3.3.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 81/5

V (Announcements)



GRANT AWARD NOTICE CALL FOR PROPOSALS — ref: GP/DSI/ReferNet_FPA/001/15 ReferNet — Cedefop’s European Network for Information on Vocational Education and Training (VET) (2016/C 81/06)

1. Contracting authority Cedefop — European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Attn: Mr R. Martens 123 Europe Street PO Box 22427 55102 Thessaloniki GREECE Contact point: Ms Clotilde Assumel-Lurdin Tel. +30 2310490287 Fax +30 2310490028 Email: [email protected] Previous publication: OJ C 186, 5.6.2015, p. 5. C 81/6 2. Grant award

Framework Framework Framework Specific Grant Specific Grant Specific Grant partnership partnership Grant amount Beneficiary name Address partnership agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement (EUR) number number (2016) duration signature date duration signature date EN

Institut für Bildungsfor­ Rainergasse 38, No 2015-FPA1/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0008 12 months 11.1.2016 32 233,21 schung der Wirtschaft — 1050 Wien, Austria DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ IBW (in consortium with 001/15 OIBF and Institut für Höhere Studien) Official Journal of the European Union of the Journal Official

Institut Bruxellois Franco­ Rue de Stalle 67, No 2015-FPA2/GP/ 4 years 21.12.2015 Not awarded n/a n/a n/a phone pour la Formation 1180 Brussels, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Professionnelle — IBFFP Belgium 001/15

NAVET 125 Tzarigradsko No 2015-FPA3/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0009 12 months 11.1.2016 33 624,50 shosse blvd, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ block 5, 5th floor, 001/15 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Agency for Vocational Edu­ Radnička cesta 37b, No 2015-FPA4/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0010 12 months 11.1.2016 23 560,73 cation and Training and 1000 Zagreb, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Adult Education — Avetae Croatia 001/15

Human Resource Develop­ 2 Anavissou Str., No 2015-FPA5/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0011 12 months 23.12.2015 23 615,00 ment Authority — HRDA 2025 Nicosia, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Cyprus 001/15 3.3.2016 3.3.2016 Framework Framework Framework Specific Grant Specific Grant Specific Grant partnership partnership Grant amount Beneficiary name Address partnership agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement (EUR) number number (2016) duration signature date duration signature date

National Institute for Educa­ Weilova 1271/6, No 2015-FPA6/GP/ 4 years 16.12.2015 No 2016-0012 12 months 12.1.2016 33 625,00 EN tion, Education Counselling 10200 Prague 10, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Centre, and Centre for Con­ Czech Republic 001/15 tinuing Education of Teach­ ers NÚV Official Journal of the European Union of the Journal Official National Training Opletalova 25, n/a n/a n/a n/a Fund o.p.s — NVF 11000 Prague 1, Czech Republic

Metropolitan University Tagensvej 18, 2200 No 2015-FPA7/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0013 12 months 7.1.2016 33 625,00 College — MUC Copenhagen, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Denmark 001/15

Haridus- ja Teadusministee­ Munga 18, 50088 No 2015-FPA8/GP/ 4 years 9.12.2015 No 2016-0014 12 months 7.1.2016 16 530,50 rium (Ministry of Education Tartu, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ and Research) — HTM 001/15

Centre pour le Développe­ 4, Avenue du Stade No 2015-FPA9/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0015 12 months 7.1.2016 43 620,00 ment de l’information sur la de , Saint DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ formation permanente — Denis de La Plaine, 001/15

Centre Inffo France C 81/7 C 81/8 Framework Framework Framework Specific Grant Specific Grant Specific Grant partnership partnership Grant amount Beneficiary name Address partnership agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement (EUR) number number (2016) duration signature date duration signature date

Bundesinstitut für Berufsbil­ Robert-Schuman- No 2015-FPA10/GP/ 4 years 21.12.2015 No 2016-0016 12 months 23.12.2015 43 620,00 EN dung — BIBB Platz 3, 53175 DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Bonn, 001/15

An tSeirbhis Oideachais Castleforbes House, No 2015-FPA11/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 Not awarded n/a n/a n/a Leanunaigh agus Castleforbes Road, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Scileanna — SOLAS D01F1W8 Dublin, 001/15

Ireland European Union of the Journal Official

Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Corso d’Italia 33, No 2015-FPA12/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0017 12 months 7.1.2016 43 620,00 Formazione Professionale 00198 Rome, Italy DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ dei Lavoratori — ISFOL 001/15

Academic Information 2 Valnu Street, No 2015-FPA13/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0018 12 months 23.12.2015 23 615,00 Centre — AIC 1050 Riga, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ 001/15

Kvalificacijų ir profesinio Gelezinio Vilko No 2015-FPA14/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0019 12 months 23.12.2015 23 615,00 mokymo plėtros centras g. 12, 01336 DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Vilnius 001/15

Institut National pour le rue de l’Avenir 38, No 2015-FPA15/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0020 12 months 11.1.2016 23 615,00 développement de la Forma­ 1147 Luxembourg, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/

tion Professionnelle Luxembourg 001/15 3.3.2016 Continue 3.3.2016 Framework Framework Framework Specific Grant Specific Grant Specific Grant partnership partnership Grant amount Beneficiary name Address partnership agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement (EUR) number number (2016) duration signature date duration signature date

Stichting Expertisecentrum Stationplein 14, No 2015-FPA16/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0021 12 months 23.12.2015 33 625,00 EN Beroepsonderwijs (ECBO) 5211 AP DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 001/15 Netherlands

Educational Research Insti­ ul. Górczewska 8, No 2015-FPA17/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0023 12 months 23.12.2015 42 834,00 tute (IBE) 01-180 Warsaw, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ 001/15 Official Journal of the European Union of the Journal Official

Direcção-Geral do Emprego Praca de Londres No 2015-FPA18/GP/ 4 years 18.12.2015 No 2016-0024 12 months 23.12.2015 33 624,50 e das Relações de Trabalho — № 2-9o andar, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ DGERT/Ministério do Tra­ 1049-056 Lisbon, 001/15 balho e da Solidariedade Portugal Social

Centrul Naţional de Dezvol­ str. Spiru Haret No 2015-FPA19/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0025 12 months 23.12.2015 31 500,00 tare a Învăţământului Profe­ nr. 10-12, 1st floor, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ sional şi Tehnic — CNDIPT room 52, 010176 001/15 Bucharest, Romania

Fundacion Tripartita para la Torrelaguna 56, No 2015-FPA20/GP/ 4 years 9.12.2015 No 2016-0027 12 months 23.12.2015 43 620,00 Formacion en el Empleo — 28027 Madrid, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ FTFE Spain 001/15

Statens Skolverk (Swedish Flemminggatan 14, No 2015-FPA21/GP/ 4 years 11.12.2015 No 2016-0028 12 months 23.12.2015 33 625,00 National Agency for Educa­ 10620 Stockholm, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ C 81/9 tion) — Skolverket Sweden 001/15 C 81/10 Framework Framework Framework Specific Grant Specific Grant Specific Grant partnership partnership Grant amount Beneficiary name Address partnership agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement (EUR) number number (2016) duration signature date duration signature date

Štátny inštitút odborného Bellova 54/a, 83763 No 2015-FPA22/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 Not awarded n/a n/a n/a vzdelàvania — ŠIOV Bratislava, Slovakia DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ EN 001/15

Center Republike Slovenije Kajuhova 32 U, No 2015-FPA23/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0026 12 months 23.12.2015 23 615,00 za poklicno izobraževanje 1000 Ljubjlana, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ (National Institute for Voca­ Slovenia 001/15 tional Education and Train­ ing of the Republic of

Slovenia) — CPI European Union of the Journal Official

ECCTIS Ltd Oriel House, Oriel No 2015-FPA24/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2016-0029 12 months 23.12.2015 43 620,00 Road, Cheltenham, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Gloucestershire, 001/15 GL50 1XP, United Kingdom

Norwegian Centre for Inter­ Vaskerelven 39, No 2015-FPA25/GP/ 4 years 27.11.2015 No 2015-0022 12 months 7.1.2016 33 625,00 national Cooperation in P.O Box 1093, DSI/ReferNet_FPA/ Education 5809 Bergen, 001/15 Norway

The procedure has been declared unfruitful for Greece, Finland, Iceland, Malta and Hungary (no partner was selected). 3.3.2016