Emulation in Manufacturing Engineering Processes
Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference S. J. Mason, R. R. Hill, L. Mönch, O. Rose, T. Jefferson, J. W. Fowler eds. EMULATION IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING PROCESSES Hironori Hibino Yoshiro Fukuda Technical Research Institute Systems Design Dept. JSPMI Hosei University (Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry) 1-1-12, Hachiman, Higashikurume, Tokyo, JAPAN 2-17-1, Fujimi, Chiyoda, Tokyo, JAPAN ABSTRACT formation technologies (Hibino 2007). However as there are many limitations concerning simulation applications In our research, the manufacturing system emulation tech- for many evaluation activities in the manufacturing engi- nology is proposed as one of the frontloading methods in neering processes, it is necessary to extend the range of the manufacturing system implementation phase. In this simulation applications through the manufacturing engi- paper, the roles of the manufacturing system emulation neering processes. Particularly, industries need simulation technology in manufacturing engineering processes are technology advances in the manufacturing system imple- summarized based on our analysis for the typical manufac- mentations phase. turing engineering processes. The manufacturing system In our research, the manufacturing system emulation emulation environment (MSEE) to implement the manu- technology is proposed as one of the frontloading methods facturing system emulation is proposed and developed. in the manufacturing system implementation phase. In this MSEE consists of our developed manufacturing cell emu- paper, the roles of the manufacturing system emulation lator, our developed soft-wiring system, and the industrial technology in manufacturing engineering processes are network middleware which is one of the semi-standard summarized based on our analysis for typical manufactur- middlewares. The validation of our proposed environment ing engineering processes.
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