourselves. We can toil with our hands with dedication and love, reaping with gratitude her produce for all our needs, and sow her seeds as ever we were wont to do – but with awareness, with our presence in the action of doing so. The inevitable mechanistic age has taken away many chances to give personal dedication to the acts of growth and renewal, and yet it is a small gift in return that whatever we do – even peeling a potato - that we focus on such simplicity with the gratitude it should be afforded. This moment of hesitation, during an action of simplicity, is profound and can go right to the core of the earth itself, as if in remembrance. Although the ancients suffered much through the lack of creature comforts, they had an awareness of their contact and communion with nature in its raw but intimate state. We may have forgotten how this feels. As with the daily, midday, silent minute that our whole country honoured during WW2, that may have been the crucial and a real force that contributed to our winning, we can still apply these moments throughout our daily lives to keep us in touch with the Truth of our reality, that of being completely present in the moment. It is the least we can do: to re-focus into being present in whatever we do, at least some of the time in our over- busy lives. Living in the present becomes a whole new experience and then a Joy, when you can glide though even the busiest day without too many complications, not even expecting any. We do create what comes our way, and can only expect what we desire! So bless your moments; they make a real difference to how our world is and how it may become. ©Geraldine Sherborne 21.02.2016 5


BELTANE CELEBRATION – May 1st At the Seed of Life stone circle at Treviscoe, on Sunday May 1st at 7pm, come and join with members of Parallel Community and friends to celebrate the season of Beltane. Beltane is the start of the Celtic Summer; it is a time of blossoming and of honouring the life force energies in us and all around us. This ceremony will be led by Rachel Lambert from Wild Walks SouthWest. Stories, poems and music are always welcome around the fire of the Hopi circle. Please bring finger-food and/or drink to share, and white flowers or native flowers (hedgerow, natural, please, if possible, rather than shipped- in or foreign flowers) and/or natural and biodegradable string or ribbon. We will be outside, so please dress warmly; and also a torch might be useful as it will be dark when we finish. Meet at 7pm at the Hopi Circle in the gardens of Treviscoe, Lelant Downs, Hayle, Cornwall TR27 6NP; all are welcome, and feel free to bring a friend! Any questions about location and facilities, please phone Ba Miller on 01736 740401; or regarding the ceremony, call Rachel Holder on 01736 361454. Photos by Nathascha Heijen, of the 2015 Beltane celebrations


On Sunday May 8th, you are invited to join us for a “Day of Enquiry, Meditation and Ceremony”. In the morning participants will be focussing on the theme of “Peace and Conflict”; and in the afternoon the ceremony of Singing the Apollo and Athena Lines will take place. Our land hosts and allies for the day will be the several ‘circles’ at Treviscoe, while the Singing of the Lines will take place on the top of Trencrom Hill. Both events will be led by Danu Fox.

There will be no entrance fee; instead, donations for the refugee crisis will be welcomed. The day will start at 10 for 10.30am; and finish at 5-6pm. The afternoon session will start at 3pm at the Seed at Treviscoe, and proceed to Photo by Jill Moss: Earth Singers and Trencrom Dowsers (and Trencrom Hill, on the Athena line. You can come either attendant cows) ‘Singing the Lines’ on Trencrom - 2014 for the morning, or the afternoon, or indeed for both. This is an outdoor celebration on the land, so please dress for the weather – and prepare for any kind of weather.

Please pre-book your place at [email protected] as some preparation is required.



The same weekend is also International Dowsing Weekend. Our friends at Trencrom Dowsers say, “As in previous years, we'll be celebrating with dowsers everywhere on Sunday May 8th and remembering Hamish Miller's birthday. In the morning we'll be meeting John Watts at 11am at Carn Lês Boel, near Land's End. The Michael and Mary energy lines stream in and out on this beautiful headland and it is always fascinating to dowse ‘before and after’ effects. And, in glorious sunshine, we'll picnic here on the rocks.” In the afternoon, the Dowsers will be joining up with Parallel Community members on Trencrom Hill to "Sing the Lines", led, as in previous years, by Danu Fox. The Athena energy line crosses Trencrom Hill, on its way to St Michael's Mount, node point for Photo by Frances Watts – Trencrom Dowsers on Carn Lês Boel in 2014 Athena, Apollo, Michael and Mary. Another good opportunity for dowsing. More info on the Trencrom Dowsers website:

th th PATHWAYS TO THE PAST – May 28 and 29 Our friends from CASPN are holding their tenth annual “Pathways to the Past” event on May 28th and 29th: a packed weekend of walks and talks among the ancient sites of West by experienced and entertaining historians, researchers and archaeologists, including Trencrom Dowsers' Cheryl Straffon, Lana Jarvis and Palden Jenkins.

SATURDAY MAY 28TH 10am-12.30pm - Vounder Gogglas: an ancient traders’ track. A guided walk with Cheryl Straffon & Lana Jarvis following part of a long-distance trading route from Beacon to Caer Bran and Chapel Euny wells. Walk – moderate with a muddy section. Meet at layby [SW415 294] TR20 8QT. 2-5pm - Round and about the Little Lookout Tor. An unusual guided walk with archaeologist David Giddings to visit the Nine Maidens circle and cairns, Little Galva view point and propped stone, and Bosporthennis beehive hut. Walk – rough in places. Meet at the end of Bosiliack lane [SW438 341] TR20 8NZ. 8-10pm - The power of place: reconstructing Cornwall’s prehistoric environment. An illustrated talk by Paul Bonnington, based on findings from environmental archaeology about the placing of sites in the landscape. At the St Just Old Town Hall, TR19 7HT. SUNDAY MAY 29TH 11am-12.30pm - Mining in Cornwall. An illustrated talk by Adam Sharpe at the Old Town Hall at St Just, TR19 7HT. 2-4.30pm - In the footsteps of giants. A guided walk with archaeologist Adrian Rodda around Chûn Downs, visiting sites and hearing Adrian’s new poem about the legendary Tom the Tinker and the giant Denbras. Walk – easy with gentle uphill climb. Meet at Morvah parking field [SW403 353] TR20 8YT. 8-9pm - The geomantic network in West Penwith. To round off the weekend, Palden Jenkins shares his ideas about why the prehistoric sites are located where they are. At the North Inn, Pendeen.

Each individual event is £5 but free to members of FOCAS (Friends of Cornwall’s Ancient Sites). You can join FOCAS at the beginning of the individual event, or by telephoning 07927 671612, or by e-mailing: [email protected].



On Saturday June 4th: Annual Spring Cleaning of the Seed of Life at Treviscoe. This is an opportunity to get together with like-minded souls and spend time working with our hands whilst sitting on the earth within the stone circle. The white stones that make up the Seed of Life pattern rest in shallow trenches drawn into the soil. They become overgrown by grass and weeds without a yearly clean up. What we do is take the stones out, remove any grass and weeds and then put the stones back in. In energetic terms you will benefit from spending time within this very active energy field. Symbolically you're participating in an inner and outer spring cleaning. Physically, we shall work towards that joy of a job well done, celebrated with tea, coffee and cake! Time: 1.30 - 4pm, finishing with tea and Ba's homemade cake. Please bring a pair of garden gloves, a trowel and something to sit on (cushion, blanket, knee mat). All are welcome. Photo: Nathascha Heijen: cleaning the Seed of Life last year

BLESS THE WATER By Core Team Member Nathascha Heijen

It was going to be an exciting afternoon. Inspired by a vivid dream, I prepared for it joyfully; it was to combine the power of focused group intent, inspired ceremony and drumming, and shamanic dowsing; a joint human effort in co-operation with the Consciousness of Pure Water, Archangel Michael and the Guardian Spirit of the node point on St Michael’s Mount. The intention was to create a powerful water blessing and gift this to the world's waters. Four major earth energy lines cross at the node point on St Michael’s Mount, offering an ideal metaphysical access point to pour a blessing for water. From this point, the currents of the earth's energy lines would carry our blessing throughout Gaia's grid. Our blessing would join in with the many water blessings that were to be performed across the globe that day, March 19th. (See for information about Bless the Water Day.)

Because we were not physically on the Mount, I had come up with several before-and-after dowsing experiments to enable us to see the effect of using our combined minds with intention and focus. We know the theoretical concepts of healing, meditation, shamanic work, positive thinking, mind-over-matter, meditation, prayer and visualisation etc. but we seldom 'see' the change that happens on an energetic level. This is where shamanic dowsing comes in. (And I love it!) It gives us a tool to register what has changed on an energetic level, and thus begin to see just how much actually is possible when you work with the power of your mind. It can also reveal the effects of co-operation with the benevolent energies of the invisible realms.

And so the day began. 23 of us sat in a peaceful circle, facing a simple altar table dressed with elemental representations and a vase of delicate spring flowers in the centre. It was a mixed group of people; some had been present when we worked with Water Consciousness before, and there were a couple of new faces. I didn't know their background, and so I asked for inner guidance about which storyline to take, and Spirit immediately replied with a story.

“Imagine one cell within your little finger. It has cell consciousness and is aware of itself. Yet it is also part of the consciousness of the little finger to which it belongs.


The little finger with its little finger awareness, is also part of the consciousness of the hand to which it belongs. The hand has hand awareness, yet is also part of the arm consciousness to which it belongs. The arm has arm awareness, yet is also part of the body consciousness. The body has body awareness, yet is also part of nature consciousness. Nature has nature awareness, yet is also part of the earth consciousness. The earth has earth awareness, yet is also part of the consciousness of the universe. The universe has universal awareness, yet is also part of the Source whence it came. The Source is aware and present in all existence. There are no boundaries, everything is connected to everything else and it is only the way we use our mind and imagination, which determines what we think is possible. Entertaining the thought that one single cell in our little finger has access to Source and thus to everything else in existence, we can begin to understand the power of interconnectedness. Giving things a name, or label, makes it easier for us to make a mental connection to things that would otherwise be difficult (and too diffuse) to address. So let's say that ‘Source’ is the label for ALL existence and that all existence consists of two parts, seen from our perspective: all that which we can see with our physical eyes, and all that which is beyond the visual spectrum of our physical eyes. The fact that we don't see something, does not mean that it does not exist. We shall work with this bit today. We shall build a bridge between our minds and combine forces with the unseen beings labelled as 'Pure Water Consciousness', 'Archangel Michael' and 'the guardian spirit of the Node Point on St Michael’s Mount'. We shall invite them to team up with us and enhance the blessing we are about to create.”

After the introduction I started by measuring the energy field emanating from a bottle of freshly collected sea water from Mount's Bay. The glass bottle was wrapped in a white cloth I infused with the intention to 'shield' the water off from all other energies in the room. From the brilliant research of Masuro Emoto, we know that water has memory and responds to thoughts of love or hate. It even influences the physical manifestation of water molecules. So for this dowsing experiment, I did not want the water to absorb any of the previously invoked energies in the room, nor of the energy fields or thoughts of those present.

When dowsing the energy field of anything, every dowser will have their favourite modus operandi. What works best for me is to start from the object and walk outwards until the dowsing rod indicates where the influence of its energy field ends, and then follow the rod all the way round until I'm back at the point where the field's end was first picked up. The most important part for the dowser is to have a very focused intent and an otherwise silent mind (to prevent the dowsing results from being influenced by the dowser's thoughts). Also I make mental contact with the object and ask what exactly it is that the dowsing rod should 'find'. When the aura is so big that my face hits the brick wall of the room (or when outside, thorns and stuff), then I go back to the object and, as taught by Hamish, ask to find one-third (or any other relevant ratio) of the energy field. As I walked outwards from the bottle of Mount's Bay water the dowsing rod indicated a round energy field of about three metres in circumference: the energy field of the water before we started the ceremony. I explained that it was a symbolical representation of the water in Mount's Bay, and thus connected to all the water on earth, and that we would dowse the energy field of the bottle again at the end of the ceremony, to see if the water in this bottle was affected by the blessing. Any change in the world's waters would be dowseable in the water from the bottle too, and would show us that even though there was no physical connection between the water in the bottle and the water in the world, the water would still have been imprinted with the effects from the blessing.

I poured some water from the bottle into a glass bowl on the altar, and put the rest on the floor in front of the altar, still shielded off by its white cloth. (I'm being this specific with the story because something unexpected happened.)

Firstly, the water in the bowl was dowsed, as we wanted to compare the energy field of this water before and after its infusion with Pure Water Consciousness. The dowsing rod indicated that the energy field beforehand was about 3 to 6 metres in diameter, due to its oblong shape. It was pointed out that the water in the bowl may still have an energetic connection to the water in the bottle, and since the bowl and the bottle both stood in one line in a short distance from each other, this could

9 indeed explain why the energy field appeared oblong. Interesting. With a hand gesture I enforced a cut-off of the energetic connection between the water in the bottle and of that in the bowl. The hand gesture was just the manifestation of the intention of setting a metaphysical barrier. Then I dowsed the bowl again; and now the energy was no longer oblong but round. That improvisation made clear that the water connection could be influenced to behave differently by nothing but pure intention (cutting it off). It suggests either that the 'world is what we think it is' and responds to our intent (there was no doubt in my mind that the barrier would work); or that the 'Spirit of Water' who was aware of the intent and who has power over the water's behaviour, understood what I intended and worked with me. Or something else entirely.

We then focussed on the bowl with water during a guided visualisation, inviting the Consciousness of Pure Water, and accompanying the invitation with a drum beat honouring the essence of water. The vibrational essence of Pure Water Consciousness filled us and we imagined sending a flow outwards through our hearts with the intention of infusing the water in the glass bowl with this Consciousness of Pure Water. The dowsing result afterwards showed the energy field had expanded from 3 meters to around 28 meters in diameter! This is consistent with the dowsing results of the session we had in February, when the energy fields of the volunteers before and after 'downloading' the Consciousness of Pure Water into their body, had also expanded 6 to 7 times its former size. The changed size of the energy field brought home that what we did as a group today, had an actual impact on the physical plane.

The next step of the ceremony was to imbue a pointed clear quartz crystal with the Guardian Spirit of the node point on St Michael’s Mount and Archangel Michael, and ask them to make this crystal into a representation of the Mount with its node point. Before we did this, I had to temporarily 'clear' the crystal's memory banks to be able to dowse its neutral energy field, because it still held energetic data of sacred places I had taken it to, and of healing ceremonies directed with it. It is a widely accepted thought that stones and crystal can be classified as 'living beings'; even though we don't see them grow because their growth cycle takes much longer than that of a flower or a tree, they do change and grow. Secondly (and this is what had come to me in that inspired dream) I had to take an inanimate object and ask the Guardian Spirit of the node point and Archangel Michael to imbue that object with their energy field too, in the same way as they imbued the crystal. The inanimate object I chose was a coffee mug: there were lots of those around! Could it be done? If so, it would have lots of implications, and I was very eager to find out.

Taking the crystal between my hands, I asked the crystal to upload all its memory banks to a universal 'cloud' until further notice. In silence I waited until I felt that familiar subtle shift happen; the dowsing rod confirmed that the data had been emptied. I went on to dowse the energy field of the crystal. Before the emptying of energetic data, the crystal had had a round field of about 42 meters in diameter; after clearing it was reduced to around one and a half metres!

Now the crystal was 'empty', we were ready to proceed with step 2 of this ceremony: contacting the Guardian Spirit of the node point of St Michael’s Mount and the Archangel Michael, and inviting them to enliven the crystal (and the coffee mug) with the vibration of their energy. This was again facilitated by an inspired guided visualisation and a drum beat honouring the fiery energy of Michael. While drumming and speaking from the heart, inviting the energies into our hearts and outwards into the crystal and the mug, I felt incredibly hot; an energy engulfed me and became so fiery that it felt like being in an overheated sauna! There was a huge difference between the feel of the energy during the earlier invocation of the Consciousness of Water (flowing, soft, light, delicate) and that of Michael (fiery, inspirational, arousing, action-driven).

To refresh your memory, the crystal's energy field was 1.50 metres in circumference and the mug, I forgot to mention above, was even less, around 60 cm. This was before the group invited the energies to imbue the crystal and the mug. Now it was time to see the energetic effects of what we had done. And we found that the crystal’s energy field had increased from 1.50 metres to 72 metres in diameter! We thought that was amazing. But what happened next was even more mind-blowing.

The coffee mug’s energy field turned out to be much, MUCH, larger than that. It turned out to have become 1.8 kilometres in diameter. This extraordinary and totally unexpected result was a clear indication that all inanimate objects can be 'energised'. Or 'blessed', if you fancy that term better. This result let us to inspiring new thoughts. We knew about car batteries that will restart after getting a dose of Reiki. But there's much more we could do! How about: blessing the massage table, blessing the glass from which you drink, bless your bed and many more exciting ideas. Just by being a facilitator of intentional thought and focus, we all can change the beneficial effect of any animate or inanimate object! Isn't that a hugely inspiring and exciting thought? This dowsing experiment showed that what we 'think/intent/focus on/invite to work with us' really does bring about a change. So bless stuff, bless everything, make the world a better place by using your loving intent. You are incredibly powerful. Far more than you now believe!

Step 3 of the ceremony was to bring the bowl with water infused with the Pure Water Consciousness and the crystal infused with the Spirit of St Michael’s Mount together. By placing the crystal in the bowl, we had a symbolical representation of St 10

Michael’s Mount with its node point and the waters surrounding it. The next guided visualisation and drum honouring was intended to draw down into our hearts the Seed of the Most Peaceful Future on Earth and seed this into the node point, together with a Water Blessing for all the waters in the world. But first we had to dowse the energy field of the water bowl with the crystal in it, to give us the current energy field emanating from St Michael’s Mount. And again the result blew our minds: an incredible 4.4 km – 8.8 km energy field, before our visualisation. We had to let that information sink in for a while before we settled down into the last part of the ceremony. With a gentle drum beat honouring Gaia, the visualisation that came through was that of a myriad of threads leading into the future, each a possibility resulting in a specific future. As we were searching for the thread that would lead to the most peaceful future on earth, one where all living beings would live in harmony and co- operation, we asked Source to show us that thread by lighting it up with a golden glow. Now everyone could follow that thread, arriving at the doorway that offered us a view of that peaceful future. We noticed how this world felt, what it sounded like, the colours etc. until we could sense the essence or blueprint of this future in our hearts. This blueprint then grew into a seed nestling in our hearts. We took time to integrate all the aspects of that peaceful future into the seed. Once the seed was ready, using our imagination we gifted it into the Node Point of the symbolic St Michael’s Mount (the bowl with crystal) accompanied by the blessing and co-operation of the node point's guardian spirit. Then we rekindled the feeling of the presence of Pure Water Consciousness in our cells and hearts, and, with its co-operation, we sent a Water Blessing into the node point and along Gaia's meridians to carry the blessing and the Peace Seed to every place on earth. This sacred intent was enhanced by the final drum blessing honouring Source and Earth and asking them to make our blessings manifest. After the last drum beats had dissolved into silence, a deep feeling of love lingered in the room. We integrated this beautiful energy in silence. Then the energy field of St Michael’s Mount was dowsed again, and showed 22.4 kilometres diameter! Someone asked how long this incredible effect would last; the dowsed answer was 10 days.

The last dowsing experiment was to measure the energy field of that initial bottle of water again: the bottle with the water that had been shielded off from all the experiments, the symbolical representation of the waters of the world. The result was heart- warming: it went from the formerly dowsed 3 metres diameter to .... 15 kilometres. Remember, this is a spherical energy emanation. Seen from space, it may have shown as a glowing field of Pure Water Consciousness extending 7.5 km into the atmosphere. Commercial jets fly at this altitude! But it also extends 7.5 km into the inner earth. Basically, all the waters present in, on and above the earth were beneficially influenced by the water blessing. For 10 days in a row. And every living organism on this planet would have been affected by the blessing. Know that your thoughts are not 'just' thoughts. Your thoughts, your intention, your love has unparalleled power. YOU are a blessing to this world. Know it. Feel the truth of it. Use it to make the world a better place. We are the 99% that can change everything.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

SILK SCARF This silk scarf with the Parallel Community symbol was especially made for Ba by artist and sculptor Jane Rickards. If there is sufficient interest, Jane would consider making more to sell. Contact Jane via if you would like her to make one for you.



Blessed Home Earth, with my bare feet against your skin, I feel Your Light in the North rooting both our pillars as an unwavering beacon. Calling me at the Eastern shores, is the Air flowing as a gentle breath over my skin, a breeze playing in my hair, a strong roar amongst the trees. The flowing sea of glowing ambers and glittering sparkles of the wild Fire draws me to the young and vibrant South, igniting my inner fire, While the cleansing and nurturing Waters of the West trigger the deep-seated memory of my mother’s womb with flashbacks of still lakes and wild oceans. Journeying once more, returning to the centre, my centre, Integrating the whole, the I disappearing, until no-thing is left. The beginning and end of All,

All there is, ever was and ever will be.

Miriam Naccache - 20 March 2016

The Parallel Community, c/o Treviscoe, Trencrom, Lelant Downs, Hayle, Cornwall TR27 6NP, UK [email protected]